The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 19, 1902, Image 4

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(Continual iivin tiret inlet'.)
union Mi'li. which tLvy carried in tu&
bajTS STUllsI al their left si.ler by the
reins taken livm the they luij
s-toltiiftiiJ uii leaving. Tr.icey presented
Sunderland with an l".lks i.iu taken
from l)r. White J tierYiU-'. he
told liim to kee '.is a souvenir.".
At about 12 o'clock they vi-it .1 .lolm
.Tunes" farmhouse, about one mile north
and a Tittle t-ast of where they had
crossed the river, and. demanded io J.
They ate a hearty imcd nud also aovro
priated snuie provision., which they
took with them. While eating, they
ere jirofuse iih ite-tions as to the
exact location of the l'lace where they
veto, .rud mriitires.1 jarticnlariy how iar
they were tr..m the Mill Hum- road, an
open turui'ike leading straight from
Vancouver to the Sound country, Hav
ing all their questions answered, they
again tok t. tlie woods and have not
iinee Dueii seen.
Till: !I!O.Ulll..rI.
A.nviuio; to a uiennatf received line
immediately ui-m lveeitd of the iulor
ni.itioil tluit t he vonvictf had Ixvn seen
again, ioveinir (Jeer i.h-phomd to
Warden Catron vf the Walla Walla i-ri"
on, asking that the .l..e- which they had
sent home le ag-.iin returned to the new
scene & the hunt. The warden imme
diately, replied thai four do,;s would be
sent alXin.v, and that thi- time they
would 'W turned loos- to catch .r kill.
They ajvexnvted here at ' .."chek Uii
morniui:. and ituim-Ii.itely iii...u tiieir;
arrival w ill lie taken t- the la-t at
which the convicts were 11 au.l mrued uoii the trail.
mei;k!!.l"s .u.n homi:.
Vane-juver is Merrill's old honic. He
spent his boyhood here, mid a-his step
father and halt-brother still live here it
was tlKniaht the lesperad.e3 might at
tempt uiRiiiuiniH'.4t with their frien Is
during! he. niUt. Tor tiiis reason tne
Vancouver t'hief of Police did not take
the trail last evening with the IVi'dand
detectives, litit posted -v.iit- all aloni;
the lower river bank and a!o- keep a
strict watch over the L.di-e of I.eni
inson, Merrill's stepfather, in the hope
that he would try t -'iiiii sonie help
from relative?.
Jim Robinson, a haii-brother. is a
tisherman on the Columbia, and it was
thought likely that his aid miLt be
sought by the convicts, but though a
strict watch was kept, nothing was sevn
of tlie dtsperad. K-s iu the tow n.
Sherififs Sale.
In The Circuit C-ourt i The State th
Oregon. For Ius;las County.
Mnrphy, ;rant & Co.. a ")
corporation, riaintitt". j
The Mciiee Co., a cor-
poration, I'.T. Molieo j
andUF. J. Mei.iee, j
' Defendants. J
Notice is hereby pivoti that by virtue
of an execution and order of .-ale duly
issued oat oi the above named Court and
canse on the 7th day of June 1vkj utiu
a judgment and decree duly rendered
and entered in Kiid Court and cause on
the lHthday of May. lK2, in favor of the
above nameil l'laintiff and aaiu-t the
above nanied IVfendants. lV-r the -um oi
22o.3J, with interest thereon at the rate
of M -r cent ir aunuui tioin the loth
dav of Mav, PVJ. and the further rum
of f35 00 attorney fee and the further
snm of fI3.iJ costs and di-btiis.-meiits.
Ji.vv therefore I uiilfni.
SaTCKIiAV, lilt ll'TII HA V o .It LV. l'llC'.
at two o'clock p. m.. of said day at the
Court house front d.n,r. in 1. sebui.
1'ouglas county.' ic-'.'ii, sell at pubiie
auction to the billies! bidder, for cash
in Laud, -all the ri.dit. title and interest
the sai l I'efendants or either of them
had on;the V.'lh day of February. l'ol.
or at anT time thcreaiier. in or to tin-
followin" oes -ribed premises to-wit :
The northwest ouarter of the n..nh-
e;ist ju!irter of section eiehl in tow nship
!". S l: i we-t of W M, iu Douglas county.
Oreyoii; together w ith ail and .-huul.u
tne leiipinejiis. iK.'re'.iitaineut- aii'l ap
purtenances thereuntu beloiiijiii or in
anywise appertaining and will apply
the prifceeds ol stleli sale, lirfct to the
ciStJof ueh sale, and !-the costs and
disbursements herein" taxed at fl.'i.ui.
and the sum of J.'-'i.OO Attorney fees,
and to the .ayiiient of the khiu of $;!:.'V-
33 due the J'laintiff with interest thel
on at tne rate oi k i-r tent iht annum
from tbfe ir.lh dav of Miv. V.n.rj. anj the
ivcrplns if anv lln-re lor pa v over to the
said defendants, their aA-igiis i.r leal
repixsetitatives, as by order of -aid Court
in said execution to me directed, com
manding nie to sell the above described
real property iu the manner provided bv
law. - ' -
lated at Rosi.-biirj, fre., this tub dav
of June. I'.NC. K. l I'Aiuanr,
Sheriff of Jloii-Ias County, Oregon.
Notice for Publication.
Vsrrto .BTiTts Li.-o Oriict,
Kosebnrc, ri :ron. May it, lrj.
Kotke is bvreby ti'.eu that in '.ini!iaiit
witb the provision of (he act of coicre'- ol
June . entitled "An ai t lor ll.e -ale.. l im
bfcr La ails in th? H;atn of fa'iforioa. ortL-.m.
Neva-la, ami Washington l rrilo.y, m exi.-od-ed
to all thel'LitiiicLaiul Slatv tv aet ol Aiii;
Utt 4, lew
amos j. Br;iiAXA.v,
of Ro-tbnn;. Couii'yuf I-jni;ji .saa eo.'&i. .ni,
has this dav f.led ic thli- otbee awnrn -rate-Qent
No. J-M for tin- leireiia..; of !!.? Nt.r'h
East quarter (XK'4) )f S'tction No. 10 in 'lown
ship N' J. 1- South, oi ..u;t No. y Vi U1 will
ofl.rproof to.iiow (bat me lnu'l soiiKhr i- inor--valuahle
i'or il? timber or -tone tliau for acri
cuiiural putpoKf, au'l ttcsiabhsli hi. tlaim ti
fiitd land leto c i "ue Kesrister Keeeivti of
this oflice at Ro-;biir-'. Oregon, on Mi.ri'lav the
; 1Kb day of Ainni-t, lauJ. lie namta a- w'iiuw
-ses: Ben M-Mn!len, Ir'nuk Allev. Altcit
Campbell and Cbaa. Vboia.all oi KoM-.-'nrg, Or--Son.
AuyanO m'.'i V'-ijn claimiuK a.lvci-,-ly
above-iwritl ian.Uare rfiie-t''-'l to lile ih -ii
cUima in thiorle:i on or lejfore Hie Ifh ilny i.i
AUi'Qtc. 1'XrJ. J.T.Bk dbiiv
o'P Kctister.
Notice for Publication.
rnitcl State f,nt f 'flire
R.borK, Urecttu. Mav l.", l'.mj.
Notjee r TieTfjy gn-n thit iu' eomj.lianct
with Ihe provisionl. of the "t of :liKres f
June 3. . 1-vTs, eritllie I "An Bet for
the mIc of timber lnn-H in the
tat of California, UreKnu, Neva-la and W'a-h-inirton
Tetriti.ry." as exn-ndol lo ail the Public
Land btaltf hy a t of An;"il 4, lull'
of Kow-btirc count y ol Louulnv Htaia ol Ore
poe, has '.lil da; hie-l in tins oitir-e hit, -worn
Utemciit Xo. H t. lor the pun -ha- of ihe s'a
',", St'-, KW;? xo. a;
tonkbip Xo. K, ir.nse No. I wi st, mid will of
fer proot lo fhow tnat Ihe laud Mjiiht in moo
valuable for iin uioImt or Mono thiol for auri
cultural purposes, and lo eslnblifh hi claim lo
aid laud before the Kcgi'lcr aud liweuer of
thiKillice it n-isthttre, Orei;ou. on Thursda.-.
the 2otU day ol August. Inc.'. Ileninni -ns w it
Dcksf : Jia1d Uiaig, Manuci C. Oiiu. hurl
Hart, ts'.aiilejr P. Oliu of llvm i,urr, (iniion.
Any and n.i peoioiis eliiiiniue adierM.iT Ihe
abive i'--cnbed lands uix. ri'.ie-ted lo lil.
Iheirclaimb iu this olli': on or tiefore said -j-ih
day of August 1iJ. J. T. IlKllioKS
ml'Jp , ItiKi.'ter.
- Notice fur Publication.
. HkilKU 61ATK8 l.NI CPI K,
leijl III KO, 're., Mny JJ )'l.'.
Notice l h'-rel.y kucii that the folio ini;.
named act tier tia-filed' no! ire of his liiieinion
to make I i .-im 1 pr.Hii iu miptKiriof his ( lalin.atMl
that said proof willlrf mada la-Ion ItCKislcr aud
Receiver! S Land Olhee at Kosehnrv, Oregon, i
cu Julv 8, V'l. u.: i
FKAXC'I-t). PELi:.KXNi:. I
on H. K. No. bfe-KI, for the lots 1 aud j. See. 8, T;. !
57 S., li. i West. i
He names lUe olloivinu ilnes-es to pro. v his .
coiitiuuoux reaj-l.twre upon aud cuitivaiion ol
(.aid laud, vi.. : v. V., Cfaiptuan and Vlalb r
fingletou, of ll isei.ure Onton, aud Alfred
Jlatnews and Ifaae Matheii , of Gild.'. On gju.
. jniKp - JeT.'BKIDUES,
Threshing Outfit for 5.ile.
A inch .1.1. l s
twelve horse 1 1:1. 1 ion
Sold cheap. Apply to J.
M2-d. ('anuc
u.uor and a
riiie will be
allev Ore.
Horses Wanted.
Mr. l-h'u-'.d-.
l'.a 111a ids Stal
lor th.' puri's
I Seattle, w ill be a
on Saturday May 1
f Iu iu I'ral't horse:
weisrhin-' troni let
to loK pounds;
lorses for sale art
u in 011 that date
parlies having such
reiiUested lo bi ill;; the
: ml." 1
Sheriffs Sale.
In The Circuit Couvi M The
Oregon. I'or 1 1; - Coiii.U
11. WolienUa-. a- Admin- )
trator of the l'armcv-liip I
-late i
11. Wo
S. Mark
libera. I!.
1 Lit tie
I lau.ia and ) ;
lh ieudaiits. I
lerebv siiven. that
Notice i
bv virtue I
ile i-siied j
a.nd eau-e j
. nnon a.
f an execution and
ml of the aboe na
ler ot s:
1 t
..n the C.ili .lav oi .Ic.i,
ndeied and
jll.lUiellt an. I .lecree oui
entered i'i -aid v'oiirl and
P'th .lav ol Mac. 1WJ. by
.1 .ie.
cau-e on the
loieclo-'iro !
a lnortiiae in tavor ! ti
ve name.
riaiutil'i and aj.d i-t the
,:..'. l.ame.l
ie hereinafter
1 Mort'M-jed
I letond.m-.?
Willis! t
i...... :i
? i:i.:'.17.o7 with
rile of in pei
pr.'pel'lV l.'I" Uie -a
liileiest i bet cell ai
iciit p.-!' a:.i.i'.io ':
March. I""-, and j
o'ul.iMJ attorney I.
and di-bnr-enien'.s
:l'-t da
ir; !ier sum ol
tH'.'JO co-l-
1 w ill
ivm. w. rue. l'-'rii Ji ' l'1'
I u o'el. .. K p. m. ! s..i i day
t onri li..'.i-e iroi.t .l.-.r :i I.. -el-:
I'olluhts coitntv . re-"i.. --il p"
r..Ctio!l I., the h!jhe-l bid.iel. !. r .
in lamd. all I he i i-b
ti; !- and int. r.-st
lan:- r either - i
which the said Ivsendant- r . i
them ha 1 on tl.e i-!:i .i.iv M:
or at any lime ii.eivaii.-r. in r 1"
loll.ovin.' dt-sorib -i prem:-e-, lo-wil
LU-iiiniiiii at a l '-'-J ch
south and 1 ."-' . bain- w ol'lh.-c..
to sect i. ii s l'. a::-i 'J
I'.i. soiuh. ratiue i. we-1 of
cite Meridian. r::i.'.i;:iu ' !
7"i eh. i ins. t iieli e 'lit h
thcn.-e ea-t if.l1' el..::..-, t
chain-, norlii ieure.
ciillill-. il.e!U' so'llh e- '!
m t
. II
n h
LVrV i ham-, tl. nee
, v. in :.
.-I ii. -r "l
11 in
ibe l'.'th
d.vd for
on pau
I .-.'. ji.i-
!l to tl.e
t- .1 .v. itj!
1 e.l i Ii to
strai-'ht in.c. ;o the ie.; ' 1
the ira.-t oi latel !i.-et
1 I v
an an i w ne t
T. .1.
day of February , ls,'"i- :
whiih is record. -1 ii. .l;-.iu.
17.1 of The lie,-, id .1 I .-.-!
.-unty. Oree..::. lie nc- -North
I'mjna lit. i. the.,
tin- n.eai. b-i- . '. 1 riier i
a I'voj chains v .-l -i
t w vn -ts-l ioi.6 '1! :o d
north to the pi.t.-e of t--ii.!i
iuj: I'.'s.'.'s s.-r.-. n.. -re or ie:
1 lll.'ii.e
c ntain-
11. 1 belllj
l.iim N...
a oait oi the I'oiial.oii
4- of i ieolie ai
Also the ea-t
and l"t 7 f -e.
1 and 1 of -et l
a.-re-. i.e-r- or
M. the We-t '..
in' i
i :
n .1
.1 :
- 1:
-.-.-!;.. ii
i.-t -i ..:
; .ird
. :' the
::-l il-
.i.i. ... oi
A :-..
lot .".
! t .
1.11 '. .
section 11. 1
section LH .
1 1
iter, s,
lot- I'and :!-.; -7
and tin- loo t
We-t '4 ! -eeii
acres : a!-.. .!...:
lunation Clain
Jl a I
oi '.ii?
I .i t oi
i lUnrv
2- d. -el :
in Mi-ti- ii- i'i . -7
follow s. it : 1',.-
lL'.4.'i chain- .-.t-t Ijom tl..- '.
corner oi -aid 1 oi ( i.iiju r
tlu'li. e east !'7 :S chains. !:,.!, ee
r.4. 17 . hail.-, then. -.- v. - AT.'.is
thence south o4.17 .-hai:.- the
tK-ii.nin. :. i.-inii. 1'4: : !-
tne noli ii'Vi ! '.oltl.e nil'
north '
4 .-ft:.
L loir.alt:
. of lh- -oi
l.J S I
4 i acr.-s :
a-t ' , oi
!-. ti:"
1-t '4 iind
"l4 aero-
e derib.
lion -1. .- nt ii:
all of the
preinis. lyi:.:
low nship 1'ii s.
Willamette M-"lei.-.
.11. and .
ltis..::o acre-, i
an 1 i
iiii of 1
i-iian. i
I -ii!i.-:it-:-:-.:-
and will
t :
:1 I''
me:. is.
"- t he! . lh
api-.-lt.oioi.-. ;.!..
cce.l- ..I -ncii -.u.
f tl.e .-.-'.- ! .-ti.
and .ii-hcr-.-iii.-ii
JO. s.-cn-l. to tie
lol h.-V lee- ill. d 1'
. ro
ll -ille iliil! tl.e
- l.ereil. ! :1.-1 .l! s
j-.ivtu.-n; $:J"0.J .it-
l j ..- I -i' lle l.t ! t tie Him
..f 1M.:'.17.i.7 .i.n-ti..
there.. n at 1 he i ate
Mm. irom ;he:ti-t .
the ovci pi '.!-. ii an
-aid 1 . -I. Iidaiii-. ti
repie--:i! alive-, a-
.l.iiutiu i Itii ii.tcie-t
i I'i i-'i- . t.t l- r un
ci M:i i-(
i.e!V la-.
.. r.
;r i'.--i;.'!i
- .l
r .f
I- .ill.
ii- l.y
entioh to 111
t.l -ell the
( 'oin t in -aid ex
c..mijialioiii'j im
'eiiU'd i Pitl jt ..iH-rty ill t
idi'd hv l:i w.
lu.iiiii.-r it-.
l.lte.l '((il M.l
. . -I : i 1 1 l!ij.
i:. i.. I'm:i:..h.
S t'iu-j.: C.'Uiitv. Uro
She rill'
Notice for Publication.
rni'.c ! -tut- Lund Ortie.-.
K-i.-.e'-u., Uri ii-jii, June i, i.vl
Kotiee is Iier-1 y jiiviu tin.! iti eoii..,niii. .
with tte-provl"e.ns of the net ..I t ..litres- ol
June :t. 1-7-, ectn l-. -An .set lo- tl...- sale (
1'imber laind in U.e.-talea of California. Ore
con, Nev H.ia a'et n-1. inctoii 'le-ritory e x
tended !o ail tl.e in!,. ii l-i:id .-ii.'...- i.y ie.-t ol
A'i(-'ilst i, !-"-'.
of Oakland, e-.iiti'y ol lo'i":n, r-i;ii.- oi Oregon,
iia thisdny Ji-1 in tlii- oii'.-e a-. i sn..rii stiite
inelit No. .'.11 i.r ti:.-.-..ii.-iii:-.-of tl.e -h'4 NU
'l. '""It NI-!,. N A rH ,. Nh'i .-U ' ,. ol
No. : I ii. u,ii ii-ri. No. j. south of ine
No - iv.--' and mlloil.-r (.roof toslioMT li-ai tl.e.
iniid s-.uii lit S nioru iiiu.ibi.- lor ii- liiu'...-r or
itor.e limn lor i.rieuil.iiiii -o--. and ! e
ta'.lial. ii.-r eiiiiii. I., said i-uei l.e! tl,- K ci--t'.r
au-1 Uee.. 1..-1 01 ' 1.1- oidie lit K-.- nui, I lie
iioli oil io:i.iny, tte- l.Vli dny ..f .-..! n. Le! .
r(2. sic-tniii.! - n-1. ilucs.-is: '.inic liilor,
I.. Ilol.-. en!,. R..y Mt.K-r an 1 ;. L. ciieiin. tn
a!. 1 I i.k und. in-von.
Any and ail ;.-i- e.s e'liinenu' ;i-Uer-' iy i1...
i..m; d. -. ri-.-il julj.i- nie !. .0 :ie
itifir elmij.s ,n tin- oiii.e o' or 1- l-.i.- suM 1 .111
day of - ...i-ia-t-i, l'joj. I. J . iJI(il..t-.
'.-l-'p K(i,':.-ter.
Notice for Publication.
l uil.-d StJi'. s I mid Otlii c.
r..,".'..'iif , U:. -.-o:i. M.-iv. ill, l-.u-.!.
Noti'-el- ie ii-oy fi-..-n li.ul in . om ;,!iiin-e
with lh.-;.ro'. i-i'iii-ot t in- m t 01 oi.;s of
June .), li er.'.ttl.d ' An net f ir lie- n e ol
thii'-r land- i.i in.- iS.i. i- . ,f i'io Horn in, iireiei.
Va'la. Iiij.l W .lll:i;'..i 1.,-fif.irv i.s.-x'.-nd
ed loall tiic l-ul,lie J..uel ..ul-' I.. of A !
of Ros-jljurir. Ij.eii;!
J. It'illlNK'IT
i-oulily. llr.-i.oii. it 11-. ihis
day hie-1 ill lliis oMi
No. 'J.i.d for tiie f.-in
and N VV , ol r: v 1
In- -.i-.orn siHi. -lie-lit
in-"!.- (if I lie b j ol H VV 1 ;
n- ds W ' : ol N W ' .. 01
section No f-c... i:shi. -'," -outli, nun'.-: we-t
Hiid uill oil-1 .io..f to siio.v 1 lie t
thy land houirht is more va!u;i!.!e. for lis
limner or -lone than for a:ii. nliuiul t.uii.
and to .-taoii-h Ins Inmi l. .rdd hind Irf-lore
the It- nistei and K.-.-.-i . . 1 of tl.i- oih-- hi .-
hurt-, Ores. hi M.ind.iy tin- 2Jnd day I -1 t.
l.'Ji I!--:::nu- us e. ; I ir.--e-: J lanir i i:iu:;: i-.-id
t-'ini.k Ilai(iit Jl-i-eou "and Jni!ie r. liueiian-
mi and is. vV I urn. II ol i' ! . .:.
Any 1. 11 I nil j.i rsons . li.iinin; ii ht-i ely the,-..- l.-se.;i-d lauds -an- r. ..'le.t.-d lo liie
t hi. ii claims iu Hi is oil,.-.- ou or h lor- iud -'iinl
.ley of .-.-id. !:,.'. J. I . i;lilli..l -,
Notict- tor Publii-atioij.
I'llil- d .-'Isles l.. nd OMiee,
KoM-imi, Oii-koii, Apr II, l'.a..'.
N'otiee is l..-n-l,y .ii.-n Unit m . hail' e
with tlie no l-lous 01 ll.e m t of 4;;re.s ol
June 1-ix. eiiiiil. d "An aet cr tlie ney oi
tilnlo-r lftllds pi Ihe .'ill.- ol ( Hliloill ii, On uo i.
Neva. In and Watiiiimton 1 1 r; iiorv.' n extend
ed to nil Ihe I'unlie Ijind Mute- l.v net of
A UK lii,t 1, 1 -'.1.'.
UAI.rH 1.. K A I : I lii,
of Bridal Veil, .-nut v 1 i.M .ilin .n.a'u, Mak- 01
irviioii. has ini dnv li!.-d in nlh.-e his
swoiii slu'.en.. nt No. iTJI.'. lor li..- . ii. loee el
the U ';, ..( Uie U 1 . of M-elion No M, 1, ill S, U h
Wl.-fct and iviii "oiler 11100! lo bIiovv Ine
Ihe land soii-.-iit is inure 1 aluii'de lor its
orMoiic lhan foraneiiilnrHl .ar.o-es. and t..
l-stahiish Im laini insald land Lefoie Ihe ll"--ister
and Iteceiu-rol iili.-c nt Koy.-hini?,
Or fll II slii.lay, Ihe Ivih lav of Juh,
He luuue. a il ii.-s-.-si hlw.ii.iC Coil,
Mar.-ns . W iie. i..r, ll.-urv I-., hnhiu.- ol I.Blour
ell J-'nlls, Orxvoii, . 11. lioren ol I u.iibs Vali. v,
Any and all ..-r;on- eiainilnu' Iveiselv lie;
above ileseii.jd mills are i..iii.sied l til
their ciaims in thi
dayol July, Jiwi
iceoiiorhelo.e aiiid JlH j
J. U'.-fcEIlWES, FetrUlr.
Notice for Publication.
I'niled Smti-N Land Ortiee,
Roetmrsr. Oregon, Ma?. 14, l''i.
Notice is lierel.y j;ivon II. al in con.rlinnee
till llie j.rovlsiom 01 tlie acl 1 roniruss tl
.lime Is.-, enmlc.l "An Ael lor llie S:ili i
1 limber lands- in the sdiiles of OhI 1 t.irn t . Oregon
I Nevada slid Washington Teiritory." us t-xtefid-'
e l to a' I Hie I'uMle I Mini stales l.y acl of
! AllU'isl I, !--'..',
I of S.'Mllle. eon u. y ol Kiln:, suie oi sliingliii,
lins llii.lM liU.f in l!ii nftiee liis sorn Mute
input, No :'!.( for I he iiiirelmie of Hie K'a NK't
nail K' . SK'tof sceilon So. :u, tomi'hi ;:0 H.
I rnr.i:'' "ei-t and will oiler proof lo tlio Did
the lnnil soiiulil i more vliiihle lor ns limin-r
I or toiie limn for uri nllnrnl tiiirio-e, iitl to
...imIi1i.Ii his rlMtni to kili.l lilll.l hetore tlie Keir-
i!er anil Ke. rio-r ni tliin .fliii' at Korlinn(.
orec.n on SatunlHV, tlie J.M "lay ai AiikiI
1 v.! lie inline n nilnesMis: llonanl Wlliiama,
I Nei.on S Mures of faille, W HshiiiKton, W in. M.
1 'oiler. Hale Kon'U in Caimw Valley. TeKon.
I Anv ami H i pei-oioi elaiinlni; aaveiM-ly the
iiIkivc lan.N are re.lii-,!e.l lo n.e
Ihi ii i la;in in 1 Ins oilii e on or sithl '.'J.l
lav of AallM. 1 '... J. T. IlKIIKitri,
uil-.'P KeXlHer.
Notice for Publication.
I'Nll Kl STATKs LAX Dol'FIi K.
KosKiti Ro, lire.. May 1.'., 1).'.
Sotiee i- licn-hy uiven that in eompliaiu-e
.vaii tl-o pio :iolt ot the a.-t ol CnKress of :. l-. entitled ' All Ai l for the sale ol
ioiil.. i ljii.iis in the States oi t'alllornia. re-
con. Xex a.! a. and Vt ashinuton Teintory, as ex
leii.le l lo .ill th. I'ul. lie Land States by aet ol
An? i.-: t. i-v-
MAXI M C. nl.lX,
of K.wl.iii'j. county i l..iii;las, 8taie of lire
K.ui. has tin- lay liied in Hit- otlieo his morn
slalemelll Xo. .'ijsi, I.T I lie pufehaiw ot Ihe sK',
ol s...-:i.m No -Jl. lown-hip '.'7 south, raiwe a
v..'t and ill oiler piiaif Lisbon that Ihe laud is more valuable ior Its timber or
llian t.ii a.jrieiilt ural puriMises. and to etal.llh
In- . uM.i to -ai.linii.l h.-lore Ihe K.'SiHer and
K. i . in r of ihi- oth. e at n.ui'burif. UrrRon, ou
H.ui-un' the isdayol Annual, i nO. Jleraiue
i. wt'iieVse- I'av'i.l t rail;. I ranL llaya. siau
iey T uiiu :ind Karl U.-iilallol Uoeburg, re-
Anv nud :i'.l persons e'aiiniii a.lver.-Iy the
alMie .ie-enK are i in.-!td to tile
I heir claims in tins ottos on or It-fore aatd of
Aaiist, l.o. J. T. BK11M.KS.
uiln,, Kritlaler.
Notice lor Publication.
fN 1 1JCP SI AI hs I. A Mi OKHi'f.
Ui.-kbi K .. Oaiuos, Jiiue 7. Iia.i
Nonce i- hereby eu.-n ihal iu is.mpnanee
lth Hie i-i.ii .m il- ..f lh-- ae! of CnreM of
I iu. t. 1-Ts. ei.titi'-d "An act for Ihe ale ol
I'm -r.aiil- in in.-Siai.-a oi lin.riiia. ut.'.'
Neva-la a it 1 w aid.luKiuu Temloiy, as xleud
sl lo a'.i the I'uliii. Lau 1 -lalea l.y a. I ol Aim-l.-t
I, 1W.'.
1.1 iVIs J. el'KXii. E
o! se ittle, . ouiity of tvlll-'. .-tale of Wathii'C
lou, ha-H is d tiUd in inia ofli.e his aworri
-la:, meiil Xo. ;-.'. for the piirehae of Ihe
KaM hail of tin we-l half (K'; W ;) of mo tion
No. s i.e. ti-hip Xo. s of iatii.c s uesl alld'M ill
..:! -r pr- ! to siiw Itiat the laud sought Is more for il limla?r or atone than for srl
i ul' lira: i in.-c and to establlsn his elalm lo
a....! land ta lore the Ilteisler and Keceli
liii- otliee at K el.uii;. xmcoii. da oi .-, i.. rr. i'r. !:'.'.
on i-liirly.
itv iiam.-s a
l:;n a Kleliard W. I'I. k. Willlatn Porur
Wi.iiam 1'avt-and A. K. 1h-ro..l all ol Catnaa
S aat-v, Oregon.
Any an I an persoin. riaiuiing adversely the
al ve de-. ril'-d land ure rriiete. to ttl
Iheii i ialn -1:1 this ofn.s- ou or la-fore maid iTIli
.lav fi .- pt . i.-'.
ii.y J T. BKIlKil s.
Nc-tice lor Publication.
failed eta:.-K..-e'urs,
N..tie,- is l.ret.; i;:.'ti tin
nilh tb'' tr..i ;s:i.tis i.l uie ael
Laud i:!ic.
u. Juue T. 1
il lu cemi'ilaiice tl..- !,.
Je.ue i. l.s;-,emit: - d 'All Ael
I I'l.lT liel- in tl.e nates ot l aliloruia, re-
ireii, aLd sldigt..a Irrltorv.' a-eMeu.le-l
lu 'il the Tut.!!, ljiud rta e. l.y ae!
ol A-U'.-l 1. I-'-'-'.
CUAKI i:s A. 11 1 K-l,
i Cfii. o.uiiii v f r.N.'. s.aie nf 11
t! li ed il. tie-ofliev li. n.i'.ia
N.i. .'- T ii.rili-- r'ir.-haeof the K
r.l ... l-..n
N.i l-.u TeOin. No. :? plllt!i of laliiiO
N... :'.
i....ii..i.d i:: ..-ler nro.,f in tLui that Hie land
sought i- more vaiual'.c lr It- tiia'r or sloue
U..1H for .nrti. -i!l irai 1'urj-M.-.. and es .ab
liri ld eiin.'i I.i -;itd inad U-lore the l:.'g.'cr
an-t l'.ei-etver ol tuts'V al K.wliur, iiui"".
.-il s.i.i.r lay, ihe -Till day of se.eml-r. fri.
lie liiic.-- as .tn- liwnte Hateman.
Henry .i.L''.etop. Henry stra ler aud . Kdrr.aa
ad of Ko-eti'i:y, Orevou,
Any and iiii t-r-".D- riainiinc adirrM-lj the
'! aie.i e d- -rltvI ianda are ie.jiie:ed ! lee
il-.-lr e'.i.iii,. In this fiflu e on or U lore .aid S.h
.lay r JSt-fdembtT. K-i J T. BKIIXiM
;l.'l. lT't.-r.
Notice for Publication.
l iiitl Siatra t.and orli.-e.
l:.e. .eira-,ir.-ir.n. May 1, l.'ti.
N'..t is ii.-r.-' y K1..-H that in loroj-iianc
i iin fue .rvitis..:i ..f the .ai-t of l otisr. -. ol
ine ::, is:-, .--ii:i',,-l 'A!i a.-l for tlie -a'.c ol
ui.;--r is in t'ie stAtv. id 1 aoiorn.a. UrrvoO,
a'.ld V- a-l..iiii'rtli 1. r-itor. a rilrn-l- '
i-i turn, tne 1'iinile Ijnd -lal-s l.v a. I ul i
A-.i---;-' . 1-'.'. !
iiKSKY i.iibMKBiNt;. ;
el Iti' li.ipid-. ...iinty ol M.-C."ita, ia;e ol
Mi. ..ilhii lias tt.i-day t.ivl in this ufflee b'.
-..rn -lateiiK-iil No I--.., tor the iurebase of
tie-el oi s-i-tioii No. . jrj towo-hip N.
.'. ui,;.-.v.. i v. arid mil orler pr.t to
-i...a 'I at tl.elr.n.1 -..iift-li is lnore valna'de lor
.:- iiini- r or -Viic l..r r.a ai.'.. iiluiri j ur-i-.-
. and lo . -;:il.;ivi h:- laii:i !oai l .and
i:ei- i!o- K ci-:.-r and Ke.-etv.-r til tbls orti.-e
.-t U-. -iru.. 'rr-.'oii. on 1 tiurvlay. llieliiliday
.-i II.- nai'i.Ti a- uiine-e-:
K.iey -:i. K. 'arrif r of K--'.tir?. I reif.ri,
1.-.1-- Ktiie- ..t I'eel, Oieoli, Frank "aine, of
i.oel.'irir, o.'oii.
Ai.y and -r-oii. i laimitii: adiers.iv llo-a-,oe
-I- -er..-.i iati-is ar- re ii.--ti-l to i.le their
. i.e.. .a iu tiii- rl .t oti or ii- !or- aaid lull da t
..f Antii-t, :...'
J. 1. BKIlMiKi. Keai.lrr.
Notice for Publication.
I'uile l . tatea I -ant nfli. r.
K.isi-liur?, Or.-on, May 1. faJ.
N'-.tie.-is b-r-l)y iili.-n tliat in eoinldlan.-.-v.
i:ti lh,.-iTovl-Ion nf the ael of iu.ii-r.-s of
June ; . 1-7-- 1 ti'.ltled "All aet for ll.e aie of
tiinU-r .iciida in the Stale- of nHiornla, ir i;on,
Nei and W i:.iitii.-ion 1. iritory," a -xl.-n1-1
J loaii Uie l'Ulilie 1 -nd alalea l y ael of A..;
U't I, lSl'-', 1a1.1v
of l:os.-i.iirv. eeujity of fioii'ilii-. . tale of "r.-gou
tiii tie-.iny liie.1 lu thi-oittee Ida sworn aiate-i.i.-nl
N.ivi.'.l lor the .Mrel.a-e ol the rih of
ei iion No. 1, toaiehip No. -j- S.111H1, ranae N;i.
: ,...vt .m.l ..111 ...1. r ,.,n..f I.. .1,....- II. mt tl..
I " - ...- b.l..'lil i, i.iit... ..Ill.l.l. I,.r il. ...
si. .in- lhan for a iiricultnrat t.iirj.ov-a, and lo
. t:,lilin 1. in .-in 1 m 10 said land before Hit. Keg.
i-tvr and k.-rx-iier f Ihis nfli.-" at H.e.-liunr.
ir..Mit, of I-re lay. ihe JViri day of Aiiil-tt-l,
1'VJ. He naine-a- Hitue-a- Chnrlea V.
K. I i.-y . - i.-.rlc I.. K( luiiiL'ton, Henry ri.iiKletou
and '...jr.'.- Bateinan allot Bo-ehurir. rei?on.
Any and nil r.-rson. ciaiiiuiig adversely ihe I
al.. .- .ie-. ntasl lands are re-fi.-aied to Lie liielr
ei ni i.i - lu this otBi c on or before said tilh day of
Au-.i-l. l'.'J. J. 1 . Hkiih.i.,
Iill'l" Kel-ter.
Notice for Publication.
Ko-.-hurg. On-iron. May lb. I'.aii.
Nol i. e is herehy liiv. u thai ill roindlauee
uii 1 lu- (.rovision- of the a 1 o.' f'onirresa of
-lulu- ii, 1. entitle.1 "All ai-t for Ihe aale of
iiiul.-er lan- iu th- -lat.-s of 1 'alitor tua, Or.-Roii,
N'e; aea and VVa.hliiL'toii Territory,' as extend-
I to nil Ihe l'tihli'- Lul l ital. l.y ael 01 Aug-
i. I, 1-iii.
of I'.-. 1, eo.iu' v ol li.uc'ia.. Mate of Oiigon, lias
ii. s ,1 ,-. hi. d 111 this nrlK e liia Mt.irn slal.-ui. tit
No. Jlii. for Hie n'.r.-l.iui of the NK'4 .st'4, a',
Ni-1;, :-K'4 NkV'. In w.- th.n No. toniislilp
No .T H., K. :t W . a nd will 0 1'er proof (o show
lial the land souidii is more valuahlc- lor lie
tniiiK-r nx alone Ihuii for aneiilliiial iiirj.OM-a,
and to eviHiiluli his. laliu 1.1 aald land La-fore
liie Uet.sier and Hiielver of thia orliee at
liosehjri;, ' rr-'on, oudiies.lay, the 2;ih flaf
of AUiiii-t. rifc. fi- names H4 s iin.-isea-Maur,.-.- of l(.o,:,iirir, On-iron, Jam. -a
l;.ti-hiiun'i uitd Kii-iiard I.. Camion of I'eel,
1:011, 1 hoiiiiis J. Feriiron of ko.ei.11n;, Oregon.
Any 1. .id nil ra-iaoua ..liiiiiiini; adversely Ihe
al.oi .-.l.-.eriia d la'id nr.- rt-.i.l.-sti-.l I.i liie
their laiin. 111 Mils olliee 011 or la-fore said r. til
f Alii
IIH, I'.KTi.
J. T.
Notice for Publication.
i iiil. d siui. a Land Olliee,
lio-ehiirc, Oregon, May 1.1, I'ar.'.
Not iee is her. l.y iriveu Ihal In eoiiii.llhncc
11 ith thi' I revisions of the ael ol Coni;r-aa of
luue ii. 1-,-, entlli. "I "A II at t for Ihe rale ol
tiinher lands iu Ihe Stales of California, Oreeun,
Nevada an-4 Y lu-h I listen l.-rnlory, ' as extend
.il to all Ihe I'uhiic Ijui'1 SI 11 tea hy aet ol Ani;
lift I l.-W,
of llo-ehiiis, eoiinty ol loiieas. Hiale of On ;;on
has Uii-dav filed in this olliee his sworn alate-mi-lit
N... Ji; .. for Ihe i.uiehHSe ol Ihe fill1, of
s'.-.-tion No. In, lownshifi No iH, raiiKi- No. 11 111--1
nod will ..Her pr.H'f loahoiv that Ihi-iiind aoiihl
in iiiorc vaiiiHhlc tor lis Ciuher or stone lhan
lor a-.-ri. iilleial .uin0si-, and lo ealahllsh his
elaiiii lo said land helore llie K. Kistar and lie-e.-iv
er ol Ihis ollicu al Losehuii;, Oregon, 011
I rlday ll.e i.l da of Auiiusl. I'jx!. lie
nam.-as ilii.-ss': Clark I. lienilniitoli. John
Kelly, lii niy, Ui-oiiie llati'iniiii all ol
Kosehuiir, Oregon.
Any and all ,e -ons claiining adversely the
tOan.; d.-xeriued lalida are reohcated lo liie' lln-lr
eialnia 111 Ihia olliee on or ta fore said .".'III da)'
ol AiC-llsl, lStri J. T: IlKlla.KS,
iiil'.ij. K.-Klsler.
Administrators Notice.
In Ihe i.'ounly llourt of lionnlas Count v.
Hiale id Ou-iioii.
In Ihe mutter of tlie estate of
W. W, Wa'k. r, decasod i
Notl.-e is lierel.y i(iven hy the iiiidendifiicd
ii.liiiinislrator ol Ihe estate of W. W. Walkir, du
eeas. d, to tiie er. .Iilors of. and all persoiis hav
iiiK elaiins aniust Uie said deceased, to exhihlt
lliein. with ihe n.-ees-ary vouchers, within six
moiillis att.-r t lie lirst of Ihis uollec
lo the adiniiiislialoral llillard, UoiiKlaa couuly
OreKou. f
jiaic of'the first publication ia the Mh day o
M, I'M,
Notice for Publication.
HuiP-d States I.audOlli.v.
kos.-hiirK.nreKoli, May ill, l.o
Notice is lierel.y lilveii lliat in eomplianee
w illi ihe provisions oi the a.-t of Cntress of
June :i, lain, entitled "An Aet lot the (-ale ol
Timber Lands in I he Slai.-a i tuliloinia. nr.-.
l..n, Xevad-'i and Wasluinjion T.Tritoi y," as
leiided to all tlet I'lil.lie l.iiud Slab-a by a.-t of
Aunusi t, IVJ-'.
of lluiiiiiKlon. t'oimly ol Slaitit. Siaie ol Wasli
iUKlou, ha this day tiled in Una ..lhee his swoin
slal. iiieiil No. J..T'' (or the pur.'lia-.e ol the SV ' ,
of Sis-lion Xo. s, lvp. :l Routh oiiau:e.s ivesi
and ill ot1. r rrool toslmw ihal I he laud -ou-ht
Is More valuable lor us iiuih. r or alone than
for airi i. nlinral puuees, and lo e-tablish Ins
claim belore Ihe in lister and Ib-.-.-iver ol I his
orti.-e at KosebiiiK, l ir.-;..ii, on Thursday the 1 -t ii
dav of September, I'.niJ. li.- naiu.-. as itne. s:
John Staler. W in. smith, lj-onaid brooks and
Kv.'lillous Krooks, all nf llurliiiKlou, asliiiij!
1. li.
Any and all t ersoii- liiiniiu adver-ely ihe
aboe dcseriiH'd aie r.-.ii. si. d t. lil.. t heir
claims in ihiN oili.-e ou or beiine ? :t i.l lsh day
of S.-pt.pi.i.'. J. I . HKllnJKs.
J 'r I b-i! -vr
Notice for Publicatiuu.
I llited stilt, s I all. I tlflice,
Uok.-i.ut.'. Or.-Kou, May p.. l:o.'.
Xoli.eis hcr.-i.v nieii Ihal iu i-oii.plian. .
with Ihe provisions ot the a t ol emircs
June :., lsia, eutilUd "An act lor the Rale i
limber landt in lha Unites of ('ii, n
Ron, XeTadii and M ah tictoii l.-nllory,' a
extended to all the Public l aud Slab s b acl
of Augiisl 4, Is-.'.'
CAlil. HAI'.I,
of Kosi-b'J!. eollllt) ol peiti;:.!-, s;kI. ot Or.-Kou
has Una day hi. .1 iu this oiac-hi- sorn -:ai.--metit
Xo. 24T.'., for the pin. -In.-, of Ihe htt1, ot
section No. .'s. lonii.l.ip No .'. south, rnru'e No.
a West and will oiU-r b. sum 'hat lb. Inn 1
sought is in. in' Vi'Iuni.le loi it- l.u.lx-r or
than fora-'rleultural pnip. . and lo . -:..i,:i-h
hlsciaiiu to mid land I .-. or.-the K-e.-nr and
Keeeher of litis otli.-e at Ko-ehiinr. Om-oii. ..ii
1-rl.hlV, Ihe -il h day of Aliens'. 1'.'. IK Haines
aswifnesiics Charh s K Kelly, ll.-urv,
John Kelly aud l Ha; s. a!i ol Uo-ebun;.
Anv all. 1 all )!-.. n- elaiining wv Ihe
aUive d. s, iily-l lands are n-.U.' ied t.. t l their
claims in tins oibe,-op or N-iore .a:d -'lli da
of AI.Kllsl, lvrf. J. '1. lllilb. k-.
lul'.'p Ueiii-ler.
Notice for Publication.
1'NM1lIM Alh-
K". HI R . til
1. VN li l li K,
Soil. May 1 . I'.s -'.
lial ill eolilpill.liee
w tin i-io i-tm ( th I 'nisr--
Jinn ' Alt t l"i t.- wiUoij
! tlMtx-l litn! lU lilt !rtl. - .'1 riilto Ji.H. up oii. !
N1 . aj.ln, n ril v n-til n- t n 1 . 11 itoi c w 1 j
i-l loU llic Tu-'lir l-nii'l Mil'. S i-( oi A l - j
1A IIH'I'.AM i
of Ko l.iinr. count) ot I.ui;!fi, at' t.f l.T- i
gon, ttiist ily i.U-.l in iiii offic- hi- 'rr ;
i:'inrnt No. 'ji i, ior tne .ni tm-i ih'-j
raiir No. .: w l. mi'l u i'i o.V-r jr.M-i lo !io j
ih Inn ! .- iito:- n :.; ir v.-
ttiuiH-r ir Moiif timu lor it-r;cotI' yw
nii'l to 1 -;tuiti U it. ni l.t at l .Hti'i 1-
tlir ftei;i-'. r i.l. I li- i i-iu r ! 11. i- nt K.
lll Oi, l )fen . ll -.11 I'l.i. lln . t:.e --'ti 't': "1
i Anii'isi I....' II na-i..- .int.. Van i:n
'. I ati llri. sinii . j t . 'l.n.
Ilav-. ef ti'-v i..;ri ui.i:..ii.
Any an., a I T rM.n e.niuiiii a-lv.
a'..-.eie.-'i'--.l iaa-1- are r-('ie-.-d t. i-u t
. Inlms in ttiis ..S . ..!i it ! :..rv a:d .'" !i !
Amut i -.v.'. J. i . iiKin
uil'-ji 11- ol
Notice for Publication
1 niti- I h'.at. - tati-l Oik- -.
1 K.-v-i'iirg T' s-"U. Msy -. . 1 s '
i N'.ili.r i. Ii.-relo 'i-..n tl.nt in Klii.p lai
iwiih Iiib ..I n.e a. i .,-
June 3. ls;. iit'.i.el - An a I t -r Ui ..
tlnlM-r lu ilietuo- ..I i a .r. rii a. Or. - jii
Nria-iaaud v a-b.iisi..ii t. t.-iiorr. --is ei.-in:-
,,"a.i t tar v.-iiili. .and .ia'e. ,. a. t of A
u.l 4. IV'
I KON Ml 11R....K
of Rnrlin'oti 1...1I1IV ol -.&l!ll. .Int.
I ..r n,i,iii.rf...,i . ,o i- ..I ...i t ...!, ,,l '.
! lliiitol:. I.. U.l
.1 lu tl...
I staleD.elil No. I'i 'or tie- J '..- bls ..I 1
m.l I. m ltU'S'. Ni1, .iis-. in N...
' "I o.'Uiri.ui ranji.-
u.-.:, in I Hi.. .r
:d "...kill 1. niort? 1
t X'r.Jl i 'LOU in
i ' "i i
.f- r b-l .torn- t!:a-i lor ncr.. .1'.
: ' l-urpo.-
.and I-, e-.iab.i-h his i iai m .-. -a. : I Und :
N-for.- ibe !:.-.-U r and K.-eeurr ni 11... o. i
at Rn-rh.ii - tir;-u, lli-ir-!ay lie J-t" da
. f si.enio.r. 1.VJ- He i:a:n- as wilae-.
I Jobn fciatrr. Wli.iam s.n'.th. r'au'-oi i e.'. r :.! f
ti.-n.iou-PrtoLs, a.l of H ir!:ni..:., W tsiiit.
to a
Alt and ml. ; r.ut .-in uni- ad . , r.-!y t
oie dr M-ribtd lands sre r -, v trd In r. .i i!,.
iain-.t lonl- !!. e "U or f. re a -l i-:b d
of beptmir. 1 -.'.'. I- T. BKIIwr".
J.'p K.-i:t. r.
Notice for Publication.
L' ni;. i -iatra Ijin 1 IT... e.
l;oa t.i.rc. ts --oi... May IV.h. I.i.
N'otiee la hert.y kt'.'-ii tl. a', in
ailh tlie i-rui i-lo'l.s oi Ho- ai '. o! i-Ufr-fs Joi
June 3. 1-is. elit:ii,-.l"An A,-t ...r l:.. sji'.-..i I .1:1
ir Lai.. I. :u ll:eta;- ot l a if. ri. a.m. ii-n. Ne.
-. ada. and Vi a-lilnst a l-rnto-T.' ev.-relid
load the I' il.ii. i.:id !!at-s ll.e aet ef A :e-
l-t t. -?.'.
STANI.r Y 1' 'LIN.
of K..-
ire.e'.iintv of lioo-ea.
i I !(. -'-1 j
ri s.a'..-
p. . ..r;
N i. i " .
i:.. lonl!
Iia Ih; da r .-.-I In l!t. . ra
in. lit No Jl ..'. f..r lie- ! -.: in-- .1 t-aec-tioD
So. -I. lo.ii. :..: No.
audaiil oilt-r (.rod t. li-a I'-at i :.
Ki'llil.t ift mntv aiiia'.'.- lor Ha limv r ot
than f..r arn ultnrai t.i;:-.-. and
Id-ela;m lo aald .an l 1-ion li..- I'.' u -'
Ki.ener at Kwlmr;, - lion. i. I!.',
llie islti dav oi Alien'. 1 H.- a" - l
day. '
D I'avld I r.i..rrai.k
ilin. Karl Htrt ..! '
Any and a:. i-'-tiim'.
at.tve d.-n riis-l land, a-.- r
e!nlli:s ID this I.S-ee on o: '- T
id A 'lijil-l. l'.SJJ. J
II,;. Man;. lil f.
i .- .n.
a-iv, 'y l :..'
i. -nl lo t.V r
.aid H dsv
. T. l'llll"
I- -.
;ii. r.
I Notice for Publication.
K"IBi a... iregoii. Ma ., l..i
Sollce ia herctiy giv.-n trial 111 iou....aiue
wilk lht i.roTisiona of the a. I ol l oner. ol j
June a, lv. enlil.ed, "An act fnr the me. d!
timt.-r ian.U in trie Hialea ot Cahloriiia urct ni,
Nevada, and w aahinK'on Territorv," rxt n 1- j
ed lo all the Fundi- ljind Htalea l y aet of Aug-
uit 4, lay.'. i
of V. r.1. 1. ..'.I 1 .,.01:1-ot 1 i.m .t.,1 ,.' o.. "i.n
1, 1 o'i'iiv oi .
Una this day lil.-d ill Ihia oHics- Id- -.v. 1:11 .'.:tt- -
in.-ni No. -t. ior lh' i'ir. hn-e ol iti
tl'.' of am-ii.iD N.i. U', town. hip .si wiutii, ol ,
rani; No. s west, and will niter i.r.xd to anew 1 ibe land ao'luM it more vaiuahie for its
liuilrorionc lhan lor an-11 iiitura! i.'irixises, '
and Ui eatahilfch hia claim 10 said laud hcfuiv
Uie K.-aislet and K- elver of llii. oOii c at He- ,
burr, Orvfoii, on Monday, Ihe 1-ih day of A'n;.
u.t, f'.'. II" natilea as wiini-saea. U. K. Mnri;, .
A. I . ccoiieh. Itarry lin-eiiway. A. v . C'. u. ol ;
1 nuias Vailev, Ors'iroii. " j
Act iu.i iiiiK-riiii . iaiinn.a a-l-.i-r-elr 1-ie :
alaive d.-'illwl la .da are r-iiet.-d to lile th. ir
e iai 111a in till. ofTn .- on or It-lore an". 1-iu day
of Autu-t, I. 1. II HI IN. K".
34sp K.-ii'ter.
Notice for Publication.
Clltted -tal. Land 1 HT1.-C
Rosehnnr. nr.-iroii. Ma 1 ., l.'J,
N'otiee Is heis'hy piii-n lliat in rorii.atiee !
with llie f.ruv i.i. .na o. Hit aet ol CoiiKo-sa ef
Jume H, IsTa. entiil.-.! "An aet for Ihe sale 01 tun-
ber laud In the Males of I ai ifor Ilia, Mr. u'ol:,!
Navada and Vt ashluiiou Terrilorv. ' a- extend, j
11I lo ail the l'uhlle l-and .-latia bv ai l of An?-I
lial 4, 1 ij, I
Cl.AIlK I.. IlKMIN'dTON, j
of Kobuhtlnr. e.-lllltv of llont-iaa at.-.le of I Ire- '
foil has t!.' .lay tiled ill IM- orb.'.' his aworil
statement So -.m;i, (or Iht pur. hasc ol tiie Nf.
of s eiion No. -.'4. torniii No. I', ratiiie No. .
u. al. and ul!i oil. r proo! to .Imn that the land
soiiKhl I. for iu. liui'a-r or alone
lhan lor a trieultuia'. .ilif o-e.. and lo isiah
lish his eialin 1.1 said land l I.iiellie Kni.t. r
and KucHerof thlsoflueal llo-eMirx. Oirgoli.
011 f n. lay, the ,-nh day 01 Antrim. 1 aiJ. lie
liaim a as lllie.a.-l, Ihalle. K Ke'.ly, Jollll
Kelly, ll.-nrv Miu;ltl..ii and liioiiie llal.-i 11111
all of Ko. lniiK. ir. gon.
Any and ail persona elaimini; adi.rsely the
a have .liK-rllie.! Isii-ls an- r. .'i..-a;sl to nie ih.-.r
I'lnluia lu this olliee on 01 l.efole tuld Jith day
of Aimuat, l'.ai'. J, T. BKiliiiKs)
iiil'Jl' Itmisl.-r.
Notice fur Publication.
I'NtTKii Urnr.s !.m on i. k.
KoehtuMl On-iiou. Mav Jl, I'.sC
Noli.-e Is herehy 1:11.11 that in i-oiiiplhint-c
nilh the piovislo'na of Ihe aet of Connr.-ss of
Juue :i. Isii . fiitll!-d 'Au acl for Ihe sale of
Tiiuuer l ands lu Hi" stat.-a of California. Ore-
ffon, Neraila, nud aalnnntoii T.-riitorv," s t.v to all the I'ul.lii- land Stat"s hv into!
Augual 4, ls'.',
JOHN II. Sill I K,
of KoKi-hiirx. i-.'iunty of lloulaa. State of i ireu'on,
haa this hied in Ihis oltice hia t.ioru shiii'inent
No. 2V.S, for the piirehasi-ol the S'v SVi4 and
(' j SK'. ol Sei-llon No. Hi roivn-hip a .Niiuh
of laneeN iveat U . M. and wiiloll.-r pr.ail lo
how tnat the laud ni;ht ia more valuable for
ila llmla r or alone than lor iiitiieuliiiiiil pur
port and to establish his claim lo said land
before Ihe 11. -clsler arid Reeelier of Ihis oili.-e
al KosehurK on-goii, on Wednisilny the 1.1th day
of AtlKiist He iinuita aa Milnesseai J. ij
H.a.k, Mlmii.- shupe. orvil Hook and Men Me
Muli. n all ol Host hurt!, oncou.
Any and all persons i-laltniiiK a.lve-selv ll-e
above deisril.ed lalida are reoiiesied to hie their
eiairna in titsa olliee 011 or helore said lllh day
ol Aiig-uM i-.wi J. T. ItHliM.Ka,
P Iteitisler.
to write lor our confidential letter before an.
yiiiK mr paieni; 11 may ue worm money,
a promptly obuin U. U. and Foreign
TRADE MARKS "r return EN
IE alUiiiiev'a lee. hend model, sketch
or and we Rend an IMMEDIATE
rnCL on .UL..ioiniT. e give
Ihe beat leaal aervice. and advice, and our
charges are moderate. Try 11a.
Patent Lawyers.
Opp. U.S. Patent OfficeWashington, D.C.
Notice for Publication.
f s u s i ah- -; i an n on n tc,
Koscm.'H.i, ore , Apr. 14, jwiJ.
Noli.-e is hereby I'iv.-n thai in eoinpliun.-e
ivn h the provi-doiis ol the ael ol Congress of
lane ;.. Is.s. etil.lie I n net lor tin: i.ale ot
limber hinds in ll.e s'iilcs of i 'ulil-.rum, on-iton,
! Nevada and W a-liiimloii J erril iry, a- extend
ed to nil tie- pu'.l e laud s; iti s by a.-t of August
I M A lit I S li. U IIKKI.KR,
: of f' Vali" .-y, eoilnly ol lioiigla'., Stale ot
Oiei-ou, has the: ,l,i Hied In tills hi'
swoi ii stun mini No. -.'.' i, ior ibe I'Urehn.-.' ol
the NK'4 s.-.-uon No, lu, t. ::) S., rti;e 8 '.Vent,
and ivili uil-.-r pro..! lo show that the land
1 .ought is iii.-ie valuaol.- for its limber or alone
' I tin ii ior hii ult'iial Mi...'.-s, an I to estate
1 llsh his elullil I" said hind before Ihe Heltlltet
. aud lt. ee.ver ol this otliee at ibi.ebuig, Oregon.
on Muturday, the l'.'th day ol July i'io. He
' nuiu.-s as i'.nest-s: Kulpli K. l-'arl.-y of Bridal
j Veil, r.-'-!oii. K. I ward ('. Cole, Henry K. -ahine.
..I l.i.i. nit. .1 l mi-, ' 're., o . u. l.uu n, ..I i iiina
allev, Oi.C'ii.
Any mi l ail p.'rsotis laiinill adversely the
ahve-.le-i'i i'..-.l hind', ar- requested to tile i! . if
claims in thi- office en ot ! loo- mi; I l.'tli day ol
July, I'.uJ.
J. T lliiibois,
al. i Keaisler.
Notice for Publication.
I'liil.-.l SU.I.-. I.i.nd Oilii
U'.-.-biii ;:, ur.-eou , v i, In j.
,. is l.4-r..l.y m. r. tl...! ni i-.o'ip....... ,-
wilh tl.e pi." i-i.-n- oft'..-Bi ol I enures oi
lure a 1-i-. eiil.t!. d "A n a. : lor !. a..- "I
till: her land- 111 the slates c! :i!:I-.i:i:m, " M. -'oil.
Nevada, abd U;.'!..i'i :..n',' r..evteitd
ed to a ', t!;.- i "ii.t.e land -. k- : of A...'-
il-l I, l-.-.-,
1.1 i 1N1)A M UK' ' :K
..1 1'.ur'.aiK-.on. . .eiir.y ..:,-- ..-it, s-n:..- of ush
lliLitotl. Im- '.hi" 'lay lit'- 1 ill tiil "ll.e he' s-..ui
-'j'.iiiiciil No. -. -T: tor ll.e purchase ol ll.e t
..I s.-ciio"i N.i..., i..ii.;ia. It siuUi. -W
and 'ii'il oib-r p:e.-i to -how lua'lh.- and
...n-.-i.t i. ui-.:.- uj.m'.i" t-.r n iiljIht er s-oiie
I'o.n loi H'.-ri. -ii'uuil parpowv
h -i eianti to -aid i.nid ly-l-.!.-!
llie ai-i ol lh:-olli. e ill I'.-.- -'
I Thiir-oay the l:'.i day ..I - p:
1 1. 1. lues a- v. I'll" : J-.hl' slut.
i-.ll.l to
he P." '
irt:, on
: .U-r. 1 "j Hhr
u il min -ni:th.
saniord s ai.i. and l.eoiitird Hi s tet ol cur
lieetoii, a-bii.tou.
Any and ai. )h r-.nv i ; a 1 . et- '.y the
a'Mive lc rihed la' an r.- e-sti-d I . ll.e -.heir
.-iaiuis in litis ollice on or b.-iore sai l l-i!i da ot
.v p:-iui er, IV.'. J. I. !' HI !'( si.
J.',. Ke!Her.
Xotict.' for Publicatiou.
-rn'e OU
. 'j:- ji.. J-.i'.'
... i.m
Or. .ii
l.t I. nil i .l e
ext. u l
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.mi; a-l . is-
, , !. t lO I.
.:-.ii .!t et
J. I UKllioV
Iv ;l.f
Ni'tice fur Publication.
n. Mav .'T. 1." .
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i-1' ;
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l..r 1
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in-, o! i- ; t 1 i.
b .i.i'.ni.-ii. o
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S s.r.? r ,'!--
K. i 'i. r.
Notice ijr
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n .: ,y .1 ,
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ii. ::i-rt..i. w.f. John I
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B . rli :: v" : ii ,.t..u
. I -
! at.i Itr...... a-, i-
All) nn l a . H -ol.s ( ali.i a1.rra.y ti.e I
.i e -1. si r.t--1 an ts are -i t. i t-i ri
lstr:. lii tLis .jll.i.-or U-:..r.- .a: 1 li iay
e;'. 1--:. J. T lihil.i.Kf.
j.'i. K..-.-'.er
Noticf for
in r
- I. AN i ' CK1:''!-!
'r, -'..ii. Mav. ..1. I
Not...- I. r. '-v tii. -u :i.s.t i:i ...nil-
nith 1 i T.-i
.inn.- :i. 1-.-. !
tiiiils r Im.. 1- in
H'-VU-lr. ail t U h
i-l to ai! t !,..- Ti.
:. ol It..-
1 "An
li-r, i'T
-a'.- id
a, Or- lion.
. vi. n I.
- I ei U;
.ni. .ii 1.
, fjiii 1 -
r it.r v.
U-l I. l-.'J.
"ili'U 1A E. l'.ulllNH I
of lies. ,l':' .- .;.i-.t oi il.i.-.i;.a. -la.
u'-itt t s .la . 'il.-l in im. .el,. (.. r !
tii'-.-.-.ent No. '. ivir ' .- 1 -in :.a- d th- s
d -r-4ail N-ol .-!',. in. 1 N I- ,..(
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I . nn.l mil
1 I'md ."n:ht 1-i
off- r .r.Hd to -u;.-.v t: at ll.e
,;.r-- v.-ii.ia'.i.- l-.i us iii' l.. r or p-,i;js.. an-l 1-. .-
.1 to siii-l iali-l h 'iere li.t' K- Kis
r o! tins "'li. .-.I II0I..111C. lire.
'.In-'. . . dsy 1 - f.t. in u-r. -Mill:--.,
s l'rtnts-1 Cmic and
: sloie. lhan for
! laulish la
: ler an 1 11.- 1 1
: Ron. on Moiid..
j Hhe lia-nei as
f I r.ii. Ila- s
I Kueliaiiau nt
j Any and 11 :
; a.ove-d.-si 1 (
f k.el.u'c. ir- con. nnd Jair. T.
I h 1 lie .1 o' vw. iin-cou.
i-r.oii- nimii-C aUere'y Ihe
-I lalels ar- nun.sted to I
lln-iri la'n.s in ih
.a err.i
on or l-lon
i-l .'-ri
is ler-
Notice for Publication.
"I -'ate. 1 .111.1 1 illiis',
;, 1 inKon. M:i p'.. l-.aij.
N-.'.i.-e :s le rehy u:-n tiiat ill
Willi the prov.-1.1us ..I tl.e a 't ot
.rip : a tit
1 L-n-ss 1
1 uiie I. l;s, oiiti'i. 1 "An a-1 he in
tl i.her Innd- n In. stut, s ol California
Nevada and W ashinc'.-iu T.-rriiori." as
ed to nil the I'.il.i ,- Land ny ai t
ka.e ol
d AllS
U: I, IM,
l.'iris wii.-o n .
1 f Wa-libiirn. i 'eiiity ol HnvlL-:d . Mule of Wis.
ha Ihi dav h.e-l in ihi. ..ili.-e hi- srtor'i stale
m -nt N . .1 .'. lor llo-pur. has . ol ihe lot : and
l-K'j Nl',, 1.1 ,.-', of -s-etio-l No. .v. Ion 11
ship No, - a 1: Ii . lain:. - No. '. 1 -I . ai d v. l:l of
ler pliH.I to sho-.i thai Ihe iaud sou.-hl is ino!
al lah.e for its ii-.; n.-r or -l .ii.' tlni-i lor ail
enlliiiiil p;iri-ics. aud hiscnlin to
said land b. I.-re III.- K.-L-l-l.-r and l'..-..-iei ol
liii. olliee al lio- liiii-.-. Or-i;..n, .11 -atur lav
ll.e 1 lh dav o' r'.-pt. i.iia r. 1' He nanus
nllu.-ssrs: . II. II..,. .-n. A. K. H. h Ii, John
Ia hulierr and Hurry Oieenuay ail of lamas
Valley, On v'.'ti.
Any alld ail 'ersoiis ehlililinn a.hers.-!y th.'
ahovedesi-iihed land-are re.,uest.-d to til.- Ih.-ii
cluiina in Ihis othee oil or la-ioie said i.'.h d.ifoi
SepUtntHT, llaJJ. J. T. Illlir.i.lia
nil'.ip K.xi-liT.
Society JVIeetinga.
A A. M. Laurel I.tnlxe No. 13.
iljiilt) rek'iilur nieeiiiiiis 011 fwcoml
and I urlli We.lneeiliiva of each
n.oiilli. K. J. SiHoi n, V. M.
N. T. JiiWKi-r, Si'tretary.
0. U. W. Uosebnre Lo.I)e No. It
l Meet the pccoiul ami fmirlh Mon-
' "i days of each tnotitii at 7 lot) p. m.,
iu the I. O. O. F. Hall. Mem ber a in
tcood BUnclin? nro invited to attcinl.
Ij. T. McCl.AL' I'N, M. .
E. II. I.knox liecorilcr.
1). ,S Wknt, rinaiicter.
(). KLKS. Kusuliiirir Lodge n;0
32t. Hulilu regular coniDiuuica-
tions at I. O.O. K. Hall ou sccotnl
and fourth Thuradaye of each iiioutli.
All moinlicrs reiiuesieil to altend 'ku
larlv ihhI all viaitiiiK hndliert) are cordi
ally invited to attend.
V. II. Jamikson, K. K.
V. C. London, Secretary.
. N. U., raeite at Armory Hull every
Tburaday eveninsr, at 8 o'clock.
F. K. Hamlin, Uapt.
.,n. I
VMKEK OF POSOR. MyiticLotlae
No. Mieta 2nd and 4th Thnra
day eveuiba of eacb month in Na
live Hons' Hall. Vlaitiog member! cor
dially itited to attend.
MRS. II CHIT Vt tsT, (J. Ol II.
K. 11. Lrnnox, Rer.
OF A. Court Donila Ko. 32, For-
eateis of Aunrlca. Meets every
Tueadar Teoioi; io Native Son a'
Hall. Visiting brothers always welcome.
Cms rJiLviN, c. K.
Aro. J. Kiutz, R. 9.
E. V. IIdover, Physician.
0. O. F. Phlletarian Lodne No. 8.
Mdets in Odd Fellows' Temple, cor
ner Jackson and Cass Streets, on
Saturday evening of each week. Mem
burs of the order io good standing are
invited to attend.
Il.B.dlLLlLlTfc, N. G.
N.T. JawiiTr, Secretary.
Kof 1'. Alpha Lodge No. 47. Meets
every Wednesday, io I. O. O. F.
Hall at 7:30 p. m. Members in
good si adding are invited to attend.
h. 1.. KKiitoKf, C U.
U. E. MoniviiTH, K. R. 8.
KO. T. M. Protection Tent No. 13.
Hold- il- regular iteviewa the
!ir-t .Hid third Friday d each
u,. .n lh in tin- I. ii. U. hall. Visiting
iiieinU-p. in j'A stiindinu :ire invite.1 to
;1U-Ild. I. V. PaTTKKsoX. CoUl.
K. Ii. P.lola.l.n. .i-.rd Keeper.
Il.AC CIP.CLE. No. 49, Women of
Wo xlcraft. Meets on Bret and third
Thursdays of each mouth at the Na
tive Sons, Hail. Visiting members in
food standing are invited to attend.
J. K. awvlr.', Oaardiao Neighbor.
Minnie Otev, Secy.
ADIF.S of the G. A.H., Abraham Lio-
coin Circle No. -. meets at Natiye
Son's Kail at 2 o'clock on the sec
ond and fonrth I-ri.laysol each month.
. T. M. Itqeehorc Hive No. 11.
Until its rrgriltr revie npen the
secocd and foorth i'ridar eve.
I of each month In the Native i-out' Hail.
: Sifters of other Hives visiting in the city
- are cordially invited to attend onr re -
Jessie HArr-, L. Com.
M Mia E. McClalles, R. K.
iv or t f . . . v" . .
i . jr .1. jijuiv umi iu, txko.
Meets first end third W ecncsdayfc i
each month at Native Sons' Hall.
F. M. ItF.r.t,V. C.
(ii;o. ISykos, Clerk.
E. S. RoseNorg Chapter No. 8.;
Holds their regnlar meeting on the ,
tiret and third Tharsttavs in each
uonth. Visiting menbers in good;
itandiae are respectfolly invited to at- i
.end. Mrs. Cai.ue Beard, W. M.,
Mrs. Libbii Coaitow, Secretary.
KBKKAHH. Roeebnrg Rebekao
Lodtre No. 41. I.O. O. F., meets in
O ld Fellows' Temple every Taeeday
evenm;. islting sisters and brethren
ii vi ted to attend.
Ii.i.i I'.r.oWN. N. ii.
('::t W rviti hi v. K. .
lT!:i HT1 NS Lii.i-i'iii .--
!y N". 1'Vi incet- every Stur-
;t S .'e!xt in Native
.1.- Mail, i-itm;
,it.-l ti atl.-iid.
Mh-. 1". H. IUf.v.
Arti-nn cordial! v
M. J..M-. M.
V. .
Camn No. Meets al Uie Odd'
Fellows' Hall, in Roeebnr. every
arst and third Monday evening. Visit-.
ins nergLbors a'.wavs welcome.
Jens T. Lono. C. C
J. A. BfiHANAS. Clerk.
li. Little, o:
Professional Cards.
HcyfEniau Uaroox
j 3aoc;
a'.tent'oa r.vcn to Dli
ot lh Ko
an.l Inroak
Ma n -L.ooadoor aeutt of CI IjHa
Pho-.i. Main, HI.
V FlSilEK. il.
lcian, Surgeon.
OtEc over P. 0.
Tlione Main 5i.
QH.t.EO. E. H0UCK,
Phj-scian & Surgeon.
OScl Review Bid.
r-hon.-. Main U
KoTltw Bulldlnir,
teiepiion No. 4.
Ofrlce or.poa'Ud
i.s urn Hail
Attorney at Law,
Koomi 1 A t, Uaritera Bldf ., ROSXBCRa, OB
JtW Buaincw before tb U B Land OOce aod
mimuc caaea a ajieclally.
Late RecelTer U. 8. Land 0CaV
Host k ni' r.ii, Ueeuon
Buamcai before I'.M. Laud Offica and Probate
bii-lue.a a apeelaiiy.
OrBee Abrahaia Bulldlnx.
WU' practice in all the State and Federal Court
Office In llarka' Bldf., Boaeburv, Oregon.
Qi)MMt.)I)0RE is. JACKSON,
Attorney and Councilor at law.
Mining Law and Water Right made
a specialty.
Mai-atcriBld ROS-tBi: KG, OKKOON
kotni 1 and 2
s-Tlf w Btiildliift. R(X"KBfRW, ORIWJjt
Court Homo
Dow us lairs
JA. BUCHANAN, Notary j?nblic.
Collections a Specialtv.
Room S
Maratera Buildinc,
Attorney at Law.
Room 11.
Taylor A wtiion Block. RoacBORe. Orb.
'- : Oakland,
- rn
McCormicks are the Best...
I Drain Gardiner
Commrneiug with Monday, Jau'iary I'O. OJ, .- will cliar'e $.r 'or
tlipfare from Irain t ) C'ooh Jlay. I:.i''a't; allowat:. with c-ach f:;!l far;,
60 poundf. Travelling inf-n are allowed 7-" jioiinds hj.vau"- wio-n tie y
have 300 rvmnds or more. Ad exce-s b..'vae'--, 3i ;..-r j o 1, a ! . al
lonauce will be uiade for roiitci trii. I'AII.V !-r.'.K.
For farther information addrea
J. R. Sawyers.
Projirictor, Drain, Orez -n
, The finest Rough and Dressed
Fine Cedar Fence
Posts, Wood, etc.
Fine Port Orford Cedar
Finishing Lumber.;
) i
( (
We want your orders for building
material. All orders promptly filled.
lj. M. Wetl.erl v
Roseburg Real Estate Co.
Farm and Timber Land Hought r.nd o d
Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. Timber
Estimates a Specialty. List your proper
tv with us.
l A new and complete line of Chinese and Japanese
1 1 Novelties, Chiuaware, Silks and Linens. All arc as represented. All arc inviied to call.
I : r.tzer I'.;:-.;.!;:.;, n.-rtti .ia.-K- :i -tnrt-
i.VTaaa Pi !
Uur MaKes-CZ
car load nf unT aU(
Also a
of the
aud Road
tr -1 f
ii you wisu couiiorr, e.egauce acu a
reasonable price, see us before buying
J. P, Barker S, Co.
Thi.s-liain larni liin.N i.r:!Uio.
naprly for Kile ".r vcli;iio,, iU
lo well to call an.l - the m-w n-al
tftiito firm mi North .lack-on Sir-.'t
Real I'.Bliilc Wight. or i-t-
chaniri-d fur rn!tcrii im i-rty. Al-n
li..'rinnei.i land l a at.-l. t'nii-i r
alMs. m hail. I. K-iimatc- lur-ni-'he.l.
I Best References.
All Work Guarautccd.
Leave orders at Mcflallen Hons
Painter, Paper Hanger
and Decorator m
Signs and Buggy
Painting a Specialty
Call on ur leave orders t I'lum-liill A
Yoncalla Real Estate
..nui: i Ash lih: lsu:anck.;
Timtstr lands located and Ior aale. UooJ bar
gain! ia farm praperu.
McCormick Binders,.
McCormick Mowers
McCormick Rakes.
McCormick Grinders,
T. A. i:
Iv i.. Mr::a
, a I " C n
MADE L 5c.
10c., m
31itcbell HHics, Surreys
Wii'ous on Iianil.
. 1 1
Iff. LV
For a Prouu t aaul Firt-cla?3
Shave or Hair-cut. Cont pa
tent Workmen. Clean Tow
tf, Tfxi!? a'.wara in jhar-?.
Baths in Connection.
J hop on Jack-ou St.
Homes from $250 to $5000
Write r Tlume
Wm. M, Porter,
Real Estate Agent and Notary
Timber and Homestead Locator
Packer and Guide
Camas Valley,
111 iU-s Miu tu wo.t of U.i
.1 ury
Ma.HH1 WWirawiirigTOa i
Is Absolutely PL' RE. and
will OUTWEAR all other
If roiir lia-al dra'.rr iI.h'. nnt currv It
write lo nt and weal'.! see iha: .you eel il
W. P. Fuller SCo.
Portland. Oregon
-( .
. 1