The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 23, 1902, Image 2

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    W. ,-. w -mm i-aal -w t v w .a".. " aW V V V
LKJ1N' I OVtiK LOOK l nij
While you .ire out shopping don't thiuk about buying before you
call and see our line of Spring aud Summer Dress Goods as they
are the most complete and up-to-date line in the city. Our line
of Wash Silks, mercerized Gingham, Dimities and colored
T.a'vns can't be beat in price and qualit.
Our Rcadyto-Vear Waist
In tliU iiiu we excel others as onr lino is
J lio'iii'i-t complete lint" in the city. White
Waists from '() coins ami upwards.
Hove is ilu lino we can ive you money in.
Vr.lUii'!i ll.iis an.l street shaie. A u elegant
Sailor t r "0 cents.
Ladies 5 hoes
nr Imperial $:1 Shoes for ladies will compete
w i'h any '?." sho in the city in the way of
wear and U':ii;ty.
ioiiiU-iiii'ii, our lino of t'olf an.l Fancy shirts
are tin- latest and most complete lino in the
The place to get these goods is at the People's Store.
The celebrated lavid A.llor & Son's lino of
Clothing is know n far and noar ami that is the
line we carry. The prices are right an.l the
tit in perfect and it" you will step in wo will
mirelv convince you that we oau save you mon
ey if buying of t.
Neck Wear
Here is where f shine. We have the swell
ed and most complete line in Southern Ore
gon, and for the newest and latest thing out
don't over look us as we have them in the line
of iiectwt-4r.
Gentlemen's Shoes
. The celebrated W. L. iMighis Shoo which wo
are sole afrits for, speaks for itself, if you will
give them a iritd. Wo hrve them in Oxfords,
high outs, also in tans and ox-Mood coiors.
One 'twr south of t lie
To'i 'iff. .-.
v 1 k. 9 i ZT -Am
4 V -V&yv&S
Bargains in Wheels.
veral -second hand
!i at vcrv low
have i'.i sto.
t f.'i- wo.' t.
A. I". Vi i.- ' -'S vo
or w 1 1
I.' I iV
Book and Stationary Store
Audrtj v;
Dotoiliy Vernon-' '
The r:torn:J City il '
Iorotli oolii-K- "
Heart CorAetts-A-I.ararre
..': !
Ttie Crisis ' 1
The Kisllt of-W i'-.'.-r
Blentrliafsclle "
The Caviller '
Trntli nexter - i';
The roUcrfliid the Cl.iy
A C.iid of vruicc- ''.-u
GransUrU-V-' t : . i
The I"oi :ioii of Uahor-ir'irMJ
The Iluitus: !4lon-.
Clrcaiastanccs- 'r
tiod Wiiln II .'-ir -
t'ttcle Terry -Vi.-i.-i
To Iliive ana So ll-ntl-J
The Sinn of the i'i .iilii l -A : i '
Klanore : '
Count Haiiiii
Tarry, Thru. : :t: : - "
in the ia::ict- - si u;u -
The Heiir.ct : -.varrr- .'. .;'-
Alice of !.-! Vi::c ni!fS- i . ..ii.
And I!a:aei-s. 01 iiiut.-r?
"We Ij:!!.- T licm AH
Selll-.ic I'iicv. -t rs
Hy Mail, - !"
25c. per wets
Rook and StPtJ- rrrv
m n
An-.t.t-f insr.r.-Nc-
gain hi
Saving its n-:.
Xuinl.ier sepi.r
G uchanan,
-t.f.T UonzlasLo.
P W.iir- Or;- 'i
I j. tVfegt
If Yen !lavt
i , 1 . r 1 y
1 i'i il ...
a.v.rin-iect o
(' ill and Ft -WOO")
v Kitchen, litre
fit-shrst and leat
n lifP in the city
u rc t 1 Ti. .
j J-rOcai lnicrcbi.
Mrs. K. K. Houston i visiting rela
tives and friends iu Kugetie.
Jaier Wilkius returned Friday from
a hnsinoss visit trt the Willamette val
Thoioas Towusriid left by herl I re
dav for a ldeasure lrii throiish- Jackxiu
and .losoj'hiue counties.
j A Salem eorresinindent frotet
! against having the state iustitutioi
! thrown ojen to exoursionisti on Sunday,
j Mrs. S. W. Hell, nho ha teen visi
1 ing with her daughter Mis.e Minnie
land Miuetu. returned t her home ner
i Elkt-.n Saturday.
j .! ff Willuius w eleeted 8h t.l
! dir.vtor for throe year? and Wiley Miliar
' for two years at Looking(daslast wee.
; Win. hrau was elei'ted elerk.
i Mi-.- Ulan -he Kiddle returned to hr
'. --iv.'ia? .oiinty home Friday, after a
vi-'t "f a wok or lonp.T in this cit.V.
; -a J or,- -he attendo.1 the O. A. C.
; ,.. ,vn.i 11! exorci. C'orvallis -j,,
! ! T M.-.K-. di will luiild another larve
! ;.: :-:. : -. ;..rator over ill looking fiL
! v. 1 . v -.hi- spring and will ly rur-e
i-i i i inity imyini! the highest cuf-h
:.ri i'.ii'iii.
i yr- I. . N.-ly and eluldreu rrie.i
; I,,-... in r.i A-i.lrtiid Thursday and Hill
1 r. -;.). 1 : r.-. Mr. N.f Iv. who ie an K T.
i eni-jt.e-r. having a.Tr.ieil a run "
this -tatloii.
Vrs. I. L. Houston. ifeoCthe vtf.e
ran S. T. -oii luotor is vis-itics her nier
Mrs. I M. Mall ow in thi itv.
fore n turn to her l'ortlaud hne
-he w.ll visit hrr n other at Merlin.
Mr. and Mrs. J. i. Maek of I'ortJan.l,
ar,. i-itiii ' Mrs. back's hrofher, Attir-
nev AlU-rt Ahrahain iu tlii ity
are roturuiii lioine from San
wlire Mr. Ma.-k a a
gate at the Shrinon" eiiiventHii.
K. ( . t'oimer and ife. ff mar f.l
taire in.', enjoyed a ( da vi-it at
thehoineof the formers aunt. Mr.
IWidler, I the .'alai.wia vary-, lat
week and sieiit Saturday and Sunday
in Kosehurg the guests rf Mr. fonner'f
hrother, the edit. of this n er.
Cant. IVn. I. I'-weU. j.rojirietor of
IJoswell Mineral Spring, was in F.ugene
Friday. He sa lie has jwople all the
way from San Fran, isco and that th
Springs are growing more in ipular
favor with the ieophj from every dire
tion with each suceeeilingyear. Fugeiie
FMitor C. J. Howard, who is also Ct
tage tirove'is genial Naf-by, wa? tians
acting business before the U. S. Iind
office in this city Saturday, but took
time enough to exchange greetings with
the management. Mr.
Howard was acconvpanied by Hon. Jas.
Hemenway, one of the fJrore's leading
merchants. They report things doing
down their ray.
r.irtlaul u-ie- J cn-cte.! oil
Mi Garnet W.lrut7 was i-itin-friends
at Glendale, last week.
I!orn. In Uosehurg. June 21, 1W-, to
Mr. and Mrn. I.. U. Minard, a nine
polllld U'V.
Kev. W. A. Wood is attending the
Oregon Christian Missionary sm-iety at
Turne: this week.
Mr. and Mrs. C..1 1 of-1 roturno-l Fri
day from a iit with relative- near Ail-any
and in Salem.
Mrs. Harry Frogett. of Portland, is
viit;ng with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
' 1 Willie .it f irm in ir I'ill.inl.
Mrs. H. A. Pearborn and son Uiihard ot Tortland, are visiting their
hrother and uncle S. C. Flint in thi
Mrs. Allien Joffery of Tortlaii'l, h"
ha been visiting her cousin- Jennie and
Kate Buick ti this city, left Friday
veiling for Ashland to visit her pireiits.
Carl Walker is brakeaian a- a mbsitutc
for Marcellus Ireland who nveivod a
slight injury last Saturday while ban '
ling a jaeksorew. Ciui lo l'.uHetin
Marrie-1, at the r. Mdeneeof thebride'.
father, Mr. S Madison, near Kell..g-.
n Thursday evening. June l1. I'-"-1".'. J.
B. Kaderaiid Miss Main 1 Madison. C.
A. Hyatt officiating.
Cole E. Stanton, of Portland, and tits
friend. W. L. Whittlesey, in-trn. t..r ..i
e-ononiics at the state university, catne
down to R.iseburg la-t evening t" enjoy
a brief visit at the liouie of the f.'riner'
parents, Mr. and Mr-. H. C. Stanton.
5ert Well" writes us fnou Camas Val
ley that he lias purehas.-d pn-perty at
that pla.-e and will cnd.i. t the stage
station hereafter. He did not f..rg.-t
to order Southern Oregon's uio-t popu
lar newsjaper. The I'i. MM'i.Ai kk. to !
aldresse-l to him at Camas Val'cv.
Ia-ter Fish Warden Van Dn.-eti lias
g.-ne toCo-piiil. where lie wi'l examine
the river above Myrtle Point to loam
whether it will i-e advisable to put in
rish racks there t his Fall. If a ;."! -lie
i -Iw.u. r l.e lound. a hat.-herv will le
Judge G. W. He. caniu down from j
Azalea tolay to look after business mat
ters at the county scat.
Misse Lilith and Grace Moore re
t units J homo today from a very pleas
ant visit at Myrtle Creek.
Marriage license has been issue I to
Flbert lVned:ct and Lottie I.. Lander
king, both of Acme Ciegou.
Miss Lizzie Parrottan instructor in the
Pendleton Public schools is v. siting ho r
parents in this city.
Mi-s Hazel Jewel t aud I Jessie Kid
dor returned home Sunday from an
enjoyable visit at Canyon villc.
Attorney 1-. has conimeuccd to
lay t!ie foundation for his new residence
in Kiverside, the first ground was
tinned this morning.
lr. A. II. r-yors. of Midera Calif., as
. . . i . ... i
i a passenger on tins mornings io. ai
Salem, to visit his brother Hex l.ycis,
who is .pnite sick.
A lino refreshing rain i- falling today
and will lesult in much C"ol to the
farmer-and st-K-k men providing it does
not continue long enough to damage the
hay cr.-p much of which is already cut.
J. W. Morgan of I. K.king Gla-s, is
haivng sonic tine dry black oak wood in
to town which ho sell- at 1.7." .er ti-r.
Ho has the thanks of t ie Pi unkkm kk
for a paid in advance snh-eriptioii t"
Aug. 1. l't'I.
Mr-. 11. L. Mar-tors and children
went t" Oakland thi- morning t" enjoy
a vi-it with Mrs. Marster parents and
other r, laiivc and tri. nd-. Hora-v
will go to lirants Pas this evening to
I.H.k after biisin.-s matt. rs ;1 days.
Mr. K.O. Wilson, of Poitland, is in
town today in the interest of the pro
mised "New History of Oregon" to be
complied and edited by Harvey W.Scott,
Chas. F. IJellinger, F. G. Vmilijf and
II. S. Lyman. The Work will
a record of 100 years iu the making of
North Pacific commonwealths will be
published iu four neatly bound voluunid
and will contain many Cue maps and
picture?-. It will be ready for delivery
-tliout the time of the opening of the
Lewis & Cta k F.xpoitioti and will be
a valuable and authentic work of great
interest to every Orogonian.
Ilelllwrll-' Lauman.
One of the prettiest home weddings of
the season wae soleuiized at the reti
donce ot Mr. and Mrs. W. F. l.aumau,
in Yoncalla, on the evening of Wednek
dav, .Inne IS, P.Kil', on the oeeasi"ii of
.i .- I
III. HUilllilV oi into ... . uunntni,! ,
daughter, Miss Silene lauman to F.rn-
est I:, llelliwell, a well known and lilgli- i
ly esteemed young man of thi- place.
Thehon-fwas lieantiful with tasteful
decorations ot ivy, honeysuckle, ro-es,
sweet jh ;is and native momitain ferns.
The bride was daintily attired in white
an.l carried a shower bKjuet of white
sweet In rc-iii-e to a inarch
remlere.1 bv the criMiiu'b si.-tei, Mrs. I..
A. I'augherly. the y..iiiig couple entered J
the r'N.iu and t""k their H.-iti..n in the j
kiy window which was decorated ap
propriately for the occa-ion and the ;
lieautiful and impressive word- of the'
marriage mr i.-v were --.ken l.
W. S. Smith, of Oakland, in the pies
nce of a few near relatives and frieuds
o the 'contracting parties. After con
gratulations an elegant Mtpper was
Clothing Opportunities
Upon looking over our stock of Men's Suits, we found
several linen which do not move out as they should,
To this lot we added all of the odd suits, short lines,
etc., and marked a price on the lot which allows us
the bare price we paid for them. But our loss is your
gain. Viey comprise worsteds, cheviots, cassimercs,
clay worsteds, etc., in every conceivable color
$15 and $16 SUITS ARK NOW MARKED $11.50 and $12.56
$12, $13 aud $14 SUITS ARE NOW MARKED $8 to $9.50
io and $11 SUITS ARE NOW MARKED $7 to f 8
5S.50 aud 9 SUITS ARE NOW MARKED 6 to $6.50
ij aud $7.50 SUITS ARE NOW MARKED $5 to $5.50
anteed first-class in every particular. They won't 1
last long at this price, so pick your suit before the 1
sizes are gone
J.ti. Smith who ha- been in Sa
t- .. .:. 1 I '-ilii'oi nia cities for
r isio - , ... i i ii r ..
of his ! 1 "
eeniii'' iiaw".l pleasant lv in sKial chat
j the past two y-
ars for the Wn-tit
to K.i-eburg on the
for a short visit w ith
Smith exjs'. ts to re
Fr..ii. i- c in ittsnit a
the Coiuille next sea'
o F you want to shop and
O , rrrn nnTTQf Cf IhTD'O
g prices
shop comfortably come to
tills, the coolest and best ven-
O - tilated store in the city, Our
assortment of goods , for this
reasonable. What
g you buy here is Good, nothing
n Shoddy or Shop Worn.
This week we'll offer special
attractions in Ladies' White
Shirt Waists, all splendidly
made and trimmed. These
are all new goods and and we
will offer them very much un
der price,
The Underpriced Store
The Fourth of July will l-o duly cole
brate.1 in ( amas ailey hy a well ar
ranged pppgram and basket diniier. The
gronn 1 selected for this celebration is
liearttieM. K. church in the grove
wiied tv ie-i. Smith. All are invi!.-l
to i-.:i e Miid have a go-xl time and bring
your Kiket .
I. 1 . J'ricliapl. the oi. relial.Io jew
eler, is now 1'N-Hted iu the building
forinrrl v aiceiipied by I.J. Norman near
thnlri"! m lie stre't an.l is letter
prepare.1 to repor or clean your watel
than lie has ever U-n before. It will
im mid L'et hi? pri-cs on
repairine. tf.
Mr. mid .Mrs. P. t Iligganbothain. oi
(htklaiiu. tins state, arrivcl in town
Saturday an.l are taking a look at the
county with a view of locating. They
drove in over the old Cs.-Uav was;on
road, which they found ery rough, but
olherw ise thev are verv favorably im
pressed with this seetioti. Thev went
on to the bay to have a good look at that
side of the county. Co-iuille Herald.
Alt iiersons wlio liave 'lhsci il-d for
the iniproveinent of the town hill on tlit
Peer creek road, are hereby requested
to meet at ttie courthouse in Koscburg,
on Saturday, June 1'lst, at one p. in
or the purpose ot electing a superin
tendent to take charge of the work and
consider auv other business that may le
brought before them jiertainiug to said
improvement. P. F. I'.amp,
health returned
morning s local.
his faiuil
return t
A-a F. urth oi July or.t.-r. Mtoriiev
Louis itaroe is somewhat in demand,
he having tiie.1 five appli.-atioiis for his
services iii thi- capacity already, two of
which he lias accepto I, and he will m
c rdingly '-phi k the pin feathers from
the great .meri an eagle" in the latest
improved manner a Winchester at 10
a in. July 4tli. and at Yoncalla in the
aitoriioori ot the -am. .lay- ..siie- m
say he will do the csxasion justi.e at
Is.tli pla.-es.
Marjory Kernoy. tin- young .laur.tri
. f Conductor an t Mrs. T. J. Keniey who
wa-takeiil'ia roriian.i insjuiai wmr
trine ao for treatment for a tiimor.under
went a critical examination Fiiday.
An incision wa made by the at tending
physicians, and the grow th was found
near the heart that an operation would
have in a'.l likelihood re tilted fatally.
The Minor l- thought is to have I'!
the t.-u't of a fall fr ni a window
whi. ii the . iild cxi-erin.-ed al-'Ut two
years ago. Iter coieiiuou i- n . i'i.-
can- U-.
W. . l'aer. president ot the l.ittie
Cbieita: l li.inih.' and investment -m-
anv ot Mvn;e re-.. i- m ni".":
ii bii-ine--. lb- informs u.- that
ho i- haing foine troiil.W at the uitie
Chieftain mine at present as their l.ucket
. . .1 . ...
i- . atlglj uiiler water iu i' "
leptl. oi :al..iit iaJ feet. They will Is
. ... ..i.e.-
llnal'ie to pr-s-e I Willi W Tk lllllll l"e.
, 1 .1 -
rccenc a aii'i ir.i- u.e ao i ....i
.f the shaft. Mr. Ilacr ejp.s t to leave
f.T I'eiiv r next xwk t" -ce what kin-1
ot machinery is us.-i m i r.e niiues n
that vicinitv. He -.n as the formation
there is ai'Ut the same a.- that of
l!i Myrtle Creek mining district it wiil
enable him t" decide delioal' Iy what
machinery will is- n.-eded to w-rk his
property, and he w iil orler it w ithont
further delay.
and music, and we bade Mr. and Mrs.
Frnost Helliwell g.sluight with many
kindlv thogtit" and -incere j:insI wi-h-The
l ie-cuts were as follons: Ira
set and white bed siread, Mr. and Mrs. 1
Win Hciliwell : parl. r lamp, Mr. and
Mail Ordeis Promptly Filled. Everything guaranteed as represented cr meay 2ae4
Mrs. W. F. lauman: set of sihrr knies
and forks. Mr. and Mrs F W. William. , T t J CjJ 0.-Jc
cake stand and pi. k holder, liar- J "liKttW
ton llelliwell ; U-rry set. Harry l-' j V,r44r A.VA:VA'-.'S
man; sofa .-ushioi. Iluth H-iliwell: jin j Af!4YNrtV. (J.Wright, t.ran's
cuhion. la-na llelliwell . celluloid work I pass, irev'.n, gold and a Iver f I . .opfr
lr.i, Haad Samler: jelly taii I. Ifc.lph ' $1, tin and el-i tn.lytic .-a.
Samter ; siher s..up ladle. l:..l-rt Ian-: y,,K Sai.k. (4sl driviiif .r ridii.
man Ijw1 and Mr. und Mr. i mare . j ears '.!, we:I.t IJ tiuifii! Ib.
I V nanhertv; Urrv set. Frank Hel- "Pife at this ..flice or at the K-ndy
-.1 In. ..ii iiiilni.. Mi-
i - ... M,- Foil SLE IV-ir-ble chahlt.
in-l ii.-is.-. . j..-.., " r.. i .... ... ....I i :..
McCurdy : rest. Mh-.alI Iat.n : . vi, initv. ijr ,ajj urtr . ;:r:h- I
cake stan-l. Mi ue t'.url . mvar er ,. I. S. k. I.t i r. II. -seoiir- Ore
cruet, Mr-, i..rge Mol'oiigal; cake
-tand. Mr. and Mr-. .eorge Staley ;
linen s.'t, 1 1.--. hner Mayer A Co. l'ort
laud. Oregon. A ii i-t.
Kebekah Entertainment.
The Hot-bill g Ib l-kahs" have isM;.-l j
a jB.ster which announces their forth- j
coming entertaiiiineiit as follow : A j
I. sto of sacred hymn and tun.- and
likewise certain worldie s,.ng of 177 ' j
will be sung a! ye oi ie c-ncert
gixeii ill ye .-st'liiie of ye ancient tihi '.
bv ye nicmlsTs e i; i-kah I. slr'.
and other talent under the direction of
Miss Fulton at ye Flay lc'i-e. which 1
lifir iv iT'' road? of ye Ja k-.a and
C.i.-s Sl., K-i-eh'irg. on c Tuesday
nigltt of ye 24th d y ot June of v.-year
rr.'. Ve ciitraii.i i.-- sh.,11 1- Fixe
Nickle-I'.r ye grown p-Tsons. and 1 !.r.-e
Nickh S for ve children not iu th.-ir i-e:i-.
Il ly ye tickets at yed -.r. Ve d -.r-
shail I open at early cand;e nlit.
whi.-h is -even an l a li'l of e . h .
and ve cn.vrt -l.a'd l"-gin when a'i
things are r.-adv for ttie great in ing.
A Bargain.
pn. r and tern,
l'a, Ori-'on.
Li visi.h nue. Ib.nii or liiii-kiitg
h; fl..rine. r':t:c. etc.. t;r-t i!a.
deiixere-i or at the ard tl!'a. For
f.jdy t.. w. i:. n;
( JlOf'-
I'ol lli HIV I.-R VAI K I !,lf
a tine hi of iv.'.ar.d hi:. a :g
ai.lis j at tcas..i:al':e pr:
iii jinre t i:onr.L ioi.iiEK. K"-eb'irg.
Oregon, farm on Kolcrrts Creek. jlJp
Hax l"KStr. os.l g-a hay f r
-aic ai-o h. r-es !..;!; broke mid !::.b.-.ko.
I i. Uirv of. .r adir- II nrv i o .
Mfir" reg'.n.
.hi. !.
j Prices... .
hi in i
;j. Se en ii i;-s st
Wavtiu. Ti.e T.
(l;i.AM AV-lli The 1. S T"Wei..
Creamery Co. a'. 44 .-. i.d st . Port
land, will j ay highest .i.ark'-t price for
loam V lil sel. yo'l a Cream epara-t-
r. and takr v..t;r cream in vn-e:it.
Mniivrr.v. M. laiii.s lli,r-lV Ilo,
j t ..!and. hae a line lii.e t sj rii.g ar.d
; summer m:"'.i.ery. Nw ;.!' jmiirs
, every o V. I a 'i nrntlties. etc.
f I'ri.-es t" I i-ae iiit"i!.. r. July 1
A Queer Find.
Elmer WimWrly and "Ihike'" Linor
found 1"' in Wells Fargo ex pres checks
t.lav in a I'.ain wagon (ox in s5 K
Svk. s warehou-e near the depot. Ttie
t.v w.-re ix ttiu.' tlt a few waioii t-
dav when thev discovered a numUrot
photographs and paj rs strew n around
th.- tbior of the waiton be-l. They
thought some childrea had ls-tn J'lay
ing th. ro and bad left thir playthings.
but ii.n a dose examination they
found an env. loi. in a soldier '"data''
ls.k. Wells Fargo clnvks totho amount
f enlistment and dis-hare i'a-
piT? ol a certain soiuier, wne imme
is w ithheld. were found. The soldier
had soivod iu th war iu IsUh Cnlu and
the Philippines and h s discharge gave
his character and conduct a excellent
The disc harge wa given at Angel-
Islands and was signe 1 by the pay
master at that i.lace, payed iu full May
P0J. The pictures. iairs and
clicks were taken to S. K. Svkes store
and placed in his safe. The Kx press
i conmanv was at once uositied of the
find. It iu thought that the discharg d
soldier was proimbly passing through
here on the train and some one stole the
articles, and after nndintf that they
la res "f tine land en county road
J miles nortli i H"ei.nrg. an unoer
cultivation. trust laring irees.
era is. vines etc a gi i"ur osuu
housr, a barn shel and ail heco-sary
outlioil-es, all well fenced, also a gl
sj.ring near hottse, f.-r particulars apply
at this olboe r of Hay!e V Stanner,
near dew.t.
Notice to Contractors.
slsl j.r"p'als will le n-ccived until
Julv 3. I'1-'. by the. Hoard of 1'ire. tors
,f m hool district No. 1. lKmglas county,
Oregon, for altering an.l riiinng un
hoolhouse a.-oording to j laiis and
s-iticatioiis now tile wun I nil
P-t klev. clrk ot said district, at Oak
land, re., and Dan, K'lsehurj.,
On-. The Psoanl vf I'irectors reserve the
right ti reject any and all bids.
Pated at Oakland. Oregon. June Jl.
I0J A.F.Hrow-n.
Chairmau f IWurd
j:l'-4t l'ntt. BtTKl tY, Clerk.
could not cash th checks, had hid them
I . . . . . r 1
A man I raveled all around ttie u tie pia.-.' wm-re imj we.e
world l.K.kimr tor a four leif clover and
i,m ruium iioma fouii.l one I'tnw I Here It Is At Last.
iiil at tne loor oi ins n.nise. iiusi
lllustrat s the Myrtle Creek iniu
ing district, of IiougUs County.
Look at the sample ore fro n the Little
Chiettian, Alzora and (told l! iniu
on exhibition at the MeCIal.en house
and w indows of various business places
in this city and von will at once ii vest
. . 1. -. t : I . . Ja. ;.u 1IU..,U. i.rmi
IU MI K I1IIC H n 111 tin ....... -i I""' I , , ... . . . I .,
. .i i , i,:i i I y nuiig iron ine ceiling in uie imo.iiv oi
For sale at room three, Marsters I'.uild- b ......
Prof. M'Xjre, chief of the I'nited States
weather lmreau, baa invented a cooling I
i ii I
stove cheap aa a cisik siove. iirmr
forward iioImnIv who is sutliciently well
to-do to bum coal for warmth in white
need suffer from heat in the torrid sea
. The machine can le run for about
Notice to Contractors.
Kosebnrg. Oregon June J.I, l'.HlJ.
Notice is hearby given that .until
noon on the fifth day of July V6J, sealed
bids will be revived by the Douglas
County Hank for ttie construction of a
two story brick building on the corner
of Oak and Jacks' n streets in Kosebnrg
Oregon. Plans and specifications may
tic seen at the otlice of ttie bank.
The hank reserves the right to reject
auv and all bids.
I i-ae ni-toi.,; r.
ii.'ii.ih i. Sin F.igi.ty acos
near Ten Miie s 1 h.i;-e and hun h.
and Jxl acre tract n.'.ir Olao.i xli! and
j-.stoffi.-e. Wid ;u a Hiy .r divide
up in tracts, tine n.oit.iani streatn fin;
through tract. Ft pri.-e and terms
addre-s. W. K. Wiiii... oia!!a. Orrp.n.
Filthy Temples in InJ a.
jered cow often detiiv Indian tem
ples, hut worse jet i a b.-ly that's j.l
luled by c..iis!iation. I..n't permit it.
Cleanse your system with I'r. King's
New Life Piils and aojd ujiMld misery.
Tiiey gne lively livers, active 1-owels,
gl digestion, fine appetite. Only J5c
at A. C. Marsters drug store.
$ too Reward Sloe.
Tiie readers of th; jvajr wiil
pleassl to learn that there is at least
one dreaded disease tliat siciice Las be. u
able to cure iu all its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Halls Catarrh Cure is the
only ptvitive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh U-ing a constitu
tional dismast', requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, acting directly uj.n the
ihl and mucous surfai--8 of the system
thereby destroying the foundation of
the di-ase. and givinc the patient
strength by building us the constitution
and assisting nature in doing its work.
The proprietors have so much faith in
its curative powers, that they offer One
Hundred lKllars for any case that it
fails to cure. Send for list of testimoni
als. Addrcs F. J. Cheney at'..
Toledo, O.
Sold by DrnggiM. 7.V.
Halls Family Pill- are the lot.
the same cost as a stove, and, iiccording-
The two hotios who rifled and stol
the contents of Traveling Salesman ( leo,
II. (iraveV grip, near Kiddle Thursday,
were apprehended, nt (ileiidale a few
hours after the occurrence by Deputy
Sheriff II. (J. S-iiiiioniann. The stolen
articles found on their jutsoiih readily
identified them, and they were brought
to llosebiirg Friday and they will
have to answer for their crime, ut th
next session of the circuit court which
convenes, in Octolier. They gave their
names as l-dnuind Y avne and Arthur
Sinclair, of Oakland and Ms Angeles
Calif., resjM clively, and both are under
Jl years of age. While confined iu tin
dlendale jail the men made an iiusin
cessful attempt to break out by prying
their way through the lioard flooring of
their cetl to the outer corridor and were
lu the act of loosening ttiu liars on the
window when they uoroilisoovered. Mr
Soniicmaiin then haudoi.rfed them and
the apartment shows that the temper
attire to the size selirted. will ci a
room, a flat, or a dwelling. The ma
chine docs not require any Kwer to
keep it going. It is absolutely antonia
tic. its working lioiiig causetl by the tlif-
ferenco in spi-cilic gravity Itetween the
warm air outsnio an.l tne cool air insKie. . . . -M,....r al,,i
Tlio warmer the air outdoois becomes twelve horse traction envdne will lie
the faster the apparatus works. Thjis, Isold cheap. Apply to J. K. Wilson,
Aroun J the Capitol.
We w ill send the value of one dollar
and ten cents (1.10) in liooklct, con
taining twenty-seven icn and ink phot"
reduced sketches of Washington life by
mail for ten cents (cash or stamps).
Ojioen Victoria knighted Sir John Ten-
niel for similar artistic work in I.ond'm.
(Your editor has sample of tlds.)
NfTsiiKt.t. Prni.isHixu Company.
10.7.1 Third Ave., New York.
Threshing Outfit for Sale.
Cream Wanted.
Douglas County Creamery wanta your
cream and w ill jiy highest cash prices
for butter fat. Write for cream cans.
Will furnish you Cream Separator, t hat
are ms-oji.I to none in ijuali'y and Pri.-e
on most any condition you may desire.
The Sharpies Tubuler Cream Separator
leads. lVuiglas i-onnty creamery refer
atices, First National Hank and Iiouglas
County P.aiik, Kosebnrg, treg..n.
J can K.
4 pks. A riii
I lb. ran Schii:iLff' btrt akiloi Wr. X JUk
"'.. can K. C. fcjkisg PvwUr v3I
C. fc-king Powder Ag
k Hammer SoUa
t. t.oM luet aL:n rr4r
Jt.' it. Dry iranulaie.l Sugar tte
IW H-S. Mck I'rv Ornnu'sjted eugar 4
No 8 i.alvjnie-l In.n WasbBon, tK.... J Ja)
aUatize.1 lrt.n Wkterri.s, ea. h
Dine namle.l ut of all llaufo t joij tali
rj.-e. ao big cut on Tin and Agate Wipav.
Large stock .f plain mhit I'lsba'g.fliijfkaij
Ji Tlt Caii.-'i for 1) a
lire Outing Flannel, ":jjfiBi,
Iu. k and Shirting" at ottl eet- ladle"
nirt Wai't and Over Skirt at ert Itli
Ijdi 1i.e Sh'. jr pair (J JA
Men s Fi..e s.ud Heavy Shr. aMl uglify, flis riT
In f.o-t th j ri.-e will I cut a a1.! gJlV
and kinds ot Shoes in tti k.
Men's and" Clothies
el.Tt from. PrW-es rat
Tt.i- i- not ol 1 st k, tail pvi? jtvst ureteral
in;' i'nrg. i in is your rnamce tn jt a
L..l su:t cheap.
Ion"tforgpt that y..o ran rJ layikia? jau
nes from a need'.e to a Chamxve tvig
Machine at cut j-ra-e. if vou bey at
F.ul.v h.
at. 1-4 rje at. jr
-V t- wiMit.
This Sale is strictly for CASH and will con
tinue until my stock is completely closed out
i Tbe U
i! ;c: st stock of 20th Century Goods in the tova
Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions
Gents Furnishing Goods,
Boots and Shoes
Hats and Caps
Groceries, Provisions
$ Produce Bought 'Fkae 731
1 1
1 1
1 '
Fine Cream and Homemade Bread
We came t R.eliirg to stay, and if we get lineal kac r
the trade in the future in the at, e will 1 her a hvj tia jrtts
Join in the prjee:ion of well plensvt customer? wliocas im
tinnally pii-sin in and out of our !tore.
5 J. SIEVERS, Proprietor J
A gHl, gentle riding or driving horse,
weight aliout 120t Ihf. ; can I handled
ly a lady. For particular enquire f
The Pi.AisoFAt.fcS.. or address,
tf. C. P. Cl auk, Roselmrg, Or.
when it in KK) degrees in the shade out
doors, tin; fotiled air imiirs out in the
room at a great rate, whereas, on the
.ther hand, if the thermometer goes
down to f'sj degreeH tint contrivance
HtopM working ot its own accord. The
imtter it is the faster it works, and vice
verna, the machine- regulating itael I
Cftinas Vatlev Ore.
AXTKI Immediately,
homes hv easteon lioine-seefc-
ers who desire to purcli ise di
rirt from owners, ranches
farms, improved and unimproved lands,
and city property. Write if yoo'vp auy
tiling to nell. Addt
Have you visited
Tie v are now looted in the new Heach-W-k Mock,
one door south of the Kailnmd Fatinc House
! -'a
A fnll and complete line, ct C.ior an.l TVi,.
Candies, Not, i mitp, Eto.
Ejjecutrices Notice.
THAT thp
A Musical Education
is Lest acquired hy tieiiig a good instru
rnent. Jion't corrupt an otherwise good
musical ear bv giving yuur children an
Helf andalwayMUinilying lHt t'" r- inferior piano for jiraetico. T'e
jnisile amount ot cfKii air.
I. O. 0. F, Notice.
reach of
Memhi'Mif Pliilatarleii Lodge No. 8
I. (. O. I', are requested to Ihi present
on Saturday eveninir .lune 2S. Tbetioat
place.! them back in thecellsjipderclftse I in being csp-ciallv fed for heavy work,
watch until train time, iteircHniueu.R in ne ktio.,
iIh sold on term, within the
everyone of moderate means.
l.itria RkoWX,
Amviii I.. Hown,
Extcutrlce ot lhtlt of Aaru Hurt, Jo
Umpqua Bakery
Iil i i. i , ' Uli.t.-rm!liKl '
VJ. . . ?! JB,'!r --"iai i the CoiintT
...... nin-.y, j,,.,,. 0,
Kirctililciv oi li. rtte oi ron Burt.
pj o.e miri nan
Monday. Auiriist 4 nai"
SSwW.:.V-, ow opened vtrtvite
"An hoiis-f Wf i th M'ilesl
wrk f ttie bix-ad lker."
Xew Partie Rldg.. North in lfmm Str.
Title Guaranteed Loan Co.
J. I). Hamilton, u. C. Hamilton,
rnwUleiiL wT. and Trcaa
tffiee lu lite Conrt House. Ht Ike onlr com
plete set ot ahxlravt hook In Uouglu Cbuuly.
Abnlrai'1 Mid Certiorate ol Title litrnlahed to
DoiuiIm county '! mining Hlm. Hvu
alao couilel kI oi Ynkolum ot all towoahip
pUta Id I ho Koaebnnt. Oregou, V. 8. Laud l)la
Irict, Will luakv blue print tuples ot au; Iowa.
Dip allow lnj an vacant Uofeinment lamia.
Of every descr"irjn. Farjca atl Miv
I iiii.Im WU. WK!aal atvJ
"'I' ."O . s.u UU. VI IMU.IB. ..... - - . . a MMn.lTa W" ,
CBrmKudaHC a'dlelt. jij fi
a a