The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, August 07, 1902, Image 4

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Governor fleer Issues Annual
clamatiun on the Subject.
Salem, July '20. Governor ('ecr has
issued his annual proclamation warning
against setting fires that may spread to
timlvr, fences ir crops. The law on
the subject provides a fine of 20 to $1001
or imprisonment from three to twelve
months for maliciously setting a fire
which shall destroy the buildings, crops,
fences or Unit er of another. 1 f the fire
le set ithout malice and yet dest roy
such property, the jk-isou setting the
fire is liable to a line of $10 to $100.
Any erson setting lire to a wooded
count rv or forest owned bv the I'niied
Htates is liable to a line of $1000, or iiu-
prison inent. In all eases one-half of I
the line is paid to the person who first
furnishes the information to the district
If a. Man Lie to You.
And say Si nie other salve, ointment,
lotion, oil or alleged healer is as gid as
Bucklen's Arnica Salve, tell him thirty
3"ears of marvelous cures of Piles, Burns,
Boils, Coras, Felons, Ulcer, Cuts, Scalds
and Skin Eruptions prove it's the lxst
and cheapest, 1'V at A. C. Margter's
Roseburg, Oregon.
This Column is Edited by our Mer
chants and Business People.
Brown Bread Fresh every day at Sie-
vers Bakery.
Sw imming trunks 25c
a pair at
(ireiit towel sale at .loseiihsoirs. If
yon "-re skeptical see our window.
That Luger Pistol at Churchill v.
AVoolley's is a great attraction.
See the Title Guarantee oi Loan Co
or blue prints autl filing papers, tt.
Ve sell Candies cheap, but we do not
sell cheap candies. Candy Kitchen.
Churchill tt Woolley are getting out a
good many pi)e orders for prune dryers.
Fruit drier work is a specially of
Sykes fc Carroll, the up-to-date phtmlxT
and repairers. tt
We ask a price for our It Cream that
will jtermit us to make it pure. Candy
Koseburg cleaning and Dying works,
all kinds oi clothing cleaned, pressed
and dyed. tf
OJet your abstracts of title from J. P
Hamilton. He has the only complete
8et of alwtract btajks in the county, ft
Give us your order for a new shot gun,
you will be satisfied with the gun and
price too. S. K. Svkes Hardware.
Send your cloths to Feignson, to lie
cleaned, pressed or dyed Rose Street
opposite Presbyterian church. tf
1900 the only up-to-date harness oil
on the market. On sale at Blodgetfs
Harness shop. jl
$3. $2.50 and $2 ladies shoes now go
ing for $1. If you're from Missouri see
our window. Josephsou's
Sykes and Carroll are prepared to do
your plumbing and repairing on short
notice all work up-to-date and guaran
teed. tf
Tlr1 man or woman w ho hesitates is
lost. I'O not hesitate, therefore, to take
advantage of our cl&rance salt' of sum
mer goods. Josepb st.n'g
For information concerning the Ore
gon Fire Relief Association, write or cal
cm A. J. Buchanan, agent for Douglas
countv.Koom 6, .Marsters Jiltlg., Ktjso-
burg, Oregon. tf.
We are not disjiensers tf baloon juice,
and investigation of our prices will sulc
Ftantiate every claim of ours to sterling
quality and moderate price. Jftsepb-
eon s.
Weeklv Examiner, $1.50. W'eeklv Cal
$1.00, Weekly Oregonian $1.50, Weekly
Chronicle $1.50, a year; leave your
subscriptions at Cannons' Book & Sta
tionery Store.
A new line of couches just received at
Strong's Bis; Furniture Store also icd
lounges and if you can take a look at
them you will find the tariff has not ef
fected the price seriously.
For Abstracts of Title, guaranteed to
be full and correct copies of all records
effecting the title, call on Frank E. Alley
upstairs in the Marks building. His
work is guaranteed correct, and prices
are reasonable.
D. f". T. West, having accepted several
eld and reliable fire insurance companies
e now prepared to do a general fire in
surance business. Insure with him.
Office at the City Hall. tf.
Stearns fc Chenoweth have just re
ceived a cr load McCormick Mowers,
Rakes and Binders and all kinds of ex
tras. Hay carriers, forks and pullies..
Three kinds hay rope, best harvester
machine oil.
Don't complain about Kid bread when
you can get the licst in the country at
Seiver'a Bakery. Our brea-1 is no imita
tion after somebody else, but a receipt
of our own. It takes the lead any place
wherever the Baker's art is known anil
is appreciated. Sievers Bakery.
Stearns & Chenoweth of Oakland,
have received a car load of iron cladRush
ford wacons with outer bearing bloek.
Fully warranted Busrgies, Hacks and
Cultivators. The llammel paint, the
best and cheapest. Mixed paints, white
lead, oils, windows, doors and shingles.
On account of the irregular survevs of
many of the townships in the Uosehurg
land district, it is almost imijossible to
locate, section corners without a copv oi
the Government survey. Frank E. Allev,
Abstractor of this city, lias a complete
get of tracings of all surveyed townships,
and will furnish blue prints of same,
ehowing all vacant lands
Notice for Publication.
Uuiicd Slates Lsnd Office,
Eoscbnrg, Oregon. Jane 28.HX0.
Notice is hereby given thai in compliant-
with the provisions ot the act of t ongrtts of
June a. )". entitled "An act for the sale of
timtier lands in the States of California. Oregon
Nevada And U ashlngton 'territory.' aiextend
d to ell the public laud slates by' act of August
of Burlington, county of Skagit, state of Wash
ington has i-hia day tll'sd m this oHit his sworn
statement No 'A&J tor the purchase of the K .1
of set-lion Ho 1", iovn-hip No .'.1 H.t ranee tf n
and 'ill offer proof to show that the laud sought
is more valuable for its limber or stone than
lor agricultural purposes, and to establish bis
claim before the Keeirter and I'.eeeiver of this
ef lice of Koseburg, Oregon.
on Tuesday, the 21st day of OcVlr, 1902. He
names at witnesses: Mrs Charlotte F Manley,
John B Shannon, Mrs Kloia M Khannon of Bur
lington, , and Frank kincartof Oakland,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
arxive uesciiiieu lands are reUfsled to Die their
claim in thisofliee on or before said "Lt das
oIOc:ober, 1502. J. T. BRIDGES,
a4p Hecister.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
Roselmrg, Oregon, June 20, 1'.VJ,
Notios Is hereby given that tn eomplianea
with the provisions of the act of Oiugress of
June S. )K7f. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California. Oregon
Nevada .and Washington Territory." aseztend
ed to all the public laud states by act oi August
4, 1692.
of Seattle, county of Kiug, state of Kashini.'lon,
has this dav tiled in this office bis sworn state
ment No. 2TH1. for the pon hasc of thits1 Nfii
and lots 1 aud 2 act lion 2, ip 2 nugv t) west
and viTi offer proof to show that the land sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone tbsn
for agricultural purposes, and to establish bis
claim before the Kegisteraud Receiver of this
office ol Koseburg, Oregon,
on Mouduy. tlie l.i day ol October, 1WJ. He
names as witnesses: John W. Bennett, , M. L.
Bpauiding. of Seattle. Wash., Wu M IVrtcr. Al
JeD Wilson of Caiuas Valley. Oregon.
Any and all pcrous clairxiing alvcrsely the
above descrlled laid are reiuested to tile their
Claims in th e officJ on or before said I3th day
pf October, h):x. J I BEIDcKd.
- JJji Kegkter. J
City Treasurer's Notice
Notice is hereby given to all parties
holding city warrants endorsed prior to
Oct. 3, l'VtO, are requested to present
the same at the fit v treasurer's otlice for
payment as interest w ill cease thereon
alter the date of this not it v.
Paled July h, 1002.
Harry V. Surcm,
Citv Trea surer
Notice for Publication.
I'nitetl States I-and Otlice
Rosctmnt. Oregon May 1, li.
Notice in hereby given thai in compliance
with the provisions ef lhe ai l n Cohki-css of
June :t, f7S. entitled "An net for the sale o tim
ber lands in I lie Slates of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory, ' as extend
ed ti all the rub'ic I.and Slates h act of Aug
ust 4, lf.r.',
of Roaebnn;. eonnt y of Hone. la. Mule of uwnwi
has this day tiled in this otneo his snoin sinte-
ineni So,.' :r, lor the purchase of the
oi ii. i..vnsni. f.. souin.
ranse It w.-at and will niter prool to
pliow that the land smi-lu is more valuable for
its tiinlierorsloiie than for nciif ullural pur
posca. and to ettiat.lish hi claim to said land
liefoiethe lie-'ister and Heceivcr of this otlice
at Reobnre,-rei! Thursday, the Mill dav
of Aumisl, i'.2. He names as witnesses: John
ttardncr. ticorgi' Katftnan, 1 1 on ry Singleton,
Henry straitor, all ot Uosetiuti;, Ore .on.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the
alatve deserilted lands an rctiuetc- to tile their
Claims in this ollice on ,r before said Uth day of
August inv. j.t. i;khk,m.
Mftp Kcfiisler.
Notice for Publication.
United States Lund Oflice.
Koseburit, Orecon. Mav 27, 1.'.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provision of the act of Concrcas oi
June ::. 187S. cnMllcd "An Aet for the sale o
timber lands in the stales of California, Oreeo i.
Nevada, and YVashinclon Territory," as extend
I e.l to a'.l the puhlie l.'iinl slates bv acl ot Air,-
list i, 192,
I of BurliitEion. county of skaeit. Mate of Wafli
j inevon, has this day filed in this office bis strorn
statement No. 'JiTS. (or the puehase of the KE1 ,
; oCsiection No. 8. township .11 south, ran so No. s
stL 1UQ will out r linnn 111 uom iiiv iauu
sought is more valuable for its Umber and (tone
tbau for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim In said land before the Register and
Receiverof this oftiee at Roseburv, Oregon, on
Thurodav the loth day of September, lay. He
names as witnesses: William Sniitn, .-atiford
6!ater. Lconanl Brooks and Kveuiious I'.rooLs,
allot Buriineum, Washington.
Anv and all person claiminpr advervely the
above described laeds are requested to a e their
rlaimsin thisofliee on or before said lsth day of
September. UW2. J. V. BRIIKiSS
J2p BigL'ter.
Notice for Publication.
rsiran Statis Lsn Orrp it.
IIobf.buro, ore., May i;, 1.
Notice is bersby given that in compliance
with the provisions oi the aet oi Congress of
Jnne:l. litTS, tniit'-e-t An act for the sale of
Timber luds in the States of California. Ore
goo, Nevada and Washington Territory,' as ex
tended to all the Public l-and States by set of
August 4, lfc'2,
I of Oconto, county of Oconto, State of Wisconsin,
1 has this dsT tiled in this office his sworn state
ment No. 2.MS, tor the purrbaseof the S1, NW
snd W PW' Section No. H, in Township
No. South, of Kange No. S West, and ill oiler
proof to show that the laud nought ismorevain
ab'e for its Uober or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim io said land
beiore t he Recister and Keceiter of th' office
at Roseburg. Oicon. on Saturday the l!!h day
of September, 1U. Ho names as witnesses
John Thorn, of Cleveland. Oregon, and Charles
Thom, Louis J. W rolstand, and Albert K-lstnan,
all of Kosc-biin;, Oregou.
Any and all persons claiming a'lverse'y the
above d'-sctibed lands are re-Uestet to tile their
claims in this ollice on or letore said l"th diy
of Si-ptClllDer l'.Ji. J.T. BRIDOSS,
iu3.p KCgi-'er. .
Notice for Publication.
I' state I-and tifh.-o.
llosehure. Oreeon. July 21,
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the prutuiuiisof tLe at 1 of t ongres of
June:!. 1STS. eutiiied Auaci for the sale of
timber lauds iu the states of 'a'.iforn;a.oreg?n
Nevatla.and U ahingten TerTiiory." aexiend
ed to all the public land slates bv'aet of August
, lssfi
of Mryliet'reek county of Douu'Ih... state of
orenou. has this day tiled in this ottoe his
sorn statement No :to for the purchase of I he
lots 1 and -2 SE1 NW',. SWi; N'4 ci',c No
:i in township No. Js south, rnne No. 4 west
and will offer prwf to show that the land vught
is more valuable for il timber or sT,.ne than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Kegisteraud keceiver of th.s
office of Koseburg. t iregon.
on Vednedav. the 10th day of Dotfmlr. lvm.
He nami-sas witness's: 1. 1 Kohins-m Joe tKur
dorff , A I. Itobiiison. of Myrtle Creek, ore . mil
Finis Itlilard of Kosbun;, Oregon.
Any and . 'ill pers,,ns claiming liert ly ihe
alove iescriiicd lands are rtjUi-sU-d to nie their
clHims in thi t.Hice on tr IX'hin-said P"1) dy
of Ieeeml.r. 1'2. J. T.BKI IKiEs.
JJ1d' KcEisler
Notice for Publication.
Roseburg, Ore., Apr. 12.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
ailt the pnivisioos of the -ct of 'ongressof
Junes, ls, entitict "An act for the sale of
Umberlands in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washinelon Territory." as extend
e-1 to all the l'ublic Ind Mates by act of Aug
ust 1, 12,
of Melrose, County of fjoueias. State of Oregou.
nas this day hied in this office his sworn state
ment No. 2is, for the purchase of tiieN'2 of
IUC-B'4 III 4 ,UU lr, nil? W '
Hon No. IS, township i South, Range No.
lu West, and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more ralusble ior its timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish bis claim to said land before the
Recister and Receiver of this office at Rmteburg,
Oi ogon, on Tuesday, the 12th day of August,
1902. He names as witnesses: manes innm.
John Thom, Frank B. Long, of Cleveland. Ore
gon, and Frank Orcutt, ot Melrose. Oregon.
Any ana all persons claiming aiveriy toe
above-descrild lands are rcmested to file their
claimi in this office on or before said 12th day
of August l'Jui. J. 1 . ski u .r.n,
mlp Register.
Notice for Publication.
t'nited Stales Ijiiel iflice.
Kos-iiiirg. tircgoii. June -si. Pr2.
Notice is hereby given that In eomplianea
with the provisions of the act of 'ot.gres of
June 3. )b7. entitled An act for the sale of
timber lands in the Slatesof C alifornia. Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory," asexteud
ed to all the public laud states by act of August
4, 1W2.
of Mynle Creek, county of ftouirhis, siHt,. ,f
Oregon, has this day iilcd in this otlice his
sworn staiciiicii? No. 2s.'i. for the purchase of
the N',NW';. N, NK1, of -.flion No. If.
township .. 2'soiith of rmnre . w,s
and all! offer proof toshow that the laud sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, aud to establish his
claim before the Register aud Keceiier of this
office of Koseburg, Oregou.
on Friday, the 24th day of October. 1''2. He
names as witnesses: John Hall. Jr.. Mrs.
Maud Hail. Alexander Thompson and P. John
son all of Myrtle Creek. Oregon.
Any anil all person claiming adversely the
above described lands re reiiiesieil to
their claims in this office on or iVfore said 211 h
day of Oelobcr l'.i2. J. T. BKIIm.KS.
jTp I'.etri.-ter.
Notice for Publication.
t'nileil Stale Land Office.
Itosebnnr. Oregon. June :ai. l'.s2.
Notice is' hereby given that in coiuplianta
w iih the pruviiioiis of Ihe act of ongres of
Juue i. 15. s. entitled "Au act for the sale of
timber lauds in the States of t aliforuia.t iretrou
Nevada .and Washington 'lerriiory,' Msexu-nd-ed
to all the public land stales by" act of August
4, lss-2.
John hall. jr..
of Myrlle 'reek. county of Itousrlas, stale of
Oregon, has itiis day liled in this otlice his
sworn siateniciit No". 2sts'.. for the purchase of
the N1, SWi(, N'lj sE1 tif section No. II
low iiship No. 2!i siiiii oininge:: cl V. M.
and will offer proof toshow that the laud sought
la more Taluable for im timber or stone tbau
for agricultural purmt-s, and to establi'h his
claim before the Register aud Receiver of thia
office of Roseburg, Oregon.
on Friday, ihf2liliiiiiyoi Octola-r I!r2. He
names us w ilnesM-s: t. o. Ilarlou , M rs. Maud
Hall. Ale.xiinderTliompsoii and I'. Johusnn Hll
of Myrtle creek. Oregon.
Any and all ,ersiiis claiming advcrvly the
aUive tlcscriU'd lands are rfouot-d to file
ihtirelaiuis in this office on or In-lorc snj, 2llh
day of October. I'.r2. J.T. IIRIIH.ES,
jTp Register.
Registration of Land Title
in the circuit court of the State of Oregon,
for the county of Douglas.
iu toe matter oi me application of)
U 4 , 1 iS' '1.
to register the title lo the land in said
application deacrilied
the fractional west half of southwest (
lUarter and southwest t uarter of north
west iiiarierof aoction 2. and fraction
al east half of southeast quarter of sec
tion three, in towusblp .W south, of
No. 21
range 4 west, W. M , Charles W. John-1
o. ix'icuuaiii )
Take police, that on the 25th dav of Julv, A.
D lM02an application was tiled h'y said If. I.
Wilson, iu the Circuit Court of Douglas county
for initial registration of the title to th-' laud
above described. Now uulcss von aunt r on
or before the 2Tt b dav of August A. D., I9C2. and
fellow cause why such iiu K al u,,t t.
gniuled, the same will lie taken as eou'esn d and
a decree-will beeulered ccordiinr to the tiraver
of the applieii u and you will be lorevcr barr
ed from disputing the same.
SEAL juHSH. SHORE. Cler,,,
Notice for l'ublicatiou.
I'niied Slates l and OflitV. "v
llosi'liurg, tireiron, June ;EU. P'-.
Notice is hereby eiven that In compliance
with the provisions of the ael of Congress id
June S, ).s,.s, entitled "An art for the salo of
Umber lauds in the States of t aliiornia.tiregou
Nevada .and W ashinglon Territory, " asextend-
ed to all the public laud states by aet of August
t( Mvrlle 1 ret W. count of Hoimbis. state el
drccon, has this day 1 1 1 . I in this ntiicc his
sworn stau ment No. '.'n. . for the pun hiise oi
I he Si, sW'i., s', SK'4 of seetion No. II
township'.) south of ranee :i west. W. M.
and will offer proof to show that the land soiigul
is more valuable for its timln-r or slone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before t he Kegister and lieeelvcr of this
office of Koseburg, Oregon.
on l iitl.iy. Ihe'JIih tlay of tii-iola r. 1'"'-. He
naiiies as w itiicsscs : i . t. uariotv. Joint nau.
Jr.. Mrs. Maud Hall. P. Johnson all oi Myrtle
t r ek. DleColl.
Vnv and all persons clainmig ad rs, ly tlie
alaive dt'seril't d laiuls are re. U' sled to tile
t heir claims in this otlice on or bclore said '-Ml h
day oi thtolr l'te.'. J.T. HMIn.KS.
" j7p lieisicr.
Notice for Publication.
I'nltcd Stales Ijind otlice,
Kosebiir-', Oregon, May lil, l'.mJ.
Notice s hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of CongiVss of
lime :t, ls.S, entitled " An act lor the sale of
ti nber lauds in tlie Stales of California. Ou-gnii
Nevada mid Washingtoii Tenitoiy," as evten-l-ed
to all the I'nbl f I-aud Stales l.y net id Aug
ust 4, is:-;.
of Washburn, county oi llav Held, Stale of Wis.,
has this day tiled in this ollice his sworn state
ment No. J17.;, for the porchase of the lot :t and
Sh'4 N W lt. t'.. SW of Svlnm No. 22, town
ship No, -i) south, range No. 9 west, and v. ill of
fer proof to show that the laud sought is more
al'iabie for its tiinoer or stone than for agii
cnltural purposes. aud to establish his claim to
said hind beiore the Register and Receiver of
this otlice at llosclitirs. Oregou, on Saturday
tlie lUh dav o' Scpteinlier. l'.trj He names as
niinesam:' W. 11. Houen, A. K. rourb, John
I chtihcrrantt Harry lirectiuay all of Camas
Vaih-y. tin-oii.
Au and all persons claiming adversely the
aUivetles ritn-tl lands are rtsn-sic,! to tdc their
claims in this vghce on or beion' said t.lhdayof
September, ISO.'. J. T. BridoK-s
mlsip Register.
Notice for Publication.
Ciiiud States Ijind Oilk-e,
Rosebtirg. Orvcon. Mav. ::i. 1'J.
Notice is hereby giten that in rumpliauco
' with the provisions of the act of Coimresa of
j June 3, lo o. entitled "An act for the sale of
UEIIIltT lailU Ml MlcnwilCSO:vnillOlllu,SlCKU,
Nevada, and Washington Territory. " as extend
ed to all the l'ublic I-aud States bv act of Aug
ust i. Is.).',
of Rawvburg. Iloiigl'seouniy, Oregon, has this
day tiled in this otfu-e his sworn statement
No.iJil for the purchase of tnc S',ol uw;
and N W , of s 1 , a' .1 S W ' of N W 1 , oi
xt'tion No. .Ii, townsiiip 27 souih, range west
and will oiler proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stoue than for agricultural purposes
and to establish his claim io said land beforo
the Register and Receiver f this office at How
hntoj. tingon, on Monday the Und day tf ss-pt.
l'Jfti. He oam'-s as vtiim-sses: Daniel Cra.g and
Frank Hav, of Uovebus,and James T. lluchsn
an and 6. V. Tumell of Pto-I. Oregon.
Any sud all ersons claiming altero.-ly the
a'ove described iands arv re-UesteJ to tile
their claims in this oftiee on or U'fore said tJn'l
day of Sept. L I. T. I'.RIDt.Es,
JJp Kcgistcr.
Notice for Publication.
t'nited Slate Land Office.
Rosebiirs:. Orecoa. May 27.l.i2.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions ot tnc act o! Congress ol
June 1, ls7", entitled "Au act for the sale of
tlmir lands in Che Slates of California, Oregon
Nevada and Washington ierritorv ' as e:eud-e-1
Ui ail the fuh.i't Mai-.s I y act of Aug
ust t. IKrl.
of BuriinctDii. csuniv oi sia.- . stale ol ash
ington, has this day t.led in tinsofl't-e his sworn
statement No. for the purchase t-f the
Lots 1. ", t,, 7, s, and 11 of section No. t, town
ship .11 south, lanee s tves', and will ofTcr pnxvt
to sliow ti.a: Ihe land sought i more valuable
fonts limber and stone than for agricultural
iurpie3, and tot-stahlish hisciauu bi said land
eforc the Register and Receiver ol thi ollice at
Kos, b:irg. Oregon, on Thursday, the lsth day ol
Septtinlier, li2. He nsme as wltneses: John
Siater, SanfoM Slater. W illiam Smith and Lt-on
artl Broo.s, ail of Burliugton. Waxhiueton.
Any and all pentous claiming adversely the
alove described lands are reouestcil to hie Hull
claim in this office on or i'f",n' sai-1 lsth day t.1
Sept, l'.s-i. J. T. IIKlI)t,E8.
J :p Register.
Notice for Publication.
rsiTr Stvti- I.isd Orrp r.
K rs, l.ur?. Ort--'oa. May 21. Ivv2.
Noiiee is hereby unn that in compiiatice
with tlie ptovisi.i'ns td the ad of Congress of
June i. 17, eiuitlctt -'An act f'r the sale of
Timber l.andt in the slate of t.aiiiornia. Ore
gon, Nevada, and Wssliingt.iii 1 eniiory," as
U-Diled bi ail the rtihlie Ijtnd .-tab s by act of
August 4, l-'.'2,
JuilN II. .-ill I E.
of Boeburg. conniyof Isouclas, Stale of Oregon,
has this liicd in this ofliee his suoru staicuient
No. 2", for Ihe pun-ha-scol the S'2 SvV't and
!'.. E'.' of M-clion No. 2 fown.lnp 2 south
of ranges w.-st W. M. and will otter pr nl to
how mat the laud sought i more Taluabic for
Its timber or stone Ibau for agricultural pur
ik s snd lo establish his t-iaim to ,aid land
before the lleei;er and Receiver of this office
al R-iscburgOp-gnn, on Weilncs-lay the l.'.ib 'fay
ot Auttn! I'.M. He name as wum-sses- J. li.
F!ook Minnie Suupe. Ort ii Flcok and Ben M
Mullen all of Ros.-burg. Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adve'st ly tl.e
above described lands are revues!,! to nie their
claims in tba oftn-e on or lielore said u:nuay
of August 1J02 J. T. uaiix.Es,
ii Reiib3
Notice for Publication.
I' Stat, - Ijind oftie..
Rosi-hiim. tip gou. J'ine2o. r.'2.
Notice is hereby given that In eomplianc
w ith the provisions of the act of Congress of
June:i. )s7. entitled "An act for the sale ot
timber land in the stale .f alifornia. Oregon
Nevada .and ahing!uu territory, ' axteud
ed to ail the public laud slates by act of August
4, 12.
Ji-ELo GI Ll.oRD.
of Rosi bnr.v county of I)o"i:la, Mateof Oregon,
hathidn filed In this odief hl sworn state
ment No277V, for the purchase of the V , NEW.
8W'!i NEi. SW'! eE1, of lec. . ip 2H S.. I! W
and will offer prcof tdshow that the land sought
is more valuable lor n iiniuer or 'tone man
fur agricultural pur;ses. and to establish bis
claim before the Register and Receiver of this
office of Roseburg, Oregon.
on Thnrsdav. the h.ih dav of u tol.-r. lr.' He
names as vi ittese: Ben M Mullen. A J Bu
chanati. John Ciiteiis and Charles 1 bom all of
Rosel.unr. tin eon.
nv and all ta-rsons claiming adversely the
above d'-st rila-tl lands are reoutsttd to file their
ciaims In th- office mi or liefore said pith day of
October, 1'2. J.T. Bl:iDfcs
J2JP Register,
Notice for Publication.
pnltetl States Land Office,
Ros-'burg. t iregon. July pi.'.
Notice is Fcr-.-hy given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June .t, ls.s, entitled "An act for the sals of
timticr lans in the stale ol California, Oreeon
Nevada, and Washington Territory, " as extend
d to all Public I-awl Slates by acL of August
of Bloomer, conn'.y ol Chippewa, ljite of W is:
cousin, has this day tiled in this office his sworn
statement N't ;.'. for 'he iiim hasc of the NW
of NK'.', E1- NW1;, SW1, KW1. if seciioii
No tiianhip :o iou'.Ii. range 1 west
and will oter proof lo show that
the land souu'ht is more valuable for ilstim-b-r
or Ftotic than for agricultural purjioses, and
to estalillsh his claim to sai'P laud before .
L. Dluimlck. C s Commissioner, at Oakland,
Oregon, on Mmiday. the-2-.iih day of Scplciilier,
I'll.'. He mime" as winie-s. peter A Hunch,
of B.oom-r, W isconsui. J , Forterlicld. t,eorg-'
.schiiry. R I) .iichary of Perdue.'Orcifoii.
Any and a I la-rsoris claiming adversely Ihe
above described lands are reiiesied lo tl 1 r
Iheir claims in litis ollice tin or liehtrc said 2ilh
day of 8,.t.,ll!.
J2'ip 1. T. BRIIXiES. Register.
Notice for Publication.
Cniled states Laud Otlice,
Rosi hii'g, in-gou. May H, I'l2.
Notice is hereby given I hat in caiiudiauct!
Willi the provisions of the aet of CongrtS of
June:!, 1K7K, eniulct "An Act for the sale of
timber iands In the Stales of California, Oregon
Nevada and Wsshingtoi: Territory," as extend
ed to all the Public l-alid Slates by acl of Aug
ust I, IM2,
of Seattle, county of King, slate ol Washington,
has this day tiled in thisollice his sworn state
mint No. iliS lor the purchase of the Lotc 2
and 3. SE SW'i, KK SW'i; ol section No. to,
township Mi aoutn, range H west and wHI ofler
proof to show that the land sought is more val
uable for ils timlior or stone thac for agricultu
ral purposes, and to establish his claim U said
laud before the Register and Receiver of this
otlice au Koseburg, Oregon, on Saturdsy, the
21 day of August, 1902. He names as witnesses:
Howard Williams. R. K. Hbcr, of Seattle Wash
ington, in M. l'orler, Hale Borcu, of Carnal
Valley, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
altove det'Tilted lauds are reiiuesled io file
their claimi In this office or or before said 2-(d
of August, lsui J.T. BRIDGES,
uilp Register.
Executrices Final Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
have tiled their liual account in the County
Court of Douglas County, State of Oregon, nx
Exccottlecs of tlie cstalo tif Aaron Burt, de
ceased, and the Court has fixed
Moulay, August 4, VM2,
at the hour of 2 o'clock p. tn. at the court house
in Roseburg, Oregon, as the time aud place for
hearing objections thereto, and for final settle
nient thereof.
Lung 1. Brown,
Amanda L. Biojw.v, .
Exec ut rices of the estate ol Aaron Burt, do-ceased.
Notice for Publication.
Kosebiirg, Oregon, May. SI, P.H12.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the urovisioiis of the aet of Congrt sa of
June a, l.o,"8, entitled "All act for the salo of
timlH'r lands in the Slatesof California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington 'territory," asexlend.
eil to all f ho l'liblie l aud states by act of Aug
ust 4, l.oW,
of Uoseliiirg, eouiily of Douglas, stale of Ore
gun, has this day hied in this ollice her swo ll
slatt'iuent No. -jivat. tor tli puicliase of tlieS'a
of SK';and NW'of MK4aiiil NK'4t SVt
s,'etion No. 'M, township 2; ko.llh, range No. J
West and will offer proof to show that tlio
land sought is more valuable for its inula r or
stone tlmii for agricultural pur)se, ami to es-
tahlisli Her claim to said laud licloie tlie Regis
teraud Keceivi i til thisollice al Koscburg, Ore
gon, on Mondav the 'ml dsv of 8c ptcmlicr.P.ifU.
She names as witnesses: Daniel Craig and ,
frank lla;s.of Koseburg, (in-Ron, and James 1.
Hiichanaii and S. V. Tnriicll of I'eel, Oregon. I
Any and all persons claiming adversely I ho
alKU'e-descrllied lands are reiiuesled to tile
theirclaims in this office on or Itefoie raid 'j-Jnd ;
day of Sept.
J.T. HKIliiiKS.
Notice for Publication.
tlnih-tl Slati-s Land tMliiv,
Koscbnrg, Oregon, May .T, p.pj.
Notice Is hereby given that ill compliance
Willi the ro isious oi the act of Congt-sstif
June:!, ls:.o, entitled, "An Act lor I hemic of
limlier lands in the slates oi California, Oregon,
Neva iii.niid Washington leniioiy, " as extend- !
i d lo all the public land slates by act of August
4. ls.l'. !
of Burlington, county of .-kail. stale of Wash
ingion, has this day hh-d in this oihcc his swoin 1
statement No. J.-'.: lor the purchase olthcNK'-
ot sx'iion no, s, loiinsinp .u souiii, range s
west, and will' oll'cr proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable lor its timber ami stoue
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said laud beiore the Register and
Re.eiverof this ollice at Koscbnrg, Oretou, oil
Thu-nlayihe loth day of ScpteniiaT. l'..'. He
names as it itnes.s'S John slater, Kan lord slaicr.
l.eouaril Brisiksaiid Kiciiiious Brtaiks, ail f
Iturlinglon, ashiugtoii.
Any and all p-rsons rlaimiiig adiers4ly the
iiImc. c di-s4-rilM-d laii-ls aie ooju stiwl lo till' tin ir
claims in ihisoiticeoii to licfon- sai.i 1-tL day 1
ol SepteiiiU'r, IaiV J. T. lllUDt.l S, j
J.' Kcuistur j
Notice for Publication. j
RosKBt R'., ORK'-os, June T, latri. ,
Notn-e is hrrcbv eireu thst In couipiiaiic
with the lirovisions of the act of Congress of
JuneS, li78, entitled "An act for the sale of .
timlssr lauds in the Stales of California, Oregon ,
Nevada and Washington Territory, as exteud
ed lo all the i'uhlie Laud Mates by act ot Ang
us! 4, ISJ.,
of seatl'c, county of King, State of Washing
ton, has this das tiled iu inls otlice his ssrorn
statement No. 2M.-t for the purchase of the
Fat haif of the west half (E1- W1.) of section
No s township No. :io s of iangi-s west and. will
oiler proof to show that the land sought Is more
valuable for iu timier or stono than for agri
cultural purpose and to e:abiih his claim lo
said laud beiore the Register and Receiver of
thi oltice at Roachurg. Oregon, on Saturday,
the.' th day of Mrptciuher.l'ArJ. He naraea as
witnesses: Richsrd W. IU k, William I'otur.
W illiam Lavis and A. E. Iie'.root all ol Camas
VaIIi.v f)r,K.,n
---.- 1 . . ..
Any aud a. i ipt rsoiis ciaimme adversely iiic...
abtive descrils'il land" are reiieUtl u ti'e'
their claims in this office on or before stud 27ih
1BT Ol ss-i . l.l..
' jl.'p . J T. BIlirViE-i.
Xotice for Publication.
t n. 'c I slate Land OLii i .
Ri'i.uri:. Or', J'ltie 1, i'.' '2.
Nolice s hcrcl y nu n thM lit eotnpluoa c
uilhthe ppo i-i 'lis of these'. ,,f Congress o:
June s. 1 :;.. entitled "An act fi tbe salt ol t,m-
r--r lauds in the slab's of Caiiiorni.i, Of'woii.
Nevada, and Washington Territory" aa ct.-ii.
,-lloa.lli.e put :. t land .labs .-. act of An
of RxSeMlrg, coillllv of Diltigias, Sinte of Ore
gon, has lias day ti:ed in this oni, e hi. tmnn
siatcment o. t..jor the ptircna ot ii'.M',
and ?i j r A : t of sec. ."..ta p 5i south. range x aest
aii'tnt.l ,:!cr pro f lo show that ihe land
sought is Mure '. aluab.c for us iiicbr or sj.nn.
than hi. aKi'CU.'.'ira! purposist. au-l to cstar.sti
hist'laim Ptsail land lief, re the R g st. r an t
RVei.-erof I Ins orhec a! R-!.ilrg. Oroe JII. on
SatuMay the 2Ttn d o' sept. !'.. He uatios
tsiiniw Fell r ta'i, and H ilir,' id Rose
burn, N Mre, of Wai'.oti.aii l lien;d,
of Kerlu", Oiegoa.
Any and all r-rns claimipe a1iers.-ly H e
ntxjve d-i'rit-sf land are re-im-.:,'1 to fii their
claims on or belop .a.d in dav of September.
P.i2. 1. 1. liRIIt,K's.
J2p Reenter.
Notice fcr Publication.
I'tii'-sl Male Land oBi.-r.
l'.i.s, t.urs , On 'D, May '.T. I ..'.'.
Stilice is 1 crct,y iven thai in compl aui-c
u uh tin prtvision ol the act of t'onerf of
J.'.ne s, lTv entitletl " n Act for the sale ol
7 imts-r Ijind. in trie S'ale oi t'aiifofin.t. Ore-
iri,,i K,.T-..t. an. I VV ..)i.nt,in Tcrr.lHf as ...
l.M.lcl t .11 Hi,- Pill, He l:i,l -lai. s 1,1 acl l
td B'ir..r.?iou. t .n:ni of sk.iuii slfcte of Wh
inuion, ln tiii dny til,-.! at tl is otlice
worn siatcirent No. 2'7.' for ihe toirehat' ot
lits '), pv Hand U el s-".iou N.i ton n-rip :l
south, raiejc s m ,-,t. and ni!l oiler j ro,,f Pi show
thai li.e land sonciit in more Talnaide for lift
liiiil.., u .'a'i. li.d,, f.,r nnu'i; iiir.l fiiinis...
;id ..'. .:... I,,r c'.iiii 1.. .,.! Imii.I IV'ltir,'
the Kfisicr-r an-l R-t eiv. rol lhi oftn- a;
R..s,-l,i,n. )-, ,. !i ,.n Thnn.,lr Ihe l'.h dat of
.si'piem iht, iv. -s,ie nan.- as w ; 111,-sses
Jolin niaicr. l illiai i tvnitb. Sa:itor4 Slater and
leonard Rnoi.,a!l of Bnrltncton. na.hlneion. I
Any and all person c!anmn al.ertely the, il.-,'.! !.! lni.1s an. p.t,i-sTe.l to I
l-ill I....K .n. r.v,n..te.l lo I.L. -
their rial ma in thia ..lli.-e n or thiols- aal.l llh
t' in thia oih.-e n or tfore sai l llh
day of sept.
J. 1.
Notice for Publication.
rint.-iFtaie. un-i otiice.
Roschar.-. On-ron. !aay . 1-2.
Notice is heretv liven thai in t oinp'.iaacc
with the nrovisioin ,,f tlie act of olip.a of
June il. IsTs, ent!tl"d ' An act for the sale of
Timber Lands In the states of California. Otc-
roo. Nevada and Washluaton TctTitorr," as ex -
tende.1 to a!l the I'nhhc lnd .stated hi- acl of
Angust i, is't',
of Peel, county ot Dtnii;la.. atate ol Oieeon.
haa thia day cled in Ihia oflicc hia sworn laU'
roenl No. for iht pureha of Iho s1, of
!"! and NWol ."''. of wetion No. 2. in
lowuahip No i, rauire :."o. 3 Weil, and will ti
fer pro,f n show that tbe land aoraht i more
valjahl" for iia limber or slone tbau tor agri
cultural pnnea, and loeatahlish hit claim to
"aid land b lore the Rteister and Receiver ol
thl office at Roaehura, ilmron, on Titeflay, ihe
12th day of Aranst l'Ju2. He name aa wiuica
e: Jariittt 1 . liiichanaii, J. I W hilohles. I. 1..
I'anlae. ol Peel, Orr,tn Jamea Oolad ol Rose
Isunr. Oreiron.
Any and all pnon claimine adrercly tne
above tltwrilied lands ar reiocaled to file theif
claims in Ibis oflicc on or beltire aanl l'2th tlay
t.f August, l JtI. J. T. BRltittK-l.
Notice for Publication.
I'niied Slate I .a lid otlice.
Iton hiiix, Oreiron, May 1 ,. I'.'2.
Nolice is hereby Riven that In t ompllancc
with the provisions of the act ol ironentw ol
June .1, ISTs, entitled "An act for the sale of
limber laud. In the states ol California, Oreeon,
Nevada and Washington Territory," a extend
ed to ail the I'uhlie Land Mate hy act of Aug
ust t, ls.92,
of RosehuriT. county of I)onilas, Slate of Oiegon
hai this day tiled in thia oltice hia awtirn atate
mciii No'.'vl ftir the iiurehae of tbe BK'. td
Keciion No 4. township No. i south, range No.
.1 neat and will offer proof to show that the
land sought la more valuable for ita titnlier or
atone than for agricultural pnriioaca, and lo
establish Ina claim lo said land liefon' the Reg
ister and Ret-iver of thia otlice at Riwtcbnr?,
On-con. of Prhlay, Ihe '2:1th day of Aok
11st, VMi. He names as vt iinessea: t harles W.
Kelley, Clark U 1111111111:1011, lleniy S,ni;leloti
and I .curve Baleman all ol Host-hunr. On'tpui.
Any and all penona claiininc advcrwly Ihe
alaive tlesentrfsl laud, are rei)eae,l to hie their
claims iu una ollice on or I .dor" said irilli day ol
August, r.r2. J.T. llntntiKs,'
iiir.'t Rt'Kister.
Notice for Publication.
Unite,) Mates; Land Ollice,
Roat'liiirs., Ort'Koli, June 7, P.m2.
Nolice ia liereliy Riven thai in compliance
with the pnn islona ol the act of Colli; res ol
June :i, lh,K, entitled "An Acl for Die Kale of
'l iiiila-r Lands in tlie Slalea of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory." as
extended lo all tlie Pulilie I .and Males l',y at"
of Angus! I. isw,
of OliicaKo, conniy of Cook, Hlato of III., haa
llii day hied ill this ofllce liis atvoin niateinent
No. 20I? for the j.iircbaae of Hie UK1 , of Mel inn
No. 'is, toitnslilp So. 27 sou Ih of ian:.'o No. il
vi est and will oiler proof to allow thai the land
Miight ia mote vAlualde for ita timli' r or stone
than for aeriftiltural purpoaes, ami to es'. nh
llsh Ids claim to Raid lima la foro tlio llegisier
and Receiver ol this ollice ut RoM:l,urir. Or. eon
on Saviinlay, lbc '27th day of seplemlier. pio-i.
lie names as wiuietsea: t.eorxe liatenian,
Henry Rlneletoc, Iicnry 8tradcr and tins Kilman
all of RosebiirK, Oregon,
Any and all peisous claiiiilni; adveraely the
the above deeribed lands arc rcijiiesletl to file
their claims in this otlice on or before said 27th
day or September, MM. J. T. BRIDtiKS
Ji2p Register.
Notice of Final Scttleuieut
la the Coup I y (Joint tor louk'Iaa Count v
Notice Is Hereby Klvcn that the liunl account
of then Jmiuislru tor ol the estate of Iiuis Bel-
tlla, decease, IiimImm'U rendered to laid court
for settlement, and that
Mfiwlav, tliti Mrd tlav of Atiatift, 1!HI2.
at 1(1 o cioi k a. iu- has been duly appoiuted hv
Kiiid court lor H'tileuicnt thereof, at tvliich time
auv perron luteresieti in said estate lnuv a hi. en r
and tile his objet lloni therein and contest the
Dated at Kcsebur. IioUElai coi.nlv 'Dr-vim
tlila the iith ilay of lune. l:m2.
j2fip Administrator wllh will annexert.
Notice for Publication.
United Mules I .and OlMrc,
lloseburg, Oregon, May 2,", l'jijj.
Notice is hereby given that ill compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 11, l.o7S, eiilitled "An act for thetah; of
tiniliei" lands In the stales of California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Wellington I, rrilorv,' as cxlcn.l
eil to a'l Hit! puhlie land stales by act of Aug
ust I, 1-o.iJ,
of ISurlinglon, county of skagll, slate of Wash
ingioii, has thi- day tiled in thin office her sworn
slatemeiil No. '.' o-' for the purchase of the St'4
of aeetioti No. li, township ;;t south, rang s
W ami will tiller irool to show Hint the land
sought is inoie valuable lor lis timber or Mime
than lor at-'rleultural purposes, and to establish
her claim lo said land lielore the Ut lister und
Kecciver ot this oltice nt Koseimrg Drcgon, on
Thursday the 1Mb day of Scpli inlit r, l'.stj Sin
names as witnesses: John Slater W illiam Smith.
San lord Slater, and l-conant Hna.ks, all of Bur-
lillglOU. W KslUllgUlll.
Any and all pcraoiisclaiuiiiig adversi ly the
atiove ilescribetl luutls arc rc.iiesici toille iheir
elnims in this ollice on or hcinnaid loth da of
SA-ptcmlKT, l'.irj. J. . I'.ISIDIiKS.
JJp KegiH.-r.
Notice for Publication.
I NI1KD STA1 K- I.ANDtll-Hl l..
llosKIU H'., the.. May l i, l'.-o;.
Notice is hereby giit-n thai in couipliance
with the pioviMoii ol the m i of Coiigrt-ss of
lllllf II. lsio, ill 1 1 It- 1 "All Acl for the sale cl
T llllU-r l.illids III llif S'atcs of California, lire
gnu. Ncwida, and Waslimu'lon Terr ior , hci
tended to all lllc IMllillO Mat, s t,y a't of
Aug 1st 4, lo.!.!,
MANI M c. HI. I S,
of Roseliiirg, county if Doitgla-, Male of Oic
gtiu, has this lay liicd in tni. .,ice I,;. suoni
Mali-meat No. J, for the purchase ol tlie.-,K'4
of seciioti No. 'Jl, loiiushii 1 s-'Uth, range .1 J
west, and will oiler proof to snow ttiat the land '
soiiulit is more latuablc for its tntit r tir stone !
than lor agricultmal purposes, Hnd to e.ialili-h I
Ins c aim to said iaicl h-lore tlie Kcgisur arid!
lo-cclw r of this otlice a ost-f,nr. Or gon, t,n '
Tliursday the '. tlay of August, i'i.' lie rami's '
w iliic.s, Dai el t laig, l-ianU Hays, 'tm
Icy IV I'iin mid Karl Hurl ad oi I'.os. l, i, -. to.
Any and all persons cla. in i n a.lvcr-'lv lie
nlioi e ih-si'l U 1 ialnls are . -(i- . to he'
lh-'ir t i linis in ilus oihce on -rUi sai-t :s of
Am;ai. 1'joj. J. I . Bl:lliih-.
ml'Jp 11' gisle.-.
Notice for Publication.
t'stTih St it. - Lf-n oi i it i .
R"t burg, t'o ,-nn, May 21, IxJ.
v.. i ... i. I......I.,. ..i... tl-.f l ,. .li.,t,
.,, ,'h,. -.. ...j.,;., , ,!,,. , t of enn -r,.' .
June :. !S".s, entitled "An ai t lor tin alcf I
ler Ijinds hi the Slab- of filiform. Or-jon,
; Nei adit, and V ashiugtoii 1 crruo. ;. , ko.ciis I.
ed to all the l'uliiic Ijind statts l.y act t i Aug.
, UH 4. sv-
td Ri, hurg. Co'inl ef h mi iria , ;u'i: of Orc-i, ,
j has lhl day hicl in thi" orfice his aom s ii .
j ineiil No. 2 ,1 for t:.c leireha.? of 11. North
I Fast .(iiar'cr (N E'i t section No. 10 in lown-
-hip N . 2 Sou t ii. ol 4angc Nus 'J M t t an I w.d
: ofl. r proid lo s!i,,w ' but tne land ii':i,t . n;ore
:i, liable lor It tli.ibei r s.oie than lor itgrt
Inirai purpos. "d i i estab:,.;i in. cial: . It
IllaiidU'li.e ihe B.-gi-ter and Rcv tr of
ii ofliee at Roseburg. op k'cn, on M' n-lnv the
th.lav of Ae.-u-t. Pa..'. 11- nam- . a- :'i es. .
Itcn Jil'M'l
K A.
ol K...
. A.'-r;
,rg o.-o-
piil and t'has.
- . '
I., in
a I
i ... ... ,
I p-rs'Uis (laiiniiig adversely the
ii Lwo e-ucsc riis-d lands up' r. Ii:e-:ci t,, i.
i la: i.i in th.s . ,,:i or ;! . .re : i:e i r. n -:ay c !
August, I ..'. J.T. Br. Mf.
ui'.'p Rcg.sV.-r
Notice fur Publication. t
i iiiiei ',!. i rl i omc-,
le.-chll.. Ol, g-ill. M.iy 1.. 1 ".'
N".i' ,s l.i by riien thai in ii.m; ,ibii"'
mm tie- p. v, . o'us ( tl.- a t ol i .it.'lrw "I
lune :; s;s, enijl"i "A n sci for ike ' ,,f
limhi-r Is ii Is iu if." State, ol t ai. -iria, OPtr-'D.
Nevada and w a:.;i.,.'tj n 'f r: :,ry.
sl to ail tie- Public Ijind ' s l ai ;
unit ij:.
i HAF.l KM V. UKU.V.
tl Kosehiiig, eotilily oi II,. :k a. .s;l,- ,
I. a tins da bls jn t'o .
tueul No jit .. f.,r ll.c i i:rci.M.- ,.i ;i,e
section .. 1. lowusl.:l No .s, r.l'c -f
and will offer protd t, hot lust li.c a::
i mor.' vaitiahie :or Us t :i.l r .-r '-.c
ior ai-'rii uiinral T 'rl"C'c. .tie! lo i-.'.ji
t la. in Pi id m:i 1 le:i're ll- R. v-'. 'r
eels, r ! this oll.e.- al lih'l:. tli
Friday the f da' ti A'u't. r
name as wit:it-ss l 'srk 1. Kei..i:i::n
Kelly, henrv sii.'s'-t.'."ii. to.cs'e lla'.- u:
Rie-bitg. o'ffm.
.! A'
: C-'.-.n
s V 4
:; .i, -t
I s-.url.t
i- If.n'l
. .... M.
u:i-t R-
: ii-
i a.i t.
Any an I a.l p
a'oe descniie'l isn-ts nr r,-'itt-.cst to n..-
-laitna in t!,! otlice ! ! lore 2'IIi
i Auir j-t. I .'. J. T. ils: I- .
uli K-e..:
Notice for Publication.
fMTt !) 1 A I K- l Or Fit K
Hoti.f. Of et n. U; 1 . 1
N-il i e : Ix-r.'Otr pic:i tht ,n lotupc
w III the pri.v'.s li' .l in a t o. I iorl
Jon- ls. , - in t ! "An a t I r I..- -
IiiqN r ian. -.'i the 'talis. .. t ai::..rn.a t,r.
v !
i Nt- a a'.l VV st':i ! r.-.l' -r v. n. est
i ft to all I III ill
I si.,'.- . ', a, i .
1.1 tiNAl:l K nor
of Lolls'. a. : c i"
D tins nlhi-.- t. is s ,, t
..f .
I. ts;-.!
U . Iiie I
'.n. 1 jl
t- i::i nl
l -i for I
e pnrci a t: " Ni1
SKV-K', sw in vt x.i 2. t-.i.-h p
,N'. r? K,-: w ;:! "'rri '" '"'
toat tlie 'a:el soikI ! is ii., -re a...a',..e :. r l'-' :.i...:.i pn-s-s.
and to .-.'aiiiisa l is n i l i a,, i i:i i i- ion-
I and to i.'(liila 1. Is c:a'
' ':::. r mi l R- 'i "
I l-osch int. t -O 1TI...U YW-dl
r '. ti.ia ..r:.i-u
Mlav , tin 2 th i
na i -s a. u ;t :;. ;s
''I'll. OT'.!
!!; hflnau atid K:-iiarl I. i 'm o ( I
iron, 1 ho: iat J. rcr. !. ! lUt-c'.u '-j . lln-Co'l-
1 .my Hid t-l rv,s. t:.i'iii: ai.tra'iy n.s
I above difiril-sl la 1-1
j ahovc rlcarriUs.
Uieu claims in t:: o:
i rr la-f. r" .a. 1
J. t. hk:i',S''
day of Aciiisal, 1.V2
Notice for Publica'iou.
. v'? v'-?;..
1 Noli-c is lep hy :-. n tt a'. in rousp'.iai.
. with the pn,v I- i..ns ..t ti - a'l (
; J'ine 3. IsTs, cnt::!-! "An Act tie sai- .
Timlr r lnda in ihe f:au of t at f..rnia. tin
1 on, Nevada and a-hinqnm 1e ni. rj a- , 1
: tenrtfl lo all th. fnl.lic Umd -!.,tc- I y a-t
August 4, !'..
of Oakland, county of Is.i:i'.a. out. of Or r
ha this day r ltd in this oftlcc .o r s. r i atats
ment No. ior the pun-ha ol ihe sKi NW
'', NK'..NW, sK' M.I, s',. 01 see.
tlon No. 21 in ttisti:p No. V, vii. fb of raiice
No i tut! and u ill oiler prtfd to show 1 Iat the
land t mt lit la ntore valuable for ita tieiler or
Pne than f'tr itcricultiiral piirp'sca, n.l io e
tahluh per ciatni to said Und l.efore the Rt-tti.
tcr and Receiver ol th's mdiv at B..- nurz. Ore
en on Ntondny. thtr T'th day of Sc;.eu.u r.
l:2. she naui-s as i .to, vs. . t, larlor.
I'. L. 1 1 . ,1c-. .111 (. Roy Mi.,cr an 1 1 1. t henoirelii ,
allot Oakland. Or. eon.
Any and all rvma c'aii.iinir adversely Ihe!
alate decr:U-'1 land, are r. .jiicsi.nI ,0 tiic '
tbt-ir claims m this oii'.ce o or Iici.'tv sai.l -.iu
tlay of s. pt. mir, l'jo.'. J. T. BRILt.KS, !
jl2p RcKisUr. i
Notice for Publication.
I niud sup s I and Ollice.
Rnsrti'irR. i'ti-oii. May, It, !:.
Notice la licrebv ui v-rn
With tbe provisions of the
Julie li, IsTs. entitled "All .
timber lands in the .-tales .
Netada and V c
ft to all tbe 1'i.l.ilc I Jill
that ill (onip'.iiinee i
act ol I'oncrt ss of '
Act lor the sai , ;
nl California. Or t:on '
iiitoiy. " us extend- t
1 lnit a .y at I or '
AllRllsl I, lJ)J, ,
of Seattle, coiin.y of Kitnf s;tai.. of vt ashiiieton. :
haa this ilny hiitt in ibis oilict; ina ,vnirn,. i
incut. No 2l.t; lor I be purchase of I In' K1, NK1, j
and SK1 ,0! section No. :i. town liip .i js, i
ranee h'uest and u ill ofler piool to show thai
the land mubt is more valuable (or its Inula r'
or stone tbau for ami. 'itliural pui Mis,-a, tttl, i(,
calabash bis cla 111 lo l aid liill'l Ih-IoO' Ihe Rci ,
st " and Kceelti r ol thia olios, al Rovbure, I
Onitoii on Hatnr-Uy. tbe 2.'.d day of aiuust '
pai. He name, us a iwi..sscs: llicvurd illinnta.
Nelson Pumres of S all!e, V ashiiil"on. .t in. (
l'orler. Hale llorvn ol tlaems niict , t trci;.,i,. ;
Any and all persus claim. in; aieiselv the,
hIkivc dcscrilicd lands are ri'i'iested lo bit
Ibuir claims in .hi, oibcc .... or l-ore -aid -u
tlav ol August
J. T.
Notice for Publication.
Culled Slates OiVice. i
litiM't.urK. r.wn, May lii, 1 atj. '
Nolice is heiehv Ititell tbut ill com plia net: '
u itli tbe provisions 1. 1 I he act oi t onuress oi ;
June .1. lar.s. t niitlt d " Mi act lor Ihe sale ol 1
timla'r lands iu lb stiitet of :a iu.rn a, Ore
Koii, Neeadii and Washington lerritort.' '
exleudcd to all the I'll I.I if l.aiid Slates In ael '
of August I, ls.'.i.
of Koschni!?, t-otimy of lioiwlii", stale of Oreiron
haa tliis day lilett iu thia ollice his attorn alale
nienl No. '2tTi, for the pnrebasi'ol the SW, ol '
aer-lioii No. 2. township No 27 son It. ritniji; No. i
11 west and will otter erooi to show 'hal the land :
floui;hi ia more ve.liiniila for lla IiiiiIht or stone'
than tor airrienitiirai puiposca. and lo islablish i
hlsclaiui to said land bctore the Kcaister audi
Heceiverol Ibis ollice at Uoseliuttr. Oreeon, on j
Friday, Ihe 21th day ol A lot si pal.'. He names
aa w iinessca: Churies h. Kelly, Henry l.atctH-k,
John Kelly and rrauk Hays, all ol Kosebii it ;
Any aud all . ci sons t Uilinintr adversely tint
above descrirxd latnla aie re.iiestetl lo tile" iheir
cla'tna iu thia olli"e on or Itelore said 2ith tlay I
of Aiiitust, l'JU'. J. T. niltlK.KK. !
mlup Kegister. j
Notice for Publication.
I,M Orrit K AT KOtt'til'.!. "lit:.. My::t, 1AI2.
Notice ia liertby Kiveu thai ihe IoIIiiu iiik
named settler has filed notice of her intention
to make final proof in support of ber claim and
that sai.i prool will be miide liefore the ileeister
autl Receiver, t'rH. Land Ollice at Koseburic,
Oregon, on August II, 1902.
on H. K. No S112, vi: NW), SW Sec, xP.
2, S. K. it W est.
tibtf linuit'H the loilon lilK Io prove
her continuous, residence upon and cultivation
of sultl land viz: Jobu K. Miullh and Wilt K.
Smith, ol Brot kvvay, Ore , und Wni. H. Htvafford
of Hvrlle Creek, Ore., and Albert i.. s lliis, ol
MllarrliOrcKoii- J. T. Ukipois,
Society Meeting.
F. & A. M. Laurel ljodae No. 13.
ilalda resular meetings on second
and ( urlii Wednesdays of each
month. E. J. Stkocd, W. M.
N. T. Jkwktt, Secretary.
AO. U. W. KouebiirK Loilue No. 10.
Moots the pt cond and fourth Mon
l days of each month at 7 :'.') p.m.,
in tlio I. O. (. K. Hall. Memhera in
atootl atandioi; arn invited to attend.
II. T. McClai.!.In, M. W.
K. II. I.KNti.x Ilt.onler.
I). .H WtsT, l inapcier.
P. O. KLKS. UijeebtirtIxdieNo.
3'Jli. Ilnlds rcjiilar cummuuica
tions at I it. U. F. Hall on pccontl
and fourth Thursdays ol each uiunth.
All members requested to attend regu
larly and all visiting brothers are cordi
ally invited to attend.
W. II. Jamiksok, F,. II.
V. C. Lijndon, Secretary.
N. ti , meets at Armory Hall every
Thursday eveninir, at H o'clot k.
F. li. Hamlin, Cant.
EfJRKE OK HONOR. Myslic I!ice
No. 13. MietH L'nd and 4Mi Tbnre
tlav evenit.a of each munih in Na
tive Hons' Hall. Viaiting menilx-rs cor-
i ilially tttc4l to aitend.
E. II. Lennox, Rec.
OF A. Court Donislas No. 32, For
atrs of America. Meets every
TucHilav evenint; in Nativ" ona'
Hull. Vinitinc; brotherealwraye welcome. I
, ' Cii s Gil vis, C k.
Ai ti. .1. hmsiz. R. f
1 E. Y. lloovtit, l'hvsit iau.
O. U. F. Pbiletaritn Lodg-o No. 8.
Meeti in OJd Feliowa' Temple, cor
ner Jatkeoo and Case Etreete, on
Saturday evening of eacb week,. Mem
ber, of tbe order in good etamliDg are
invited to attend.
If. B. Gillette, N. G.
N.T Jeaett. Secretary.
of 1'. Alpha Loda No. 4". Meet
every Wednesday, in I. O. O. F.
Hall a. 7:30 P. m. Members in
gor ef anding aro invitevi to attend.
t. U'. Kivtp.Ai.i ., C. C.
C. K. Kobekts K. P.. 8.
1 I . T. M. 1'rott-cti'iii Tent N i. 15.
14 j,,,,, ;N r,.p,.Jar U,. t).
lla , . ,
" " " l;r-t an. I tlurd I reLiy t.f ,-itcll
lie. nth in the I. ii. o. Kali. Yi-itii:g
tiK iiila-r- in ''' -taiplii.'' ;iro invifcl tn
attfii'l. I". F. 1' ini:iiv, ('m.
K. I". I'.i.t.ia.iTT. I'ect.r.l Kt-t-t-r.
II.AC CIRCLF. No. 43, Women of
Woodcraft. Meets on first and third
Tbaredaya of each month at the Na
l. . k. . . LA V.
tive Sons, lla!!. Yifitibg members in
itl Harding are invite! to a'teml.
J. K. ?Awvta.-, Unariiian Neighbor.
Vt.N!E Otev, Secy.
AMKS of !he. A.K , Abraham Lio-
coln Circle No. 1'. meet at Native
Son's If all at 2 o'clock on the eec-
oml atJ foarth Fridavs of each mon'ti.
U. T. M. Iloeehora Hive No. 11.
HoMs its recu'ar reviee upon the
eecond and foarth Krida? eve.
of cm h month in the Native Socs Hall.
Sisters of other Hives visiting in tf.e city
are cordially invited to attend oar re
view. Jlsul t, 1.. Com.
Mm i k K., R. K.
W. OK A. Myrt'.e Camp No. (,230.
Meets tiretand thirl Wedcesdayt
each mouth at Native Sona' Hall.
1. M. P.KsKi.. V. C.
j&. Bvros, Clerk.
S. Kofw'jar Chapter No. 8.
Holds their ren;ar tretinK on iht
first and third Tharodnva in each
uotith. Vifiliug nierDlM-rs in pood
itandin are reepecltall v invit' to at-.-i)tf.
Mk. (!.iujt MkAKit, W. M.,
Mue. t.iBiiiK CoeHOW, Secretarr.
J VliKK A 118. Iioeehorz Rebekatt
VI I-:e No. 41. l.O. U.F., mecia in
W , ,
Old Feliowa Temple every Toeeday
evenin. Visiting eisters anil brethren
evening. isitins eisterg arnl tirptnren
i. vitcl to attectl.
I'f 1 1 l'i:" v, N. ti.
C'ii: Wimi:ki;i.v. II. S.
mti:i ai:
ti.:v vcjiifjC
TIANS.-L"iiii.(ita As
!"") tiiet-J everv Sattir-
k in Native
"ii Hal!. isiiitig Artisiins crdiaily !
i:i i'fl tn attend.
MKS. M. JoNKS. M. A.
Mils. F. P.. H WLiN, Sevrcury. !
Camn No. 125. Meeta at the Odd .
Feilowr' Hall, in Iioeebure, every
tirat and tbirl Monday evening. Visit--
irs neigSbora always welcome.
Jons T. Lose, C. C.
J. A. CrcuASAX. Clerk.
tM l Iell.. s Tcnii'lc. Mtvts first
and tliir-i Saturday cvcniiiirs each
1 in
ntli. Visitors corli.iliv iavitcl.
J. li. H VMIIT-.N. c. r.
t. T !tx 111:1.1., St rilto.
Michigan Restaurant
and Lunch House.
M MI.S .-. AT .-. AM. .-. HtU KS.
Tiiliics s'l itii 1
Nft .l air to
st the market afffr.l
Ml. Icr.ii 1-t salittiti.
MI1S. TAVI.1X, JVt.prictor.
Title (j ua ran tee cx Loan Co.
0. Haiiiltos,
- D
Secy, and Treaa
Oflicc in Hie I ourl lloiiae. Have the only com
plete act ol abstract laMiks In Douglas t'onnty.
Abstracts and Certificates ol Title furnished i
1 1. .in. Ins con my land and minina claims. Have
also a complete act ol Tracinca of all loa nship
plata in tbe KoaeburR, Oregon, 11. S. lnd Ilia-
.k ' ZTZ V " " ,Vr""-
Mttarr public in omce, inourance aireni
CorreiKntlence aolicitial.
ocoooccaoockxxxxxxx'3 cooooooooooooooooooo ooooo-oCsooooo'Coc cxoxx;cock:xocxxxoo
Oil in Douglas County.
The Rich Fields Uncovered Will
Rival Those of California or Texas
The old days of Titusville and Oil City, where fortunes were nude iu
a night will be completely outdoue by the magnificent oil fields to be
uncovered aud developed iu Southern Orcoon. THK UMP0U
VALLEY OIL COMPANY controls the cream of Southern Or'coa
oil lands. If you waut some of the first hundred thousand shares send
your orders to the Secretary of the Company, or throng Wells, I-Wo
and Lo, express. "
Umpqua Valley Oil Co.
i ,
Professional Cards.
Court House
Down Stain.
Physician, .Surgeon.
Office over P. O. Uohkhi ro,
'Phono Main GUI. Ukw.on.
Pliysciau & Surgeon.
Offlce Review Hid.
I'hous', Main il
RohKitt-Ka Okeoon
dpcciai atb-ntiou given Uj Diseases o! iKe Nos
and Tbroat.
Office-Main St., one door, stjulh of CI tilla
Phone. Main M.
t W li4YNES,
KctIcw Cullding,
Teleptioue No. 4.
tiffice or.ptis' le .
Mot: ii in s Hail
Attorney at Law,
Rooms 1 A i. Marsters Bidg., P.O.-EKCVJ, OK
arBijiineesbe;')re tha U d Land Ofh'e t-.l
Buuing cases a specially.
Late Receiver V.S. Laad CfEce
-A I -LA V, ,
Busiucs before t'.S. Iat,
OSli: ti 1 i'lo'.-t
bunoess a
OSce Abraham
U' practice tn a)! the S.a'.e snd Fv-lerai Vir.rU
Office la Marks' BM., R.-.. -'irg. Uregoa.
Attorney anl C')unt-eiiir at Lavr.
Mining Ijiw and Water Kihts n.3.1
a epecia'ty.
Husicn Bid I'.OstBCRvi. OtKOO
' U w. oi,.ihJ.i,
ost 1 aud i
new Bnilding. ROsEBl'RW. C-Rtt
J A. BUCHANAN. Notary r-Qbik.
Collections a Speci.alty.
Marteni BU.M.&J. no ttt f. ,.
Q J. UtiniNETT,
Attorney at Law.
i..ra 11.
Tat I r A v ovori Bio, fc
H. Little,
j. Oakland. . -
is l ret-arcl tn uait nwin old
ati i iewcti't'!i.crsa:i i frit-n.
taitli a fall and roui't!r;e
st.K-k t.f
Ail fresh an,! of the very I??t
quality. Teas aad ctifT4.s are
jjcia;t:c. Voir patrocA'!
305 Jackson St., Rxebur
. cnea aim at ence.
' It eanae, anothea ard
'. hea.a tbe l.- rrst-nw I
1 brace. It cures v aiar-ti
! and drirra awav a 4 ' I
' in the Head qns klv. 1:
la anarrt. un a and ir,rfr-. me xn.: rsr.
R, ators-a the Seti-ea of ik.c and smrX f j ifie
6tc.; Tretl re Vs- : 1 tf ir-:s. cr 1 iri. .
aXT KW llLRS. UKvnu sire, v. Nrw Tcr-
Nasal Catarrh q licaiy yields to treat
ment by Elj a Cream i!m, which is orre
al-ly aromatic It is receiveU Lhrcnh iiie
nostnis, cleanses an.l Leala the vhole ret
face over which it diffuse itself. PrtiggJiU
ell the 50c. aire; Trial sia I j mail 10
cent. Test it and joa are sure to conliuot
the treatment.
To acoonimolatti aobe v. ho are partial
to the use of atomizers ia applyics Jitj'.lt
into the nasal passages for t.U:,r,',il C m.
f it, the proprietors prepare Cream Loire is
licjjiij form, which iUle kne m as Ely ,
Litpiii Cream BaIda. Irice.iBcluding tb
praying tula i 7."ccnta. DmRgitU ot bj
ciaiL The liquid form embodies the meU
tcjjjal projsfrtle of .. t.r. larntiia
to buy a
to buy a
room s
rcut a
a house
a house
II vou doa't know PAT
II nn or address . . .
Hest References.
All Workfiuarauteed.
9 I-cavo or-lc
rs at Mi:(.'!al!ffi IIouseN
Paintres, Paper Hangers
and Decorators
: I'iin.
i t. r Par
i . ,
! I! 1
sie and Pi.ui"- P'di-I.tJ. Plat-.Maril.-l.-f
:tnd ll. at Reflector a
-. t '.riii-ii :ii:l Fraim; V,rk
i; :
i:r;i'KG, i:k.
:i"ii. F.irii -1 aiid Miii-
' i;i. Wa-hitittm atpl
itKf.ANf, i:Ejt N
il I.iini-.
fiddle Pharmacy.?
I ' j I. B. RIDDLE, Prop.
Fresh Drugs, Hedicines,
Toilet Articles, Paints.
Oi!s, Glass Sundries"
Sf PreHrirti'tr." 1-tW.pHj filled
by a corr. ;st ..-:: t drsjr.'it.
ito Water Proof
Harness Oil Hlaekinj
T :t
i.f t :
asi. ar.t!
1. tiTC-st
t J
i iilrt- it .-.-ft
I--.iT I. er u.'nl
..!,.-r a:.-1
i I lh-i-hesl aj-
'. i !:arn-s
!a-t tai'-tr as
r-. - it shi?.
MTK. K-- -;it
I'.; -'i-tt's
e.'.r:. I
ls" it
i I!,
r !
W .
M ,
1 'Tf'
a.'. i-.'Iu;!: tret-U
Ikile Collins
Go to
? I!
r. ti.
Fcr a I'rcM; t a:. ! K:m-c'iS
Si.ave r Hair-cn. Ct'nspe
rer.t V."..rkncr.. C'esn Tow
els, TojIs aiwa-s in hape.
Baths in Connection.
: on Jactwa St.
Homes from S250 to $5000
Write. .r Th-
Win. 3LYI, Porter,
Real Estate Asent and Notary
Timber and Homestead Lector
Packer and Guide
Caiuas Valley, Oregou
ii inilca 'i'.h nest of Res-burr
Is Absolutely PURE, and
ill OUTWEAR all other
Ii t e.l
wr.K io
a r d.-es: n.i; car-y i:
a ili s, v lim j0n tct ii
Port Ian J. Oregon
ili B-l.l I T
j-tt AprHratu Attorney,