The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 04, 1902, Image 2

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..Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show..
are still liere with the Largest Stock of House
Furnishing Goods ever shown in Southern Oregon.
-jit- -vv- -e
U are is the most economical, nioet
durable ami most satisfactory mate
rial for kitchen rise. It wouM le
Lard to find a larger nssortment or a
better quality of Granite Ware (ban
xv e Lave, and we want yon to see it.
The good kind costs no more than
tbe poor kind if yon bny the good
kind here. -
v r
It's a Real Pleasure
to get the meals for the family when
yon have a complete set of necessary
utensils with a new bljle Standard
Range to cook npon.
We Furnish Kitchens
thronghont, and can save yon time
and money, and many steps when
yon want anything in the way 'of
kitchen supplies.
8 We are nrenarerl fnr vmi nil. Largest Selection 8
of Furniture in Southwestern Oregon. Come and
see us and buy where your $$ go farthest. Wholesale
and Retail.
The Twie-'w'eek
Roseburg Plaindealer
Published Mondaya and Thursdays.
W. C.Coxxer, Editor and Publisher
Feed "Wright, City Editor, Solicitor.
T. Rcth. Foreman
Twice-a-Vk PLundeakr. vet year, $1.50
Entered at the Poet Office in Roseburg,
Ore., as second class mail matter.
Advertising Rates on Application.
General Fitzhnh Lee says Caba,
in its own and the United States in
terest will have to be annexed. It is
necessary, he remarks, to ronnd ont
onr boundaries in the Sonlh. That
was the view which Jefferson took of
the matter nearly a hundred years
ago. Mostt)f the leading American
statesmen since then have had their
views. Things are shaping them
selves in Caba, too, which may bring
annexation soon. The troubles in
the little republic are raising up
friends of annexation through it. All
j the business element have favored
J annexation from the beginning. Or-
;egon Daily Statesman.
Ideal Weather A Large Crowd
In Attendance.
In a speech at Providence, IL I.,
August 23, President Koosevelt said:
"The corporations, and, therefore,
those great cot por&tions containing
some tendency to monopoly, which
we have grown to speak of rather
loosely as trusts, are the creatures of
the state, and the state only has the
right to control them, but is in duty
bound to control them wherever the
need for such control is shown.
There is clearly a need of supervi
sion. The sufficient warrant for it
ia to be found over and over again in
any of the vaiious evils resulting
from the present svsiem, or rather
lack of system.
"There is in our country a peculiar
difilcnlty in the way of exercising
such supervision and control, be
csuse of the peculiar division of gov
ernmental power. When tbe indus
trial conditions were simple, very lit
tle control was seeded, and no trou
ble was caused by the doubt as to
where power was lodged under the
Constitution. Now conditions are
complicated, and we find it difficult
to frame National legislation which
shall be adequate, while as a matter
of practical experience state action
has proved entirely insufficient, and
in all probability cannot or will not
be made sufficient, to meet the needs
of the case. I beleive that the Na
tion must assume this power of con
.trol by legislation, and if it becomes
evident that tbe Constitution will
not permit needed legislation, then
by Constitutional amendment.
"The immediate need in. dealing
with trusts is to place them nnder
the real, not nominal, control of
some sovereign, to which, as its
creatures, the trusts shall owe alleg
iance, and in whose courts the sover
eign's orders may with certainty be
enforced. In my judgment, this sov
ereign must be the National Government
The premium list, by laws, rnles
and regulations of the Second South
ern Oregon District Agricnltural
Society for tbe Ninth Annual Exhi
bition to be held October Nth to 12th
has been printed, and is ready for
distribution. It shows a fine pro
gram, and a very lilieral premium
In spite of the 6trong efforts that
have been made to induce the New
York Republicans, at their coming
fitateloonvention, to indorse Presi
dent Roospyflt for renoruination,
Senator Piatt llatly states that no
such indorsement will be forthcom
ing, and be is in a posit bo to know.
His statement Las created a profound
sensation. Everywhere in the East
bis declaration is taken to mean that
the trusts propose to punish the
President, and this is the opening
gun in the fight on him. The
President continues Lis crusade
Senator Plait's statement is a warn
ing to tbe President that Wall street
does not relish his speeches, and an
intimation that he should be more
conservative if he wants to retain the
backingof the party in his ownstate.
It will be interesting to note what
effect this warning will have upon
Roosewlt. It is generally predicted
that it will have no effect whatever
on him.
A bis; sham warfare has been in
progress between the navy and land
forces on the Atlantic coast for sev
eral days past. Several war ships
have been "destroyed"' and a few
coast points "captnred," bnt onr
coast defenses have generally prov
en adequate to repell any attack
from the sea.
People ar starting for tbe hop
fields, their annual outing in many
There is a big demand for fruit
jars this season, which tnesns high
living this winter.
A Land Office Business.
In c.mj.aiiv w ith Bro. Robert., of tlie
Myrtle Point EuterjiriM', the Editor of
this paper called at the office of Abstrac
ter Frank E. Alley, to make some in
quiries comvrninx land matter?, and
were given a practical illns-tration of the
nu-aning of the phrase "doing a land of
fice business."
Mr. Alley employs seven clerks to as
sist in bis abstract and architectural
work, and even with this amount of help
he is kept constantly on the "hustle."
In reply to a query as to the amount
of business transacted through liis office,
Mr. Alley looked through his book, in
which a record is kept of all filings
made, and found that be had prepared
541 sets of filing, pajiers from May 1 to
Sept. 1, a ieriod of four months, and
thai the bills for the cloth used in mak
ing blue-prints f.,r n jrf-riod of three
months aggregated $120.
Bro. Roberts is lather inquisitive, and
proceeded to question as follows; "How
does it come that you have so much
more of this work than anv one else?"
-Well," replied Mr. Alley,' "there are
to or three reasons forit. In the first
place I keep my majm corrected up to
date, and can toll whether land is va
cant or not, and this i a great conveni
ence to locators and to I'. S. Commis
sioners throughout the district, a i they
can telephone to me at any time, and
get the information concerning any par
ticular piece of land. This also enables
me to go ahead and piejare pajiers for
filing, and have everything ready by the
tiiuetliu Land OmYe is open, so that
parties making filing may return on the
morning train if they .lcsire; in fact, I
have made out more than 20 wt of
patiers and completed the filings ln-fore
train time. Another thing, the locators
all know that they can depend on my
ma), and that they will not I put to
the exienso of making a long trip to ex
amine land, and then find that it was
filed on lieforc they received - the map ;
they alK kn w that ' I am not trying to
catch on to their locations and then
send other parties out to look at the
land, and that no information willjlx
given concerning U,e territory in which
they are working."
In addition to the land office work,
Mr. Alley is doing a large amoui.tof
abstract work, keeping two or three
clerks constantantly employed at this
branch of the work. Mr. C. J. Brown,
an architect lately from Kau Claire,
Wis., is now employed iif the oIice, and
this will permit of more attention )x:ne
given to the planing of buildings.
By prompt and careful attention to a!l
the details of all his work Frank has
built up a profitable business in the two
years he has been working in this line
and here is hoping l,e may always be
able to belli the publishers throughout
this district in aulnstautiul a manner
as he has during the last four months.
Speeches by Prominent Pioneers
and Others. Races and
Field Sports.
Special Correspondence.
Olai.i.a, Sept. 3, 1902. The Pioneers
Reunion ojened at this place this morn
ing with a large crowd in attendance,
possibly 10OO people and tents are in
evidence all over the grounds.
The program this morning was as
follows :
Instrumental music and song with
organ accoiupanymetit, by K. X. Wona
eott. Banjo solo and song by Col. W. II.
Chairman J. (J. I lay, in a neat sjxhvIi,
introduced W. K. Wells who delivered
the address of welcome, which was re
sponded to by Sylvester Hice.
Hon. J. C. Fullertun, delivered an
oration on . the Oregon Bionee:, alter
which a grand barbemie was announced
(two beef, two bogs and twfTsheep)
enought for all and topar.
Hon. A. M. Crawford, delivered an
address which was enthusiastically re
ceived, after which the old pioneers were
called tijion the stand and related in
cidents of the Pioneer days.
The literary program then concluded
with songs and music.
Harry Hildeburn, 1st.
J. M. Irwin, 2nd. -Alden
Aldrich, 3rd.
Swan's "Grey Top," first.
Churchill's "Rubber Xeck," second.
Stncklaud's "Whiskey"' started but
did not finished, (Too much aboard.)
Alden Aldrich, 1st.
J. D. McGuire, 2nd.
Tom Ward, 3rd.
. .Parker, 4th.
Alex Coun, 1st.
Alden Al bich. 2nd.
Two dance platforms are in evidence
on which the tripper of the light fan
tastic tot-can trip to thuir hearts con
tent as these dances are kept goihsr all
the time.
Several god refreshment and con
fectionery stand are also on the grounds.
The site is an ideal one, the grund
ls-ing l'M-ated on the co and sliady
banks of the Olalla, not far the
famous Olalla battlefield on which
pioneers and Indians . battled fif sn-
iremcy many years ago." Hue weather
prevails, the en wd i pod uatured and
orderly and a general good lime is as-
nred. A very large n limber of rple
are in attendance from Roseburg blav
as well as from many other jrt of the
coimtv. .
County Court in Session.
Another Fatal Accident in Bahlerea's
Logging Camp Near Gardiner.
A sad accident occurred in Baldoree's
logging camp a few miles from Gardi
ner Tuesday morning, August 2rt, by
which Joseph IJoyd, of Point. Ten ace,
was instantly killed.
The circumstances were related to the
Florence West by one of the crew as
The men were at work with a donkey
engine hauling logs ami instead of ail
following the same track, occasion
ally a log would slide liehind a tree,
making it necessary to unfasten the
chain and take a new hitch. One had
just Itcen caught in this way and I.loy.l,
accompanied by the hook-tender, went
to it for the pur)ose of loosening it.
in. . .11 . ...
i ne oiner men nm iced mat the tree
around which the chain " was wrapd,
was falling and shouted to warn Lloyd
and his companion. The latter lav
down lieside the log and was unhurt,
bnt IJoyd attempting to run out of
danger, was caught by the tree and in
stantly killed.
A messenger was at once sent to Point
Terrace to inform the relatives of the
unfortunate man of hi death, and was
brought to Florence the next dav.
Joseph l.lovd was nlx.nt 21 years of
age ami had resided near l'oiut Terrace
for several years. He was well liked hv
all his associates and was a general fav
orite among the men in the logging
King Edward Coming.
Loxdox, Sept. 2. A report is curren
today to the effect that King Kdward
will visit America the latter part of
September aUiard the royal yatch,
Victoria and Albert. The American
embassy disclaims any knowlege, but
intimates that the report came from
Marllsirough house.
Not Doomed for Life.
The regular Scptemlr term of
county court for Douglas county con
vened Wednesday morning, the full
Uurd ls-ing present. The greater part
of Wednesday was icciipixl in - examin
ing and auditing bills, since w hich time
the court's attention has been given to
road and bridge business.
The reiort of the viewers on the
Fiddler Creek rad was read and re-
jxirted favorably, and road ordered orn-
ed at the expense of the petitioners.
Little Ranch for Sale.
A good little home for sale; 17 acres,
adjoining fair grouuds, l1 miles cast o
Roseburg. Good buildings, 150 good
laring fruit trees, 10 .acres in culti
vation. Price 122-. For narticulars
nnuire at Miliken's shoe store. Itos
burg. a i tf
Bids Wanted.
Notice is hereby given that the Board
of Directors of the 2nd Southern Oregon
District Agricultural Society will receive
bids for the exclusive right of saloon
privileges ; also for pool selling on Fair
grounds during Fair week. Each bid
must I accompanied with a deo!it of
25 per cent of the amount of bid, or it
will not be considered. Bids to lie dr
ive red V) the Secretary on or before
;ept. 2-j, lf02. The Board rvserve the
right to reject any and all bids, by order
f the Board of Directors.
F. A. McCall, Sec.
"I was treated for three years by g'd
doctors," writes W A Greer. McCon
nellsville, .. "f.,r Files, and Fistula,
but, when all failed, Buckleii's Arnica
salve cured me in two weeks." Cures
Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Corim, Sores,
Eruptions, Salt Itheiun. Files or noay.
2.V at A C Marsters drugstore.
Pleasure of the Pioneer Reunion
Marred by a Suicide.
ltls Sales
Oregon and Other Poems
is the title "1 a tittle IshW containing
my poems, which I have just had pub
lished. I am -now selling it over Rose
burg, and will mail it to anv oue who
w ill send me 10 cents. Addres,
Al.nox Uabvkss, RoM-burg, Oregon.
Arant Receives Appointment.
W. F. Arant, of Klamath county, wlto
had l.t?ji recommended for the position
by Senator Mitchell ami Congressman
Tongue, was .u Saturday appointed Su-
-riutcndeut of Crater 1-ake National
I'ark bv the Secrrlarv "f the Interior.
The position carries with it a salary of
per annum. The siierintfnJcut
will 1 required to furnish and keep his
ow n hop-.
Administrator's Notice.
rtlk is hmrtiT ritrn dial !!
wa on the l.di tlar of Julr. l'o lv Om cJuiut
'urtl Is.nriav conilr. Sn-eon. 4ui ,M.t-
tl 'lnnnilrmlir ol II rklate W It. T. I'm. haul
lf-aaM. All peroaa bating riatma aaiuat
inc uia ra:ar are nrrri.y lioutinl in pn-vnl
Ihrm. nrly vcrtiird. In ne a'. Ratelxjrg,
iNxif roontf . Orei-.n, ltbsn j Hara I mm
t'.ir .ialrol lilt Dnltc. an.l all p-motn liidct'-l
la thceUtr air li n by nuti5el to r tlic aamr
to f.
lalrl Aiirul TlB-l, I'..
X. T JKW ITT, AdmliiUUalor.
Voung Lady of His Choice Jilted Him.
Tragedy Lnacted on the
Camp Grounds.
(Special to 1'Iaindealer.)
Olalla, Oregon, September 4, 1W2.
The jileasure and good order of the '
Pioneer Reunion was somewhat marred j ,
this! afternoon at 1 :30 o'clock by a rash 1
and successful attempt at selWeslruc-
tion on the part of Alden Aldiicn, w ho '
placd the muzzel of a ritle ot large cal
iler uuler his chin and in some way
pulhil the trigger. The ball euicre.l
the lower jaw and ranged upward coin
ing out at the upper front, part of the
head, blowing the right eye from it
!ckrt and inflicting a gastly and fatal
wound Death resulted very soon af
ter the shooting. He had visited the
camp (if .a young lady and conversed
with her briefly just prior to the shoot -ing,
and then proceeded a distance
alove tin' camp and tired the fatal shot.
The only reason given for the rash act
is that his affection for the girl of bis
choice, Miss Boena Guerney, was not
reciprocated, and that after keeping
her cnmjiany for some little time she
had jilted him.
It soetus that the young lady has bi-rn
teaching school in (V-of- county for some
time past, having been pi 1 some atten
tions by Aldrich prior to her going to
that county. She returned from Coo
to attend the Pioneer Beunion in
company with another young man,
where she met Aldrich and evidently
declined to receive any further atten
tions from him, over which he brooded
until he dvtt-rmined on self destruction.
It i stated that he indirectly threatcne.1
the young lady's life last evening, but
the affair w given little serious eon
ideration by the friends of the parties.
Aldou Aldrich was about 21 wars ot
sge, the sou of Mr. and Mrs. M. W.
.vldricli, who coiuliicts a resturant and I
i i . !
mo. ii nuiimr ou Jackson stre-t in j
It.-lmrg. II w as a genial young man lB tllH. U
of toWr habits and not inclined to ! .
mik ifsv
hum rv
Our delayed car of pianos and organs just arrived. These
are a lot of beauties and will Tie sold at prices never before
heard of. One fifth of this lot is already disposed of, and they
are going fast. T. K. Richardson is the first, last and only
" dealer who has ever shipped a car load of pianos and organs di
rect from the factory to Roseburg or Cottage Grovej therefore,
we arc prepared to give you a better bargain on a piano cr crean ""S
a- than any other dealer who has to pay a middle man's profit.
Call and see these fine pianos and organs and be convinced, at the
Professional Cards.
qeorge' m. brow n.
A ttorney-a t-La w,
Court Houa
IXwaslair. ROSIBC1U1. OB;
Physician, Surgeon.
0 Ece over P. 0. Rosiacao,
'Phone Main 591. " Oaaoo..
If you want to go to CV Coontyf
1-jints, take the Iton-borg. Marvidield i
rout. Spring
every day at fi, A. M.
Barnard, agent.
Ill' i 'lire '-f C. I
6jtk-oyoiir ii:ind clear and fresh for
(theory Luslne-- prV.rn,s if yoa ea
; bread k i:c-i.t at tie
-ixsit.k ix the-
jjjj'lji Umpqua Bakery
Physciau & Surgeon.
despondency, hence, his ra-h art
UoaEBuaa Oaaoox
Scc!ai ttUBttoo fiTto to D'.t
via luwi.
O.fice-Mala SC. one door Booth of CI
Phoue. Mala Ml.
w as a great surprise and sho, k
to bis relatives and friends. C-r-oiier
Twitcheil was ummonel to
hold an iixmest t.ver the remains and
proceeded to Olalla this afternoon.
The ncru ranee is greatly deplored und J t' W H4YXE3
resn'tte.! In- all. !
DfclYl lb I,
pSai the onlv un-to-date harnsa
on the market. n a!e at P.I.bett'a
Harness shop. .j
ur "t. rx-j.1 tca.'e from the
rt ur, m 1 i- a!its
Heal Oi5Sc. Jtcllinnvillc, Orf n
Amt.of insurance in force, f II. rCO.0(O.C-i '
.'cigoui laoue year, ,',t f. .1 1 !"iU'Uaii,i.
Saving ita members I yr., bO,'M.ut '
Pr'-;r tor
Roseburg, Oregon. Agt. for bocgiasCo Pr:i Li!-., Xorth Ja.-La Str
a rrww Buiidlas,
riluoe So. 4.
Si arum liail
. Notice.
Itids for the exclusive privilege to run
a restaurant on the Fair grounds during
l air week will bs receive! no to EepU
23,1002. Also for all other privilege.
stands, etc. F. A. Mc Cam., ec.
Shatters All Records
Twic in hospital, F. A. Oulled.'e.
Ycrlicna, Ala., paid a vast sum to doc
tors to cure a severe ease of piles, caiis
iny 24 tumors. When all failed, Jlnck
len's Arnica Salve soon cure.! him.
ubtues Influmat.ion, conquers Aches,
kilbi Pains. !-st salve in the world
25c at A C Marsters drug store.
Board of Penalization Notice.
Xotice is hereby given that the JJoard
of Equalization of lunulas county Ore
gon, w ill meet in the oflice of the county
clerk of said county in the court house,
in the city of Hoschurjr, Oregon, on Mon
day, Octolier, 1IMI2, at il o'clock a.
in. and will continue in s4-ssion until
Satunlay, :tolx-r 1 1 th at 5 o'clock p.
in. to publicly examine the asc8iiient
rolls and correct all errors in valuation,
description or qualities of land, lots or
other property. Xow, therefore, all par-
tics who may le jiggiievcd by icason of
valuation, description or otherwise as to
their assessment, will please take notice
above stated, and make their complaints
to said board of Initialization. Other
wise their assessment will stand - as
made by the asses-or.
Dated August 21st, 1!MI2.
H. B. Gll.MCTT,
Assessor Ponglns County, Or. ,
In IhcClrrnitl Aiirlof tbe Slat of Oimui.
Ut Uou(lu rwmli.
Anna L Aikiou i
Ixilnrlaut. J
To Uo H. Adkiaeo. alKre named rirS-n.lanl
In Hi namr rl lb stat ol Orrfnn, yoa ara
brrebr roiQln-d lo annrar and att.wt-r ib ram.
p alnt Med afaln.t you in is abort rntitl4
i't an-l ranar nlibin tlx we"k Iroin th date
of toM t-iiulical on ttl Ib.t Botlor. tlx., od oi t-
lor sw .lay ui urti'brr. ri aud II von (all to
auioaraol auwr raid core plaint !tbtf taid
tlm. lor want trrul plaluiiff will apply to
aald court tor lb rvllrl drmaaaled in her com-
plalnt a loikiwa. tn-wit : or dcir of di
TortwduMlvtntc th Um4 nt aiairliDoay eil.t
itic ltwrrn blaliiun and drhlaut. lor ih
car and ruabalr of lbir minor children. Lnral
Adklaonand Kolrt Adklmn. and l..r a.iek
other and limber relief, a the court mar dm
iniiinmmogiu publtabrd l.y order ol Hon.
M. I). ThoutDMUt. miibtr IndM of IMuivia
ormnty, Oiun, which aaM on!r it dalrd Auf-
ni7tn, iv'i, aod ibrdaicol th flrvt pub ica
lion thrrvof la Augo't , ivOJ, aod lha date of
the lam iiubllmtlon thrmif u H iob-r 3rd, 11.'.
jmx I.
AtrriT fnr Pl.intt".
Attorney at Law,
CtVBualnvaabclore th V Land U9n and
aaiiiu caaca aapeoalty.
Lai lUraw o. 8. 1-aad omcm
0HS U. Slir-PE,
HoesBi'&o, - Okbooh.
lainoat belor C. S. Laad OSnui fiotat
UlIQ3 a (pccia.t.
Q:Brw Abraham BnilOliia.
Guardian's Sale.
Nolle ia hen-hf niren Uiat, in purraaocc of
an ordet tb n,unty e.urt of t)oul.. county,
Stat;if Orrron. Dia leon the Itli dry ol Aueurt.
ln, tli un.l' i-isTi'"! niarlian of the f-tai ol
Alma Urarla It-.and Itaincl Hrnjamin William
ie.Dilnn, will, vn th 3nl day ol ictobr, or
thtrrader, l.y prtvalf or h ibhe aal. at Kow
burg. Or.-oti. wll lb Inflowing rim-ribed n-al
propeny. belonging u I or rml minor., to wit :
The K'jHKar,- lu, ipjig. Ms w-t,bK. SK'
WT Iti. tpw S. R cM, XW'i SK'; nee IT.. IP M
8. Kt weit, all lielnir l:ntt. m Jovphine
county, Orrron, ogiuaiiiliif liflacn-, more or
Any partiex rlatminr adu-rwly lo Iheae land.
will lili Ml.l.'lalm. with the undrnif ord be
'or tbr 3rd day ol Oebibf r, 1'jiri. Ijate-1 lhi
2nd- dav of AVpu-mipr, l-ai,
LOJ kt R, it. f. I.ije, tiuanlita.
oi i.. b. Mirrryiir o. nernl. I'ortland. Or-
BOH. AllH. 2Sil. I'MI. Hnli.1 .tni...l.
Wl.l b reertvrl at tltfw ollir until 1 clerk,
niaHi. on September !, lsji, lor rnuning, mraa
urhnr and marking, la ao-orlanee with ofiirtai
exi.linir rcgulatinna. and Mieh lal initnn'-
u- ix- iwioi ny m surveyor iH-ncra.
the foiliiuiiiK il!criln4 aurveyo, vi : T 21 S H
14 W., 41 miha aubdlviiMin. li; uillr meander.
1 21 S , K W..;il mtleiaittxliviaioii; T fci S. H S
WV?,4 """""'"I'vlaioa: T-il S, R 1 W.a milii
ii-in n..m; in, !'. a,i nillea Kiibliv.
ion: T 41 8. R A K, V mlle iiiliUivlrioii ; 1 ??t s
R W, tit milcK .ulKlirial.ui.u mile. exU rion'
T J7 S. R t V,4'.i mll-a .uhdiviiimi; T Jo s K 11
n, !.;, nine auiKiiviHioii, T Hi s.. R 4 K "I
niiUa ulid;viioii T l.iS ki li tit lllllM .llluO
Tl.inn. ( mile, exierlon-: T 4 S, R J K. rt mile
lu-iiviniun; i b, n v w. Hi mllcmulxliv iaion
I II S, R 4 K.O mi uUiivirion, 12 milin t
U-rsorn: T I" S. R 4 li. 7 milra aulxlii iioi: T a
n K 1 , m mil-, aiibillv iiou. U'irat ralea ol
iniieaKare, i. f . and .1 and .. for
htamiard and meaader, lnwn.liip and aecllon
and cooneetiuir luiea rCTiK-otlvely , the latter
T. i "r "wl only
- w nioioiiainuiia, neavuy nm
biTi-d -or covvml with ilt-un- iiinli-nrrowth
noun witn aniiroved H--iirilv lir tha lKhi,,i
rroriiiaii-v of the contex t will h leniilceil of
Hie urcex'iil bfddera. 1 1 llxlit ia revived to
njn:.auy aim an imii, in waive technical de.
ft-cta. and In accept anr i.url ol an. I,l . .--
Ji-t the other part, il the Id term L of th fiov.
erniueni reiinire ii. i-mpoaala iniitbvkiibinitrd
1U duplicate to the iitKlvrKlKiied. and ndnraeil
on the itiivelope; "1'ninot.ala for excrutin
uuoiKxiirvevH. i lie pnHaM neelvcd will
lioennri at the time and place above mated
and blildtm aic inviu-d lo be. preneut at aurh
oiienliiir. Kiirlhi-r i n foi inalioii in rejrard to the
work will bciiiruibcd upon application to the
rini, 11KNBT jMai.natia-,
XI S H. 8 Surveyor Oeueral for On-ftuii
111 !li'irrii;t ( jH.rl nl il.. m.-. ..i
for 4M!ff!a rmiiitr.
W. A. ferkimaa l T. C Bir-lw
pannerv din bualoea. uu ler th
liru uaaiaul t'rrkiQi a tl.rdMv.
r,i4.nue i
8. f 'Miller. J. M. p rrauc. I. U .
lorraure. fortlaod Sarlnf Haat ;
Coriwrauun. Jna. h. Hea.i, aro- i
line m. nenl.l. J. I. Undftl acd
Heiie BiSlce. Deleudauta. j
lo J. at. i rt.D.-r. Ii. . tv.r-.t- . .
IN IHt X A14t S THt SI ATX .7oliao..
you are hereby traaiivd l.i ... i ' .
tharomplaiuiol loe oaawil p alotiBa in '
ltal-vUi;ed lour;, n on fi, ,n tl, .. J Bi
fly to lb furt i. in r.iul 0e,r.aoad in.U
ll.eiraid rompHlnt, lo-wit Thai an er r in a
.ldpialnuui:tlhe f,!wiu der.-ibe ' AttOmeV-at-LaW.
reai prou- rtv. t'wu. K' J
Heainnlncat mt ii!, fet ait 0 -tlw ' U' praic ia all Ue Staie and FeiWral Coortt
north U corner ol ib aou.hacn Quarter A OSc la ilatka' Bldf., Roaebnrf. Orawoa.
the MMithaeal tiuarterol ieti,,n . .
outhol ran, e,f, ol vui.i. M,:d:.; I t-JMMODORE S. JACKSON.
... '" ,b wr' io ol mriU -nrht
ol way o ,b Otn A. f.l.iornU tX !"
w.iI'lT?"" f "' lv "' i Aiiornev and Counsellor at Uw.
lvLlZVrk liSZ i M,Die nd
placcof begloninc. -ontaimuc tao arrea. is specialty.
rted and'efl 'r:jn"'I-.- - HOalBCRS. OBIGOS 1
plaintas b dcr.J th oaneia iq le mpi of ! f ? W BENSON.
Mid Pinnae.. Ire lrou. lhcia.i of detcniat:, I m " flM,aU"'
and carbof tbrm. ...ej j a
K"burMinla.erbyordrof the Hon 11 J
I. Thompaon.rouotyjudceol l.jiigia, eouotr' ' m 1 and 1
The first Semester, session 1002-;,' opens Wednesday
September 17th. The following schools and Colleges are'
comprised in the L'uiversily. Graduate School, ColTeze of
arwiuie, jwcuic .iuu :tii5, voaeqe ot bcience and En
gineering, Lniversity Academy, School of Muiic, School
j of Medicine, School of Laiv.
! Tuition free, ex:xitinL in school r;.;
jand Music. Ineidenttal fee $io.ot, Student-Bcdy tax
i2.5o per year Cost of living from to -00 00
I per year. -
For catalogue, address
0 P Eutne, Oregon
W.V.V.VWWV.V.V. W.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V...V .
near Cass
dateoitbia..p-biu-.,r. Vei i?:-" ! f A. DCCHASAN, KoUry fublic,
ivum L"UiS IUKZEE. 'ill I
Aor.ey(orP,aiug. Attornevt-Law.
Trespass Notice.!
All jerwna are hereby warue,l not to
JreM.a', hunt, lih or camp on the j
land of the Curry Kstale. Iv..tia doini! I
. will lw ,.niewuio. to the fall extent!
of Hie aw.
("") liiversilalo Fmrm.
Collections a Specialty.
Room 1
!atra Buil.llnf.
Attorney at Law.
fcoom 11. n
VajlorA Wilaon Bloek. RolBC,0B
faritir, imppiviil au, tinitntrvei lands,
ami city .rr.ierty. U rile il vr.u ve anv
lliing to ell. Addn-i "
Illilmlliatelv in nan
iioiue. i,v e.i.-tern liouie-eek-rn
who desire to litireli e li-
rtvt from owner. r.-im-lu-K
1 1 wnt: o,
e.. M.aaAT. c. a.SKiicaaKD
rract'..- In all ol the eonrta ot lb late, alao
'wlore th V. S. Land drtBcnU
Tailor A V llaon Block,!
Notary Pnb!ie In offlre
I'bone Main B0SCBCH0, ORE.
Notice for l'ublication.
Land 0IB(!t at RoM'burir, Orevon
A ....... . -u.
Nollco In licn liy rjlven that th billowinir
uauied hellh-r haa fikl notice of hi. Inu-iitino
to make litial proof in auppnrt of lil i h.lin, and
thai Bald proof u ill he made Ix'fnre KittiKter and
Receiver i:. . I aud Cltli at Ko.-elmrv, Oninin
on October M.lwi vix:
on H.K No. Ii2l, fur tliu Ntt'H (Hfi;, fioo l
TpiHM., K7 went. Ha, naniea the Inlawing
witnic to prove ln coiiiiniiuiia rehiilenc
iipuu anu iTuiuvniiuu 01 mii mini, viz: Henry
UuKbueli, 0 A frock, A Koiiiik, Win Krimd. all
nl Olalla, Oregon.
Wp J.T.ERIIViKH, Itei-iaie-,
v vav : -.- : - : : : va-kst-vsk x - x:x'.x:x
Fine Cream and liomemad B read
We rani lo R.Mbarz t i viir, in.! if c t k ' . t
th. trade in the fdturr Ji the":, .. Z&t
Join in the j.rrioa r-i ueli ( l-ai cut..::.,M L can l et-a
tinually rw-inj 'n n I "!!t of our rtore.
. .V.V.V.VWW. V.'
J. SIEVERS, Proprietor 5
V.V.W.,WAW.VAv...VAVaWww J
The school where thorough work is dose: where the reason Is
nlways given; where confidence . is developed; whtre boolkeeinr,
is taught exacUy as books are kept fa basiress; where ihorthand is
made easy; where pennahip is at its best; where hUr.dreds cf
book keepers and stencgraohcrs have been educated f.-r yticccfvs ia
"e; It
Street Fair
And Carnival
SEPTEMBER 24.25,26,27,1902
Baloon Ascensions
Grand Midway
Team Pulling Contests
. - For $150 Prizes
Shooting Tournament, Log Sawing Contest, Tug
of War, Baby Show, Prizes for Slock: I'oultry, etc.
Music by fourth Regimer.t and Other Bands "
Address all Communications to
M. S. WALLIS, Secretary. ,
i '
Mitchell Wao-ons
ofTeTrats l Snrrff!
and Road Wagons ou hand.
If you wish comfort, ele-ance and a
reasonable price, see us before buying
J. F.
ariser &
Pocket Cutlery
Safety Razors
Shears and Scissors
??Jhe iScst Excellence
L :..- SYKES, Hardware.
..... . 11, uni-K cvt-rv 1.1m .....I 1 :.. 1 .
"'il l 'l klUVl'K.