The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, July 03, 1902, Image 2

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    The Tric-a-Vek
Roseburg Plaindcalcr Mondays and Thursdays.
W. C. Conker, Editor and Publisher
Fbkd Wright, City Editor, Solicitor,
T. ll. Rem, Foreman
S. C. Baktrcm, Traveling Solicitor.
Twictva-Veek Plaindiiler. txr year, $1.50
Entered at the Fost Office in Roseburg,
Ore., as second class mail matter.
Advertising Rates on Application.
Jl'LY 3. 1902.
Tomorrow is the oce-hundred and
twenty-sixth anniversary of our Na
tional - Independence and the day
promises to be more enthusiastically
and patriotically celebrated through
out Uncle Sam's broad domain than
ever before since the day the ad
option of that fatuous document, the
Declaration of Independence, was
heralded to the world, except here in
our own beloved and misty Oregon,
where from the earliest, down to the
present date, the fires of our pent-np
patriotism have been wont to smoul
der under a down-pour of the tradi
tional "Oregon ilist" on this onr Na
tion's annual natBl day. This year.
as you have probably observed, affor
ds no exception to the rule, but there
is a degree of consolation in the fact
that instead of holding off ontil our
Sags, bunting, banners and draperies
were flung to the breeze, old Jupiter
Floviops asserted his ruling passion
two full days prior to the day we eel
ebrate, thus sparing us the usual ex
pense of energy and labor as well as
the loss of patriotic decorations by
his never failing annual appearance
not later than 10 a. m. July the 4th.
However, wniie there will be no
spontaneous outburst of patriotism
on the part of the Webfooters tomor
row, a more patriotic, loyal and liber
ty loving people are nowhere to be
found throughout Uncle Sam's ex
pansivedomain. Here a to the proud
American eagle, long may he flap his
wings over this great Yankee uni
Congress finally wound up its
business and adjourned Tuesday,
which on the whole was as good a
day for adjournment for the coun
try's interests as a later one. Most
of the important business has been
transacted; more would have been
possibly more harmful than bene
ficial; and the country willg3t along
quite as well and feel rather easier
in its n.ind. Yet Congress has done
considerable effective affirmative
legislation. It provided quite liber
ally for mere and harbors and for
public buildings; it passed an irriga
tion law; it repealed 6ome of the war
revenue taxes; it pleased the dairy
men by passin? the anti-oleo bill; it
re-enacted Chinese exclusion; it pro
vided for renovating the White
House, and it passed a Panama Canal
bill and a Philippine Government
bill, all of which is important and
legislation in the right direction.
Bryan declares Cleveland mined
the democratic party and Cleaveland
retorts that Bryan did it. These
gentlemen can compromise the matter
in a manner satisfactory to the gen
eral public by each assuming half
of the responsibility. Cleveland
began it and Bryan finished it.
The Salem Weekly Democrat has
gone into me great Devond. It was
established a short time prior to the
election and continued publication
longer after the campaign closed
than was generally contemplated
Its a hard life for Democratic Cam
paign sheets in Oregon.
The deluge prevalent in some of
the Middle Western states seems to
Lave spread over to Oregon, but per
haps it will clear up after the Fourth,
The farmers who have large am
ounts of hay cut and out in the fields
will not feel like celebrating the glo
rious Fourth very enthusiastically.
Theoretically, there is a Democratic
party, but when an attempt is made
w gei uown 10 Dusiness no one can
describe its principles.
Protective Tariff does not affect
J. P. Morgan a partical, one way or
another. He has even gobbled up
the ocean carriers of Tariffed goods.
The business world is heartily glad
there was no .tariff tinkering, in any
form, during the recent session of
The party of the homestead law
now aids irrigation to its achieve
menta in behalf of the hardy pioneer
An exchange says that the editor
who doesn't offend any one ooght to
have a pair of golden wines.
Dont monkey with the band wagon
bat buy b new gnu from S. K. Sykes
Bind and Rob an Old Man Near
Train Blown From the Track. The
Strike Situation is Grow ing
Very Serious.
Convicrs Had A Qood Time.
Tacoma, July 2. A rancher named
MeClouJ, living at Bel more, five miles
west of Olymjiia, rode into town this
morning and rejKirted that just after
dark last night the fleeing convicts,
Tracy and Merrill, entered the house of
an old man who lives alone next to Me-
Cloud, stripped the old man of his
clothing, Itou nd him tightly, took other
clothing and all ol the provisions in the
house, washed and shaved themselves,
and departed about 11 o'clock at night.
The old man was found at 7 o'clock
this morming. While bound he watched
the convicts for two hours, heard parts
of their conversation, and knows Ihey
are the wanted men.
A posse headed by Cal MeLelland, has
organize! at Olvmpia and started after
the convicts, who are now thought to be
taking the trail into the wild Olympia
Mountains, where thev may hide secure
ly. The posse of Sheriffs spent yesterday
not far from where the desperadoes a
peared at night.
Coalmincrs Strike.
Hazleton, Pa. July 2 The coal
miner 6trike situation is becoming
ominous. Threats of violence aie
freely made. It is feared that blood
shed may result at any hour.
Live Wire Accident.
Portland. July 2 Two horses were
killed by coming in contact with live
wires here today. The driver had a
very narrow escape.
Train Blown from Track.
Bombay, India, July 2 A cyclone
struck a passenger train near here to
day while running at full speed and
blowed it off the track. Thirteen
passengers were killed and 15 injured.
A bill was paused by the Senate to
give Rear- Ad mi ml Schley the pay of a
Rear-Admiral on the active list instead
of a retired Rear-Admiral's jay.
A dispatch received at Valdis from
Koteina, Alaska, under date of June 21
says: "Mount Wrangel is in plain sight
of here and great clouds of black smoke
can be fleen rolling up from her ciest.'
Bandon is to have a new match factory
A building is now being prepared for
that pnrpose and the factory will be in
operation within 10 days. This enter
prise will give employment to a num
ber of men.
The big Alaska Steamship Oregon
sprung a leak tiff St Micheals recently
and was compelled to put into Dutch
Harbor and beach for repairs. Eight
feet of water was found in her hull
It is thought the vessel can lie repaired.
A-low estimate placed on the damage
wrought within a radius of 150 miles ot
Alton, 111., by the storm of wind and
rain Saturday night and Sunday, is
11,000,000. In the American Bottom
farming districts the farmers are ruined
The long overdue steamers Portland
and Jeannie, and the revenue -cutter
Thetis are rr-jiorted locked securely in an
ice-pack off Caj Prince of Wales on the
Eastern Side of Behrinz Straight. All
the passengers are safe and have plenty
of provisions. The ice-pack is expected
to breas up soon and release the impris
oned vessels.
Senator Bailey, the Tillman of Texas
assaulted Senator Beveridge of Indiana
at the entrance to the Senate Chamber
Monday evening. They were separated
by friends. Beveridge lias been receiv
ing all sorts of congratulations for the
manner jn which he conducted himself
during the encounter. He says Bailey
did not choke him.
Miss Mayme Ixxmey, of Sedalia, Mis
souri, arrived on the loc al Monday even
ing to spend the summer with her
cousins, Mrs. J. A. Buchanan and Mrs
J. A. Perry. Mies Ixioney and her
mother spent the summer here two
years ago, and she has' many friends
here who will be glad to see her again.
Catarrh of the Kidneys.
Kills thousands of people annually,
both male and female. Take warning in
time. If you have pains in your back,
loin or groin, tired or worn but feelinir.
depreswed and dull apirits, which leads
to Ungiit's disease. J ake S. B" Catarrh
Cure, which removes the cause of all
kidney troubles. For sale . by all drug
gists, .book on catarrh tree. Adiiress
Smith Bros., Fresno, Cal. For sale bv
Marsters Drug Co.
Mrs. 8mick, a jiost graduate of the
Northwes. Conservatory of Music, will
give music lessons either on the organ
or piano at her home two miles east of
Roseburg. Also lessons in either china,
oil, pastell painting, or crayon. 7-17p.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received until
July 3, 1902, by the Board of Directors
of school district No. 1, Douglas county,
Oregon, for altering and repairing the
schfiolhouse according to j lans and
siecificationB now on file with Phil
Beckley, clerk of said district, af Oak
land, re., and Dan Fisher, Roseburg,
Ore. The Board of I lirectotn reserr e the
right to reject any and all bids.
Dated at Oakland, Oregon, June 21,
l'.m A. F. Brown.
Chairman of ISourd
j33-4t Pim. Buckley, Clerk.
Bargains in Wheels.
We have in stock neveral fiecond hand
hicycles which w will sell at verv low
pricit! or will trade for wood.
tf - A. C. Mabbteru & Co.
Papar-Makera May lie Drlvrn to the
t'ae of Some Other Wood or
The forthcoming report of S. W.
Matthews, commissioner of labor for
the state of Maine, will contain a chap
ter devoted to the pulp and paper manufacturing-
of the state. A table will
he published showing the acreage of
spruce timber lands in Mnine, the
amount of that wood used each year for
manufacturing- piijHp nnd frive other
data concerning the industry. The
commissioner will also urge the adop
tion of some other material, if possible,
from which news paier can be made,
says the New York Times.
Maine people are much agitated over
the fast depletion of the state forests
by paper makers and it is possible that
a bill will be introduced in the next
legislature prohibiting the cutting of
spruce for a term of years. It is hoped
that by this method the forests will
have a chance to gain lost ground in
season to prevent the complete ex
termination of that valuable tree. The
paper-makers are, therefore, doing
much thinking as to what course to
pursue, and it is likely that before long
they will substitute poplar or birch for
spruce timber.
An experiment now being made in
Missouri with cornstalks for making
paper is being watched with interest
here. It is said that thus far fair suc
cess has been made with that material
and a good quality of paper has been
made. Much of the timber cut in Maine
goes to Xew Hampshire, where one mill
alone turns out 240 tons of paper each
day from spruce timber.
New York has twelve times as many
churches as ltcrlin.
Refreshments 'are not terved at Ar
ties because guests are hungry, but be
cause people drop their rest-rve when
eating begins bud become sociable.
A. firm in America is turning out
large quantities of paper tiles which
are used for rooting. They are re
ported to be hard and tough, and the
glazing- apears to be of the nature of
Japanese lac. They are said to be ex
ceedingly cheap, and ran be fashioiird
in any color or shape to suit the pur
chaser. According to official reports the
weight of paid mail matter originat
ing in Chicago during the 35 days be
tween October 3 and November 6,
when the mails were otticially weighed
by ihe government, was 3.SS2 tons.
Counting goernnent free mail,
pouches and sack, the total weight
was 4.'j76 tons. During the same je
riod the postal receipts from stamps
and postal cards was $0G3,!Ms.
It is proposed owing to the number
of accidents that occur each year that
tne .Maine legislature pass a law pro-
hibititiC" the wearing by hunters of
bi:iT-color-d clothes which may be mis
taken at a distance for a deer. Ordi
nary hunting clothes are the worst
possible tbinsr for a man to wear in
Th? l.orthttn wools. Accidents have
'iiC rr.cst frerjucr.t ar.d several hun-
; T arc ki'.lcd annually, often. Wing
by ;hfir friends, who think they
ce a deer.
fi:ar Salt lake is receding on ac-
i.r.t of the excessive drain made
:;t-n it. bv ii-rieation enterprises. This
is nat fed by underground
prirts. b'i by the .lord an and other
ivr-. cirri when the water of thse
.'reTs: rre intercepted by irrigation
( s he water supply of the Salt
:.e is. of course, 7:mir.Uhcd so that
ihf evaporation, which is constantly
Trir.jr on is not made up by a new
-vrpiy. Ir. t'me it Ioks . if the lake
-vill be a bed of dry salt.
The director of the meteorological
lynatory on Mount Blanc has leen
oi.s;dtrirr the advisability of install
l? the Marconi wifeless Ulepmphy
:ys-em the mountain. The ordi-
ir.ry system of telegraphy is, used nor
tnl'y. but the great snow drifts have
diV'td hnvoc with the telegraph wires.
!t is bilievcd fhtit the wireless system
of telegrprhy wculd prove not only
valuable from a scientific point of
view, but would also increase the
safety of travelers upon the moan-
Bargain in Wheels.
VTe have in stock several second hand
bicycles which we will sell at very low
prices or trade for wood.
tf A. C Marsters A Co.
Grand C'earance Sale.
In order Jo make room for a large
t-tock of fall goods I will clone out my
stock of Shirt Waists, Wrappers, Men
and boys Summer hats, at reduced prices
for the next ten da vs.
A. K. Mat-toon A Co.,
Riddle, Oregon.
tiood saddle horse for sale. Iuuuire
oi ii. l 'aw son, one-hall mile above
Gaddis dairy barn on Deer Creek. t2
Sheriff's Sale.
In The Circuit Court Of The State Of
Oregon, For 1 Miglas County.
.Murphy, tirant & Co., a )
corporation, J iaintin,
i lie .uciiee io., a cor-
jxiration, r. I. -MeOee
and F. J. Mctiee,
Notice is hereby given that bv virtue
of an execution and order of cale dulv
issued out of the above named Court and
cause on the 7th day of June 1W2, nixm
a judgment and decree dulv rendered
and entered in said Court and cause on
the loth day of Mav, 1902, in favor of the
above named Plaintiff and airainst the
above named Defendants, for the sum of
1225.33, w ith interest thereon at the rate
of 8 r cent K;r annum from the Kith
day of May, 1K)2, and the further snm
of $35 00 attorney fee and the further
sum of 113.00 costs and disburse
ments. Now therefore I will, on,
Saturday, tiie 12tu day of Ji ly. 1902.
at two o'clock p. m., of said dav at the
Court house front door, in Rosebnrir.
Douglas county, Oregon, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder, for cash
in hand, all the ritfbt, title and interest
the said Defendants or cither of them
had on the 19th day of February, 1901 ,
or at any time thereafter, in or to the
following descrilied premises to-wit:
1 lie northwest quarter of the north
east quarter of section eight in township
29 S R 4 west of W M, in Douglas county,
Oregon, together with all and singular
the tenements, hereditaments and ap
purtenances thereunto belonging or in
anywise appertaining, ami will apply
the proceeds of such sale, first to the
cost.of such sale, and to the costs and
disbursements heroin taxed at fl3.00,
and the sum of $:15.00 Attornev fees,
and to the payment of the sum of $225.-
1.J due the l'laintitt with interest there
on at the rate of 8 tier cent ikt annum
lrom the Jl.tli day of .May, 1902. and t he
lay of .Mav, l'JOZ. and t he
overplus if any there be, pay over to the j
Kaid Defendants, their assigns or legal .
representatives, as hy order of said Court
in said execution to me directed, com-
maiiding me to sell the aliove descried '
real jiropcrty in the manner provided hy
..?f. ",,8t',i,,rSN9M.". ?,th
c.u".7,;7 n '-ROTT,
13HCJ1I1 uj iyuuinB muniy,i;rejijn,
This Column la Edited by our Jrter-
cnanis ana Business People;
Blank cartridges for the 4th at Sykcs.
Brown Bread Fresh every day at Se
vers Bakery. '
Clocks, Clocks, Clocks, sea the clocks
at J.T. Bryan's
New styles in Queen Quality "shoes I
id oxfords at Hint's. I
Go to Rice & Rice, the house furnish
ers for those new shopping baskets. '. i
See the Title Guarantee A Loan C.n.
or blue prints and riling papers, tf.
Cash paid for butter and eggs at the
I'mpqua Bakery, Jennings and Freeman
proprietors. t .
Fruit drier work is a Siecialiy of
Sykes A Carroll, the up-to-date plumber
and repairers. tf
The rmjxiua Bakery in the new
Party building on North Jackson street
is now open.
Host -burg cleaning and Dying works",
all kinds of clothing cleaned, pressed
and dyed. tf
Get your abstracts of title from " J. D
Hamilton. He has the only complete
set of abstract Ixwks in the county, ft ,
Give us your order for a new shot guiu
you will lie satisfied with the gun And
price too. S. k. Sykes Hardware.
Send your cloths to Feiguson, to be
cleaned, pressed or dyed Ro Street
opposite Presbyterian church. tf :
1900 the only up-to-date harness oil
on the market. " On sale at Blodgett'a
Harness shop. vr-jtrt..
Biff, Bang Blank cartridges, loud re
port, no smoke, lots ! Inn, get; them
at S. K. Svkes for the 4th of .Fulv. tf
I'oRSaI.Kok Will.
either cattle or hogs,
mares. Address !'
Tradk for .stock
two heavy draft
' this oniici. t2
Sykes and Carroll are prepared to do
your plumbing and repairing on short
notice all work up-ti-dat ami guaran
teed, tf
Rice A Rice have but a few refrigera
tors left but they are the latest designs
ami guaranteetl to give entire satis
faction. Blank cartridges for thu 4th of Jufy.
The best thing yon ever saw to cele
brate with, and t make the mort'iioiin',
get them at S. K. Sykes. ii
tor information com-erning thetlre-
gon t ire Relief Association, write
on A.. I. Bnchauan. agent, for Iiouglas
county. Room 6, Marsters Bldg. r Rim-
linrg, Oregon. tf.
Weekly Kxaminer. $1.50, Weekly Cal
$1.00, Weekly Oregonian $1.50, W eekly
v.tironicie a year; leave-yonr
subscriptions at Cannons' Rook A Sta-
tionery Store.
For Abstracts of Title, guaranteed to
W full and correct copies of all . records
effecting the title, call on Frank K. Alley
uptairs in the Marks building.' His
work is guaranterd correct, and prices
are reasonable.
D. S. T. West, having accepted aeveral
old and reliable fire insurance cotuanies
s now prepared to do a general fire in
surance hnsineos. Insure with film
Office at the City Hall. tf.
Over 4'U acres ol splendid pastnre to
let, near Myrtle Creek. Stock taken to
pasture on very reasonable terms. F.u
iilire of White A McCoy either at Myr
tle Cnt k or Roseburg, "Oregon. JvlO
Stearns A Cbenoweth havs just re
ceived a nr load McOrniirk Mowers,
Rakes and Binders and all krnds if ex
tras. Hay carriers, fork and pallie.
Three kinds hay roe, U-st harvester
machine oil.
Don't complain about ld bread when
ymi can ift't the l-t in the country at
Seiver's Bakery. Our bread im no imita
tion after somebody else, but a reipt
of our own. It takes the lead any place
wherever the Taker's art in. kiv-Wu.. and
is appreciated. Sievers Bakery.
Stearns A Chenoweth of Oakland,
have receivM a car load of iron rladRush
font wagons m ith outer bearing block.
Fully warranto 1 Buggies, Hacks and
Cultivators. The Hammcl jint, the
best and cheajiest. Mixedpauils, white
lead, oils, windows, doors and shingles.
On account of the irregular survevs of
many of the township in the Roseburg
land district, it is almost impossible to
hx-ate sect ion corners without a eopv of
the Government survey. Frank K. Alley,
Abstractor of this city, has acumplete
set of tracings of all surveyed townships,
and will furnish blue prints of same,
showing all vacant lands.
Experience, the great educator has
taught us that every man want to buy
as cneapiy as auotiier that 8 Kusiness
Kvery man wants to get value received
thats satisfaction. Buy an I.. C. Smith,
or a ieieverslmt gun from S. K. Svkea
e have sold six of these high grade
guns in me iiast week. One lor $:,
four for $X)'and one at $115. Get them
on the installment plan, before July
Told in Side Heads,
W ANTEle A cook, apply at the Home
Cafe, near the deit. u . G. Wright, Grants
PasH, Oregon, gold and silver ft, eoper
fi, im ana electrolytic assays. w . t.(
roa Sale. Good driving or riding
mare 7 years old, weight 12 hundred lbs.
Knquire at this ottice or at the Kandy
For Salr. Desirahle cliean hompw In
Horn Imrg, 10 acre lota and nnmard in
vicinity. Ijtrge and Final I farms furth
er out. I). K K. Hnra,- Roseburg Or.
Lt MBKR CrtEAi. Roogh or fltiMiirjR
uMiocr, injuring, rusiic, etc., nrsi class,
delivered or at the yard at Olalla. For
prices and terms apply to W. RrWelltf
tMalla, th-egon. ' (Jl6f3
Poland China Pios for Sale I"0ivf
a nne lot ot I'olanrt' China pigs wMtli 'I
will cell nt reasonahle prices, write rlr
inquire of (ieortir Gokhnkr, Rosehnrg.
Oregon, farm on Rolxrts Creek." jl2p
Hay For Salic. Good grass hay. -for
ealeulw horses Imth hroke and anhroke.
Inquire of, or address HrnryCokn,
Melrose Oregon.'
(tf p) Seven miles west of Kosebnrg
Cream Wanted. TIir T. S Tn..
Creamery Co. at 44 Secoml St., Port
land, will jmy highest market price for
cream. W ill Bell von a Cream Kerning
tor, and take your cream in payment.
Good Land for Sale. Eighty acres
near Ten Mile school house and church
and 280 acre tract near Olalla school and
iwstofiice. Will sell in a liody or divide
up in tracts, fine mountain stream flows
inrougn tract, tor prices and terms
address, W. R. Wells, Olalla, Oregon.
Saves a Woman's Life.
To have given up would have meant
death for Mrs. Lois Crngg, of Dorehoster
Mass. For years she had end lire-1 ' un
told misery from a Revere lung trouhle
and o! tinate cough. ' 'Often,!' ahe
writes, "I couM scarcely hreath ' and
,ln,l"ll8 conm not peak. ah
tors and remedies failed till I 'used Dr
Kind's New Discovrw tnr . '
, Y l Con,""Mioii
a,1l waH cwpletidy cured. ". ;. KnffererB
,r",n Coughs, Colds, Throat and r Lung
Trouhle need this grnd remedy for it
never (tisnpKiints (jure is guaranteed
i, A pX rl fe T.TZ
a,"..'; T -
ii iwiumiic:,
t..V TJ
Notice frr. publication.
l'niU.rS(atcs Mind Mlir,.,
Rosebjirg, Or., May 17, lM)li.
Notice is hereby given that in compli
ance with the provisions ,f tint net of
Congress of June 3, 1h7S, entitled ' An
Act for the sale ij timber hinds in the
States of California, 'Oi'cgi hi, Nevada mid
Washington Terrilorv," as extended In
all the. Public Kami States bv ait tlf
August 4, 1SH2,
of Roseburg. count v of Dmiglas Hl it- of
Oregon, has this day lilc I in this
Ins Hworn statement No. LM77 fur the
purchase ol tlic.S'-, S1.. ol nct-lion No "l
township So. 2.ti, .range No.. 2. west, and
will otter pnsif to. show that the Inn, I
sought is more valuable for its timber or
stone than for agricultural oiirooses mi. I
to establish his claim to. said land In-to re
the Register and Receiver of (his olliee
at Roseburg, Oregon, on Wednc-dav.
tlio 3rd day of Sa plumber nr ,.
names as witness : Ox ar. iMuai-l-
Roy Miller, Grant Tavlor and I:..v
Stearns all of Oakland, Oregon.
Any and all persons eluiiuin-r adverse
ly the ataive described lands are ropiest
ed to tile their claims in this oiti, L- on ,r
liefore said 3rd dav of Sei.temlir Phc
m22p J. T. BRIM.V.S, Ili g'istcr."
Notihe for Prblicatiou.
I'nitcd State Land oili.v.
Roseburg, Or., May 2 . Vmi-2.
Notice is hcrclfy given that in eompli-
ance w ith the provisions of the a.-t of
uik:iess jf .liniis:;. -lsrs, entul.-.l -An
Act for the sale ol tiinlcr in the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory." as et.-i, i, d (,,
all the Public l.:uid Mat. I v m t oi
August 4. IS! i2.
of Roseburg, county of Douglas, i;lii- of
Oregon, has this day riled in. tbiR-otliec
his sWoru statement No. 2511. f..r the
pnreliase of the K ' . NV',, W ' . I' , of
section No. 4, ItM.Miiship N. 32 -.. ,il.,
range- No, 7 west, ;-n. v. ill x,;u r pr-f to
show that the land. sought more valu
able for it- t F 1 1 1 T.."-r or -t--i,e t'i:iii i.. a.--ricuftund
i.nrii'.ps."ai,d , ci-.l .. , i ".
claim to said tan-t- ih'..,.- tl- i:,ji-;,r
and Receiver of thi-otin:,- ai l:..M i.iiig. !
Oregon, on l-'ridav, tlie Tnii d iv of n". '
list, P.HI2.- II,. ";.;... n, ,.,.;.:
l. i. ...... n. i .
wivrn nil. iienrv .iiiLii-i.ii. i.u .ei.e
Ke.lcv and I'hainell.r I.- I'.i.;ui, .il ..f
Bosebnrg. Oregon.
Auv and all 4-rnis , 1. timing adv r-e-;
IV tlie hImivc desenlx-l l in-l-ai.-el
to lile their ct.riris in t I.T- . .rt
UTore said 2!ifh dav',f August. p'-j
io22p J..T. r.KHn.l"-. liegist
Notice for PuUicati
l"n;led "tat - Land Orii.-.-. j
lto-d'lri."Ore.. Mav 2". '
Xotiee is h.-rel-y given tii::t in . o,,,j,:i-
anre with the provi-iou' oi th,. ; i ,,f;
(.ioiigrejis of June .:. Is7s, , i,l,;J.-l A 11
.Ki t for the saie of tind. r l.w.-l- i:, t!.,. i
State;, of Calif. irrv'u. tr.','ot,. Neva-la and
Washington Jerricy," ctchd-d t.,j
ail tli.-Pill. In- Ijin.r Males ,v .,, .,'
August 4. Iv.2,
fllANe'F.l.l.oi: 1.. i:i:ov I
01 noscourg, is.uiitv ot l-.nj!..-. i.,.- .
On-gon, has tins ,.iy 'tiled m t.. r'
hi sworn -t.iL-ll,. -lit No. 2"i'.o. lor t!
I !
I un-ha-e of the KV. W:,. 1..
section No. -t, t..n"-l,ip No. ;;j
range No. 7 H. and :) crf.-r p:
tdmw tin- Jnd . iuil:t i- in re
ahle for iu timU-r-r sto:-tl,aii
rii-u.tural purj,., ai4-li cst.iiu:
claim to . -:aid land l.-f-re the 11
and Itecviver at 1 1 1 i .-ti-.T at L:-.-Or-goii.
011 Friday, the 2: h dav
lift Vr. He names as it;
Bateiuan. Henrv ir;g;eton, Li:.-. 1
l.i , .
oil! !l
r ;'.l
1. I.!
I H .
ll '
lev and Henry l.ayc-fc :ii of 1;--. t.nt
. Any an-1 all pvrsjns ciaiminj .i-'c r
ly the above descried ian ar-r (ue
el to tile their claim- in ti.: o ",-.-U-fore
Kii-HM,tli dav of An-
m22p J. T. 1:K!m;k, 1: .-istcr.
. 1
Notice for Publication. j
Cnitcd I J.ul j
Hos-lnifv, 4r ;:iv 17. t ' 'J. j
olii.' is hercliy -riven ti : -.t iii i r p!i-
IW with the iovi-i(iis. t f iJ... a-t . f
t"ongnin of J,m,. :;. 1;.
Act for the alc of Find, r l.n i- i:. til- '
States of California. On W ad.!
and Washin-.-toii r.-rrilo.-v"' a- . t.-n.h
to all the I'lihlic Luid St.'t!.- I,v a t
Align 4, IV 12.
. KANT TAYI.!;. i
of Oakland, County . f I''.a. Mat.- ,.f '
Oregon h is this d.iy til.-. I in this orii,-, j
his fworu statcliieii't No, 2ii. j.,r
punha-of the SK'4 of s , ii,. j .,
$i tout h, range 2 west ni.d vvi'i -fieri
proof to chow that the - - -1 1 I t i i
more yaiuahle for its tinder -r st.-ii.-l purp-es, and t -i
tallish h:s claiiii f crti-l !.u d U -f- -.-'
i. r ii-viso r :ni.l i.itvivrr ! toi o!;., i-
at Mirw'lmr. Oregon, on W. dne-d.iv tl.e
3rl dHV of SepteinU'r l'.o2. He nai.i s
a.H.itiKss-sr le.v Mearns. n-...r I I
wardn. I'liil li-ckicv an.! ;v M. .-r
all of Oakland, Oregon.
Any any all n rMiH cl.i ndn a-lver-ly
thealiove des-riUs. lands are r. -,u. t
etl to tiletlieir clalins in tlii- oil;, ,. ,,n ,,r
lefore said .'Ird dav r.f Septeu,t.r. rc'
. ru22p J. t, r.. .-i-t. r.
Notice for Fultlifatiuii.
I'niti d States I. iiid Mlii, e.
- Kdiiirir. Ore.. May 17, r2.
Notiie is here! y ;iven t!.:il in i-..m li
ailix with the prov i-ioiis ,.f the act of
CongreHK of June :t, 17, entitled. "An
Act for the sale of tiinlf t j- in the
States of California, t r, -.-.ui. Nevada and
Waciiincton Terutory." a extend. s to
all tire I'nldic Iuid Mates, I. v ; t ,,j
August -I, isc " '
of Oakland, county of iougla", state ..f
.Oregf.n, has thisjiay tiled in this ,,i!ice
her svrn htatemcia No. 217'i, for the
purchase of the N '.. Nl.1,. S:'4 NF.,
N'I4 St'4 M..i-tioirN"o. ". town-hip No.
2i' range;Nov 2-west and il! offer proof
to show that the land sought i.s liioro
valuahle.for its tiuiU-r or Mom- than for
agricultural purises and to estahlish
her claiin1o-at i land lH-l'orethe 'Reuis
le'r aiVFKwckKcr of loi.'flu- ;it Kohs
hurg,-lregim on Wednesday the J'r.l
day -of Heptcinher, Ii2. She iuuih-s as
witncHeii: Oscar hdvvards, i:.,v Miller.
(irant Taylor and Hoy Stearns all of
Oakland, rcgon.
-Any and all KTSoti claiuung adverse
ly tlie shove descriUil lands arc re. incst-
rt file their claims in thisotlice on or
hefore Kfid 3rd ilay of ScptciuU-r. PKI2.
m22p J.T. I5KIIMSKS,. Register.
Notice for Publication.
Knifed States I.and.OHice,
Koseburg, Ore., May 17, iW2.
Notice is herein- given thai in compli
ance with the provisions, of the act of
Congress of June -3, IS7S, entitled "An
Act for the sale of timber lands; in the
States of California, Oregon, NeVada and
Washington Territory," as extended to
all the i'ulilic Lund States lv act of
August 4, 189L',
of Oakland, county of Pouglas, State" ot
Oregon, has this day tiled in this oil'n-c
her sworn statement No. LM7X, for the
1,.., ,J (,.. V I V VV I Mll'l Vll-l
If.lll llr.c ..i hi.. r ,, .,o
NW'i- SW4' of section No. il, township
No. Jt'i, range No. 2 west and will oIT.t
proof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for .-its tiiii'x-r or stone
than for agricultural urpopca, and
to establish her . claim to said land
before the Kcgister and Receiver of this
ollice at Koseburg, Oregon, on Wednes
day the 8rd day-of Sepieinlicr, 1!M).'.
She names as witueses: Oscar l-i.l-wards,
Roy Miller,, tirant Taylor and
Koy Stearns all of Oakland, Oregon.
All)' and all (htsous claiming adversi
1.. 4l ' n alUt.K...I a
to tile their clai.u in this ollice .n ,.r
,beforeHaid3 - rddayof Sepi
tenilicr, l'.h''2
j)i22p J.T.
S, Kegiater.
Is not to be compared to the run on T. K. Ricliardson's Music House at Cottage
on May 27th. Three instruments in three hours and one later in the day, making In all
for the afternoon four sales as follows: One Kimball Piano, one Singer Piano, one Need
ham Piano and one 6-Octave Kimball Organ. It is fortunate for us that we have already
on the way a lot of fine pianos to supply our prospective customers.
Our Second CarIoadrw
For this season will arrive in about 10 days and our third car-load is ordered. The Rose
burg House is also enjoying a good business: one large stock of Organs are all gont
and only three pianos left:
One fine Chickering,
One Fine Kimball,
One fine Cable.
Our prices are such that the people see it is to their advantage to patronize U4.
You will fin.l the makes ami
A hill L.ts Ih-,-1, a-s4-d ,v ContTe-.i to
as cnlM. -1 ii. en 1 r olt'-i-er- thirty days or
w i lo, oi vt tcrins. who have not
1. 11-rida and ie-,ria Smino! 1-17-Isjs;
2. tover Kiver of l!imoi .. !-7
:t. S.ic and rox of
t. ii.iii Ii.-turtaii.. .... 1 .7
"1. C.iyu-- War of Oregon iWritorv j;-K,.
. lloridaUars ' ' isj-j..-,s
7. Tt is ai.d Neu Mcxio l-i -is.v,
I tah I:, iian H-turhai.o-1. l--!--V.'
'I. California In lian I'i-tar!uiH-i-- . . . !-"'.-!-
10. ( "rf .'oii an 1 Wa-hiiiv't.m Territory War.- . . is.-,-lV,.
.prop riy prepare application, full l.a:ne and --rvj f .0
l:t lu
ll" soMr I- dead, tiieii full
Notice to Contractors.
l:.-. V
Notice j-
n June 2o, In2.
given that walil
f July 1 '2, s. a!.s!
ly the I..v.gla.
ii-trm-tin of a
n-oi on tc- ii"!i 11.1v
I Lid- wii
U- receive!
Com. tv l'.iuk f-.r the ,
I t
j of 0;ik an 1 J.i. Ls n -ir.,-ts ia K.d.urg
iin-j-iu. I'i.tns ai..! ---i!icati..ns
lc- --.-n a: the ot!-,. ,.f the Iviik.
ir.ay j
hit- 1 .11. k re-.-r
any and all l.i-N.
- li. e ngnl to rt j.-ct 1
f.s t'ofSTV lUvK.
Patronize Home Industry
V.' v.--;i- ;..!v J.,
" Cn-aiii-
VV 'lio tnis-
an 1 ii-e I")..u.d .s Coimty
ery I'.r.tter.' t
r. pn-i--!it ii-. ive ar.- le-r
.ir rati'-v I r-ai:i'-rv i i, .in i al-.vav
! h.i
i w I.. ;!-.' - pure cream -i-ar.i!.-.!
i.irm. and is ch-An. le.-ant an 1
e. Give it a trial : it wiil Kt-ak
,,-:!, i
i !"...
i I'.utr-
ii it d---s not -nit st :id it hack
ivoiio-tit of an I it costs y..;i
I'Mith h-a iiii markets ,.f
...i-t.iv our F'hiicv I'ri.iiMi-rv
risi. K. It..u-!.i? Co. Creanicrv.
of Land Title
' In 11..- i .n uil '..
! '..r .V.WU.II .-1 It.
n i f the suite ol on g.,1-,
In llu- v .;. r .-! ii;' pf :c!ion ..r 1
I j. ti.
! I - r -iri.t. r ti, title t" Ih!n l in .
! M-i-l.. n tJ.-cr:?- (r..'a,w.. io- ii j
i : c i-i.'.;-n ijii. i i .aim, .-v. til
i r.-.n t orit-r-e. l-'inc rr-. --f
' I
j 1 mi l 'J in l.h.. .i. siiih oi ni:cc l
; e I -i I ;m; S... r kin (.ir-. ,.i ,
M-eli-.u .1 in loint:li.v m;li..irai-w
7 o-.-. ,. V :l'.Mi., ;te M.-ri-tiRii ooTiit.ii- i
inc ir s . r. ; m'.M th ..r l..r.,l S 1.
..-..! .-; ty n iti;cn J. orui.N- n) hi .
!! Kli Vim i.ruli . U---IK rritn i
.. -s ai. 1 I einc -ir of , 17, Is.
1 ' au-1 -i in i.iu nhi. .v. .ut!i iii ranirc i
'. m -t . I l!ii VV oifcine'.te lt ri-linll eii-Hiii.i.k-
i...-, a. rv. all ttit-t in i
eiii a- I'-mniy. i v--.i., an.l eu'm- ,
ii.i: .ii tlie ftV-i;rii::e a.'rv
:!; I
M. I !',..!- lil'OlUU-. ;.' ,f J.w. (,),
M ini- 11'.. -nlr an. a i bom it mav
. ' . in, li. l.ri'lKlils ' j
T. ' VII. W II. i.M II M VV Ci'Nl'KRS
if i..- 1..CKS-. that oil Ihe i:ti .lav of MaT, A
1. I an b'-i :i a i;..ii wu M I r nai.l ). II
M.. c.ii. in tl.e i .r-u.t l .Mitt o( Iou2'.aa rotim?
i .- initial tv.itriion . ibr title to the Nu.'l
aSv. e i1-sit.Iss, Sow unless j-.m ai-p ar ou
or iM-ion- tlie Mil ilay ol August A. 1 , i-ai-j. anil
n.iw rau-e iiy hi. n ari.iu aiion t-U n..t u-
Kn.meJ, ihe .iini- Bill ! taken a." ri-.Vii an.l
a d.s-n-e iil K- rnirnsl ac enlnie to the pravrr
i.i in e api-nraii n an.l ..ii will u- lon-vcr larr
i- l from ile-.iuliig ihe m-.
1. R.SH VMBKouK.
'.ivi! clerk,
AppH. ant a Atloiucy.
Shcrifi's Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the Sta:of lrvou
tor llotlgla C.ltllllT.
C. V. Fisher, Pra.ntiir
Iteriaan an.l Mary Wilaon. DeK-n.lanta.
Notice U hon by given, that l.y virtue ot an
I'lei-ution amt order o( n!e .Inly ine,t out ot
su.i uii .t r me iH.-ai oi me auove onlitii-.l court
in the alwvo I'limied i ausc, to me .lin-ci.-.t ami
iihu-i uic mii nay o June, r.v-j. Hn a jmli;
inent rcii.ler.-J and ini.-ml in aai.l court on ihe
a".lh .In v ol Mar. l'.-J In (aver ol l V. KikIlt
emcciii. mm as'iuuu iitrmann Wilson ami
Miiri V i!.mi. .iein.lants an.l aKiiln-t Ihe hi-n-limiler
in. miotic! nn.t .1.-. nUsl aiiai-he.) r,-. p
crir t.irtliciiraoiL-2noilh iulor.-l tlnnsm
ai the rate of ; t cent per annum lrom the 1st
.lav ! spu-iulwr, l'.ol, ami the lurther an in ol
l-li CO cota ami aU.i the emu of and uiion this
wilt. Now Iheri-fo-e I will on
Saturday, the ll'th day of July, PH1J,
nt one o'cliH-k p in of ml. I ".lav, al tlie cmrt
house Ironi .hmr in R.isrl.urK. (iougiiu rounlv
Dri-Kon, sell al pulilie ancllon. nil-jei t to rs
.lei.ipii.-n. to lie highest hiil.h-r for cash in
hunil ll ihe riitht, ti le ami interest the sal. I
ili'len.liintsor either of thorn ha.l on die t:h .lav
in .-ei.ieinii.T, , oral anv lime then-alter In
an.l I. the lolUmin- deseribed real nmnertv,
lo-wil: The taut half of Ihe unit hues I .i Hurler
ol the south easl iiiihiI.toI arc ll.l.ornstilp JBS,
K 7 west, in D.niiclas county, On-Ron, toKethcr
Willi the teiiiiiioiits liercilialnients an.l
appurteunn ea thereuntil belonging or
u anvwise iippi-rliuniun to stlsfj
ni.l eJieeiition. onler ot nale, in.
tert-st, Cosls an. I aci-rm-iiiic oot.
KosebiirK, Ureui.n, June . VMS.
MicrifTof DjiiK-la-. county, Orvnon,
Notice lor Publication.
Unite.! StHlea l.aml OtHce,
RiwI-urK, On-Kon, May a;, iwj.
Notice is lu iehy Kiven that iu compliance
with the provisions of I hu act of trongreKa of
Juno il, IsTs, entltlcJ "An act for the aaie of
i leriniiusiii ..lie Mtc ol i nillomla, Ore-
Kon, N.' .-mil WahiiiKton 'territory,'- aa
rxten.leil in nil Ihe Fublic Ijhi.I S'-al.-s by act
of Auurt i, lsii.'.
ot Burllnittoii, i-iMiiuy of Hki;l, alate of, hia I hia .lay lili-.l in this oil li-eh ia aun.rn
state neiil No. V-iTti for ihe purchase el the Nnrih
west n'larter of ns lli.ll No. S, tmvnsliip .U t)., ol
riiti-ro .s west mi. I will otter prool In ahow Dial
the 1 k i nl s.iuiilil in more valualilo for iu li in tier
or Hloife than for Kri('iillural puriiotiea. ami t
cslahlish his claim loaai.1 Ian. I IK-Ii.n- the Keg
inter ami Itei-civor of thia oftl.-e at KoaeburK
(Iu-koii, on i hunulay, the lKIh ilay of sVplein'.
ber, I'JMJ. He nainea aa ivitnesm-a: fohn Slater,
Williiim Sniilh, Sanfoiil Slaler an.l Leonani
llr.Miks, all of lIur'.iUKioii, VV ashiiiulon.
Any iiml all peisoua cUiuuiiif aiiversely tho
above tli'si-rlU'il Ian. la are rcqiieMeit t me
tln-ir claims in thli Ollice ou or befoie alj lsih
Uay olSept., Ii2.
ilV J. T. BRICQK8, Keglalur.
i. - ti - ioii Indian War V
!.o S.TV
ies-iuat- in any of ii,.- foil. win
remarried, are entitled t
1 r
l ire;
-.ii t s-r-
( Ir,.-.,..
Wi i.
I ill!
Hacks anJ
Title UuaranteedsLoan Lo.
F.o-E3rK3. OSECON".
l. H4ILTC!t.
J rew l.'at.
D. ii. nm::i
OSce in :!.(o;:rl Rt.? ihr. -,'vr -;.
p.rttm of iirri i;, ... , ,'.-iar
Atetncu t f r.:cu . t i :tr... iantiOot
Uou;., coanlT at,.; ti:u uc
-ocnTr.r ieto!Trj' :-s ,.f :j "i nt-l-'r,
p.t 1:1 the Orrx .r.. v. ;- U!
t-iCL oit !'. :r ! i c. ..
! b'j-.'sow;ns ".; vies-: I ' i,:utl .nal.
. ".sr. pjo.ic in c.rsctf. Jn-ii:rac penn.
comia.Ienceioliciitl. ju
J. M. W
the Te st T.-m 1 Ihstr'tir.-1.'
of n id- h
U, T. A.
! Rlll
' ... '' 1 !
Roseburg Real Estate Co.
Fdim ami Ti;:; LaaJ Hot;p:ht and Sold " -
Taxes Paid for Xon-Residents. Timber
Estimates a Specialty. List your moner- ' . . I
tv with tis.
Drain Gardiner
Comn-.en. tn with Monday. January 20. W. we will charge 7.60 for"
w ; :;; i "V v ' n-,-v-
,... , ids. Travellim: men are aliovvcl 7.". ,-mudS lOTW heB ',e:a bo madeior round trip. IAII.Y STAiiK.
V.,. f....l :.. r .
i iuiuivi iiiioriuaiiou ailiiress
Also a car load HrtinT inl
of the famous ""u
ami iJoail Masons oa hand.
If you wish comfort, clcgauce and a
reasonable price, see us before buying
J. F. Barker & Co.-
S. K. SYKES, Hardware
Ah tract of Title to Deeded T-H
f'-Tjiers prej-are-! for filing oa Oorera
merit Land.
Bi'ie I'-iiiU of Townihip Mapa ibniu
ai' "acant Lande, One Doilar gfh.
Plans and Estimates for all Balld
ip-cia! designs for Office Flxtara
O f.ce in Marks Eailding. 'PhoM
Circs Beiitl at .
It -:--m-. kxssih, r,d
b- uc C-i-J bra,. I
s-.a c-"-s Ttv ft
i --.-T---i .-t p-mi o Mmt
Vv- ; I rv- s n- : it li- fr.-erM t-U.
T bKl 1 il i.J.S- V. urm S.fTv-t. Vp T
'aal CataiTh q oieily ykUa to tMaaV
meet t J Ely Cream lhrn. vLicA U pV
ai-iy ttimjUc. It is received throwfe lk
couia, oeaEses and feeala thai vboM ao
liceoTerMcliitTLrTieitae!. Pi ai Wt
tiio iOc, tiio; Trial six) by BtT4'
r-ects. Tet it tad you mn am to taObrnm -tie
An nooneemen t.
Tj avxon.iao.Lat tacce ho ara tavM
to tiM use ol atoraizers ia ap pljisg bepkat
into the tzsul pavessf ea for ealarrist a im
fV-t, lh proprwtora f repaxa Creava Pi taV
lirl form, vhich riU i ktaoara M Er"t
I.uii Creaia Balm. Price tacrachsf da -priyi-gtabeia
75eenta Dragats oa W
o--a-L The liqnid fona rsbodia) tho aaaaV
--Vl prop (4 'h 4:J tMatMA -
A. r.nrv
n. L. yUnlm
i r
J R Sawyers
Proprietor, Drain, i
, Orejoa S
HW-l.ll i ' o
1"IC, SUrrfJS
The only gun ia the
world guaranteed to
shoot Nitro - powderV
and uot geet loosc.