The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, August 14, 1902, Image 4

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This Column is Edited by our Mer
chants and Business People.
Broun lroal Fresh every day at
vers Bakery.
Swimming trunks 2oe. a iair at
Great towel sale at .1osoj.ilisoiiV,
ycu're skeptical fee our window.
That I.niwr Pistol at Churchill
Woolley' is a great attraction.
See the Title Guarantee !fc Loan Co
or blue prints and tiling )iupcrs. tl.
We sell Candies rheaji, but we do n t
sell cheap candies. Candy Kitchen.
Churchill A Woolley are getting out a
good many pipe orders for prune dryers.
Fruit drii-r work is a specialiy of
Sykes & Carroll, the up-twlate plmnU-r
and repairers. tf
We ask a price for our Ice Cream that
will permit us to make it pure. Candy
hoseburg cleaning and lyiiii works,
all kinds of clothing, cleaned, pressed
and dyed. . tf
Get your abstracts of title frm .T. 1
Hamilton. He has the only complete
set of abstract luniks in the county. It
' Give us ur order tor a new shot gun,
you will Iv batiMied with the gnu and
price too. . l. vkes Hardware.
Send your cloths t Feignsn. to le
cleaned, pressed r lyvl Knse Street
opposite Presbyterian church. tl
l!0 the only up-to-date barneKS oil
on the market. On sale at lllivlgett!
Harness shop. jli
$2.50 and $2 ladies' shre now go
ing for$l. If you're from Missouri see
our window. Josepbson's
Sykes and Carroll are prepared to do
your plumbing and repairing on short
notice all work up-to-date and guaran
teed, tf
The man or woman who hesitate is
Iot. Do not hesitate, therefore, to take
advantage of our claranee sale of sum
mer goods. Josephsnn's
For information concerning the Ore
gon Fire Uehof Association, write or cal"
on A. J. haiian. agent for Jiouglus
county, lloom ti, Mafters l'.ldg., Muse
burg, Oregou. tf.
We are not dispensers .f baln juii-e,
and investigation of our prices v ill snl
stantiate every claim of ours to sterling
quality and moderate prices. .loscph
son's. Weeklv Kxaminer, f Weekly Cal
$1.00, Weekly Oregonian $1.50. Weekly
Chronicle $1.50, a year: leave your
subscriptions at Cannons' Honk t Sta
tionery Store.
A new line of conches just received at
Strong's l'-ig Furniture Store, also !od
lounges and if you can take a look at
them you will find the tariff has not ef
fected the price seriously.
If you are intending to take a trip, do
you know that you can get lx-tter and
cheaper trunks, valises, telescopes suit
cases and band bags at Strong's I'.ig
i"urniture Store than any place in town?
Water, water every where and not
a drop to drink'' mm;'I said by the
owner of a Samson Windmill. If you
have that tired feeling when pumping
water, talk with Churchill and Woolley.
For Abstracts of Title, guaranteed to
be full and correct copies of ail records
effecting the title, call on Frank E. Alley
npstairs in the Marks building. His
work is guaranteed correct, and pYices
are reasonable. .
D. S. T. West, having accepted several
old and reliable lire insurance com panics
s now prepared to do a general tire in
surance business. Insure with him.
Office at the City Hall. tf.
For chairs and rockers, we have the
line. All kinds and all prices. Six
fancy high back brace 'arm chairs for $.
Cobler Kockers large only $2. Ladies
sewing rocker $1.25 and up. Kawhide
seat chairs only 50 cents each at I! ice
and liice.
Stearns & Chenoweth have just n
ceived a cr load McOormick Mover,
Rakes and Hinders and all kinds of ex
tras. Hay carriers, fork- aud.pullics.
Three kinds hay r"e, liest harvester
machine oil.
The Ark wasn't painted with S. W. P. j
lint like the ark S. H . P. withstands
the elements. The only trouble with S.
W. P., it covers to much and wears so
long we cant sell enough of it, nor
often enough Churchill and Woolley.
Don't complain atut bad bread when
you can get the lest in the country at
Stiver's Bakery. Our bread is no imita
tion after eomebfidy else, but a receipt
of our own. It takes the lead any pla-e
wherever the linker's art is known and
is appreciated. Sievers Bakery.
Don't buy your heaters, stoves or
ranges until you see ours. Buy from
large buyers and get low price. 2tO
stoves and ranges now on way. All
kinds airtight and box heaters. Will
show the largest ever shown in Ros
. burg. liice 's Rice.
Stearns fc Chenoweth of Oakland,
lia ve received a car load of iron cladRush
forj wagons with outer bearing block.
Fully warranted Busrgies, Hacks and
Cultivators. The Hammed aint, the
best and cheajest. Mixed paints, white
lead, oils, windows, doors and shingles.
On account of the irregular surveys of
many of the townshis in the Roseburg
land district, it is almost iiiijM.ssible to
locate section" corners without a copy of
the Government survey. Frank E. Alley,
Abstractor . of this city, lias a complete
set of tracings of all surveyed townshis,
and will furnish bine prints of same,
showing all vacant landts.
Ho, For Olalla Reunion.
M. W. Aldrich informs us that exten
sive arrangements are being made for
the three days pioneer and veteran re
union at Olalla early in Sejitemlier. Mr
Aldrich will conduct a first-class restaut
rant and stan,d confectioneries, sof
drinks, etc. on the grounds. A line
dance platform will also le constructed
and a dance w ill be run the first two
night's until midnight and till the w
small hours the last night. Messrs. II.
Soir and C. A. Prock w ill have charga
of the dance program which insures its
success.. Music by ApnelhofT'b orches
ra. alp
Little Ranch for Sale.
A good little li'ime for s;ile ; 17 acres,
adjoining fair grounds, V miles east oi
Roseburg. oal buildings, 150 gwl
learing fruit trees, 10 acres in culti
vation. Price flL'25. Tor particulars
enquire at Miliken's shoe' store, Itose
burg. :
Bargains in Wheels.
1 if
We have in stock several second hand
bicycles which we will sell at very low
prices or will trade for wood.
tf A. C. M arstkrs &. Co.
Look Pleasant, Please.
Photographer C C Harlan, of Eaton,
O.. can do so now, though for years he
couldn't, la'cause lie suffered untold
agony from the worst form of -indigestion.
All physicians and medicines
failed to help him till he tried Klectric
Litters, which worked such wonders
for him t!iat he declares they are a god
' send lo sufferers from dyspepsia and
stomach troubles. Unrivaled for diseas
ea of the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys,
they btiill up and give new life U the
whole system. Try them. Only 50c.
luarantowl by A C Mftilrs, drugit.
Cream Wanted.
Douglas County Creamery wants your
cream and w ill pay highest cash prices
for butter fat. Write for cream cans.
Will furnish you Cream Separators that
are second to none in Quality and Price
on most any condition yon may desire.
The Sharpies Tubulcr Cream Separator
leads. Douglas county creamery refer
ances. First National Bank and Douglas
County Bank, Roseburg, Oregon,
Notice for Publication
cniykh statks i.anpoi kick,
Komchi'hi., Oivi:oh, Juiy JJ, l'.Kii.
Notice i hereby (jivcu IhHt in emiiplimn'e
with Hit- iirovisioiib ill the ai-l o( l'nni;ri'i of
Juue S, lN7h. entitled, "An art the sale ol
timber land in the Stales of California Oregon,
Nevada, and W Atiint;tiii lerruorv, af-exieni
ed to all the Public Lain! suit's ly act
of Aue-
ust . ltiM,
of QrtkliinJ, enu-itv of H.niKlas, Male of ill
has this day lileil ill this oilice her sworn state
ment No. '.". lor the tuirehnse of llio
t1 . K' of sei tion No. ;l lownslun -.'s.soiitli, ol
range No. -I west, ami will oiler proof lo liow
thai the land soimhl i more valuable for lis.
tiniber or Mono than for agricultural imrooaon,
ami to eslnhlixh herielaim lo said land before
the KeelMer mid Keeeiver of Ihis orhi c ill Kie
liurn. tin-eon, on Vt ulni luy the 1. Ill ly oi
Oi'IoIkt, r.KiJ Mio names- its itneses: latl
I'hrai-, Ixiii Siamlm'tier, Herman Wontke, of
Oakland, MrepMi, and tr Miies, of Myltle
CrtH't. Orvson.
Am nii'l all jktso'is claiming adversely the
alnne desenlietl lantls are nsjuestetl t lile their
claims in this oilice on or Ih Idic fiiio l'-thilay
Ol 'el. li '. I . HHIIH.KS,
Alp Kesislfr.
Notice for Publication.
Koscburg, lite., July. LKJ, rx'-'.
Notice is hcndiy Kiven that in compliance
w it b the provisions o! the act of Congress of
June :;, l.sTs., rntitltsl "An acl lor the salooi
ttaiorrtaiid in Ihe Mates oH:aliiornia, Oregon,
Nevada auJ Washinston Territory," as extend
eJ to all the Public ljind Slates by act of Aug
ust 4, IS'i-A
of Oakland, county ol UoiiKlaa, State oi Orveoii.
naa this day filed in this orlice his sworn state
nient Ns " i, tor tlie pureliase of the s'.V'4of
Kh- No. Is. Townshjp south, Kauce So.
3 West, and will otler pnsf to show tlia the
land toughi is more valuable for its timber or
atone than for agricultural purposes, ami to
establish his claim to said land N fore the
Register and Receiver of this ofliot at Koseburv".
Oiegon, n Wednesday, the l'-th day if
October, I'M!. He names as witnesses: Lot!
Stamiacher, Krnstinc Maudae'ier, Herman
Venike ol Oak hind. Oregon, and I r.i Miles ol
Mvrtie Cn-ek. Ori son.
Any and ail persons elaiuiinc advers-iy li e
aliove-dwii'rilieil Isnds are reiticMed to tile their
claim in this otlii-e on or ln-'fore said day
ofOcl lWi. J. T. HK1U .KS,
Alp Register.
Notice for Publication .
t siTSi Statks Ijisn Orrp r. !
Roseburg, Oregon. Aug-, l.s.'
Soliee is hereby givn that in compliance j
Willi the piovisioiis of the act of Congress of
Juue 3. Is7, entitled "An act for the sale of
Timber ljuids in the Slates of California. Ore-
gon, Neada, and Washington Territoiy," u ex- .
tended to all the Public Laud States by ai l of ;
August , Is
of Kosehurg. county of Uounlas, Male of i.i'goii, 1
has this day Lied in this oilice h'svorn statement ,
No. ooVO, for the purchase of tl.e lots 4. aud;
S'a NV4 of Section No. 2 fown-hip Ji. South j
of ranire s west and will offer pr.s.if to i
alio that the laud touglit is more valuable for t
ita timbi-r or stone than for agricultural pur-
pos a and to eslablisi) his claim to said .and'
tiefore Z. 1.. Iiimiuick, V. S. Commissioner at ; 1. Oregon, oa Eriday the ch -lay of
Oi lober, V.vt. He names as wilm'sses: Elmer'
L lea. Isaac U ftiockway. John McMuiU a !
ina n nuur rrniiiiiD i.kii uiiRuiini.'inni'u.
Any and all persons claiming adve'soiy the
above dessrilKsd laniis are 're-'"ies:ei to ii!e their
claims in this otlice on or belon1 said iltn day
of ort. l'.trj J. T. BKiti'.rs,
A14p " Kettst.r
Notice for Publication.
Cniud f-ta csiaurt Otlice,
RoM-burg, Oregon, Aug 'J. l.s'i
Nolic is hercbv given that in omphalic
with the pnivisious of the act oi t:oiircs of j
June S, ls7S, entitled "Au act for the saie of.
Timber Lauds m the St.iU's of aUioruia on-- !
gon, Nevada and Washiuuton Tenitory," as ex-
teudeit to ail the i ublic luiuil Slates t.y act oi
Angust 4, lsx:,
of Rosohnrg, counTv ol liotirrias state ofirogon. i
iias Ibis day hii'd lti Ibis otTici- bis sworn staus
tffleut No. :i..7. for the purchase of H:esW'4of
"C. No. 1, in 1 p. No j: S R y W, ami will !
fer prisii t show t!ia: ihe land s,cgnt i li.ore
valuable for its luiua-r or totJe than for agn
rultural tuiriNir.'s. and to cs'aiilish his cisim to
said land t lore . I. lumiuii t. V S Comuiia
sinner at Oakland. Of"-'''!!, on Friday, the -4th
day of ocloiier. '.''. He names as witnesses:
Joiin W Hr a Uuy. i-ane i) liiovkw.-iy, John
McMi:laa and V ilbur Erankliu all f Rosi'burg.
i iregon.
Any aud all rersoiis claiming adver'ly tto
above ili-scntied auds are rv-piesteil to ti.e thcii
elaims in this oflici- oil or l'lore i l -4th day
of Oct. isfo. J. T KRlfx.ES.
AHp Register.
Notice for Publication.
rsiTtn Stti;s Lni Offick.
Rosebunr, 4re-'Oti, Aug -, l't.
Notii e is hon-by given thai in compliance
with the provisions of the act of con;:rss oi
June -I. 1K cntilb! "An acl lor the s;eof rim
tier Lands i?i Ihe Suiti-s of Caliiortia, Of-von.
Nevada, and Wa-hinzton Territn.y, arcxtmd
ed to aU the I'ublie Land States by act oi Aug
ust 4Us-r.
tif Rriselmrg. County of Douglas, Mate of Oregon,
has this day filed iii thi otfice hLs twora state
ment No. So.ij for the Tcjrchs of the North
Fast "inarier (N K4') if Section No. V) in Town
ship N j. :'' M-.uth, of . auge No. 9 Wtst and w.Il
OB- T proof to show that tne land sought is iui. in
valuable for its timber or ftonc than for agri
cultural punioses. and t- stablii'h hi claim U
aaid.iand U lore L L Ihmmicl;, V S Commission
er at Oakland. Unton, on Eridav, the Juh day
of Oi lober. lie nann-s as witnesses- W il-
bnr Franklin, Jobn McMillan. John W l!n k
way and F.linerLoiles all ot Roseburg, Ore
gon. Any and all persons claiming adversely Ibe
alKive-des4 rilasj lands are r-uiiesii-d to file their
claims in this ofiiee on or In-bire the '-'ith day cf
Oct. i'K'l. J.T. Kk or.F.s,
A14p R.-gister.
Notice for Publication
United States Land office.
Iloaehun;, on-gmi. June -jn.
Notifw Is hereby trfven that In compliant
with the trovisi.its i.f the act of ongtess of
Junr ::. ik7s. entitled "An aet for the sale of
lint tr land in the states aliforuia. oreg"U
Nev ada .and X as hi nj: ton 'lerriiory," as extend
ed to ail the public laud stales by act of August
4, ls.i-J.
of Se.-ittle, county of Kinir. stnte of Wasbinitlou.
has this day tiiisi in this offii-e his sworn soiV--mcnt
No. 'TS. for Hie inn has)-of tli. J-1, SK'i
and lots 1 and i' eilon 2. ii i' runse ! west
and will offer -roof to show that the laud sought
is more valuable ior its timlier or stone than
for agricultural iurisses, and to establish hia
claim before the Keitisler aud Keeeiver of this
office of Luseuurg, Oregon.
on Mondiiy. thclidayof oc!o-er, :i'J. He
naun-sas wiinesses; John W. Bennett,, M. L.
8iauldinj:, of Si altle, Wash.. Wm M 1'ortcr. Al
len Wllsin of Camas Valley. Oregon.
Any and all ikts'jiis claiming alverscly the
ab.ive deseribisd land are riijuested to file their
claims in t)i ( office on or bcfoie raid l::th dav
of ocu1h.t, J T HKIfKiKS.
Jilp lleffislor.
Notice for Publication.
I."nited states Land Orlice,
Koseburi;, Oregon. June 2, !'.)'.
Noth-e la hereby given that in compliance
-tb the provisions of the act of Cniigres of
June :i. is:k, entitled "An act b.r the sale of
timber lands in the St ales of i aliforuia.t oeon
Nevada .and W ashitiKtuii Territory," ascxteud
ed to all ihe public iaud stales by act of August
4, ls'i
of Buriington, county of ekayit, state of Wash
imrtou ha bhis day fill in this oflicc his sworn
statement No Jsan for the purchase of the NK1
of sedition No 1J, township No .11 M.. jaiiRe s. W
and will offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for lis limber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish hit
claim la-fore the Kegister and Keeeiver of this
office of hoseburg, Oregon.
on Tuesday, the 21st day of Octolayr, Heri. He
names as witnesses: MrsChsrlotte V Hanley,
John B Shannon, Mrs Kioia M Hhaiuion of llur
litigtou, Wafh , aud trans Kmcartof Oakland,
Any aud all persons claiming adversely the
aunve ncscriiKMJ lauds are renin sled u n:e tneir
claims in this oflicc on or liefo'csajd itt day
of Octolier, P.V-'. J. T. HK I IKIES,
alp Kigister.
Notice for Publication.
United Slates Land Office
Eoaehurg, Oiegon, June 2S, pay.
Notb-e is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June ;:. ).S, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of alilonna.i itvgou
Nevada and W ashington 'lerriiory," asexteud
ed to all the public land states by act of August
4, 1SW.
of Burlington, countv l Skaait, State of Wash-
inclnn has Ihisdav filed in his oilice her sworn
Klatcmeni No 2f21i for the iurehaMj of the lots
1. 2. f. aud il ol scct.oii Is. tp ::1 H.. K S west
aud u ill offer rroi-f to show that the laud sought
is more valuable for its timiicr or stone than
for atiticulturai piirKjses, and lo establish his
claim IsM'oie the I'.eitlhti'r and Keeeiver of this
ofJiee of Koseburg, Oregon.
on Tuesday Ihe 2lsl day ol Oelobcr. Vri. rhe
nauieti a-' witnesses: Thomas K Hauler, John
IJ liMutioii, M rs Flora M Shannon oi Itiirliug
ton, Wash , Prank Kiucart, Oakland Oregon.
Any aud all persons claiming adversely the
ttbove deserliad lauds are reiUciiled to liie their
claims in this olhce on or before mid 21st dny
of OCUiU-rl'jn?.
Asp J. T. BMIn rs, Kegister,
Shatters All Records
Twice in hospital, F. A. Gulledge,
Verbena, Ala., paid a vast sum to doc
tors to cure a severe case of piles, caus
ing 21 tumors. When all failed, P.uck
len's Arnica Salve soon cured him.
smiIkIucs Intlamation, conquers
kills Pains. Best salve in the
25c at A C Mai stcrs drug store.
Notice for Publication.
l'nitel Stuies 1 .1 1 i1 Dftice,
UosetiuiK, OreRon, May '.'7, l'.HU.
Notice is 1 erehy iiiveti thai ill eoinil-imee
w ith the provision of the art of Congress of
June::, ls7,s. entitled "ah Act for the sale of
l imber l.aiiils in the States ol Cnliioiuin, Oie
non. Nevada and WashiiiKlon Territory, " as ex
tendel to all the I'ullie Ijtnd States by ai t of
AtmnH I. Is;' '.
MLI.I.IB. r. r.uwoiw
of BurlitiKloii, eoiiuly of skHnit. stale of Wash-
intoii. has tiuv dny bled at oilice lu r
sworn stalexeiit No. 'J.7' iorlhe pun-haeol'j, Hi. Hand Midsection No li. townulp::i
south, ranee s est, and w ill oiler proof lo how
lhal the luud simitht is more valuable for Us
I limber ii nd stone Uian lor nitrieiillural purposes
and t rslabiish Iter claim to said laud iH-iorc
the Keeisierer an 1 Kei eivt r of llns oilice at
Roscburi;. llrcKon.on Tliursilny, the isth dav of
St-pieiubiT, I'.'.'?. she Hume s wiiuesses:
I..I10 .sltil.T. W illimii Smith. Simrorii Stiller ntld
I U'i'iiiird Hiooks, ail of lliiriinitioii, rt-liii.i;t.ii.
Any and all persons c. aiming ndvi-rsoly the
aUive described lionls aiv rcUoslod to tile
t heir claims in this oilice oil or before said 1st h
dav of Sept. I'M.!. J. T. HKIHOKS
Notice for Publication.
Tniled Stab's Land Otlice.
RnsobitrR, Oivjion, June 7,
Noliiv is hereby ieti that in eoinpliaiipc
with the provis-ons if the at ol Coimress id'
June ::, l.s7s,eiitlllel "An Acl (or the sale of
TuiiIht Ijitnls in tin Stall's of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington 'lorrllory." as
extended to all the 1'ublic l.and Males bv no'
of August 4. ls'.'i.
oi!hicago, eonniy of Cook, S;ale of 111., has
this day tiled in this offi.' his mioiu stateineiil
No. i.47 for the piirchas,' of Ihe SK' . ol stctioii
No. s, low nship No. 17 south of tani'e No.
west and w ill o:!cr prind lo(tiow that the iaud
MUihl is moie valuable lor its limb r -r stone
than tor agricultural purTvoscs. and to es;Hh.
lish bis etaini to SHi-1 land U-forc the Kcgisicr
aud Receiver of tljis otlice at Roacbur.:, ih, gon.
on PHiuniay, the nay ol septeiulnT.'
He names as wiinefsi's: oeorge Hal niau
Henrv Singu'ton. Henry strador and ' tus Ediintn
all ol Koscbmg, Oregon,
Any and nil persons claiming ahorsely lb
titc aiwo e di-scrila d lauds are rooies'.od to til
thoii claims iu this otl ti e on or ! boo ail -. I b
tlnf or S,plomlH i, l. vl. I. T. llfillii.Ks
jl-'p Itigi'Ur.
Notice for Publication.
t'nitej Slutes Land O:'ioe,
Kosoburg, On goii, May J7, IjcJ.
Niitioe is licrol.v given tiuit in eorai'liauc:
with the pmvisii.ns of Co act of Congn-s ii
lure :t. 1sTj, cntitliM "An at t for th,'a.e of
timborlands in the s:nU-s ol California, on von,
Nevada, and W asiiinutin lorntory, aseitend
eit to ad the puMiC Innd stau-s by act of Aug
ust J, Is.'.',
of nnrling'on. is;,utity of skairit, s-te (if W'.tsh
ington, liHsthis day tiled in tins oi!n-e her s.Mru
stu'.emenl No. for the purehaM of the
id sisi-tion Nn. I'., toa uship -it Huth. nuice s
Wand will otler pot to show that the laud
sought is more vaniaMo fur t'.s nmU-r or stone
than lor agricultural piirrsises. ttud to estahlisb
her elaiin to sMiii innd la-fore Ihe Ri-eisu-r and
Kireiver ol Ibis othce at Roseburg irgou, on
1 iiilrvlay the lslh day of v.linil)rr, l'0 She
names as w it iies.e: JoliP slaliT W illiaftl snulli.
.-atiloid Mm r. ai 1 loli.r.l Br'n ks, all of b ;r
liiuiton. Washing on.
Any ami all V' l'"11 claiming adcrso!ylhe
aliove doseriiieil lands .i-- .sj'i"sto to tile iheir
i ia;nis in i tus , it: in- ,,ii ,.i t.., -.1,1,1 jst.i i.a tl
I Seiitotiiler 1
i ' ' j
J. 1 . l.illii'.ES.
Notice for Publication.
Roseburg. Oregon. May. .11, l.s'2.
j Ni.tii o is lior-!-y given irial in couiphaui e
; with the 'nviU'Us ot ihe ai l of lo!igrss of
! June ls. i-ntnii d "An a t for the saie of
, timlier lands m llio Statosi.t Califoniia.Orogon,
I Nevada and Washington Tcrritorv,
as i-xti'ii 1
. t of Aug-
i ust 4, 1-l'J.
I of Ros.-t.utg, county of Iio'.igias. Mate of Ore
I sou, has da tiieil in tnis offiee her swo n
t stalemeiit No. jut, for tlia lunciiase i.f tb-si.
of sE'iani NW'4of SK'4ai:d NE .ofsW,
Ssi'tioii No. loviitship 'J7 sdlh, ra:iit No, j
Wt: and will offer proof Ihmiiiw ttie
laud sought is more v.-tluabie for its liuil- r or
stone thiol lor agricuiuiral pur"sos. nd to , s.
lablish fieri laim lni'l laud l-!ore tin- K- .-is.
ter and R-i oiv.-r ot tins oftn-e at Ros. l.iir. i ir--gou.
on Mou lay the 2Jnd ilay of s,.j,t..,itK'r,i'.s j.
she natiirs a-s witnesses i'alilc! Craig and
Frank llajs, ,,f Roseburg, Ori-gon. anil James 1".
Hnolianan and s. W. Turuoll ol Tii. Oregon.
Any and all -rsius claiming adversely Ihg
aboveileK-riUsI lands are rojiii'sttsl to li.e
thciroia'm in this office on or bel"nai'l nd
lay of sepl. J. T. 11 R 1 1)' . K.
J-P Register.
Notice for Publication.
I'nitrd Sthtes Land Cffllc.
Eobu.'K.OreKoa, June i., l.tii.
Nolici- is hereby given that in compliani-e
witb the tirovWii.ns of the a?t ol '"ongrisss of
June 3, Ts, entitleii "An Act f.i' the saie of
Timts-r Ijinds iti the Stales of California. On
Sou. Nevada atnl W asluni;tiiti le ntory asex
tended lo all thi fublie Uind .-tnu s by act of
August t, is'.'j.
of Oakland, coun'y of IViii ctImsl. StaU' of Or-smi,
has this day tiled in this office uer sworn state
ment No. yf.ti jor the pun ha-e of the SK1. NW
'.SW', NE','.NW!4 SK'4. NK!; "I Ms--
tuiii Nd.:; in tiin.biiNn. south id tain;
No. w-: ami w ill oiler proof to show that in
land sought is u).-p aluable for its timber or
tone than for ncrictiitf.ral purfmses. and to es
lablish ber claim l-said lnnI lnlore the Kcsi.s
terau l Keteiverof ih:soitlce at Koi-burg. ore
cn on ionday, the 1'ith day ol September. sijie names as u i itiis. drant laylor,
C. L. Hrilcoiuh, Roy Miller and C. L. Chenoareth
all of Oakland, Oregon.
Any and all pi-ts-im ciaiminc adversely the
a'aive de"i rilie'l lands are r--uisted to lite
their claims m this oitice o" or bcton- said 1 iln
day of x.j.tcmucT, l'Jo.'. .1. T. BRIlfi.tS,
jl-"P K-gisler.
Notice for Publication.
t'nited Sta'.es Lan'l Offe e.
Ro-eburj, oriiT'iii, June 2s, Psi2.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June '. i. entitled "An a I for the sale of
t milder lands in ihe states of i aliforuia. Oregon
Net ada .and U ashitiKtuii lerriiory." a extend
ed to all the public laud states, by act ol August
4, lax;.
of Burlington, co-ini of Sl.airit, stale of Wah
nii;ton. has this dny bled in Ihis office his sworn
ta'einetit No 2-:;J. for Ihe jinn'hase of the shl,
oi si-cttou No W in tow nship :;1 south, K s ur-si
and will offer protd toshnu that thelaud sniight
is more valuat le lor i; innlier or stone than
for agricultural au,i to estanllsb his
claim before the Kegisier and Keeeiver of this
office of Koscburg, Oregon.
on Tuesday the Hist day ol oc'o!er. PsiJ. lie
names ns witocssi-s: ThouiasK Hsiriey. John
11 Shu n lion, .Mrs Flora M Munition of Hurling
Ion. Wash , Krsnk Kiucart. Oakland.' renon.
Any and all ta-rsons claiming adversely the
above rtesi n o si lands are rcijUosted to tile" their
claims in Ibis office on or tjefore .aid 2ist day of
octiila-r, P.sj2. J T HKlOiiK',
Alp Kceister.
Registration of Laud Title-
In the circuit Court of the State
for t be county of lioii'las.
In the main r of the applicatiou
nf oreiion,
of 1
to ntrister the title lo the land in sitid
a pplicatiou
Ihe fraelioinil west tin If of soiitbwcii
I mirier aud soutliwesli)iiarler of north!
west quarter ol sii-limi 2. and fraction
al east half of southeast ijunrti-r of sec
lion three in town. nip :j south, ol
ranee 4 west , W. M , Charles W. John-
son. ilelendaut I
Take notice, that on the 2'iih day of Julv, A.
K. 1J02 an application was tiled by said II. I.
Wilson, in the Circuit Court of Douglas county
for initial registration of the title to the land
above desoriln'd. Now unless you appi ar on
or before tlic27lh day of August A. I)., )'jo2, ami
show cause why sueii application shall not lie
gnuiled, the same vv ill 1 taken as confessed and
a decree will beenlercd according to the prayer
of the applicaii n and you will he iiirevcr barr
ed from disputing the same.
(.oil clerk,
j?s ll Applicant a Attorney.
Notice for Publication.
r nlted States Land Oilice
Koscburg, Oregon, June 2D, IMI2.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Coiigtesa of
June :;, IS.A entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands In the stales of California, Oregon
Nevada .and ashinginu territory," asexteud
ed to all the public laud states by acl of August
4, 1N2.
of Burlington, enmity of Skall, state of Wash
iDitlriu has Ihisdav li'led in Ihisoibee liersw-otn
statement No 2S2s'for the pun liMse of the lols
T, f, II and 12 section lh, lp ::l s., Kan-;' a wen
and will oiler proof loshow that the laud sought
is more valuable for Its timber ur stone than
for agricultural jurNises. aul to establish his
claim before the Kegister aud Keeeiver of this
ulfice ol Koseburg, Oregon..
on T'.iesdiiy the 21st dav of tlclojif r, I'loi. Rha
names as wifiiesscH: Mis Charlotli E Hanley,
Thomas K Hanley. John II shannon of Hurling
ton. W ash., Krank Kiucart of Oakland, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiiiiiug adversely Ihe
above licfcctibcd lauds are rciUcstcd lo lib their
claims in this oilice on or before said 21st dny oi
OcbilKT, Vjrti,
Alp J.T. RlinXiEa, Register, ,
Notice for Publication.
I'liiled Slate Land Oilice.
IloseburK. Orciton. July 21, P.nfJ.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with Ihe provisiiuis hi t be act id Congress of
June a, i.tiS. entitled "An ad fur the sale of
timber lauds in the States of California, oienoti
Nevada .and U ashing-ton 1'eri llory," asexleud
ed lo all the public luud stales by act of Atiaust
4, It.'.
of Mrvlle Creek, eoiinty of lloiiKbi.', slnle of
oreiton . bus tins day tiled in this otbee Ins
suorn stiitelilent No ;iil.o ior Ihe pun-lmse of l he
lots 1 and 2.SK1. NV';.SW?4 N' el t. No
:iii in tonship No. ' siiulli. rauitti No. 4 west
and will of ter proof to show that the land sought
Is more al uuhle lor lis timber or stone lmni
for aitrleultiiial putHes, and to establish ins
claim U'iiire the licuister and llecener of this
otlice ol llosemirg.oregon.
on 'eiluesdii . the luih duv of Ilcceuiber, Pin-'.
lie iiiimcs us u ttnes-ics: L I Koblnsou Joe licar-
dotff, I. liobiiisoii. of Myrlle I'rcek, Ore., nn I
h'inis lulbird ol Kosebitri;, i rceon.
Auv uud nil persons cliiiuilUK aiUerscIv the
above descrilH'd binds are request,.,! tu tile Iheir
lninis in this otlice on or la-lori" sunt loth dv
of Heceiubcr I'M.'. .1. T.IIIllhUKS.
J-'td- Ki-Risicr
Notice for Publication.
i llllt 'l Sliili-- Ijttl't IIIIm -,
INis-ftdiiL. m .itiiii- ('"'j.
Notit Is l.crt'l.y j-ivi-ii that In e
i. ith tht pro ii"tts i the n t o( t -.(iin-v-j 0(
June )b.J. 'i:iitt-.i "An ti- t f..r the Hie uf
tiiii.K-r lrtii.l- tu tlit Mhifiof ( HlitoniiH,. iet(!i
Nt tt.trt ,nnl U n-shiiinti'ii I rrriifry," ft-extciu!--t'll
to hi L liit- tittlie lund t!iiun hy ait uf Aiiimt
i iiM --.. it i:i uv,
i N y 1 1 ! ' i .'t L . in ti I y i 1'i'imhf. -tiiii- i.i
(Mvii'MI. Itns. lllls, .1:1 lllt-i) 111 ll.l- ottl.f tl
-unrti -imi-iii nt . tr Hit- -nri -lin-c 4,1
III,- N'; ' ,. Nl oi N... 11.
low n-lil- i.t ruiiL't- u-m
and w ill cfirr proof tohou thai t lit luti.l v.pht
Is mort ior iti litcU-r ir -uv Uimii
!er atfrUMiIlural juiriwiM?-, anl to "tnijl,h hn
claim before the ilrni-ti-r and l;cfclcr ol lht
oiii( vt Ko.H.burg.l'rt'xoii.
on I 1 i.l.-iv. t la Jti ii oi 1 1. tt.i. r. 1 .. 1 Il
ium. if uiiiicvs..; .lottti Hull. Jr. Mr.
M.-tii'l 1 1 a ! ! . li ;i in ! t 1 h "in it ti nl I' J..I111
.on ni! of M lib- rn-fk. tr-n.
1 1 iiiil 1. . ! 1 -i -rv 1 1 1 lit 1 1 11 1 ii iolv i-r.-ty tin
iiUa i- .it 's. riTM .t ;iiiti nrc r.-.pii t'. ii'.-
1 h i r i.i 1 in- i u tin" 1 'lit 1 ii or ln i-'r- stil .Mi it
,iu ot tii i..U r hrj. J T. I m.k.
jTp Ui !
Notice for Publication. Miili-a l.!ll Uflnv,
K'lv iiuri;. . 'r.-in, July l t l'.,.1.
NtHii'iMH IcMi) K'w" that in rouiplinucc
with tilt' in ivoh of tin k. t of i ourtT-K of
Juno -iilitei "Ail act for tho t-a.3 uf
timitT laii'lf. in lli- 1.;tIl n! California, Ora'on,
N vmla.'Mn.I W a-i.i i;ioii T mlftry. av trn.l
st lo all ru'-li- Ijiti.l ial ' hv a I of Ahl lt
I, lv.V
ot UiOomT. i olilly ot ld. t;tt.- OI W -
(! 1 1) httf. I hi" v L . 't hi I hi tifi'n hi" w -rn
M.iiriiicitl .Ni. i.irtli. .tit i,hs,- o( thr M
'4.lM1,. r'; ', NH'4 1 M.-CU011
No .o. louiih;! lit fotltli. JuiIlpO 1 t
mii 1 wilt ofTcr pr.M.t to htl'. i:,at
ittv i:iTol MitiL-ht if- tn-yr' valuahic tor i. tin
h r or t ii thrtn ;or hitu u.uintl itirM-, an-l
o i M.Htli'-h In- i ljini to mi l(u-i N Ion .
!- 1'imm.t i I. otjiioi-sj-ioiicr, at aL.attl,
r';"ii oi :-l"ii.l thr.'iri.U i 'ii-:i("r.
l'-.'J. lit iifi! '. a- inn I !- r A I-orrh,
..f H:..:ii. r, V ..a -in J it I"...-;. rf..-: I. ti.-.Tjj.-tehnrv.
K 0 to har ! r nluo. 4r-fc'it
Any an 1 a I ttt-r-ou ' incniti' a'lv rvly li t
alwivr 1-M'f;: ct iairl ar rp' ( j--Ii -1 to !i
tti ir laiio 1:1 iti oiIn oa or i lor' ail -"'t.'i
iav ol fc .t. ,!:.
Notice for Pubiieatiou.
t mi
1 s'utt , I jlliii I i:I;l--,
I s
r- L-.-itl. M.iv I'"'-'. .- s li,
with tin 1-nii
lune M. ls;.s, i
lil'tl'f irtlljs
n.t.i llikt in i iiiiiplmin
uf ihe ft-t i.f . I'tmrrss uf
si A u t tl.i- tm'.e uf
' titl- nl I h' : lurliia l ri -uli
'ii tl
NovR'Ih nti-l U asm tig tun 1 -it i u-r ,
( Ant-
t'lliu .! .In- riltj. i- Lrtti'l Ults i-y t
list I, 1S..J,
I.OI I- II.!).
I Viil"!rn. i ouu:y nl ll Ci 1.1 . -luti- ol U
t. as i-a- .iny ril-'.l in tin, nit. i-i- Ins .worn t'i--mt-iii
Nn. fur tiu-jiri hKSH ol ftie ii-l au-1
sl.i,M',.E;,S , ..f Niium iimii
siii No, snu'ili, ri.i- No. his'., n-I v. ill oi
ler r--i In -lum- lhal t!.-- i'i-l soiitthl is'.
ia1-f rr r. ihmdit or st'iiii? than lir ai;t,-riiitiir.-l
t.jrMis. an-! lo cuia'-lish hitc'a.m l-i
sa '1 l in' Hi- K- :ti-r an! K-ti-j ; ,t i.t
tf:is ottu i- at llusi'i.u-j. nr-x-iii, c-n -ntunl,!
H e - h 'iiy i. sM-;.ti :.:iK-r. 1:-'.- Ho tmi:;i-s a
w itni-si-n. . ii. ii.iMi-u. a. .. i-'ii' b, Jnhn
1 i ht.l.-rr a:i-l ll&rrj i,r-v::wav a.l of l ai-ias
Vnih y. On -k-'ii.
Any anj ;i ; .t.s.' la.iiiiiii a UervIy II, f
aUiv.-.I-s. r:isl Uti-;. .trt- tr-ii.-stis to tl.i-:r
i lii'in m ttiis pti. - -n or liriorra!. i .ti ify of
-s j.i -iiis r, !''.'. J.T. Hi:u ks'
ml.',i K-iti-;-r.
Notice for
' 1-T ,TI
I-A r- i i : i
II kl-r-.i.ll.
N.'lu - Is lit ist.y RlV-li
uitli Uic ;.roi i.ion ni lti
Jillu- .:. . . I. .iii. ! "A
1 :ult- r Ijiii-Js mi i:,. sij.-.
'... . V.. I
lint Hi i .xni-l.nlli
m t Of i.f
a t f-r Hi- sa'i' ot
of 'a : i-m-4. t.rv
K'r , S- ft.lri mi'l W jjtii 1 1.- ton 1 1 rrr.-r , X-i-
li. ui: tl.- I"..! i, Uii t.T a I of
if t. rrm-tTy o 'ri .nt Mn.p -f :M't:in.
hu I U i nj ,.. in tht .! ti: irQ
mi-ijt N".. -I"-, i -r t j"p :i-. f the ; N ' A
'11 U ' X t. ui .N f.i!l SO 1 1. !t 1 II U Ti - l - f .
N. i -;;. oi ...;? N'. - v t. aol ui.i t. r
tri: to !,,. t :a: t:t nx rit ; m'-rx a! it- i
ab i fr a i: -ni r t r tin- than (ur acrir-Ul-iral f
.ijrj .rs.-jt, t ii.i -'.. !i Iii ij 1 I tu n
1 1 '-jrv ! in- Hi hi.s'.t r an l i;.vivr : ib cfTic
at R jti;int. 2"ii. or. .-utaM.ijr U r l .;ti : j
n -di ml-T. II na:i:- a ttt!M
J.iiin Iritin. of t. Inn-!. ' r-.'..!i. tin. Chark
1 !:;:!. J. roN'.a!.'!, anU Atrl --.mau,
ailnl Ri-L'jr:, Orron.
At:yaulali jH-r'tt a. nunc a-lvorv-y tlio
'-m v .li--tiiiel an U an r .-it t-l n t'! th--;r
CiHiii.. io o!; v iti or tfnro at't I th Jrv
oi ii' !;iT j. i . tir.:..K,
Notice for Publication-.
Cnlt-sl .-l'. Ijiq I OtTiro,
h.-s.-i.rir.-. .irticoti. May JT. !-
v .tir.s !. LiTi-tiy. men in .s-uiriiianr-a,ui
t.i :.t i'.n.i i-l the it'-tuf oiiitrsof
Jnn ' :-.. i-nt :iis, "An li t lurtbr n!e ol
timtit-r iai -ls in tf.- Muti-s ot l.aiiforma. Opvm,
Ni a. Mini Vtaliin;-,foi) iirrntirT. ai-sti'ni-e-l
to ail ll.i' iiui.lii' :ainl -atv-a by act of Aucnt
4. thJ.
of nuriiiiK'.iiti.
itiittoa. thi
Maieni- ni No.
ol s ftiou No
ui-sl, ati'i u iii
nomri-.t j. nior-
. mm v of hiant flate ol tb
sility ii-'lin liis otliC ii;s .worn
.'"77 lor the .ur-hs. of tin- NK'4
s, iov.osiii ..I so -jlli, rain.",' s
oil. r I'rool tu lio--r lliat the iaOil
alualiiti lor Ita t;mt-r an-t oi:e
Ihan lor arricti'fiiral iiuruie-s. an-J to d-falillsh
claim to sai.i land L- foro ihe K-i;ifticr anil
Kuti ivi-r of tbi otli'si-at KoM-tmn.-. Umrun, on
1 iuiiaf the I'll) lay l Soploni' ". I'r.'. li
liaimn itnoM- Joi n .-.aler, Kanforl Slati-r.
Iji-iinapl Brooks an l Kn-ntioui. Broi'k-, ali ol
Burlmxton, WasiiinKloti
Any anil all iTi'iis rlainiinit ailM-rM-iy tin.'
almM' in-ai'rifii-0 lanil. ar-r-'jtus:4il lo Mo tiii-ir
i:Uitr,fi in tins otliri-on or U-fori- snt.l 1-tli daj
it .-sciil-mlur, V.'Ti. 1. T. HUI IHI
J-'li UiclsU'r
Notice for Publication.
KOsKBCRii, Orkoun. JtiueT.
Nolli-e i Iirribj- kivcu that in i-oini.iain
i;n the frovimoii" of Itn- act of l oimrriui ol
June a, I7h. etititiiil "Ap art for the ftale ol
limla-r lamln In the stal of ('alifoaila, On'son
Neva la an l WastiiKUin li-rrilory," at oin-U'
to nil the Knblir Land Mates bj acl ol Auk-
lis 1, llfji,
LKW1S 5 Sl'RKN'ii E
of .-caltlc, roiuity ol Klne, .tati- of Washnu
ton, ha Ihif daj flleil in uiin o(lli- hln nworii
Rtatement No. iA" for tin- pun hati- of the
Kast half of the nest hall (K'j W ol nei lion
No h toivnshio No. liu of laniti' nwt-yt ntiil,wiil
oiler (-rojl to llow that the laml mithl Uuiore
ralnalilc-for ita timla-r nr Rtone ttian lor aKri
ciillnral furMjsva ami to establish hit rUlm to
mill laml ln-ttire the ItcRiMt-r auj Keitiver ol
thin at llnxct.titK, Oreim, ou alllrlUy.
Ihc-lth day of S .li iulier, He naini-a ap
witness..: Kichtr-I W. liirk, William I'orler,
William I avis nuJ A. K. ln-i.rtHilall uf ( aiinu
Valley, Or con.
Any ami all i-crMint rlalmn: advi-rm-lT the
above iJi-siTio-ni nre nstir.stii hi file
their flniiiiii in tlitd ofhee on or hrlore uiiil 27th
ilay of - i-l, 1'JUJ.
jl-l J T.BRII) IKS,
Notice for Pubiieatiou.
t'llileil .-state I.iikI Uliii-e,
Koseliiifg. (iri'itmi, June t. 111 r.
Notlre in lioreby civi-n lh"t In i'niiiilian( c
with the tmiv i-l nm ul the ai l of ( onun sn i (
June 1 entiili-'l "An ai t for the -ale of tiin-l-r
laii'ls In the stati's ol (Jnlifo-iim Oretmii,
Ncvail.'i, nnil W asruiii!toti Terrlinrj ' w. exd-nit-s
to all the ini)lie I11111I Klalii bv act of A nr.
unt 4,l-'i
of RoM'hiii.eoiiiitv of Doneitis, Ktnte of Ori
jron, has tins ilay It let! In thin oilice his nuorn
btateini-iit No. lor Ihe pnrr)in-e of W ' .. SK1.
anil S' , 1 ; of nee. 'Jfi,tWi.;;o oiitli.rauitc 4 west
nnil will oiler irool to kliim- that the laml
winitlil in iiniie vnliiahie for its tlmli-r or stone
tlinn Ior Hirn iiltural pnrom-fi, ami to enlablish
IiIh cluini lo xaid lanil iHtioru the Ki-nister ami
Ki'i efver ol this ofiiee at kofrbiirt?, Oieifon, on
Ktitunlay Ihe 27ln ilay oi ,-eil. I.r'. lie names
us wiino'. s: IVli r fUlf, ami M. Hoori' of ho-o
lnin, N. Moore, ol Walton, an. I Geo Ki'irMhl,
ol renltie, Oie)-iio.
Any ami all iktmiiis elaiminc n-lverkely Hie
iinnve ilekerilif 11 laihls are reiincstel Id III their
flalius 011 or before Mihl 2. Ill dav of Seiileuiber
i'MZ. J. T. HKI DliKtl,
J-P Keuister.
'I I i i.'-c Iiavin I'ariii laiuls ur i 1 1 .'.
prui ly for Ktile or i'x-liauri', will
ilo well to call ami tho new n-al
state tin 11 mi North .lark-mi J-tri-ct
in. j. (mnns&(o
Heal Lfitati' lii-iiilit, milil or -x-
rlianii'il lor Lat-liTii ir..crty. Also
i iv-rii iui-n t lainl I. M-:itt- I. Crnisors
ahvaye on liaml. Kntiin.itcH lur
nifhi'il, I'll1. jSj
Notice for Publication.
I Hind Slalcs I. mid l itli.'c.
Ibisebllrif. OlVtfi'li, .liine :ui. l't. :
flotlce is hereby given that In compliance'
with tho provisions of the act m Coiigresa of I
June 8, ISA entitled "An ai t for the ale of .
timber lands In tho States ol i'liiortiia. oiegmi I
Nevada .and ashingti'ii Territory," asextend
ed to all the public luud states by act of August
4. 1S'J2
Al l-.N Wl'l It ITIilMI-snS.
ol'Mvrllc I ri i k. coiiiim ol I ehi-, 'i.
Oii-iroli. b.-is I In. dil V tiled ill litis oIIk
swoi n si,.iii,-ni No. l'si.j. i,,r i1(. . 1 1 r -1 1
I be S1 . sW 1 ,. s' . -I 1 , of i I Ion '
' o
. 1 i
io n.lil p '.Ml s.hiiU ,0 laliue :: 1
andvt illofler prisd bisln.w that th
Is more valuable lor its timber or stone limit I
for ai;i leiiltu 1 ul pin, Hiid to estnbl.sli Ms
claim U'lorc the llenl-tcr and Keeeiver uf thil
office of Uosebunr, Oiegon.
1 mi I ni 1 11 , I In J 1 1 Ii 1 lit ni in I. .her psrj lb'
litili s w iliiess,.. : T. i,. llarlou . .bdin Hall.
Jr.. Mr-. Mkii.I IImM. I', .lol.n.ti nil oi
i ivck . f tri'iioii.
Any jiii-i nil -i-''iv c In i in i ntr
nlio o ih-v, 1 1 In. I In in is. Hie 1 1 -. in i
t lo ir t in i in- in i iii- ofli.-r mii ..r I. ..
.L.v i m. r I to.' J. T.
M v Ml.
Notice for l'ublic.ition.
ni!- I Sini.
.:rv. !.
,irii tlint
I I i.i' !irt
I "An n t
.-im.-- ..i '
.-'!. -n l::i
Inii't :'."
u i
Noll ti hpr-(.y
w it h lli- i ro i-i,
Jtiia- .1. ". . ru: it it
tiitiiT In ' ii i i.f
ir mi. h aiol U n-r. r
a U, ull li.v P'lLi.c
I. lillir 'jo.
In rnnipliatu
i ontfl- Vt
'"r th mle of
1-. art
t Auguit
4, Ift.f..
J"KI.M l I.I.MK1"
of llovrl.'ll-' f.HHlt Ht lo:. ,.i, 'l.lU'..! Mi. .-oil,
ha thi-sl:v m ti.i- h v.. or j i si.i'i
no lit N. .::. 'ol lli'" juir li.i-'- "t !!..
."N'4 Nh'4. NU' .-I' .o ...... t,,
i: v
t Iinli
t'l til
an-1 w u'. or '-r r l toh. I I.k' i I t 1 .11. t
1 liioli' I.-r lt Ii::.)- r 1 r
!r r.iii iiluiiiil j.'m.. Htol ! r".ui.,
claim t f rt? tin- JU-ki-ii-t aa.i 1 a . rt i
oliirc . t UoMrburjr,. 'rt-Kt'ii.
on 'I Imr- ht tht l-.tii lu : ' :! I If
iiijii us i'in -M-: n M- Muil.-u .1 H i
fSnfiitii, Jotm iiiv 11- mi it.iiii l l.o.n .i.i ,i
Ko'cMuv r.goii.
n nl ;tl I i-ioii' -aitiii.i .-i-lv'-r !y th;
aUm .-s. ni. 1 !ti!' a:. ! H -l ! ! 'h-ir
ill t ll' Ill r "Ii or l-e.o;.- vjh-1, -1HV of
tou-r. J. '! . l;l:lU ,K"
Notice for l'liblication.
I'llilC'l tut'-8 I.:: 11 ! Olt.n-.
Kosi hurn. . 'ri s.iu. Viv J7. O'J.
Niitii-i is h''-t'V i;.tiillint ;ti i iniji:iii!ii-'
with the i-riiviMo'titi i-f tlii.' ri-i oi . mi:i-s i,:
June :, Ip'.i "An A t fur II. i- '.
timtn-r Imi'lsin tin.- -tKt.-s 1.! 1 rtlifi-mia. (: j i.
Ni' 'l:i. anil N'1'iti li.-rrr.i.rj-, a-
-'I tu all iin' r.iil. 11- ! m l :'.- t.V . t
ii-1 I, 1 "J.-,
J ill', si ui i;
i'i r.'irliii:'tiii . .itiiit ii! -w.Hjit, si.i,. ,
xt. lul
i.f .mi-:
.1 '.:i I.
1 11c tun, I.hs t!,, ,Hy 1, ,1 .i, t;, . 1.;! .. ,. 1 j. . .,
lull' Ill No .'i'.s. t.,r tti. l.s,-ttj.. f-K-f
nf.-H i ti.iti Nn. ?, ti.u iiJjij. :.i s.Mitn. rm' -i' N'i. s
wi-st. m1 ott-r I-rm't l-i -Imi.v Xl.&K lnll'1
sunlit is ini-ri ;' ..r i:s li;., I- r nli'l .:i.ii.'
thn:i !nr n::-iillilti.i t.iir;.' ti-l li . -tii.lifi
l.i.rlniiM tu sfii.l Innif l..-r. ri- t .'m K t'is'-r mu.
K.i 'i -r 1 tins i.lli.s- ii
I h'lp-lHy tiu ls'h .1
liHtnis ns w .::..-.. t
iali'r. Isilmrit l:r..i..
1 in s.,
r. I'.".'.
nil. I l.v
ill. Kb 11.
.- I rr
'.I-I t..
. ! !
allot litir.iiie'.iin.
Auv mi.l mi. ! r-n:i
hImivi- il.4 nir 'I l.,is-s ur
1 l;iii 1:1 ' Ins nit .- , ,
rs iti'in li--r 1 ..'.
p- jti
Xiiticc for Pubiieatiou.
,ti"l !:,
: - Ij
i:. -
t:i-' i ii- n-t y t'l
ii Hi-
1 r . v .
Ji;ll. :l. l s. eiit.tlnl An a
titn'i r Init-ls in i:.- s-..r.- ..;
Ni vs-la . r li-l .a.t;. fc-ti :i I-
1 to Hi tin: I'll!. .11- I..,ii I s:
Jl . I- '.'.
i!i.i.Kiui J i:
of I-., I--.rie. ! ':. -s , ,
ilav t..-si in thin o:!;-s t,:.'
N-i. -! !..r Hi n-
.1 A
i.iNi- Tr
-. iiMi'.u. :.!-.
s.,-ii ia
u , :'n
s--i :i . t.lit;.' N W
nU ui:i .t!r 1'Tm4 .i .:-,!
;hc !n I (",; i u,..,'.' r r."" it-
tii-U.-r r ? tie . r r ;
Mi.-l lo v,.w1i h; i t m-i j
!: .vtr k:i ! K . i. : ..f t?u .
iMrv.r.;:i. M-i. ).iT U- J.'r..J .Jbt
I ,'. li - cja.- is m . . t
Krr k Hr. . ! I. .-"'-. j :i 1 .fa ;.t 1
an a:il rv M . l v.r ! r , : ? i.
Ai ft a 1 . ; -r-'i . .. iii i at: : - r -
i i h ti ' a r- ..-. 1
h- ii !i iti t . . j - ' .t :
U) 1 J. J. i l.i.M"
cc for I'ublicatif
w.ii: -Jv.t
II:'.'- - Is
N i ; i
4, 1? -'.
ii'HN li i I
i , t
j ; )
a'.. I v. ..::i-r ; r. t
I l... . . fc. .i .. - ;-. .
f"r it'.- :-e: ; .
t'.t:-M t :.-: the !. t.-:i
Oll.rt- si Ki'
I. : :. hi -.. . . ..
T.r.:.:. - .1. U It- .... - 1
Ha 1. -l .1. i. - !;!..
..1 V -t i r.. k ..7.
II KT,. h ' , ; ' ...i.- .
l -l. - t i., t :m. :.
- U
- -1- :i.u
mi i-I Ih.a
. -.' lir
j tlfl (.j f w...,j.
1900 Water Proot
Harness Oil filackin?
l'ut r.i tit
: r 'tis..,. .,- ; , r.
ill lint -r 1 111 i r in. '.
:.m. ni..:
livi-" I
it -..ft '
tin- le.ithi r tirnsn.-.--. y.-t Ituiki
an.i t.iiai'i.-. rn-irii-- i! i- lent
t hi-r ali i i
St : tel. i r:r iinliiiieii
jrivi tin- lum.--- ., i,,.,,t ;i
ulin-r ai.'l '
.u-ln-.i ;it j
a.jraiu-i'. Kca.iy in:Ue- ... l liarni -x .
lin.k tit-H an l will ii.ak.- it la-t twic: as
lniii hv the its,. ,,( Priii H.ii ii.-? iii. It '
is al-n ei:ia!iv u"sl l".-r Ixn.t nn.l -h -es. :
Muiiuf.ii ttm l l.y .1. W. MoT!:. 1:..-.-Imri:,
Ore'tiis. u :: at r.':.I-. tt'ti ,
tl:irn--. -lini. ;
Michigan Restaurant
and Luiuh Mouse,
MKAI.S .-. 1
H'l it Ii U-t
NVxt .l ur t.) 1.1
t!.. innrket
Ml:. TAl'I IN, l-rni.rUti.r.
Title Uuarantee&Loan Co.
1. C. HaU.TO!I,
-seey. and Treaa
J. 0. lltl.Ti'N.
Offlee 111 ihe oiirl Have the 1.11'y r ..m-neU-
wl ot alivtrni t l.nk, in I) uik'.ks i '.'nintv.
l.strai m and U rt.liiai, s ..I Tu.e lurnisheil io
1'iiiiKlasroiiniy land and Rilniiiij 1 until. IIat
also a oonijilcte wt o! 1 rn('iiu-s ol a l townsh p
plata in the Rnsel.uiii. iin-iron, t'. Si. Ijind 1K
ti let. Will mike blue n inl conies ot anv town
ship shouinc ali viieatit floremmeiit lands.
Notiiry imblic n oilice, luuiiraurc airent
CnrreiioinleiH'eaiilii ilnl. jlj
r 1 -
Ely's Cream Balm
Cites Relial at once.
. . . ti. 1
II rim'i-i s, mnniiri aim h . . ,
heal UiediaraMil iin in- ' f
and drirrn -.-. 1 old tl AV FPKJPR
In the Head (inn klv. It tin I 6- 1
ia alworlied. ili uia and l"rntert the Mi mhrtitir.
Kraturi- the Soiisen of 'l a-te nnd Sim-ll. i-'uii aia
Wc: Trial M' Mr.; at Druituisla or by 111H1L
JtLX JJilOTlitKS. Oil V vrcu Mrecl, llT Yojlu
jN'asill CtltHrrW .juickiy yielila to treat.
Cienl by Ely's Cream jiulm, which is nrco.
lildy aromatic. It is rceeivtil tbrottgU Uie
liobtrils, cleanses mi l liculs the wliolo rtir
face over v.Lirh it tliiliiseg itself. l'rupijuU
sell tha COc. Bizoj 'i'rinl hi.o Ly miul. 10
cents. Test it ami you uro euro to coutiuat
the treatiuctiL
To tocoiuuioiluto tuoHM who nre pnrtial
to the usoofatonii.rritin njiplying lujtiiii
into the nauil jWKfics fur oit'trroil t, m
Bi'rt, the proprietors iirermre Crram liiilin in
liq.uul foiu-1, uLieh will l'o known as I'.ly't
Liijuiil Cream I'.ulin. I'rico tniliulin;. Uu
lirnyinR tube if ?5ccuta. J)ruoi;ista 01 by
mail. The liquid form emborfiej the tned
tclflUrroptrtiNci UitgsUiJiuvuraijoa. '
I". - 5." - .
Soeiety Meetings.
F. A A. M. Laurel IoiIkb No. 13.
Holds rnitulnr meetings on aecjiui
and f urth Wednesdays of each
month. K. .!. JSruot ji, W. M.
N. T. Jkivktt, Secretary.
0. U. V. UoHeliurn l.otlo No. 10.
Mucin tlia Hitcond and fourtli Mon-
I days ol i bcIi montli at 7::J0i. ni..
in the I. (. (. F. Hall. Meinlwra in
good Htandini; ar invited to attend.
II. r. MiUi.m.'IiN, M. V.
K. II. l.KMix Kbcordor.
I). .S Wunt, l iriancier.
I'. (). KLKS. HijHfburat Lodge No,
32ti. Ilnlds regular couitnuriiia
lions at I. 0. O. F. Hall on i-eciind
and fourth Thurtidaye ol eaclj ii.ontli.
All members reuuirBtod to atteod reuu
larlv ami all visitinz b rot hern are cordi
ally invited to attend.
V. II, Ja.mikhon, K. K.
V. C. London, Secretary.
0. K. F()i;kTH RE(iI.MENT. O.
N.i.,meeta ot Armory Hall ever;
Tliurftday evcnini, at 8 o'clock.
F. li., Capt.
EfiKEK OF I'OXOH. Mytlk-Loduej
.no. ij. .-ieifl -n i ana 4 Ui lh tire
day evut(.fc'H of each incti'h in Na- '
tivc .Sons' Hall. Visiting frii'itilx i a coi
lially isniti-d to attend. ;
Mm. MtKiT Wkt, C. oIH. I
K. II. I.KNNi.x.Kw. ;
OF A. Court Doniilas No. 32. l ur-
ceinrs of America. Mecte every
TnHHdiiy evenintr in Native .oiis'
Hal!. Vieiting brothers ain ave welcome
ClIAS (ill.Vl.V, U. ft.
A co. J. Kkantz, K.
E. V. Hoovicr, I'l.vBii ian.
O. . F. Pbilt-tarUu ILe No. S.
Mts in Odd Fe!!o8' Temple, cor
ner Jai-iteon and Cits stretti". on
'atiirday evening e.f each wet-k. llerc
ijers of the order ia fjood standict aic
lurited to attend.
H. B. OlLLffTE, N. i.
N. T. Js-ivtrr, Secretary.
of 1'. AU'ha Lodkro No. 47. Mei-te !
every Wedm-eday, in I. fi. U. F.
Ha!! . 7 :'ft) i. m. Mmtrn tr.
?-.od el atidinjj ar invttel to attend.
.. W. Kimimi.l, C. C.
C. E. KoBEitrs, K. K. S.
Ko.T. M.
I1-.1.U it-
I' -tii .11
T.-r.t IS.
Ki-vie th
lav i-i -ai h
lir-t and third it
Ii-.--tit 1 1 in the I. I . II. i.ali
l:ii-llil r- jti -i-. st.-li-r ;lr,.
a!t"ii i. I . I . lrruis.
invitisl t i
.-. t''.in.
I" r.
I.. K. I-i ih.i;tt. Ilii-.-rd K
I LAC CIHCI.F. No. 4'. Women of
Wo Mcraft. Meetson Lr.-tr. 1 third
Thor8ilj.yf of each mcmh at the N'i-
live Sods, Hall. Visitir; tae.-i.herj in
iooil standing are invited to a'tead.
.1. K. Sah ytks, iT'iardiaii Neih'.icr.
MlNME ( 1 7 E V , Secy.
A I ill's r.f the i. A.U.. Abraham L in-
co!u Circle No. 'J, meets at Native
Son'g Hail at 1' o'c!-ck on tl.e sec
ond and foonh Fridays of eai-li montli.
O. T. M. Koetsborir Hiv No. 11.
Hoida its regular revieaa upon the
eecoca ana locnti tri!J7 eve.
if i-ai li month in tins Native Sort Ha l.
Mttters id other Hives visiting in if.e city
r cordially invite ! to attend oar re
view?. JlS'ie li.rr, L. Cc
Mm k K. MvCuLi.tN. U. K.
W. OF A. .Myit e Camp No. diK.
Meet f.rpl jc 1 ti,irJ Wi-dri-fdayi
' each month t Native Sor" Hail.
F. M. I.-:,..! .Y.t'.
a ). Dykos. Citri
Li-eStiri; t":.:-ltr No. fc.
Ho'..; their r-;tiUr c-.-i-t r.i t-n th
iirst and third Tlmry in ear!
n.-ir.lti. Vising ii.ftiiUi? in f-yo
-tan.liiiK are reotieLli'jiiv ;tr. .ti-.l to a!
.n . Mks. c.u me I'tAku. W M.,
Mko. Libbik Co-how, Secretary.
V s. "V C
1 .?m fpv
Vfl, . D f x.
Mexican Vaquoros, . -Cuban Patriotsv
aud a irrDohil t'rotinj .jnp"-'ct an
K this
t) !:!! 1,200 MEN AND
i i
Aad tiler nmnruTera by
I. Sa LifeSaving Servicel
laclutliag tLtf -crtlton of the
LiFa line and Breeches Buoy-
t W t!iat lh WMd
- V:'. :uva ioncr ! ua to lio
Street Cavalcade
-Amission 50 cknts. chilurkn undhr y yi-ars 25 cunts
Reserved Seats (iududiug inlnussiou) $i.og, ou sale at Marster's Drug Store
1EBKKAH8. KoenburK Kebelraii
I.odie No.4l. I.(J. (. F., tneelH in
Odd Fellows' Teraplo every Toos'luy
eveniuir. viuitini; ei'JterB ond breihrr-n
1 invited lo attend.
l f.l. A I'.ltoWS', X. i.
('ol t W'niltKIII.V. I:, s.
IM IM) AIM s.W.s.-I'lup'ni.-i .h-' N'l. li iiii-ots c-.i-rv S.ttur-
ililV l-VCIlill.', lit H 111 I'll U ill Nll'ivi;
Snif ilull. Vi-iitiii A rt !.-:. ii - crli:tlly
invited t'l altclid.
Mils. ,M . .Idsks. M. A.
Mi:s. I'. J Iavl:-.-, m .
OOI).MKN OK 'I'll K VOI'.f.l. Oait
i,amrio. 2. m-m at the U H
Fellows' Hall, in it,p.hite, every
dret and third Mon !.iy feve,iri. Visit-
in? neiifhliora alwav" we!c"t:ie
Jons T. L'.n.,
J. A. fit c (I s N A
i.-t.. t.l--.
1. .
o. F.
- lir-t
i-n i.
Odd I c!..v, '
-ii.-i Ihir i -
liHilil It. i-iti.l -
.1. I:. II
S riii'.
.1. C. Tn
i ni:i i
I j Go to .. .. l
f. 1 mm
For a Pron.jit and l-ir-t-i !a-1
Sliaveor Hair-oit. C 'ti ;!'
tent Workmen, Clean Tow
els, Toola always in eha;-.
c I
e i
Baths in Connection.
Shop on Jackfson St. S
. Homes from $250 to S5000
i Writer T:.'.i."
Wm. Porter,
Real Estate Ajr.tnt and Notary
rimbcr and Homestead Lccator
Packer and Guide
Cs - 1 .
.ainas r..i-s
j I. 15. PIDDLE, Prop.
Fresh Drugs, nedicine..
Toilet Articles, Paint.
Oils. 0L
t.-s ?l;nJes,
, r';
CjS rrei.rit 'ti'ir. j
bv & c--in intent !r
r":i.: t:v t. -t-!
i:-t- ' 5
- OlsiCGON. C
vou want to V.iy a far::,
yon want fur::i.-!:. d rooms
you waut to buy Ii-'Umc
you waut to rcut a jv.-.
you want to build a ho v.:
you waut to r.iovc a ho v.:
i I in-', tii I' AT
on or . .
' 1 1 .i: .r rr : . - : r i. ; j - - . , t -v,
i-f r-.r rf.-ii. r.t..v1';iv-.:t?sl- s.-. .-- -s-.:.r: ' :-r-. a
k trrU'.;..;M(..:f l..,;i:i;i Lli; : lsNri.i-r-.;:.
tu, It rra- a of t
7'..mU co !i-i cr r.:vtf-f;w
ardted to ts. i lrtk ;;it
trara th : Mcu they L
uaic. ia lie c poo c, 14 at. 3 oa
n.l aaart . .u. nij n
o it)tHton sa:o ai d niatc. (in S
i.mi aa t, 1 1 ni.i.11 y ii w. r. im a
iiiicli.-i. 1: t EktTABtt: 1 sr.rr, sr..'i:ir.ri si:aan auMi i: r -ii. r c.; :v s T'ja
trtsj ty tL hr-rlOea and bfr.xn cf carl .- r.trr r.ii. s ' 1, ii .
. i 1 1 ..j. .M,in..ic rr-iir.-. .r.i.u u
1 ' ' ' ' ' siiw.iM.i v. tuvsw s -f.
to ail tnua fiad.aa
erwlta t'jrtf forapantoapatrfot" afij laartjrottj ;i.-sjc-j cf Vrave
c, cn Jiiraac aad aur, tU
United States Regular
01 icijirycapia piyEr3oo!.iaca.ii tn.-wij
y a
Tl -1H lH ,15. . 15
me wona srviQuniea
;is' I r.ift!erf.-rth tint ttm ta llitorr tit r",-,-Wi;I rlra'rr, acJ
..! 1 1L1lt1tl.1L of U10 tirothfrHocd ot baa, -TaroUtcr
United St&tos;Cay airy men. ar.d Artillerymen,
Cerman Cuirassiers. " "South American Csuchos,
Ru$6iun cossackSa eioux-indlens.
Eodoum Arabs, ' " Vf"ld'West.Cowboy5,
Colonial Dragoons Western Clris.
already trtajitdot: rxLIbl'Jou la Kuich
uitmbrra Of tha
Went tth nil of 1m mlltturT
vrrj xuumrot ot tbo pirwat
and Public Review
H. Little, ds
and Mtw rusfiincr'-atid frienda
v,:'.;. a full a:cl cowij.iete
ytoi-lc 'A
A!! frc i: and .f tl. v-ry let
j i.ii!;y. 'i :a-i aa 1 cofleii are
I ia-i 'l'.U'-k. patronage
205 Jackson St.. Kaebur2
(ASrASll k ItUlEY
Paintres, Paper Hangers
and Decorators
1..-.1. ria--
at IHif-tor- a
! 1'ruiiiv .Vork
.. I: x
I.i '-KLl'IlG, P.E.
Efi T. NAG H EL,
Work Guaranteed
O . ,r ! 'i at M i'lil'm H 'i- V
a:. i Main Mr'-ft?
Lr. lie lie ColIirLS
Ab.!utsl- I-'L'RE. and
iii OLTNVE all ether
r -.1
fKTTT it
W. P. fullerS Co.
Portland. Oregon I
ft I'
Keb2r j
)res ja.
( r. V"..-r.:: -t- i;
f'U.d. J - -i
August 30
i- ;i
. 1 .
-s X
t s
c:' - . - . - - :. . . !. e r c
.rv"-?. r. t
'i..rj iJ .ir:Tot
-. It at car
iS-i: !t. T.-r:i-:rr'l i-i-- t 1. -
l-.i- a!i t'.-ll'sf t t'l fttl.'r l' a-
t-r.t.-f,-.-j ?.a-.--...i cii.v' ttn
t.:.-r f.15. I jtt.e w r !.-r i.Vn ttat
- t 01.J r-srr-at. -u 13 r-.-.j a
n.r ti rnirvri ti-at si.... ..,.v,i 1
Trr r ..:r. , i:-,i-s ; .s- 1.
KINDtsfOAUTl s ,,:'v i -. s - :: ar:'., -trJi-p-
ij .1 c;v;c u.u.ary tv-r
uow Cimtcr-rv-stJ
I -si ' sf v V .. ' '-.'s!,
lyz t------- .V.-.--V--" . - r a
; -HI. i l Is-'-Y . ' - 7"f
I s f. . ii .-- .i- - , - . r - vs .. .
i7 JV . : . :ijii V. ., : S I
n i y --j? vj s-. r , A i-jtr