The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 12, 1902, Image 3

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."s. m. vrv m m -v -v v - Vi V V V
While you are out shopping don't think abotit buying before you
call and see our line of Springaud Summer l)iess Goods as they
are the most complete and up-to-date line in the city. Onr line
of Wash Silts,, mercerized Gingham, Dimities and colored
Lawns can't be beat in price and quality.
Our Ready-to-Vear Waist
In this line we excel nil other as our liiiei
the most complete line in the citj-. White
. Waists from 50 cents and Upward.
Here ia the line we can save you money in.
Walking Hats and street ehaj-e. An elegant
Sailor (or 30 cents.
Ladies Shoes
Our 1 mortal 3 Shoes for ladi.S will compete
w ith any 3.50 sho. in the city in the y of
wear and beauty.
Gentlemen, our line of Golf and Fancv Shirts
are the latest and most complete line in the
. The celebrated laid Adler A Sn's lino f
Clothing is know n far and near and that in the
line w e.c-.m y. The prices are right and the
tit is perfect ; and if you will step in we will
surely convince you that we can save you mon
ey if buying of is.
Neck Wear
Here is where we shine. We have the swell
cst and most complete line in Smihern Ore
son, and for the newest and latest thing out
don't over look us as we have them in the line
of neckwear. , . .,
Gentlemen's Shoes ,
i.The celebrated W. LI Pouglas Shoe which c
are sole agents for, speaks for itself, if you will
cive them a trial. We hrve them in Oxfords,
high cuts, also in tans and ox-blood colors.
v me Uoor souto ol t lie
l'it ( i jf --
Villlld' cli
Some good reading will In-
page 4.
Mr. .!ff Hauau Vsut to Garden Bot
tom today to visit with friend.
T. C. Hiiubotham, of near Oakland,
is transacting business in Roshur today.
Justices 'Constables and Road Suptr-
visors Elected.
- . follow big is a t'olliplttte liiit of the jus- I
tices of the peace, constable and road !
supervisors elected in Douglas county on i
John Alexander the Glide post-masirr j June J. 1H02T:
wan in Kosebur on business today.
This ortice received a pleasant business
Miss Anna H. Clarke, one of our popu
lar public school teachers, left Tuesday
for San Francisco. She will visit there
for a month or more with relative?.
Mrs. .). M. Hausbrough left for Port
land Wednesday to visit with her friend.
I Miss Mabel VanBuren, who has. .been
tudviu music there for several months. U.i:.U?...0 U Buoll
. . . . 1 Alene Kf Malier
ItenieiulH-r vou. uapp. oi ine "T'
the Coo- Bay
I'te-. ioct: Jmtli'i-ui franc i:ulilali!t
Aalea ,..Jo Wharton B B Flur
Oakland B J BovlniMou Urant Taylor
CanyunviUe. . W F Ilnrrla F M U pklnn
lilrTille Cknuiii Jubni. J O Urown
CW Vallt-v Freii Soliliititrr..
t Cvmatock
lllntl ... ( V liafe ;
Waidtoo Kialrr Ward
UlUe E BChavnitn
Elklun II B Pimmick
t;;ouiil Montgomery
l.aMiut-r A gthultle
The place to get these geods is at the People's Store.
, - - , r j I. ABRAHAH
rlM I lk 1 7 -4- "V :a.
Book and Stationery Store
m;w hooks,
Andre y-.VirMBta. '
Dorothy Vernon-'i' .Vur
The Eternal City- W"T
IJorothy Sontu-.V; ?-''
Heart Conraseonn -Lniarre-''at!.rrn.i
The Crlaila
The RiCht of.W--Vailrr
I Blenrrbaaarttc-W
I The cliler-"i''
Truth Uexler-.V;''m"J
The rotter and the tl
A Maid of vt-ulce-r,tnrir(
c;rantrlt-Vr' .
The portion of Labor- Hitim
The RallUK Pawlon- '
Cfrctntaiicea -Vitrkrll
God 'Will It lr'
mcle Terry Vxii
To Have and to Hold tuku-hm
The Sign of the Prophet -Voyw
I Elauore-HVt.
Coast Hanntbal-irif
Tarry. Thou, Till 1 Come''
In the palace of the Klus;-ro:Md
rim Mrimrl ol Xaarre-'Hn
Alice of Old Vlncernie-rii
Aud Hundred of Othe:
We haTe Them All
Seliins' Price,
Rt nail. -35
ore rent all the late "'
5- Pr eek
rv and Stationen' Store
Yoncalla Real EsUtc
Tirr landa locareJ and lor a!t Good bar
caioaia lann prapcrty. -.
8 I'M T Tnforocf
- K.-A. Johnson, t,he jreuial and enter
priin! miller of lraiu, was tran!-.ictinj
buines at the eounty seat Tuesday and
favored thepL.UNDKAi.FK w ith a pleasant
business eall.
t.?. it . i . . i. . ... . . ..
F. F. Patteru .Knt a day in Dram ; - ; ,
thi, wee, lin, after the ';;"y and
threw bmldms tor Ken A Br d,e j - .
whuh Le ha, the contract tor bmld.u,. . ne;,lt,(.Ti
Capl. P.. It. ttoswell of Powell SpriilK". j .
lU!lie in u-'.v
w tran-ting
Tuesday. Ln-ines at hi ipular re-1
i-.rt i improvinj; inee the weather is j
growing wanner. ' J
Mr. A. T. Morian, wile of the S 1. ;
.....t . ii.. - .
i iasem:er trainman, ami nine mu nai i
! old. parsed thn.h Aahland, Saturday, j
enroute t San FranoiKi-o,- wnere mej
will visit several week-. Ashland Tid-
F K Treble, whose hand wa-badly
I injured a few aay? ago o ,v -llivili lo i
. ' . . v i.-.l ... I.-i. n I -
Ji.harffw 4ii a ifoiiner izun, ' ' -v
Then- i- a hi-t lime in the Oregon me
tr...;i this e-k. The Supn-lne I.Jge
A.. V. V. and lVjirtv of lluiior, alsn
Masonic iiraud LtHlge and Eastern Star
an- in session in that eity, all leiii;i
well attended.
Annual Inspection t.f Company E.
E.rtiiUi Ke-jiment N. (1. will U held
at tbe Armory Hall. Friday evening by
( ieii .lames J.u kson, inspector general.
at S o clivk p. m. 1 he pniilio is C"Miai-
prcseTit .
June prluee bulletin iiasju-j
Kvn by the Southern Pacific Company. It ives Iv.ujlas
countv cntlit with having the follfwina
ti. Young V Co.,
V. V. Itei'klev,
,V Williams, ttak.
hie thumb reuK.ved, gangrene bavin-.
etin. Dr. Hoover perionui i...
gery. To the wife of Trot lettr Nasi,, . ,,r,.i,lt.t ,-,.r ;.ai0.
, . T..r. 1QT1' si fine !..-.-. i i. l
eicht round box". - Mother and child do- j , ,1.,,,, K-ei cattle : J. irubb. Oakland,
jug'well and the protect r may j ,-nil..; Ja. k-on
time, beini under the care of a eomj e- j ln I
tnt phypieiau. r , ! The 1'i.aimkai kk force has come in
V. A. llootll wa$ elected coun.y jnl-' j f-ir a u,u .',irtre oi kind remembrance!
of Crook eounty, ttregon. while J-J the past week. TliO'iifh the penerofity
Booth wa? ch.eii U a nuilar isitioii in j ot ; jllU A ,t. i raw for.1. the full offi.-e
Josephine connly. fe'th are demix rats , ,,iri. j,;,. ,.ajoyel a.l ice cream soda
Hnd are brother of R. A. V-'th, oi Eu. j tr,.,t ., roei-nt warm aiternfn, and
; mi 'Wednesday the KoM-lnirii creamery
tn- - extcii'liU its -oiiiplciiieiits to the nfBce
us that i in t lie shape of a lanre pitcher of fresh.
doing the ; oii l ln.tter-mi'.k. Friends you cert.iuly
Fri-; iiave our very choicest ibauks. Eoiig
Sau j mav volt wave.
the j f-.r .),,. !,rf,l raitroa.l from Cooi bav
i i
to Salt Fake. ;
.-.-De, and J. H- lV'th, of tb.s c.iy
F. i?. llardiajc, president of tt.
.,... Prs ss.M-iation. writes
tl.e Ftah editor who are mcv
coast, will pass-through IWbur
d.v rooraim, June 20, enrouie to
Vianrisco. We are invited to join the, (. . Sehl'trele, attorney at Ho-el'urg
(w-nn trfin-iatjon in entertaining
visitors at Fortland Friday, June
s. TheTtouglas County . Han 1
t--.In the erection of a two-ste
"a . . . i ..
m;M;rwt.jt ln,WJ. ine p.:...-..
dniwB bv Arcliitect
t: .i... R. V. Alley, of tlili c.ty. Uslv-e
' -o : . i ... i ! .v.. .
Tiie buillin vvi.i , iney "lei coi ron mow u im- but" i-n. ari, c.rryin one oaiumoii ui nie.i.n
and puipiK-l , Mr. Sheibre le was badly brim-Mi, but Infantry enroute to Fort S-nellin;;
not st.ri.m-ly injimsl. The railr.d sur-1 Minn.. pasl thromrb K's.-tmrs ata.nt
vev is nro-'refsinc and is now completed I o o'clock lat niirht. This nnuient i
vill soon ; Thnrs
rv bank
rriviil in MarshfirM la't
lay evening. Mr. ."helbreih- hail
r 1 -o I .. i ;i.
a narrow et-eape Irom iwius; mu-j - imr
The plans as comma over the "M t oos l.ay w hlmii
V: D. rusb. ot r ad. His horse tell w itn lum on uie
of thii citv. Usk-e of a hv'h ra-le
have been accepted.
I-a modern structure
with all eonvenieinef. It will cornr on
bth Jackson aud Main street.
sjrocery ui a:eut lor
ctage line, any one contemplating a trip
to the coast ehould sivure rates from
Word was re.fived in this city last
niuht that IVn Wallace, who was at one
time a biakeman out of this station, was
diow ned near Wciser, Maho. No par
ticulars can Im- learned.
1 V. Sanctuarv leit lor Maishlielp
todav, where he gin ior the j.urpose of
tinriitj: on an extension to the water
works svstem oi that city. He expects
to tie. absent about two weeks.
Fred .Jones, who ha- I'eeii -employed
in ti-o-lwtr slioo Iimmuir. is now
i-itiiii; in this , ity. lie exj-vts t
leave for Ashland Snuday to take a po
sition in a barber shop at that place. . i
.1. 1.. Cole, of Calaj-ooiu has recently,
passed a sucivssiul examination for l'eii
itentiary tlivtnl for the Oregon Tliiten
tiary at Salem. l!oha l-eeu onlered
to ri.rt at Slem not later than July
11. 1. iraves has lieeii foro-1 to re
tire from busii.ess on accouut of ill
health and ha- leased hi- Studio to O.
I.. I.ewi-the photo-jiapher. who has bad
chaiue of the Studio during Mr. Viraen
aliseuce. "
Rooim n oi -ratlle. Fre.1 Winstou
who has been attending school in Fort
bnd. aud UanniUil Smith of the Rail
way Mail ierviee out of Portland ar-
rivelon last niphtsloca! to vi-it friend j
and relatives in thi- section of the coun-J
Co. E.. O. N.G..ofthis city, has re
ceived the new Khaki nits, and will
e insjiected in them Friday night at
the armory by Cel. J-?. Jacksoa. In
spector eneral of OrejMti National
Guardf. The public are invited to re
present at the inpe. tiou.
We are p'ey-ed to report that Hon: J.
T. Bridges, who as taken to a Portland
h'-pital for treatment la-t Monday nijht
is much improved anil hi i-ondition
warrant" the announcement that hf will
lie able to return to hi- home in thi- city
in-ide of ten da.
E. U. Hauaii and famijy aci-ompani-.!
by Al Su,ith. Iarl 1'm-du k. Will Ilan
:m and Mi-s Apneas Tlioinpsoii left this
atterno-m f r Klamath County by j ri
vale ii.iixevauce. Th Me-r ll.uian
are drivinc a Iwnd of ) or 70 head f
cattle to the Klamath mnT.
Mrs. Edith Wade, Mi-s Howie hain
bnok and Mr-, t arrie Zi?r were elect
p. delegate-, and Mrs. I.ibbie Chw
and Mrs Sarah Stn-ul. as alternate-
iron. Ji.Iia Abraham I'abin. N. !... to
t), Crutul fill-Ill. which will tie III s-
sion in Portland, Jun' Imh and 17th
A snet'ial train oi two siTtions. inn
taining two standard and eleven Jourist
inMf-urv b.e-r.iee
Myrtle Creek-ll W June-
Culrt Valley.. J V TbuuijmuD .
Oak Creek 1 i Tlionituu
OlWIa.: TW Newland
Iajs Crevk.AV C Kayuioud
JUddle A W Cnrnutt
,onealla..'.Kred Mtinrer
Keiiogi:..; w Bttue
Wllbur.t . :. B-i-aml.
. 0 L Cuon
.....Utile? Allva
.... Victor Milppi
Ii M Brltt
W U Jorien
W P Totten
MV Andrew
Xm Gooilmaa
M H Etotie
'......".8 II Koiirht
J V Bartraume
J M Barker
..J W Swlti
Ham Jo net
...X'his Stcivarl
H a Crow.
I HThiile
....v B Madlvjn
Hlli sl l'KRVIsolls
Aa.llea-Aut.Mlst .losteli
Oakland i 1. Hunt. No. J: l C lli-
giulsithaui, No :.Vi.
Cunyonville it A steart, Nt. 4.
Ualewille W S No. 4").
I'aioas Valley W. F I 'avis. No.
AlJauf . M liitchey, No. 11.
Kroekw:ty AV S Johnson. No. 1.
l'leveranvl-Ed Von Pessd, No. 11.
Uoseburg W 11 Urown, No. 32; 1. I
Matthws. No. N T.lewett. No.
J I Caacberr, No. V ; G W Keartee
N.n S7; Cyrus Powell, Nd. 31: Morris
Welier No 30. -
Ok Creek 11 A Blakelv. No. 4": T A
Fink-T, No. 34.
- -ilide--.lohii Livingston No. '.
FJkt..n-rK E Haines. No. 7 ; .1 E. It
mm. No. .
- CUndale 1 1. l i-b. No. i:
ijrdiini-W A M.iiley, No. M; J W
Wroe, No. 4. ..
tfamp-iii Arthur Walker, No..V
Lo.Uinc das A Williams. No. P.'.
Aleni ; F.rhart, No. 1; John
hull.. No. 2.-
M;.r! !e t "rit k .1 1 I No. 4"; T
I. Hrewer. N-. 41 : W A Nenton. No. 4.
. Aliiiw-sl Auios HoUMrd, No. 10.
!aha J I Poiu-r. No. H: F I Ne-
lai.d. N... U.
l:.dn-.l W Si..d-Ui.rf
I'eniui. Eii 'adiary.
Rid iL -Ai t.-r Ki.i.i.
Wonacn. N". Ii.
Scotl-lii;rj YA Majory, No. o
Yoncalla . I' Wil-.i N - 3; He rv
Richards. No. 'SI, Wallace,
No. 'Si : li lbv t. t.iifcinil. N". -'.
KeliW-A Houdeti. N-.f.
Wi'bur John A't, No. Js , i W
Pavls, No. L"i.
Clothing Opportunities
Upon looking over our stock of Men's Suits, we found
several linen which do not move out as they should.
To this lot we added all of the odd suits, short lines,
etc., and marked a price on the lot which allows us
the bare price we paid for them. But our loss is your
gain. V ey comprise worsteds, cheviots, cassimeres,
clay worsteds, etc., in every conceivable color
$15 and $16 SUITS ARE NOW MARKED $11.50 and $12.50
$12, S13 and $i SUITS ARE NOW MARKED S8 to S9.50
?io and $11 SUITS ARE NOW MARKED $7 to $8
f.s.5u and $9 SUITS ARE NOW MARKED $6 to $6.50
ind $7.50 SUITS ARE NOW MARKED $5 to $5.50
All of the above suits are strictly all wool, and guar
anteed first-class in every particular. They won't
last long at this price, so pick your suit before the
sizes are gone
Mail Ordeis Pvomptly Filled. Everything guaranteed as represented or money back
No. I".
No. 0.
. .No. i;
Thi Column la Edited by our Mer
chants and Business People.
Happy Time in Old Town.
l5ron I'.read Freh every -lay at
ver hakery.
do, ks. Clock,
at J. T. F.rvau'
"Wefelt ery happy." writ-s K. V
IVvill, Old Town, Va . "when Ihick'ien'?
Arnica Salvo n holly cured o-;r
i darshter of . had ca-- o: s,-ii i Lead."
It delight ail who use it f..r Cat,
Corn-. I'uru. iJrui-es. Fleer?.
t'l.K.-ke, see the chirks! Eruptions. Infallible l'..r File-. Only
j -5c at A. V. Marster", ilret: srtore.
School Entrrlainmcot.
New sty! in J'ii-n
aiel oxfords at Hint's.
Tim-e lo:iveof J.r.-j.l for In cents at 1
(iallin-ilftB lVr.t r.akerv. i I he schiOl at IXKliii OiJ w Hi -'ive
i '
- V.. ...i it, ..,.. fol.lir,. str.iu-Jrrr :n entertainment, efrsitinff of -onr
U.x at ht:rchi!l A WcmHev's. ' re itation. ,i.l ji
Abstract of Title to Deeded Load.
Pzpere prepared for filing on Go Ten-
ment .Land.
Bine IViaU of Township Maps showing-
ai vacant lianas, Une foliar acn.
HlMl. NT of- THK s- I tl 1ST A Mi IHo-
-jrst ?. TaiL. t Walk J iver flu.-, a: Flint
r.,,.-.., n.!;i,.u.j riitinl to-l, .evening J sne IS. An in.iro:i fee cf
Ust r eyelets Flint'. ' ten rents wilt I charzi. in be
The T.KW-Wwt FLAiM.KALtk. a 1 1 ' P'ircliUM- oi 1,,-earv arti. h
the county ne, tl.5i a yewr- ' f'T .-Iiis1 ne. Ad are eorii.ny mvif i
FoMir.j: U rrv boxes. rea,ly f.-r i:s,-. the j l" attend. Ii-i Wix.ja and Mi- liad-1.-st
and iheapost ; . K. Syki-. j per, teachers.
i.n at relictioii in Imad three loavi-s
l'or li i-enJ- at I iai'Ti-ath' lV -ot liakery. !
Plans and Estimates for all Build-
Special designs for Office Fixtures
0 in Marks Baildicg. 'Phono 415.
t I'M I it y snd
hut tVtunately I j,uJi,na ,-.,r ith
If You Have
a Sweet Tooth. .
Go to thi Candy Kitchen, sibers
yon will find the freshest and best
assortment of candies In tbs city.
WOOD & QUICK, Proprietor
The sale of real property of W. i.
Wood ward, hankrupt, was , , de by
Tre D. -S. VVet, aturOiiy, w wu".'
outstsndins claims against nu, esie.
Trie property in-que-tion consiBt oi lutn
1 and i, in bhx of cU-v' nJ Uie
two dwelling and harnes -tore thereon,
n tollerrg purchased the entire
property for.fl.4W. but before he can
take final and fall ro?)wion thereof the
1 wnet be wnfirniH by the I . .
'district court.
5 Consider well before you spend your money Q
Xo matter how much of it you have,
do j't pay more than is necessary for
any needed article, its an excelleut
habit to cultivate. Thrift is virtue,
Economy is wealth, so make up your
mind when you start out shopping not
to pay more than
The Hildebrand Price for anything you
2 Newest Novelties In Ladies' Neckwear,
buy 2
aKiiit half way ln-tween hmpire nud
Marehticld, and from thence out to
R"lmrg. Marshfield Newn.
On. Monday. June lti, t 1 o'clock p.
in., the annual school meeting wijlbe
held at the public school house in Hose
burg for the purpose of electing one di
rvctor t -rve three yi-.irs- and a clerk to
serve one year. F. W. Woolley the retir
ing director will prolrably be ri-clected,
as he has made a faithful ineinln-r of the
Uord. and has taken much interest in
th advaneeinent and upbuilding of the
- i , - i . i ... . i
school. lie 19 inaeieiioeiii iiuu Bj:nm
sive, et by his straight forward af,d
consistent jlicy he has made very few ,
if any enemiis uinon the Fchrml pat
rons, hence will no doubt lie retained on
the lioard.
The funeral of Johnie lloyd Tnes.lay
was very largely attendeil, a fittiin: de
monstration of the high regard and es
teem in which deceasx' I and his family
are held by the pcojile of this- communi
ty. The service were held at the Epis
copal chundl, I'.ev. .lohli lawfon, oflicia
ting, and the lloral offerings were pro
fuse nnd ' iK-autitul. The ICowburg fire
department, of which dovased was an
active member, acted as ccrt and pre'
neded the hirg; prx';s?ion lo tne .Mas
onic cemetery where tlm rennwiis ucrp
ten-leriv laid to rest in a siecially pre
pared cement and brick vault. The
mother and sister have the heart-felt
sympathy ff all in their sad hour of
.iri' The oil'u-ial . '.nut of. the
i-ialit vote in IV)"''!?' t'o'.'.nty si;ow
the following result : F'T govern- r. It
II llVan. lO Vote : si-vret.iry ot slate. 1'
W Harzee, iVs'i : lp-iisrer, W W Myers.
177 : state printer. J F. Hosmer. !7":
cinsressinan. I! F Kanip. l4 : joint rr
resi-ntative. Y r H-i.wer 1"; rrprp'ri
talivrs. .1 I 4'ritciT. 2Tf. Or" M Fr'.or.
1); o-ynty judge, A F. C Whipple 11":
eomiiii-sioiicr. 'J e.n-. W T Lady.
i-h r;, M E lor,ll,.nii. 11 V: 'huifT, Chas
Schuaijffer, M r treasurer,' J M inn-,
V :iu-scsor. I- t Thompaoii. 14.
l'nniHirio.MST. tlovcrnor. A J llan
:iker, M : suoreine judge, t J P.r.gbt.
lis; w retary of state. X A iavi. 1?!
slate. Jrcasurcr. T S Mclaniel. 1JS;
u-.T;iitendeot public instruction, K V
Kelsvy. 1?7: Httoriiey-peuerl, T 11
tloyncj'Hl : state printer, W W Hnka
12'; congressman, Hiram liould. 110;
representative. W Kdnioinlfon. U"3 ;
countv judge. E M Marstcrs, SI ; com-
iininiiihinhar A l-Minl dlb f'orlltltt.
a general celebration, but do exjxt t h;i . t.iPrk k W llryant, i: sheriff. I
nave a l!. o-.J. . - , - . talker. ';: assiss.r. Mark V .Muu-
nic w here all may enjoy miiiscic.
Lat Sunday the Roeburg "Iiotten"
(inn Club held a shoot at the grounds
south of the city. Owing to the brisk
Lreexe blow ing. the score w a poor as
the birds flew wild- Following i the
m-ore: rarks. 1 ; iiiicr, i-; r-aocmary,
17 ; Xorinun. 5 ; .losephson. K : Itoyd 12 ;
Ij-siner,i ; MeClalian. 10; Perry, -12:
Mathews, lo: lVlIows, 10; Fild, 11;
Sovern. 10; Flint 14; DeMotta. 11 Ofli
rial scorer, Salzrna'n.
liavid Iavidsoii. .i teamter. residiu);
in Hoeehnp'. was vestenlay adjudged in-lssiwume worCer's of
sane, and will I- taken to the State in- I The H.k book- are
jii!t from the Fhillippine Islands.
A conmiittee of ladie of W. H. C. vl
itsl this ortice yesterday soliciting sub
scriptions f..r a Fourth of July picnic to
be held on the court house lawn in this-
citv. The ladies' do not expect to have
See the Ti!e .:i.r:iiiti-e V I.-iaii Co.
or blue priro-an I lilii.g p.ivf-. tl.
f"roii real -very Wei.ielay at
Ci..y-i ,V. liriitith Hiker.- -i..-ri 1 1 i !.
V'.ish p.ii I for butter arid .it the
l ici-iua llakery. J lining-an I Krwman
Fruit drier. w..rk i- a .-pA.i.iliy of
Svke-i A I'arr-.i:. the nj.-t e.late piambi-r
and n-iiirt J. It
Tin- Fmpti- Hakery in th new
1'artv building on Xnri'i Jaek-'in street
is now tipa-n.
H.-rrv Uixe and rat.-. the new fold- i
ing Uvie are the ! t, and are r-ady
for is-; sve t Item Ht . K. Syke.
et your l-- i title from J. I'
Hamilton. He ha the .-n'v c.mplete
set oi attract nks tn the Nmty. ft
Trv the new folding straw U-rry loe,
the handiest and cheap.-! Ii" to buy.
The la-sl there i, at S. k Syki--.
Sealed bid will Iv r-i-;e.l by the
County Clerk up t one o'd.-k J'i'y 2,
1''2. for biiildinga rvk r-M 1 ei'ht feet
w ide and one f'-'t thi k. in ar the re-i-denve
el J. T. Sp.i:igii. ari l -.ii--- u; n
the n a t b-ading Ir-.iu ll scki; t- Ij-ok-
it:g Ilia's; al-i i-i i- for a -plank r a I , BREAD, CAKES,
cikri.t leel whie ocer the la-t naui.-l rr-a-J.
Spwificitsons a c cu-tr.:ction and
Umpqua Bakery
is now opened and we invite
you to call 'and inspect our
i. F.
-DOS !
listeria! to a:iipauy a-.k Ii h
n ill le required in ail i-e.
j!2 M. I. Tiiov.r...
C.'iiu'y Jud-e.
SaveJ Prom an Awfal Fate.
"An hot.-st loaf is- the noblert
work .f the bread raker."
New Fartle Hld., North Jack-n..n Str.
i ! r-
stm. !5.
2473;! mi, 10S.
Tiirnvr StflCkS. EtC.
25c., 50c, 75c., and $1.00 g
1200 Yards Fancy Iaawns,
Vali Goods
ji Oood ninlng Investment.
The' Alzora and t lohlhrick i ininp
Slilliligand Siiitltius Cnmjwuy, is ry
ularly, h-gally and hotieslly organised
tor the Ipurpose d turtjier ib velopinii
these proiH-rtlc?. and elating within
Donsrlas i-onntv an industry that in the
near future will mrprisv even he iimsl
this enterprise.
printed aud the
sane aylnm by Sheriff Parrott Us-night. priv plaesl tit 2." cents jr share until
A:out five years ago Mr. Davidson fell j holiest development shall have advan-
fiv-m his wagon, striking his head aud ced Uiein.
bniisin; it Utte seriously and since that Kvefy 'clti-n of IViiigl.c; coiinty that
time he has tieen several time partially w ihes' business enterprise, development
fomented. A few months ago Mr. j ,f we:ilth. increase of population and en-
I'avidson received another fall, and hits J hancemt'ht in values ol their projierty
since iM-en entirely uemenieo. At I ami' tro(tiue s rcpiesioi 10 , uiko tun n
times he has threaten to hum his Ls lilierally as. in their judgment, they
house, and has attempted to kill his son. lean afford "and the movement merits.
The attending physician in his report I Stock foi sale by C. S. Jackson, of
states the i-nuse of insanity to le a ch.t I Uoseburg, and the wcreMry of the eom-
Syk- a'lvi I "a r roll are preparvd to .1j
our plumbing and repairing on short
n,,tut aij work up-lis-lale aim ge.aran-
-4'; ; I
!. .-i : I is .-l l lui'ers-
i ..- low aher -ix, Title (Juarantee&Loan Co.
.v-re ii-K!n-ss. .-.ii;-l lv KuSUVaUi. 0RK60X.
of blK)d on the brain. It s hopetl the
linfurtiuiflte man will soon recover.
12Jc, 20c. and 25c
BV Wash Suits, in Light Blue and Eeni,
Sicely Finished at
Childrens' dresses priced so low g
that home-makinsr cannot pro- n
oAfi carments if O
equal material is used, well made, o
' D neatly stitched, prettily patternedg
n '
..... .. i , . i
liiinv. I. -'I. Arillliage. "i .ovrwe nrn,
1 , , . , - . -
Correspoinleiicv if solicit. -d by all
tending. purchasers; ot sttM-k and prosn
tuses w ill Ih- in the hands of the public
ns s'.k)ii as they can ls distributed.
Tncrc s ylrti:-ly 1!0U feet ot tunnel and
tihnft york tloiie on this property with
tbe'result that one lead of 3., h-et of
votir time nway trying to do the iinpos
sihle. It's a waist of effort. You can't
enual tlnvYose liiano for the money
"l"is ii HtrieLly biirh-ifrade instrument.
erfeet in touch, tone and action, as well old-bearing uiiart. showing values at
' .. . i : ,i..;.,n .......
ns in consiruciion, immuhoii m "'.- pj Wl iht ton nu'l an ls-incn vein on u
"'.!?. "T IL ."Ti . VZ Alzora shw in, v.luv- vi J0.0t, per ton
est i.ssihlt li-uroH for cuh. pr qu ey till f hhh is ..very encouraging to the
payments. A" tiiiaruiitee witn every
Catalogue and prices for the asking."
W, A- BURR $ CO.
company. u. . v Ktws,
, Jt. M. Aiivutaok, Fresident,
tf , ' Secretary, MvrtloCrvCk,Ov
Even if hani.-- i ipiiteold. al-o
very bn.w ii. u-e !'. Harm- Oil an.l
bring your folks to town. On sale at
lilodgett-'s- hamesj shop. tf
For information concerning the Ore
gon Fire Kehef Aso. iation. write or cab
on A. J. Buchanan, agent for IV.nglas
crmnty.ltimm t. Marters BMz-, uo.-
bnrg. Oregon. tf.
Weekly Fs imiuer. tl.V. Weekly Call
Jl.tX). Weekly regt.nian Weekly
i bronhle l.5o. a vear; leave your
stircriptions at Cannons' lVs'k i'ta
tionery More,
For Attracts of Title, giurantee.1 to
It- full and mrrect eoj-ic ! all records
etTeetimr the title, call on Frank K. Alley
mwtairs in the Marku building. His
work is guaranteed eorivct, and price
are reast.nabfo.
Stearn A Chcnoweth have jus; re-
ceived a cr losid Met nrnnck Jlowers,
Kake and BiiKh rs and all kimls of ex-
tran. llav carriers, forks- and pullies
Thn-e kinds luiv rot. best harvester
machine oil.
IKin't comphtiu alsiut bud when
vou can net the best in ttie country at
Seiver's llakerv. Our bn-ad is no imita
tion after someblv else, but a receipt
of our own. It take the lea- any phnv
wherever the Baker's art i" known and
is appreciated. S levers Bakery
Stearns .V Chcnoweth of Oakland,
have receive" I a cur load oi iron cladKush-
tord wa-niis with outer bearing bh-k
Fully wari;inte.l Biiv'uics, Hacks and
Cultivators. The Hammel 'ut, the
best onl cheapest. Mrtc puinta. white
lead, oils w;mlos, doors ami sliuigles
On aci-ount of tbe irregular surveys ot
many ot the townships in the Uosclmrg
land is almost iniMissible to
locate section corners without it copy of
the ttovernmeut suryiA'. Hank r.. Alley
Abstrtictir of thin citv, has a complete
et oi tracings of nil surveyed townships
and will furnish blue prints of same
showing all vacant lauds.
! nit,- y.:, A
' bur'. Pa.
im lit lie if
- . i
lljy lever and Asrl ii,:;. lv:.t few "
thought I could t well, bill I learned !
of the luaneior!- merit of Ir. Kimr's i
Xen Iii"overy fi.rCon-timple.n. -sl it, ,
at, ! ir:i cilfi l -l.-feK- nirei." For iles-
I-niie Thr.fc-t aiid Lui." Iisees it i. jveu-wrl of KSnrt hocki la Dour ciao-j"
,e safest core in ti world, and is i n-
fa'.iible for Coughs, Cold- and Bronchial ' ; cemu oi Tncimn i.t mil imh!p
. C Hau.S9.
.ll.n UUII-. u"i.ih-cu v"'.m..c ...-v dil'l U. fiUS M3 MlBl eOVMOl Uf fell
bin thawing aa txii t lor i s aso I auula.
yoiarr T.ab.ic in oee. laemmaeai feawaiaw
j Corrapaitac aoljcd. jij
- McCormick Binders,
McCormick Mowers
McCormick Rakes.
McCormick Grinders,
McCormicks are the Best.
$ioo Reward $100.
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn thnt there ia at least
one dreaded disease that sieiice has Wen
able b eure in oil its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Halls Catarrh Cure is the
only jHisitive cure know n to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh leing n constitu
tional disease, requires 11 constitutiotini
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous suriaces ol the system
thereby ' destroying the foundation ol
tlie disease, mid giving the patient
strength by building us tho constitution
and assisting-nature in doing its work.
The proprietors have so much faith in
its curative powers, that they offer One
11 nnd rod Dollars for any cavthntit
falls to cure. Send for list' of testimoni
als. Add ress F. J . C 11 kv rv Co. ,
- .. -l - Toled.ii, 0.
Sold Ivy Druggists, 7.V,
JjnUn rrtniily 1'ills nre the Wl.
Notice for Sale of State Lands.
Trial bottles free at A. C. Mars- .
I lh, cjm Sciiiliiug's Best lVikinit Fowdtr 1 ,40
'5 01. can K. C lUikiug I'owder jn
H 01. can K. C. Baking Fowder AO
pkgs. Arm Hammer JS
i :o!d Iust Wa-hing Powder 0
?i lbs. Irv iranula:el Susar. 1.00
10O Us. suck Iry ininuhttel Sugar 4.90
X. Stlalvauued Iron Wash Boiters, each l.OO
(.alvauueii In.n Water Fail, each JSd
Blue enameled wure of all kinds at just half
price, aso, big cut on Tin and Agate Ware.
I.srve st.-k ii plain white Dishes going rhear
."0 vVrUCalii-o for 4.tW
Press tiorsls, lining Flannel, fiinghani,
Ihicks and hirt ing at actual cost. Ladies
Shirt Waist and Over Skirts at almost halt
Indies Fine Shoes. r pair .fl.OB
Men's Fine and Heavy Show, good qualitr. 1.33 ta$2
lvahv Mioes Jn
!u fact the price will If cut on all grades
and kinds of Shoo in stock.
Men's and liovs" Clothing. Lanro stock t
sele-t from. Wiocs cut -"II to 2T per rent.
This ii not old stock, hut goods just received
this spriug. This is your chance to get a,
p. l suit cheap. ' !
Don't forget that you ran --t ar ythrg yon
need from a needle ti a Champion Mowing
Machine at cut price, if von 'meat
This Sale is strictly for CASH and will con
tinue until my stock is completely closed out
Not ii-e is hereby given t hrtt the State
Land Board w ill receive sealed bids tin
til June 2i. UK2, at 12 m.. for the Siile of
the following described State School
Lands, to-wit :
Section 'M' and Smith half of m-otiou
It;, township H3 south, range 14 wes o(
Willamette meridian.
Section IH and !W, township 2" south.
rnnguu west of Willamette meridian.
Applcations to purchase must tie
inade on regular blanks in iitinrdance
with the law for sale of school lands and
be acconitianied bv 'Vash or rheek for
one-tiflh of the auniiint bid, for eertitl. Jl
cate cf purchase or if full payment is j
made tieeo W Ul issue.
The right to reject any aud nil bids is
Applications nnd bids should lie ad
dressed to M. L. Chiiiiilfrlin, Clerk uf
the Itoard, Sitlcni, Oregon, (iinL marked
"iipplKiitloV iU(l lt(d tu purchase State
.Hnd..'t .U. t- IIAMBERUN,
Clerk of the Boartl.
Dst yl tV ili n,y nf June, j
vovovovovv&voovvvovovovov vovovo
S The largest stock f aotii Century Goods iu the town
Dry Goods, Fancy Goods. Notions
Gents Furnishing Goods,
Boots and Shoes
Hats and Caps
Groceries Provisions
Produce Bought
'Phone 721