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About The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190? | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1902)
The Twice-a-Veek Roscburg Plaindcaler Published Mondays and Thursdays. PLA1NDEALER PUBLISHING CO. V. C.Coxxkk, Editor and Publisher Fkei Wru.iit, City Editor, Solicitor. ! T. . Kith. Foreman S. C. Bakvul'-m, Traveling Solicitor. Twice-a-Veok Plaindfaler, per ytar, Sl.SOj Entered at the Post Office in Kosebnrg. !?ro., s second class mail matter. Advertising Rates on Application. JTNF. 12, GEEK'S LITTLE SCHEME. Geer is now showing his hand in nu effort to call a special session of the legislature that would cost the taxpayers at least S23.00U. Jte claims the principal object sought ia to enact a Mat salary law but who read between the lines cau see plain ly that the primary object with the governor is to pnt in force the initia tive and referendum before the regu lar legislator, meets believiug this would force the legislature to recog nize his claims to the senatorship, esys the Lagene Kegister. His chief claim for the special se?siou is to enact the flat sa'.ary system but thi proposition is the veiiest farce. The new legislature is pledged to the Hat salary system, the old was not. The old legislature is uot uuder obliga tion to touch the salary system aud if called together there is no assur ance thut they would care to assume a responsibility that belongs exclu sively to the new legislators. As to the initiative aud referendum to make that the lv.v of the state is a duty that also belongs to the legisla ture elect. In view of these facts what right has Geer to call a special session tt pass oa measures that fall withiu th province of the regal ar session. Do the taypayers of Oregon want to plank tiowii "2j.L1K) just to satisfy a whini of our diisgruntled retiring eovernor'? Because Gear's name went oa the ticket for senator by pe titions from three or four counties, it does not follow that he is really the choice of the people for that of fice. The petition was bigued no doubt by democrats as well as by re publicans. . If the petitions had come up from every county m the state it would have l;een a fair test of the initiative. Suppose in another part of the state petitions had been circulated askiog that Fulton's name be also put on as candidate for senator. They would have been as freely sign el and, :n our opinion, when tht Totes had been counted Senator Ful ton would have led Geer. Conse quently we ay the yote for Geer is not a fair test of public sentiment ou the senatorship. He was the repub lican candidate aud republican:-, pre ferring a republican to a deajoeml voted for Geer in preference to Wood. We understand petitions are being sent out over the statu asking that Geer will ca;l a special Bession. Dem ocrats may e:gn it to force a special session upon th jxof.Ie thereby in cuiring ucnc ssary expense but re publicans should let these petitions severely tdone. The new legislature is pledged to adjuFt state salaries and they will do it. llorrf tLaa that the new state of ficers elect will accept these adjust ments and-they will apply daring their term of office. There is no as surance that the old Ipgislature would touch this questioa at ail, as they were not elected on that issue and the state would be put to need less expense for nothing. Geer has a big joker up his sleeve und the peo ple will be wtse if they let him keep it there. Whea coasultei recently regard ing the call of Governor Gepr for a proposed special session of the legis lature, Sta'e Senator A. C. ilarsters 6aid he was 6irongly in favor of fiat fcalaries as expressed in the repub lican Etate platform aud believes that the new county members-elect of the legislature are al&o. He fur ther expressed himself as in favor of making the iL.iuativ un i referendum operative as soon as possible, how i j. ,- ever, ue noes not Di-neve mat a Epecial session of the legislature called ou the eve of the regular ses sion coald accomplish the work men tioned more effectively than tLe reg ular session, .il- says pecia! legis lative ses&ious, at best, are very ex pensive affairs for the taxpayers and when one is roposed to be called so very near to the date of the regular session, there ought to be an extra ordinary occasion to demand it, aud as no such reason is knowa or tin nounced he does not at present favor it. As was announced in the last issue of The 1'LAiM'EALEii, Mr. Geer is very anxious that a special session of the legislature be held. He seems to think he can have the initiative aud referendum put in force, believ ing it will help his fight for senator. The people will beopposed to putting tlm utufd fit f l.a Lvirj ivrinnL'n 9 . special' sessiou "so close to the reg ular session, especially when there is no urgent ufatter to be considered and when tin propositions that would be brought np at 'hfira ses sion, are Julie, that b long to the regular session and for wh'ch the new legislature was el ted to per form. ' ' . President Kousevdi has haid many a cjooil word for the soldiers who are out allowed to tfpenk (or thetuBelvee- ' ? i- :- -. -- - j The Salem Journal, which before ' election, yelled-rlsolf homse over ox- Iravagarico of the lul legislature now wauls a useless special session of the ssme Ie'isl.H in e held fit an expense of -r-.OOO just to pious mir retiring kovoi nor, T. T. Cieer. Tlie people won't stand for it Ingram, the convict who saved the i life of a "iiard l,y receiving a nutlet . , i, ...,.,., ,h outbreak ! ht the penitentiary Monday, is still alive with nood hopes of recovery. The les; was amputated, lie will probably be p;.ilotied for his heroic deed, lie should be. at any rate. I Ti, ! .r,i-urr,f v ill lmvrt ilio 1 11 1. i 1 V . . . 1 ..... , ..- t,,t uf tlm np.'Oiiu uieui uiDwjK-oiM.-uvirHi t. "v u ., I iL, iSM of H,n JvUl .nu iat j tin. iuv vuiviio - soldiers' home, liesides his private secretary. Otherwise the otlice will be rilled by the board, which will be republican. There ate already several candidates for superintend ent of the penitentiary. Company F. should hold itself in readiness f.r active service in the Held. Governor Geer has just order ed out the Saietii and Woulburu militia companies to assist in captur ing convicis Tracy aud Merrill who are said to be hiding behind a h tack in an ;:on lield near Gervai It appears that 'e.ithit.g loss than the whole Fotuth llegimeut will be t.bie to effect the capture of tue iiHU-'er-oas convicts. It seems as if daily target practice shouhl be one of the reqrireuients of the gut-rds at the Oregon state peni tentiary or elw only men employed in this capacity who can practically demonstrate the fact that they can at least hit n e -siviet onee wiiiie hf is climbing over the high wall, ia fifteen fehots. Tue late prison guards were certainly very poor marksmen or else they were supplied with very poor guns. i 'JTZ 1 'Aguiaaldo told rue,v says the he id j of the Methodist MiL-iiVof Manila. ; that if he had known, thn American ; i people woiiid do for the 1 ilipinus , what they have d ae, uothing c nld ; have induced him to lire a gnu or hit ! a linger against tuem. Yt lUire aie so-caue-.i Americans iivkiii.h juui iiii. . .13:-. missions as Senators of the Ctuted Sj,Ik- tcki i i't 1 !,!n:i,er HTjiins; t iia' Administration of !b- Aimv while , , . . , even the lea-. -t of to-tevolt bgaiust " .., , i,.,. . . .i . I,. l.e c.r l.i those au!ho.,..e l.-vlllivs lojger to approve,!, ine LrA. and l.uttr-oun are in .re 1 mpuio I'.iun .1.. I i ' -.' ... !... ll r.t. ... r vUu v.:. .......... . ..... Aguiualdo About Keauy For lluiiness. Mr. Fie 1 T'lakelv i:': r.-k i i il-her j in po-itioii. X he river ready i-.r . West t" li;. ea-t the ;. L'ou'Ia ra-a-t. ill" tha- iTI'vu-r ion and v a '!. i.n t car .! r the ' t.u.t M, 1 chow . i.veviu-r.s-k from the! Win.!:.: vs. It ha p!e,.M.-l our i.reat ide ..f tie- ajiver where i l'u'"-T to reiu iva' from our midst ur : ... ,-. a ..,'.'..! (.lotlia-r l!u-. !! .loiiiif.ii : ami Th- ,..r o,..r.- .. , ....i.i.. .... :. O I !L ,11, I..". OI e:i. !!-. I .;! ve-i.-id.i'.- tha- plant l-ii. iv whiih proved m.-st i ' .1 i. i'.eil tet ,!:'.,, v. TJ.,. siiioothiy washed '"I' er ta-.u) ler w.-r crii-ln-.! like. ' -!i'-:!-;in I air-i-ped iut the Iivppvr 1 eh.vv, tio-ii whi.-:. the n;i.'- lis are to "!,. loki.-i "iv i!i:!.! ote:. - isig a trap : :!di:i. ! r. 'I ii surva-v o; lie- -' iv. -l and ; ;t:n I;,.,, .,,,.: -lakes w iii liov. he pit- hed to e .lopii tion and as St a- jradiTi'j i il under H:iv tiiea-l ll--iier will t ia-t:t rt.-. I III and Po-el.uri'- mail, -tr.-jt- -. hi -.n as - .. .. . lime a more er.-iitalii" an I ifiii.aiienl IV lii.l.l'.V.-' a pji. a lain-e. A New Fruit Dryer. -las. Pii.!...-. fhttreliill A: U'.-ill.-y"-tiiina-r and j.IuinU r. i ot:t m i t h a uood working m..h-1 of is fruit . vai-iiator which apiMr. to U.- th..- Ix-st vet intra. litei'd in this cunty. It i. siinpiicilv its.-!i, ri-piires lis in.-l and is ea-ier reulate.l to ta-ie r:itiin' than any a'Va (.orator have ever mvu. Oileoflhe trt'li feature. claiined for thi evaporator i- that the inoi-t or heavy air is i-airied oft fr..m the of t'ne fvaiH.rator instead of from ihe toj as i- usual in evaporators. The iiio k-1 i- shaped like a Lei -hive, and stand--out to the side of the ' furnace,- a hot air pipe a-nteri;i il -at I bottom, a fuum.l a-haaed ix-rloi-ated . one liNtri butinf tlie hot air as it enters the evan orator from the Jiipe. The hot air pa-s-e uji through the lr;iys and a it reach es the top and b' come nmi-t, eiit ra the chamber between the double waii. if the evaporator, and Ijein ln-av y, ic s.nds to the Is.ttoiu of the evai"rator and passes out through pi-s inio the smoke stack. Tim trays are pm in ;li the top of the evaporator and tali. -u out at the bottom, hence no steam ja-es ii j a through the p:y tildly ..lde.1 j"ruit. While simple, tin- prfuciplo of the eViisnator is iliilicult to explain and rmist ! een ami put into operation to Ik; appreciated. Mr. Jjridges hits ap plied tor a patent on thi evajirator vviiich promises to Invome valuable rojicrty alike to it inventor and the fruit-grower. Call and s.'e it, frui!-.Tovvi-rs, at C'linrchill .V Woollcv's. IK), FOR NEWPORT! Oregon's Favorite and Popular Sea- sidc Resort. IliriKMijiii'' t!nr adviintaire of New- Mjrt as a summer resrt over - other eu :,i - :.. .1 . ... 1 ... ... ciui; lei-oiir. in me n.jri ii w esi , ana toj make it possible for all who desire to do so to spa-nd their vacation by the ocean j waves, tin- Southern Pacilic Company I' in eonn.Tt ion Willi tl.e Ooiva il.s. V I. a-t-j em ratlroa.l, will .l:i.-e on ale, effect- : 1 t..i --i . r I 1 all points in ore., on the Sonthen. S i . 1 .- . 1 laclicto.Newi-ort,. I lor ret urn uu-, til October lU'.h, at spei; reduced rate: For full information p lease eiiipiire of i your local agent. tf. 1 Pasture! Pasture! Over -1O0 acn-s of splendid pasture to let, near Myrtle Creek. Slock lakefi to pasture on very reasonably terms. I in iiuire of WJiite'iS. McCoy either at Myr tle Creek vr ltosehtirir, Oregon. Ju 10 Violated Fish Law. Itm r Jones, a railroad engineer, was arrested Sunday by deputy .fish and ame warden, E. (5. Modioli, fur unlaw ful lishiinr at tin- dam just south of this j city. Mr. Jones wa tru-d More Jus- J ti.-i- Kobincttc Wa.dne-.dav. and was! lined for the offense. Mr. Hudson i visit, -d the l' i n ..Mice this mom- in : and left a conv oi the lisli laws oi l n p. u and rcpte.-ted that we publish ihe follow in- section- a he wi-hed all i to Utlilt-l'stilll'l t iKIt 11 Uie law I Violated be vv lio Commit the offence will be ' . , .. . , ... i pro-ivule.l. x VVI'.JI A II IV Kit ,NU li's TKIHIT.VKILS. See. !. page S. It shall Ik- uiilavviul' to take or for i-aliiioii in the I'mp- nM:i ner or it tributaries lt'olll o li. 11. j, ! Saturdav to t i. m. the Sundav I'ollow- . . ins any weeK ui " iiiir 111 anv wee bv . anv i means whatever, except with hook aud' lor murder an theheroof !hiutbrak. line eoinni. mly called aiiir!iii(. or in auy ; When the two deprra.U niiddeuly ap of the bays or tribittai ies thereof IkIow peared with ritie in tht ir Uaud-, lu the point:- hereinafter uaiued. from ' gram grappled ith Merrill, thn naving March lt to June 1st and from Novein- j the life of Shop liuard Frank Oirard, U-r 2oth to leeinU-r loth ; or to take i and receiving thr bullet intended for or Lisli f..r salmon, by auy ;neau w hat-i Oirard, in his u u limb, while Uiiard ever, except for the piirjo-e of propaga- j scaped from th rvoui. Tl, otficrrs tion, the points specitied u each ; and fiif ud oi the man iutended to jti sireaiu. viz: North Fork, at the north ; tion Governor tieer to pardou the uuu. boun.larv line of the town of Wiuche-. tor: South Fork, at the south U-uudarv iine of the low 11 of IWbui-. ,r for abotu eleven year, g'uice be came ..All, sel-VH. AM. I,ILK.S. 1 t0 UJ V? 1UF W . . . ! ha lieeu uu act of ic.tu J Se -. H. p.i-.; ... It shall be unlaw tul ' at any time whatever to lake. lih for! l.soit M lx Al.lVt, i pur-ii" -:1!inon in aio' of the riiei or j It ai orrouroiily reinirted that F. t. their triiwitarie- in ttie state ..f (trefoil, j Iuuiain, the lifa trair, wl nuUwilUt or in anv waters ...-r which the state of ; edly aved (jluard liirard irolu briti iire;.-.,n ha- concurrent jurisdicli..ii, with killed by grabhiu; l'raer ' fun, thiebv pear. a!'f or foiilhook. r other de ie. 1 re..iriviiia a shot iu tha knta froiu Mer wheth. r use 1 with r.l ..r line ..r other- rill's rifta, w dead. Ingram has ur w ie. lor tlie purK.-e of foiilh. .kiu; al- vived ttia ue.-esary auipiltaliu .f hi moil ; provided, that nothing in this act ' lS and it i now believed that hf will shall be construe I to - ftect the opera-1 recor. Public ut imeut i nearly 1:11 tioiis and rights of the North American j animou for hi pardoft. In all hi ! Indians who have not .-vere 1 their tri- , n year-oniifiement hi- drj.or1ii.eiit ' al r. latioii-. and provided further, that hai ! ! that not a Mack mark the provi-ioiis ..f this ectio: shall not j ha We placed again-t hi i.ord. applv to the wati-i-of Koue river and it- ti iijutart.- Phiia- Resolutions of Condolance i.tliet-rs and member oi tarian i.lje No. s. I. . O. F. u'- Y" -"n.iuitte.- ap,,iii:ed t ' draft i solutions of condolance a.n tha death f r.r .tiiei Kus-'ll Join. n ! leave t'. 'ilniit the folios'. wj : I'.rol h.-r .loio:-..u. at the time of hi itii, an mmate ..I t he Ire-'oii i ii. rs Home. '.uated at Ito-eburs " ( ir, he v a- a in. inlxT t musaav i : H. ..( Kcj. In 1.:. I;.f. Later in life h ; . 1 ma- 1.. it v . t lr.-'oii at which' : -!a-.-1- L.--ai..e a m.-inUr oi Ar?o i t i x I 1 1 i ! i..;ti., in ' '-.-I-.- No. -, I. .. t. tailing in, , ... , , . . 1 1; , ,, ; . h.-.l.t n he entered tin- SoJ.ti.T lli.inie . ..,,-in M-r v i "a. ami rp nai ne-i unin w,,,n ,,ia (lCaUh I will,j j,,.,,,,- p.rotii.r JoiinsJm fre.pieiit- ! ' . . iv vi.jte.l Pti h'Ur ait lialae and i ", r ,- , .,,., !,; fnrh .l,.r.. '.t m lv l..r anv thinff f"r the advene i . ' i.i. . .i . t.tei.r ..: ine :.ri?icii.Ie a ii tt iriwa.! a.f !. ..... 1 1 : .... i i:ie "loer. in1 nit ... ..'.iiii in.- i -i. kiii - aii'l iiv.1 a jrue an l i-a.nti- I i ...... . - - h:.ka.1 U but jt that a tittiug r. Miti flo..,:.nv- virtu.- should ; 'k ''a'l : t tierelore I 11 ' Lif'.f . That while vve bow with . sul.jidsM.Hi to the wiil taf "Ur Heavenly' . ' Father we do m-st siucerelv mourn the ,:i..of...,ri:ro,h.rvvhoti. we I .ve-1 l iia! a-a token of eel.-ei.. j u,' ! i- . .. . , i i . i . i. .. i ..I i I..U Cliailfl "I IN1J i.lSt raoil.iri ,. d , , , :, w ri-sl l . in a.;iv. aii'l le it lnrtlier re- -.l,e.l thai aeopvof th.-sv resolution- t.. I ,. il'.e nonet.. of this U.l" ' a copy torwaMe-t to Araj:o L'sie. a O'py I i ..... i i i - - i t" the ( ..iiiti.aielanl ot tlie oWier 1,1. ...i.t... .1... . . .... ... ll.ij ..ilc , Jo.ine ai.'i a ism io im j..ii-..i i.o-. o.. . ubmiits in I'. I.. V'T. J. C. TwilXllilLL V. II. Krhaki)ov N. T. JrwtiT . S. K. liru k J..K II vhvlv, . Cainiuitte. Scottsburg News Notes. Will Murphy waa in town hi-t week. Ponot foret tlia- school Hieeting on oiii. lay. Juna- '. llaek.-ris .iiite ill at liis lodging i camp. It i. haled he will s-K.II ba-tter. Mi IH'lle Wade, post mista-ss at (iaidiner. is vi.-iting in this iaa"-tin at present. Mrs. Varrelinau wa visiting in Si.tts burj: hist week a jfuert of Mrs. Win. Wade Sr. The school at thi place will give ait en aTtainment and K supper 011 the evening of the twenty-eighth. Mr. I'.raiidt of 'iardiner. was in town rea-ently en route to Portland, a dele gate to tha- llder of the Fh-Iitii Star. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer are down on a visit to their old home and to their tel - at i vt. Mr. Palmer w ihes to sell his property w hile here. Messrs. Trayh.r a.V Frankliy are hanl- 1 ing InmlN-r to w hat used to l the oid ! Ilargoii pliice about 12 miles from here, ! w here a house is ta 1h- erected for the i latter. Subscribers Attention. All persons who have subscriba-d for the improvement of the town hill on the I eer creek road, are hereby requested to meet at the courthouse iu Ilosebtirg, on Saturdav. June 1lst. at one i.. m.. ... lllir'Iltll.e f elertin- a sui-rin- tendent to take charge of the work and consider any other business that may lie brought lclore them pertaining to said. improvement. I'. F. Pamp, Cliairman, Strayed or Stolen. A small, Ileal .it ten,: hav mare ponv, with black inane and tail, small white t a i 1 1 1 : t.. .. I . 1 ..... 1 ' '" "'""'. a'out !HK lbs. j v hen last seen, Mav 30, had on head- J hUl wf halt,.r- uy information leading to the recovery rewarded. of said animal will ta ll. J. KoHISKTT, Poseburg Ore, I State Teachers Association. The next State Teachers Association ' will be held at F.ugene, June. -in-c.usive. A round trip rata' ban been secured'. ' Ioiij;Ihs county should Ik- well represented. BOLD, BAD, MEN (Continued from Urst page.1) ored member. Interment will V bad in the Hubbard cemetery. Berry F. Tiffany was 34 year old, and came to Salem several years aga froin Klamath county, accepting a place at j tne prison, air g nam on ine lenee. na nan married a few year ago Jv,a dattgh- ter oi .Judge M "F. OuaAlell, the widow :.. !, i.:. .. .. l nuumnnnuiviuil MP IIIMMIini Kiel Violent death. , Tlie fnttttrul will be held fro in the ree i idcuca of F P. Soiithw ick. on 12th and .Ma rinu streets at ltl a. ui. tomorrow. cemetery. THK Wnl'ni:U COMKT. Frank li-raiu. ervitw a life nenteiicw a reward for hl loVulty to tl. orti- icer. lurjm h'jp bacli a luoitrl pnon- I, W RCWAlIli I- oM kRltt : F.r tha eaptura, dead or alive, ! Harry j Tracy and Pavid Merrill, r K" ior , each ono who read fioni the treyn Slate Penitentiary on the u.oriiinj of S June . IW. I kRH nL.M.HHotM. woci r ikr at nr. At 4 at'clm k Wo.lna'sday uioruin;; Aug- "'S. woott-tiiopper rrMuuip not .mile ea-t of iervai.. was uwkenrd ijrain by th envict. who diinaiidt-.l ' al. .a 1 w.a ...I : ! t treaaiiat tor . I-r . .... i i .1 1 ivio prompiiv oieye-i, iuu up- ou freetitavi ine r.arrnea.Ksi !nvict ilh Kinj lost no tin; in rej'.riinp to the " " " " ' wniiin a lew lumutr ui aim ir, . ' bloodhoundf were uih.m the trail. ' After Lnt a few luomei.t.' w.,rk th. I i ! hound,, en. n.m.inS on each track, pa- ' ,";'' nirn'" Ira.-e. ad followed it tt'l lk,.. mr aV. ..!,.. .1,.,. it. " " ' ' " had crt.-e.l a fen. p-iug , into the thick brti-h, ieavir.x bthind , thrm a trail of i-mthei fern? which fibowi-d that they had pas a few minute bet'or. Fearing that thecoui.-! would cut the . toy" throats, tlie trjcktr ea'deJ them off, aud a circla a.f men at once. I . .V ! --P- , blink of bti-h, alter w hi. h rf-.ttest!. for reinforceuini.t were wnt to Toodburn ' and Salrm. The itll.ili"li at K a.Vhk a tiaat the .i i . . i . i . i '-"""n- """"! - n the imme,hae viciuity ..f the Kim: j Loue, an. I a there wa u .loiilj that -"' "'"H to ente.r the brush with an I : .. .. M' : . . . . t . , i insui.i. iri.i iiiiniurr oi mrn ntaui.i cosi nianv live, it Wa de.-lded to Walt linn, ul IT'u'unTD'w'" ur,ur" 1 " Y mpt to eOeH .-jptura. a I . ! at- - t - . Ullltii oP.bTKLla.alT. j SALku,June 11. a..,v..rnor t.trr ha. I . . , i.u,.,i au ..r.lrrto t omraauv t . Oreiian I N.iti i.u.rd, to Hiiieter in and pro- j .fe-l t.j v.;eris to join in the chasa of j th f'icitite av.nvieT-. Caft.iin Klirt i gathering up hi- meii and w ill load iu a ; carriage a many a- it will hold and i drive .low ii a fa-t as iible. The re- i a niainda'r of the company willjo.lown by the afteriixin train. W''KV. June 11. Captain l iuer has basea irlrrad by" ar to take Coiripany I. a.f Wolbiiri. tnfier vais. and there asit in tha capture of lb two convict-, Tra-ey and Merrill. The military enmpany left thi afternoon for the wid. vthere the ecape are being held. I.EseKRMx.fcs l.oa TH. iKiivAis, Jona 11. Tracay and Merrill the e-cajaed ronvkl., ara HUrrnnnded in a small, a mile from here, by a pt?e .f 75 men. Two ccmpunii of militia are momentarily exj-ected here. Fpf.n thair arrival a a-oneerlel attempt will le ma'le to capture or bill ihe two j dcparadoei. The men w era tracked b their pre-nt ligation from at;abui near here, where they vailed thia morning and got their breakfa-t. A a ijoon a- the ' militia arrives, evary outlet from tha tirabor will he covercsl. The hunted men have no provision- and cannot hold out long, even if the atta 10 drivr them forth nhall prove unsuccessful. MILITIA OX THK BCK tiKnvAis, Juno 11, 3 p. m. National guardenien from Salem and Woodburn have just arrived here t aid in search forescnied convicts Tracy and Merrill. TogvthiT w ith the j-os-e headed by Slier ifT Dnrbin, they will surround tha I thicket wherein it is sujis.sasl the fugi tives are concealed. Tha men are sup posed to In- in the woods now surround ed, but there is a -sibillty that they eseajied early this morning, a- two men answering their description were Seen goinjj toward r.oone'8 ferrv. imsia xkaR at ham. tJcavAis, June 11. Tracey and Merrill were observed in a wheat lielii of Kllis Young near the Samuel Prowu place at -" ' afternoi.ii. The gIWrla ara el. mini: in. Clupanv U. irf U iiaxlbura r arrived. he. criseia in nt Jiaud. thackv i.ivi'kii . . , ' Puring the inarch Tracer liiui-d holding to Merrill for supjiort. Thii leads to the imjiresHioii that', he wan piohabW waiuuib-d, either by McCor mick or Oscar Hair, 011 Post W'3, each, , of whom had tired at the convict. now Tin: wkvi-ovh wkT I).. . . I . - . : . . I .. nun me weKiii were siiiuggleU III over the. priwrn . wall by an e'x:e?avict and not by at excursionist, i erallv coin'oded. . llow ell-1 I I . TIIU. LATEST RliPORT. CiEKVais, June 11', i p. m. (.Special to the Plaisiik.vlkk.) The two daring con- vict- broke through tin-line of guards ia( night, and at .lawn this liujrning appeared at a farm hoii-e near Monitor and at the point of their levol vers de manded their breakfast. Every mem ber of tlie family was eoimnaieled t re main in the dining room until the eon victij tinished their lneakfa-t. w ln-n thev retired north tliAat.-iiiin! violence if' luv were i-xpo-ed The a eiitf .nd hi: ... posse near i.ivais wis. . er, so.,n ! notiiii and i.i, two.,. .li.ia con.paniesl and blood honud are aaiu hot on tl i trail ot th li. es. It seems only a matterof aiiitle time when they will be run down, Mtrroimdcd and killed, as littla-h..M- -i i -cted of tak injrthe two m.-n alive. I OK 5ALE. A '""l, gentle ruling -r drivu.-j liore. weijjht about 12(X) 11. ; can U- han ih'.l by a lady. For particular t ii.puire a.f The I' lk, or address. tf. ('. P. 1akk. Kose'.io, 'r. Letter List. Kri.uiniii'' uncalled for at the K sar i lailrj; jHtothce. Persons eaiiiu for thaa- letters will ' plra-e stale t he d: rdvertied. .lime Urown. William Campbell. K. J. lavie. W. S. Dunbar. .!as).er Mary :', C.o. in. Mrs. L. A Howard. I rani, e ou w hich they are j l'"r': j M.'tn'in. Mi-s I.itlie M. lntyr-. John l. P.ob!i l::a::. h i Uobin.ii. A. .1 1 1.1 k,.. i.. I-:. .j. ha.-y, M;--s :...ri Iwi. Mr A. M. Tha letter wiii be charged for rata t oue .-eiit each. W if A. Fit iti.k.. 1 .1 toe Catarrh of the Kidneys. Hi, uu ;u;.i Kill llou-an l ..f p-ople a:.i.iM'.;v.i n- . . , , .i ' i . r i i i.Mli.-A mail, to dii Work HJ a tU ';.' nd Una. , hu, " . M.iscin ,- it;u Mu., ... m(jT Ail Jr ime. I yon have p;im- ,;i your ! act. ! .-, yr.,N r , I Vrrv Ore .in .r tii.-i w..i n f,-, h. -. i tnpua I err) , ire. lot I. time ! de.n-s.-,l ai.d dull apirit. to lirijjht' 1 1 -: i. -. T..l,e : Cure, which r. ;:.ovi ;!. kidney tr' nhi. v. For -...e pial-. IUm.k I'.itarii. li Smith F.r.-v, F.-e.-ii... l .il. Mara-t r Ir;:' ... a hi. J. ...! !. t ..t.trrn A Bargain in A Utile llom;. Twf-hnri.ire.1 acre, tv... !i.i Mvrln- P -it.t. .. " . i'itv . iir, -.. o.'J : -it : 1 ..- ..i hoc-e li'.l kef'' i r -team r :i'tl.- .: ! ir-- j res. Jeare 1. 70 a.r.- ,,..! : Z..A .,!. ir ; . anM tnarn i . t iint-r.i dairy .... 'onv .-uin loat and r.n!'' .a I iT ulara. nap'.ir.- at t!,i l os -Ct M.vrt'.. P,, :.t ! Hatrunie Itofnc InJustry. Prov e v our i..y ..'.!- t" hoi and Oa- Po;!i:'..i. ("..i:i.f I a pry I'.ut'.rr "a.iitr..rv ! . -. : Tvprcont ii-. v.- a-.- i: . .Kir Fancy t'i.-.ii.'ry 'i, hi. laea-li wliollv of I . ,.- ( -. oil tiaa- farm. a'i t .1. . I ra-a: ;'. v .r..t- ;.-d . .lei (:eliiiiue. tii.e it ;. t. for iliatril, t! it i . .1 ; 1 I - it !.... k - . ...I t-l who Vvll : ii . ;ii:-'. :! natliiti. I'.'.t ii 1. ..rt.,i- in.; i ' Pacilic a-c-a-l -.,y ...::i Paitter is . k. IV.i:g!asC.a. K v-aabiirx. i r. ,:" the a'cere 1. ll I t. m.erv Virulent Cancrr Cured. Marilmg pr...,t ,,f a w..i.der!t:l ...h a :. I coi"-itiii..' of furniture and tinder- n ' ..ii- i .i.i- i i . .v. iu liianliciue is riven bv .ir'.i-t .. . . Uk:i: a.-J, -tore laUiIJilr? arl lot 13 the Rolaa-rt-of Kiialaa-th. W. a. An man tiiere had suffcra-i with what ga-ivl da t..r pronaaunced incurable can cer. They believi-al hi cl-e h"aele-s til. he usasd F.lectric l.itla rs IhicVleii'a Arnla-a Salve, n.ent i-aiiiipleta-lv .-lirt 1 Klactric Hitter- 31 c c.-oal t and app.i.M which tia'at- him When api! hiliO'.'.'a. kialney and inicr.-i r.ia..i a. i:ic ame, time f lii-t talve exert- it 1 . ...1 1... 1 .. .1 ' mg i-.wit. oi.-i sum e.ur. tioi ulcers and ..i-a' vani-h. Hitter 50.-, Salve L'-S.- at . C. . M.n -tei- l ... rilFs ifale. In the Circuit Court of tlie State 01 Oregon for Pougla- County, ("a-show and Sheridan " Pl.iiiiiif; ! vs. ! Tlenry I. Inighl iu j and lldwiir.l Pa.l.eigli ,Iia;feilaailtS. i Notice ii hereby given, that by virtue f an execution and iir-ler of sale-luly iuel out ol and tinder the. sa-al of the alMve entitled court, iti the above en titled eaiise, t me directed and the ol h .lav of June P.Hi'.'. m-m a iu.F- ment ra n.ler.-al an.l entered in -aid court, on the 17th dav of May, 1:hi.'. in lavor of the nl.ive named iiud iijaiust the above named liefend. int. l-'dward I'.. ligh, and au'iiinst the hi reinafti r u.cii tioneat illid ah-ecriUil attai hed .i..K'iiv, for thesuni..: U''so. with inte-et thareon nt the rate of 0 per a'cnt -r an 1111111 fnun the 17th day of May I'Hi-j, an.l the further sum of -10 cost and di.i. biirsemeiits an.l the e. .(- of and "upon thin writ: Now therefore will on Saturday, the utli day of July, tooj at 1 o'clock p in. of. -aid daw at the folilt house front door in lo.sehur.poug- las Co, Ore sell at public auction i" the highest bidder for cash iu hand, all the light, title and interest w hich the said defendant. F.dward P.. I.e'iv-h, had the L'lst dav of March, ltni, or at any time thereafter, in or to the follow in-i desenh- ed projTty to-w it : That certain Mill site in the l'.ohemiii If ta.iii.r 1 tiwt rrcl in 1IoI1l'1;Im C'..Uii!- ( lt-- goli, known as the Noonday Mill site ami particulai'P' dcscriU'd as bciiusit-! luted iiImiiU tliree-tourtlis ol a mile! .. northeast of the Annie minim: claim. XSZZW about 40 mile-a littte south of ea-t of I Notice is lir. l.y Klva-n that in conitltiiiri Cotta' Orove, Lane Couutv. iregon. I ihe viivitinoi the avt ..f twisnij of and ihehK-iiti.,,, noti.v I ffi ZltVZAS on a stake alh.ut thlee-foiirth- ot a mile sjon. Ntv.oa. ami WaililngUm Tenitorv, '' a ev-norlhea.-t of said Annie claim and run- j tcill ' n . I'w fuliliu lmt Stale lay act of ning in a northerly dhcctioii ,'.': :f.ii A,,ai",(. l!,w,jt,x h.'shitk, feet : theiic nihlerly 47S '., feet : them e I , h, .... ...,.,r.iv..r miutherlv 4nJ0: leet ; tlicuce westerly 4781. feet: and thence liort he;isterlv ! feet to the place of beginning, sit- dated IU llollglas t ouuty, Oregon, con-, tainins live acres, v it Ii all and singular, ! ,h. tenement., hereditmeu. atnl up- Uliririiaiu,i,aH iiinriiniu in.'itiiiL'iii" tr 111 ...... an iaa tl 1 1 1 ia lt 'I lit! 1 1 if -V. -nti-fi 'auid exeeiTlio,.. order,. . inter'st, costs ami acci neintj c..ste Hated at Kosebnrg, thi oth dav of i...... IHI' I'LiI PiaiiiorT " !htnfHil livmgl.rsv. ottnty, Oregon, i A RUN ON ' THE BANK Is uot to be compared to tbc run on T. K. Ricliardson's ' Music House at Cottage oa May 27th. Three instruments in three hours and one later iia the day, making in all for the afternoon four sales as follows: One Kimball Piano, one. Singej Piano, one Necd ham Piano and one 6-Octave Kimball Organ. It is fortUnate'for.usjhat wc have already on the way a lot of fine pianos to supply our prospective customers. r-Our . . ur tnib bcason win arrive in uul H 1 1-u S ai50 enjoying ouly three pianos left: One fine Chickering, One Fine Kimball, One fine Cable. T-.. i..JL I : Our prices are such that the people see it is to- the4r-ad vantage to patronize us. i Y.-u will Mini tie l-f-t inake T.-'K. RICHARDSOK MUIC HOUSE AT ROSEBURG OR COTTAGE GROVE. y ef , T M t CJ T T 1 - 1 Old HI OlClC rl(lUS - l e f 1 S. .VN-VTN.X A V.V . t'oi.Ti.-ja l:. Three war oldivlt. J - . l-.i.v i. .are. )-l -lock. In ptire at Zoot' l.arn I. ear lflK..t. I him: W. O. Wrflit. t.rantp re....u. ?id and silver II. a-oI.Lr . l -'ii !... Iia., I driviuja.r ridiugj ; ;are . v. r-old, weight V hundre,! lie-. i.!"i'i;re at thi a.nVe oral the Kandv K:t'-heii. 1 :: M :: Svt .. 1 1. -.irabla? cheap home in .i:v. lo a. re lot- an I ui.ward m I.ire and smail iaruie furib - ! 11 I.t . . t I - v.mi.r ( m.ii-. I...t3-.i or iimshiiig; r. tl'.anti. rustic, etc., rir-t elas. d..r at tlie rd at iVaoa. For iv era prica- al; i ! r: l 'i .ii.i. 'r- on. ipply t. W. I;. Wel (Jl5p ! 'ai a. P t. ill V f !. 1 ."R - M I iVe P L'lli.X V PH.-a 1 OR - j a tine !.'t "f Pa-.ian I i'hiu pig- which I Wili 'l at ra-.l-'-a .,1,1,. prica". rita a.r iti.jujre ..f toa.i.a.,: ia..K!irs. IJ.-set-'irg, ' 'ra-y. '.arm oa Kol.-rts Cr.-ek. jlL'p ! M v v tsu !..-! vras hav f'-r s.ue a : ' ..:- V . n I -n an.l uuliroke. I I. i . .. ; i. o .. ! .leIr.-Urvg.-n. i .:; Se'.n li i.a- west a. t Kajrft'lirg (.'::!.! V ;tl) The T. a'.-..'.:.;. TV C". at It SaH-'l;-! S lati i. w ii: j ..v I;L!;.--t m.uka l ;cr, i in. :i! --a'tl von :t t"ra-arn t.. P. rt- pr .-.- i. r; ej-ara ' t' r, and take cr.Mii ;n lov ma ilt, ' I 'lJlif M:: mm r.v M. iam.-s Il.iral A lU. i.'a.i.'.:..:. :.av e a ne line oi SITU,;: anl : ,i:i.mer i;illi".i.. ry. Nt-vv vl eVerv We.. k. lv.iivS lieVa-!' art iv in a etc Pricr "o pia-afe Cii-taatiia-rs. Juiv 1 1 i 1 PoiTioN VA A.. I. Miru-k- an ex-I , i u..,,i.i t;i ;;..r. i jr.- , - . (e.thrr -;I!ip. hotel, rest urant, a.r private, I i. r j articu.ars Jdrar A. .1. Mirlkv l:.a--liur- Ore. j tf. Care Ihburg lloli. I'ek a! :. An tlJ tat'Iihe.l bni-! i i I lH--.iic part . Uwu. lor jurticu- lars can o.i or a.i.ire. n i ic .mu .vie- 1 1 t.y or A. riTii'ij, ew ner. VI 1 Mvrllf I'l-M-k Iir.. ' Fur vtr. sii acre ..f and in Camas ; a;;..v in-n.j i:i s-f-v-t t. .1 ;!.. t..ii-hip 2i U.uth. r..iia-e ! we--t of the Willamette . n.eridian. Wi'.l be sa-ld if taken imniealiaietv. I ..r lutha-r utla.rination ! aai.lre N. U. Johiian.-x-ii. An-ata. Hunt ).,,,. I'al. i (..Mill I'oH S.I 1 Ki(alla li.-lVal h,.ar 1,.,, yiile ,Ji...l h"ii-e alul chr.nh , and N) acre tract nenr Olalla school an I i-t' tlice. 111 sa'ii 111 a r.iv or diviua up 111 iraci. line iiia.aiiiiaui hiiram uiikp tnrougfi tract, lor prii-e- an-l term- ilaMp s. . K. vv km., C'lalla. treagon Specialists Comiag. The 1.1 riiian anal Kngl ieh Sifiali.t S.i 11 Francisco, will visit Poeburg, June I . tli. pretiareal t-a treat stirares-tullv, all ciironic iiisease. neiiiemmr ma naie tn l call nt t!ic lai lallen llotise. ShcrirTs Sale. In tlie Circuit l "il riot the State of Orr(nu ;or iHnigia. 1...UIIIV. V. V. Ft ther. Plaintiff Ilcrmm VVi'.s.m and Vry Wilson, Dalcn Unt Notice Is hoieby civen, tb.t ly ririna of an j tviiii..n snJ au.l. r 01 inale .luljr i.ud out ot nu. I 1. 11 li-r Ilie vai .11 Ilia aboxe enllti(al rouil ;n i!i.' nls.vr eiitiilel miiaa. t me allrcrwu aiel .ia.'..l liiv .'.Mi alav 01 J.itir, I'll.', niaon a iii'ln- nic ii ta.'ii.lvTa. i au.l iu a . 1 I ranrl ..ti I ha ji.ili ... i- ul Miit. I''." in favor ot V. V. ri.ii-r, ami ae-itna-t llrrmann Wlls-.n aiei luntieT iii" tan.t ilea-rihe.1 aoacht-al ia env for llia 'inn ol t J lo wild liuctcn therasm vv liMia. iirteii.inni. aii-i airnuei ine nere- al the rate ol per tvni par annum from Ihe 1st .lay it svi'lt'ialK-r. I U, an.l Ine lnrtlier .u in ul 'D ivmhaual also tlie c.isti pf ami njin ihlr. iv ill. .Mnf iin ri i uriii on Saturday, the P.'tli day of July. W, nt niie cloa k ) m uf rtt.l .I.e. at tlie surt lum.-f I rout alax.r In Ki.el.iirK. IMnsln. euuiitv Oreit.m, wl at I'litilie .action. ui.ieet tai re. ajainpiia.u. to tlie li'ithcst LiMcr lot ea.h In litniil .11 the riitlif. II. I-, and Intt-re.l the wild Irleiiilfltitai or either ( them hail on .lie t'h ilay nl srt', I'Jei. ur ai anv mue mereaiier In nml th.- lulloiv I'.ic leerllM ra-al tinanaTrr. tiuii: I'll.' cast of Ihe soulhwi-! ,iiar1rr it Ide simin eaaat .iisrii'rni n'c M,lo.v lilili jv K 7 nt'."t. In DuiiiiUi couutv, lin -;..!!, t.jctlior Willi thai I.'uemtatil. iKTiHllaluieiit ami . p uirli'iinu es lli. rennto lielmilnx or a aniA'tiH Hi.ih'rlniniai; to Htlty ul'l, oralcr of ale, in j Icreaat, c.isls Mini arcriu-IiiK cm. ivut'uiirif, vir.-;iin, aiune t, i v;. K. 1 PARRDTT, Slierifl of Djutil.a county, Uniaiu. Notice for Publication. ti Hit" ti'.eil in thi nil ice tin a.oru t.n.'inent forti'.Pio''ive..l ll.e s, svv and il1 j? 'KS 57.5 how turn the land totiKUt i wore valuable for " timber or stone than for erleiilinral pi K''.tl"', 'il :r,,,,., ..'aT' nt Kusvunrrf vnv Kosi'bnrit urt'iii.n, oa Wednesilay (lie l;uh ilay Aujuil W'i He name. a. vvltn.'rt: J u. ink. Mlunie shup... urvil FbHik and Hen alo illen all ol Koseburu, liiemm. -Vny and all ,eriia etaiinina a,lv.i. l il,. 1UkI ,!.u?.to..hoJ: 0r.V" 'eSok and Hen iie- !' dcfiirllred are rauosted to nle their claim. lu ths oUli-t oa or IM-Iore aal.l tlth day i , Kegister, Second Car - aootu 10 uays anuour imru car 1 1 a gOOU UUSIHCSS: OUC laigC and the Het ToiirJ"Iitruineiits at the Smiths' Oaatdruff Pomade. slop, itahing .a:p ii.n i'M appii.-ati-.u tl.rrtoix rniovr all dandniff i.d -I, . 1 - I, " win iop laiiinj nan. rri. e ! bv Martrr l)ru, fo. Oa-.. la.r Mltf. Notice for Publication. I'nlifal rit I uJ oft r-. K--.'jrx. Orfo. Xm T.. lva-- NoIKe i aerf siven sa . in t ; w:-Ji th. erwtl.Un of ue acl ot i nrra . .. aoi ai -a-i y..m . w .-o-, J.nes.aVmt.iW.. vt la- itt .c "''"''tL I' i. 1lalir; land! iu . --r of 'r:.'o'nt U;e- oraar- afc.n .rrr-rr'-r-.. vrv-wr f ! JitTeiiS UrtZZ. -Jit 'lt!iarii.,l-t1(r1iiw. Uai!Uirt Ir in t ui- .t luyix ( Aurt I. "BTsarvi.r. .:.tlrb.:.? !tpM. , ,. SIU.II P. B tu,B, M tJ. uii t: NLLII f BRO? -. of W.h- a at 111. ofTlM Mr - . aura .:atea.en-. Nu.iTi lor tae aarekax of Lal. U). UtnJ HUr:tt Ml... lonit !.uia.!1i;ioe-TPia..lio.Lo-i ,ttl, ! . ... -.:...!., a, leu lot agricultural prroaw L.r t. .a.ia !oi l laul si .a:C j itnc F.r,.iirri im Kxi.jt tt. o'.erai' ' JokBe.aer.Wli.i.-n BiHn. B:r-l i..ter and' l.niKZV 0iaV.,B., Ql fllil.ilillv.. "..l li fl at aud ait Mrwaaciaaiac avlv.v tne ! t'.ic uaf-rlti ian1. ara reo3--sl lor ire ! '"r Viif T ,,lb," 1rit,Ti.!:,J,:h j Uj ct erpt. l::n. J. I. baliMakla. 119 Notice for Publication. l'c;td state. Laivl Oth.. ooirf. Orrsoa. May iT. !. Notice ia liafrstj Ira tLat !n (O.-T-.iai.acre ! Juae i. eati'.atd Ai art iff :l a.e l . Uaiaer iaa- .a fee ruin al t a .Iorni. , treaaa., j ' Nar.aa BJ Wcshiijaataa IemtorT ' a evej'i-: ivrsTiors BROtk? 1' O . 1 . 1U .D.. . ..ii n. . v . aw , k . --" vi " a. - . laanoe, haa thirtf) Ld la li-'.v3:re hiJa- .r-l . M K ... : . - . . . ..... .t 1 k j an.icc.arai na., Kr I- puivta- li !' U''. i.j ,.. ana u z sa:in o. . i .. tft'.p al (KiUtti. aar-r- "e-taad : ! ..far ;:.-! ' j tot it. i.MU-raad.tcae taaa :r .arrirulra'aa. : I'J ..M.W (,-ll ,1 . iiu w. , iw cv . ..r . : fa.air.e. and uaraat.:'. te'.iu -i u .1 laao or :.ara- ta r.r-f- eraoai r-axj-.Ter oi !!.;.uc I te-..-. 4ar. He :S'.a.Uyef : f?aTt a. a--r. .;. tie a..aa .. a : : t-i johu . K .u-r. t6ii:lard altIi-r. W Sn l.a, ...a Ii.n. i aru Br.... a . ot iir:itj('". Waah'.fiub. " ABi aia a;, varrnot. e-m.Mict "!eraH Ihe ! aive atLWrit-a .aa-lai a rarpia.fa to & h n a-Jalai la Iht. a.fhi-a. r Sr'ulr M; 1 it.ii ala .t Srpu - I. T. Jif -j-;.r. - Notice for Publication. l alted il-.atr. Iivt O&ce. Koavetiiuv. a ..n. M.t S. ,Vi. N.4lt i bereajr rttra ttat la a-oaaaltaace 7"Va? ,.e . -.r' . V ' JnaeS. eatti.a-4 '.ai-B a t lor lta.c aj : tiatUer l-t ta lh.:,v! i illU'mj. Or-Aii, .wwi .ui aui'BCiir:tn.j7, a.eviarad- I - -7 T . " I I.KOSaHD MKixiX ' Bi'"jntajB. roaittl; ol it.i.ut " I Inafon. L lll;da tla-Hl ia lii.t laara?!,. La thi.d. ia iL..aBtf-e hiaorn ina"mat Va. t.MVr tbe f-arrka-e 4 lU l. ., and s, and lie ' N i V ot Wrt ua .. . toaa tup .Ja.vuih.oJ rasa; nl. aaj aaiiloCr ps.f to boa II.. I tha- .and w:Mli iwara it:. at. for ttintnVr a-l srone thaa fur a-m".liiir-.1 aiirt. ud (oetatMlhbl. i-iaiaatitai.i ,aad biure ihe t Ihe and KeretTa al ih: A:-t af KAwhora . OtnCwaoa Ihoeadaa-ttM. Hih da aif Sa? ftlr in I --r. He name. -a. Itt- J..l.n Wihiaia .-lalia, Stuila.-d iateraa-t ETentioon Bmoka, all ot Corrtaf 'no., ahtn loa Acyaad alt prrenaa rlaiatto); adver-atr aaaor df-a-riapd land are ra-4Uajaat ta, h.e TIi clalia to ihi oi-u-a oaur teinra an d IVk'ait oleeptember. We. J. T. BHJIKiKS. 1-y ' K.dler: Notice for Publication. - roita-d ante. land Office, RajaK-trtiiy. Urrtua, alar j:, Noil.-e UheTeay (.veuibat in "naatpiiaw-v alth the int i.lun of the act of i:onciea.i of Juae 3 l.Tk, entiled "An act (or U.e . ai.- af ttaitaeriaad. in iheuateoaai I ton, Narvaiia. anal Waahtnrta.n IrmtorT," a.eaiteod ayl load ihe eut.liri.o.l .1.1, bv a. iof Aior ut , IKK, I.I CINI.A M. BROOKS ol Eiirlii'tlon.muntr el Skagit. .lata ot W auh tn;t..n, ba- thi. day tiiasal til htm,. latcmrBl Nu. kar ihe piin ha-e of the SI'. at t'.OIl No. a's toa n-4llB ll laalilll. taiiF. Va" and wiii oeTpr.t to iiii. IhallheTand oujht 1. tuore raluabic fir it. limber or tbau for asiieuliural HirpMar. aud to rsiabii.fe haarr'.aim la ald '.and before the R'TUler and Ka-apel ver ot thl a.m.-e at Roonrr rrsou, .... 1 hiimtay Ihe ISIh day uf .aptm,ila.r. lAt - She name, a iuhtsmt: J.nia staler n ilrtare Smith San lord slatvr. and l.aninard Bnt.-k, ail of Bur llUKion, Wa.hliKU.n. , . . Any and all pa-r..tic.ainiitj(- teSMv'tW t.e .tea rilacd tau.i. are rviiirv,- to Ole'iticlr claim. In Hit. oltia e on or ba torra..!.! , Ja ..' aeplrinher, J. T. BBIlaiKS. Notice for Publication. - t'rite.Vstata l-d OUKr. Riann. Ora-ic m, Julao 1. Notiia ulicnl.y i-ivtaihai in a-oiupiianee nlthliir provUi na of Ihe act wf t..mkre ol June 3. U7, entclal "An aet fr ihe aic..f tim ber land, lu the .late of Calilurnia. Orvruu NeiaU-a. aad tha-ihineh.a lamiw.' ' ed loall Ihe piieitc, land tlala-a bv ael t Aus. ii. r a iAa a . JO'lS- B Al V ul ..I lSlu; as -utr .f a.,e faan, ha. Ihlri ilar Ina-d in Ihl. i.m. aa hi i..-n aaalt.u. in No. n.Kluf the p.fhav .i.v , SF and S', otaan-. i.,IW, :M oulh.miic va4 and Kill Sar i.n.n l.i .ho., iii.i i.. l. fc.utlit I. more laa- Iu l rnla -r nr .l.ea oi.u ...r ajrieilllliral aillea.w ami lo efilaliltnli lii.vlalm kiMi.1 la 'd lie the Itevi.le- and Rasri'lTer uf Hit. udiee a' koeliur u . Saturday Ihe 7tn day oi kept. I..'. nV ,iai,.,.. i aliutw-i; I'etrr Hall, an.l U v..,a. . j . tiiirj:, N. Minse, ot Watlou. and i.w Ki'retald of IcMne, viircui. Any and all pern eU.u.ii.r ilvrn 1. n,. anote drM'ciba-U lauds are t In ntVn...i. claim on a.r ba-(ut,a ai S:u day of Septraiba-r. I. HHIIHaKS. KaUu-r. ut by Ely Craam i;lui, Uich ia aHie ably aroMUatia. nIi ia rarirca thnatgh lot noirtrila, daatMM ,B;i keajatha whola ru fae otar Wtikk it iliftWa Irkalf. Ivn.a. aU tha &), abta-, Trial .Ua ly tt;u jq can.ta. Tatt it and you are acra to coatiiw W UMUlirlll, Aunouncemeut. Ti AOaSoiuniovUta liioaa aho ir.;,., to th una of atomiara in applyiug liotfiOa into Uia natal taaaaacaa for a,.o ri . i Rtt tha a-opritora prepara Craajulm, IUijud fiiria, nhhh nill l know aa FN'. T L...I.1 a.. . r a pmyinir taU i 7f.i-iiU. JlMafgiata ot fca tuaiL 'i lio li.juid form embaMliaai tbe m& icluAi ivrtjiextiaa ol tla iwhd rribaratW. . V.,U IHtuik Alia.Il U1C1LH1 .1. . .K. VAiUdukl loadHw - ioau ib uiuticu. xw. awv.- ,C 'C 11 .rr.lim StUtJt VI yiiius ait i . ' . .. - Notice for Publication. fuila-d :- ln-J O tar. Kr-trf. ora-fuiL. May z:. Vji Nl j i Lrt-t,y --ra ia raxav-UDtat i'b th roT:.i..D o! Ic -o! Cor jre ( Jane i. .t, t-ntj'.a?.! " ti i or 'has a.e af t:mif lii-! Ile S;a ai I Ore Hon, Nn ara-l at'uur.('u larrr.tarj-.' rit. jel :i h lrsb.ic.Le J sta-aa If act efaii4,ii i , . . tUHl Hh-aOaC- ii H ir;:i.i'..n. i.uii nl c:',l'.i4( h-:ii!-n. u. u. 4r S .a :a;-valtr i.on 'ml- .!. v . t-ar pin a.-r i Iba or:h .aX ..rla-r .. . jr li'U o. t.jaah.p il e.. o ra.ire . M -Drt i , uov un laa-r. I nirimaawi.i'nart: a..-aa s.iri. . "i.iaw ." . r- r"-p," , - ' -av-r "IMOfca. a.f! a .r.;rFtu;. ...... -j.n. a anrf a.! a-w.. , w Br ... i. aU.r Cert -J M. m r-.-l l 3 a r'aia-a in u-.n ufca-e :i i'orr ult 1-a - Va IVaa rte fiarat i:-iai aa-J Kia.- caa - - im r.aj -- .Tl C.r. Toi-a -j, C i((T. ai l Ftn . - ia eahed aa-arlnasa; t! al laa -: qiia-iij. I. J. NORHAN ; i ma ', XTOZl . m ' I 1 .V ff-. aMM ( tt y ( m m aKUlia r ti . Fullv 4 Warranted Hack5 and Butties ? OAKLAND, ORE MRS. H. E ASTON U arepareal to wait upon old and nrweurtomersand irienda wiitt a full and coairdet ttock of -GROCERIES' All fresh ami of the verr beet quality. . TeJ9 ajul cfTei- ara specialties. Your patrvicAr aoiicited. U-ajr -laVUI( i I xx Water. Proof ? " Harness Oil Rlackia up in th e..uilencr of , rvaai aa.l p.itivelvwTtln.4ttum,.r mold. Oti the leatoer firmness, vet make-, it 4t aud pbaUe. l-tmtm the leather and titching m., inclement mXttt.r an, gin-- the haru,-.- a an! fini-u.,1 ai ra,Hv. Keulir mak ..;. 1,4.. l..k new and wtli make it Ut twie.. long by the u- ,i (loo Han, ii: It ia aiM, eviiul r ga.. f.,r U-tt. and !-. Manu-.aetur,, ,v J. W. MOTF. R, bun:. Otyu. i. -lale at H;..1.U !, llaruev. mumoi nuniiatv.; I. B. RIDDLE. Proo. II ii -AUEisMor- Fresh Druts, rietlicines. Toilet Articles. Paints. . Oils, Qlass, Sundries. f "P"criptivMia promptly filled '.by a competent dmggiit. J.-- . t. RIDDLE, - : . OREOON. BEST MEAL IN THE CITY FOR CENTS. THE NEW Cor. Washington and Main Street Mrs. 9el!e CoUh : am! Djein Works i ' ' J VS- l:lH5FS0X, lp All Kinds otClothins CleaneJ and Dyed, . . cv Mreet, opp.ite I ra-slfv-teriun ehnrvli. atifai'tia.;IUta-aa 11 ill! J In' -?s 5