The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, September 01, 1902, Image 3

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While you are out shopping don't think about buying before you
call and see our line of Spring aud Summer Dress Goods as they
are the most complete and up-to-date line in the city. Our line
of Wash Silks, mercerized Gingham, Dimities and colored
Lawns can't be beat in price and quality.
Our Reay-to-Wear Waist
In this line we excel all others as our line is
tlie most complete line in the city. White
Waifts from 50 cents and upwards.
Here is the line we can save yon money in.
Walking Hats and street shape. Au elegant
Sailor for 60 cents.
Ladies Shoes
Onr Imperial f3 Shoes for ladies will eomjiete
with any 1 3.50 shoe in the city in the way of
wear and beanty.
Gentlemen, onr line of Golf and Fancy Shirts
are the latest and most complete line in the
The place to get these geods is at the People's Store.
The eelebrated David Adler & Son's line of
Clot hing is known fur and near and that is the
line we carry. The prices are right and the
tit is jierfoct and if you will step in we will
s Mirelv convince you that we can save you mon
ey if Itnying of hk.
Neck Wear
Here is where we shine. We have the swell
est and most complete line in Southern Ore
gon, and for the newest and latest thing out
don't over look us as we have them in the line
of neckwear.
Gentlemen's Shoes
The celebrated W. L. Douglas Shoe w hich we
are pole agents for, f jieaks for itself, if vou will
give them a trial. We.hrve them in Oxfords,
high cuts, also in tans and ox -blood colors.
The People's Store
One door couth of the
l"ot Olffr.
The editor of the Plaindeai.bk, acting
upon Greely's advice, has gone west,
armed with a 30-30 and a free pass to
Buffalo IUU'a Wooly West, an account f
which .he wrote in advance that's why
he left. En route he may pick water
mellons at 40 cents per box, but if he
closes any hop contracts at 12 i cents,
there'll lie a vacancy" on the staff.
Work on the new bank building, and
street improvement seems to go on just
like the editor was here ; in fact they
don't seem to know he's gone, but Le is,
and if there is any thing brainy in this
issue, its due to his absence. He left
with40 rounds of ammunition and a map
of Grouse Mountain, with Dave Sha m-
brook as guide, IV to l'urks to do the
shootin' and Dr. Miller in case of an
accident. If you want t know what
they pit don't ask them.
rmmJETSSlmmm I, 1 -Ml !'" LI in i L
v:v vwvva
S J ft 1 R I "V Ull "
Biok and. Stationery Store
: t
: I
Leather Goods
Just received to
which we would
respectfully call
your attention.
It embiaces everything
that is new and stvlish in
Wrist Bags
Purses, Etc:
in either Plain, Silver
Mounted or Mexican
hand-Carved work.
They are better
than the ordin
ary kind, and
are especially
suitable for nice
Call and see them. It's a
s pleasure to show goods, y
All we ask is that ou try our
ce Cream and Soda
Ice Cream Sandwiches
Latest Thing Out. Try them
WOOD & BELL, Proprietors
Phone Maine 183.
Abstract of Title to Deeded Land.
Papers prepared for filing on Govern
ment Land.
Blue Prints of Township Maps showing
ail vacant Lands, One Dollar Each.
Plans and Estimates for all Build
Special designs for Office Fixtures
Office in Marks Eoildinp. 'Phone 415
V rt T 1 T. .
The Eonehnrg inililie schools ojien next
Monday morning.
Flush Western Railway Company is
incorporated ior tl.aO.OoO.
Mrs. Win. Carrier is visiting friends
and relative at Lebanon.
Mrs. Gmipton is vioitiiijr relatives, :t
Corvallis and Newiwrt.
Be sure and attend the harjKiiu sa'.e at
Flints all this week.
J. H. llobbs, of Brock-way was a Kimh
burg visitor Saturday.
Mrs. W. F. Benjamin is visiting he
son Dr. W. II. Benjamin, of Portland.
A large line of men's heavy work shoes
and timber cruisers t-hoes just ree'd.
Mrs. S. Zigler ami son Lew, art? visit
ing their son ami brother F. M. Ziirler
at Portland.
The Portland Elks Carnival 0111? to
day and continues until the evening of
the 12 inst.
MiMies Ilattie Linserand Birdie Slocuin
left Sunday morning for Portland to
spend the winter. '
Mrs. Daniel Ford paid the Pt aixdeal-
. 1 r 1
i er a pleasant visit :atnruay anu iavorvu
us with a subscription.
Senator A. C. Marsters TroTs Ham
lin, Coekran, and Agee, arrived at noon
today from their trip to Crater Lake.
Many lieoj.le are expecting to visit
the Pioneers' reunion at Olallathe 3, 4.
and 5. Tle Platxdeaxeii will be there.
Senator Cameron anil son, Master
Don, of Jacksonville, ppent Saturday in
Rnttehurgand favored the Plain-dealer
with a pleasant call.
Mrs. Child and her swter Mrs Mor
ris, of San Francisco, returned on this
morning's local from their outing at
Crater Lake.
Dr. C. E. ,Bogwe, John Hall ' and
family, Ed Weaver and family and Wil
lis Kramer and family, were among the
Myrlle Creek people in town Saturday.
John Hawn, one of Camas Valley's
staunch citizens, was a Plaisoealm
visitor Saturday, and on leaving tliis
office carried a receipt intilling him Jo
the Plaindealeb anotl-er year.
Pres. J. H. Orcutt, of the Drain for
mal School, sjieut Satarday in Bosebitrg.
He reports that the Normal building is
being refinishsd on the interior, repaired
generally and rejainted. F. F. Pat
terson is doing the work.
The part of our summer stock, that
still floats is yours almost for the pick
ing np. The prices are too email to le
considered a fair equivalent for the value
given. We simply charge for the leather
the making is thrown in. This lot of
mens, womens and children sh.ies is
worth more money even thought the
seasons is advanced. A pair put away
will turn out money si vers for
Come to the big Sale at Flints all
Young is visiting in Port-
iMimer Bargains
All wash fabrics that for
merly sold for 20 and 25c have
been reduced to
Just received, a new
line of Ladies' Walking
Hats, at 75c. and S1..50
If you are not buying goods
from us we are both loosing
money, and we ought to be
able to get together for our
mutual benefit.
7 An n ii
Mrs. Jas.
Mrs. John Slmj left this morning
t jr a visit in Portland.
License to wed has been issud to A. N.
Orcutt and iKwa F. Page' f Oakland.
Mrs. Walter Coekran and daughter,
left this morning for Portland to attend
the Carnival.
TheW. C. T. C. will meet at the
home of Mrs. A. C. Marsters, Thursday.
Kept. Uh, at 8 p. ni.
Mrs. II. A. MeCiaran and son, Balph,
of Drain, wore transacting business in
this city Friday and Satunlay.
Eastman Kodaks are sold to the en Is
of the earth. Chun-hill A Woolley at
tend to the KoSehurg end.
There will be a sjtecial meeting of Joe
I-ain-s Cabin No. It! N. S. (). at their
hall tonight. Business of importance.
S. W. P. the raint that spreads the
most, last the longest and looks the liest
sold by Churchill !k Woolley.
Win Mode ami family and W H Bcid
ler of the lower Calapooia, came over
Saturday to see the big sliow and trans
act business.
R I. Wagoner, the Messrs Schroeder,
Arthur Hermann and K II Hansen were
anion 2 the Mvrtle Point visitors Satur
Mrs. (ieo. Shambrook and daughter
Maude were pleasant callers at this
ffice Monday, while iu thie citv to see
the Wild West Show.
Ralph Easley, of Cottage Grove, took
in the Wild West Show in town Satur
day and visited with the family of his
Aunt, Mrs. W. C. Conner."
juiss .M.inrerie McUonzai leit iins
morning i Portland,., visit with
friends, n her return she expects to
stop at Harrlsbarg for a few day.
An immense crowd from Oakland,
Drain, Riddle, Myrtle Creek and other
points in the county attended the big
show Saturdar. It was a gala day for
When you get tired looking at the tin
cans with legs on, call heaters and air
tight, by some dealers, go to Churchill
& Woolley and get a Bridge & Beacn
sto.e, tlie kind that lasts.
Irie Tompkins, the well known Grants
Pat tonsorial artist, spent Saturday
aud Sunday in Roseburg, the guest of
ids cousin. Mrs. W. C. Conner. He
took in the big show and sight's generally.
Bend, Wash., Sunday Aug. 24, !'.?,
Miss Saddie E Ford to Walter Stiib
blefield, County Judge olficiiiting.
Both of the contracting parties are
well known here, the groom Is'ing the
son of Mrs. Isaac Johnson of West Rose
burg, and the bride is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Daniel Ford, also of West
Roseburg, and is a most est imable young
ladv. She is well know among the ieo-
ple of Rosebmg where she has grown to
womanhood, and has an abundance of
friends. Mr. StnbhlefieU is and
industrious young man and is at present
working at his trade, painting, at Fort
Columbia, Wash, where the young co
de will leside until Mr. Stubhlelleld
has finished bis contract after which
they will move to Portland. The
Pi.aimikalek ioins their many friends
in wishing them much joy.
TOTTER REALS At the ofhYe of the
county Judge, at the Court House In
Roscbur-'. An. SI. P"- E. E. Totter
of Olendale and tiara A. Reals, of
Roseburg. His honor Judge M. Di
Thompson ollVialing.
W. C. T. U. Notes.
Two Fire Alarms.
J'riday gt.about one o'clock, an alarit
was turned in for" a' "fire at' the Steam
Laundry on Mill street the department
quickley responded to the call but upon
their arrival at the scene of the fire they
found that their services weie not need
ed as the flames had been extingnislied.
The roof of the building had caught
fire from the flue but ns the fire was din-
covered before it had gained any head
way it was easily quenched by a fe
buckets of water.
At 5:30 a. ni. Saturday an alarm of
fire was sounded and the company read
ily refunded but what was thought to
be a dangerous fire at Mre. M. Josephson
residence proved to be an ash lx as it
was found that the hot ashes aud colts
ditmed.intotheash box the night be
fore bad ignited, burning the box and
grass, a bucket of water easily stopud
futher excitement.
SIMMONS To the wife of Will Si.n-
mons, at Looking Glass, Aug. 30, 1102
a 10 )iounds girl. .
FRYMAN To tlie wife of F. II. Fry
man, at Cleveland, Aug. 2:1, 1902, a
lxv. '
Miss Erin a Burrow, stenographer of
theKoSPhurg Water & Light .Company,
will leave on this evenings local for
Dallas Texas to attend school. Mrs
August Krantz succeed Miss Burrow in
the office.
Hon. Ringer Hermann and wife, who
is now at Myrtle Point visiting their
son, Mulier lleriuaiiii, mill leave that
place tomorrow for Rosebnrg, from
this place they will take the train
Wednesday, for Washing I. C.
Among t hofe from l.iddle in attend-
mice at the big Mmw were, .Mrs.
A. Riddle, Misses Blanche, Maude,
( i nu-e au I Helena Riddle, Mrs. J. B.
Riddle, B. F. Nichols and family, Henry
Nichols aud family, W. Q. Brown and
family, Jake Nichols, Elbert Jackson
and wife and many others.
W. R. and family of Canyon
ville who were in tlie citv Satunlay to
witness the iicrformance of the Wild
West, paid this office a visit and inci-
dently renewed hiseiiWription ; he also
complimented ns iijon the excellent
grade of job work we are turning out,
saying he was more than pleased with
e order recently delivered -to him.
Eilsar.VItoWruZtlic junior editor 'of
I h Mvrtle Point Enterprise, was a
l.'oselmrg visitor Saturday. He came
oi.t to interview Buffalo Bill aud trans
act business Ix-fore the U. S. laud office.
He favored the Plaixdeaikr with a
pleasant call, but overstep) ed the rules
iMid regulations of the office slightly by
spending the major ort ion of his time
in the composing room. This being his
first offense we graciously forgive him.
Mr Charles Oilvin the sipular mix
oligist of the Monogram saloon of this
city, left last evening for Baker City,
and will later attend the Portland Car
nival. It is mutually understood among
Charlies friends that, so savs dam
rumor, when he returns to this city he
will have taken the vows making him a
lxncdict and that the fortunate von ne
lady will he a Baker City girl well
known in Roseburg.
Second Annual Encampment.
Second Annual Encampment of Tiou
eers, Veterans, Native Sons and Daugh
ters will he held nt Olalla, Oiregon, Sept
3, 4,5, Jise.
Barljeciie, free dinner for everybody
first dav; Music, songs and K leaking
everyday; a grand aggregation of field
sports from start to finish; abundance
of wood, water and excellent camp
grounds free for all ; no saloons or games
of chance allowed on the grounds. Every
one cordially invited to attend and have
a general garni tiintt, CoMMirrrr,
Iuist Monday morning Mrs. .A. C
Marsters, accompanied by Rev. and
Mrs. Thomas. Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. S-l-
don, Miss Ilaxcl Jewett, John Ferguson,
and Mark Muusoii went in Gardiner,
where a successful W. C. T. I". Insti
tute as hell. They returned Satur
day afternoon having had a very pica.'
ant trip.
We have the pleasure to announce the
State W C T 1" c.nvention is tol held
at Rtselurg at the M. E. church Sept.
9-13. Ever) one is invited to attend.
Lunch will lie served each day by the
different Aid societies at the I ) O F
lian.piet hall for 15 cents. A very in
teresting program is now promised, be
side the fine state talent, the Appelhoff
orcliestr is sured for each evening
with other talent. Be sure tlie last
evening to the celebrate I Col. Jno.
Sohicski, a man who was banished to
this country with his mother "and ho
was heir to the Polish throne. Watch
for the full program.
Anyone ho will kindly help in any
way to entertain the delegates will
please rejrt to Mrs. A. C. Marsters.
Elks' Carnival At Portland.
For the Elks' Carnival theSo ith?r
Paritic ('. will sell tickets from all
stations in Oregon to Portland ami re
turn, on August 31st, September 1st and
5lh to 11th inclusive, at greatly reduced
rates. Account "Elks' Day" tickets
will be sold on September 3rd and 4;h a
one fare for the round trip, with a inaxi
ruun of fJ.OO.
Special attractions have Iw-en pro
vided, which will make this Carnival
the finest ever held on the Coast.
Grand parades every day, in which
the beautiful queen of the Carnival ill
ap(iear before her admiring subjects.
Don't fail to visit the Midway Plais-
ance, the German Village and Jaliovr's
Oriental Extravaganza. If yon stay at
home yu will spend the rest of your
life regretting it. 'a21f.)
Letter List.
Remaining uncalled for at the
burg jiostotliee.
Persona calling for these letters wi'.l
please state the date on which they are
advertised. Sept 1 YMV2:
Hortin, Miss Bessie Moore. Mrs
Insh.JM Myers, Mrs Ai
Krosel, Fred Restad, A C
I-audis, M D Webb. Mrs Wn. U
Leslie, II J Mathews, Lilliaa
The letters will lie charge,! for a; the
ate of one cent each.
Wm. A. Fbater, P. M.
The Roseburg Market.
' Tlie licad market quotations today are
as follows':.
Wheat w cents.
Oats-'rK'-XI cents.
Barley IS cents.
Hay loose, ;; ai,,li tiflO.
Potato's ! '4 cent s-r mnil.
Butter i" cents.
Egg 11) cents.
Chickt:;i, mixed 7iric wr pauh;
young chickens t---W' 3. r tlozeu
Veas tc dn's.!.
Beef.rowsS'-e; steers 3.'sc; heif-rs -Tc
Ho fat, 4 4'sc lives;, ?:
Wr.l i-pring I.V4'c ; Fall 13c.
Mohnir 21 cen.s.
Calcutta Bags S; old lients.
PoKixivo Makkct. The (pi'Vatious
in the Portland market toIa;-' are
Mtieatliiyfi-'c; oats, ii.U'fti.;5 per
cental; Lay steady; clovei, f7.DOC?!!
timothy, f 12 13 ; wool, valley, 12',
ISc; hops, 16f17c; hogs, gross; 0,(3
"ic i- sheep, wethers, Wi6.c gross
beef, gross, 6Sc; veal, S2 3; eggs,
15(J 20 ;: butter, creamery, 21ft2S,c;
dairy, 1617; chickens, mixed, tS-VM
4. 60. -
' Notke of Settlement.
Cream Wanted.
Douglas County Creamery wants your
cream and will wy highest cash prices
for butter fat. Write for cream cans.
Will furnish you Cream Separators that
aro second to none in Quality and Price
on most any condition yon may desire.
The Sharpies Tuhuler Cream Scjiarator
leads. Douglas county creamery rcfer-
ances, hirst .National iiaiikand jHingias
County Bank, Roseburg, On-gon.
A Boy's Wild Ride for Life.
With family around exieetiug him to
die, and as Jon riding for life, 18 miles,
to get Dr. King's New Discoviry for Con
sumption, Coughs and Colds, W. H.
Brown, of I.eesvllle, Ind., endnreil
death's agonies from asthma, but this
wonderful medicine gave instant relief
ami soon enrol mm. lie writes: "i
now sleep soundly every night." Like
marvelous cures of Consumption, Pneu
monia, Bronchitis, Coughs, Gold and
tirip prove ila matchless merit for all
Throat and Lung troubles, (iiniran
teed lsittles 50-and . Trifl Isittles
free at A C Marsters drug store.
If a Man Ue to You,
And f-ay some other salve, ointment,
lotion, oil or alleged healer is as good as
Bucklen's Arnica Salve, tell hint thirty
years of marvelous cures of Piles, Burns,
Boils, Corns, Felons, Ulcer, Cuts, Scalds
and Skin Eruptions prove it's the best
and cheaiiest. 25c at A. C. Marster'a
Rosebnrg, Oregon.
W. A." Everitt having dis)sswd of li
Laamiry business, all jmrtH-s, knowing
themselves to be indebted to bin. will
please pay the" same to Atty. C. S
Jackson at their earliest ''convenience.
(a30) . W. A. Er ibitt
fortune Favors a Tessa.
"Having distressing pains is bead,
bock and stomach, and being without
appetite, I lsgan to use Dr. King's New
Life Pills" wiitea W P Whitehead, of
Kcunedale, Tex., "and stsm fel; like
new man." Infallible In stomach and
livertrouble. Onlr Ttc at A C Mars
ters drug store.
Little Ranch for Sale
A good little home for sale; 17 acres,
adjoining fair grounds, 14 raila east o
Rotw-burg. Good Isiildings, 150 good
bearing fruit trees, . m acres in culti
vation. Price fl225. For particulars
n in ire at Miliken's sIhs- sto-e. Rose
a I If
A Parson's Noble Act.
"I want all the world to know."
writes J. C. Budlong, of Ashaway, It. I.
"what a thoroughly good and reliable
medicine I found in Electric Bitters.
They cured mo of jaundice and liver
troubles that had caused me great suf
fering for many years. For a genuine,
all-around cure they excel anything I
ever saw." Electric Bitters are the sur
prise o all lor their wonderful work in
Liver. Kidney and Stomach troubles.
Don't fail to try thorn." Only fjOi-ts,
Satisfaction is guaranteed by A C Mars
ters, druggist.
State Norms I School,
I-e those erjs'cting to attend the Nor
mal bear in mind the date of opening
Moil lay, Septemlier 8th and if possible
lietrtt hand the first day.
The Normal essays to put students
aist ti-achers on a f'S'ting tost lea is to
g'!' certificates. Review voik is a
feat a re of our course. The coining year
the Normal will lie more a home than
ever lsfore. Material internal and ex
ternal iniHovemehts of the sch'iol build
ing pre making for the en j anient and
benefit of students, physical education
s a vart of the course.
Strong work in English and mathepiat
res will lie given from a practical joint
of view; also in science.
. Letters from students, old and new,
saj, "I'll lie with you next year.'
The success of our graduates has cre
ate a demand for Drain Normalites in
good schools. The Normal has helped
many to good jiositions and will help
you if you will let it.
For information, address
al J. II. Orcutt, president.
Not Doomed for Life.
"I was treated for three y-sars by good
doctors," writes W A Grter, McCon
nellsville, O., "for Tiles, nd Fistula,
but, when all failed, Bucklen's Arnica
salve cured me in two weeks." Cures
Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Corns, Sores,
Eruptions, Salt Rheum, Piles or no pay.
25c at A C Marsters drugstore.
For Sale.
The following named articles are for
sale at the Methodist, Parsonage on
Maiii St. near Lane :
- Sewing-machine, Isxik-case, couch,
office, chair, table, iiorjers, curtain
rods, chamber sets, iron wash tubs, fifty
feet of garden hose, didies, kitchen
uhtensils, lamps, etc. To avoid ex
pense and trouble of these articles, they
arc offered cheap. A. S. Mcllujas,
Just Look At Mer.
Another Shoe Sale
131 pairs of Men's tan and oxblood lace shoes
131 pairs Ladies' tan green, and oxblood lace shoes
included in this lot, space permits the mention
only of the folio wing. They are representative of
the rest:
$3-5 $3-f anl $2.00 Values
Now going for
$2.20, $2.00, $1.50
$3-25 $3-o $2.50 Value3
Now selling for .
$2.20, 82,00. SL75
An examination of the shoes will
- - - "-""IIMIIIIU IV
these statements
When you see it in our ad its so. Everything guaranteed as represented
Indian War Veterans.
Isnr.rr.siiKNc r, Or., Ang. C, Pi2. At
su adjourned meeting of the Indian
War Veterans of ISVj aud 14'h;, held at
Indejs-ndence, Aug. Irt, Ifs)2, the follow
iug pneedirigs ere had:.
n motion of Major James Brm-e, of
Benton county, Ife-n II ivden was chosen
n motion of James Hays, of Corval
lis, J. K. Oioit, of Independence, was
chosen secretary.
On nct ion of Major Brace, the s-re-Ury
was instructed to comnionicate
itha!lthr County Clerks within the
state and ascertain the number (
Indian Wrr Veterans and their dend
ent widows in their respective Counties
and rejiort the sans? to the Adjutant
Genera at Salem.
On motion of P. L. Hedges, the secre
tary as instructed to transmit a copy
of these proceedings to all the news
papers within the state with request to
iiblish the same.
On motion the meeting cdjourned to
nut at Salem, Wednesday, October I,
!'., and all Indian War Veterans are
invited to attend.
Hex II tvoES, Chairman.
J. R. I wercR, Secretary. '
We Lave in stock several second hand
bicycles which we will sell at very low
prices or trade for ood.
tf A; C. Makstkbs & Co
Notice for Publication.
Lso Orncs t &ow-.. ot a Si, Ista.
Sotir 1. bvnrbr flrro tnai h lolio.lD.
sol IUr ku Sied 9olwo( h.1 lalanlioa
lo mke Snai prnri In mpvnn of bi. rimim an-1
that aaiil prool will be ai)r tt-'are ik triMrt
so4 aocetvrr, 1". S. Lnd Oir mi K-acJurs.
Orrsou, oo Oclnbrt J. lWi-rir:
uksrv r. t.r. ,
oo H. E. So K . for Ih. SfJ an U. Sc. T.
ne sanies the following aliam u nmrr
his rnminiuMi r ilfiw upna an-1 raliiT.ilno
f.l m11 laud U: Gtnrt Uttrh. iv9tnm Wii-t.
Joha Bt.a an.1 liruta smiiii, ail of Mrdr
rm, yrrefux ap j x. bumu RrtUter.
KotUt ik-rr. (irvn that f. Sclnejr Ro
hrrt HamiiUui iml liUK-rn. aUrrUa Kara limn
brine the avanrnH anl Is.lul auarj ut ol
feonr alcumW lUnuiton. a ailoor, all alto
(ounijof lu(ri,sui. ol itnui, do. taia
"T. T aiaioai ninavai. ana vita ua mil
knolel(eajlsmraJ of a,l arii- contra
l. iva ami grant aaui ib Mta irra Ali
an.l Hamilloo. bra lull line. Bilk poa-.t li
mri Inrtolamitla an buaiu- ao4 uthrr rela
tions. We ajill not heiniinUrie lor th debit
that mar be mnirariel b)r Ue aai.t tienre a 1
eiaodrr ilatniiion, ixrhall claim bean
Inra Iran (he date Kmf.
tucned. Oil. lwh rliiol Aosnst, xa. at Roe
buni. uirm. STUStV Kiskt HaaiLTOS.
Nkp CatHKBisLrsua UaatLTOS.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice U hetH itvcn that the nndersifned the lilti day ol Ausu.l, 1L by It
Vcumj vonrx ol Dotijria- couny. ikrgoa,
duly appointed executor ol the euatc ot Hrurr
Oanlnr Brown, d.-cral. All petMO havinc
-laimt axwiut the aal.i esute aie hareb noti
flt to pnweot I hem. pmper r rerlde-i, to me at
Kiklon, iMu a ciuolr, tirctno. within til
month limn tbr dale ol this notice, and ail
parkin Indebted lo the estate are hereby noit
Sed lo nay the tame t me.
Bated Aufusl lab. 132i StacaX H Baowx,
Eiecu or
Hop Pickers Wsnted.
Will pay forty cents js r 1kx. Apdy
Rl Vminit Ferry, Ore,
Whence came that uprightly step,
faultless skin, rich, ro.-y complexion
smiling face. . Here's her secret. She
uses Dr. King's New Life Tills. Result
all organs active, dijjeitiou roixI, no
headaches, no chance for "blues." Try
them yourself. Only 2T at A C Mars
ters dmg store,
Blue Ribbon;
.State Fain
15th t320th,
1902 .
You are invited to attend and
see tlie greatest industrial expo
sition and livestock show ever
held on the l'acitjc Coast. Good
racing every afternoon. Cainp
ground free. Come and bring
your families. For any informa
tion write
M.D. WISDOM, Sec'y,"
Portland, Ore.
atch Repairing
Ik. f - T'iv a Jr
Old Watches Made like New
o.l time is a neces-arv featare of
any witch. A tinjepiece is useless if it
!.- not a-t as it shonM. I will make
it r:.').t if it L- p--i!,ie. I will t!l
y.rti ihy it caa"t lie done ii it is not
advisable to ma.le ti.e eff.rt.
Jeweler and Optician
Ca.-s St.. near detK..t. je"-? -.-
N. A. FOSTER & CO., jy R &
UV I Clk-t JJ.1j- 1.
Ct . c - I
Timber laa-l I.iea.1 aaj (or itxie. GvjoJ bar
era! Lands. Oregon, Wal.iuztoa aa d ' .TiJ"1! ;Ua J
Douglas County Oregon,
. TUeSprnareri-"Tni-n-!.f t tio 2.-i.i.nj p!7i;ci4-:. lb- ru- of ri,.-..,,.,
Urtir-lBaJ-.utk-m 14 -n-Ki.lrl.- ilt E kiv - f.-. ji ,i r,-ia P..-:,.-! li
bath, train u.p la tra . of tae Mcl. v r ,acJa
p..tatna "Wi.iri-'.e
l-4iwtim Bi.niKie
Pv":um IistMa
rJiiifn h 'i.-n le
. ft.
: tr.
,.t tr.
j:i.-i ft.
Mixa inn Cn!-r.4e
1 aii-iQm hirie
! rr.
I L- o rr.
- - . sr.
returning the iuilowiag Mja-Uj.lL-JjL lu ttU on amie. ua:.i tv;h am. (Jj
CAPT. BEN D. BOSWELL, Proprietor.
Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician
cwelr, Diamonds and Silverware
J. M. Weatherby
T. A. Bury
D. L, ilt a
Roseburg Real Estate Co.
Farm aud Timber Land Bought and Sold
Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. Timber
Estimates a Specialty. List vonr proper
ty with us.
Cause anil Effect.
Re!oiisiv to the tin- is. aisd jrfect
in tor.e and action, th-j Yue iais isaa
secnreil a hold on pinil.r iavor aceorded
to none other. 'It i a standard instrn
nient, ff the highest rneseelleil
in n finale featare of merit. No bettor
jii.ino made. Not hih jrivd, either.
Sold at eseeedingly low ri j'ire.-i f-r cash,
oroneasv time iatvmsits. Kvervona
V. A. BURR & CO.
0t life"
III s nu
Iron fC-fj
Clad ' l5?,- .-
Hacks and
The largest stock of 20th Century Goods in the town
S Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, notions
Gents Furnishing Goods,
Boots and Shoes
Hats and Caps
Groceries, Provisions S
h produce Bought 'Phone 721 h
OAKLAND. ORK vvcvosvcvono oovovovconnosA;