The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 30, 1902, Image 4

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Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Conrt of the State of
Oregon for Douglas County,
Coshow and Sheridan
Henrv D. Langhl in
and Edward B.Leigh
Notice i9 hereby given, that by virtue
f an pvwution ami order ot sale amy
issued out of and under the seal of the
above entitled court, in the above en
titled cause, to me directed and dated
the 5th day of June 1902, upon a judg
ment rendered and entered in said court,
on the 17th day of May, 1902. in favor of
the above named plaintiff -and against
the above named defendant. Edward B.
Leigh, and against the hereinafter men
tioned and deecribed attached property,
for the sum of $1289.80, with interest
thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per an
num from the 17th dav of May 1902, and
the further sum of $33.40 costs and dis
bursements and the costs of and upon
this writ :
Now therefore I will on
Saturday, the lath day of July, 190a
t l nVlnrk o m. of said day. at the
fcnusp front door in Rosebure.Doue-
las Co, Ore sell at public auction to the
i,;Vifit hirMpr for rash in hand, all the
right, title and interest which the said
defendant. Edward B. Leign, had tne,
21 st dav of March, 1902, or at any time
thereafter, in or to the following describ
ed property to-wit :
That certain Mill site in the Bohemia
Mining District, in Douglas County Or
egon, known as the Noonday Mill site
and particularly described as being sit
uated about three-fourths of a mile
northeast of the Annie mining claim,
about 40 miles a littte south of east of
Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon,
and as commencing at the location notice
on a stake about three-fourths of a mile
northeast of said Annie claim and run
ning in a northerly direction 239 3-16
feet ; thence easterly 478i feet ; thence
southerly 478; feet; thence westerly
47S feet; and thence northeasterly
2393 feet to the place of beginning, sit
uated in Douelas County, Oregon, con
taining five acres, with all and singular,
the tenements, hereditment9 and ap
purtenances thereunto belonging or in
anv wise appertaining.
to satisfy said execution, order of sale,
intprpst. costs and accrueing costs.
Dated at Bosebure. this 5th day of
June, 1902. E. L. Parrott,
Sheriff of Douglas County, Oregon
Sheriff's Sale.
In The Circuit Court Of The State
Orecon. For Douelas County.
H. YYollenberg, as Admin-,
trator of the Partnership
Estate of S. Marks ana
H. Wollenberg, .
Engene R. Hanan and
Hattie C. Hanan,
Notice is hereby given, that by virtue
of an pxeeution and order of sale lnsueci
out of the above named Court and cause
on the 6th day of June, 1902, upon a
iudment and decree duly rendered and
entered in said Court and cause on the
16th day of May, 1902, by foreclosure of
a mortfrarie in lavor ot the aoove nameu
Plaintiff and against the above named
Defendants and against the hereinafter
mentioned and described mortgaged
property for the sum of tl3,317.C7 with
interest thereon at the rate of 10 per
cent tier annum from the Slst day of
March, 1902, and for the further sum of
1350.00 attorney lees arul 1U-2U costs
and disbursements, now therefore, I will
' on,
Saturday, the 12th day of JrLY 1902,
at two o'clock p. m. of said dav at the
Court house front door in Rosebnrg,
Douelas countv. Oreeon, sell at puolic
auction to the highest bidder, for cash
in hand, all the right, title and interest
' which the said Defendants or either of
them bad on the 18th dav of May, 1889,
or at anv time thereafter, in or to the
following described premises, to-wit:
Beginning at a point 19.62 chains
south and 15.92 chains west of the corner
to sections 21. 22, 27 and 28, in township
26. south, ranee 6 west of the Willam
ette Meridian, running thence west 72
75 chains, thence south 13.30 chains,
thence east 3.19 chains, thence north 5
chains, north 88 degrees, east 29.10
chains, thence south 6S' defrrea east
20.35 chains, thence southerly, in a
straight line, to the northeast corner of
the tract of land conveyed by Geo. Han
an and wife to T. J. tullam on the lvtli
day of February, 1868, the deed for
which is recorded in volume 4 on page
176 of the Record of Deeds of Douelas
county, Oregon, thence south to the
North L'mpqua river, thence following
the meanders of said nver np stream to
a point 15.92 chains west of the line be
tween sections 33 and 34 and thence
north t the place of beginning, contain
ing 198.98 acres, more or less, and being
a part ot the .Donation Land t. laiui .o.
42 of George and Eliza J. Hanan.
Ainu me east s x L lue rsniLusrsi;i
and lot 7 of section 21 and lots numbered
1 and 2 of section 28 containing 152.19
acres, more or less. Also lot 5 of section
20, the west ys of the southwest of
section 21, lot 3 of section 28 and lot 8 of
section 29 containing 168.81 acres. Also
lots 2 and 3 of section 21 and lota 6 and
7 and the north east of the north
west of section 22, containing 155.38
acres : also that certain Dortion of the
Donation Claim No. 43 of Henrv Evans
in sections 21, 22, 27 and 23 described as
follows, to-wit: -Beginning at a point
12.46 chains east from the southwest
corner of said Donation Claim running
thence east 37..18 chains, thence north
64.17 chains, thence west 37.38 chains
thence south 64.17 chains to the place of
beginning, containing 240 acres. Also
the northwest i of the northwest i of
section 22 containing 40 acres ; also the
north J-e of the southeast of section 20
containing 80 acres ;. also the- northeast
'i of the northeast lA and lot 1 ot sec
tion 21, containing 54 acres, more or less
all of the above described lands .and
premises lying and being situate in
township 26 south of range C west of
Willamette Meridian, in louglas county
Oregon, and containing in the aggregate
1089.36 acres, together with the tene
ments, hereditaments and appurtenan
ces thereunto belonging or in anywise
appertaining, and will apply -the pro
ceeds ol such sale, nrst, to the payments
of the costs of such sale and the costs
and disbursements herein taxed at 10.
20, second, to the payment of $350.00 at
torney fees and to the payment of the um
of 1 13,317.7 due the plaintilt with interest
. thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per an-
' numfrom the31stdayoI .March, 1902, and
the overplus, if any there be, pay to the
said Def ndants, their assigns or legal
representatives, as by order of said
Court in said execution to me directed,
commanding me to Bell the above de
scribed real property in the manner pro
vided by law.-
Dated this 9th day of June, 1902,
E. L. Parrott,
Sheriff of Douglas County. Oregon.
Notice for Publication.
rnlled Ftates Land Office,
Roaeburg, Oregon, May 8, 1902.
Notice ii hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June i, lhT8, entitled "An act for the sale of
Timber Lands in the Slates of California. Oie
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as ex
tended to all the Public Land Stale by act of
August 4,1X92.
of Peel, countv of Douglas, stale of Oregon,
has this day tiled in this office his sworn slate
s' ent No. MCi. for th- purchase of the Uli of
SW'and KWflt BWfi of aec'ion No. i. In
township No 2r, range No. S West, and will of
fer proof t (how ibat the land aoi-gbt ii more
valjabie for in timber or atone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish hit claim to
aaid land belore the Register and Receiver of
this office at Roaeburg, O egoo, on Tuesday, the
12th day of vugusiiww. He name a wiiue-s-ea:
James T. Buchanan, 1. L. Whiteside. I L.
Pardue, ol Peel, Oregon James Gobel of Roae
burg, Oregon. 1
Any and all persona claiming adversely the1
above described audit are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before aaid Ulh day
ol Au.ust, 10. J, X. BBLDGEH,
Notice for Publication.
t'nltcd Stall- Land Oitire
Roselmrc, OreKoii. June 14.
Notice is hereby given lliai in omnvliance
with the provision of the act of ( hhri-css ol
June 8, 1S78, entitled And Art for tho Mile ot
timber land in the States ot C alifornia. Oregon,
Nevada and Wa-diinvton Territory," as extend
ed to all the Public Land gtHics by act of Aug
ust 4. lSfJ,
of Camat Valley, county of lloiiKlan. state of
Orefton, has this day Hied in Ihisofiioe his sworn
tat.Miient No. 714. for the purchase ol the fcK'i
1 of aeetion No. ai in township No. Si) S, ratine
No. 8 west, ana will oner prooi 10 snow mm i in
land aniiirht is more valiinlle for its timber or
stone than lor aKricultural purposes, and to cs
tabilsh his claim to said land before the Regis
ter and Receiver 01 tnisonice at Kosronnr, iro
rod, on Thursday, me tn nay 01 ncioDcr. r.v.-.
He names as witnesses: Hal-j Horen, vtilliain
Davis. Richard Dick and Jesse Kirkendall, nil
of Camas Valley. Oregon.
Any a d all persons claiming adversely me
above described lands are requested to tile
their claims in tnis once on or ncioro ssm -Jin
day of October, 1A. J, T. BKUKS.
l lrj;invci.
Notice for Publication.
Roaeburg, Ore., Apr. JS, 10.
Notice is hereby given that 111 compliance
mitl-the nnivit,ioiisof the ret ot I'mmres ot
June 8. lots, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber amis in the Mates of California. Orepon
N-i-a,ia and ashinirlon Territory." as extend
od to all the Public Land States by act of Aug
ust 1, 1892,
of Melrose, County of Douglas, State of Orecon
has this day nlc.1 In thlsomce nis sworn state
ment No. 2:W, tor the yurehase of the
NEW, the Nr'i of 'i aud lot one 01 we-
Hon No. 18, township as south, liance ..
10 West, and will ofli r proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable lor its mnneror
atone than for anncul'ural purposes, ami to
establish his claim to said land la-fore tiie
Register and Receiver 01 tnis otnee ai oeourK
Oi egon, 011 Tuesdar. the Kin cay ot auki-m.
1902. He names as witnesses: taark-u Tliom,
John Thorn. Frank B Long, d Cleveland. Ore-
,nn and Frank Orcutt. of Melrose Oregon.
nr ami all neraona elatminc adversiy the
above-described Innis are requested to file their
claims in this othee on or belore tata win uay
ot August liMi. J.T.BKiU.hs,
mlp tf.egis.ier,
Contest Notice.
Vnited States Land Office
Rosehurr. Oregon. Mav 19, 1
A sufficient contest affidavit having l-een tiled
lo this office bv
Contestant, against the homestead entry so.
S00. made March 19, 1900 tor tne st'4 vw ',. f j
St'., NE4 SEl4. section MI. township IV. souiii,
range 8 west by
contectee, lo which it is alleged tliat the said
Jame Beasley hag never established his res.
dence on the land, nor Improved or cultivated
the same, and further that he has been absent
from tht land for a period of more than six
months last put without leave-of-abscace, and
that he has wh-Uy abandoned the land: that
aid alleged abaebce from the land waa not due
lo his employment in the Army, Navy or Ma
rine Corps of" the I'niied States as a private sol
aier, ofb-er, aeaman or marine during the war
with Spain or during any other war in w hich
the I'nlted Slates may be engaged ; said parties
are hereby notified to appear, respond and oBcr
evidence touching said allegation at 10 oclock
a. m. on September. lisJ before the Reoster
and Receiver at the I'nited biatea Land Office
in Roaebnrg.Oregon.
The aaid contestant having in a proper afn-ia-vic,
filed May 1J, 19.J. act forth facts which
show that alter due diligence personal sen ice
of this nottoe can not be made, it is nervy or
dered and directed that such notice be given by
due and proper publication.
J. T. BRlDiES, Register
m!9 J. H. BOOTH,1 Receiver.
Content Notice.
fnited States Land Office
Roaeburg, Oregon, May 13. 1902.
A sufficient contest affidavit having been
filed in this office by
contestant, against the homestead entry No.
901, made March 19. 1, ior MV4, N,
SWJ4 Section 32. township JS sou' ti ranges
AKItllK I. AO.A.S1,
Oontestee, In which it is alleged ibat the said
entryman has never established hi residence
on tie land, and that be l.a. not improved or
cultivated the same, and tnat he has been ab
sent Iroji the land for a period of six months
last past, and tnai r.e nos w nciiy aoananmu
the same: that said alleged absence from
the land was cot due to nis
employment in the Army, Navy, or Marine
Corps ol tne l miea aiaies as a orivaie s-uoier.
officer, seamen, or marine, during the war ith
Spain, or during any o'.uer war in nmca me
United States may be engaged, said partus are
hereby notified to appear, respond and offer
evidence touching aaid allegation at lo o'clock
a. m, on September li betore tne register
and Be'eiver at the rolled Stales Laud Office in
Rosebnrg, Oregon.
The said contestant having, in a proper am-
da-rit, filed May 1J. 190-2, set forth facts
hlch ibow that after due diligence personal
service of this notice can not bt made, it is
hereby ordered aud directed that su h no'.ice
be given by due and proper publication.
j l. DbiusLS netnsi.T.
m19 J.H. BjoTd. Receiver.
Noiice for Publication.
EofEBt-KG.OrcEon, May J, 1J02.
Notice is hereby riven that in roinp:ianc
With the provisions of the act ol Cnnsrre. nt
June s, 1S7, entitled "An n t for the sale ol
Umber lands in trie states ot la'iionna. cm-eon.
Nevada, and ashineton icrntory. as extend
ed to all the public laud states by art of August
of Alexandria, connty ol Malison, Slate of
Indiana, has tnis day niea in in is
ofhee, his sworn slatecitut No.
for the purchase ol the i-'j f-1,, ol
tion No. 14, io township No. : s of Rarnre
No 8 W and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is core valuable for its timlier or
tone than for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish his claim to said laud tx-fo'c the Kex's
ter ant Becetver of this office at Koaeburf, Ore
rnu, on Thursday, the i4th day ol Aueu-l Iwi
He names as witnesses- A. L, Swain, of Bncoda
Wab , F. E Kincart, Oakland, Ore.. H. W. Mil
ler and Thoc. K. Howard, of Roeebunr, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adversely .he
above-descriled lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said ltiti day of
AusuatMtU. i. T. BRIWIES,
m"p itegisier.
Motice for Publication.
Kosenurg. Oreson. May 21. l'.HiJ.
Notice is hereby given that in couinliMire
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, ISTS, entitled "An Act for the s.ieof
timber lands in the states of California. Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory,'' aa extend
ed to all the Public Land States by act oi Aug
nat 4, 1'J2,
of Oakland, county of Douglas, state of Oregon,
has this day filed in this othce his sworn
statement No Xii for tiie purcha of the North
West quarter"(nw't) of Section No. y in To.
S of K. No 2 West and will offer proof to show
that the land snnght is -core valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said land belore
the Register and Receiver of this office at Kose
burg, Oregon on Monday the 1 jth day ol Sep
tember, HsO.'. Be names as witnesses: Creed L
Chenoweth, Harry E. Miller, Oram Taylorand
Boy.Miller, all ol Oakland, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are rciuestcd to tile their
claims in mis onice on or belore the said 15th
day of Septem bci 1902. J. T. B rim. cs,
m2p. Register.
Notice for Publication.
RosBBi KO, Ore., May 15, l'r2,
Notice Is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act nf Congress of
Junes, 17. entitled "An Act for the sale of
limber Landa in the mates of California, Ore
gon, neraaa ana naaoington lerrilorv." aa
extended to all Public Land States by act of
AUKUSl S, 10.
of Rosebnrg, county of Douglas, state of Ore
gon has this day Hied In thlsomce bia sworn
statement No. 24:12 lor the purchase ol the N'.
of Nof Bee. No. 82, township 27 south. Range
s west,, ana win oner prooi to show that
the land sought is more valuable lor ita limrx-r
orstone than lor agricultural purpose, ana to
establish hla claim to said land belore the Reg
ister and Recei ver ol this office at Roseburg.
Oregon, on Wednesday the 27th day of August
1902. He names as wl.nesses: Leunard Kabot
ol Peel Oregon, James I). Ferguson, Albon
Wood, John DuBell of Roseburg, Oregon,
any and all nerdona clalmiug adverselr the
aoove-oescn Deo tanas are
nested to file the
claims in this office on or before said 27 day
August, iiau.
Notice for Publication.
RosEBCRii, Ore., May 20. 1'.J2.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
ith the nrovislona of the Act of Conrresa nf
Jonet, 187s. entitled, "An Act for the sale of
timber lands in the Stales of California. Ore
gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa ex
tender toai! tbe public lana slates by Act of
August 4, iW2,
of Perdue, County of Ixinglna, State of Oregon
has hla day filed In this ofli-e bis sworn stiite
ment No. 2627 for the purchase ol the WjHW','
rv;, an '4,oi becuon no. 2, lownsnip nu nuiKi
Meat and will oiler proof to show that the lana
sought is more valuable for l's timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, aud to establish
hla claim to said land before tbe Register and
Receiver of this office, at Rosebuig. Oreeon. on
Wednesday, tbe 10 day of rjeptenilx-r, 1U02. He
names -s wltnse: Waller Cronk, Mm. Moore
and Maurice Moon1, ol Roseburg. Ore., and Cel-
eslin Delslppe, ol ferdue, Oregon.
af 7 suu all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are reuuested to tile their
claims In this office on or before said 10 dav of
(September. l'JU2.
j2p ; J.T. BRIDGES,
Notice for Publication.
I'tiitedStates i,and Office,
RoseburK. Oregon, Apr. 7, l'JO'2.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the piovislons of the act 01
Congress of June S, ls.n, enillieu
An act tor llie snleol itm-er inmis 111 uie
States of California, Oicgon. Nevada and li
Ingtoii leir'ton." as extended to all the Pilb-
llc.Land SlVs lv ac t 01 Auxul m, ls-,
of Duliith, county of St. I,otiis sla'cof Minneso
ta,' na tins day nlcd in una outre nis swctii
statement No. U1SI. for the purrbHse id the NIC
of section No, :i- louosiiip :i sotnii, range
est and w ill oll.-r pro if to show that the lmni
sought is more valuable for its limber or stone
than fur H jrli iillurnl purposes, ami 10 csian
listi his claim to said land before the Register
and Receiver of this othce at Koeburg, Oregon,
on Tuesday, the Mil day of July. l'AVJ. He
names as" witnesses: Albeit Bolleiibangli
Thomas laHsoii, Oco K. "Jiiiue ol Ktildi s
Oregon and Thomas K. Lawsou ol (.ileiidale
auv and all iierxon claiming adversely me
above deserlla-d lauds are requested to file
their cUiins in this oilice on or before said Mb
dav of July. my. J.T. KR1 IH.KS.
alOp Keg later
Notice foi Tubliralion.
United States Land Oflice.
Rosebuig. ivgon April r. I'-'
Notice is hervby given ihat in compliance
with the nr"Visiou of the act ot digress ol
June S. 1TS. eulilletl "An act for the sale ol
tiiuiier U n, 1-in the states of California. Oregon
Ntvada and Washington Territory" as extended
to ail the public laud states by act of August 4,
of Cleveland, county of nougias. State of Ore
gon. this day Hied iu this office his sworn
statement No. "i." 0, for the purchase of the
N W '4. of Stvlion No. W, Township 2ii south, of
rante west, and w ill oiler proof t show that
the laud sought is more valuable f,:r Its timber
or none than lor agricnltuml purpost s. and to
cmat.lish hi claim lo said land belore the Reg
later aud Receiver of this othce at Roscbnrg,
0,o.,n nn Ve,'n,s,lar tiie ll'.th davof JlllV. l'lU.
He names as witn. sjus- John 1 bom, frank
B. Long of Clcve,Und,, Roco O tuitl
of Cob's Valley, tircgon, William H. Ung, o
Cleveland. Oregon
any and all pcrsoni claiminj adversely the
above-described lands are requested to tile their
claiin in this othce on or be, ore said loth day
of Jul v, IWi,
2 J. T. BRI'.MiKS,
Notice for Publication.
1'nited States I-and Oftic.
Rosebunc. Oregon, Mav 2. LU.
Notice Is hereby elven that In compl'.arce
with the IT .visions of the act of fongrcss of
June ) IsTs. cutitie-1 "An aei lor the sale ol
timber iau 1 in the Stales ot California. Oregon
Neva la and Washington Territory,' as eb4iid
ed to all the Public Laul States by aet of Aug
ut i, ls.'J,
ol Rni-oda, rnuntv ol riiurston. Stsieof W ashing
ion has this dav tiled ii Ibis othce nis sw
stab n. cut No. 2.121. for the nnr-hase ot th" Nt
l . .,f .si linn No 1 ' tovvnshio M south, raufe
w-st and will oiler proof to show ihat the lan
sought if uior.' v-luaiile for its I'mber or stone
than (or agricultural purposes and to estab
lish his claim to said land before the Registe
and Receiver of this othee al Roseburg, Oretf
onTliursdav. the nth day of Augu-t, 12 11
names as witness: James S. Sru then, Alex
andria. Ind., V. E. Kiucart. Oakland. Oregon
II. W. .Miller. Thcs. R. Uonani- Roseburg, Ore
Anv and ail i'rou claiming adversely lh
annvedecrribt'd lands an- re.,tiests:l to rile the!
claims in this office on or beioie sa'd I th dsy of
August W2. J. T. BRllXiES,
rc.'p R.gntii
Notice for Publication.
I'siTci) ST.niil.isri orrii r.,
Roseburc, lirecou. May -,
Notice i hereby given lhal in rompliance
with the pnn isions of the act d t'ongrv ol
J'ine -'f, IsTs, entitled "An Acl (or the sale of
iiml-er ijituis in the States of Cal
ilornia. Oregon, Neada and V ashmom l e n
tory, ' as extended lo a.l the Public Land Slate
by act ol August 4. is..'.
of Oakland, l ouutyof Douelas. Stateol Ongon,
has ibis day lilcl in this oti'ioe his sworn s'.a't -nii-nl
No. "Jc-V, for the purchase of the North
east miar tT tne1 4 1 of S,.ctioii No. .v., m townsinp
No. -.6 Eolith ul KangeNo. i Vtest nd mil otr r
.rml to show ihat llie land .iui:ht is mor val
uable lor its tire twr or stoue n an lor auricuii
ural purisnaea. and t establish Q;h claim to
said lana before tiie Kesister aud Keo ier ol
thi cB'ice at Roseburg, Orvg..-?, on Monday, tin
I'th dav ol September, 1:K. He name as wit
i. esses George S-.earns, Harry E. Miller,
firant Taylor and Ky Miller, a.l ot Oakland.
Any and all persona claiming adverv'.y the
aboie descrila-d land- are rcaeted to Cle Ibeir
riain.s in this on or belore sa;,i i tn uay ol
Sefteniher, 1 .!. J. T. BaiD-.I",
mrjp Ragister
Notice for Publication.
CKirtD Statis Lino Orriri.
Roscbnrg, irecan. May .'I. 1..'.'.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the proUsionso! the ai t of ongreaa of
Junes. ISTs entitled "An act f.-r the sale ol
Tirab r I-ands in the States ol alilr-iia, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington T- rnlory, as ex
tended to all the Public Land States t.y Act ol
Augu-t 4, ls'.'J.
of Oakland, l ouuty ol Douelas, State ol Oregon,
has this day filed in this otiice his sworn sls'e
ment No iV for tne purchase ol the su.h east
quarter of ertion No. a in biwnship No.
i-cuth ol l.anei- No. J West aad will offer proof
to siow that the land songnl is more v aiuable
for io tiniia-r or ston than for agricultural pur
poses ana totstab.isn tu claim tosati ia"i oe
lore the and K'-ceiver of this office at
Roburg. Oregon on Monday the 15th day of
nentrmber, l'.vj. Uena'nesas witness.-- Geo.
J. Mearns. Ore-sfl I. ( henoaeih, iraut layior
and Hoy MiDer.a'.l of Oakland. Oreeuo
Anr an-1 an rrson claiming adversely the
alove des-rila-J lands are requested to nie their
claims in thi ofTice on or before s.i-1 l'.tbday ol
.iember, l'."x2. J. T. BBIm.E,
ihJl'P R'-gister.
Notice for Publication.
I'nitcd states Land Office,
Rosebnrg, Oregon. May II. lxi.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the pmvisiur.s of the act of Congress of
June :;. 1", entitled "An Act lor the sals of
limber laod in Hie .-tate, oi t aiiiumia, On-gon
Nevada, and Wa'btr gton Territory , " aa extend
cd to a.l the Public Laud Stales by act ol Aug
ust 4, 1-.'-',
ol Seattle, conuty of King Stale of Wasbingtoi,
ha this dar nlel in thl offiee lit suorn slate
ment No. 24.4 lor tl.e purchase nf the !',.
w !, NK'a ol section No. :;, township No. :?)
sotuti. range h west, and w 11 offer proof to show
that tte land sought is more valuable lor Us
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish Ins claim lo said laud lefore
the Register and Receiver ol this oftice at Rose
burg, Oregon, cn Satunlay. the'-' (.1 day of Ang
us', lii. He name as witnesses Ray S. Fish
er, Nelson Squire, of Seattle, Washington, Win.
M . Porter, Hale lloren. ol Camaa V alley, Oregon
any and all persona claiming advetsely the
above described lands are rc'iieted to tile
thcirclaim In this oflice on or before said lid
day of Aagns,l'X2 J.T. Ht'.lix.ES,
mlJp' Rigisire.
Notice for Publication.
Cnlted .sitates Land Ofhee,
Roschure Oregon, May 2. It2.
Notice is lierebv given Ibat lu compliance
with the provisions ol the act of Congress ol
June 3. ls7s. entitled "An acl for the sale of
tiuilx-r land in the State of ('all'ornia. Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory," as eiend
ed In all the Public Land Mates by acl of Aug
ust 4,
of Perdue, ovnnly of Douglas. State ol Ore
gon, has thi day bled in this o:ll.-e bia sworn
I statement No. 2.121 for the purchase ol the Mi
ol section No. 12, townhip xo south, range I
west and will offer proof to shou that the land
sought is more valuable for its timler or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to est.b
iish his claim lo said fan t belore the Register
aud Receiver ol this odice at Roseburg, Oregon,
on Friday, the 1 .tri day of August, l!r2. He
names as witnesses: Maurice Moore, Nick
Moore and Peter Ball, of Roaeburg, Oregon, aud
Ed McKcou, of Perdue, Oregon.
Any aud all persona claiming adverselr the
above described lands are reiiin-sled to fi e their
claims in this otiice on or belore said l th day
of Augut iiHri.
J. T. BKID 'F.S.
Notice for -Publication.
Tnited BiAtes Land Odice
Rotebure, Oregon, Jday h, 12.
Notice is hereby Kiveu that In compliance
with the roviions of the act ol CuiRre, of
June S, 107H, entitled "An act lor the Kale of
Timlier 1. n1 in the gtalei of California, Ore
son. Nevada and v aliini;ton Territory," ai ex-U-uded
to all the fublic Land Htatea by act ol
August i,
of Riddle, county ol Douglaa stale of Oreon,
has thUdar tiled in thin otiice, hi nworn fine
ment No. l.Uii, for the purchase of the Ht'i
of aection No. 2. townhip All Bouth rane J
wei-t and wiil olfer proof to show that tho land
ought l mote yaluable for ita timber or Ktone
than for agricultural purpoae. and to eatahliiib
hia claim lo raid land he'ore the KeRixter and
Receiver of thi office at Riwehurg, Oregon, on
1 ucday, the lath nay of Augiibt lw. He
name aa witnesm-: 'I lionias ljwon, Allien
Bolllenliaiigh, fieon-'e K. (.nine, If aac Lamveli,
nil io iveiuie, ur'k.iii.
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
alKiye deacrlbed landu are r'quelcl to file
their claim in this office on or belore aaid luih
daj of Augnst.laW.
nup. J. T. BKlDliEn,
Reg I iter.
to write for onr oontidentiul letter before ap
plying for patent; it may be worth money.
We promptly obtain U. H. and Foreign
iT.'LXFADE MARKS or return EN
TIRE altorney'a fee. bend model, aketch
ortinotoand we aend an IMMEDIATE
rKC.c report on paieniaoiuiy. we give
the beat legal aervice and advice, and our
coarse are moderate. Try us.
Patent lawyers.
Opp.UjS. Patent Offlce.Washimjton, D.C
Notice for Publication.
I'nitiii States OtFicg,
Roscbnrg, Oregon, May 24, l'.mj
Notice Is hereby giv. u that In eoinpllaiicc
ith the piovislons of the act of Congress of
lines. 1ST, iniiilrii 'An act for the sale of
imber Lands In the States of Ca'ilornl. ilr...
Ron, Nevada, mid Washington Tertitory," as ex
tended to all the Public 1 and States by act ol
August 4, lv.'J,
Jllll.N II. SHCI'K,
f Roscbnrg. county of Doiikdas, State of Ircgon.
has Oils tiled ill this oil ice hia sworn statement
No. 'J.ViS, lor the purchase ol ll.e S', HWU and
SE'4 of Section No. t'J fown hip vt South
ol range H west . M. ami will oiler prmt to
how that the laud sought Is more valuable for
Its timber or stone than for agiicultuial pur-
is s slid to establish bis claim lo khI.I land
eforc I lie Register and Receiver of thia oftlcc
t Rosebnri; Oregon, on Wednesday the l;lth day
oi AUKIlst l!HrJ. He liHiiirs hs W illi, sm b: J. O.
Miaik, Minnie shupe. OiU Hook and lien Mc
Mullen ail of Kosehuig, Orcgidi.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
aiMve disriU'd latels uie reiiuesu'd tolileihclr
claiins In thss oilh e on or belore said Htli.lay
of August l'.si.'. J. T. HiiitxiKs,
Notice for Publication.
l ulled States Land Office,
Roseburg. Oregon, May HI, l'.w.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
W illi the provisions ol the act of Coiicrcsa of
June :, IMS, entitled "An ai l for the sale ol
tiniticr lands in th- states of Ca-iforu a, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territory.' as
extended lo all Ihc Public 1-an.l States fiy ai t
of August 4, ls-.r.
of Rosebuig. county of UoukIms, State of Oregon
as nits uay tiled in wiis omcc Ills sworn stale
nienl o. j4.i', lor Ihc purchase ol the SW1. of
sect ion No. 2s, ttmu.liip No 27 sou h, range N
west and will ortVr pntil to shoiv 'hat the land
night is more vr.iuiiMr lor its timber or .lone
than for agiicul'iirai purposes, and to -stabHsli
bisclaim lo srti-1 land be rx llie Register and
Receiver id t his office al Keburg, Oregon, on
rriday, tne .ntn day ! Augcat l'.s2. lie names
as witnesses: Charles K Kcllv, Henry l.acock
John Keily aud Krank llnvs, all ol Reselling,
Any and all peisdis claiming adversely the
alMive desi rlrxd laiula are n-'iucttsl t, tile (heir
cla'ins in this otti c ou or bt lore said 2'lli day
ol August, IA'7. J. T. UBIboSS,
nii'-'p Register.
Notice for Publication.
fulled Mates Land Office.
Ron-bu g, iircgon. May 14, l').
Notice is hereby given that in comt llaiice
w llh the provisions oi U,e "t of iongr.-M of
June :!, IsTs. euiit': d A n Ai l for the sale
tuulH-r lan is in ii.e .taiv ol alltorma. Or.-gon
N.-va-la and siniui-i: lerrilory, as exiud
ed to a'l the Public Land Mates ty acl ol Aug
ust , ls;2,
NEl-soN S jI'IRE
of Seattle, con us y of King, stateol Washington
has this dav riled in thi office hi. sworn sialt-
menl No. JC'.s lor the purchase of fhe lrn 2
and 3. Si:', Ni',, NE s-W , of section No. .
ton nshlp soiiin. raute s west and w ill of!
prs: to lio lliat tl:e land SiUlght is more val lor its :imlH-r or none than lor aitrlcnliu
ral puristiCs. and lo establish bis elaini to san
laud before the Register and Kccener ol thl
othce an Roscttin:. ' rvgon. on Saturday, the
'!.'l dav of A'i7usl. l'.s-J. He names aa witnesaes
Hoaar.l Wi.l-.nms R. S. Ksver.ol S,-aii!eWash
Ingtoii. m M. Porter, Hale llon-n, of Cauia
Vadev. Unt'ii.
Any and ail H-rsons ilaiuiing adversely the
aloe defrcrilt-d laiels are re,Uete,l io Pie
If.eir laims m U:ls office or or l -("re ss:.i -ji
Ol August. I. -'. J.l. r.KlDur-,
I i s:. Keglsler.
Notice for Publication.
I'uite.l Stnt. s Land office.
R.,s, burg. in gon. Aj r. l l'A-i.
Notice is 1 er.-l.y gien that in compliance
n ith llie provismns cf llie at t ol t'ongres of
June i, IsTs eiiti'lid 'Au act lor the sal: r,l
timV'r laa 's in the stales o: i aliforma. :. on.
Neva-is, aud a-!iiiiglou Tsrr.lory," as evleiid
d lo all Put-lie Lau-l Mate by act of Aog-tst
. ls.'.
ol lix.n i:ie coun yof Douglas, Stale of Ore
gon. lia th',. dav b.e-l iu this ofli. -e hi sworn
statement No. 2jii, lor ih-. pur. Iia-ol the sA'.
oi r-ction No. v4, lown.tiip i7 S. of rarue
; sr't aii-1 "i.l eflir t-r.-l to h--w mat
the laid Si.u.'ut is'iu r-valuable lor It tint
br orsl-lie than for sirricultural ruriaie, and
to esta'tiish b , laim lo sa:-l land before trie
Rce st-r and K'V.nrrnf tSiiseflice at Kosel.urg.
Omton.on Vs.sineaday lac -t Cay ol Julv
1'-. He nam-s as i;!ie.-s V . S. Tamell
Li.t er Ptrd ie. and John MMtesnle ol luion
tiiie Orei:,n. P. bcn ius ol lioaeourg, Oregon
Any and a I per in clamn? g adversely tl.e
aivve tle.c;tl in-s are ie-( m-stol to fi
their in 1 1. is uRiveon '-r before said ird
dav ef Juiy.l '-:.
A2Ip J. T. BKll-.E-1. R. gist- r,
Notice for Publication.
I nited Mate. Latii Ofli.-e
K.-'l nrv. '. ?n May 1. HsJ.
Notice is hreiv givin in eompliance
Willi the t-ri'Vi-i.-ri cf tt:e aei ot t'onitrcss ol
June H, l;s ei'til.e-1 "An acl lor the sale ol tiiu
bcr lar..l in the Ma'es of ail lorn is, or, gon.
Nevada and ashniitton TerTliory,' as eitend-
t to all the ln'.i.t 1 ji i-I .-'.a'..- b act ol Aug
ust I.
Of Rr-ebUrg, eoin.ty of IhMlS lap. state Ol tMTtoU,
has this iIit Mvl in this orhc. b;s orn siaie-
ment No. 'iil.", Ior llie pun base ol the N'Al4
of N.i. II. township No. south
ran'e i west an-1 aili ofier prwi to
bow that the land uebl is more valuable for
it tiint-r or stone than for agricultural pur
iHa-s. and b estabiisli his elaim p, i-l land
la.rnie lhe R. v tsl.-r aiei K.s--ivr ,.f Ibis oUi
at K xs.-I. jrg. iirrcoii. t n 1 burs lav, the Hlh day
ol August, He name a itneei Joha
Uanl'ier. Oeorge ilaiemsu, Henry S.nglelon,
ilenrv rtraitor, all ol KM-t,urg, Ore ,i.a.
Any and all l-rs-m claiminc ailversely the
a U've lU-scr.-.! iauds ar- rvsiii''el lo ti'e liieir
claims In this ofhee on or before said I4ih day of
Aur'i.ll'2. J.T. BKIIHjF.4.
M'.p lU-gitter.
Notice for Publication.
I'nit-M States Land Ofte.
Rim-Lurg, Oregon, Vav 27, l-
Notice j. hen-by given that in r-implianrr
with lie pnv isi.ou ,.f tiie a'-t il t'oogiea ol
June .;, ls"s en'il..-d "An Ait for Ihe a of
timlier lan. Is lu the 'isttn of I alifornia. Orejrn i.
Nevada, and v ashinab'ii lernrory." asexl.ud--l
uall I lie public land states by act ol Aug
ust 4. l''2,
of Burlington, county ol .-lait. state of Wah
intrlon, has ibls'lay O'Cl in tin office hi sworn
statement No i.;, lor the pu. base ol Ihe sk',
of,"section No. b. tow nshlp M south, rani: No.
west, and wiil olfer. pnad lo show that the land
sought is more valuable for lis limber and amne
Ibau for agricultural .iini--s, and to establish
hi claim to ai.l land Jfcre the R-cLster and
Ktcelverof tills ottic" at R'vsehnrg. Oregon, on
1 loir-'lay the lsih day ol N'ptemN-r, IWi. Uc
names as aritnesaesi Vtiiliam Miiltn, sanfoni
stater. Leonarvl Hrooki and Kvenlious Hrook.
all ol Rurlineton, Wa.Iilngti.n.
Any and all person claiming advrrely the
above descrilH .I laeiis are rofjuestcl to t e Iheir
claims in lliisot!n-e on or la-lore aid lsth day ol
Septem lr. p.ati. J. T. HKILm.Ks,
J-'p Register.
"Notice for Publication.
United tle Ijind OfTice,
R"elnrg, Oregon, May Si, I'.iii.
K.itlo In hereby given lhal in li.nii llaiice
nun lur 1'iin muni, t.iiue aei Ol I oil g e Ol i
June 3. li-T entilied. "All Acl lor the .ale ol !
timber lai d in the Unti- ol California, Oregon
Neva a, and Wahinctnn leriliory. a extend
cl lo all the public land ftat.i by art of Align
, iv.
of BiirliiiKti'ii. c ounty of Skagit. t ate of Wah
ingion, nu mi ooy iin-i in till utluc In nworn
malement No. -j.,, , lor Ihe pun-haae oIlhcNK1
oi fjcuon , , township .ii aouth, range
ct. and wni oRer pna.I to how tliat the land
ought 1 more valuable lor ila timlier and tone
than lor agricultural iitirnowr. and Uie.tal.lifh
in claim to oai.l land IM-Iorethe Register and
Kweiverot ili ni-eat Kowburg. Oregon, on
iniixmyine imii uay of hepiemlK-r, llvi II
name a nltnec(: John slaler, Sanfori r-later.
Iinanl llrook and r.venllou Brook, allot
Hiiriiiigioti, aningimi.
Any and all perion claiming alverely Uic
above diwribed laiidn are n-qmnie,! to file their
claim in thi ollice on or lie lore iiid 1-lh day
ocp'.'-mwi, uvi. . j. j. nnimii p,f
J2p Kemster
Notice for Publication.
1'MTgti ST vri l.iKiiUirin,
KoKRiniRo. Ore., May SI, l-.KjJ.
Notice is hcraby given that In compliance
with the provixlona of the act of emigre ol
June 3, 17S, Milled "An act lor the a'e nf
iimw-r Latins in me MiHtc oi California, Ore
gon, .M-vaua aim naiiingion lerrilory, a ex
letiuiHi to nil uic I utmc i.aLd Mute by act of
AUgUM , lD-.rj,
of Own to, county ol nconto, btatcof Viconiin,
ha thi day hied In till odice bin aworn itv
ment No. iiifi, fur the pun-haw of the H1. N V '
and !,SW4,olS.lion No. U, in TownMiip
No. bouth, of Range No. H W est, and will oir..r
prooi io kiiiiw mai nit uina aougtii IR more valu
ab'e for II timber or tone than lor agricultural
puriH.eH, ami io eiHinin ni eianii lo aid land
before the Register and Receiver ol Ih olllee
i ivoaeuiirK, OreKon, on ruiliiruny tne l:Uh day
of September, i'Ml. Ho naiiKu an wituewie:
Jotin inom.otl leveland, Oregon, and Charlei
Thoin, liOiii J. Wrolstaml, and Albert l-elsman
an oi KcieDur, un'gou.
Any and all iierFoiui claiming adversely the
above di-cilled land are re.tirleil io liie their
einiiii in nil ouiee oil or lietore HU1 i:tth dav
nf ... ....... I.U., I t 1
'"-'I' Rcgiicr.
Notice of
Final Settlement.
In tlieOitinty (Joint for
Houglii Counly,
Notice Is horeby given Dial llie final account
ol the admliilrator ol the etat of Louiij u.
HI, deceased, h a been rendered to aaid court
forceltlcinent, andlhat
Mondiiv, t!n 3rl day of August, MI2,
at 10 o'clock a. ni. hits been duly appointed i
raid court for aelilemcnl thermit, at which time
any person intcrcMcil In Haul ette may appear
and tile his objection thereto alii coiiIchi the
Dated at Roaeburg. Dotiglm county, Oregon.
this the 26th day ol June, 1!H.'
Administrator with will annexed.
Notice for Publication.
United Hlatei LandOftlce,
Roseburg, Oregoh, May ill, I'Ml.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June it, 1S78, entitled "An Act lor tho sale of
Timber Lands In the States of California. Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Territoiy," as ex-
t led to all tin Public Land Stales by act ol
August 4, 1K9?,
of Burlington, County of Skagit. State of Wash
ington, has this day filed in this office hla sworn
statement No. 2h79 for the purchase of the HW'.
of Section No. 8, l p. HI south of rauge 8 west
and will oiler proof to show Ihat the land sought
Is more valuable forlta Umber or stone than
lor agiiciiliiirHl purposes, and to establish his
olaim before the Register and Receiver ol this
office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Hiursday the lxth
day of September, 1902. lie names as witnesses:
Joiin Slau r. Win. Smith, Leonard Brooks and
Kvenlious Urooka, all of Burlington, Washing
ton. Any and all persona claiming adversely the
above described lauds are reouested to tile their
claims 111 mil olllce ou or belore said 1Mb day
ol Scpt,19oj. . J.T. BRIDGES.
J2p Register.
Notice for Publication.
I'nlted States Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, May '27, 1902.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
Junes. IsTs. entitled 'An at lor llie sale ol
timber lands In Iheitatts ol Calilorn'a, Oregon,
Nevada and asblugton territory, asevtena-
I to all the public land states b act of Aug
ust 4, lv.'2.
of Rurllng'.ou. countv of r-kaglt, stale of mash
lngtoii has this day file I In this oil ire bis .Horn
statement No. i'73 "or the purchase of Ixita 1. '.'
and H, and the s1, N K! of Sect uti No. ii. town
shin i',1 south, ol range west, and wi'l offi i
i.r. n .f to sliow that the land sought is more valu
able Ior Its tlmlf-r and stone ll.a i for agriculttir
ai lui rnoses, and biestablish his clalmlosaid land
lietore llie ueaisier and Receiver at mis otiicv
at Roseburg. On-gon, on 'I hursday the lsth ilai
nt Ser.leinln-r. 1902. He names aa witoeaM-a
John Slater, William kiiiilh, bauford Mater sud
Kvenlious Brooks, all of Burlington, Washing
Any ami all persons claiming adversely the
alo e dcsciltM.-d laniln are n-viuesled to tile thri
i laiins In this office ou or ('-lore l bill day
of septemla-r, lr2 J, T. BKllx.r.s.
Jjp Register.
Notice for Publication.
I'nitcd Htatea Ijind OlJtce.
Roseburg, On gon. Mat 1, 190?.
Notice Is hereby given ibat III compliance
with the prov tslonr, ,it the act ol fonr.- ol
June :;, ls, entitled "An act for the sale ol
tiuila-r lands In the stales ol California. OreKon
Nav a la. and U ashiiiKtoii 1 errllon . " as eiien-1
ed to all the Public Isnd Mate by a t ol
Atls'iisl 4, lsyi.
of II If Rapbls, countv ol Meco'ta, s.atc ol
Michigan, has thl day filet In this offle h.a
worn statement No. Isi, lor the pun-base ol
me ' . e s1, ol section No 2. in u-woship No.
S., raiiue No. S w. and mil otter pnad to
lin thai the land sough is more valuable lor
it limls-r or '.one than lor its agricultural pur and to eatablisu hi claim toatd land
i-lon' ihc Keclter and Receiver ol tlii ottice
at Roseburg. Oregon. on thunuiay. ihelttbUay
I Aiignat. 1J. He names as wltneaara:
Rilev Smith. II. K. Varney ol Knari.urg, Oregon,
l.ale Englc ol Peel. Oregon, Frank Varuey, ol
Ksel.urg, O'non
AnyaiKlall person claiming aiiver-iy ine
ai'ovc il.-scrilrf'd lands are re-iiiested to hie their
aim in this dfliee on or la-tore said 14th day
Ol Alls'Ut. 1.'.
M p J. T. BRIfXfES. Kettster.
Notice for Publication.
I'nlUsl States lAnd Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, May lith, liajl.
Notice Is hcrehv (Iven that In comphan
mth the irov Isioiit of the acl ol C-ongrva .ol
June 3. 1T. entillel"An Acl lor ihesaie ol Tim
b.r Lauds in Ihc Hale of f 'a.ilonua, Oregon, Ne
va la. and W ashirut.iu Territory," a eil-nde.1
to a.l the public l-and Male by I tw act of Aug
usl 4, l',
ol Roseburg, c iunty td Oouela. slate ol Oregon
has imi .1st h!-1 in llu oraee his sworn s'au
ment No it O. lor the purchase oi the teW. of
sei-tion No. ;4, toauship No. K. range No. 3 W
and wi.i oiler prvad to shiw II at llie Sand
s,iuht i more Taluabie for its timber or stone
mar. fi.r ai'rieultural pnri"ie. and to establish
his '.aim Dsaid land belore the Register and
Receiver at Kceburg, Oregon, on Ibursday,
Ihe sstti day of A ugust. lie names a wil-
Denrsi i'avid 1 ra:g. Frank Havs allium C. Earl Hart ol Roaeburg. Oregon.
Any an. all persons c'-aiiniug adrersely the
ataive deacrf rai-sl lands are renuealed to file their
claims 10 thi orhce on or before said Jsi'.h day
ol August, lJUi J. T. URIfoiEsi,
mill' Regiier.
Notice for Publication.
Rosgarao, orv-gon. May'l
Notice la hereby girrn that in compliance
lib the provisions ol tne art of ( oagr-aaol
June 3, li.s. entit.ed. "An act -r Ihe sale ol
Umber iar-ds in the Slates ol CaJilof o.a Urttoo,
Nevala, and ahirglon Tcmtory," atflteal
ed to al, the Public Land Bia lea by act ol Aug
ust 4. Irffi.
o! Marshr.eld, ouuty ol C-vea, stale of Oregon
has this day Sled In tbji office his aorn iate
ment No. in. lor the purchase of the
5K'4 of ae lioa No 10, tuocship .Si south, ol
rane So. s west, and will olfer j.mul to show
thai Ihe land sought Is morve valuable h-r its
limber or stone than lor agricultural pnrptiaes,
and to establish his claim to said land before
lb Kca-tstrr aud Krce.ver ul thl otftce al Kne
burg, Oregon, on At nday, llie lth day of Aug
ust, Ivsr.'. He names a niu-ases: W. K Marry,
A. K. 'mueh. lia'ry ,reeiiaj. A. W. loon, ol
Camas Vailey, oregun
Anv and a:l pcrwvus claiming adversely tbe
above diC'iU-d land are rrsiucsled t" file their
i-laim in thl on or lfore san, lsh day
ol A-igust, lAi I. T. BRItH.t.-.
Msp Kegi-lcr.
Notice for Publication.
I'nit'-l State LanJ tiffin
R'WlHinc. urnron. Mav is, ma,
Sotiee 1 hie.y niten that Id compliance
wub lur rrot i.un lm act ol 4 onarea ol
J:ie 3. 17. euliiied "An act hr the a.e ol tim
her ian-l in the Slate ot t alilorola. 'irej:.
Nevada anl Wuhlnfli.n Territory, a eiten-l
e.1 to all the I'ulitlc LanJ slate by act ol Aug
111 4, 1,
of KoapLllrv ct.nnlv of lamelaa atale of l)r
r n ha llii ilav bled In thl oftice fan tworn
.taleiuent No V4TI, lor tfce pur. bae ol the N h
oi -u.m o. .'4. xoannip o, rauge o.
wet. an. I a ill offer i.niol to bow that the land
aotiKht I more aiuahle lor iia timlier or tone
lhQ lor arricullnral rurioe, and lo eial-
iili his claim to ail land U-lore tbe Keeuier
and Koelverol lhinieeat Kiatiiirc. OreKon
on Kit'lav, the Tlh day ol Annul. lie
namn aa wlttieea, f'harle K keily. John
Kelly, Henry MiikIi and tieorye Bateuian
all of Koftebiinc. Utegou.
Any and ail intmhi claimlni a.lvenu ly the
ale deai'ribe.1 iand are reUeled to file their
clmm In I lit i.tliee on or Mini- aaid i'lh day
ol Aimn.t. I,T. BSitMiKS
ml!!" . Rniter.
Administrators Notice.
In the County Court of Dong la County
state ot or, g.xi. ,
In the mallei ol Ihe cMate of I
W. W. Wa'ker.dec.a.! I
Noiice i hereby given by the undersigned
admlnitraiornl the etale ol W. W. tAalktr, de-
ceavl. to the cnlltor ol.aii.l all per"ii hav
ing claim again! llie aaid deceased, to exhibit
thepi, ih ihe i.eceaary voucher, within m
month a'ler Hie not pubhcallon ol thl notn e
Ui the adiniiiitrator al Dillard, Dougla county
I'ale ot the first publication is the Mii day o
May. mi. SJHiAK Al.kKK,
Notice for Publication.
I.ikd Oirtca tr RoiBt'R.,. "ag .Mayl.l'X).
Notice i hereby given that tlm following
namcl x'ltler ha tiled notice of hit intention
to make filial proof in upport of claim and
that said prooi will be made belore Ihe Register
and Receiver. I . 8. onu-e at Koebtirg
Oregon, on Augui n. iso--.
on II. K. No K Hi, via: SWtt8! Sec.21.Tp
.i, n. n. n vvesi.
Mio naniai llie following lo prove
ner coiiuniious r i'ience ujnin ami cultivation
nf niiid land vl: John f. .Sniltli and Wm. K.
Bmltli, of BriH-kivay, Ore ,'iwid Wm. Ii. Buaflonl
nf Myrtle Creek, Ore., and Albert . ilii, ol
Dillarl, orcgou. J. i . uainoi,
jU Register,
Sosiety Meetings.
F. A A. M. Laurel Lodge No. 13.
Ilalila resnlar meetings on second
and ( orth Wedoesilaya of each
month. E. J. Stroud, W. M.
N. T. JiwrtT, Secretary.
O. U. W. Roeeborg Lodge No. 10.
Meets the pecood and fourth Mon-
days of each month at 7:30 p. m..
in thd I. O. O. F. Hall. Members in
good standing are invited to attend.
K. II. I.knox Recorder.
D. .8 Wkbt, Financier.
P. O. ELKS. Rosebnrg Lodge No.
326. Holds regular communica
tions at I. 0. 0. F. Hall on second
and fourth Thursdays of each month.
All members requested to aitend regu
larly and all visiting brothers are cordi
ally invited to attend.
W. 11. JAM1K80N, K. K.
V. C. London, Secretary.
. N. G., mets at Armory Hall every
Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock.
F. B. Uahuw, Cpt.
EG REE OF HONOR. Mystic Lodge
no. id. Aiseta 2nd ana 4th lours
day evenibafi of each month in Na
tive Bona' Hall. Visiting members, cor
dially lotted to attend.
Mas. Merit Wkmt, (J. ol Li.
E. II. Lennox, Rec.
OF A. Court Dounlas No. 32, For
esters ol America. Men Is every
Tuesday evenine in Native Hons'
Hall. Visiting brothers always welcome.
ClIAB Ull.VIN, C. It.
Auo. J. Krantz, K. P.
E. V. Hoovsn, I'byBician.
0. O. F. Pbiletarian Lodge No. 8.
Meets in Odd Fellows' Temple, cor
ner Jackson and Cass streets, on
Saturday evenine ol each week. Mem
bers of the order in ood standing are
invited to attend.
II. 6. GlLLETTB, N. G.
N.T. Jbwitt, Secretary.
Kot V.
P. Alpha Lo-lee No. 47. Meet
every Wednefxlay, in I. O. O. F.
all a'. 7:30 P. m. Members In
good standing are invited to attend.
b. L. Bakhkoko, U. U
C. E. Roberts, K - R. 8.
T. M. I'rotes-tion Tent N
. 15.
I lobl-i its rctftilar Review m
lir.t and third Friday of
minith in the 1. . (. Imll. i.-itinc
iiii-iiiU-ri in giMsl stnnIiii aro i n v it - I t
attell.l. F. F. r.TTHRJ", (Villi.
E. E. UmiIs.ktt, Uccurd KeejH-r.
ILAO CIP.CLE. No. 49, Women ol
Woodcraft. Meets on firet ami third
Thnradaya of each month at the Na
tive Hods, Hall. Yi&itiog members in
good standing are invited to attend.
J. K. Bawvkks, Guardian Neighbor.
Mis.sit Otv, Secy.
ADIF.S of the (J. A.R., Abraham Lin
coln Circle No. 2, meets at Natiye
Son'i Hall at 2 o'clock on the sec
ond and (oortb Fridays of each month.
O. T. M. Koaeborg Hive No. 11.
Holds ita regular reviews npon the
second and lourtli KnJay eve.
ol each month in the Native. Bona' Hall.
Sietera of other Hives visiting in the city
'are cordially invited to attend onr re
J East c Kpp, L. Com.
Mai-m F. McClallkm. R. K.
W. OF A. Myrtle Camp No. 6330.
Meeta Drat and ttiird ednedayf
each mouth at Native Sons' Hall.
F. M. Mesbd.V.C.
Geo. Bybok, Clerk.
E. P. KoeeSorg Chapter No. 8. i
Holds their lejular meeticg on the
first and third Thursdays in each ;
nontb. Visiting member in good .
standing are reepecWnlly invited to at- j
lend. Mas. Caluk Leaed. W. M., j
Mai. Libbii Coshow. (secretary. !
KBKKAH8. Roeeburg Rebekafi
Lodge No. Al. l.O. O. F., tneela in
Odd Fellows' Temple every Taeeday
evening. isiting sisters and brethren
invited to attend.
I'F.IXA P.rowv, N. ti.
t't)Kt WiMhERLT. K. S.
NITKIf ARTISANS. Uiiii-itta A-
r-inlily N. li iiierl" -very Satur
day eveniiivf. at S ii-l k in Native
S..iis llall. Visiting Artian o-rLally
invites) t. attend.
Mm. M. J..ii, M. A.
Ma. F. !. llv.!. SrreLarv.
Camp No. 125. Meets at the Odd
Fellows' Hall, io Roeebart, eTery
first nd Ibird Monday ererjiDg. Vielt
iog neighbor alwtvi welcome.
Jphs T. Loso.C.C.
J. A. BrcnAXAS, C.erk.
H. Little,
Professional Cards.
Rotten i-ro
Special attention ftren to Diaraaea of the No
and Throat.
Office-Main SL.ooedoor aoaUol Cl tHt
Phone. Main Ml.
Physician, Surgeon.
Off.i"e over P. O. RoeuritG,
'Phone Main 591. Obbqox.
Physcian & Surgeon.
OBce Review Bid.
hbone. Main 21
Review Building,
Telephone No. 4.
Slocum'a Uall
Attorney at Law,
Roomi 1 A I, Marsters Bldg., ROSSBUKS, Ol
(TV Bualneaa before tha D 8 Land Office and
nuiunf caaea a apecialty.
Late Receiver D. 8. Land 0c.
RosKBiRO, ' Oaioon.
Budneaa before D.8. Land Office and Probate
bulneca a pecialtj.
Once Abraham Building.
Will practice In all the Stale and Federal Court
Office In Marka' Bldf., Roaoburf, Oregon.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
Mining Law and Water Rights made
a specialty.
omi l and a
yrrlew Buildlnr. ROSEBURW. orrimin
Conrt Houae
Down Stain.
JA. BUCHANAN, Notary Public,
Collections a Specialty.
Room i
Waratera Building.
Attorney at Law.
Room 11.
Tjlo dt wutott mock. ROeiBUM, 0u,
McCormicks are the Best...
Drain Gardiner
fi.tiiiiioiK-iii with M-itclay, Jatiiiary 20, '02, we will charge $7.50 for
tin-fare from Iirnin t t;o i'.iv. Jlnao allow anee with each full fare,
!) lavnids. TravelJin.' iii.-u :;rc a!l'il , j .on rr !a baggage when they
have :!'K) (iiiii.j or inorc AM rvo--' baja-o, Sets. -r iind, and no ai
lowiinct; will made for ro'in-l t r : IA I I.Y STAIiK.
lor ;
further information ad'lrHa -
The fiutsl Ron .rli and Dressed
Fine Cedar Fence
Posts, Wood, etc.
Fine Port Orford Cedar
Finishing Lumber.:
We want your orders for building
material. All orders promptly filled.
J. M. Wcyt! erl.v
Roseburg Real Estate Co.
Farm and Timler Land Bought and Sold
Taxes Paid for Xon-Residents. Timber
Estimates a Specialty. List your proper
tv with us.
New Chinese and Japenese Bazar
A new and complete line of Chinese and Japanese
Novelties, Chiuaware, Silks and Linens. All
jjocxls are as tepresentcJ. All are invited to calL
Fitzer r.nil'lii!,', ti'.rth Jacks"ii S?n-rt-
Ai.. a car load enny antj 3ii(fhcll Bodies, SnrrtTS
of ihc famous . . -
and Road nagons on hand.
If you wish comfort, elegance and a
reasonable price, see us before buying
J. F. Barker -& Co.
Tlux.' liaviiii: farm Iaiul r villas
inierty for Kile i.r 'xi-liane, will
d.i well ti.caU and sw tli new real
t'stat" firm mi North Ja km Strrt-t
iv. j.mnm's&ro
Real "rstat lnii:lit, s'M nr
rhunrtl f-r Ka-tern r-"'rt y. Als.
ttovTiiment land !H-atel. t'rui-rs
alwavs dt hand. .-.Miniates lur-
nishol, vie. jSj
'Best References.
All Work Guaranteed.
' Leave orders at McCIallen House
Paint r, Paper Hanger
and Decorator
Sifcns and Bu.nRy
Painting a Specialty
Call on or leave orders at Cliun liiil A
N. A. FOSTER 5c CO.,
Of every ileseriytinn.
eral I.iiiiils. OreiMii
Farms fiii.l Min
Washiuirtoii ami
. . . .
McCormick Binders,
McCorrnick Mowers
McCormick Rakes.
McCormick Grinders,
s. K. SYKES.
R. Sawyers,
Proprietor, Drain, Oregon S
A. Kurv
P. L. Marti
aaata.a.a.aia a, , - - -
an wwi veveveMe)e4aM4ja
Go to
F. H.
For a Prompt ami Firet-daaat
Shave or Hair-cut. Compe
tent Workmen, Clean Tow
els, Toola always in shape.
0 Baths in Connection.
. i
5 Shop on3ackon St.
Homes from $250 to $5000
Write or 'Phone
Wm, M, Forter
Real Ostate Agent and Notary
Timber and Homestead Locator
Packer and Quid?
Camas Valley, Oregon
25 mile south wot i Roa-burf
Is Absolutely PURE, and
will OUTWEAR all other
If your hK-al dealer doea not carry It
write lo us aud w will sc thM you rat It
Portland. Oregon
.1 i