ees9es9e 0 1 A dvertising J ob Printing 0 la busy seasons brings you your share of trade: Ih h vi-ry important fectcr in bnsinesa. l'oor printing i- llfclu iio i-rpdit art n. t-t,.A - advertising in dn'.l sea sons brings you VLnr phnre. and nisi tbat of the merchant who "can't af or J" to advertise. 6 bnHinesH houHo. Let ns do your Job Printing wo narantee jt to t,e ju every way satisfactory. Published on Mondays and ThursdaysEstablished 1868. Vol. XXXIII. ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, ORKGON, MONDAY, JULY 28, 1902. No. 57 fcc- (ysfl srjKvfe COCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOZOOOQOOOCOOOOOOOCO O R. A. BOOTH, A. JIARSTEKS. 11.1". i AI.KY, O V I'rosi iont. Vivo rrvsi.lviit. Cnliior n Q o o 0 a 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 ae V Douglas County Bank, Capita! Stock, $50,000.00. IUURO OP MRECTOPS r. w. 1:. a. uooru. .1. 11. r.ooTii. .1. t. nitin.K3 .1. r. KrU.V.A.l'. MARSl'KKS. K. i.. mii.i.i'.i:. A general banking business transacted, and customers given every 1111110,1.:: :.:i -u-i!iT.; v. ith sale and conservative km tarn:. P-ank open livin nine l. twelve and (nun one to throe. COOCOOOOOOCOCOCOCX)OOG0OOOOCOOOOX30 I.ATU NEWS SUMF.RIZED. State, (ieneral and Foreign News Con densed for I he Perusal of the Busy Rcder. LATEST NEWS. f. ,ox M 0 rM y fea m M 'm COUCHES! - - )ft mm mm e are show hz t lie -neatest line of .Medium 1'riced Conches we have ever had. also BED LOUNGES TRUNKS A new line of trunks: just received 3 " VALISES, TELESCOPES SUIT CASES, HAND BAGS In fact anytiiiii y,v.t want to travel w ith. Kcuie:nlt;r the place. 1 B. W. STRONG, 5 THE FLJRNITIIPE MAM. Pnhtircr Orp q .v--". - - y ts-..-vis. -x -- x-vr v: vt .v:x- vi : -,: x : vivx ;ovl xv;viv.v; I rt v. I S ? 1 i Bring Us Your CHICKENS. EGGS. ' BUTTER. r 3 FOR CASH OR TRADE J.r.DAn -C'i-- f e & Newland First class ft-0 -Si Our prices are alva's right anJ stock complete Groceries... fe fe fe Ci C-i Cz3 DEVER'S BLEND COFFEE Also a full line of... Secdc Higliest price paid for Produce. Give us a call y OUR MOTTO IS TO PLEASE. Kruse & Newland e e 6 A URE CURE For Ingrowing Toenails Wit-! a '"raguient of glass scrape the whole length of the ;:ii.laie of the nail. Do this persistently, yet delicately. Cautiously raise the corners of the nail and po-ir iu a few drops of melted lead. Cautiox D.i:;'; swear. .Wrap the toe in a piece of woolen cloth, tying it with pink baby ribbou, finishing with a graceful bow at the top. Then wear QUEEN QUALITY SHOES. FLINT'S SHOE STORE The Mneiie ft reel - fair will probuMy le held the third week ill Septelii! er. Preparal ions are U-ini; rapidy pushed. The J taker fit v ChamU'r of (.'.nnneri-e has decided to send a lecturer east to dtvant on the mineral wealth of Kastern I re;oii. The report that three armed men, sup posed to lo Tracy and his companions, had passed throii'h WiHulhnrn, haV; prov en a false alarm. TheS. P. Tie Plant vhieh has been at 1-at'iam f"r the pat few month left last week for I'ptoii Calif., where it will remain until next spring. The Priiish M'die:d .loiirnal "l London denies the sti ies I hal t he K I tr i stiil in danger. The roy:; phy-ieiau- say tin-y arei;iiite sal islied w it h his - :iiit i u Artie Anderson, of near l'cndleton, has disappeared, leaving a wife and child. Me had U'eli elerk of t lie Juniper selio..! distriet. but thri-u-jh liipior. wa in ililii culiiis. C lyde :oid l.'..v Painby, of Si!vert'n. and P.arrett F. 1'ur-iv, of Kingston, haw U-en arrestetl on a char-je of -ii-alin-j .".Sm in u-ol-1 fv..:n Mr-. 1'.. 1. rin;j. of lluhhard. v. ieh :t- lmried in a tin pail ill the Woodshed. The largest paid I. any olio patron of the Lunelle rre.imery last moiilh was whieh a aid tot'. W. Streeter near Spt-ncer butt--. .Ium ti..n creamery ran rai-e that anejunt. l or the same tnotit h Thos, I'.ailev Jei eiwd fllL'. Times Three hundre-1 ( hi ao eeurio.'.it will visit !rant I'a-s iu-xt month and will si'iid two week- in the vicinity in-sp--t iiiii the mineral re.-o-.irei s ..f South ern Oregon. The'Jol.ien I riit Miuin j Oujipany are theori.Miiators of the .r j.vt. (.'berries are one ! the nio-t prolit.ibie trois roun in .lack-on t'ounty. .1. W. l'rall. who ha a two-acre tract iu Last Med ford, ha-- ninety cherry trees jn a-.-e from live to l ine vears. and tlo mmshii he sold cherries 1o amount of i'r..m to 7 from each tree, the price U-iiiK live cents l r J uii.l. That l-;its wheat at fifty cents a bushel.- M.-lf-.r-l Mail. Henry V.. Walton die.i .Inly l'Jv.i? aliut 7 o"c1.h k p m of par.ily-i- at the insane asyluni, Salem, nrom. lie w.i liorn in I'ouias county, i.ear tak!and. Orison, DivemlH-r i-VKV;. While yet a boy be moved w ith bis pa"- ul to Kn ene wher-- he resi le-1 until Mxt.-vu years a-o Purine the Li-t ixte, n year his home has Uvn nt Portland. Surveyor-M U--r;il M.-! lnim ha- m---eive.l notice from Wahiujtoii fit v that tiie Mini of f-'.i) ba K en set a ide for hi iw lor the li-eal year en.unj June PH)". This is the same amount as m allowed last year, an I while not eiioti-'h to admit to making all the s-ir-vevs asked for, averages well with the amount apMrtionl to other states. The rapid si-ttliiii; up of timlxT and rairic lands which are not yet surveyed makes the rails for otlicial surveys very fre ipient. They Werj Really Comrades HARMONY IMPOSSIBLE. Bryan Says Deserter : hi oo Cannot Return W ithout Injuring the Party. Nam t, M,i-., July L'J. In vr.-ul tellts ,n the si i on of Mas-aoh II -ft t s for hours t.liy a throng of men and not a few women h-icn.-d to distin-'iiis., orators from various j.arts ol the I'jiited States as t h.-y delivered aildn-.-.-vb upon the principal i-stieH from ' . Iieniocrat ie,ii)t if view. The - pi eeh-luakili' followed a day banquet, t;.e lh -t to 'iven hy ihe recently o':iiiiiil New Kmdaiid Pemociatie I.ea-.i.e. in the Umkbllol Mo'.l, i.t which ahoia were .it-seiit. A lnoii ot her prominent speaker- wa- V. J. P.rya.i, who created somewhat of a si-u-atioii by saving: " l'o attempt to patch up an ap areiit harmony l t ween t hose w ho are not in sympathy w ith i 'cinocratie pnri.s. - i id a asl.- of time, but would proeiisas roil-. '1 le- lie n V ho h -eit-i-d the party in Inn; unty I-- til vide-1 in tu t n clas-e-, the who left Mcills. tin-y mi dcrstood tin- is-iie pri-H-nlel, an-1 th-.-e wh- left S talls.' thev -lid n t ' iiii-ler-t.i:i-l tin- n-al nature of lhi (..;i ' t-- t. I ut il lh-i-i mer are complc'.olv L.ii. '1 iti ihcir -vn-.tthies tiie'-" e.l'i- ' - i I . r.- , t n I.. t ii- irri- M it ...ttt i-.'.it-M. - cuce with Superintendent Let', f the State Penitentiary, it. Th. latter u u- t. thv todav, regarding the -ptvnieut of tiie reward for the return : ''"' "llt:i '-y thei..u.-s I ...i.e " . ..." ... , , , , aw. ne of re.ii character ..f the hi,- ot tne body ot Davul Merrill, the outlaw, but no conclusion :t,.,j,w;i.h -trntvi.- n.-.v ib.- w-.-e-i i t was reached. Warden Janes is absent at Taconia, and no, t-r.e:, pj ;-. r... v and dcm.-era.-y. -1, , . , .. i , no-.. CHI ii i i- in ni-i-i an-ioi racr .1 , ,c,lll...'-.I...,, . ,i I -n . nlln. .. l.l. ll .- ril llftl I 1- .a.uuu win ui t.uvt u iu 1 1. v lii.a 11.1 mini in.- 0.11:11.. ' i Railroad Terminal Grounds Selected Reward for MerrillSenator Mitchell will go to Hiwaii No Fake Fight. Marshhki.i), Or., July 26. Chief Engineer L. I). Kiune', of the Great Central Railroad Company, said to day that a large tract of land had been secured for termi nal grounds near this city, and that the company has also secured a water frontage of i ' miles from the Empire mill toward Marsh field. Construction of the first wharf will be begun at once, and work on the others will follow late r on. force ( .15 men is now here, and they will be set to work Monday morning 0:1 thcrvbarf and in the ter minal grounds. Work on the railroad will not be begun until September 1. THAT REWARD 1-OU MERRILL., Or., ulv 2. Governor Gcer held, a confer- Are yt,i paiticula about your Coffee, Tea and Spices ll-.v. j-lr.t-I a! I a. : ! u ver- a: nor (ieer said today that it is desirable that the ideuity of.'; the body should be ceitain.aud it i noon this O'.int that lie s ' Ic-I i'V ill: wishes to confer with Mr. Janes. , ,rth. "The state is not disposed to b over exacting or to :r -!;: .11. II racy ur.ite 1 i-.r a s.seciw t-.j-.h l privil.-ec' :vm .t. .-t... :. .. ...... t t tlliUiiie uvci iiie iii.u.t.1 , vi'-.iii'u vivei, o.n 11 wo.ihi; place us iu a very bud position if we .-.hou'd pay the reward . or apart of it, and then Merrill should turn up later over; in Seattle. Erom the leports I have heard I am inclined to' presume that the body returned is in fact Merrill's, but; v. since I have noi had an opportunity to talk with Mr. Janes, I wi'l take no immediate action. There is no need to ry the matter." 'll I- ;iki:i: p-.i v viltii the eii- luv: ;ii- their work-, their n.eth- i hra-. - l -.-y. hut by honest, rwar 1 ap;ii t-. th- American --n a. :- aM .rm can U- un til.!! 'atf-.rm t I a:. 1 uitl.ati orani.ttion trust. si." 1 In: rtonarch of the Ocean. CUDI1IEE GIVES UP CHASE. Si.ATTi.r, July 25. Sheriff Cudihee has crtiiely given Two yuiin- nu n of Marion. Ind.. have lTiisimra-le, i.-mrades, ever since they wi-relxiys. They fell ill lovew ith si-ters : Were married April 7, JT; left their w ives July 7. I'.i-JJ ; liltsl bill -f divorce July 11, per.'. Thit- wa- a pair of real psychical twins; awd this ain-cdote teaches r.s that th- r--al article in Iloosier novi li-ts has e im- at last. To Bohemia By Au'omobile. Hints to Housewives. Half the battle in good cooking, is to hdve good fresh. Groceries, and to get thein promptly when vou order them. Call up 'Phone No. 181, for gor d goods and good service. C. W. PARKS & CO. IK . 11 1 1 81 AND- EMPIRE- LiVertj, Feed and ale pfalile L. P. Babnard, Trop. Saddle Horses. Single and Double RiZ3 at u-1 hours Transient Stock gvtn very be of care Rates always reasonable 1'arly Pri.lay morniuj K. II. In-haui Hccoiiii-inied by 1!. K. llawley left f'ir ll-iheiiiia in Mr. In-hatn's aut-nnobile. Thej-iiini- y was very pleasant and 1111 eventiul until the m iinitaiiis were reaeb-d. The h-n s :rid steep hills provl too -iinciiof a strenuous task for the r:ders who, M-riiais, were eoni Ipeiltsl t--et out an-1 walk at times. s in order to avoid seiis.-.tiim. the auto was iroii-ht back to Colra-je drove and (liven a rest, while the journeymen went by stajc to th ir destination. Eugene (iuard. HO, FOR NEWPORT! Oregon's Favorite and Popular Se side Resort. Ile'-onizin the advanla-e of M-w-rt as a summer resort over other eea sido results in the northwest, and to make it possible for all who desire to do so to Hjiend their vacation by the ocean waves, the Southern Pacilie Company 11 connection with the Corvallis i: Kast ern railroad, will place 011 sale, effect ive June l'lth, round trip tickets; from all points in Oregon on the Southern Pacilie to New port, 'khI for return un til October 10th, at. sp cially reduced rates. For full information please enquire of your local agent. tf. little !-. L l l , 1 he will abandon the chase after Corfvict ' .- , - tl, , , - , I .-s lift t ill- -.' 1- vi . 11 an i'l.'iiv vo.ji ini..uiii.' liv Liiiiir e notic ior niscaniure. up and now says Tra TKACKY S i.K ANDI A t Hf.K 1KA1. A dispatch from Pittsvillc, Wis., says: J. 1 h Tl.o.nas W. Iaw-!i. a ujii-.c-vi -!. launched la-t u a? tpi:ncv, Mass.. i- tbi- i.u v'e-t sailing v-s--l ! the seas, lier i.Ver-ail h::-th i- nur : 4n.i a!1,l the (rr- of the -r.-.V. I a'.!er:;io-t ar. l the ike t!--l b-w-i -r'A. s t'.-.-t lrs. make her m-'.i-iire i.i irly -Vi ('-. t t'.ji t- ti;-. Willi a Ir .1.1 of Vl f.T-. ..ii.', a depth of i.K ." iu. i.- -iia- a i ar.' ) capacity i uXr-ni ' spu t.eis. Her . !! j.-n..-n uh.-ii 1 -.1-1.-1. is n.-..i t- !,.. The 1---.1 '.-Ira-.iji.t there IS . 1-f'- t. T-. m .ve lids cn..rntn!i I br.ik ihr-ci-h Hie r llmt Uel -t cai.v.i 11 YOf aim: ( Aid. AT f3 ri innirn srrsr-ri r ami a-k ki:; I'rice i- ii-. hi.'h- r an-l every can vuaranb-ed Rosebur?;'s Currier's, Leading Grocer t y. . Suits Ve have a Hue that is a good one. The latest style and cut. -& r 1 1 Km Underwear I Balbrie- in all the gans,linen mesh and light weight wool Hats 1:1 Straw and Felt, m the new Elorodo ra Shape. 'Phone 353 c . 4 One .-tore n. store w;.. e..,-,.::. Mo,, lav V 4 T r ri 4 f s - 4 4 sJ v Wollenberg Bros. lay- i.i-I Sitnr.'ay c-s. ci te-L i n 4 ? s n v4 .Jm iivi h-l ::: ne .r'c 1. The 1-. :o i cyhn-iers '.Ii ii.i.. 1:. 1 t Linn-'.- i Or -.:! years old, grandfather of Hairy Scvcrns (Tracey ) tiie wia rv.-h a h.-i-i (J. Severn? T mast- are i 1 diamcti-r, pi:i.-. -s iit t o II", f,,t. escaped C'rcgou outlaw, who has for weeks evaded capture " !' v,::; K' r-i1-1 ' r-.u the since he escaped fx cm prison. died on hcaiing of his grand-j;';;)'-;;;; Zui sou's murderous career. caused the old man's de; A ith daily paper told the story andian l l-.w.-rth of a broken heart. The fact!','' ' I. a tne outlaw of Mr. Severau's death recalls to many mind; as a boy in Wisconsin, a bright promising youngster, and his career of crime which commenced in Colorado. the -a ! engines u ill !, -ton anchors. Ti c' le -i"-.icr e.u.i. are -i and win il ill lort the the -i-vi d.-r.- work LATEST NEWS REGARDING TRACEY. State Normil School. I..-t th-.-e e.-c!la' t-- ,i!i-!i I ihv Nor mal ln-ar in mind the date ,f ...-ii;n- ! M-.ii lay. S- ptcml-T Slii a:i l if i-.-silJ,- "" .In- -u hand the t:r-t -lay. . Skattlf, Jul- 27. It has been definitely ascertained I Th. -Normal ay- t-. pm stu.h-nts flint Trarcv 1ii n itfr livim r;i .1 lnrcrr qtork rn nrh ?n ' ;l,,d teachers on a f -.tin.; t .at ha - t- Colorado and it is thou-' hi the outlaw :s now headed fori this retreat. Unconfirmed reports are to the effect that he boarded a freight train East near the logging camp, where he was last seen and secured a square meal and some pro visions. SENATOR MITCHELL WILL GO TO HAWAII. Ahilkxk, Kan., Jul- 25. Senator Mitchell, of Oregon, chairman of the Hawaii cominittc, l as notified Senator Burton, who is a member of the committee, that four of the members expect to make the trip to Hawaii. Senator Mit chell will sail August 26, and the other members probally will join him at San Francisco. j -.. cvrtitic l: feature -! --nr BIG EIGHT NOT A FAKE. view no. k i a The tsiinin veil' the Normal w id i- 1 1 - - ro a I. "lie.- than ever In-fore. ti.d in!- mal :i-I ex terna! iuipl--velli. !it- of the -ell,.. 1 li-iild-in are m ikiu-for the enjoyment an-1 l-ciiclit -f students Physical i-bieati.n '. .1 pirt of the,-. Str-ui- work iu lai-li-h and mathemat ics w!l k--i,-:i l'r-a a practical p-int of vieVi ; also 111 feietice. I.i'tt -ts from students, old and new , -ay. " I'll lc with you next year." The sncivs- of our graduate has cn atsl a demand f-r Prain N-.rmaiites in g..l hel.ools. The Normal has helped many t- ---l sitioiis an-1 uili help you if y.111 will let it. Fur information, address al J. 11. Oreiit:. president. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOCOOOCOOOOOOOCO OOCOJO o A. SALZMAN Practical WatcSunaker, Jeweler and Optician Carries a complete slock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Diamonds and Silverware a WATCH REI'AIIM.NG A SPJ.CJ ALTY.j- KOSKKL'ln;, OPJi OOOOCOCfCOOOOOOOO0COOOOOO0X30000000 Sax Francisco, .luly 27. The charge has been freely made at San Francisco that the Jeffries-l'itsimmous fight was a pre-arranged affair. The pugilists emphatically deny the assertion, and in support thereof exhibit cuts, bruises, dislocated joints and other evidence of ring punishment. Prominent sporting men who saw the fight are also of the opinion that it was no fake. The story is based largely on an anonymous letter written to a newspaper before the fight that Fitzsimmons would lie down iu the eight. DISASTEROUS STORM IN NEW YORK. Gkxkva, N. Y., July 25. A cloudburst caused heavy damage near Dresden last night. Acres of crops were des troyed, a number of dwellings, barns and other buildings were washed away, and several miles of tract on the Penn sylvania division at the New York Central was washed out. One house was carried into Seneca Lake. The occupants escaped. , FLYER COLLIDES WITH COAL CAR. For Sale. IVsirab'.e cheap h.-uies in , ! Itosebur-, 10 acre lot and upward in vicinity. and small farms furth er out. I'. S. K. Pen K, l-.sehuri; On-. ,!sp, State Normal at Drain. The State Normal S hool nt Drain ojH-nson Monday, September Nth, with a full faculty of Siecial teachers,. Physical education Ini'oiik'h n part of the work the coming year, with .1 man es director, of micccssful experience. "Actual businesH'' taken the place of formal book-keeping. English and mathematics, will lx; put 011 n st:ongcr and more practical basis, the f-cience and hi.-tory lauiratory will lie Ktreii-thened ; the leii.-hers training class v ill l.e in.-uhi more ellicicnt. .1 teachers, review chips will lie continued Special privilcgcM will Im? extenteil (, tixie inru ii-ii'iiit t iKii-iiioi ..-u. t iiv;iil t Iit'iiis,Ovt's ni tin; he neiitsof tiici kuward for a snort cruise. His Majesty will return before training department. Improvements ! night. There is little change in his COuditlOU, but OU the ,...1 t 1 1:. . - , . 1 o ' Expense, low. writ, hvhulc' physicians seem satisfied that he is gaining Jll'5.) J. II. Omx'TT, President, Ixdiaxopolis, July 25 The Pennsylvania Flyer run niug at the enormous rate of 70 miles per hour today col lided with a runaway coal car and a horrible scene ensued. The splintered cars immediately caught on fire. Four peo ple perished and sixteen others were severely injured in the wreck. KING IMPROVES SLOWLY. Cowks, Eng., July 25. The royal yatch Victoria and Albert today moved from her auchorage here to take King ground, though slowly. J3 Where There's $smt There's fire, the saying runs and so as a general rule the saying holds true. The tire is unsceu, hidden, but the ascending smoke makes its presence undoubted. . Similarly you f ry- can nrcue i'rom - jr. Wr-jjfrjP1 enipiions 01 me ! : ' 'Zp4 blood. You can't tne pimpies, nous, etc., which mar the skin surely indicate impute blood. For this reason the medicine which cures these surface blemishes must cure them through the blood. Dr. Tierce's Golden Med ical Discovery purities the blood, removes the waste and poisonous substances which corrupt it, ami thus cures diseases which origi nate in impure Mood, such as boils, pimples, salt rheuni, tetter, eczema, soies, and other painful and disfiguring diseases. "Golden Medical Dis covery " also increases the activity of the blood-mak- ring glands, thus increasing the supple ot pure blood. rich in the red corpuscles of health. " It fivr me much p'em-nre to testify to the menls of Jr. Itcrvr'n C.uMeii Mclk-sl lMous m," writcn Ml Annie Well, of Kfrgiiiwon-i Wnarf. Islr of Wi(;l Co.,'. " I enn My tiunrMly aml candultv that it i the gmiKkst mcjk-in-rvcr coini-niuilcit for purilyiiiK the Mood. I mirt'ernl temlily with rheumuttaiu. and pimoles on Itie Hkin ni'd swelling in my knees nd leet no thai I coiilrt not walk. I Mwi't aboiil twenty .lolUm p.yinK doctor' tiill but receiveil no benefit. A yenr ..r two :i(rO 1 w reading one of vonr Meni ornniliim lu-kanJ 1 decided tolrv Dr. I'leae n C.ililcn Medical Hicovery and 'tfavoiite l'rc M.rilioii,' and am entirety cured. Accept no substitute for ' Golden Med ical Discovery. There is nothing "just as good" for diseases of the stomach, blood, and luug. Dr. Pierce'a Pleasant PelleU regulate the Lowell. I " U . " -i- -i- 4. -t ICSosln Out Sale! e. " . - S M N 3 . 5 MY ENTIRE STOCK OF-- Groceries China and Glassware fruit Jars Cigars, Tobacco and Confectionery I ...ALL flUST GO FOR CASH. 4 a . T . -f 'J "ii" . - . WILL EXCHANGE FOR y Country Produce or Wood Only T A i-.-We will Keep No Books on this Sale... It a. W. L. COBB! -1- - n, um k-.' . ' 77. . . - . .T - t t I I I 1- I- -f- UNCLE SA.T BIRTH DAY atiiiivcisary -n-uii.'.s to K- r. j ret ty warm ne a the bourth -i Julv nnailv is. so dii h. re y.-iir in l.-in-udcii. f midsum mer and i!h-! lim-a by havin- it laun-lensl at a l.i.v where they will jive vnii bih -jra-'e l.iv.itdry work with the e ti-ite color and arti tic tiinisb that is the staiiiof i-ertiM laundry work jttcb a the IbiM-bur; Steam I.aun trv always give you. mm m mm mk I r.- , - . m f-r .1 p. Sanitary Plumbing IVTccdcd in Svcry Home We Employ First Class Alechanics and Guarantee al! work. Churchill & Wooiley 3 iCj Havc you visitcd NORMAN & COMPANY Th-v are now bvated in the new llen.l'i. ks b!m k, one door south of the Kailr.u.l Iait ng Ilmse Tun oner .... m, - r A full ami complete line of Ciz:, and Tobacco, 9 Candies, Nods, Frnitp, Ktc. "J t