The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, August 28, 1902, Image 3

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While you are out shopping don't think about buying before you
t call and see our line of Spring and Summer Dress Goods as they
are the most complete and Tip-to-date line in the city. Our line
of Wash Silks, mercerized Gingham, Dimities and colored
Lawns can't be beat in price and quality.
Our Reay-to-Wear Waist
In this line we excel all others as our line in
the most complete line in the city. White
Waists from 50 cents ami upward.
Here is the line we can save you money in.
Walking Hats and street shape. Au elegant
Sailor for 60 cents.
Ladies Shoes
Our Imperial 3 Shoes for ladies will compete
with any $3.50 shoe in the city in the way of
wear and beauty.
Gentlemen, our line of Golf and Fancy Shirts
are the latest and most complete line in the
The celebrated David Adler & Son's line of
Clothing is known far and near and that is the
line we carrv. The prices are right and the
lit is perfect and if yon will step in we will
surelv convince you'that we can pave you mon
ey if haying of us.
Neck Wear
Here is where we shine. We have the swell
eft and most complete line in Southern Ore
gon, and for the newest and latest thing out
don't over look us as we have them in the line
of neckwear.
Gentlemen's Shoes
The celebrated W. L. Douglas Shoe which we
are pole agent for, speaks for itself, if you will
give them a 'rial. We hrve them in Oxfords,
high cuts, also in tans and ox-Wood eoiors.
One tlnor tonth of I lie
The place to get these eods is at the People's Store.
I ha UAAnlA C TfirP Proprietor
1 .1. ..I . -
sit A
I i
i i
x t
Bk and Stationery Store
Leather Goods
Just received to
whic h we would
respectfully call
your attention.
It embiaces everything
that is new and stvlish in
Wrist Bags
Purses, Etc.
in either Plain, Silver
Mounted or Mexican
hand-Carved work.
The' are better
than the ordin
al kiud, and
are especially
suitable for nice
Call aud see them, it's a
pleasure to show goods.
Of Local Interest.
All we ask is that you try our
IceCream and Soda
Ice Cream Sandwiches
Latest Thing Out. Try them
WOOD & BELL, Proprietors
rhoue Maine 183.
Prune sacks for sale at Wolleiilierg
Thirty-eight bales of hops were pur
chased at Eugene this week by V. 1-
Dunn for 25 cents ir pound.
Miss Anna Rogue, of Myrtle Creek,
and Miss Fern Beutly, of Salem, will
teach in the Ashland public schools.
C. J. Howard, the Cottage Grove post
master, has sold his half interest in the
Bohemia Xngjset to his partner Lee W.
There will be an ice cream social at
the Coles Valley school house on the
evening of Sept. 1st for the benefit of
the minister. All are cordially invited.
The Messrs. llodsun and families re
turned home from Bandon by the Sea.
last evening and report a very pleaxint
and enjoyable vacation.
A dance will be given at Gli le H:.1I
Thursday evening sept. 4th. iiooci
Music and sapper. Tickets fl.30.
Every body invited.
Mr. and Mrs. P.J.Bond, Miss Mayiue
Loouey, aud Inoir and Lucile Rags
da e started Tuesday for Bandon where
i her mill spend a couple of weeks on the
The Christian Scientist hold regular
service everv Sunday at 11 o'clock iu the
I. O. O. F. reception hall, ana regular
Wednesday evening meetings, at the
Lane idacc at S p. ni. All are cordially
11. S. French, the Postal liuemau,
with his crew, has just completed work
.mi t!i line ltween this place and
Cauvonville and will go to Northern
California with his force of men in a few
davs to work on the line.
Tolie l'.ioitFe of ranU Pass, is in tins
Atty. O. P. I'oshow has returned from
a trip to the coaat.
Will Sovem and "rierce" knapp arc.
spending a week in the hils.
E. M. Moore and family have return
ed from their cutting at Newiiort.
(. R. llinsd;ile of the Uardiner Mill
Co., was a Roselmig visitor Wednesday
P. II. O'Shea, the Cauvonville min
in. 111:111 was a ftountv seat visitor ves-
I E. Millae. the hil-tliiijr Dillanl
merchant, was in Roseburj on business
Miss Ixtmine Stephens, late of Michi
mn. is n-YK emtloved in the loi-al tle-
c '
phone exchanj.
Miss Flora Wilson, 4 Cauvonville,
who lias been visitiug friends in this city
returned home Frhlay.
Mrs. A.T. Thomiwii and children
are vij-itin" Mr. Thompson of the Over
lmd Hotel at Mvrtle Creek.
J. J.Cawlfield and family returned
fan,lv afternoon from a visit witl
relatives in Harney cmnty.
Jmlm' II. L. Benson and family of
Klamatli Falls were iass-nger8 on .l
nevlav's lo-al for Salem.
Mrs. V. Johnson, of Eugene, who has
visidne Mrs. J. W. Koons, of this
citv, returned home Wednesday.
Harry Messier and family have re-
tnnml from a two week's ontinz in the
mountains east of tiold Hill.
W. H. Patrick, formerly of this place
but later of Ala-ka, L conducting th
ITn'um restaurant near the Eldorado
W. II. Jamison, wife ami two sons, J
D. Hamilton aud wife and Miss trat-
tree retunied Wednesday from WinL-hes-
t r Bav
B. W. Strong nnd family have return
ed from their clam esiting exposidion at
Winchester Bay.
Mrs. Lewis Chapman, who has been
sendiiig a couple of month with rela
tives and friends ' in this county, left
Tuesday for Portland. After a few
weeks at the beach she will continue on
to her home at Red I-odge, Montana.
Hon. A. M. Crawford and family and
attorney A. H. liray have returned
from their trip to the the mountains.
Diamond Iike was to have leen their
destination, but after leaving the road
and traveling for a day or more over the
trail with R. L. Cavitt, as guide, they
turned back, finding the trail consider
ably obstructed. It is casually ru
mored. that at one time the party was
not unlike the proverbial redskin who
after wandering bewildered alsnit in
the mountains for several days uin
being located remarked, "Indian alright,
camp heap lost."' Little game isrejmrt-
cd in that section of the country.
J. C. Fogerty,
the Ilarriman
was a passengeron Tuesdays local ImjuiuI
north. -Lately Mr. Finrertv ha leen
employed with the Cinrut Kock Island
Route, but on account of usefuletiess in
that department, he wjs ijuickly gobbled
up by the HarriiiKin lines as every thing
giHxi is. .nr. l ogerty was iiuronui'ca to
this sTtioii by John P. Jones the gener
al Ticket Agent of the hues iu Oregon,
aud as Mr. Jones is somewhat ol a
farmer, he was enabled fcto explain
nianv things of interest iu that line
to Mr. loyi-rly In. spelling (
Oregon Mr. Fogerty said: "You
have manv advantages over most of th"?
Western states, on atvmint of the
even temi-ralure ol your climate. 1 eo-
ple from the Eastern state are looking
for a country where thev can spend the
w inters in comfort. Thev do not care
for the rams as long as the climate is
mild again. You have so much tiiuler.
which attraction of course, but
back of it all, after the tunlier is re
moved you have the soil, there is no
reason why Oregon should not
lm the Imnner state ot the l nion
with all of iU resources. I am
glad to see the people of Rose
burg improving their street. It shows
enterprise and I tell you it looks bad to
see deep mud in the streets of your cities
during the wet season. The county
mads in the vicinity of the railroads
should be improved aslo. Mr. Fogerty
is now located at Louisville Kentucky
and is handlim; the immigration of the
United States.
Glendale News.
John Sutherland formerly a lMiglas i
Isaac Robiuett, father of II. J. Kouin- Coant). but noW Pullmam Car
conductor on the O. R. & N., is visiting
in this city.
Abstract of Title to Deeded Land.
Papers prepared for filing on Goyern
ment Land .
Blue Prints of Township Maps showing
alJ vacant Lands, One Dollar Each.
Plans and Estimates for all Buildings.
Special designs lor Office Fixtures
Office in Marks Building. 'Phone 415
ett, the former justice of the peace, has
sold his property interests in North
RoKuro ami left Tueslav with hif
fjmitr for Iteddimr. Calif-, to remain
indefinitely. t
Cm. J riliff. of Glendale. was in
Rosebnrg TuesJay. He succeeds F. O.
Plotner as Western Union lineman in
this district. Mr. Plotner has. gone to
San Francisco and w ill take charge of a
. . . . r
linrv.!iatriictio:i crew working out !
that city.
E. E. Totten, of Glendale is spending
the month at Bandon-by-the-sea.
Mrs. M. J. Kennedy, the popular
hostess of Hotel Glendale, is quite ill,
we an sorry to say.
Mr. and Mrs. G. G. EllifT are again
residents of this city, where they are
deservedly jmpular, and always .welcome
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Levens, who
have spent some month's in Harney
Co., are now on their way back to this
valley, and we are all well pleased to
welcome them home.
Josiah Jones had the misfortune to
injure his right hand while loading ties
yesterday. Mr. Jones is city drayman
and he is such a busy man, we cant
spare him long.
Mrs. Mary Ieand Mrs. Sarah I'ellon,
f Holsteiu Iowa, sisters of Mrs. C. P.
Totten, of Glendale, who are visiting her
Mid for the first time gazing on the
I . . . . Ml
Immigration Agent, of scenes oi neauiy oi me racuccoasi, win
Immigration Bureau, leave for their eastern home next week
Our sipular and progressive merchant
11. G. Sonneman, is titling up a fine
stoue building adjoining his store,
which will l tifed exclusively as a shoe
store. The great improvements com
menced by Mr. Sonneman goes steadly
on, and to liim is largely lne our city s
Mrs. Josie Estella I bird died at the
family resilience in this city, Aug. P,
l'.lft?, at 11 o'clock p. in. She was the
w ife of Luther L. I bird and the daughter
ui Mrs. O. Boone, of Deer Creek in this
county. Mr. and Mrs. Hurd have re
sided iu this cite ncsrly four years.
And. for three years Mr. Hurl has leen
our post-master, and the lovely w ife
whose death we are lameiiting today,
was assistant ill the Post Office. lan
guage is too feeble to tel! Iiow we
mis her, how her saintly presence
made sunshine io the sick rooms, and
conveyed sncii tender, womanly, con
st lation to those in affliction. She was
a veritable an 'el of merer to all who
heeded a word of advice or sympathy.
As we speak of our loss instinctively,
we think of the bereaved husband, who
was cherished by her sacred coinanion
ship, for so many years, no word'of ours
could assuage his grief. Surely the
magnitude of his Iocs will lie the divine
measure of his consolation, and 'lie
will lite over day by day thi last sad
hours when he kuew she was drifting!
awav. O! bereaved hii-band, mother,
brother and sister, sorrow not as those
without bo for you w ill go to tier,
Willi beautiful beckoning hand-: she will
call you to that heaven where she has
so safely entered in. Most impressive
funeral services were held at Olivet
I'resbyterian Church iu this city con
ducted by th; pastor, Rev. J. E. Blair,
The remains were then conveyed to the
depot, and were escorted by Azalea
Llge No 7S I. of II. of this city ami the
lieautiful mystic service 4 tliat order
were delineated by the ladie of the
Decree, of which Mrs. it. F. Rohrer is
C. of II. the casket was surrounded
and covered with lieautiful flowers Uie
offering of her Snnlay S-hool, an.
Azalea Llge, of which she was a faith
fnl co-workr during l-r residem-e in
this citv. As the Rev. Mr. Blair said in
the grand words of Ian Mcljiren, (ilen
dale has one heart in it's iwit grief at
the l-a of this most estimable woman
The I creft linslian.1 ha the deep sym
jathy of all in his unrerable loss.
Moi.i tc
... . v ,
Another Shoe Sale
131 pairs of Men's tan and oxblood lace shoes
131 pairs Ladies' tan, green, and oxblood lace shoes
included in this lot, space permits the mention
only of the following. They are representative of
the rest :
$3.50, $3.00, and $2.00 Values
Now going for
$2.20, $2.00, $150
- $3-25, $3- $2.50 Values
Now selling for
$2.20, $2,00, $L75
An examination of the shoes will substantiate
these statements
0 Th
f a lib
J Big.
010 re
When you see it in our ad its so.
HINSDALE. In Sorth Rosebnrg, Aug.
25. 1902. to Mr. and Mrs. ;co. Hins
dale, a sn.
NOELPECK. At the home of the
bride 8 liarents on Smith nver, Sun
day, Aug. 24, PO--', Mr. Iigh Noel
anil Miss Bertha I'eck, Rev. V. V.
Ediuundsin olficiating.
A. C. Both, A. H. Pratht, E. II. Brit-
ww a It'll. l.
tow, W. t . t ranees ana r.. a. iiiiumu,
;r of AshLind. are resisterei at the
j 1 -
Mcl'letlaa house.
l. W. Crews, tin Myrtle Cieek mer
chant, accompanied by his wife and
.lamditer. and D. F. Judkuia, were
Rosebnrg visitors Wednes.lay.
I. Y. Allison, wife and child returned
Wednesday evening from Cottage (trove.
DEVLIN. In th? S. P. hospital at iin
Francisco, Aug. 2i'., p.i2, Peter I Vvlin,
the result of stomnch complications. .
IV-cease-1 was for a nnmiierof yi'arsin
the employ of Mrs. M. Josephson of this
city, and was well and favorably known
here. His inn ny friends will n-gret to
hear of his death.
LINDSAY. At the home of Mr. and
Mrs. E. YV Lindsay, of Locking
Glas, Aug. 2i, V.Hj'2, their infant
Weather Report.
S ,V cather Bureau tce.
Jl.n AW.nder. of Glide, wade the I Mr. Allisoi.'s brother ray,
l,.ic rail I with tliem an I wi I Visit Here a snort
Plaixdeaieb a pleasjnt
today. He says the new liall ai.nie
only require -the finishing touches of
the" painters and paper haugers to com
plete it. A grand time is anticipated at
the dedication dance iu the new hall
Sept. 4.
An attempt was made to wreck the
second section of the nortti bound oyer
v if! TiT Shedd's station WVI-
nesday morning by placing tics acmw
the track. The engineer discovered- the
obstruction iust in the nick of time.
I The motive for the crime cannot be ac
' counted for as the esprens and mail
were on the first section.
lummer Bargains
All wash fabrics that for
merly sold for 20 and 25c have
been reduced to
Just received, a new
line of Ladies' Walking
Hats, at 75c. and $1.50
If you are not buying goods g
hntVi loosine n
IrUJXL US w KJ w -
money, and jwe ought to
able to get together for
mutual benefit.
n If n
W. II. nelson, w ife and child tnd
father, iH-pnlytiame Warden E. II.
Ibslwvn have returned from a month's
outing at Bandon. They report the
roads bad.
W II Baher, pre-ident of the Little
Chieftain mining and investment com
pany, of Mtrtle Creek, left List week for
Pennsylvania on i wines. He expects
to lie alscnt alsmt two weeks.
Mrs. A. C. Marks has returned home
from a trio to Al tska, baring gone as
f;ir i.orth as Dawson City. Mr. Marks
tinned on into the mines but expects
to riturn lie fore the wilder seasou.
Hricklaviir' eommemiMl on the new
Iiouglascoiinty bank building this morn-
will so-m Iwx'in to assume definite
nroiiositHin. It will le the lim-st Duiia-
ing in the city f its class.
A. F. Bahrke left Tuesday for a visit
to his old home in Oermsnv. He took
with him a gssl supply of Oregon litera
ture ami Douglas county 'may acquire
some more good settlers as a result.
Husky" (Sam) Henderson, who lias
Ui n working on the O. It. & N., out of
rh ( Dalles, arrived in this city today
and is shaking hau ls w ith his many
friends. He is hound for lower Califor-
ni i when? his wife and family ar visit
We under land that there is to 1 a
hot time aiming the Elks to night as
there are several who have been wan
dering in the desert that arc looking for
gn-en pastures and cool strennip, and
have decided to grow their antlers w ith
of this city. May they enjoy them
selves for the old niemlier wilt.
Alexander Canutt, formerly of Doug
las county, but for a past number of
years a resident of Colfax, Wash., died
at his home last Sunday morning in his Mr. Canutt was the father
of Mrs. II. S. Conn, who was at the
b'iithlied of her father, having been
summoned to Colfax a fortnight ago.
Talk a) out attractions, Rosehurg has
one which is the real thing now. It is
a genuine policeman, helmet or regula
lion hat. blue suit, 'jig star, "billy" and
all. To say that lioth the large loys and
Boecburg, Oregon, June 2, 1!2.
Week EndingS p. m., Aug. 27, P-
Maximum temperature X.1 on the ?rt
Minimum temperature 46 on the 27
Rainfall for the week None.
Total rain'all since 1st of month Trace
Average rainfall for this month for 2T
years 0.37.
Total rainfall from Sept. 1, PH to
date 33.5H.
Average rainfall from Sept. 1, to date
Total excess from S'pt. 1, l'.H)l
i date 1.11
verage precipation for 25 wet seasons
3.1 2.1. 1 U"S. UiBsox,
Camas Valley.
Everything guaranteed as represented
Indian War Veterans.
Isi'EI'KMlEWE, Ol., Aug. , I'MTi. At
au attioiirneil meeting of the Indian
War Veterans of ls55 and UvKJ, held at
Indejwndence, Aug. IU, 1!I2, the follow
ing proceedings were had:
On motion of Major James Bruce, of
Benton county, IVn Hiyden was chosen
On motion of James Hays, of Corval
, J. 15. Cooler, of Imlependence. was
chosen secretary. .
On motion of Major Brnce, the secre
tary was ir,t:ncteI to communicate
with all the County Clerks within the
state au-1 ascertain tiie number of '
Indian War Veterans and their depend
ent widows in their resjctive Counties
and report the same to the Adjutant
General at Salem.
On motion of D. L. Hedges, the secre
tary was instructed to transmit a copy
of these, proceedings to all the news
papers within the state with rcjuet to
publish the same.
On motion the meetiug rdjourned to
meet at Salem, Wednesday, October 1,
lHr.', and all Indian War Veterans are
invited to attend.
Bks II vir-. Chairman.
J. R. Coor-CR, vr-lary.
4 in 1 1 1 a I- rv t
tvaicn uepainng 4
G.'d Watches Made Like New
lood time is a nec-ss-arr feature of
any watch. A timepiece is useless ii it
d- not a-t as it shouI.L I will make
it right if it L possible. I will tell
you w hy it can't be done if it is not
advL-abie to made the effort.
Jeweler and Optician
Cas St., near depot, ZZZ.
u - - . f .-t- -f- -J- -v. f. -t-
7 jttill-fil-rT jijntttffcj
Of every descrivtion. Farms and Min
eral Lands. Orega, Washington and
We have in st-k several sen nd haml
bicvcles which w will sell at very low
prices or trade f..r wsl.
tf A. C. Mskstkrs & Co
Probate Orders.
J A Anderson, admr. of the estate l
Thos F Oden, deccaed, ha luctl his
final account showing a cash balance on
hand of 1700.33 belonging to said estate,
which is ordered paid to Mary Oden,
the sole heir. Monday, Oct C, 1W2, is
the date fixed for hearing objections, if
anv, to said final account.
Fine weather wre having now
Several artics are now in the valley
for the i'irie of taking timUr lands.
Rev. Thornton, wife and iittle
were ill the valley the first part of the
Thrashing is still in progress. o far
! as we are able to learn the yield of grain
is exceptionally good-
A. L. Brown and family are s.m to
leave us. and are going to make their
ionic near McKinley, (' Co.
We understand that Mr. Bryan has
lieen engaged to teach the fall term of
school in the lower district, beginning
fiept. 8.
Mrs. M. J. I-ee is soon to depart for
)rain where her daughter tiraeia is t.
attend the Normal. We hear that Mrs.
ce intends teaching near Drain, ami w e
wish her the lest of success where ever
he goes.
The Roseburg Market.
The local market quotations today are
as follows :
Wheat ti.1 .cents.
Oats 32(5. V cents. .
Barley IS cents.
Hay loe, t'5 ; haled, 8S flO.
Potatoes lfj cent s'r pound.
Butter 25 cents.
Egg-- 20 cents.
Chickens, mixed 7tSo per iund;
young chickens $2.!0Vi$3.0O jr down.
Veal 6c dreesed.
Betif, cows2,'4'c ; steers 3,'a'c ; heifers 3c.
Hogs hit, 4ic ' lives; dressed, fie,
Wool fpringlStc; Fall 1.1c
Mohair 24 cents.
Calcutta Bags 8 ; old (.cuts.
PoRTi.Avn Market. The onotatloiis
in too I'ortiann marKci vonay
Wheat, CI Qfi2c; oats, I.12fl.&1 p;r
cental: hay steady; clover, f!.00H
timothy, T1216; wis.l, valley, 12', C
13c: hops, lCl7c; hogs, gross; C
e; sheep, wethers, tifiii'jc gross
U-ef, gross, o(3Se; veal, 8(8'c;cggs
10020; butter, creamery, 21(2o'i.c
.lairv. lfiffilT : chickens iiuxeil. f J.iii'M
- 1
ft. m.
Second Annual Encampment.
Notice for Publication.
Lasd OracK n Rtatrs.i. it nt i- I-sO.
Jotlsr ia ferr-bj t"-B ll.r loilooosc-
lUtlnl trttHlf htt ll. Dul.fTnl al inlrttU
to Dak Sbai .nsf in Minivt of ki claim and
thai it tiuul will be Ma-l. tw'orr- br ftr;irr
)hi amivf. 1 . a. io.i unm a; il. uurf,
Untl), DC C'rlobr-r i. Isui tli: '
m H. E. N "iB, (.ic the SK'4 w fc. . T.
i. S. K. Wen.
naivH-5 sr fu..iitc mitiH-?Mr Ut &nT
lilt eonflniitit r ,to u.m tn1 eutuatKin
mi aW tawl l: -ri-m-. K M h. J- Si-rsoB ht,
jAha Hnaii ebl ICriiN-v South, ail of Mrrtle
'rk. Orrjon. a? i T. HaiiMBa iUculr.
Kotir-e la brnrb- e irl that , Sy lnT Bo
hert HamUI anl ( (timn Al-n-Ja tiamiilun
heitiff Uie fsmia aii.1 Iswful tuaril-anft ot
Ueonn Alexander Ui.mi.inn. a m'.nor. all of the
Count ( tmiis;a.. sule ol rv -n. .1... tbit malaal todsfiiI, aai vita tb lai
kDo).lc mi afipntval o( a.l ili- ruarcrn-
!, Civ aaa srrau: nma in aail .sm Alrx
'- Hamilton, hia lull lim, silb siarea lo
I lor hlmM-lf lo hit b itiues an-t oihr rsia-
linnt. w will ont ije mpnntlUr lor Ih drb'.a
mat mar br enniraetnl by ItteaaM trratr Al
iai..1rr Hamilton, mirthail claim hiarara
inn Irom Uveda'e litvol.
8,nr.l. ihtalsth davof Mgtil, l-SO. at Roe-
burr.OMvin. mohit K"t hiiwh,
bjup CAliiaEiss luiuu n ah'.itor.
Mc Beta.
State Normal School.
Iet those ci"ectiug to atteml the Nor
mal bear in mind the date of opening
Monday, September 8th and if possible
be on hand the first day.
The Normal essays to put students
and teachers on a footing taat lea is to
good certificates. Fview woik is a
feature of our course. The coming year
the Normal will be more a home than
ever before. Material internal and ex
ternal improvements of t1e school build
ing are making for the enjoyment and
benefit of students. Physical education
s a part of the course.
Strong work in English and mathemat
ics will lie given from a practical jioint
of view; also in science.
Ittrs from students, old and new-
say, "I'll lie w ith you nest year.'
The success of our graduates has cre
ated a demand for Dram Normalites in
gixxl schools. The Normal has helped
manv to good positions and will help
you if you will let it.
For information, address
al J. H. Orcutt, president.
Administrator's Notice.
Sotit. ia bwh lvn that th Tl ndrrsi ml
wt. on ll tub da of Auru.i, lJ. by Uc
County ennrt ol Ooutla conn't. To
duly appointed eiirator ot thcttat ot Hrury
Oardner Brown, dverasal. AU pcrvunt barinf
rlaim ajraia! the aW male a:e berth y notH
fll to pretent them. prpr y reriDt-1. to m at
b.duin, ooua ouuiy, rtrnn. wiuon ni
momna from the dale of tbla nxl-e. and a
eraoaa imlebteti w (he eiate are brebj noli
ot lo pay Ibe tn t me.
IMleU Auiuit lixh. I'll. SucilHRtorj,
Blue Ribbon
.State Fair.
15th to 20th,
For Sale.
Sei-ond Annual Encampment of Pion
small bovs will be awe stricken when leers, Veterans, -Native Hons and Ptiugl
ters will Ik! held at Olalln, urcgon, ep.
fl, 4,5, 1!M)2.
Barlsdic, free dinner for everylssly
first day; Music, songs ami scftKii!g
. . - ..i.i
everyday; n gram 1 nggregai 1011 01 mio
s-rts from start to finish; flbtm-hince
of wood, water and excellent camp
grounds free for all ; 110 saloons or games
of chance allow ed on the grounds. Every
one cordially Invited to attend and have
a genorul-Rood time. Committer
The following named articles are for
sate at the Methodist Parsonage on
Main St, near I-ano :
Sewing-machine, took-casc, much,
office chair, table, portiers, curtain
nxls, ehamWr sets, iron wash tubs, fifty
feet of -Mi-den hose, dishes, kitchen
- -
untensils, lamps, etc. To. avoid ex
pense and trouble of these articles, they
are offered cheap. A. S. Mcli-ioas,
Yon are iuvited to attend and .
see the greatest industrial exo
sition and livestock show ever
held on the Pacific Coast. Good
racing every afternoon. Camp
ground free. Come and bring
your families. For any informa
tion write
M. D. WISDOM, Sec'y,
Portland, Ore.
Yoncalla Real Estate
Timber ia-! located aa-i lor aale. Good bar- '
gaia :a fana prspertf.
Duuglss County Oregon.
T)u Srirf ire n-'.mm-c by ih.- i. i.ef : r J: rTire of beiimt:!m
asrrb. sgta--ti. KLi.ltt.-y an t Likr ini iM
I on s..ithr i" -irtr i:i'rv 1. --- j.ra R-s:-." fr ji S,a F-a3 -iro to r r:!n.I. tt
inn. " n-nl. ! K-r borx du-nr npco wr iw re. vn .( f tt. ivree!aia Ba:a Tub.
f.t. a t-. ri.1 I'uWi.- T-i,-pj,t- ii (ae proitsx rrom i-"ol pet wee ip, mrludm
baiu-. 1 ratn up in tril f tue h-teL
P-.issMiim h'ii-li-
IV4A-uim Krt-n, i.k
sotiim t'h.rile
itAtJ rr.
'iT a-r.
.'1 tr.
211 nr.
ai- mm nl.irvi.
s.-itim arti.ote
n.vun.l trio fr..m K. rj si R-reit s..r.!ir II r- e 1 w .1 itv
lemming Ibe Minainj Mon iay, Yi-n Ti.-t--i c saie 3i
-S zr.
ll.- rr.
- -1 jr.
'.it mai
CAPT. BEN D. BOS WELL, Proprietor.
Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician
Carries a complete stock of Watches, Clocks,
Jewelr', Diamonds and Silverware C 5
J. M. Weatherby
T. A. Bury
I. L. Mania
Roseburg Real Estate Co.
Faim and Timber Land Bought and Sold
Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. Timber
Estimates a Specialty.
ty with
List your proper-
Cause and Effect. SlSfe
Re.ponsive to the toii'-lu and perfect
in tone and action, the Yne piauo has
secured a hold on popular favor accorded
to none other. It is a i-t.iiid.ird instru
ment, of the highest gradi-.. Unexcelled
in a single feature of merit. No better
. ? . 1 .7.1.
piatlO lliaile. AOS Illgil pru-eii, ruai-r.
Sold at exceevliiisly low hures for cash,
or on easy time paytnenis. r.scrjouo
W. A. BURR cS: CO.
2 t- -V l?-v -i-T.'A
Citv Marshal D. 3. Jarvis, sallies forth,
or blossomed out a full arown iiolice-
man this evening is putting it mildly
The old town promises to put on its liest
behavior at least until it lieeonies ac
customed to that new uniform. It
should las remembered that not only is
it the duty of this distinguished officer to
maintain law and order, but he must at
all times i;ive r.n attentive ear when we
lire wont to relate our trntiUes,
Just Look At Her.
. Whence came that sprightly step,
faultless skin, rich, rory complexion,
amilin.F fnee. Here's her secret. She
uses Dr. King's New Life Pills. Result
nil l-i1 11 Dl live diL'estlOU L'lHHl, IIO
headaches, no chance for "blues." Try
them vonrself. Only 2jc at A C Mars-
, ,
ters dnij; store.
"" Fully
Hacks and
-..fwiin n riiiriif ii in 1 1
ii iiiii iiinii
Vm 4 IBIHtlH
! The largest stock of 201I1 Century Goods in the town
Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, IMotions
Gents Furnishing Goods,
Boots and Shoes
Hats and Caps
Groceries, Provisions
Produce Bought Theme 721
OAKLAND, ORU vcvvoso vowosovo vo oovcNsoc'.y,.:Aoocjo