The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, August 18, 1902, Image 4

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This Column is Edited by our Mer
chants and Business People.
Brown IJivaJ Fresh every Jay at
Ters Bakery.
Swumum-; trunks 25c a liair at
lireat towel sale at .Iox'i.IimhiY
you're skei'tieal see our wiuJv.
Tliat l-ivjcr Pistcl at ('liim-lii!!
tVoolley's is a reat attraction.
Fee the Title liuarantee i Loan t'o
or l'lne j'Hiits asiil liliiifr papers. ti.
We sell I'aiitlies eheap. lutt w e ilo n I
Sell cheap eanilies. t'aixlv Kitchen
Churchill -V Woo'ley are jretliiiji mil a
gonl many iojh; nr.lers lor prune ilryers.
Fruit drier work is a specially of
Sykes A Carroll, the np-t.late tilumla-r
and repaired. tf
We ask a price lr our Ice Cream that
"will H?rniit us ti) make it pure. Candy
Kosclmrg cleaning and 1 tyiiijr works,
all kinds of clothing; cleaned, pressed
and dyed. t f
Cot your abstracts id title from .J. I"
Hamilton. He has the only complete
Eet of abstract IrmAs in the county, ft
ive us ( ur order for a new shot jrun,
you will li- satisfied with the :im -i'1''
price too. S. K. vkes Hardware.
Send your cloths to leinson. to la.
cleaned, pn'ssed or lyel loo Street
ojiK).-ite Presbyterian church. tf
$2.50 and $1 hulies' sln now :!
xan for f 1. If you're from Missouri see
our window. Josephson's
Sykes and Carroll are prcpansl to do
your plumbing and repairing on short
notice all work up-to-date and guaran
teed, tf
The man or woman who hesitates is
lost. 1M not hesitate, therefore, to take
advantage ot our clarance sale of sum
mer ir- 1-. Josephson's
For information coiiivrnin t lie Ore
gon Fire Belief Association, write or tal
on A. J. Buchanan, agent for Iou;las
countv.Boom t, Marsters HMj., Kose
burg, Oregon, tf .
We are not disi-onsers of baladi juice,
and investigation of our prices will f-ul-s-tantiate
every claim of ours to sterling
quality and moderate prices, .b-soph-son's.
Weekly Kxaminer, J Weekly Cal
$1.00, Weekly Oregonian I ..", Weekly
Chronicle $1.5ct, a year: leave your
subscriptions at Cannons" Book A Sta
tionery Store.
A new line of couches just received at
Strong's Bii; Furniture Store also lcd
lounges and if yon can take a look at
them yon will find the tariff has not ef
fected the price seriously.
If you are intending to take a trip, do
you know that you can get better and
cheat t trunks, valises, telex-opes suit
cases and hand bags at Strong's Big
Furniture Store than any place in town'.'
'Water, water every where and not
a drop to drink" wasn't said by the
owner of a Samson Windmill. If you
have that tired feelimr when pumping
ivater, talk with Churchill and Woollcy.
For Abstracts of Title, guaranteed to
be full and correct copies of all records
effecting the title, call on Frank E. Alley
upstairs in the Marks buil.liii-.'. His
vrork is guaranteed correct, and prices
are reasonable.
P. S. T. West, having accepted several
old and reliable tire insurance companies
s now prepared to, do a general lire in
surance business. Insure with him.
Office at the City Hall. tf.
For chairs and rocker-, we have tin
line. All kinds and all 'prices. Six
fancy high back brace arm chairs for
Cobler Kockers large only Ladies
sewing rocker f 1.25 and up. Rawhide
seat chairs only rut cents each at Bice
and Bice.
Stearns Jfc Chenowcth have jtist rv
ceived a ct hud McCormick Mowers,
Rakes and Binders and all kinds of ex
tras. Hay carriers, forks and pullies.
Three kind- hay rut.-, l-est harvester
machine oil.
The Ark wasn't painted with S. W. P.
but like the ark S. W. B. withstands
the elements. The only trouble with S.
W. 1.. it covers to much and wears so
long we cant sell enough of t, n.r
often enough Churchill and VoIley.
Don't complain about lad bread when
you can get the best in the country at
j-eiver's Bakery. tur brea . is no imita
tion after somebody el-, but a rei-eitd:
jf our own. It takes the lead any plait"
wherever the Baker's art is known and
is appreciated. Sievers Bakery.
Don't bin
ranges until
large buvers
your heaters, stoves or
you see ours. Buy from
and get low price. 210
Ftoves an J ranges now on way. All
kinds airtight and box heaters. Will
show the largest ever shown in Rose
burg. Rice A Rice.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Off ice
Boseburg, Ore May 17, V-W.
otice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1S78, entitled "An
Act tor the sale of Tiinler Lands in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada
and Washington Territory" as extended
to all the Public Land States bv act of
August 4, 1S'.2, -
of Oakland, County of Douglas, State of
Oregon h:e this day liled in this otiice
his sworn statement No, 2-IS0, for the
purchase of the SE'4 of section 22, Tp.
2U south, rattpe 2 west and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural, and to
establish his claim t J said land lielore
tr.e Register and Receiver of thi-- oti'n-e
at Roseljurg, Oregon, on Wednesday the
:ird day of Sei.temlter 1!ki2. He nam
as witnesses: Roy Stearns, Oscar VA
wards. Phil Becklcy and Roy Miller
all of takland, Oregon.
Any any all :rms cla ming .adverse
lv thea'aive described lauds are n-pu-st
eil to filet-heir claims in this office on fir
before said 3rd dav of Septemlx-r, PKI2.
m22p J. T. BRIDGES, Register.
Notice for Publication.
Tnited HtHtes Land OIlif,-.
Kcii.-t.iirg, Op-gun, May t7, l'."2.
Notice i hereby Kivn thiit in inil:ance
wiin the vrovision ol llie a.-.t of Conres ol
June 'i, lsf. eutiiled -'An act for the pule of
timijf-r lands in the Str of :Hlifoinia, Ore
gou. Nevada and VVasiiincwin 'ierritory,'' rtf
extended to all the 1'uloic iii'l -stuies i.y act
of Augusta, )'i.
of Burlington, county of Skai1, state of Wash
inelon, Iihs this day liled in this ollice iiii- sworn
fc'.ateneut No. V-'.Til for Ihe punrhaw-of Ihe North
west quarter of section No. s, lo ii-hip ;y ri.. ol
rani-'e e west and will oiler iirool to ho- that
the land k iiiitht is more valuable for its limbei
or atone than for agricultural imrposi-s, and t'l
establish his claim lotaid land 11. -re the H
jster and kf-eiver of thii otliisi! at Koheburi;
Orenm. on Thursday, I lie lht Inlay of S..iieiii
ber, IJl-. lie iiaiiK-s a. v itiie.H.'s: 7ohu hialer,
William Sirath, hmifoid Slater mid l-coliard
j3.-ooks, all of l:ur-i:is'lon. U ashiiigum.
Any and all lieiMMis adversely the
atxive desi:rita"l lands are reiiited to tile
their claims in thii oihec on or leforcaid lsth
day "f--pt., 1W.-2.
J2p J. T. BRIDGES, Register.
Notice for Publication.
I'nited Ktatet Ind Oftice,
RoseourK, Onntou. May 'Si.
Kotice is hereby given that lu eotii.liancc
wittt the provisious of the act oi ronitieaa of
June 3, l.!, entitled "An act f.r the ale of
timtier lands in tin- states ol Caliloriiia, iirvgon
JJevada aud WashiiiKtou 'lerritoiy ' as exu-ud-ed
to aU the I'u' i: Laud states bj act of Aug
ust 4.1KJ2,
of Bnrlingt -n, P'tiin'v of skait , slate of Wash-
Ineton. has this dav l.k-d in Un-oflu e his sworn
KtateineQt ho. 2.n 1, lor the purchase f the
Lots'!, o, (, i, f, and 11 ol isccl ion No. 0. town
hip il aou Ih, lanije s w st, and will oBer proof
lo fellow inai mc lauu iuhikiii is more vainanie
iorits timtM-r and stone than for acrienl lural
Surposea, ana loeMaousn iiisc-iaiiu 10 sain lanu
blorethe r.ei.'isteraii(i Keceiver ol Ihisotiieeat
Kohcbur. OreRoii, on Tbur: lay, Ihe Isth day ol
September, lHui. He names as wilnesaes: John
fclater, Banford tlater, William Kinilh and Li-oii-ard
Brooke, all of BurliiiKton, W ashlujiton.
Aov aud all perwiua claiming adversely the
above described lauos an: n-qneMi-d to file thtir
claimn ia thi ofliee 011 or lajiore Mid lMh day of
fc nt. 13J2. J.T.BBIOGKH,
JiJ Kegifcter.
Cream Wanted.
Douglas County Grcaiucry wauls your
cream and will pay highest cash prices
for butter fat. Write for cream cans.
Will furnish you (.'ream Separators that
arc second to none in tjuality and Price
on most any condition you may desire.
The Sharpies Tuhuler t 'ream Separator
leads, pouglas i-i'Unty creamery refcr
anccs. First National Bank and Douglas
Countv Bank, Boseburg, Oregon.
Stearns Chenowcth of Oakland,
have received a car load of iron clad Rush
ford wagons with outer bearing block.
Fully warranted Buggies. Hacks and
Cultivators. The llammcl paint, the
liest and cheapest. Mixed paints, white
lead, oils, w indows, doors an. I shingles.
inu-ss oil ;
P.! -Igett s !
jl,; I
llXHI the on
on the market.
Harness shop.
y up
on o-date
-ale a
Notice for Publication. I
1'niUil States Land Ollice. !
Roseburg, (re.. lay 17, r.'02.
Noih-e is here' y given that in compli- j
ance with the provisions of the act of j
Congress of June :?. 1S7S, entitled. "An I
Act for the sale of timU-r lands in ; he !
Mates ot I alitornia, i tregon. Neva. la and
Washington Territory," as extended to
all the Public La!i. I States, by act of
August A, s!i2.
of Oakland, county of Douglas, state of
(tregon. has this ilay filed in thi ollice
her sworn statement No. 24751. for the
purchase of the X XK'4. SE'4 XE'4.
Xlv'4 SEl.t stH-tioii Xo. 24. tow'uship Xo.
2 range Xo. 2 west and will offer proof
to show that the land sought i more
valuable for its timlicr or stone than for
agricultural purpises and to establish
her claim to ai 1 land Ix-forclhe Regis
ter aiul Rc.i ivt-r of this ollice at Rose
burg, Oregon on Wednesday the :!rd
day of Scpieiiiltor, Pl2. She names as
witnesses: Oscar Edwards, Roy Miller,
irant Tavlor and Rov Steams all of
I Oakland. Oregon.
Any and all ivrsons claiming adverse
ly the alve descrilied lands arc repiost--.!
to tile their claims in this ollice on or
lofore said 3rd dav of Septemlier. PH2.
, Gi: Register.
Notice for Publication
I nil.-.! stHtes Ijiu-I ortlce.
K.v-t luirg, On gon, July. si. I
Ne'.io; is hem y fin-n ihm iu -c.ini'haut j
iih thp ).nivi!..'isi.i ih net of '"Krr-s of !
JniseS. i.nt!:".r.t "An .-! f. r the U- ,
liirber 1a:u1s in ttte stmesef l'ftIi;.'r!,,a ,
Nvntla ti.i a-hi:.i;TMii lerritery.' e-xio:nl-e.t
K aii ihe i.ibl:c iand states bv'a.-t ef August '
. lsv.'.
oi Myrilc iVrl;. nmniy oi Puu;:ifc sihIc el ,, has lay ii!e.l in oil:ce his ,
swora stau-nit'iit So -i i..r Hi? fnrcliax- i ihc .
K'4. s.-i-Iiiu J4, tewntiip i. tMiuiii ra:iue I ..
and w;ll effer frviof Iohun :tRi The land sun:ght '
ia ii:vre valuabie lor it t:mlr ur sT-i:e thuu 1
for agrU-uliural ar;.iwi ai;-l r.i ei.;ai.l.h hit
claim lieiore the Kek'ik:er aad lure-eiver ei ihia :
oliiee oi Kutburg."virrgou. !
on IViinesday the lMh .lay of toU-r, V.K'2. !
He naim a- iit-: Karl otiiuo, of n:ik j
lain). Oregon. Ira Miles. H.-rmmi W-nik.-. i
ol Uyrtle r.t'k, (Trg.ia, and Louis SUndaclT, j
of lhtk;!ld,
Any and a'l j.-m.ns i I.iiinine -lvere!y ihe j
a!it.- lrsTitjt.l lands an- re.iu. -t d . i;;r 'ih. ;r !
iam in this i.flice on or U-lore !.ait ih:h .lav1
of OctoK-r, 1-X'J.
J. T. BRilXiKs. J
!; . iU-giMt-r.
Notice for Publication
I nin.l s .atts; ijin.l ",
K iselitirir. tjiiii, Jn!y -4 i." J.
N'-::. here- ki.-:i Tha: i:i -.:i.i i;a:n-e
wi:h the r.--. u i.s ..: :e a.-; t-t c. :.rre-s uf
Ju::c ::. -s7s. e:i;:!.r-i An e- I i.-r '.!.' sale ..f
I'.iu l-trr li:..Is i :s ti:e s'ali-si.I t'aa;..r:: .A. ireic-n
-a.'.a a:.i Ua.(.n:r-.-j!i lrr::i-ry.' h-exe:.i-tsi
a.i :.. i.'itfl.r ;a:.d staies tv a. t Aut'-.t
4, isy.'.
.! Is S1A1 n u'lii.:;.
of i iftklaii'l, rnuii'y ni lJni;i:ias. s'aie oi i ir l-i.ii
hapthisvav M.--1 in itus nii.ce ! is sworn state
men! No lor llie '.iu, ..i the s A 1 4 el s.-.-letily-four.
lO'.Mislii, it-nyH'li;h! s. K. 4 W ..
and will .c:t-r L-rcs-f u-sIi.-m that the iat.d ..i:.i:t
i mere its inuir v-r tetie th-.n
fer arii'.ilnira: i-uri.-ses. and t- e:aU:-h h:a
claim t-:ore the KeL-istcr and Keceiver el thai
cilice oi ktr'uurg,cireseu.
on Wednesday I'.- 1 T ti nay ..f ii -o!.t IV
ltj n a met. as vri!!nses: IIcn.-iHti Vtntkr. AmicI
Hnt'jarth, Ira, a:l of Myrtle C r-k."rt
gon, a;i-l Karl ol oak'aii l. oretinu.
Any alidad T"fs.n airiitue ad-, erst-ly Use
als e .leser;led lands ere e;Url-d ti tt.t-ir
i laints in this oi';"e on or t.-:ire li.. l'.t i dav ri
o. un r, V.i J.
J. T. BitlU'-KS.
alp K.-gistcr.
Notice for Publication i
Vni'ed state Land 1 M'ti.-e
R'.isx IjcrE, in-gou, July
Notice i I.ore'-y e:enthat in c-m-i i.nnce
ith The pr'.ivisi. ..; the ail of On.ijtv. ef
June 'STs. entit:p.1 a-1 (--r the rale id
timber latt.-s in the s-atesof caUfornia.ore?--!!
Nevaia aud W ah:nKtmi ierrit..ry.' a ex tend
ed ta all i he puboi- iau-J ttaien by art of Angut
of Mvrtic 'rs-k. county el louKia. state oi
firecon, has this day !d"l hia sworn statement
No o.:7 ior the t'ttu base of the St?ftof scetn.ti
in 1ouushi)i lttenty-.-i(lit.s.nilh t&t;?e 1 W.
and w il". of.'er i-roof lohow that the tan-i - I'-pht
is ia..te ainabie i'ir its timir or st.-ne tfcn
1..r aririikurai jursjes. and to i-stahbsh his
cleiiu U-fore the Uegirtcr aud Keceiver of th.
oiine of ilosehurf , uregon.
on Wednesday, lot- litu day of oi-toti-r, 1'.'-',
He names as witnesses- Louis Siandat-lifr. ol
iskland. irepon. Auiel Harkltarth, Ira Mia-s.
bith ol Myrtle f:rvlc. f'rcgoa, and Karl "huic
ol Oakland 'rettou.
Any an tail t-rsons :aiinine a!virs.-'.y tile
a''ve d-M-rited lands are re-i'ie-t.-d to Ii lc th.-ir
eiaiui in this olnee on or before said l '.thday
ol Ovloocr, ljg.
J.T. liP.irM.Es,
alp E'Kistcr.
Notice for Publication.
vsm'D Btats Land Officf,
Roseburg, Oregon, May L'4, VrJ.
Notice is heretiy Kien that in compliance
wilh the .ro isions of the art id "otgrea iif
Jane 3. lfcTX. eiiutn-d "An act for the sale ol
Timb r I-AUds in the Male ol i alilor-.iia, Ore
iron. Nevada and Washington Temlorv," as ex
tendel lo all the i-ublii-Land s;atcf bv Ai-t of
August 4, lste.
HARRY E. Mll.i.EK.
of takland, founty of Oouttla-, State of Oregon,
has lliisday hhsi in this ollice Ins sworn stale
meiit No tV lor the itir hase of the s)ulh-i a-t
iuart'-r (seJ4) of Section No. 2t'. In Hm usliij. .No.
i-Seiith ol Itane No. West and u ill otf.-r rool
1o siow thai the land sought is more valuable
for it inntier or sum-- than for Bi;rii-iiltiirjl t.ur-tHiM-s
and loestatf.ish hisr-lHim to said la-id
lore the Kegisier and R.-i:etviT of this otlieeat
k'iseburg, tiregon on Moucay the 15th flay ol
ScitemlK.-r, ItKrJ. He name a ttMnerses: lieo.
J. Stearns. I -n-ed L. l.'h-iKiweth, Oiaut Taylor
and Roy Milier.a'.I of Oakland. Oregon
Any and a 1 persons i-laiuilng adveisely the
alnive desi-ritxj-1 tuicU are rc'iuesied to l:'i- ihei"
claims in this ofli'c on or liefore stid l .thdavof
SepiemlH-r. Vm. ' J. T. MKIid.Es,
uiiip lu-t'i'tc-r.
Notice for Publication.
Ciiitc.1 states Land Ottie.-,
R'.-1-uig, Oreton, June li, Rsri -
Notice is hci'-fiy given l:at in cotitpliatice
with the pioiisions oi the set ol
t'oiigress of June IsTa, eutiiled
"An act for the sale ol tim er lands in ihe
Slates ol California. Oiegou. Nevadr. and Wash
ington 'ieir-Lor," as extended to ail the i'uh
lic.ljiad -Sl-V-s bv aei ol August I'.h, ls.rj,
MRs. MAl'ii IIAI.l.,
of Myrtle Cri ck, county ol liougias, stub; id Ore
gon," has this day tiled in this otl'u e her sworn
statement No. 2-4,4, for the purchase ol o.e s',
K''4, 2 W4- t tmti. No, 14. tp .".i H. H. :; W ,
V. li. and will oiler iroil to show Ihat the hind
sought is more valiMf le for its tiiulM-r or stotir
llittii for ii'.'rieuliiiral .erMK.-st and to esialr
lish her i-laim to sa'd land liefore Ihe Register
and Receiver u this ottle.e at RoM-burg. Oregon,
on Knday the '24th day ofix totar l'. u. She
names as witness..-: T. J. Harlow, John Hall,
Jr., Alexander Thompson, R. Johnson, ail ol
Myrtle ;re-k. Or.-gon.
Any and ail ta-rsoiis i-iainiing dver-ly the
alaive di:ribel lands are rei nested ti tiie
their elaitns ill lliisolliitc on or before said J4th
day of October, 1W. J.T. BRIIMiE-H.
J7p Register.
Notice for Publication".
Roskri'Ko, Ore., June 20, 1'JJi
Notice is h Toby given that in compliance
with the provisions ol the set of Congress of
June .1, IST, entitled ' An act for the sale of
timber laud- iu the states of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Tcriitory," as extend
ed to all the piM c laud sum shy act ol August
4, 18W,
of Seattle, eonnty of King, state of Washing
ton, has ttii dny filed in this olliee his swoin
stat4-tueiil No. -J774, for the puiei.nseol the h1..
fiJi "f -. -4. townahiu No. :viS. ll. No.'j west
aud will offer prcaf to show that the laud snuht
la more valuable lor lis tlmlx-r or stone thiill
for agricultural puroses, and to establish lnl
claim before the Register and lleccivvr of tbia
Atfte ..I k,,u.,iirfp llrei.1.11
on . . ndav, the i::tli d.iv ol 01 loi-r, r.i"- II. -
loin 1. - 11a Krcd M. I'ayiie, of Noil !i
Hend, Wash., Win M . I'orter of ,111111s Va I l.-v,
tire,, K. H. Kls.hcr, M. L. bpauldiiiir, ol N-iittl.-.
Any aud all persons, claiming adversely the
abpve-lecrlsico laiidu arereUet.-d to file Uielr
Claims iu tliU ottiue on or beloie said lstli day ot
Vel., i
- -1
lap fccgister,
Shatters All Records
Twice in hospital, V. A. Gulledgi
Verbena, Ala., paid a vast sum to .1..,
tors to cure a seven-case of pile-;, can
iiu 21 tumors. When all failed. Bud
leu s .rnica i-aiw s.mii cur
Subdues lnllamatioii, con. piers
kill: Pains. Best ki1o in the
25c at A C .Marster- drug store.
I i 1 1
Notice for Publication.
I'llited Stales Lan.l Ollice,
Roseburg, Or., May 17, P.MI2.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance w it h t he provisions of the act of
Congress of June :!. Ks. entitled "An
Act for the sale .if timber in the
States of California. hegon, Nevada and
Washington Territory," as extended to
all the Public Land States by act of
August 1. 1S".i2,
of Roseburg. countv of Douglas, stale of
Oregon, has this da lile I in this ollice
Ids sworn sta.cment N.i. 2I77 for i he
purchase oi the is'.. '.. ol section No. 21
lowiiship No. ".v., range No. 2 west, and
will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its t in, her or
stone than for agricultural purposes and
to establish his i laii'i to said land before
the Register and Rc.viv cr of this ollice
: at Roseburg, Oii-gon, on Wednesday,
the :'rd dav "f SeplemlT PU2. He
naiiics as v il ncs-cs ; Oscar
Rov Miller. Grant Taylor and Roy
Stearns all of Oakland, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adverse
ly the above descrilK-l lands are re.piest
cd to lile their claims in this ollice on or
before said :!rd day of Septemlier. p02.
mp J. 1. I.IZIPOl.s, Kegi.-ter.
Xotinc for Ppblieatiou.
Cnitcd State Land Oil), e.
Roseburg. Or.. May 2. p2.
Notice i- hereby given thai in compli
ance with ihe provisions oi the act of
Congress oi June ::. l-7s. entitled - An
Act f-.r the sale of tiiiiln r lands in the
States . .f California. ( iregi Nevada and
I Washington Territory." a extended to
' all the Public Land Mates by act of
: August I, lyrj,
of Roseburg. county oi Douglas, Slate of
! Oregon, has this day tiled in thi ollice
! his sworn statement No. 2-M1, f-.r the
; pnivha-e of the FA. NW'4. W'.. Nl.'4 of
section No. 4, in tow nslii. No :i2 s,,iui,,
range No. 7 wesi, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought - more valu
j able for it timber or than f"r ag-
ricultural purais-s. and to establish his
! claim to said land in-fore the Rtgisf.-r
land Receiver of thi-oili.-e at Rosebc.rg.
: l tregon. on Friday, the L'llb day of Aug-
. Ut, pl'2. (e ,;,:,es ;iS wi:iie-ses
, Geo. B;itein:in. llenrv Kil jene
Ke ley and ( ban. el
pM.seburg. Oreji-n.
r I.. Blow n ail
t!:e ;
and ail in-rs..
,s cl.ii' a
d lands are r,
iii tl.i-- ,.!;, ,.
if August. P
i r i
ol to file their c'.iin
la-fore said ".'th dav
Xotice lor
Notice is hereby
ance w it 1 1 the i-r..
1.11 - L.ol Ulll'lce.
rt. May 2". i "'2
given thai in coin-i-i-.n-
of the act
il'ongress of June ::. Is7s. entitled "An
I Act for the sale of in, U r lands in the
States o 'California. r. goii. Neva-la and
j Washington Territory." as extended to
I ad the Public Lat:d tates by act of
j August A. lsou,
of Ro- bi:ig. com. t of Douglas. Mate oi
j Oregon, has thi' day tiled in t..i- oil,,-.-!
his sworn stat -m.-i.t No. 2"ilo. or tin-jliirchaseoftin-F1..
SW',. W'.. ':l,
s. tion No. I. township :2 south.
range No. 7 uci, and will offer pr.-d' t"
show that the hind -ought is more v.ilu
aMo for its timla-r or stone than f.-r ag
ri. ti tural j-nrp. s.-a. and to establi-h his
claim said l.m-1 U-fore the Regi-t.-r
and Receiver at this ,,:li,-e at Rom-burg.
Oregon, on Friday, 'he 2o h day of Aug-u-t
P'2. I b-names a-w ii iiess. s : ie...
P.atcn.ati. Henrv -inglcton.
ne Ke!
and 1 leiirv Lavc k
Any and ali p-r- jn- elaiming
ly the des, rib d hm -s are
t'l to tie- ttieir claims ill till- ollice oi
l-!i-r- said 2:'th dav of Augu-t. 1'I2.
.i. T. i.::ii.i:, i:cg;st..r.
Notice for Publication
I !r,'--.l stl-t
l Stl-O I
!l-l "Hi
fnly 1. )''
N..ti.e i- i.ere-y that
with tne i rt isio;. ..i the a. t
June:;. .etit.:'.el 'An an !
tllnls-r lati'l :n the Sate"..f a
Neaia and Vt as):iiu;:..n ierru-
r the
sa.e el
ed t.
4, l;i
ail the pabi.e iatal states ,y act of Aug Lilt
I 1st
ha- t :-! in 'I
.. g.-, . r l!
M: r. K'H.i:
1- .-ttl.-.- lo-
t-nr. hie-.- ..
Is-. N". I III t-..Ml-!: . :- J". : -vex
and m ill otter l roof to 5 now ihat the la::d .o:rM
is more taluat.'.e for its tlinL-e.- or stone than
f..r aijrii-nltural purposes, and lo estat.leh hia
c'.anu before Ihe l.etister and Ke-eier of thi
bifice of iloseburg, Oregon.
li Kri.l..y ! '2t'. di.t . ;' . i..t- r lie
iinio-s -,. iTt,-.s s ; Jiit V.i'-c M;ithw I..
Wilson. ..I I: .-i -t.i:rir " ': . i . ran I 1 n 1--r ..I 'a k.
land. r- and t r. d II-.!- .mli ..l olni.-. i ir. gor.
A:n and nil i- r-.-iis i laiuiiii a-lver-.-ly the
Imiv- .). si-rit-l laii-is r. it.-.t.l to to.-
their liHltll. ill I Ills eft), e oil -r tn-tore .iii-l .'It h
day ol O. -tola r . I'.s'J J T. HHlli.KS.
i;!lp ILiM-icr.
Notice for Publication.
I till.- I Stab - Ijilld !!. e.
i:..s, burg. or. .lutic '.'7. r.J.
Notiie'.s hereby gueu that lu comi-i.auea
w ith liie provisions ot tr.e aet i,f ( ong.-e.s of
June ::. 'S"s. entitled ''An a-t t-r the sale oi
timber laud iu l he s-at-s of i V., fern. a. iregi.ti
Nevada .and W a-hiugton '1 err Tory." a extet.d
ed to all the public land states li't-. t of August
j 4, ls'J. I ii . i imiiim;.s.oi;
I Waliw e. eel. nil of Slio-holie. -tat.- oi 1 .1 olio
ha- tin- dav tiled in tins ofll.-e hi- -U..MI -tut.-in.
-nt No. is..--., for III.- pur.-l.M-e of V . NK!,. '
N I ' 4. Nl.'. N'', .,t, N...
in t..ii tehip N... ...nth. rntigt- s H, -i
and iv ill offer proof to show that the la id sought
is more aluable for its tiuiU-r or stone Ihnn
for agrif itiiural purf-oscs, and to establish hta
claim liefore the Register and Receiver of ttul
Office of Roseburg, OivxoU.
on Moiidsv lie- l.ah lni hi l. i..U-r 1'og (.
lOillie- fi- u itiie-s.-v ; llen W-Kir. Ul. M.
Porter. J. 's;,. Kirk n-1 li and in. I". Ihn is u 1 1
ot i ii mas VhI;, y. nr. yon.
Anv and a'.l iM-r..ii-elaitiiiluf a-lverselv Ihe
I alntvi' deseriU d lauds Hr,- ri U.-sed to lile
II heir eiairns in this ofliee or or b, .mil l.;t h
lay of Heioh. r lfsy. .1. T. ItRlls.fS.
J. i:.-gisier.
Notice for Publication
rnite.l situA I and Otliee
Ros-.-bcig. Oi,-gon. .Inly :;i. l'.sr..
Notiee is lii-ret, y gltaii .Lst in com pi ian e
with the provisions ... the art oi v'..iig:.-s of
June ::. is.s. entitled "An a t fur the sa le of
timber lauds in the stale. ,.f i alii'orina.i ii-g..u
Ne i a. la .and U ashing! on I erritorv .'' a- extend
ed to all the public laud stales by'ai i ol August
4, 1 '--'.
of Myrtle I'reek. countv of liointlas slate of tire
gnu. has this dav liled in tlds olliee her sworn
statement No :."s. lor the purehsse of lot one.
of section '2. in township "Jti, s. range :i u--si,
and w 111 offer proof to show that the laud sought
is luoie valuable for its limlier or stone thiill
for agricultural ptirfsM's, and to establish hla
elaini liefore the Register and Receiver uf Ihia
olfii:e of Robchiirg, Oregon.
on Hiituiday. the UtU day of Oeiola-r, V.KIV.
She names as witnesses: John Hall, Hr., John
Mall Jr., f X Hamilton, and (1 E White, all of
Myrtle tln-ek. Oregon.
Any and ail persons claiming r.dvers-ly the
above .les nlied lands are reiiiesled to tile their
claims iu this ollice on or I el,, re said llth day
of October,'.
j'op Register.
Notice for Publication
t liiled Slatca Land Iiltiee.
Rovehii-i;. Ilii-itiiii, July :n, l JI-J.
Nul lee 1 lii-lehy ii-eutlial 111 eom ,llaue
with the provisions id the ail of 4'oiiKresi of
June :t. iS7. emit led "A n ai I lor the sale of
ti in her lauds iu t tie states of 1 11 II for ma, I uiyoii
Nev ada .and v asluneion 'Ierritory, "a-extend-ed
to all the public land slates by art of A uguat
4, Js.'J.
of M villi" ' ni k, iM.imif of Ihiuelaso sla'e of
iei;oii, ha- 1 he dav liled in this ollice li is sum 11
statement No. :lix.t, lor the purchase of lotKOaed
1. ami HW '4 ol NV ,t. se-.-. -j, low 11. 2:1, H. ll. :i VV.,
and will offer proof 10 show that the laud otiKht
Is mine valuable f..r its limU r or stone ihau
lor agricultural put ises, and lo esial,li.-li Ilia
I ' e neainer ami r.eeeiver ol tins
j office of KoscburK.lueKon.
1 "ii hatunlay, the llth dnv of h'tnlK-r, Itn-'
' lb' mimes: 11s witiieascs; John Hall, Sr,, Johii
1 Hall, Jr., I N llaiiiillou and (; (I While, all of
Myri'e Cic t. Ori-.'i.ii. .
Anv and all p. -i sons claiming advi-r-.-ly Hi
above de-ritM-d laud are reuiicMed lo lile'llu i ,
1 ciuiuiaiu una omee on or neiore laid inn da
M KCUllaT, 1J0'.
Notice for PublicalioiT.
t'liil.-d States I and Ollice,
Ros.-biir :, Orenon, July. 1, l'.KL.
Notice is hereby i;iveu Unit in eompHiiin e
with tin- tro iolls d t he net of t'ougrcss ol
June ls.s, eiititi.-.l "An ai l (or the sala
.Hither lands in the Mal.-s ol l aliioinia, Orego I
Nevada and Whsio lotion Territory." as exu-u j
I to all llie i-iiliUc l-iiiid -stales by ni t
August 4, s.j.
.M V I lll- VV I.. VV ll.SHN
it Itiis.'biiri:. i-oiiiiiv oi I'ougliis. si.ii,. ,.f ore-
gou. has l Ins iho hied in llnsolli.e -is suorn
lati'lii.-nt No js ,; l( if-i tie our.-huso oi the sl .
N1.. oi sc. lion No 4 tow us hip . H . K. So 1 ne-"
and 111 offer u.shon that the land sought
is no. re valuable lor Us limber or stone than
t.-r uj; rl. iill ii i nl -iii !-.. and t,. establish las
claim before the Ucal-i.'r aud Receiver ol this
Hire id llo-ebiiig. I iieguii.
on I'll. hiv. the .'llh (hiv ol Oi-tol.. r. 1'.ilV llt-
niiuics us witnesses- John V, lot, iisinr N.
Koll. of Kosehurg. Me . lii.uit Tavlor, of llak
hind . Or . mid Ensl II.. I. onii. of i.h-le. iregon.
Any and all poisons eiaiuung adiersely the
alsivi' deciilH-.l hinds an o-.ii. sti-d to lile
theirelatnis in (his oth.-e on or belore said :'lth
day ol (i. i, l o.
J.'lp I- I'
Notice for Publication.
I nit. ,1
- I nii-l i Mli, , .
R.-.- l.i; o- 1 1 ! 1 1. .In in- .si, l'i'.
en-' y gin-n thiit lu coin,Uame
i i,' tl.e at of I . ng re-s of
i-iili. :- -I ii a, t r tl e siile of
N..I-..V is 1.,
Willi tl'f pl.,1
.' U!:e 's,s
1 1 .1. let la
t ' ul ,..-! ma. oie. ill
Nei ud a a:i.l ii a-li , iikl, u I e . ul-.i i ." i.- ex tend
ed ! a'.! tl.e p-il,:c ia at i.-. ail o! A, it lint
i. 1- '.'.
I'Wll 1 MiM .
oi lb bill g. . , ,,li; V ol ! I. 111.- ill.-. -I:, I, ,, lire
g,.n l.n- l In-.b. i t, :, ,i in i hi-..t:,, tl. -worn
S(ltcl!el N-.. J.S I 1,-1 tl.e put, I,;,-.- . sw,
. , -e.l l.-u S.i .. ;ii- hi I. V. -. nt Ii R. s
and will ...tier p:.-t t..-r.,M that the land s , tight
i u..-ie v ii' ! i--i i-- o.,.1. t or s:,,T,,- ti.iiu
f,. agrirlil'.u'a'. i.-i,...,-s B;.,l .., ,-sabl,-h r.ig
clsiui U-i.-reti.e l.ii-'ei at.d i.e.ciivr ol this
ot:I.-e ol r.osebutg, tee-'ii.
.-ii 1 Ii o : s. i;, . I to- Jo . I m . . I ii, i,,l., r. l-,.,.. I!,
linll..s - mi : porter. Hale
I t-.r. u. l K irk. li.l:! 11 A ; :. Rr.-u n n .1 ..! i ,-iiiii;.
'.-iii. .oi. i.-. oi.
Anv and :e 1 - - - - -I . - . i -I : I : , 1 i 1 1 lell. rs Iv !,e
:i l...v e .1. s,-r: U -i iHit-l- i.r. o .it. -i. . to i,i,.
t h. ir In mis in t ol'i.e ..r be:., re -h,,i P.; I i
lav .,( ih-tober ;... j r i:i:iik,!.
oil!. Reei-t. r.
Xotico for Publication.
I . ', : -'.c . 1 atol C!i-
N. ti. e is l.,:ely j.-! v e:t t hat fl
Willi the t-rov :s. .- ,.: : l,e a, I ,.t
June ,., i.s.s. ei.t;: .-,1 ".'. -. u t !-,r
tciiU-r latuts iu the .-:: .-I I ;::
Nev ada ,ai;d ahi :ik:. n leru:--r;
ed I., a.l the piiLhc iatid s'.atr- Lv
4, l.s
I !;ll M I 1 M
..: N..r'h b- i -1 . i kn: -'
bus : h is .i:,v i. .- 1 i .::.,- , . i. . -no
-i.i V. i-.i tti, p.,r. :
llie sale of
rtca oeii. Il
.' a-ex'end-I.
t . : A'-t; ust
. - : u ...I, .
. '. N :
i -1: 'i i-., -
'!. C Ih-U
:ai-l.-h I,
ier id th.s
V. - Ui, .,! ,, . J
I ,, V.
aud u .1, . t'er i-o.-t :.'
is n:.-re v al .a'-.e o r
f.-r a;rii ii'.i'.,rai ) I
r'.a'.iu la-f.-re the be-.
shell tl at :h
:- ii::ii r i i
se. a::-t I ,
-:er a:.d i.e.-.
OlUie of Kost'l-urg. I '.-rKoU.
-! I -1 1. 1
- 11 - 11 i
W a-
1 1 i-iii-i-
Notice for Publication.
I l,.', l '.-. Land Ori.-e. : ' ;' '
1 --' ' '-;.- -"-'. V! ..
N- l;-' : - '.. .',..-i u.-ii i t .!! (' ik :M . .
. 1 1 . hv l-r) 1". i.l Hi' a. '. "i .i'ltf-M ' v " ' " 1
Jan.-:.. i. nr.t.i At. .1 ! 1-t ! :e t ' '
l: m ?-r NnN ti : ht- f.x'f 1 - 1 1 ; :-r ri.n. Or-Jr'ti.
Ni'.rt'ii HTt'i A rt " 1 ; 1 1 . . 1 u t rriii-r', ' i "'
f l nil t !; .- ..1:1 I Vi -t ( A :l'
l.KON 111) HKt- .K - ":'.c' J :
mi;! :! t.: : ii- i: I ;n t!u t. -.. .rn lk"t
, N! o! s.-,i..
ran--- s ll est.
i. to- .:i-l s,.
r .-.:i 1 .'ot e t': a-i
i N . t .an.
:t 1 ml o:U r
; more v h.u-
. : 1 - .ii.'.. ..:
,f I-. !,.. 1 '..,:
.- for ,.s -
a'.. 1
I" I
i -'.a',.,
ti r and
oU on
. j. i;.-
-h ho
t- :.,r.- i f.e
at :h.
at Kn 0'.:r.:. ri
.,: s--; :- t-.:--. 1
John .-..: r. AO,:
hi hii. t: B..:iii
A-.y :.-! 11'.: ;-a'-..--.
il. -eriii, -t
' '
.-milorl S.a-..-:
ntir-;ns:i.n. -i
:, nso-l to e ti
.1 :
. 1
.I -
Notice for Publication.
s it::- s - -
,,s,-;.je I
v j.ien
:i.i I iM tUt.i (.
Way Jl. 1 e:.
' . :l i i-i-.n; ..ikv
N ol,. e . -w
tli :h.
June . i-7
tliiit'T !a-;
N. v a'la, an
rd to alt:,
u-l I, !-'' ,
' ,- F t .f I - -:ik -es i t
1 1 Aei f T i. s ,.!
s --( I ald-Ttiia, I : .tl.
n l.-rrit- ry, as rvteii I
d sij!;.-. t,v rl it a ii;-
! v. .. .,,
I'ii' in
. '.-u:i:i
J sl KAUN-.
Lou... -'a'.- .,Mi--k-,-n. !
ti : . .s .:t.i I .-m
: .- i -ir. : a .-! tl..- N..HI. '
.-. -.-' 10:1 .N :ll 1 p .e 1
v. .': ,.'! i ::--. f '... I
i ;.i0,e l--r it- :
r i-ri, u t-.fai I -u T !-,. l
.iii.-i I-. . t lai.-l i-lore :
-.. : -.1 Ilo- -lV. e at K.s...
oi i As :
!ij.s tl,
t Oi
t No
. s:'
s u! K N. 10, .a
t ; cr. u. r or
LI', i to -o
th- K.',
:..! : t ei
-1 - ll i: iS .
t an t I-.--.
:i ..ii M-,1,
t..e I tl .lav ef s. i 1
a- .,::. ss. . ' 'rets! I.
I. r.
! lie : a:i e. a- ,
le ii.e..-..h, liar-- K
i.r.ut 1 v. lor and :
K..y M .:0-r. .,' : ti. .and . v r. '
A,i and a'., rs-.r.s;:if
ai. -v.- d. .si r:'-- .1 and- a'e ie.,,..
l Irtlii S 111 til. .-tl.--- ell or U :eie
oar nl s, j : m'a-l l.0. J.
' m-.' ...
the !
1 to i.le th-ir I
tl.e sai I 1
. hail
Notice for Publication.
I;--slri 1-... ore.. May X. I AO.
Sot., e in herehy ir.veti 1 i.a 1 in i:i:dianc
ith Ihe .ror.s:oti ot il:e Ai t o.' t'otvress ol
li.l:-- . !ss -nt:t sl, A 11 At-: f.-r l.'f sale of
1 1 -ii -r -ao in u.e sta'.-s ol altheuia. -re-
.-iili.Ni-,.. '-. iiG-l iv ohi:ii::e'i lerrilor., nits-tejde-1
lo a 1 ;he j.'itio.- land s:a:.-a l-y A : of
A tcist I. is.i.'.
H'.iN' I- I.. (.KOK'.K.
of Pe-dite. I 'ounty ol la.iilas. stale o' tlrezoli
has ihi dav toed m ihls orhe hl sno-n sta-e
m-.-tit No. ii-.T forltie.uri ha-e ol the s'jSW'..
N ' - ,-.v ,.ol Section n -', Io ush;i . - of 1; 1
Wo! atei wi.loil.-r pro f 1 -hum thai tt.elau.i
sottcht I niore altiatde lor I liuilvr ur ..t..
titan lor aitriniituiai .-.-tNe-. aud to c-ah1.i.,i
hia claim t i -al l lu 1 !-!ore ttc- Hexiit.-r and
K.ivcr ot t!n nit:.-.' at Riw1,ii:e, Ori-k-on, on
Wedne-lay, the hi day ol SK-plei..fa-r. I. VI. Me
natn.-s i witnewe-: Waller ronk. Win. M.aue
and Maurice Miau.-. ol i..tiir. I're., an 1 1 -l
..till Isel-tjiiM', of renin , orej.oi.
Ar ;uul a.l t-rs-itis ciaimm? adversily Ihe
hiveleiM-nue I lau-l nrv rsinst-d hi tile their
iaini' 111 ihoi orlie-.. ou or La-loie said H day of
. t.tetiilK r, 1'".
j.p J. T. nRHM.ES.
Notice for Publication.
l ull. -1 iSlal I and Olliee
Rosei.iirv, I'recou, June II. I A J.
Sot ire i.. h. ret, v itiien that itl eonipliuuce
with Hie proi i-i -iis ol th" net ol ( ongrc-s ol
June:!, IsTs. entitli d ' And Act lor Ihe -ale of
liiula-r lauds in ih Stan - of California. Orecn.
Nevada atrl V fi-titnK'.in 'lernlorv, ' an exlend
isl l i ail the I'llhhe l.mel .-'-I'.i - I,) aet of Autr
u-l 4, Is'...',
ol Hainan Va'iiejr, county el lioulas, state of
Oiceon, lots tto-day Id.-d in this office hit sworn
stateiii. nt Nn J71-I for lb.-pur. ha-e ot the HK
of ' elion No. Jo in i..i-ii.l,i. No. ;. s , ranite
No. s. sot, and will oit r pioni to -lion that the
land sought I- mop- v aliialt.- for it- tiuila-r or
stone than lor attneultiiiul purp'.ses. and In es
tal.iisb Ins e 1 n 1 111 lo said iicid before the liestii
terand Keeidierof Ui-s oiriee ai Itosi bure, ore
unit, mi 1 h tistlay. the '.tin .lav ol 1 i-tola-r. I'tt.
lb-nam. ss w iiin -si s. H.tO. llnrcn, V illiani
Hans. Kiehaol I nek nd J, s-e K Irk. li. hill, nil
o! Camas alley. Or.-i-on.
A 1. v a-d a! 1 i..-rson- elaiuiitie ndvers ly the
a'aive d.-vii'iMd lands are 11 -j'lest 'd lo I.le
their claims in t his olh e on or In-fore said 'Jth
li.y ol f,vto!-r. 1.' -'. J. I . Illllll IKS.
-I Keglster.
Notice foi p
t;nilcd State I an, I Olliee,
'Kowdciiu, Ort-Kon June '.o, ijnj,
Notice H hereby yivefl t lint 111 enuipliaure
with the prm isiorm ol the aei ol 'nii-ret of
June :i. is;.s, entitled "An net for the sale of
timla-r No. I. in iheStatisi ot ( aiilotuia I'reRoii,
Nevada and Wasliinctnii ierriloiv as eilemlci
to alt the public laud slates by act of Aiiiriiat 4
' .i"IIN W. l'.KNNKIT.
id Sen tile, eoillll y of KillB. state of Wash illgtou ,
has this ditv tiled in this otlt,-e his sivoiu stai
meiit No los'V foi the purcliasiof the s'., Ml1;
and lots 11 and 4 of seciloii No 2 Tp. -Jt. k'y wesi
and vv ill ofier proof to slum hat the land sought
Is: more valiial.le for its tiu,t,er or stone than
for b k'ri en 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 -1 1 1 1 -. - e- s . Hit.i 10 establish hia
claim Is.fore the Itei-ier an I lieeeiver ot ihil
01'ficu of lsosehiirir,orejoii.
on Moll, lav-, the Mill day of i) ltm.'. He
iinuies as vv nnesses: i.iiur.11,1 liiiiiicnni. r. 'J.
I., spiiuidiii :, .Seattle. Wash.. Wm. M. 1'orier.
Allen Wilson of (lauiaii Yallcv. tireitou.
Any and all pei-Miiis claiuiiuit adversely the
aoov e-,ieei men lauos KIV n'quealeil lo file lhe-
claiuiH in ibis olhee 011 or ta-ioru said lith dnv
of Oct., l'.tlj. '
J. T.
B R 1 1 ir; K ,
Title Uuarantee&Loan Co.
J. I).
1 rcHldint.
1. IIamii.tun,
Secy, and I n as
(JHice 111 the I ourl llntise. Have Hie unly cmiv
,!eleket of ahstrai-t liiHika In Uriuulas (Viniiiy.
Ahstnu is and t i rtilii ales ul Title fin nished u
HotiKlasc "V Ih"'' ""'I niiiiiiix chilniK, Have
als.i a cnnilel,: set ill Traciinn id all lua nshii.
ilalaln Ihe K.isehuri,, Oieit.m, V. is. jmt nh.
liicl. Will ninke !! ne .rint enpieH el any ton 11 .
.hip showiim all vacant (iuvetiiiiienl laiula.
Nulary j.nhlic in ollice, lniiiiriilicc hki-iiI
Corrcsiiointciicc sollciltd. Ji -
Notice for Publication. .
I NITKII ST 11 l(s 1. 1 Mi ( If l-li II,
Kosebuii;, Oiegon, May '21, I'.si.!.
Notice is heieby gieii thill In eotiipliaii. e
Willi the provisions of the in t e ( oiu-i.-'- of
June a, Is.s.eniitled "An Ac t .,i the s,,le oi
tlinber l.limls lu Ihe sun.-s oi lnl
l lor li In. Or."-'. ill, Nevada and Washington l.-il
lory, ' lis extended to nil the I'ublje l.imd still. -by
act ol Aiicusl I. Is
ol OhLIiiii.I, loiintyoi liuuglas, stale oi i locoii,
has this day tiled 111 this oil, ee his . state-
liieul No '-'-'.'. for the . no base of tie- North-
east iiiai ter ( n- ' , i ..I -. i t i..n ,So. :,, in ton us,
No. '.I. Soil t II o! Knn-,:e ,o. 2 evl and 11 i , I ol
proo I to sh,,w t iin l t he land sou--hl is m..r - nl
liable lor Us limber or stone l :,tin lor i. -ii.-ult-
uriil puri s, uud l i establish ti;s elnim to
-aid Irio-l beloie tin- R.eis'er nnd Rie.o.r ot
thisoll;. e Ill R.-si-blllg, Hregoil Moi .blV, tile
l .'.h din ol September, i --4 . Ileiuiiii. us' mi
lies.s.-s- liioi-e .1 shtiuis, Hniiv K. Mill, r.
leant iailoraud Roy Mill, i, ,,f iinkhitid,
Any and l! elaiu,imt a. hi p-. '.y 11, .
above !-' ifl-. -l Isn.i. id- re.oj- -t. ,1 u, ,i.- 'heir
I 1111111- III till- oil:, -eon or In lore said I .III dny ol
s-ptelllber, l-Hlg. I ). ;K,.
iiC'l' R.igi-t.-r
Notice for Publicatifni.
t'll.te-l S'.l.t.-, l.SlldOlli.
1;. s. hie-. nr., ., i . .v..; !, p.,..
Notice 1- h r.-bv y..ti l!,l ;n 1, iiin, .-
with iiicpio.isioiisof ii,.- aei ..( i A,- .,
June ::, is.,.-, i-i.iitied "Aii Ai 1 1,.. ti,.- -. ,.i
1 imb'-r Lauds in ih.- siwi. - oi i ,
gotl, Neiiid.i I V ,ot,i;, ;ion I .
tl-.l l. ,1 to nil I.,-.- I'ublle t -:
Ain;,isi I, Is'.i.',
s Nroi:i -M l I
ol llUrlllK-lO'l. O'lllt V o -1,,! ;t
i ngt.,11, ba- 1 :, ; - thi v 1. 1. l in : i. i
s trtTt iMeni V,. .''' f,,r l! ,- 1 ' 1 : . ' 1
ol .-s, No. -. Ill ; . II .out 1.
and v. ill oll.-i 1 r.n to 11..:
Is luore '.'a', iat-!e l-'I : : s r
lor 1 l--,i i: 11 1 in 1-..1 j , :. i '-
IV ,o.h- !
e 11,1,: I. . I.e.- in.. i;.-.v
otb.-e nt Kon-f ,!i r g, Oi.
dav oi s. t-l. 1.1b, r. 1-1
.'. bii -:.-u, r 'A . .. s,.
Kv.-utl 11. - P.r-.o.s, ao
Alii I'tid a.l i-.-:son-al.oi
' e s. ri:..-.t ho,, :v
e ' r: n its ei this o,:;, e ,,
of -e-t.l '.'.
li . I.--,
11 I I.
h. I.
,-! l'.-:l,
I 1-:
.1 In,
Notice fur Publication.
.;-! so. . . I.,::-! tn".
1th '. he
' p:
J :;:. :'. 's s ,m
tin. 1st la-:-N i:;
Nel ada and I
ed t,, all Ihe p..
4. Is -'.
the s ' i
-l.ii. yo
o,c Is:
:'ist ,.1 I: .r
ti 1...- t.
:.i. i.' .v..
,-n N.. 1-
:i T 1
in ti
1 h. 1
1- .
. 1,
.. - 11 . '
K 1!
Public;! tmu.
. - o . I
A .,ut
V. II l ! vl II
V J .
.e -
: 1 .
r -
' s t.c-r
Notice lor Pub'iis'.ition.
that l:i
J i:
N. .
i '
4, 1:
i-r la-.
":r.- n
A .(Jit
Le 1
. : T
r'.aic. ta-.-e
o:iiie -I i..
.-I. I -. . 1
;-: f a:.
:tV- Ii.
Notice for Public
ill on.
I' I M lies I ....
le.selmi.-. I :.-.
N-dlcc 1 s I ciel.v .',.
: .III. c v It li t !, l.r.. ... ;..;
; t' -t -.-ress ,.( .1',,... ;, .;v., ,-,,;-,
! Act I r ti,.- s.ii.- ..f tit'iK r (:iti is
j S!;tt.-s ..t t'.l'i! riii.l. t lre-, u. e
'A';isjiii;-j:.i;i i'- rrit.irv," as fl. :
! ;iii ti.e I'iii.-i- I.;u:. M ite- ! v
.1 1
i t..
t id'
Att-'lst 1. Is'C',
M AY ST H l:.
.1 .i'hi,iii,. entity "I Ii-.'iI.i-. st.,t
'rc-i.n. lias tl.t-. I.i v lile I 111 ti,:, .
her swum si.ite'.ii-ti: N.i. '.M7S, ', ,r
r tlie
tir.-lia f tin- !.. 1 ,. SU'i
4 ' " 1
I U"1 ' ...' V
tevv if-
' - 1
;o r:i!,i-N... '.' u.-st at:-l will i,;t.-r
.r.i.d .-i..,v iin- i:iii. ..!::, t i
in. .re v .liualile l".,r i - in.!,, r er .i.c
than I -r .iricult ut a! in:r: ati-1
t.. c.-fltlisl, ti.-r claiti.
Ud'orc tin- Il.-.-i-!. r at, 1 II.
t'l s;.i,l !,lM.l.j
ceivcr r.l t iii- i
nflirn at :.i.-i Siiir.-, m. -...;i,
ilav tin' Sr. I .!.iv 1 .-.;c
.01 Vc lin-s- i
u I'er, l'i.'. i
ii.,--r IM-!
Tiyl'.r ar.-lj
reo.n. I
she nattier ;(s w i: 1.. -- - : le.v Mil'i'T. "irant
Hoy Steam- a.l I ' '.lUaii-l.
.miv .111 I ail i- r- :i- cl. 11:11. 11 ' a Ivcr
lv t In- .l. -.-ril.e 'i 1 :i Is arc n."j,ie-t-sl
t.i lile tlieir l.i it. is iti 1 li i- idlii . .ii cr
la-lnrc sail I ".nl -liv ! 'inla r. 1'".
lllL'Jl J. T. r.l:l!I.s Keister.
1900 Water Proof
Harness Oil !'.I;irki.ij
1... t .i 1
nil ii. ill .tic ci'ti-i-icticv crea:ii.
aisitivcly v ill md 11111 or no. I-I. t.
tin- Icallier lirtuiic-s, yet lua!,i - jt
itl I'l plialile. l're-. IV. - ).
slitcliiiiu' 'i'.ni iinlciiieiii iieiiltt-r
an.". 1
-..It I
an, I ;
jives the liariie-s - ati.l tini
M'nraiicc. Keally mahes ,,',
l.ik new ami will loake it l-.i-i !
lull;; liy 1 lif ti-c id liKKi I lat ncss-
i als" ciiiallv 1 i'.,i l,..s an
Maiiiil.icturcil liv .1. . !il l
I..-.1 :i
IV ice :IS
fill. It
1 slua-.s.
. K..SC-
linr', t're,
I lariu'ss s
at HI
s a- r
Cies Rflial at (-nic. '.Sssr .1'gi"
It clean.-", lies - t.J jfJ-A : sj r. "l
he.vlathe.lisens. d 111. 111- &rf'Vi'-",'"",",t'"!
hrane. Hetirenl att.rili i'r;,-,vl-:-7i5
and drive, aivi.v a I i I II AV P S- I; 5Tf!
Hi lite lit ml ijii .-'
ia ahserl-ed. le
1(. slut . - llie st,.,,,
Wle.; Trial ; l
LI.Y lllfi I I'l
lili'l l'r : '. t'ie Ii t: ' t-i-i..
ef In
1 1 Hi
- I Si-,
10, , :
" 1. v.
. . r I-
' Kasal Catai'rii ij.nokiy yiel idt.-, treiu
tnciil ny Kly'H llrnani Jlulm, w liich iii nt;ire aromaiic. Jt is rcccivcl tiie
I10:illils, cIcaiiHcM un.l luaU tho wholfi Fill
fare over which it .liU'iim j il elf. I -.u:;..;isrt
Sell the Wc. bi11; Trail 1.1. e Hy mail .li
reuls. 'J'eul it au.l yutt arc suro to cuutiuue
the treatment.
To KCComuiuiliUi) f.ioKo -nbu are partial
to the use of ntumicr:; in iii.jilyiii liiii' !f
into the tiHsal jiasiifijes fur tnhirrlnil ti
VUl, thfl pmjirit-tora ri'inro Cream HiiIil u
liqjiiil form, which will . Inowu I'.ly
I.jri id (.'ream llnlm. 1'ricn tiuiii.l ii;; il
lintyiiiRluIss it fSreuls. Jrii'.c;tsLi ui '..j
mail. The li)tiiJ fonu t iiibixlit-i the movl
icibftl propUit c, U.o tvlid rumtioo
Society Meetings.
!'. A A. M. Lntirel Lodge No. 115.
lloldB regular inuetinca on bhcoiiU '
and f urtli Wodneflil.iyB of each '
iiiuiilh. K. J. SiKocii, V. M
N. T. iv.viv.TT, .Secretary.
U. V. Unsehtiri? l.ode 1N0. Pi.
Meets the pecond und fourtli Mon-
I (layn of each iiioiith at 7::)p. id.,
in the 1. U. (J. f. llall. .Meuitwra in
iood Htandinit are invited to atlend.
II. T. us, M. W.
I.. II. I.i.sov Kecordisr.
lt .S H kst, I'mariirier.
BW(;OI)Ml; Or TIIK V.'OUI-D.-O.'.l:
CarnnNo. l-'". Mfc'::i at iho Old
noon r-iTiMr i-M..t.itinii i- I". Ho'ah' IFai!, in U hnrj, eyt ry
tionH ut I . O. K. Hall ,-n h cond first and third Mon-lj.7 fvening. f'
aml fourth Tt.nradays of each n.- i:t' . I neiif.Vws al-"i' 2 vt"::-n.r-.
All inem'jera reuncHtful tn ntfpn.1 p,-o. I .!ii'-; 1". 1.'.:.... J. C
and fourtli 'l'huraihiyB ol each in nt' . '
Ail inein'jera reijneated to attend n-yi-.
lurlv ami all vihitiu: hrolherH are cool:- -ally
invitod to ulti-nd. 1
V. II. jAKIthOX, K. li.
V. C. London, Secretary.
po. M, FOUH'M It K i I .M KNT. K
- , - ... i, ,1
1, -N. , meets nt Armory Hall evry
I h'iraday evcninif, at 8 o'clock.
K. Ii., Capt.
I'l iKMM (JK f'ONOi:. MyiicLods-o
o. i.i. .Mset." icl and 4lh li.urr-
lay evenii.tiH i,i each moii'h in Na-
ive ."suns' Hall, Viiit'ri.: ftiomht ra cor
linliy itttitcd to a'teiel.
Mi:s. Mt kit U'rsf, (.'. :A H.
I'l H. I.l.NX .v, I'.ec.
- (F A. --Court Ii-uiglaa .No. :12. I'or-
-Rti-rs of America. M.etu every
I .ieoilay evenirn; iu N -.ttv Mnfi'
icitiiii; hriitl.eraa'way a welcome.
I'n n (in :s, ('. li.
..ii. J. Kkamz. It. f-'.
E. V. HoOviR, I'ii vfiit-ian.
O. J. F. I'hiletarian Iido No. 8.
Mei ts in (jdj rello'An' Ternioe, cor
tier Jai kcon and Cafaj etree's. cn
-'t'lr.lay tvenir: of e.ich ueclt. Mew
iiern of thd order iu ood ttari-)iD2 trc
nviled to attend.
H. B. 'ilLLLTTK, N. li.
N. T ltLTr, Socrttarjr.
"I 1'. Alpha II;a No. 4". Mec'e
every Wedneeday, iu I. O. O. F.
Hall a'.7:.'W p. in. Meuiiera in:
o-i l nd:r. ar" i.ivitel to attend.
. V.'. !I:i;,:m i , C. I
C. K. II- liLhr-, K U. S.
o. 1.
- it- r.
. !:.-:i
I. i.t N
Ih.i :
h in '
KcMCvs- t!,
lav ei.
ii'. Vis'lill
ill. I I
i 1 r
f . ':
' -. ri 1
:-! k.
he I. O.
1 -.--I -:a
I". 1 .
in. 1:.-. .
invit.--! t
-. -tin.
i:. r.
Lu. .c
CI1.CI.F. No. 4'., 'Aoinen of
Icrr.f'. Mn-tp on first and third
.sirr-l.iTS o: esc!, mut.ttj at the .n-
.e y-.r.c, ll.l. jtt.r-' inn
re in
e..l e'.an !in are iiivitid to a'te' d.
J M S'a 1 i.Rs, ti,ur,!:;ii Ne.tfht cr.
"inml 1L, S-cv.
Ai! IIS o! tt.e ti. A . K , Ahr th.-m ! ir-
t-siiii Ctr. ie Nii. meets at N line
or Hal! l Jo'cl'K i on t'.- fh -a:.-:
'.'i'm b r :i live r f a. i iiiMi't..
L". T. M. it.e!.crji 1
Holds its ree:j! r revie
.-..-ond and Ii:rt!i 1
Hive Xu. 11.
ie t: re, p. t..e
1 rila- eve.
e it iii in'h ::i tl.e Native S irV Ha i.
-'ers of other Hive.. vlj::r. in tr.e ivy
e cor !:':!t invited to a'teitd tttr rc-
J I. as Ik K a; ,
vl'.-.v, ;. K
I.. O
I. Mc t
W. OF A. M : rt c fur-:.
Meet" Mrst ,it! i ilvrd W:
e.-h nuiut'i at N . X i v s,
I . M. i'-KU.,
i. l:i I. IN, C'.elS.
Ni. 'j-i-V'.
v!r ' !!
.. V. V.
: s-i:.-
lie I? thi
re Ci .! ti r N i.
k"j r u,eei:r -j n tl.e
!i:st Rti.l th'.rd i l.'s nrs in pa h
'ii Vi-firi it. font r? :n t'-x-i'
in ur" re;.ef!-!i!v ;nv!t.l t i a'.
!. Mi.-. Cai-lis. I't v:.i-, V.' M .
I.iU;.:e t'eiriu-.r, .-ccr. ti.rT
. s' I
' t.ictber
1 ihllici. u vt
s I 3 I &aai k 0ij aj,
f J-T-s- Ceota'-.a tat' . 1-" 1 'i."l :
t "jt--. li heis,: 1. t-r : s.
uri. s Jfs ot :..s)r v. -. f
. -vxv: VS. .srtA:---":.q-.:fs,'i
v: '' -s.- .s is;----. ..s- , . v MsjSiss .
-s , i O I A ii T . M
" A
x ........
I tt.a-1
JJT . It -fc
Russian Cossacks. Sloui'lndlano,
Bodouin Arabs,
Colonial Dragoons western Clris,
Mexican Vaquoros, . -Cuban' FfttrlotJ,
aud Kv-licrali'rotlSJ.'lJil'.4 Ct fit
f v: : i.a titling, hi.t.n to l Ida
j .vn 1 ettirr iinimuvi-ra ry
t s m a-4 nv aw -" y a
F 1.1-luilliii; Ihe niivrattoo nf lb
l.:fe Line and Breeches
i 1 ' - 11 :U I that the V
1 - . 1 ., , . e..-..w st,..itntf Itl,-
1 - - I' cl Tum-vr llu) a
. : .- .-, l.--d,. la
1 that the VH..
u Id Iju-
Street Cavalcade
Reserved Seats (iutltidiug (iclnilssion) $i.o, u sale at Mnrster'.s Drug Store,
EBKKAHrt. UoehhurkT IU:lK kan i
Ixjdgp No. 41. l.O. O. t., rm-eiB ;r. !
Odtl Fi'llowh"lutnpIu ever? iwi-xy
eveititic. Viaitiin? "intern and brethren
invited li hitmid.
Pi I.I.A I.K'C.VN, ".
Co;:a Vi!i:i !:l v. I'. .
MTU) AIM I SAN.-. I .'in. "pn A
seliihlv .No. I'M leeels every S.l'.'.r-
ihlV cvelii'iu'. Ill -S o'cloeli ill Num.--.
. . . . . - . ' : it.
iij :i . i-iin' .rii-oiis i .'-,r ....... i .
invited to ii'l.-nd. 1
.iIi;j. M. -I M. A.
Ml:s. I-'. 11. II vvi.l -. -H i-. :;, ;.
tin? ne;
J. A. V.i t II ANA.V, t.'.c. 1
MI'Ml.N i
1'- Te,.-; i. .
-jn.r -i.iy e
,1 - 1 -,r I..I ! v
.1. l:. Il'v
1. o. o. 1
odd I ;! ,
and third i-it,
.1. '. 'I'im h iiij.:
Go to .. ..
9 5; It
f f. ii. mm
ll.W.l'AlH SilOl.
.r a Fro
oo'.t Aii-1 fir-
' ; J -
Shave r.r
t-;it V.--
ILiir-ctit. ( '.. :,; e-rfin-n.
Cl.-to To''
ai aya in t'.
e :
C :
Baths in Connccti-rn.
sl .... .... T..Os. -. sii
Homes from $250 to $5000
Wm. LT, Forter,
Ktal Hstate ARcnt and Notary
r.nibcr anJ tl-jnititcad l.r.cator
Paclscr arJ GuiJV
IRidtiie Pharmacy.- i
I. li. MIDDLE, I'rop.
ir 1
NDS 0?-
Fresh Drugs, neJicines,
V Toilet Articles. Paints.
Otis, tila s SunJi
i r
a i '
1 -'
v,- a ii t
iU .:
. r t-Al
're -a .
a 1 o:i or id
,v Ktaa
tui. l'r rvtiv n c! ft C-
adUilrA'.ls3 of -.. icr: a t.j ,s.-. :
tfca clotv. 1 ri: : m I: il !- -oi:ta
arrer-l, a..d Ir-a-.rcngtti
c!tl'-an'.ri4i rvusat; c. iOj
TVrp la bi iir cr evtr
a-i-toi to tss. Ttf
ea eit;
r.'.sa an ce;or.i:r:-T 1 w "ea e.
.eir-CfeS-. I-la a, VEklTABLl?
s TVti iV-rnCr 13 eitte-ts.. t'P.i-h'c e -
civil it. lit: arr Tacltra. cor :."! '1 a
trated t? thehemeBi.a am! hft, tl
Tlvldl il lcsIrt -t!, o ct
preaentM t-r Jc;a.ti3KH ct tttva cov-ra
a; jjturt Ituaed a
a:.t!il to t. Ttf rani- rs-:.:a l i" t i t. ss e. rt t . t'::-.g--r I ks. S
tra-.e tbt t:..;.- t. v L;s .. : -v ar ! ml:,.' :-.;.-a 3
faraoej in tb. eo tr.i and ca u or j l it:- - -----r tm list
ifli acd Mid-.; r.s-,uii r-id rsvt u.' r--. ---n la rs 1 -- - aus.-
eitltdttoa ac!-a-.J. aci.Ja.aii -i- S:r.-I fta' t:tlW-.oiii
r.tiIs-tiK-rtrlfh th!r forjpa-lcn rv.rfot ar.J latfrtUrotrnel;-: ;
OlsslpliLe.eBslureuicc 3il aalir, tta
United States Regular
i ii.-iwn"mniarrrint5;cr.cid'ylDT.lrtrcsiitrfut. aadri'.Ji'trs'iJi '- r.tvr!
for tho fi.nt tlasltl t!!jr? f-l rearefa! Hrs!rr. tt-J
Uie brotlii-rtioOvl ct nan. Tiie l&sisi-iij
Unftcd State9;Cavhlrmori ond Artliloi-ymen,
Cermnn Cuirassiers," South American Cfcwchoe,
Wlld-Weist Co,vb;3,
Rlrraily trtifljjsiii exllblUoa la which
tutrnwra 01 m Cr -a 7r
a a w w a y m w w f - , tv l
Went with all
Buoy- jsf-Q r-ryi-i u W-m
EVENT I WTlsy s--,, i t .'..K- -o.4?; -55 f
UK 1 ION Irem .V, JS.J?: -i i C ' CV'cV..
V' ff.-; 1 si .1 ;. - 5 u lAri .UY 17
Pk.lllUfctvs. Or CIMU2AIIO.N
very lucilut-aC
and Public
ever vrMfe;-
Review rVV:
11. Little,
:' ! , wait tt-on old
,. '.-eii-'o.'i er-an.l friends
:i f ill and 1 oin;,lt:tJi
-.'1 :". ! ,f v'-nr tasst
.- aa-'l
205 Jackson 3t
U "1 ckii
fVH'-VlUI .
Paintrcs, Paper Hangers
and Decorators
. t'-r- a
I. n. I.
1 1
A'.l V.'ork Guranteed.O
.. -1 1: V Clil !.: IIousV
IN liili
in 5-tre-tts
V.zUe Collins
Al-sola-.ely I L RE. and
Hi OL f Vv i: all ether
r -rry ;t
. ;r, i ti; it
1 55crtiar.J. i-re,
rUlgUSt 30
3 i-J :
' .-. 1..
i -t f re,-rv-
ts. .. - s e--c : t-i p. "I
W'.AKt'E Oi- ihiTCEV.
;i - ev.
'..:-.'. rr: ''.-. Mi.j.n acj
j 1. 1, . - ? . r r. : .-1 1 r
tt, - lTfrr - - t-iioi'cn e
f.t.iO t..o-
"1 It tea,
Mt - 'irvi "Sst..t i: i.-..l
t-nricii s i 1
vv i.u:a-j
Cavalrymen -
ua..j'..' t..;.--rs-.i tt
1 1, ' - --V toc-
. ' v . . t '-. . 1 -
Or. "A"a-':.i: .-'."n
a, ! J
Mill I ;I
1 I ' t x "j
!.-" I '!. r-. e . - c ... - , . jl
-'I''"" : ' '"'" -v.,
'. t - s ? t .- t -.- . -.t- - i z-: i2-;-. a-ivi -
,t c; ;.;- t 'L t-.ic.:i i--.."-' - .i.:
Isr-nUfj ni- S 'sM
ai .-j r. .-. Bii 1
S-C.V -' s - i I
CFi;! world
b. I:, v" r'.jr:.-A-. t.V I
l.i : -.erT e:-, ,il -;t:-.rt,.r I
si .-. : v. -. r cv..a .-' 2-s. t- a: 1
-: . c- -v r. , j
:. t;e ft-. ; t jat f
J .. -, .-,11 . . S. . . 'A
..: a
t- '-' 1 - ,Tst -s t 1