V i V DON'T OVER LOOK THIS While you are out shopping don't think about buying before you call aud see our line of Spring and Summer Dress Goods as llicy nr tbr. mnct rnmnlete and uD-to-datc line in the city. Our line of Wash Silks, mercerized Gingham, Dimities and Lawns can't be beat in price and quality. colored Our Reav-to-Wear Waist In this line we excel all others as onr line is the most complete line in the city. White Waists from Th) cents and upwards. Millinery Here is the line we can save you money in. Walking Hats and street shape. An elegaut Sailor for 50 cents. Ladies Shoes Our Imperial $;? Shoes for ladies will compete xx iih any fS..Vl shoe in the city in the way of wear and ltcauty. Shirts tienllcmen, our line of ".olf and Fancy Shirts are the latest and most complete line in the citv. ,-r Son'- line ol r.c.ir a-i-l ll.at i- the :ire rulit a ii' I tin- Clothing The cclel. rated Pax id A I'lothiiii; i know n l.ir :in line we carrv. I he pi tit i perleet and if you will step in Ml rely con i nee "U l h:i t we e.in .n c ; ey if imyiut; of u-. Neck Wear Here is x iiere w shine. We i:.ic u e xx i ! "I. Un it the sxxci rn re- .in.' ..'.it the line e-t and most complete r.ne in 7--UII-. i;oii. and lor the noe-t and hitc-t tl l.m"t over 1-H.l, :i we have t'neiis in of neckwea'. Gentlemen's Shoes The celehraled W. 1.. I'..'-. :i.. .-!; xw.ici- - are s..!e a-eiit- I.-:-, -i-e.i'-.- i--r iiM-lt. if . -: i n srixe theni a ii i:.!. We l.rxe them in xf.r 5 hi-h cut. :il;.i in tan- and .A-b! 1 e s. The place to get these geods is at the People's Store. The Peoole's Stor . -..--S! M8-n41 ? C V-rN I. ABRAHAH Proprietor CANNON'S Book and Stationery Store ! Of Local Interest, t. XEW BOOK. Audrey -.va.-i-J.fc.r. UorotUt Vernon -(;. ir Mx.f-r The r.teruHl Cl -iia'! Cair IJoroitl South-Fnrto Heaitii conraneous-r.rir" Latarrc --; ',,ri. The Crista-' - v"! '' Tne Rinlitof-wy- -M i"- Blenerliassette The Caviller -i'.j.'.V Truth ne ter -VcCa1 The rotter nd the Clay V!r. .k A Maid of Venice rravfont Urausiar--.' itrho Th.. Portion of Labor-H'HHh Xtic ICaltnc Fn(slon 1 an .tr Ctrcmstance-.iWf.'l God Wills It fan I'ncle Terry-Afu To Have and to Hold Jnfe The Stjra of the prophet-Aayfur Klanore M'ir,l Count HanntbaI-Ho Tarry. Thou, Till Come-' ro'.a la the Palace of the Ktuic-CrairfnVi The Helmet ot Xavarre RttmrllT Alice of Old Vlncennes- 7ton- tAnd Hundreds of Others We have Them All Selliux Price. Si -5 By Mail, - . t-SS We rent ail the l-te boo. at 5C per wee CANNON'S g Book and Stationery Store BE YOUR OWN JUDGE visiting friends 1 -tv aud liar- tf.e x'yll.luetor b and xi-iliiij in I.. R. Miliar i i;..ei.nr' x Isaac l-:l-' i.i iiiir I .ii-iti-.-s i.; Railr-ad i:t t:.i- r. xxcrc a T K. 1; .ry la i l. l'u;. a '. I.. 1 I'-eii w from i; t . r. I -a: OF WHAT YOU BUY All we ask is that you try our PURE CANDIES IceCrcamandSoda Ice Cream Sandwiches Latest Thing Out. Try them WOOD & BELL, Proprietors I'iioue Maine is.'. Abstract of Title to Deeded Land. Papers prepare for filing on Govern ment Land. Bine Prints of Tow nsLip Mape thowing a'J cant Lan It, One Iollar Each. i FRANK E. ALLEY, Architect Abstracter Plans and Estimates for all Build ings. 5pecia! designs for Office Fixtures Office in Marks Buil lm. 'Phone 415. EOS E BURG, OREGON' Mrs. Wild? Martin i at Myrtle Creek. ! Medford repDrts the Bartlet I . Tl.., . r ti.i.. yield will Iv larjie. , i.:.d ; I Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Marter have re j K. v. Mark ' turniHl home froui au cujox able .uliiii; I'. : .;. : on Eolith Myrtle Creel:. : turn-. '; W, :... j B. C. Agee returned home from I 'on- j '" i land Mondav, where he weut with a; Ax -y ; :. shipment of Ixvf eattle. :. th-' ' Mr. Flora O. Kourke i ir-itin at the home of her parent? Mr. and Mr-. M. D. Thompson in this eity. Rev. Philo Fuller Phelps, of Califor nia, hae aeee'tel a call i" the 1 irt Presbyterian church at A-ldand. Mrs. W. R. Yiilis. xvho viitcl c v. r.il days with her daughter, Mr C. W. Sherman, has returned to lloj-bnr.. ki th Portland Telegram. j The din of hammers, the rumble ! I l.virh-.! trnrks. the calls for 'mortar" of the xxorkmen, the hustle of tlic ;-ireet ork all l"esjeak for Ro-buri: a d i.i- d j eoiepliinent. A depth of about 12V) feet ha- Uvu reached at the Umpjua Y alley ''ii Company's near Myrtle Creek and the indications fi.r striking oil so.-n are xery faxorabl'-. Hon. i. W. Wonactt came d.-xvn fn-m Kiddle Tnelay on business. His son, Ky, went T t: roiijrli on the same train t I'ortland, xvhi-re lie xviil enter a busiuej's college County bridge builder Jennie and h crexv are at work on the paradie bridge on the Elkton and Seottsburr road. Six team are hauling material on the ground for the bridge work. Miss Hattie Harvey xxii.. ha- been viiitingat the home of Judjie Tli'Mni's'ii, lft Tu.iitav fur hr hmne ne r i.ir .i- u-r. She secured a x-rtiri il- an '. ready to take a mTk1. Leonard Rabat, of Tomahawk. W - consiii. is in Row-burg and xxii! make final proof "ii Ids timlior claim liext week. He may b-ci le to locate h-re a id open an eMannsnmeui "ii nis i.n.- ,c- cigar manufacturer. Jurtice of the TtMce J. A. Buchanan has returned from Cripple Creek. Colo., where he attended the seventh bieni.'.a! convention of PacirieJuris-diction W.j . men of the World. Mr. Ba.-hanan v.a appointed chairman of what is consider ed the most important committer of the convention that of leadjuatment of rates. Chas. Curry, a representative of the Oregon Timber & Boom Company, mr been in this vicinity for the pa-t two weeks securing the right of xvay -f th farmers along the Umpqua river to . out the stream to make it suitable for floating logs and timber from its head t tide water, eays a Myrtle.Crtek correspondent. . :i i.' ,.ix;n- oil !i.i.i-.i.- : .i ! r.-ii in -t. ,i:i-l ! :r.i. ! .1 - Mr-. Ckira 1 e! Street inirovciiient work i progress inj rapidly. Albeit (iodiivy, of Portland is visiting n this city. Mrs. Willis Martin and little son, are viMting friends at Myrtle Creek. I'.llL'ilieer .1. 1'. I'eehler left this ln..ril- in I'or.lunction on a hinitini; trip. Hoard ol Trade will meet at the City hall Friday evening at S ochjek. j F. W. Wooi.i.k.v, Pre. I W . T. Newman. 4th vice grand mau ler of 1'.. of K. T., visite.J KoEeUUrg TiH-day. Mr-. F. I.. Kinney and children have returned from a visit with relatives at Plain. Mr-. . M. Plank, of Italian, arrived in i:...-churg Tuesday and is visiting her sou. Claude Plank. Mi.- Floie shainbpHik, deputy eouu ty cie.k. left Wednesilay morning for a xisit at llarribiirg and Portland. Mi-, bertha Prey, a p.pular young -chih'l ma'am "f Myrtle l'iint, was in Ko-eburg Tuesday enroiite ti Fugt ne. Mr. and Mrs. Ilerntz aud child of Portland. arc xir-iting xxith Mrs. ! llei nt.' brother. M. Fickle of this city. Mis. II. I.. Marsteis returned Wel-ne.-day fro::, a week's xisit in Oakland. ii . . 1,e l,..r M,,.tK..r & (Mr-. l!..i:-er. I Mi-. I . E. 'rt-child. oi Portland, who j ha- bei-n i itnj her grandfather, W !.. lu.u.i, : il.i- citv irtiirnad ' i . Wedl.t ? lay. . . Ila;i.;. h.c letireo iiom ti.e .yjjr linn . f 1 'ciining, Kent x. Pamp, anil the bii-iners x ill hereafter ! conducted by I'eiining K t-1 1 1 . Mr. Kamp esj-cts to op a a -iiniiar hninc- at MarshtieM. i i.vee I . S. Co!iniiir..iouers have re- . titly been appointed in this county, W. . P.rl-.t. at Kiddie: 7.. I- 1'iniuiirk. ' i.-.klai..': .ii.d C. V.. H.iard, I'rain. i i.i!. k II. Ie.ers is tlie F. S. Cominis--:-.!ier a: ;ard;i!-r. but receixed his ap I ::.ti. ei.t a xear or mere ago. W. l;i-.;.-ett ar. l xx if-t of Philadelphia, Hi... have t-e!i eiijoyjiig ; pleasant xx.-vk- x:s;t :t!i the (oi na-rs father and hi. -.her in thi- -ity. T.I.. rind E. E. 1.1 . i t'. i it on thi- morning local on th. ir r. tin n hi.me. Waiter S Biir:. the xxell kii-Tn S- 1 ? (9 )! Co o) G), C (9 )i Prof. F. M. Bhuichard, and family of Chicago, who have been visiting the family of F. II. Appelhoff, left thii morning for Portland on their return home. -Miss Susie l'.aimard, of Brownsville, has )eeii employed as a teacher in thu high school for the coining year. Miss Baiinnrd is n graduate of the University of Oregon. She taught in the Roseburg Hchools last Vear and xvas re-etnployel for the coming yeat but her acceptance wan on condition, awaiting the action of the Grants Pass, board. Miss Bannurd coinen lnglilv recommeniliHl. tirants PaF t'ourier. One of the railroad boy who attended the Elks convention r.t Salt Lake City informs us that visitors were chargeil $' to $20 a day at the hotels. That id, the people there used it as a financial snap and robbed their visit"". There is too much of this spirit in this world in other cities leside fsalt Lake Citv. That cily will never get another convention of any kind. MARRIED. OVOV&VVCVOVC.VCVk Slaughter SalePrices Talk Ladies' Shoes 11 Towels S3.00, $2.50 and $2.00 J 50c values now Mi I.. I ' er IV.. : .1.. :n e .1. A. Ti-i ce. C... -"-'I ..:;-;: factors r i ' " !".- 1 a -i '..o-'' -arti-tic car. ; ii.e.w.s. M r. Tr -ce v. trip to C" s I-...' a:.d r P.rtianl. T. A. Vo.-i i..,s w ! secure legi.-l.;'.;. !! .a'. War Veteran. 11 ha in eoiire-s t ' :;id vete that he 1...- ! ; place Veteran- r.u-U r v t.i:n their pen-'. :: hu-:;i ! i r.- th;.t lh.-v ca:i t t" an; one el--. See hi At;..ri.ei-J. A. 1'. : -;.a:i. E! PER WII.KINS. At the Court House, Aug. Ill, Ps, at '.tSU uVl.s k, W. A. Elder to Edna Wilkins, U.th d Oakland. J. A. Puchanau ofiiciating- JENKINS SMITH At the residence of .las. KirkeH.lall in Cama Valley Aug. I'l. I'D.'. John A. Jenkins to Marx E. Smith. Ker. John MmiJint othciatiiip. WAlNfcCoTT WAl.TERe At tlje irt idenceof Albert O. Wnlters iii-r Oak land. An?. 17, VM2, Jacob Wain-cot t to Margret Walters. Elder Henry Banihart' of Oakland, thciating. The groom is 70 and the bride '15 years r.f ag?. SWANTON ABEBNETHV. At the residence of the bride's parents at Dora, Coos cur.tT, Orejon, Auj. P', l'.-Oi', by Right Rev. Wells, Episcopal Bi-hop of the State ol Wa- biiiton, IVnnett Swanton and Mis Violet Alierr.ethy. The gnsini is a promising yoiiu at torney of MarshtieM, who, by diligent study and strict attention to business, is rapidly xx inning an cnxiii1 le psitinn among the legal fraternity of the omn tv. The bride is a daughter of Wm. a r. nt a tew .lavs in lo.scoursr l o.... j,--.. - ... t:. u.,-k. lb- hasiust U-en apt-.-intexI f trial j.verwr. She is prominent in I . S. . .:.i:.:ifioner at Kiddle and was values now going for ONE DOLLAR For further Information SEE OUR WINDOW 43c - 36c - 33c 45c values now ii 40c values now - 35 & 30c values now 25c it 25ef values now - - 19c i " - H If you're skeptical ! S ! SEE OUR WINDOW The Big Store J0SEP1TS0NS The Big Store Mail Ordeis Promptly Filled. Everything guaranteed as represented cr money back OVCVOVOVCVCVVO VO.V0,.".'.0. ,V.O,X,V'','iVS The W'iU West a Panorama of War. A a perfect and ait urate panorama "( xxar us practii-.! in Anierica. t ui-n. Re sia. South Anieri- a. South Africa and the t- -i- -i- :- .-. -- -- . -4-' .1 x u ro eivii..- hi-otUci.il instructiD(. Hi-tri. :i i-and r.ei.;hlr xxiil J.lease : :.ke n .ti. e and hereafter address him as "J.idje" P.ritt. l'.r..k n.aii Itay Jacko:s. xvho was in tl e h. -; it.ii - vera I moiitlis ith a frac f. r. i f - t and knee cap, is a.-ain in this c:ty. l"..r s-.me time past he has heeu n-it ii-.j hi- parents at Raker City. While I. is knee i- n t entirely as htron? :i- it .a-, he tej.lily miproxing and t . !' able to resume his run in a religious circles and i hi:hly rs;eviiiel by a larre list of friends and acquaintances. i ' r. n ; 1 i.i t'.v. at:- -.ii:t.y . : ! i . ! . .1 t. i-lo. a practical xxatchmak 1. r ;"!:i N w N-rs arrive.1 in nr. recently and l.a openexl a .r . ain't it. hmakinp establishment t i-.o! h:i.' cupie.1 by the pionwr .-. i -l.-i . ti.e kite Mr. Pritchard. near the liei-axerv eeni.il voiini; man , ... t . .i.r . ity xx.-ll r. cmineml- j -.e hi- a I m this iue f the x:m.i xi i i: and yixe him a call. F-.nlas ( ..unty, is i.ne of t---.x :.s in s-..tiiern 'rf ;..n. UIED. HI hi' At iieicia!e, 'r-.n. August 10. l'rJ, Mrs.J.ie Hurd, mifeof Postmaster I.. I- Hurd, a-d S years 10 days. Mrs. Hurl xxas a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. lU-one, pionrsr r.sideiits ,f Ieer creek, tlicir honie being about ten miles east of this city, she has been in fail iry health for some time, yet her death .-nic as a jainful shock t-i many friemis. lkside l.er husband, her rr.-'ther, br.-ther, f'tey Rs ne, and sister I Ir. Oliver Pat tersf.n. of I'.-r cr-k survixe t rrK.urn her .'.etr's. The l-fy as brought her fn the xveil.Hnd train ! last nipht and the fancral st,rvic mere hekl at 2 o'clock t slar in the Prvbylrri. n church rfLich she ha l-cn a n.eniter for the ja-t 15eare. The l-ly .ll le taken li Cot xa'.Us uii tl oxerlatid this 'evening where it will t interre I is":de i her child utii h diel at hir.h ti c ;h lax of iMoher ls-sv. Mr. and Mrs We-t! tan l? peerle-s aiel a.one. rp.ni :l ne isert-of Arabia, the Wild learn ju-t how mount.-! soldiers aiid warriors manenxer an 1 f.ht. We ?,'the , vstem of the p.ains, the tropical juri:e. ' the sterle tepj. the xeldl and the; ever shifting -at. ls. It is a picture and1 .. .. , . . . . i a pe:n,a realization o: me an an-i ii etleJ of actiiil ho-tilities. The real ism, the ieuuiness p.rtaiain to each and every feature explains the enthusi asm with which C'd. C'slv an I hi horst inen have every where U-en greet ed. (n!v a man xvho has pasx-d his er.- tirv lite in the saddle as has P.nffalo Bid ' ii.uld enceixe and perb-ct the succv-- fill gathering tog-ther of k many repre sentative In rseinen, xviiiie the business talents and irenero;;- expenditure of Mr. Nate Sjl-burv have sup".rted Cvd. Co sv in a way few men culd accomplish. The T2r:?u .ivlcale are ireh frm bar rack an i field. you see real rugh riders and ii- t a rehearsed cmpany. Such is the Wild West, a lixing, s-n-ation and thrilling exhititin of the h..r.fmanhip the world. It will be in Uo-eburg on :z :th. Look At this Money Maker. ' e. 1" e. 1 i J Watch Repairing' Old Hatches Made lite New :si t in., any watch, d not ad it riil.t it it i- a i.ei-es-ary f.-alure of A t:::..-(-;e.-t: is u-les? if it a it Id. I w ill make 1- p-r--i'.;e. I ui'.J tell y..u why it can"; ts- don, ii i; is eca a ivi-;W.;r to U-a-le the effort. R. F. WINSLOW, Jeweler and Optician Ca t , i.r depct, ZZZZZZ, ZZZ. rr v N. a. foster & co.t Yoncalla Real Estate (iOVEUN MLS f LANDS Karn-. a-il Min :.';..n and hi- in l,j ! .r.-t- II n Ki. a .! ti:e . e- '.X : ' i t.-n tii'i'.-" a n. -Mint. many j month, ri- i:n :i ,t:- m ::i l: i- - are al ex-sbls ' a. 1 and ,.1 1! 1 1'. hi re: -t r r.t'. ,- ih- ii a; n nds-r, Ii' l.'ke-:.rry : xv ill n : ; la-.t. r part r' s li I T! .: 1. ,. i . iVh, i.f ;nt- a i l. -.rch U l! xxas never heard j , . , . .... , i... .1. . ... M j Hurl were n.arritil ;n thi -;y thet. I .,!..'. ll.j.wimi lim,e'l,u.i lb..,t.,K -n.t , 'lav of Iecember P"-" ana fiaxv sm.-e I lived in CVnall: and this c-uuty. For the past 3 years they hi.ve resj- at which pla-e Mr- Hurd is rs-strr.aster. The deceased is a member of Mystir Ixe. No 1 IVirce Honor of this city. of Ilecorder . t ' '"iJentsof Olenda'.e inniience. Hop Pkkers W anteJ. coriVel !e.l i. I i rant; Pas-' m- i rry m. a xeri : ; I. 1 th.-r e pri-. 'a i.i. o o o n o Summer Bargains O O o o o n o o o n o o o o o a o LAST CALL FOR g o a o u O E2 G o B o p o o a o All wash fabrics that for merly sold for 20 and 25c have been reduced to TEtt CEfiTS Just received, a new . line of Ladies' Walking Hats, at 75c. and $1.50 If you are not buying goods g from us we are both loosing g monev, and we ought to be q able to get together for our mutual benefit. r7 fw Br t c,. rai-. to Ci vail-, l.oppick 1 1 n- Sr-t xvick - no re..- .: tor n ill Is' ills'Xe I- i -.en -to c .a iderin l.o pi .-.-l. A- to v to h ..d for the ;-i:.-. .old tew ! ..-. i-rs are nit th..t toe hijia -t offer n made. S. !!: pr.sli.-t i'5 h " - a- n..-'i a- ' '- a .'.nii'l. ,..r- u!,.! i. ad t'ne ncney to . ir crop- cuitracte.i lc;t de-ired their oxx u ri-'.;-. If the g 1 '. . ing k iii c iniiie-; of SreLtemb- r, a thinking the piekii that of re i nt y. ir cents. '1'h--.lio-xei other price ' ha:i ' !: price, t!e-r.' i- a te. XerV hiihe-t lij l:. prepare-1 to a imit iia- n. vi'! Van Winkle, a sister .1. . Van inkle, a yotin; ;: il l character and A'.batty Ivncerat. Ii ::. I'.nir Hermann, comniis-i'.uer ih- i. ral land i.ffi.T. accompanied by l.'.s ttiina'.le vxife. left Roseburg by orix.it. coisvevain-e We-lnesdax- morn- . . i ... .. , . . ... i ( '.--s coiu.tx to eniov a week's x ill pay lorty cenis r is., .ppix ,ith relativi-s and friend". At to OtoRi.K Shasko,.ic Point Mr. and Mrs. Hermann! ?1 U mfjua Ferry. Ore. .ucis .,j meir sou, tt..n. tM D'.iier 1. IK-rtiranu i nd familv. Thev will al- i-it M.ir-htield and Empire City and n their return to Roseburg remain heie ,1 P. .1 , traxel.lU p. i-llger ..! the P. C'., in Ib-s-bur tv. hilstdtij itp ,iii!..;t!e. on d'o'i.-la- c.iii.ty i . mt.hl.-ts a-'eni .ii.-i ri i.'ui ion. y, r. Jones that uhil" the .-tat" oi' u a-iiiiii.'- ton t .'ik up tn;.- ma'.t. r . alxertiMiig at the i-an,.' 1 : i i - j r- - .11 did, that state Hi .xv ha- ox.-r .1 in i i 1 i":i pamphlets in t i e i an 1- i.f t he 1 hil . cnati h-ir.-ail lit hi. ego XX hli" the b'llldre.i- of or 1.T- r 'r. -goti Ih-r.itnre enn-.t fiMi- I .is the mutter h i- n- t el b. i ii Miipiie.. It i- I. uie xoi..l r that .. 11 i- ten xei'i- I ehind i nr s'l-t. r state of Wash . . 1 , 1 . . 11. 1 .: . ''! .-- an. 1 level. .onieii; . 1 11-11 I the Pacilic loh ,nl Tue-1 I state- iiu th- Iloiiglas county pamphlet, ,v rate iroiii the Fast to the oast goes int.. effect September l.-t, and the bulk of the immigration th" coa-t in a fexv xxeeks. will reach ffl. u ff M NUFXED E3 G E2 i 1 9 J II lr. F. ix irk natriek called at tins ollii e Tnes.lav. an. iii:..riiu-l 11s that after looking over Southern Oregon thoroiig ly, hi; had decided to locate permaiient Iv in tlii.- city and ill so.ni open an ollice in the Taylor and Wilson building. The doctor i- a graduate: of nidi, al de nartuielit of the Tennessee Stale I'ni- 1 ei-iiyat Na-iiville, and has l'en prac tbiiig for the hist PI vears. He arrived in Ilo.-cliiirg cr a year ago from Okla homa, and I'm. ling so many physicans practicing in this (tity, he thought that there was hardly room for another, but as he liked our climate, In.' decided t stav until he found another favorable location and ill conjinictioii , ith Mr Mclieche he oneni d n gtocerv ston olilio-ile Ihl- .iel.ol , later si lling out t Mr, M-iie.-he, ami jifler traviliug . t.M.II, .lo.-ephilie, ( 'no i, l.ane comities in iUc.-t ol a 1. luined tl Rosehlllg and to rc-idi: here. n-riiiauciitly. trick says "a Roseburger d.iesn't l.uoiv t hat a yoo I thin ' lie has Ulitilhe b-avi's rioinc.'1 :-;t ' i,i Ashland Items. S. C. Partrum, forest su-ervior 01 the Southern Iiistrirt .f tiregon, arrive-1 in Ashland, Friday, on a tour of inspect ion of the work of the forest reserte iu wa" -this section of the state. He weut out 1 Karly this morning Mr. Ikirtmm starte-1 for Lake of the Woods and the Pelican hax- section of his work. At Fort Klam ath he will take tiack animals and go to the IHamond Peak by way of the old military trail, recross the Cascade and strike the middle fork of the Willamette river, coining out of Eugene. The railway postal service Wtween Portland and Kosehnrg has been in creased by an additional helper, making three helper clerks w 110 are now run ning between those points. On Thurs day of every xveek one of the extra men is sent through to Ashland 011 account of the tig mails going through on that day. The new substitute is James C. G. Van Gross. Tidings. through .1 Curry and local ion. h. is decided Ih. Kiilp :i e .itpie 01 xxi-eks ieiore returning to Wa-hh. -ton. Fred II. Atidrns, of Kell.ngg ran-acting business 111 hoseburg Tues- , tthp Ashland Reserve Paturdav morn lax a i l W clnes-nay. lie rcts.rts turasli- u..l nip it a thorough l.sokin- over xxell under way in th.- vicinity of .n.i r.-turned to town late last night. Flktoti and Kellirgg, and says Hts are roving a g.sl crop but the wheat yield 1 f.i'i a little under the average 01 ac- oiint of rust ratiseI by the few dave of a-t wither at the time the heads were lining. Mr. Anarus took advantage ot ,nr splendid club rates with the Ore g-.nian and xxill read With papers anoth er vear. (lardiner, I louglas county, on the way ts-txxecn I'r.iin anl th.o Pacitic, is an iii- tere-:mg town of 31JI ieopie., J lie prop- rtv xx as originally oxvned by Messers. dardiii.-r and Reed, t-roprictoisot the big mil! there. They gradually deeded I..ts to new comers under conditions of a verv interesting character. One is that the nexx comer ..hall not lc in a business in couistil imi xxith any one already th re. making onlv one business of a kind. Another is that the houses shall U painted white with red roofs. -ult is a neat and pretty place as re- . , 1 10 ...-.I.. centlvsi-en iix several .xnwiiv peoiiii-, -ays the Albany llcinocrat, W. W. Thompson, Mrs. M. II. Th-.tnps. ii, i. T. Thompson, xxile and little box- arrived in this city last even ing fro m Chicago, and stopiK-.l over to- lay taking the evening train for Ash land where they ex pect to reside. All in- quite xvell known in this city as they resided here during the year 1S4. Mr. Thompson was at that time interested in several mining ventures on this coast and made Roseburg his headquarters, himself and family living iu the French residence on south Main street. uy is well rcmeiulicreil as one of Kosebiirg' best base ball players and nil around at bids, he lning captain of tho Iwise hall team that male 11 .tour of Coos county in Soon after that time the family returned to Chicago, where (iuy h:i:i since been married and is now the father f a line baby biy some two years old. All are glad to return to Oregon, and Mrs. liny Thompson is well pleased m ith Ihe Pacilie cons' It is. mostly on acc .t of her failing health which takes I he family to Ashland where they ex pert the higher altitude and cool dililftle will naturally help her to n peed,y re A ranch i-f '.') mns. with liv. l-aru and outhiiiMingsi. (irch.irl. sniall truit etc., eli maturx.sl. No mi 1 lie n.an"? pr.ti:s. 3 miles fr-in rail roa-1. T-e.xu of I'r. in. I'"".' i-ash, i;; piire ..f Of eve.-"." drr-"riv!ion. eral Lands. Orr-.-n. Wa Minnesota. OAKLAND, OUEiJOS TIMBER and LOAN BROKER ..FIF.F ANI LIFE TNSURAKCE.. T.'r -z i loc-Ad aa4 tot ;e. Gaol tr fiu :a !l's pr;Tty. . A. P. APPLEOATE. VfiiriTi t ORK B05WELL SPRiNQS HOTEL Douglas County Oregon. o i.er. F. F. PxrTKKs.. Roseburg. rx'. Smiths' Dandruff Pomade. I i -r. ,i tax. -t 11..:.- - :-, :.z .. - -' f. ej;- -1 i-.r '. l-r T r --a ! : s-i ":' c it Ra?umti a ... ; is.r-, jj K:a T.:t ONE GALLON OF THESE WATERS CONTAINS r.'.-u-n i. Mii -..".-ti " '.'.t:.I 1 j : :aa r..:s ps itching scalp up-n tie application three to sis rrlii'.lrs ill stop falling hair, ale bv Marsters Dnu ai.-lruff and Ptixv '0 c Co. . F.r Mltf. NOTICE Teachers Examination. Following is th result of .County teachers examination held iq this city Ant?. 13, 14 and 13: First grade Elma Bnttman, S P Stewart, Roseburg : .IE Ih-eson, W'il bur. Sei-oiid grade Ida Robinson. Elkton ; Rachael Uraueh, t)ak Ci k ; Hattie Harvey, (iardiner ; Mrs. LM Coniuuie, Glide; II Ilelierd, Wni Sneed, Cynthia Applcgate, Drain ; Carrie AdaiiL. Bes sie Powell, Threes Porter, Harry Whit taker, Iaturence llnnt, Oakland; J II Hobbs. EAlrich. Rosx burg: II 11 War- dtep, Myrtle Creek ; I' Bryan, Canms Valley; Belle Newland, Ten Mile; Fan nie- Wilson, Yoncalla. Thirtl grade Marie Cooper, Wilbur ; Edyth Moon, Drain; Pauline Delauney, fscottshurg; I.nla Gray .Oakland. Net. .T i h. r -t jir.-a tb: nr. r 'rtt y !to" brt Hm!.ten ml Cfvri:.' A!lrr-l ttsiauna t:tiK IU ptrrcts r.-t Isslu! nnl an; ol l.rorci- A!xn Art lluniil-jc. ain.ir, :i tS the Cauut o! tiu:. sute o! n m. do. th: lX,bv Ciullli f.'J!, 13 I with S. luit kn.or.eite n l sfpr'' i ! s pirn coar-ra fl, -. oJ ,-riii not- ti al f.rte A'.ri toer Ilm'..:..o. h.t la.t i;uo. vita fic tj rt (or h'.m it ia h b uiur" n t ether r-'.-t;or.. XX nut tx-Kponl"ltr lor ta; i)ttj lht mT b.' con;-cie.t by ib si.l ai tist.flrr llsmutna. c r ti.i s clsiti in. tra ici troj ihc (! s:ae4, thu IsUi Wr ol An, 1X!. t Rie tunt. xtx ca. tiist id. skit H . T.l. si'P "axhin Aioii i U:ltoS Administrator's Notice. Notlr l lirt-T t.vt-n t'!t the nnJes:g.wl w., on th ; 1-ith d ot August, l''-. b tS Ccuott voir! ol OjiigU' Mua . orcjoa. luiv apptiuttsl excf nor o! t!:ecut; ol Unti I.IMQf r Pr.l. u. uiwavi. A.i pc iu- ut. n rUimi rslost the ui.1 ut- -c hervhy not. s.rd to pr'ect ihirai. prpr y vrriael. 10 me at h.klon, iiuutia c i-inty, . -ri:; u. ii.ua n raor.thf Ironi th.- lteo( this notio. anil .l iro3. lo i?biei 10 tn !s':e are h-tsvc noli- fie 1 to par the euo t me. UsusJ Aajun mti, J-'.'.'. sxmii. it uxoax. Execu tor . rt '- .T I- T.- .-a , c o'. - - .V fT. CAPT. BEN D. B05WELL. Proprktor. Oregons Blue Ribbon .State Fair. Just Look At Her. COXCIC. Mi.s, Tlioiiipson and (iuy never tire of speaking of Roseburc Improvements, and tvcalliin? old nannifi tun Jurldnta, Whence came that sprightly stej faultless skin, rich, ro.y cotnfdexion, smiling face. Here's her secret. Fhe uses Dr. King's New Life Pills. Result all organs active, digestion good, no headaches, no chance for "blues." Try them yourself. Only 2.V at A ' Mars-? trrs drug storf. Wc have in stock eeveral sn'oud hand bicvclos which we will sell at very low prices, or trade for wood. 1 f A. CMmtkmA; Cm. Salem Sept. 1 5th to, aoth, You are invited to attend and see the greatest industrial ! sitioii and livestock show ever held on the Pacitic Ctwist. Oood racing every afternoon. Camp ground frxo. Come and bring yoilr fatuities. For any informa tion write M.D. WISDOM, Sec'y, Portland. Ore. ockcxx;oooxxccoooc A. SAL2MAN Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician Carries a complete stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Diaiuouds and silverware WATCH RKPAIRIXG A sPIXIALTY. R0SEBCRC. ORE CC00CC OOOOOxXOOOOxXxXKxXxOOOOOOOOt500X J. M. Weathcrbv T. A. Bury 1 L. Marta Roseburg Real Estate Co. ru;n and TimUer Land Bought and Sold Taxes Paid for Xou-Resideiits. Timber Estimates a S jecialtv. List your ptoper tv with us. Cause and Effect. Re.ski:i-e to the t-ju-:li, and pertcct in tone and action, the Yose piano has secured a hoM on popular 1.1 v r acx-ordexl to none other. It is a st. in lard instru ment, of ti.e highest gra-'i . I iies.-ellc.l in a single featuro of meri;. No better piano ma le. Not hili pri-ed. cither. Sold at extvtslingly loxv ligures for casti, or on easy time payments. Fvervone warrantisl. W. A. BURR & CO. . .-s-v' c iw, i in Iron Clad mSHEuBD Wagons Fully Warrauted Kacka and Buggies mm oih Century Goods in the town The largest stock of OAKLAND, ORK it $ FISHER& BELLOWS CO i Dry Goods, Fancy Goods- Notions $ $ Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods, 5 Boots and Shoes Hats and Caps 0 Groccrics Provisions a -Produce Bought 'Phone 721