The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, August 18, 1902, Image 2

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..Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show
Will be Here August 30, So Will We.
Come in aud rest yourself while in town
sion Free. Plenty chairs and stools.
fire is the most economical, most
1 . . - . 1
durable ami meet ePtisfaetory mate - ,
... 1 t 1 i 1
rial for kitchen use. It onhl 1m .
Lard to find a larger nssorttnent or a
better qnahty of Granite are than ;
we Lave, and we want you to see it. j
The good kind costs no more than
the poor kind if you buy the good j
kind here. 1
We are prepared for you all. Largest Selection
of Furniture in Southwestern Oregon. Come and
see us and buy where your 5? go farthest. Wholesale
and Retail.
The Twice-a-Veek i
RoseDurg Plaindealerj
PubUshcd iioiidayj an.t
W. C. Conner, Editor and Publisher
Fred Wright, City Editor, Solicitor.:
T. G. Kith. Foreman
ZT. . t, rn i
Twice-a-Vek Pliinifiler. per year, $10
Entered at the Tost Office in Koseburg,
Ore., as second class mail matter.
Advertising Rates on Application.
Al'iiTsT 18, l;j2
Sturdy Western Statesmen Whose
Ability and Influence is Recog
nized Throughout the
whole country.
Oregon Las had the pleasure dur
ing the heated term of entertaining
one of her favorite roup, Hon. Din
ger Hermann, commissioner of the
general land office under President
McKinlev and retained by President
Roosevelt. It is Mr. Hermann's ! appear as authority on the
wont to come to Oregou for a few question, bnt it is succeeding priuci
weeks each summer to escape the en- j Pi' appearing ridicnlou-.
ervating heat of the Capital and he - . - . .
certainly selects a prand summer re-1 Roseburg Brewery Enlarged.
sort in coming to any part of West-1 . .. .
.. . , Siii. e the time the F:.. set. ur' l.rewerv
ern Oregon. Lai this not tbe ! , ( ), w;w ,ir.t .,r,i(!lit,, and cm
point. Vbat should lie said is that j Ullu,. ,,.,., ,,.
Commissioner Hermann ii one of ; ;n ,i,.,,,.,r,, ;i i,a- I. ... r,e-
n.Annn. .'nUnnrlinl ....... ,,,. 1... '
powers that be. He has ability and
force and has the conlidenee, respect
and esteem of the senators and rep
resentatives in congress. He has
done and is doing much for Oregon
and mncb of this state's prestige at
the capital is doe to his untiring
labors in behalf of western interests.
Oregon's United States senator.
Hon. John H. Mitchell is also spend
ing a few days in Oregon resting
from his labors if listening to the
wearying song of the inau who wants
an office may be considered es rest
ing. Anyway, Senator Mitchell is at
home receiving the congratulations
of the people who are satisfied with
the things he has accomplished for
Oregon and Oregonians at Washing
ton. Mr. Mitchell is a tirelees work
er and his respite at this 'ime is for
a few days only, as he is enroute to
Hawaii, where as a member of the
island committee he will pursue his
And Congressman Tougne, too, is
spending his summer vacation in Or
egon, gathering strength With which
to renew his labors at Washington in
December in the interests of his cnu
etitnentfi. Mr. Tongue during the
last session added new laurels to his
crown and is proving to possess much
6trength acd ability. He will no
loubt thoroughly look after the peo
ple's needs before his return to the
Capital. Salem Sentinel.
Several of our exchanges profess
to see in the present visit of Hon.
Linger Hermann to Oregon an exam
ination of the' U. S. senatorial fences
as well as an inspection of the forest
reserve boundaries. Well, a worse
'choice than that of Mr. Hermann
could be made. Mr. Hermann is an
influential man at Washington, and
in the senate his power for good for
Oregon's interests would be Jelt,
says a Salem newspaper.
A marked improvement was noted
in the last issue of many of the state
papers. Their editors were in at
tendance at the press assojiation at
Newport and the papers were the
. product of the local coiopusiug and
oaechanical forces.
The city of lloseburg it in the
"heafihiebt condition in its history.
.It is receiving a steady and perma
nent growth, fortnnately without any
boom features.. . -
It's a Real Pleasure
. tin trat ilia o.eftld for 111" fHIUlIv wliell
y -
joa Lave a complete set of necessary
- " '
ntensils with a new ntyl Mandant
IUnse to cook npoD,
thronglont, and can wve yon time
aud money, and many steps when
yon want auythiuff iu the way vt
kitchen supplies.
Krcnn who i now in Lincoln. Neb.
far ahead or foreee the contingencies
tjt mfly arise. I have no plans look-
ioS to "nomination at any fatare
time. '
One of the attractions at the Klk'i
carnival. Portland, will be a country
store, run in regular country idyle,
' n c i
says the Albany Democrat. buch
attractions can he seen all over the
state and are probably not rare in
i Albanv.
Yes. Mr. Democrat, we will admit
that there are more trusts than were
ever known before in this cuuntry:
bnt, another fact. Do yon know that
there are more men employed at
good wage, than were ever liefore
The Pot (land Journal (demi says
'it i a reasonably certainty that an
extra session of the Legislature will
be held ' aud in the latter patt of De
cember next. The Journal is evi
dently trying to jkiso as Governor
Gf-er'8 ofllcial organ. It wonld also
. . ...
j i-syry to -itlarjje their plants'; times
its pre--nt capacity. Tln-y . have late
ly purcha-ed the vats of the Slar lirew
ery Company "I Vancouver, Wash., and
are now placing thein in position in the
Southern winp of their building. Tl.ey
are also enlarging th-ir cellars and inak
iu a jb'trI chance. At the pi cent time
their output is 15 barrels a day and that
being their entire capacity, it is impossi
hie for thci to supply the demand, tuili
the new plant is installed. They whl r,e
at le to brew 12 barrel" a day making it
nei-e-sary to brew only almiit twice a
week and will give their product more
time to ajret which is itnpossihle at the
present time. It i m-edles to say that
Max Weiss i prdiiciii;r a leverage
which is second to none on the I'acitic
Coast. At present it- i imi.ssible for
Mr. Weiss to increase the rapacity of
hi-ice plant this season, but the time is
foon to come w hen that branch of the
biisiiies w ill .also lie eiiUi gsl.
About Rare Coins.
A cor res mil1 lent desires to know the
value .,f the half dollar without the sun
rays Iw-hiud the eagle coined in IS-54.
According the coin catalogues of the
leading pnilatellists of this country
there is no premium upon the coin men
tioned. Following if a list of the half
dollars, according to these catalogues,
up in which there i- a premium and the
market value of th1 same:
17'.'4, flowing hair, tl'.-Vl.
lT'.Ci, (lowing head, 'K cents.
K'.if., lillet head. $.'5.iO.
17'.C, lillet head, f'15.00.
1MH, fillet head, $J,00.
ISO!', lillet head, f 5.00.
1X15, lillet head, f 1.50.
lNaT., milled edge (not lettered;. $1.00.
is:w, w ith "O" under bu-t and
date, f L'5.o0.
1S5J, Liberty M ated, $1.50.
1H5.', without rays siirroiiiidiug eagle.
lsf.1, Confederate stab-, ? 1CKI.
To Veterans of Indian Wars.
1 have made arrangements with Win.
II. l!olieson, a resident Attorney of
Washington City, to prosecute claims
for pensions on the part of the. Vetrans
of Indian Wais, fir their widows, and
can assure you of the prompt ahd ener
getic prosecution of rlaimes.
I have on hand the necessary blanks,
and would like to make out your appli
cations. In order that yoiirapplications;
may be sp K-dily prosecuted I Jind it nc
cessary to have some responsible party
in Washington to look after lh alter
in per-un, thereby insuring an early
settlement of .ill claimi., and for this
reason have made the arrangements
above noted, address all communi
cations to or rail on,
.ImiX 11. SiifrB,
fdbnij I'oseiiing. Oregon,
Unpaid Accounts Become Delinquent
October otli.
j I'n.ler t ho new law for the oolleetiuii
: of taxes1, unpai.l taxes lieconie iltTm
i ijiieiit after tin- tirsl Mniil:iy in -tlior.
Tin1 unit V cunts liave absolutely lm
' jurisdiction in 1 1 1- .ieiiii-e-, and do not
' liavt- tlu1 I'ilit to extend fur :i y llu1
time i'oi the collci lion of iliinaid taxes,
i 1'inli-r t In1 ol.l l:iv rryuhitiiiir tin1 co-
; Wlimi of taxes. tin1 payment of llu"
) same lieriimo li'liiiiU'iit afier April'lM,
I Inn the county cunt l.;i. tin1 authority
i to tnakesiich exloiisions of time in which
I to make I In1 rollivt ions as was deemed
itohm'. I'-ut tin enmity rou 1 1 has 110
liMr to aft in this relation under the
i new law . and taxes will hecnio dclin
j iiii iit r.fler tin lirst Monday in Octolier.
S,i'li. n of the now law. treats
' w ith tin1 ilt'liiiUf nt roll. and prc-v l ilies
when and in w hat maniifr il shall If
j made as follow - :
"If any of tin1 taxes mentioned in thf
toll chall remain uiiail. and the sheriff
! shall ! nnahlf to collect tin1 same, he
shall immediately aitur the lirst Monday
of October extfinl the aniollllt
of tin1 tax 011 eafh several paiffls
of real proiM rty . and iim the iier pioj'i ty assessed to caeh individ
ual, in a folniim providisl liir stifh pur-
ibises 011 the lax roll, headed delhl'iUdit
; :ind shall letmn u-h roll, tr. ther ith
a f(;1toiiifiit compiled then fr..m and
! entered thfreon show ing ih total
amount of taxes clUvted. the total
amount of d .uhlo assesments and other
. errors." etc.
Suh-eiUenl fc.i..nn of the net pro
j vide that after the examination hy the
county eleik of the roll, and when the
. proper credit have lieen made for er
rors, etc., then the roll shall l1 return
j ed to the sheriff with a warrant com-
. uiaudiiv him to -ell the pro-i ty upon
which the tax wu levied. S.. it ill !-
i :U ihe foiliitv court hac lio voice
;n ,),,, llH1-r The lime w hen the un
I l,ai' Iaxe" del.n.uent on the
roll now liein collected is- regulated en
tirely hy the statute, and there will 1
no extent ion of time this vi-ar.
Letter from J. L. Stratford.
Ie. J. L. Stratford, w ho is so well
and favorably know u in this comity, and
who fcr the pat year has Imvu pa-tor of
the M. E. church at Orland. California
writes us as follow s :
ElUToR l'l AIMO'M.IK R-JT Sir: I cc
by your p.iju-r you have had a few .I.avs
of VS degrees in the shade. That is
balmy weather to w hat we an- cxjicr
ieTicing. We mviitly e rieiic-l 1 IS
degns-s in the sitting n-.iu of tir.- par
sonage and 1"V degrees down town in
the shade. Well it was hot and no mi
take als.ut it. In company w ith anoth
er man I made a trip of 5nu miles a
w heel, and v i-hi-d the count ry around
and North of S.m I r.iucisco and after
s.-1'ing that part of California, have co .-clnd-d
that uiile-s there i- a much U t-t-rr
country south ..f an Francisi-.i. it
will not compare favorably, at a!!, with
Oregon. Of course there i- more Wealth
in the Ui locations hen-, but it i- a
much older conn try thau Oregon, and
much mc-re money ha- It-en expended
in it-development, but with the excep
tion. .i a few favon-l hxaliti.-s. 1 am
very sure the climate ! Oregon i- much
Within n i-hes ir ..ur -iii-ce-. I
am Truly your-.
.1. I..
Second Annual Encampment.
Seix.nd Annual liiiami.meut of Pii.n---rs,
Veienin, Native Sons and Ji.iugh
ters will 1- h-ld at Olalla. Oregon, Sept.
.1. 4..". I'Xi.'.
l;.irl i ue. freediniier for evoryl-ilv
lir-tdav: Mu-ie, i-ong- aud speaking
evtryday; a graud aggregation of field
sjrf.rts froni ttart to finish; abundance
of woo-1. water and excellent camp
grounds free lor all : no sahxins. or game
of chance allowed on the ground-. Lverv
one cordially invited to attend and have
a general gc-1 time. ('mmittlk.
State Norml School.
Let thosr eTii ting to attend the Nor
mal licar in mind the date of opening
Monday. S pteinlier Sth and if possible
Ix1 on hand the first day.
Tiie Normal e ays to put students
and teachers on a fouling t.iat lea is to
good certificate". Review wmk i a
feature of our course. The coining year
the Normal will h- more a home than
ever liefore. Material internal and ex
ternal impiovcuif nts of the school build
ing are making for the enjoyment and
Ix-netit of students. Physical education
is a part of the course.
Strong work iu 1'nglish and mathematics-vv
ill lie given from a practical iint
of view ; al-o in Science.
Letters from .students, old and new,
say, "I'll l1 with ymi next vear.''
The success of our graduates has cre
ated a demand for Tirnin N'ormalites in
good schools. The Normal has helH-.l
many to good jiosjtioiis and will help
you if you w ill let it.
For information, address
al .1.11. orcutt. president.
If a Alan Lie to You.
And say si ine other salve, ointment,
lotion, oil or alleged healer is as good as
Ihicklen's Arnica Salve, tell him thirty
years of marvelous cures of Piles, Hums,
Roils, Corns, Felons, Fleer, Cuts, Scalds
and Skin I'ruptioiis prove it's the best
and cheaM-.-t. I'.'ic at A. C. Marstcr's
liosebiirg, iregon.
Catarrh of the Bowels,
Causing bloating after meals, and
large quantities of'gag which cannot Ik.1
exiielle.l ; causes diarrluK1.'! alternating
with constipation. S. P. Catarrh Cure
has a tonic and curative effect on the
IhiwcIs and restores them lo a natural
and healthy action and condition and
removes tin' cans1 of that, dreadful dis
ease, catarrh of the Isiwi Is and consti
pation. Tor sale by all druggists. Rook
on catai ri free. Address Smith pros.,
Fresno, Cal.
(In ineonnt of tin-irre-ulur nirvevs of
,c, voftlie tovv iisliio, ,7, l,e Iw l
n.ili v ol I lie 1 ovv nsi 1 1 jis ill Ilie Jiissehiir
:iml ilislriet, it is almost iniiiOHsil.le to
Miile seelioii e...rners: witlioiit a eoi.v of
H.. t , i
ie loveiniiient survey. I-rank h. Alley,
Alistraetor nf this: eity, lias aeoinii:"te j
s:et of t raring of all surveveil tomisliips '
and will fiiriiiwli hliw iir'ints of K,,,IP "
showii.K nil v.imnt lamia. '
Oregon Editorial Association at New
port hears Peports of Officers.
Niwhort, Ant:. 15. 1 he liith annual
session of t he i )i eiiu Kditorial Associa
tion wax called o order here this morn
iiiI hy President 1'. S. llar.liiiL'. Some
oil Kditnrs were ptesfiit Irom various
sections of '.he stale. The order of hiisi-
lics!. at today's session consisted of the j
.address of the president, rep .rl of t he ahle paper hy ieore 11.
lliiues, yivin the history of the first
iieuspa-r oi the state, and an address j
hy .Mi-s.'Kdith V eat herred.
The president and sefretary each in
dorsed the mailer of iiruini; alou the
Lewis and Clark .Centennial, and all
present pledget their support tow aid
the coinim: i eat fair.
Another session of the ass.iciat i . 1 1 will
he held this evening. There will alsi he
u hiisinoi- iin etiiij; tomorrow lnorniii);,
followed hy an address hy .lude l'is.
KlU loliB ( I KiT oi l n i us.
Ni:wpoki, ore.. Am.:. l'.- The iregon
l'le- Association at its ses-ioii l'ri.lay
niht elected the following olli.eis for
ensuing year vi : President. Arthur
Coyklin. i itants Pa-s Mining loitrual :
I'ir-t vice-President, lion. Frank havev,
of Salem : second vice-president. C. A.
Woody, Pacitic P-aptint Advocate: Se
cretary, Allien Toier: treasurer, 1 rau
cis 1". tiotshall. The next meeting of
the asoi -iatioii w ill le held at S.iieiu.
I he W ild W est a Panorama of War.
A a j-riiect and accurate panorama of
war as pucliivd iu nieiica. Cuba. Ku--sia.
South America. Soiilli Africa and
the deserts of Arabia, thn Wild West
stands pi-eile and alone. From it we
learn ju-t how mounted soldier' and
warriors maneuver and tight. We si-vthe
system of t he plain-, the' I r..pi. al jungl'1.
th stcrle steppe, the veldt and the
ecr shifting sands. It i" a pi' tuie and
a j-oem. a realization f the art and
method of a. tiii! hostilities. The real
ism, the gi-nuines- p rtjining to e icli
and every feature explains the eiithil-i
a-iu with which Col. Cmly and hi
horseuie!i have ever;, where lv:i grcel
el. Only a man w ho has pas-.-1 his ,-n-t
ii r !i;e in t he s.t.i.lle a has Huffalo liid
coilld coin t-ivc and perfect the succe-s-iul
gathering to-, thi-r of many r-pre-
-eiitative h r-eiin-ii. while the busiiies
taieii!- and geuerou- expeiidimre of Mr.
Nate jl-'i'irv have s;;p, C'-d. C.. iy
in a w.iv '.'il mi ll could a.v.mipli-h. The
various cavalcade", are Ire-h
, , . , , ,
rack an I held. you -.-e r.-.i, rough rnl.-rs
and n-.t a reh.-ar.
the Wild West.;
cou.pai.v. Midi ,
iv ing, eii-atioii and
thriliing exhibition ! ll
tiorsem.tli-!ilp i
..f the World.
Aug "oili.
It vv ii! in lloseburg "ti I
All Were 5eJ.
1 ... vi .ir- i -Ulli red -a
li n I .-id
ii.i-. rv Irom hr..i.i h:li-." vviit- - .1
.b.hii-iii. ..;' P.r-.ujhtoii. I.. i . "that often
I iv..- ui. .toie t . u..rk 1 hell
eVelVlhltlg . faded, i
w hoilv
cur. d by I'r King - Jii-cverv f-.r
Consump-ioi,. v wile -..fiere l iu-
teii--lv fp.n. Asthiu...till it ciire.1 h
and a'i our eX- i i- i.
sli.iw II 1-
the l-t Cr.-up :iu-!:i ine in the viorid."
A t rial vv i.i coin :i.ce y.c.i il unri:uc.l
Ti..-...! ...lh r.i i;.itr-it .
ted l-ittle- :. an t 1
l'l i.l!!e
at A C M..r-t.
: t..r
bargains inNVIieeL.
We have, iu sjo, k seral second hand
bicycles which we will se'.i .a very low
prices or wio trade for vvo...
ti A. C. M vKsini- ,x Co.
(iuardian's Sale.
I ui U.m u ,n I, it Io-.;:...
' ht il-i i. in :h i!".. -i : -Notice
is herebv gi en that, in pur j ui-nt S -:' im : i- ' 1 '
siiaii.i-i.f an or h-V the Count v Court ' -'t -v ''"" Na !. ' '.' "
..f iMiglas County. Mate ..f ' iregoii. 1, u ..,1;';, .-' . J.
made on the 2. dav of July. P'.'. the I umi.-r i .i-c nun t.r ml-:-; : !
nn.l..n;.nil mnr.lfin i.i if.. n . ,f ! lid I.i !! ! ill I. i1 ' 11 1 J.J
.it i li inlley, a minor, will, on the 1'V
Uy oi August. r"C', or thereattcr, sell,
by private or public sale, at my hoinw in
the city .. p, f-vhurg, Oregon, jd fillnn'
ing descrilil real property. Is longing
to the said F.lx-n lliintly, t.i-w it : 4' in
terest in lot 7, of se. 4 town hipi.".!. S.
range. 1? W. Wil. Mer. in Coos County,
Oregon. , containing about si re.
Iat.s this '.'sth day of July, I'.XX'.
Margaret A. Noah,
i'J.'ilAl'!j (iuanlwu.
Trespass Notice.
All pcr-ons are hereby warinsl not to
trc-pa-s, hunt, li-U or camp on the
land of the Curry Fstate. Persons doing
so w ill ! prosei-'utisl to the full extent
of the law .
Fst. to of N. CrRV,
(V'tf.; Kivcrtdals.' Farm.
ANTF.O Immcdiatclv, 10,000
homes by eastern home-seek
er- vv ho .ledire to pnrcli.;so li
rect from ovvners, ranches
farms, improved and unimproved lands,
and city proi-crty. Write 11 you've any
thing to sell. .ddre.-s,
ejj. 'IIIOSs. n. MCA NT I. IN',
llxvts:o. V(ifli
Notice for Publication.''
I'liiir.l Slate l..ui.l Oftii .
Ilosi-lmru, On-ifon. Au fi, iiar.i.
Nutlci- i licp-l.y kIvi-ii Hint In coin). linn.
Willi llu i.riivlstiiii& of ihvi act ut t'oniiri-i of
June :i. Is,", i nlilleil 11 An aiM i..r (lie saUi of
liiiifu r lamls In Ilia Hlai.s ol (.'alll.miia, (ireHon.
Nevu.ln Bli'l W -lilnj:t..u Teirllory, " a. ext. n.i
il to all me l'lllihi- In n. I Mlf l.y aet of Alnf
llll I, Is-.!.',
1 lisLi.A H.HIK VI NH
of llo-elairu, i iiiilily in DniiKia-, Siali- of Uieuoii
fins tins lv nle.l lri tills .illiee tier -worn nalc
meill No.!l7'' lor I lt I. mi l. mm' ot t,,. si vi'
Sl' N'4. M MV!4 of sect li iii U l
luwnslilp No. -j,: -.mill, raiiicr S.i
i went an. I will oiler . rout I., stiovv lliat Hie
Inn. I MtiiKliI is inor.: valunl.le lor lla llinl,..r tlmii lor vKrieiillural iniriniMn, -n,t m
t-sliilillsli Iii tcImIiii to snul lan.i Ih-ioii- I. itm
mlck, I Coinnit.siiiiier, m ,.k luii.l. or, u
on 1 Inirs.ltiy, llu1 ?:inl .Oy ol iicoImt, she
linmea t uliHmsrs: K.Uiii llool,ar." Jol.n
Hixh kay. .lolni llonii, lirurnlno V Sli'veirs
all of Kosetinre, ri'Kou. '
Any n ml nil iicnoim elniniiiii; mlvcrselT the
almve ilem-riliiif lamU ar re.iiesusl lo lil Ui,,ir
el u I in s f. i llu- otliifoii or lielorc sni.) .lav of
"s't. !'- J.T.HltilHiits.
al Ip
Notice for Publication.
ll.i-Kiira.., On.. Aug ()
nouci' i nerciiy uiven uiat in eoini.liain-,.
Willi I lie tiiovUion of the act of dmuri.... ..f
.mut: ., in.o, ciiuiieii - ah -jvi'l lor the .ale tit
I ilulK-r I.hi.iIs in llu- KiatcK of Cnliforiiia Ore
koii. Nevada, ami Vasliiin.'tnn Territory, " an et
li lo all tlic Fulilic I.auil blnle- ir ,. i
Aug i-t 4,
of Kosi'liiiiK.eouuly it DoiiKlas. HU! ol Ore
Ifoti, hai. tlusilay liiwl in this ollice hor aworu
tale uieul No. Jl'.a, for the .nn liiisc i 1L.
of section Nil. J, Urn linllili 2u holllli. raliun ii
t'1" "" ""i"'"'.'"'"' l'Uniii, ami in isim.ii.i, I
.--r aim lo Pahlln.l IWore f. . M,lnl, ,
u h CoiniiiisMoiier at Oaklaiiil, ori'Knu out
Tlmrnlay. the '.'licl day of OetulNr. llu.'. 'nt,,,
. . a. I ...l .. 11 ..IT... .... ..I .. . . r
"" 1 u'r .-"'.in y .hieyum, K,l--i
Honour, .miiiii niui-kviiir, Jollll llotfau nl) Mi, orcjtou.
Any and all claiming a.lvtrsciy the
above ileserllTil Ihu.Ih arj leiinemeil to lile
lUeirrUlms In th omw ou or before ,i,i jir
,,"fl ', '' ' " ft,.
jusr as was exihx it i).
Life of Marry Trace y Already Pub
lished by a I inn in Seattle. ! 1
Pol:il..M. Ail:.'. H. Only live d.iv-;,
have elapsi-d since Tracy, the mnlti-ii
murde rer, was laid to rest ju the prison j 1
cemetery at Sali-in, Oregon, et in that
j almost iin i f dihly short time a hook en-'
tilled "Tin1 I ill- of Tr.n y," ha-heeli ; .
piihlislnil hy the K e si oin' 1 'ill ! i-h i 11' ;
Company oi Seattle, and i-oiitiiemai-ket.
Sm li a htatemeiii "hi mn- a-.'o
would have Im i'ii i on-iclen d ah nid: !M
years airo. impo.--ilile : JU years ao, 1
Kissihle a iii limited sen-e; 10 years airo, ;
prohahle, and today il i- an actual fact.',
liupfohahle a- il may -eein the hook
w ill have a lar'e -ale. j
Just Look At Mer.
W'ln-ln'e came that -piililiy step,'
failltli s skin, rich, io y i-i.-nipleioii,
fmiliu face. il re s I, ei -.-cut. Si.e
u-es I'r. Kim:'- New Lin- lMi- 1 C u i t
all orpins act i c, . i i . - -1 : . 1 1 j I. no "l.lue-." Try
them oiii -. li. Only J.ic at A C Main-
leis ilnin -toie.
Xoticc for PuMication.
l int. 1 - n;t s 1 ort!.'.-,
l;-t:.iii.',Oft i;.n. ai k ... 1 '-'.
Nsili.-c i hi-n-by ulve:i 11. nl in i ..nii-llmii
llti lh. rori-iii-nt lh - n-t ..1 i ..a,: -- el
luur :i. IsT-, iitiilii'-.l 11 A :i u. 1 l..r Uu -it i,t
Iticbi-r lnJ- !. li.i- stute- el i ui.e.rii., On-.n,
l ern. In .! VV Mtil 1 r i ..ry, x :--..!-
fl III Mil HI1' I IU. tlC lJlll'1 I.!- - lc H-l ' ' l Alls'
tii;l i l-.i-',
HKI.I. JhNi.tNs
of H.i-i l.titif. caiuiiI) el li.ti'.j':1. s'lil. UriV'li
! ltd-il BIr-l Id" !!-oil.' e i e- ..r . ' -
laelit N.i. Jl-i.. p.r :l..- .iii. l.. ..I . -r t N K
'..f.'.sl1. NW'.-r, ..I ... . S., Jl
lowiitiip N.i , . r-t.tfe N.i ' -ir-I
iil iv III i-i.x.f t . l...;v lun1 U. .. :n ..J i; la
I more Viliitl-lr air :T !ai.l-: ..r -a :.-- :uu
(or fcrl. uiinrr! pMieo-i. hti.i ;. iil.'i-:. 1-r
i-laiia tn p'l-l mu I l.e:.r-- I l'.;.n..;e. I - i .-a.
iiii--ioner. Al I'tt-ai.'l ir i;'.ii .-a tM-r.!iiy
llit -'ir'l .inT ot i 'c' Im-- i sj-' -!. i iic. -wiine-f.
' 1-la i . i.i.e-. -T.:;rt il. J....a
Hurteu, Kil .a BiH.,.-(r. ..1 ol K ou k. t . ii..:i
Anyaai'l aVi -.iii c:...:;:r..i: lv.-.r. .
alio. c .le-: i .nil-1- no- r. ..,..:.'! I . I; t ' r
. mlnn in Oils, i.n : v - ,M ....t . n'
i.l is !.. -I. 1 I-.J-. .....-.
H,. H . - .-!.
Notice lor l'ulnKitiu:i.
i nr... l -int.-. Iji:. i i
K.. Mllil .-. ;
N..ti. i-1- I. 'jt a. -a i1.,! im ....;
lili1 J.r n l-:n;:. ..! ',.'1. i, el I .(!!.!
Jan' j l-r. t-nui.t.i "ATi : l .r ite
riuilr ;a in nl i' t:..ra ...
If.m. Ncru'lr. ::.l VV a.-i.iil'.i.ti . rr:'.r.
cit. al. I i.i '.l .! t'ut. .i ijii. 1 s:v..-
n t .
of Aag.i-t i-j.'
KcM .,!L1-
f H'l-vl.-ni,1. -;:.! ! l-iii;., -:.- e: o-
li- tr.i- ily :: in.- -i::..-e !.t : ini-rn :a'--mi-iit
No. .il-l. !..: ::.r - cf t1..- i. . N A
' No. fi x - - r; " N c
.'.wri t -ai'l (i. "? .-r j .r" 'i:
.ugai i raere vp :ua' :..r r.-.;: l- r i.r
lhn i..r -rli:ui' .: i ;ii.-. mn-l i .
Uir c in. av lo -al'l .ai. I I. i s
N'tntn ..'!lr. if Uiia: 1. i'-.c. :. I
ily, lh.- .jrl -Is . : i -
I .:rw H 1. J. t.k.s.. '..: a tlu.-:..
! Bur-.-j'.i. I. ! -a : n B...l..r. ... ..: !:. .1-.
Anv Ha.'. . i-.
i , ,". j. :.h,.;
- .'.rf S IT'"! .
;.!.:" '-'.) -;' '
li! T, I I. J 1 . tl 1 !
Notice for I'u
N....r I ..
uitu i!.c I-:."
J luc 1. L vili'l'
' T I aiU r I . ii,
.riaii p.ii n-.i ... -t. i
II.- I'U' '.
J. .H
! AJ"
i -.
j"! K;; -' f , -'..;'
j l.s ! t. J !. 1 ; . . . r.
. iu. :.r. S.. ' "s !..!t
! . vi: - . ...
j ,.;,. . ..,'., .
j ""' . '-, '
r. t
:t.;i.n ! . c in t" l l
. r
u ti.
Us'.i. i
I nt.ili-- 'i .- 1
Joun H'.ir;.m. K 11 i ti
Al. v I
if .... 1
j H.-.r xi.
li hi i c; -.
Notice ff'T Pubiicati i.
i ;u I;
1 V i - 1 V X"ii I ii r : r
Nm. . i . r t -. l'l. l
.:a lh. i---tv i : 1 ' '
Jim. 3. i i.l .-! " t : i
, I taU r .aid :'i t' -;-.:....!. M .
N -..: m -1'.i ti I r . i..-
e-1 IO m.i l!i. r-i!.a-; lnU'l .-!i.a -
I at: ,
i m.w!x c... i;!k::
I. Iiiuuue k. I M iir..ia. leu. : -.t -r :.
"WiU.Dk Krnli . 11 .'I' ll -iy ' ! O 1 !- - : .
ll uatii.-1 11 iiu. i-rt --u II-fc .ii. :u.i Jin. 11 Hroi . 1 1 t '...iv '
K..i l.i.l,-. r-gna.
Any sad -s.iiis in . 1. n!.. .!; ! .c
atKiYi-.lev -I'm-l . i.l- ar r. i-.l.-l !-i :.
lhur i Uhi1- 111 tin. . .i.e.- mi ... '--i..r. . I '.;!i
.ly..f Ik l. VXti. J. ! I-KUX'K-
llll K :!
Notice for Publication.
t'N!TKl sfAl Ks UMilU'H' K .
ll- tut K-.. A':-- . I 1
Niitu-ri tu rrt' i;., ii ihat 111 1 .u. pan... 1
with the it j! . ;..iv ..I 11. . ! ui 1 ui. s i - ..I
Jupr I, lTs. ntu'.-l ":i. : La !'.' "I
lluil r lan.i- ill :!. !!.' un ;!'.rr. nr. s-t..
XVi - In. met tt..'..iiiti a ! ' Vli 1
1-4 to n'l lh- .'il,'...- .:ci .-..ill - alii A.;it's
i, 1S.J.1,
JAMI - II Kl C.tu.X
tif i-ii'iniv ot Do :-sau
h- thn .lv tl.e-l Iii tin- -imr.i -nr..--lili-lll
No HI-, li.r 1' i- en '1 !. .1 llii1 sK'4 r I . r
tloil Sn. 4. 1.1 I i a-li.l. .X' .- i::iCi
Not W n. oiler 1 r....: t.i -!:"- ti nt tin1
Itn.l finslit 1. 1. i eci' a- ..r ; iiiiil m
-Mnr llinil l..r -ri 1.1 iri.i ii;, a. t.i ci.
tNIIh In- 1 !:n. 1'. sni 1 inn-l I--I ' I. I'll.:
mlck I s ( innnm-iiiiii ' sllnl. In ;.i-i. en
Fri.lhr Un? .'i:h .lny ..1 1 1. 1..I-r. 1 He
M wlllli.e: ll n. Jntill Hreiknay.
KJwIu Uoolur. fcinur liili . n'l nl K.'.. I. lr.
I Orriroii.
Aur ami all t-i-iis elaimliig vliC
almve-ileMTlU-l Ull-ls an1 r. ,ni-lt-l In n'f !lieir
riiitni- in tlim eltl. c i.n it i-i anl - itli lay et
rt IT?. J- 1 . BKIIMiKs,
mAi; tt.-iii:ir.
First and Last Tour of theJWest.
Jackson St., Cor. Above Opera House
One Night Only
Saturday, Aug. 23
Warren d Day's IMew York
Uncle Tom's
Special Scenry, Dogs,
Ponies and Donkeys..
4SOO square feet special scenery. 2S realistic scenes.
grand tablcsux. A Mipcrb aud aweinspiriug trausforma'
scene. .bsol.Uely the best equipped organization oil
, , - -, , 1 : .
Cartll. Do llOt fall .Hill SCC UllS.
OloTTf-'T- IS TI r C 1 SI It 1 f -S UtitlXfCnTi At
S-2Big Shows
A City yttraction Direct from
parade at Noon. Popular Prices,
ffl ce'. '-wvi
Monday afternoon we sold two hue in-truniei:ts iror.i
Roseburg house. We are making special P.c-'Iuctioii.i
order to make room for our next car wlr.'-h :- :: v..- r,:
t& this space for the aunouuceinent of
you see Uncle Sam dancing to our music o'.i will know
our new car lias arrived g
Our prices are such that the people see it is to their advantage to patronize
us. You will find the best makes and the best, instrument-; at the -g
Bargains in Wheels.
We I.aVl ill !-. k se, ..!, Ji.ll, 1
I u. e- "r trade f. r
tt A. C
. M VR-7l.l;s
A c.
Professional Cards.
Court Hniite
LKiwu -.1:-.
Kut-EBCau. us; '
Flail Ell. II. D, :
Physician, burgeon.
I Uli.-c over I. O. KosliBl K..j,
'I'l.or.e Main 5I. UaMios.
Physciau cc Surgeon.
h-. . : n.i.
i Mullc. N4.l; ii
HsiiiilkO 0KG0N
-- :. :u r.-. ci ra." v P,st-r o! Hie Sot
:i 1 I.
yi.-Mt a st .r-ii.- 1mr tr.uit of fl l;H
Phone. Main !.
: F W
IsCVltW B 1'. I ts.
Ii.-.t-;.aonc Nn. 4.
KO.-EB!"H OU.kdU
i 1 " o nr f.v. 'i-
;n.aiiK:i K'tBlK, v.hE
Attorney at Law,
Rjorc-l.. Mt-ntrn BMf , RO.-XBL' Bj. Oh
aTB iiiaew tie lure ibt V S Luid UCrt d4 I
mi ::. cs.vr t poai!-'.
l-m-.t aeot-lTer C. S Lid 0c
John h. shite,
attorn ky-at-law,
RotHiao, Oakoo-i.
Ba;ac-l-f'j-t I". S. Laal OBosaal Proba ,
tuin a tpetn.ij.
( Buiiilliuc. '
A 11 i im, ai-i- in all the s;a:e auj Kc-Wra. Coarte
Oilise in Ma:ka HM( , Ro-rJurf. UrecaB.
Attorney sn l Counsellor at Law.
Mining j ami Water Rights made
a apeciaity. j
.TIior Bi l RO.-aBC KG. OREGON
oca- 1 au.1 2
lew Buuitlug. ROSKBl' R(t. OREOUM
J A. r.fCHANAN, Notary Public.
Collections a Specialty.
Marntepi llinl.lius.
ROst.BL Ra.on
Attorney at Law. 11,
1 nt lor A W i.son Block Rosa BCRO, Orb '
Cabbin Shows
J J-
' i-
in 0ne2Z2 J
the Cities. A Grand Street! 3
on .'u
. LritiL'
tins lot we will dro:
and the belance we wi
. i
I " 11
roil!.-. S;t;
every da at
Il.iii.ard. ag-
A. M
in.-it:k is r 1 1 ! : -
rnnn nnr nrnrr Rno'i'
t il ni if riA.
i:- : "-r . . :i.
'..of in f- r
;.iin i;: one eur.
. Saving it :::i;iw 1 -r,
Nim!i r spparate risk-. U
A. J. Buchanan.
K-.s.-b.;rg, ore. ..i. A;1,.; rl ::.t'-.
I r.e List e::;-j:'.r. se. - s
comprise; 1:1
i b
. v.
Literature, Science
gineeriu";. I'ni'. er:
mi Arts.
of Medicine. Sch- :' L.ix.
Tuition free, cx.stiu
and Music. - I i; fee
2.5o per year.) Lc.-t ot
per year.
Per ca tal-.vue, address
' near Cass
WE ALE -TI! I. 1 I :!! i ! I- : ; il . .:
Fine Cream and llcnumad Bread
- e C.lTl.C I- li
the t-a le i'i t'r.e : :
b 'HI ill !.!' I r. e.l
t:i.U.ii:y pa--;;.g t:.
-- !"l
: VV e .
Tlic schovil where t;;oro::
wc -
a-ways given; where conuJeuce
j v.ka.u isvv awo -a. s. jk.x,L
, rnade easy ; where penman?:i:p is
1 x T'X S- ' I
1 ixokkecpcrs ar.i! stenographer1- h1Ve Kx:i
; life; where thousand-
r.'.cre will K (
j Also a car load nnlv a,,, Utrliell iiUic
lot the famous . ....
! and Koatl )aon on liaml.
If you wish comfort, elegance and a
reasonable price, see ui before buying
i up
Pocket Cutlery
Safety Razors
Shears and Scissors
Of the Highest Excellence
U TriIF.K kMl!S. I l l AM US an.l ri lU KV ul
KINT. W'ei.irrv in -l.s k every sl;...,,M, yn.J t- knive-.
5. K. SYKES, Hardware.
I v. ----- -t- . I-
Sometimes rS
and even
a Day
f,: i:iz
C' - tiac?
to Ro-.e:
r -
the ::'w ca:
I 11 V ,i
Umpqua Bakery
- .u:: -
1- : x. .f.e-re? are
h 1. C- llee of
c and En
: M;:.-:c. School
; v
t. -
. s : 1.:, v. Medicine
Muv.'.nt-licdy tax
-j-'-O c: t t-2O0. GO
.ivi::g IT'ji:
Eugene, Oregon
J. SIEVERS, Proprietox-
r - : is co:
n is
is tlcvereJ- w'-s ? , , -P-r.:
n lux.i.'.v ; Y7;c"c
t i
s its v
u ..ere
vlrevis cf
r. C.
Wagons .
arker &
V .1. ... -s. .,. ,k ...