'4 iral SOcieJ ".. Oregon MorUpOBT dvertising ob Printing f In busy seasons brings yoa yoar share of trade; Is a very important factor in J business. Poor printing re- advertising in dull sea- Sboqs DriDgs yoa yoar snare, ana also tbat of the merchant who "can't af- $ ord" to advertise. m I necis no credit on a good bnsiness house. Let ns do your Job $ J Printing we guarantee it to be io t m every way satisfactory. 5 Published on Mondays and Thursdays Established 1868. Vol. XXXIII; ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 1902; No. 65 A r itfA - 7 a 4. 1 i eocooooocc O R. A. BOOTH. A.C.M1RSTERS. - U.C.GAI.KY, V , President, Vice Prefklent. - Oishier q X 0 Douglas County Bank, Established I883. Incorporated 1901. g ; Capital Stock, $50,000.00. BOARD OP DIRECTORS f 9 F. W. BEXSOX, R. A. BOOTH, J. H. BOOTH, J. T. BRIDGES X J. F. KELLY, A. C. MARSTER3, K. L. MILLER. 5 6 A general banking business transacted, and customers givea every x 0 accommodation consistent with safe and conservative banking. " Bank open from nine to twelve and from one to three. " 0 000000C000X0 tm Kp5! ;SY..fS.' SUIT CASES, It fact anything you want to travel J' B. W. STRONG, THE FURNITURE MAN. . Bring Us Your ... FOR CASH J. F BARKER d CO. Kruse & t FIcf r'ljlCC II 3L LiCldd Groceries... . Also a full liue of... dever's xeslnr BLEND OXCleZ - coffee Seeds Highest price paid for Produce Give us a call rr- OUR MOTTO IS . TO PLEASEJ Kruse & Newland SHOES FOR TODDLERS TOES . FLINT'S POPULAR SHOE STORE. : Opposite First National Bank- Hints to Housewives. Half the battle in good cooking, is to have good fresh Groceries, and to get theru promptly when vou order them. Call up 'Phone No. 181, for good goods and good service. " " C. W. PARKS & CO. -AND- 1 T.iks the Rin'-i i';, M "u'.l S i?) Spring Hack leaves i:oseturg ivery Morning at 6 o'cloek. COUCHES are showing the greatest line of Medium Vrrrcd Vttxkr vc '2 htV M'T ll flit - O BED LOUNGES TRUNKS I A new line of trunks iut m-civel b VALISES, TELESCOPES fe HAND BAGS with. Remember the place, i Roseburg.Ore ? ' $4 CHICKENS. EGGS. ' BUTTER. OR TRADE Newland ur Prices are always right and stock complete fa fa fa h h I There is great variety of ennnirig litt ceverings here Dainty Little Shoes in great variety of material, cut and fin ished in a way to give the greatest com fort to growing feet. At 25c. and Upwajd there's a line of fine Baby Shoes which are of surprising value. Others more elaborately finished at higher prices, all excellent value. Special .Sale,thisWeek' EMPIRE- LiVerj, Feed and $lz $hlrt C. P. Babhabd, Prop. Saddle Horses. Single and Double Rigs at ail hours ' Transient Stock gven very be' care Rates alwavs reasonable Line for alt points on Coos Bay. Good 9 SHOES in LATE NEWS 5UA1AIARIZEI). State, General and Foreign News Con densed for the Perusal cf the pusy Reader. It is s;iil that 2T cents u o!iiid has Ih'oii offered in Marion county by hop buyers. The farmers aie funning a wheat trust to get ahead f the other hi monopo lies. , The IWr war cost r'lighind tV-r one billion dollars. Th L'"ld JniiieV will pav that back in a few years. , ; The (li tance from C'm'S I'-aV to Salt Lake is placiMl at SOO miles iindlll'Vft-t of the railroad will lx $ !5,tWJ,0(irt. The Northern racttio will come into Portland in lSOlon a bridge across the Colnmbia near Vancouver and tin Will amette at the brad of Swan il.ind. The ChiiniM ptie.xa.i t er-p is rj'porKil tirst-ciass, i;ot .-ily lteiog lar- in quan tity but Al in ijualiiy, .says the Ail-any Oemociat. They have built a lot ni now stalls frr live t-toek at the State Fair (J-nunds andslill there v. ill lie more stm k than stalls. It is goiug tu hj a great fair. (.ieolgr W. 1 r.ser, postmaster at Os Wi'go, was rohl c.l of f-'i hile gin to a circus. Anv ma:i who g'i's to a circus with that mini: money bho'ild lx under the care iI his parent. A la!y tiger was br.m at KingHn's circus in loitian.l last iuelav. Another advert iseinent f-r Foitlaud. It shou.d le name.1 after the city and state of its birth. - T" ' . King of watermelons is that which hs leen grown at llocky Tord. Ou.'Thi? agricultural wonder measures five fe-t in length, weight :' poc.nds, " and is three fe-t in tircumh r-mv. There are this year two Republican tickets iu Vermont and one Democratic ticket. The Republicans are divided on the question of prohibition or high li cense, and the IVmocrats ln-e to win the (lovernship in that Gilhratter of Re- publicanism. Rev. J.R. N.IVd, paHor of the Pres- byterian churih at lUkcr City, is laid up at Mt. Talior, PortlanJ, from the effects of a fill at Meacham a f w days aw'. He was attending the Presbytety at that place and in converging with a brotlier pastor on a bri.l : le.iut-1 on a hand-rail.' The hand-rail was and gave way to his weight, eatts'iig him t fall a distance of sis feet . The coal situation is Incoming desprr ate. AH over the land the consumer is being made the victim of the industrial strnggle between the Pennsylvania Coal ojterators and their striking mine work ers. Thela'.est p.uced iheeriu iniT!ritt ation from Pennsylvania is to the efleet that by the middle of S-ptcml-er the supply of anthracite cal i" the hau ls of railroads and dealers will In- exhaust ed. Contracts have lieen sigmsl K-twwn Jessie Smith, of Natron, I-ane (.'ounty, anil a large Eastern luinW'ricg firm, lousing acres of land for -J years on wliieh a sawmill with a capacity of 17",- 0X1 feet jx.-r day will lie l uilt at ov.ee. The new company has aopaiieWio acres. of tim!T Ian I, hive an option 011 a large tract an 1 i" also negotiating with the railroal company for another tract. President R -xevelt has legtin his tour of New Rutland aud the trip prom ises to ,lje a notable one in the history of this sectioi. The Hospitality of the Cit? of Boto!i ha Ui-ii extendl to Presidents Cleveland, Harrison, Hayes Arthur, Grant and McKinley, while they were iu office, hut PresiJent Rm velt is tliP lirst Chief Fx'-u'.ive of the nation to undertake a tour of all the Sew England staL-s. Jerry Morris is anothe- sufforer near Leona. U"rlnes lay he was engaged iu loading a tram c ir with rails -the. tr.:nway. ;trd after comp'eting the work" !: f.dl-d. to hind the rails," m he should huvec'oiM'. He attemjrted in climb up on the side of the loaded ear. ben the ri'ils started to j dl toward him. In jumping backward to get out of the way, he iel! ht of bin back, and one of the rails rolled off the I.ad ami fell across him, breaking one leg and badly brnip ing the other. Jealously cau-ed "Little" George Smith, colored, to murder his white w ife at 12:30 Friday in'a ciie ip "kmI ging-honsc aft Portland, by sending a bullet through h" h'ft breast. Iu trying to make his escape he ran into tiie arms ti Officer Kitzmiiler, and was Iolge.l in jail a ehort tiiite afterwards. The victim is evidently about 27 years oldrne vai legally married to Smith about three yeaTS ago. It is said she formerly lived near Forest Grove. For the last year or so she has leen in the cril of the North End, and sometime ago left her husband, claiming that he licat and abused her. Mrs. Fair's Will. Sam Fraxcihco, Ahg. 21. The w ill of Mrs. Fair w is offered for probate today; lit' the provisions the mother and each of her brothers and sisters are given a $ 10,000 annuity. The remainder of her estate is4jcneathed to her husband. The heirs of Charlas Fair w ho died in the automobile accident with his wife, offer to give Mrs. Fair's relatives the entire estate of which she was the jkis sessor at the time of herjdeath, provided they will make no contest on her husband's will. Orvjton and Other Poems Is the title of a lit'.Je hook containing my poems, which I have just find pub lished. I am now selling it over Rose burg, mid will mail it to any one who will send mo 10 cents. Address, ' Auxin Haknhss, Rosehurg, Oregon. We have in stock several scmd hand bicycles which wo will sell at very low prices or will trade for wood. tf A. C. Mahhters & Co. LATEST Republicans in Session at Olympia Fire at Pendleton'Foul Mur der at North Yakima. Olympia, Wash., Aug. 23. rThe indorsement of A. J Fait nor fr Congress without a dissenting vote, a walkout by 25 delegates and the. tabling, by au overwhelming vote of-a railroad commission resolution were the three stirring incidents of today's Republican county convention. The convention was presided over who was elected chairman without a contest. As soon as the vote on the committee -"on 'vrcdeutials' report was had, all of the anti-Palknor men from the Sixth Ward, excepting Mien Weir, arose and, headed by J. R. Chaplin, left the convention. I hey were followed by County Commissioner Thomas Ismay, at the head precinct, aud four from Teniuo, amid cheers and cat-calls. The names of 15 dclcgates'to ported by a committee, and they be pledged to the candidacy of A. J. Falknor for Con- gress. me report was aciopica witn great eutuusiasm, ana Mr. Falknor responded to many calls for a speech. Ti;c platform iu brief is: A. J. ralkuor, of Olympia is indorsed for Cougress. Cuban reciprocity is held to be as certain as fate. Action of Roosevelt in dealing with trusts is indorsed. Railway Commission resolution is tncd.-. State board to assess corporate property lying in more than one country is demanded. BIG FIRE AT Pkndlktox, Aug. 23. Fire here tins afteiuoou caused a loss of about $30,000. About 3 o'clock Kerr, Gifford & Co.'s warehouse, Just across the tracks fremthe O. R. & X. Co.'s freight warehouse, was discovered to be on fire. The building was 300 feet long by 40 feet wide, aud when the fire got under headway the heat was terrific. The total loss is as follows: O. R. & N. Co $15,000 Owners ot goods in warehouse 3,000 Contents of cars in yards 5,000 Kerr, Gifford warehouse O.ooo Miscellaneous .-. 1,000 Total F( UL PLAY AT NORTI I Y AKI MA. North Yakima, Wash., Aug. 22. The body of a dead man was found at 10 a. m. today lyiug in the sage along the railway track north of Yakima flouring nulls. The man died from the effects of a bullet wound in the left breast just over the heart aud it is supposed that he was murdered. It is not known yet who he is. A book found iu one of his pockets contained the name of Mouttou, Camden, Ark. At 5 a. m. today a pistol shot was heard by the people living in the vicinity where the body was fouud, but nothing was thought of this. Passers-by later found the body and evidence showed that it had been dragged several yards through the brush and left there. An in quest is now being held. BRINGS SULTAN TO TIME. . Constantinople, Aug. 2 2. Through the medium of Izzel Bey, oue of his secretaries, the Sulfan today sent a friendly message to the United States Minister, John G. Lcishman, assuring him that all the pending claims of the Ignited Stales would be compiled with, and begging the 'Minister to resume his visits of these fresh assurances. Mr. Grand Vizier, Said Pasha, and the Minister of Foreign Af. fairs, Tewfik, Pasha. Mr. Lcishman aud Robert S. McCor- mick, the United States Ambassador to Austria-Hungar will attend the sclemilk tomorrow, and will probably have an audience with the Sultan. IN MEMORY Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 22. proclamation suggesting that onbunday, beptember 14, the first anniversary of the death of -President McKinlev. memorial services be held iu all of the churches in Buffalo, and that the citv be draped with the flatr of our country. He further suggests that on sary special exercises be held in the schools. TO ASSASSINATE THE SULTAN. Vienna, Aug. 23. It is lead cr of the Macedonian revolutionary committee, has or ganized a committee the object of which is to effect the as sassination of the Sultan of Turkey. HIGHEST PRICE FOR HOPS. Salem, Aug. 23. George L. Rose, a Salem lion buyer. has purchased for A. Lehman Andy Cone hop crop ot 15.000 pounds at 22 cents. This is the highest price paid this year on . contract. Coen lives near Macleay. NEW EXPRESS COMPANY PRESIDENT. , New York, Aug. 22. me ouincrn racinc Kanroau, the Weils rargo Express company. 1 he election wul be held iu a short time. KING ADOPTS SON. Viknxa, Aug. 22. The Mittags Zeitung today states that King Alexander, of Scrvia, realizing that he cannot expect children of his own, has determined to adopt a peas ant boy as his successor to the throne, :NEWS. by State Senator A. S. Ruth, of 13 delegates from Bucoda the state convention wtre re the report recommended that PENDLETON. $30,000 to the Porte.-- In consequence Lcishman today visited the OF MCKINLEY. t. Mayor Kuight has issued a the day following the anniver learned that M. Saravoff, ex- & Co., of Cincinnati. O., the E. II. Harriman, president of is 10 oe eieciea president 01 IDAHO REPUBLICANS. Nominate a full Jic et. . Resolution for the Suppression of Trust t Boise, Idaho, Aug. 22. The Republi can State convention yesterday nomina ted the following ticket: Representative in Congress Burton E. French, of Latah. Supreme Jutiee J. I". Ail'shie, of Idaho. Governor John T Morrison, of Can yon. Lieutenant- Jovemor James M Stev ens, ofllingbnm. fir " .Secretary of Fut Will II Gilon, of Fremont. State Auditor Tlx-odore Turner, .f Bannock. - c-" Sta;eTreasurer-Yl N Coffin, of Ada. " Attorney tcneral John A Ragler, o' Bear Lake. Sueritltendent of Public Instruction Mrs. Mary L. Scott, of Bingham. Insector of Mines Rolert Bell, of CuMer. HIE TRtT O.CKVTIOX. On the trust juwtion the platform nays : "Re dve, That the formation of enor mous orer-capitalizftl corporations, com monly called tniM. for the j.urj.ise of concentrating all of the industries and products of the country in the hands of a few men, stilling competi.ioii and en abling them to dirtier the wages of labor and the price of com midi ties to both the producer and th cootuiru-r in the interest of their o n aggrandizement, U a grat and gr .wing pvU, the plaiu rrm ly for which slould . lie laws regula ting the capitalist. ol corporations within mioiiaLle and moderate limits. We reoo-jnbte the fai t that nudfr the Con-titntkm of the l'nr(e.l States, as it now stands, no adequate restrictions can I j-nt npon the organization of soch corporation ; therefore, we favnr such amendment to the Constitution . w ill eiiab!Coiire! to effectnally regv.late and rapprM a!L trusts and injari-mg cond.inatiiins of rggregatel capital." The platform favors tl owning of lands in forwt rex? vat ion in the state tliat are more valuable"!.'!? aicultaral than other purp-isn. 5 Fierce Fire at Redding. The thriving town cf Redding wa vis ileI WtIner.lay ntorr.inz by a fierce conthiratien that destroy! pmperty l llie estfniatcl value of f Irt.OOO, i.n whieh there was an iieurance of f 11,4 jo. Th riivs of tli fire was a ll-k of fraim warvhou- alonj th-? ea.t si-.le ol the S. P. Co.'s railway track. l-tween Tehama and ha.ta .'trwts, and so fierc the blatST2TrHiritire prop erty went np in jntok- -ini U of ie h.nr" The firnl hniUin Jt:nTel was thelK) by 4 war.-hinv.j-nel by the Wielan I P.ivm ins C'mp.iny anloci-npie.l hr the Shasta tvmnfr 4tKjicrt asffice, conipv-ing and pre r.om, hy Balfour ik (iarretu-, brokers of Woodland, as storage for forty ton of grain hay. an-1 the half next the railroad b- Ktter Brothers as UnK iM4rrain. The next building was th4 Irr 52 foot feed and and fuel .'tore, jrelx-nnp and htab e of Ktter BroUier. Thethtnl biiildingwas the i0 by W foot wafinnnse aiil- receiv ing depot of Charles Jaoobn, grocer. Indian War Veterans Pensions. Up to and including Tue.lny, the l'.ub inst., th Tension OrhVe at Washington hal ri-ceived SIT claims fr jnnsioim nn- der the Indian War veteran act pased at the l?t ck:i of Cwity and le- canse of the compL-tueOith which the evidence baa bevn sili&oileLinjiiany ca8 it is now expected that allowances will couinience within two or three weeks after the papers can be exa-cined to identify siguatureand other marks of aulhenticitv. The bureai finds that as a rule the vet-ans liata prorly fol lowed iiiKtrniona and submit Uvl such evidence as was reqiiimL The applica tions now on file have come from all parts of the country and have not 1 en classified hv states. Catarrh of ths Stomach. Can I cured by taking S. B. Catarrh Cure, which cures all forms of indiges tion and stomach trtinT.leSTuch a., con nt i pat ion, rirt'ng of ?imr food, distress after eating, which it neglected r rings, on inflamed and ulcerated stomach and leads to cancer of the stomach. S. B. Catarrh Cure restores sense of taste and smell. For sale by all druggists. Book on Catarrh free. AWo"a-Sjiiitb Bros. Fresno Cal. -' " Look Pleasant, Please. Photographer C C Harlan, of Eaton, O., can do so now, though for )ears he couldn't, because he suffered untold agony from the worst foriuif indigest ion. All physicians and medicine." failed to help him till he tried Electric Bitters, which worked inch wonders for him that he declares they are a god send to sufferers from dyspepsia and stomach troubles. .UiuivaUtd for diseas es of the Stomach, Liver fend Kidneys, they htiil I up nnd give Hew life to the whole system. Try them. Only 50c. Guaranteed hy A CJtJaxlttrr drnpgist Guardian's Sale. Notice is hereby given that, in pur suance of an order of the Couniy Court of IVmglns County, State of Oregon, made on the day of July, liHVj, the undersigned guarduin of the estate of Rlien Huntley, a minor, will, on the 2 day ol August, c. thereafter,, sell, hy private or public sale, at my nome in the cit v of RoHohnri Oregon. iIia f,, !,,.- tng descrilted real property, belonging to me sam r.oen iiuniiy, to-wit: in terest in lot 7, of see. 4 town slilp ai, S. ramie. 1'J W. Wih Mer. In Cww r'.no.t.. Oregon, eontahnng alwut 4S ncrt! fatisi mis :om tiay ouuiy, l'JU'J. Margaret A. Noah, (J3I-A21) Guardian. - Are vou oartknlar IF VOU ARE CALL AT CURRIER'S GROCERY AND ASK FOR; KiaiaTOFOIE BRiUVTB. Price is no higher and every can guaranteed Currier's, f m:l 44 4 I EE Wollenberg- Bros. I This store will rl.aae r.vi.i. I Drain - Gardiner COOS BRY STHGE ROUTE Commeurin with Mon.l.ir. Jir.n i .., , , oarage, 3cU. tier iioan J. and no t- la-ance wui he ma,ie f.,r round trip. DAILY STAGE. For farther infonnatioa aid res j Ja H. Sawyers, rropnetor, Drain, Oregon AT.V.WAV. V.V.V.-.V.V.V. WAVrVWWMArVVWW v. Making Rim Look Pleasant is easy ebongh, form hen he op,w Lis ja -kajre rf Uimdry work, after 1 ing -nt Imrnc fjoni ilie R.b-irg laundry, the msn f loves faultless linen and np-t.wIate Iaundrying always wreathes his face in smiles. Dnring arm leather car nx.tho.ls of laundrv ing linen and colored jhirts, white vest, ct.,!d,ows iti-If ia the length of time they keep fresh aud cleam. ill! SOCOOCOCTOOOCCOCKJOqq 1J in -fc m mm mm 1 LJ ! um nlOLDU 8 a 1 uey are now located m the new Hendricks Mock, one dir aoiith of the Railroad Fating House, Tun nrcT m . n. .... a 1 1 1 l. ok, t - wv;;;;. . . A full and complete lin of Cigars, and Tobacco. U- Uandies, rsnta, rrtiils, Ktc IJose burl's Leading Grocer & SALE Shirt Waists I For Less than Cost...: f JustthmkW it, a shirt waist for.... 25cts f . . - . . St. jiTOUTjua aiur..UT3 excepted. rs '5 w -,, .. 1 KiHi-b, 'iilliSih3f a. CCCCOCOCOCCODCOOCCOO ooooc xoocoor - There are many wind mills on the market, o Someone of the gocd g ones is a little better 8 than all the others. THE-- -1S3THE" ONE It has. proved the malccr's claim to run faster in a low ve-! locity wind than any other mill. If iuterestcd'in wifd mils talk to Churchill Woolley Have vou visited f i SAMSON rSUKAlAIN Cc COMPANY .