u i: b ye The Twice-a etk Roscburg Plaindealer Published Mondiyi ml ThundBj- PLAINDEALER PUBLISHING CO. V. C.Coxxer, Editor and Publisher Fred AY right, City Editor, Solicitor. T. (I. Kith, Foreman Twice-a lc PLiinicikr. per year, $1.50 Entered at the Post Office in Roseburg, Ore., as second class mail matter. Advertising Rates on Application. SEPTEMBER 11, 1902 Attend yonr fair if you can. Many things can be learned there. The I'laini'Ealer joins in welcom ing the white ribboners to oar city It is believed that the next nation al encampment of the GAR will come to Portland. The man who enjoys independence is the one who resides on a farm and produces as near as possible all he consames. "The world do moTe." Wo Ting Fang, minister from China, made the Labor Day address at Bingham ST. Y. "Pat all trust made articles ou the free list," is the Democratic cry. Yes, and pat all American laborers on the idle list and the starving list like yon did in 189-'JC. The American people can t stand prosperity. They have had bo much of it since 189fi that they are aching for a dose of adversity just to Bee how it teia to be hard up. A remarkable case has just been repDrted in Salem. The 4th of Jnly committee has just reported with a balance of 3SG.50 on hand. That committee should be put on exhibi tion in a dime masea Secretary Shaw says a Tariff for revenue only might destroy trusts on the same theory that a fire in a wheat field would destroy Canada thistles. That fairly symbolizes Demxratio statesmanship. It would born a whole wheat field to get rid of a thistle. The Democrats' did not get much sonsolation out of the Maine election Monday. The republican' majority in the state, about 27,000, is above the average in off years, and showB that Maine, along with the other New England States, is still over whelmingly Kepnblican. It is ridiculous for Democratic pa pers to contend that the Tariff fos ters are the growth of trusts. There is no daty on petroleum oil nor an thracite coal, and yet both commodi ties are in the bands of the greatest trusts in the country, which were among the earliest to be formed, too- The Democrats raise a bne and cry about the increased cost of living but they don't stop to think that there is no increase except in provis ions. The farmers are not kicking about the increase as they raise pro visions and meaL A few years ago they were raising these articles .for less than the cost of production. The Oregon Law School is a new corporation which has been organ ized in the city of Salem for the pur pose of conducting a college of law. P H D'Arcey has been elected presi dent of the school and W E Richard son secretary. Both are well known Salem attorneys, especially qualified to discharge the duties devolving upon them. Salem is ahead of all the other towns of Oregon in sending the first batch of printed matter to the immi gration department of the Southern Pacific The other 70,000 pamphlets promised ought to go forward from Salem as soon as possible. Stales man. The Dong! as county pam phlet is now in the hands of the printers and at least 20,000 copies will soon be ready for distribution. A Big Automobile Coming. A big auto, with which a tour from Seattle to San Francisco is being made, is due at Roseburg today or tomorrow Wednesday's Eugene Guard said : Geo. W. Carmack and w ife, of Seattle, passed through J-.njrene at noon today on an automobile. Thev were enroute to San Francit-ot and their large two-seated au to was equipped with .a full camping outfit aud all the accessories, guns, fish ing tackle, etc, that go with an outing. Mr. Carmack' will lie remembered as the man who, iu connection with oth ers, discovered the rich Klondike dig gings, in Alaska some years since , an bovine a verv wealthy man. He luis now turned glohe-t rotter,' and is view in the country from an upholstered ea.t of the modern auto. Mr. Car mack fcaid he could cover sixty mil per day with his machine w hen tin- roaas are uuvm ing like gou, i.ut now there is so much dust it is with diflicul ty he makes any.tieed at all. If at any time the surroundings J.xik good for hunting or angling .they top and in du!ge in the sjMirt. Iu the globe trot ting line, this is something new for this section of the country. Just Look At Her. Whence came that sprightly step, faultless skin, rich, ro.;y complexion, smiling face. Here's her secret. She uses Dr. King's New Life Pills. Result all organs active, digestion good, no headaches, no chance for "blues." Try them yoursilf. Only 25c at A C Mara Jfis drug store. ANNUAL STATE MEETING The W. C. T. I. In Convention In Roseburg. PROMINENT GLESTS PRESENT. State Officers and Many Delegates In Attendance. Interest- ing Program. The twenty-first annual convent ion of tlio Oregon Women's Christian Tetuiier auce Union is in session in Rose hnrgtlii week, commencing Tuesday and closing Friday evening. Tins con vention is romimsed of the general ollioers of the state, general officers of the county unions, the state suporin tondents, one delegate at large from each count v and delegates from the lxl unions. The guests of honor at this meeting are Colonel John Sobieski, so long iden tified with the ttwuperance movement and a life long friend of Miss Willanl and Mrs. Ada Wallace Unriih, one of the oldest lecturers of the national or ganization, and for many years iresi dent of its great board of national or ganizers. Colonel Sobieski w ill speak Fridav night at the convention, olosiug a brilliant series of meetings held under the auspicies of the W. C. T. T Mrs. Unruh spoke Tuesday -42vouini( I aud is conducting a series of parliamen-1 tary drills during the convention. Mrs. S. M.Kern, state . recording secretary and Miss Hessie Shane, state treasurer, Miss Sarah Lyman and Mrs. Harry I Stove are among the party from Port- land in attendance at the convention. J A contingent from Eastern Oregon is I also in attendance at the convention. ft MRS. IDA F. MARSTERS, "of bosebcbo, I'rMant of th J.BgUS Connly W. T. T. t who h teen tirek-ra in her -Bort to make the present convention a eomplcie nccco. Altlutuh two hours late, the train Tuesday evening bringing the Hieers, delegates and znet to the convention. was mot by the reception ooinuiitteeand eai-h and every ncof the visitors were es -ortI to comfortable quarter aU.nt Uie -itv. A little after the appointed hour tle oiieniii!' wyiHi of the innven- tiou wa called to order in the M. E church Tuesday evening, the principal feature f the evening, U-sidcs the of ficial reports, lietng the annual address of the state iiresidcnt. Mrs. Helen D. ll.ii-f..r.l lra llarforil A lllient III- terestinir and locical si.eaker ami thoroughly endMdTel and rovorotl the many issues concerning and eiuvung the orminization. in her address. She I reviewed the splendid work rf thi won derful organization, its successful rt-form movements, advancement of elucatin- , . . . . , . ... n nl int..rf4:tv otiv fltiil favorpil the altera - tion of the title of "State Reform K0r.l"uiil irniil.1iint lr tti word acter.for girls to be carlcJ a "Girls State Innrf rial Rnt,.l " IV.IK ll.w. rv.m. 111 1 1 , 1 . 1 mended changes have lieon made hv tlio . .V.J ....vr ... ...... ..... . .... .. Mr- 1,1.. wm .!. .ntv ileiit, liaI charge of the ening exer cises, and brief welcoming addresses were made bv Rev. J. A. Townsend, D. D., Mrs G R Cliilds, Atty Louis Barzee, and Mrs Thomas. Mrs Helen D liar ford, state president of the, W. C. T. U and others, resjwnded. The princijal address of the evening was delivered by Mrs L nruh. the national organizer, on ,:Snan Shot From an Onranizer's Ko dak." The daily and evening exercises thus far have, in the main, been strictly in accordance with the program published in Monday's issue of the Plain-dealer.! The reiorts of the offiwrs and organ- izer show encouraging advancement and general results obtained for the past year. oold medal contest. The princiiuil feature of the t.vram touight is the medal contest, there be- in a nnmlu'r of-niitevtantM from vari- ous parts of the elate and those attend- imi arc promised a rare elocutionary treat. The i.rojrram for Friday, the last day is as follows : FRIDAY MORMNO. :00 Victory Service. !):30 Memorial Hour. Mrs. M. A. Stone. 10:00 Reort of Standing Committee Finance, Resolutions. 10:30 Elti;tion of oIi-ers. KUi tioii of National Delegates. 11 :30 "Broken Thr.-ads." Exclama tion Pojnts!!:" ,12W Noontide Ibmr. Invitation for next convention. Greetings. 12:.'50 Lunch. FK1IIAY AfTKK.VOON'. 1:45 Thanksgiving Hour. 2:11 Reading Minutes. Re)sirt of Executive Committee. (Juirica and Answers. "Olds and Endf,." Unfin ished business. Social hor.r. The closing event of the convention will le the address at the Ojiera House, by Col. John Sobieski, a native of Poland. He has lived in the United States since live years of age, und served for six years in the I'. S. army. As a worker in the cause of temperance his fame is international ami tl:e Oregon union is much gratified to U; favored by his attendance at their stale conven tion. The delegates in attendencu are : Newlwrg. Mrs. Helen D. Harford - . t Portland. Mrs. Ada Wallace Tiiruh, Mrs. M. E.IIoKter, Mrs. Fa'rah M. Kern, Mrs. llessio J. Miane, Mrs. Anna Iliggs, Mrs. Lctilia Rose, Miss Lyman. Albany. Mrs. Henrietta Brown, Mrs. M. A.Blain. Tumor. Mrs. ReWca Stool, Mrs. Ora II. A. Boar. Wasco. Mrs. Anna Edgergton, Miss Florence Burnett, Miss Marie Barnett. Astoria. Mrs. C. A. (ioarhart. Mrs. E. A. Cording. Baker City. Mrs. I,. L. Cartor. Kiddle. Mrs. E. A. Matooii, Mi6H Ilattio Logsdon. Drain. Mrs. Carrie Sneed, Mrs Boll Black, Mrs. Annie (imbue. (rants Pass. Miss Flora Hoyden. Woodbnrn. Mrs. Libbie Morcom. Slietnls. Mrs. M.J. Mears, Miss Same Trout man. Dallas. Mrs. F. A. PmwIs, Mrs. ChW I.. Bntz. Dayton. Mrs. Ida M. Courteny, Mrs. Emilv Lnmni. Cottage drove. Mrs. Eva C.Wheeler, Mrs. Mary J. Chamberlain, Mrs. N. E. Coiniton, Miss Elsie I-ea, Miss Lillian Hart, Mrs. L. E. Orpurd. ' Creswell. Miss (ionivova Howe. tlardiner. Mrs. Jennie Brownell, Mrs. Mary Lyster. Kosobnrg. Mrs. Ida Markers, Mrs II. K. Ferguson, Mrs. Oertrtnle Bart uin, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Emma Faulkner, Mrs. E. Moore. A Pleasant Birthday Party. Xhc home of Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Moure, was the scene of a very pleasant An. eniovahle Bocial gathering Wednes Uav evening, in honor of the eighteenth birthday anniversary of their daughter, Miss Delia. The parlors were lieautiful Mv decorated with ferns and rare house i.lanU, and the evening passed all too quickly with games, "moon gazing" and social converse. Miss Delia 'acted as hostess and proved herself an excellent entertainer. She was the recipient of inanv (rifts, tokens of the esteem in which she is held by her many frieuds and associates. Luxurious refreshment w ere nerved about eleven o'clock, after which the guests after wishing the hostess many happy returns of the oc casion derrtel for their respective homes. Among the guests present were Misses Elsie Benedick, Hazel Jewett Ada Calkins, Vivian Jewett, Lilitl Moote, Bessie Kidder, Maude Bridges Garnet Otey, Craee. Moore. Messrs Ray Otey, Dally Bell, Ray Moore, John Townsend, Wilbur Ross, Wilbur Faulk ner, Emery Davidson and Floyd Ramp, Kesolutloas. Hall of Lilac Circle, Women of Wcod crafU To the Guardian Neighbor, Officers and neighbors of Lilac Circle No, Women of Woodcraft. We yiair Committee appointed drait suitalile resolutions in remem berance of the death of our beloved neighbor, Laura McQuadv, dca!l respectfully submit the follow ing : Whikhas, IVath has removel from niir niHst Neis;hU.r Ijtura McQuade, and site has left us to enter tlm inner and higher ciri-le wherein "the dead and and the Iteantiful rest," and ran uevr more take her place among us here. Therefore, Bk it Ke-solved: Tliat while we lxw in huuible snhiiiission to the will of Him wlto Knloth all tiling, we monru the s juration from us of one whos-e life wa beautiful, wlxwe works were noble and whose memory w e w ill ever cherish with loving and kind re membrances. The circle has lot a . I f it It lul ii..i(!i1ir i)it miiinnmilr a trtiA ... . . - . . . friond and the family a loving and kind memlior. IltfJttd: That we extend to the husljnnd and family of cur deceased neighbor our heartfelt sympathy, real izing that, while our sorrow is deep ami i niiiccn', mcir nrnm is ucvin-r Jill! incir 1 ' I . .1 : : 1 1 !. " M.e.fnait of a closer love and near"r t,e- l,read uon l! " vu 1'J thedeceascd, and one cony furnishrd to I ' ' ' . I ..... charter 1 nraiKM in mourning iot.io davs. MahhiaretC. Reku, Alice Ficele, ;race Nohman, Committee. Probate Orders. An order has leeii granted by the probate court for the adoption of Dor- lesca E. Gontcr, aged 15 years, by Mr, and Mrs. M. T.Chase, of Glendale. The consent -of the trirl's father is filed with the etitioii A. B. Kellogg has leen appointed ad- I miuistrator of the estate of John J. Kel logg, deceased. His lsjnd was filel in the suiy of flOOO with C. 1 Beckley and I J. W. Becklev as sureties. Theestate- I consists of a claim against the I. S Ifovcrnment, of unkown value f Dates for settlement of estates iiave follows: G. w. Mephens of estate of t..Moplens, .Monday, I Oct. 0, J'.SI. . 1 . riL'lit and II, S West, executors of the estate of J . M. I " rlS"l -'lonuay, ix-t. o, i.sj, Wm. Chamberlain, admr. of estate of Frank Rollins, Monday, Oct, , 1902. Portland lawyers ought to prosper. The fees in the settlement of an estate valued at 4,3O0 were !,400. Where do the heirs come off at. Itomocrat. Salem has already sent ontif000of its 100,410 pamphlets. McMinnvilli entire S5,0(0 iwimphlols alV nearly ready. It is time the contract was let and the work Is-gun on Albany's. I.ct them be printed a few thousand at a ! 4 1 ...V.. ...1 vA..l ti .w u atijkiKvli 101114.1111 'aiv4 ,. an -....riiii now to cot some at once into the hands of the Harrimau men in the oast. Get a move on at once. Bids Wanted. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of the 2nd Southern Oregon District Agricultural Society will receive bids for the exclusive right of waloon privileges ; also for jool selling on Fair grounds during Fair week. Each bid must Ik) accompanied with a dcosit of 25 per cent of the amount of bid, or it will not be considered. Bids to l de livered to the Secretary on or before Sept. 25, 1!02. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids, by order of the Board of Directors. F. A. McC.u.t., Sec. COUNTY EXPEN5E LIST. Claims Presented and Allowed at the September i9o, term of Coun ty Court. Loon a Mills Lumber Co bridges $165 Co 0 W Hurd ' 4 75 Ulendale Lumber C 5S 70 J W Moore . 6 25 John Taylor " 14 00 II M Stewart " 4 4 00 M L Moore " 7 00 Chas Markham " 194 00 C O Bartley " 70 00 Leona Mills Lumber Co " !04 10 J F Overstreet " 40 15 A Field " 178 75 Jud'son Strong ' 3.1 t)5 C M Bovery " 15 00 (i S Lehey ' 121 55 P. F Wilks roads 8 40 B W IXtrsey " 8 00 C E Kolierts " 5rt 20 Churchill & Woolley roads 2ti 50 C V Banard " " 5 00 Corgo Marsh ' 12 50 Walter Laird " .3 00 Wollenlierg Bros., otir farm.... II 40 Foster & Arnold indigent 7! 70 Carrie Settle " 14 00 E M Cheadle " 2 00 Mrs M J Welker i ' 20 00 I Abraham ( 40 Clara Kiddle registering 1 50 L E Milledge 4 70 M F Callahan assessing . . .'. 1 15 00 It T Ashworth assessor 50 Glas k Prudhomme stationary. 4? 50 32 5 M Hopkins constable F F Patterson C II and jail ..... I) R Shambrook drayage, express 2 80 3 20 1 50 F W Haynee grand jury Wit. . . . A II Mulkey .list atty wit ; 70 19 J0 3 50 3 50 3 50 J C Twitohell inquest M B I-amb T J Williams S J Cheiiowith " S J Sutherlin " J P McKay C K Lovell 1 00 1 30 1 ) 1 00 Wm I.vell Uov McCtrllan 12 50 C W Dimiuk k bounty 213 00 A Davis dep assessor 52 50 Henry Monton bridges 3 75 WEThom..ii " 3!00 WCGmbbe 24 00 W H Larkius " 9 U) A K Mat toon indigent IS 3.' Phoebe KiUhell " 12 50 E C. Young & Co " 15 05 Plaindealer Pub Co, printing... 113 65 E V Hoover Co pllvsician 14 00 J C Twitched mileage 1 SC Hint Jail 2 00 Angelo Perint bridges 4 00 Livingston Bros " (J W Kiddle Cyrus Powell ' J M Kitclianls Luther S farmer " J A Kirkeudall & eon bridges .. Wm SkidiiKHre " Ed Davis " B A Stewart ' " John Mnmpower " A Field J M Brwii " GeoW Stephens " W A Smiley roads C M Markham EW Miles Tliomas CoHxHini " John Shultx " 117 30 I S 00 15 25 14 00 2 00 Co 45 M 00 4; I r4 00 254 25 47 50 5 25 9 0 00 8 00 75 IS 00 S 25 MtW 40 50 3 00 20 U 7 00 50 50 00 .1 15 40 3 50 5 40 SO 00 3 00 16 50 21 50 3 iC I 50 2-J9 75 3 50 3 50 3 50 1 30 JSwankCo " TP Kelly . M IThomsoii bridges ........ N T Jewett indigent Ales Patterson ' Mrs M J Monkliam " WCHiUMMTind " WCtJilinonn . " James Hildchrand " B J Bovingdon rejistrring Nols Rydel II B (iillett assessor Pa states Te fc Tel C II S II Knight corn-table H C Slocuin " D P Usher C II and jail T L Brewer over paid tax j E J St 1 mid dist ally w it E L Parrott prisoners loard.... (ieorge Gnibl injuest ? J B Davis . " w g inn C II Brown ' J E Cochran " 1 00 1 00 1 00 UTIIull Ella Ix.vell " Ila Lovell " J C TwiU hell F A McCall dep assessor F M Beard niads.. , Butler Bros, bridges A J Howard ' J D Ellison " IMV liartficld indigeut Mm A J Howard " Fisher & Bellow a A C Marsters " II Marks jail .' S K Sykea roads A B Kellogg indigent II C Slornni constable 1 00 5 00 100 00 23 00 a 00 20 10 ?G0 4'.l 50 51 00 3 50 kS 25 G 30 21 85 2 50 5 75 E B Spangcnberg bridges 101 10 J G Flook court house 11 25 DS West ius ... 20 00 J A Iavis dep Assessor 53 50 Review Pub Co printing 21 65 J F Barker & Co indgt assist. fil 75 J C Twitchell inq Aldrich ...... 17 00 II L Engles " " 2 00 Wm H Wei 1h " 2 00 W S Johnson 2 00 (i W'Gage " i iw Malissa Blue " 1 00 J W Swift " 3 fi5 J C Twitchell state vs Viuson. . 2 00 J M Reih-y 3 20 Mrs W B Vinson 3 00 W It Vinson jioor farm 2f!! 00 Page it limmick imlg A bridge. IS 35 Rit e A Rico court house 0 75 OC Brown examination 33 00 J II Cochran ' tM 00 L A Sanctuary C II and jail.... 4 85 W A McClay indgt asst. ........ 4 10 James Byron in Aldrich 2 00 J T Hinkle V 2 00 A E Bushnoll ' 2 00 Gilbert Sopor " oo Mrs R Gurney " 1 00 Mrs Ann Aldrich " l 00 J A Buchanan state vs Vinson.. 2!t 05 J M Henderson 3 00 Mrs J M Koiley ' l (K) W U Stowell ' , . 3 tX) 1XAIMH CONTIXt KD. Sc of Hale certify! copies. . , .1 W Tlioriittui RoiiIh 27 00 HWytTKII. I'urker ii-es'. AttnriH-y 10 IK) I'.HHI the only up-to-date harness oi on the markt't. On huIo Ht l!Iljrctt ITnrnrp pliop. ju;j ATTEND 1 HE STATE FAIR To be Held at Salem September ij-20, 1902. Special Rates. Take a few days after haying and har vesting, and go away for a change of scene and air. Too few farmers and farmers' w ives take any vacation during the year. There is nothing so good as a change of living and a few days rect to brace one up, both physically and ment ally. Most of the large city business house give their employees one or t wo oeks' vacation during the year, mid they find it pays well in tho let ter health of their men and greater inteiost taktn bv them in their duties. A week's rest attending the State fair is both ed ucational and recreative. Tho exssitioii building w ill In- tilled with the finest exhibits of the fi rm, Held and orchard. The live stock show will surpass anything of the kind ever given 011 the coast, and no progrefaive farmer can affor I to miss wcin; the possibilities of improved breed and breeding. Good racing every afternoon lietAt-en the tlcetest fioted racers 011 the t oai-t. (ioo.l music and hih class cnlci tain- ment in the evening. Reduced rates will lie made bv the Southern Pacific for tho occasion. Ak your agent for full information. SI 8 Homesteaders Organize. At 1 p m. yesterday homesteaders as sembled at the city hall and organized themselves into a vigilance com nittc-e for the purjo"e of heeing to it that ustice prevails in . the matter of con tests now lieing filed. Fiom the manner in which or lain resolution were parsed it looks as though tardy justice would le tne'.ed out to the bunch of sharks U'forc the pliases of many more moons. ngene Register. Not Doomed for Life. "I was treatetl for three years iv ''xl doctors," writes W A tirt-r, MoC'on- nellsvilie, ., "for Piles, and Fistula, but, when all failed, Bucklcn's Arnica salve cure-1 me in two weeks." Cures Burns, Bruises, Cnts, Corns. S.n-s, Eruptions, Suit Kheuiii, Pile or u pay. 25c at A C Marsters drugstore. Wood for Sale. Bet of bluck oak w.od for ml ;, rite to or enquire of Henbv Coxs at Conn's farm, or P. O. Koeebur?, Or. Sj Summons. to iLe Clienlt Court of the' fur Doug mM roomy. !U of Oregon, ADuLlolwa 1 rioufr., Afttit , 4,tuUyfc, (O.R.AjkMl i lxln.laL , To Geo. R. Adkima. (K' earned l.-l.-oilaot: In th oainrrt tl SUile of Orvfoti, y-t re feel' r-1 u i Trl usiwrmr and abf tf. cm p aint DM aciiit vim m abate ut.ilrI ull jxI ra'to- aithin m trr. k Inm tlHf 0' of linil jinUlical an ol IB. noi'.o-. l ..on m l- lore SM iU 01 tetirr. li au1 11 ; on tail l atrr aiMl iDnn ull .YinTp.aiQt itoi. ail limr, lot aanl ItMnil ;.,ii,:J t.l at(W o 1.1 court lor tor rrli- ! mTlr-l in hrf ron- I'laint aa U. .-. lo- n: Mi fUvrr of ni- Inf tiwtn ivKinti? aol .Ufrivlart. tor ihe cmrr aK) rautr ol Uu ir uiiii.rf hi .tn-n. Ix.yi AJkuoatin Ko-r aohi a. an i km- 'j.-a ; oihrr anl lurtbn rcUrl, a ti tout, u.ar drrni j rhitaamnww l pliiIil l.r ortir or U n. M. D. Thnpwi. nMiBly jjc of Im:i:.b ! moat j , Orvanu. liic fe wii-l i.r t- Au- j u.tflb, )'.', inflatpi Ui Bvt i-auir- i tion Uirtrol u Aofti't li ')! U: rf i jvji s I . t-'JA't. I A'l.'fU. j iui fliin'u?. Guardian's Sale. Nolw 1 bcrW.r sira lhl. ia p ir.u.w at an onkf llw raaaii omM ni 1hhi,:I.i r..jmr, l.'.llM-onr.il tniKl'in .A h Kti nl AlDiat.raria l-.an-l lianl H. u.jiin Wiiain lr. miiNtn. UI. on the .I.t a K1 .b. r. or lhiraltf. l.y natc or po.; al. at Rcw- burg . Gn-rou. w'i llt l'iiuu. 4vnlii nl i frvilrtv. i'lii(0f to tl wbi4 miitorv. U.it : , bv E.'flK'. arr 10. IpJI . R gfr. St. ,t I. tp4. Kde.t,S,,Si:1, wK if. 311 8. R b a:l tcinc aitnatMi in j.rt n county. OTrjron.O-nla.nin? more or Any rtHr.aiui:Dit ltrt-!y llhar ianlv lii M. mu.I rlaiQ with thf iiih crMtonl he - a Uir iti dayol ctoi-T, l'i. . UmWi lint 2ud day ol Stptwii'T. l'7 vt.ui Jia.'N. m. J. Lis, itctni;an. Summons. In tiiCirvoil Court ! Hie .e:at of Uror lor lK)iriaa fonniy. WlDDiltvl I. Virker 1 I'ialatifl I v Hutj 'arr-n irrta. j Or(onlao'. , To Harry Warren Vlrte a, the alove namr-1 dfrnlaot: 1 1 1 b Dimt M Ibt Suw ol cm. r.m are , benb) mjitind lai!nrand airrli to- j plaint tile.1 a-aint jimj In Hie .love i-nu:l-l i auit and rourvnn or brlorr the 1310 dar of tv-, lober, I'Oi; and, II you fail U ajr and an tmrr mi'i com itot af iot ynu. ao aloro Md, , and Kiihin al Innc. pla.tr.it III apply it It? ' t'ourt l.irtlie rcii-l dnuankl in her cuir.piainu i io-wii: ror we oociw fltuun t iiw marrn" ? roniraol ao existing fcetavw f.ainilB aad d?-1 h-n.lanu ; Tbia fummont U jinl'ilthl )y order of Hon. M. l. lliompn. 'anty idite of lKm , counl), Oreir-tn, a Hifb orlor in -iattd auirul ! it, 19ui. and the lime pmcrili-d Uion-Ly, f r the publlrli" l lhi mmnn4 1 onre a aes j ioraueonitrH .-krrr..urMM i uh day of Oi lob. r. I 'J. n.l lb.-! of the f.rt! publlcaUon ol this m mon the 2;.lh day Au(rL 1T 1UWIK, a2Voe Attornar toi Plaintiff. w ANTED IniiiMsliatelr, I0.0oo;j Iidiik's ly a.-UT.l liointv-itH-k-i'H who tltsirt" to inrvli li nvt from owners, raiit-lifS farnii", iininvfl ami iiniiuprovtxl laiuls, ami fity rowrty. Write il you've any tliinj to wll. AiUrw, msl THOH. H. aCANTLIN. llvaco. Wah .v..:s : : s.: EUGENE: Street Fair - t i I i i i i And SEPTEMBER 24,25, 26 27, 1902 FOlfl DAYS Of GRAND UNTERTAINMENT Baloon JLuccnsions Grand Midway Team Pulling Contests - For $150 Prizes Shooting Touruaiucut, Lo Sawing Contest, Tug of War, UabyShow, I'rizcs for Slock: 1'oultry, etc. Prize for Horse Race, $150.00 Music by t ourth Regiment and Other Bands REMEMBER THE DATE Ad Jrc::sall Communications to JV1. S. 17ALLIS, Secretary, : . s ; . : . . v.v v s s. . -- i & ml Xv Our delayed car of pianos and organs just arrived. These are a lot of beauties and will be sold at prices never before - heard of. One fifth of this lot is already disposed of, aud they 9 are going fast. T. K. Richardson is the first, last and only """ dealer who has ever shipped a car load of pianos and organs di- rect from the factory to Roseburg or Cottage Grove, therefore, ' we are prepared to give you a better bargain on a piano or organ o than any other dealer who has to pay a middle man's proat. tB Call and see these fine pianos and organs and be convinced, at the ct T. K. RICHARDSON MUSIC HOUSE 3 AT ROSEBURG OR COTTAGE GROVE. 5 Professional Cards. QKGRGE M. BROWN-. Attorney-at-Law,' Court Boum DowDiiam. KWBCia. OEJ Q V FISHEU. M.D, Physician, Surgeon. Oalce over P. O. RostBi ao, 'Phone Main 691. Oasoox. QR.GEO.E. UOUCK, Physcian & Surgeon. aOsZBCRO oaiiroa fbooe, Mia SI E LMER V. HOOVER, PHYSICIAS AND SUEGEON. Boubcm Oaaoos Special attention- mrea to Dlacaaea of U Xoa aud Tamai. OSoe-Xaln SL.ooodoor owlfeof Ct tjHa fboo. Mala Ml. p W IIAYNES. DENTIST. Bonw Baildlnc, teiepoon H. . E.M. CHEADLE DENTIST, O&o 01 pea-to vnc.im. Ha.l BOstBCBO Attorney at Law, Rooms 1 a t. Kanlen B:dkV. KOeXBCatt, O fjyBilDotat!ur, Usa C 8 Land OBca and auiuaa eaaca a apeaallr. Lata Knat U. B. Lnd Oatoa roUN H. HCPE, i ATTORXE Y-AT-LA W, ( RoesBcaa, OUOOI, , Bmiaw-beta T.8. Laa4 OOatmni Fiotat ! . ,( i Oltr-AMm amluiM. ii'i i L-uril Attorney-at-Law. wu, -.o. (n j th SUkle a4 TKlarai Cooru 1 ' ,, , I 01. c Iirrcnv 1 f tOMMODOKt O. JAUh.MJ., s J , ,, - ! auiuc buu vvuumivi w. I av .nil U'.l.. P i r.V. t maa specialty. .mtf r. Bid- R06BCRG. OKJtGO.1 P W. BENSON, Attorney-at-Law, omi 1 and 2 WTie Baildinc. ROSEBCRb, 01X00 JA. BUCHANAN', Notary Pabiic. Attorney-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. iujnin atantcta Buudlnx. R06XBCEO, OB TT J, ROBISETT. X AttomV it T IW aiiorncj at ,W. , ?l,,,,, r ! ! ajior m -ixa iiki a -.n.eAT, c a. SKaisa- di ; ff III I'l'inv t. i:BIV LAWYERS fnctioe in all ol tlie eoarta ot the lata, aiao before Uie C. fc. Land deirtmenU Tailor Jk rtilaon Blork, K'ltanr Public in oflice t-Uonv Main i EOSKBl'KO, ORE. $ ?. . . 1- s f - . . ) ' t s V I ' Carnival If you want to g to Cw County ! points, take the K.-churg, rute. Spring hacks buy Marshfield .,... everv day at J, A. M. lu.nire i.f C. P Barnard, agent. tf. -INSFKE IN THE- W INSURANCE AT COST. UjaJ OflS. McMianT:;, Orfjr-n Amt. of iuurance ia force, 1 1 1 ,r-C0.0fO.f O Net gain in one year, 2,t.-"?.r7.il j avmg its memoera 1 yr., u,.y.ii.A Number separate rkks', C2.Z A J. Buchanan, Roseburg, Oregon. Agt. for Douglas C. UMIVER5ITY EUGENE, ! The first Semester, session 1902-3, opens Wcdnesda', i September 17th. The following schools and Colleges are KjjBBcaa oaac comprised in the University. Graduate School, College cf j Literature, Science and Arts, College or bcieuce and En- : t..: ci 1 r r .- . . itiuccuiig, cuiciu .tcjuesuy. ocuooi 01 .music, acaool of ledicine. School of Law. ! Tuition free, excepting Incident tal fr? land Music. 2.50 per year. Cost ot per 3ear. Kcr catalogue, address REGISTRAR OF 3 17 P WV.W.V.W.V.V.V.-.V.V.V.V.".V.V.V.VAV.V.V.V.V.V.V FVPD'Q Ri v WE ARE STIU. IX THE I.E.VI Fine Cream and W rame to Rwburz to !t.-iy. the traile iu tlie iuture ju ia il Join in ice pr ?$: w nej j - tinoalir passing ia and ot of nr THE BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES. J. SIEVERS, FroTrictGT w.".v.v.v.v.w.v.w.v.v..v.w.w.-.w.ss3- PARK NO WASHINGTON. POHTVANO. OREGON The school where thorough vrork b dce; nrhere the readers it always given; where cor.dece is developed; where lecp:r is taught exactly as boots are kept la business; where al made easv where penmanship ym-i-. keepers and stenographers h.'c: thirrr thousands more will A. P. ARMSTRONG, LL. ., m:. '!PAL A CAR LOAD Mitchell Wagons ALL 5IZEE5, JUST ARRIVED oYfYmous H:na-T autJ Snritis 1 anil RoainVapas on Iianil. If you wish comfort, elegance and a reasonable price, see us before buying iiui J. K r 1 )3A iiC ROSKBURG, ORKGON Pocket Cutlery; Safety Razors Shears and Scissors Of the Highest Excellence it t ' nnriiKK knivf. KIN liS. V- irrv in st :. n.K SOLD AT roPl'LAR PKICIIS S. K. SYKES, Hardware. B JO Sales on Again IT HELPS YOU , f , , y.iir mind ci-ar rel fr-h for y b;-!in- i. r.L! !..-! if r-u ri tii.- d brei-1 U'Cht at ti.e Umpqua Bakery :r brea i i made fr..t:u tL Ut pur, and ii a! a ay FRESH AND CLEAN 'ive ua acaM. JEVMXCS & FREEH A3 Prvytrii-iors Partle BI !j., r.h JatiiI...a Str. OF OREGOfl OREGON. iu school of Law, Medicine ion. 'npr-f.P.-vlf living froiu ioo.co to 203.00 THE UNIVERSITY, Eugene, Oregon KhDV Jackson trt. near Cass WITH lH'i: Momemad B read an-! ii as Llwi! i .Viw t.t ll, -e l heiv a "t.z tiaj ret. i is'l ni: ht-rf. ' t'-Riers vi L can I wn t:-n- is at its best ; where tu have been m:ccos i be. Ore.n r.il t voir Co. - . vvnis 1 ti.fkv or vi.t. s -a 5 is cf Ta- " B . 1 1 r 1 1 " 1 1 " "' a""""" " '"' ' --" ' ' " 1 ' ' 1