OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWI ..Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show.. Will be Here August 30, So Will We, RICE & RICE THE HOUSE FURNISHERS Come in and rest yourself 'lenty chairs and sion mee. rienty cn GOOD GRANITE Ware is tbe most economical, most durable aud most satisfactory mate rial for kitchen use. It vronM be bard to find a larger assortment or a better quality of Granite Ware than we have, and we want yon to 6ee it. The good kind costs no more than the poor kind if you bny the good kind here. We are prepared (or you all. Largest Selection of Furniture in Southwestern Oregon. Come and see us and buy where your $$ go farthest. Wholesale and Retail. RICE & RICE XXX00OO0OOOO0OO00a000000O0OO0O0OOO0O008OOO00O00 The Twice-a-Veek Roseburg Plaindealer Published Mondsya and Thoradars. PLAINDEALER PUBLISHING CO. W. C.Coxseh, Editor and Publisher Fkkd Wright, City Editor, Solicitor. T. (i. Rrrn. Foreman Twrke-a-Veck PlainAVaUr. per year, $10 nteied at the Post Office in Rosebnrg, Ore., as second class mail matter. Advertising Rates on Application. SEPTEMBER 1, 1W2 COMPLIMENT FROfl COOS. Leading Republican Papers Endorses Messrs Bridges and Booth. The appointment of receiver and register f the Kosebnrg land office is now occupying the attention of Oregon delegation as well as a half dozen applicants for the posilion. Messrs Bridges and Booth, the pres ent incumbents, are after re appoint ment, and should they again be giv en the positions the appointments would give universal satisfaction. The manner in which the affairs of Sa offices have been conducted in he past is one of the strongest rec ommendations that can be brought forward. The past year has been one of unusual activity in- the timber business and the pressure of the work at the land office baa been great, yet there has been no com plaint regarding the way the offices have been conducted. Myrtle Point Enterprise. President Koosevelt'a declaration on trusts and the Monroe Doctrine are both subjects of extensive com ments in the London press. Discus sion of the former matter centers less npon the intrinsic merits of tbe trust question than upon the out come of the President's strnggle with the party leaders. All the newspapers express admiration of President Roosevelt's courage and boldness, but hesitate to predict tbe result. The Dally News says: "Many chances are on Mr, Roose velt's side. SL George goes out to meet the dragon and the wishes of the whole world will be with him in his fight" The SenHnel was never an advo cate of the special session, except jokingly in the interest of the Salem boarding house keepers. And the stated fla. salary proposition it has a very cheap political buncombe. "Flat" salaries would mean a raise of all salaries now paid and there would be no incentive for anyone to jeollect fees and the state would lie the lowr in the end. Salem Senli- neL Our own Binger Uermann is witb us 8 gain. It rejoices our souls no less than bin that in Oregon rest I be pillars of a fame Inat reach np even to the Nation's high councils. These were humble beginnings, here in Or esron. and we feci all the hnmbler when he deigns to move amor g us. It gratifies ns also that we can be lo him the means of higher greatness. Portland Oregonian. Today is labor day and will be ob served with appropriate exercises in almost every city and town in the state, w'j'c'i wi:l be the first general observance of i he day in this slate. "Worthy is the brain, brawn and 6inew t our land the American la borer. Conservative estimates place the attendance at th3 Wild West Show in Eosebnrg Saturday at from COOO to 9000 people. It was the biggest day Roseburg has experienced in a decad Admis- stools. mm It's a Real Pleasure to get the meals for the family when I you have a complete set of necessary I ntensil8 with a new style Standard Range to cook npon. 1 We Furnish KiUhens I while in. town. fl'VII III thronghont, and can save yoa timely, War". t;,erar survivors of all the and money, and many Btepa when! j0j;n wr, an, the European and Af- yoa want anything in the way of I kitchen supplies. At W&terville, Maine, last week I Preeident Kooeevelt displayed mocb widom in an address in which he said: MI feel that the art of aaceefj- Inl ramutrnmant II thA rt fit STHl V 1 !"" " " rr I ing, eyerj unjr, .Tr. ' -a.nua.lAal fW flAAaVrV I morality ana common eue. u.. we- need is the application or every- dar principles mat a man neeas 11 us . . . ... i. :it. iatowake his business a success. The only permanent betterment in tbe conditions of any nation is to iVia tndarda of individual ;.,nh;n thrnnhont that nat on w- . a . it -.1 1 w eoeginio luius. our wwuieu friend, the editor ol the JUyrtie roint f.tirrin2 music tieneral Shaft', his Enterprise should have been a toric old mule and hucktrd, osel by preacher. He certainly would have him in his famous Santiago eamiaigii been the whole thing at a big revival. I A man will go off on a little toot I spend a hundred dollars and think I nothiajref it; but if be is required Irt mi fonr do in. in taxes, be pay bowls. A man ia a queer animal. Kansas was the first state to de clare for Roosevelt for President in 1004. and this action was quickly fol lowed by Pennsylvania Missouri, Minnesota. Nebraska and Iowa. The French are goiug to bny .a 11T prunes ot as ibis year. ve can spare them aome, and they will find 1 them the bet prunes they evtrsawl or tasted. j Free traders who say that trusts I arethesesnlt of a protective tariff have not yet foaud an explanation for the countless British trnses. Wanted, several big saw mills in Don el as county to assist in roakint things bozz. - Crater Lake National Park. Ashland, Aug., 29. The Secretary of the Interior is prejaring regulations for the government of the Crater Lake National Park, which will le jromul- eated within a week. When these regu lations are completed steps will 12 taken looking to appointing a uerintendent and such other oflicials as may be nec- cessary to administer and care for the park. Until such officials are appoint ed, Forest Superintendent Ormsby will continue in authority as when the park was iiart of the Cascade reserve. It is not yet determined how many officials will be assigned to the park. W. F. Arant, who has been recommends! by the Oregon delegation will no doubt le appointed to the position of the sujer intendent bv the Secretary of the interi or. Tlie Secretary of the Interior having leen notified b mail that forest fires are burning along the Itorders of Crater Lake Park has wired instructions to Forest SuperintenJent Ormsby to em rttue anpli forrfta na is iiMCesanrv til etnim out'the blaze. Owing to fa,.t that He nuiininii uri, r.f .t a .lav an.l a.ih- ai.lenc has wenerallv lieei, hv tliose emnloved to out fires, the innd i f,t f. Wornim, deolet. and .lisas- trous results ore feared. The .h ,... r.l. tl.i. is ..ot worth the r,ri. but that the. Government to 1s-in hold no" l-ausa it wUl naV. - m t Mountain Lion Ate Horse. IlAREisBrRo, Ore., Aug. 28. Pleas- ..... :n .1... ;.tu ...... n in ni ...iiiwi ni nap Springs had a thrilling adventure . ., . i.. T..i: . - rently, a.xording b Julieu Wanl, a farmer living near iilmrg, who has just returned from the Springs. The persons in question, nhfise names were wl learned, went for a watch at a deer lick, aud in-planning tbe ambuscade they tethered their pack-horse a short distance from where they lay In wait lor the deer. Tlie next morning when tl.ey went for their horse his clean-picked bones were found in testimony of a sumptuous leant by a mountain lion. Tbe boldueiss of the attack, which oc curred within 100 yards of where'the hunters were lying, shows tbe despera tion of tbeee ferocious lieasts when goaded by hunger. We have in stock several t-ei-ond band bicycles which we will sell at very low pres or will trade for wood . II At IV. 31 AKHTKr.K THE WILD WEST SHOW. Attracted Immense Crowds to Rosebtirg Saturday. IT WAS K GRAND EXHIBITION Genuine Articla in the Atgrezatlon as Advertised No Hurabuttlne-- A Fine Para J. Roseburg was in gala attire Saturday, auJ the residents of the City, together with t W of the surrounding towne and those living 011 the rich farm of the Umpqua valley for inilea Uon ruilc in every direction and even from the ad joining eonntica were in town to vww that greatest of all attractions, Ruffalo Bill' Wild West and Coiigrera of Rough Riders, hilled to appear here in two 1t fofmaucef, hut owing to "the long run from Rowhurg to Ii..liug the next tto lor the li tlww. it watt iLvuLM to can pel the evening ition, that nil hours mi)ht le taken at Ashland in wincn 10 irci ana give me stoca recrea uon. MU ll,e " nel Codv Limaelf in a vrtern of the Ci- rian,?r.aiiih - Ani. - ri - ari and Philippine wars. 1 he only sanguinary struggle ol recent veara, not represented, is the Chinese-Japanese war of a few vears go AUKing the attractions of interest is the old Dead wood stage, actually uted on tbe Back Hills trail duriug the gold eu days of '77 and '79; and the mules and bnckboard used by General Shatter in Cuba during the late war. TOT Bid rADK. The rrale of the Wild West show which was w atched hy thousands of cit- ''s and visitors Saturday in its course ' " noseourg was a pic ture of realism a show of a coiuhina- ' iw whirl, at t,i l.ut one, ill lifetime. The pageint was a o wnllille participant. n ltorv-mak in lt(, anj( M.u r,, C0,jT . ' . himself was liere and create.! a murmur of admiration along the route. The drum corps from the army headed tlie parade. Real Cubans from the Queen ' Antilles tnl the stnets, lollowci Is w . a 1 " eiicrn, '-rman, inuuin. an-. aitn.-ajiii, a aiiuru uipi . iiQM-a m.tu r Pi ail cr ft Tfialtfara itirtiirtf Aa.1 t in rarnriinit rt , , ftmnaf.ift, h. b.,,.1. were an interesting future. The de tschuicnt from the United Slates Life Paving marine eervice also attracted considerable attention. The In. I.aiis er also a great feature. The para.le u"ul oiuiiuiir . v ..e fortuance was given outside the tents af ter the paraJe. AFTEBXOo.V rSNt'OBliASrt. The vast crowd made its way to the hasehall around on Pine street early in the aiternoon where a sea of cauvas greeted tlivm. Tlie encl mure contained alsMit five acre if trr-sind surrounded by tiers of comfortable seats. The exhibition was giveu complete and the. great throng was perfectly satis- with ,ue niagnitieent performance. The participants of the various thril ling scenes enter into the action with much mote enthusiasm than mere ttare trained menials would because it has jlen a part of their rerl life, During the twenty years of its exist euce the Wild West lias never presented a more thrilling and ntarreloua specta cle than in this year's program. Hough Riders of every country in the world are in its conimy, aud our own Buffalo Bill, the greatest war ccout in history leads them in every exhibition Colmel Cody's Wild u est is a picto rial, history of this country from the dayt of the ravage redman to the pres ent date, ana includes in its company all races and nationalities identified with heroic horsemanship. No such practical lesson in this eouutry'a pro gress could lie written in a thousand books. Fifteen different races and na Lions appear iu their varied costumes, During the almost incredible feats of horsemanship are shown Arabs, In diaus, Cowboys, Cossacks, Mexicans English, Germau, Rooteveltiaus, and other liorsemeu from every comer of the world. No circus ever seen com pan- with it and, best 'of all, every thing offered is genuine, both men and animals. It is a truly awe-inspiring triumph of educational amusement. The cowboys and vaoueroe in the Buf falo Bill's Wild West outfit are as capn bis, of doing as good work as is ever re quired in actual service on the range with the lariat. But however expertly a man may "rope and tie" a ateer, that (kill will not necessarily involve the ability to do siich surprising things with "le '" "-P""eu oy b? HW,T Oraiwu in the Wild West I "n' rti,!l tH "'I 'rI,', to a ,iviue thp great mujiary anus ol iiio loreign ' ''", be battje scenes, the lhft h,M:k'n? hMan ar ,,a1"" and all the other well know n features were s;en .lolin l'.akt, an eert marskman, nne of tjlr ,1(M.t skillful fancy shots in I ... ... ... nil), mmrtrv. Jit trap shooting, exe- cte,l jn the most difficult iiositions and I . . . with lightning rapidity is truly remark able, while the fashion In which he shatters flying glass halls shooting rico chet shots at them, or by reflection, or standing on his head, seems almost magical. The vast arena Is too large for to show his skill in shooting at very small objects, still or thrown in the air. but be does enough lo prove himself a wonder. Shatters All Records Twii-e iii hosmital, F. A. Gulledge, Verbena, Ala., paid a vast bum to doc tors to cure a Severe caae of pilee, cum-irip- 24 tuinorc. When all failed, Ruck len'a Arnica Halve toon cured him. Subdues Inflaniatiou, conquers Achee, kills Paine. Beit falve in tbe world 25c at A fMarofer Hruj; trv, COMPLAINT AGAINST OREGON. I . China Takes Notice of Work of nob in Malheur County Several Months Ago. Washington. Au. M. The Ch nese in l Government, thnuigh its Legation here, has asked the State Department to see that instice is done hr the State of Ore- gon to the Chinese who were attacked by rioters in Maker City, Or., on Agnst 8. On that date ahontGO Chinese, who wereemi.loved in this citv. were at-1 tacked bv a mob, three of them were thot and the remainder wer.i driven out of the town and forbidden to return, The matter was promptly reported to the Chinese legation by the nearest I Chines. Consul, and the Legation authorities having awaited what they I considered a reasonable time for some J itrii of activity on the iart of the local I authorities, have now presented the I matter to tlie State IVpartment, point ing out that tlxy dos.. bcranae the local anlliorities have shown no disposition t orosecute the offendrni and make re puration. iiie department in follow-1 mg me usual course, lorwaru mti com- i At 1 . . 1 ldamt to the tiovttrnor of tre-on, Wltu I 1 . . .." I the miuest l'r ail explanation. HISTORV or TKK ASSAI'LT. :' BaKER C ITV, Or., Aug. 30. The till- ' . - ia. i.. . nese outrage reierre-i ut oy me iiiurBc tiovernment to the State Department! occurred August 8, at the Moruian Risiu placer niine, which was leased oy Chinamen. Twenty shacks were lurn- el hy rohU-rs, supposed to live in the vicinity, and the Chinamen held up and rolilMHl. luree ..liliiauieii were iwni) i injured. Mormon Basin is 60 mile from here, in Malheur County. The! anlliorities there tOfk no action. The 1 t , District At'ornev here was preItW I .!t1. . v.r..l;nt tha tima but the with a complaint at me nine, ihh. m mattcr was out of bis jurisdiction, lie .... . . . notified the authonties Ot iainuer I ....... I,i i, .it in. as. li.r it kiwii n I lyouiity, but nothin;., so lor as auown. i has been done to bring the jriilty men I to jll'tk-C. 1 SaI EM, Or., All". 30. neu I tOvern-I irtoll toniaht regawinglne coinlaint of the Chines' Minister in connection w itn tne auegeo awa. ... . . ,i i ... ... .r i mob on Chinese in Baker City, be stated he had njevived notice from the Slate IVartnieut at Washington and had at once ordered Captain Samuel While, District Attorney at Baker City, to investigate the charges and bring justice. the offenders, if any, to D' EPA HTM EST OP THE ISTKHtOE OSce fl'.s. BiirreTortteoerel. rottaa. u-e. aon. Xit. lli. iu. kMloil Broooaeia wi:i bcrv-Htrd at IhianSic anUi 11 acock. noon, oawptemberil. IU. loe rannlnf, urint and mark Inn. la arranlanr 1U onV-ial exl.lloa nrg .laUoua and aueb aperlal IneUiMv tlmi. MMfbr IxiM by lAr Burreynr mm, Ihe rlb.) aurreya.Tli: T il S M 10W..4 Riln aub-tlriiuta. I1. uilWa Oleander. T 21 S , K W., .l m!l (ulidit U'.oii: TM K S W.. 21 miU-tfioitllMiai T i B, a I W.2J Bilk tiil.ii llon. TIS. K JW. Aa', iila nbrtil aln:T41M R 3 K, ' miir anUllilatoa: T S K t n.u.nlloauitivlalon. mile eiienora T '.T S. K i W . T a S. K II W. 1.', mile hiMKIikm. T 1 S. H S -I mi Ira wiUJTiMMi; T lis. H4 Euamllr aubdl rtalnn.b mllr rxietlnn- T . K. mile uil.IUi.kJD; TUB. Raw. K mlK-auMi.Mu : T II S, R tifl nilimaobdUiawja. li e tenon: T l S K I K. ' mllaub41ulon: T Ji . KJW, :-umll-Mibiliitii.n. trcal n:ra ot nlleaae are l, T. and r:'s and lor ataiklarvl aot meattier, loofaip aJM aretH and maiwtlDs tinea reaetlely. tbe latter rat(t." i, v.. aiMt 4i. are la be ooiy liera Uie Untare lunt.iitainoua. Ialty tint-btr-j or eorrn-J witb itenae naderrrMlb. Hond with aM-mrAI arrurllT lor too laltblul prrfortiiat-entthroairm.-t beirulie. l tbe Mvrexafnl t.Mr. Tbe right la reMl lo reje. i anr and all bida. to aUe In-hnkwl de levla. ami toarreot any part otaay bid, or r tbe otber part, II Ibe .BlereateW tba Go ernmenl miulrr It, pmnnMla atuat beaubwlttel la diipUi aie to tbe oa-leraigned, and oudarae) oo tbe entelop: "Protwale lor eieenl na pa t.n.- urreva. The propmiM rmiiw win bnnel al ihe lime and pla-e above staled, and biUdei are InrltrJ to be pfent at aorb openina. Further lnloiaaatioa m Hnd to the or a will be lurolib-l apoa appn-auoo 10 in undrmlinrd. lltaf llnxiitl, MB V. B surreyor Oeaeral Kt urrgoja. Notice for Publication. Land Uflto al Roarburr. O.-etoa, Aacual S. lib. Notioa U bcreliT rltea tbat Ifie iollowtnt namr.1 arttirr baa Sled mot ire of bit lotentlOB tomakebual prool In aupport ol bla claim, a bo tbat aaid nrooi will ha made belora Rrclrter aud Berotvcr I".", taod OSictat KoielirT, orrfoa. Oa Oetnber K-.1WU. in: WILLIAM". oa n K Ko. IliM. lor tbe W'i. Sec m -is. a; a-eat. Ha aimei me io.ioa.ox aitiimea to nnire hu eonUauoae realdeaoe npon and cuiurauoa Ol aaia ianu. nr. iirarr buabnell, D A Prork, A Kouna, Win friend, aU ol OtaJia, Oirfon. Mp J.T. VAIlKiU, riiex. Notice for Publication. trailed Sutea Land OSlre, Roaebur. Omon. July U, 10. Nut Ire la hereby (Iren tbat ta aapllaae wlib the proritwoit ol tbe art at t'oa(reaa al J u lie J. ir;. eatnie.1 "An art (or tba aala ef timber landt In the Slateeol 'aIilorala.Orefa Xerada and Waah.nrton lerrllorr. aaeiiaaa d to all the nublic land state by art ol Atifuat a, iTi JOHN HOCBTER of It'ieebarc, raur.ty ttt tMailaa. Slate et Ore roa bae th.t da tiled la taiaoSloa but awora state went. No. Tl tor the pap-base of Ibo Sw y anion na a, tp. no zi sou in. rang no. . weai and will viler prool leahow tbat the land am M Is uare valuable lor Oa timber ar slane (baa lor arlriiltural purvoaea. and la etablbdl Bis la.m before tbe Kegiaieraud Reeeirav al Ibis oldre l KoMburct'TSoa, Tburaday the Utb day ol Kovember, la2. He Dames a vlioew: OabM Pbtlan, laaae JnhnB of Kinebiirf. Ore., James W Conn of Urlmw, Orn., M 7 Callahao, of Wsrdton, Ore. Any and aU prrsoos eialminf adrertdy the aboTe-dearrtbed landa are mnealrd lo tie their clalma in this office on or before sa?4 Uth day ol 0T l'J02. J. T. 1H1 ik.ab, sip fteatsur Notice for Publication. UNITED STATF.H LAND OPFfCK, K'kikbi'rii. Ore.. June 20. lstri Notira Is hereby given thai in compliance witb Hie proristons of the art of Congress ot J'ineil, If:, entitled "Au art (or the sale ol ItmU-r lands in the states ol California, Omron Nevada and W aahinston Territory." as extend, nl to all the pi.Mlr land lUUl by art of August 1, IVfl, BARTI.ETTIBWLN'. f Keallle. roiiiuy of KIhk, state nl Wanhina- ton, haa ini.any tnni in this omre Ma swnru alalt-iiintt No. .'.74, for the bilP'haaeof tbe b1 , si , nf er. No '1, townahia No. :H. R. No. weal aud wilt offer proof to show tbat tbeland sought ia wore a.uau.e .or ..a tinioer ar atone tbaa for aurlrultiiral purposes, and to establish bis claim triors the Kegiiter aud Kecetrer ot this nice oi ttoseuurg.uregon. on Mondny, na-l.uh day ol IK lolier, 19oJ. Ue na.nrs sa li!iif.(-: rmt M. Payne," of North B- iwI, .Wash., Win. M. Porter o ( una Valli-y, Orv K H. Flhht r, M. L ttHiiildliig, ol rVallle. nasn. Any and all I persons claiming adversely tbe ii lanils ara reUrsti to Ale their abore-dewrrlbtij claims In this iiftiia on or brfore said Uth day ol vs i., ,:ira. . i, T. Baioois, 1X1 Keglsler. Notice for Publication. : nnllnlHtaies IaihI Offii-e, RospUnre. Oieton. June o. liari Kntice Is beiehy gW. n that in compllaue lib the piovlMons ol the art ol Congress nf June VS, IH7, eullllud "Au 't lor tlia sale ot tltneer lands In the hiatus ol California, u.egon , evada aud Wish luirton leiritorf." aextended to all tbe Pub IKLAOil HI-V'S by art of Auituat dill. Wti, M BS. MAUI) IIAI.L, of II rile Crvrk, cmiuty ol Uongiaa. state ol Ore cou. has this dar tilvd Iu tblsonti-a her sworn statement No. jM, lor tbe burcliese of the fU MViJ, 8'j NK.'iof see. No, Ia, tpjiia, K.H W., vr. u. sun win oner urooi iosuow tuai tlie laud sougl.t Is more valuable lor IU timber or atone tliau lor agricultural pcrpusea, aud lo eatab llib her olaim to satii laud before tbe Reglnler and Keeelvrr of Ibis otlicc at Hoseuurg, Oregou, ou Friday the 2UU day of October YMi. rihe uaiii?s ss wllnesms: T. Ii. Harlow, Dall, Jr., AlrxsnderTliou.pnon, P. Jol.uauu, all of Myrtle Creuk. Oregon. Any aud all persons claiming adversely ids above described lands ara requested t- lile uelr claims In this offics oa or vetora salt) I'lih day of October, m. J.T, BKIlKrKH, jip cmrr. I Board of Equalization Notice. otice ia hereby given that the IViard of Equalization of Douglas county Ore gon, will meet in the office of the county clerk of laid county in the court house, 1 f the city 01 noseuurg, wregon, on moii- day, Octolr ;th, 1902, at M o'clock a. m. and will continue in msmiui until Saturday, (Molar 11th at 5 o'clock p. m. to publicly examine the augment rolls and correct all errors in valuation, description or qualities of land, lots or other property. Now, therefore, all par ties who may be aggrieved by icawm of valuation, description or oiherwise as to their assessment, will please take notice . i 1 1- . Al 1 ... above staieu, ami maae u.tir complaints to said lanl of Kqualizatkm. Other- wise their assessment will stand ns made by the assessor, Hatinl August 21st, l;sr2. 11. U. Oillltt, Assessor noiigias county, ur. . ( . ..,, ...... Al- l t .-. 1 . . 1 l jjarnes shop. jlti Administrator's Notice No,lr u hereb given t tUe nu,enltutA wmoo in i"in jmy. i-Jirj, i.y iiwijui Court of lNMi(lBsruatii,inKnn, duly tiinoint ltd .linlniirU)r( tlie .iUIe .,1 1). T. I'liu hud deoeucd. All prron hsvinr claim ca1d1 me Mid HUH are herel.y li.Hllicil to prneut Uoualaarunntr. Orogoo, within W (lr from ih daioI thla notice. au1 all i-r4iiii dale of tbla notice, aud all prwtiia - hvKhj lo ,y ,h, tame to me. Wted Anpitt 22oJ, lsa. .T JKWETT, AJuiiui.Uator. Summons. In the:lrnltnrtoI the Sute ( (n-ron iV.MA".i' 1 "'"""! A uil In Faulty lot go. H, Adkin i a mvone. To aHJi'ibcT. named .u-fendant 1 h nauierl id Mate ol Orrf., are narei.j re-iuirri k appearand au.wt r me coin- nialol tiled ataln.t you Id tbe above eulltied I ,uU e"u" " Hblu " " tlie date u 6m uuucatoooi tbiaaotm ,vi.,onoi i I lore Srd day ol October. Vsii. aud II joii tail to I atpear aol aufwerMldrooicialut altblia aaid ume. lor want thereol plainUfl will apply to eaiaeoun lor locreiiei u-manMrl id dct com- BUUlll M ,n ,,,),,.: tun dm i m rorcdioiinj the bond ol Dainiaoayextau car and rualvly ol Ibrir ml not ecil.lreo. Loyal IJKU . iwu iui iMHim Auai-VD, ailtl lor auto otber and lurUirr reilel, aa the court may deem fhiaauuimoiMieputi'.iebcd by order of Hon u. inouipaun. niuaif junge Of vouciae ai y, Oregon, wblra aawl order Is daini Aug-- I utitn. i'.'.aou meoateoi m Brat yutMlca- 1 linn IK. i. InrfUl m lull a n . t i V. . . . f I tlio but publicaUoa tberrul taOctobcr 3rd. IMi. JOUS T. LONIi. Attorney lor PltlnUS. SUMMONS. In the l iiruit Court of U Stat of Orefoo U Uouzlaa rminty. w . A. rerainf ti t. I. niedaor. partner, boaiaeaa under tbe drat naaool Perkins bledaoe. ! I'lalntiSa. a a rMlIler. J. M. I rratKV. I. W. " Uorraore. PorUnt SoTlnc Bank, aCorporaUoa. Joa. B. Ueaid, laro- line a. lleaid. J. T. tnI(ra aud . Belle tiklcra. Drlrndanu. I To J. M. itarranre, I. W. Isirran-se. Portland aunt mat. loa. b. Ilcakl atvl Caroline Bald. b.eol theaoore banted leenlan'ji' IN TUK. NAME or THE MATS' F uKfci"S yoa are nereoy n-juirv.! to apar an l answer ll comprint ol naninl plalntiBa In ine above enuueu Loan, am on in the ol- f4 the h-rtt ol Mid Court, on or beiotv tnc liib dayol OrtoU-r, l: ao-1 you are noUSed Ibat, it yo tall to appear awl ar-aoer raid rora pialal aa benrby re-iutred, the pUlnuSa will ap ply to tbe t.irt lor the reiiw demandnl m tberr raid ruuplalnl, 14-ait: Ibat aa mn In Mid platuuffa itiW lo tbe l illnatng 4o rlbed real prefa-ty, Utll nniinnltiiatapuiat i. eaat at the ortbaieM runter ol lb aouihwrM quarter rf the toulhaaat uarlerol K- Uon M bnrntil 21 wotb ol ranfe a, aret. ol W UUmriw Mni-luia, Ibcnera j Iret to the rt aidr nf the ntblol aayol ih On-fi A 'al.'nfa ru mail. laa-T Ola .5 rtm and j ailnalra mrM akoox aaPt nsht-ol-nay VO kn, ttw-nre nrUi IV dre and 1- ainule arl 2s I au piarrolbf lanlas. i-ontalainf to urn. .he aanie la-tna la IkMigtaTuanu, Orrcon be roe rreted and tWuraird. aud K-i-t .M-irl. Thai plelnlifl llcerrl Uaooanria In atmple.d aM permlaf-K Irve (mm Ine rlaiu. ol de.rn.laau and earh ol ttn-m. 1 bieeutttn.ia laavrrrd b Bub'.lratu.a In th Riwbnni PUin.leaii-T byoolrr o( tbe lion. 11. I. 1 botnpra, rountf ilre ol luuaiae riMinir IHepi.. aald ork-r braig n.a-l.a lite Mb day ol Aufi.rl. li Tbedaie ol lli Mat potMira tbm al Una nimaMt. t Ancu-t 2, I'Mi. and the dateol lb la.t poblM-ati'd. Ix rrjl. i .let. . aJS-o AliorsK lor PlilntlOi. Summons. In the Clrrail Court of the Hi a la el Orrzoa, lor liouslaamuuty. w Until ired r. Vlrkera 1 I'latnlirf I is v Barry Warren Vir-arra, i Uefenden'., Ta Harry Uanva Vickcia. the ilnn aame.1 deleodanl: la tbe name of the State of iiMtn mo am berrby mild to appearand answer tba vom plaint bled aca.nsl you In tbe a bore entitled au.t and rourt on or before tie lsb dar ol Or- louer. r.r: and, if you fall to ap-ra.r and an serMeou.iaiiiiaaiatyrMi.asalore aaid. a do annia aai-i note, piaintis alii apply lo tbe Coart lorlbe reltel demanded In ber eotiiplsiot. to-a-it: ror Um decree dlMuliinf tbe niarriaa roo tract bow exlatinf beterreo pi.n:lfl and de KU'iaHb 1 bis summons la published by order of Koa. at. L. TIhuimo. rvaai, iu.lre ot Ilooeiaa coubi, Ore-.-vu, abicb order ta dated Auxut it, lai. and tbe Una preecrll. d Uertbv, lor tbe pabilcaUna of thla summons Is once a" areek lor ail conercutlre week prereediuc raid Wlh daeofO-iubrr. IJ2, and the laie ol tbe Erst publication of this snaiinoaa l tlie ilh day ol AUKVet. lWjrj, Un la BaRrK. aiVoa Albmey fo. Plainriff. Trespass Notice. I All iier)ii are hereby w arned not to treiiiia, hunt, tih or camp on the land of the Curry Estate. Pc.-"ii doing do w ill be (ToAi uteil to the full extent of the law. EUite of N. Ccbkt, (35tf.) Riversdnle Farm. W ANTED Immediately, 10,000 home by inftcra liouie-sevk-em who deeire to nurch ee di rwt from .iwner. raurhes farms, improved and uniniprovetl lauds, and city )rojrty. Write it you've any thing to Ml. "Addrwc, THOS. H . HCANTLIN, llwaco. Wamli s. EUGENB a i Street Fair And SEPTEMBER 24.25,26.27,1902 a FOUR DAYS ENTERTAINMENT Baloon Ascensions Grand Midway Team Pullinc Contests . For $150 Prizes Shooting TouruMiient, Log Sawing Contest, Tug of War, Baby Show, l'ries lor Stock: Toultry, etc. Music by Fourth Regiment and Other Bands REMEMBER Addresiall Commuuicatious to S. WJ1IIjIS, Secretary. at. mtmmtmtTtmmmtmmmmmrTmwm! ii7v ; i Jiff vS& VH- 1" Our delayed car of pianos and orgaus just arrived. These g are a lot of beauties and will be sold at prices never before heard of. One fifth of this lot is alread- disposed of,and tliey are going fast. T. K. Richardson is the first, last and only -"g dealer who has ever shipped a car load of pianos and organs di- rect from the factory to Roseburg or Cottage Grove, therefore, s we are prepared to give you a better bargain on a piano or organ 9 than any other dealer who has to pay a middle man's pront. Zo Call and see these fine pianos and organs and be coin inced, at the sr T. K. RICHARDSON MUSIC HOUSE Professional Cards. ?X)EGlf IK BROWN', Attorney-at-Law, VaSai! KOUBCUJ.OS! Q V FISHER, M.D, Physician, Surgeon. Office over P. 0. Eossscao, 'Phone Main 59 L Oasoov. JR.GEO.E. H0UCK, Physcian & Surgeon. OStee Rerlew Bid. Pboa. alAia n EOfiEBCBO ORIUOS E LMER V. HOOVER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Roaurao Oasaox tpeeiai aueatioa r Dlaeate e! tfca Voa and Ttroat. . OfBce-lfaia St., one door aoQUot CI tjHa Fhoua. Main Ml. Pw"hVyses, DENTIST, Keviea Bdlidlag. teiepboaa So. 4. BOSiarB'J- OBCGOH B.M.CIIEADLE, DENTIST. OaSceoppneJIO . . . iocoai a Hall " BOaEBCaa OM X. CRAWFORD, Attorney at Law, KooBUlAt, Maratar Bida, KOtlUCES. OB A-BualBeaabeloreibeD B tAadOBtoeaae eslaina eases a saactaiiy. Late Becsaeat D. B. 1-and Pica JOHN n.SHUPE, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, Roeaacas, , OaaeoB. Bostneaabelora 0.8. taai OnVeand Probat bo1neas a speelaity. Q mce A b rahaal B u; jl las. T C. rCLLKKTOS .. Attorney-at-Law. WUl practice la aU th rtatt and Fodoral Cotuta OSoe la Marts' Bk!, Boattwrt. Ortaoa. Q0MM0D0RE S. JACKSON, i.ii. ami Cnanaallor at Law. MlBinc Law and Water Right made a specialty, aaiaten Bid- BOeaJCKO. OEKGOg P W. BIN SON, Attorney-at-Law. aoau 1 and t wrlew Balld'.n. B06XBCB(.OUUUa J A. BUCHANAN, Notary Public Attorney-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. Boom I stars ten BoUdlaC. BOSXBCBO.OB jqr J. ROBINETT, Attorney at Law. Taylor AWUioa Block. Ro.aBOM.OaB a.a..aAt. e, A-Sramawa gEHLBREDE & GRAY, LAWYERS practice in .11 ol th. f ute briore the U. S- Und department- Tailor A W llson Block,. Notary public In ottca 'Pboue Main 2 BOSKBCBG, ORE, r: Carnival A r A t A A A 4 A. A A A A A A Of THE DATE AT ROSEBURG OR If von want to go to Co. toontv ; poinu, Lake me i.'wur, jiar-iiuci'i route. Spring hacks leaver Kosebura - 1. . 1 - T . O tC .ll every day at ;, A. M. Barnard, aent. lu'i'lire of ..I f l C. P, tf. in Tin INSURANCE AT COST, Hem.1 0ce, JIclIinnT.U.'. Orr- Amt. of insurance in force, f 1 1 .rC0.0r0.C0 Net eain in one vear, 2, "7.M Savins its members 1 vr.. 0."hI.) Number seiaratc risks, 22,3'0 JL Ji Buchanan. Roseburg, Oregon. Ajft. for Douglas Co IXSUP.E IN THE oil fist em mi UNIVERSITY OF OREGOfi EUGENE, OREGON. The first Semester, sessioif 1902-3, opens Wednesday, September 17th. The following schools aud CoUe-ies are comprised in the University. Graduate School, College of I Literature, Science and Arts, College of Science and En- gineering, University Academy, S:hool of Music, School of Medicine, School of Law. Tuition free, excepting ia school of Law, Medicine and Music. Incidental fee $10.00, Student-Body tax $2.50 per year Cost of living froui $100.00 to $200.00 per -ear. Fcr catalogue, address REGISTRAR OF THE UNIVERSITY, 3 17 P Eugene, Oregon VsWaW.".WaVaW.Va V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VbV.V J l SIEVERTS BAKERY, Jacksonn;54 $ -- - - a- "a WE ARE t-TIt.L IN THE LEAI Fine Cream and We came to R.eburg to stay, aa i if we v"vt as liiwrai a ".At of the trade iu the future a.- in the ii.-t, -jre wiii Uj here a l.dig time veu Jin in the -rnccasiou d w.-!l juoostxl cust-'nirs w !,. can be en eon tinoally pacing in an I out of our tire- THP rpqt r.nnnc aaaa aa a va vsvs IS J- SIEVERS, Proprietor 'WAWJWA V.V.V.V.V.V.V..V. W.W.SV VWVVWrV, ARK AND WASHINGTON. PORTLAND1, OREGON The school where thorough work is dose; where the reason Is always given; where confidence is develop; where bookkeeping V L 2 is taught exactly as books axe kept ia bnsiness; where ahcrthand is made easy ; where penmanship is at its best ; where hundreds cf bookkeepers and stenographers have been educated for success ia life; where thousands more will be. A. P. ARMSTRONG, A CAR LOAD Mitchell Wagons ALL SIZES, JUST ARRIVED Also a car load Hfnaj ails! Ulitclscll liiiusics, Surrcvs of the famous ... . , ami lioaa nanous on Iiantl. If you wish comfort, elegance and a . reasonable price, see us before buying T F Barker ROSKBURG, OREGON 25 " -f- -t ! Pocket Cutlery Safety Razors Shears and Scissors Of the Highest Excellence lU'TCHKK KXIVKS, CIKAVIUS and riTI.KV.Y OF A I.I. KIXI. . We rnrry in i-t'vk t-vi-ry si:v on. I kin l n knivrs. SOLD AT POIH-'I AR PRICES S. K. SYKES, Hardware. Sales on Again 3 COTTAGE GROVE. t IT HELPS YOU j . I v..,. i t , . , , i . . ' - . " " V.,e .iaiiy Ui-.r.s problems if you ea ' brejid l.jU!.t at tl.e Umpqua Bakery Dur iiread i Lia!e from the Kit fiver, anl ii always I ive ns a FRESH AND CLEAN I'r.-j-.rii-t:.r Nct Partie fcidg., North Jaljq Sir. WITH OCR Homemad B read at i nwncT nnircc -l 1 UVTTL.OI rMWU. Open ell the" year. Catalocie f-r-. 9 LL. Co. 1? 4 ' e-lee-tee-U - W -k -A- -A ". a a " a A 5 J iiiaaaaeJi k li4S,;;l w-1