The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, August 25, 1902, Image 3

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, .
While you are out shopping don't thiuk about buying before you
call and see our line of Spring aud Summer Dress Goods as they
are the most complete and up-to-date line iu the city. Our line
of Wash Silks, mercerized Gingham, Dimities aud colored
Lawns can't be beat in price and quality.
Our Reav-to-Wear Waist
In this line we excel all others as onr line is
the most complete line in the city. White
Waists from 50 cents and upwards.
Here is the line we can save yon money in.
Walking HaU and street shape. An elegant
Sailor for 50 cents.
Ladies Shoes .
Our Imperial $3 Shoes for ladies will compete
with any $3.50 shoe in the city in the way of
wear and beauty.
Gentlemen, our line of Golf and Fancy Shirts
are the latest and most complete line in the
The celebrated lavid Adler & Son's line of
Clothing is known fur and near ami that is the
line we carry. The prices are rijilit and the
lit is perfect "and if you will step in we will
snrelv convince you that we can save yon mon
ey if buying of us.
Neck Wear
Here is where we shine. We. have the swell
est and most complete line in Suit hern Ore
gon, and for the newest and latest tiling out
don't over look us as we have them in the line
of neckwear.
Gentlemen's Shoes
Thecolchrated W. 1.. Ifcmdas Shoe which we
are sole agents for, speak for itself, if you will
give theni a trial. Wehrvethem in Oxfords,
high cuts, also in tans and ox-blood colors.
One iloor south of the
l-t ifft.-p.
The place to get these geods is at the People's Store.
$ The People's S
4 .'fc22SN2s
y i ivl ivi MVIC '
B 'k and Stationeiy Store
Leather Goods
Just received to
which we would
respectfully iu
your attention.
It embraces everything
that is new and stvlish in
Of Local Interest. $
Wrist Bags
Purses, Etc.
in either Plain, Silver
Mounted or Mexican
hand-Carved -work.
They are better
than the ordin
ary kind, and
are especially
suitable for nice
Call and see thera. it's a
J pleasure to show goods, y
All we ask is that you try our
IceCream and Soda
Ice Cream Sandwiches
Latest Thing Out. Try them
WOOD & BELL, Proprietors
Phoe Maine 183.
H.P. lerdoff of Oakknd,
Roseburg visitor last week.
W. M. MeGinnie, of Binder, was
towu Fridav. He expects to leave
P. J. Bund, of t ilide, is in this citv to
; A. Tavlnr. ( Portland, is in this
city to day.
Public Svhool will begin two weeks
from tixlay.
Win. Van Bnreii and wile left thi
liuirninz to attend the Seattle carnival
for ! and visit in Portland.
Abstract of Title to Deeded Land.
Papers prepared for filing on Govern -
merit Land.
Bine Prints of Township Maps showing
all vacant Lands, One Dollar Each.
Plans and Estimates for all Build
Special designs for Office Fixtures
Office in Marks Building. Thone 415
Eastern Oregon in a slmrt time. ("has.
McGinnia accompanies him.
Mrs. Marv Munson and daughter Miss
Inez, of Harrisburg, who have been vis
iting with Mrs. P. C. Churchill, near
Cleveland have returned home.
Fred Anderson, a deaf mute, and s.m
of Mr. and Mrs. Chas Anderson of tins
city, who was stricken with paralysis
Thursday is reported much improved.
J. P. Martin, an old time Roscburger,
now a resident of Grants Pass is send
ing a few days in this vicinity renewing
old aeqaaintar.cca. He favored the
Pi.aimtieai.ek with a l.lessant" call Fri
day and extended his fcuWriptioii j
another year ahead. j
Engineer Alex Walters, of the Coos'
Bay. Boseburj & Eastern B. R., spent
Friday iu Roeeburg. He says some of
the Coos county people are inclined to
lie skeptical regarding the probable con
struction of the Salt I.ake and Coos Ray
Gen. W. II. Byars went down to ilar
diner last week. While there he will
survey some odd fractions of townships
and attend to other bnsiness. The old
veteran is in good health, an I has the
same hearty hand shake for new and old
time friends. I 'rain Nonjiariel.
C. J. Howard, the genial editor and
poMtmaster at Cottage Grove, was trans
acting business in Eehtirg Fatnrday
niorniug. Mr. Howard's aiier, the
Bohemia Xngget, isliow printiil on a
fine new Canipliell joer press and the
aper is beginning to pnt on metropoli
tan airs.
Hon, A. F. Brown, of Oakland, was
tr nsactinc business in Ruselmr'' Fri
day and favore 1 the ilh
a pleasant call. Good average jrraiii,
hoo and fruit crons as well as a favora
ble year fcr poultry and stock makes
fall bnsinemi priisiectM g'l in and
bout Oakland.
Owing to the difficulty in seeiirina
cars early in September on ai-t-Miut of
extra travel and excursions to the Port
land carnival and street fair, the Rose
btirg Odd Fellows have been comix-lied
to postpone their much talked of excur
sion to Cottage Grove and the upcr
terminus of the Bohemia railroad until
next summer.
Editor W. F. Gilstrap, chairman oi
the Engene Street Fair advertising com
mittee, writes us like this: "Mease
find enclosed complimentary ticket to
onr forthcoming street fair. Present
card at front gats, print enclosed a 1 af
patent medicine rates and present your
bill. Print the ail first." Please ac
cept our choicest thanks for favor,
friend and here's hoping your street
fair will be a whopper.
U me A V ,
i o
I n
1 . o
I u
1 S
i o
i a
: O
Summer Bargains
All iwash fabrics that for
merly sold for 20 and 25c have
been reduced to
Just received, a new
line of Ladies' Walking
Hatsat 75c. and 1.50
If you are not buying goods
from us we are both loosing
money, and kwe ought to be
able to get together for our
mutual benefit.
jJ7 - If
if u n - .tm
f. V ...
J. C. IV ti rout, of Si'aside,, and
E. A. troiiir. if Portland, wihts us to
send the to their nd.lri
Manila iu-h continues to l- heard
from in different irts the t;ite, un
til it is ignored almut as nnnii as otlier
lVuton Mires was in town Friday
from Callaixioia. lie reinrts threshinv;
operations marine competeI fur th'
Si'asim then-.
L. I Hurd and Hey n -ti r turne-I to
Roseburg Saturday from Corv.iliis where
the Iat sail rites were ltell over the re
mains of Mrs. Hurd.
S. . Mariner, .Mr. an-I Airs. rayies.
Ross Parker, Miss I.y.lia Muni.n and
Miss Ia is leit Fridav morning for an
outing in the countrv Kvond llhilla.
Louie Reienstein is ondiictiug tl
ii'isloHice at ilendale in the alwiico nf
L. L. Hurd. who wa Unft of a lv-
in-,: and faithful wife last we-k, the fun
eral sen ices Udiisi coiiducteil in Rose
burg, interment at CoruiHis.
I'ncle Tom's Cahiu Coiupauy playtnl
In 3;m! ized amlielire ill their bi
tent Satnnlay evenin; at this pUce. It
lias a wry good ban I an I rchestraaiid
theompanyi somewhat snpirnT to
the nsnal I'ncle Tom Conii-anies whieh
have vi.-ited our-ritv iu the last few
(ieorire Riddle returned on Monday
from 1.X' creek when" he has l-n viit
ing his father's family. Huulina and
li-hine occujiied tart of Lis time; no hill
ii too steep for him to climb. Mrs;
Ki.Ulle and the chiMren will remain
there for sometime. liraiit Pass Miser
Jije Sykes and wile aud Harry "JJnd
ser returni'-l Saturday lii'ht from "l.ind-
s-rs "The Iuke" mine on Cfft'e Creek
It is sai l tiiat liarry is Ixiil'liug a
new i evidence at the mine ami Joe was
(.lai'iiu' the plumbing ami heating
the building, but
John and IMph Hanks, of Pay-
Creek, were transacting bui-im-ss in
Roseburg Saturday. The lmys mad
the pLAixocAi.iu a plea-ant call and
will hereafter read this paiier re ularlv
They report an average grain crop and
state that the prune crop of that poet inn
w ill iniuieii'. Thrashing will be com
pleted by the middle of next week.
Mrs. I). S'. We-t weut to Portland
Sunday at w hich place she will he join
ed by her neice, Mij Pearl Wright, and
will go to Seattle and Victoria to enjoy
3 visjt with relatives a d frjonds. They
will visi; lativus in lNnland briefly on
their return. Tnere i now another
very gay and iti 1 ly temjKrary blchelor
in our citv and there is likely to b some
lively times on the corner of Cass and
Pine st rev's for a fortnight tir more.
Through his attorney J. T. Long,
Cha-h's Neal luw hroujjut stilt for
ajiiiges agsrvitaiin'; jjr.tjnt- J. I.
I'uru ir, who accidentally shot lus fcon
while on a hunting tour m ar Olalla last
July, and places the damages as follows
of sen ice of the son, flOO; inedi
Cine ami pnysicians, f-o; nurse lure,
f.V); time lo.-t by father in nursing h;n
. "It 1... 4 1 ..A A1
Son. . I ne case win in- men ai. ii.e
nett t'rin of Cir,:ui t durt. Kvans, Hie nell known frujt
owe of rmiM'i i Ferry, wa.j transact-
ins hiirtiiii-sf in t iwil Satunlav and pre
iiU-d this ollice with 8nne veiy 1;
finely ll ivore I prune knoiyn' as Sugaf
Prunes, h iving heeii projiagatel by a
C.ilforn'mii natiied Ilurhank. The tirune
Is a cross between the Petite (iud Hun
garian prune and resembles Isith varic
ties, ljeing very large swe;t, and finely
flavoreil, and it seems well udaiitel to
this country, promising assure crop every
year. Mr. Evans retorts a light crop of
Italian prunes in hi.-f orchards as well as
winter apples. His trees were over
burdened last year.
S. C. Rartriim, of Roseburg, supervl
sor of the Central aikI Soitiiern . oivi
sums of the Cas'uue hoi est reserve, was
in Medford U Friday last, on an oflii-ial
visit to former Supervisor Langell. On
Mr. I.angell's resignation from the ser
v'c. e last fall, Mr. Rartriim wan apjKihit-
eil on his recommendation to the vacan-
Mr. 15. may Ini considered as hav
ing risen from the ranks, having served
three years as a ranger under Mr. lain
gill, thus; becoming fully acquainted
with the work he w ill have to do in his
present position. All who had th(
pleasure f i((n'tiiig M1r. ailnim lur
ilia his visit to Meilford were very favor
ably. Impressed by Mm, and his appoint
ment is regarded as n very satisfactory
one, both to the public and to the rang
ers under I'ilii. lie left. Friday night
for a visit to the ranger camps at Lake
o'-thc Wo'ids and Pelican hay and will
return imith by way of Crater Lake uiid
Little Inez llcox, who has been vit
iting the family of Fireman Ruffington,
in this city, returned home today.
Mrs. Willis Marten and children who
have been visiting friends at Myrtle
Creek returned home this morning.
S. K. Sykes and Will Lawson left
Saturday night to attend the Seattle car
nival. They expect to visit the Port
land carnival also.
E. N. Fullertou, prescription druggist
in Clements Drug Store at Grants Pass,
is visiting his parents Judge J. C.
Fullertou and wife of this city.
Mrs. Ed la ng and little daughter of
Ashland were passenger'ton this morn
ings local for Portland to visit Mrs.
Long's father.
Mrs. M. V. Cavender of Portland will
arrive on tonight's train io visit the fam
ily of her brother-in-law Chas. Cavendi-T
of this city after w hich she will visit in
W. J. Hewitt and w ife, of Nashville
Teiin., who are making a tour of the
West visited Mr. Hewitt's brother of
Ei.en-liower last week. He sjieaks iu
the liesttof terms of Oregon and the
entire West, and says iVnglas County
has a great future.
F. W. Haynes, Ouel.inser, Elmer Ia
Motta, Fred Wollenberg and packer
Mark Jones returned yesterday froi
their trip to Crater Lake. They having
made the round trip in twenty eight
uavs. Puriiiii their ahsemv they killed
1") di-er.
Miss Lizzie Hoover, of Med ford, ar
rived in i:.r-ehurg this morning, and
after a brief visit with relatives here
she w ill g ) to New port to enjoy her an
nual vacation. For some time past she
has lieeu engaged in the millinery bus!
nessat Medford, ImtTiaving recently sold
out, she is now seeking a new location.
In company with her brother, Walter,
the favored the Pi.MSIealer with a
pleasant call today.
Mrs. W. C. Cornier and son, Clare,
will return home from San Francisco
this vveniug, at which place they have
lieeu enjoying a month's visit with the
former's sister, Mrs. f.aura E. Lund jr.
few days was spent at Orants Pass, on
the return trip visiting with an aunt of
Mrs Conner. There'll probably lie fun
w hen someone finds asdics on the car
vts, ciiiar Flumps on the piano, tumbled
I ed, stacks of dishes iiee-iiug a bath
everv glass in the house with a ho)
veast smell and other indications of
revelry. Someone will also find a very
thin cat and a forlorn looking male r
sou in a very desiioiuieni moon an!
hungrier than a War.
An Incendiary Fire.
Saturday night there w as a dastardly
attempt made to burn the wood reieived
and not received bv the tailnxid coni'
panv at buck creek, near Anlatif. Tin
tire was discovered by the helircr t-iigine
returning from the divide I rtween this
place and Cottage tirove, and while the
engineer and fireman did all in their
I lower to put out the tire, they were
mly partially successful.
Itai'iK-ars there wre over :W0 cords
f wmkl piliil up Hloiiirside the track
lv)of which bad U-en iceivel by tl.
fnilroml comiianv. There weie also
three cars on the side track, loaded and
ready to lie pulliil out. AS" hen the
hel'r reached the fs-ene Clc.rliif
woml was nearly consumed, ne car liad
burned li'yond Mving, and a secmd was
on lire : ud blazin feaifnllv. Th liue
frun the heljuT was tnrmil on to 1 1
k-t mentioned car and the flames
inencheil. In the meantime the ties on
the side track were consumed and the
rails warjHsl and tw istd out of all shaj
When an examination of the cene
of the lire was made next morning it
was found an attempt had lieeu made to
burn the third car, but the pitch splin
ters with which an attempt to kindle a
fire in the car had only partially burned
and gone out, leaving sit jve eyidncfi
f incendiarism,
The losses are as follows, real and es
Railroad Company 1500 cords of
Important Water Right Decision.
The following important decision in
the case of R. A. Woodruff, plaintiff, vs
Fred llateman, defendant, has lieen
rendered by Judge J. W. Hamilton :
The aliove cause came on to be heard
and determined, 'plaintiff appearing y
his attorney J. C. Fnllerton and defend
ant by his attorneys F. . Renson and
Dexter Rice.
The court having heard the argu
ments of councils took laid cause under
advisement, and now having considered
the evidence in said cause and briefs
submitted funis the following facts and
conclusions of law ari ling thereon.
FirstThat the plaintiff is, and has
been for a number of years the owner i
fee of the real property deserilied in his
complaint, and alleged to la-long to him,
situated in Douglas County Oregon, and
uitaining alxiiit 320.17 ai res.
Second That a small stream of water
Hows through said premises in the natur
al channel and the water furnished
thereby is necessary for plaintiffs use
for domestic purposes, and in supplying
his private stock with water.
Third That defendant is viparian
owner of the premises above the said
lands of plaintiffs, w hich are described
plaintiff's complaint, and the said
stream of water herein la-fore referred
to runs inits natural channel over and
across thepseinises of defendant before it
reaches the premises of plaintiff.
Fourth That for a number of years
past, some (15) or (?0) years defendants
icdeccssora in interestsin the said pro-
erty of defendant have nsed to some ex
snt the water" of said "creek, for the
purpose of irrigating their lands in ad'
dition to its use for domestic purposes
aud furnishing water to their stock.
Fifth That about seven or eight years
ago defendant dug another ditch for the
purpose of carrying the water of said
stream onto his adjacent lands to irre
gate the same, and since then has dur
ing the months of July and August
used the same in carrying toe w ater of
stream onto his lands to irrigate the
Sixth That when, so as aforesaid
fusiug'said water intrrigating his lauds
he takes not less than half the water of
said creek.
Seventh That the said stream is i
small one, and in the summer month
urn-shesa scant supply of water for
plaintiff for domestic puroee, and with
which to supply his live stock ; an-1 the
supply of water is wholly unsuflicient
ilnring the summer months, to afford
any of the vitarian owner an said
stream of water for the purpose of ir
Eight That the use of said water
aforesaid by defendant perceptible dim
inisltes the flow of w ater through plain
iff premii-es.
Ninth That dcfeiiilants use of said
water, for the iiiirixr of irrigating his
said lauds, has not bran adverse to plain
tiff fisr ten veam last past. As conclu
sions of law :
First Based on the fore going facta,
I find that defendant diverting the
waters of said atreams, and using the
tame for irrigating Ids lands is wrongful
and to the prrjndic-s of 4aintiffs right.
Second That the plaintiff Is emitted
to an order of this court enjoining d-ft-ndant
from tl of the warr of
said creek in irrigating his said land.
Third That iiitl-r party reier
rosta in thin case. -
Dated this 2Sfb day of July, IrJ.
J. W. liVlLITi
Another Shoe Sale
131 pairs of Men's tan and oxblood lace shoes
131 pairs Ladies' tan, green, and oxblood lace shoes
included In this lot, space permits the mention
only of the following-. They are representative of
the rest:
$3-5 $3-t aQi $2joo Values
. Now going for
$2.20, $2.00, $1.50
$3-25 $3oo $2.50 Values
Now selling for
$2.20, $2,00, $L75
An examination of the shoes will substantiate
these statements
When you see it in our ad its so. Everything guaranteed as represented
The Wild W est a Panorama of War.
As a perfect and accurate panorama of
war as practiced in America, Culm, Rus
sia, Nuith America, South Atrica ana
the deeerts of Arabia, the Wild Wet
Ktands pcerh and alone. From it we
learn ju-t how mounted soldiers aud
warriors maneuver aud tight. We seetle
ystcm of the plains, the tropical jungle,
the sterle steppes, the veldt and the
ever shifting sands. It is a picture and
an-iii,a realization of the art and
methods of actual hostilities. The real
bun, the genuine, pertaining to each
and every feature explains the enthui
am with which Col. Cody and his
horsemen have every where been greet
ed. Only a man w ho has passed his en
tire liie in the saddle as Itas Buffalo ELI
could conceive and rerfrt the nmn-ii' I
ful gathering together of so many repre
sentative h icemen, while the business
talent and generous expenditure of Mr.
Nate S.ilburv have supported Od. Co iy
in a way f-w men o mid accomplish. The
various cavalcade are freh from bar
rack an 1 field, see real rough riders
and not a rehearsed owni-any. Such is
the Wild Wcr-t, a living, scii-atiou and
thrilling exhibition of the hoieiiian-hip
of the world. It will liii llufseliurz on
AiT "tli.
Look At this Money Maker.
- - J ! : A
Watch Repairing I
Old Watches Marie liie New
Good time is a n-ce-arT eat are of
any watch. A timepi-e m n-seless if it
d.-es not art as it sImmiM. I will mair
it right if it i fir4e. I will tell
you w hy it can't be done if it is not
advisable to male the effort.
Jeweler and OpticUn
Cm H., near depot, ZZZ.
wmxl at t--50 ercirl.
Joe Kitchey, 25 cirds
Dave Woods, 30 cords
John Allen, 12,',' cords
Joe Galdibini, 13'a cords...
Other rqilroaij jostj
t.2 50
75 00
37 23
l,loo 66
Probate Odrs.
Win. 1. Ko9 has been appointed
pianlian of tlie estate of Freilerick A.
Xowe, insane. Tlie estate crmsists of
aiieuxion certiticatsof f per month, li.
W. Pininiick ainl, Jas. Yli Sawyers are
naim-l as apiraisers. ourse lias no
nown. hcin.
toni. W. luuuuick has been appointed
aiministrator of the estate of Ja. Jen
nings deceased,. Tlie estate oonsMs
only oj iervaul projierty, of the prob
able value 4 f J. E. Sawyers. II. T.
Mcdallen and Iloesie Bhambrook are
apxiinted appraisers. There are no
known heirs.
Total 1.8H 47
The loss to the men w ho have worked
so hard to cut the wood falls uponlhem
individually, tliou,:h small in amount
comparatively, as dttcs the loss upon the
There is no clue at the present writing
as to w ho jierpet rated the devilish deed.
Drain Nonpariel.
Card, ofYhanks,
The uudersigned desires to express
his heartfelt thanks to the many kind
friends of the family at tdendale, Rose
burg, and Corvallis, for their many kind
acts, sympathy and favors extended
luring tho la to illness kni funeral ob-
seuies over ti'O remain; 01 a loving
wife. These noble acts of kindness will
ever be cherished in my memory. .
b- L, llran,
Por Sle, .
The following nameil articles are for
sale at the Methodist larsiiinee on
Main St. near Lnnc:
Sewinj-niachrne, lMHik-cas', couch,
ollice chair, table, iiortiers, curtain
rods, chamlier sets, fn wash tubs, fifty
feet of garden hose, dishes, kitchen
unteusils, lamps, etc. lol avoid ex
pense and trouble of these articles, they
arc offered cheap. A. S. MrxMtux,
Jus Look At liar.
Whence came that sprightly step,
fault less skin, rich, ro.y complexion,
suulini face. Here s her secret, fcdie
" 1 1 1 .
lses Ir. King's XeY i-if". I'dls. Hesnl
all organs active, d locution goxsl, no
lieadai bos, ii( cluinco for "ilues.'' Try
them yourself, tinly 2-c at A g fllarS'
t,ers dri stprc.
If a Alan l,le to You, wHieotier bajve, ointruent,
(cdiuit, oi or a!l(t hoaler Is as gissl as
llucklcn's Arnica Sulve, tell him thirty
years of marvelous cures of Files, Hums
lloils, Corns, Felons, I'lcer, Cuts, Fcalds
and Skin Eruptions prove it's tho Ix-st,
and cheapest. 2.rc
Hqxebnrj, tlrcgoii.
at, A. Murster'a
J1KXI the only up-to-date harness oil
6ll, ITrmvoiModford Mxil 9" nwKvu n sale at, UHMtKetys
GOODMAN BUKLLAt the liome of
the officiating minUter in Ten Mile,
Or., Aug. 20 1932.! II. D. Ooodman,
and Pearl Buell, of Looking tilass,
Rev. M. W. Hampton , officiating.
RUBLEBALL At the office of the
County Jndge at Roseburg Aug. 24,
1902,George C. Ruble oi Portland to
Grace C. Ball of thia county! Jjtd'ge il
I). Thoii)sqn ofiiuiatiiig ,
A raiu h of ?i ) .ici,. w ith house, barn
and outbuilding.. Orchard, small Iruit
etc., well inatnreil. N nikUh- man's
profits, 3 niiles from rail rd. Town
of Ir.iin. tl'VO csh, . iiinire of
o nr, l F. Pattesux
lveburir. Ops,
Of everv Jescrititn. Farm and Min
eral Lands. Oreipn, Wahioztwii and
Minnesota. ',
Yoncalla Real Estate
Tuabr Usd !oc4 and tor e.
Douglas County Oregon.
Sm.ltha' DaadruU Pomade.
stop, it. liinu scalp npoii one applicalKJi
three to six removes a'd U'idruH and
will stop falling hair. Price V0c., For
a le bv Slarstcrs Dri 0. M Itf.
Nolic U ht-r-jb ir.-n iht ar, S lor Ka
brrt Uainiilua mwl Cmt-K-nii Alfn-d Huai'.loo
lln-; um nii anl lwlal mrl n ol
onr Atexaiidvr H win I ion. ralnor, ail oi the
Cooaty o4 Uxixiaa, nut at nr.m, do. Ihit
Uf, br luuiaal fommi, an-l man the (ui
kaowlhr ami approval of all parf-j wrra.
eiUfivaaiMlKraoiantaihe tnl t-wir-e Ali
O'lar Ham Hum. h' (nil iIok. .ta na 10
act furblou-'ll io tua tHjlut-A au-1 oiar rala
lMr. nUl not be mpanai4v (or & debt
tbaf rraj' b CDDWarwil by U aaiJ Ororre ai
f taoil- r llamliuin, tturabait tre olaiu ai eara
ini 1 1 rom lb dale hereof.
Suf Q, lloa IvUi Uj ol Aiiit, al Him
burx.ciregiut. 8tox tc-.BsaT Uaa ilton,
Jt l .imuM tuitbi UiauTOK.
Administrator's Notice.
Nolii-e tt hfifbr (Irea flat the a BdenlfiHMl
wa,oa the lilh iiaj oi Aufim, lti, by the
County urt ol Oouea coumj. Orpfon.
duly appointeil ex--4itr ol Uieeiuu j o( Urprr
tiantoer Browa. ik-c-.!. All pe.T. n baicj
rlalma ataiuu the said eitaie arr Berehy xxolr
flt-d io pretwal ibrm. pMper-i tfertor-J. to me at
Klklon, lAMK as ounlf. i .tvnn. within aix
oioolht Irbm llK-dnta 61 taf n uto. ana a.l
mrsao, Iideie4 wlheei'auj arj batiy aoU
act lo par the nme t mo.
Dated Auxutt UUi, lija. Syiviu-
" Baovx.
Execo tor
RCTH.-In Roseburg, Aug. 23, l!D2, to
Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Ruth, a girl,
Mother and child ai getting along
fairly well and the condition of the
Plaixdkalkr forinan Mr. Ruth, is about
normal again.
Utttr Llat,
Remaining uncalled rir at tho Rose-
horg poatoftice.
Persons calling for these letters trill
please state the date on which they are
advertise.1, Ang 2." 1002:
('arman, R P 2 Rhoads, Karl
Cant, L Stearns, yr J W
Ferris, tieo Wsl, Mrs K J
The letters will lie charged for at the
rato of one cent each.
Wii. A. Fbatkr, P. M,
' Little Ranch tor Sale.
A trood little home for sale; 17 acres,
adjoining fair grounds, 1' mile!) east o
Roaebure. Good, hmldtnes.' y tQiM
bearing friiit -drees, 10 acres in .culti
vation. J'riee 122.. For particular
etujuire at Miliken's slioej ie, Rose
burg. a X tl .
Ho, For (alla Reunion,
' M, W. AUlricIt infiiruis us that exten
sive !rrangu.e.nt are la-'tng made for
the th.rea daya pioneer and veteran re
unUm at Qlalln early In Soptemlier. Mr
Aldrlch w IU conduct a first-class restaut
rant and stand confectioneries, sof-
drinks, etc. on the grounds. A fine
dance platform w ill also lie conatvocted
and a dance be run the first two
nightstntd. niiduightaiid till tlie wee
small Honrs me tan nigm. .Mesrn. k
tioper and C. A. Prock. w l have r
of the dance program whcl i,natrea its
anccesa. Msl y A.prtelb(i(t'a orclu
i .
Blue Ribbon
State Fain
15th to 20th,
Yftty are invited to attend -and
see the greatest industrial expo
sition and livestock show ever
held on the Pacific C!tiV. lod
raeiyi; every afternoon. Camp
ground free. Come and bring
yonr families. any iuf'Tlna-
tvJt write.
M. D. WISDOM, Sec'y,
Portland, Ore.
Sprtnjf an- r wwm n.l. by lh Wt,
alarra. Sla' h. kllor an-l l-irrr lrvy
miW itb ol burl i nrunl.T nfica to retAmn ,(
taiaa. Tra: mp in rrnoi x tar Ma
V?- :a--f .r;ihf f .re M Rb-in;ia
r.-lt'iiro t. P-v-.ian-!. J
n-.l PvT-'.alll Rlh TxiiA.
f'rfawnna Hn-rawto
ViiaiMin t.lkitv
Sviium hvirkde
. V: r.
. r.l.iM gr.
3lrt in-n "h!
i a..-iuia CMn-rt
. rr.
Uj rr.
- S rr.
Knaifl Irtof'.ira R.bnnr S 3vio!l Sniim-t. ft.M r-.! it S da-v-t n mt -t..i.v
rrlurmuj liw tuliuaiaa iay, Tu trl ..o aa umu 3a. ' " ( )
CAPT. BEN D. BOSWELU Proprietor.
Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician
Carries a complete stock of Watches, Clods,
Jewelry, Diamonds and Silverware - i
J, M, Wcatherby
T. A. Bury
P. L. Mania
Roseburg Real Estate Co.
Farm aud Timber Land Bought and Sold
Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. Timber
Estimates a Specialty.
tV- with
List yonr pr oper-
Cause and Effect
Re ponsive to the tonch. and pertect
in time and action, tho 'oe piano has
secured a hold on popular favor accorded
to none other. It is a stun lard instru
ment, of the hiv'lict jMih. Vnexcelled
in a single feature of merit. N- better
rauu m.ule. Not hih pricl, either.
Sold at exeeediiii:ly low tiure-s for ca-'h,
or on a..jy time pay men tn. Everyone
W. A. BURR & CO.
Mack and.
.fc JArr'-i ";
X The larrrst stock of 5nth Contnrv firviide in Vi f,. .
o J - o 11 kUV. VWIU
Dry Goods. Fancy Goods. Motions
Gents Furnishing Goods,
Boots and Shoes
Hats and Caps
Groceries Provisions
Produce Bought 'Phone 721
ovososvvovs vcvcvcovcvAOrO