The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, August 28, 1902, Image 4

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fOontinned from first lflgc.)
iently and oomfortaltly arranged. .
The Creunieryiuan and Dairyman
thfmld walk Land in hand and observe
all rare and cleanliness iu handling our
The Ijiws of Ore. are very strict in re
rard to the purity of milk and the best
way to keep out of trouble is ti oley
these laws.
These Fu-rsrestions are offereil lecauf-e
of the deep intercut we feel in the suc
cess of tire lairviuan. Our cause i
mutual. I A?t us earnestly labor for the
advancement of our industry and make
our product t lie very la?st.
I heaitily thank you for your kindly
9 operation in the past. Your cream
lias leen good. We exiect more and
the best you have in the future. Trust
ing your pride and interest in the cream
erv will continue to grow. I rcm-tin
truly your btittermaker.
This Column is Edited by our Mer
chants and Business People.-
Drown Bread Fresh every day at S Se
vers liakery.
Se the Title (.inarantee .t Loan Co.
or blue prints and filing papers, tf.
That towel sale is still on at Josephson's
tor tnrtlier mlorniationsee onr window.
Fruit drier work is a specially of
Sykes !c Carroll, the up-to-date j.lmnlsiT
ana rciaircrs. tt
Get your alts-tracts of title from J. I
Hamilton. He has the only complete
set of abstract lxoks in the county, ft
Give ns yc.ur order for a new shot gun.
you will lie satisfied with the gun and
price too. K. Sykes Hardware.
Summer dressoods ami shirtwaists at
greatly reduced prices at Josephson's.
Investigate and yon will invest.
Assatinc W. G. Wright, Grants
Pass, Oregon, gold and silver f 1, copjier
$1, tin and electrolytic assays.
For harness, or anything ill the har
ness line call on F. Long & Sons inar
the depot. Repairing a specialty.
There are still a few small and med
ium sizes laft in those "Dollar Shoes at
Joseplison's." An unrivalled opjortii
nity for money saving.
Just received a full line of shoes suit
able for tinilier cruisers and hunters at
prices that suit Call for the Forest
King at Flint's Shoe Store.
Sink this truth deep in your mind.
Queen Quality shoes will save money for
yon. Ix't ns sell yon a pair for proof.
Found only at Flint's shoe store.
Ladies Taif. Oxllil and -lark Jreen
Lace Shoes t:5.25, f 3.0(1 and f 2.20- Val
ues now going for f 2.20, f 2.00 and $1.73
per pair at Josephson's.
Another shoe sale at Josephson's
Men's Tan and Oxbloud Shoes :1..0, 3.
00 and $2.50. Values now going for f 2.
20, t2.00, and $1.50. Investigate this.
Weekly Examiner, $1.50, AVeeklv Cal
$1.00, Weekly Oregr.nian $1.50, Weekly
Chronicle $1.50, a year; leave" your
subscriptions at Cannons' Bof.k & Sta
tionery Store.
For Al)stracts of Title, guaranteed to
be full and correct copies of all records
effecting the title, call on Frank E. Alley
upstair-? in the Marks building. His
work is guaranteed correct, and prices
are reasonable.
Stearns A Chenoweth have just re
ceived a cr load .McCVtrniiek Mowers,
Flakes and Hinders and ail kinds of ex
tras. Hay carriers, forks and pullies.
Three kimls hay mpe, liet harvester
machine oil.
. On account of the irregular surveys of
many of the townships in the Uiwlmrg
land district, it is almost impossible to
locate section corners without a copy of
the Government survey. Frank E. Alley,
Abstractor of this city, has a complete
set of tracings of all surveyed township,
and will furnish blue prints of same,
showing all vacant hinds.
Stearns & Chenoweth of Oakland,
have received a car load of iron cladRush
ford wagons with outer bearing block.
Fully warranted Buggies, Hacks and
Cultivators. The Hammel paint, the
best and cheapest. Mixed jiaintt", white
lead, oils, windows, doors and shingles.
Why fool away time and money re
pairing your old harness when vou can
buy a tine new sei so cheaply of" F. Long
& Sons at the new harness shop near
the depot. If, however, yon are in need
of repairs Long & Sons will satisfy your
wants in short order and at reasonable
prices. E vert-thing in the harness and
saddlery line tept constantly on hand
at prices in competition with tho de
partment stores. See their fine line of
trucks and telescojies.
Look At this Money Maker.
A ranch of 2i0 acres, with house, barn
and outbuildings. Orchard, small lrnit
etc., well matured.- Xo middleman's
profits, 3 miles from rail road. Town
of Draiii. $1500 cash, inquire of
owner. F. F. Patterson
Koseburg, Ore.
Ho, For Olalla Reunion.
M. W. Aldrich informs ns that exten
sive arrangements are being made for
the three days pioneer and veteran re
union at Olalla early in September. Mr
Aldrich will conduct a first-class restaut
rant and stand confectioneries, sof
slrinks, etc. on the grounds. A fine
dance platform will also Ije constructed
and a dance will be run the first two
nights until midnight and till the wee
small hours the last night. Messrs. R.
Soper and C. A. I'roek w ill have charge
til the dance program whitji insures its
success. Music by Appelhoff's orches
tra. alp
Notice for Publication.
. rniiedState land OfEc",
,, EweiurK, Oreon, June 0, ISO.
Notice is hcret.y given that lu compliance
. Ivilli Hi" provision nf the act ol
C just re of June 1, lSTti. entitled
"An act or the sale ol timrr land in the
H jila of California, Oieeon. Hevada anil H'uh
inz'.on ieir:ir." as. exleiided to all the 1'nb-JieM-a-id
hl-V- lv act of Ansriist 4'.h. tnJ,
of Mvrtie Crpek. eoiintv ol iotil. state of Ore
on, hat thi day tiled In thin ollice her sworn
jtU'!iietit i. zsm, lor tne jmrciiase ol lite hf.
Vt . Al. iu"i mil otter proof toshow that the lan1
nought t more valuable lor Us or stonr
than ior a-rricollnral i.i:rnoftes, and to est nu
lls i her claim to said laud before Iho Register
and ttecei ver of LtxH office at Kosebnre-.Ori'irori,
on Friday tiie WUi ly ofUclouer law. Hlto
na ii''s b wilun: T.fJ. HiHow, John Hall,
Jr., Alexander I honipgoit, r. JoliDvm, all ol
Mvrllc reek irt-eon.
Any and rll oeraoiia ela'nnlis advenelr br
alcove descriix-d lands are riiieied to (lie
their cNi run iu IhiKoIUce on or before naiil J4lb
day f OuUiber, Uei. J.T. HHMniKri.
J7p - Kiiau:r
Notice for Publication.
Kossbi ki;, Ore., Jtine'JU, lUJi
Notice is hereby given that iu compliance
With tne provisions 01 liie act oi t;ungreasol
.June 3, lb, entilieii ' An act for the sale of
-timber lands In Ibc stab of California, Oregon
Nevada and Wasbingtou Territory,'' a exb-ud-sl
to ail the pu:l: lani.1 alaU a by uv-i of August
A. ib'JA
if Seat tle, county ol ine, stale of Washing
ton, has tn is tin v 'filed In tn is office his swoiu
MuU'Mtnt No. -"T's', for the .iir-sase of the Hj
'J ol se"-. No C townabip No. :sj. R. No.s wesl
and will offer proof toshow that the laud sought
is iriuie valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hi
claim before the Register and Receiver of this 1
oliite of Roseburg, Oregon,
mi taoudsy. the l.;iti day of October. Ml. He
uanu s as withe-: Fii-d M. Fayne, of Nor! a
Jlt-iid, .Wa- h , Win. M. I'orterof Cama Valley,
Ore., II si. Kithcr, M. L bpauldilig, ol bcaltle,
V, sn.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-descri"! laud-, are requested to file their
claims in this ollice on or beiore said lath day of
O. i., la a.
J. T. Bunexs,
jjip Rcj-istcr.
Cream Wanted.
Douglas County Creamery wants your
cream and will pay highest cash prices
for butter fat. Write for cream cans.
Will furnibh you Cream Separators that
are second to none in Quality and Price
on most. any condition yon may desire.
The Sharpies Tubuler Cream .Separator
leads. lVouglas county creamery refer
ences, First National I'.ank and lV.ngl;is
Comity Hank, llosebnrg, Oregon.
Notice for Publication.
United State Land offiee
Iloseburp. Oregon, lime S11. i:rj.
Xotlra 11 berrer -given that In compliant
lib the provlsiiiii!" id Ihe act of CoiigieM of
Juue S. euliiled "An a-t for the ! ol
timber lauds tu the Stales of aliforuia.Oie(on
Nevada .aud Wa hiuirioii ierrliory,"aexteiid-
d to all the public land Hales by act of August
JOKl.O (ifl.l.oRll.
of lloaetmrs. roiimy of lmnla, Uiteof Or.t;im,
iiaMhis day lihsl ill thin office In sworn suti
menl No277i'i for Ihe pun'haMSof Ihe N1, NK'.j'.
EVVSi N KJ4. NV4 6K'4 of cc. S. Ip s., R W
and will offer proof tosho that the land fought
U wore valuable tor 11 timber or alone than
lor agricultural purposes, aud to elW.fh Ml
Claim Iwfore the Register aud Ueceivec of thla
otuee of Koaeburg, Oregon,
on Thurfclay. the li.lh day of (, l;rj. He
liamea a Mitne.-: Hell Mt Mullen. A 1 Bu
c.'ntnan, John (iivvna and Char lea 1 hoin" all of
ttoelninc. Onfon.
Any Mid all p-rtotia claiming adwrwdy the
aliove deuerilasl landK are nutsted to tile their
elainiain thtx office on or beiort'said K'dh dav oi
October, IWt!. J. T. BlillHiKS
Jilp Keginer.
Notice for Publication.
I'nited States Land Ollice.
Kiwcbarg, Otvgnu, Stay 27, li.
Kolioe is hereby given that in compliance
with the pruviMoimol the act of t'oneuva of
June K, eiHtticit "An Act fnrthe Mlcot
timber land in the Mate of California. Oreco 1,
Nevail. aud WavbinaUin Territory," a extend
ed loall the public laud hiaie by ai-t of Ann
nst 4, isfti. .
of Burlington, county of staRit, state of W aIi
itiEton, hao this day Oieit In tbuorliee hia mora
slaleiuent No, "'iTH, for the pocliac t the sh',
ol.ivcUon No. t ton uijiip 31 roiilii. ranae No. a
west, and a lii oiler proof to hor that the land
taught ix more valuable for ila timber and Hone
lhatt for aericulinral purposes t1(t loelablih
his claim to said land before the Kmrister aud
Heoeiverof tiimodieeat Roacbore, Oregon, on
ThurNday the lsih daT of SepieniDer, 19ni He
names as wiuicsaea: William smith, San ford
Slater, Leonard Hmoka and Kveulioua ilrooks.
allot Bnr.iugtnn, w aahltigton.
Any and all prsou claiiuinir adversely .the
above dCB-ribrd latxt are r-,nele,l to fl e their
elaims in thtofliee on or tiefit id lath dav of
September, J'-HC J. T. llKlln.KS.
J2 Kegbster.
Notice for Publication.
.Tniied Sutes Land Oftiiv.
P.OMJbur. Oregon, Juue 2. i:n
Nottca is hereby given that In compliance
with the proviiohs of the act of Congress of
June 3. "7e. entitled "An act for the aale of
timber laudt m the States of California. Oregon
Nevada .and WashlngtMn Territory." avexteud
d to all the public land states by'act of August
of Bnriington. eointy ot Skaeit, tte of Wash
iiiglon, has this day tiled in thrs office his sworn
statement No 't'2, for Hie purchase of the E 4
ol sertion No 12 iu um nsbip 31 atxilh, K s est
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
Is more valuable lor its timber or tume than
for agricultural purposes, aud to establish bis
claim befure the ktgiMer aud Receiver ( this
ollice ol Kuseburg, Oregon,
on Tuesday the list day of tVlober. 1?0. He
names as iil-mw: Thomas K Hanley, John
B Mnsnnon, Mrs Flora II Shannon of Burling
ton. Wash., Frank kiuiart. Oakland. retron.
A ay aud all person claiming adversely the
above de- lands are requested to tile their
claims in this ofuce on orbcloresaid 2'st day oi
Urttfisrr, VXti. J T BKll;fc,
A4p Ki-sikter.
Registration of Land Title
in the Circuit Court of the Slabs of Oreg.m,
for the county of Uoucls.
In the matter ot th' application oil
to retrisler the lilln to the land In said
application desrrild
the fractional et half of sonthwestf .
., ......i... ... ,.), ; -so. .1
weal quarter 01 section J, and Iraclion
al east half nf aontneast .jiiarler of ec
Uon three, iu i(innip : ann:h. of
range 4 nest, W. M , Charles IV. J.,hu-1
son, lKiendant 1
Take notice, that on tl.c 'Vh day of July. A.
P. lr.' in apiieaiion was filed by Mi id il. I.
W ilson, in Uie cinruil Court of Douglas county
for initial re. islratiou of the title to the UuJ
alovc denrrill. Now nnlem yon apt" ar on
nr before toe "in dav of August A. II., and
show cause n hy sncfi a rfi! ligation stall not be
granted, the same will l takcrras eohfrel and
a decree will be entereit accord inc to the pra ver
of the applicati n and von will be ton-ver barr
d from dispatiug liie saute.
- - U. K.bU I MKIOMIK.
arii I clerk,
,- JonN H. SlirrK.
jis tl Appiieant s Attorney.
Notice for Publication.
I'niUMt Btat Ind Office
Rose burg, Oregon. June &, Itul.
Notice 1 hereby given that In complianca)
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Junes. iSTs. entitled "An net for the raie of
timber lauds iu t!.e stales of California. Oregon
Nevada And a-hiiigto'i lerritory'asexteud
ed to all the pnblic land nates by act of August
a, lsr
of Bar!ingtn, errtinty of Ekairit, state of Wash-1-g'on
ha tbiaday filed in thisorhec her sworn
staiemeiit No 2;s i,r the purehaae oi the lot.
l, 11 aud 12 section 1". tpai S., lUuge s west
and will of fer proof to show that the land son g"it
is more val uabla for its timber cr stone than
fer agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Eegister aud Receiver ol this
office of Koseburg, Oregon,
on Tneaday the sutdsvof Oetolr, 130. H.
names as witnesses: sirs Charlotte r Hanley,
Thomas E Hanley, John B Shannon of Burilng
lon. Wash., Frank Kincartof Oakland, Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming .adversely the
almve described land are rc'ticsied to tile their
claim in this ollice on or before said 2Ut day of
October, Vm.
A4p J.T. BRIDC.K8, Register.
Notice for Publication.
United sute Land Office?
Roseburg. Oregon. July 21, Ml.
Notice is hereby given that in eomplianCw
with the prutjm. 11s ( tbe act of Congress of
June 3. it)7. entitled "An a't for the sale of
timber landc in the states of California. Oregon
Nevada JUKrAl ashitigton lerriiury," as ex tend
ed to all me public laud states by act of August
4, lWi
of Mrytle Creek, county of Donglaa, state of
Oregon, haa this day filed in this office his
sworn statement Sn'.WJj for toe purchase of the
lots I and li.HF.'i sa.Hali NF !i nf ire No
') in toanship No. A soath, range No. 4 west
and will offer proof to shew that the land sought
. is more valuable Kir its timber or stone tnan
' for agricultural puris'ses, and to 'establish bis
Claim befure trie iiegiaicr aud Iteeeiver of this
of lie of luneburg, Oregon.
011 Wednesday, the loth day of December, Mi.
He names as L I Robinson Joe liear
doiff, A 1. Robinson, of Myrtle Cittk, Ore , and
Finis Dillard of Roaebnrg, Oregon.
Any aod all tiersons claiinlrjg adversely tlto
alaive d-seriled lands are ret nested to rile J heir
claims in this office oil or la-forc said lorh day
of lieccmiicr. l'.sii J. T.hiil 1'KS,
JU1- Register
Notice for Publication.
United Slates Land Office.
E.icb!inr, Oregon. June :io. lur.
Notice ts hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the art of Congress of
Juue 3. la, 8, entitled "An act for the sals of
timber lands in the States of California. Oregon
Nevada, and Washington Territory," aaexteud
ed to all the public laud slates by act of August
, ltSi- T
of Mvrtlc Cn-ck, 'clinic of lamglas, state of
On-gon, has this day tiled In tins office his
sworn statement No. 2sr., for ihe pun-base of
the X',X. N'7 NK', of section No. II.
lovnslnp No. -jot south of raue wt-st
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
1 more valuable for it timber or clone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Register and Receiver ol this
oiiio of Koacburg, Oregon.
in Friday, the Klili dav 01 Octolicr. 1'srJ. He
names as witnesses: John Hall, Jr., Mrs.
Maud Halt, A lexander Thompson and 1. John
son all of Mvrtie Cr-ck. Oregon.
Any and all iktsoiis claiming adversely' Die
above described' lands are rcoitestod to tile
their cbi I ms iu this office 011 or lie tore said 21th
day of October Ml. J. T. llHIIa.KS.
J"p Register.
Notice for Publication.
OnlU-d Hlales Ls.nd Office,
Row-I.ur. Ori-gon, Jniv 1, i).
Notlceia terebv given that iu compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Junes, ls.a,cnlitled "An act for the sal-j of
timber laus in Ihe stales of California, Oregon
Neva-la. aud biugloii icrritot v," a exteiid-
sst to all I'ublie land states by act of August
ol lllooiner, coun'.y ol Chippewa, Male of W is
cousin, naa inisoay tiled 111 this office lilirii
statement No for ibc piio-liasi; of tlm NVV
! f'.i- it N:' "".4 sa ol section
No :m, toanship IIU outh, raiigi wrsl
and will oiler pnud to show that
the laid oi!"til is inon? valuable lor itstim
b -r or stone than for arieuiliuiil pin poses, and
o establish his claim lo said land Ndote '..
L. IliinijiK k. II. s Coti.missii.iicr, at tiakisiid,
Oregon. on Monday, the WlliUsy of ricpicnlM.r,
'rl. tie names a witnesses: -i ler A Ihirult,
of llloo u -r. Wiwutniii, I tj I'ortcrliold. ocoriju
Zcliiu . K I) Zai haiy of I'cniue, Ori-g n.
Any aud a 1 'pet-nous rtaiiiiing adcrv;ly Ihe
alaivc deiiltxl lan-tu are irijiAs-sU-d to til'.
their claims In this office on ot before said UUlti
day of bpt.,U0A
U'V J. T.BUID'iK-3, Kcfflster.
Shatters All Records
Twiiv in hospital, F. A. Gnllcdge,
Verbena, Ala., paid tt vast sum to doc
tors to cure a severe case of piles, caus
ing 21 tumors. When all failed. Buck-
en's Arnica Salve soon cured him.
Subdues Inclination, conquers Aches,
kill;: Pains. IVst ralvc in the world.
25c at A C Marsters drug store.
Hop Pickers Wanted.
Will pay forty cents (kt box. Apply
to Gr.oinii: SuAxnmooK,
si l"maiia Ferry, Ore.
Notice for Publication.
t'nile.1 Stales Ijtmf Ofliee,
Rowburs, Oregon, Aug 2, I'.IOl
Notice is hereby given that ill compliance
a ilh the provision of the act of t:iurei of
Juno S, Is. S, entitled "An art for th rale of
1 111! her Ijiids In 1 110 States of California, Ote
gon, Nevaila and W rsIiIikIoii TerriUiry," an 'ex
tended to all the Iu li lie laud States by act of
AngusI 4, 1KU,
Kl.MElt Utilt.KS,
of lUwl.niif, county ol lioiiKla5. alate of Oregon,
ban iliia day Iil-d in thlofhcc hia sworn ulate
nieiil No, M1, for the pim-hawe of the SV. of
ec. No. , in Tp, No Ai S K. 9 W, and will of
ler prooi w kiww that the land socghl la more
vahiablc for its timber or alonp than for agri
cultural purpose, and to establinh his claim to
said ian.l la-lore . I. liimmick. tl s Cominis
sioncr at Oakland. oicson, 011 Friday, the '-Uh
day of Oi-tota'r. l;rj. Ho uame as' wilueaM-a:
John W Kr M-ku ar, lanc U tlrockaay, John
McMillan aud ilbur Kranklin all of Koseburg.
Any and all persons claiming ailvcmely the
above dcia-ri bed lauds are nsiiclet to tile theil
elaims In this ottice on or heiore aaidiMihday
ofo.-t.twu. . J.T. liKlIx.KS.
A Hp Rcrist'-r.
Notice for Publication.
PxtTgi) StaTrs Land 0 pick,
Rosebun;, Oregon, Aug "J, Ml.
Kot!e is hereby tiven that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of eongrva ol
Jum3. !!"(S, entitled "An act lor the sale ol Tim-la-rljtnds
in the .StaUa of Caliiomia, On-mn.
Nevada, and U ashiiigton Terriuuy," as extend
et to all the I'll!. lie Laud Stales by act of Atl
ui-t t.K'J
of Kov-burg. County of lhHii'las.stateofOrcsoii.
has this day Died in tliisorhee Ills sworn state
ment No. 3ir.i.) for the p"irch of the North-
Eatquarer(Nr'.) jf. Section No. 10 In Town
ship N . South, of ange No. 9 Wtst and will
oil. r proof toshow that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purpose, aud ttcstablish Ills claim U
said.Un.l la lore Z L liimmick, I" S .nniiioii
rr l Oakland, Oreeon, on Friday, Ilia .'tilt day
tf O- lulier, I'.sti. lie names as wtlaesse- ii
bur Fru Itn. John McMillan, J.d.u W Br.s k-
ay and timer Lotis U ol Hoscburg. Ore
gon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the
al e-descri bed lands are r. . uesteil to tile their
claims in this office on or lieiore the -lib day ol
Oct, iwi j. 1, n a no is,
A Hp KcsiaUT.
Notice for Publication.
United States 1-end Office,
Rran-Uirr. Oregon. -Mar lfi. l'Jui
Notice :s hereby given that, in compliance
with the provisions of the act ol t one res of
I une 4. ls;a, entitled "An act for 11 ic sale of
ti s lands tu tin- Hlate oi California. Oregon
Nevada end Washington TerriUnr," as exb-ud
ed to all the PuW c Land sutes oy act of Aug
ust I, nee,
of Wa-tiborn. county of ItarfU'bl.HUteof W is.,
has this day riknl in this office his aworn state
ment No. .'ITi loc the psrehase of the lot S and
st'.'NH'1,,!:1,1; of Se-lion No. a, town
ship No. 3 south, raiigeNo.4 weat,and will of
fer prod to show that the land souslit is more
valuable for iu tlm -er or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, an.1 Ci establish his claim to
aid land before the Rev.i!c.- ami Rweiver of
Ihisorliceat Koatburc. i,, 011 atun!ay
tliei.tb day ot Septemla-r, 1HV He name aa
wilnesan: W. H. Biwen, A. F-Cnil b, John
la buberr and Harry brecuway tamaa
Valley, Osfin.
Any and all person claiming adversely Die
abore described lands are icjuesust to tile their
claims in thi n3iisiD or beioresaid Mb day oi
Sx-piember, ML I. T.
mlap Regisier.
Notice for Publication.
Ustrgp Rtats Land Orrn .
KeKKKiiai.Ore.. Hay SI, sl.
Notice is hersi.y given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act nf Congress ol
June i. ia7a. eti!tied MAn act bw tlie sale ol
Ttmlv-r ljitids in the State ol California. Or
gon. Nevada and W aliington Territory,' ex
tended to all the Public Lard Male by act o!
Augutt 4, IVfl.
of Oconto, county of Oconto, rotate of Wisconsin,
ha this day Lied in II. is ollice his sworn s'auv
ment So. i'-4u, for Ute purrhas.- of the I", HH'j
and W). SW t. cf section No. 14. in Township
No. ditaHith, ul Range No. s We, and niii offer
proof to show that tlMsIand sought ismorevaiu
ab'e for its tlssbi r or stone (hau for agrk-ultural
puriaise. and to establish biarlaiui losai.l laud
bef'tre the Reetster and Receiver oi th- otiu-e
at Roseburg. Oregtin. on baluplay the 1.1th day
nf September, l'.si. He name as 'witness-
Jobu Thorn. of CieTeland, Oregon, and Charles
Tliom. Louis J. w rolsiand, and Albert heismau,
all of Roaeburs;, Oregon.
Act and all persons claiming sdterse!y the
above di-srrilwsl land are reiiuested 10 hie tbcir
cls-ins in this office on or beiore said I Uh day
ol S l'leinoer lXii J.T.,
injp Register.
Notice for Publication.
nnltcl states Land OfTioe.
Rsebnr?. Onarou, May r,. Ml.
Notice 1 hereby given tbat in compliance
with tbe provision of the act of Conges of
June J. Is; , cd tilled, "An Act torthesate of
timlarr laxds In the state nf California, Oregon,
Neva a, and Washington Territory.'' as extend
ed to all the pub ic land states by act of August
ILLIAM tsHIlll -
of Burlington, county nf nsajcit stale ot Wash
ington, bus this day bled In tills office his swora
statement No. lor the purchase of the Nb'i
of "section No , bBsUlp ol south, rang e
west, and will offer proof to show that the land
uncut is more valuable for its lumber and stone
than lor agricultural purposes, aud to establish
hi claim to said land before tb Register and
Re-eiverof Una office at Roaeburs. Oregon, on
Ihn-idaylbe 1Mb day of ttetrtem lair, !'.'. lie
names a witueue: John slater. Ban lord alalcr.
Leonard Brook and Fvention Brooks, all of
Burllbglnu, Washington.
adt and all iw-rsoiis claiming adversely the
above diwcnljed lands arc reo,ii'led to 01c their
claims in this office ou or before said 1-lh day
01 aepieinuer, ic. J. 1. OKiia,in,
Jlp Register
Notice for Publication.
kosrarao, uiiws, Juue'. Mi.
Notice is hereby -riven that ru compliance
wiih the provision of the act of Congress of
JuneS. Jcs. entitled "An act lor Uie sale of
limber lands In the Stale of California, Oregon
Nevada and W astlngton Teirltory," as extend
ed to all the Fublic Laud Slates by act ot Aug
ust 4, Li,
ftfKeatlle, county of King, Ktate of Washiug
t m, ha this day filed In mis office hia sworn
Btaument No. 'f A'-. for the purehaae of the
l ast luifol the wi-st htit (K1, W1,) or section
No. a township No. 20 a of lange a west nnd.wtl!
offer proof 10 show that tbe land sought Is more
valuable for IU limber or sione than for agri
cultural pun and lo establish hi claim to
said land beiore tbe R;giater and Receiver of
his office at Koaebnnr, Orecon, ou Saturday,
the'J tn day of Scpb-mocr.lM. He names as
witiiesses; illclltr.l W. Hick, William I'orler,
William Davis and A. K. le. root all of Camas
Valley, On-gon.
Any and all persons claiming adrcreoly the
above deaeri la-d land are requested to llle
their claims in this office on or before said
day of Sept, lauJ. .
jlilp J T.BKIIMF.,
Notice for Publicatiou.
t'nlled Hum Isud Ofliee,
Roaeburg, Ongoii, June 4. VJK.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with ihe pmvisi uisof these: of Congies of
June .'!, l:r;s, entiilol "All act for tbe sale of lltn-la-r
lands in tue states of California. On-gi.n,
Nevaila, and Washingbin Terribiry" a exlcnd
isltoalllhc public land stales by act of Aug
nst 4, Ml
nf Roseburg, county of Doiiglaa, Stale of Ore
gon, haa this dav tiled in thia office his sworn
statement No. "XsHi for the purchase ol W j HK1,
aud j nW'i of 4jc. W.lwp :Ulsoutli,raiige 1 west
and will nib r pnaif lo show that ihe land
sought is mote valuable for its Umber or stone for agricultural purposes, aud lo establish
his claim lo said land lielorn '.he Register and
Receiver ot this ottice at koseburg, Oregon, on
Haliirday the 27tti day of Sept. ML lie names
as witnesses: Felcr f.alf, ami M. Moore of hose
burg, N. Moore, of Walton, aud (en. Fi'gerald,
of f-erduc, Oiegon.
Ally aud all ta-rson claiming adversely liia-
aoove ilcscrils--! lauds are n-o nettle t to til s their
i-.iimi on or
before said S7lb dsy of rk-nleuiber,
J. T. JiKllX.k-l.
Notice for Publicatiou.
Culled Stales IaiuI Oftice,
Ifosebiiiir, Oregon, Jiu:e :J, I'.sfJ.
Notice is hereby given tht In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Cougres of
June 3, )8VH, entitled "An a-t for the' sale of
timber lands in the Slates of California, Oregon
Nevada, and Washington Territory," aseglcnd
d to all the public laud states by act o! August
, 1MU.
of Myrtle Creek, county of Iiottglas, stale of
Ort-enn, lias this day filed in thi ollice his
sworn statement No. '11. for the purchase of
the :t t-WU- r1'.; f-K'-j of section No. II
lov, nsliip si siiutli ol range .1 wis!, V. M,
and will offer proXt to show that the laud sought
Is utora valuable lor its timber or sU.iiq than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Kcgisier aud Receiver ot this
oIlicolKosebur(,Uret;on. -on
Friday, Hie 'Jit li dav of October, V.rl. He
names as' a il mscs: T. . Harlow, John Hall,
Jr., Mis. Maud Hall, ', Johiisiui all ol .Myrtle
Creek, Oregon.
Any and all JK-rsons elulmilli; adverselv the
above described lands are reitieicd l-i lilo
I heir cln i nis in this ollice oil or befor e snld 1' Il li
day ol October I'gtf. J,T. IlllllMiKH,
lp iicgisli-r.
Smiths' Dandruff Pomade.
stops itching scalp upon one application
three to six removes all dandruff and
will slop falling hair. Price 50 c, For
a le by Marsters Drug Co. M ltf.
Notice for Publication.
United Slates land Office,
. Kouebuig, Oregon, June li, l'JU2.
Notice is hereby given that In comnllance
with the pnvlsioui,f tho act of Congress of
J111108, IMS, entitle,) "An Act foe Hie sale, of
Timber Lands ill Ihe Hlales of California, Ore
gon, isuvaua ami nasningtoii Tvrilort asex-
temtcd to all tbe Ftlbllc ijitid .Slates by act of
August , is'.r,
of Oakland, county of Douglas, Klute of Oregon,
hasthisday bled in thlsnfilce ner sworn state
ment No. Si.ll inr the purchase of the hF.'i NW
f,,HW'i NK.'i. N','s,h',, NK'4 Hi. 01 sec-
iiou ro. .-i 111 townsuip j,.,. j, south of range
No 2 west aud will oiler proof lo show that the
land sought Is more valuable for lis timber nr
stone than for nclcullural purposes, and lo es
tablish her claim losaid laud la-fore the Regis
ter arm ucceivcrni l!iiolrb-e at Roseburg, Ore
gon on "Holiday, the l"lli day of Sepf-mtcr, nne names as wini-ss(s: tirant laytor,
C. L. llolcomri, Roy Miller aud C. L. Chenoaclh
all id Oakland. Oregon.
Any and all pcisons claiming adversely the
aUive dcscrilasl lauds are ictnestcd ; liie
their r.'ainia in this nfilce u' or la-Ion said l'-tn
iayofsu-puMiioi-r, llkrj. J.T. HUI1M.ICS-,
jl-P Register.
Notice for Publication.
United Slates land Office.
Hi. -i l. my, orcg.iii, June :ti, Wr..
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
w ilh the provisii.i.s of tl.e set of Cuugn-rs of
June s, tsTs. entitled "An a.-t for the sal of
tlmla-r lauds iu tbe stales uf Callforuia.oregon
Nevada and W a-hmgieii Terrlivry'asexteud
ed to all the public laud slate by'act of August
JollS HALL. Jit .
of MyrtU-Cns-k. i-oiinty ! lKitu:las, stale of
tn-goii. has this day iibsl m Ibis office hi
suorn statement No. '.Ni'.'t, for the pun-base of
Ibc N, Stt'i;. N'; sl-: of s.s-tlon No. H
township No. s,,uth oi range :i wesl W. Jl.
and w ill offer prist to allow tbat the laud sought
I more valuable for Its tiinlsrr or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hia
claim before the Register aud Receiver ol Una
office- of Roseburg Orcguu.
01 r ri.l . I lie l; li ! -.1 IS t.-ls r I'S'i. Hi
names as witncs,-s: T. Harlow. Mrs. Maud
Hall. AlcAatider Thoiiip-nii and i1. Jiihusou all
id Mvrtie Creek. On-gon.
Any and all s-rsuis claiming adversely. Ihe
alstve iK-s-iIn. lands are n-(u-ied 10 hie
I heir claims 111 I his .rti. c on or Is-ion- said 2lth
davol October. Ml. J. T. It It 1 1 m . .
jTp Rcgi.tcr.
Notice for Publication.
i i
burg , ilay -I Ml.
li ' AnJ ! , ib-'JT! ,
N4h ti Iiervby
With tb ioviriunf
Jun 3, IS a, rtttitUil
ast'i'.""!''1 lX'iC L'"1 "'"e ty A"'
of Ho-l.r. I h.ugl-s county. On-gon, ha thi
day li-ed iu tnis obi.-e bis sworn aiau m--i.t
N...'iol l,.r tn-. irbasc ol tno 8',ol h W
and N V ' ol .- ,' ' a'.l s) W ol R y
sa-rtion No. J, t luus.i.p JT on:n, r"re 3 i
and aill ofler pnaif to sbatar tnl
the land sought is more valuable lor lis
limber nr sbme than for agricultural puroo
and to establish bis claim tn said land before
the Keeister and Receiver t tins oftice al -cse-burg.on-gjn,
on Monday trie tJnd day 1 1 Sett.
I Ui. He rau.- a uiim-sai : llaiucl Craig and
Frank lists, of koclii-g,nd Jainea T. liuebaa
an and it W. Tum'-ll ol !"- I. on-gon.
Any aud ail i-rw.i;s claiming a.ttersely the
alive dccrllw-d ian.l are risueslcd Ui Cie
thtir ciait-'is tu this office on or beiore sant &ud
day of Ss-f.i. i-aii. J.T. UKII'CKS,
J.'p Kelsur.
Contest Notice.
t'nlteS .Suites Land ofl.-e, '"
Roseburg. i 're.. August ', lisil ;
A urTicii.'Ut com t aff.davil baring been
Cl?d m tuis office br
roiiteslent. acainat homctcad entry Xn sj:5,
aaa.le lvninijer. Is-.'. lor svt l4 section ii, tj.
W raure a acst. bv
II.L11M J t.l V
fati'iVf, in srhich it is alined that said entry
man is de- eased, having diet more thau a year
ago: that lie aaa unmarried and that there is
no peron living on the said land nr risiailna
title thereto; and that the sa'.l land is boa
a)at.doued. said i.arti? are berebv notified to
arit-ar. tesrum 1 and offer evid, nee lotrhing
sai-1 allegaitnn at Morl.s-k in. on sVpU-mlr
Jfi. I'.V J, nefortf tbe Kcaistor and Becriircr of the
Ceiurd rlates lind tla:e- at Kwacborg. Oregon.
1 ne a d conb-siani having. In a r.roj-cr art
davit, lib-.! A).n "s I set foith acU bn-h
stinr Ibat alter due diligence ieisoiiai serrbe
f thi. uotice can n.l be made, it I hereby o -d-
n-d n-l directed that such n.-to-e I given by
due an-t prota-r nubination.
J. T. KKIfHiSa. Rcelsb r.
AU-- J.H. BO'TH, Kerelver.
Notice for Publication.
KiissBi-so. Oregon, Jmy MX
Notice Is hrn glsiU that in omrlian
srlth the trovisrnnol the act ot Congmao!
June 1. e-ilil.e-1. "An ar t foe the aa.e of
limber lands In the hlatea nf Califocnia Mrgivn,
Nerada, and Washington Territory," asexleal
rd to all tne Fubnc Laud Stale by act of Aug
tut 4. Ml.
ot Oak iaa l, count v of iaeielas. Matt, of ilfi-J in
lnwtblsdy liltl in thi ollire hcrsaom itate
ntebt Ko. WA tor the narvbase of lb
K't K' ol eet'ion X-. 31 bia-iislup -outb, ol
rauge No. 4 sresl, and will offer Mail to shot
thai the land sought I more Tamable for IU
timber orstone than lor agricultural purpose,
aud loeslabiUh her calm la said land before
the Herister aud K'-ceirer of this orb.- at Eo
bure. Orcaen, on Mtsiwsday tbe loth day of
0 taU-r, ls-i. Atte names a witnesses: Carl.
Oh me. Iauis Stand! ber, Herman Wen'rke, of
Oakland. Oregon, an i ira Jii.eJ, of Myrtle
Creek, Oregou.
An aud atlpenona rlaimicg adversely the
sUivr d-sc ils-d land are requested to file their
r'aim ii ihls oftice on or beiore saio I'-Ui day
ol o-'L I. T. BHUtE5.
Alp Kcgivltr.
Notice for Publication.
Bosebnrf, Ore., Juiy. W. I'Aii.
Notice! hereby given that in compliance
a itc the provision ol tae act ol Congnssol
June S. IsTs, eutlt.i-1 "u acl for the saleof
limberlatid in the Mates of California, Oregon,
Neva.) and l sshmgtou Territory," as cxlend
isl lo ail the S'ubiic Land Slate by act of Aug
ust t, isvj,
of Oskland, connty cf bonglaa, State ot Otvgoo.
ha this day tiied in this oBiire hi sworn ciaie
meut No. 3 v., lor the purchase of the fcW i4 o f
ike No. la, Tosrtisiilp 18 soulh.' Range No
West, end will otter proof toshow that the
land totignt is more valuable lor Its timber or
stone than for as-ricnltural purpose, aud to
establish his claim to said land before tbe
Kegister and K'-cvirer ol this office at Koseburg,
Oiegon, on VVe-lnes.1ay, the l.'tti day oi
Oc loner. Ml. He name as witne-ae: Lou
Slain'm licr, Kmstir.o Maudavher, Herman
V.-etae of Oakland, Oregon, an 3 Ira Miles ul
y u!c Creek. ir-gon.
Any and all penams claiming adversely the
atavc-'l-si-nlas land sre reucstcd lo Ale their
rtairn in this olhce on or beiore said ,'dh day
ofoetluui. J.T. BHID.KS.
Alp Hegislc-r
Notice for Publication.
I'mitiii Statu I.aKn Orrtrg.
Kna-burg, Onsgon. Aug J, I'Aii
Kotli-e is hen-by gitvii that In nouipliiice
with the piovislou of the at of :HigrvM of
June:-.. Is7, ennib-d 'An act for the sale of
Timber lands In the Male of I'n'i for ilia, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Tenibn-y," as ev
U-intcd to il the Pubiie Ijind htatcs by act ol
August 1, IV.'J,
ol P.r.x-I.nrg county nf liouglas. Slate of O-cgon,
hasiliisilayliliil inthis oft ice h sworn siait-mcnt
No. Him;, lor the ptttchascol tl.e lot a, 4, and
s'i NW; of Section No. J Town hip JT, s.uth
ol laiit-o 9 weal and will oiler pr.sif lo
show tnat the land sought Is more valuable for
il timber or slom; than for agricultural pur
ixhi s and to establish til l claim lo said land
Is-lore .. L. I'imnitck, U. 6. Ciimuiis. inner ul
laklanl, On-gon, on Friday the Mill day ol
OelolH-r, VXI. He llMiu-s s witnesses.: Kliticr
I.1 -list, Isaac 1) Hrockwav, John MeMiillcn
aud Wilbur Franklin allot Koseburg, Oreton.
Any and all arsniis claiming adveiitcly the
ataive desrllMd lutids arc reiiivsti-l to liie thcls
o.lslio ill this nOlcj on nr beiore said aitliday
ol Oct. liai-j J. T. Rniim.rh,
AU Register.
1900 Water Proof
Harness Oil Hlackin
Put nj in tin' cmiMsU'iicy of crt-am, and
intuitively will not gum or mold, tiivca
tin; leather lirinnt:sH, yt-t lntikoH it wift
and tilialile. Prt-scrvcH tho leather and
BtiUliiiii? frmn iiieli-nient weather find
(liven the lutnii-ss iinentnnd finishi'd a-iH-aranie.
Ifeally tnakefl o!d hnmesH
look new and will make it lust twice ntt
hiim hy the ttHo of PKX) Ilarnt-Hs Oil. It
' iiIho eiiuftlly Etawl for ljools and shoe.
.Maiiiiiai-t iirtil liv
hnrtf, Urec;in,
HatneHH hhii.
ll. Silli) at l5!(Hli;ett'n
Title Uuarantee&Loan Co.
J. II.
l. C. H.fllTON,
rVsojf. and Tn-as
Ollice In the Court House. Have the only com
.lcleset ol aluttaci Iwaik In Hongla Conitlv
At"-tra-is and Certilicatcs ol Title luriiislied iii
Imuglascouuly laud aud mlaing i:laims. Have
also a coiuiiele set ol Tracing of c ton nshln
plat in llto R.isi.-btirg, On gou, U. H. Und Dla
trtet. Will m-iku blue prim cople ol an town
ship showing all vacitiiliiovcilimuiit lands.
Notary public Iu ollice, . inmirnucn am'lit
CorrapondoiicoiollciU-d, jj4
Bargains in Wheels.
We liave in stock several ftecoinl haml
bicycles w hich wo will m: at very low
prices or will trailo for wood.
tf A. C. Maiwti:iis& Co.
Notice for Publication.
United Stales Ijiml 1 iflicc,
KosRluinX. Oregon, Jinn- an. Ilr',
Notice Is hereby given that In eompllatic)
with the provisions 1. f the act of Congrc-s of
June H. )s,H. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in this Stctcsof Callforuia.oregon
Nevada .and W astiiiigton Territory," asrxtentU
td to ail the pi blic laud slates by act ot August
4, I
I.AWRF.NCE W. iJl'Mli A UN It,
d Feat !! county of K ing, state of Washington, 1
has this day Uhsl in this office his sworn state
ment No. -.'.sl. pir the purchase ol Hm-Js',,
and lots 1 and '.'las-tliiu tp '."J rangu 'J wi-st
and w ill offer proof toshow that the laud sought
is uiore valualile for its timber or atone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Register and Receiver of line
office of Roseburg, Oreguu.
on Mommy, thru day of 0"to- er, pi.-J. He
names as witnesses: John w . Ilenneu, , u. L.
Suldlng. of Healtle. Wasb .Wiu M IVrter, Al
i U W ilson of Camas Valley. On-gon.
Any ami all js-rsons claiming alvcrx ly the
abjve dcM-rilasl land are r--ii'-st,- 10 i,ie their
claims In tie offlc- oil or before said l ull day
of o-'tnla-r, lik-i J T. is IC I l'.KS. , lli-gisb-r.
Notice for PuMic.ition.
Cnlted stales Ijin-l Olto',
Koscbuig, Oregon, Jui.e t.s.'.
Notlie is hereby given tl at in c.ji-ipliancsj
with Ihe provisions of tr.e act or Congress cf
Jutie;t. IsTS.ei.tltii.i "An a l b-r tbe saie of
timber lands iu the Male, of n'.i'cruia.Oreg in
Nevada .and IV ashiugtou lerritory,' ascxteud
d lo all the public laud ;ait.-j by act o.'
t. Ls'.'i
of Ittirlticu.n, eouiiiy of risa.-it, state of H'l-h-;
liii-lon has, his day tii-sl in ttnsofiicn his !o a
staiement No i b,r tlic piirehce of the Ht. i
in Ri.ii'iii tiui-, vrwuxnip .'i 11 rause n ,1
and will offer proof toshow I hit Le landsoeght
Is more valuable for Its timber or slorie than
for agricultural purposes, ami to csiat,ii-h his
claim beiore liie Rcgisti-r and Receiver of thia
Ollice of lioseburg.oregou.
on Tuewlay. the '-'1st dy of Oc'obrr. Wi He
nimtss, uiiiissss- M n, tttiarUitu. K Hatili-y,
Jobn It rhsnnon, Mrs flora M .shsnuon ol l;ur-
lUigloii, tt a-h
aud Frank Kincartof Oakland,
.tuyau'ia.i is-esini caimiue a-ivcrsaiT ir.o
above desi-iibed lands are re-tifltl lo b!e their
claim, in tbi nilice ou i-r t-eto-e -aid ;.t day
ol Oe-obcr, Ml. J. T. BRIfXiKsi,
alp R gutter.
Notice for Publication.
l'nlti-1 stairs land o!ti
, Koar-biirj. Oiejun, J iiii) Ml. t
isoiirei ccrei.y girrn ir.a III r.mi:nc i
tnr ,.rvbl.,f, , , r , ,- fM cl
"',n j
lof iiit,s:ateof Wash-
inrtn has this day hi-. i lius .ffic? her ticorn
I taiuierit No Zfj for the run ot the bus
1 1-- i a.o G of sect.on Is. t s . R. s act
and a ill offer proof toshow that tbe land soi:f hi
l uiorv Taieaiie lor lis tuau-r cr i!.-ne than
for agricultural puris-sea. and lo eatablh h.s
eiaiiu betore ILe ltexisrer aiid keeeiver of this
araccuiuoaeburg.uicgon. j
on Tuesday tl.e '.'1-t dar ol Ocb-.ber. mi She j
nainca as uitu.-ss; 1 hor.ias K liani.-r. Jo..n i
II ei-acnon, Mrs 1 lra M -fca:m..n of )luiiing-i
tin, naso , rrus sm-.n, onnn-l. Oregon
Act and a . wrwtn cla,:n;i:a alverseiv
aiiAe -J. srriisj 'an-ls are r--ii.-s;.-d to r. le tlieir t
e s;ios tn Ihi oaie 0:1 or la-t.i.-e sa.d -1st das
A-tn J. T. ftaics.rj.. Itegisb r.
Notice for Publicalioa.
Tnitel States f.srd C.n.-.
Eisemty, Orsg m. May 11, y.tfi.
Notice Is 1 creby given ti at In t-f.rr;.i acce
ri:h the tnivUiuu ol tho act of Coun a i.f
J.iue.t, Is.a e.-iliticd "an Act for tne aaie of
1 imber ijiitds l-.i tbe Sta.e nf I'aiiforhia, O.-e-gon. and W alur.glou Terntere, ' as ci
brtole.1 lo all tbe l'ubl.c lAT.d Stales br act of
August , I'Jri.
.XKt MH F. r.ROili-i
of Enr'inrbMi. cuumy of a:l -! of Wash
ington, ha 111 is day rd st ttia ot-':-e brr
saorn satea.cut t,. 3r.;5 frib purchase o!
liS, 1.1, Uan l Mof isv.-tiro .v.i.fc. u,-iu.i.:.
south, ran re est. and i:i i-r .n.f to shoia
that tbe land sourlil is .nore taic.aJ -V limits
liuiijcrand stone t an lor tt-uitural iurp.w-s
and to cslai.lia h-r c'.sim b said laud ivmtv
tbe i.'S'.-u r. r n I K'-. civro! tins o .xca
j Kosri.urg. o.eni.on Tbur-tay. the l-tb oar ot
Sentcui bef . ll?. .-;,e i,r..i-s a ;ltH-s.s
John a!ai-r. W liiiam rtiith. rssur,r I s-latcr ar.d
Leonard Hoos-sta.i ,t U asr.iiigton.
Any au. all p- rsstos c:aimiu adiefs!-.- me
aavre il-st-ji!jr,l lands are russted lo fc
lb- ir cla ms in this t-ruee on or l-for a" ! Ith
day ol sept. J. T. BHII. S
il9 He; :s ler.
N.eticc-ior Publication.
t'oiu-.l ela:'-s I a ti-1 otfee.
Cosruiint, bs-p n. Juni- Ml.
Sotie Is hereby given II. si In c-iiJi-.,cr-Willi
tbepsov i ns oithea-t of of
June J. ls;s,ntllied "Ao Art t.,r tl.e t,f
Timber lja)ls 3 tbe states -l I alif'iriili, tr
gon, Nevada am Wshiiy.on 1 err i bey." as
extended lo a'i the FuWie-lAid Matt by ac:
ol t. I"-'.
liABLFH A. IU K.-.T,
of Chicago, mtiiiiyul c-4, Sute of I'.l., li.
thi day bled ill t:u. tuSsf Lis aou :eloent
No. -i; for the pirSaH-of llwH.1, of ssetion
No. s loan-hip N.i. s.Hii-1 el nf. No. 1
m and win scr pns.l 10 strtw riat the land
song LI ( sane vli.a'e fo- ti lis; r or stone
thin for agrkniturai pnrrsaas. a.-I to c aV bis e:alm t aal I land beiore tne Ogi:r
and heceiverol this oil..- at Kceburr.lir.goa,
on ts.nraay, tba Z.'th :ay ul - pnr trr. l .s-i
(lit natac as Witussca: te.-s,re Batentan,
Heorr t inr. 1 toe. Henry trader aaJ Oru.
all ol Rosebiirg, Orseoti.
Any and all petsous rlairatng sjv-crwly the
the abort described iani are requested to uie
tbelrc'aims in -.b.sotlxe on or la-lore ' i
day or bepteiuoer, 1-s.l. J. T. BKIiaJF.-l
jLP Register.
Notice for Publication.
Cnlted Kt.tet Land
Roseimrg, Oregiin, j4ay J7, M2.
Notice is hereby given tbat in rompliatvce
with the provision of the act of Cony res ol
luna J. is-u, entitled "An seller thea:e of
timber lands In of ('i.lurnii. Oregon.
Nevada, and Washington Territory," a es teiid
duiaillhc public land s'nt.-s t y acl of Aug
ust 4, V.4.
of Burlington. county of sltsglt, srate of Wash
ington, has this day ti'ed iu this 01! ice her sworn
statement No. 2',J for the purchase of IheSti
of smtloii No.H, Wwn-Mn al south, ranee a
W and will offer pro-it to show thatU'.ciaad
sous' hi is more valuable l-r iu lluiV-r or stone
than lor avrleuitursj purposn, aud to establish
her claim loaaidlaut tieto-e the R ciater and
Keceivcr of this ottlc-j si Rorbnr On-gon, on
Thursday tho lMh day of .--pb m br. l ij She
name as witnesses: J.die slater VI iiliam e'nith.
sail lord Mat -r. an I Ij-.l.anl B.-.aks. ail pf bur
liiiston, Washtiieiou.
Any an Jail per-neSaittilng adversely the
sloi- rte-ribe-t ia ' if re-ii-ste t 1 1 tile their
claims in this otliec , i. .,r Ih i.ire-aid i-th dav of
tieplcinbcr, I 1. J. T. BtllLxis.S.
JJp Kegincr.
Notice for Publication.
Koseburg, Orerou, Mar. II, Ml.
Notice I lureby given mat in" t unpliauce
with Ihe nmvislon of the act oi Cungrvs of
June a, ls.'H, cnn;l-- l "Au at t for Iho sale ol
timlier lands Iu tl.e Males ol t alllorti la, Oregon,
N'l-vada an-l Val.iiigtoii Territory," s-elletid-ed
to all llnal'utilie l aud Mates by act of Aug
ust 4, Ml,
t 'ORDKI.I A E. KOItl S r I T
of Itoscl uiir.c uuty of ls.ieciaa, sia'.e of Ore
g.m. baa Itivl in tins otli'-i- her sno-n
staleinciit No jm, f.r lb- puicbeseol the .sl
ot aud NW'ol hh.'.au.l hK'tofSV.
svetiiin Nu. HI. tonnsbip i, so.nb. range No. S
West aii-l will offer prnol to show t.isl the
landMiugiil Is mortf valuable tor lis timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to cs
tahltsh bi-rciaiin to said laud beloro tho Kcgis
ler and Kcceivcrol tf.ts otbee at Koseburg, Ore
gon, on Monday II. c '.Mndd.y rd s4.fiicnitHr,ly.iJ.
Mic names as witness,: ' llauiel Craig and
Flunk llajs, of ko burg, Oregon, and James T.
Uncliaiian and H. W. I urneli ol l eoi, oteguii.
Any and all is-rsons rliiinlng ailveraely the
ataive-d.-arrils.-d lau-la are riiicsbs( in hie
llielrrla'Di in thisotllce ou or bviloresald '.'.'lid
day ol (sept. I-.VJ. J. T. Hkl iM.hs,
Jlp Begialcr
Ely's Cream Balm lWg
niu. R.Iial al Mr, "5 r. -'
It flcsnsc, fcotlirj and --i r irvT' t 1 5
heal theilis' r.iiiii- --'&-t'C-g J
and drive away a led IS f V
in tl.e Head on -ck I v. Il I" ksVtsil
Is siswirlHsl. lieiiia ion! Prutiel:! tl-a idemt.ratm.
Itrsorr the fense nf last and Sno-IL l-'mj nxn
0c.; Trial Ha Ice: nt Ii.-iitd'is: "r l-y mail.
kf.T UItlTlll-:i..-i. f Wsrrcu Mm u New Ton.
' Nasal CatatTh rjnicaiy yi.JUs to treat
meut by Ely's Cream Jialni, which is nerca.
alily aroni.itic. It in rereived tlie
nastrils, cleanses and IiohIh th whnl aur
face orer wliioli it iliifuscj iLnoif. L'ruK'u U
ell tho COe. Bi.a; Trial 61 e ly uitui !b
couU. Test it and you uio eure to cuutiuui
t ac treatment.
' Announooincnt.
To tcoomiuodutti faiwo wlio nro parti.u
to tlte use of Rlcruizcrs in applying litj'j' U
into the tKUAl fiassagea for oiliurlml u v.
AiVj, the jirvpriutcra ircraro Cttaui lUCib in
(iiytid form, vltich will lit known its K!y'i
Liquid Crriuu llnlin. l'rico Inelinluij; Un
tlirnyicgtolifj ia 75ceut. Drnefjisu oi bj
maiL The liquid fonu ombodici the med
&&& frc'Hiitic ctiift solid (nraiaUo-.
a.jrrjiKer-ir-.' ;-l
.1 r--. ri.-iL-, r
Sosiety Meetings.
dt A. M. Laurel Lodat) No
Holds rezulsr ueetiagson secoou
gild f nrtu Wednesdays of each
month. E. J. iyrRoi'D, W. M.
N.T.Jews- 8-cretry.
AO. U. W. KoaebnrK Ixd No. 10.
Meets tbe pecond aud oartli Mon-
days of each month ttt 7:S0p. ro.,
in I hd I. U. 0. F. Hall. Members in
good standing- are invited to attend.
. II. T. McCLALMfN, M. TV.
K. H. I.emot Hecorder.
D. .8 WkibT, l inaiicifir.
P. O. ELKS. Hgbttburi; Ttxle No.
32(5. Holds rv'ilr c rntnuoica
tior.s at I O. U. F. Hall m scnd
and fourth Tiiuradars of eacli tr untU,
All members requested to attend rcgn
Inrlv end all visiinK brothers are cordi
ally invilod to attend.
W. II. Jamiksos.K. R.
V. C. Lo.sdo.v, Kw:retary.
. N.G., meets at Armory Hall every
rbnrsday eveuinir, at 8 o'clock.
F. h. Hamuv, Uapt.
ECiREK OF HONOR. Mystic Lode
No. 13. M-sels ad and 4tb 'Ibnrs
dv evenibg of each nicnih in Na
tive Hons' Hall. Vifitini; member cor
dially iqvtttsd to attend.
Mas. Mkbit Wist, C. of If.
E. H. Lkkkox, Itc.
OF A. Court Dsinglas No. 33, For-
MU-rs of An-erica. Veots every
Tuesday eTenine in Native Buna'
Hall. Yieitiogbrotberaalwaysw'elcome.
CiliB Gii vi.-s, C. K.
Aco. J. Kra-Itk. U. P.
"E. V. IIoovek, Physician.
0. J. F. FhilfLsriao Lodsa No. 8.
Meta in Odd Fellowrs Temple, cor-
ner Jjcksoo and Ca streets, cn :
J-atarday evenlox of each week, lletrj.
i ber of the order in irxxl standing ara !
. ..
. "ITlleu 10 ueDa'
B.OtLumi. N. G-
N.T. JcwiTr, Secretary.
i 1 of 1. Alpha Lodes So.
il every Wednesday, in I. O. O.
i i
Hall . 7:-'W P. m. Members in
g--Kd elinditiff ar invited to attend.
W. KiaB.LL,C.C
C. E. IlCBERfti, K- K. b.
KO.T. M. Protortion Ton
Ilold.-i iu regular I.'evi
tirst and third Fridnv
nt No. 15.
leview tfie
of each
im.iith hi the I. O. O. hall. VL-iting
iiiemU-rs in t,"al standing are invitivl to
attend. F. F. Patterisov, Coin.
K. K. P.iia.ETT, Kin.rd Kcx-fH-r.
II.AC CIRCLE. No. 4i. Women of I
Wolerai'. Mtseta oo tirat and third
Tharsdat of each month at tbe Ns-
I ttve Song. Hall. Viitir:i meriiiera in
j (oim atandinz are invited to a'tr.d.
J. K. t-'Awyggs, Uuardiain Neiirtilsor.
Min.mb Oiav, secy.
ADIKSof theG. A.Ii., Abtahani Lin-1
rwln Circle o. . ioeU at liye
Son's If all at 2 o'clock on ttio sec-
and and focrth Fridays of each monUi. '
O. T. M. Kottthorc Ilict) Ho. 11.1
Uolda its reeUr rvvievs open the
Koond and fjarth Friday evr.
jf each month in tbe Native bona' Hail.
SiitefS of other il;es visiting in tne city
ro cjroiaiiy invuri ui'i'M oar r-
JlsIS rtAPf, ICOM.
M.u ex E. McClallksi, U. K.
W. OF A. Mj ite Camp !o. 6G30.
Mcela first and third WednaedaTE
eaclj mouth at Ntive Son a' Hall.
V. M. Be ici,V.C.
(jix). Bybox, Clerk.
E. S UorwVirjr Clatt-r Na. 8.
liuua liieir regular njrsriii.i; vu sue
first and t'i'r.t In each
ii i . . : ... .: .,s
D'rDth. Yisi'irj men.b-ri io ndljf
n-,ir.( ar rrepeciiniiy tavaei la at
.ei.d. Mas. Calui liKASi), V. M.,
M&s. Liaaia CoeHow. iecrcUrj.
t -
dha -
i m wnnra
a- -V.
fey " -v.'-' 1
t V-s'.W''?i - '- ' -.1 J .. .'i' f
-s --- -r . f Ml
a a a j .y . -'- ' .
V c ;
voioniai uragoonij
Moxlcan Vaquoro$,
. -! m
Ai.d n a fitting rliroaa lo tfala atresdji.trniK j jfi ct5!WtJo'a la VrVti
OMR 1,200 MEN AND'
Acd cth.-r ttittncuvers by
ijfe-Saving Service
lirludlug lb operation of to
e line and Breeches buoy-
a f.?osr thril,unq: event t
!t at! tc sss-n Ihe WHtjt West with all ol tfa nsntrarsr
si t .on! r.-tit.. stuiwlna: tin- KKDUsttSA OH CIVlUATION in.".,,.
frl.n,- el fio.ieer Oays up to IJia
i'' -j Lsiidva, I
Street Cavalcade
Reserved Scats (iucludiug admUsion) 1.00, ou sale at Marker's Dru" Store
EBKKAH8. RcrMbnrit Rouckah!
Lodu o. 41, l.O. O. F., inec's in
0 Id Fullob'Turnole evcr Tt.elay
evenijg. Vi-'ititiK aidti-rs and Lr, 'J.reii
invited to fitfeiirl.
I!'f.l.A llnow.v, N. ti.
(,'oRA WlvniElil.Y, i. S.
NJTKI AliTIstAXrf. Uoijxiua Aa-
s-em bly No. iiiKt-ts everv r-iitur-:
dav cvfiiiinf, at H
tk in Native '
Sonsi If all. Vihiting Anifuns cordi;t!iy j
Mim. M.Jov?..', 5r. A.
Mk. F. R. If A ' 1. 1 v , Jv-creUryi
Oemn .No. 1J", Items at tba Odd
Fallows Hall, in Kosbbaric. ever; 1
Grnt ai.d third Monday eveoinie. Vbi.t
ini? nntpi.tiorg aU ay arehmne.
j"ii r. i'so,c.c.
J. A. t'l't'UAVAsi, C.crk.
NIOX KNCAMl'MENT, I. ). 0. .
Odd helion 4 Ii-iii.l.. Me-ets lir.-t
and tliir-1 Sattir-Uv ftveii-nax t-ai-b
month. i.-itorH c.irli.illv invitesl.
j. u. hakh.-ox, c. r.
J. C. T iTciirjj., Si ril.
Go to
For a rroiniit aal nrt-c'?s
Shave or Hair-cut. Cotr jc
tnt V,"orkmen, Clean Tiw
e!s, Tool aiwaysin tL.
; T
Baths in ConnectI7a.
' 5
Shop on Jackson St. .-
! C-SeassT-CSC3s-
Homes from $250 to $5000
Write or 'Phone
Wm. LI, Porir,
!Real Estate Agent anJ Notary
j Timber anJ Homestead Locator
Packer and Guide
.auias Valley,
Ci ra.'ie south i-ct .f K. -rL ;r;
?RitSd!e Pharmacy.?
; t
' i.
i 'f
I. 3. RIDDLE. Prop.
i J
I 2
ALL a. 15 as or
Fresh Druzs, fledkinea,
ToiJet Articles. Paints,
! V
! fj
Glass SunJries"
' I
I i c
j jyPrescrii-ti'Jca pnjiaptlr !i
g by a roniteat dru-glfi.
U you want to buy a fariu
: . r e : .1
i rooms
ill .vou waai iurniuc
.If vou wact to
a house
j'ou want to
you want to
you want to.
rent a house
builfl a hoc:e
: . p
i It
! I w lja'tk-ioirPir
1 on or a.l.lra-s . . .
Contalr Eaii.lrc r-orv I 'c-'-'-t:.
sao aare c-. I I r .-w tuliiw
ot tlr Vii.. a-a 'f lis t glee
rmH ia Quits eaosga to
t f -5 el U 1 1 rs . -
1i25a.rX3L.23 ULS:3rZ,
-rs.l-TTei3 of It d'st-tles-. tvU!. dsiLI-ij- rT.grsrtv. area
ads:lraij.a of roinl,.-sa Ui--rs.i-; c r.r.r ri-.-rr d-f it nissM J
;tt giot. - IcScrue as it
.aiista dttedesso. tbwr.
tar-. ww s a . !- a
irti lot sw-ros-w fiYB tfls-y
-swm ih .w vitu -' I far-u ir
a .4 aa. a J. . . a . a
waw-aM u.u
aa CDrortur.irr to tii
I fltafrnt.'M Iff. LTDfTihl si
twl CrcAOrsfl (A eiMtCf. k -
cWH BilMUry WtloK cot:c!:inl fS:.i i
Vtrt.latn i lnatr,-rsa- , I ,
f f. aV t VS aTA afaS t fit s.J..
r .7: l i . wtM -v vv-s avt,.
TtrK - wt(h"tl!ecVns.als.n catrtota ad lanrd-efoaiuvi nf-.e-.jrt r-s.-. .
!niln.. - ni1iraasaa - i.rai..:r.l .
tJmteci- State3 .Regular -Cavalrymen;
wiuarrw-ftpi'i an?c . TinsMrti tA?itrt r.rtn.Bf
PmitM Tosftberforth"arit tt la tlstfirr 14 c -I HT:rr. aad
a-.-and . ihlblrlno ..I IS. .1 Vs. .". . -
. w- " s IW.1 Uflfr.V.-V
IImIsaS CssssAa. s . 0?a Jsvsa sss M a - a 1st I 1 i'..' .
v. i, vs. w.u.wsrfjM 1(f uu V I IU -s 1 ,..ISjrjJ!lCil
r.srman riilpasalapa:v GATilkAM..u.iK e....L...
scuskinn svoasBCsija - .ftlOUXUnaiCia.
Bodouiri Aroba, &U8sWB5t;C5vbjs,
ti eatsrn 'ciris,
urr..ruisiiT,:Js ex fill .Sr.
ncmbrra of ttia
rjr iuiwal ul tus prcacut
. f
and Public Review
I S i
. s-;r:;' i;
H. Little,
is rrcjiaml to wait nron old
acl Pe "cn-'.oiij:rFia'i friends
with a full and complete
. stock of
Ail fri-t-Ii and of tl.e vr-ry bt
Teas aad coffer; ae
filtl.'.ttie. Your pat.'OKJgO
305 Jackson St., $?o.eburj:
casi'ari t mm
Paintrc's, Paper Hangers
I't:r!i'if:r! :.r,-l PLt., P,.1.el. Kas
ter I'lrlt :l :tb-i Heat a,
.'- Ti.:-h art I Frame Work
tl 1 hi-ri- Stvet, .
?. . Ii x :A2. nC'SEiJl'UG, OP.E.
o cocxyccyaxccoooooo c
?Uest Refsrences.
o All Work Guaranteed.
C f cats nr ' -r at MVC'a'Vn Hc.n-
?5 '
Cor. Wa-'.inton
a:vi Main Streets
Mrs. D;i!e Collirxs
Is Abilutelv PURE, aad
will OUTWEAR all other
if-.'.e lo iian-i ae tt;.
Portland. Oregon
1 iztriZ
august 30
-.1 r
S' a s; i.
t:' a-. eiTri iSii tT.;
o - -u. a - - 'r-r - . -
tii e -s' I ,j or.rii1. UaiMm r -i
c- .tj. .a isstc- ;i rjc-jr-rj .t. aa4
. II a."
c ;i r tsJ..os:'. ju, It at oorw
ad -.r-:z.: icil-.-. Te rr-a
IP il
!s- 1 ' tseeocrf
7 11 IHI I III llBJagCsB3SsasHajEBSBasasi
ws w-s Lruruiiia.j sit .Lr U- Ui titt tt
Hii 3 w.n p'3 f-ti'!? Si f, f U-.aT'r
tiSntrt rcV'.U : tt4
IPO ir r; p. I t ; s.aa ajar -i. sra
tth auj rrcrvc::j3 1 rr.K rH
rm.r:, -r : nr,i . - v " . . ,?
wtv s s., 7 "I" . - , . .
i - mi -v-, r--r- - - ! 1
' " 77' V
.'. . a . . .
v IA -a 1 7. C4 viTiC, ZLJ, ATX '
;-..i.i.iv;1 a.
- "
- -
J 'w s,', . - . .
( - s s. r.s-!. , s '.-.- . t -V -
IV" nyJ.T "-r .:'V'--3'.
v A : Ik, ,i- "1f--- -f ". i'..' .v V W s;Ui-a" as M
.Sai. i ' .os ' ' V sV .' -sV' "