V UUNT OVER LOOK THIS . While you are out shopping don't think about buying before you call and see our.line of Spring and Summer Dress Goods as they are the most complete and up-to-date line in the city. Our line of Wash Silks, mercerized Gingham, Dimities and colored Lawns can't be beat in price and quality. Our Reay-to-Wear Waist In this line we excel all others as the most complete line Waists from 50 cents and Millinery Here is the line we can save you money in. Walking Hats and street shape. An elegant Sailor for 50 cents. Ladies Shoes Our Imperial $3 Shoes for ladies will compete with any $3.50 shoe in the city in the way of wear and beautv. . " " Shirts Gentlemen, our line of Golf an J Fancy Shirts are the latest and most complete line in the citv. The place to get these The People's Store ' An i ;: A V N N VV N XV: j CANNON'S $ m Book and Stationery Store . v A FINE LINE OF i Leather Goods Just received to which we would respectfully call your attention. It embxaces everything that is new and stvlish in Wrist Bags Chatelaines , Purses, Etc. in either Plain, Silver Mounted or Mexican hand-Carved work. They are better than the ordin ary kind, and are especially suitable for nice presents Call and see them. It's a pleasure to show goods, 'p. V- 'vsiSM.wv: . v; ; v. as?; VsvJS BE YOUR OWN JUDGE OF WHAT YOU BUY All we ask is that 30U try our PURE CANDIES ce Cream and Soda Ice Cream Sandwiches Latest Thing Out. Try them WOOD & BELL, Proprietors Phoue Maine 183. Abstract of Title to Deeded Land. Papers prepared for filing on GoTern ment Land. . Blue Prints of Township Maps showing all vacant Lands, One Dollar Each. FRANK E. ALLEY, v Architect Abstracter PlanS and Estimates for all Build ings. Special designs for Office Fixtures Office in Marks Building. 'Phone 415 EOSEBURG. OREGON o MS OE THE SEASON Our new line of Golf, Stiff bosom and Negligee shirts for the present season is a mirror reflecting new and rich effects, the proper fabrics all the kinks and fangles that'll be proper for this season's wear. Especially do we want you to inspect our new offerings in Men's Hats, Hosiery, Sweaters, Neckwear, Suspenders, Etc, Special and tasteful patterns not to be seen elsewhere, no limit to choice your fancy can run, through the most com prehensive display of these goods any store ever presented to the people of this country. o o o o o o o o n o n o o n o n o n o o n o a o a o a NUF Clothing our line is The celebrated in the city, upward. White Clothing is known far and near anil that is the line we carry. The prices are right and the tit is perfect and if you will step in we will surely convince you that we can rave you mon ey if buying of us. Neck Wear Here is where we shine. We have the swell ed and most complete line in Southern Ore gon, and for the newest and latest thing out don't over look us as we have them in the line of neckwear. Gentlemen's Shoes The celebrated W. L. lVmglas Shoe which we are pole agents for, sneaks for itself, if yon will give them a trial. Wehrvethem in Oxfords, high cuts, also in tans and ox-blood colors. geods is at the People's Store. S3! S3 Gt School books at Marster's Drug St re. Luther, the 12 year old son of J. R. Daniels, of Melrose, is dangerously ill at that place. W! J. Moon, the life insurance agent, is combining business tvith pleasure in a few days visit to Portland. H. L. Miller, of the State Bank, at Aberdeen, Wash., "is negotiating for a tract of timber land in Douglas county. School supplies at Marster's Drug Store. Dr. P. Hamilton went to Portland Wednesday to spend a few days visiting with friends and transacting business. W. T .- Emery was in .from Coles Valley Tuesday with a load of fine jieart from his large orchard. He had no difficulty iu disposing of them at a very good figure. Mrs. S. K. Sykes went to Portland Wednesday to visit with relatives and friends and attend the Elks carnival She will stop at Eugene a few days on her return home and visit with friends. School books at Marster's Drug Store. Hon. Ringer Herman, who is spendiug his summer vacation at Myrtle Foint, came over yesterday to participate in the celebration and festivities of the Royal Arch Masons. MarshfielJ Sun. W learn f om a reliable source that Mr j. Mary A rant, who for the y&st few months has been at Lodaville for the benefit of her health, is lying at the point of death at the Emmitt home in Coles Valley. II. L. Engels and family were in town Tuesday en route to Olalla to attend the pioneers' reunion. They met 18 timber laud seekers as they w ere com ing to town", who were headed for the mountains in quest of claims. Geo. Crane and Hpnry Ridenour, passed through Roseburg last Tuesday, enroute to Olalla, where they ex- ect to attend the Reunion of the Pioneer, Native Sons and Daughters, to be held at that place on the 3d, 4'.h and 5th int. Herbert Eakin, of the banking and merchandise firm of Eakin & Bristow, of Cottage Giove, was in Roseburg Wed nesday, accompanied by his wife, trans acting business before the Register ol the U. S. land office. This office was favored with a pleasant call. C. A. Wilson, secretary of the Glen dale Lumber Co., attended to business in Roseburg Wednesday. He aid this office a pleasant call and we found him to be a very genial and bright young man. His company has one of the 6net milling plant in Southern Oregon, has just completed a four mile flume to Glendaleand is kept constantly busy filling big orders. Mr. Wilson will re ceive the Plaij.de aleji regularly from this date. o o o a Q CJ O o a o a a o o o o o o n o a o a Q a o o o o u CED o David Adler & Son's line of One door south ot the Post offfo. School books at Marster's Drng Store. John laily, the timber king, was vis iting Mrs. Sharkey last week. Supervisor S. C. Bartrum has return ed home from an inspection of the Southern Oregon forest reserve. Temple Brown went to Drain Tues day to make arrangements for re-oien-ing the ltoarding hall at the Normal school. School supplies at Marsler's Drugstore. Peter Nelson of Gardiner, was in town for a few hours Mondav evening. His daughter, Miss Fauiiie, is to be married this week to ("apt. Gu. Westerbrook, w ho has charge of one of the vessels which plies from that jort.- The sugar Leat factory at I-atiraiule wih soon U-gin work with a force of 30 men. It is exjected that within two weeks there will lie over 1(1)0 tons of lieets in the sheds. The average price to lie paid contractors will l $4.50 r ton. The Premium I i fcr the district fair to lie held at this place the first of next mo nth is now ready for distribution and can lie Irad by applying to Presi dent V. C. London. Secretary F. A. Mc Call or Burr's Music Store. A caxh pre mium fund of fH0 in available. School Uioks at Marster's Drug Store. The 2ith annual convention of the Oregon Woman's Christian Temierauce I'nion will le held in the M. E. church iu this city, Sept. !th, 10th, 11th, and 12th. A line program has Iwvn arranged for each day, w hich w ill ap-ar iu Mon day's issue of the Plainhealkr. Mrs. J. W. Strange, accompanied by her son Iale, arrived in Roseburg from Coquille Wednesday to remain during the winter at least. Dale will again take a position in the job printing depart ment of the Plaindkalee, which will add materially to our renviit efficient meclianical force. School supplies at Manner's Drug Store. Mis Minnie Bell returned home from Portland last evening where she has been attending tlxe fall millinery open ings a rd purchasing a fine stock of fall aud winter millinery. Miss Minita Bell will return home this evening from Elkton, where she has been enjoying a pleasaut vifit at the old family home. Prof. F. II. Appelhoff, Silas Reizen stein, Einerv Davidson Dwight Berry, and other memlierfl of the Roseburg liand arrl orchestra, left Tuesday for Olalla to attend the Pioneers' reunion here they ill furnish music for the dancing while there. Several vehicles loaded with pioneers and native sons and daughters went out there Wednes day to attend the reunion. School IxMiks at Marster's Drug Store. Prof. A. M. Sanders, who was recent ly elected principal of the Roseburg public schools arrive- at this place Monday and is riiMtriiig tofiiUr npon his educational w ork in this city next Mo.idsy morning when the public and fiiil schools oik'H for the ensuing school ywr. Prof. Sanders is a very genial uf ntlcman, pleasing in his address and comes to our e ty highly recommended, lie will be joiu.tl by his family in two or three weeks. ' Fred Wright of tie Pl.AisnK.u.KR, is in attendance at the Pioneers' Reunion at Olalia. A big tout lalieled "Plaimieal kb Hfcadouarlers,'' j furnishing the news free to the people in attendance at the reunion through the medium of the twiep-a-week I'i.ainkealkr and Portland Oregonian. The people of that section of the conntv arc manifesting their ap preciation of this enterprise on the part of the Pi.AiMis.Ai.KR by adding their names to our subscript joi sf fakjng advantage of our f i club rate for the I'l.AiNDKAi.Kn and OVcgoniau both one year. School Ixioks at Marster's Drug Store. Dr. V.. Di(ias and family returned Jiojiic Tuesday morning from a pleasant vacation spent prjncjpaljy in tlw vfr''1? ty of the old home iu the Willamette valley. The doctor extended his visit to Hunter's Hot Springs in Montana, but vas somew hat disappointed in the far famed invigorating qualities uf those mineral springs and baths, having de. rived lmtjittlc Imiiefit therefrom. He is looking and feeling better, however, as a result of his vacation and trip, while the family was greatly. Iieneflted and pleased with the vacnlion. School supplies at Marster's Drug Store. L. L: Hnrd, the (ilendale jiostmaster, returned to Roseburg Wednesday after a few days spent in looking over the business of his office which is temporari ly in charge of Louis Reizenstein of Roseburg. Mr. Hurd reports business livtly at Glendale and says their enter prising little town is soon to have a lo cal pajier, an old newspaper man late of Colorado, now being engaged in cstal lishing a neat little plant at that place. The new paer is to )hj known as the Glendale News. Mr. Hurd enjoys the distinct iou of being the first subscribe to the little pajKir which will soon make its initial appearance. Wo wil the pew enterprise success. School supplies at Marster's Drug Store. . Ji silver medal, contest will lie held at Riddle Sept. 9. Frank Hermann, formerly of Coos county, is scndiiig a few days in Rose burg. Shaking of put ionizing home indus try the local newspapers are decidedly a home industry. A marriage license has liccii issul to Jacob Fishers and Sabina Cheney, Isith of Glendale. School books at Marster's Drug Store. A. R. Matton, the enterprising mer chant, is down from Riddle today transacting business at the county Seat. Mrs. A. C. Marsters, Mrs. Ferguson, Mark Munson and others who attended theW. C. T. I. institute at Gardiner have returned home. Miss Stella Hamilton went to Port land Wednesday to visit w ith her broth er, Dr. Luther Hamilton and attend the Elks carnival. L. P. Lane, late of Chippewa Falls, Wis., has divided to locate with his family iu Roseburg. Mr. Lane is a man of considerable means and we welcome him and his estimable family to our city. Chas. Mc iee Ciime down from Myrtle Creek Wislnesday to look after business matters, lie reports thrashing com pleted about Myrtle, Creel: the acreage not being up to the average. More hay was cut this year than usual. J. T. Bryan, the jeweler, an 1 w ife left by private conveyance this morning for Grants Pass, in which vicinity they wi'l visit with relatives an enjoy a varAtion, hunting and fishing. Mr. T. Scott, the Melrose jeweler, will look after Mr. Bryan's business here during his al sence. " T. K. Richardson is looking after hi lmsiness interests at Cottage Grove this week while Mr. Kichardon is visiting friends in Portland. Miss I la Carter has charge of the mui store iu their alisence, and reports the sale of a line Kimball piano to Mi- F.va lmg last evening. Mrs. 1 1. S. West has returned home from an enjoyable visit with relatives and friends at Victoria, B. C, Seattle and Portland. She was accoiiitaiiii'd on her uortheru trip by her neicee, Miss Pearl Wright, u ho remained ut Port land to prolong her visit a few days. The City Recorder has settled down to business again and cm now Ik found at his otlice as uual. Dxiglas County Creamery wants your cream and w ill )iy highest cash prices for hotter fut. Write for cream cans. Will furnish you Cream Sep ar.it. irs that are second to none in tonality and Prif uii most any condition voti unv desire. The Sharpies Tubiiler Cream Sejarator leads. I hmglas count v creamery refer- auei-s, First National Rank ami laughs County Bank, Roseburg, Oregon. School lsaiksat Marster's Drug More. Hon. Ringer Hermann, wife and laughter, Mis Main-!, returned to Koe- htirg front an enjoyable visit to CVwr county Tues lay veiling. Mr. Hermann noted many improvements throughout that county since his last visit and says there is substantial indications of rspid progres and advancement in every ave nue of trad over tiiere cs well as the development of the many resources of that favored section of the state. Mr. Hermann and family will soon take their detmrture for Washington Citv. The i-litor accepted a kind invitation and aocotiiiauitxl county clerk D. R. Shambr.k, Dr. K. L. Miller and Clia. Parks, ta Odes Valley Monday, to - n - joy a day'K Fport liootiu; phe:isanl. We enjoyed .the ph-asure of viewing the tine Sh:tinhiook farm with its 4) acre orcharil of winter apple and primes which is iainy io.-uiti wiin nue fruit. We tint visited the line 40 acre hop yard on tlu :ame farm, iu which a big crop of liop will bo gather ed this season, comineneing toiar. We also viaite-l tlie beautiful sunset ranch of J. L. Churchill where we raw aa fine a field of corn as can be grown anywhere. Onr party returned home late in the evening with fourteen birds' and well pleased with the day's outing. The farmers generally rejort alwut a half ciop of birds thin reason owing to the heavy spring rains. S hofil supplies at Marster's Drug Store Among the recent arrivals in lloe burg was J. If. Diers, proprietor if the Alaska Mining Journal and Daily (iuide and builder of the first mile of railroad constructed in that ortion of f'ncle Sam's domain. Mr. Diers w the chief of the construction bureau for thetireat Central Railway and is here by appoint- nent with . Major Kinney, chief engineer, anil elsou lH-niiett, contractor, ' for the projiosod rail way line. Mr. Diers is emphatic in his assurance that the mad will lie built and that construction jrnrk oji the Gos Bay end will coiniiioix e at once. Mr. Kinney will arrive in ISoMebnrg Satur day when he will lie joined by Gmtraet or NeLson Bennett. Horses and ramp eiuippage for a company of 23 men will lie in readiness for survey work on the roijte through the Cascade Kaijgis cast of KoK'liurgaixl tins work will Ihi.mii with out delay. For Sale The following named articles are for sale at the Methodist Parsonage on Main St. near I-nne: Sewing-machine, Imok-case, couch, oflice chair, table, jiortiers, cm lain rods, chandier sets, iron wash tubs, fifty feet of gardeu hose, dishes, kitchen nnfensjls, lamjs, etc. To avoid exr ense and trouble of thueu ortcl!8, tltey are offered cheap. A. S. Mrn,ts. Elks' Carnival At Portland, For the Klks' Carnival the Southern Pacific Co. will N'll tickets from all stations in Oregon to Portland and re turn, on August .Hut, September 1st and 5th to 11th inclusive, at greatly reduced rateB. Account "Klks' Day" ticket will be sold on September 3rd and 4th a one fare for the round trip, with a maxi mini of f".(K). Special attractions have licen pro vided, which will make this Carnival the finest ever held on the. Coast. Grand parades every day? in which the lieautiful ipteen of the Carnival will npear lieforo her ndmiring subjects. Don't fail to visit the Midway PJais: ance, (he I'ieriunn Village and aboyr's Oriental Extravaganza.' If you stay at home you will spend the rest of yoiif )ife rerettii)jf jt. ' '"' faSHf'.J Glendale News. it'ni T !. it . .t it nuur duura in speuuiug uus luoiiltl at his former home at Snlem. Mrs. Jesse Clements and little daugh ter of Roseburg, arc visiting Mrs. Clem ents father, S. R. Millet, in this city. lluu. A I ler t Abraham of Roseburg is looking after his large property interests in this city and greeting his many friends here. Mrs. Charles Flint returned to her home in San Francisco the 20th tilt.) af ter a month's visit with relatives and friends here. Glendale is to have a newspaper. The press and other fixtures . arrived here some days ago. We w ill notice it at length next week. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Tot ten, Mrs. Maty Lee and Mrs. Sarah Pelton came to our city Sunday, and the two ladies, who are sisters of Mrs. Totten, took the eve ning train for their homes in Iowa, after several weeks visit in this county. Postmaster L. L. Hurd, and his brother-in-law, Otey Boone, of Deer Creek, came to Glendale on Sunday aud re turned to Roseburg Monday evening. Mr. Hurd will not resume his office work for one mouth from date. O. F. Rohrer and P. H. Robert went to Grants Pass by private conveyance, this morning. Our city marshal will purchase a lot of selected fruit while In Rogue River valley, and Mr. Roberta goes to Ashiand to visit his father, Geo, Ri. belts Sr., who i visiting his eons, George aud Joseph, in tliat city. I.. F. Reizenstein, representing the Roseburg Review, is now our deputy (ostmastcr. He is filling that position with great dignity and with perfect sat isfaction, especially to our young ladies with whom the P. O. is a favorite call ing place just now. Mr. Reizenstein is a capable young new spa per man whom it is a pleasure to meet, and we feel sure he is enjoying his vacation iu our city Mr. Maggie Austin is vu-iting her mother, Mrs. Kennedy at Hotel (ilen dale. Little Verle Trimble of Wen I ling, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs Kennedy at Hotel Glendale, and such t vision of childish beauty make miu shine wherever she may lie. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Trem ble have a warm welcome for their Irf-au tilii. little girl. Klnier E. Totlen. of ( ilendale, and Miss Clan" ReaN were married in Rose burg, oti the :10th uit. his honor, Judge Thompson ollicialing. Mr. Totten is s.ii of Mr. and Mrs. C. p. Totten, of thi valley and was rn and raised here. lie lias stolen a march on liis numerous friends who were n-d a little surprised at the not ice id hi marriiige. His f-iir bride is a'so well and favorably know n here, and we join w ith their numerous friends in wishing them long lives of martial bliss. Mollis. School lmoksat Marster's I'nig Store. MARRIED. ORCl'TT PAUE At the home of the bride's (KirenLs, Dr. and Mrs. K. J. Page at Oakland, Oregon, Wednesday, Sep!. 3, l!J2, Albert Sew ton On utt and Miss Dora Franklin Tag. The bride is a well known, poular and highly accomplished yonn lady. possessed of m iny womanly charms an-1 graces, ror some tin e past slie lias held the ition of instructor in tlie niukical )epartraent ot the Central Ore gon State Normal school at Drain, aud ' and high in educational circles in j lluscoonly. The groom i a vrry able and exemplary young nun, a n of President J. II. Orcutt. of the State Nor mal scliool at Drain. He is a very su c- eeful and etficient young educator ami has, licen filling a resjousible poitiii iu the Normal at Drain under his father The happy couple will Ik at home to rien.ls at Drain aitr Sept. 10th. The Plaindealeb Joins with their many friends in wishing them health, happi ness and prosperity through life. DIED. S PItAGt'E-.At her home near Millwood Sunday, Aug. 31, PrJ, Mrs. W. D. Sprague. She leaves a husland and grown oii to mourn her loss. 1-uneral er vieeswere comliictivl at Umpqua ferry Tuesday. A Bay 's Wild Ride for Life. With family around exj-ccting him to die, and as on riiliug for life, IS iniles to get Dr. King's New Distovtry for Con sumption, Coughs and Cold, W. II. Drown, of Leesville, Ind., endureil death's agonies from asthma, but this wonderful medicine gave instant relief and soon cured him. He writes; "I now sleep ounily every night." LIkg marvelous cures of Coiiuniption, Pneu monia, P.roiichitis, Coughs, Colds and Grip prove its matchless merit for all Throat and I.ung troubles. Guaran- teel Ixtttles Tsv and fl. Tri?l liottle? free at A C Marsters drug store, School iKKiks at Marster's Drug Store. A Parson' Noble Act. "I want all the world to know." writes J. C. nudlong, of Ashaway. R. I. "what a thoroughly wnl and reliable medicine I found in Electric ititters. i They enrol me of jaundice nm liyefj troubles huh na pausi.it tn gr:at uf: fering for many years, l'pr a genuine, all-around cure they excel anything j ever saw." Electric Hitters nrp he mrt prptppf all ftir hejr wonderiul work in Ljver. Kidney ami Stomach troubles. Don't fail to try thorn, Only 30eU. Satisfaction is guaranteed, by A C Mara tere, druggist, , Summons. In theCIrooitt'ourtotthe Ktate o( Orrron. tor DoukIm county. . Wlnnitret e. Vlukora 1 l'Utiillftl Vi Harry Warreu Vlcicftni, j. nclendnut. , To Harry Warren Vickeia, Ui aboro imnicl ile(nlant: In the naina ot tha 8tat of Orvvnn rnn hereby rcntilred to apiiparand anertli com plaint llleil iigainst you In the above enUUe.1 ult and court ou or belore tbo Utb dav ol Uo tulier, l'.t; and, II yon fall to aptx-ar and an aweriald complaint Kinit you, at afore raid, aud wltliin aald time, plaiutiff Hill apply In the Court for tlie relief duutaiidxt in her cumplniiii, lo-wtt: FortliedixtreiMlisiiolvinKtbe marrinvv rnntract now existing betwevu plalnllit and do fi'iflanu - Thramimnionilspiililiilicdbyordrr of Hon tt. II. ThouiiMon, pounty JiuIro of 1oui;uiii coiinlj, Oreson, which order in dated Augilut W, twii, and the time nrracrilnii 'ibeivtir, d-r the pnlilU'atlon of thin ilummoiii In onco a un-a for nix vbnareiitiva ititki orereediug nl't 1-Hla dayof lii lobcr. 19t, and thq ilati' of th.. Unit iiublicallun of (bin tmtnihuo In Die Alh i ay uf Auut'xl. Wi ih-i Hanlit, V AHirB''ItO(PlllUifr, 131 pairs of Men's tan and oxblood lace shoes 131-pairs Ladies' tan, green, and oxblood lace shoes OF THE riANY BARGAIN included in this lot, space permits the mention only of the following. They are representative of the rest : AIEN'5 SHOES $3-5i $3-o aud $2.00 Values Now going for it.i3.20, S2.00, S1.50 $2.20, $2,00, $L75 An examination of the shoes will substantiate in csc auuemenis The Biz Store When you see it in our ad Dairy Notes. A g-l on is one of the greatest U-ve-s iu lifting a f.irni m.irlgage. W. A. Ie I-ancy, a patron of the Al biirt, (Wis.) Cn-amcry, ha.s nine ws nhi-li brought him W5.24 last year in ral. riivipts fr(in the creamery. This is an average of f-id.Z r cow. Mr. De lancer is not a general purj-' dairy ui.iri, but n-aiisaud studii- his l.u-in-s. A few yeara Dr, T. C. Smith, "of Salt in, On;oii, purciiiiM-I a pure-bred Jer-y ci.w. I.it Fall he wild lier csdf, th i 15 month old, for $35. This Spring the rty who pun !iaed the heifer n fusul 175 for her, A n- that she fur ni!ie.I all the cream and milk the family use, U-ides one pound of butter jr da. Dr. Smith says he ownod the in o, her of the heifer for a year and half and made a profit of TOO percent on first ot of the cow. When one buys line-bred stock he ran always find a mtrket for it aud usually at a d -ro- fit. Just Look At Her. . . tthenrw came that uprightly Hep, fasltirss skin, rich, ray complexion, smiling face. Uere's her nvat. She nsj Dr. KingV New Life Piils. Result u organs active, ingestion gKl, no he-aduclies, noehance for "Uues." Try thorn y.Kirself. Only 23c at A C Mars- tent drug ftore. Notice for Publication. I iKOfirt it R ( ,-.. nt j-iv, (o(irei brr,oj (riven Uiat Ui loi-oltr DIIMll.tliM ll.i t) W . V "W la lapnort at k rimi-m nd IhHl Mill praol will be mm ir nr.'or ih Kv.-.wf An I I ! I . n I ( i .r . w...-. viiii. m. lumeoarK. orifon. cm c ! r i. 11;. HtSKV F. Wfcr. lie Bm 1M foiloinc wiiovni to ?rox MmhtiaiMTU: bnrr Bich. Jifra Wii,T, ------- i-noia. :i o: jirrtlc NOTICE liert HimLtoo i.-tncr;ne AifrU Hamilton .7 -' I T. '""" uar'a,rj 4Winfl B urn 1 1 toe, s minor, ail o4 the 4iy. by naiail mcau an4 un u full kliOIAltf ami r. r rv . . i Ar .11 -. : . - , - 1 ' - -' I- ' tin nmr-m - !,livrailtfruitiiBintri Mid in. aii- UjW ll.mlit.in kl. I. .11 .1 -. . . v - - - " m .! nine, m 11 a pli-g U t lurhiiwlf la hit b'im-Ki an4 viber rla. U.in. llloot l'cpuiujnj (or tb drb: 1 k . I m . v 1 AAnrAf.1 1. .k. . mr mi' 1 worn At i ider lUmllton, nor hU e claim kn rn iff Irora Ibed.ir hwvo. oi(uv-j, una mo amTol n(al, at RaM- born.Orrfim. tlTiT K. iot Hii.m tup i tMBi AtrnuiA H)iaios. Administrator's Notice. Kollri.hlil,.lr.nO,.i ,u. : . M . . nn ii. iiiK .1.. A 1 . . . . " . . Cwatr toirt o( Ouurln rouniT. Ormroo a If v . nrw.in t.l ...r-.f.....f(i .... j . . btnliier Brown. d.-vl. Ail pion litrmf - .(wii.1 m, nni am, ,, nerrby notl r e-j-" .iu. rr.,T ; vmnrj. U) m ( . - j 1 -i '.1111, wiuiia i noolht Imm tbUicoi this uotR, and ail '" lu-lebi to it e(at ar bvrvbr noli JollOMittif nif 11 mo. Exvca toi Homesteads Timber Uands O. U Lnd A jent. Timber and Homestead Locator. Pei feet satisfaction guaranteed or no location fee. Host of references. Yonr corrcoii.1cnce solicitdl. Any information rtanling the. cli mate, oil or pnidncliona of this m-o ruiiH glally luriiudied, free i4 cliarge. .VMre q. iv WJLLUMS, r'l1- 1 Dr.US, tKK, Oregon Blue Ribbon! .State Fair. Salem Sept. 1 5th toiOth, 1902 You are invited to attend and we the grvatcst industrial eio "itinii and live.xtm k ahow ever held on thu I'aoitle Coast. GoihI racing every afternoon. Camu. "round free. Onit mvl Vring yo.tir tiu(liivt. rr any ini'uriiui-. tjiin wriln A. 0. WISDOM, Sec'y, Portland, Ore. Another Shoe WE PLACE ON SALE TODAY a m k x a u -i - its so. s jr. f4i N-A;. C- GOVERNMENT LANDS era! Lands. Oreg-ia, Vahiagvn and Minnesota. BOSWELL SPRINGS HOTEL Douglas County Oregoa. t at.rrb. m.m b. tii-lacaal jvr ;r,. ibV. ' ' B K'-fa-tW ol Kmaaia Uilo.u:a-ru P; ISr K..!.-,.:,. Ki: -."ir.ut --.a Kra u ril4 ii KM-rr.. an-l H.ii..i. T-.-j, t: ,.: ia. t,TMit? r-.a ' -tZZkZL ? lib. Traiu. mp ia irM t th .:!. H " p r wk "f- "lia ONE GLL0N OF THESE WATERS CONTAINS : INiistciuiB llntmvle K.M.HII. I...IwIm ST sr. iilvu ft Solium 1 b'n-k- D..ni,.l a a ..na B. 1.,. a.a It 1 nrtunuu Ibt llLiwin SlwUr. ti.uv. r kn CAIT. 7. SALZMAN Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician T . . 1. .rii...i - , . a vamci a cuiici': swts u, n aicnes, blocks, g Jewelry, Diamonds and Silverware , v 6 WATCH REPAIRING A SPSCIALTY.a, EOSEBURG, ORR 9 OOOOOOCKC00KXX00X00XXX J. M. Weatherby T. Roseburg Real Estate Co. Farm and Timber Land Boucht and Sold Taxes Paid for Xou-Residents. Timber Estimates a Specialty. List voar proper tv with us. Cause and Effect. . Resjionsive to the toueh, and irfect in tone and action, the . uuo has tHnivd n hohl on popular favor jn-cordl tu none other. It is a t:imhud iutru ment, of the highest gnnU. Viiexivlunl In a single ture of merit. No better piano made. Not high jiriil, either. Sold at xeoedii!:ly low Hures for cash, or on easy time jvaynieulsi. Iv.vryone warranted. W. A. BURR & CO. The largest stock of 20th Century Goods in the town I FI5HER& BELLOWS CO $ Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Motions I Clothing, Gents Furnishing: Goods, 5 Boots and Shoes $ Hats and Caps woconcs 1 Produce Bought ovcvcvc.vv&ovc ovovov Sale LADIES' SHOES $3-25. $3-o $2.50 Values Now selling for Everything guaranteed as represented watch Repairino I Old hatches Made Like New Good time is a neoes-ary featore of any match. A tiniepie jg n-el-ss if it lor not a-t as it slui'd. I will make nn-htilft is i-i'.le. I teU y.u hy i; can t be'done if it is aot ilvi.-habie to iua-1 the effort. R. F. WINSLOW, iff Jeweler and Optician Ca-vj St., llear depot, CIS. S2 44i44i4i44i44i4i4ii:i jYoncalla Real Estate TIMBER and LOAN BROKER i-HRE AXD LIFE IX5URATCE-. ' TmbCTf Kd , ia lam fptf TmbCT Ud loraarf aad far aaie. Good bar- j TOXCALLA. OKR " nn i'b!ri.lr Carbijcatr .! p-r. ..... . . . ..a -v - .MtarJ.r ma . t BEN D. BOSWELL, Proprktor. ooeooocoooooooooo A. Bury D. L. Martir mimim Provisions $ Thone 721 WmMM