The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 30, 1902, Image 2

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    The Twict-a-Veek
Roseburg Plaindealer
Published Monday and Thursdays.
W. C.Gos.xkr, Editor and Publisher
Feed VT right, City Editor, Solicitor.
T. 5. Rrrn, Foreman
S. C. Bartrum, Traveling Solicitor.
Twice-a-Vt-tlc Platndeiler. pet year, $1.50
Entered at the Post Office in Roseburg,
Ore., as second class mail matter.
Advertising Rates on Application.
JFXE 30, 1902.
Williamson lacks only one vote of
having 8000 plurality.
. y, . ,, I .
ci tne ltepuncan UCKeT, as ce wen
deserved to do." He has a plurality
of 17,146 votes.
If the 4 Boers have decided to be
loyal subjects of King Edward the
British "empire can boast of some
mighty good marksmen.
As far as heard from, Mr. Cleve
land stifl refuses to embrace a Popu
list platform lor the sake of getting
votes for. his party.
The canal bill has gone to the
President The dream of a century,
is to be realized, and the Atlantic and
Pacific are to be joinwd.
King Edward is rapidly recuperat
ing, and is .likely, according to re
ports at this writing, to become as
well or better than ever, at which all
the hospitable world rejoices.
And nobody in Oregon who went
down after oil, struck it, after all.
San Joee Mercury. Bat several of
them are still going down and -are
not intending to soon give np the
Well, how do the Democrats like it;
The average Kepublican majority in
Oreron-at the last election was 15,036.
Evidently Oregon is a "safe" Bepnb
lican state, even if it did elect Cham
berlain "for Governor.
Every ounty in Oregon gave a
majority for the fonr principal Re
publican candidates not counting
governor., Mr. Whitney, candidate
for State Printer, lost only Baker.
It begins to look like Oregon is Ke
publican; not in Spots, bnt all oyer
The first thing those Southern Or
egon forest rangers should do is to
put out the fire under Crater Lake
which is causing its waters to boil.
If they don't we may have a first
class national park spoiled Register.
Supervisor Bartrnm will please
take notice and issne orders to his
rangers embodying the above timely
The Puukeealxb has txctme
member of the National Publishers
Association, of Minneapolis, Minne-
FrU ttEyinHnn which aids it a
members in securing business and in8
sores the publisher" sgani6t the loss o
regalar and transient subscription
and other accounts. It is not an
exclusive collection agency, bnl an
association organized for the mutual
protection of its members and the
genera! advancement of their in
terests, through which membership
the country newspaper man is aided
in many respects. This association
fills a long-felt want in the newspaper
Anybody bnt Oeer himself can see
that be has not the ghost of a 6bow of
being elected to succeed Simon.
Geer has no supporters in the coming
legislature! The republicans say he
was not Ihe nominee of their party
but got on the ticket by petition,
therefore they . are in no way obli
gated -to support him, while a demo
crat who would vote for Geer would
commit political suicide. There
is, candidly, so far as we can see, not
a single reaon why Geer should be
elected TJ. S. senator, except that he
is unwilling to let go of the public
teat. His skulking ont of Salem on
the occasion of the grand Republican
rally held in that city just prior to
the election on which occasion he had
previously agreed to preside, and
his disloyalty and disinterest mani
fested in his party and its success
drring the late campaign, has placed
him in general disfavor with the Re
publicans throughout the state and
has,relioquished any claim he may
have had for further recognition,
favors or honors at the hands of his
party. . ' '
King Out of Danger.
Loxdon-, June 29. The following bul
letin was issued from Buckingham pal
ace late today : "The King lias passed
a arely comfortable day and his strength
has been well maintained. The surgical
wound still causes home discomfort.
Signed, Treves, Barlow, Laking."
The word "discomfort," used fn con
nection with the wound is not regarded
as having special significance, aud it
is announced that the transfer of His
Majesty from the bed to a wheel couch
caused the royal patient no pain.
The illumination fixtures attached to
the fronts of buildings are being gener
ally retained, and will be lighted np
when the expected announcement is
made that the king is out of danger.
v Chrysanthemum Show. .
. The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E.
Church will give a Chrysanthemum Show
In the fall and would like to have the co
operation of all flower growers in the
County. The prizes will be announced
later. They will also hold a bazaar in
connection with it at which they will
sell articles suitable for Christmas gifts.
t2 Committee.
Indian War Pension Bill Be
comes A law.
Pen With which Roosevelt
Signed Will Be Sent Them.
Will Soon Be Rewarded.
Washington, June 2S. The Indian
War veteran pension bill is now law.
President Roosevelt affixed his signature
! to the bill today, and the pen with w liirh
he signed it has been turned over to Rep
resentative Ton cue. 1 lie Mil. as soon
as printed as an act, will be sent to the j
Commissioner of Pensions, with instruct-
,, , .
u.-. ...
ting tne law into oiieei. newnim- u-
rected to issue the necessary blanks,
which will be lurnished to claimants
upon application, and will In' ready to
receive and pass upon claims and evi
dence as submitted. In view of the urg
ency of claims under this law, Repre
sentative Tongue ltas urged that all
Indian War jvnsions le made special.
In order to avoid ur.nee-sary delays,
the department cautions claimants to
fill out positive answers to all questions
that are embodied in the blanks, and to
have all evidence sworn to K-fore a
notary public before being submitted to
the Commissioner, (."omissions of this
character necessitate the return of paiiers
to the claimant, and often occasion con
siderable postponement. Representa
tive Tcngue ill forward the pen used
by the President, as well as Speaker
Henderson and . President Frye of the
Senat3, in signing the peusiou bill, to
the Indian War veterans of Oregon.
He has had applications from the Oregon
Historical Society fcr this pen, but holds
that it rightfully belongs to the veterans
and it they see tit to turn it over to the
Historical Society he has no objection.
Senator Mitchell, who introduced the
bill, Senator Foster of Washington, who
reported it, and Representative Tongue,
who has been so active in tne House,
and accomplished so much in getting it
through, are very happy tnat the bill is
finally a law. In fact, all the Western
Representative feel that a long fight has
been won, and that meritorious services
are to be rewarded.
Scottsburg News.
E. Grobbe was in town recently.
D. Weatherlv and Miss E. Finch were
in town the last of the week.
Wool is being hauled in for nhipnient
in considerable quantities.
The young people were much paine-
to learn cf tne death of Miss E. Haivey
on the 24th ins;.
Mrs. Win. Haines, who h?s been vis.
jtingher old time frienJs in this vieiniry
for several days, lias now gone to Elk-
ton, on her way home to Eugene.
Chaffee Haines, late 01 the t orvalus
college has been visiting in this section
for several davs but has now cone to his
home at Eckley, Curry county.
Miss M. Nichols will close her school
the 5th of Jnlv and will visit at Elkton
before retunrng home at Riddle.
Miss Etta Harvey died at her home
tn Harvey Creek. U-i-u. tU-ottr-Viu-
Jutic1ivTI. of consumption Tim
was about Is ye.?rs of age and was buried
in Gardiner the 2!th. Miss Harvev lias
be?n in ill health for some months and
has slowly faded away. She was an
earnest Christian and was exemplary in
every sense. She was well known in this
section bavins; been born and grown to
womanhood in the same lio-xie where
..he died. She had become endeared to
the young ieoj le of Elkton, having at
tended a winters term of school at that
place. She leaves one brother, a sister.
mother and father to monra her eail v
"let a little wlnle liere lor tlie vuais
of the years,'
. Speed us on to that faraway shore
Then away we shall fly from this valley
of tears
10 the laii'i wliere there is sorrow 110
more. X. X. X.
Fourth of July Railroad Rates.
"The Southern Pacific Company an
nounces the sale of reduced rates on
acoountof the Fourth of Jnlv. These
figures will le Imsed at one and one'
third fare for the round trip, making
fonr cents per mile round trip passage
to and from stations in Oregon. Ticket?
will be on sale July "rl and -1th, and
will be good for return up to and includ
ing the Cth.
Celebrations w ill be held at the more
important points. Local agents will
furnish all details on application.
W. E. Com an,
Jl (ieneral Passenger Agent.
Patronize Home Industry.
Prove your loyalty to home iudastry
and use Douglas Comity Fancy Cream
ery Butter. Contrary to some who mis
represent u we are here to assert that
our Fancy Creamery is made and alway
has been wholly of pure cream separated
on the farm, and is clean, elegant and
genuine. Give it a trial ; it w ill sjx-ak
for jtelf, if it does not suit send it back
to who yon get it of and it costs vou
nothing. Both leading markets of the
Pacific coast say our Fancy Creamery
Butter is O. K. Douglas Co. Creamery,
Roseburg, Or. '
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received until
July 3, 1902, by the Board of Directors
of school district No. I, Douglas county,
Oregon, for altering and repairing the
schoolhouse according to j lans and
specifications now on file with Phil
Beckley, clerk of said district, at Oak
land, ( re., and Dan Fishei , Posehurg,
Ore. The Board of Directors reserve the
right to reject aiiy and all bills.
Dated at Oakland, On gon, June 21,
1W2 A. F. Brown,
Chairman of Board
j3:t-4t Pun. Bm, Clerk.
Steady work; good wages. Appiv at
once to The Booth-:ejly LuiiiIxt Co., j
at tendIiDg, Oregon, t2.
Democrats Want Them to Take
Stump in This Country.
Rostov, June 27. Tito New England
Anti-Imperialist League held a public
iiieotiiii' in Fanenil Hall last night,
when Bourke CWkrau, of New York was
speaker. Its ohject was to formulate a
demand that the represeutatife Fili
pinos like AguinaUlo and Maiuhi Ixj per
mitted to come to this count r.' and lay
their ease before the A meriean people.
jt'iamiel Bradford presided, and loniinded
the audience that the Philippine War
had cost over $500,000,00:.
Mr. t'ockrun spoke with earnestness,
lie first tovk Cuba as the text fir his
j remarks on the effects and distinguish
inj; cahracteristies of imperialism. lie
Iv. l i,i ). Imnlmimt n
0nr oppression of the Cubans,
. . . .
I e couiiiiueti, iiuu own iumiv bihmiuih,
jIllorcj.astil.BI11i ,ore terrible than that
pain, because it was txnng taken lor
the pnrpose of enriching a syndicate
The treatment of the Filipinos by the
United States, Mr. Coekran de.lared,
was the blackest page in history. He
was e.ntident imperialism had run its
course, and that the whole matter would
le s ttled at the next election. In out
lining what he believed this country
should do, he said : 'We ask that the
cliiej's of the Filip no people come before
us and inform us what they want, that
we may judge whether they are fit for
the high responsibilities of, citizenship.
r whether they be held in vassalage.'
A ietition to Congress embodying the
ideas of the meeting was circulated and
Sam Josephson Scores 21 out of
Possible 25 in Saturday's Shoot.
1 he Kosot'urg (jun l lub lias a new
champion in the person of Sam Joseph
sou who made the remarkable Jor him
score of 21 birds out of a iH)SiibL 25 at
their shoot at this place Saturday. Jo
sephson is a young fellow, well known
an 1 equally esteemed by all who know
him and everv oneis verv much enthused
over his success as a marksman. 1.)
The ipiestion now before his friends is.
"Can he do it again." And the answer
is "Wait until the afternoon of July
4th." That afternoon the something
wilIiMjpas the club have decided to
hold a prize shoot, free to all, 25 bird
at unknown angels. The winner will
receive one year's suljscription to South
ern Oregon's most popular neW"Siaer
The Plain keai ek.
following are Hie events aul scores
of Saturday's sht. Main event 2;
birds at unknown angles, first prize
"glory," winner take all. Josephson 2
Mathews 20, Jones 2 , Dysinper 1H, Otey
19, Parks IS. Sovern IS, Cannon 17, Mc
Clalh n ltJ, Boyd !, Bellows 16, Miller
15, Schnurstine 15, Fields 15, Carle 15
Gray 14, Wollenlierg 14, Curry 14, Xor
man 1.'5, Auburn 13, DaMotta !, Haynes
Second event Pool shoot 10 birds,
unknow n acgles, w inner take all killed
Miller;, Otey 9. Parks 8, Josephson 8,
Dysinger Schnurstine 7, SI at hews .
Jones 0, Cannon 5, Sovern 5. Fields 5.
Third event 10 birds unknown angles
winner to get what he gets. Mathew
9. Parks 9. Sovern 8, 'Miller S, Cann
8, I h.-singer 7, Otey !. '
The following new guns have been
ordered bv S. K. Svkes: Baner Math
10 '-Eafc-ver," C. B. Cannon, flOO
"Winchester". When these guns ar
rive we will have more remarkable
scores. Cannon has already declared lie
will lieat Josephson and all mmniere.
Teachers Close Their Work.
EroENE, Jnne 29 Yesterday morning
terminated the work of the teachers con"
vention with election - of the general
officers and passing of resolutions. The
officers are:
President, E. D. Kessler, Monmouth;
1st vice-president. D. A. Grout, Portland ;
2nd vi.-e-president, E. V. Littlefield,
McMinm Ule: secretary, G. W. Jones,
Salem ; treasurer, Bertha M. Slater,
The executive committee consists of
E. D. Ressler, J. H. Aekerman, H. D.
Shellion, R. F. Robinson, P. H. Daley.
Notice to Contractors.
Roseburg, Oregen June 23, 1902.
Notice ishearby given that until
noon on the fifth day of July 1902, sealed
bids will lie received by the Douglas
County Bank for the construct Ion of a
two story brick building on the corner
of Oak and Jacks; n stn-ets In Roseburg
Oregon. Plans anil sjxcifications may
hi seen at theofiice of the bank.
The hank reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
23-j5 Donii.AS County Bank,
Catarrh of the Kidneys.
Kills thousands of people annually,
hoth male and female. Take warning in
time. If you have pains in your back,
loin or groin, tired or worn out feelimr.
depressed and dull spirits, which leads
to J,nght s disease. I ake S. IP Catarrl
Cure, which removes the cause of all
.kidney troubles. For sale by all drug.
gists. Book on. Catarrh free. Address
Smith liros., 1-resno, Cal. For sale bv
Marsters Drug Co.
Mrs. Hmick, a jsst graduate of the
Northwes Conservatory of Music, will
give music lessons either on the organ
or piano at her home two miles east of
Roseburg. Also lessons in either china,
oil, paEtell painting, or crayon. 7-17p,
$100 Reward $100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease that sience has been
able to cure in all its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Halls Catarrh Cure is the
only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh lH'ing a constitu
tional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Ilall'sCatarrh Cure is taken
internally, acting directly ujsin. tlie
blood and mucous surfaces of the system
thereby destroying the foundation of
trie disease, ami giving the patient
strength by building us the constitution
and assisting nature in doing its wrrk.
The proprietors have so much faifli in
its curative owers, that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it
fails to cure. Send for list of testimoni
als. Address F. J. Cheney aCo.,
loledq, O.
Sold bv Druggists, 75c.
Halls Kamily Pills are the best.
fc Told in Side Heads fe
AssAYiM) W. O. Writ-lit. Ci rants
Puss, Oregon, gold and silver fl, copper
1, tin ana electrolytic assays.
For Sai.k. Good driving or riding
mare 7 yearn old, weight 12 hundred lbs.
tnquire at tlnsotlice or at the Kandy
For Sai.k. Desirable cheap homes in
Roseburg, 10 acre lots and upward in I
icinity. 1-arge ami small farms furth-
r out. D. S. K. BricK. liosehurn Ore. J
Lt'MBRR Cheai". ItoDah or flnishinir
lumber, flooring, rustic, etc., first class.
delivered or at the yard at Olalla. For
prices ana terms apply to . K. 1 In
Olalla, Oregon. (Jl5p)
Poland China Puis for Sale I have
a fine lot of Poland China pigs w hich I
will sell at reasonable prices. rite or
nuuire oS Gkorok Gokhner, Kosehure.
Oregon, farm on Kolierta Creek. jl2p
Hay For Sale. Good grass hay for
sale also horses hoth broke and un broke
Inquire of, or address Henry Conn,
Melrose Oreoon.
(tfp) Seven miles west of Roseburg
Cream Wanted. The T. S Towsend
Creamerv Co. at 44 Second St.. Port
land, will pnv highest market price for
cream. ill sell vou a I ream lepara'
tor, and take your cream in payment.
Good Land for Sale. Eighty acres
near Ten Mile school house and church.
and 2S0 acre tract near Olalla school and
postoflice. ill sell in a body or divide
up in tracts, fine mountain stream flows
through tract. For prices ami terms
address, . K. Wki.i h, Olalla, Oregon
Saved From an Awful Fate.
"Everybody said I had consumption,'
writes Mrs. A. M. Shields, of ChamWrs-
burg. Pa., "I was so low after six
months of severe sickness, caused by
Hay Fever and Asthma, that few
thought I could get well, but I learned
of the marvelous merit of Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, used it
and was completely cured." For des
perate Throat and Lung Diseases it U
the safest cure in the world, and is in-
allible for Coughs, Colds ami Bronchial
Affections. Guaranteed bottles 50c am
$1.00. Trial bottles free at A. C. Mars-
ters. ,
Sheriffs Sale.
In The Circuit Court Of Tlie State Of
Oregon, For Douglas County.
corporation, 1 laintin,
The McGee Co., a cor
sration. P.T. McGee
and F. J. McGee,
Notice is hereby given that by vlrtne
of an execution anil onler ot sale univ
issued out oi the above named Court an
cause on the 7th day of June 1902, upon
a judgment and decree dillv rendered
and entered in said Court and cause on
the Hithdav of Mav, 1902, in favorof the
above named Plaintiff and against the
aiove named IVfendants, for the sum ol
$225.33, with interest thereon at the rate
of 8 per cent t annum from the loth
dav of Mav, 1H02, and the further euiii
of 35 00 attorney fee and the further
sum of f 13. tit costs . and disburse
ments. Now therefore I will, on
Saturday, the 12th dav or Jtlt. 1902,
at two o'clock p. m., of said dav at the
Court house tnnt Uoor, in Ketnrjt,
Iong!as county, Oregon, fell M. public
auction to the highest bidder, for rash
in hand, all the right, title and interest
the said Defendants or either of them
had n the 19th dav of February, 1901
or at any time thereafter, in or to the
following deTilel premise to-w it :
The northwest quarter of the north
east ijnarter of section eight in township
? S R 4 west of M, in long!a county,
Oiegoii, together wiwi nil aha muguta
the tenements, iwmiiiamenls a no ap
purtenances thereunto belonging or in
anywise aiicrtainiiiiL and will apply
the iroceed9 of sach sale, first to tbe
cost of such sale, and to the costs and
disbursements herein taxed at 13.i0,
and the sum of $ 5.00 Attorney fees
and to the payment of
33 due the Plaintiff with interest there
on at the rate of H ir cent per annum
from the Mth dav of Miy, 1902, and tbe
overplus if any there be, -ay over to the
said Iefendants, their assigns or legal
representatives, as iy onler ol sawl lourt
in said execution to me directed, com
man. line me to sell the alve describe
real pniperty in the manner provided by
D.iUd at Roseburg, Ore., this 9th d ay
ot June. l!SC. r.. I.. I abrott,
Sheriff of Iloiiglas Connty .Oregon.
Notice for Publication.
Colled Sutra Land Offir
Rooetarc . Orrron. May. SI. 1W2.
Notice U hereby given thai 1b compllaare
with tbe prorlnloni of the act ol Congr ol
June, IS 8. entitled An rt tor tbe ol
timber land! in the State of California, OrefOB,
pva, ana w annington 1 em lory, ai cxtcaa
ed to all tbe Public Land Stale by act ol Aug
of Rixebtirn, lku(tl.t county. Oregon, baa tb la
day tiled In tbli office bta liorB atatement
No. 2601 for the purcbaw of tn 8U0I
ana n n :,o!', aens : Maw ),ti
bertlon No. 82, townitjlp 17 aontfi, range t weal
ana win oner proof 10 mow 1011
the lapd aaught la more Talnable for It
timber or atone loan lor agricultural purpoaea
ana loeaianuin on Claim 10 aala una Deiore
tbe Reg liter and Receiver of thla offloa at Ni
linnr (mr,n. nil Mnniliv f h. Knil flttrl HM
li. Be oamea aa wltneaaea: Daniel Craig and
Frank Hai , of Kosebnrs.and James T. Buchan
an and a. W. Turoell of feel, Uregnn.
Any and all pernorn claiming adversely the
above described landa are reqneated to Si
their clainn In thla office on or before aald t2nd
day of Sept. 1J02. J. T. BRIDORS,
J2p Regliter,
Notice for Publication.
Roaebnrg. Orecon. If it IV 1M2.
Notice la hereby given that In compliance
with the provlalona of tha act of Congreaa of
Jnne 3, 1STS, entitled "An act for tha aale of
limber lan" in me statea of 1 allfornla, Oregon
Nevada and Waahlngton Terrllorr." aa extend
ed to all tbe Public Lapd Slatea by act of Aiig-
of Peel, county of Douglw, State of Oregon, haa
una aay niea in iniaomce nia aworn autement
No. 2C. for the purchaae of the NK'i SKi. SU
NE4,HE!i SV,. In Section No. Si toWnahlp
No- Ti 8., R. 3 VV. and will offer proof to how
that the land aought la more valuable for lta
umoer or atone man lor agrienitural pnrpoaea,
and toeatabllab hla claim to aald land before
the Reglatcr and Receiver of thla office at
Roaeburg, Oregon, onlWedneaday, tha 27th day
of Aaauar. lsl. He namea at witneaea
Manrice Moore of Roaebtirg, Oregon, James
cucnanan ana mcnara 1 cannon 01 feel, Ore
gon, Tnoinaa i. Fenruaon of Ronebnr. O
Any and all peraona claiming adversely the
uvTvuncnunj iidu, re reiiieaiea to tlie
their claima tn thia office on or before aald 37th
aay 01 auguai, iswa, J. l.BRl IKIES
mlifP RegUter
Notice for Publication.
United Bta tea Land Office,
Roaebunr. Orceon. Anr it ir
Notice la hereby given that in com nil
with the provision of the act of Cnnnmi ni
June 8, 1S7S, entitled "An act for the aala of
nuiiwi ibiiup iu iic in tamoruia, Oregon
Nevada and Waahlngton Terrllorr." aa .n.n.i'
ed to all the Public Land Stale by act of
qf Bridal Veil, county nf.Mullnomah, atale of
Oregon, haa thla day filed In Ihia office hla
aworn abatement No. 2212, for tbe purcbaae cf
the of the W'g of aeclion No. 8, tp 80 8, ft g
,w iuu win uiier pmui bo - anow the
the land aought la more valuable for lta timber
or alone than lor agricultural pnrpoaea, and to
eataullah hia claim to aald land before the Reg
later and Receiver of thla o trice at Roaeburg
Or-gon, on Saturday, tbe lth day of Jnlv"
1002 He namea aa wltneaaea; Edward C. Cole
. .... n i, 1 .. 1, .. i.- 1 . . . . '
ell Kail, Oregon, VY. H. Horen of Lamaa Valley
Any and alt peraoa claiming adveraelv tha
above deacrlled lanila are ruqtnited lb tile
tholr claim In tbli office on or before aald loo.
day ol July, IW2.
. awp . pniuyftii, eiivr,
This Column Is Edited by our Mer
chants and Business People.
Blank cartridges for the 4th at Svkes.
Brown Bread Fresh every day at Sie
vurs Bakery.
Clocks, Clocks, Clocks, see the clocks
at J. T. Bryan's
New styles in Queen (Quality shoes
oxiorun ai r 11m a.
The Twice-a-Week Pi.ainiikaT
the conntv news. 11.50 a var-
rr, all
Go to Rice A Rice, the house f urnisli-
ers for those new shopping baskets.
See the Title Guarantee & Loan Co.
or blue prints aud filing papers, tf.
Cash paid for butter and eifirsatthe
Umpqua Rakery, Jennings and Freeman
Fruit drier work is a siiecialiv of
Myges oi carrou, me up-io-tiate plumtier
and repairers. tf
The Uinmiia Rakerv in the new
Party building 011 North Jackson street
is now ojen. .
Roseburg cleaning and Dvinir works.
all kinds of clothing cleaned, pres.seil
ana uvea. tf
Get vonr abstracts of title from J. D
Hamilton. He has the onlv complete
eel 01 abstract nooks in the countv. ft
Send your cloths to I'eiKuson. to be
cleaneu, preaseo or dyed Kose Street
opposite rrestjyterian church. tf
1900 the onlv up-to-date harness oil
on the market. On sale at Hlodgett's
tiarness snop. jir,
Riff, Rang Blank cartridges, loud re
port, no smoke, lots of fun, get them
at X. h. Sykes for the 4th of Jnlv. tf
ForSaicur Viii. Trade for sto. k
either cattle or hogs, two heavv draft
mares. Address 'M this orhice. t2
Sykes and Carroll are orenared to do
your piumiiing and repairing on short
notici' all work up-t.f-date and guarau
Iwl, tf
Ric A Rice have but a few refrigera
tors left but they are the latest design
ana guarantee.! to give entire satis
Blank cartrldm-a for thu 4th of Jnlv
The best thing you ever saw to cel'e
tirate with, and tn make the iimst noise,
get them at S. K. ?ykes. tf
For information concerning the Ore
gon Fire Relief Assia-iation, write or cal-
n A.J. Ruchanan. auent fr Dnii'la
county. Room , Marsters Hldg.,Kue
burg, Oregon. tf.
Weekly Kxaminer. $1.S0, Weeklv Cal
11.00, Werkly Oregonian 1..W. Weekly
Chronicle $i..V), a year; leave your
subscriptions at Cannons' Rook A Sta
tionery Stor'.
For Abstracts of Title, guaranteed to
be full and correct cooies of all murl
tffecting the title, call oil Frank K. Alley
upstair in the Marks building. His
Work is guarantvnt correct, and prii-es
are reasonable.
D. S. T. Wet, having accr-pted several
old and reliable fire insurance companies
now prepared to do a general fire in
surance business. Insure with him.
Office at the City Hall. tf.
Over 400 acres of splendid iture to
let, near Myrtle Creek. Stock taken to
jiasture on very reasonable terms. En
quire of White & McCoy either at Myr
tle Creek or Roseburg, 'Oregon. Jylil
Stearns A Chenreth hav just re
ceived a car load MctWniick Mowers,
Rakes and Hinders and all kinds of ex
tras. Hay farriers, forka aTid psllies.
Three kinds hay ro, liest harvester
ma hine oil.
Don't complain about I -ad bread when
you can ret the best in the country at
Setver's Bakery. Our brea I is no imita
tion after eometxalv else, but a receipt
of our own. It takes th lead any place
wherever the linker's art is known and
is appreciated. Sievers Bakery.
Steams A Cheuoaeth tj Onkljjiil.
have received a car lnadif iron clivtlKusli
font wagons with outer bearing bf-k.
Fully warrante.1 Buggies, Hacks nnl
CulUvatwr. Tlie Ilaniniel jaint, the
liest and chee-t. Mix,.l paints, w bite
lead, oils, window , dsrs and shingle.
On account of the irreyular snrvevs d
niany of the townships in the R-lmrg is almost imiisible to
ha-ate section rorners without a npv of
the Government survey. Frank K. AiW,
Abstractor of this city, has a complete
set ol tracings of all surveyed townshii
and will ftimish blue prints of same,
snowing all vacant lauds.
Registration of Isanti Title
In tb Clrrolt Court of lb Stale- of Oregon,
v. iwnuuif ui wuiigias.
In Ihe matter ol lh application of
i. H. BOTH
lo realiU r the title to the land In laid
triplication deaorlbej aa followa, U-wlt
Tba Donation Lavnd Claim. No. r9, of
Evan T i.nibbe. beln(partotctlon
It and 19 In townthip it aoulh of ranre
weat and claim No, beinc art ol
aeetloo H in township JS oal& of range
7 et of Vi lllamette Meridian coutain-1
In SlT.vS a. rea; also the donation land 5o 1.
Claim ot Benjamin J.urubbe and hit,
rife. Kllra Ann Grabbe, being rlalm I
No. M and being para of aectlon IT, 18, j
19 and 20 In Ui n.hlp . aoath of ranr I
t weal of IhaWlllame-.te Meridian eon-1
tainlng 6.1b W ai nra. all aitnated in
bougie Connty, recnu, and contain- J
Ids In the aggrrg ale acre j
aT. Lamoir Lapolotc, lfe of Joeeph i
Maria Lal'olnte Uefenilanti
Take notice, that un the oik day of Mar, A.
D. 12 an application waa Oled l.y aaid J. H.
Boom, in the Circuit Court ol Douglaa conni
(or initial rit(railnn of tba title to the lani
abore deacrlbMi. Now nnleat yuu appear aa
or belora tbe.'ith darof Anrutt A. D.. l. and
thow caoaa by turh appllratlon trail nut be
granlod, the tame will he Uken at con'eaaeil tSJ
a deoraewlll be entered according lo the prayer
oi me appucaii n ana you win oe mrerer barr
en mm oitpaiinc ma tame.
UealI clerk,
Appllrant t Attorney.
Executrices Final Notice.
Wotlre I hereby glren that the nndertlgned
have fllod their final account In the County
Court ol Douglaa County, Hiati' el Uregnti, at
Kiccatilcee of tha ettat of Aaron Burt, ile
wrael, and the Court haa Sard
.Mninlay, AiiKHxt 4, W02,
at the hour of o'clock u. m. at the court houae
In Roaeburg, Oregon, at tbe time and nlare for
bearing objecllont thereto, and (or luial aeltle
ment thereof.
Lizzti M. Brown,
Amanda I. Baow.y '
Exeoutricea of the eaiata of Aaron Burt. le-
Sherift's Sale.
In Ihe Circuit Court of the Btateof Oreenn.
lor Kougiat vouniy.
u. v. f inner, riainurr
Herman Wilton and Mary Wilton, Defendant.
Notice ia hereby given, that by virtue ol an
execution ana orner ot tale duly lued out ol
and under the teal of the above entitled court
in tha above entitled cauie, to me directed and
dated the 5th day of June, 1902. upon a judg
ment rendered and entered In aald court on the
26th day of May, 1U In favor of 0. V. Fihr.
laintin, nu againi nermann vtuaon and
Ian- Wi!on. defendant, and against the hern-
inalter mentioned and detcribed attacbed prop
erty for the mm of V2.00 with iutercn thereon
at the rate of 6 percent per annum Irom tlie lit
day of September, 1WI, and the lurthur um of
IJU 00 cost and alo thecotta olin upon thlt
writ. Now therefore I will on
Saturday, the 12th lay of July, !i02,
at one o'clock p m of raid day, al tba court
house front door In Roaebnrg, Dougla county,
Oregon, tell at public auction, tnliject lo re
demption, to the hlgbett bidder for rath in
hand all lh right, tills and intereat the laid
defendant or either of them had on the 4th day
of September. 1901, or at anv time thepjalter in
and U the following decrlbed real proerly,
uvwlt: Theeaat ball of tbe oiitbwet nuartvr
of the tooth east quarter of tec Ii, townthip M S,
R 7 wet, in Dougla oountv, Orvgon, to gel her
wlin toe luueuicm uniruiaimeiitt and
puartenan'-ea tnereunto belonging or
d anywise aptiertainlDg to aatltl
aald execullon, onler of tale. in.
terett, ootta and aocruetng cota.
Koftiburf, Oregon, June o. r.v.
Bberlff o PouflM coumj, Oryon,
Is not to be compared to the run on T. K. Richardson's Music House at Cottage
on May 27th. Three instruments in three hours and one later in the day, making in all
for the afternoon four sales as follows: One Kimball Piano, one Singer Piano, one Need
ham Piano and one 6-Octave Kimball Oran. It is fortunate for us that we have already
on the way a lot of fine pianos to supply our prospective customers.
For this season will arrive in
burg House is also enjoying
and only three pianos left:
One Fine Chickering,
One fine Kimball,
One Fine Cable.
Our prices are such that the people see it is to their advantage to patronize us.
You will find the lest makes ami the ;,-st Tmh il li.-,..";!i! ;;ts nt tin
Notice for Publication.
Cnlted BtvUtt Land Omv.
RMetairg. Owron. Mav J.", 1a J.
Kotire la hrrbT riven tt.t ln rvtmriliar . i
with lb prorUtuna oltbrart ol roiure ( ; w'th : j,rc.v 1.1
Inn 1 l nlitl.1 A n m.tlr.r ..!''" 3. )- -
timber lanilt In th IaU-ot 1 aiifurnia, r,-xon.
NeTada. aul WathlOKkia Territory, u riirul
et to a 1 ibc public laixl tiaic by a to( A'u'
utl 4. lf?2.
III RmlliiilViii mnnn i.tV.alr r.f U .vh
lnftun. baalbU day fli In tbl o!l:re htr ..n,
itattnrni No. (or the purrbaw ollneSt1
ol amlon No. 6, lawnablp at otli. racsa
W and wlil otTrr pmol to bow Ih4t ttr .and
oucbt la more faluable tor it timber oc iinoe
tban lor acncultnral jarpuea, and lo etaiii:
brt claim to Mid land bcloie tb battler and
Keorlvcr ol tblt oKct at Koirbunr Orvgoti, wi
Tburadar tba 1Mb da ol oei.uuib.-r. 1 A'l f'lir
name aa wttnenr. Jvhn Siatrr W ililam mitli.
eanlord 6!ater. and Leouanl Brock;, ail ol Bir-
UnKlou. Haahlbfloa.
Anr and ail prraona claiuilOK al . erclr the
aboTdrwnbe4 iaolanrre.Jue!ei to die ibrir
elaimi In tbli oQlre on or beiore taid ltih iaj o!
Sept. ai bar, li. J. I. DBIUitd.
J.'p KtfJter.
? f T I.T
lxoiice lor iruoiicaiiou.
J t'N :ar -T - I ivc. 'tT;rr.
... . ' K' bur-.-. 1 1 . . Mur.i
I niteI Male Land OSiv, i N..:.. i L-r, t- ti i. i..t n ' i : :
Roaebnrf. ur-fm, June 4. ;a!IbUir Ti. . . n t ; .i ,,-..-r.- .(
Notlre iiberebr aivea that In eomtA'ance ; ian,. (. f..J -Ana, I i--r t -a t : I ;ai-
Blthlbc proM.liaul the an ol tonarv ot itrlacl- i.v -:a:.a ul I I'Hon-ii t-.T-.n
Jnoe J, ins, entitled "An art lor Ux :( t:ra- Nt.ala, .r, ! .!..::ut. Tiir,io. ..i'.cs
ber land In the italra of Caflforata. Ofwt. a. t t a'l lie fyix- La-;. Ma't b'v . ! Aiisr
NeTaila. and Waaiirtnn Ttmiorj aa nu-n-i u: t
ed lo ail tha public land atatn b aetol Aire-i ' ' aMjJ firtHNAN
ati.ife: 1 i"1 -tn ...ti::. .f i- mi '.- a e- Crtm.
JOHN BAI.r l,thu i-m..i i. - , . .....
oi h mii.nniBiy ui WMiKia. -.iur f,i uic
rin,uuifl4Ui7D.iiiiil (nia uunr d.
wateuent No. AM tot toe pnrcba ot
ire - e.t
' laa l
or ?on
and ..'t an '.ol aec. jo.twp :uoutb.raii
and anil oner proof to abow tnar
aought I more valuable for lu fmr
than lor acrienitural Burpoara. and U
on riaira 10 wo iki w:oi :e an i
aneirtroi innoaKTai miwTjurj. inrrja. uu
natnrdaf the ITta daj of kept- lM- Ue namrt
aa iiuiii reui un, au i . a, m w ir
bnnt. N. Moore, of Maiioa. aa.1 tieo f i'--i, raiJ.
of tVrdoeiMecoa.
Aayaoda.l tri oi mlas adrerar It tl.e
riaumaonur before aaid fie day of evpteai tr.
I.ii. J. T. bKIOoka.
lip , . Hrr;ner.
. r n ... .
Notice for Publication.
TnlteJ Plate Land C!B-e.
Roaebuni. Ofveon. Mat 2T. I 1
NotW It hereby girea that in r.impi ac.-v
with me proTttion of the artol Conn- ol
June S. l!:. eautled "n Act lor Ihe .e ol
Timon lndt in rtie 3taM-! l'Uiorni. uie-,
goo. NaTada aad Hathiogtun Temu ry, a v
tended toall the Pnblic Land Mate by act oli
Augoat I, IMri.
ol Burtiogtoa.conniy ol Magit .aaf oi ah -
ingloo, bat thla day tiled al ILn oSice br
twom ttatement No. tS'i forth purbae of
Iit 9, 1. U and II ol Section No. 6. Iunip :.l
outh, raoge "eat. and will offer proof lo how
that tl.e iand aought la mora valuable lor it
timber and atoo than lor aciicniiiiml purpo?
and lo atablih her claim to aaid land belore
the Relterrr and Receiverol thit oUice a:
noaiiunt, uirrnii,aa i duiiij, lot irm ot; ui
."lie uainva a witncr:
John bia'er, llilam eiuim. eaniora eittcr and
Leoaard Brooi,a.l ol Buriington.
Any and ail peraon claimlnr aaveraely ihe
abora dearribrd land are reoettvd io liie
their rial ma In Ih'.t office on or taMure ald 1Mb
day of sept. IKO. J. T. BHUm.F
Jlp Rrgirter.
Notice for Publication.
United Btatea I-tnd office.
Roaeburg, Orrjruo, May fT. 1-Aii
Notlcel hereby jlren that In compliance
with the protlniootof tbe ml 1 Congreaa ol
Junei, 1., entilied-'An act for the ta.e ol
timber landt in the SUtea of California, irvgon
Nevada an4 Haahlngtoa TerrilorV at extend -
ed toall tha Publl Land Slate by act ol Aug-
of Burlington, cnnrr of kait. atate of n ah
Ingtoa, baa thla day oled In th I office hi tworn
tutement No. tKl, for tbe purchaae .f the
UHtl.Ve. ;., and It of Section No. 6. town-
th1p SI tootb, range a weat, ami w ill offer proof
to ahow that tba land touiht it more valuable
lor lta timber and ttone than for agricultural
nrioaeav, ana to eatablitn htaclaim to aaid land
belore tba ReglMerand Receiver ol thl office at
Koteo.1rw.OreJron, ltb d.y of
0vtntTt IVAti f ila. nttftlM I lmM Inhn
Blitrr.nfordSUier. William Hmlth and Leon -
ard Brookt, all 01 Burlington, Washington.
Any and all peraona claiming a-lvcrtely the
abora dearribed landa am reqneated to file thir
rlalm In tbli office on or belore tai i 1Mb day ol
Kept, 1SU1. J. T. BRIlM.Krt.
Jip Register.
Notice for Publication.
Roeburg, Oregon, May. SI, 1J.
Notice I hereby given that in compliance
with the vmiviaioti of the act of Corjcn-a of
jnne S. lint, entitled "An act for the tale ot
limber landt in tbe MutMolt'aliiurnia, Oregon,
nevaria and naahiugton Territory, ' aaextrnd-
ed to all the 1'uhllc Land alatei by act ol Aug-
ut 4.
of Roaebnrg, county of Douglaa, Mate of Ore
gon, haa lull day filed ia lau office ber ion
ttatement No. U), lor tha purchaeot tbe s'
of SE'iand NW',ol BK'.aud NK'of
Sectlou No. Si, townthip 'il aojth, raum No. i
Wni and will offer proof to show that the
land aought la mors valuable for its timber or
ttone thau for agricultural purposes, and to e
tabllth ber claim to Raid land before the Regis
ter and Receiver of thlt office at Roseburg, Ore
gon, on Monday the ZJndday of Heptember.lutn.
Khe namea a wluieaaear .Daniel Craig and
Krank Hay, of Roaeburg, Oregon, and James T.
Buchanan and a W. Turoell ol reel, Oregon.
Aoy and all persona claiming adversely the
above-deacrlbed landt are requested lo hie
thelrrlaimi ln thit office on or belore raid rind
day of Kept. l'AM. J. T. BK11hks.
Jip Reg I iter.
Notice for Publicatiou.
Vnllcd SUtct Und Office,
Roaebnnr. Oregon. Mav !. lMi.
Notice I hereby given that tn compliance
Witn tne praruiniii ol ilia act ol l ouvre! ol
j mi. o, .a,o, ni,ut,i au . ur llie Nile Ol
timber land in the Slate ol California Omcon
rtevada and aaninglon Territory,' at extend
ed lo all the fublo Laud Slate by act ol Aug
ut 4, 1SI1,
Lona wilsox.
of Wathburn, county ol Bayfield, Slate of Wi.,
bat thla day filed In tbi office hi tworn ttate
ment No. U'l, forth prcbaaol Ihe lot S au.l
HK'4 NWW, K!,8W'i o( Hectlop Mo. 42, Uiwn
blp No, :) aoutb, range No. w et, and will oi
ler proof to thow that the land tought is more
valuable tor ill umoer or none than lor agri
cultural purpoaes.and toeeiabllsh hiclaim to
aid land belore tbe Kegltter and Receiver ol
thin office at Konehurg. Oivgou, on Sat unlay
the Cth day ot September, M Be names a
wltneaaea: W. H. Bowen, A. K. Belch, John
Ixbnherr and Barry Oreeuway all ol Caiuaa
Valley, On-goo.
Any aod all peraoni claiming adversely the
above deicrl bed land are reuetted to Hie their
claims In thlt rfflc on or belore said tith day ol
September, 1WJ, J, T. Briix.i
mltf Register.
Second C rloadrw
about 10 davs and our third car
a good business: one large
Notice fur Publication.
I'm l. 1 I.i: ! i S".' '
I;...-tar. ti. Mi ". .. :. i
Sti'e : h, ttt e '.n t: t m" -,.:. i
l 'Ati . l..r
It.r t ui : i n, . . in !- it.-
!.' o( m:i rii i. h. i . N t 1 , ar. l a-n-
izii'.on "! -r::i'y a. .-k. :i !. 1 c.r I'.
La tul :ta i.v a: :j I . .-.
, , ,
t K"e II I r.'.
r sin ii v.
i;D'- 1n.-ik.s at" '.'-.'-
'' lh! c : '
ta..-as-i.t S ... '
."I,.M:,4 :. N
loa l-i;. .... ii
t Irr .roi: !..:..
-t ; ..r- i.s.-- ..I f,v .
' 4 r.;4 i.l M:-.t N,
,,. 4 1 rili 1
a. 1:.. 'ai.-: : r--
u. i.l.l.' l it l '.ir.i. i
rl:i;r! !. ir,-' - I
t: u f..r ai - --
I wl nil
I Kr.a oil.
t : .rv :!) H. cU - an t fc..-. ,,.r fi
at ri-- -. rrf, lir.-i; !!. oli it. i'i-K'.
. IL -lb 'lay n A".; i-l Hf n': - .
: 1 l-avi'1 :. ... Man ij '.i.i
j Burt. Stj:. .r I". .: j .( l.!i.'in.. iri:, u.
. Any n-1 .: t- r . !Aiuii:.e a-:.-r,.
j at,re !.--.: 1 .a d ar- -vcl t, n..-
' Hit fr clan,. iai J.'twp.r I. - ' I s-xn
; !a.v 4 Acgunt :.- i. 1 bf.u.-.H
j ml?;i K ts-ir.
! i"HV.t i'i A ilU.It.i.llH.'il.
it Ore- Hj-nt N-. ..-4 -..r v.nn..' ..l - Nvr.h-ni,r-n
ta., -jnar ' r St . ilol in .. i.i l. !;u. ,.i ann No VV-..I aa !
j oil r prm.l to. i.. i. ;1Tl : : i. r ...rv
i !' i litt.iarr ..t - thau !-r :.;n-
: miiural iu:f. and l-.Mt,...U !.:.::. u
; nj.j jr,j ,,;,. ,0t. t . mu j o
tn.iiiie at i..,-v. n. ou M
U Julin-f Aiir: lAi llr n a. u
; - B.-n MrVn.K-n- "':,r,k t " d;,,, jj
I l':lilv.l U S. i :i m a
l K. -ir ,i -f. ure- i
Aqt and .11 r:i c:a!a:.- 'he
.j,. r . t e : J
. a Ji:ut. J hiL..'
mi, rl-ur
! V f r hr
Notice fur Publication.
; lMIfl, ,7 ATr , AM, OFr., K
-.. re. A; r 11. ;aj
' N-'tiVe 1 he t cfi :.-.t iu vn..::r
: wutlte i-'oi.:ii ! i,-;. i ol !---...
1 June 1. I,i-a; 1 -.1 'An ai-: lr n.t ..1
ti" t-cr :,. m ir, .u;.-. , . ( . ,n
N-a 1 a . 1 U :n. it- i; V, nr. r. ' ..,.,, i.
1 u a., Lie pa r . i l . Lj ei u ai. h i
4. 1A
VHR. r-o,
"I Can. ai . cwifr i l l, , ( mv state o' I
ort-x, ha M:t oa -I in tu;a .2e h: i
1 mn ataimrnt ,.. 1, t,.. t Jt. aTi..lW j
Ihi- N K4 -r. u-n l . i, r npe
and wj.i i3,-r i-nim ; .i, . t:,i iat Uvl
. tjIit : ai.-ne ' , .' .r :.. i; .-r ;..o
' than I ,r ain. lt irii i ':r;.vi-. .. ;i j u,
I'" c.nn m !: 1. I rr kni.ur
i "d Rt-i-;tr i :.i.t o,:.v k.- i j. -vc -a
I on Saturday, toe L,ih lar .'.! J 'x tj .j. " nf
'ame a wnnMt: k j-i k. Ka-'. r I Bn.ia.
v,.-,;n. r.-, m a' i i"i', iucii r.t.i.e.
; ' iwiiira ri.:i, ur-., . ti
?jn a, c '
: a , w,v-q.
Aoy n I aJ ;N-ari!ni;tf a !vc--ir tbe
''I -cl- an t f. tr
i. . . I'.'.i!,,- ot l..;ti ui
J. T. R m f.
- Hxx-ner.
Notice for Publication.
I'MTin 8titt liCrr-.. .
' K',rHi May '-.Msx.'.
namvd vulcr ha.,- i l.r. luunimn
to " unai pnWIn -ipt o hi cla m, ai.l
hat ai J I r..( ... u- made U-forv K-k.m. r aud
I ' t al Us,- Lu.-. nrvgu
; cn .) , u. "
J ' .' w ..
.iuiht-i nrrvpy (uen ti.a; trie ln.iuwing-
... .-win: .i :nHi lo pric i!
Contiatio.i rei.rn-e np..o n l , u.u,ati.,n ol
aid laii-l, vi.- . . ch-pman and il. Ut
i"rZ: ' . ! T Tj "r'1-," " A irt-,1
; " l, ' !'! r,g,B
; J-I . BnI lo.o.
' - . '"-",,-i''
btr;i,-l i,f TitU 11.1 i r i
i AD lratt OI lltle to hIo,1 Ijtml.
I nA . a ....
! ,a,vrs rriT h-r ' lilin on IJovern-
iiit ni ijim.
Blue P-uita ot T.r.shi,, Mjj.j sliow ne
all vacant lj.u,!s, Vw IoSUr Laili
U Abstracter
Plans and Estimates for all BuilJ
ings. Special designs for Office Fixtures
Office in Marks lUiil.ling. Tlior.e 415.
nosKr.rKu. oukcon
94S14l,a,rh l'"ljr yW-is to treeu.
iatircy Ely a Cioam lUiltn. whioii is aK-rc
aMy aromaiia It is received thnnc-l ut
uosuils, cleanses and lieiUa tha whola txr
lace over which it ditTnsea itself. l;ni-it
fc'll tha COo. aila; Trial
runiciato (aos,
of atomizers in
isal rutss.L'e f.i
im proprietor, prerara Cream lialm iu
ii.yudform, which iul Uowd as Ely',
Ltquid Cream Baltn. Irice tacludmo.
mail. The liquid form cmbod;ej the, mad
Bal properlnw of , pra.,IW4
FIm'c PrniKt Dolm
aij W WIUU.II UUIIll ' J
Civet Reliaf at t.j.
It cleanaea, aootlim and t 'A-tTwi'-heaJ
thediih-aMNl m. i,w A Vt
braiie. ltcnrvtatrrh
and Urivea awj i
ai.u.illllW rrllrM
iuUietleadori f klv. it 1 1 in 1 T IL V T IS
Ketlom tlie rVii.-ea ot I .r i v...,i J' "rane.
H)c.: Trial iie p. - .1 f.rMeviai. n. hw ..J, ul
To acoommtKlata laoso who are partial
to tha uMof amizcrsin applyicj, llirjlls
into the nasal cassA-e. f.,e i
. .(,H.VI
- load is ordered. The Rose
stock of Organs are all gone
Notice for Publication.
Va-.Uri ta'ea Laad ODe,
nV5.-i)rg. Orvfon, May S.
No-ice : htnbr Mri tnat la coanytlian
iiii il.f fwui'ioi ol in ai t ol Coafreaa 4
J'iinr 2. l5. en::Med -An art lor tn aale a
tifn-'-r -ai.'. ia tne tva ol Call (oral. Ofo
a-.n. eva-.a arl iVarniniriun lemtorr," a
lx'-u led u, ail tbe lnbiic Laa-1 tftatea Lj act
( Y.'tr'r,z' ft.oniT l -tT. a'aie of Waak
. n. tiaa m, nay tA la mi, oSmhii wrm
- til N... . ii ir te pi.saaeof I be JCorm
---1 artr of M-ciion No. i. Wvatbta 31 aC i
r.: r- e.t and wlil ooVr yrxA U aow tut
I.-- u morv Ta.uabi lor lta llabcr
.r . u. I tr-a: i-r t(nr ultfiral parpiawa. jb4 a
-.,1. it. -a;m loaai-l land belon tbe ac
Ticll!n:mi)( lbi ortli-e at Koaeanrc.
if-t ii. n Iji. -'.ii. the :n aj of tlia
:r. 1 He mrwii mtrum: iotiB iaiar.
' .m -n ils. mut tt- ciater and LeoaardT
fr . . a:. I hur.lL(Un. W aabtLif toa.
u a-i.l ail i;arjt.t r .a m nc adTaraalT tba?
b. tc 0. r:.l ianla are rer;aattl lo fJ
(.:r'.in n thu onV ou ot before mid
ij , ;-t.i , -At.
J -f J. T. BKI1KFJ. RecUta.
Yoncalla Real. Estate
Titatatr laa.: loraied anl for aaUc (iaod bar-
raitit m .'aria praperty.
flTr II HI!
' II 111
' A ' 11 1
1 1 fl III
Wagons fcihS5
i -"
! , , .
is i rv parts! to wait npon old
an.J Pe cnton,ersandriird
itti a ftiU and complete
ock of
All frreh and c4 the verr bert
qoahtr. Teas aad coSa ar
porjv.ti9. Your patroaajfej
2os Jackson St., Rcvebarx
1900 Water Proof
Harness Oil Blackini
I'Kt up t.i thf cnistencv cf crim, aa.l
p-invt y ill ,.t pUU .T rtHj.1. Ht
the Jfath.-r nrmm vt make- it m.U
airli.luil.lo. IWrve, th leather ami fn.m m,l-i.,.at weather and
ru- lfi- Iiarnsa and finish,! n
var;lll,v. .4,Jr IIiak)M, hjlrnJ
U.k ii,- and ,liake it la.t twic. a
!" tv l it- ,.t- Wi Harnea oil It
is at.vM.ully :..k flr boi.t, anil ,hs
M:tiiiiia,-i ui, !,v J. v. MOTK R-
Hartn-ssl,,,,,. . ,p)
Riddle Pharmacy.
I. B. RIDDLE, Prop.
1 1 ALL KIMDa or
Fresh Drugs, Hedlcinej,
T;Ut Articles, Pints.
Oils. Ulasa, Sundries!
'I W"Ir9criptioiia promptly fijd
dti comw-tent ilmc.;r
Cor. Washington
and Main Streets
Mrs. Lkllc Collitu
Oi every ...ri-ti.i. F irms and Mia
eral Und. Orey.u. Waiujrton aad