Oregon Historical Society rOBTi.AHf. 1! A dvertising ob Printing P1 la busy aaaiobs brief you yonr ahar at trA; Ritrtmir) in doll lft- Is a very important facte r la business. Poor crintinsr re- lied a no credit on a good " LnsiLe-tt Lonse. Let ns do your Job Prititiujf we crifirantee it to b in m every way satisfactory. sons brings yon yonr at aw, nJ also tbat of tie merchant who "can't af o:d" to advertise. Published on Mondays and ThursdaysEstablished 1868. 94 Vf V ""If w'if If 111 wVrVvw Vol. XXXIII. ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 19 , 1902. No. 49 coooooooooooooooo X K. A. BOOTH, A.C.MAifTMJ. Douglas County Bank; EstulMitMietl 188 Incorporated rrrOJ. Capital Stock, $50,006.00. . BOAKD P M RECTO ' r. w. rkssos. r. a. boots, j. h. booth, j. t. lat wi . .1 . K. KT'Ll.Y, A. C. VAEMFES. E. L HIIXfcR. A :eneral banking business transacted, and CMttar f,ieB eery accommodation conisteut with eafe and eonserTatire. banking. Hank oiien from nine to twelve aid irom en to tkree. - COCKOOCK00000XXXOOOOOOX0 M A T T I B. W. STRONG, THE FURNITURE MAN. Rosebtir,Ore Bring Us Your ... 1 FOR CASH to J. F. BARKER & CO. i Kruse & First class Groceries... ...Also a full DEVER'S BLEND COFFEE Highest price paid for Produce. OUR MOTTO Kruse & This Style No. 538 Ask to ee it, FLINT'S fx Hints to Housewives. Half the battle in good cooling, is to have good fresh Groceries, when you order them. Call tip 'Phone No. i8r, for good goods and good aervlet. C. W. PARKS & CO. IB in i in mm -AND- Ii yon want to buy a farm If you want furnished rooms If you want to buy a house If you want. to rent a house If you want to build a house Tf vnn want to move a house If ,ou don't knowPAT F V MUMBL fflffiTCe .C.itPT. Cesaler I N GS An alaejHt Una t liaen Wrj. yettifigt ia ell te.e laTei eeeifaa eel oDlvriarw bar Joirf erriveJ Hare yon ma onr lljr,aM Cr lete, tfttaiBiK cotton" cLaifti, ail weoie aad a full liae f tbree qtiartaT -!, raaglaf ia price from EBc te tl.O jer yYrl. Onr line nf earpeTt it far saprbr ta anything we bave ever, ebeva ia previous year aa-J we "elellgV la fhftwiBJ their. CHICKENS. EGGS. BUTTER: OR TRADE Newland Onr prices &rea always right and stock complete line of... 3Tres!b. Seed. Give &s a call IS TO PLEASE Newland It's Just Fun For us to get a chance at flitting the feet that other stores CAN'T fit. One reasoa is We Know Hott, and the other reason is we have Queen Quality Shoes There are other folia who "kBo bow," but they DOXT bare QUITO QT7AXITT BBOZ8 h, $3.00, Oxforfla, $2 0 SHOE STORE, and to get them promptly Liverg, Feed End ale filles C. T. titsM, Pre). Saddle Heres, Sifif U and Doable kit at all fcar Transleat 5tetf& fn very trot of tmra ; . . . . Rates alwaya r?MimfeU tafefiBrf j NEWS Or THE COUNTY. Gleaned by Our Corps of Special Correspondents. SOCHI, PERSONAL, INDUSTRIAL. Tw Women Seriously Injured in a Quarrel at Placer, Oregon. UtEVTUlU NI.. W. Km.r, th popular Mvrtl. C'fk Mil) iiiBa. wa fi!intal. rttiior this Ni. J. F. tfiuiTb. iorftierlv of tbisritr will r.rnra mu atart a hmat;rri -.. .j. htra. hlata JliJlei-. wto lua been ieiiiug fele aiafer, lira. imit Cleniuts at Kr btfff . ia at home thia wees. TTm. r.IiKcr of Upper Azale:i, had a arior. rnnawar h. wan roaiinji to to to UkIbt ; ht ! btullv Lurt. Vj. and ilra. Geo. Robert and daugh ter, who kav. be?n viriling rvlative in thi city r.tarned to their hnm. in Ash land yat.rday. H. A. ionaa of thia city, who is ttiprr lBt.adiog ttp work ar the Ramej- mine oa Mt B.uln. made busines trip to fa J. C. Lewia aaice, Monday. . IV. F. R. Rowfmx wu "allel to I'lat-r. ixaj.hin. cennty, last Paturduy I) Btf.nd Jlre. Shirely, th. unfortuoate woaa who wae o terribly injured in tht fljiht at that place aicc day ay. y.rriaJ, at the iK.me t the hriIe aarante at Jnmi-f.ff-Joe. by th. Uev. W. Jordon n June 12tb, Arthur I ttzp.4t kk and Mi Amy Pyeert, daughter ( Mr. as J lfre.Jowph Pyst rt. O. F. Bohrer, our road !iuirviM.r, hue the new road irom tilrndale to Wolf Creek aliut finiehed. He Las j erew of n.en rinploymi grid will h-gin n th. KllirT C'rwk d :it f.nce. M'LLir Mr. and Mre. W. C. Levine .f Fern wl. will leare in a week ior Harr.ey nnfT, OigiR u ejend the eummer. Tk.y .are eold their farm tear ialee till. aad .t preeent ara 5iting ilr. I.'e mother, Mre. RednVld at Rk.Tdell. Tb. Nati.nal Ooniwly (V clueed a eneeweful engagement nt the cjra hon. in thia city Townlay. In the dif ferent POBtet" given dnrinj the wek' aerforthani-e Mia Ora Wolv.rton wr.n tk. priz. of a handooine j.Id match tb. airet popBlar yr.nng lady in our nty by a gf""d majority. Mr. I.. K. 5hea w. th. jrie. in the woed eawinj -on-tat.f ti.o in whi. h Mra. C. T. Nail we her opponent. Mr. Shea wn the prie .f a tin. eilrer eet tf tenty-f..nr pie. ea in i-atin lined mororrn ra. a the beet wl?z-r. Krl McCurdy captured k. pie eatihg prize ef SO cent. Thie mj prr.eiiptly paid all prio. Portage eab ejBt at Tlacer, we learned tew Jetaileof th. ead affair of a w.mait'e right which occurred at that place two week ... The hligernt .r. aire. MaK..ey and lire. Shirley B-J Th. rw etarteu er the iiarp- BMa of three children and riaar-tK.x ef doll rajre, end a reenlt Mre 'liirley ie m.t expected to receter frem ner iBjnriee. th women have eeveral all children. Mr. Bhirlec'e venngeet Keleg a eix month. ld lhy. fur hearts gn etit in pity tor tjoth women who in a aagry moment forjof their aex and tbat they bota regretted it a eoon as it kappABed we feel eure. We hope at leaet it will be a warning againet quar rlf .v.r triflet. Elkton Nemtj. Vrt. I tut Stark, end Mr. .Tatiier ftarl aav beea to Tortland. Jlre. Cleanenfeef Taradiee Creek baa a iater and family niting her from the aarf. Wra. A. Fently ba ieen rimraeMeg thie place and vicinity for varine kinds fit twape. Jfr. end lire. Geo. F-enedict ex.-ect te go to California far the nummer, for the benefit of Mr. Renedii-te health. Kiev Mar- Welle, attended t)ie f'ora- Miencenient Kiercieesat Drain Iaet week and wae alco ut Cottage drove. lire. Jlajory ofllandon, tit late of laterie panaed thromfh thia plate lact week, oa a visit to ber eon in Scottsbur;, F. F. Orobbe went foTortland aa re- tnmed Jaet week. Mr. Grubbeditfuo find employment that justified )$ re- Koval to tbat city. I-et ue tell the traveler noTnethitig that will pleane bim, the proprietor of the Bobiaaon Hotel aim-aye bae good din ner ready for them. Trot. Mulkey bae gone to (Vioe ( , te teefe a new location, hie family w ill fol lew eoon. Hr. ehrf Mr. O. MaUoon will lite a their boiiae. lire. Gray of Gardiner, end ber aanther 31 ra. Jewctt, came tip ou Batur itf't atage ennmtc for their old home tMalae. Es Tj. Ila'mea, and an able crew are eacammed on tba road below thia place, bnaily repairing the high way. Mr Matnee, filly demenetratee tbat be laewehowto do tbat kind of work in gaud ebepe, a4 give excellent fatiriae; tiea. Rtv l'.JiontoH tilled bia apjioibt tr.eut t f M alace ou the l.Vb. The rtiareb a.rll aeeHia f he eying ateadily kA aiifely, and a honae of wonbip will h erecfed thia aaatva. We tert totaU tbat Miae )lyrta Eiti4a.ba tif tfa very well the pre! ett anfcer, A mt Min Eainei i one et VOtljJmi cvnnty'a ta-her we bope kertealtb will be -.UipTeved heimeth ewlof eiaTainatiou meet, in order tfcJene- bar erfif?cafe, a I reacbera are tefy eVflYce, LATEST Mr. Tongue Finally Secures Pensions for Indian War Veterans. Fight with Escaped Convicts. INDIAN WAR VETERANS' BILL PASSED. Washington, June 16. The Iudian War Veterans' bill has now passed both Houses of Congress and goes to the President for approval. Representative Tongue has been, laboring in its behalf ibr years, and is very happy over its final passage. It provides a pension for the Ore gonians who fought in the Indian wars. A FIGHT FOR LIFE. Vancouver, Wash.,Juue 17. At 2 o clock this morn ing a most exciting event occurred, which shows that Tracy and Merrill, if run into a corner, will make a des perate fight for life. They are evidently determined not to be taken, if possible to escape, and if the inevitable should finally come to pass, to sell their lives as dearly as possible. At the hour named, Bujt Beisieckcr and Frauk Davis? were on guard on the bridge across Salmon creek near the place where Tracy and Merrill were believed to be in hid ing and over which the military road passes. Suddenly the two convicts appeared. The guards are determined men. and they saw that a fight was on. The convicts As the escapes swung into range, four guns were raised and four men began to blaze away. Several volleys were thus exchanged. When the reports had died away and the smoke cleared, it was found that Biesiecker was slight- jly wounded through the .shoulder. Whether any of the shots fired by Biesiecker and sible to say. Tracy and Merrill withdrew speedily to cover. ; Guard Carson has been dispatched for the blood-j hounds, and the fight will be kept up, for the detcrmina- j tion on one side to capture auu stronger now than ever. Your correspondent is no a- on his way to the scene of the fight. ANOTHER COAST RAILROAD. Portikni, .Inne iS. The Construction Company of Waldo, Oregon, of which T. W. j Morgan-Draper is resident and chief eugiueer, will build J an electric railway line through the Siskiyou mountains between Ashlaud and the mouth of the Chetco liver in Curry county. The company has ordered its representa tives to secure from Surveyor General Melvin the records of the survey of that country, land io miles on either side of This purchase will give lumber stumpage, which will proposed road. The harbor at the mouth by competent judges to be very fine, and susceptible of being well improved and made heav- steam traffic. TO RK KI.KCTRIC. It is the intention to operate the roud by electricity. There is abundant water po .ver on cither side of the Siski you mountain range, which will be utilized. This line would do much of the country, its lumber industry especially. It would also help the development of The San Francisco capitalists who arc behind the plan are working quietly. They nouncement of their intentions, connection is reliable. The project is backed by men who are able to push it through to a successful conclusion. MINER-HOMESEEKER RUSH. Pocatkli.o, Idaho, June 17. The opening of the Fort Flail Indian reservation todav miners and homeseekers. ILLINOIS DEMOCRATIC QUARREL. ' CincAGo.Iune 17. Mayor Harrison of Chicago and Chairman Hopkins of the state exchanged abusive remarks state convention met at noon SENATORS COULDN'T STAND PRESSURE. Washington', June 17. the senate committee on agreed to accept the Spooner with Cuba and decided to ask lican senators be called for terms. A MAYOR Minkkapous, June 17. The local police scandal cul minated this morning in the arrest of Mayor Ames ou an indictment retnrned by the grand jury charging him with offering a bribe. The charge is that the mayor promised County Commissioners Sweet and Nash $5000 each to vote for Tom ftrowu for sheriff to succeed Phil. Megaaden, after Megaadeu was removed by the governor for alleged irreg ularities. The mayor was arraigned soon after the arrest. NEWS. were equally as determined. ' Davis took effect it is impos on the other to pet away is Oregon I'aciric cc Railroad as it wishes to buy a strip cf ; the river. them an enormous extent of furnish large tonnage to the of the Chetco riyer is said capable of accommopating toward developing that part the harbor. have made no public an but the information in this was attended bv a rush of committee had a quarrel and just before the democratic today. The republican members of Cuban relations today finally bill providing for reciprocity that a conference of repub tomorrow night to consider its ARRESTED. CONVICTS REAPPEAR. Review Their Thrilling Night Irom Salem. SIILRIH DIRBiYS CIOSE CALL The Blood-hounds Were Within 50 feet of The Convict At One Time. The -tory t'.ld "f the reappearance "f the o.u i.-t- i as f.lli,M : Aivuit 11 o'clock ,1 hunday iji'.rmr.-, an Sunderland and two other were pre paring their tihhing boat on the wuth huiik .' the Columbia nearly .oit; Vancouver. Tracey and Merrill appear ed al.ve thtm on ilio bank and at the oint "i a ri.ie ordered the attonifhed fishermen to ferry them acna-H the river. The first thin? they did was to w-arch the boat to as ertain if any arin were eeiret-l in it. and then, sat'fctied that there was no danper, c.nifelie.l Sunder land and hi cnipanions to ferry them across the ricr. til.IT L-K W Att n On the way -ver iraiey sat in therw-.v ( the lat and Merrill in the t-tern. hf.th keepir.j a e!ow wat-h .n the men wli.. rowed them and l-ver once letting their r;Tli "-tr.iy fr.ru covering their th-.r- . . 1 : ! . 1 - ir.phteiie.1 ferrymen. At the 1 :i-'!uvon oi t! e trip the dejrad- i.r.14 r-i Mtnderianr ti pr"d:ii-e his mon ey, the an ave up his pocket N.k cr.:,taj:,;i!; a (" ;'ild piece and tiirce silver d"llar. if this am'cint Tracey 3i t r-..r:at-! tJ and han'iel lt k the rP;i ;,'!"!:-or-enin. Heie. take t!,:- t-n. x. o :.!, t i.ee.i u.l ynnr inO!iev. We ren' t !.!-. f i. anvwav." rtirv ni k.:. 1 1 :r:i:.' t t e pis : r-11 !; 1 :.e !' j'iaci.U" .i.ir talkli. a -.'reat the ner hth Merrill in par deal. He a- I'-.-'-i-d t" U- tii'-r cihiv liar ier.-l and exj-i. .-.! hi;o'lf a. ls ::;j s.rry lie ha 1 1 t.;::-i vtier::T Jnrl:n in the w.-is i.e.,r terx ,.- :i-n he had the oppirtii- W hy. lie rvi:-i. "rr)ri tl.ev had nir tr..i! it. ;he hh we ' ') !t'-t away ihind e' li.e jwer, !t ii. i ll-v-- 1 in hur'iin at the 1 ead of the -r-..! .. 1 wanted t .ill him hut Tra-i ! iy -.ii i. N'in, p.d.d'n t sh''t . if yu j let -iff :) .: mi we'll have ..i:r inT-h j ti.-ht l.i rr.' I fjt jt:t f-ittf I- kill the e.:t the san.e when ti.e i-alii-! utt In itnmi ana went bark. j and n-, -rry ev, r :r.-e that I t :n-.i-!i i.ini w lien I da.l the cr.ane. n Mil- i "'it'i-r. While Merrill wa detailing the !,if ry i I tin- cha-e. Traevy sat in t'ie V.rt of the Kcit sj ii,. nothing hut kepin2 a harp lx.k"Ut "ii the Wellington -de-re jn-t ahead a;i i milv hr ke hi silence to j say, Ikir.'t take u t- far up stream. I W.. ...'. .'- I . m ..At t.. 'in. i-i.nver, hut we i..n't want t-'et f far up the rier." When the l-nt reo hi-i the shore the cm icts. w i:h a jmrtii:; admonition to "keep y 'ir mc-.'.hs sSnt." j:mp--l .mt and !".ipjearcl into the brush on a point alVi-.t three miles up stn-am fp-m Vancouver, while Suuderland and hi riiipanii.u hurrii-l back to the (.re,.iin shore and diej-atched Hutjrieve poet hte to Torthnd with the news. l.KI a,Kt oi l. The bandi:, eay Sunderland, looked fashed and exhan-tel, but si far a. he could tell were unwoimdiil, though Mer rill showed him a bullet bole through the left ehouMer of his shirt, where the bul let of one of the penitentiary -mania had penetrate-1 at the time they made their ecaj-e. Hi left temple ehowed a wound but thi" i1 explained hy sayiny that in ecapin)! he lind fallen down an-l hurt it against the mot '( a tree. Tracey ap parently was unhurt, though, like hi partner in crime, he was badly scratch ed and torn traveling through the brush. I'I.ENTY OK AMMfMTIoN. They hal at least 100 rounds of animu- Coiic1u-1h1 on fourth pap,) Men who lok much o 1 u c r than tliey are never appear to such aisad- vantage as Htb tbe wife who keeps her nnfmnlv lie:iiitv. The J sn-ret of health and the manly vigor which goes with health is nutrition. When the stomach and other or gans of digestion and nutrition are diseased there is loss of nutri tion, and corresponding- chvsical weaknes. l)r. herce'a(Uoldea Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and iu allied organs, wl'ich prevent nutrition, and makes men healthy and vig oroua. I w a greet wifierer from ilv.utDiU lor ovrr two ycurft, huI was e cum ulete 11 hv aicel wreck." rite Mr. Prtston E. reaicrmcncr, m ryv .i.i.rii i. --T .Imi ntillerrd much Willi sou- up I ion. ' I Idcd uianv diltrrenl tutJicine which wire ivcomiorndeJ to cure the trouble hni thii.e onlv nioe roe " M It I bd liaidlv nv Cloud m my whole bo."y . . to.- f . mmr i. tail Otl dVertiKDlf Ot Ot I t Piefcc'i I at one uievl tr. Pierce Ooldcti ij. ..1 ril..-v mid Pl.uit Pellet. ' 1 - .r, .,.. . 1 bottl of tha ' DUwfff ' wUUb brought me I tack tauiy orur tate ofheiUh." I Pr. riwte'a rUcta cures souiUpatiou, ytfy J a'-VJi Are ymi partic:i!ar nhoiit vonr if voi: Ai;t: c at CURRIER'S GROCERY AMI A-K FOR! IVIOrJOPOL,E BRA1ID Trice is no higher and everv can guaranteed Currier' ? One e-. Price t-tore Th:- rr V f ' t s 1 I L. t V" 4 Wollenberg- Bros. "UTe Ul.i ik. V. Honest bargaining : a wear that badge, and ask i i . examine oar iirgc au: tomp.ete stock ot Staple and Fancy GrocerieSe We are now over mm, mMM. m mm Andjin -rdr to reduce- this stock we are prepared a) (o ( (v to makv; the most attractive prices. It will pay you . m : to ca.i ana enquire Frcsh Farm Produce is our Specialty, W. Mrs. B -yd's old st.i.s 1. o-r:iv.r Ja - - ks oooooooooocooooooo oockoooockocxcockcxo M A. SnLZMAN radical Watchmaker, Js wler and Optician Carries a complete stock of Watches. Clocks. 0 Jewelry, Diamonds and a, WATCH KKI'AIRING A SPKCIALTY. 0000COCOOOOX)CKCOCXCOOX00XXXXC HUDDY WETER ii not c--n ln. ;ve t" vffc It ihs-iii't wai-li clc.n. lann-lry stn-akv au-l m ! the w:;t.-r ti.o'-i.l.lv I.c.ixi --v.r - . We r:-er -re i:i.'. Thu. in a l-liii-'ii t "i.r -siil .11: I i-cr.-ciiii- in lami-!iri:c. v..- ! 'm -.v -m l'. ati-fact'irv rcu'.l W e !n -;M turn out work of a i!i- iiictlv ri -r yh..rao ter. at very nuilerate r.iti-. Sp-c'al at tention given t- sinrt. o-!i.ir ar.d m 3. lest wr ice. ill ill 5TUDEBAKER Mountain Gear Farm Wagons. 9ace io lazl. 9o Cast or fJallcablc iron Skeins. 9o poor material covered up with quadtf vaint. We just received a fine line of Studebaker Hacks and Uuggies. Churchill Coffee, Tea and Spices R6seburgs Leading Grocer s, Suits We have a line that is a good one. The latest style and cut. Underwear in all the Balbrig gans,linen mesh and :gfct weight wool Hats in Straw and Felt, in the new Florodo ra Siiape. 'Phone 35J .:i.iay- -atnrday. excepted. badge of nobility. We you to visit our store and . . - stocked with L. COBB i - .n and C'j-s tii. m ' w Silverware, KOjEBUKG. ORB & Woolley call oa oraddreaa... ww w www - r r, a we :-vorfaa 1