The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 11, 1902, Image 4

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This Column Is Edited by our Mer
chants and Business People.
Brown Bread Fresh every day at Sie
Vers Bakery.
See the Title Guarantee A Loan Co.
or blue prints and filing yttjxrs. tf.
That towel sale is still on at Josephson's
Tor further information pee our w indow.
Fruit tlrior work is a specially of
Sykes & Carroll, the up-to-date plnmbor
and repairers. if
Get your abstracts of title from J. I
Hamilton, lie lias the only complete
6et of abstract Iwoks in the countv. ft
Give us your order for a new shot gun,
you will be satisfied with the gun and
price too. S. K. Sykes Hardware.
Summer dressgoods and shirtwaists at
preatly reduced pi ices at Josephson's.
Investigate and you will invest.
1000 the only np-to-date harness oi
on the market. On sale at Blixljiett'a
Harnoss shop. jltil
Assaying W. G. Wriuht.
i:-ni. i
Pass, Orojron, gold and silver f 1, copier
if 1, tin and electrolytic assays.
For harness, or anything in the har
ness line call on F. Long & Sons near
the depot. Repairing a specialty.
There are still a few small and nied
ium sizes l?ft in those "Dollar Shoes at
Josephson's." An unrivalled opportu
nity for money saving.
Ladies Tan. Oxblxd and dark Green
Lace Shoes $3.25, tS.OO and f 2.20- Val
ues now going for t2.2Q, f 2.00 and f 1.75
per iir at Josephson's.
Another shoe sale at Josephson's
Men's Tan and Oxblood Shoes 13.50, 3.
00 and 2.50. Values now going for
3), l-'.OO, and f 1.50. Investigate this.
Weekly Examiner, f 1.50, Weekly Cal
11.00, Weekly Oregonian f 1.50, Weekly
Chronicle $1.50, a rear; leave vour
subscriptions at Cannons' Book & Sta
tionery Store.
D. S. T. West, having accepted several
old and reliable firs insurance companies
is now prepared to do a general fire in
surance business. Insure with him
Office at the City Hall. tf
For Abstract of Title, guaranteed to
be full and correct copies oi all records
Cuming 4 1 1 1 viuv. tan UU A AUK illiv
upstairs in the Marks building. His
work is guaranteed correct, and prices
are reasonable.
On account of tlte irregular survevs of
many of the towushijts iu the Kosvburg j
landdistrict .it is almost impossible toi
lorate section corners without copy of
the Government survey. Frank E. Alley,
Abstractor of this city, has a complete
set of tracings of all surveyed townships,
and will furnish blue prints of same,
showing all vacant lands.
Why fool away time and money re
pairing your old harnecs when you can
buy a fine new set so cheaply of F. Long
& Sons at the new harness shop near
the depot, If, however, yon are in need
of repairs Long &. Sons will satisfy your
wants in short order and 'at reasonable
prices. Even-thing in the harness and
saddlery line kept constantly on hand
at prices in competition with tho de
partment stores. See their fine line of
trunks and telescojies.
State Normal School.
Let those expecting to attend the Nor
mal bear in mind the date of opening
Monday, September Sth and if possible
be on hand the first day.
The Normal essays to put students
and teachers on a footing t.iat leads to
good certificates. Review woik is a
feat ure of our course. ' The coming vear
the Normal will lie more a home than
ever before. Material internal and ex
ternal improvements of the school build
ing are making for the enjoyment and
benefit of students. Phvsical education
8 a jart of the course.
Strong work in English and mathemat
ics will lie given from a practical point
of view ; also iu science.
Letters Iroui students, old and new,
say. "I'll be with yon next year.'
The success of our graduates has cre
ated a demand for Drain Nomialites in
good schools. The Normal has helped
many to good positions and will helji
von if you will let it. ,
For information, address
al J. II. Orcntt, president.
$ioo Reward $ioo.
The readers of this paper will be
Dleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that eience has been
able to cure In all its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Halls Catarrh Care is the
only pwitive cure known to the medical
fraternitv. Catarrh being a constitu
tional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, acting directly upon tlie
blood and mucous surfaces of the system
thereby destroying the foundation of
the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building us the constitution
and assisting nature in doing its work
The proprietors have so much faith in
its curative powers, that thev offer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it
fails to cure, fcend for list of testimoni
Address F. J. Cheney Co.,
Toledo, O
fold by Druggists, 75c.
Halls Family Pills are the lt.
Milk, Milk, Milk.
We claim that under our new process
of aerating, purifying and bottliDg
( which should be the case with all milk
consumed) you get from twenty-five Ui
fifty jr cent more value for less money
tlian any other inilk delivery in the city
affords. The milk delivered is in quali
ty A 1 and guaranteed to give you entire
satisfaction. As published on our for
mer rate cards I allow one week's trial
free of charge unless entirely satisfac
tory. If you think the aliove is over
drawn, why not give it a trial that We
may demonstrate. Why not sen
vour money where your dollars go the
farthest, and patronize a jiermanent
business? - all.
Look At this Money Maker.
A ranch of 2W acres, with house, liarn
and outbuildings. Orchard, small lruit
etc., well matured. No middle man's
profits, 3 miles from rail road. Town
of Drjin. 1500 i cash, inquire of
owner. F. F. Patteiwox
lioseburg, Ore.
Notice of Settlement.
W. A. Everitt having disjsised of his
laundry busini-ss, all jiarties, knowing
themselves to 1 iiideliUnl to him, will
pletisc lpv tlie same io Atty. C.
Jackson at their :arlient convenience.
(a"0) W. A. Evkritt.
Fortune Favors a Texan.
"Having distressing pains in head,
back and stomach, and lei without
api-etite, 1 U-'iiii to use Dr. King's New
Life Fills" wiites W P Whitehead, of
Kenne-lale, Tex., "and soon felt like a
new man." Infallible in stomach and
liver trouhles. Only 25c at A C Mars
ters drug "tre.
Bids for the exclusive privilege to run
a restaurant on the Fair grounds during
Fair week will b? received up to Sept.
25, 102. Also for all pother privileges,
stands, etc. F. A. Mc Call, Sec.
Wood for Sale.
Best of block oak wood for sale, write
to or enquire of Henry Cows at Conn's
farm, or P. O. Bosebnrg, Or. S30p
Notice for Publication.
UosebiirK, Oni;oii, Aug 2,'.
Sotloe ii herel.y given that In compliance
w ith the provisions of the ael uf Conare-a of
JuueK. )s.s. euuileii "An act for the Kale of
Timber lauds iu the State uf California, Oregon
Nevada and V aahington Territory." sseitend
eJ to all the public laud slates by aft uf Aug uat
4, lsstt.
ol Rnsebiinc. County of l).msla. State of Orotron,
has thin dnv filed In this otnee hi swum state
ment No. W for the purchase of the North-
East quarter (N if Section No. 10 In Town-
thin N x A' South, of amce No. 9 Wen! and will
oflVr proof toshow that tne land souirhl in more
valuable lor u umber or none than lor ajrn
j cull oral purposes, and to establish his claim to
aaxl. lul be lore Z L ilimmiek, 1st oniniission-
er at Oakland, iireron, on Krl.lay, the -Mill day
of October. 1H02. He names at witnesses- Wtl
bur Franklin. John McMillan. John W Brock
way and r.lnier Li.iles all of Kosclmrf, Ore
Auyand all persons claiminc adversely the
abovft-deserittHl lands are rriiiesiel to Hie their
claims in that oBice on or lefore the -tth day of
A Up Register.
Notice for Publication.
United Stale Land Oflioe.
Koseburg, Orceon. Mav 27, J.
Kolioe t hereby given that in compliance
wllh the pro visions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 18Tn eu i tiled "An Act for the sale of
timber lands in the states of California. Oreco I,
Serada. and Washington Territorr." as extend
ed to all tbe public land state by act ol Aug
ust , iyj,
of Burllniton. eonulr of !-kcit, state of Wah
ingtou, has Uiisday filed in this office bis sworn
statement No. 2Ss, for the puehase of the KK'
of,SecUon No. V, township SI south, ranee No. h
ol and wiil oiler proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its limber and stone
thau for agricultural pune and to establish
his claim to said land before the Register and
Reeeiverof this office at Rosebnr. Oregon, on
Thursday the 1HA day or September, 19uA. He
names as witness: William Smith, Sanford
Slater, Leonard Brook and Kvenuous brooks,
all of Buriinrton, Washington.
Any and all person claiming adversely the
above described Usee's are requested to I t their
claims in thisoflireon or before said lsth day of
September, 1902. J. T. BRIDUK'
J2p Register.
Notice for Publication.
Culled State Land Office.
Kosebur?, tiregon; June 2N l'Jfti.
Notice 1 hereby riven that in compliance
sriilt the provisions of tbe act of Congress of
Juue S, S7. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the 8taieof California. Orerca
Nevada. aud Washingtun Territory," aseiteud-
ed to aU the public land states by act of August
of Burlington, cotintv of Skagit, state of Wsli
ingtou, has this day filed In this office his sworn
statement No 2532, for the purchase of the St'4
of section No U in township 31 south, R 8 weal
and will offer proof to show that the land sou got
is more valuable for its timber or atone than
lor arricultural purposes, and to establish fcia
claim before the Register aud Receiver this
llice of iUieeburg, Oregon.
Tnesdav the list day of October. 19U2. He
name as witnesses: Thomas E Han ley. John
B Shannon, Mrs Flora M Shannon of Burling
ton. Wa-h., Krnk Kini-art. Oakland, r-ntton.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tne
above desrribi lawia are reinestei to tile tbeir
claims in this on or before sn id ?st day of
October, ViXl. i T BIU1XJK.
A-lp Regis ter.
Registration of Land Title-
in the Circuit Court ol the State of Oregon.
lor the county of Hondas.
la the matter of toe application ol I
to mrister tbe title to the land in said
application described
tlie fractional wist half of southwest
No. 21
inarterandsonihwest'itiarter of north !
westouarreroi se-iion j. tan ira' iion- hall of oa'.hea-t quarter of sec
tion three, in towasnin : south, of
range4 west, W. II , Charles W. John-1
son, IX'lcndant J
T all w rfnif rr u v y n isce as :
Take nonce, that on the ia dayol Jn'.y, A.
D. Hsji an application was bled by said If. J.
Wiln. in Hie Circuit Court oi Donglas county
for initial re.istration of tbe title to the land
above de-rild. Now nnless yon aorar on
or before the 7iD dav of A ugust A. I)., and
show cause w hy aoch -ation stall not be
granted, the same will le taken as eon'ewl and
a decree w ill be entered according to the prayer
ol tbe appliraii m and you will be. torever barr
ed from disputing tne same.
i JOHN H. mrpE.
jt-t4 Applicant Atbimey.
Notice for Publication.
CniU-d SUtes Ind Office
Roseburg, Oregon, June 2S, 1H0.
Notice IS hereby given that In compliance
with the provision of the act t'f Cougres ol
June.., );7s.eninied "An a-t for tbe sale of
timber lands in the Slaves of ailloniia. Oregon
Nevada .aud V a'hiugtun lerritory," u extend
ed to ail tbe public land stales by act of August
of Burlington, cwnty of Sk?it. state of W ash
ington oss inis.iav men in ion omce ner sworn
statement No 2s for tbe pnrchawuf the tots
7. ft, 11 and 12 section 1, tp 31 tU Range 8 west
and will offer proof to show that tbe land songbt
is more valuable for Its timber or stone than
lor agricultural purpose, and to establish bl
claim before tbe Register and Receiver ul tbj
office of Rose burg, Oregon
on Tuesday tbe Slst dav of Octolr, 13b. Kb
names as witnesses: Mrs Charlotte F Henley,
Thomas E Hanley, John B Shannon of Burling
ton, ash., Frank Klncart ol Oakland, Oregon
Any and all persons claiming adversely tbe
above described lands are rcouesled to file their
claims In tbis office on or before said 21st day of
A4p J. I. kkiuiild, oegisier
Notice for Publication.
fnited State Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, July 21. lSui
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June S, )S7. entitled "An art for the sale of
timber lands in the States uf Caltfuruia.oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory'asexteud
ed to all the public laud stales by act uf August
4, itttr.
of Mrytle Creek, eonnty ol Donglaj, state of
Oregon, has this day filed in this ofti his
sworn sistement No :M for the purchase of tbe
loUland2,SE!iliW'i,SWli NF'4 of Me No
3) in township No. 2S south, range No. 4 west
and will offer proof tosbow that the land sought
is more valuable for lis timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and U establish hi
claim before the Register aud Receiver ul this
off ice uf Roseburg. Oregon.
on Wednesdav. the lblh day of rw-rcmlr, 19r.
He names as w itness.: .LI Robinson Joe Iear-
doiff , A L Robinson, of Mynle Creek, Ore., and
Finis 11 Hard ol Kosebtirg. Oregon.
Any und all persons claiming adversely tbe
above described lands are rcom-sWsl to lile thei
claims In this ofiicc on or before aid l'ith day
of JJeeemlier, l!xi. J. T.URllMsvi,
Jj4d- Register
Notice for Publication.
I'niled Stales Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, June :w. lsri.
Notice 1 hereby given that In Compliance
with the provisions of the act uf tougiess
Inn. ? It1- .tlll.ll. ...I 4... th.
timber lamis iu the Slates uf California. Oregon
Nevada .and W ashington lerritory," asextend
ed to all tb publie laud stales by act of August
of Myrtle Creek, county ol ismtiss, siale of
Oregon, has this dav iilcd in this office his
sworn slaiemeiil No. 2st;", for the pun-baM
the N'7 Xll'j', N', NK'4 of section No. 11,
township No. south of range 2 west
and will uffer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its timber ur stone than
for agricultural purposes, aud to establish his
claim before the Register aud Receiver uf this
office ul Roseburg, Oregon.
onFrilny,the2illida of Octols-r, H. He
names as witnesses: John Hall, Jr., Mrs.
Maud Hall, AlexanderTbompson and 1'. John
son all of Myrtle Creek. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely tbe
above descrila-d lands are requested to lile
thclrclaims in this otlice on or before said 21th
day of October Iisri J. T. 1111 1 la, KS,
J7p Register.
Notice for Publicatiou.
I'll ited Slabs fnd Oftice, '
Ibiaebiirg, Op-gnn, Aug. 27. I!U.
Notice is hereby given that in coinplianra
with the provisions f me act of Congress of
Juue x, fc7. entitled "An art for the sale of
t milier lands in tbe Ktalesof California. Oregon
Nevada .and U ashington 'lerritory," asexlend
ed lo all the public land stales by act of August
4, lbttf.
i KArr.H wiLUin.iinv,
of Kngeiie, county of Lsne, Stall- of On-gon, lias
this day bled ill liiis oiti's- her sworn slaienieut
No .'CM, for Ibe purchase of the N d section
No an, Ipill sou th. range No a west and will o(
fer ptisil lo show lhat tbe laml Kotifbl Is more
valuabh for lis titulH-r or slone than lor airri
cuilural 1'iirn ses. and lo cs ablisli her claim In
aaid Ifiid IhIoc I. s. Coinrni-stoni-r, U'altcr K
iiriu.a' Kiddle, Oiegiui, ou eineslav ibel.'th
dsf of N'overober, V-. the name as wilnc-s-Cs:
II W M Her. W F M nsrd, d Mvrtli- ( reek,
ore., T K llewsrd of JIoaelMirg, Or., F K Kim art
ol Oakland, Oregon.
Anyaudsll erHus claiming elveiily the
alaive described lands are reinesli1 lo Hie tbeir
ciaiui In this ('flii-e on or bcfiae aid l-''h ilBy
of Not eui l-r, rsr.', J T P. 1: 1 1 FM,
I'lp Jl '2 Her,
Bargains in Wheels.
We have in stock several second hand
bicycles which we will sell at very low
prices or will trade for wood.
tf A. C. Marsteiiso: Co.
Notice for Publication.
I' ni ted Stales iAnd Oflieo.
lioscliiirc. Oregon, Juue ;i. list!.
Notice 1 hereby given that in compliance
wllh the provision of the act of t'ongrcs of
June S, lsTs, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands iu the Slates of California, Oregon
Nevada .and ashiiigton Territory," asexleud
ed to all the public laud stales by act uf August
4, lssi
JOHN H ALL. .11!..
of Mvrllc t'ri-ok, coimly of Houi'ins. state of
Oregon, lias this day in this ollice hi
sworn statement No'. 2NM. for the purchase of
I lie X'i SW'.. N". SK1 of section No. 14
township No. south ol range 3 west . SI.
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
Is wore valuable Tor its timber ur stone thau
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hi
claim before the Kegisier aud Receiver of
office of Roseburg.Oreguu.
oil t riday. the i'-tili dsv .l Octols-r r.i2. lie
inoncsHs ttnes.: r. i. Harlow. Mrs. Maiul
Hall. Alexander Thompson aud f. Johnson all
of Mvrile t'reek. Oregon.
Aliy and all persons claiming adversely the
atiove dcMTilnsI lands are requested !) tile
their claims in this ofticcon or U'lon- said -'lib
dav of October. l;r.'. J. T. 1H:IIh,1i.
' j7p Register.
Notice for Publication. "
t'nitol State Laud Ofiicc,
RiKU-burg. Oregon, June 4. VMi.
Notice is hereby given that in rnnipliaiice
with the pmvisi msof the act of Congress ol
June 8, rnNenlnled "An act for the sale of tim-ls-r
lands in the tali-s of California. Oregon,
Nevada, and Waniuclon Territory" a extend
ed to all the public land slates bv act of Aug
ust 4, l.-Ui
of Rrtsebiirg.eoniily of tViuglas. Slate of Ore
gon, has this day tiled ill this otlice his sworn
sisieiucnt No. 'v for Uic purchase ol W- SK'4
aud S1; hVi '. of see. -u,l i .aisouthajige 1 west
and will oflcr ppiof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purpose, and to establish
his claim to said land before tbe Register and
Receiver of this otlice at Roseburg, Oregon, ou
Saturday the 27 to day of Sept. lrJ. He name
as witnesses: Feter talf. and M. Moore of Rose
burg, N. Moore, of Walton, and lien. Fitgerald,
of r"erdue, Oiegoa.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
atiove described lands are reonestel to bis their
claims on or belore said ITtfi dav of September,
ljui J. T. BRIlS.ES.
JJp Register.
. Notice for Publication.
RosKuao, obeuon, June T, lrt.
Notice is hereby riven that in compliance
with tbe provisions of the act of Congreaa of
Juoel, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the Slates of California, Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to ail the Public Land Slate by act ol Aug
ust 4,
of Seattle, county of King, State of Washing
ton, baa this day filed In tola office hi (worn
statement No. iiVt:-, for tbe ptirchae of the
East half ol the west halt (,',) ol section
No township No. 30 s of lauge h west and will
ofler prool to snow ins I tne iano soognt is more
valuable lor it timber or stone than lor agri
cultural purposes and to establish his claim to
id land Detoretne Register ana Receiver oi
this ollice at Roeebnrg. Orevou, on Saturday,
tbeilh day ol ept-niier,Wtf. He name as
witnesses: Klcuini w. Dicie, William rorter,
William Davis and A. E. Ueoroot all ol Camaa
Val lev, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming 1 Tersely the
above descrityrd laud are requested to file
Ibeir claims m this office on or before said 17 th
dayol Sept, lr.'.
jt-P J r. Kiuurj
Regis u-r.
' Notice for Publication.
Cuius Mate Land Office.
R.rbiirg. Oregon. May 71. li.
Notice Is hen bv given that in compliance
with the rov ision of the act of Cuiigesaol
June 2. Is7s, entitled, "An Act inr the sale of
timber lands lu tbe states of California, Otegon,
NevaJa.and Washington Territorr," as encod
ed to all the public land states by act uf Anjrust
of Burlington, county of skutt, slate of Wash
ington, has this ilay bled In this oft ice his sworn
statement No. .'.'77 for tbe pnrchase of tbe NK'i
of Section No s, township i south, range a
west, and will offer proof to show Dial tbe iand
sought rs more valuable for its timber and spnie
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land bt lorelbe Register atrl
Receiver of this otlice at Roseburg. Oregon, ou
Thn"vlay the 1Mb day of Septeinler, I s'.'. He
names a ituesae' JohB Matrr.eanioru Maicr,
leonsrd Brooks and Kventsou Brooks, all of
Burlington, W aabingtau.
Any ana all persons claiming an verse iv tne
above described lands are requested to file tbeir
claims in this oft ice on or I lore said l-lh day
oi September, lr.'. J. T. HKlia.i
j;p Bcstsier.
Notice for Publication.
rxiTrn STsTgs LiNnOrrn g.
RoKEBiiBfi.Ore., May Zi, IXtL
Notice is bersby that In compliance
with the provisions of tbe act of Congress of
Juue, ls7s. entitled "An act for tlie sale of
Timber Inda in tbe Statrs of California, Ore
gap, Nevada and Washington Territorv," as ex
tended to all tlie Fablic Lard S la lea by act of
August 4, tssl,
of Oconto, county of Oconto, State of Wisconsin,
has tbis day tne! in this oilice bis sworn state
ment No. t--, bit the pnrcbaseof the S', si W,
and Vt J, SW1.. of Section No. 14. in Township
No. a- eolith, uf Range No. a West, and wiil offer
proof to show that the land sought ismnrevaln
ab'e for it li wber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and In establish his claim to said land
before tire Register anil Receiver ol tn- office
at Roseburg. Oregon. on Saturday the Utti day
of September, He names as witness-
Jobn Tbom, of Cleveland. Oregon, and Charles
Thorn. Louis J. Wrolsiaud, and Albert h els man,
all of Roseburg, Oregon.
Any and all person claiming adversely the
above descnlsrd land are requested to file tbeir
claims in this on or In. lure said l.itb dav
ol September Rsji. J.T. BatDoss,
inJiip RecisleT.
Notice for Publication.
United Sub- Land Otlice,
Roseburg. Oregon, July 19, l's;.
Notice is I ereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of tbe gel of CoDgresa of
June 3, 1 x. en tilled "A o act for tbe sals of
timlier lands in tbe slates of California. On-con.
"Nevada, and Masbington Terr. to rv, ' as extend
ed to ail fnMic Land slate by act of August
Bloomer, eoiny ol Chippewa. late of Wi
consln. has this dsy Hied in tbisoffii-v hissaorn
atalementNo 3t5!. for the nurchkse of the SW
'jofNi;4, t.i NW;. sitt'', NW' of section
No Xi. tonhip 30 south, lange 1 west
and . will offer proof to show that
the land sotiebt Is more valuable lor its tint
bar or stone tbsn for acricultural purposes, and
o establish hi claim to said land before Z.
L Ditnmick. 17. M Commissioner, at Oakland,
Oregon, on Monday, tbe 2Mb day of September.
'.ir. He names as witnesses: Peter A iiuren,
of Bloomer, Wisconsin. J G Porferfleld, ticorgc
sehary. IC D Zsi hsry ol Perdue, Oregon.
Any and a I persons claiming adversely the
above oesciibed land are roinested to lile
their claims in this office on or before said 3.lh
day of gcpt.,l.
Ji'm J. T. BRIDLES. Register.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land office
Roseburg, tin gnu. June 20, 1'ArJ.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Cvrigres ol
June B. 197m, entitled "An ai-l fur the sal of
timber lands in the Stales ol California, Oregon
Nevada, aud Uashiugioti Territory," asextend
ed to all the public laud slates by act uf August
4, lew.
of Ilosebtirg. county ol Ixioglas state of Oregon,
has Hit" nay liiefl In tills otlice bis sworn state
ment No JTTil tor the pun ha-e of the S'i KKJ.
-r.. a et'4 oi ec. zs, tp a a., it w
and will olfer proof pi show that the Iand sought
is more vaiuauie lor lis uiiner or sione than
fur agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim belore the Kegisier aud Receiver ol this
ollice ol lioseburg, Oregon,
on Thursday, the tilth day of October, lUX! It,
names ss witnesses: Hen Mi-Mullen. A J Bu
chanan, John ill veils and Charles 1 hum all of
Koseiiurg, on.-gon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above desiTilicl lands are icqutsMd to tile their
claims in Ill's olfx-c on or belore r Id Kdh day of
-orr, ISiri. J. T. UKIUUCS
JJ!p Regisicr,
Notice for Publication.
fulled f tales Ijind Offine,
Rosc'nirz, Oregon. Aug 2. PJ02,
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
with Die provisions of the act of Cmnn-s of
June x, ItiVH, entitled "An ant for the sale of
1 imber Lauds in the Slates of California, oie
gou, Nevada and Washington Territory," as ex
tended to all the Public Land .States by act ol
August 4, 1072,
KLMKR L. filt.FK,
of Kosebtirg, county ol Douglas, state of Oregon,
haslbiaday tiled iu this otlice hia sworn stale
meut No, :imr7, for the purchase of thebW'.of
bee, No.2, lu Tp, No 2li 8 R.DW, aud will of
for pnsil to show that the land soi glit Is more
valuable for li timber or slouo tban for agri
cultural purposes, ami loealabllsh ills claim to
aaid land ix-iore X L li.inmiik, II H Ikimmls
Kioncr at Oakland. Oiinoii, on Friday, tbo 21th
day of (h-Udasr, lls'J. lie name as witness! :
John IV llr-M'kwar, Ihc II llnwkway, John
McMillan anil Wilbur Fraoklln all of Kosebtirg,
Any aud all person claiming adversely the
above described 'auds ace rei nested lo lile their
claims in this ollice ou or belore said '.Mill ilay
ol Oct, VMti. 1. T BkllMiKH.
A lip , Register.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given tbt ihe tindcrslgt.ed
was on the imh day of July, PMrJ, by Ihe County
Court of Douglas con illy, OiiImii. duly appoinl
ed adiiiinislratorol the cstiileol D T.'l'rlii liaid
deceaxil. All persons having claims ausiust
the said estate are hereby imtilbil lo present
tliem, properly verilled, In me at R"seburg,
Doiig'iis county," Ore , ullbln six iiu.iiili fnim
tlicdaicol tills iiotice, and all persons iudcbd d
to tbe estate are hcrcby'iinlillcil to pay I hi; same
to me.
JtaU-it August ami, line.
N. J', JfcWtTT, Admliilstialor.
Notice for Publication.
Hulled States Mud Office,
RoNeburg, Oregon, Juua 0, 1'JUj.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
wllh the provision of the act of
Oougress of Juno 3, 1S7S, entitled
"An act for the sale of limner lands in tbe
States of California, Oicroc, Nevada and Wash
ington Tctriiorr,- asextcmied to all the 1'ub
Hc'.lJlud Sl-'s by act of Autriisl 4ih, lK'J,
MRS. M I! II 11 ALL,
of Myrtle Creek, county ol 1ii,1rs, stnte of Ore
gon, has this day lllcd In thisoniceher sworn
statement No. sso4, for the purchase of tbe l-',
NW-,K',SK'4lcc.No. 14. Ips). R.S W.,
W. M. and will oiler proof to show that the land
sought la more valuahle for Its tlmlier or alone
than for H'tricnltural purismcs, and Mi estab
lish tier claim to said laud before tho Heglster
aud tOst-ivcrof this office at Rofcburg, Oregon,
on Friday the 'J4ih ilsy ol October law. She
names aa witnesses: T. i. Harlow, John Hall,
Jr., Alexander Thompson, f. Johnson, all of
Myrtle Creek. On-gnn.
Any aud all persons claiming adversely th
slsive (lesirllsl lands are reiiiested to Hie
I heir claims in llilsollico on or hcloro said -Mth
day of October. l!g. J.T. 11 KI Iiti KS,
J7p Register.
Notice for Publication.
fulled State Ijind Ofllee,
Rosebunr, On-goti, July u, I'.siJ
Notice Is hereby given that In Compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress ol
Juue ;l. s.s. entitled "An a t for tbe sale of
timber lauds In the States of Califoruia.Oregon
Nevada .and V anttigioii 1erriiory,"aa extend
ed to all the publie laud states by" act uf August
of lioseburg, county of Hougla", State of On-gon
has this a liletl in this omce his sworn statk-
men I. No. i".l for tne Purchasi of the nV 1
section No. l, tp. No Si snuili. range No. 7 west
aud will offer proof tosbow that the land sought
is more valuable lor its tiiula-r or stone tbau
for agricultural put tH'st-s, and to estatdtb his
claim before the Kegisier and Receiver ( this
ollice of KuseburgAOTgou.
on Thursday the l:llh day of November. 1J2.
ic names as wiinessi-s: Mattel rhilan, Isa
Johnn of Roseburg, Ore., James V Cvnn of
Melrtise, Ore., M F Cailahan, of Warllon, Ore.
Any aud all trsou claiming adversely the
alxive-detcribed lands are reuueabsl to tile their
claims in this omce ou or belore sain l iih nay ol
Nov ISO.. J. J . UKlObUb,
sip Register
Notice for Publication.
Rosgnraii.Ore., June Ai, ID.
Notice l hereby given that In compliance
with tbe provisions ol tlie act ol Congress of
June a, IsTS, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the state of California, Oretron,
Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the pu ji-c land staur by act ol Angusl
4. lS9i,
of Seattle, eoiniiy of King, state ol Washing'
ton. has Ibis day tiled in this otlice hia sworn
Matcnicnl No. '.'774. for the purctia.-of the S'
S, oi see. No 24, township No. 30 S. R. No. a west
and will offer proof to show that the land song tit
Is more valuable fur iu timber or auwie than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hia
claim before the Register and Receiver ol this
ml fica of Ruaebure. Orerun.
ou atoudav, tne l.tb day ol October. 1. He
names as witness-: Fred M. Fayne, ol North
S. ud . Wash . Win M. Porter of l ama t alley,
Ore.. R S. FLher. al. L. Spaulding, of Seattle,
Any and all persons claiming adversely tbe
above-deacrifcea lanl: are Pcinetl to file their
claim in this office on or belore said Lilh da; ol
Oct- lA'i.
J. T. Baincw,
-JJlr. Register.
Notice for Publication.
I'stTgn STATgs Lagn 0m g.
R.iseburg. Orrv-.m. Aug i. I'Ai-
Nolice is herehy rinn tb-t In csHapliance
with tbe piovrsiim of tlie a -t of imrm ol
Junes. Is7. entitled 'An act lot tbe sale ol
Timber Lands In the stale of California, Ore-
con. Nevada, and Washington Territory, as ex-
tended b ail the I'cbiic Land btales by art of
August 4, lv-'.
Of Roseburg eountrof lionglaa. Mate ol Oregon,
has lias ilay bieu inihlsoniccO'S sworn naiemeni
No. Jlmi, tor the purchase ol tl.e lota 3, 4. and
S', NW'. of Seeiuvn No. 3 fown-hip 36 Son lb
ol ratice 9 west and will otter rjof to
show t.iat tne land sought is more valuable for
lUtimls-ror slone tha'l for agriralmral par-
pos and to -stablisb bis claim to said land
ltote .. I.. Inmmick, t'. S. Commissioner at
oailsn-l, Oregon, on Fri-tay the 2tt dayol
m-io'er. I'.sk. He nsiu-saa wim-ssrs Kiiner
Lli I-, Isaac It Broetusy. John McMu'uea
aud W llbur Krauklm ail of Kosrbunr. ')rrto.
Anr nd all nersons riaimiug dves-iy the
aboie derill land an requested to iiie tiieir thiaociccon or teiorr saio nmuay
ol ort l" J. 1. Hal !.,
A14p - Register.
Notice for Publication.
Rovburg. Oregon, May.xl. 12.
Nttee is hereby given that In roaipiiance
with the iroTisions of Hie act ol Cougrvsa ol
June a, !:. cnlilii-d "An a-l lor tbe sale ol
tiiuU r land, in Uic maieol I alilornia, Oregon.
Nevada and V a-lnngton Territory," as extend-.
el mail tbe i'ul.lic land Man by a lol Aug
ust 4. 1V2.
ol Roseburg. e-iumy ol Isongia. stale ol Ore
gon. has t;.is dsy tiled in this odice her swo-n
statement No ', jr lb ftutchsaein tbes!
of K'ind NV'4of SK';nd NF'ot SW'
section No. Zi. township Ii sisjtb, range No.
Went and will off.-r pronl losliow mat th
land sought Is more valuable tor it limber or
stone than lor agricultural purpose, and to
tanlivb berriaim tnsaid land U-torethe Regis
ter and Rrsviver of Ib's o0nr at Ross-burg. Ore
gon, on Mondav tbe irxl d.y ol rrpteniner.lMr'.
She namea as ' w ilueMst: llanicl Craig and
rr.lik lis, ol RiMK-butg, Oregun, and Jame T.
bucbanan and 8. W. 1 aruell ol l i-el. on-con.
Any and ail person claiming adversely the
abore-dcrtbrd lanls are rvuneavsl to file
tbeircla'm ia thKomce on or before iC ZJid
dayofeept, ISOi J. T. BRIJOEa.
J-p Register
Notice for Publication.
Cnltcd rllstes Land OfTH-e,
Roseburg, Oregon, May i7, li.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provision of the act ol Congress of
I nte 3. Is;, entali-d "An act for tbesale of
limber lamis In tbcstalesof California. On-gon.
reraua. ana Washington lerritory, a es tend
ed load the public land states by act of Ang-
ust 4, lsvi,
of Burlingion, county ol skaelt, sle of Wash
ington, has this day filed In this otlice ber sworn
statement Ko. ui for the purchase of the bt
of section No. 6. township 31 south, -rang 8
W and will offer proof lo show that the iand
aooght is more valuable for It timber or sione
than lor agricultural porpoar. and to establish
her claim to said land belore the RrgUter aud
Receiver of thlsofhrwat Roseburg Oregon, on
Thursday the luiu dy of September. IkuJ fshe
names as witnesses. Jobn staler, w IllUm 8milh.
ran lord slat'r. aud leoiiard Brooks, all oi
lington, Washiugton.
Any and all persons eiaiming adversely the
above described lands are nsiiiealel to tile ibeir
claims in this ollice on or before said lMh da; of
aepicinner, iJ. i. r. iiBiisut.
J.'p Register.
Notice for Publication.
I'niled Ctate Land Office.
Roseburg. Oregon, June 7. PaU.
Notice I hereby given that in compliance
with the provls.ons oftbeact ol (kngres of
Jun3, lhTH, entitled "An Act for the sain of
limber Lands in the Stale ol California, Ore
gon, Nevada ai d Washington Territory." as
extended to all the Public Land btates by act
ol August 4. l-ii,
f:riARLK.4 A. HTRST,
of Chicago, county of Cook, blato of II!., has
this d.y filed in Uilsofbce bis sworn statement
su. aAi lor the purchase of tho HK'i of Mction
.No. is, toun-hlp No. Ti south of l a tree No. !t
west snd will oiler proof lo show that the land
sought la mote valuable for lis timh-r or sione
tban lor agricultural purposes, and In ca !
lish bis Claim lo said land liefore the Keg later
aim neeeivemi mis Ollice aL Kosenurg, Oregon,
on Maiiinlay, tlie J7lli nay of September. l'.W.
He names as wilnrsses: OiHirgc HaU niau,
Henry Hingleton, Henry StradcrandlinsEdman
all of Roai biirg, Oregou,
Any and all persona eiaiming adversely Ihe
theaume descrilwd lands are reiiientel to file
uii-ir ciaiiiis in mis oil ice on or l.-lore said 27th
uay or beptemlier, l.sw. J. T. UKIIHIK
Jl-P Register.
Notice for Publication.
nnitcd State Land Office,
. Kibchurg, Oregon, June n, lwi.
Notice la hereby given that in compliance
wllh the provisions oi ihe njt ol Congress of
June S, 1HTH, entitled "An Act for the sale of
l imtH-r ijinns in ine marea ol aliloriila, Ore
gon, Nevada and V ahingUni To rltory'' asex
tendisl to all the Publii; ljtnd Slates by a--t of
August 4, IMi-J,
of Oakland, county of Homrlas, Htate of Oregon,
bat llnsday fileil lu thlsoinv ner sworn slate
meut No. ill lor llio purcha-fl o! ih-HKU NW
i. HW'i NM. KKU, KKJ, BW's, of sec-
lion No. i'l In township No. Al south of rsnge
No t west and will oiler pnaif losliow that tho
laud sought Is more valuable lor Its limix.r ir
stone than lor axricultural purposes, and t'l cs
Inbllsh herciahn tuaaid liiud la loru the Rcgis
lor and Keeeiver of this oltlce al Roseburg, Ore
gon on holiday, the l.'itli day of jsepli'Uibcr.
p.srj. She namea as wilnessi a; Oram Tavlor.
:. L. 11. ilcn ill. Roy Miller and C. L, Cheuiiweth
II of Oakliind, On'goii.
Any nnd ail ts-rsotia claiming adversid tho
alaivo dcscrlla'd lauds are ri'iii-sliil ; ii,e
their claims in this of Hoe o- or Is-lon- anld l.itn
day of isi-ptciiuair, Vii. J.T. HKIIXiES,
i'-l Register
Notice for Publication.
Land Ofllnt ul Rnscbiin.', Oregon,
- , Anguhi , pa,;.
Notice Is hen by given that tin; hdinwlng
named setib.i-has tile.1 nolji'e nl his Inl.-iilion
lo iniike ti Jl I pmol lu supiioi t of his clidin, and
dial said proof nill le miuin ls'fon Id i-iMcr aud
Hci'rivi r t:. I and tilhcu at litechuru, On'goii
ou OctoU r Hi l!i'J. vl:
on II. K No. Il-it, Inrlbe NW' .MVl.,, Hen ;i,
I p rt., K 7 west. He naiiK s Ibe folloutng
wiliiiwi's In pnive his coulluiiotis residentm
upon an 1 ciiltivalion ol said laud, viz: llenrv
Uushm ll, I) A I'nick, A Kotliis, VI m FrUu.!, ail
ol Olalla, Oicirotl.
MP J.T, BUIDfiKH, Register.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office
Roseburg, Oiegon, Juue i yyo.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress ol
Juue 8, )87S, entitled "An act for the rale of
timber lauds iu the States uf California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory," asexteud
ed to all the public land states by act of August
of Burlington, county of Hkaitit, Statenl Wash
ington loot I his nay timi lu this ollice her sworn
statement No 2VJ for tho piircliaso of tho iot
1. 2. b aint ol section la, tp :il H.. K. a wesi
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable lor Us timlsr ur stone ttisn
for agricultural purtsses, and to establish his
claim before the Register and Receiver uf this
ollice uf lioseburg, Oregon.
on Tuesday the ilst day ol Octoln-r, V.kri. She
names as witnesses: 1 liomas I-. llanlev. Jobii
II Shannon, Mrs hlora M siianiKiii of liurllnir
ton, Wash , Frank Klncart, Oakland, Oni;on
Am ami ail ierson claiming adversely the
Blmve dtscritied lands are rcoiitntcd tn hie their
claims in this ollice on or belore saidaUtCa
ol October 1'Joi
A-i J. 1. hkiixips, i:.'i;lsti r.
Notice for Publication.
fnitoi Slates l.stid (nine,
Rosebiiig, Om'kou, May -7, l .s.J.
Notice is 1 ereby given that In i il tn.e
w ith the provision id tbo act of Conu-r.-sa of
June a, s7K. entllksl "in Act lor tbe sale of
T imber Land In the Slates of California, Oi s-
goti. Nevada and Washington Territerv," as ef-
lemleil to all the 1'ulillc Ijind Stales by act if
August I, 1-.9J.
NK 1.1.1 K F. r.IlCOKS
of Rurlingtm, county of Slrait male of Wssi-
i ni; ion, has this ilay lilst at ti ls omce btr
sworn stale cut No. l.irthu pur'hae ol
Us v in, l.l and H ol Section No l.. tou nsnip ii
south, lauge I1 esl. slid will oiler proof to stu w
that the laud sought is mont vslnable for . Is
timttcrand stone than for agiiciitlurnl purMie
aud b tstablish her elsiui to satd laud tcirc
the Rcgisterer and Receiver of this otlice at
Sox'liiitg. O.eeon.on I hurs-lay. the Hlh dav ol
Scptetnlier. - 1r, She naiutsi as witness:
John Slater. lliiam Smith. Sanfor-I Sister a id
LeoDanl Hiooks,ail ol Rurlmglou, Wa.iiiiinii n.
Any and all person clan:iiu x'i.rrsr. lie
above describel lauds are rci uesusl to l ie
their claim In this ollice on ur brfon- sao! 1Mb
day of Sept. I MX J. T. bRlOOES
Notice for Publication.
' fnib-d Slab's Ijto 1 Ofhre,
Roseioirr, On-gon, Aug p., i'Jll
Notice Is bercl y given taat in eompliaiMi-
with tbe provision oi tie, ai't oi Ooiitfrvss til
June i, ti;s, eulitled 4u a -t for tlie .aie ol
timber lands lu the states ol t anbirma, Or?g n,
Naia-la, and Washington Tembrv," as exie el
eiltoail the I' Inl-Stat-s by act ol
Augukl 4, Iff!.
of Iialuth, 17 K. Sixth St . county of St. lyvils.
s'atc ol Minnesota, has this day h.ed in this ol
flee bis sworn statement. No 3-'l lor the pui
elae ol tbe N S' oi sn-tion No. Al, township
No n ftoiitn ol lange no wesi. aua wilt onrr
proof to sbow Inst tbe laud v;it,-ht Is w ore
valuable for i la llm ocr or stone than for atre
rultural p'trpiaies. aod tnenabiish bis .aiut t
laid ian-t la-lore waiu-rS. Brut. V S Cumin ii-
siootr. at Riddle. Oregon, on Thursday toe .I'lb
dsy oi October, He nimt as wl'.ncstts:
II W Miller. James Bnlko-k. w r Jlina-d. ol
Mvrile t:n-ek. ore., T R Itoaard, RoM-burg, )re-
An and all Persons claiming adversely tne
atatve described lands are I to tile t r
claims tn thisoOiceon or belore said ttn dtj of
Oi UlsUi J.T. it Rll' us.
ai'.p i.t-iol r.
Notice for Publication.
t'nitcd StaU Land Often
Ruseonrg. )n-,.: Auz s, Isii.
Notice l hereby gten laat In romplbtsce
nth the twovl.ions cf the a-l ol Congress of
June 3, li7s.eot:iie-l "An act for the ic of Um-U-r In the MaUi of i an lorn la. tintgou.
Nevada and Washington Terruorv. a etrnd-
d to all (be Fublic Land Mate by act of kug-
nst t,
John r. farmer.
ol Rseburg. county ol Don:. as, slate of irsg.n.
has this day l.iel in Ihisomc tils sworn fls.e
ment No, for tlie purchase of tho Nf '
ol serl ion No. M. loansbip No. . soutn.
ranffe 9 weal and wilt- o3-r proo: tu
ihii that lhetani socghl is snore vaiuabi lor
its timber or stone than lor arr.cnl nrsj pur.
pos1, and to establish hi claim toi. nl
brsircUL bmsnrk, C ft I orani!ioiicr. al
Oakland. Oreaon. on Monday 11. .Tl day o."
Nov nnSrr, lA'i. Me name as witnesws- n.-
IcrC Burxell, Jsair Mewiri Jobti'i. Vr.iawn
and Lalavetle Jaeson. all ol Koseborg. on-ron
Any and all persons eiaiming edcr ir the I
aived.-scr:be.l lands are reiUried tol.ethe.r;
rlairas in this careen or !. lore sail 3rd CJ !
ol Nov. UM 1
iSip i. i.ssii'ir.i.siiiiH'i.
TZ . :
" notice lor l'ubiicauon. j
l'olti-1 :a!cs Ijn't OfSrs. J
Ro bug. rvg'in. Au Is, VvL f
Notice is heby g'ten mat in r jun'saure
w"h the proMsiou m i ne act of uujin oil
Junes, IS. entitled "An Art f-r the ol '
linibs-r lamis ;n tho siai- oi i aiiiornia. ors-g-n '
Nevada and w Partington 1err:t', ' a. fvuud- .
d tn a'l the Pub le un-i r-ilt b a"t oi Aug
Ust t, lfcf. !
of Roseburg. county of llouslas. state oi Oie- '
ron, h-s tins dsv r.'l-l la ti.n cfice bi
iiment No. trr tbe pr bM-c-l r-'2 -
N'. N', ol -c. No. ia . N s :"
range No. a ch aniwiil i!.-r ion to
bnw that the land sought is more va'ualte f-r
lis umle-r or sloue tPau lor aiirscupiir, pur-
sawt-s. and Usejsiaolisri bis c-alirt h saj I ,an-l ;
before L loaim.i k. I' S Cot niiw utrT, t '
(sgiand Oregort, on M..MiT the ?nl iiav of
Novemoer. Ite ranMn as w,tn-ss. junn
r'artaer. :has ihnm, J'bn eaaisHi. of Uise-
biinr.Ure . J.ihn Tbmu.ol Ck-ke aud. Drwinn.
Ail aid J! person cjaimin -lers;!f tin
above iti.lJ lands are n.i'iatel o I l
Il.eir r!ai m Iu ll isvC -e or r u-b-re A ,vd
UI -or. i'.a,i 1. I . l.lill v.
II 9 ke .ter.
Notice for Publication.
Foiled S al -s Land o t -e
lUwebun, Oreon, Aug Jl p..'i
Notice is hereby given tbal lu comrliani-e
wllh the provision ol the act ( CMigrsw. ol
June J. Is7. eutitlsd "An act for the aie ol
Timber Lis in Ihe sUlesol Csalomia, Ore
gnn. Nevada and l hiurton Turn'-ory. ' as ex
tended b ail tbe Public Land Male by net ol
sirs. rrrA i . VASsii ii-.
ol Bos-butg county of fwls s:ie o( tircerw.
Eas this dar bkd in this office ner swori sta'e
meui N lor the purcbs-e oi the N.i'i .-E
, .',. and XF.1, nl -. N. la
ton nan I n .sor. th, range 7 set and wl.
prooi to show that tbe land sought Is more val-
uable fur its timla-r or stone thr lor agrscclin
ral pnrrswes. awl loestablish ner riala k sanl
land beore the Register and R.i-rl'ir ul ibis at Kiasetcr.. Oregon, on Satunlif", Ihe
sth day of Novemts-r. Ii. fbe names as wit-
rx-snes: lilllwrl liiiner-son.Ob-nialc. re., J.
P. C li ens. W. K. MarsU-rs, m es-hinidr; ol
Row-bur. Oregon.
Any and all persons cUiming a lverifly the
botre describe, I lands are rN-ies-rfsl lo ti.e
their claims in this office on or before add Mb
day of Nor. IX'l.
azsp. Jl u:i:isisi,
Notice for Publication.
Cnltcd Stairs I.and OlBco.
Ibsst lo.rg Oreaon. Aug 21, l'A'A
Notice i hereb'-given that in con iliante
rub the ttmvisinus of ihe avf ol Crs res ol
June . IsTs, ent:ti-1 ' tn eel for the sale of
timber land In Ihe .--tales ol t all omit. On gou.
Nevada and Wmhti.gion Ter-iioty," as extend
ed to ail the cnbltc ln J elates by act 1 Aug
ust t, lrsu,
W I l.l.l A M K. HAKSTF.KS.
of Roseburg, cojiity of Hiitla', State nl On' ton
has this dy li ed In tnis nflicc bis sw"fn srate
lurnt No Wis for tbe mire h'c of the N',, N" .-
KK1.' NW:, Nw'i Nf'. s.e 10. tp.l K, R 7 W
and will offer proof tosbow that the lane soght
Is more vsluable for lis timber i r sioe than
for agriculiur! purises, aud to estab'i..h hi
claim belore tho lleglsleraud Kccrtver of this
oilice of Roseburg, Oregon
ou naiuritay, ibe am Hsy ol November, VOi. He
names as witm-ss s: iiiiti rt Ol!orlni, tilen
dale. Ore.. J. '. ill reus. F..T.I U Marstei-s Win.
S'hmhlt, ul Rieebuig. On-.
Any end al! persona riaimiug advetsrlr the
above di-seriried lands re eiuoslisl to l e their
Claims in thui ollo-e on or Ix lon- said ath dav
ol Ntiv.rjw. J. T. URIDiKS. '
aJsp Keli.ler
Notice for Publication.
CnDcl Ktutea Land Oflire.
Roi-l.ut. On-gon, AngS i, I'VJ.
Notice is hereby given I lot I In cot ipliniire
wnh the Trorisni', Ihe act ot Cons res
Juue:i. ls:s. en'.ilkst "An Act l.,r the sal ol
limber lands in the Slate-ol aliinriii, On'gnn
Nevada, and Washtrigbiiilerrliory, 'as ex ! ml
ed to all tbe Public Laud Slates by act i Aug
ust 4, In'-'i,
of Kosi'bnr, c flinty ot Douia. stale ol Orntoti
has this dav Bind in this otbee bis swot i aiab
ment No. i-tl"'', lor lbs pureliase ol the j.'4 of
section No I-', township No. 'K. f. R. "'o, u W
aud will oiler proof lo show that 1 land
somil is inert valuable for its timber or stone
than fi,r airrii:Ulliiral MirtxvscH. and lo i-stablisfi
his claim to said laud before . I. Dim lin k. I) it. nt Oakland, lu-iton. on Thurs
day the (Slh day nl November, PXi.:. He names
as w itiii-ssi-a: K L Olios, Kd hi Hoobar, John
llognil, James llilrlon, all ul Kise-burv. On-gon.
Ally and all persons claiming aMveiscly the
atiove desert lawl lands are n.iUctcd lo lile
llicir claims In this ollico Oil or Ik-Ioic sld lilh
dayof Nov. ixri . j i.tiHiia.hs,
Aisp uctisicr.
Notice for Publication. .
t'tiilei! Slates fjiii.l 11 lire,
. !tuM-liiirif. t ruii. J utii- 'Jik I si.'.
Notice is hereby given that in nun pliant-)
Hh the I'tm Islmi ol ' the art uf ( nil rv-s of
June S, 18,s. enlilleil "An ai t f..r the sain nf
timber tamls In Hie Slniisof ( aluornla, freunn .ami Washlnirtun Terrliurv." as '
d l all Ilia public land stales by aet ul August
A l r ..Mi-i; 1 1 1 ii t i,
ef Mvrile I'rt-i-k. e.HMHy .0' IihiiIhm. .lale if;
tiri'diui. lias llil .lay lilnl tu Una . 1 i . c liU
swiiiii slalrnii'iil Ni. I'siL. fur tlie .nxhHvy i.f
the S', 1-. 1 . fl'-i i'l s.-.lii.n Nil. II
luu ti Ii i is '.si miiiiIi uf rani'e .1 i--l, W. M,
ami wlllufler prwif toshuw that the lain smight
Is mure vaiuauie for lis timber ir suii.e than
Inr agTl.'iilUirnl purposes, an. I In eslab Ish hit
claim belure IIih liealsler ami llecelver ul till
Olllee of Koseburn.UieKun.
nil I ri.lHV. the J II li iImv ( Orlnhcr, lr. He
names wiiiies!-: T. Ilnrlini . Jul u Hull,
Jr., Mrs. Miiu.l Hull, I', J.iIiiimiii all ( Mvril.
( rvi k.l'r. Kim.
Any ami all persiins i lalinlim a.lversely Ihe
alMivi' lU'Si rlh.'.l liinils are ri-iin-l.-. lii Hi.
their elmrns iu this .ili.;e mi ur U' tnl.l villi
day f tictiilsT I'."'.'. J. T. Hill Is. i s,
ft He iisler.
Notice for Publication.
United Slates I.nd OtTice,
Roseburg, Oregon, May. 81, 1'JW.
Notice Is hereby given that lu compliance
wllh Ihe provisions of the act ol Congress of
Junes, 1K,, entitled '-An act for the sa'e ol
timber lamia In the State of California, Oregen,
Nevada, and Washington Territory." a extend
ed to all the Public Land Slate by act ol Aug
ust 4, Ml.
of Roseburg, Dotiglsacounty, Oregon, baa this
day tiled In this ollice his sworn statement
No. '.Ml for tbe purchase of the S'jol UWj;
and N W illi aedSW; of M W li of
Section No. W, township 27 sooth, rane 3 it
and will offer proof to show that
the laud anugiit is more valuable for it
limber or sloue than for agricultural purpose
and to establish his claim to said Und before
the Register and Receiver of this otlice at ose
bnr, Oregon, on Mondny Hie r.'nd day fl Serl.
1'Xi. He names as witni ws: tiaincl Craig and
Frank Havs, of Rosebuig.and James T. liucban
au and S. W. 'lurncll of r'ecl, Oregon.
Any aud all persona claiming advef'tiv tbo
above riirscribed lands are r iueslct to hie
their claims in this office on or before said l-liid
day of Sept. 1'JUi. J.T. RRIDOKS,
J:p KigisUr.
Contest Notice.
t'uiled StaU-s Ind fiflire.
Risburg.i're., August 5, 11SJ.
A siitTlciclit conn t affidavit having been
filed in this office by
RAS.sOM fi. I.iK.'KKRBY.
contestent, auaiust houienteail enlry No Mili,
ina.le ixti nil r 6. lfjo.for sW'secuoll 20, tp.
:w ., rane west, by
conb'slee, in which It is alleged that said entry
mun Is dt'ce.ed, having iiiei more than a year
ago; that he was mii.-iarried, an I that there is
no perMiu living on tbo said lsnd or claiming
title thereto; and that the sa'd land is now
ali.doned, aid parties are hereby notined to
ap)M-mr, re-Mn-l and offer evidcu' e tonctifng
ait alteKatiou at 10 o clock a m., on S-itemU'r
.ts l -'. i lorj the Register and Krreiverol the
I niud Elates Ijin l Odice al Kiebnrg, On-gon.
i'lie sa d cont'-ntant having. In a proper all
devil, tiled April .', I'.'.', set forth lai-U which
liu II, at alter due diligence peisoual service
of iht notn-e can not be masle. It ia hereby o-di-reil
and directel tbal such Doliec be given by
due and proper publication.
J. T. BRirXiP.B. ReeisU-r,
All . J.U. BOOTH. Receiver.
Notice for Publication..
R'XEi-xo, Oregon. July '-'. lxt
Notice is hereby given mat in compliance
wllh the provision of the act of l.ougreaswl
June J. ls.s. entitled, "An act f ir the ssieol
Umber lau.H In tlie Male of California Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Ternuiry," asexteal
cd to .l the Fubnc Land Stale by act oi Aug
ust 4 I ft.
of Oakland, couirr of Douglas. sll. of oref n
has Li Is day hied in ibis ofhee her sworn state
ment No. oi, lor the purchase ol lb
K1, E';of sw.ion No. SI township .south, ol
rauge So. 4 west, aud wiil oCer proof to show
trial tbe land sought is more Taiuabie lor it
Umber orsmoe than for agricultural purpose,
ami to establish her.elaia to said land belore
toe Rveutei and Reeeiverof this office at Rose
burg. Orcann, on VieOuinisy ihe Lih dy of
O" tooer, ebe uarnes as witnesses: Carl,
Ohme, Louis Staudacber, Herman Wentzke, of
Oakland. Oregon, and Irs Miles, oi Myrtle
Creek, Oregon.
Any and a.lperoti claiming adversely tbe
above descnoed land are requested tu hie their
c-aims in this olhoe ou or besore saio l-th day
ul ts-i. lA'J. I. T. BRlIXihS.
Alp Register.
Notice for- Publication.
Roaebarg, lre Juiy.39, 11.
Notice is hereby given that tn compliance
witr the provision of Ihe act of Congress of
June. Ist, entitiesl "An art lor the sale of
tiraUcr.aD'is in ihe stales ol California, Oregon.
Nevada and Wasamgton Temusry,'' as extend
oi to ail tbe l'uboc Land Stato by act oi Aug
ust , Jsi,
of Oakland. -.,unty rf Io:;:as. State ol Oregon.
faasUiisday filed in thUofbce hi ssom siaie-
ineni No. '', for tlie pnrrhaae sf IMS'Ol
s-'- No. I. Township s eouth, Ranxe No.
S Wot. and will oStr pnsd tosbow Oial tbe
lanj songbt is more vaiusbie lor iu tlmberor
slot. e thau lor arricultural purpose, and to hi claim tn said land u-.'ore the
Rrgistet anl Receiver of till a! R.wbnrr.
Diiiiib, on veiisr.lay. tbe lit day of
:-l.iH:r. 1's.t-. He namea as witnesses: Lous
tsudarlH-r, Fmstine Scda.-her. Herman
VvrLtseof Oakia-xi, Oresoa.an4 Ira Mi.e of
Mvi:; Cn-ek. or goo
Any and aU persua claiming adversely tbe
a'-ove-d-srnbed l.nds are requested to file tbeir
earns in th J ofbt-e oa or belore said 1.7th day
ol oil I sr- J. l. Btiu
A Renter,
Notice for Publication.
rni!t Slates Land olP.
Riwc bunt. 'mron , J une ii. l'AC
N.-.tir) Ii besehy given ttat la complianca
with tee pmvi.k-n trf ite art ol Coogtv- ij
Jure 3. i7s. eniitieW "An art for the aie of
lin.ber n ibe sia;e-..( l aiiloruia. lrer"a
Ne;iia AJtd W a-birigton Terr-.ii'rr," asextead
ed to ail tbe public land ;a:es by art of August
4. lsyi
id Scj,u;r. ei.nn:y of king, ia' of Wa.s.irrton,
has this ,lav tii.M ia ibis uffl bis sworn"sa-e-ci.
nt No. i't't. ior ihe pon hass" of tb.js'. NE'i
and iois I aiid J tion J, rj 3 range wi-st
and will offer proof toshow that the land susgv.
is more valuable for its timber or stone than
f r arienliurai put . and to n' hia
clsiui before tfte kesister and Receiver ol thia
i oliica of fMisstburg.cireraa.
& N.'n Ur . tin-li day ol ifc-'.or, l'C H-s
nair- as w;trM-w-s: Jchn W. ibiim-u.. SI. L.
- snsn'ding. of s.-atti.-. Wash . t as M i'crier. Al
. b-n VI iia of Camas Vaiiv. fv.
Any and a l prrvii claiming alrer.-lr the
i alse dcrnt-t land are isiifK-seil lo r their
claieiS In IU solice on or before said ISh dav
s-tolr, J T BRIfViES.
J-!p Itegisict.
Notice for Publication.
rn, led Male Lan-I Offloe.
Roseburg, Oregon, Jane 3, isj.
Vctice I tereby given that la cuaapliaDC)
with Ihe i Ki i ions ot the art ol Coogre cf
June a. sts, entitled "An ar t for the rale of
tin. r lamis !n the Mates of Call (virtue. Oregon
Nevada and Washington Temiorv."asexind
ed t aU the public iand stales by act oi A cg-us
4, IR'J.
of Bur ington, cr.nn'T of Haju, si'.e ol Wash-
' ington bas,ht day 8l-v in mi. office hi swen
: sta'-i inetit No is for the pnrrhae jf the KEl,
j oi section No i. toun-h:p No Jl range W
1 and will offer proof toshowthat the land sorrht
Is more valuaLle h-r its tisubrr or sioie than
I f--r agnciinural purpose, and to establish hig
! elii the kegistwr and Receiver vf Ulia
I OiUca of Roseburg, Oregon.
on Tnes-Ur. Ihe 21st da-of OcTnbrr, tSi He
; n,nc, wllIMWs,. jinChiriotu. r Haaley,
, ,,hn B Shannon. Mrs Klora M bannnn of Bin.
iirKton, wa-n , n i rraug Aincartoi oaAland,
Auyand all Tersos c'.almlng a-tverssly tbe
boi c deja-iixd lands are rct'is to f:e their
claims In on or belo-esa.rt :i.t day
ol Oi'toU-r, l-.Oi.
Trespass Notice.
AH jforrnmg are hereby warmvl not to
Invifasa, hant, fish or camp on the
mill of the Curry F.state. Permits Join-i
wiil lie inswut?l to the full extent
of tlie law.
- Kstate of N. CritRY,
(Vitf.) " KtvcrsJalo Farm.
' jSasal CaUuTlt q.ucVly yivlJa to treat
ment by Ely's Cream iialm, which in nre
ably aromntie. It is receireJ IhroucU Um
noatrilg, claauKC anl heala the whole (tu
face over which it difTnsew itself. lfgUU
oil the &0c. ize; Thai triza by nitul ib
cent. Test it and you art) cure to oo&tibu
t 'ac treAfjacnt.
To aocomtuoxlata f aoe who ore partial
to the use ct atnmixerg in applying lupui
into the usvsul jiaAsagee for dilorrluil t. the proprietors pretrw Crejun Balm in
ii.yiiJ form, which will be known as Elys
Livjaid Cream Balm. Price including tbi
t prttyiog tube is 7 j cents. DrtiRgisU oi by
mail. The UtiniJ form emborliej the niesi
001 ymriertieg n tta ili.f pivi-rtuTa
Oil iIHi
The old days of Titusville and Oil City, where fortunes were made iu
a llit'llt will llf rmnnlotplir mi 1 '.- lsr Itw, 111.11,.,: n. M r.s s i
your orders to the
aud Co, express.
uncovered ana developed in bouthem Oreqou. THK UMTOU'V
VALLEY OIL COMPANY controls the cream of Southern 0:Wn
'oil lands. If you want some of the first hundred thousand shares send.
umpqua ValL
Society Meeting.
F. A A. M. Laurel Lot No. 13.
llslds ruzalar meeting oo secona
and f nrth WedoosdiiTS of enob
month. E. J. kiuovo, W. 11.
N.T.Jgwc Hcretary.
Ao. u. vv.-i
Meets th i
days of ear.
W. lioseburg LodK i'""-15.
ft-coDU and fonrtn ilon-
ch month at 7 :'J0 p. m.,
in the 1. O, 0. F. Hall. Membt-ie in
good stand ion ari invited to attend.
II. 1 McClal'.kn, m. w.
K. II. Lksux Recorder.
D. .S West, Finaocier.
P. O. ELKS. nosebnia Lodge No.
32(. Holds reifnlar connuunica
tioni at I. 0. 0. F. Hall on second
and fourth Tbarrlayg of esch moctb.
All rnetnbers requested to atenJ rea
lai!f anil all visiting- b rot tiers are cordi-
allr invited to attend.
W. II. Jamiesox, R. U.
V. C. Losdox, J'ec.-DtarT.
, N. U., mef-ts at Artuorj llalley?ry
' TbnratUy ereomr, t 8 o clock.
K. H. IUmi. Ca;.t.
EG REE OF PONOR. Mjtticrxlrfe
o. U. siietsnd nd 4'n ir.arss
1jt evniLg of each month in Na-
tire Snci' Hall. Vi-it:nz mendn-rf cot-
dialiy intlteil to slUeri'i.
Mrs. MgRiT W'esT, C t.t II,
E. II. I.kXNoI, K-c.
OF A. Court Douglas No. 32, For
esters of America. Me-ls every
Tnenday eveniL-z in Nativ sn'
Hall. Viaitinx trotherf a!wati we!c-tne
CfiAS Gii i i. C. K.
Aco. J. Ksaxtz, K. P,
E. V. IIootkr, Ftijsuua.
0. O. F. PhileUrian Lolge No. 8.
M-sfetg in Old Feliows' Temple, cor
ner Jv:ksoa and tJaes Etres'.e, ca
nstorrfay evening r.i eacn wees, ijra
ber) of the order in 21 siidlcz irf
iovitex to aUenJ.
II. li. Gillctte, N. J
N.T. Jgwirrr riecrctar'.
Koi r. Aiph. i
every Wexlt..
Loct No. 47. Me
eit,etlar, : I. O. O. F.
3i) p. rn. il'tutra l.i
food af ADticg ar inviui to attecJ.
tr. . klXBALL, C. C.
C. E. KoBtsrs, K- K.
O. T. M. I'roU-ction Teat No. 15.
HoltLi its reirilar I!ev;tw tl.e
first anl third Frtijv r.f each
month in the I. U. O. hall. Vi.-iiin?
nieoilx-rs in goil f-tan'lir. are inritol !
attfinl. F. F. Pattle-.v, Cunt.
E. K. liixo.err, Uconi Ket-jtr.
VJc'i. Meetsoo fi.ttl tSir-1
Tbnrsslavi of each mootb lb? N-
tiveSoas, H1L Vieitirx raerr.b-.-' in
tood UndiakT are inritrd la aatr d.
J. E. Eavtsb, tjQArduo Ne:ri&or.
MtsNit Otes-, Sfcr.
DIES of the ii. A.R., Abrha Lin
coln Circle No. 2. n,eU at Nattre
Soo'i Hall at 2o'cloi-C oa sec
ond and foartb FiiJaj of aeh tuoo'L.
O. T. M. Eose9' Hits X0. U.
HoMs iu rejf'r istists cr -c IL
ecoDii and fonrth FriJa? 'evi
of eai h UKieth in lfi Niive t fit'
Sifter uf other Hires vifiticg irt ir.a ci'.y
re cutdiaiiT iatitel to attci our re
vie. Jtssig K .irp, L. C.
Mi tig K. McClsxix, li. K..
ii W.OF-
F-A. Mrit e Cm N-. fCJO.
feeta first n l thinl V"e.itie4Svi
each mot.t t N.ti- S-jr-' HaU.
F. M. F.EvKis, V. C.
Gko. livEO-sr, C.eis.
E. S. RxoSorkT CLapter N j. 3.
Ho'ila their rewn'ar nK-et r.g oo ti.r
&rtaud tti.rl Tuar!a ia Mr!i
u-jnth. Visi'ic; n-emlwrs ia g-J" '
dandit ar reefec.l3l!7 invit.i to !
end. Mk. Calus Ikari, W M ,
Mm. LtSBit Cohcw, y-ecrtUrT.
'BKKAHS. Uorbnrr neisrki
lUn No. -Jl. l.O. 0. F.. Diev a in
U Li Ff-liosa T.n:r Irt srfiff,1.v
. . . . - . . - j
eretilng. iitir.g s-.eis arid brethren
invitM to attaiiil.
Cora Wimbcrlt. II. S.
fwrnblrNo. 105 meet tnvrr Sjtr.r-
v at S oclock iu Native
Sns Hall. Visiting ArtisAue.ruialfy
invitel to attond.
Mss. M. JoNiat. M. A.
Mas. F. B. Hamli.v, Secretary.
tl-mn!FN OF THE WORLD. Oak
V j t'atttp No. 125. Meeta at the 0 id
Fellows' Hail, iD Roe.t,or, exery
Erst and thinl M on-day eveoirii:. Visit
in ne-.jjhbcrs alwars welcome.
Jrns r. L n. C. C.
J. A., Cieik.
tbl-I Fell iw n Temj.le. Mt-ei.4 lirst
and third Thurviav evi-nin-'s pjcW
month. Visitors runlullr iuvitexi.
J. 15. Uawiltvix, C. P.
J. C. TwrrcHKLL, Scribe.
DrugcrjGt tr
' 10 CENT
I ; 1 Ljf C-vi Jj.-st-i'' v
Elf's Cream Balinl
Chra Rt'itl at toe i
It fiVrov tooths tT'! ;.
aMMk. UK r4asc( B'O:- 1
haaaa 1 1 .... AsMl. sV
tfti:,j.-,!HAY FEVER
s s'lart.rl tcri rrors tk M-rrVar..
lo.r.iieSei.-r-...l i at a.-i-t Sc-e:!. Kuj ja
See.: Ttis sijse v,- ; r i lTi.c-i-- rr i-t nis:
kl.T Pitoni: mk.wssis.1 .r
t bit' a
to buy a
rent a
a house
if oii i. vt k i p vr
all en or il.lres . .
ATI SB n aajsA I a
The Rich Fields Uncovered Will
Rival Those of California or Texas i.'jr iiiv. m.i,uu:ivui oil uiluS IO DC
Secretary of the Compauy, or
. 1
Go to
t7 .
f. i mm
For a Prompt and First-dana
riliave or Hair-cot. Comrse
t;rit Vorkn,en, Clean Tow
!s, Tiyiia alwaysia slape.
Cat ha Jn Connection.
Lopon Jackson r-t.
Homes from $250 to $5000
Vi'rite or 'I hono
ITJm, IiT, Porter.
Real Estate Agent and NoUry
Timber and Homestead Locator
Packer and GuiJe
Camas Valley,- Oregou
i5 io:ii.soi;li 'jt rif Eote'ourg
I. B. RIDDLE. Prop.
all sisr-s OF
Fresh Drugs, nedicines,
Toilet Articles, Paints.
Oils, QIa.-s Sundriesi
Sr"Precript;jii3 yrompCj Hied
Of competect d resist.
H. Little,
Oikland, - - Oregon.
is t n?j arel to wait crc.n old
and rewc-'i.toiiicrAiidfrierida
with a fall and eoir.plet
elect of
A'l f-tsii aid of the very l?;t
HuaJily. Tea aa 1 ct-drea are
fpexiaities. Yo-"r j itroaag
I 47
x j jaciuxi i.
Paintres Paper Hangers
and Decorators
Fnrci:i:re atx-.l FLii. - P
ter PjrL--- Msc:-; a&i
Si-i;ty. C..rr.L-;i aa-I
4U! M.vt.
;;r,;!el. Plas
it Refettors a
Frame Work
P. t. P. i 512.
) ccoccocxxcxxoococo
:J f. HJiiL,
i : ; I Refercaircs. 0
V 11 Work'Ga.trauteed.9
. t vorkrat M -C.a"ea H-juseO
ar.d Streets
.Mrs. Belle Collio
s 'Absolutely PURE, and
will OUTWEARall other
If !
"if !.-!
lo visai:-l
itea-r J ss . carry it
e s lia; you e; ;l
PortlanJ. Oregon
4 K'sra5-JLaj
ul IU'!. Ur
asai NaX MS WWWs 'W VtV
i3 L . B
through Well
j "WLlt3
M I.
5-7 PIT
Mi it