The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 04, 1902, Image 4

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This Column Is Edited by our Mer
chants and Business People.
Brown Brvad Fresh every Jay at Sie
vers Bakery.
See the Title Guarantee & Ixwn Co.
or lilue prints and Cling )iers. If.
That towel sale is still on at Josephnon's
For further information pee our window.
Fruit drier work is a pjeeialiy of
Sykes A Carroll, t lie ui-to-t:ite plumber
and repairers. II
Get your a !t raots if t itle from J . D
Hamilton. He has the only complete
set of abstract btxks iii'the county, ft
Give us order for a new shot itnn
you will lie satisfied with the gun and '
price too. h. K. Svkes Hani ware.
. . II
Summer dressoods and shirtwaists at
preatly mlueod in ices at Josephson's.
Investigate and yon will invest.
Assaying V. G. Wright, Grants
Fas.--, Oregon, gold and silver (1, copper
(1, tin and electrolytic assays.
For harness, or anything in the har
ness line call on F. Long it Sons near
the deot. Repairing a specialty.
There are still a few small and nied
ium si-ros I At in those "Hollar Shoes at
Josephson's." An unrivalled opportu
nity for money saving.
Just received a full line of shoes suit
able for timttcr cruisers and hunters at
prices that suit Call for the Forest
King at Flint's Shoe Store. i
Sink this truth deep in your mind.
Queen Quality shoes will save money for
you. Let ns sell you a pair fr proof.
Found only at Flint's shoe store.
Ladies Tan. Oxblood and dark Green
Laee Shoes 3.25, 3.00 and i20- Val-!
nes now going for $2.00 and f 1.75
per pair at Josephson's.
Another shoe sale at Josephson's
Men's Tan and Oxblood Shoes :t..r0, tS.
00 and SfL'-.-H). Values now e'ing for f
20, $2.00, ami $ 1.50. Investigate this.
Weeklv Examiner, $1.50, Weeklv Cal
1 1.00, Weekly Oregonian $1.50, Weekly
Chronicle $1.50, a Year: leave your
' subscriptions at Cannons' Book & Sta
tionery Store.
For Abstracts of Title, guaranteed to
be full and correct copies of all records
effecting the title, call on Frank E. Alley
uostairs in the Marks bnilding. His
work is guaranteed correct, and prices
are reasonable.
On account of the irresrular surveys of
many of the townships in the Roseburg
land'district, it is almost imjiossible to
locate section corners without a copy of
the Government survey. Frank L. Alley,
Abstractor of this city, has a complete
set of tracings of all surveyed townships,
and will furnish blue prints of same,
showing all vacant lands.
Why fool away time and money re
pairing your old harners when you can
buy a tine new set. so cheaply of F. Long
& Sons at the new harness slion neatsl
the depot. If, however, yon are in need
of repairs Long & Sons will satisfy your
- -wants in short order and at reasonable
prices. Everything in the harness and
saddlery line kept constantly on hand
at prices in competition with the de
railment stores. See Uteir fine line of
trunks and telescopes. -
Stcte Normal School.
Let those expecting to attend the Nor
mal bear in mind the date of opening
Monday, Soptemlier 8th and il possible
be on hand the first day.
The Normal essays to put students
and teachers on a fitoting toat lea is to
good certificates. Review woi k is a
feature of our course. The coming year
the Normal will bo more a home than
ever before. Material internal and ex
ternal improvements of the school build
ing are making for the enjoyment and
benefit of students. Physical education
s a Tart of the course.
Strong work in English and mathemat
ics will be given from a practical point
of view ; also in science.
Letters from students, old awl new,
say, "I'll be with yon next year.
-The success of our graduates has cre
ated a demand for Drain Nornialites in
good schools. The Normal has helped
many to good positions and will help
you if yon will let it.
For information, address
al aT. II. Orcntt, president.
$ioo Reward $100.
The readers of thin paper will be
pleased to learn tliat there is at leas-t
one dreaded disease that sk-nce has been
able to cure in all its stages,' and that is
Catarrh. Halls Catarrh Cure in the
only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu
tional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall'sCatarrh Cure is taken
internally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the system
thereby destroying the fiuindatiori of
the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building ns the constitution
and assisting nature in doing its work
The proprietors have 60 much faith in
its curative powers, that they offer One
naudred Dollars for any case that it
fails to cure. Send for list of testimoni
Address F. J. Chenet aCo.,
Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Halls Family Tills are the best.
Milk, Mifk, Milk.
We claim that under our new
of aerating, purifying ' and
(which slKiidd be the case with all milk
consumed) yon -eet from twenty-five to
fifty j-er cent more valueJor less money
than any other milk delivery in the city
affords. The milk delivered is inouali-
ty A 1 and guaranteed to give yon entire
satiMaction. As published on our for
mer rate cards I allow one neck's frial
free of charge unless entirely satisfac
tory. If vou think the altove is over
drawn, why not give it a trial that we
may demonstrate. Why ' not sjtend
j-our money whore your dollars jto the
farthest, and patronize a jtennanent
business? all.
Look At this Money Maker.
A ranch of 210 acres, with house, ham
and outlruildiiigs. Orchard, small lruit
etc.. well matured. No middleman's
Tirofits. 3 miles from rail road. Town
of Drain. $1500 cash, inquire
owner. . F. F. FATTKitsox
Hoseburg, Ore
Oregon and Other Poems
Is the title of a little hook containing
iiiv poems, which I have just had pub
lished. I am now selling it over Kose
biirL'. and will mail it to any one who
frill send me 10 cents. Ad.lress,
Aldox Harness, Koseburg, Oregon.
Fortune Favors Texan.
"Hiiviii-4 tli.-'trx'Heing pains in bead,
liaijk ami lonnu li, aihl lteinir without
apitiU', I Uvan to use Dr. King's New
L.i rills" writes W P. WLitehead, of
Kcnneilali', Tex., "and soon felt like a
new liiun." Infallible in stomach and
, liver tnmlile. Only 2"c at A C Maris
tors druj.' t:Vre.
Catarrh of the middle Ear.
Produces deafness, causes roaring and
cracking noises ; makes your ears dis
charge, causing ringing in your cars,
makes your hearing worse some days
than others. As the catarrh progresses
there is a steady disagreeable ringing or
roaring in the ears, due to the entrance
of catarrhal inflammation into the eu
stachian tnlies connecting the ears with
the nasal canals at a point well back to
ward the Uvinninn of the throat. This
1 ir ' . i . -
roaring disappears oniy wncu me ca
tarrhal inflammation in the luise and
throat has tevn cured. Smith Brothers'
S. B. Catarrh Cure taken mrul-irlv will
reduce and cure all catarrhal iiifl-itiiina
tion. Bitot on l otarrn tree. Aooress
. . . . . - .
Smith Bros., Fresno' Cal.
Marslers Prng Co.
For sale by
Notice for Publication.
CnlUsI ieates La ml Office.
Roaebun:. Oreeon. June 7. H.'.",
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provision oltottrl ol Huntress Ol
JnueS, lt.7S, entitled "An Art (or tlie sale of
Timber Lamls in tlie Slates ol Csliioriiia, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory." as
extended 10 all the I'ublic Land States by act
of August i.
of Ctiieaeo, county ol t'oxtk. Slate of 111., had
tliladav Med in tms oniee lis suotn statement
No. 'JMT for the nun-base of the SK',. ol Mrlion
No. township No. Si sotitlt ol lauire No. a
west and will oiler proof to show thai the laud
songhl i asore valuable for ilK timlw r or stone
tnan for ajmcniltirai purposes, aim to
lish bis claim to said land before the Keciaier
and Receiver of this ouice at Huseitunr, ororon,
on Saturday, the 27th day of rcplcmlter. lli
tie names as wittiatM-s: ..eorct natcuiau,
Henrr Singleton. Henry Strsder and o us E J man
all of liooe burr. Orceou.
Any and ail persons ciaimine adversely ine
the above described landi are rei nested to tile
inelr claims in this on ice on or tteiore ssm z. in
day or -September, l'.Wi. J. T. BK1 lUtf.A
jl'JW Keriier.
Notice for Publicatiou.
United States Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, May 27, 1WX!.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
lime S, lsTS, enliUetl "An act for the sale ol
timber lands in the stales of Cal I lorn ia, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to ail the public land states by act of Aug
ust 4, ISC, .
of Burlington, county of Skagit, state ot Wash
ington, has this day tiled in this od'ice her sworn
statement No. 2.'.r2 f.w the purchase ol the St1,
of section, townshin .HI soaih, rang a
W and will Oder proof to show that the land,
songht is more valuable for it limber or stone
than for agricultural purpose, and to establish
her claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver ol this office at Roeebnrg Oregon, on
Thursday the 1Mb clay of September, list! She
names as witnesses: John Slater, n illiam Smith,
tan lord slater, and Leonard Drocka, all of Bur
lington, W ash ing ion.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are reqaeslei to rile their
elaims in this odiee on or be lore said lsth day of
SepU-tnber, 19J2, J.T. EBirxiES,
J2p llccialcr.
Notice for Publication.
Roseburf;. Oregon, Way. 31, fl.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the ttroyiuous of the act of ("ongrtx of
Jane 3, lsrs, entitleit "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the Matesof California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory," asextend
ed to all she l'nblic .aud htatta by act of Aug
ust 4, 1st!,
of Rnsehnrg. county of Oonglaa, Stat of Ore
gon, baa this day filed in tan office her swo n
statement No. "acuu, for the purchase oi UieS1.
of hK'iand K1., i( tK4aud Na'.of
section No. 32, tow nship T. south, range No. 3
West and will offer proof to show that the
rand sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish her rial m to said land before the Regis
ter and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, u
gon, on Monday the 22nd day ol gepiember,lsu2.
She names as w mioses: 1-anl.l Craig and
Frank Hays, ot Roaeburg, Orx-on. and James T.
Buchanan and 8 W. Turnell of Peel. Oregon.
Any ami all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to hie
theirelatms in olnce on or beiore raid 2nd
dayofteepL 1002. J. T. hKlW.KS.
J-P uegmter
Notice for Publicatiou.
I'KiTgD f-TiTts Land Orn'.
Rosebnrg. Oregon. Ang t, iw
Notice is herebv givn that in compliance
with the Piovisiona of the act Ml Congress of
June 3. l.VT, entitled Au act lor the sale of
Timber ia'jli in the S'atcs. of CaUIornia. Ore
gon. Nevada, and asliirigiti Tenitorv, as ex
tentted tit ail the fuulic Land States by act of
August 4, 1S)1.
of Roseburg. cotintvof ftttielaa. Stateof O.rgon,
has thiauaytiied inth is on ice n-sorn statement
No. 3L"j6, for the purchase nl the lots 1,4. and
S' j XW'i of s-.-tion No. 2 town hip K". Sooth
ot tange ft west and will oiler prjof lo
show tuat the land swnighl is more valuable ftr
its timber or sttwte tbaii fr s-nruitiiral pur-
pos a and to tstablish iiis claim to sai'l land
beiore Z. 1.. limi, ik k, l". S. Commfs-'ouer at
Oakland. Oregon, on Friday the -Oh day of
October. 19U2. He Dimi as witnesses: timer
LO les, Isaac I brockvrsv. John McSIulien
and Wilbur Franklin ail ol Koseburg. Oregon
Any and ell persona claiming adversely the
above dessribed lantlsare renelel to lile their
elaiuis in this office on or before said 24th day
of ict. LsJ2 J. T. UKIDCKS,
A14p Register.
Notice for Publication.
Kisim a, Ore., June 20, laoi.
Notice i hereby given that in rompliauce
with the provisions ol the act oi ixtngreu 01
June a, !, enuuea "An act ior ute sale 01
tiiBber lands in the states of California, Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory." as extend
ed u all Ute public land slates by act of August
4. VSJL,
of Seattle, county of King, state of Washing
ton. has mis nay men in this oniee nut sworn
statement No. '774. for the purchase of the 8
S', of sec. No 24, township No. :SlS. R. No. S we
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable lor its timber or stone tbsn
for agricultural purposes, and to establish 1)11
cisiin beiore the Register and Receiver of thia
fuce of Ruse burg. Oregon.
on atondav. the LUh dv of October. 1902. H
names as witnesses: Fred M. Fsyne. of North
Bend, Wash., Wtn. M. forterof Camas Valley,
ore,, R S. risjier, Jf . L. bpaoluing, of Seattle
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
above-deacribea land;, are requested to file their
claims in tins omi on or beiore saia l-un asy oi
Oct., PJU2.
J. I. Brims,
J21p Register.
Notice for Publication.
Cniled Flates Land Office.
Roseburg. Oregon. Jolyli, 1'2.
Notice u hereby given that In cotnplianea
wltn ice provisions ot me act oi longresa oi
June 3. IsTs. entitled "An act for the sale of
tlu.ber lauds in the States of California, Oretrou
Nevada .and asr.mgton Territory,' asexteiid-
ed to all the public land slates by act ol August
of Rowbnrg, county of Oonglas, Htate of Orernn
has ibis : hleil in this orhce ins sworn slate
ment. No. VJVt, lor the purchase of the tVV.t'
section No. s, tp. No 27 south range No. 7 west
and willolfer proof to show that the land sought
is mure valuable lor Its timber or stone than
for acleulrural punsses, and to esrablih bis
claiut beiore the Register aud Receiver this
ollice of Roseburg. Oregon.
on Thursday the l:tth day of Nov em tier, l'.KH.
He names as witnesses: OsLiel fbilan, Isaac
Johnson of Roseburg. Ore.. James W Conn of
Melrose, Ore., .M K Callahan, of Ward ton, Uie.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
atiove-escrilied lands are rciuesU-d t' file their
claims in this ofliccon or besore said Lllh day ol
Nov 1U02. J. T. JJRIOliES,
sip Register
Notice for Publication.
L'niled States land Office,
RoaeburK, Oies.ou, June u, larj.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
alth . the provisions ol the act of
'ougree of June 3, l7h, entitled
"Au act for the saleof limner lauds in the
KUiel of California, Oicuon, Nevada and Wash
Ington Tei"tor." as exiemled to nil the I'ab
lic. Lnd Sls by act of August 4lti, 1K7J,
of Myrtle Creek, county ol Oougla. stnle of Ore
gon, has thia day tiled In this office ber sworn
statement Sn. 2)4, lor Ihe purchase oi the hli
N S . ; X K'i of sec. No, 14. lp M S, R. :i W .
W. 11. aud will oner proof to show that the laud
sought ia more valuable for lis timber or atour
than for agricultural perfuses, and to estab
lish her claim lo said laud before the Register
aud Receiver of this office at Rtschiirg. Oregon,
on Friday the iMtn flay of Oi iober l'si2. fihe
natnesastt T. (I. Harlow, John Hall,
Jr., Alexander 'i hompin, jf. Johnson, all of
Myrtle t'reek. Oregon.
Any and all peisons claiming adversely Ihe
sIhh'C dteribil landa are requested It hie
their claims In thisofliee on or before said nilh
day of Oclxtbcr, 1JU2. J.T. BRIDOKH,
J;p ' kegtsU'r.
Title Ciuaran tee & Loan Co.
J. D. Hti.toi, D. C Hmi.Tow,
I'resiilcnt . (Secy, and Tros
Office In the Court House. Hare theonlvcom
pleleaet of abstract Intuits In Douaiat t iiiitny.
Abstract aud Certificau-s of Tiilo furnlsliil io
Uougla county land and uiinitig claims Have
also a complete set ol 1 racings ot all township
plats in the Roseburg, Oregou, I', h. Land lilt
Irirt, Will make blue print copies of any ton u.
Notice for Publication.
Cnl tod states Land Oltlre,
Roseburg, On tnii, May. .11, 1W2.
Notice Is Jicroby Riven thai In compliance
wilh the provisions of tho ad of I'otiKresa of
June 3, 1H.8. eiuiileii '-An act fur tho sale of
timber lands In the SUU-x ol Oalilornia. Oregon,
Nevada, aud Washington Territory." aa extend
ed to all tho I'ublic Lund Slates by act of Aug
ust 4, 1B.U.
of Roseburg, iMiiglDscounty. Oregon, has this
day tiled in litis olliec his sworn statement
No. LVil lor the purcliaw of the S'3oi H w
and N W 4 of s W ar.1 H W 1 1 ol N W ' of
Secliou No. 32, township 27 south, range 3 went
and will oiler proof to show that
Hie land sought is more valuable for its
timlier or stone than for airrlotiltiiral purpose
and loestabltsh his claim to said Is nil liefore
the Register and Kttculvurof IhisoUicc at Hone.
Im nr. I in iron, on Monday the Uud day c f Sert
l'JOi He names as witnesses: Daniel Oraig and
KrI'k Hats, or Kosebutg.and James T. llm lisu
aiuMd S. W. Turnell of l'ecl. On eoii.
itny and all nersous clstmtng adversely the
aliove rlewrllK'd lands aie iviiui-sted to tile
their claims In this odiee on or before said S2ud
day of Sept. 1-.IU2. J.T. UKllxir.s,
J2p KetisUT
Contest Notice.
lTnile.1 Stales Ijind tulice,
Roseburg, tire., August ", I'll!
A sufficient eont-st aBidavir h.tving bin-n
filed in this office by
contestcnt, against hoiin'xicad entry No s-sl."i,
made lvceiulK-r &. l.Mii;,lorNMi aivuou JO, tp.
:w S range t et, by
conb-stee, in which it is alloyed that ssiU ntry
ui.ui is ic-eAcd, having ditsl more than a year
ago; that he was unmarried slid Hint there is
no pcrn living on the said laud or claiming
title thereto: and lhat the said land is now
alaieloiicd. satd parties arc hereby noltlied to
npK-ar. ri sii 1 aud erler evidence touching
said allegation at ltlocloek a ni.. on S, .lcinlT
Jii, list!, ts-ioro the Register and Receiver of the
I ui led Slates IjohI Oflii-e al Hoseburg, Otegon.
11 ic sa d cinttanl liaviug, in a proper all),
davit, fiiel April ' lis, set Mr 111 laets which
show that alter due diligence personal wrvlce
of this notice cau not le made, it is herehy o -dcrel
and directed that such notice be giveu by
due and pnMT publication.
J. T. BKIIXiSS. R,-giUr.
A14 J. U. BO ITU, Receiver.
Notice for Publication.
RooEBuao. Oregon, July 2v, 1iJ.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
w ith the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878. eulitied, "An act for the aaleof
timber lands in the States of California Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory," asextenl
ed to all the Public Land si Is tea by act of Aug
ust 4. 1S92.
of Oak laud, countv of Ixtulas. statu of Oreg Mi
has this day tiled in this otlice her sworn siste
incni No. v,, ior the purchase of the
EI. E' ot section N-t. SI township r, south, oi
raiigc No. 4 west, and will' o3er proof to show
that the land sought la more valuable for 114
timberorstnne than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish her.claim to said land belore
the Rutosier and Receiver of this ofBr at Rose
burg. Orcon, on Wednslay the Lth clay of
October, lw.'. She names its witnessesr Cjrl,
Ohmc, Louis Staiidacber, Hermsu Wentike, of
Oakland. tregon, and Ira Miicir of Myrtle
Creek. Oregon.
Any and al persona claiming adversely the
above aescrined lanns are rejuciea to me loeir
claims in this ofhec on or beiore sato 1 Mh day
of Oct. 1S0-2. . T. BKIDtiES.
Alp Register.
Notice for Publication.
Roseburg, tire., July. 29,
Notice is hereby riven that in compliance
w itt lite provisions ol the act of Congress ol
June S, 1, etiut.e-l "An act for the taleof
tlmberiands in the Mates of CaJllomla, Oregon,
Neva-la and Washington Territory," as extend
oJ to all the I' Land states by act of Aug-
cu t, l.t'i,
of Osk'itnd, county
f Hongla. Stale of Oregon. I
ba this day hied in Ibis nthce his sworn state
ment Xo.s :, lor the juteiiae of the SW.' of
See No. IN Township is Suuth. Kane! o.
S Writ, and will offer proof to show that the
land sought ia more valuable ktr its timbcror
stone than for atricu'.ttirsl purposes, aud to
estalMb bis claim to said land before the
Recisier and Receiver of this oflice at Roseburg.
Otegon, on Wednesday, the l.'-th day of
OeUiber. hsK. He names as witneeej: Loiis
Htaudarher, Krnstiue Slandacher, Herman
calr-ke of Oakland, Oregon, and Ira Mi es of
"Myrtle Curt, Oregon.
Any and all persons canning adversely the
ahove-tlesrrttied lands are rrouested to rile their
casiini in this oOice on or beiore said i 'th day
ofOctlt0l. J.T.BRIDikS.
A4p Register.
Notice for Publication.
rnited Stales Ijind office.
Roseburg, i iregon. June "Ju, I'sM.
Notice is hereby given that ta eompllancw
wltn the provisions of tbe act of Cvugresa ol
Jur.e lsTs. eutuied "An act for the rale of
timber lauds iu the statesof ( sh ioruia.Oreg-in
NevaUa aud " ashmgicu lerritory," asexteud
ed to all the public iand states by act of August
, Iwi
of Seattle, county oi Kin?, slate of W a.binrtou.
has thia day cled in this office his sworn 1at--tm-nt
Ntt. for the purchase of this'j Mt'4
and kds I and 2 section 2. I range 9 west
and a ill offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish nla
claim bet'ure the Agister and Receiver of thia
ollice of Roseburg, ureguu.
on Monday, the li day of tietosr. I-. He
names as witnesses; John W. HcnncU. . it. L.
SiilUng. of Sa-atlle. Wash.. Wm M forler. Al
len Wilson of Camas Valley, ttregttn.
Any aud ail persons claiming alversely the
above deaeribed land are re-ne'cd to file their
i isiins in Uis office on or befoie aud 1-Hh day
of tctnlter, 19 2. J T li RI 1 i ES .
J:llp Register.
Notice for Publication.
, foiled State Land Office,
Rose burr, Oreroo. June 'JA, 19ui.
Notice is hereby given tbat In compliance
with the provisions of tbe act of i'otirres of
June 3, )STS. entitled "An ait for tbe sale of
Umber lands in the Mates of f 'alifornla.Oreron
Nevada .and Uashinarton Territory," as extend
ed to all the public laud slates by act oi August
4, 1SW.
of Burlington, county of ekarii, state of Wash
inrtoii has .his day CM in this office his won
statement No2s;i for the the UK'S
ol section No 1J, town-hip No Jl ., ranae Vi
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable for its timber or stone than
lor agricultural purposes, ami to establish hit
claim before the Register and Receiver of thia
office of Roseburg, On sou.
on Tuesday, the '.'1st dy of OeVtlier, mi He
names as witnesses: Mrst.'hsrlolte F llanley,
lohit B Shannon, Mrs Mora at Misnnon of Bur
lington, Math , aud Pratik Kincarlof Oakland,
Any and all person claiming alversly the
above rtDcr iiped lauds are re-int ated to file their
claims in Ibis office on or before said 1.1 day
of October, 1J. J.T. BKIfKiKM,
4p RetrUtcr.
Notice for Publication.
United hUUs Ijind Oftlce
Roseburg, Oregon, June 2. lfO.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of 4'ougress of
Junes, )87rt. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lanos In the Mates of California, Oregon.
Nevada .and Washington Territorv," as ex tend
ed to all the public land slates by act of August
4, lsiu.
of Burlington, count of Hkaglt, Rtateof Wssli
Ingiou has this day tiled in Uiis ollice her sworn
statement No s-". for Ihe pnirhase of the. lots
l. i ia.nltJof sccCon is. tp 31 H.. R. west
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for lis timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before tbe Register and Receiver of this
office of Roseburg, Oregon.
on Tuesday the 21st day of OctoWr, 19tt She
names as witnesses: I homas K llsiilcy, John
II rilinnuon, Mrs Flora M -hsnnon of hurling
lon. Wash , Frank KiucarL, Oakland. Oregon.
Auy and all persons claiming adversely the
above descrilied lands are roiucstcd lo tile their
eiaiuis in this otiti c on or beiore said 21st da'
of October l'Jiri
A4p i. T. BkiDoES, Register.
Notice for Publicatiou.
l'niled Slates I.snd Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, May', l'Jtrj.
Notice Is 1 erchy given that in compl'aticc
with the provision of the act of Congress of
JtiueU, LS7M. cntitltsl "an Act for the sale of
Timlier luids in Ihe Slates of California., Ore
gon. NevaUa aud Washington Terrilery," as ex
tended to all the I'ublic Laud Ktatcs by set of
August 4, lhi.
nf Burlington, county of Sksgit slate nf
ingbni, has this (lay filed at ollice her
sworn statement No. JfwS for the pun:hase a?
Ixits9, ID, 1:1 and 14 of Section No.d, towusaip 111
south, range II a est. and will oiler proof to show
thai the laud sought is more valuable for its
tiiiiherarid stone, than for agiicnllurnl purposes
and to establish lo r claim to said Imcl Is lore
ihe Reelsterer aud Receiver of this ollice al
KOHchutg, Oiegou, on Tburlay, the IHtli day of
beptember, VV. hhe names as wituesites:
John blaler, W iUiam Hinlth, siauforJ Hlaler tinil
lonanl Hrooks.all of Burlington, Washington.
Any and all pi-raomi claiming twlveraely the
a'Hive deserilied lauds are reUeslet to file
their claims In this ollice on or before said Irs lit
dsy of Sept. VM2. J. T. HRIlMiM
JJ Register.
1900 Water Proof
Harness Oil niackin?
I'ut tip in the conwVteiicy nf cre.nii, and
fish ively -will not (film tir mold. ( lives
the leather lirnmeK", yet uiakeH it Huft
and oliulile. l'reMerveM the leather and
Btitchinj!; from inclement weather and
fiveft the harness a neat and finished !i--iiearanee.
Iteally makes o!d harneHu
ltrik new and will make it lafl twieo n
long by the u of 11KXJ Harness Oil. II
is also ectiallv (toikI for boots ind thoeM.
Maiiufiu tureil.fti' J.'W. 510 IE, UdK.
hurg, fJreiron. (n Bale ut UliMh.'ett'H
llarneng blioji, fjHp;
Notice for Publicatiou.
United Slab's Land Ofllee,
Roseburg, Uregou, Aug hi,
Notice Is hereby given that lit . cnmpliauce
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Junes, ltiTS, entlthxl "An act for the sale of
tunlicr lands In tho slates of California, Oregon,
Navaila, and Washington Teirltorv." as extend-
el to all lt Public IJiiul Slab's by act of
August 4, Ih'Ji.
FRANK B. mcil,
ol Duluth, KIT K. Sixth St , countv of St. Louis,
s'ate of HluncsntH, has this day tiled in tliisol
Uec his sworn statement, No 3.'17 lor tho pur
chase of tho N K' j ol section No.kfc- township
No 111 soutn of rango Nour.i.iid will olltr
proof to show uiRll"niiict sought Is inoro
valunhle for iurihfmer or stone timii for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish his claim Ul
mill land before Waller !. Unit, I) S Couiinls
siottrr. al Kiddle. Oregon, on Thursdny the :'th
dsv ol October, tie names as wllmwsta:
llV Miller. Jainea Ilulhs li. W K Mlua'il, of
Myrtle Ci.H k. Ore.,T K Howard, Roseburg, tire,
Auv and all jxirsona claiming adversely tho
alxivc desrrilieil lands are rsUeU! I to hie their
claims in this ultiec on or beiurn said lot H day of
1X1. li. J.T. BRUM.
a-'lp Kcglater.
Notice for Publicatiou.
I'uited Slates Land Office
Roseburg. Oregon Aug IS, Pt2.
Notice is hereby given tbst in compliance
Willi the provisions ef the act of Congress of
June 3, ls7M.cnliile1 "An act for the sale of tim
ber lauds ill the States of California, Oregon,
Nevaditaud Washington Territory,'-as extend
ed to all the I'liblie Land .-tales by act of Aug
ust 4, ls'.t.',
of Roseburg, county of HoiikIss, state of Oregon,
lias this day tiled in tins oVm his sworn slste-
inelit No, 'tJs-l, lor the purchase of the NK'
oi aocunit o. 4, lownsitip ji, aouiii.
range wmt and will oiler proof to
show Unit the bind sought Is more valuable lor
its timl-eror Kloiie 1 limit lor aurir.uluirsl pur
posc, and to esuiblNn his cUiui tosaid laud
Inoore . I. Diiumick, II ri Commissioner, at
Oakland. Oregou, on Montlay the :trd lav of
November, Ivo.. He nauo-s as witnesses: '.Val
ter Bilxell, Janoa JMcMillan John . Veaascu
aud lfayette VUu, all ot Uoiwl.iirg. On con.
Any and all iersnns claiming adversely Hie
above di-scriboi lauds arc reiUcslcl to lile their
claims in this olhoe on or be to re said 3rd any
Ol ov. mj
A21p J. T. BRIIXiKS. Regisicr.
Notice for Publication.
1'niUil htalcs Land Office,
RosebU'g. ttregtin. Aug is. l'.12.
Noli Is hereby given that In c-unt liato-e
with the provisions of the act of tUutgrss of
June I. lfTs, entitled "Au Act for I lie sale
t im tier lands m the States ot California, Oregon
Nevada aud sshlugton Territory,' as extend,
ed to all the Public Land .slate by act of Aug
u-t I, !!,
of Roseburg. county of liaiirla. state of Ote-
gou, has this dav tiled in Ibis office his sworn
statement No. X.V.! lor the Mirchase of the S'
MA'.i.N'ii-W'iof sec. No. A! in tp. No. i 8.,
ranee No. vrcst and will oiler prool Ui
how that the land sought is more valuable for
its umber or Hone than lor agricultural pur-
iv. and to establish his claim to sai l 'and
beJoro I L U.ri Conmiss-oniT, at
Oakland Oregon, on Monday the xrd d of
November, llstj. He name as witnesses: John
Fanner, Chas Thorn, John Veaaaitn, of 1U:
burg, tire.. John Thorn, o! Cleveland. Ongon
Auy and all persons claiming adversely the
alttve descril-ed lan is are ifiueatol lo lile
their claims in thisottice or or beiore said :(rJ
of Nov. luoi J. I . llKiltOr.
a.'lp Regitter.
Notice for Publicatiou.
t'nlled s;at Land OSc
Rosebun;. Oregon, Aug Sl.limi.
'Notice Is hereby given that lu compliance
with tne provisions ol tlie act ol t tigress.
June i, IsTs. entit.. "An act lur the sale of
Tlmis-r in the slates uf California. Ore
concvada and ts a.hinrbin Territory," as ex
tended lo s.l the fub'ic l-s!i'l Males by
August 4. 1S"-
MhS. Erf A I. MAR-TKR3.
rt of
of w-iseborg county of su-ias s'ate ol Oregon
has this dsy hsl in this onice her unit state
ment No J.V7, lor lite pnn'ba-e ol lht Nfc.'4 sit
. h1- Sf'.. and Ss'j M!'. o! s etlon I J.
u,unsriin.Mith. ranee 7 west and will offer
, ,. ., .,- lh.k ,. .-i,..
ral purposes, and toesiaUish her ciaiui to said
land be.'ore the K--g;sier and Kecet' J-r of ibis al Rnact'crr. Or--ron, on Saturday, the
bth dav of Nnvetnls-r. IsC She nautea as wit
nesses: t;llls-rt Ollber soo.OieuJsie. Ore
F. livens. W. K. Marslers. win, of
Rose bo re. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above dcwrtbtsi ian:s are fquesira is mi
their claims in tills oUcc on or beiore aald sib
day of Nor. I V2.
.p. J. T. BRIDOEi.
Notice for Publication.
fnilod !utc Land Ofllee.
Rov Mi nr Uresron. Ah 21, Iwi.
Xotiee is Itcrebr eivca that in cimitiiance
aritit the provisions of the act of fncsrvsa t(
June.t. Ls;s.ent!te-I "Au act for Ihe sale of
timi-r lauds in the Males ol 'aii'orn!a.Ort eon,
NeTsslaand Ws-hinnton Territory." as extend
ed lo al! the Public Laud Males by axl of Aug
ust 4, lyJ.
of Kosebnnr. co inty ol l. it,.a, Male of OreTn
has Ibis day liei in tbisotlii'e his sworn state
mem .o rLsjx lor Ihe i::rehsMoi tlie N', S;..-
t t s '.4, s ; n Ki4 s-c to. tp i s , a ; u
and will oferpro.f toshow that thelandsorfht
Is more taluanie lur i s titular or stone Iban
for agricultural purpose, and to establish hie
claim beiore the Recisier and lleeelTer ol thia
olnce ol Rosebura-.Orefon
oaaatiinlay. uiesilt ti November, lsji. He
name, as wiin.-s-.-s: t,iite-et Oiltterts.,n. liN-n-daie.
ore.. J. K. Oivcns. Kfla L MarsTers, WtrK
s bml.ll,o( Kin.. burr, tire.
Any aud all persons claiminic adrercly the
aove de-nitetl lands are tctui-sted to h e their
claims in this ofitce on or befop sai l sib day
of .NoT.I!i J. T. RKMi 'KM.
ap Rcsincr.
Notice for Publication.
l'nitr.1 .'-tales Itnd,
Roaetmrg. Oregon. Aug "M. I'"UL
Nolice is hereby given tbat lu oompliance
with Uie provisions ! Ibe act of Congress of
June. IfCI. entitled "ab Act lor the sale nf
timber lands iu ihe Mate- ol California, Oregon
Nevada, and Washington Territory," as exteud
ed lo all the Public Land states by act of Aug
ust 4, 1V.'J,
of Rns.nrg c tnuty ol DtHi.-ia. stale ot Oregon
has tnls da- Bled in this once his sworn stale
mt'Dt Sn i'l-t. for the purchair of the N,', ol
section No. 1.'. township No. if. s. R. No. If W
and will offer proof lo aitow lhat Ihe land
sought is more valuable for Its lisnlter or alone
than for arricuUiiral purposes, and to establish
his claim to "aid laud beiore I. Oiliiroicl.. I:
ft I'ommissioncr. at Oakland. Onsgon. on Tltars
dsy the day oi November, inu-'. He names
as witnesses: K L tiiles. r'd m Hoobar, John
Hogsn, Jaines Kiirion, all ol Roseburg. ttretron.
any and all persona claiming adversely Oia
above described lands are requested bt tile
Ibeir claim, in this othec on or lar'ore said 6th
dayof Nor. la)' J.T. RHIU.r-".
A2ft Register.
Notice for Publication.
Cuited .Males I-sli.l OlTn-e.
Roseburg. ttregon, June at. f'.sn!.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with tbe provisions of tbe act of Coiigresa of
June 1, li:s. etitn'ed "Au act for tbe sale ut
Umber lauds in th Mates of California. Oregon
Nevada. and Washington Territorv," as exteud
d to all the public laad states by act of August
of Myrtle Cre-k. coiiuiv of Ihoiglas, stale of
Oregon, has tbi' day file-1 in this office his
sworn stall-incut No. ',.. for ihe pnreliase ol
Ihe h', Hl'l,. St, (-1.'4" of Mellon No. 14
township 7J -..nth of rttng; 3 west. W. M.
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
ta more ral uable for its tiro 1st or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Register ami Receiver ot this
of ilea ot Roseburg, Oregon.
on Kriilny, t heillh day of October. l'"J. He
names as u it une: f . t i. Harlow. John Hall.
Jr.. Mrs. Mntid Ilnll, I. Johnson all of Myrtle
Creek, Oregon. '
Any nn. I all ron claiming ailversely the
altove descnlHil laiels art nsiueleil to file
their elai in. in I his ollice on or liefon sntl 2llh
day of Ocloher l'.srj. J. T. ItlMls.I'S.
jTp Register.
Notice for Publication.
United Stales Ijind Office,
RokeburgOregon, June H, l.ii2
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with Ihe provisions i,l the an ol Cougrws -tf
June S. IKTs, entnle, "An Act for the sale of
Timlier lnds in the Slates ot California. Ore
gon, Nevaila and N ninni;toii Te ribirj ' asex
lendoil to all the Public IjiiiiI Slates hy at:t of
Aitgnst 1, lsw.
of Oakland, county of Dnitglas, Blate of Oregon,
hasthisday I li d In tills ollice .icr sworn stale
men t No. tfiill ior the pitrchiist; ol Ihe HK' NW
i. bWU NK'4. MWi KK'i. VK. ot aetv
tlon No. 21 In lownsbin No. :ii south nf rsnce
No 3 west and will oiler proof to show lhat the
land sought is room valuable for lis timber or
stone than for nericulttirsl purposea. and to es
tablish ber claim to said laud liefore Hie Regis.
U raml Receiver of llns olUii-at Roschurg, Ont
gon on "MonilHV, the 1Mb tlay ol He piembcr
):. She names aa uilttessts: Grant Ta)lor'
:. 1. Holeoiiih, Roy Miller and C. L. Chciiowclh
II of Oakland, Oregon.
Any and all fHTsons claiming adversely the
aliove described lands arc rettiested to lile
their claims in this ollice a", or beiore said l.'iiu
day of Kcptcmoer, l'Jti'J. J. T. BRIUOKH,
jlb Reglhter.
Notice for Publication.
t'nlled Males Land I mice.
Roseburg, Oregon, June ;m,
N'olleeis hereby given that In compliance
with the prnviidou of Ihe art of oiirc"s of
June .1, is.h. eulitied "An act for the sale of
timlier lands in the States of California. Oregon
Vevaila .and W ashiuiriou 'lerrllory'asextend
ed lo ail the public iaiid slaves by act of August
. ItiHN II ALL, JR.,
of M yrlltsf reel;, county of lioiirta, sfsle of
Oregon. Tin litis, day iilisi iu this ollice his
sworn slrifemciii .No'. '.ri..!. lor Hie loirchflsc
the N' KW i.;. N'., M-.'V of seellifti o.
ow lislnp No. .li south olraiiKell west W. M.
and will offer iiroof to show lhat the land sought
Is more vsliialile lor its 1 1 in lr or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to estsbllfh his
Claim liefore the Register and Receiver ol tills
ollice ol RoKebmg.Oregou,
on I riilH.v , t lie Jiili tin v of Ot-ioher VMrl. He
imnics n.'u ItiM sct.; 'f. O. Harlow, Mrs. Mnud
Hull, Alexntnh t Tliomp.oii and 1. Joluoon all
oi Myrtle I rei ki On-goii.
A ii y iitl.l all prrsoits -lti i ill i HIT a.lvct-rly (I,,.
above ili s.-ribed laiiil. are reittcMcd to file
their c hi mi. in this-ofllce on or beiore said 2 It h
day of Ociobrr, I'.sr,', J. T, RI'.llK.Ks,
J'll . RegiMcr.
Notice for Publicatiou.
United Htntea Lnnd Ofllee,
Roseburg, On-gnil, July 111, VA)1.
Notice is I-cn-by given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, la.'H, eutllleil "All act for tho sal3 of
timlier lands in the states ol California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Maalilngloii Territory," as extend
ed to all fublio Land States by act of August
4, InVi.
of Illooroer, coini'y ol ChlpH-wa, tale of Wis
consin, tins tins usy uicd in tblsortice his morn
stnleuieiit No audit, for the purchase of the NW
. of N;i, f.', ""'i N!i ol section
so toaiishiit M tuiith, rungo 1 west
and will oiler proof to show that
ho land sought is tiiero valuable lor llsliui-
r or Mi tie than for sgrlculliiral unrnoses. and
o cslnbllkh his claim to said laud befote .
Hiuimlck. U. S t othiiilsMoticr. at nakland.
regon. ou Monday, the 2ltth dav of September,
1st!. He names as rcler A Hun li,
f B ooini-r. IKColMtn, J ii r"orl-rISi M. tieorae
aehary. K U '. hary of 1'erdue, Oregon.
Any ami a I persons claiming amcrseiy me
alsive .leM iilcd lands aie returned to nl
heir claims ill this olhce on or before snld I'.'lli
day of Hept.,lU.
JiiTt J. i. Bsiimr.", Itcgistcr.
Notice for Publication.
1'nitcd Stale. Land office
Koseburg. On iron. Iuue20. lisrj.
Notice is hereby given that In eomplfancw
with the provisions of the act ol Congress of
June . IS7S. entitled "An a-t for tin- sale ot
timber lands lu tt.e Str.tesof Califorula.Oregon
Nevaia .and v ashiugiou lerritorv." aaexteud-
ed to all the public UikI states by act ot August tti i.i.iikp.
of Rosehun:. county of Ooiielas ststcof Oregon,
is this tiHV lile in mis off ice hts scorn stnte-
luriil No27 for the pim hae ol the N1, Nh'-,.
tiH'i SK'i, Stt1, l-K1, of fee. -H, tp'flt S., If S W
and w'll offer proof to show that the lam! sought
is more valuable for its limber or stone tuau
for agricultural pur.ise. and to establish his
claim before the Register aud Receiver of thia
ollice of Roseburg, oiegou.
on Thursday, the Hilh day of fh-iola r. 1's.ij. He
uames ss tviiretses: Ren UcMi,bu. A J Bu-
chaesn, John (tlvens atu Hurl". 1 lioiu a'l ul
Roseburg. iregoii.
Anv and all persons cialmiii-; a lversely the
above d rihed lands are ieiut ! d to Me their
claims in this office on or bolorr said 1Mb, 'lay of
October. 1S02. J.T. Bi:ioor:s
Jilp UeiLMor.
Notice for Publication.
rnite.1 f ale I and OfTe-,
Rosi'bitrv, t trefoil, Aotr J 1J.
Notice Is hereby given tbat in c,uiipliauce
with the provisions of Hie act of ('ourcs ol
June J. ls. entith-d "An act for th - sale of
1 Imls r ltiifa in Ihe Slates of I'alifornis. me
lt on, Nevada and Washiniuin Terriuiry,'' as ex
tended 10 all the i'ub'.ic lnd hiatus by act of
Jlnciist 4, leVJ,
M.MKK lt.ILh...
of R-isehnre, county ol Itouuias. state of Oreeon, j
has this dsy tiled it, this ollice his saorn ststo
raeni s,o. juji, ior m. tiin'nase oi iner?o4oi
s-c. S.i.ilo Tp,No..s k.w, ol
Icr prtaif t show that the land sot r l; l is more
valuable for iu tiinbrr or stone than for axri-1
cmiurai purposes, auu lonisMun nisria.rn lo '
said laud tic lore . I. Iiimmitk. r ! I'omrais-1
nontr si iklsn1 tlrcv'oii.on In '.sy, trie Vttrt
tlav of ttrbtber. I'S Hi n.imnt a w l tio-s-s : I
Joim W Hr m knar, f.asc II Unsrkur.y, John I
McMillan and Milbor rank, I a a.l of RuKburt:
Any and all persons c'a'min; alvers.-!y lite
above descTlbed -anils are riii-stod Pi file their
claims In this office on tr be,ore .iid 2th day
oloct. lJt'i J.T LKlOt.Ks.
Alls i:.gLt'-r.
Notice for Publicatiou.
rjirrxtt SnrK Lino Orricr.
Rosrbunr. Orevo'i. Au 1. li
N.Hke Is hereby iriten that in compliance '.
hereby git en that in tmupliaace !
wilh the proviMons of the act of coti-r s. ol !
June s. r.a.entitie.i "An act t-r the .aieot i im
lier Lanls in tne Slate of Ca'ifoma. Orevott,
Nevada,snd t aaiiingtnn, " sscxt. u i
ol In a'l Ihe i'ublic Laud 5ta'-cs by act el Ang
ntl 4. l-o-.'
of Rosthurg. ('ountyof Itngla.ptaeofOrcron,
has mis day hied in ttus Olhee ills sworn s'.alv
mei.t No. i.O for the pirrbss- ol the NorJi-
fast qusrter(N.'4) f StcOon No. !9 la Town-
ship "il J. f outn, of -- alige No. 9 Wot and wnl '
off- r pmol to show tbal lite land soigbl is mem-'.
valuable Ior lis lifober or stone r ao for sgn-1
cultural purposes, and t ttstabit.h hi claii. t b
said.lan-f be tore Z L Kmmick. C 1 .'tiimi..:on
er al Oakland, ureron. on Kr-iar. the .'lib day '
of O-tober. Lii. He naui-s a l't.e - W ii-1
bnr Franklin. John Xic-siUan. Joi.n w Bns-k-
way and ElKierLoilca ail of Ko-Vxarg, Ore-i
Any a:id ail persons claiming adversely the i
above-deseritirsl lands are rvinesicil to Hie Ihor
rlaiuts in this ofii.-j on or Ivlore the .'llh dayof j
Oct. J.T. Raipots, !
AMp Recisier. j
Notice for Publication.
i"nl!cS -latea IjiHtoSKf-,
Rosi burr, Ois-gon, stay Ph l'si.
Notice is herebv g:ven lust In oaip.ia:x-e
witb the iorisioiia of ihe a---; of t'otisrrss ef ;
June 3. lsa, ent.:e4i " An a'! lor lite sale of'
list ber laud to Itie btaies of California. L'r-?on j
Nevaila ansl It astiirirton Territory." as el--nl
etl In a'l Ihe 1'ubi r Land Mtti i.y art -I Aug-
ust 4. 1-C1,
I.oC13WIL-iV. '
of Washburn, eoouiy of liav ic.d, Msle of U ..,
has this day bicl In thlssfT. his sirfi sia;e- ;
wtent No. twr the psrchsseo! the hi 3 an-I ?
sh!4 Ml',, K'i of Ko. . lown-j
ship No. 1 ta.uth. rao re So, 9 west, an-I r. ill ot- j
fer srod Ut aiiow lii lite iaed sruvht is rjo:e j
val'iable lor Ita timnerorsi'Mte than for aan-
ettlnirai fMirrwwrs ant UttvLaoiLh hiscatm to
said iantl bs-fonr the lriler an. I Rcteivtr oi j
Ibisolticeai llos. l-uri;. Oncon. en ?aturlay j
thefctb day o1 sw.jeinisfr. i'.w.' He nsi: a
wiintaes: . H. littaen. A. r roritJi,
lehnhcrrsnd Ilarrr Orvcnaay ail of taics'
Valley, Orsrn.
Any au-1 ail trsons claiming s.lvers. v the
!, dVs. ri'sj larsfs are icjuctisl .t ihe Irteir In this nSiea; on or brifc.. wn day ol
rs i.lerober, l. J. '4.
Notice for Publicatiou.
I'viran Kttss I.ivdOith a.
I:, cssiiac. die . tlar Ijt'i
oiM-eia heny gircn tbat in omi-nancc I agricultural j ute-s and lo establish bis
with tbe vrovismns ol the act of Onurresa 01 i c ,b Itetister and kerelvcr ol th.s
Jutiri IsTs, tntitlod "An a:t for Ihe r ol j !(;c of Koxbur l-reeon.
Timlier liids In the states of California, ore ttt.inesdav. the loth rfar of DcCMnber. ISOi
v. Xevatlaand aslmictim Territory," asci-. He names ss ins: Lt kobinson Joe l-ear-lended
loall the rubllc IEdMal by aci of ; .g t A Hob.n..n . M Mrrt'.c Cek, tire . an i
August 4, K'i, finis Inilsnl oi loss bnnt. tin-eon.
t KANk ll.i. INMS, Any au.l sli ts-r-.tiniaanl:. adversely Ihe
of Oconto, ronnly nl IVtnnto, Stale of "l isc.i.sin. , a sore descrilwsl lands are re; u,-ste-l lo file their
has this day filial lu lhisoru-c his sarorn siai?- c aims in this ofllee on ot beiore said loth day
nrtit K. nfi. .r the r-nrehascof trie i-1; N ' .
and Vt , ' ,. ol Jscclion s.r. 11. in loA ttstnu
So. lb tMnt Ii, of KsnrcNo. s Mcsl. ami taiii oil. f
prooi tftsioiM Ihe land soniriit ismorevaln
alj'e for lis usttx r or stone lhau ior acticul'.ural
piirposrs, and tneatat.lish hlselaun to sa'd land trtc Keins:er and Kccelvcr of th-s oili-.-St
Rose burs, Oree..n. on Ntlanlsy tbe lull oe)
of b.-.tetn ber, l'sv. lie names as wlioesa.s
John 1 born, ol I ivt clan J. OrxTrn. and Charlts
Thorn. Ini J. W rolstand, and Albert t fisman.
ail oi KoseDurx, wr-g
Any and al! persons clainlni: sdvena-ly the'
above dtrsciincif lands are rciuested to bic ll-c:r
eisitns In this oflire tin or beiore sai.l l..lli ony
of Hcpiciiioer l'jui J. T. UatLtiss,
Jnp Hcf.'er.
Notice for Publicatiou.
0nlled .states Lard tifficc,
RoMrhiir. irectn, May -T. Ijoj.
Notice Is hereby etc n that a
with Ihe .rovisi.jtts i.i ibe act of tons csaol
JnncJ. ists. eulitied, "An Act lorlhesale of
limber lands In the s ales of ra.ilornia, Orc-.nn,
Neva ,ant Ws.liitiron Territory.' as extend
ed lo ail the public Un 1 itatrs by act of August
4, lti.
of ciHioirof r-kaictt. s'ate of Wa-h-inRton.
has bi dsy Med in this oflice his snoro
stale m nt No. .' .77 lor Ihe purchase of the M.,
of Section No it, township .11 south, ranjte
est. and will'olfer rnil to show that the laud
sottKht Is more valuable for its limlter and ione
than for seiienlinral ourrsMs, and to cstatil tan
his claim to said land befoiclhe Resistor and
Ro eivt-r of thia oil ice at Kicbunr, (invnu, mi
Ihtildaythe lath day of SeptemlsT. l'.s'.1. lie
names as witnesses: John Mater, 'sail lord Mater.
Leonard Brooks aud liven I loin Brooks, allot
Burlington, Washington.
Any and all c'alining adversely the
above ncritiod lands are rsjtitsted to file lli. ir
claims In this otlice ou orbciorv said I'lh day
l tlcpcinlar, line. J. T. hh I lo s,
J2p Keitisicr,
Notice for Publication.
KosKsra.i, UKK..ON, June 7, ISU.
Nolle is hereby sneii Hist in compliance
wilh the provislnu ol the act ol CoiiKress ol
June lhTs, entltlts) "Au act lor Ihe sale of
tun ber lands in thshlstes ol California, Oregon
Nevada and ashlUKlon Territory," as cite tid
ed lo all Hie fubllc Laud states by art of Aug
ust 4, l'l,
of Scuttle, county ol Kluir. State of Washinc
ton, has this dar llletl III I'lla otlice his awi.rn
stalemenl No. li-l.-. for the pnn-haie ol the
Fast half ol I he west liril ( K'1 of section
No H tonnship No. ail s of latnti' s aest su.l.w ill
oiler proof lo show lhat the isud sotiuhl is iuo-v
valuable lor Ita timlier or stone than for agri
cultural purposes and to oalablmh his cUlin to
said land bemre tbe llcirislcr aud Itecciver ol
this ollice at Ibatcbiirr, Otorou, ou ratnnlay,
the 'J th day ol's.rJ. i names as
wtliictses Hlvhard W. Dick, William forler,
W illiam Davis and A. K. Hel.rootall of t.'amai
Valley, OrcKon.
Any and all persons claiminir adversely Cue
above described lands aru rtsiuca'cd lo file
their claims In this ofllee on or lciore said 27 Hi
dayof Kept, Will.
KejlsU-r. !
Notice for Publication.
I'lille-I Mate LanifOliliT,
Riiseliiirv, tiriKim, June 4. I'll-' !
Ntillen Is licreliy lven llial in riiiniiliniiee
with the uii ii -ns f Hie set of Culture- of
June X, HITS, eutnleil "An ael tlie saleul tim -
lamia In Hi" statist ttf ('iilifurniit. Oregon,
Nevaila, atul VisMiuii'loli Territury " as ext. ii.l -
nl to all tim iml'lie iuuil stales liv net uf Aim-in
liat 1, 1.V.VJ
nf Riiseliurc.twility uf Doiutlas, Hlate
of Ore-'
lias tins nay men in tins oni
Ilia sutnll j
statement No. ICs'tl lor the iurehast ol i jiK' t
am) S' j 8 'i of sett. '-'ij,tw. liUstiulli.raiine 2 4 .
ami will oiler prouf lu slimv that lint liunl
seiiclit is inure valualile lur its timlier or si. mo
than for Hffrietiltiirai purposes, ami to eslaliiish
liisrluliii Ittsald Ihii.I '.lie Uixisler Hii.l
keeclverof Ihla office at kii-elmre, Oieon, 011
balurtlay Um ifTKi Oay of Sept. I'.H'j. II.-tuiiinw
as wiini-sses: VvU-r f all, all. I M. nl H
t,H 1 k, N. M.iorw, ol Uulloti, an. I Hen iii;v;i,
of I'erilui', Oiettuo.
Anv ami all l rums elaiinliiit al oiseiy Ihe
Htiote ilesorllK-.IIainis are re.itttstel to ill. tin ir
elslinson or beiore sHid J71I1 iiay ol-H.iitemla r,
l'JO!. J, T. UHlll'.kfi,
J'-'p KtgUWr.
Bargains in Wheels.
Wis have irt Htoek several Heeond hand
bicyi lee which we will sell at very low
l.rices or will tradtj for wood.
ti A. C. Marhtkkh& Co.
Nf)tice for Publication.
United Slate Land Ofllee.
Roseburg, Oregon, May 27, 190J.
Notice in hereby given lhat in compliance
with the provisions of the act ol Congrcaa of
June :i. lavs entitled "An A' t for Hie saleof
ti oilier hinds In the stales of California. CrcgO'l,
Nevaila. and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the public land states by act of Aug
ust 4, iy,
of Bnrll lgton, county of ekagit. stat'j of Wash
ington, (las thiaday tWI In inis oriuc his sworn
statement No 2.,s, for the piiehanc l tho kk; .
oi.ritctli n No. 8, tou nshlp :1 south, rn-s
west, al d w ill ofl'i-r proof to show that the land
sought ;s more valuable for its timber and some
than lor agricultural purposes, aud to esiabn'.h
hlsrlain to said land before the Register and
Keeeivirof this olllet-at Roseburg, Oregon, on
Thurtxhiv the isth day of September, 1'joi. He
names as witnesses: William Smliu, San lord
i-Uter. Ironard Bnaiks and Kvenllous lirooks,
allot 1 iir.luiuiu. Washington.
Any f.ii.l all person claiming advcrtely the
above cicspribed liwyls are rfjUiTtted lo n'e their
claim, ti thisofliee on or Issfore said lsthday of
Pk plcin her. 1'jOi. J. T, BKIlXiES.
J.p RegisU-r.
Notice for Publication.
fulled States Land Office.
Roseburg, OrcKoii, June ', rjo.
Noll-e is hereby given that In compliance
with trie provi-ious of the set ot Congress of
June . is.), entitled "An act U t the sale of
tiiube lsniis in tf e Mates of California, Oregon
Nevaila .and ti ashiugiou Territory, "as extend
ed to ull the public laud stales by act of August
4, IMS.
of Uutlingbin, co inty of hssvit, state of Wash
ingtor., hii this day bled in mis office birsworii
la en ent No for the purchase of the tstl'i
ol section No li til township 21 south, R west
and will oft'er proof to f how that the land eonght
la mo e valuable for iu timber or stone thnn
for agrlciiltiiral purposes, and to establirh hi
claim before the Register aud Receiver of thia
Ofllc of Roseburg, Oregon.
on Til -sslay the Slst day of Oclolr. IM. He
t'a; wsitr, Thomas h lfanlcr, Jobn
h hbaiuon, fr. rlora M STiatiiion of hurling
Ion V- ash., r rsnk Klucart. Oaslaiid. t'reiron.
Anj snd ail persons claiming adver-ely the
aboic dscnli.. lands arc requested to ble their
imt iu t'il ofh- e on or Is torcaol .'".t day of
Octofctr, IjwJ.
J T BUllx.KS.
P otMst rT I ion nf T ITlfT Tltlf.
iVt-JjlSlLlll JU Ul WUU Llv
in the t. iremt court of tne KUle or Oregon,
for II e county of Doucla.
In the matter oi tne application of)
to rs1!er the title to the land Tn aald
appilcauon deserii?d'
the (-actional west half of southsrest
I'urtr andsouliiBesio-iartcr of north
Xo. 21
ti'-si i!iarterol section ''. and fraetion
ai eatt hall tf soqtliea.t quarb-rof sec
tion I litre, in town.tiin :u south, ol
raiisi 4 west. W. M . t hari-s W. John- i
sou, bclendant J
Ti i .MX W Ut V IT Jl A Y n tNCKRS :
Tse notice, that on de i'f.a dayof July, A.
D. V. J! an appiiea'ioo was f.lcl l y said H. I.
W iit o:t. in the I'lreoil Court ot Douglas county
for i litiai registration of tbe lice lo the UnJ
abm e deserib'-d. Now an less yon appear on
or b- fore the 2Ttb day of August A.
or b- fore the 2Ttb day of August A. D., l-AU. and
shoir cause ty such applli-aiion tra'.l not be
gmr Its), the same will ). taken as onVsws-d and
' a derrvt will be entere.1 according to the prayer
ol tt e applicati u and yon will be torrter barr
ed pom dupniine toe same.
Iel! clerk,
i ( Jf'HS H. !HPPr..
jJvtl Applicants Attorney
Notice for Publication.
I'nltcd Suu-s Land Office
Roaeburf, Oregou, June 1 JC.
Sotiro is hereby given lhat la eorepJIanca)
wi'h the provisions of the act of Congress of
Ju'ie X is's.enttiie-1 "An act for the sale of
tin tr land In the ;-'aie of t'a'.itornia. Oregon
Nersda aid Washir.eton iern:ory."
! a-1 the puU.c land states by act of August
of llnrlingbtn. e-wjnty of iskatt, state of Wash-
leg ton has thisday biod in toiaoibce her sworn
s-.a .emer.l No 2r for Ihe pireha oi ihe ioi
T, t, 11 snJ 1J section Is, in Jl s Range a west
as 1 w ill cMer proof to 5 tow thai the land songht
It sore vsiuat te ror its itnwr or sior.e iiuin
f traaricuitoral purjaass. and to esALii.h tig
rb,:r.i tv:ore ihe I et t'.rr and Receiver of this
oi 1 o! hoseburg. ui-gon.
on T'jsjKy the 21st daeof 0-tor, 7Jt. Fhe
pa ces as n Harases. Vir I hariotto F llan'ey.
Thoinas E llanlrr. John B hsnnnn of R ir.'.rn
loo, W ash r rank K'i.esrt of ttaklan 1. Oregon.
nny and ail prrwMts r.aimibg asivcrsely ihe
att tve oesrr-bed land are rci lies v-l to Sir tbrir
co imt in lhi. o.tceon cr before sael 21. 1 day of
IXU.Oer, li
Alp J. T. Bl'.Ifs.K'. RegSter.
Notice for Publication.
fn;ted uie Ijsnl
I:t'lKirg. On-T'in. July il.
Settee is terr! y run list in core; .'.irea
;th ttis t'tt'Ti'i'-rtt irf tf.e art of Cotirea of
I Jur.e X '. ert.-te-l " An act for tie aie ef
tl i,U-r la:is in tt.e .-a"ef t a!:Hruus.tre(on
. N n sla an J It atthttun Territory. "esei'.ei.d-
el to all the pt.ic iand ssa'es by art of Auuat
I 4, l.'J.
! ol Mri tie Creek. corjntT of I1.h:k', "late of
tt i,ti. ha Ibis day tied in Ibis of.- his
, sv.rn staicrtetii No .v-. Mr the nnrr tavc of the
: lots I and 1. S',.f'ii 's. Mr Ko
; In toan.hip :o !ib. raufe No. 4 sot
; aadariiloflrrprixtl losbosr that Ihe land sont;ht
' t. n.ifaliia'la 1. r i' llml., a .t;,n ll-.n
; o. ix-ecmt- r. rs'i J. l.ttKllfitit.
Notice for Publicatiou.
I'nilol States tand ofice.
Kiwhurt, Orecn. June 30. 12-
Not'ec ts herel-y (Teen that tn eomjiHaocaj
I trtth the (.rot i-ic ii .( the a t of Congress of
tine S. IS. s. entitled Au act for the sale of
limber lan-ls in the Maiesol ICahfornla, urecoa
Nevaila and W ashinirlen Territory." asextend-
d lu all the public land states by act of August
, Is
TiD tM AS li. H ARIitT.
t I M v rile is k. ettunty tf Itttoatas. state of
t tr-,u. ha. t Ins day fiiel in this tifliec his
hai.rn .iniement Nt. t'v. for the piircha of
Ihe N',.W',. N, K'4 t.f ss-ii.iu No. 14.
'ouii-hip N.i. 2li Miutlt of rsnce 3 vi el
and will of ler proof tosbow that the land soriKht
la more valualile for Ita timlier or stone tuau
lor arrirnllural purposes, arid lo establish his
Claliu before tbe l;et;trr and Receiver ot this
oifice bl Koseburc.orecon.
.n I ri-lay, ibe'.Mth day of (Vtolwr. l'.i He
lame. a. witnesses: John Halt. Jr., Mrs.
tlaiid Hall. Alevandcr Thompson and T. John
s.n all of Myrtle Creek, ttreiron.
An and ail i'ron clatniitiie adversely the
.tistve tlesrriUil lands are rvsiuesKNl . fi.e
ileir claims in tins nuiee on or iiei.rr sii ;,i n
lay of October l.C J.T. llltlla.KS.
jS'.lsal Catarrh q;iickly yields to trcan,
nieut by Ely's Cream iUlm, which is agre
ally aroroauc. It is received UirongU tX
BOb-vhls, cleanses and heals the -whole stu
i ac oyer which it ditlhscs Itself. Ir-cuu
sell th COo. size; Trial size ly mat! ;t
eents. Test it and jou are sure to oo&tino
t e treatment.
To aoconuuovlate I A one who are partial
to the tise of atomizers iu applying rill's tut
into the nasal passages for caiarruil U
SUt, the proprietors prcpaxe Cream L&m in
litljud form, which will I knosm as Elys
Liquid Cream Balm. I "rice including b
spniyin er tube is 75 cents. DruRgists or by
ulaiL The liqnid form embodioj the oixl
irjcsj prTipertiriS nt U.a .4i. fr. traraUtw
as a.
The Rich Ficldb Uncovered mill
Rival Those of California or Texas -
The old days of Titusvillc aud Oil City, where fortunes were made in
a night will be completely outdone bj' the magnificent oil eh!s to bo
uncovered and developed iu Southern Orogoiu TIIK UMTOUA
VALLEY OIL COMPANY controls the cream of Southern Oiegou .
oil lands. If you want some of the first hundred thousand shares scud
your orders to the Secretary of the Company, or through Wells, Fargo
aud Co, express.
j Q
, p
! O
' ey
I ft
mpqua Valley
Soelety JJeetlngs.
AF. & A.
1 and I i
M. laurel Lodge No. Z.
retcalar nieetings on pecor.d
nrlh WedoeAdaya of eacb
month. E. J. hTRoi u. W. 51.
N.T.Jgwg fijeratary.
AO. U. VI.
Meets tl
t days of i
Iioeebnrz Lodire No. ID.
the ecood and Jourth Moa-
each month at 7:IJ0 d. m..
in the I. O. 0. i. Hall. Mem ben in
good gtandirK ar irTvitetl to attend.
11. f . McClallkn, M. W.
E. H. Lenox liecorderj
1. .8 Wkst, Financier.
P. O. ELKS. RoHe-burc Lodge No
3"6. Holds re'ilar cimmaulca
tione at I O.O. F. Hall on eecon !
and (onrth Thnrstlava of each montt.
All members repjeated to attend reaa-
Iiiriv anil all vitinu hr.Ahers are cordi
ally invited to attend.
W. H. Jamishom, K. Ii.
V, C. London, Keere'ary.
- N.U., meets at Armory llailevny
. liiarfriay evenctr, at 8 e c.ock.
K. li. LiAMUat, Capt
No. 13. Mieta 2al and 4'.h Ttaxs-
day eveBit.a'a of each ir.on'h ia Ni
tive bins Hail. n.tins fnfrmriora c t
dia'.lv istvfetl to atteail.
MBt. MiRIT V.'i-t, C.rf H.
K. II. I.Kli.iox, Ker.
OF A. Court Iloalai H-j
cetera of Au. erica. Met-'.:
Tuesday eTeninz in Native'
Ball. VieitioK trotLerfealsvayi re!c.ue.
Chah tin vm, C. H.
A co. i. Ktuvri, I:. F.
E. V. Hooves, rhygHan.
O. O. F. rhiletar:a"a Iie 8.
Mctg in Odtl Fellows' Ternpf. c .r
ber Jai kBoa arid Cm Bre.
SaturJaT everiiojc of each -itet't. il-io-
rera of tLa otxier in good amiire sre
inTi'.esl to attend.
II. E. Gillette, N. 0.
N.T. Jswett, Secretary.
Kof l'-Alpha
Tery We-ir
Mail . 7&
'-Alpha Ko. 47.
reIjy, ia I. O O. R
M p. tn. ilrajtt-rs in
good tf indiog are inriUal to attend.
tt. . KlMBtLL, t,. U.
C. E. Koberth, K. R. S.
KO.T. 51. rr-teuiou Tent 15.
Holds it rt-'iilar KeAicws; ti.e
fir-t and third Vriliy i ea-:li
month in the I. O. O. hail. Vhii '
ntetnlien. in gsl Ftandin are invite-l t-
attend. F. 1". Pattec"'. Com.
K. E. DLOUtirrr, K't onl Kci-j-er.
ILAC CIRCLE. No. 41, Vsorsei of
Wojtleeaf'. 111303 trA t n-l tttu I
Thursdays of each month at in? S -
tive tsoas. Hall. Vwitir.-r tan-. icr. :n
good itsn lin are iBriV4rd to a'ttd.
J. E. fc'AwrgRs, li uraiaD e;nLtor.
Mucnib 0Tr, Scy.
LADIES of t-e u. A.K., Abraham Lio
coin Circle No. 2. meet'! at N.tive
Son'e Hail at 2 o'clock on lie sec
ond ar.d foartb Fridays oi ecch tuon'h.
O. T. M. Roseiwrit Ili-re 11.
Holds its rsalar v":sint zjf.c it
ecocd and fonrt'i F'rijay tv-.
of each rooatii in tLe Na-.i-e -.:l, Ha l.
listers of other Hires vist;:-.j in ifj city
ana corjiall invite-1 to oar re
Tie we.
Ji.! r! app. L. (.'.-
Mci E. McCLU.i.g., B K.
. UF A. Mrrt'e C-r.p N..
Metis tmtscd th.rd V-r;--7t.
eeb moiti stNUT- Sn..' iiaii.
F. M. l.K.iao, V. C.
0o. Bvt.-.s, Clerx
OE. S. RaecSur CI
HaiJs ?he:rrr;a:r
Snt abd !h Ti Tin Na. 8.
.r tne!inr on ti..?
if-nth. Vvii'Dg nieo.!'--rj ia irxt.1
UnJir.n rt rfwtiu!! inviu.: to a
!ad. Mks. C-hlue rtiKii, X yi.t
MaLiB3:a Co-iioa. hecrtUrr.
ftRKlvAII. R.-ohnrz kebeka-.
Lodje No. 41. l.U. O.K.. me' :::
O.tJ Fe!!ot'TrtUif; eTfr-rTti'ts.iaj
evecinc. Viattina; sij'ers stJ bretiiren
iitTiteJ 10 atiand.
I'tri lji Itn.)ws, N. '.i.
Coe WtvBEELV. K. S.
ieiublTNo. 115
dar evenins, at
ANS. Uniiii:a As-
mes?ta eyenr Sj.tar
S ii'cltak in iitivt
Sons lis!!. Visiting ArtL-jns cwliaily
invitcsl to attend.
Mks. M. Jonf, 51. A.
Mia. F. D, IIavliv, Sex-rvUry.
iVr n Nt. 15. .Mel9 at the Oid
Fcii'jwiS Hall, in liceeborsi. f'verw
first anil third Monday er-nicif. Vinit
ing neighbors aiwayss welcome.
Jon T. Lrsc. C.C.
J. A. Bit. ii a man. C.eik.
IX ION F.XCAMrMF.NT, 1. 0. 0. F.
j OtM Feiltca's Templo. Mvet lirst
v and tlarti !Saturlay evening e-ii-li
month. Visitors ciirtliailv iiiilc-l.
J. U. IlAMlLTttV, c. ir.
J. C. TwnviiKLt, SM-rilic.
for -10
5.M2fSTsa. r FA
Ches KsHd at esce. f .7) r)'
Il clean-rs, aoolhes vd i .....-Cy -
bnuHL ItcurCsU'.iT(. 1 "r
si J urirra awis luilrllV E(- US H
llin as a, . at .s, a. a .
lu t-1e llraJ 50 et t. I? Iin I u e Sill
is aistnrtmL II r.s and Prvtfrt tlie Meshrss.
Hrstorrs the Say. ws ,.f 1 ate atel melJ, Fu4 siaa
oe.; Tnsl six iv
it It
,s er b a-si.
kLT iilitil ill
trw, 1. ,. Y-e..
If you waitt t buy a farm
fyou want fumislicd rooms
If vou waut to buy a house
want to
want to
want to
rent a house
build a house
move a house
Ifyoil don't k.i vriur.
all on or ad. I !- . .
Go to 5
f. ti.: IHF
For a Pro:ti pt and First-class
Shave or J!air-cnt. Compe
tent Workmen, Clean Tow
e!.i, Tools s.lwaj-3 in shape.
Batha In Connection. "
2 Ir-hop on Jaison S
Homes from $250 to $5000
Write or ' Phone
Win. X?!, Porter,
Real Estate A?;ent and Notary
Timber and Homestead Locator
Packer and Guide
Camas Valley, Oregon
23 nr.'.eioosth west of RtfK-hnrg
I; Riddle Pharmacy.?
I. B. RIDDLE, Prop.
1 t
Att Kisr3 or
Fresh Drug, rieuicines,
. Toilet Articles. Paints,
Oils, Glass Sundries
" lrr5.-;r'pt:oE3 ir
in pur
A t.v m "fi . ratlin! ,1
by co'iip4;tnt drag-jist.
j H. Little,
I Oakland,
j 4L-taV-'-V-'V-
9 , . V
ii prtf are.1 to ait ujn o!d
and retrcT.tton.erin j friends
with a and ct-cijlete
et-tci. of
freiii x J cf the very bet
Tc? a-ul ccfe. a are
rv-.i.i;:tsa lotir j4itroaago
r t-i-rn c ri 1
&S 'VsV.'i.'-?- .sV'rVV'V'lW-i
Paintres, Paper Hangers
and Decorators
Frr:.;t ire an-I ILl-.s i-..!:.-Ls.I. rUs
tvr I'arie Mattel tsl Ilea: Ledev-tors a
S;s?c:..:iTy. O.mL-a 21;. 1 Franie Work
I -aired.
414 i KeCf- trt-t.
r. 1 . n r. 1: .-f.lit.g, or.E..
Best Rcfereuces.
o All Work Guaranteed.
I.ctve or.; or? at
25 .
Cor. Ws-.Lir--t.t-i
and Mxia Streets
:.irs. DcISe Collins
Is Absolutely PL'RIi and
will OUTWEAR all other
I! yenr ! V. Scaler rl test noi carrr it
wr.te- to ! a iel we will tbat roa irtilit
Portland, Oregon
IiL .aUra Iloasev
ill ! ill
O-tf'Mk'ti.r "Keaebari
iJ 'i.n ari' Oregon.
Ok Co.