11a I dvertising I J pb Printing la busy seasons brings you yoor share of trade; $ ; Is a Tpry important factor in bijHiri4fiB. Pocv crintina' re advertising m dull sea- sons brings you yonr share, and als.) X tbat of the merchant who "can't af ? flects no credit on a good business Lonw. Let ns do yonr Job Printing we- guarantee it to be in every way satisfactory. Published on Mondays and Thursdays Established 1868. Vol. XXXIII. ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, .OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15. 1902. No. 71 Jlsl II WtllPCIllCC s 3 0O0O0O0C0O0O0CC0OO0O0OCC0O0CK0O0CO06 ! I R. A.. BOOTH, A.C.MARSTERS, . President, Vice Douglas County Bank, g 1 Katabllalied I883. Capital Stock. $50,000.00. BOARD OF DIRECTORS F. W. BEXSON', R. A. BOOTH, J. H. BOOTH, J. T. BRIDGE3 J. F. KELLY, A. C. MARSTERS, K. L. MILLER. A general banking business transacted, and customers given every accommodation consistent with safe and 5onwrvativf Kinkinc. X Bank open from nine to twelve and OOOOCK00000000 .N ut'fer V I ''j-'- ;. yj .' -1J ' i J ip--,--;! Mm! i aA -"U - f4 M M h pi y-toUi ml 1 1 VALISES, TELESCOPES . tj 3 SUIT CASES, HAND BAGS In !sct anything vou want to travel with. Remember the place, B. W. STRONG, J I THE FURNITURE MAN. Roseburg.Ore 5 Bring Us Your ... FOR CASH J. F. BARKER & CO. lbS Kruse & First class Groceries... .Also a full line of... dever's DTresla. blend jO-arciem. coffee v Seeds Highest price paid for Produce. Give us a call , QUR MOTTO IS TO PLEASEX Kruse & Newland U KANT BEET HOUR SH USE for WARE TRY 'EM FLINT'S POPULAR 5H0E STORE Opposite First National Bank Hints to Housewives. Half the battle in fresh Groceries, and to get them promptly when vou order them. Call up 'Phone No. 181, for good goods and good service. ' C. W. PARKS & CO. AND- U. 1 ft ii ,1i3 Rjjti'jj, Mi.'bSa J S s.tj Spring Eack leaves Eoseburg Every Jlciruing at e o clock. H.C.GALEY, Cashier ri Pmident. Incorporated 1901. from one to three. COUCHE 9 We are showing the greatest of MediuT ri0tJ Couches ave ever had. also red lounges We are showing the greatest line k . 8 BED LOUNGES TRUNKS A new line of trunks just received 1 CHICKENS. BUTTER. OR TRADE 9 J Newland Our prices are always right and stock complete good cooking, is to have good ' EMPIRE' LiVerj Fesd and afe fables C. P. Babsaed, Pro. Saddle Horses. Single and Double Rigs at ail hours Transient Stc'c gveu ve bej, of r a ' I , . always reasonable Lina for all points on Coos Bay. Good LATE NEWS SIMMARV. Important Events of the Past few Days. STATf, GENERAL, lOREiGN. Cream of the Dispatches Dished Up In Condensed Form for the Busv Reader. Paper coal is a form of lignite found near Bonn, in Germauy. It splits nat r ally in film as thin aa pa er. The great bulk of chalk is composed of e:glit different species of t.ny shells. Nearly 300 kinds have been fou.id in it. Alaska has paid its cost 20 times. It was bought for I7.200.CO3 and l. sup plied 1150,000,0110 in Inn and gold. Tiie Republicans of Hawaii havej nominated ' Prince Cupil" for Con gress. -s tue women over mre can ma vote, his election is doubtful. A Tortland man haa fitrurrd out that reclaiming the and lands of Oregon ill add 200,000 people and t20,0iKl,(V!0 wealth to the state of Oregon. TofHdthe relative distance of the earth and stars suppose the earth and sun but one inch epi rt. At the same relative distance the nearest fixed star would be at least 11 miles away. The rougher the exhibition 4he Lier the crowd. Nothing draws like pr"-. fights, foot ball games, bu'l fights and loop aad loops. Portland has Ihvii fur nishing an example. CnicEo's shipping lias more than qua lrnpled in the last 30 years and to day Chicago ranks fourth among the iiorts of the world. London, New lork and Hamburg alone being ahead of it. Ten miles from Oregon Citv a de- 8 true, ion forest fire raged last .week. Seve.al lams and graneries and thou sands oi miles of fence were destroyed. Six famile were rendered homeless. The adult suffrage bill, just passed by the Austra'lan senate without one f n sentiu vote, enables all the women of Australia at the ne-t federal eec.Ioa to vo:e fur both hoases of the federal par liament. There are thousands of haads flying in the hop fields of the Taci ic North west gathering the large crop at p-esent. and many 40 cents are be.a ea. ne-l b. jreonswho would not be othe.-wise employed. Truly the hop grower is a great distributor of money. Pithy and Pointed. The a.e a good man bottle-scaied vete-ans around. '? life it not woilh living yau'sro M take somet'iiug fo- yocr liver. The Albany Demoiiai l:ss disco.eiei ac oss. ied m?n. He lives near A'K" i-, ofconise. It has been promos; 1 to inu,n.ate ue giii wedding to be celeUated by the i nt pie who have been married what see.ns l;ke 60 yea a. "roller cars killed the Ciiaoi-ne, toe bicvele removed the host'? ; ths I i'u- trial Progress deprives women " h. falls and foibles. "Love is like smallpox," sii' the Wine Guy, "Yon can have it gw . a.ui hard once in your life, and all the oihe- attacks a e mere varioloid." When a boy i ilixrespectf'-i to mo ther and smokes ci.r ites be neeos .o be tn ued over to a C!iine m.ssi'inaiy. With bin Ch.ietianity seems to have s!iped a ag. Last year the t'.rls wore bi'ctles on their hsis, and tliis yen, the have them oa their shoe. Tiius d'jes woman's tante run to extremes. Jop- n;i'.. jU'iinjr..rom an a.ncie oieiasiic not?i'i"! found o.i the street a nd bioi'nt O o.fice to avra.t iiiieiiiffrt'on y it4 owner, onckles a.e v.-orn ,ioi s i'ely on shoes by ti-c lalie this . Among t!ie weddings last week v;ss the marrisze of Robert V. tireen of Bton to Misa Sallie J. ire;?n of Kan sas City, Mo. We frequently hear of he blushing bride, but in thn case t.ie :ile did not evc.i clianre cIo. . If the avdajte man who is nnlncky in love sicnt half as much energy in I'inting uo some other desirable gii t as i does in chasing the girl who is un kind to him he would Ie much happier. It is reported that a gentlenan took iiis little lxy to chnrch lust Sunday for the fiist time. Instructing the lad abort his behavior he wound np by tell ing the boy to keep an- eye on him and do just as he did. When the contribu tion but was passed papa dropped in a nickel. Tie lad caw his father's hand go into the box, and reniembpfing the advce put his hnd in pieo. Wren th" boi hsd psssed by, the lad w hnpered oat loud enoi'gh to be heard sll aionm1, 'Pa7 papa, I got two bits, how much did you get?" New Town of Greenback. Gr sts Pass, Sept. 12. A postodice hn4 been established at the Greenback mine, of Grave Creek district, and w ill le known aa Gieenback. The large number of people eraploved at this ndue lujether with their families, niskes a town of no smsdl dimensions, and as the camp was provided with all other con veniences, a postofiice was fovnd neces gar", i lie new ju-stanip nun mat is being built at the mine will be Com pie ted snd ready for work about the last o' this month. By that time all the oth?r new equipment w;ll aliso be leidy. The mine will then bo worked on a much larger scale and a still jjreat ei ere will be employed. lviou trie oniy np-to-uate harness oi on the market. On sale At Blodpntt's Harness shop, jiei BECKJIAN 15 FREE. Was Sentenced to Life in the Penftf n tUry from Doug as County, r Wm. F. Beckman, serving a life term in the Oregon jieuitentiary, for the nyir der of his wife, ;n Douglas county, -in 1S9,), was pardoned by Governor T,-T. Geer, Tuesday. The pardon w.u giant edon the representations of the'Jkial judge, some of the jurors, many of the eoplt! 'residing v the neighbpj'fi'iX)d where tlie shooting occurred, amTlnany prominent people in Minnesota, wheie the old man livel fr many years. BT'.KMA.x'K PAKDO.V bIKC'CSSKU. According to the statement iniidi in connection with the pardon this wiS of a life prisioner by Governor t-eer, the act of clemency was well merited. It !s stated that the prisoner, then an)M man, a veteran of the war with an ex cellent record, who had soxe money, came to Iloughis count," frm Minnesota some years ago to escaje the designes of an adventuress who was "after him" or rather his monev ; but she followed him, and finally induced him to marry her. Then she and her grown son b can to mistreat him, and to drive hni off his property, refusing him even U J and koard, and one day while they were abusing rnd threatening him he lost a'l control of himself and s izing a gun shot the woman and killi 1 her. lie was con victed of murder in the second degn-e, ami sentenced to the jfiiitentiary fur life, and served seven years. The judge and jurorj who tried the case eiitioiied strongly for his pardon, but it is unex plained why, if they thought he was un justly convicted and senteuced, the jury did not convict of manslaughter, or the judge set aside the w rong verdict. Still, it may have U-en sultt-tantiaily comet. and vet the old veteran mav have been sufficiently punished. Having been so feolich as h l.iarry the woman, it was his duty to live with her or leavj her, on such terms as l.e could make; he was not to be excused, unless I.isowi life was iu ieril, for tilling her; yet one may be excused for feeling much sym pathy for an old man who lias hi .ome the victim of such a woman, who had converted w liat he anticipated would be a comfortable home into an unendurable hell. This old veteran's case may well serve as a warning to other old men who possess some means, to beware not on!y of "vidders"' but of spinsters, too, un hsa very sure of the disposition, traits and character of the woman who smiles seductively upon them. Telegram. An Old Engisecr's Death. The self-iiiflieteJ death of Phi'ip Cor kn, who fur furty yea' had l-en a locomotive engineer, anl for more than a qn.u'er of a century hail serve 1 as s-u li on one road iu O.eeon, has iis own ecniiarly pathetic asiect, that ic ; -ias even tlie mildest cr:licin and -oi'M-athe kluilcst syuijjtthy tho.'ii 0.i-9 is of no avail. Discharged from hi accustomed run and his favcit? engine, he realud that he was growinsoM tiiat his noddy rowers were tailing or else he brooded over supposed mist: eat ment by the company he had serve! so lorg and faithfully ; and since he could not be reinstated, he could see notiii.ig to do but to die. Kxcept for his natuia' and irrestible generosity, he might have been well off financially, and so have his decling years in ease and indcpeid ence, but he had bestowed hid surplus earniug:all these years on his friends and acqmvntaaces, who seldom repaM, and so lie realized that he was not only old, an as he morbidly imarlned '"" dis grace or discredit in his profession, hut that he was poor, unable to support h:mclf in the only way he knew; and so, swiftly the world became dark nd cold to him; he was chilled and un nerve lan' I appalled by it; it had no more tine for him, he thought; and so he quietly made an end. He had no wife or children eithe' to console and snpIort bun in his trouble, or - to lesvein dM.ess ai his exit. His old epg'ne was what he loved lst ; his old "run" had become second n;tU:e to hhn ; without them he was "likeafisu out of water," out of his element; life became unendurable. Yet, an old bachelor, and bound up u his machine and the road on wh'ch he ran so long, he wss no missnthrope churl ; he lit. his f-iends, of who'n he had many; and, like man single men as they grow elderly,, he loved chil dren, and they intuitively low I 'r-n. Very likely, iu the great assa'.ze beyond, Phil Corkin w ill appear more nea-ly like "one of these little children," of whom are "the kingdom of heaven," than many a pompous bishop or sanc timonious deacon. The record of his final sin, if such it be, like Uncle Toby's oath, the recording angel wilf blot out with a tear, and welcome him to the company oi true, laithiui, generous, tender-hearted, noble souls. Telegram. A Boy's Wild Ride for Life. With family around exjiccting him to die, and as on riding for life, 18 miles to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Con 8umi)tion. Conuhs and Colds, W. II. Brown, of Leesville, Ind., eudur death's agonies from asthma, but this wonderful medicine gave instant relief and soon cured him. He writes: ' now sleen soundly every night." Like marvelous cures of Consumption, Pnen moiiia, Bronchitis Coughs, Colds and Grip prove its matchless merit for all Throat aod Lung troubles. Guaran teed bottles 50c and tl. Trial bottles free at A C Marsters drug store. . Notice for Bidders. Bids for digging and bricking a well for tMe lulenbower bcnoo! wm be re ceived by the School Bo.-ud on or belbre Sept. 20, For particulars see or pdiiress, F. A. McCall, (SUP) Dist. Clerk. TWO STATES AfLAME. Many Are Rendered Homeless forest Fires. A NUMBER Of LIVES LOST. Monday Darkness In Many Districts. Millions of Dollars Worth of Timber Destroyed. TKofTOAi.K.ept. 12.-Fiies raging from Bull Run to tlie Columbia River, Mid the fames have traveled 12 miles ii. 13 hours. Several deaths have occurred in the flames, and many men in theluinlter ing raiiis in the path of the flames are unaccounted for. Two mills have teen destroyed and fceverul Iihihs and ha !ns. All reads havu been made iit4asub!e by fames. The railroad bridge at Mult nomah Falls has been dnstroy d, and tra'.ia have b n unjhle to pronccd since yeelc! day morning. The ttti-e country hereabout is l:-ig de.avlat .-d. ' L. C. Palmer, proprietor of the Pal mer Mill, two and one-half miles south cf Bridal Veil, piohably has perished. T..c null is totally ilestroye-i, ami uo tis.ee Las been found of Palmer. hen last seen he was completely surrounded by flames and burn'ng structure. Bower's mill, s:x miles s-mthweti of Palmer, is also teportel as destroynl. j Forty men iu Camps No. 3 and 5 are in great danger, and their on'y ossible: avenue d esie is via Bull Run. The houe and lrn of Aiv-x Trlckay, to mile cast of Palo er, have leu lui'nel kn the gt'ind. A brother o Tiickevhas uini''uileHy ? hed in . !ie flan es in an endeavor to ve a norse in the Iwru. lie was never teen ftc't.ite!;;. j the burning st-uctu'e. Iu the P.iuner mill and Camps Nos. 2, S and 5 over men were e.np oyed. At the present lime not more than 1-0 htve leeii aecouut-l for. The O. R. A N. Company's tre at Multnomah Fails has lcen Luruec. No trains f ave paed since yes-erday nioring. The Atlantic express, la, bound from Portland, sto. 1 at Trout dale today for more than th'ee hou a. The Westbound train wi.l probably ar rive in Portland this afternoon l-iwen 3 and 4 o'clock. Salem, rVpt., 12. Alarming reports of forest fires in the mountains of the exstern part of Marion and Linn Coun ties reached Sa'.em last tveainj;. Oje fire is raging iu the bids t!i;e' n.i'e j.,nli of Meliama. and is fan at 1 b" a st-xn eat w nd, which may tl'.f t down iip'in the se.lleii-ents of Jordan Vaney, this fire Iwirg npon tb ut a .il.. of the Saul.aru River l l Lna Co. J- tv. " Ano;Ser fire bos obta;aed leadway abo.tt bm- u"'23 notth o." Me''ajia, be- twe?n the.-e aad Silver Creek Fnl's, f s jlsobei'igd Iven by a nortl;eait wsu i itud the iople of Mehama ate bidly frightened Jest the flajjies sho'd coin- down ami lick up their rxses:cns. Still r-other b'?e was doijig heavy damage in the KlLl orn eouu'.iy, aloog the I-; ale North Fork tf the Sautiam, and rcnort last ni;ht was '.hat two ranches had been raitia'ly devastated. PoaiLA.vn, Sq.t. 12. lies id. it of Iatk-T cuioataid Ci cyio, three eat.t- em ti'hu.V ol Portland, had a ba-d time I'ht pg fire last night, and in spite oftrie'- beslelo ts scveal fa-mhousea and barns, a id many miles o! fencing we.e destroyed. The flames ftlli rage iu-1 e.'s. of Len rf. and the low l is seu- ousiy t'ueaiene-l. Treason t iop'eaie a'so aiat-mcd, and nni of tliem a-e pre ps rel to move their household gtnuls on the approach of the Cames. G kejiuam, fi t- 12. All Kaste-n Multnomah county is u.i fire. North east of Gresham the fire has ft kt 1 a id i the two paths dozens of hni dings a-e being destroyed. Several saw aills have leen destroyed, while others are on fire, and two men are missing fioin points where the fire first started. It is feared they have 'ost their live, aiiuougn in the excitement of the hour the - may mply have been 1 st track o.'. yii a id wome i are out fight' fire w.th anililng they can lay tl ei- hand OL Okvui.n" Or:, Sept. 12.--The frtst fires in Clf ckamas con ntv wern much arger yesten'ay than si ice "iey siai led over a week ago. A ttro.ig easterly wind blew most of the day and carried the fierce fires beyond control. Kep rU comin-j in indicate that at least 30 build ings were destroyed yesterday. These -icludea houses and bums, and one saw null, the wnul is s;ill blowing strong in certain parts, snd unless it uhsides soon much mortr valuable projwi ty will soou be destroyed. The greatest fires are around the Springwater district, about 20 miles eaBt of Oregon City. . Tillamook, Sept. 12. Noon.) The wind shiftett to the northeast lit n'g'd and relievetl this town fro n immei.ii.ue danger. The forest fire? have spr .d along the entire western bench of the Coast Kanc until the timoer is bla. i.ig from 30 miles north to 30 miles south here. Millions of feet of valuable stunii. a are being destroyed. The fire w .11 spread rathe.- than diminish until a heavy rain crimes. A niesrase received frjni Nehalem this moi ninz stated that, the school- house and th ee fa"nihou.ies had bi'en burned there. Wfsul. .o, Sept. 12.- Jhg forest fires aro lading he e. Lmp'oyees of the Booth-Kei'y mills are h jrocially light ing the fires. The best timber of this region is helm; deslrotpl. All com niuulcations with lHinniook are cut oft -"- , Nkivro.-tr,Sept. 12. Tl Is town is sur roi'ndetl b fo.est firen on north and eifat. Several seasid oottagoa re Vtrnud, In Washington State. OLYMm, Sept. 12. Reports 'rom Sheltoa at noon say thst nearly all of the m. lis in Mason couuty are on fire. The town o! Matlock, that county, ii in 'iimi.ieut danger of total destruction. Si. Iren miles f:o:n 0!ytnp:a the Bor deaux sti.ng of camps in the I'lar k Hill distiict a' in treat danger. Forty men have gone on horseback to rescue wo men and children. All of the mills at Buckley Lave shrt down and the men have rone to Enum claw to fight flames which have reached the ed;.e of that town. In Tacoma a heavy darkness is set tling down. Boats conhct pass the Nar rows on account of darkness. At Oiympia the electric lieht phyit shut down and at noon it was as dark as the blackest night. StArri.a, Sept. 12. The sun roe into a clear sky this morning, but by noon it shone blood-retl, tbrouih a pall of smoke tliat htng over the city. A social to the Tin.es from Enumclaw this morning says : "forest fires of the most terions nature a-e p ttsing us oneveiyeide. Kvery team is being pre sol into se. vw Uj run eople to places of safety, but none can say where to go. As usual, the water supply is cut off by the burn ing of th flume, and few wells have water. The fire is more se. iocs than tiie fire of two months ago. Kvery effort is being made to protect the mill prefer, ty. If the mill burns the town cannot le saved, and the lives of the people will be in danger." Elm, Wash., Sqi. 12. A great fo-- ests fire near here is be:ng fanned this morning by st'oug eastern wind. even la'g-. saw mills are surrounded by flames, and are doomed, it i believed. The Cedar Shingle Omays n.ill, the tar Shingle Coui.any, Key's, White's, CorueH's, iA-m'og's and McCleary's are by this time probably reduced to ashes. Asa telephone message was being re ceived f.oui Bey's mills, five miles eat f.f here, the wire went d.iwn. and coihisg Las b -n heard directly from the. e since. The Star mill au.l the vil Wge sur ounding nave been w iped out, aud the people have fled to places of refuse. , Some attempt was niadd to re sist the enroaciiuenU of the fire, bnt the fighter had to retreat. White's saw mill is cow burning and the w ires have gone down. Vaoct?, Vt'arh., Sept. I2- Woid was b t.j?ht to Vancower at 10 o'clock tvs nornng by F. C. J.-rkson tht e" jht fam 1 es were :eudered l:omesa at Fi i'j P!'r4, be.w in 3 o'cloca yester- ust a.ier.u.i aiii 4 ockirk ttis mo n- llesewcfell.B. Pluss, Mrs. Mc Langhhn, a w-dow, Mr. Sears, Adam Johnj' Jame W;'iiii. Mrs. Hanson, Mr. Hen.hlcks and Wm. Snvder. The Ul'..rwas b.oned ot:t the day before. 11. t . Jacks.jn, latt er of tr-.e young man who brought tie news to Vancouver, lost t is farm and Ii tons o Lav. It w be lieved tbat Mrs. IK-ndricks i ht Nothing was known of her this morning wLen young Jackson lei't, and the gen eral impression c-i me nei.i.irs was that she and her two small childrtj were detroved bv the the. Tacona, Sept. 12. Ten honses and s".i mills have been burned at K!ma. Ia Masoi count over &W acre of timber, 100 fet. high, a.e burning, and the fire is spreading. , Lmps Lighted at .MMJsy. (Ortronl.B,S.jk.li) The snKtke from forest firm's was so thick in Portland to p.-oduce the apjear auceof twillight. In many resi.lences and oflice rooms lamps were lighted at niidd.y in order that work mi ;ht le cirried on as usual without inconven ience. Resolutions of Condolence. To the oilicers and membirs of Mystic 1.00'ge, No. 13, D. of If., A. O. U. W. Sisters and Brothers: Whereas, Death, "The T.eaper of Life's Harvest" has invaded orr Banks and claimed for His own, one, who by her many deeds of kindlier and womanly graces had endeared our hearts, and with whom our pleasa'.t asiations are now but memories that wi'-l ever remain with us ; And while we humbly bow in submis- bion to the will of an All-Wise. Creator in removing oik s.ster from our mist, we never-the-less oicow f or the departed , and are agin reminded of the fact that Li'e is but one short span here on earth, at the end of w" ch will dawn a brighter and better d:iy when all will be peace, joy, and happiness throughout eter.iity. Therefore, be it Resolved, by Cystic Lodge, No 13, D. of 1L, that, throuih the death of Siste Josephine IIu:d, our order has lost aa honorable member, who ever held ch ir our piianples, con stancy, honor and pu-ity. .'rJo.'r'd, That we d. he' eby eund to our B.other, L. L. Hard, our heartfelt sympathy in this,' his hour of bereave- meat through the loss of a kind and debited wife and companion, whose" e was a eamp'e worthy of emr'ation Eti3lrrd, fiat these Besuhit'ons be spread upon the Beeords of the Lodge, a copy furnished each of the city papers for publicj 'ou, and an engrossed copy lio presented to the husband of our de ceased sister, also, that our Charter be draped in mourning for the period of thirty days. Fraternal'y admitted, in C. H. A P. JOSEPHINE RlHLr, Ida Nicnoia, F.. II. Lkn-ox, Committee. Roseburg Or., Sept. 1, li02. A ranch of 240 acres, with houe, barn and outbuildiiurs. Orchard, small truit etc., well matured. No middleman's proilti, 3 mi'es from ra'.l road. Town of Dti'n. f 'jOO i cash, inquire of owner. F. F. Pattkrsox Eoeeburg, Ore, -- Coffee, Tea and Spices IF YOU ARE CALL AT CURRIER'S AND ASK Price is no higher and Currier's. Ros"S 1 p OPFNINQ OF Golf Skirting. A. very heavy quality, measuring 56 inches wide in all colors. Venetian Cloth .. .Black Venetian Cloth, full 50 inches wide, an excellent fabric for tailormade waterproof suits. Kcb3" CorsetS .AVe are the agents for the "Kebo'' Corsets and have a large assort ment, in the latest French styles, on hand. The newest of the kind is the "Kebo" Form-Reducing corset. S!)!iSh fall SaitS-Stylish Fall suits for Men, Youths and Boys. ocs Men and Boys' shoes in good qualities and moderate prices. 8 4 sssass smssissms sis - s 1 85 Wollenberg Bros. s& f V This slo-e will close at 6 o'clock; Monday and Saturday "xceptf j" 4 I Drain Gardiner I 5 COOS BKY STHGE ROUTE i Commencioj with Monday, tneiare irom Urn a t J Z r, Civ. aOfouods. Travelling men are .Ihied 75 pound, when ther J have pound, or more. Ali excess Lawa. Sets, per pouud, aad no al- lowance will be made for round trip. DAILY STAGE. ? For further information addrese 5 i ? Maiing KTitj Look Pieasaat i ef v ei,..p .. f- or when he 0'en Lis p.ri, of i.-i'n-'r v.o k. . lev" be like Roeburv . log eeat Louie f 0M laundry, the mm who loves faultless linen and up-to-date laundry In 3 alwavs weathes his face in smiles. Dv.iig warm weatln-r our methnis of laur-j. v i:ig Unen and owored shirts, white vel, elc.liows itself in the length of U-.tj tley keep fresh and t-Ieam. B I nut mm KODAKS! i They've gone and done it again Done away with the dark-room in developing. A little machine to de- velope film negatives in daylight without going to a darkroom. Any child can oprrate it. See this won derful invention at our store. Churchill Cmsc and Effect. Reyx)nsivb to the twh, and erfect in tore and action, the Vose piano has secnre-.l a hold on popular favor accnrdetl to none other. It is a standard instru ment, of the highest gr.tde. I'nexcellotI in a single feature of merit. No better piano made. Not liigh priced, either. Sold at exceedingly low figures for cash, or on easy time paymeuts. Everyone warranted. W. A. burr & CO. o i ur They ere now located in t've new Heudrick block, one door MUth of the Raihru-d Ealing llvu the best 2r.r..v:-::,r". ' A fall Rnd coaop'eta Iin of Cizars, and Tobaeco , Candies, Naia rioit., GROCERY FOR every can guaranteed ' urocer 1 a. FALL-GOODS Jar.aary 21. '02, we wij char Bar a ' alIowan.- mr-.t -. v, frt t. S . : kit- M J. 11, Sawyers, 5 Proprietor. Drain, Oregon ! ' 1 I 1 1 j I I 1 - - :. v & Woo fif 3 t1 ' NORMAN & COMPANY Etc if' NV i liGV.