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About The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190? | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1902)
THE REAL THING. Official Invitation to Witness the Coronation. suld (F.U-.'eiK' Kcei-iter.) A jiruiniiient I'livsician f tliis oily kits just receive-l, irniii iicru-s the puiii!'' ;in ..lliciai invitaUuii to attend lie coronation ( Kins; Kalwar-l VII. rht tlocnnieut lc;ir.- I'.tis-lanil's cult l" amis anl is unite reiral in its :isvt lit is com-hcl in the. iolloviu-f Lingua-: The Kiiv'iloiu of tlit-at Uritaiu ami jl relsitiil, 1 uqriat liniia ntnl l lit Untish j Colonial I'osstsions lieviin.l the Seas, , reet thee ami c. iium.-iini thy I'li'seini' at tin AhU-y 'i Westminister, in the ancient City of l.i.n.Inu mi 1 1 twenty eighth lay 't .1 line, Amu. l.niiini on thousand nil - huinlri-.! ainl la.'. Anno Heii:n one thousand and two. on the occasion of the solemn ceremony the Coronation 1 the sim and heir oi the rcinin house and rin. e of the llMd royal AlVrt K.lward .; .r;i. 1'lauta genet William St. l.eer Henry t.uelh James i'.ittin.'i-r t.awcr Wet tin FiU niauriee, Kui'ht of the Waiter, Kni-ht of the Hath. Kuiirht ..r the le.Mcti Heece and issesor oj iiuiuerous and various Other most ilul.Ie and exalted titles as Edward VII by the (iraer ..f ;.!. of the Vnited Kinrlnt of Ureal l'.ritaiii and Ireland, Kiiii: IVtciidcr of the Faith and Emieror of .India. He Told the Truth. KeAvlitlv an editor divided to tell the iw hole truth"" for a mouth, reardles' nf tin ri-su ts. ami here are a lew sam- jilcs of his work : "John rjitnlii. the laziest merchant In the towu, made a trip to l'..-lline ye terday. 'John Ikyle. our m-.-eryinan. i.loiiij a jKior husines. His store is dirty dustv and noximislv o-iorin-roiis. lie doesn't advertise tior . treat in-oplo cour teously. How eau lie expect to , lliueh? - -Sam l.lo-ii!iiiii;tuii think- he is warm iiuiiil-r." hut there was hardly enoui:li r.nn in the hack ally theothe uicht for him to et through. IU.hiiu inrton is proprietor of the ;l..lie Mer cantile House." Those volliii? Uidies w ho iriinrled and talked in the oiiiregatioii at the Hapt ist (.'hurch last Snndiv ninht Tetninded ns of a lot of scan-1 ducks. The name of those who laiiiheil are tira.-e AIhths tliy and Helle Critteiidon. 'Have Sonkey lied last Sunday morn inir at his home in this lilace. The doel or gave it out that it was heart lailiirt The fact is he was drmik and whisk ey's what killed hint: and his holm was a rented shack in llowdv stre--t." WurJaiuhs was so drunk Saturdav night that he ha-l to In- taken home in drav waiioii. Sun-iay a!terii'on he -i ed at tbe Jmine ol .-senator iray s an- was entertanie.t l.v .Mr. i irav s aceoin plishe-1 daughter, who reallv tliinks si has a dandy hkI fellow,'" hut he is cur unworthy of a jl!e i-.. Svlvester int'orv i notiiied that tl lieojile are ' onto him."" He pry-tends t Ik- one of the leadiic' ni u the town but he has not yet paid lor that line sii he "struts alut in" and he's lai three we-ks on his iaiui.lrv hill. Ye: Sylvester can walk a lively nait, and put olt his hi airs, hut his pocket Kiok hks like aa elephant had steppl mi it. "Yonder if Miss Susie knows it? "Married Miss Syhla Koadles to James (,'aruaham. last Saturday evening at the Uaptist parsonage. The hride is a very ordinary town:irl who d.iesn't know any more aUnit cookiu than a rahhit. and m-wr helped her ir old mother three days of her life. She is not a beauty by no mean- and has a ;:ait like a fat .hick. The iro.iin is well known here, up-to-.tatc kufer, has been liviu-,' oil the old folks all his life and don't amount to shm k- no how They will have a hard I fe while they live t"'. ther and the News hasten-: to extend absolutely no congratulations, for we ilon'r lndieve any .j ctin come from sim-Ii a union. On press day of thL-particular issue the Jil-.r of the NewsIeit the city for a day's i.-it to let the old town cl off and lor a w hole, week hm-jer went home throiii:!; the nu-k allev. Sheriff Sale. In The Circuit C-ourt' Of The state f Ore-ion. I'or lion-las Omnty. Murphy, t irant A Co.. a .ijri.ration. I'laintiff. j vs. j The h- .ei' tV... a cor- J- 'H.ratiijn, I'.T. Mi-ih-e and F. J. Mi'lnr. Ik-ieinlants. J Notice is hen-hy jriven that hy virtue of an exci-ution and order of -ale dulv Lssaeil out oi the almve naiiicl Court and cane on the 7th day of June I'.aiJ, iiin a jud-jnieiit and dn-rei' duly rendenil and enteml in said Court and c;iiise on the Midday of May. 'rl, iu faVorol the above iiaiiiel I'laintiff ami against the above iiained Hefendants, lor the sum of t'22t.3:i, with int.-re-t then-onat the rate of S t cut n-T annum from the loth dav of Ma y, p. Hi:!, and the further stim of ifirt attorney ice and the further Hum of 1 :;.i a costs and disburse ments.. oV therefore I V.ilI,oll. SiTfllllAV, TIIK 12111 ll.W or .h l.V. MfC. at two o'clock p. in., of said day at the Omrt house front door, iu i;..s-bnro. Douglas county, Ore-ion, Fell at public auction to the highest bidder, lor cash in hand, all the rihl. title and interest the said I efendants or either of them had on the l'.ith day of February, 1101 , I or at any time thereafter, in or to the followiiiir descriUil premises t-wit : .The northwest, quarter of the noith east ijiiarter of ,-i-t ion ei-'ht in township 2V S 114 west of W M. iu I oti:'las county, Oreoon, t-joether with all and sinoiilar the teiieiucnts. hcreditaineiits and ap purtenances thereunto In-loiiaiie or in anywise ai-rtaiiiiii-i. and will apply the proci-ed-of surh sal-. ' first to tlie costj'it such sale, and to the costs and disbursements herein tascd at fKi.Ui, and the sum ol ?.!"). Attorney fees, and to the payment of ihe Finn of f'J'St -'A'.'t due the I'laintiff with interest there on at th - rate oi" S -r cent -r annum from the Mth day of May, l'.ic'. and the overplus if any tli.-re In-, pay over to the said I 'efcnd.liits. their as-i-us or e-al representatives, as by order of said ( '..urt in said execution to me directed, eom niandin ine 1o -.1I the des-rilM:d real projierty in the manner provided by law. Datelat ko-ebui-.', Ore., this ith day of June, r.nio. " I.. I'AKia.rr, "sheriff of lloiiohis County, llreo.iu. Notice for Publication. rnitcil suites I jmil i ifticc, Rowhinv, Orviron, Mny lh, I'.mi. Nolict; 'i. liurctiy i;iven t lint in .-i.iniiliniiee with lliff fruvisioiib of llie ff-l of 'miKrvwi of June :, lsT, i-iittlel "An a' I lor the mle ef li i.Ih.t Ihu.1- in tin.- Simi.-s nf 1'ntifnriiiii on truri Sevaita mill WH'HrrRt'm Territory,'' at exti-iul e.1 to ail I lie 1'uhi .- Lnn.l suies i ai l "f Auk ust 4, l.Vli, .)rlaVlt-)N. cf Washburn. coinHy of liio liehl. hlule of Win., ' hm this ii.iv lili .1 in this i. llu-.' I. Is sworn titnl.:- mi'Ilt Nil. 2li. for Hit porehaseol the lot H all.l sii . ll l : li sl'.i; of Ss-cliiin Nn ..... ..... . . . t ,t.. . 4 - " 4 '.. , 7. -1 slupKo, lAlsouth, ranue.Sn.t' west, and v.ili - ler proof to show thai llie land soiwlit lb uion.. va'iiialile for its timwr or sioiic lliau for tufii- Cllllurai pUlHises. ami M wlablish llis c ailll to said land inlore the Ke"istiT and Kmwr of Ibis olliee t liosehun.'. On-Roii, on Saturday liieij'.h ilaj; (' Hepli inlarr, l'.oj. Ho naiiim a- witiK-sw .11 . II. Boweii, A. E. Belch, John I ehnberrand Harry t.niuway all of Cum as Valley, Omiin. Any aud ail la'raons i laiinini adversely the aliovedi'scritied laads are n-tiiesled to tile llieir vianiiD iu this oflice on or bfloreMiid nth day ol repli-mber, 1907. . T. BalBosa jbWo , Hegi-ier. I Threshing Outfit for Sale. A aJ inch .1. 1. t'a-c Separator and a twelve horse traction enirine will he cheap. Ai ply to .1. K. Wilson. M2Si. I'amas Yall.-v Ore. I ot i: (iul."ii I K. e I. Sliei iff Sale. Iti The Circuit f'.urt Ol' The Stall Orcuon. l or 1 Minla- t'oiinty. . WoIIciiIht-. a- A.lniin- i ..I tratoi of the I'art nership Folate ..I S. M.u-k an.! I il. W..11, i:U'r-. i l'lahaui. ; Vs. i Kiteiie K. llauan and llattie t'. llanan. IVfendaiils. i Notice i- lieiehy ien. that by irtnc l an I'Xecilt loll an.l or.ler ol sale i"W" mi of the aU'c named 'ouri and c.nise n dav of June. llHi-J. uimhi a llll'lliellt all.t .lecnv .lllty rell.ieieu .ii" tl... nteret in saul t oiirt ami can-e on dav of May. l'KVJ. hv i..reclosiin- m iuort''aue in favor of the almve name.i 'laintilf and against the alve nauie.t t.-lcndanis and a-jaiiist the b.-r.-maU' i melilioiie.) and descriK-d i"i t-.'aue I property lor the slim ol l"i.:ll7.o7 with interest then-oii at I he rate of Hi per ent imt annmii lioiu the :.l-t 'lay March. l!Hr and lor the inniur sum .1 f3"Hl.iHl attorney tees an.l ?IU."-" and disbursements, now theo-lore. i win "". . . . n uinv. i ui: 1-in ievoi-.jii i " .. at two o cl.H k p. in. oi s.;m -i.t oi t'otirl h"U-e lr.-i,t ...,,r pi i.os,..i.;j. I loii'-las eounl v. h-ejoil. s ;l at .i;iiic :.cti..ii to the highest bi.aler, l--i n-h n lian.l. all the rihl. title an-i iui. r. st which the said 1 Vl. ii.laiils in ch her ol them had mi the l.sth day ! : 'May. I -"'.. or at anv lime thereafter, in or I" tin follow iu descriUsl premises, to-wit : IV-innim: at a i iut H'.o- ci.a.ii- smilhand K.M1 , l.ains v. -t ol ihe comer to sevflolls L'l. -."J, I'T ai.d "J-, iu tov nsl.ip lii. mhiiIi. raieje ' we-t "1 tin- WiI'um ette Meridian, ruiiiiin' thence wel 7- ."i chains, theii.-e south H..:o chains Iheiice east i h.ain-. ihoiae north chains, north NS'a dcr.-e-. east ...III chains, theme south os .le-refs ea-t 20.: thain-. thence s. ;u!,eriv. in a straight line, to the north, ast coni. r . the tract of land c.iuveye.l by m-o. ll.Hi lii -in. I w ii'e to T. .1. lida'.n oifi t!ie I'.'th dav of I'ebrnaiv, loS. th'e deed for which is lecrdisl in voltune t oil p.:-- 17'iofthe KeOrd oi 1 N'.-f 1'oiloi.i-, isounty. tireuoii. i hence s,.iill to th. North I'm !;iia river, thence foil. .win.' the meanders ..I" said river up stream t.. ;l l.iut 15.!'J chains west "f the line 1--t ween sections Xt and :!t and Mia n. c north to the of ln-.'iiitiir.-. coi.ta'n iui! 1; .!' acre-, lu-.r.- or less, -m.l U inu a part of the l'onaiion I. an 1 l laim -No. nii'l l.ii; a .1. llanan. A Is., the east J1... ..f th- I, and h.i 7 of s,--ii..ii -i a i l !-.!- niiv '-.-rc-i 1 and J of si -r! ion ' . oulainin in?.!'1 a.-n-s. more i.r i s-. A!-, lot .". of xi-timi .11. the west of the southwest '4 : siVtioli 111. lo! :! "I so. -lion L's and i"' section cm;i;i:i,ii-j I.s ! a.-i.-s. Ais-. lots 2 and : of s.s-1 ion "Ji ai.d ! ! - ' ai,.i 7 and the north .-a-t :4 ! tie- -e iiii-wi-st '4 of s.s-tio:, "J.'. c.i.tainlhL- I".:' acres : also cei lain ":!; l.niati"U I iaiiii No. "!" Henry I" iu siitimis Ji. 27 a. el J "i'-'-i n follows, t-w it : l'. -iuiii : j at a --i i : t ll'.4i chain- east fi-.:., th- s,,iit:.uc-; Comer ol said I 'onati- ii t laij-.i,' t hence east "7 :iS chain-. Iilenee lloltli 1.4. IT chains, then, e w. -t :7 chaiu tliwuv south ;i.!7 ciinin- th- pla.-- oi Ik-jiiiuiit-. e iii!:;iio:-J -1" n.""'. -Vis" ihe north -1 ',oi-!,c noitiiM-! :j m section Jl' i-..n!aiuii!.- I" a- r, s : a!-o the north '.. of the s-.Mfli.-l-t 1 ,"! section 11 ntaininj . acre- : ai ine n-.rtle-a-l of lb- iT -ft ii- 1st , an 1 lot 1 "I lion il. c- .;i' a inn.-.' -'4 acres, m. r.- ..r h-s-all of the ah-oo ..-etiU-.l .lauds and pre!uis.-s lyiitu and -im:'--in j to nship ir. sou; !i ..i ra :: 'i ''..-' "I 1 Willaiiielle Mei' in lioiit-i- uty i dn-iiiu. and contai: iiiL' in tie- a-.-"-. -jat- litS!l.:;ii acn s. lojeth-r itii ti.- t-tn-j luents. hei-iilitaiiien:- ati ! . pn i I. ti.: i.-, ces thereunto l l .i.-i:.-.' "i in : I y i-'' -t t-it ;ti li i li-r . and vill apj-iv the pro ceeds ! such sal-, li-sl. t" li:-i-.ivni. t.t of the .-osis f sii-h sale and the co-Is and disbursements herein laed al fl". iil. Mv.ud. to the payment ot $:rn.ii a'. tornev fees and to the payment ..I'tlc-iim of $ l:;.:tl7.ii7diiethe plaintitTu ith ip.1-r.-t thereon at iheraleoi 1" )-r ii-ut or an num from the:il-t day of March. Iv'i, ami t he overphi-. if any then- pay to th said Ielnd. nils, tii-ir a--i.'ii- or l-.'al ri'iire-s-ntativi-s. as bv order of -ai l r.nirt in said e-c.-i-utioii to ine direct-.!. eomiiianuiiitf me to s.-H the aU ve do scrib. I real pr-pi-rty in tin- mann-r pro by law . Patti'l 1 hi- !lli dav of June, l'.iui. I".. L. l'.UlKoTI, Sheriff of I iou.'!as County. Oie.'on. Notice for Publication. L'.MTtn STATES I.ANIj OK KICK. U -Kia ii'., "nr., Msir Si, iJUi Noli.i: is lii-rehy tiven Ilia! in uini!iBiii Willi llie provision'- i.f llie A-t jii l oiiirn-ss of Julie ::, lifis, nititii'l, An Ai t for tm- of limber iaieU in tin- M of i a.iinniitt. ure aon, Nevai'.a, u.l wsi,inyton 1i-rri:..ry,' as -s-teade.1 lo all llie l'lihii'- ia'a-t slain i.y Act of AiUii-l 4, J AMES o. BKISTO'.V, ! fi.jsi'biiii!, oiii.iy oi lioiiulas Sttite of n son lias this iia lih ii in Ihi.-orh.-.- his sworn si:i'" iu.-iit Nu. 14, lor tin- purchase ,I ti e S' 2 N', of Seethiii .No. 11. Toimsaii. Ji South, of Kani;e West au.i will olier i-r.a.f m -how Unit the iauu Mtohr is inori: valiiaiih- for lis liniix-r or bt-ne than for atric'iitiirai part-i -., ami to i-taiiiisli hi elaini l rai'i iii. I Iwf'ire th- KesiiM' r an.l tlii-eivi.Toi liiis oili.e Kiwlmie, "n-S'iii. ' -uiiiir.lay, tin-1 1 'lay oi Jim.-, l'ii. II. iiaiii-n a itnes.-e: lohn Bicker an.l l-iarik sherman, of ;i-vi'lnii'1. 1 ipi; hi, an.l I.. A. Itrrt I of Ko-o-Imri!, Or.-Koll, all'l John 1 liom, of l le.elaii J. Onon. A i ; ami all (arsons elaimiiii; ndii'rs.-!y llie l.iv--ilcM-ritrt-.l luii. I- urt- riskiest J to tih thei elaims in tbis odici' on or iH-lorc -awl H iuy o! June, l'.rl. mCv J- T. liKIU'.K.s, It. sister Notice for Publication. I'liite.i states Laic! Oilie,-. KoM-hiirir, lri-j.ii. May l.'iih.O'i. Notice is i.i-rehi (iiv.-n lllat Ju eoniplinie n itil I he provisions ol Ihe ne". oj I ,i,-ii- 'oi June 3. l.7n, elllitteil 'All Act h.r lie-sale ol I'i :n her Lain is in the Mates of California, Orrnon.'Ni -va-la, all"! Wasiiinaloii Territory." as .'Xp'li.l. .1 tu all llu- Public. I.aii'1 riiati-s i,y tin- act of Aug ust 4, ls'.. HI'ANI.KY 1'. ol.ts, of Jlosi'bilrif, i.- .unty o lioiilas, slate of Oregon has mis iln v hi-sl in 1 Ins omee bisaaorii siah-- mellt No. 2I-'.J. for liil-Oliri-huse oi till- s'N : , of si-ctiou No. J4, Piivnshiii No. J7. ramie No. a , ami Kill olier proof I.i slmu lhaL the la lei sought ia more valuahle lor its tinilii-r or stone lhau f' r a'.'rieiiHmal pni poses, ami toi-iahiistj Jiis -)aiin P. Miht laii.i I..-IOIC the K. irt-ii-r ami Kceivcr at Koaebiin;. Oregon, on llmrolay, the i-tb ilay of Auku t, l'h'. He names a- ml havnl i;r.-n. Krank lini's Miinniii .:. iilin, Earl Hart ol lioselinrK, Oregon. Any an.l all feTMiiis choniiiig llie ...-si:rila-. laiels ale n-(.e.st4-l to liie t!:.-ir claims iu this olhe.. on or hen, re sai.l Jsih lav ol Anitusl, I'm.'. J.T. IlKII'i.ES, inl'-.p Kcis'.cr. Notice for Publication. CSITEU HI Al KS LAND OEMCK, llosi.ia ki.. Orinon. May 1 ., PJU2. Nolieeis lion:hy .eieeit that in eooiplianee a itb the plo isions ol the act f I loilKfl-ss nl Juni-ll, -niiileil "An net lor ttii f,aJeof timlHT lamb in the Mate of IhCilornia. On-KOll. Nevada, anil Uashiiiton Jerritoiy," an exlenii ii Oi all tlie l'uhlic lanii SlaUn hi- act ol Aug ust I, ls'ji". UA liidlAI'i i of Itniii-burir. i-'inulv of hoimhis, Stale of Oi 1 ha. He's 1v li in 11.1. .ill,..- hi, .until I siaillll. Ill ISO. il.ti, lor lull linn nase oi llie; NK, , M..jn '-.- -M s.tiii. Na z'i. ,..,.. No .. ,.kt HU.i ,vil ,,.r .,,,' t(, hllw h.,,i th 1 is,,, ,..... .,t.i.l,. fr o. I ,,r alone than lor .iMieiilttir,.! iiiiii. isi-s j M (.uhlish his iaiiii I., said land before iK.r ,! j, eciv. r ol tins othec ai Km. - bun!, Ori'toii on 'I Imiwlav, ihe lb d v of a,oki i:o.'. H i iiaiin-s to'iiius.-es: .Mann.ii , ,,jn .u, l Han, Stanley I. olin, 1 rank ! Hays, of Kowl.iirc )i'i;oii. I Any and all 1" r-oim I'lainuinr ailvcrneW Ihe t .i,velW:iib,sl lands are rcjiu -ted to lile their eiuiui iu thin oltici- on or l ion- sa.d -stli day ol Au.u.t WW. J. 'J'. UK! IXiJ, mi",, Keglstcr ,. .. . . . c ,,. , . . .,, let 1:..m1hi;, r,.;i!.:y ,.i Uoiii-.!:,-, S; i r ..t llp-i;.n !' . h .v lil'e.l iii l Ins oili.e his sw..rn(Al MentS the FCCOod Blld fourth Slon- Mr. H.tcl.K ol l-c..tll. , will l. .. , Ul:s!lly ,,:,. I.i- s:te. I ;(, ,;.,,., N. ...j.,,. .r ,..,rrlmK- ..( the sil, ,l.lVn of c.ieh inonl h nt 7::H)p.m., ltarnards M;iMc on Saturday May Ii ; nicn! :'i.u, f.irth.- iin'.in.-i of du- .v 4 m i u., , v.,, .. ., .:., v.. . 1 . ... ,- ,,u v,i.u,o it. for,!,eJ,ur,,ose f Imyin: I 'raft liors. i v" f t t i i tV t " T sXt i im; iVstiij ,!'V '''i w i"'', u'tii "r KwlitinliMjVr invited to HttftHiK wviahiiij: from 1SH1 to llil i,i,ds : m'-ut w vi.iu..l -or n um-v er Moiio , . (.rm.f t .lv tn Ia VI,",,,f'"r "V M4,W,"1", n i( CiAl-KN M V parties liavi,,,, y '!.' 11. v lltc'oriler. ' nsinested to lhei.i in on that dale. ; .. ; .'','., ?tKl...u. ,t 1.. ! K.-km hii.1 K.joiv.-r .f I ,, ... . ...;, Notice for Publication. I'li'.h .i SImI. s I .unit i mid', liie-dinnr. Oici-nti, Miiv I", 1 Notice is li.'i"lv niicn Unit in 'oi hi . 1 :u n i with llie y .visieus el III.- ;i. I el ol'.ui.i- if June :.!. eniiili. I "An at i for t Ii - mle l liilT laiMs in tliSMiev of t alif.o iit:i. Ore- roil, Novuttii ii'i.l V icl.iii iVn Icrnliiiy, us eM.ll.'.o.l I., nil llu- ful.ll. I ami Slsil.- Iiy Hit A 1 1 1 1 t I i.l.M. ! v. - : i. k kMi .lv..f.iiB: Ml. n" ms- ,"t,f:.-s- I Is. Hx. Ilel.rx !.! .. ;, .. I ..' if. ...I..,.,., 1 HUM 1...-. "' ... .... I a:. ;u-t. !:. J. i !'..! ;' : ' Xiilioe for PuMic.ition. 1 stints I .M,1 i illir. i n i-i 1 ii 1 - 1 . ' , ii.:.'. ,.', ."'i.llucV. in I''! N.ll!.-.- i- ll-M l.v 1.1 1-:. ::--n. c 'ii" i'": 1'iiyn j : ' .ip.i.- :, is.s oai.i.i-l -"An net i. :'..- -; Inr '.Hti.ts in ti.e : H.ii..riii:i N--v ;hIh iiTi.t w ...sliiiiuteii I'. rii.-i. . t. Hi: llu- rili'iii- 1 Hlhl St: :.s :i' l ir.-' -..ii I . t' I f V!.'- 1 i'"l i;si l lvij. c.AUls 1.. i:kmim. i i :-" . k... i n.-- r.-inm- of !..-. .i :..: "i ' ui.n i.iis llu- r :. .1 :m ii.-- .o::- his j m strttim- ill V ."!... ll. ll'i : ll.e. i,.l. . r...i, ,i "I T . . tii.o. N.. . . 1 : I - N .'IttrM p.i. i t nll'.-r V'"i'' t. lii) lull the mi.l t ,,,t- 1 I l ' '1"' ".n ;,t'-i"1 ; '' ii. ..:i iii'iii ui:iiii". Mil l-.-. ll.l l.. :,.. i : Is I ill- Iv -. i i i ail-1 III .-i-i I iii;miii,i. ji il -ii:i-;..m.-v.-u, , ..n k',1,1...-. Il l- ..H!l -iio HI AUS el :-j:. liilin.' i itli.'-s. M . I !:al r- I 1 Keilv . 11. -i.r . l.. i i.i - John HkI. Kill II ml . ( Hum Li.lfi. 1 'I.-H.i.'. a... ,r I,,-,.!.:!. i hi'.-.iiini: ii-Ivi-r- the nUn'. .i.'m ril.c l ii.ii is ,,. t..i...s-.,d to li'.o llu-.r i-!..:i.-.- ri i!i:s .-i:k- or t-el.-n mat ;.'lh .ly ,,f Mi--us; V J, T. liR'IXlES 'mi:i' ' ileuisl.-r. Notice for Publication. i Slli n Si .V I - !.AM' H 1.' h. i;.is!..a i. . I're , Api U. .:'.--' N..;:. e 1-:.. ivhv .veil U.l a ivi-.h ! - -i " '"' 'a-t',"" Jan.-.:. Is.-, -.c, getter the -h.c ..i t:nc.-r im-.- in tt.-". i"-; -a.ii.T!i.a. On.-i: NeiH.i:iti:t.i W..s!i.iiv;..H l.iru-.ry. us ra-:..i ..-I ll'.l 1H- ei'-: . i.el.l s'. li. - h el i-f .t'lK is! I. Is.'-', M AT.' Ts j). U 1 1 1 : t-'. 1 . 1 K. . i Cui.:.-is Vmoi . e.e.iily .-; H,..:'.e. -o.le ' Or. i l'. !'-'-His :. !oi-l in tins o.l-i-e 11. se.oTl- sun-. i:ii nl N . .il, lor !:; V"" " fie Nr' s.i o.i; N... 1 . tp US.. s aii.iwi.". oi"..-i !: a. m. a .'I-h: i:.e Ut.-I s..nKia ,s ..t..i-,i.'.-i-T : t-.ii.'-r or st..m- tliiiii fur M-ira-lilur! i- irj-.s. s. ,n 1 H Willi ilsh his I'.ailll to Mt.J -1 h- l 1C he I- li-s-'1 .in.! Kee ' i r ,e I i is o.:;i-e il K un s.ilur ::: . t!...- 1 .In .Uy .: J tmiti. ii!i-.-ss. rUlfli h. rh : V. .i. ".Ireioll. Kil lll.l I' 'ole. ir oi i M:..:!M-.i i a::-, me . . K ii-isi:, I'-. lh ,.f s. -ilh.i -. ,,, i ale-v. ii . . n. Ai.v m: t b!I foti una:: a lel-.ei-v -.- lh. '.I..'.. nhili--.:.". ri' e.l !n-. te le-t.nlli.- :tl tin- :! e on ' i t l-'ia .!bi ..I Ju.t, l ii . ,. nla. Kee.sler Notice for Publicalion. i-.SiiKl' fl'Al t.ANI'Vr'K!' r, s-.X.-a. Mi.. Noll, els h.-r-.-.'V sc., u taut lil ii.ii j-.r-t'i-l ith lie !.n--.-lloi.:f 41 ! f-ix-ir-s r! J'.mi- s.t.',-. .-til :..ii. '"An h..-. Iu I'l.-s.oeo. r -c-i Is ia I: ? ..!-: fiii.ui Z'-.a. Neve-:. !i::d .shu ....n ii-:iio:;.' i-ai a ' iJ lo ..". liil- t'ai.ol- Int. I Mt-- ' :' "t ' "" IS'. 1. 1-'-'. A I IN IM 1 il II V'i l'i' of Miir-lr". : i "i'.'.y :. - : ' ,:" la. Ila- .'av !".'! Ill !h: :::s ..:: ''-'.-' meal N... - i:-. r.r i:..- i ' : t-. ol l. i si. 4 ..!-,, ::..u No. t - i'-h.j. s.--i-.... ,.i r S... - writ, at.-t ... i-i- l tT'-.l : "how i:m- 111. .:.1 sii'i--.t is e.t,:-- i i...i..t. e liiii-sr .Ts.-!ee ami tor . n.. nr.".rl i aii-1 t ' f-.aij.i-i hi-. .:. .in ;' lh. K: -ler tj i K. - i :"- er i.I tli u l i :..n - ort, e Kn.i - liiiri: ll-s.-ei. na - i 'li-iay. l ie l-i "l-iy o, nil. J. il.--ii.-o:-.. n-v.. -i. V. . K. M'!ts. ! A. K. 'f.-:i a. I'M-ry i,m :... A. ( a "i ! i :o...-i.s Va. ii . iir-.-.-n. . Auv mi i r.. V '-- ' u: :c r. 1 . . r--. :'.l' : hi..,i.- -eo I. 1 are I'"-.1 I"''- in '" le i:i t ef t-loJ.- . 1-ttl -ir i oi ..nit. l I"- K- .1- Notice for Pub'.icatiou I'! i sl--l l.r.'1-i o.l. .v. I.f,., ,.;r.-, U.-i-.ou V y I I N..1'.-.-.s !-.f-.'hy tie-a that in . ..lei loo v. i'.i la, i ru l-i.-a-oi .'ie u- X t ! ' -f - Ju.i- :l. l- -: lit. e-1 ' Aa ! f'-t - -l e - : ,-:' I'rin.ii:. tiniL'-r iii'is in the -Tsts : S a.; a tti i A i.-:i:ii--!i-!i I i-l :.. :r usl I. 2.'J. I'a'.: 1 n i -:.. A ',.' . I JullN h' l.I.V ...:v nl leeii;..!-. .f'-.1- th - ,f i 'r.-.-i-n -..ra - k:i- :.. .-!.' , ol , tin.; eN. l: Ml l:ie -a.i . a-. .1 ..a !.. :,.i lh I 1 ::.: Li . -'Ill- i-tir i-ls.ll.i ' e I '.-r .1 ' i l . he ll - o-i '.I ', .,1 AllV- 1 m' rieiiV lh- 'in .Uy Ih-eii - . I . . 11- '..h i: .h i re s l . I K.h'-i.i -n:i I.. I:., iil.v-1. :i. s I-.2I, i:, a-i l. "TJe ris'i-niull ll.l i'i I. Aiiy ..nil Bii - o:i e..i. ah i . .t.-s.-r:'- ! in i'l- a.e 1 1: . to ' !- th i-.:i. in - ei 'MR "ll:. i- ri . r tw . - r -ei A i.j. .-I l'. j. J I . Bin id K- -liii Notice for I'ublication. I S! I Kit si A TEs KNI' OFKl 1." i:..-. -hrirs'. Or- i. li. V; ts. I '.' Soli u ! 1 . rn.y k'.v. a tli: ;:: . eiai'l-nl .villi the t-T'ivi-i'i'is .! l.m R' -1 . i outre-- luii. :;, 1-;-.. "An a- t Ii r ii.e .;. el n tl:.- -j:,-.. i iha. mm. i .r t"!', t,mij.'r .iti I N' met IA i.!,',i.'i.-a L i ll.l .1 to .! 'li'- l'uh:i . I. ili I s iut ot A -IK- lt 1. I -'.i-'. I.I mNAKIj K VihiT o .-,!. i-..n;.t oi ic i.'.'ias. s'a'e.lf .1 iv r:h-1 .Bt: "nr llooi::i . ha in.-ai :i Jl.;.. lor i!:e -lili ! a - -i 111'-N r.'4 sr. K .- Nf : ..-.:. N '.. ia sei-ti-u No. .: low u-llit No- r. 3 . K . .'. V. i m ii: ..iter i- shon liiilt !!! :a:ei s'.'iifiil H ..! Ysimha- tor 5' - li i : i lj t .t s'eii.' t tiaii f"r n:ai-ii lie rj' i-nrM.- .-, aii-t to .s :,ai, i.i- i -.H-m :i s:,ii iaii.1 i- lore tin: It-e i.l K i-. li ..1 this l.lh. I' Ill :'':iv'iHe, liii? "J?:h lia a-. a. iiu.--s, llo-vlmr.., i ,ri s i: ..i Aii-ji.-. l:i.' Ma:irie M-H-ie Ihleie'.l.a'l Hi- 1 li ?t-h:l:e. Ore,.'oli, Jiioi.-k t I., i Hiiai ii . i 1. ere iron, '1 l.o: l;.s J. K'.-r.i-eli of Ko i r ..ii . a i el- .y ll .It.tve.i. U'. :i i.i-ol I. re n''-l ! Ilitfl liner .-'ami- in lh-- oit:..,- mi or I lore suul '. :h ili-.v ef amit'isi. i.-i.i. J. I. n:.ii)..K.s Ilil.'p . HCBi-li-r. Notice fur Publication I'lute i s.i.. IjiicI Oiih -. Uos.-h'ii-', O:- i;iei. May 1"., I -."-'. N'.il-e.' is hi-n-hy ui'i-n that I'i eompaaai i '.i i-ti ltie orovi-ioiis-of ui.- a t ol coneres c.f lime . I-;-, i-iiiuli -1 V-,i .1 for the -a.v of j tii.ila-r laa Is in ;t:e .siiiii - et I iifiioriuii, iit-non ieii.1- Ni-vii.!h ainl nshii.iiii ii 'I'-in'ery. . ix el loiri ll'-- 1'tihiie i-iii'l S ia.-t 1 hv act of AT' 1 ( TI A Is I ES E. K I I. I.V ol lh. leilir. coiMitv i-l he iuia-. .-ate i-i vli.-v-'lt has. th:s iluv !:! I in Ihi- . ... IllClit No. e;7 ,. for tt e J-lllet.;;se ol ttie Sl4 o( M.-etton No. I'1, touuship No .s, r.tnje No. :i ucsi ami Mill olter i-r.K.i to sh-i .i I nut 1 1. elan. t so'inhl is mnre vainah.e f-r it- t inln-r or so-ne than for alieicleial t-liri I..-.-S iill'l lo establish lil eiaiui lo Pai-1 iuinl bvlor the K-eist'ir ari.l E' . - l-.T oi otliii' nl Kosi hiir-.'. Ori'L-on. on Kri'l'.v th- it 'la- i i August, l'-l -l. Ie- loo,.,.. .h u-i ii, 1'1,lf 1. I', -i-ll lii'l. ,11 J , 1 1 1 11 I !i";i-'i'-""1' "- " "" Any ale i all p- soi," cl cie.liic ii'lver.-eli- the aho 'h-seri e,l tan, Is a.e r. .,'u -l.-'i l tlie lie- r i iniina in this ottiev on oi In ion Mihl .' .Hi ilay of AiC'tl-t, JtrJ. J. J . liial.i.l -, lul'.'p I'.uislei. Notice for Publication. t'niteil States I an.l othee, liosi hniK, Oi.-t'iiii. May. al, Vfl. Notice is hi-rebv iriicn l Im L in loiniilianee i Wlh ihe iirovision:-ol t!,e alt oi t'onizress of j June .'J, ls.H. lailiil-1 'An act for the sh'ij -.f timl-er lan ls in tno .-'.al -- ol 1 aliioriua. Oreno'i, Neyaiia, iui'1 U astiti.Hioii Tcmlory ' us i-mi-ihI-i-.J lo nil the I'nhlie l.aii.l stales by net of Ani ,l't 4, 1WJ. HEZEKI H J. ilUIUNETr of Hoselnlri, hoil"! seoiilily. OP Kotl, has this itav liie.l in Ibis olliee his swotlt s'.ulelii 111 No". i-M o the i ;ri h.lse of lie- s'jiil KVV' and N VV ijnlSa'i, a il.SU'', ol N W ',iu si-etioii No :'2. ton nship -2, soiiin, rtii-i;e .1 w.-.-t alt.i will iil'm piia.f Pi hbo.v tliat the lan.l Mioiii is mure lalioihie for lis ti hi tn.-r or Moiie I ha n for a:i -iilmini purposes anil lo I'staiilc-h hi-claim lo sael Ihii-1 beiore till- ll-'triMtei llll'l lt-eeiieii.f I ll Ik olllef H t k'W- biin;,r"K'iii, on Muiehiy Ihe S.'nrl ilny i f Sept. He iinuies na v.iine-ses: Liai'it-I CraiK uml Erank Hies, of Ihoel.n e.aiel Jann.-- 1'. llnehall an ainl b. W. I arn.-ll ol P, el. i.'cini. Any ami all ja-rsnns ehuniinit a.lver:Jely tin aliove desi nlieil ImimIs ale re.nesleil lo lib' lliiirilaiiii in this oil on or la-Ion mi. I -JJnil lay ol Sept. I-HJ1'. ). i. I'.hllo.l'.s, J , i'.ejisli r. Notice for Publication. I'MTicn Hiatus I,ani ipp k, . il'lsl.ia it. . , I ire., M ay lt2 I'.my. ' Notici is lterehv eilell thut till' loiiott'Ina- - . ... . - ,. , . , - nanii-d neliler has Incl iioiiee of bis iilintioii to mase !,-, prooi u mipport of bis claim, uiiH Unit said I roof wih be mailt helore K' Kisli-r nml Keeeiver I' S l-all'l Olhee at KosehuiL', Oregon, Keeeiverl' S l.ull'l Dill '-' Ml Kosehlll on July 8, I'm.'. i.-. KK '.Nl'l-i h. hKI.E.ENNh, on II. E. No N'.hu, Jor the lot. I ami a, Hec. s, Tp. 27 s., It. ;i WcKt. He iiaiin-K the follon iiie ullnes-ei. lu ,rovi- bis continuous n'nideti-1: iin,ii nii'l cultivation ol said land, viz.: W . I.. Clnipniiin and IVn'.li t singleton, of UiM.'h.iri'. OreKou, and Alfred Malbews anil Isaae Matbeiia, of i.lide. On g .u. iniiip J. T. JJolhiifcs, Kt'iniaicr. . Notice for rublication. I liitnl .--tales I.HIIil I'ttlce Uii'luru. 'u -i!"ii. May 1 . Nol nr is hiichy irlv.-u Hull ill t-4in iHneo Jill ll.r previsions of ll" I "I tnlnni'M. of I,,,,,. V. ! I i I ! i "All He! for A.' il ,. Hi,. ail 1 1 II 1 1 -r lillin- 111 llie i 1 ' i V ... ...I, u ...I u-...i. : ui'iviiiV; iUil.. l'.,i.Ue l.idi.l Slut,--, liv :n-t t( Aiw-1-t I, U. U II A l mi 'llnirsilnr. " " , ,Z 'I'." "' AllKllM. iu'sm s: HhM.I I'oilK, Mill iU- mum's (is . Hhm.I Coiiw, Miiiiiu.i '. iUn, Knrl ".,'. ill I IM, ir.. Or.v.ll i.r.ii. f.ioi.. i - - -- -- liiiimtii! a.lvi-rsclT the I 11 .Ii-sciiIh-iI ihii!s mi- iiiiiii-ii in tile ',, h "" ii,i-isi.T. ..i-.r.ip Notice fur Publication. I'llil.-l Sl,t,.s 1.H11.1 OIlllV. Rosebiitv, On-Koii, At.r 14, I'.'. N..iiis-is lu-i.-Ly anen n.Ht in rimiliiucv . i.n i in Mi" inivn i .'"v - - .Inn.' Is7s. eiitili.-'l "All m:l HT l ne mIu ol 'iml'cr ItttulK ill thi t-iiUi-s i.l HliKirin. On no-, v.-mhI-i ml Wnkiiiistttoii "lerrilury." ) exl.'inl- ' HO ol 1 Hi" in'i sillies j ! Aunll-I I, 1V.'. I KAU'll K. K A lit KY. ,.i Hi uliil Veil, i-oiuuv of. l u 1 ! M. .mil h. stale el i,n. hits this .in na-.i im mis uiiii-f nisi n Mrt-.elil. Ill I.T Ine mn lm-e of lh. i '.. Hie ' j "I MTll.'Il No. s. l. :n s, K h v' ""a wlu "Her (.i.nif lo i.iiw Hie lh. - I .-l ll 1 mil.-h'. is inure viiliinhle for lis liirtl.--i or Flofe ttlKH ll.r ttSUC.Ul-lf Hi I-I1JMH-, mi lo s.ii iiim: :ii..iiiiii o-:. ,in-i - ,... .. , nl thl i.rl:ee m K.i.-..ur.. I - , , , I m.' He llilllles us v. llll.-ss. s. r. iuill ii vine. I Mnreus i. Heeler, II. m y r. i 1 lllls, (lll'iTnll, U . II. hot ell III l MUKs Hlliy, Oregon Atir an 1 Hii l.ers-.ns eiKimillK mlvi-lwly the H'H.vt' .lesi rii . -l hiii.l. lire r. ( i-sle I lo "ile tlieir i !mu!is in tins oiluv nil or Ivlon- mi'l itriV of Juiv, 1'.' "HlTi J. T. r.RUXiKS. Heni.ter. Notice for Publication. j t'silvll -Till.. l.lMiUHll I. Ki -M-h ox'. ...--.-in. May Lis: N.-'.:i. 1- le rt h-. L-t-.-ll " ill i on 1-1 1MU wilhthc ).ri.i i-i--i,s o: ll:e k. ! ol iinui- "' June.;. !.-:s,.--itn'..-.l "Aun I lor the -nh-ei t :in h. rl.Bli-ls in Ihe Sl.Vcs- ol l'n'i:'ort:a. Or.-...'.i. Ne-. u.lii. Bii-t W ioiiiuuni leiriio. , .-x: lei ...I ".: the I n! vie 1-ne! stt,. et i.l Aiu nH -4. 1- '' A Mils J :1""11AN AN. ,1'-i:.:-"! h.eirlil . Slut.- ..Illrx-oii . h:s tl.i- . t:ie.l .1! the olli. e hi- ..lorn -OiV .1,, : i N,, -...l lor i:,,- leirelm-e of tee N.eth hi-! -r::.-r:SI ,1 .sei iion No. lo m l:t- -t il. S . so.i u.. ..i . uiu, No 9 W . .e! :il j nil-1 j.n-.t lo -hoH :.u- '.in :ii J simsiii .s i i.-n i:.i.h. its li::il: ut .t-lle limn for n.ll , i!i-iir! . Hll-1 ". i -tuh. sll ins l-'mh i l -i.!! !h:i I l-.o Ol.- K.-.-isI.r i:l Keeiner ol tti.s ..!t!- e at K.. le r-M'I. -li. "Il Molemi th l.tli .1 :'-V ! Ae-.l'.. 1"-'- He I.HII.I 1 " - V M.-M :i:rii. rnuiW l". A.h-y. A.'., r". i-m.;.'-:i ut.-l Im. i h-in, nil i.l K.w' mtv il'.a. Aiivunl nil j r in- i IniJuin tcrv.j .. i.,.- '-h ii:st lim.i- n- - ue-i.-l to In- th. ir in I ii .s or..-.-.- mil i , ' ..-I 'll' He- I r.n on) A J.' 1 .:, lAU. J. 1 . UK 1 ...-. k i.-li-r. Notice for Publication. ; -l .. l mi 1 1'!: . . .-it- ..n. :..; 1, '-,)2. ... it : h. n-i y ui-.n tbul in i..tti.'oi. i I:,e ;r.i i-i.-a-.: ll' ,', l l oiur . .- "., is.-, . :.:ii..-'. '1:i --t i-r t:.v - . N-.-' h;i: l- ill ihe -it.'. .- l C . : rn a, rj.i .. U, an.l V, n-h ln: -s:i I . .-: ::or. , - intra J .1. t.:.i'. N . . . .si to A;. U I'll 1ji:i I i.i -: i Hr.M:V I l:i I'FKiNo. I.:l- I ! ,. M '.. '.n'.- i. e! in 1..1- .'it.. - ll. No i-, f -r li:l- I-II--S- o! ..:...u No .'.hi t.ii-'..ii N'. v.. m. i n.ii i-reT in...: i- :. in- ll .l- '.ha N . ::,e i. .a-i "-umi :- l-i.-re in 'm' n- l-r . r -.oue o.aa :-. r.- tr..iiitiiri ; ar- : lo isc. h.s i-!i!.i '. 1:- t ; 4:; i i.i.ei-ir ol i:c. o!l--i- ir-.- or -:i. .i le'i.-Uy. ih. lnh.ljy : Is-'. lie 111.'.- il :ll;,s.s.-. -.!.. Ii. K V.rm i of li ' .urj.i'ri.-. u. . o.j IV-!, ti;u.t:i Fitl.i. I.e.-, . 11-.... e . i;.. .' A .--': At . to i,; sa l 111 : i- -ear ii.a :a t:.i- i-t At. ;' .'. .:c it.-, i lllinx.Ks K, I Notici for Pubhtratiou I'M t Kt -llli, i.i.'i " i-y i; i- 1 A N li (il'-'il'l. wo.,. VI- "1. J '- '.:.! .1. on.l'i.a I i ii r. ll rol l-:i-ie : ' --e . . .1 ,'l-s I "s. . r.o'h '. An u 1 u.f ;.ie -me 1 ' 1 . : . i - r ..-si. '.- :n 1 1:- sii.;. s ,.i . a, :loru: . ' if n.-n. N" i in na-! e. :. -ioiin or. f.-r.-r.e: . 11- i ( -1 ;.. t!i.- J lin l -i:. to w I of Aug- KI I A K IhiioSKlT of I. . Ill . s.' . .- liiaty ol I-i-. sib!- oi Ur. ;i. !'.::- :...-i : ir.n .. v. . h r .. n -:a No. .so. for Hi- ',..:ic!-- oi ti. -.-'', ,:i'l S ...f -i . lel N.-!.ef .:. N" . . to.i i. still- .'. - I'.:., raiir-N.i. i Ki. i wi.i eft- r l-.ool t . :ut the .ii::-: : ,. s ! .... ;; W. ,-ii..: o.lKhl l !',.." Viil'li ii- tiinl- r r ..ii.- i:.m for nut., ui ir.,; j ur ;-- nil 1 I-. 1 i...el i ihe U- i:i i ! ii-h her in in I" tel -a i lh M j -l... ;i,.e lh.- oi'... v ul !; h.i: o.--:ie- .'.a i -I - -i ''-!T r " --iilln-ss. - ' Ji.iiiici i'tki nri't ot Ko'eHu. or. mei. n-! Juni.-s 1 . : l.n-ti an-t n I u:a. .1 oi i .t.. .in-.-.n:. A::. ::1 al: j-r-oiis li.-.'.nin lierv-.y tho n:.,i .u-criU-1 lau.ts :e n-i'i-s-s! tih hir. ii'ms in th j i.Oliv on " .!.! :; i:a.I ,f l.j;. i.l. Ulil .,... Jrr H'-uhti- Notice for Publication. f ii. '..-.! .-;t--, La-el K-si-hi:n; l ) ' I '-' Soi'..-.' ;,, r. h k: .-:i iht in i .ii:i.'.ma.-i- i -.. ii:. I tl-l-r.-i-ioiis of Hie net of oiitfre-.- ol I I j :i:e 1. l-.s . cliiiliel 'All Al I l"r lh i' of I 1 :i:i!m r lxi..i -.a ih. S'!.- ..! '.ilotuia. ( j .-.,:i. N.-i a hi m.-l M isliiic!i.n I :nioi, a e. i. . ii-i , n . lie. I'lli,.:.: lilel Sla l.y t oi ..,i.' I, is.i... ! sANr'IKIl sl.til l.K I .,i hi. ri. 1111101. l iHilitv ol si,HXtt. aU of Waib- ! ;:nri(,ii. has tin- "tnv lo-.-l iu lion oll.i t- hi- --.lorn tai,-:!ieio N',.. fi.r t !i- pun ha- ot the s .a,,n No. s, in ;i, ..l -oit!i olranii'S mst aa I nill r t r.o to -h,.u ii at tin in ml soustil j , urv, v uai-ie ho mnl- r or at.'iii- ihaii i (or aii.i.-ultll'a'. i".!a- ati-1 to es'ahllsil lii . , :,. , i-foti- ii:e itt vi.t.-r ate! !!"-: vit ol 1 hi i i.itav nt Ke . .ii re, i)i'"ii. eii 1 luirxiay in. i-in la. i i l-.i.'. 11.-aaiii-s a- cni-.s-- loi.-.i s:a;-r. U'ei. snaih. lyonanl llna.a' an. I Hri,k. a',1 ol Uurliurloii. Waihun i i,,ii Any aiel ail i-i-tsoii- clainiiui; ailv.-r- ly the ' a ho. i- .1. u-nta-1 1-nels an- n-,ii. siisl t., toe llieir ' . I.i... o. i l-.l. ni:, ,,n nr l-l..n- ai,1 lstii itV o! s.-t l.lo. . I. II 141 lUl. J.'o Notice for Publication. I niiisl -late I. atnl Ofhi-!.i'ienou, May, 14. I'"-. Noli, eu herei.y Kivi-ii Itial in i-on.j.lian. e i uh tin-provlsiorw of Itie a'-l ol Couni-sa ol Jinn; .1, Is.-. . 'iiith-.l "An .,-t ,,r tlie sulj ol lanla-r Idle!" in tlie stat.-. of alilorina. On-con N.-ia-la aiel o lehinal.iu r.-rrihiry . , . . . 1 ii,..:i ii, .. e.i.'ii- l..tii,l siaiec I.r act of ! AnijiiKt I '-' 1 l.Ai -.i i-n an. I of Seattle, l oiin.y of Kun: Male of U asliiiiston. liaf im-l.;v ii.e-i in lies oni.-i-him -uorn -l.o.. in. i t. No .l-ii lor the parelia'e ol the E' N E'4 I nil-1 r. , si. - . oi s:i ii.ii ..... .... vo, u -... if -. riiiiL'e a hoi alio nt oi.-r prinn io siio inai ill.-r pro laii-1 sotjeiit is more valnahl.' lor i la timla-r or stone lioiu for airneitltiiral piirsise( and Ui l-sliililistt his C a in to f ael land beiore the Iteif. i-ti T au.l iicci li it o! I h in ntlirv at Kosclnin:, in xoii on saiiir.lay, thu l. day of Aii"ii-l i'.iil. lie uuitiei as . ituosi-s: lloiiard Wltliaill. , :snii H-jiiires ot H nub', ashii.K'oti, i in. M. Toiler, Utile Itersii ot Vulle . Oregon. Any it n-1 ail (.crsoii! clamuiii; a'tverM-ly Dip at,..'. e tl'-serio.-d hind- are rciuested to lilt their claim, ill t h im olh.-l' oil or la-hiri' said JJd day of A u 1411-1 py.. J. T. IlKlliiJKS, liii -p Kimi.ti-r. Notice for Publication. UNITED STATES LAN D ol Fil l:. Uc.smii Ro, On:., May i:, p.-rj. Notiee is licp-by Kin-u that in compliance with Itio piovisioll of tin net of IhiiiKi-csM of lull'. :;, l-7s. eiitille-l '-An Act lor the sate of I iiuU'i -Lamia in tin- H'Mles of (hilifornia. Ore Mini. Neiadn. and Washington Terr.lori-, ' tt.-x-teiidi'd to nil 1)11 Ftihlii; Laud sinus by act of Auk 1st 4, lsJ, MANI M lh OI.1S, of Koschiinj. ciiiinty if l)nii;!as, Stale of Ore uon, lias this -lav lihsl In this otlieo bis aiiorn slat, nient No. li'tX for the pnrehaai ol Ihu HE1, ot Mi'i iiu No. -. lownship v7 ninth, ram.'c .i ivesi, and will oth-r pioof to show thai the laud soiteiit is- mole valuable lor its tinilaT or stone than for aerieuliural purposes and to cslahltsh his e iiiin to saitl hind b doro the ltcih-tir ami IteceiilT of this olliee ill l onehurir, Ol.Koli, on 1 huis'lay lb-.- jadayof Aunust, i'.iOJ. lie naini as witnesses: liav hi 'rali;, I'tatik Halt. Hihii leyl'.olin and Earl Hall allot KoschurK. Ore K..11. Any an ! all in rsoni i laimiux adversely tlie alatve descrilad binds me ii'ipiestid lo lile their i-htinisii this olhis- on or hefoie s-abt .s irf August, rmi J. T. Bill DUES, mlyp i'.i-Kikte.-, to write lor onr CMnlidenthil letter Imforc ap plyiiiK for patent; it nay lie worth money. We prompUy ohtaiu ti. H. and Eonicu PATENTS . ami TRADE MARKS or n turn EN TIRE uitoiiiey'a It-u. 61-ntl model, sketch and we acnil on IMMEDIATE TREE report on paU'iilahilily. We give the best k'Kiil Bcrvice anil advice, autl our charges arc mialerulc. Try ua. SWIFT & CO., Patent lawyers, Opp. U.S. Patent Ofoce.Wachlngton, D.C. Soeicty Meetings. F. A A. .M.I.anrel I-mlne No. l:i. y. II jhli! rt'itnhir rneeliiiits on pwoml n nnd f urth Wediienduj a 1 each i inonth. k.. J. ."-moi it, W . M. N. T. j. Secretary - - 8 B. P. O. KI.KS. Hot-ehuriS LodyeNo. oli. Ihildrf reulnr couiinuuic- lionH at I (). O. F. Hall on Hi-diii'l ami lourth Thnreiluyb ol each n r-ntli All momhel rcinlretr.. to mteii.l n-iftl lutlv and all visirmu hrotluTf are cordi ally invited to attend. W. II. Jamifmin, F. It. V. U. London, Secretary. c D O. K, FOl-KTH ItKil.Mh.Nl.-th N. Ii , uiettrt nt Armor) nan every Thuradny evonmif, at 8 o'clock. F. Ii. Hamlin, Cap. KiRKK OF FON'OK. Mystic I.odte No. 13. AJets Und and I'll riniri dav eveuii.fl f each innnth in Na- ive Sniia' Hall. Yieitnu: n, embers cor ha'ov imited to a'tend. Mils. Mkk'.t Wit, (.:. ol H. K. H. I.unnov, Kec. f OF A. Court iJounias Sn. Z'l, Fur-' eotera ol America. Me-te every , t,.uj.i iv uvniro in NutivK ,-onfl' ! Hall. Yi-ituiKhrotherav.avB welcome. CltAS Oi i.v is, C k. ! Am. J. Kram'Z, H. f. j t. V. H.jovmi, lhvfci iaii. : I. O. o. F. rhilntanan .Nu. Meets iu Odd Fehows' Triiip.P, ear ner Jackson and Ct'B Btreete, on Sat irdav evening id each wee'. Mem-; her: ol the or.ler in uoad etaD'tin atej invited to attend. f 11.1!. (i;i.i.t-i i t, N. i. N.T. JtWKTi, Secretary. K. of 1'. Ah.ha.Lod-w .No. 47. Meete r4 every Wei'.net lay , in I. O. O. t Ha!l a'. 7 : :'.'" t. in. M-tiit-Ts in ; itood el itidini; arc invited to attend. K. L. Bs iiomi, (J. V. C. K. Koi.Lhis, K K. S. I K.! i. M.--i,; n r.-iit N e n. H -l-'i- it- r.-.'uiar l:.-u"'. - ;';,- i..-t ..lei f .ii-i I r, lav ; -.c !. month in ti,.- I. . . ..'.'.. 'W.ii.f in.-n.U i - i'i '. ! -hi::-: 1 1 ; .ne inv.'i.-l t- .i!tci..l. I. I . I' I I'.. ':'! rrr, kec'.er. L II. AC CSKCLF. No. Women o! j Vo,Jcr.iH. MeflKoti I: r tt nni l.'iir Thursdave of each month at the Na W'o!. Merlooti t":iit and thirl live Sons, Hail. .si:.r-ii meiiih,rs :n (joo-1 Etamltu are inv.t.d to a'tend. J. .. Pa a vers, iiuardian Neiiihlor. Winnie Ote.", .-cy. AHIKS of the li. A.k , Abrithmii l.ia- vo n (Circle Nj. 1'. n.H at N.tiVe Son's I! '.h i-t - u'cex-k on t: P'c- on.t a.-i'l loi. r:n fti tayi1 r-t a.n rn-n r. L O. T. M. -r.-.-f-riori Hiv-5 an. U. Hclds its reiraiar a-vtrm up. u the econd aud luurth i ri lav evf . of eic.h month in Le Nutiv- S--tj-' Hi'.!. Sisters r. ctLer Hivpn vigf.itij in ice city r t-ordiaiiy invited to attend oar review-. Jr-:L 1 t 1', I.. C M Mai nt K. Mc'Liht iiN. 1'.. K. V. OK A. M rt'c C.-it.-a No. Meis first and third Wcdnesdit. eii-h ni.-li.f . t 'sj.-.l .T:fc' Iia.M 1 . M. !'evu;, V. C. Gko. llvr.os, Cieit. 0.' E. .-. llonc'i':;.; bai.t-r No. t. Holds tl-.e'.r tejn'-K' i!'ttf. i n the fl.ll,.l I'.'f.l "1 t.'o. i .v ii ej.-h north. Vi-itinc. ti'n i:''-rr in -cxd t4udi:ii: are re" "! '!; liv in til to at .end. Ms. C ii : e ihi. W M , Mrs. Lib ui k Co-n-". Scrrtarv ft' t-'P.KKAHS. li oeriirfc' K-U-kati Lo-lc Nc. 41. I." " V., niicH in O Jd Kellovi-' T. n-.r !e everT TieiiJay evening. Visiting i-'er. and trethren ! i- ... ,,,-nd v.levl IQ a'teni 1. 1 1. !' i: Wi v ii,:,.: v. K. . U' I I M 1 1. 1 Ai; -A N L mi A sclnbiv N-.. lo-". meet e.T lle.r- I il.i v- e. nii..'. at s k :n N ,ii:ii aii-c. r-ha!:. ;-oii- llai!. Vi-il.i: Art iut, iled to att.-i.d Mi:- M. .Iom Mks. K. I.. II h i . f'.vr. ::n M. A. w DMLN Dr" TIIK WuKLl'. Oa t'ami.N i. l"o. Mcetf at the Ovid Fellowa Hall, id Koseourj, PTf-ry i iret and third Mocday eemv.g. leit tni ueighhora alwava welcome. John T. l.OMi. C. C. J. A Br.'UAN as. t'letk. Notice fur Publication. t; M 1 Eh StA 1 S l.Nii OEKI' K i ... o: , .s. June 7. I i Notice ia hrrvbr 1: 11 th..l 1:1 ciinplia-ic wtih 111." prov.n.-ins -i Ihe ael ot t'nhi-rv of June .1, 1V, cutith t 'An a. - Ir l-'n- wale of timour land in th - - ec- ot .ii.i-nia. Ore. on Nevada and Wa-hiiK. m I'toritory," as i-xlend-ed w di ll.c I'liiilif Lei ! stitu tiy t of Auk- US! I, ISlJ. i.r a i- -l iiKNo. k of swatll. , loinily ot Kins',' ol Wa"iiniil Un, has ihi lj hl.-.l 111 111.1 oi'i.i- his worn utateineiil No. '.s.r-. for the- t..p'tiae ol me t at ball of thi vtc-t 1 i( (E1, IV1.) of M-e;i,..i No. t ton n-hu' No. in of a:..:- s wi-t aud'will otter pni'l to snow that the laud souiftit Is more j iBiu.iii'; i'i. o- iiim... . "i - ...... I cultural tun .h" nint to cstab'i-ii ln i-i.liu to uiid lati l la- ere :h Ih-uisU-r and K.eeivir el Ibis iiflh ea! Ih. 't.iiiK, or-.-oii, im Saturday, the.' th dav of septeiuoiT.l J. He name as in.-is'i: Itl. iic l IV lii. k, Wiliiain Torier. William havn and A. E. lie-. root all of Cannes Vaih v, OreRo.-i. Any and al! perioiis rlaluriK aiv-rsely tho ativi' deseriii'-.l lands nr.; re.iU'-i.-d to tiio tlicit r!alni in this ottiee oii or 1 efore said i7tli laj of Sept. l'U. jl-jp J T.llKIIKiES, rti gltiler. Notice for Publication. Hiiit.' t States Tan 1 o Viee. KosehurR, On's-on, Jlllu- 7. P. 2. Notice ik lurch) Ki.cti that ill einiipliaiice a ilh the ptovis 1 us o! ttie ai t ol I onun'si of Juiiu H, l-is.i'iitltled 'An A. i fur the iie of of valifornta, Ore gon, Nevada and Wasiil::atou Icriitory '' as evt -udi-d to all the l'uhlic Laud states by .act ol Annual i. !"-. HAIU.ES A. lit UST, of ctilt-aKo, county ol 'iik. Stale ot 111., hat thli day hied 1U tin-ol'.iee hi" Hi 01 11 sialt-i.iel.l No. Jill, for tin piireha-e of tho i-K1, ol su lioii No. s, 1 m nship No. .7 foulh of lan.-c No. n weit and will oihr pioof tihoiv that tlie land song hi Is mote valuable for In, limb, r or Mono than lor ai'iicull'iial purposes, and lo u ah-ll-li his caiin lo i 1 Inii l la lore the ll-i ir and Kevi'iviT ol tins ollif" at Kosobury, itu!'.ii, on Sauinlay, thf -.lh uay ol 1 p;in.lH.r. I ...'. He nann-s us wiiiiiscm liciTiie ltsleiualt, Henry SinClolot), Henry Htia Irr f.n.Hlus all ol Kosebtin!, Oretioi', ... Any and all peisons . lannlin; adversely tin thi-abiivedescnbi-d lamia are rciiesled lo llie their e'liiina ia ItiiK olliee on or lietoie -nid .'7th iIht or Hi-pti'iular, lAti. J . T. lllil ht.ES Jl.'p He, Mer. Notice for Publication. t'uited Sin tea Lnml I'fiiee, Koiuhiiru, Oreeim, June 1., I'.ni Notice is hereby given that In iiuiiptiiiiice the ant of r.nisri' of June3, IMS, elitliled "An Aei for ihe line ot l imla-r Land In the HtiHca of t Blifornia. Oris Kon Nevada and W nonunion 'I 'e ritorj as ex lenilisl ta all the . ublie Laud filnli's by an I of A,,',M,,MINXIB M. t'HKXOW EITI. of Onkland, coiittiy of hiiuelax, .State of Or.-uon, lias Hiihtlay lilt.t lu thiaottlco .n r snoru mate nient Nu ll lor ihe purchase ol the '.'4 NW ' , sw'i NE.N'iSK'., NE'. HW ' of f tiou No "I In ion iisnip Im. -' cuili ol ranee No J wen and will oiler proof lothow ihal the land soiiKht Is more valuable for lla limber or lone than foriuiriiultiinil purlOM',and lo es tahludi her claim toaaid land Lelorn Ihe Kegls. ler and Kci etvi-r ol llu-nlUea al Ko-el.tirit, Ore i(. nt on Jiondiiv, the h'b ')' H, pi. n. Iter, pir' she niiiitea a" ifcssi : lirant 1 111 lor, f . L. Hoh-ointi. Hoy Miiler and 11 L. Iteuineih ail. I Oak taint, On-Kou. Anv anil all peisona elalminu advi'isely the ahovii described lauds are leipnesled .0 lib llieir claiuu iu this fllto o' or belere nald lein uay of bepliiiroer, UMi . J.T. HKI Itl.a.-l, jl-jjp ' K.-Kister - OOCKX30XKXXXXXX5000O00000000000000O0O0O00 0CC00CKX'OO00O)C Oil in Douglas QMhty. The Rich Fields Uncovered Will Rival Those of California or Texas. INVESTORS WILL REAP A HARVEST The old days of Titusville and Oil City, where fortunes Weremade in a night will be completely outdone by the magnificent oil fields to be uncovered and developed in Southern Ongon. THE UMPQUA VALLEY OIL COMPANY controls the cream of Southern Oregon oil lands. If you want some of the first hundred thousand shares send your orders to the Secretary of the Company, or through Wells, Fargo aud Co, express. Umpqua Valley Oil Co. cccoocckoocooc Is Absolutely PURE, and will OUTWEAR all other Leads. t; oiir n ! .lea'.er doe not crrj is n le .o u mil ne u lll that you icetTl I W. P. fuller & Co. if Portland, Oregon M eV. UO 10 .. .. t :rC ? I Ife BARBER SHOP. 9 For a Prompt and Fir?t-daa Shave or Hair-cut. Compe tent Workmen, Clean Tow eis, Tools always in shape. Baths in Connection. T i,op on Jackson St. i " fOOOOOOOsXK0000000 C 0 o 0 c 0 o 0 o 0 ED T. NAGHEL, KK-IDKNT oiicst References. o All Work (iuarauteed. o 9 l-.-ave order at M. C'.a'leu HuUsi-0 CCOOCXtK0O0CCO0O00 m. i worn j H. Little, I j .. DENTIST. .. J : Oakland, - - Oregon, j Professional Cards. JJLMEIi V. H'HJVKK, PHYSICIAN AXl) Sl'KtiKON. Koscni'iu Obsqox specia. atuutk-n tnTio to Dianuca of the Ko an l rhroat-'.iCi-Mi:a SL.oneiloor aualh ol Ci tBa l'hoi.e. Main 4l. c V F1SIIE11. il. D. Physician, Surgeon. Oili.-e o-.-cr P. O. KoiEBi ao, Thone Main 591. Orbgox. rjK.tiF.O. E. UOUCK, Pbyscian & Surgeon. OCc Review Bid. fhoh..'. Main St ROsEBCRO ORE-JON DENTIST, Uerlew Building. Te'.ephoue No. 4. ROsEBCKCl OREGON E.M CHB.DLE, DENTIST, t'ftlii' ot v-.s 'e Si.Kum t Hall ROStBLRU ORK A II. CRAWTOKD, AJka Attorney at Law, Rooms I At, Manuert Bh1., ROalBCKU, OR f VBuiueatcloretht U 8 LandOfioeand oiiniuc caset a specialty. Late Revelrer 0. 8. Land 0c. JOHN H. SHUPE, ATTORN EY-AT-LA W, Uostill KG, ORKMON. Buiues before t'.S. Ijind Office ani Piobate Imiiiiesa a apecialty. Office Abraham Buildiux. J C. t ULI.ERTON Attorney-at-Law. W'H prai-liec in all Ihe Hlate aud Federal Courl Office In Mark' Bld(., Koseburx, Orotou. QO.MMOUORE S. JACKSON, Attorney and Connwjllor at Ijiw. Minine lw aud Water Rigbta maile a apHi'iulty. MaiDlera B'.d RObKHURU, OREUOli P W. BENSON, Attoruey-at-Law, .outs 1 aud '2 "-.view BuiUltusn ROSKBlRC)RIUOI Q.KOR(iE M. BROWN, Attorney-at-Law, Court House UowuStaira. ' ROSKBDRU. OR J A. BUCUANAN, Notary J?ablic, Attorney at-Law. Collections a Specialty. : Room Marsteni Biiildiiis. ROHKBORU.OR JJ J,' ROBIN ETT, Attorney at Law. Room 11, aTlor A Wilaon Rlook. . KOHKBURO, ORl. mjfffftffwffM?ff.mff?ftfftmMffiWfjf 5 blfcVfcK'b t A K Our Crtm and Home-iils'le tlun ever and will be d-.'ivy i ... vi.o.. tt.: i- .',.....o or ,ii.,iii; ..ii. J. SIEVERSf Proprietor .m.W.W.m.W.'.'m.'?, m.m .... Drain Gardiner? COOS BHY STKCE ConiTiieticin with Monday, thefare from Drain t-C.i. Hay. 51 i-iund!. Travelliiiif mi- have oOO pounds or mors. lowance will lie niade for round trip. lor further information addre- WJ,WS.W.W.S.W.'mm.W. AZALEA TIILLS The finest Rough and Dressed LUMBER Fine Cedar Fence Posts, Wood, etc. - - - - Fine Port Orford Cedar Finishing Lumber We want your orders for building material. All orders promptly filled. GEO. W. RIDDLE LUMBER CO., AZALEA, ORXGOX : OOOOCOOOOOOOCX XXXXXKOOCXD J. M. Weatherbv I Roseburg Real Estate Co. Farm ar.J Timber Land Bought and Sold Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. Timber Estimates a Specialty. List your fnoper tv with us. . YOUNG ,iHll;;iKi,nsMysl A new and complete line Novelties, Chinaware, Silks aud Linens. All goxls are as represented. . are invited to call. Iliter Buililiin:. north Jaekwin Street- smoke New Riyal" Cigar LMN; Our MaKes-v' ""V M.uiiifai-turfl bv COBB A CAR Mitchell ALL SIZES, Also a car load fnnT aU( 31itclie!l Knios, Surms of the famous . .... " " am! Itoail W asons cn baud. If you wish comfort, and a reasonable price, see us before bujnng J. F. Barker - & Ca ROSKBURG, ORKCON TO WHOM -IT ' MAY CONCERN! TIioh luiviuo farm luinls nriH;i-ei .r)ierty for Male ur cxcliunee, w ituwell tin-all iin.l see tin new nal ' !tati firm mi North J.u k-. n Street : iv. j. cuniixs & (o Iloal Kstatv 'iKtiiolit, tmhl or , n. j iuUt risk,.-, .'-.Jt-U t-lianvoil fur I'.asteru iu-..ia.rtv. .so!yt,e fl T T7itnlv,i. ('..vernnient lan.l Vrni-n rs t ' -L UCliaiiaXlj nlways ui Inunl. Kstiinaf-M tur-' K i-ilurs, Ort'ijoiJ. A;t. for LVmclmCu. tli?liel, I'll. jii ; ' JOHN GEORGK CASlURlf"5 Painter. Paper Hanger and Decorator Signs and Buggy s - . Painting a Specialty - ' Cull 'i -T leave orilers ut Churehill l.OSKltlKU, OUK.tiON .N V. b K Y , ? ? BreU! Vial or better c-l to :ie n.irt of the city, iiji . - . i"w. ' gji - . , . i ROUTE 5 January 'JO. '0?. ne will charge 7.5J for Caa-jaje a!iot.ince with each full fare, ii ar allowed 7" j.'ind Lavage when they Ail esoes-' bau-;ai;e, 3rt. -r pun 1. and ii al- 5 I'AII.V .-TA.r. ' i J. R. Sawyers, Proprietor, Drain, Or rgoo X OOOOCGC&OOOGOOOC&CtXXiOQOOCl T. A. i:r." I. L. Martin SAM'S- of Chinese and Japanese UNION MADE ' UOc.v.-E 5c. .-.. i BROS., Heii.lricki Wis., tnar l'i.t LOAD Wagons JUST ARRIVED ---lNsrnK IN THE I! INSURANCE AT COST. jllea.l U:l, McMlnnvilt,-, Ontti.n AiiiW1! inmirani-viii f.-nv, $1 1 .iW.iW.OO Not tjuin in one year, -.,,ii..r57.ij) Saving it n.eiu'w.-s I vr., M),V'I.r0 , , Write or 'Phone U'.'O .ij .) : ... .... Wm. 1YI, Porter, Real . Estate Agent and Kotary Timber and Homestead Locator V- Packer and Guide Camas Valley, Oregoa OREGON Hit M IB uitleaaoatli cat ul Koaebtirx i U' J 'A i J 1 A