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About The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190? | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1902)
r ; 1 ..- , The Tcc-i-Vte1i Roseburo Plaindealcr Publi-beJ Mou.lnys unit Thunulays. PLf A I XDU A LER PUBLISHING CO. V. CConslr, Publisher ; Fred 'Ritn, City Editor, Solicitor, j V Pi tii. Foreman j -:C. I'.xktkcxi, T ravelins Solicitor. tr I Twfc-a-eik PUiniaUr. per year, Sl.50 . y i . Entered at the Post Office in Kosehnrg. -Jre., as second class mail matter. Advertising Kales on Application. .11" NK 1 INDIAN WAR BILL. ; - ' Its Passace a Great Humiliation to Several Carping Editors i . j A4 last, after half a century ilie surviving InJiau War Veterans of ; and enlisted men. i'lcltnling marines. Oregon are to be pensioned by the militia, tunl volunteets of th.Mnili Covernuient. v tary and naval service of the United The bill as introduced by Senator , States who served for thirty days m llitchell parsed the Senate on Fehi u-; more and were honorably discharged aryis and on 1 nne ! with the tire-: under the United Slates militaty. less, ever active Thos. H. Tongue at Slate Territorial, and provisional an-! It. M . Ai lntia;.-. S-,-iet.ny .f the Al its back the bill passed the House, tuorities in I he l lori la aud ( leorgia j y-r-.i and ;..ld l'.ii. k Miuiu, Milliiiji Iq an interview Senator Mitchell is Seminole Indian War of 1S1T and I and sineliin- l oinpanv. ha- len in quoted as saving: 1 11: the I'evte Indian war of llli- J U"sebur the pa-t week working in the This is the s'uecessfnl end of a hard ; nois of 127: the Sac aud Fox Indian '' "iiny. and we are in- strn-Rle 'In mvindgmenr' saidhe. ! war of 1XU: he Sa.n Indian dis- """''-I l'fl- Dh - J ?. . , , , , .. . , . ., lunch mli-resi, ii in th e.iiiiiunv - i.ri.i -no.lnore inontorioos bill ha. passed ; tu. ba-uvs t,f Is.,., and Iv..: the ( ay-1 ru , u thisirany olher recent Congress, use Indian war oriMiau.l 1SN 011 1 h( iU yioll Lre return-. Several It is an act of tardy justice to a most ' the lV-ilic const:-the lioiida war ; u,.ni-.m.l jhar-.- oi this con.p.iuy". -t.. k deserving class of men." Senator ; with (he Semitmle Indians, from .,.,. .,1,,-ady K-,-n taken end more p.-ken Mitehell not only secured the passage j ISpJ to lS-Vi. inclusive: the Tesins) t..r. The pre-ent price of the t.-k i of tEe bill thro the Senate, bnt has : and New Mexico Indian war of lsp.t j ;:t 2" cent- per chare. The piv been an earnest worker in its behalf j to Kri; the California Indian dis jem development oi the mine ...uld war before the House committee and with j tnrbanees of ls"l to lVii'. inclusive: j ''"t higher price for the t.-k. The the Speaker. CougressniHu Tongne said: "Its doptiou comes now at a re markably opportune time. The elec tion is over. It cannot be charged that the Bill has been passed for political purposes, or to procure poli-tical-favors. It has been passed be cause it was meritorious and its frifcnds believe thoroughly in it. ; muster into service iu any of the I cannot say bow'gratitied I feel over j wars mentioned in this act the record it. There ere no braver, more des-; of pay by the United States shall be ervig .veterans in the world, nor accepted as fail and tattsfactury any to whom the country owes a 1 proof vf such enlistment and service: deeper "debt of gratitude tnan to j And provided fiuiher. That all oon these velerans, Theie are between tracts heretofore ma le In-t ween the 3,000 and -L0O0 leneticiaries of this I beneticaries tiridr (his act and pen- act in Ortcon. their exact number , 1 not CeiDg known.'" " . -NAELINj 1'EM.XKAl V. j As a smaH-bore set of politicans and j unarlers nt "the United States, the ad- j rt.imcrroti.-.n -in.l flrnrr iiimnifln lahla , it . .. enorc se. wnu i.y uur i.piemmme in Congress to accomplish soiue goo-1 for onr state " and its people, the hi-1 tie Oregon Democratic press is entitfeti to the blue ribbon. This for exampie: "Noxv. that the election is over, there isn't being anythiug said about 1 the Indian ar pet SlOtl bill. Abontl once laTwo years Ihe Indian war vet -1 erans get sloriorsly fooled. -Albanv Democrat, -J-one H. lttVIEXV 1LA15T1VE W AIL. Is it tohe'the nsnal two years long er before" the Indian War veterans again witness the worn out pjiectacle of Congressman Jongne appearm JonKne appearing their peu-ion bill 1 .- t ; t . t election the biiit as a champion for Just Ivpfoie the last was -fbtown ' otit in the sliftje of a half column article in the Orejnnian saying that the passaged tho meas- ure was oniv me mauer oi a snon . -r i i i i - ttme. " Two weeks haye elapsed sinc then and' we-Eave neither read nor heard'.nything .of .it; ucr do xve ex - pect to until Mr. Tougne s next l-rui isonfteere:- of .-expiratioa.-Uose barg Review, Jane 14. . i.nese nine nyspep'ic eeems, can never fingers out of the lire tire, experience teaches them nothing. A complete nutii-trj., (.(Tort of the Oregou delega rebuk? and repeateil demonstrations ,; , iejeoilii iitruj'jur-li ai ious of their narrow partianship and utter- It falsi? arguments aud. prophesies like the above disgusting par-aprapbs. j persons who favor the idea of ho'd- j Kanijs- is oneof r oug!a county- exten hnmiHating as they most be to them ling a special se-iouof the legislature j f rmers. h-.xing tr.rsh.-d sofm ha- h- seems only to lessen tLeir helf-respect eeL6e of propriety and consif-teccy. Tii a "ri r. f.1 vr-u ccl rra fit Uta Tn,1!or. lit; liliUI ' II . u j I 1 1 ALPIIUU . -,, - , , tii ar eterans run reiuirei no toss than heroic and tireless work on the part of Messrs" Mitchell a'id Tongue- it being a- meisare almost wholly in the interest of the Pacific Northxvest and one which will necessarily carry. with it large appropriations; a mea- I ure in which- vi jrou-i w rk xvas ' required to ealist the assistance ami i snpport of the Eastern Statesmen j and the' Democrats espscially, who j hava alwavs u)nj5od anv niasnrn J no matter how wortby, which einiua - tedlroma liepahhc source. There-1 fore the fi'iil passage of this bill: mast be attribacLfloIeJy to.Oregoue able Kepablicau representatives in Congiess an histotical occasion wholly bronsht about by the retmbli - can party headed by l'resident lioosevelt who is throughly in sym- nRthv and aeenr.l with W.-.t.rri in . . ' . i . .ereS,S . Bl Kln "o supporter of Mr. longns s measure providing for tho . i tvlief of our worthy old pioneer Indian fighters In the face of all this it is deplorable; tono'etLat it s'ead of mvini; onrf able recreseutatives in Cotiirress as- sistaiie-i and ere li Tor H.eir indefali. sistauca ana cie ill lor tneir lniieiati- gable work in behalf of our btate and i lit ia a ltfl lntA-ir-i!.-l u l.if r F fiut-rnriir I h.r.x..irr.r (,w1.,-,Tv..1.,i,.uS,,ol. lt editors must cjntitmally Larrass, oppose and atetupt obstruction, ly manifeHting a lack of co operation at home. ever.v xvorlh v obi je.t under- taken by our delegation However, another laurel is added to the achievements of 4he republi can party through Oregon's abl delegation in. Congress by the pas sage of th I ill; xvbich brings at last jast recognition of (he valued ser vices of the variant frontiersmen who 60 vjiliantly defended the iufanl Bettleiuents of Oregon and other parts of the northwe'bt . fioua the savages who menaced their exibtence." It ia . :..' i ... l.' .i.i ii.:. i.: .i . 1 rttui-iu iu lauuxy iuoi luib long ue- I layed louuty of Iho government will i i an .Mauii inn u' ( their declining years, these men and , xvotnon, who form tin- remnant .of ; the htalxxails who to roa.hiy answer- oil the call for volunteer lo defend i tho homos i f iho Ik ring pioneer days. rr-" "T"" I INDIAN WAR VETERAN BILL. i Lull Tet of the Measure that lias Passed both Houses of Congress. lie it enacted, etc., I lint the pro visions, litnit.'il ions tiinl benefits of I (he Bet entitled "An :iet granting I pensions to survivors of the I nilmn ! Wars of IS;") to lM'J, inclusive, i known hs the Hi.-lck lluwk war. (.'reek war, Cherokee di-durbanies. and the , ,,..,,. .. ,i ii.. 07 ! is.2. bo. an 1 sail are herebv extended, from the date oft lie puss- j no 1 f tins act, b the .ui vin olllceis j the Yute Indian dist ut banccf ott-1 ..! 1l. -H,. u.l W..,s!,i,,. - f.m! c.uv. - v r,- - ...... ........ v. .. Territory Indian wars from lsl to ITmI. incluni e-. iiiul also to include the survivnis; widows id such oflieiers and enlisted; men provided. .That such widows have not remained: Aud provided further. That where there is no record of enlistment oi sioa attorneys and cluiui agents are I herebv declareil null and void. ANOIHLR OPINION. An extra se-si-m of th I.?gi-la- ! . . 1 .. . i .. 1...... .-l.Li-l .I.... I lt ronM take soti.e .lax to tfet or- ; gHui:ed. and no legis!ati.JU could be gotten ihr.uiru a s.ssi-a that 'lid not jRst j.j to ,ia;s L.r more. The mem- i .v.nild be entitled to chhrge mileage for both the mecial and the PKnr M-lorc-. Th-v xvouhl be two ,1iffer..iit se.iss or L-gt-lature. I , . . ii,. .! -V , ,' " , " payers ot tU" state iiv ativ nut sultry 1 - - bill that ini-Lt be pa-s.-d at such a session, i ue be money, it i Si, -lie to Trea-nry xvo'.il 1 luotlt-V l!l. The city of Siileni wo il 1 be the only beni'lieiary. It w.-i:i!d be a good. : tLlI , fr ,i.e lnwne-.-i m-u of this 1 , ; city. Si.ein s.i a!"-ui.i't. J I - ! A treat manv id ' )reo-.,:i s Pionw-rs , wi10 j,,lvp .ell il0Ming tLeir annual - ,, .,, . , , Tl, . reunion iu I onian. I. ate al Indian ! . j " "'r ctei.-ins wLa-L orgainHtiorj ; h;is also just clo-ed a very inieiesting : reunion iu I'oitland, xxhich en both i o0, us Itri(i..,,.,i lte , . .. , . , . . . enjoyable ri view of the g. ad ljdin;;.s ipephc editors, it iflt)1I1 Washington, relating to the j W:-hin-t"ii Th. an- -aid p. have ,, learn tokeeplbeirfl , f,f ,L j -j war j. ur.-l v. d l...r-.-. and are makii.a Veterans i.Ptisi.u. bill throii"h the . li, ... i - - ! So far we have heard of n?xt ;t spring- Col. Ji. Ilofer. the pro- tor;T.T.(ieer,the governor, aud mot ' f I I 'Laiul urlain iliA if. irui'luir . I t V t J. X i.1 Ik at " 1 I III U. ill" a.-"?' aua ' , , i uect. uoi. iion-r, as usat. is aner no- i j toriety: the (J jvernor is after the j L"uit.l States senator-hip, aud the jtiovei nor elect is afier a lint salary j of 5,kio. ('orvallis (ij.zette. - A new lurt u wi'I lie built ou Mar - tiui'i'te to tak the place of St l'ierre. : I hough not un the ollf-ite. Tim ir- repressing bo im.-r will be setting f"r?!l '' metit as the world's most fatuous volcanic resort and htimnlatit , . i ; t0 jaded nerves. j " " " Although England is now at peace, j tle estimate of tho treasury deficit "s ' revised for the coming y:tr is Sl'iO,- '".)). I ncle Sam would certainly ' uncomfurtable if running behind : at that rate. Texas has whipped nearly oO.IMlii,- ; HM)"j,iilon:i of oi! within the past six iuoi;ijs At (ljisrH:1Lin should - ... . . i s'.hiii ui; i iii.iiiii" r.iuuoiu in (111 imilS. I .... i of the world. lt :H .,.. . Admiral Clark i ri.,ru.Q ru,,.u i,.,niu ti.;.. n ti... ,i i . , ji .-" l UK uni-i ii-ii i.ioiuviiuu , , i , , ,i c. , 0 jt )Ilt M,(l,r aje ,imn never - f The vot on coiurussuriii h'jowm 4iie Mato to baye a republic majority i ! of wll, H,(ia i. a decid.i increase 1 ovr fvvo veHI S ,,. j ' 1 There is so much pro; periiy in Ida- ho this year that if is just impossible I ( MH, ijUW ii ,. K Jiemocralic. Not many years will be required for Cuban independence to etllorosce into annexation. Sniillis' DanUrutf Pomails. j j flop- ilchiii' re:ilp ii h, n i.iii- a .pic.i I i. ii i I three to si', remove- ail dandruff and 1 ! w ill ston la Miii-' hair. Trice "IJ cent-.. I . ... . :- ... ..I I ,ir suit; I'x .Marsters J'mg Co, -Mltf.i Ben Wallace Not Drowned. S. K. Svkc l this cilv ha receive it a 1(.lU,r lnM11 (.tl Wallace dated WViser .l.lal.... June 14, Matin-that the rciori . thai he was dead is untrue, it. is how ever line that he bad a very narrow o-! iW ill those stir- ieaH', as he tells a thrilling .-U.ry ot loos ing his In i while ('ro-simj a river. Ho I siavs he was. wearing a licit full of biidcts and had on a pair of heax v limit-and . . ' . , . .. shapps. witcn his horse weui luw 11. He vaw 1 In-own into the 1 unuiicj cur rent, and was several limes carried un.h r the water mi account of hi- heavy . 1 . . 1 1 1 i 1 1 jr an.) eiiipiueiii.. At last be caught on to a piece . drill wood and was cuahled to keep his head above the water until the hv; was carried in 10 1 ;1 l,iil-p..l which it d tilled into j dead water, whuic he as by icitcliin- the .verhanin- hu-hes to make hi-way ,,, -hole. After pulling hiinseit ..m n ttie water mto the bank I he fell eaustisl and lay there all nijiht. Ne! iii.-ruin he ina.le his W;ty In a farm hoiist; where he was cared fur and afterward went In Weier. Hip laaiiv friends in (hi- t ii y are glad ti ln-ar tlint he t'scapisl ii.rtunalelv . Mr. Wallace stales that he the huh fi-r Salt llld leave Lake. We ier on Al.ora Mining Stock. ,"J,:1, l, r ' " 1-yrites. x,.rv - "1 - ll, - ,", - Vi' - - :, - vr;"1"tf " per ton. The l-eoi.le of Ik.ula ei.iiuty are fast realizing that I wealth lie hidden in ihe r.n k t.'.vinii j : ion. and all that i- i,-.ini'i-.i to tap this juivat wealth i- j littl.- p r-, t rmn 1 . capital and judgment. The yelh.w metal i- here and if the p,...l.- of I kmp-!a- liol -jet it out. it will 1.- their ".--. This M-ry protitahie line of indil-try I13 h --n t's. llillcil nele. ted iu the past and it I- hi.,-,! thai lliorr alteUtioli wi!l U jiien to it and the mining industry l.roiijlit to the front. 're from the Al- -ra mine can l.e -e, u at the M.-t'lallen lloii-.- and otiit-r places in town. Uegarding Curing of Vetches. A-.:i-idcr.ili- iiiotiirv ha- Uyn re-ardins the r.pi-r time t-" cut and .ure V.-i.h- for hay, I ui,- ihi ni -ails of -taiiii. that inuch of it real valnc is i..-t to the pr.Jucer by cutting 1.. -1 .1 ..I 1... .1 I 1 I In so ..,in ihe amount .trv liullrr I . ,, ,t, , ,., ..lV). vy -r,.tU. j ..., f n(.u ,.on.hine.l with the j reat.-t is-r.-. i.ta-e ..f nutrition. !.., j the u-t authority and rsrienn I v.-t. he- -hould not U- cut for hay until J '' 1""'" are thoroughly fr.rme l and ' tlyiiil. d hut -hould he cut 1 - fore ' in I'"'" ' wh" ',,lr ch are dead at V-.tlom mi.l dry i no i t a f..t the i--s are forme. and - , ... . . . tD.ilIv- till.-sl ll.i-n .-lit -iiiH -.I,. I retain in vour hav the greatest amount ot .li e m ilter aiid hihe-t wr- ni oi nutrition. '. II. ;.ii.ii-. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. W in. he-i.T .1 e..hrate raud tyl. . ti- - lid. We a.e inf r. iie.1 hy Mrs ltri.l-, wit .fib. ll. -IT llridev. wh is reeeixiii; :" Portland U.spital. that I- -loinv iiiiproiiii au.l i now aide to take a littl.- noiu i-hin f.-l audi- U-.iuin,; to ai-i in sir.-ii'jth. The -eaj I c..ii ict- ate -j-x in.: t heir piir-uers a leerry cha-e Mil arc rr adih t tlm norih. ni apid 1 rvr.-s. with an . a-i..iial hrn.-i. iwi'h --line of their pi:r.-ui is. Mr. Andei-oii Kanip . -f the l"i: er j .'.d.ip o:u, is vi.-itiri trietidi. and .rai but three ' a tin- liu-iii"- in Rosehiir'. Mr. ' 1 8ra111 hist year. lie reiori- t,iS. r..p j T-u! ' ' J ... . . , . . . , , W iii. M. brav. ..f I'ortland. who ig in tiii-eitvoii hii-ini , . a pleasant vi-itoi at the l'l. xiNrn: iti.r otlice Wed-ne-day. 1 le oiii.linieiitt-d tii- iis.ii onr fair a ml -.piaie ilealin-- xi it i our .at ! II-. an I said he was !ad tn find one j new - pasr w hi.h :i iml "all f..r the 1 .'rait ." ( in leaving onr ollic,- he carrici a n-.-eipt .miilein him to Southern i s 1 news paj-r f.-r tin- 111-11111'' Xear, Thel. al HM-t xi ill find a danger.. u- j rival in I'axe West v.-ry .-.joii if he con tinues in favor with the muses. H wae ub.' this week that he sat down after a j nihl '"at th" chili" and after rutting a ! .thpi.-k from his j..eii le.. .Jaslusl j off t In- foil,, in;, lines : "Sing a Sony of .s, ll h.-ad. fell.,H full ..f in, e.iniitiv hoineal :i a. III. hi- nil.- won't let him in. IIi i, et are full of tanglefoot, his le ad i- full of whis-ls: the keyhohi runs around the knob, be a funny feeling feels, lb- put.- his fivt upon the trrontid hut M ill the he;ls w it hill his "iniij:" i - '"""'"' i ,,.,t he i- :-..Ih.t. and ,-vervoue thinks eli-e IS Ix-d i 11 li an.) wis i-s hv iwas in low st--ad ol out iill nb.'lit Ac thiuis the in on's a dollir ;n id will buv a doz- ! en drink i ii-I several other thinks, he 1 1 lunks and t .nul Mill when th.; uiorii- l. , i ... : m-eom.-tli, au-l i o it "t.i ms.ii at that, lie l1-" ar',,""l (Sicikts. e :ilu I nt.' CroppiiiKS. Married men are t'elierally preferred ;i- workmen. Thev are more docile; I I hey know xvhiit it is In lie bossed. j In this glorious land of the free you , iilways have In p;iy for the drinks in order to .et a w iiack at the free lunch. Marriage, says one "done for" coii ; sist- of Mv- iniuiiles at the head of the I i lit., i iinu in 1 1.,. r .i.L. Tl... I,lsl. ..... tl i 1..I.I.. I.. -ick. ic-sof any nalio,,,',,, earl I,. Water does in it ijiiite ie,Tee achs. with their Hon,- All the hall. . Is in the world nill rie a woman the right to put h on the table until the tfle ehliU'i Picnic in Siotts Valley. A larcxfoll picnic was h'iwii in. Scut I? V:illiV lill Ill' l.'lth fit'.lllllt- l.k Mr itl'.l Mr. "j;,.,,,. j,,., ,,,.,, .,,, .im, whw will short by niuve irmii this county to Pastern Or(iii to reside. A largo crowd of the Ik I in'nple in Yniiculla, Scotls valley, Haccv l'.lkhead aud'llruiu wer present. A !- im lunch wan served under the oak trees, .n tl,K lumkji f the little hronk 1hIow the Mcluu:al residence. The lent had hem mveted and the ciiiiiji t-tne m-i up part of tho traveling ouilit of the family -aud a nii-e cup of I'nrtee was m vi ( all ho cared fur il : theiw were other ltlie.h nielltM served. IM-rvlmdy was yoml hiiliioied, plea.s- alit an. I tneuillv and thedjy p.i-,-. rely pleasantly to all. Mr.,; i) Mint laniiiv duriH'.' the lilleen i.r iiu.n- year fhev hae lived aioi.n us, hae umi a tu.-i t frirudK. Their departure ic imich ifretti'd ami the l s i-l. ,, t(. ,uii,iuiiily yi. withthein. Thev w i!! U- n,i---. imni very MM-ial jthi iin whi te their fi-s-eiice has alwa- addr.l in th eiijnvmpnt of all. Viler a pleasant day in lh gn.v the crowd w as li-nii--i-. witji a tVw jip propriale reinark from Mr. lMvirN and a few kin.llv and a)'pie, i.iti ni.rd of thank-and farewell li..m Mi. M... H.Ml:tl. Illiel.V on,- ihf 1I0W1I thrlii u'oodby and Kluin.fl le, Oivir holm w ilh Inaiiy regretful thought" ol this i-litnaUc family w lioin luany .f 11s illjineet u more. Hut mir wi-h i'o with llvein. Mav their line fall iti pleasant place-. I'uimia. MAMMLII. It I IT l.II Will 1 I". A . Hin-r ,.n.l I ill- It Wl.ii.. u..r.. iinli...! ... .,.i..r. .... .... i Thurlav eieinns. .Iiin. IJ. llmj. j the hoinr ..f Mr-. Hichard-oii, lMl'jter.1. Sev.-nteeth tlet. Portland. Hri i:.i Waller Si. Pierre ftici.itiiii;. A f.-w friend- niin.-. t the cereinoiiv. Mi Winnie v.ty. con. in r.i the hri-'.e. w.i- l.ri.h-iiiai.l. and . I. 'rr,V,v i a U-t man. Mr. and Mii. JJiiti-r ill 1 at home afifr June It. at tk7 I n-t I oll. ll Jlreel. leieir.llll. Xtrs Hltt.T 1J a li.oive of count and h;- many In re i hr. extend wisti- lor l.i-r e.ji.i inn. d hai-nini -.. 1 CliltwooU-Applcgate. The inrri.ii:e of Mr. ( liarV t". hit i"l to Mi-- Minnie A. Af.p't-ijat eld.-t .Iju-liier ..f Mr. Mri". 1.. H Apple-ale. t-.k pUc- Jul. - I lib. at br re-id. iice .,t the In i.le'-patents at ""w an l.ik. there U in al-.ut thirty tux iie-1 r-r to whin- the in, pre ii c ri- inonv. which was )-rf.. mid hi l!.v. N. .1. of the M. II. church.' .. . , , Pellly arr.:l.,-.M tlo. r adorned :h iuteri-.r uf t!' hoii--. l,i! . pr'tiKu oi n..ral .t.-i-oratioi,. add.-1 attracttxf. beautx to -.helnr-e t-rti-.. h.-r. th. Iitlpti.ll wa tic.1. A Wedding U-'I. Ibn le by the int. rt iidf.- r.i hud. it " i , . .lor.iii- ,i:i.! xin.-. was -ii-r-nitfl ' iroiii in.- er.nni;. .net ineatli t n i fn- ' ( ii't;.,v.r- 7 ). 1!..:.: .1 !. blvin .f bvk th happx louplr - j l-t and c -K. ; -! - li--i i'- w' is-aix-lat IJ..-,., k. h in,- preyed iu ; l'-ad. 'il-. ii:d'-n-. 'i r- a:. I th-march l.y t he ..tti. iarn,; pa-tor iid ! n u. rf.etit ..i the irr. j il. -urx. x hi Mr. l'r. d an I Mi-sP ie rr.any of the H.u n-hii--ri the It.-.-' t t ; . . . ; laud d:-tri. t it I- a"?n..-t . all l.-eiuij -l.-p .. a i a i propria e rroik- , ... . ; 1 " ' 1 1 . l' .lte s.n..,,i) -.f f :.-t - V. ;'...llt i . . ical ac.'.iiii.aiiiiueni tend, r.-d front ll. . thr f. i-rrrrent sen . I r.i;.k 1. '. pian.i and x i.lm l.x Mi e llxelvn a ud ' Al -trnctor t thi- .i?-. I.:--:.. lll-ie Apple-ate. SeJTfd Undfr . h I Sit OI of r 11 sijri. , e.i ! . : - .. i and xx:ll Pirr;:.-li .!:. t.'.i.t. : -.: tlei in ot Ihe i-.rTi. .. Her tr ' .. .11 1 . h'. inj an 1 acant ian I-. sUe-t-. Afl-r tie- .ereinoii and alt-r j coiir.itiil.ition-. ail fathered, . n inxita-; New oificrrs N. . . t on. in the J..II- Hilling f-.lll, h'te .1 -11 11 . 1 ii.Mi- wel.iiti.' dinner xiasj I .'. 11. are li e !,. "l .'... Uo -erx.-l. Mn-ie. c nx. r-ation arid jeii-' ti. i s r.f tl. .r.i r i ('.-. i ..: .! : r.d -H-iahdily .s-. attention until "t..ii ; Si.l :l;;i:..ic. r. j toward 11. nil. ulini th .run.l rfi , p l'ient : l. Sw.ek. T:ivl l-T-.d. IdnitiW. N. !;... m. i.-i. 1 Tin- l.ridr. cultured, hut imauiriiiij. ', J.rt'ideiit : " 1'. , .1 ,i..i -. . ith a lii.s-r.d -hare ,f twl.-nt- and a -'. ri pie-niei.t : .1 . P. k....ii.oi;J. -ji .-oiiipii-hiueut- i-an teinpk.ry x nuriy rrt.irv : II. W. Il'.it. i . nd : 1. a-.: udv and di --rie the t-.tailar e-t m in . 1". It. Itr ikinsn. tiaiei sa'oi I . 1 t wliich i- held. The l'I'.s.ih. a nieiii- iylor, fraud hist. .nan; 1.. M. i h r oi the dru-j lirn. ..r hit v .-..1 A t .... ; rand ; I". II. -!... i..-. -1.0 i- r.yard.-d with hi.di favor n a man of, iiitir ir:el : V hsr'. - Xl.'.'i; - a; brain-, int.-i iti an I aflahilitv. F.a.-h I oiitr rtimd : J. 11. ?T...I,-ra--. H . ' ir dc-t-rx inj. ..f tl t itllde of frielld theln a lolr', We Id.-t life. Mr. and Mr-. other, and their mul- u ih ioit, it. u is-:j w i.Mnj an-l I hit w.. -I prospurons haxe con, - l.iell.Nst bolHfkn-piiitf in a resilience Conner aieiine.-Man.ath lall K. puK M.HKii u. t the home , . 't he luide'a parent s, at Moiiinnent trem, June -I. I'nj. Mr. li. W. It.s and Mis .fnni I. '.iit', e!d. -t daughter oi Mr. and Mr. II. ('. I.oii. ..rnier!y of I kuil-a-cminty. Itev. I'.. A. Miller ofliciatin". UILD. rrt'Kr.TT. At r.inyorniille. Mondax , June b.lh at II o'clm k p. m.. .-nM P.ick. tt. -on of .1. M. and Ma?a,r r. .1 I i, .. .. l i ag.'u .ear-. I unriji held at Cani oiivillt; today nt J f ) k. II OWHId.. At the iamilv residence in I' Iiii... 17 1V lrk l.rvl June 17. '02, Mrs. Mary w ........ .,. ' ...... ...... . .vim ii meii. a-.'ei ,1 years aiei I luv. I'eath caiiie aft.-r a brief illnis., i siiltin from oM atfe. The deceased xxas horn in West Miliord, New .lerfty. .lime .t, 1SL'.', and came to Uri-vi. n from e-hra-ka w ith her family in 1 i 4 . iernia neiitly locating in I'l.-eVnir. Mrs. I low ell was tin: mother ol reveu children the following Mur of whom survive her : 1'ianees .1. Ib.Well and Ir eo. t .1 1 1 ii.i'i 11 01 no cihi rii, 11. .. ii'.w- ell. ol I'oll lall'l : .Nel-oli lloiiell, nfi ( hicai;... 111. I The funeral was held from the filiuily residence I.hIhv lit. '.'o'clock p. III. The Isslv xx a "laid tore-l in the fainilv plot ' Hr ""- rraveoiher htiKband. who died fi-iM years a-.. Ir. L.xyin'ud .-otMliit-le1 the servic-at the house, and t l.e Order of J'a-ten. Star had char;-,-of the ' U" ,(' ,, r- Mr. Ibiwell was a xerv hihlv re- ,.cled lady, of a most kindly .1 111-11 .... .. . -t tiou, and h.-r lo-s is mourned by the en- lire con initv. ; I'iwii. At. the family residence at ii.,..i l,., i.,,,.. ir i'HV i.l,r xi.., '"-, ...... ir,...,.. . . , :. ',, ... , i i .iv ..I iv. aueo - - ..-.ii-, , . .....i .ioii. l.e- h . ,, , . ii i, ceased was a xi ell known and reslMi'ted Voun-' inati, xvhii fornierlv re- si.l...l in this eilv. He was a ineiiihr r ..f W.....I....... I .mi.,.. Vft ih ii r ;.. in j which i.riini.atioii hecairicda i iiiuouutiii offl.lHUI. A mother and two brothers Samuel II. and W.X. M.-.n ! urvivr linn. J In luiioralwas lit-hi :n Ituckles Wednesday under the auspices frul.-ri.ily of which he eo,,,e,, ioi.l was largely ai en.i.'.i. ill not' j . Vii , i i'ic rcii rai M and reliable lire niMiranee companies. ' L , s now prepared to do :i u'cner;il hrc in- r-t bT'hlirau,J business. Insure w ith him. UMice at the City Hall. tf, . -e ii- i : i.. i .i MONEY SAVERS Tliia Column in Edited by our Mer chants aud Business People. 11 row u breud l'lesh every day at ers Bakery. t'liM-kc. Clock-, Clocks, the clock: at .1. T. Hiyau'n New -tvles in ueeii Oiialilv .-In .OS and oxfoiiU at 1 lintV. Three loaves ..I hnad for 10 cent-at Galhrrath'f" leM.t Bakery. tiiiceii iiality -hoc- are all lit I-1 w ith fast j-olor eyelets I linl f. The T iee-:l-Wcek l'l aimii ai 1:1:, a l the county news, $1..'0 a ear- lireat ll'dilction ill bread -three lo.ti rf n.r 10 cviiis at t I.ilhri alh's Pcpot bakery. A slroii paii iin 1 11 tonality aid Walk- ver sIhm i.. at I liui 's. See the Title I lUar.iiiti e .V an C". If. -at the or hint- prints an,! tiling p.i ei -. t'uh aid for hull. 1 and 1 Pmtsiua I'.akei v. .Ii uniii-s .1 1.. I nail pmpriilor?. I run ori-r work 1- .1 -pei-i.iiiy . -i tvke A 'arioll, the up-l'.-.l..', phnnin r n.l repairrr. ti Tlie l'niUa l'..ik.-1'v in Hi'- 1 . -w Pitv tMiililmg .ii Nort!i .la. ks.m -tn-et if lion orf"li. IW-rrv hors ynd , uip.. 1 1, t Tiff boies are the t - and for u-f : " them at S. 1 . (itt ir.ur al-sira. t-oi nil, Hamilton. Ho ha- the on K t, jii.stract V.rf.ks in the e 1 1 :e 1 v con.pli'te j i.'iniv. it Trv the ni-w folding M 1 ,m i. iry m. ,j tiie handiest and i hea;t U-x ! l.nv. Tin-Ust then-i, at . K. ke-. p.irtu tin mill i.j '-d..!- . trn-'s" oil on the market. I n rale at Mains- i k shop. and l .11 i.'li an- ! ;..u. .i t-. ! . ir on i...ri aud u.irau- lej t lie t li r- ! w i lie r cal ler Ik.c.jla- i::! . I;.-.-: tf. onir .lutniuiL' aid ii-oaoi notice-all work c.p-to -date In infot n. al ion u-.n l ire l!ehi-f A Oi. el I. A. .1. I.uclian.iii. ai nt county. It' i. Mar-u-i -j burj. r j;..ii. I Wi-ekiv L::! Vi " li. Wi-vkly iie-. ni.iu ! . l.roni.-! I Hl a leal We. 1 al -.f I -uti-cripti"!,- tlonery stoic. lor Ahsfi act-of Title. 'iar.,i.!. . i 1 lull and coin., '. .-. i.ii ..1 i. , . i. ' efTif tir.y ti e title, eail on l iai.k II. A.' i'ittjiir in the Marks huiidt'i. II wr.rk is puai ant.i-.l and i-ii..- ! r rea'ori.'it Sterns A I'Lcv.wc'h !..'.'..- i p,., J:;,'.,!,.,. ...;,l a'! ki . i-: ! ir.i. Hav ca: riei -. t..; l- .,i, i ;., Thr-e kind h.-x r..j .-. j m'rr-iri' "i.. IVr.'t en plain a''-.ut h.i-t i i w Vw' r-tn U n tl- .-..-.r.-r;. , Scn-r Ha.erv. e.:r l.r.-.ej .- i:i. : t.,,n a!.,.r w, ;.ir.;w.:.,. , r, . , .' t.i .nr n. It tak.- the ie.-l a;.i ( ' ! wherexer ti e l'.ak. i s art - . . ( ' W- i.-xe,- :..k. r. ! !tean. A t f i.-r;-. of '..k!.i 1 b-i i v. -I a car '...,! 1 p..h . I., I l:i i ford agon, with .Miter iM.rir..-!!' ' ,, , ., ,, , ' Fn.'v WiirranT.'l Hi;; :;.f. H; k- Wii.v. I". Ii. I'rake. V. i:. s Mr .1. j I . -l . xx iiil:, I.. .X . i . i o:,i II. : squall, grand tru!s . N ITIX I I. II :.I!TI '.. ! ...., .... I,,.,. i- ii. ..r ' I l.,,i . , t.., . ,. .l,.v..; I,.,..;..,, ',.,,. r I pTf-idcnt, Mr-. M . A. Kuxke i y,unvnf. Mr-. Julia A. ..iult. cl :s .tii, i! i M.- i Minni illr. wa .1.-I-I.-.I x i. e-pre-ideut ! and Mr-. 1 Men M.ud.-v. . . ;.d x ic- prr-ident. Mrulent Cancer Cured. startling proof of i( woii'ieriti! advance i in niedirine i "ix.-ii hv ilru.i-t ti. W.l.i , rfirv,-rta ,,f Kli l th. W. a. An ..Id I J milll tKr- Itst'I -nft'.-i-l wiih what;...-, Tn ivvnpv.-p L,, ,r.-,..r. pro,,.,,-.,,, . 1 in. nraMe ca-i- .; f jVll A! UU;tt ... , , .,,.111 A I It"' ,r. j (.y U-hel et Ills Cfll-e 1 1 1 1 ' ,, lll.eti ic I'.ittn- and applied I r.ihklni'" Arniea Salxe. whi.-h treat-! I nH.nt .-nmpleti -b . . 1 I.:... lit men finiT. eie. l ii.'-i oiiii. ..ii.ii F.lfctric p.ittci's are u.-fl to exi l Lilious. ; ki.lney and niieroln. ...i-oiis at the aii.c' lirne thi "ahe -xert ils mat hli -s heal-' np power, hlood di-caM-, -Uin irup-j tioti, ulcers and or-s- xanish. Hitters, .Vie, Salve 2.V at A. I', Marsters ,v (' ... ; Patronize Home Industry. I'rove vour lovallv t. home indu-try j U,,l nve lunulas (Vuiiitx l'aiicv t'rcaui- a-rv nutter. I ontrary to son,,- n h.. 1111s- represent us, wo are here t a . rt that , .ur Fancv I rcamcry is made and alwav j ha" bi-en wholly of pure cream separate. I on the farm, and is clean, eley int and I le nuine. (iixe il a trial ; it w iil sm a! for itself, if it doe- not suit s, ,,d il hack , who .. j,,., ,.f , it r...- x.. ( ntMlip. JJ..t h leading markets . ,). Papifjc ,..,., iiv ,. T.H11,.V , r,.:um.,.y But,r -.. K." I'ou-las Co. t ', . :, ,,, v. !l:oHhur?. n. ' i Catarrh of the Kidneys. j Kills thousands of people aimuiilly, I both male and female, l ake wariiin in Mime. If ynu haxe pains in vour hack, ! ,,in or prflin. tired or worn out feeling, ! -lr,,ou..l uiid fliill ntiii'ils. xx 1 1 i -1 1 leads! tn UriL'tit iliseiise. ' . E, ..I.I , . Ii.d.iu.i I '. L .. : I . I -II -I 1 i . i . . Mure, which r.-moxes ihe cause , . ' . ,r..11i,u. 'r ale hv all fall Iru wis Itnok on Catarrh lire. Ad .1 i Smith llros.. I'lesno. Cal. lor.-ali hv I i .xiiirslers iru2 i o. Snilllts uanaritii romnue, L, :,..tiin". scaln mmii one annli. ati-.n i IK,.,,,, t sax removes ... ..ii i ... i if . i all daiidi-ulf and I will stop falling hair. Price .Ml c, l'or ale hv Marslm lruy (V.. Mill. Harjcain.-i in Wheels. ; lcive in stock several second hand , ,?,, ,v. w i n, V(.rv , '". ' " " "." " " . . I r trade . or - tf - v - t. MakmmwMu, . .... - . .' ii' : r.r. .i- F RUN ON THE BANK Is uot to be compared to the run ou'T. K. Richardsou's Mtibic House at Cottage 011 May 27th. Three instruments in three hours and one later in the day, making in all for the aftcruoou four sales as follows: One Kimball Piano, one Singer Piano, one Need ham Piano and one 6-Octavc Kimball Organ. It is fortunate for us that we have already on the way a lot of fine pianos to supply our prospective customers. 20ur 5econd C rloadrw l;or this season will arrive in burg House is also enjoying cud only three pianos left: One fine Chickerinij, One fine Our prices arc such that the people see it is to their Vi'U will linl tin l.e.-t make- and the jV-t T.-u.-il I)is trctm-nt at thr- T. K. RICHARDSON MUSIC HOUSE AT. ROSKBURG OR COTTAGE GROVK. CHA1BERLAIN WON BY 250. Official Count on Governor Has Now Uein Completed. I'-m: n tie p..-t-. a.. i..r t i... . .1. i;.-ui; . -rin r ; lal refirii" r.- 11..W I-..1II- . ra.. ,f In .- I mii,;. .1, n.xie s. , , - r I..- at. 1 in 1 hers 1.- 1 ihe ,'r.a! -I 'i.oere.'V Were fo-.iitd ,11 (i;:l;:.. ..:d I,i-hi i,i v. ,. re ("'i.iciVrlao! -.-.i-..-! .'l'l...;.- iu t1..- .r':..-r an 1 4 ' i.i ihr-!.ill.-r. In W.,-;,.i-. a 1 !0 v.'e- a-.d ,n M ;!?!': tt -.f Wn- a dlff.-n-llre 1. ;c... -..e- in ! frix . r. I'..-'... i- a T tl.u'., r.-i irn of Ih. ial c- I tie- -ta!- : !'! in 1 i ' .rrx I . . !'v' ... !' il - !.' : l.s-4 . . !'! . " ;" :. I ' ;' I ,t ss. St". il -. e, .. l--i '- .! - ; 1. n. . . . v s, ; . J K l.o i'.'i . . '. 4! 4 v7 I v.., i :: .. .... ' I. .. J.i '.J . . i7'J 1. . . i.i 41". ir.': -is ; i.ii.n !.; ... :;ir i ue .":; ' Mr.r.on -.'..v.:: .;.i :;J? !.n..v. . V.'i ..H - V,1 Mc'n,..!ii.ih 7,-lsl s.-.s.V 741 I. Is 1 "1 1.1 -.'t ' 12li ' ; -h.-vm. .Vj.-, .til ' 1U ...'.. I J Tiilan .-.k .!7 411" -M". I .. . l.'.'li - 177 ' ; l';:i..ii l.Ooi l.7 7'V.i W.ilb.i,., . . .V.l sj-; ' , W. l.ioj 1.171 'mi .- 1 v a-hi:.i!t..ii ... 1,'dl l .-; ! Wl ler f.7 I V. '. ' : Yatah'.:: '' .... ' !" ..... ! .il- ::'.... :t'.'.j h 4:5s aie1,i Iain's plurality. ".'V'.. Political parlic .'imin. ii : thex at I. axe one th;u ul! aiii"i:- to in s.-ino other party. . Umpqua Bakery . . is now oncncit ana we lnvnc you to call and inspect our; BREAD, CAKES, PIES, COOKIES, ETC. "An hoii t loaf i tin- ii.h!cst work of the (.read hak. r." (HI; l.HAVIIS. IbtNUsT I.tiAVI.S ! ri'ij.ri'.-tr I Nnv Viwxxr I'.!.!-., N-.i-iU .1:(i U-..n Sir. . v ... i SIEVER'S BAKERY, Wl A ItTl STlbb IN Till'. l.M.l Pine Cream and We came to IJosi.bur to stay, and if we tret as lils-cal a share of the trade iu the future as in the past, Me will lie. here a. Imij; lime yet. in the proccasioii of well pleased custoiuers who can lie -ecu coii liniiiilly passinj; in uiivl out of our store. Till - iJLST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES. g J. SIEVGRS, Proprietor J about 10 days aud our third car a good business: one large Kimball, One happy Time in CM Town. "We felt x.-rV happy." w'ri;- II. N Itevill. iM Town. Va.. "nhm Hn. . Arnica "P:lxe whoily i".'hI ..e.r Lri.-ht. r. f .1 11 1 ca-.- of .-.i! l l,e.,.." It d-ll-hf- 'all who ::-e h 1 .r t ut-, torn-, linn;-. Hi. :!-.. I'l.-.-r-. , lni.ii. .!! i .r i'il-. only .X" at A. t . lar-Vr-, .!r::2 -tore. Sherifi's Sale. Ia'b'i'innu f..urt of lb Stm'o( rvnm. lor ls. :g:- l 1 1. ('. V. l.-i-. r. PrjJ 1 v. Hrr n x .a. .n hi: 1 Mry XX ii..n. l-:ti iv. I No r- h.-T' ji . Kr .r:: ;n .-i'f;::. .n. ..r.t-f t: .n: : . .H wii nt-iTiIer in . ..I l;.e iwj . k .t. I "'il' i'j n,i aN. ..:,'.iw.lf .: j-.-. u.r -r.r.-ci.-l .i'"i i :ti !. .' J-.n. tioa i . is- ' ii tnt r u I. r. I an I t ir.-:-t ia i. 1 . iri v.:? i 'di imf .Vij. 1. ."a fj.-.r in 1. X . F....rr. I t "- -- sra-.n: liL-rr-iftmi Wi-..n r.-i I Ma.' a P.-.a. '. ':rn.,an-. u 1 m'l-llt ' ir ;:v: lOro-ait .-t rt ' -t ,rt .I f-rp 'en l It.- - ;ra ol t. . V.I1 lai.i! tr :.'. l ;L' rn- ! 1. r " rr: J..-t ar.-a'.a. !.-ti 1-t :n!..r. 1 1. an 1 1.1- t , tr.. r ' ! I. s; an-! a. W.- ..,...( ant U-0a '. kus --riT. Sox lurvi" e i :.. -ti I a.ur -ay. tif l.'iii day ..i Juby. l'C a: v.z i i"..k f -J '' .''t 'lay. '. t..- "ir '. t-.i"- t bli l-j..f la St..-:. "in. n.airia eou-i'.. . ' life;, !i.l.! t P' - n;.er. .u' rl l i- i- i :t-. u :nr i;ii:h-; ti-:J r i.-r a-i. in i I.eMi.i rtr.: n .e an-1 .arf .1. '..n taai-er r;ihr o! :hrn I 1 oa I !: t ? -.'teem-? r. .. I a! an- 1.1.1 sar.. r In . sr..i '. lav '"" '."oiW T-. ci- r'. :; ".: T:.eti,i Li.l... .?M;ti T..afi.r" lav wM-e .1-: . '.-r.-I h, 1,:.a..-L.,. V - . K ' v.,- t f, c- .:.t . .e-.,n. i-.' i.r E. U PARK-'TT Alstr.ict oi Title to I -re. led Land. rai-rs prepar,s'. f..r on vixern . mem Ijind. Bine 'of T''wnhip Ma.j .bowlnj: !' s.tcant IjhiH. ne Iv..llar Haih. fRANK E. ALLEY, AfrriTnrT I Abstracter ings. Special designs for Office Fixtures Oilire-i:i Marks I'ai'.ding. Tl.une 415. IIOSHIil'K'.i, OH EG ON Cat-Ai-rii q licky tm-Io lo treX ut.. i"y i-ly 1 1 re:u J -:iu, nmcn u iree a!4y avromaiic. It is mt-ivcd iLrocgh the noJlriis, cleanse aT ttal the vhoie nt face otox vtiiiii il d.ffca, itself. IrugIU fc.ll the 0c tize; Trill sue by nuui, 10 ceuU.' Tost it uJ you ue sure to eoaianat thetreatzaest. Announcement. i To icca iuiuckLu2 I a use vho are p4rtul : to the use of alocaiicri in nrplyir liq-iluf jn ; leto th siaAi piaacs lor cu.siri A.U t.-v- ' Jlf, tha prorrittor rtpxe CreisaliaCm ii xe v--.,:j av .li.x.'I t. l i-ia. LkmiJ Cream Italic, 1'ricfl trcludlas in i ii mvinp tube ia Tj cents. l)rcccista ot b ...l.u iv ut. ut. a. m w av. m a. . a i tuauh The lKjnid form eubodiej the nd uau pnpenii ot toe J.J rr'i:viien ASK, . Druggist for 10 CENT CATARRH r trial sue. : FePrPflmRa!m Gnn Rc'iel at ec. It flf.Hi r. pooth -l hr. li4r,U!Va-t'i 1 . lil- lrinH. 1; t !UT-l tatl jiittt liriv.-p axv id I in Vtr llrr. t qi i;i.t It KAY FEVER m tr!-l. 11,-. ,n. titts .linN'j lrto-t t :r Se?i--. itf 1 a-; a-t-l !n X m t Tr-.l v : i T r..":l r v u DON'T PIDDLE oiir linn- a xv ay tix iiiii to do the imj. -ihle. It's i xxaisi of effort.. You can't c.Ual the Vo-e piaii.s for the luoiiey. "lis a strictly bijli-,:rnde iu-t ruinent. I-ci fi-ct in touch, tone and action, a? well as in construction, lVauliiul in de-i.-n and lini-h. ton and low priori. This univerallv pnlar piano is s-dd at low est pnsilie li-ures for cash, or on ea-y p,iynicnts. A l.tnrantec with evrry piaie. . ' I'atalo 'Ui- and priivs fr the iiskintf. THE POPl L.XR AVUSIC H0U5E W. A. BURR & CO. .Jackson 5treet, 1 near Cass S WITH Ol"K Homemade Bread I r m rl 0 I - load is ordered. The Rosc- stock of Organs are all gone Fine Cable. advantage to patronize u. Notice tor Publication. t' ar.Hl Suts L4 Offer. urir. Orr'-u. War rr. I'.vi. N'- . .- i ht-Tt'j iT:-n :m a mT.. tiie itj 1-1'-:. 5 ! i.i a. : u t oryr. of Jnuc . liT. . litiOU ' An .-t :-r hc a.r tft iimk-T ;T-.a In li- l'l ri. Ore- t;.,u. Nc . .a a'l tt -f.icjt!..: l.rrlfcrT.' as r.t'-n.U-l a., tiie hub. ,e Ianet ' iJ Cl ..: A. .fas'. . ir" H'H:-'j;m! h.fc 'Ok (,( - :C -n. ailr -I -.'. :a'a. f-l i'S .'liliim. i "!r "'5 lo ii.- o.-t-.r h. nr-m I aia- r.-fci ,. ; rtr t : fcr-f ia r.rf " e.i',;.:ar; .f "r.".!.. Su. :amai" il S.. of rai.-j- i-..-: at.'i -at , r i-r ..-,?' t.i -new thai tin .a-1 1.-15:1; i- irt a. ...! for :i V. di: .1 tr.a 1 ivf f jr-.rtill .:. -';rf- aa-1 tt -a.-':-.. to- m -aai : a I i-. :..rv :r.e K: .a-ranl l.e.:..r.rf ! 1 al h.:5aurr. O.r-n, .'11 lll'irsijf, : .;'!. -iiT (,l - o.n-l-r. is.'. H- pc:t trvr-.. '.t; r. vx ...:ii -n:(n. -aTrt-1 r a, r a-il L r.t: i B:' - I: ::rr.'.i' Hetir f.,n. An mi I. ;r..( 1 . :.. nx t'c a-'x.'.c Se--n 1 a-- :r t.m ' ii.-.r r-.a:s n :h;a.,?'. 1- i-'o'- rt'.-! l-:i J- j J. T. L Kill if - -:::. ..Confectioneries.. T:.t!.-.-t . -s-irn " TZ X'i t3 Kaarr as an 1 to"i.c. TV.- r. .Ja-s 3'J lr. in iira.I a-c!B2rr a ot tc. Boeit f& I. J. NORHAN V II V Clad Wagons . Fully Warranted hacks and Buggies OAKLAND, ORE -''-Vlv -. .- -V 1 MRS. H. E ASTON wait ni,n old and rewcas:oii'ersai.Jfr:end with a fall and complete Hock of -GROCERIES All fresh anj of the very best quality. Teas aad cofees are pecialti. Your pAtrocape eoliciteii. 305 Jackson St., DMeAk.,.- iqoo Water Proof Harness Oil Iilackinj Tm iij. i.i t,y c-.n-!tcni.y ..f . rear... .-r.d l--itiiely wld n..t ...iai ,lr mold. i.jw the leath.-r tiriiinv-". xet make- !l -.4t and phal-Ie. Pn-. rn- the leather and stitchi'i;: iroiu ind-tiie-it w.ath.r and sii- the barnej. a n.vt and ap pearance. Kealiv iuak,.s ..;. harm-ssi .k new atid will make it twi,- as jiHf lv the -.- ..f !,( Il.irtu-s .;:. It ie ai-n ee,v,.ii;v ,-l f..r U-t and -hs. xi.oiuia, tun-l I v J. J'. liTI" K..-, hurj. Ore" t'n at I'.!. i.i-tt n llariie- r Riddle Pharmacy.! I. B. KIDDLE. Prop. all k:m of I Fresh Drujcs, Hedkines. 5 Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Glass, Sundries. i- I Prei-riptiuns prwiuptlv Jilieil ? by a conijietetit ilrusrpist- RIDDLE, - OREGON. 3 BEST MEAL IN THE CITY FOR 25 CENTS. THE NEW l'or. Washington and Main Streets Mrs. Belle Collin Koselnir: Cleaninj and Dvrin Worls .IAS. KUtti l Si N, Prop All Kinds of Clothing Cleaned and Dyed. . . Pcse Street, oppite Presbvterian chur, h. Satisi.uti..i Cearantee-i P I A i cin Rill V