The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, August 25, 1902, Image 4

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    Milk, Milk, Milk.
"We claim that under our new process
of aerating, purifying and bottling
(winch should be the case with all milk
consumed) you get from twenty-five to
fifty per cent more value for less money
than any other milk delivery in the city
affords. The milk delivered is in quali
ty A 1 and guaranteed to give you entire
satisfaction. As published on our for
mer rate cards I allow one week's trial
free of charge unless entirely satisfac
tory. Ifvou think the above is over
drawn, why not give it a trial that we
may demonstrate. Why not spend
your money where your dollars go the
farthest, and patronize a permanent
business? all.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Ore., May 20, ltK)2.
Notice is hereby eicen that in compll
ance with the provisions of the act of
Coneressof June 3, 1878, entitled "An
Act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to
ali the Public Land States by act of
August 4. 1S2,
of Roseburg, county of Douglas, State of
Oregon, has this day tiled in tais office
his sworn statement No. 2ol0, for the
i urchaseof theESWr, V-4' SE4
section No. 4. township No. 32 .south
range No. 7 west, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more valu
able lor ltsvtiinlser or stone than lor ag
ricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land before the Kegister
and Receiver at this office at Roseburg,
Oregon, on Friday, the 29:h day of Aug
ust, 1VH12. lie names as witnesses: Vieo,
Bateman, Henrv Sinvrleton, Ensrene Kel
ley and Henry Laycock all of Roseburg,
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above described lands are request
ed to file their claims in this office on or
before said 2!th dav of August. 1902.
m22p J. T. BRIDGES, Register.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Ore.. May 17, l'.K)2.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1:578, entitled, "An
Act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to
all the Public Land States, by act of
August 4,1892,
of Oakland, county of Douglas, state of
Oregon, has this day filed in this office
her sworn statement No. 2479, for the
purchase of the Xl NE, SE NE,
NE. SL1 section No. 24, township No.
2G range No. 2 west and will offer proof
to show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes and to establish
her claim to sail land before the Regis
ter and Receiver of this office at Rose
burg, Oregon on Wednesday the 3rd
day of September, 1902. She names' as
witnesses : Oscar Edwards, Roy Miller,
Grant Taylor and Roy Stearns all of
Oakland, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the alve described lands are request
ed to file their claims in this office on or
before said 3rd day of September, 1902.
m22p J. T. BRIDGES, Register.
Notice for Publication.
fnited Plate land OflW,
Eosobur?, Oregon, July 1, lri
Notice is hereby (riven that in compliant
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June S, iSTH. entitled "An act for the aale of
timber lands in the States of CallforniavOreron
Jevada .and V as hinirton Territory," asextend
ed to all the public land stales bj'act oi August
4, Use
of Enscbmr. county of Imnglas, state of Ore
aritn. has tiled in this ofTe-e his sworn state
ment No. 2x'" for the pun hase of the X'j S1
of sec. No. 4 in township No. 26 south, R. 2 west
and will offer proof toshow that the land sought
is more valuable for ita timber or atone Umn
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hia
claim before the Register and Receiver of thi
oiliest of Boaebarg, Oregon,
on Fri.lay theSIth day of October. ltati. He
names as wituees: JohnV.Cox, Malhew I
Wilson, of Rosi bnre. Ore.. Grant Tavlor of Oat.
land. Ore. and Fred Holcombof Glide, Oregon
Any and all persons claim ine adversely the
above descrile.i lands a re, requested to file
Iheir elaims in this office on or liefore said 2-ltn
day of October, livi J T. fcRIlM.ES,
jyl4p Register.
Notice for Publication.
Tnited States Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, June a), lisJ2
Notice Is hereby irtven that hi compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June S, 1878. entitled "An act for the aaie of
timber land in the States of California. Oregon
Nevada .and Washinrton Territory,' as extend
ed to ail the public land states by act of August
4, ioyz.
of Rosebnnr. countv of Donelas. state of Ore.
ton. has tii is dav filed in this office his sworn
Hatement No. iTsd, for the purchase of the W'4
, fcji wja,l M4 01 section
10 in township 3D south of range 1 west
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable tor its tun Der or stone wan
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before tbe Register and Receiver of this
Dmce of Roseburg, Oregon.
ii l-nday, the 17in day of October, 1902. He
names as witnesses: ' Fred 1 . Quick, James I).
Kereuson. Thomas J. Ferguson, John Imbell all
of Roseburg. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
avbfire described lands are requested to fi le
their claims in this office on or before said 17th
day of October, lis "2. J. T. BRI IK, EH,
jyllp Regfoler.
Notice for Publication
Tnited States Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, Jnly 24, 1902.
Kotice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the Stales of California, Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory," asextend
ed to all the public land stales by act of August
of Mvrtle Creek, county of Douglas, slate of
Oregon, has this day filed bis sworn statement
jso aSJ tor the purchase of tbe bfc',4 of section
24, in townsnip iweniy-eigDi, socio range 1 w
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hia
claim before the Register and Receiver of this
office of Roseburg. Oregon.
on Wednesday, tbe lam aay of Octob-r. 1002,
He names as witness-: Louis Btaudacber. of
Oakland. Oreeon. Amfl Earkbarth. Ira Miles,
botr of Myrtle Creek, Oregon, and Karl Ohme
of Oakland Oregon.
Any and all iiersons claiming adversely tbe
above described lands are requests to file their
claims in this 0111 ce on or before said ism aay
ol October, iai
a4p Register.
Notice'for Publication.
CSITED btati s Lain OrncB,
Rosebure. Oregon. May 24. 1CI2.
Kotiee Is hereby given thst in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
jnne a. 1878. entitled "An act for the aale of
Timb r Lands in tbe Elates of Calilor-iia, Ore
gon. NeTada and Washington Territory," as ex
tended to all the Public Land elates by Act of
August 4, laW.
of Oaklsnd. Countv of Donelas, bolte of Oregon,
has this day filed in tbis olllce bis sworn state
ment No. 2V for the purchase of tbe South-east
quarter (ne) ,f Saetion No. 26 in township No.
2 scuth of kan?e No. 2 West, and will offer proof
to show that the land songnt is more valuable
nr i ,s timber or stone than for agricultural pur-
nnses and to establish his claim to said laid be
fore the Register and Receiver of this office at
Roseburg, Oreson on Monday tbe 16th day of
fcenuember. 19U2. He names as w itnesses: Geo.
i steams, Creed L. Cusuowoth, Grant Taylor
and Rov Miller, all of Oakland. Oregon
Any and a 1 pernors claiming aaversely the
above describe-! Isnds ate requested to file their
-iaims in this oClcc on or before sid 1Mb. day of
September. 1902. J. 1. BBliXjfc.rt.
rajyp Register.
Notice for Publication.
Tuited States Land Office.
P,"fburg. Oregon. Julie Si. VG
Notice ta hereby given that In compliance
srith the provisions of the act of tongress
June a. 1878. entitled "An act for the sale
timber lands in the States of California.Oregon
Nevada .and W ashineton Territory." asexteud-
ed to all tbe public laud states by act of August
4, lttti.
of Wallace, county of r?hotone. state of Idaho
has this dsy filed in this office hit sworn ttaie.
ment No. 282S. for the purchase of N1 NE'i. 8V
14 NE'4. NK'i NV,i of section No. XI
in tow n-hip No. JO south, range 8 west
and will offer proof toshow that the land sought
Is more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis
claim before tbe Register and Receiver oi this
office of Roseburg, Oregon,
on Mondny ihe l.uh day of October J2. He
names as witnesses: Allen Wilser. Wnv M.
l'orier. Jc-mc Kirkendall and Wm. F. DavJ all
of Camas Valley, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverhely tbe
above described lends are requested to file
I heir claims in tbis office or or before said Ljtft
iv of October 1W2. J. T. BRIDGES,
"7 Jiegitter.
Cream Wanted.
Douglas County Creamery wants your
cream and will pay highest cash prices
for butter fat. Write for cream cans.
Will furnish you Cream Separators that
are second to none in Quality and Price
on most any condition you may desire
The Sharpies Tubuler Cream .Separator
leads. Douglas county creamery refer
ances, First National Bank and Douglas
County lauk, Roseburg, Oregon.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Orc.May 17, 1SH12.
Notice is hereby civen that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1S78, entitled "An
Act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to
all the Public Land States by act of
August 4, 1S92,
of Oakland, county of Douglas, State of
Oregon, has this day filed in this office
her sworn statement No. 2478, fur the
purchase of the X' NVi, SW N W4'
NW4 SW4 of section No. 24, township
No. 2(, range No. 2 west and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable fr its timlier or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish her claim to said land
before 'the Register and Receiver of this
office at Roseburg, Oregon, n Wednes
day the 3rd day of SepiemlnT, P02.
She names as witnesses : Oscar Ed
wards, Roy Miller, Grant . Taylor and
Roy Stearns all of Oakland, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above described lands are request
ed to tile their claims in this office on or
before said 3rd day of September, 1902.
m22p J. T. BRIDGES, Register.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Or., May 17, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1S7S, entitled "An
Act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada and
t ashineton Territory, as extended to
11 the Public Land btates by act ot
August 4, 1S92,
of Roseburg, county of Douglas, state of
Oregon, has this day filea in this office
his sworn statement rvo. 24 1 7 lor the
purchase of the S S'a of section No. 24
township No. 26, ranee No. 2 west, and
will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for iU timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes and
to establish h:s claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this office
at Roseburg, Oregon, on Wednesday,
the 3rd day of September 1902. lie
names as witnesses : Oscar Ivdwards,
Rov Miller, Grant Tavlor and Rov
Stearns all of Oakland, Oregon.
Any and all iiersons claiming adverse
ly the above described lands are request
ed to file their claims in this office on or
before said 3rd day of September, 1902.
ni22p J. T. BRIDGES. Register.
Notine for Publication
United State Land Office,
Roseburg, Or., May 20, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1S73, entitled "An
Act for the sale of timber lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada and
ashineton Territory, as extended to
all the Pablic Land States by act of
August 4, 1892,
of Roseburg, county of Donglas, State of
Oregon, has this day filed in this office
his sworn statement o. Soil, for the
purchase of the Ei. NW'.', Wt NEVof
section No, 4, in towDship No 32 south,
range No. 7 west., and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more valu
able for its timber or stone than for ag-
riwiltural purposes, and to establish his
claim to said land Defore the Register
and Receiver of this fiflice at Roseburg,
Oregon, on Friday, the 29th day of Aug-
nst, 1902. He names a; 'witnesses:
Geo. Bateman, Henry Singleton, En'eue
KeJey and Chancellor L. Biown all of
Boseburg, Oregon.
Any and all iiersons claiming adverse
ly the above described land? are request
ed to file their claims in this office on or
before said 29th day of August, 1902.
m22p J. T. BRIDGES, Register.
Notice for Publication.
Tnited Sta es Land Office.
Reseburr. Oregon. May . l'.ri
Notice is hereby that in compliance
lib the provisions of the act of Congress of
Jnne S, lsTS, entitled "An act lor tbe sale of
timber lands in the Stctea of California, Ore
son. Nevada and Washinrton Temtorv.' aa
extended to all the Public Land Slates by act
oi August 4, 1".
of Burlington, county of bkarit, state of Wash
ington, has this day Died In this omce bis sworn
state sent No. for tbe purchase of tbe North
west quarter or section no. . towutnip oi
range 8 west and will offer proof to show that
the land song lit is more valuable for Its limber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish biacialm to said land beiore tbe Reg
ister and Receiver of tbis office at Rneeburg.
Oregon, on Thursday, the 16th day of Septem-
William Smith. Banford Slater and Leonard
Brooks, all of Bnr.lngton, Washington.
Any and au persons claiming aaversely tne
above described lands are requested to tile
their claims in this omce on or before said lslh
dT ofoepL-1902.
ilv J. T. BRIDGES. Register
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, May Z7. 1902.
Notice U hereby given that In compliance
with tbe provisions of tne act ol Congress of
June J, Je78, entitled -An act for the aaie of
timber lands tn the Stales of California, Oregon
Nevada and w asnlDgton Territory as extena-
ed to an tne rno.ic iaua eiaiesj act ot Aug
us 4. Vfft,
of Burlington, county of bkagit. state of Wash
iugton. has this day Bled In thU office his swom
statement No. 2674, for the purchase f the
Lots 4, A, 6. 7. 8, and 11 of Section No. 6. town
ship ii south, range 8 west, artd will offer proof
to sbow that tbe land sought is more valuable
fonts timber and atone than tor agricultural
mireoses, and to establish Msclsim to said land
before tbe Register and Receiver of tbis office at
Roseburg, Oregon, on Thursday, the 18th dsy of
September, lvri. lie names ss witnesses: John
mater, eaniom Bister, n imam nmun am ieou
ard Brooks, all of Burlington, Washington.
Any and all persons claiming slversely the
above described lands are requested to file th ir
claims in this office on or before sai 1 18th day of
Bep, lHUZ. 4. 1. saliior.s,
J 2p Register,
Notice for-Publication
United States Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon. Julr. if, Va.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with tbe provisions ol the act of Congress ol
Jnne , 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in tbe States of California. Oregon
Nevada .and Hashinirton Territory." asextend-
ed to all the puolic land states by act ufAugust
a, ,
of Myrtle Creek, county of iioucias. state of
Oregon, has this day filed in this office hi
sworn statement So for the purchase of the
Mij. section 34, townsnip z, soutn rsne 4 .,
and will offer proof to sho t hat the land sought
is more valuable lor its timber or stone man
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Register and Receiver of this
office of Roseburg, Oregon.
on Wednesday the loth day of October, 1902,
H j names-as witnesses: Karl Ohme. of Oak
land. Oregon. Ira Miles. Herman V.ntzte. both
of Myrtle Creek, Oregon, and Louis Slaudachcr,
of Oakland.Oregon.
Any and all persons c!slming adversely the
above desert bra lsnds are requested to fill their
claims in tbis office on or before said 15th day
ol October, 1MM.
J.T. BRir.GES,
alp Register.
Notice for Publication
Tnited States Land Office,
Roseburg, Oreireu, July i'4, 1C
Notice is Lereiiy ttvm thai In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress ol
June 3. 8,k, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California. Oregon
Nevada .and Washington lerriinrv'asexicnd-
ed to all the public land states by act of August
4, lAtra.
of Oakland, county of Douglas, s'aie ol Oregon
has tbis car filed in this nfhee his sworn HsW
ment No 3 i9lor the pun-har- ol the r-W'-t of ec
laeiitv-tour, township taenty-eiunt h. k. 4 ..
and will of ter proof to show that the land soui ht
is more valuable for Its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish bts
claim beiore tbe Itegistcr and Receiver of this
Office of Roseburg, Oregon,
on Wednestay tlid ljtn day of October, 1S02,
lie names ss witnesses: Herman Veutzke, Ariel
H-rkbarth. Ira Miles, all of Mjrtle Creek, Ore
gon, an l Karl Ohme ol Oakland, Orevon.
Auv tud all yersons claiming adversely the
sb.ivedi m ntied Unds are requested to file their
ciiim- in th's office on or beioie the 15 u dsy of
October, 19. i
Mp KejU'er,
Shatters All Records
Twice in hospital, F. A. Gulledge,
Verbena, Ala., paid a vast sum to doc
tors to cure a severo case of piles, caus
ing 24 tumors. When all failed, Ruck
Ion's Arnica Salve soon cured liiin.
Subdues Iuflamatiou, conquers Aches,
kills Tains. Best salvo in the.
23c at A C Marsters drug store.
Hop Pfckers Wanted.
Will pay forty cents per box. Apply
to Gkorob Suambkook,
si Umpqua Ferry, Ore.
Notice for Publication.
Pnitih Bttk Land Orricr.
Roseburg. Oregon, May 24. I'M.
Notice is hereby given that in coiniili-tico
with the provisions of tlio act of Congress of
June S, 1878, entitled "An Act for tlio s Icof
timber lands In the slates 01 California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend-
ed to all the Public Laud Stales by act of Aug
ust 4, lStt,
ot Oakland, county of Donelas, state of Oreiron,
has this day filed in this olhce h's sworn
statement No. 25fi for tl.e purchase of ihe North
West quarter (ni) 01 Section No. a- in Tp. 2u
S of R. No, 2 W ent and will offer proof to show
that the land snueht is 11 ore valuable for lt
limtierorKtouethaa for agricultural purposes.
and to establish his claim 10 said land before
the Register and Receiver of this ofliee at Rose
burg, Oregon on Monday the l.' th day of Sep
tember, IMi. He name as witnesses- Creed L
Chenoweth, Harr-E. Miller, lirant Taylor and
Key.JlUier, a'l 01 oakianu, Oregon.
Ant and all persons clalmiug adversely the
above-d-criled lands at reiiested to tile their
claims in this ottice on or belote the said 15th
day of September laOi, J.T. BBiPiiga,
ni2p. Register.
Notice for Publication.
RosSBt'KO, Ore., May X.IVO.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the Act of Congress of
June a, ISTti. entitled, "An Act for the aale of
timber lands in the stales of California, Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ex
tended to ail tbe public land states by Act of
Augui4, lay.',
of Peidtie, County of Douglas, State ot Onsgon
has thityiay filed in this ofhee his sworn sin'e
meutNo. 1S5 lor the purchase ol the s'jSH'i
S' SW '4',ol Section No. 2, Township SO o of R t
W et ana will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or su ue
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before tbe Register and
Receiver of this office at Roseburg. Oregon, on
Wednesday, the lu day of September, lArl. He
names as witnesses: Walter Crook, Wm. Moore
and Maurice Moore ,of Roseburg, Ore., and Cel
est i n DeLsippe, of Perdue, Oregon.
As j and all persona claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said 10 day of
September, 1A12.
j 'p J. T. BRIDGES,
Notice for Publication.
I n: ted Btatcs Land Office
Roseburg, Oregon, June It, I'JOi.
Notice is hereby given that in conmllance
with the provisions of the act of Congress ol
one 1, 1.. entitled '-and Act lor the sale of
timber lands in the States ol California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the Public Land Slates by act of Aug
ust , ls'At,
of Camas Valley, county of Douglas, state of
Oregon, has this day bled in tliis oince his sworn
statement No. 2714, for the purchase of the SK',
f section No. 2u in township No. M 8, range
No. 0 west. and will oiler proof to sbow that the
land sought Is more valuable lor Its umber or
tone than lor agncnltnrai purposes, and to es
tabiisn Disclaim to said lasu betore tne Regis
ter and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Ore
con, on Thursday, tbe Ui day of October, J'-W.
He names as witnesses: Bale Boren,- William
Davis, Richard Dick and Jea&e RlrkendaU. all
of Camas Vallcv, Oregon.
Any and ail persons claiming adversely tbe
bove described lands are requested to tie
heir claims in this oJoe on or before said 9th
day of October, laui. J, X. BRIlriKS.
a Kiglster.
Notice foi Publication.
United States Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon June 2n. lri.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provision of the act oi Congress of
Jnne . lr7ii. entitled "An act for the aale of
timber Unds in the States of California. Oregon
Nevada and Washington remtorv as extended
to all the public land states by act of Aajutt 4,
of Seattle, ronnty of King, state of Washington,
has tbis dav nied in this ortM-e his sworn stat
ment No. KX!. for the piirebasof the 8'. Ss1
and lots t and 4 of section No 2 Tp. , R west
and will offer proof toshow that the land sor.ght
Is more valuat-le for its limber or stone than
for agricultural purrsses. and to establish his
claim before the Register and Receiver of this
aaiice of Roaebarsr . oreron.
on Mon.lav, the Uth day of October, 19X. He
names as witnesses: Laurence Bumgamer. A
USpaniding, Seattle, Wash.. Wm. M. Porter,
Allen M :iain ol Camas alley, Oregon.
Any and all pensDua claiming adversely the
above-described lands are reouesled to file their
iaims in tnis omce on or oeiore said utn aay
of ocu, ISU2.
Notice for Publication.
rwrrcD Statxs Laxd Omcg.
Roseburg. Oregon. May SI. 1901
Not'ce is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions oi ine act oi ingrea ol
Junes, l78,entitlcd "An Act tne aaie of
limber Lands In tne btates of Cal-
fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Tent
lory," as extended to ail the Public Land Stale
by act of August 4. 12.
of Oakland, t oantvof Douelas. State of Oreson.
has this day Died in Ibis ooice Die swnrn aute-
ment No. 'Jfr& for tbe purchase of the North
east quarter Ine1.) ol Section No. 26, in township
o. Vbsontnot KangeNo. i si ana wuionef
prool to sbow that uie land soueht is roor val
oable for its timber or stone than for agricult
ural purposes, and t establish bis claim to
said land beiore the Register and keceiver of
this office at Roseburg, Oregon, ou Mocday, the
loth day ol September, lDfti. He names aa wit.
r esses: Gfom J Stearns. Harrr E. Miller.
Grant Taylor and Roy Miller, all ol Oakland,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above descrioed lands are requested to ble their
cuums in this ou:ceon or beiore sail i tn day oi
oevwrnoer, iri j. i. bsidois.
msip u agister
Notice for Publication.
United Statei LendOffice,
Roseburg, Oregon, May 3L 1502.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of tbe act of Congrats of
Jnne s. ih,m. entitled "An Act lor the sale oi
Timber Lands in the States of California. Ore
gon. Nevada and W ashington Territoiy. ' aa ex
tended to ali ln. Public Laud btates by act ol
August 4, 18SU,
of Bnrlington, County of Skagit. S'atc of Wash
ington, has this day nled in this omce bis sworn
statement No. 2o7! for the purchase of the SW'
of nectioo No. 8, twp. 81 south of range 8 west
and will offer proof toshow that tbe land sought
s more vsluable forits lira tier or stone than
for agiicnltural purposes, and to establish his
cinim before tbe Register and Receiver of this
office at Roaeburg, Oregon, onlbursdsytbe 1Mb
aay ot September, laui. tie names as witnesses:
John s-iaier. Mra.emltn, ieotiara urooits ano
Kveutious Brooks, ali of Burlington, Washing
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described Unas are requested to file their
claims In tuts omce on or beiore said imii aay
oi sept-iiari. j, l. utu uiita,
Jjp Keguiier.
Notice for Publication.
Tnited States Land Office,
Roasburg, Oregon, june', lysri.
Notice ii hereby given that In coniflisnca
with the provisions ol the act of Congress of
June 8, 188, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of Califnrnia.Oregon
Nevada, and Washington Territory," asextend
ed to all the public laud states by act of August
of Burlington, countv of fckagit, strte of Wash
ington, has this day tiled In this ottice his sworn
statement No. 2MI for Ihe purchase of tbe BE'i
section No. 18, township No. 81 8., K No. i west
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for lu timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Register and Receiver of thii
ofiice of Roseburg, Oregon,
on Tuesday, the ilst day of October, 1002. He
names as witnesses: Mrs. Charlotte P. Hanley,
Thomas E Hnnley, Mrs Flora M. rihannon of
Burlington, Watb., frank Kincart, Oakland
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
aliove described lands are ieUested to tile their
claims In this om or or before said 211 day of
Octotier. liWi J. T, BRIIXiEH.
JUIp Register.
Notice for Publication
I'nitd Ftstea Land Office;
Roseburg, Oregon, July 19, 1W2.
Notice is hereby given that In compliant-
with the provisions of the act of Congrcsi of
June a. 1K7K, entitled "An act for the snle of
timber lands in the States of California.Oregnn
Nevada .and Washington Territory," asextend
ed to all tbe public land slates by act of August
4, 1W2.
of Jsckeonville, county of Jackson, state oi
Oiegon. has this dsy tiled In this omce his sworn
statement No 30, lor the purchase ol the
lots 3, 4,9 and 10 sec lb, tp ."1 b., range S west
and will offer proof toshow thst the laud sought
is more valuable for it timlier or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before tbe Register and Receiver of this
oilice of Roseburg, Oregon.
on Thursday, the 2nd day of Octolicr, 1902. Ho
nsmes as wilucsses: William McKean, Myrtle
Creek, Ore., Nicholas Deliu b. Jacksonville, re.,
N J Cummings and Fred foquellv, ot KoMibiim,
Oregon. .
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
ebove described lunds are reouesled to file their
clstms fn this off ica on or before ssld 2nd day
Of October, 1902, i. T. BRIIXiKS,
liif r Kf'Bitier.
Notice for Fublicaticu. "
ITnitcd States Land Office
Rosehintr, Ore May 17, 1902.
Notice is hereby Kiven that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
("kini-ress of June 3, 1S78, entitled "An
Act for the sale of Timber Lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada
and Washington Territory" as extended
to all the Public Lund States by act of
August 4, 1!2,
of Oakland, County of Douglas, State of
Oregon h n tbis day tiled in this office
his sworn statement No, 24H0, for the
purchase of the SK(4 of section 22, Tp.
20 south, rarge 2 west and will offer
proof to how that the land sought is
more valuable fr its timlier or stone
than lor agricultural puroses, and to
I'l-taUit-li his claim to mi id laud lie fore
t. e Register nud Receiver of this office
at Roseiiurir, Oregon, on Wednesday the
rl nay ol iM-ptemiicr i'.hij. Me nanr s
as witnesses : Uoy Mearns, (wear l'.d-
wnrds, Phil Jtecklev and Roy Miller
11 of Oakland, Oregon.
Any any all iH-rsona cla.niing adverse
Iv the altove descritxil lands are rwitiest
d to file their claims in this office on or
licforo said Srd dav of September. 1!K)2.
m22p J. T. RKIIX.KS, Register.
Notice for Publication
t'ntted Stau-s I and OfTn-ei
R:ehiMg. On gon, July .til. I'tri.
Notice is Lerei y alreu list In comnllance
with tie irovii,.iis ut the act oc C'-ifigo-va of
Junes, is. s. entitled "An wl tT fie sale of
tiiuUr lands in ttt Stiitesorralitoriiia.oieim
Neiatta.and ashingUiii lerrftirv."asuxteiid-
ed to ali ike public laud slates by act ol August
ot Myrlle frock, countv of Douglas s'ntc of Ore
gon, has this day tiled In this otine her sworn
latenieni No sum. lor Ihe. purchase i f lot one.
of section 2. lu loun-hlp ii, a. ranice 3 M,
and will olier nrool tosbow that the land songht
la more valualile for its timber or stone tbnn
for acrictilttiral purposes, and to establish bis
clstiu befure the KeKister and Keceiver of tbis
office of Itobcburg, Oregon.
on Saturday, the lllh clay ol 'Vtlr, Y.'.
rhe names ns vi:nste.- Juim Hail, hr., John
Hall Jr., IN Hamilton, and f K Matc. all of
Olyrlle Creek. Oregon.
Any and all person r.aiuiing nlvrpu lv the
above dtcritKd Itiiilsaie reiuestel to file their :
-lalras in this office on or be lore said Illb day i
of October, LSJ2, j
t I Bi;il-.r..-. I
J"lp Kegisser. ;
Notic for Publication
In I led States lJin.1 Oilice.
Rosebil'ff. Ori'vun. JnlT l'.srl
notice is nereny giten mat in c-impiiaiicw t
with the provisions ui tte act ol Congress of
Junes, is. a. entitled "An ai t l -r tre sals ot
timber lands lu the Siats of ali:ornia.reg"n
Nevada .and Washington Territory. "asexiend-e-S
to ail the public laud states by act ol August
of M Title Creek. -cotiotT of iKxislas, slat ol
Oregon, has tbis dav blrnl in th'aoiiicc hisswom
slateuient No. Js.avt, for Ibe pnrchase of hsa ard
ana n ol J v 1 .. sw. j. t,i n. . s cis.
and will oiler proof tosbow that tbe land sought
Is more valuable for lis limber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, ajid to enaUtsh his
claim before the Kens ter and Keceiver of Una
ofiice of Hose burg, Oregon.
on fsstnrday, the llth day ol ot4T. w
He name ss witnesses.- John llall..-r,. j.ilin
II. Jr.. I N Hamilton and C o white, all of
M jrt:e Creek. Orevoa.
Any and all persons claiming a,lvcn-lv lb-
above described lands are requested to file ibej i
claims in this office on or beiore aitd Jim da '
ol l c tuber, l'JUi.
Ilea-is te
Notice for Publicatiort.
Cniled Statea Land OBcr,
Roaebarg. Oregon, July. 1, I 'At;.
Notice is hereby given that in eomp'iance
ttb the provuions of tlio act of Cona-resa of
June 3, ls.7&. entitled "An act for tba aa ol
limber land in the status of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory." a extend
ed to all the Public Land stale by act cf
August t, lsJ.
of Roseburg county of iKHiglas. state of Ore-
gon.haaibtsd.yeledln thisoaScaT his omyt"...'
statetnent o lor tbe yon-base ol the b'
N', ol section No. 4 townibip 8 , SL So X wes
and will offer proof tosbow that Ibe land sought
is more valuable lor its timber or stone than
for agricultural l urposes, and to establish bit
claim before the Register and keceiver ol Ihia
ofiice of Hoseburg. Oregon.
on Friday, the i'lib day ol October, 11- Re
names as wunesses: jonn . vol, lca .
Kolb of Eoseb'irg. Ore .Urant Taylor, of Oak
land. Or., aud Fred Hoicomb. of oli-le. Oregon.
Any and ail persoa claiming alverselv the
aliove desrnbei lands are reouraied to tie
tlieir claim in this oifice on or before said JlLh
day ol Oct, Iva.
Jlp 1. I. tSKllAih.'S
Notice for Publication.
f'nitel States Ind f iffice.
Kos, burg. Oregon, June Jl, lC
Notice is te.T given that in corapliaacw
with tbe provisions of the art of Congress) of
June 1. ).. entitled "An act for tba sal of
timber lands in the .-talcs of California. Oreg"o
Nevada nd Wahinrton Terrliorv." aseztend-
ed to all the public land states by act of August
, 132.
of Roseburg. eonntv of IaugUs. stale of Ore
gon, has this day hied in this office his sworn
statement No. iTM lor the purchase Ol the "i
ol section No Si. township No. 29 sooth K- S W.
and will offer proof to show that the land song bt
is more valuable lor its timber or un lb an
for agricultural r urposes, and to establish his
claim before the Register aud Keceiver ol thi
of flea of Rosebnrg, Oregon.
on Thurs-lav. the lda of ivtobrr. 1912. He
names as witnesses: William i'orter. Hale
fbin-n. M Kirk., nin',1, Alva Rrown ail of la mat
Vailev. uregon.
Anv and ail persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are reonested to fife
theirelalms in this oSice on or beiore said lfciu
day ol oebrfwr i'i J. T. RRIU.KS.
yi4p ficgisier.
Notice for Publication.
t'nlted States Ijind Office.
Roseburg, Oregon June 3. l'.'C
Notice is hereby given that la eotnpliaac
with the provisions of tba art of Congresa of
June S, is:, entitled "An act for tha aale of
timber lands in the States of California, Oregon
Nevada 4r.d ashington Territory," asextend
ed to all tba public land stales by act of August
4, IBM.
rBEtl5l PlYXE.
of North Bnd. countv of King, state of Wash.,
has this dsy hied in this office his sworn state
ment No. TT.i. for Ihe pnrehsse of the W'i XW
X, N"i, t-W Ki of sec No. 24 in Tp No. an, R. i west
and w 111 of ler proof toshow that the land son gf.t
Is more valuable for ita timber or atone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish h a
elaim beiore the Keglstar and Receiver ol thia
offioa of Roaaburs;. oreeon.
on Monday, the l.tth day of October, 15bj. He
names as witnesses: hartlctt Irwin.of (ieattie.
Wash., Wm. M. I'orter. Hale lbren, Allen W il
son of famoa Valtev. (ir.
Anyandall Krv.n clalning adversely the
above descrltied lands are reone-ted to file
thier claims in tfhs office on or lielttre sal'l Ulh
dayof flctober, J. T. RR1 ISthj..
JyMp Register,
Notice for Publication.
United Statea Land OSice,
Roseburg, Oregon. May 27, 190J,
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Junes. j7h, entitled "An act lor the sal of
timber lands In the slate of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington territory, aaestend.
d to all tho public land states by act of Aug.
usti, 192.
of Burlington, county ol bkagit. stale of Wash
ington, has this day tiled in this office hltsworn
sutement No. 1.7a lor the purchase o! Lots i, 2,
and 3. and the h's N KU ot Section No. 6. town
ship Kl south, ol raimo 8 west, and wi!l oiler
proof to show that the land sought is more valu
able fur I's timlier and stone than for agricultur
al purposes, and lo establish his clalmlosaM lnnd
beiore the Register aud Receiver at this oflic
at Roaeburg. Oregon, on Thursday tbe 1Mb day
of beptembe', I 'JO-'. He names as witnesses:
John Sister, William riuiilb, San lord Slater and
Evenliout Brooks, all ol Burlington, W ashing
ton Any and all persons claiming adversely tbe
aliove described! lands are requested to tile their
claims to this office on or before said lsth day
ot September, 1AI2. J. T. BKIlK.r.S.
J2p Register.
1900 Water Prool ' "
Harness Oil 'Blackiiis .
Put up in tlie contiintency of cream, and
positively will not gum or mold. Gives
the leather iniinese, yet makeo it poft
and pliahle. Preserves the leather and
etitclang fnnii inclemeut weather and
gives the. luirnefiii a neat and finished ap
rxsarainT; i fEeally makes old harness
look new and will make it lact twice as
long by the use of 100 Harnefs Oil. Il
is alroVquallv eood for boots and choc.
Munufactured by J. W. MOTE, Hose
burs,' Orfgon. On sale at BlodjieU's
llarnefs shop. (jSp)
Title Uuarantee&Loan Co.
J, D. HiStlLTOat,
, fnstident
0. C. Hamii.tom,
Secy, and Tre as
Office In the Court House. Hava tho only com
plete act of altstrael booka In UohrIss (Inntity.
AbstracU and I'ertiticatcs ol Title iiirnlsh-sd to
IxiuKlas county land and mining claims. Have
also a complclw sel ot TraclURS o all towGship
pints lu the K-wohurg, Orcuou, U. K. Land lis
trict. Will make blmi priu. copies ol any town,
ship showing all vacant Government lands.
Notary public- lu oHlce. luuurancu an;ot
CorraNHiueuo lOllCiUxJ. ,11
Bargains in Wheels.
We have in stock several second hand
bicycles which we will sell at very low
prices or will trado for wood.
tf- A. C. JfAIISVKItS& Co.
Notice for Publication.
I'uito.l States Land Officii.
Roseburg, Oregon, Aug ii, 1MJ2.
'Nollcc Is hereby given that In eoiupliauce
with the provisions of tho act of Ccngn-ss of
June 3, in, 8, entitled "An act lor tlio sale of
limber laud. In Iha Stnlts of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Waliiiii:ion Territory," as extend
ed to all the Public Laud HUtcx by act ol Aug
ust i, IW.U,
of Roseburg, county of Dimglas.htate ol Oregon
has llns dav tiled In this nlli e her sworn siale
meiii No;il79 lor thu purchase ol the S'J SE'i
SK1; Ntt.'4l NEj; rW l section No. H
tmiiMliip No, H miiilh, rauvc N .
9 west ami will oftur prol to show thai the
land soukIiI Is more valuable lor lis limber or
slonethan lor rgrictiltural iiiuhhuh. nud tl
csiaiilish her claim to said lsli.l tn-lore 7. 1. Min
inli k, I' H ;oiiinilMiloner. at Osklaril, orexoii.
on Tliurwluy, the .'lnl d y ot t ii: oh:r, 19 1. ,Sli
uiiiiics is itiTssea: Kdwln llisi'-sr, John
BriH-Lway, John llogun. lAiieiuine M elevens
all ol Kosvburg, o g,iu.
Any and all i-.rritis claiming adversely the
alxtvc ditvrilicd luiidsarj reues ed to Ilia iheir
claims I -i this ollicuonor belor.- ld Knldayof
Out. I9U2. J. T. llHii..g,
allp UegiKtcr.
Notice for Publication.
Kosgaraii. tire.. Aug ti, Vxrl.
Notice is hereby given ihat 111 cumplistice
a ttti the ptovtsiou ol Ihe net ,t Cong-revs of
Jnn.t. lTt. entlt i t Au An U.r the sale i
1 imU-r liieis in tin HimU-s of Cntifiiiiiia. Or
gon. Noadu, and asliingi ,n Terr. lory," as ex-lende-l
to all the fublie. I. tin sjlulcs ,y a'l of
Alii! til. 12.
cf Rr.sebtinr. I'otinly tf limiKla, '.ate of lire- '
gon, has Ihisday nied iu this olllcti her swru ;
ttateineiil No. iilTn, for the pun base ol the !it!4 j
, No. i. lounsiilp ; south, rsiK" v
wej.t, and will offer proof to show that the iand
lought is more valuable lor Is limber or s'one'
man tor agricultural piipotts, ano to estnoi in
her calm tosajdlatni b li-r- , 1. DiuiMiuk,
U fl Commissioner xl Oaktstttl. ort-g ,n, n
Thursday, the 'JVd day of m u.lsr. r"iij S)e
names ss wit nes-s: Criila I hteveus, Kdwiu
ttisidm-. John K.o. knar, h .nn all ui
How titlrg. ree, n.
Any and all persons t 'laiiuittg a.!v. rt, ly ibc
Hlsive lU-scril tsl lan-ls a re irrties:td ti file
their claims in tblsuUteeon or bv!,.re sal-i ol
iK-t If ri
J. T.
Notice for Publication.
' F i
KikCih a.;, Oregon. Aug c,
v . , ; i - . , . , ..
with tbe t.r .viiiusi.'l the art of r..iitress tl !
Junes, lKTKenrtied "Ana t l..r the sale ol
timber lands in M-s3tates oM'n ilornu. Oregon, i
v,...rf. .n,i .Vt.i.i.ieion l.-rr-t,. " ei-. n I
el to ail tbe land stales by l a uual j
- J AilK-i It. BI'RTOS
of Kovbnrtr, county ft Doiuls, aialt of Or-on
has tins day filed in this olicj his s-a-rrri aisle-
liou N-j. 4. in l'. ;,;,ii. No. A. ol Kattte I
No W and will troo( to show that tbe
ITT, , .Vs.." .... t . , . .it. !
UbiUh Ins claim U. saii l land U l.t it'. I. Ilim-
tnick I si Commissioner, it Oakland, "ejoi. on
friday the tlb day .,ii.-iobrr, ts'f. He ns ics
aswltncssa: John ill.n, J hn hnckway,
Kdwin Koabar. KiracT Giles a 1 of Kossboi.
Any and al! persons rtaim'nx a,ler ly .he
above-descrti! lauds are retiii-te, 10 n,e their
ciains tn this office on or IaIoic said '.'ilh day o'
O.I I-!. J.T. BR1IH.K.'.
ali keg uler.
Notice for Publication.
Rnsetiiirg. On ;i.n, Aaz C. r.sjL
Notica I hcrehy glien tbsi In compliance
w ill the provisions d ih) act o. our-ss ol
June a, 1st. entitled "An act fr l!e s:e ol
timber lao's In the elates of California. Or -tt"U,
Nevada and WasbtngUm," xu-n-i-d
to ail Uic I'jMi-; Lja l -talc by act of Aug
ust M.VklN !-." Bill
ol Row-burg, eouniy ot ismcss stale of Orgnn
baa i hi- dav filed In th s Ci. his sworn -!-
j mvlit No jL-H lor t r purrbs4 1 t '-.e lots J arid
5 , N'A"ol s.'Uon No t, Ui'.p No 2-v ,
iLtnge No. V V . and a til ofkr -rol to show
and ioeiat'it!i blsria'm u ti i ian I !,
X I. ItiuimKt, U s C jnim?ss oi-f .,
ureg-io.oa Frt-l.y, tbe ."l.b dt ui O -tots-r if i.
Ilenaoui-sa wnu.-.: lis liogtn. laws
liiirtoi. Jot,a rirvektra., k.iiu'r Ij.ks, a.i ci
at ot.-u i g, c rtg-,a
Any anl a I persons cla'uiiag aSvcrsrly the
above derltn-d laid- sw rc-U,"U-I t . ti
tharrimra in ILnuJ t on m r,i,.re ; :i;rt
dayolOct-lAU J. T. hKllx.K.'s
allp fveajtsU-T.
, Notice for Publication.
t'niU-l !-W S I.l ll.TiCe.
Riiscbutg, reon. Ant, 6. X'L
Notice is hereby gi -en Ihat In OT:p:iauv
with Ihe pro isi'Mia -f liu a I of ,r.rr. tt
June, 1S71 ea.i'l-'d t Act lor tbe s-il of
limner lan-'a u o! Ca I nui,. .-reiia
Nevada and Was nVit) Tcrl' irr." ss extend
ed to ail the 'i.b:ic Laud Mates l ait of
Augost t, I
JolIS !l;tN
of Rosebnrg. irain! f c.l 1 ig as. stale n! orwot
has l his day Biol in tr.;scfbf; b a'vorn state
ment. No St3 lor the pinitm oi the lo's i, j.
and NEi4of a ctou N.i 4 toiaa hip '3 v
range 5 wesl and a i l oer ; :xil Ui sbow I!, at
the land aought is more valuable lor it li nu-r
orslone than forscrit iittc.ral pot!-o.-a. so l u
establish hiacia m lo'aid la-d oe'ore 7. 1. !Hm
rclck, C 8 Cotnmiss'Uer. al itaslaud. ir-.gtn.
on Thursday tre ia-1 -lav of K-n,tr. I f He
names aa witness: 1.1 ' Oilcs, i-I J tkns,
John Burton, Edwin Bojtat ail ol Locburg.
Anv and all persons cUIra ue atverse'.r the
above descrltsed ands ace rc-j i-ied to die
their claims in tbla oflic on or ie-.ire said i d
daj of et W.-i J. T. 1KII-.S,
ailp mi:ut
Notice for Publication.
I nlted PUtcs Land OSw,
Roseburg. Oregon, Aug 6. I'-Ci.
Nollce ia h-reby given that la cvn.n'.iance
with the provisions of the-act of o-,igres ol
June 1. IS , enutle-l " An set lor tbe sale of
limber lands In th statea of Ca ifom'a, Ore
gon, Neva-la and Washington lerritorv " s
extended 'a all the Public Land blale Ly a-1
Of August t, l.
ol Roseburg, county ol Domtlaa, Ktate of On gon
has this day filed In tbis ofiice her swori lisn
ment No. Slbl, lor the pnrcliaa of tbe E N V
'- w S 'K'a " TP- -So ' 8- rang No
V.wesi and will offer ps-jof to show Mist tbe land
sought is more valuaoia for ita timber or stone
than lor agricultural rn-pwes. and to establish
her claim to said land be ore Z L Himmick. C s
Commissioner, ol Oakland. Omrou, ou Thurs
day, ihe ilrd day ol sctoier, r'2. She names
aswilnes-es: B II Jt niina, John ilogan. John
Burton, Edwin Roobar, s!l of Kioehtirg, Oregon
Any aud all persons claiming adversely ihe
above described lamts are requested to nle their
claims in Ibii offi ce oo or beiore said Ctnl day
ol Oct. 11. J. T. Balboa,
Allp Register.
Notice for Publication.
I'nitotl Htatei Land Office,
Rosel'iin:, on cou, At.f 6. Iiaii.
Notice la hereby itiveii that In compliance
with the provisions ot the a' t ol ('onKresa ol
lune S, ImTh, entitle! "An act for the sa!e ol
timber lands in the States ol California, Ortiton,
Nevada and W ashington lerritorv," extemi
ed to all the Public Land duties by act of Auc
ligt 4. li,
ot Roscburx. eonn.y of Do iglaa, State ot Orrxon
has this dat filed lu this ofiice her sworn state
ment No. aiisj. for the purchase ol Ihe SKti Mi
E'HK!i NWl KKf. of seciloo No. l
township No ti. rsnid No. 9 west
and will ofTer pMol toshow tuat the land sought
is mora valuable, Pr Us imiber or siouo than
for ai:r!cultural purprts. and lo establish ber
claim to said land beiore L Uinunlck I' 8 Coin
mis inner, at Oakland iimj.iu, on Thurslay.
the Xlrd day ot iN-t iiH-r. 1 J. Slie names aa
witnesses : Ma . tules, John lltgan, John
Burton, Kdwin Booutir, al ol kosebmg, Oregon.
A n V and all 1 anna claiming adversely ihe
above deacrilied lands are rcq'testeti to flic their
claims In this office oa or beiore said ?3rd day
Ol el. ISUi. J. T. URIbOKS,
allp Hvgisler.
Ely's Cream Bain
Gives Re-lid at erica.
It cleanses, soothes and
heals the diseased mem
brsne. It cures Cawrrh
and drtvea away a luld
In tha Uesd onir.klv. Il
r N 1 iTSv-'e. 1
is absorhetL Heala and Protect the Jlemhrane.
rtestores ttia Senses of 'lasio and Smell. I'uil sia
Sue; Trial Mae l'T.; at Iirmrcisis or by msiL
tLT UllOTiiLHS. M Wsrreu Street, ew York.
' Isasal CataiTll quickly yicMa to treat
rnent by Ely's Cream lialm, which U agree
slly sromatio. It is received through the
nobtrils, olcanaoa sd1 bculs tbs whoio tu
lace over which il diff iss itself. Pruogutc
soli tbs 60o. size; Trial size by mail 10
cents. Test it and yon are sure to ooatinut
tie treatment.
To aocomrooOata (ajte who are partitu
to tha ubs of etomizcrd ia applying JiqnvU
into the oaital passages for eaUuruU t
Vlt4, tbe proprietors prepare Cream 11.! ru id
liqtiid form, which will be known aa dy
Liquid Crcrun CaIqi. Price Including cb
spmying tube is ".SfeuU. Dnit;gisU or bj
mail. The liquid form eiubodiej the maj.
kiiiX froirtit ofjlli itJ j.tvMhtKiA
Soelety JMeetlng.
F. A A. M. Laurel Lodae No. 13.
Ilalda renalar meetings on second
and I nrth Wedneedays of each
month. E. J. Bthouu, W. M.
T. Jaws Secretary.
Ao. u. w.-n
Meets the pi
S days of each
Koaeborg Jyidga No. 1G.
pinion d and Jonrtu Mon-
ays ol eanh month at 7:30 p. ro..
tn the 1. U. O. Jr. Hal). Members !n
good ntaDdiuK are invited to attend.
H. T. McClal'-kh, M. W.
E. II. Lenox Recorder.
D. .8 WitbT, t'iDancirr.
r. O. ELK8. Roheburg Lodge No.
3-(i. Holds regular corumaoica
tions t I. O. O. F. LUl! on xecond
tod fourth Thuredays of each tnonib.
All members requeeied to attend tcg i
larlv and ill viaitiDg brothers are cordi
ally invited to attend.
W. II. Jamiksok, K. K.
V. C. London, Secretary.
. N. U., meats at Armory Hall every
' Thareday evening, at 8 o'clock.
F. B. Hamlui, Capt.
EG REE OF rONOR. Mysiic I-odae
No. 13. Maieta 2nd and 4th Thurs
day eve Dihn cf each month in Na
tive foils' Hall. Viaiting memhrrs cor
dially Unted to attend.
Mrs. Mkust Wkxt, C.of II.
K. H. Lkknox, liep.
OF A. Conrt Donglas No. 32, or-
Cfiters of America.
Meets every 1 1
Tneeday evening in
Native Soxa' j ;
Hall. Vieiting brothere always welcome
Ciias (iit visi, C. K.
i c
Acc. J. Kkastz. R.
IIoovkb, I'Lvaiiiati.
E. V,
O. O. F. rhllrlantn IidKe No. 8.
M.t8 in O-lrl Ft!!ow' Temple, cor
ner Jackson and Cam atreete, on
Saturday evening of each etk. Mem-
ters of th order in ood staadioe aro i
invited to attend. !
ii.B.G:u.nTi, n. u. i
V T I t! . t
..aanaii, crticiatj.
1 of Alpha
rv?ry Wedi
Lodge No. 47. Msu
needay, in I. O. O. F.
JO p. m. 3Imbers ic
iTod anding ar invited to attend
ii. '. KlMBALL, C. C,
rs y PnRtBr ir p u
. T. M. I'rutertioii T-nt No. 15.
HoldH it regular Iteviewtf tlie j
ntt an-U tlnrj rnlav ! etuli
Inolltft tn till!
I. O. O. Lail. Vii-itinz
meniln rsi in ctK.I stanilini ar invitel t.
att.i:.l. t. t. l'ATTeitKt), Com
r-- I'
Ilowiett, Ilet-onl K-per.
I ILAC CIRCLE. No. 4?, Women of
1 Wojdcrafu Meeteoo firetand
Tbnredaas ol racli inootb at the
live Hons, Hall. Vieiting membera in !
cood standing are iovitc-d to a'tand. I
J. E. Saw VE, Uoardian Neinl.tor. h
.VLXNia Otv, Secy. j jv
j V
aDIBSofthaU. A.U., Abraham Lin-1 Z
coin Circle No. 2, meets at NtiT
ton's Lfaii t 2 o'clock on the sec-' f
I . i I . t. I - : ( i . i ! .
: uiru siuu lotirin rriuayooi rmco rnooiii
! O. T. 51. RotwLcrt Hi No. 11 S:n rMnlar tsriavl nnon ISm I
aS) jhecir., ln.1 f . Jirf I. t'eirA ara i
of eawb month in ti-.e Naiire Jj-rt. lla.l. ' g
-Sisters of other Hives vieiting in ibe city V
are c-jidiiilly invitd to a: trod oar re-'
tiet. t
Jkssib K.trr, L.tM. ;
Macdi E. McClaulb.h, K. K. !
OK A !trt,r.nnVn ffit (S
Meets firetacd third Vetne.J.T,
racb laoiitb at NiliveSoW Hall, j
F. f.
Uso. Ctbox, Clerk.
.... v 1'
E S. Hjs-ebor CLaiVer No. 8.
Hoi 1 tfce'.r retc'ar meticrc tJ j T(
Crt and lUtni TLGrlT in cacl. i H
u ir.tb Vii.itT tnen.larra in pjo
- illf
lana:-.g trsi rcepuu.iv tm:ieo u i-
end. Mu. C ALUS I'ZJlKn, n . M.,
Mm. Libbis Conow, :rtUry.
i f wiinr
Roseburg, Saturday August 30
- aT
' lea
voioniai ura goons
Mexican Vaqueros
'aua a
Ati.l aa a fittlog i ilroa to Ihh)
i-TFSr mm a as WtW m V
. fin t AlAKIINc'MKILL
A ad other mooeuvers by
S; Life?Saving Service
locludtnt lb opemtloa of th
Life Line and breeches buoy-
TIiuh ti s-;H he "sen that Ihe WHit West; with all of its mtlttar
; t itil e-'H. sbowlnit the fKOtlWLS
lie- Prltzrtvsl pioaor Uaya up to fp
stlrelajf rplwHjes, la
:treet Cavalcade
Reserved Seat (including amission) $i.oo, oa sale's UiuZ Store,
RKBEKAII8. liowibtirjf Eebekah j V
Lodge No. 41, 1.0. 0. F., m'els in t
Odd Fellows' Temple every ToeflJay 1 1
eveninir. Viaiting aiHters and brethren j
Invited to tieri'l.
IlKl.t-A Buowx, N. 0.
Coba Wjuukki.v. It, H.
ninhly No. 105 ninetH fvcry J-'iitiir-day
eveniii, at 8 o'clock in Native
Koim lfa.ll. Vihitin ArtinatiH cordittlly
invited to atk'iid.
Mi:. M. Jonkx, M. A.
Mbh. F. K. Hamli.v, Swrt.iry.
('amrt No. 15. Meets tt the
' Feiloas' Hail, ia Roeihnrg, every I
first third Monday evening. Visit- , 6
lug neijrMKira aiways wolrime.
Jons T. Lt-MO, C. C.
J. A. Bi'cuanam, Ork.
Odd Fellow 'u Ti-n.,.-. il.rts first
ftli'l third Saturday i-vcninH :li
month. Visitors!v iiiv ;'.tl.
.1. V.. l(y.u.v,s, C. V.
J. V.. Twm iiki.l, HiTilst;.
Go to ..
ff. LiBff
For a Prom j.t and first-ciaes
Shave or Hair-cct. Coir?r
tent Workmen, Clean Tow
els, Tools always in shar.
Baths in Connection.
fhopon Jatkson St.
Homes f rom $250 to 5000
Vrit or '1'iione
Win. M, Porter,
Real Estate Agent and Notary
Timber and Homestead Locator
Packer and Guide
Camas Valley, Oregon
25 miles soiit.i west of KourLurg
!;i l. B
all EiKna or
Fresh Drujs, rtedicines.
Toilet Articles, Paints,
Oils, Glas Sundries
a I
4;yPrescriptioii8 r-roinptly
by a core patent drr:;!y-";t.
0 j
,11 Oil nak i. 'J uui ss iiiu
j J i s
ifyou want furnished rooms
i IF vou watt to buy a house
i Tf
you want to rent a house
you want to build a house
vou want to move a house
I i ioa'tfei oPAT
ail oa or 1- re? . - .
I s
cmtsirtalaiiig is Quatevcort. to
t- r Z
, A2 ccx&ssss CF
-nasi, tiy raaaos -f f
avdmiratioa of cosiatlesa tbuaa.l la wirtitCTftr..;! quarter of
( dob. 1 :2jnoc as it onw fruai all ; :vr eihtvl't c. It at oar
. eailste atren-loo. enansa and Iw aatest rrrrf bvfci,ir. frrect"
treacia Ol uua axtmrU3sxy cofeatio.4 c; t- 4 bea la 1- latt tAat
it is
Tiers ia DO stain or aoterTaea
ransi vo ns.. in rartsrrauLS
iraia ids acTnaa sqkh i, j
tatnoM u uooptB BvM a:u oa tnawar paiti. L!tt. woadcr two tbat
Mro a ad aavaat should tid rrt asd recreates ta rjt(:t '
aaeuitmioa aua ana asja. aad
ilasi a optortunltr to witiv- a
.aarDitissa. n Msi rKi f AoLc
vywo oecaoea ia exuusc. bpaclci
CIVH vrntarT vactiea. eer.!o-ml snia aa
trawa Ct tbehonwasm wad heroes ot nee
tivm i aaa -insrlrlnr reproliKtlco rf l.i
Binniin vr .m .cicii32rai u 1 1 ii ass b&cskib
sv aui lusiuw Hjsmi as
cVwIthtbetfcctnpafilon patriots aftj Uardrotrceil fxr-jt Ct
ie, eaduraacw kad ssiif, tha
United States Regular Cavalnmerv
ithwhom wtllappc aria irKS'J'Tltn'Hiia;senrrsjit. ami
1 tb? Pfi1!. f W I wr hoili the kui varievi Ac 4
The WdfltliSjilquiited Warriors,
' ProneM Togetberforthe- first tfrtt inh!tor.lB raofu! rlvair. Aad
United Stat4CviLrymennd-Arti:teryr'ion
Corman Cuirassiers South American CaucHos,
Russian Cossack)- Bloux-indiarss
Eodouin Arabsr-r Wild-Vcst.C0Ahoys
. .CuSart-PatrlOtJ
KtnerAjrrcjn tpucr u v
trray.trQieQtltn) cill'.UUo'q la whRh f
i as I ts'sja fa aw- 'Jfm. CwI
members of t'ho
very iuouhbI o tl present.
and Public He v
w wL.3 UAIL.Y, 3
and 8 I AT
H. Little, ss:
is f rcj,?,rc i to trx;t ntvn old
end it i:w cu ariiers ana f rjendj
witii a -fill and cr0jplete
.tf k of
sr-rg c R O C ER i ES
Ali fretfii aitl of tl;e v?ry bert
qua: it. TcaHaad cof?ees are
silaitifg. Yoar patronage
205 Jackson St., R35bur;
Paintres, Paper Hangers
and Decorators , rm
Funiitf.r': r.rt'l ri:i!i'r! l'Air'ntnl. I'laS"
t-r I'AT.i M:ifile!i ai.d Ih at Reflectors a
Si.ii .;:v. CorLtL and Frame Work
l:' " ' " -
414 sk-j -her. Stft-t-t,
I, o. iu,x 5i2. ROSKDL'LG, ORE.
9Bst Refc:
n AIT V.-,-1
V fill 11 i.u
9 Uav.;
or icri at
M. C.a':en IlocseS
Cjr. Washtr.-rt'ia
and Main StreeC
.Mrs. Bille Co!!ins
Is Abi'.-Iutely PL'RE, and
will OLTWE R all ether
HyTrl ' dr sol carry It
nle win ia i se w:.; s,e that joo get it
Portland, Oresn
w si
uvrif: r
cciaxii tkvral t
f . n - :.l ?.
V si II
dlst'nrtfre. tiJ. d-u,:c; fa;(tr. ssra t
shout It, eTery:h!! is aj it la repre-'
aae ail nri st:c1 t.i cu.c:t I. ua-.
m jtamtoiora atel a&.l saaa trsssa
morw tb carvel it at sajsn s.ioa'A .
rrf -rr-aee m - ;:- tV-l tit It
i"ttrttAK ih i;i- r:;sii;tfY: dtk
:tK,'tt. - ai a. rr.iE'-.IrT nrr aad
anei el cot. al,.i ao-io.,... t:
- it rv liikj en r-ir-.h. Itin .
- ,..rv a latett aiartif i -triu-.r!:s.
zuarvLa L.I i-. I ii-, : v c-r.i.
mnsf?;.. 'trnsri
uai'iue ui -i
IIN OR StilNf;
aasaaH wOL
51 s i5 m
T b- rT t-o jsri-I r &' 2hi. lur'.'-a t
-- xy i f w.v. - j , x i