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About The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190? | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1902)
PLK J'!" .LULJL idLL. M lUgg" DON'T OVER LOOK THIS While you arc out shopping don't think about buying before you call and sec our line of Spring and Summer Dress Goods as they are the most complete and up-to-date line in the cit'. Our line of Wash Silks, mercerized Gingham, Dimities and colored Lawns can't be beat in price and quality. r Our Reaily-to-Wear Waist j In this line we exivl all others a our liuo i j the iii'it t'ninplcte line in the city. White j Wai.ts from "rt) cent." :uul npwstrJs. Millinery j Hero is the line ve can miv y.m tuotiey iu. i Walking Hats an.l tivct h.r. An elt-ipiut Sailor f'r -V cents. ) Ladies Shoes i ur ImiH'i-ial t3 Slif" for l.ulifS will coiu-to : wiih any f;.rt) h'Hin the city iu the way of ! v -ai" :inl lanty. hirts t iemli'inen, our line of ' 'lt ami Vancv Miirts are the latcM anl most complete lino in the citv. The place to get these geods is at the People's Store. Clothing Tim celt-bra UnI I'avid Ailler & Son' lino of Clothing i known fur and near ami that is the line we carry. The price? are risht mid the lit i iH-rftct and il you will etep in we will Mirelv convince you that we can save you uioii- if buying of ti. Neck Wear Here i w here we shine. We have the Mrli est and most complete line in Southern Ore gon, and fur the nest and latest thing out lon't over look us as we have theiu in th liu of neckwear. Gentlemen's Shoes The celebrated W. I.. Shoe which are sole agent" for. si-aks for itself, ii you w ill cive them a trial. Wehrvethem in txfonls. high cuts, also in tans and ox-hlood colors. MUa Birdie Slocum f l'ortlaml. wh ha been visiting relatives and frieuds ! th's city, June: S, HDL', a daughter. in thin city returned hoiui Tuesdav. J ! iroinnn I!. V. I'iiih-H Iii on' i',i- Th bubebull game al l'(uille ( ity nioiiiitu-'. l.jcil for 1'ortlund and "ill Sunday w as a closely contested affair. I hei uaftur rim out of tint city. Mrn. find resulted in a victory for the Marsh-; Iu -'' and baby will jo.n him in a leu Held boys by a score of 1 to 0. J ''ays. L.L.Lewis the popular mixo'igist, ! I ''. H. G. Steel, of l.-nver, uiil aie Uft this citv Tuesduv for Kuucnc w here ; 11 U1"- " JVtnj picture exhibit! in tho orn. to t- wife of Chaiies. Tt i ( 00OVVSKV'V ! J4 t. e nothing Opportunities ne loor -4iiti U oi I hf po-t if ;.. I. ABRAHAH Proprietor i The People's Store CANNON'S Book and Stationery Store m;v hooks. Audrey V" lorotti vrruou -"'' .Vr Tlie Kternal City 11"'' Ioroiliv Souih tlcartt courageous) l:en B The Crisis - Hthc Klictatot-way W" Blctcrhasette--:ii.a The Caviller - K Truth llexttr v- i ; The Iolter ana the ciajr vr- A Maid of Venice "in ..f GmusUrk-.V'1 : The l'ortlott of l.abor -ii'"l'-The UullUE PHslOB-ltt i;.l Circumstance? l :!. ! Gcd Wills It-1-" l itcle Terry- V. To Haxe nd to Hold ..-.',. TlieSiitu of the Prophet -.Vh-'t Elauore -H '' Count Hannibal H'.f,-i Tarry. Thou. Till I Come '': In the PaUceofl'.:;- iZtntt ' '-'-i Tlie Ueliuet .s Nfr-- ;.. ." -Alice of Old Vle icus-Ti And llu.i!'e:; o( tMlirrs. We have Theiu Al; Selliitic Ii tee. -.I.E5 By Mail. - . .5 We rent alt the ltc book ;;t 5C. per weci: CANNON'S Poak an !.',: i -nerv More la. Ill 9 Of Local Interest. Mrs. Y.Y.. Klairand infant dauhtrr are visitiup relative- at l'.ugcne. ThoQia- Criuer, the j-opular Mule creek miner, i visiting his family iu this city. Sheriff lLstlau if niakiup preparatiou f..r the execution of August Schevie at !M. Helens July . j l?ird Hayes of rortbnd Med to d-ath i the other day t';e reUil of refei ing j a hard blow .n the ii're. Mi Klva W imlrly lelt on euues- , Ta,.f,ra., ,, aM w,,.k i Jay niorniu's l.val for F.ugene to vit-it he goes toucCMpt n position iu Wiiddli-s' Oregon bar. -Miss Ldith .Meant! came over from Oakland Wednesday evening to enjoy a few davs visit with the Mioses I'.cll ainl ther Kosebur; friends. I Marriage licenses were issued Wcd- I nesuav in j. jt. iia.ier ano .miss .waoei j Madison, of Kcllo, and l". I.. Turpin j and Miss Alice Finney, of Winchester. Kutfland will now prm 1 t return I ir,."," lJ..-r prisoners to their homes. Il j in uite au army and indicates that the ! Uikt forces were larger than the ..i .in j ary estimate. i i.aiM i nmmisioncr I rank i.o. r-auo CO I Geo. t.hiick. of Gardiner, were in the Ten Mile section Wednesday, helping Mrs. IMdy Kakcr prove upon her Iiome stead. iar-hfield Mail. I". M. Armita-e brought int' our oilice i to layfrotu tlie Alora and l ittle ( iiie'l.iin ininee. nil !yrtle creek, sonic tine spec-1 iinens ..f ore. ThcriS-as !iow values; froin iil t-- tli' per t-.n. That ! district .ert.ii:.!y ir- i-omi- ot a bri-ji.t future. j V.ll I i.'d. At the f'tS e .. t he .'..;i.V i judical t!ic( "Uit hot;"-,-. Tiii-i.iy alter-1 li'H.n .In:.,- 17 p.Hi2, A t'lara Stoekwe!! wen Miss dariiet otey is i-itinj; reiatnes i at I'rain. Mark Howard and I.. K. ..f I'illard. were Kosvbn'rjr isiiois Tin jhon of niatiimoiiy. Hi- h lay. i M. I'. I liot,,ps..n . !li;-i.itn;e. I'rot. I.. It. Trnver and wit 1". rinnU and j united iii the tiolv ! i..r .1 ii. i--.- ' -t. At ; court .In-l-eJ.W. Hamilton and I torncv Geo. Hrowu are atteudiui in Iane County. G. D. lra';n. .I.G. Hefty and F.. K Appleate if Plain. vr in Kosebar, mil brjilie- Tuesdav . Mrs. Nora Sfmrlin, who ba he-n j visitins ftieads in Kos-lui; for the p;i-t j wi-ek returneil to Vortlan l Tuel.iy. I . en- joying thi-ir weei, in lids c-n.tx vi-ititi v, iiii lix-Cciutny Supcili,:.-;! ; I'oitisla-Waite and familv at t -1 e U -,iu- ' til'ul i-oiii,try home i.n Ieercrek. l'rof. l ie at i-'I.p. -r -unlay, w.. u:i ! r- t.ind. I. G. G F. hall loiuoirou e ciiint', atts piecsW. O. W. Adiai--ion '.) and ,.ent. Mrs. S. S. Kiihh, ulu. ha- I ii ing the family of M . Mefoy, of thi-city. f-r the past two weeks, returned to her home in Oakland. Calif., he-1 Monday evening.' ol the 11 AiM.i u.Ki: wil. lontai i the program i f thi- I 'ointh of July j.i.-jii t he ie l I in ; !,ni lliidi!!- the ma' ol 1 !,e ' :u i.i". Kclief Ct.r s. Atlloli our uh.v'i'ibers wi.,, called and renewed their sul -n fo.- au-othcr-year recently were : .n. !: UoSor.Ulv : I. ( .i.ln-l totl. I .lenda!--. i.lld . f.. Mo.ue and Xiermaii ( 'roe. Can.a V alley. Mr.-. lJuth M. !' uj.imin f'-ni,e ,, i . ' i l.ovl.u-ij. hut lee, ..I au ! r. mi ' i.U' n-l t:a- olti. e Mtli edn. siav. Mr-. I '.. ii j , i ' i i a plea-ant i-i! w :to hvl da Fiank W. I'-cn-oii. Mr-. C. Cam I-,-'.;... : M. i ha- - u i- it ii, i i..o! ... let, . i ill - , it . V. !l i , oasly iil. !o t for I' .i :1a.. i ii w ta r .-lie w ill retur.i U'e nr.--d-! i i, i Ioltet a- una 1 1 i n. i .i i F !. f!.,---r. win. i. ! I'.ri ie Suj rint. iiih i.t j w ho are now buiid.i j i didc. w a- iu l: -el, i i tili- olllCe .1 pie.i-..,t 1 t Upon looking over our stock of Men's Suits, we found several lines which do not move out as they should. 0 To this lot we added all of the odd suits, short lines, I etc., and marked a price on the lot which allows us the baro price we paid for them. But our loss is your gain. iey comprise worsteds, cheviots, cassimeres, clay worsteds, etc., in every conceivable color 15 and $16 SUITS ARE NOW MARKED $11.50 and $13.50 5 1 2, S13 aud $14 SUITS ARE NOW MARKED $S to $9.50 fio and $1 1 SUITS ARp: NOW MARKED $7 to 3 ?.:o and S?9 SUITS ARE NOW MARKED $6 to $6.50 ?7 .nnd $7.50 SUITS ARE NOW MARKED $5 to $5.50 a p, 1 ' I . i 1 11:-' I M. M.'-.0 All of the above suits are strictlv all wool, and pnar. 0 anteed first-class in every particular. They won't i); last long at this price, so pick your suit before the sizes are gone t anr Ma - ll. l l on ... .1. t ft t" all. - tiiat w erk on t he hri-l.-e . I'l-orc ii' rapidly, they II- The Store OSEPHSOFS The toiz Stort Mail Oidcis P;oniptly Tilled. Everything gnarautecd as represented or money baclc pier- ii i Well :. 1: Mi- I!a I arter. ei' ! I.'anvoin tile's Tlie rruhe-'t t rie" paid fo;- hop th! i ; k 1 1" D.nmiv f Carter. !.h- joine-l the r. 111,! l..t... at te.: ril .'-ii i C lli'i.J i'T.T all 1 will 1 ! preservative. Mis- Cart' r (iRnnif urn UtlLUUII i INSURANCE AT COST. K.1.5ii.l I , V n-.t. of insurance iu i Net gain i:i one year, c-,e;i- its inpmbers 1 rr Number separate risk, ,oUV uchanan, A.t. for Dongas Co ; with friends tln-re duriu the eummer. W. G. Howell and w ife, of Portland. . arrived in this city Wednesday to at ! ti'tvl the funeral of Mr. Hoell lie ! tier. Aexrie rii.-hford, local manager of trie Minsv-t Telephone Company, left ye l. rday inoiniii-: for I'lilaud on a two w irl.'s viit. Win t allahau. well known ihougtintit I'oe.-'.a'- c iiinty. arrived in Ilosebnri ast M-ei iay after an absence of four ;en - in bi.iho and WashiutoU. !!..'. of tlie tirave Thoto i .1 ii-t. i -nff.-ri:; -ouie tri'iibie v.iih ao'i Mr. raves ha again taken ..i i',,.' j.illery tT a siiort time. : Mr Chicv'ssl i- well and favorably kn ii in ur where he formerly i re-;.ied :id I i- irav.y friends join the ! I'l.eMiKtrK in e!eiulin c uratula- ! tioiiF and U-st wishe". ve.f:i.;'",1"-ful Tue day Mi-s .le-sie Vjttrrs. ot 0k 2.:iS.77.tK ! I ... I onre'i-i 1 . Vow u or -an of W. , jl'nrrA Co. Clitrles HattieM recently bought a haiio-onie ( liu-a ott-ae ,l;e tiieir i Mr. and Mrs. li.i- wi future home in Monument. Thev have the coiiyratnlations and l-t w i-he- of a j hfct of friend- in t'.is e .cnty. J An iiiu-irMe-l w . . v . en. tn V given at Hid lie in Jaek.n'- hall, Monday, .Tune I'M. c-.m-i-tinp of inn-ic. : uitli Mr-. Jack-on 3n. t dan --titer oi cer. w; I'l i n i i: t i u's learn the ar will re-id'' Attorn IS. arks.. family. .1. II. I; Id lrieii'1- ot ! Mi-. ... ; I'.ihn "m;. c.t- i s-ri' ! while ; U- on; ,c.;u..-i the 1 e- 1. r. Ti i- v univ..i Mo'id.iv ir"i:i i ! rastci d Gre- -n. h.ivin; iatly d.-;-s-d ! of ?.iXi pound- ( w-.-.I at a 2--I t:i ; lire. Mr. lleckU-v's band ' f thep . .n- M.iia A. ?- n-seburj, r .- line linn. art and moiin pictures. Admi ion l'" anl li cents. Mrs. H.iiniiii. who has (-en iitin her dauiihter Mr-. W. II. I'ren nan.of thi- city, returii'sl to her home .-t io-hen Tuesday. She wa accompanied by her prand-daMjiitf r Ha-t I'reiinan. F. Y. (julck ' f trie Candy Kitehen r turnel Tues-l.iy f r--tn a i-it with rela tive and friends at -id I'hii"-.:-ath- His sister Mi Ada tjnick. a- j coiipaniel Inm on la.- re'.i: n au-l w ;.i assist liiiu iu tlie Lately Mt- Ii'-n. The fip-t qu-trtprl in-tallment t! -if the annuity granted Mr-. McKinley by Con3ress ha- jr.-t is-,-n paid t her from Colntnlni". ., by en. W. M. Jon-. Cnited States r nion A-nt for the Huckeye St tte, the warrant l-in I p.ivabl- to her at Canton. ! K. K. J;i!iiily .. Fort Klamath has ; lis rinch oi ."WO a.-res to Ilob't Con ' ner of San Krancisen for $Vw1J. Mr. : fiMillfT oi 2lil l ead, are n -w ..;i the r".id near In'"'' Spring- win-ie they will be pastured during the liiiini"' lo 'i.Tii-. : KiiL'eie' Iicjistcr. .1 Ii. I diner, a -eti. d it:i.-ii of t;..; IVel iie! h'S.i. -Aa- trari-.u i in." V'':-!ii. s ii Hox-bur; Tit i:iy. 1 : :'aorsl the t v!sir with a p'.-.i ant call, an I al-o had his ii.rne r-vor le-i on .i:r .:(. -eripti n l""k. I!e r.-p..!!-" 'the pr.,-j-,ts f.iv.ra'-'e I-T a pr..-;-."-..;;- sea-'Mi in hi- V.ioU "f the ''"ta:t . a U p;, hr.i-l lv I r -.-. i i- the -me men! -"Hie I l,e ! nt.i! p.. I! ii ,;rv I 1 r.i i nioioin: r.fh- i- !: t ' $ioo Reward Sioo. t'.iln- this prpr will i to '. ai :1 ,n il.i-re i- r.t e. l.-ea i'-l d- a- !,:-. -ii uce ha- l--n a.' ii a.! it- sta.'es. and that i rr:.. Ha::- Catarrh Cur. i ;, ,ip e.;:e l.'i'.wii t.. the n..iji. al rn.ry. t .r.arrli l-ii.e a eon-titu-I -ae. r";;i:'' a "ii-t;ti;U"iiai i : t II !! -Catarrh l ure 1 taken :i.d'. . netn.c 'hr.-c'.iy c..n the i a:i-l in", -"'i- --irinr.- .l ti.e sy-ietii i d.-tr.'jin the i..-,indatioit of ' - .. M.d .'ixin,' the ratient ,j'-, !,y !.e; l.t., ;;s , 't lit i.t :-:-'!! iiati.r.- iri doit.: it- work, pr-'i :!:!- !.: - mu, Ii f.iith in s.r. i-.v.e,-. th.-v Tier One io i I1 !!.:- f-.r :vy eas- t it re. Sell.1, for li-t of te-timotii- V 1 V-.-- K. J. Cllf v ;.i itV. T.'.fh-. O. i't u-.--t. - ! .w. iy 1 .Ii- nr.- n.e . -:. Uarjcains in Wheel. 5 r m -a r ff t . ....,. v K a . . '. i'i- I i r .. ' C4:l.i ' let - - '! WO'j.) S Oi'JCK, cheo. where ht-st and beet ice iu tbe city. Proprietors oreall oi" 1 1 Maurice M.r-. of thi- city, was a i.'. i,riiit i-alier at lhi f'friee Tl"sl v. He entered hi- name . n .air sub-crip- ! Conte-r ha rent.-d the plac to Hat'? tio i-t an-l will hen-after read South- , IHx-n ot It.e-l.ur- u,r on- year, who : i l - o.-v. 1 1 . ." . 1 ... . . .... ern Oregon s m..-t J .pnlar new-paj-er. oi m: '"" .v.' . s.ivej. ... .., . i . f , o.i p -t'ire. Maniaui Jtepunia'an F. I'. Cio:ie.n::i t. formerly of the j ' I'LAiviieAt eK. w i e'.eeie I jit-th-e "f thej I. T. 1'rii hard, the '!d reliable je-- ea-e of Kh'nath Fall at the rc-Tit J , l.-r. i- now hA-ated in the buiHiii-r election. Ther- is nojouot tliat Jud-;e l tortneiiy ..ri-upie'I ,y I.J. .Norrnan near Cn-neiiiiiler -ill make Im.iIi a and ( t!i d pot on Ca stre.-t and i tetjer ju-t jaii"'. Tlie Woman's Christian Temp, ranee j Cnioii. will meet at the home of Mrs. pa . C. MarsterB Friday June fWtli.. t ' repa ri . ; t : i '.i : .:ne- " men-It .ferry Wil-ei of T -5 : -iiiii i r . x 'sit i-l ; '' ' !?.. H..ehi;r friend1 Ti:e-lay lb- arii cl ' 0:1 the I 'hi" Shri1.r5-p-.iai and said ! '--e-e that he did not espeet t ' .-;t '''-': ' "' Ho-eMir when he w-nt to tin- .'.e.t i ' l I'unsmuir to meet hi- brother ,-''''' ' shrin. r. but wh-'M he t -Id ' ': he w a- an l:,i-..i:i. li,y h'.i h 1 ' hii.i ".1 ti e train a', i :::si-!ci that he -iciil 1 .e--e":npiiny them a- far a- -h',a 11 i any way, S-. a- it was a t irre ca-e. In-th"'.:.-'.t he would vi-it le.-elmr. 1 I. 1- r.i e 1:. . i e it !t i.. - p.-i s i,.- .1: 1:: id... ;,- 'A r w . - t. - .-r.-,- -,-(-, .1;. I .mu !i ti! -el! xt verv t ra ie for w. -I. I . M V".1tB-A Co. ..- I: 'It . t . f a :l i and ti. ! I' p rep iir or clean voiir w atch w 11! ? on tf. than l.e ha" ee l-n before. It oil to,- il 311.I get MS pn 2:30 p. 111. All ineiiil-r are reuested to lie present. Important buities on hand. All iers..ns !: have subs.-rilKsl fur the of the tow n hill on the I leer creek load, aie hereby rellestel B.'v'iniiinjal.outJune 1. k i- said that I t" me-t at tiie ,-..i,rihoiie in Ih-i-rbiir. the Oregou'r-hort f Jne will sprinkle oil j on Saturday. June --. " ' ..n it grade from Huntington .tstward. or the purp-.- ..- eU-etln- a supcrin in order to do away itb thedut whi.-h i l.-ndent to take char-.- of the work and has heretofore proved an annoyane "ii j consider any other ou-iiie that may la titat line ill fODimer. Thn r,il will b brought before them peitaininc to said . ' . rt ii Q oreasion mav demand, ami improveineui. 1.. 1 . ham., the track will be kept dustles. Five special train; ot My-tie .-h'ln -r-p.i-s."l Ro'b i"" thi- we k ii rout'- to their h"ms fr u'io the mi-. tin in Sail Frunci'eo. First Mclin-ih Teinple of Chicag'.. in i v:n h.-s. went throi.k-h. Al Korn Temp!.-of Cleveland, in coaches, pa-'-e 1 thro-uh later. The lhiffj Shriner i i---! thr ..:t -' 1 e.l. Tie.-. I-;.iii. ..! M.,r-: : tiiis r'ty W.-i us-i.iy vi-n w i:h hi- d.oi.'h:. r-Mar-r- r-. .i W-t !:-.-;. M.l'.tie Di.liil. "I C eVeh.l ha- ch-ir.'e of .;.tr:! t!i- C'- 1 .111. ly 1 - f '.: C-s.s n.;y,.n r ad ..: "V.-r thi- route, pr .noi:;., u-twe-'ii i.'ie co..-t at He -avs C" - c-iii. tv ha III thy Vcm; lc in Ind a V. e...i v I ii.Ifiiu u 11, ! : ;-. :-.!'- -. lv; ; i . -.-til .,'i-.!i. Ii.e.t prinit it 1 .rl: -.. -r - - . t,: '--, Kii''i !. 1. .- 1 ...1, 1 us.,, 1 r.;!t,.i, i-.,:s.-rv. h'.-r-. i.;ie 1h)w-!-!.. I I'pju t:;.'. 1 inly I'i --- dn:- storo. I hey . T ! . a ( M. M i. l V r. 'hi 1 .Exec; U - o 1- r. 1 :lr:.'c . .. t .i- ir : M ndav. l. -7 'i J 1 - . ."I. -.- -.j el l:inal Xcticc. ;.iii :!.: tfe ur It re.i'iol a. -:-euat in tsr t'-tKiniy -i-'T. -:ae :, a -.:c ' f .ron bun. r: ! e u. 1 August 4 - - j. :i.-r"'irt LoO-r l- It" ii r n I p: !or tl.e 1-1 -t ' :.t. ri. r. I li l-.'d j ! :..r thi- road an.i the -. tt ,. rs .:..v.A f Title (J uarantccCi Loan Co. Cnairmaii. on 1 T.,..-.!-.e ;n.1 . 1,,e-.! .V 1 ul,l i 1 'J Temple of I'liiladelphia. -p - -i.i! train i'ii.i jthc r.ntte f"i"0 making ! available J rof. A. M. 'r utt, "f the Central. fr u,e f.p-iiino .,i tiie rva. I on tie t.-si Ma e Normal School, was in Ko-ehur' j coftnty side. Mr. F.Iain wili eiide;a..r j Ttieda and thi oifiee received a pl-a 1 1., ii,t,.r, -i ..tir countv 1 ard at.d .iii-, ant rail. Mr. "pent the d:. lu re j 7,.n. aj, thi- end of the r..a 1 in ti e J with l'rof. and Mr-. G. C. l'.r.-.w n at ...att-r of ! .-nin'' tiii- mu. h n-ede-l I their home on I'ecr creek. He in-1 a,i ,r.u-tical thoroughfare at an early! fornu-d us he expected tn h ave Tlnirs- Jfc ext l- the road t" j for travel by the end ..f m-t se.i.-.ei ill ilo h. r part. Mr.! i lor a ipt la I.u.-i ?t Bnomn. s I.. His ln r- ! Ar.o Ban, ile- ROiEBT K'j, OREWS. ). t. Htki'Tt. U. C. limiLro.i. 1 rvi U n'.. i--t ir4 Trru Cut in Prices... AT llke Store, DRAIN, OREGON ljb. ejui S hilliii'h IWt Ikikinjf Povdr .8 )-t. can iv. i.axmy loader JJ '- can K. C. KHkikjc 'oder fa i t.k.. Am. k Soda 2 3 !h. Gold Iu-t Wnshic? Towder M It-. I'ry liranuUtl Sir-Jr t an 100 sack I'ry .rauuUte-l Sopir 4.90 Nv .alvanisl Inu Wash Boirs. M-h I MB ' Tilvsui?.-! Irjii Wat-r I'ails. taeb ii) Wue enani. -led ware of all kinds fct st half pri.--. a s. big .-;t on Tin and A;raic Wart, I-ar?e tockJ plaia white LvL jolnjekeiy ?' yards CV.;.-o f .r $1M I're-s s.l.-, Outin Hinnl. Ginbm, I an 1 shirt icf at aetual cost. L?t sh-.rt Wai-t and Ovr Miirt" at alrrv-rt pri.e. I.wlit Fine shi-. j..r.. I1.0M Mer.'s Fine and H.-vy shoe, pyyi (uaniy, 1.3 tot2 Baby She" J I:i fact the pri.-e will be eut tin all arid kinds of shoe in stork. M.-a's and li'v-' Cl-xhiaz- Larfn evl lw -.-h-i-t from. l'rv--s mt "0 to S rr mt-Ti-i i- u-a old st.-k. butjoods jsst rrtn-rrH this -j.riiis. Thi i- yoor ehaaee to Jt a p-l -uit clip. rV'a't forget tLat you ca ?et aythiB3 yoi neI from a ne-lie u a Champion ifoij Machine at rut pri.-e. if Tuu bur at BLACK'S STOHi: This Sale is strictly for CASH and will con tinue until my stock is completely dosed out J A. BLACK DRAIN, OREGON day to attend the National Teacher- A-s ciation at Minneap' lis and will th'-n visit through Minnc-ta atel Iowa Is.-fore returning home. 1'oui.las county w ill Iilaiii ha- our thjnk pj Merit. "Sic m :ii'.' o.rt ltaae. Hare thton ycoai-;irie- el i;.j.tiii j lleuri Count. !tnu ie.1 Vrt:5t el Til'.e iursiiiiM to l: omrtT an t m'.ciiu (!aD. Bar ...i t mrajilfk ii! Intmp e! !i towuihlp p,t In if-.e Kotb i.s, Orvou, t". . LaoJ '.ri:-i u ::i mke hi :e pr-.a; w . at dt low d r uo niK a.i Ticui oovtuDuui ikcoa. InujrDC alteoii. INxUrr t.tib.ic i:i oSioe. i i-Trti-oTiiicnccwticltnl. The largest stock of 20th Century Goods in the town F15HER& BELLOWS CO Dry Goods. Fancy Goods. Notions Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes Hats and Caps Groceries. Provisions Produce Bought 'Phone 721 VVOVOVVCVOV!V m n n nl u lii ESI S? f 0 izdy all ITa 9 eULLET vv,.a- Everything for warm weather ware. Everything that a Dry Goods store sjjhaye to aid you in making the hot summer days more beara We you'll findThere. Good goods are always the cheapest in the end, and are the only kind you'll find in this store, for quality is the first thing con sidered in all our buying. Your dollars never bought better values than those you'll find on our shelves. WASH GOODS Mercerized Zephyrs and Grenadines 20c and 25c LADIES' GAUZE! VESTS Sleeveless, half-sleevts, long sleeves 10c, 20c and 25c HOSIERY Lace stripes, fancy silk iiigured aud operas in colors . PARASOLS Black silk, white silk, fancy colors aud liucu $1.00 to $5.00 Embroideries, 5c and Upwards 25c and 50c All Ladies' Hats at Gut Prices Childrens-1 Hats at Cut Prices SUMMER CORSETS As well made as the regular winter models but lighter aud cooler 25c and 50c Boys' Wash Suits at 75 Cents White Lawn Waists Splendid Quality 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 White Musliu Skirts with Flounces, Embroidery, Ruf fles, Lace Insertion aud lace trimmed. 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 .Wrappers and Kimonas, Full Lengths, Flounces, Pretty Patterns, all Colors. 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 Corset Covers An Immense assortment, 20c to 65c MENS' FURNISHINGS CHidtc Percale Shirts, with Extra Cuffs, All Sizes . Stiff Bosom aud Golf Shirts.. Choice Colorings with , NinHTHlPT Ma,dcf l!ine M"flj" c. SHIR 15 '"Colors. 5CtS. Detachable Cuffs 75CtS aild $1.00 NIUni SniKIS aud Cambric. PLuu 50C, 75, $1.00 ' : J aud Fancy Working Shirts, Made in the best Mens' Underwear, Suspenders in all styles, plain Jttcna? Belts, Fiue leather, in possible manner and of best- materials, 50cts Values Extraordinary, 25c and Upwards and fancy, stroug and durable 25c and 50c black or tan 25c and 50o TIES-A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF 4-IM-HAMD5, EMCLISH SQUARES, IMPERIALS AMD BOWS The difference between our goods and others is what sells ours. IMUF CED