The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, June 09, 1902, Image 4

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    Xolice for Publication.
KosKRrR;.Or-giu, May J. l'JOJ.
N.iiHf i liervl'V given I lint in ('."iiitnlimit'e
with the vroi isious of the art i l onsriKS of
June 3, lsS. entitled "Anifi for the sale l
timlxT in tin- state of California, Oregon,
XevHiia, and Washington T.-nilory, ' at. extend
ed to U the i.uhlie land suite lir ai t ol Aiienst
. IS-,
of Alexandria, euiiiity ot Madison, Stat.- of
Indiana, lias tint- da? tiled iu tins
oflii-e, his sworn xtatemcnt No. Zlil,
for the purchase ( the S'-S'j, of Sec
tion Ko. 14. in township No. ::l s of Katice
No W and w ill oiler rHii to kliow that the
land (ought ik more valiiahle for its titular or
atone than for -.rii-nli nr.-.! imriMises, aud to -s-talmsh
his claim to Mii.l land In-fore the Kccls
ter an J Kiwiver of this office at liosehuri:, (in1
iron, on Thursday, HieMih dnv of August. Mi.
rie name a witnesses: A. I., swain, ot tmcooa
nasu.. r hiiioan.-u.-ifciaiui, ore.. 11. . -Mil-
lernnu inw. n. iuMiir.i,.ii Kiwnurs.ori'.
Any and all jierson ilaiming adversely iho
mbove-UcrilKsl lauds are ro.iiesied to tile their
Claim ill llllmnice oil or iK'lore said Hill ony 01
August J. . inviimi..-,
m5p Keg iner.
Notice for Publication.
Pnilod state Land Office.
Kos.-t.urK Oregon, May J, l'.Vi
Notiee is hereby given that iu eompliauie
with the provision of the act of ConsrrcvN of
Junes, 1878, entitled ' An act for the sale of
timber lauds in the stale of 'alitornia,Orei!Oii,
Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the Public l-aud States by act of Aug
ust 4, ISM.
of Perdue, conuty of Doimias, Siate of Ore
BOU, has this day tiled in Ibis oltiee his sworn
blatemeut No. 'J 1 hr the purchase of the NW
of section No. 1J, tovi.iship ::0 south, raii're 1
wt-st and will ofter pr.Kif to show that the laud
aought is more valuahle for its titnla-r or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish bis claim to said Ian I before the KesiMer
and Reeviver oi Ihi ortii-e at Kebur. Oregon,
onFrid.y, the lMhday of Aiiriim, 1-.W. He
names as witnesses: 'Maurice Moore, Kick
Moore aud I'cter Hal i, of Koseburjr, Un gon, and
d UcKeou, of IVrtluc, Dn'gon.
Any aud all iersoiis claiming adversely the
above-descritad lauds an- itsiuestel to li.c their
claims iu this othce on or bclore said l.'e.h dav
oi August laOJ. J. T. BKlDaKS,
in."p KeniMcr.
Notice for Publication.
United Stales Laud Dtliee.
Kosehllre. Hregou April I". 1A'-'.
Notiee is bervhy iven that in compliance
witn the pmvisions oi the act ot I impress oi
June S, JsTs. eiiuilcl " An act for the aaie of
timber Uud in theSiates California. Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territori' as extended
to all the public laud states hv act of August 4,
of Cleveland, raiiiuy of ls.n:,s, Stat" of nt
gon, has iliis day tiled iu this ofliee hia sMoru
statement No. .'-o. fir Hie purchase of the
J W'4, of Section No. in, ToAiship 2h south, oi
raCKe t west, and u iil oner proof to show that
the laud sought is more valuable for iu timbei
or none than for agrieaitural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land leiore the Reg
ister aud Receiver of this orlirv at Roseiiurg.
Oregon, on WOiueslay the P-th .Uyoi July i:nii
tie Dauit as aitufsvs- Jottn Thoni, Frank
B. Longof Cleveland, I'regou, Kind O. liotl.
of Coles Valiey, Oregon, William U. lAng. of
Cleveland, Oreeon
Any and ail persons claiming adversely tile
above-decrii'd lauds are requested to file their
claims in this oltiee oil or botore said lclh dav
Of J ill v, 12.
Notice for Publication.
Cnftcd Mates ijllid Ofliee,
Kosebur, Ureaon, Apr. T, lt.
KotiCi is hereby given that iu compliance
with the pioiiious ol tne act of
Congress of June 3, lfCS, entitled
"An act ior the aaleof tim-er lands in the
Stales of California. Oiegon. Nevada and It ash
inplou lei-tor,." as extended to ati the !'ul
licLand St Vs bv act of Ang7tt lih. IS-'J,
. of Duluth. county f St. Louis steof Miuuvso
ta, has this day tiled iu this oil ice his sworn
statement No. 21M. for the purchase of li.e NK
of section No. X2. township ai south, range i
west an l will o2 -r pnof toshow that the laud
nought i( more valuable for its limber or atom
than for a-rrical'ural pcrposei-. and to estab
lish his claim to sa'd iand before the Register
and Receiver of Ihisomccat Roseburg. On-gou.
on Tuesday, thestu day of July. l.c He
Bsmet as witnesses: Albert "B-titenbaui:li
Thomas fan son, Geo K. iuiue of Rid It s
Orecon aud Thomas E. Lawsou of inciolaic
Any an4 all tersons flaiuiing adversely thr
above ilescribisi lands are roiticslvd li tile
their claims in this orli,-e on or o.-iore vai.i sin
day of July. lifj. J.T. BKUd-iLS.
alup Legisb-r
Notice for Publication.
Fnittd states Land Oltiee,
Foeourg.oregou, May II, iwi.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions .i theacl .f t"oi.givs ol
June 3, IsjTS. entitled An Act ior the sale of
timber lauds in the Mate- of Cjiliiornia. Oregon
Nevada, and Washington Territory,"' as est- ml
ed to aii trie Public Laud ilalc, by art of Aug
ust 4, lntri.
of Seattle, county of King Siatcoi vVashingbji,
has this day tiied in this orth bis sworn state
ment No. 2t:l for the pu rehash of the W1, .-!.
WJ . N K' t ol sectimi No. luwiiship "No. ;
arMi'th. range S wot aud w li ofler pns; to show
that tte laud rnht is iure x aluable for its
limber or suirie thau f4tr agrieailiirai purrMmt,
and to establish Ins claiiii to said laud leforv
the Register and lieeeiver of this oilice at Kie
burg, Oregon, cn aaiurday, the 2 M day of u;;
W. l-ii He names as witnes: Ray J. Fisu
er, Nelson squire, of Seattle, Wasbiugion, Win.
M. Porter, Hale Boren of Camaa aiiey. Oreon
any and all persona claiming adversely the
above described lands are reiieil to tile
their claims in this office 'jn or hefore said id
day of Angcst, Ojvj J.T. BKIix.hs,
mlap R'-gistre.
Administrators Notice.
In the County Court of Itignvg Count ,
8tate of Oregon.
In the matter of the estate of (
W. W, Wa'ker, dec-used (
Notice is heretiy giveu by the undersigned
administrator oi the estate of W. W. W alker, de
ceased, to the creditors of, and all ta-rsoiis hav ing
claims against the said deceased, to
them, wiib ibe neceasary vouchers, within six
months a'ter the lirst pnblicatiou of this notice
to the administrator at Iiil.ard itougias countv
Date of the first publication is the ath darof
Maj,190i F.lHiAB W AI ktK,
Notice for Publication.
I'Siied Statis LiNnOrruK,
Ftoeebim;, Orearon. May Jl, liwj.
Kotiee i hereby aiven lliat ill cunii.liaiiee
with tlic proviMftomif the art oi Cimcress .it
JODe a. 7, eiititi-d "An act (..r tb le ol
Tiinb r Laudn m the states o! alilor-jia, Ore
KOD, Kevada auI Wabinpt'iti Territorr, ' aaex
tend'sj to all the Public Land hutes Lv Act ol
August 4, Invj.
of Oakland, 'utility of Ooucias, rt la It of Orecon.
has tiiie dav fi;cd in this ottlce his morn ti e
ment Ko. i-i for the piirehas,' of the south east
"!Uarter(sei)l Section No.', iu townshiit No.
a. ecuih ol llaDL'e Ko. 2 Ww. ami a itl oiler proof
k now loai uie inna nouciit is more valuable
foritr timber or Mori than for tri.-u':tiirI jiur
pobesau'l toestaulish innelaiiii u.mi I l.ti Iki
fore the Keeimcr ati.l K iei.-r oi Ibis olili-e at
Eoitburu. Oregon on Monday the 1'jlh ilay of
fce)tember, 15W-J. He na-nesas nitnew: tieo.
J. Mearns, Creed L. i h.-nnnctli, oraut Tavior
and Hoy Miller, a!! or Oakland. On---..n
Any U'I a'l i.txius claiiiiluir aovenu-ly the
above deterioed Inuds are re.inUi to li!e their
claims iu thi olliie on or before si. l.",th lav of
Sepiember. J. T. I;KI Lx.KnJ
in--'!' Kegisttr.
Notice for Publication.
I'kitid st mi. Lami Omi t,
KoMbun;, Oregon, Way H, lSui.
Xoti is hereby given Unit In n.iiij.linu,
with the prm isioiis of tbe act of o.iinr-.s ol
June :;, l:,euti'led "Au Act f..r the nalc of
limber laiuds ill the Mbkk of ;tt.
iiornia, Oregon, Neva-la and Washington Terii
lory-.'' a extended to all tl.c Public Laud rilat.-s
by ael of Ainr'iet t. ls-j.
CIlhKl) I.. rllKNOU KTH
oi "okiaii'i, ouiiiyoi 1)i.ii-ih-. stnl.-ol Or. ;(.!!,
iivs tjny loeii iu llllf Olliee ItlH fworil slMu-
meiil No i.'.V.."i for the piiieliasu of Uie Nurtli
easi 'jailer (ur1, i of is,-! ion No. -jii, in township
No. .j rjoii'.lt ol KalnjeNo. I V -st and ill olb r
pro ii i.i . show that the lami Kon.'lil in mor vat
uai'v ior its ti i ber or stone tiotn for avrirull-nta-i-nri-i-j-s,
an, t, .stitlcisli l. is eluim to
sal. I In-.. i iM-foie the K'i:,.tcr and Heceiier ol
tin. oiti.v at K' aebiitii, , on Moi.iiuv, tin
lath ty ol .Sret-nils-M , r.KU lleiiauies " uil
fies-es: '..-i.e J .-stcarns, Hnr.y K. Miil-r,
tirjiut iaylorand Uny jaiiter, -ill of Oaklund'
Oreer.n. '
An? - .1 'l H-iBTn ciaiiniiiK adveiwly Uie
above ik-M-r lr lau-is no- rv..i.-M.s-t i,, Mi; tbeir
-ia;n s ai i,i's)iir,i-i..iii or tn-iore mhI.1 l.'t.h dav ol
he i. i-.b. r, I'jijb. J.'i tiKiix,cst'
mi Kaijikter
Notice for Publication.
I'liite'l stiiea Ijtn.l Ofliisi..
Kos. lain;, ')r l-'.ii, eav 2. I'm.'.
Notice i liereiiv Kive t tint in oin'lia-1
W1UI in. .r l of III ael of lloliKmui of I
Jii..e:i is:s ..mtit.'l 'in ,' r.,r n... ui.. ..i i
tim i.-r lui 1- ni a -t it.., ,,i nliferuia. reoii
Neva a and K-iiiitu'ioii l.-rrib ri,'' a extend
ed . a i a. r.ili i 1 ji.i i -i.ii.-s l. K.-iof Am...
Ut I, la-r.',
ASIlllKW L. .-IVAIN, j
of ll'ie.K,e....i oi 1 hur-ton, m ilc.f tVnshiiu;
-tnii.h lins .in l ie i i . titi-"Mi,... jjjs sKon'i i
atat nieiii So. f.l lor the fun base ..i the NK '
'fm-tltHi No. IJ. l o. lisl,:. .;! s.,u:h. rn'.- h
el KUd will oiler i"o"l to ah" w Hint the lau.l :
aoui;hl i'i ior v Inab'e lor Its I lul-r or Moiie i
tin.. . T "i-ii. n!ur;,l .Hr; rli.l to estnle'
lia-i bis clHitti to i.Ki. laud la-'ore the K. lister 1
lit'i nisi-iv, r oi iui ..niet al ll.H-l.u
U'l!. ' "oil , -
on fliiindav
the Uin day of Ainrii.L Mr! He ' ..
nmins niti'efM: .Inmes mi. then. Ak-x-.
andriK, Intl., r. t. Kmcarl, Uaklaml, op.-.tni,
H. W. Stiller. l ie a. K. Hoaani Uo-i ijiiri;, ore.
Any and all Hrwinii elaimimr adverw.-ly the
atvivcd-scrllail lands arc rejtieter to tile their
Claan in thin oltii-eou or beioic Mtid Ulh day of
Aumm' 1W. J. T. JJRIlxihg,
I1? Keginter.
Contest Notice.
I'nitti! Siair. Lund Oli.i r
liost'l.iirir. Oregon, Mn- l'.i, hnV.
A suHicicnt i-ontest tilli lnvii li.tvimj N i u tiled
in Hi in orbit- l.v
enoU'siaut. against ttu 1i.iiioni.-nI entry No.
ASM, wade March l-, UlHi lor the SK', S' .
SK't, NK'j !-K't. sei'tion low iihi. IV. south"
raniie s wi. -1 In
JAM1-S KK.4sl.KY.
eoiitctee. in h:i n it i ullcL-t d that the -:i;d
-tallies Bc.-isiey Ims never established fus ivs,-
leiuv on the iand, nor iii.iovel or i-ul:iv'.-'il
the aame. mil Inrther that he I ks heen a'c:it
Iron: lit--inu.i for a peii.'d oi more ihttu m
mouths lust past llilliout leuve ni-Mitsenee. ll-i
that lie has li. l,y al'Hii'lened ihe '.m..': "ih;
said alleged aits, n v ir..m liio iaitd iui.s no, .i.u
tii his eiutilo incut iu the Ariuv. N;;y n Mu
rine or.s ol liio I'mt.d Suites as ihiku sol
tlicr, o'tu er, schiuhu or man lie during tiie hi-
j in, S.uiu or diirins any oilier wai in l.ivl
' tiie I nitcl Sial - i,iHv l.e epii 'ced : s lid vim.
, re hen hv ui.'.ili. .1 to itiear. and oiii
,., jdniee iouehiiiu -.:i i.tle.-iitioti at hi o . iac
a. m. on Sepleml-cr '.1 l;o. In fore the Ites:
and Kiveiver at the f uitcd States l.mid :li
in Iioiu-'hitiir, irccon.
The s:id eoiitesiiii't l. inc. in n piopi r mli-iH-
it. Hied May IJ. 1'.'.'-'. set torth iacis which
show that alter due diho-ncc iet.iia! ser n-e
oi this notice can not Ik- made, it is here: y.oi
dered and directed that -ucli nonce he g!en by
due and pnpr putilicMti'Mi.
I. I . !.i:IIk,ks. KcKi-ter.
iiil'.i J. il. lii'OUl. U.veivir.
Contest Notice.
Roscbui, i
A sutlicielit coiiUsl :',
rttes Land nV.ce
jon. May l;l, l'.i.
iaiii having t'
tiled in this oilice by
WAI.'I KR C. ltl ..lil.l.,
iintestant, against the homestead eiitiy
:Nd, uia ie March p.i. !'. for NW',,
SW'4 Section i)-. ttiw nshi(t ."i'i s,, i, lalme s
A Kill fit T. A KANT,
iamtcslee. iu l.ich It is alleg d ; hat :i e
entr man has nc ci cs:aM;sh. .1 u-s,
on the land. and that lie has not ji, j
CllI'.lvaliHl the sor.c, aiei ihal he ! ,
SvMit iro.a i tic laud iw a period ! m -i:n
last .ast, and that he hos wholiv at':. ad
the same: that said alleged ai'- :icc
the iand was not tine io
employment in the Army. Nu, or "l
Corts oi the Ftiited tatcs as a vruate s .
orticer, si-aiueu. or marine, duing :he w ar u i
pain. or tiuring any o'.iier w ar in ;i
I titled s'au-s mav lie I'tieaeii
hend'y l-.otitiid to appear. ies;oi..l
cvi'ieni-e s.o.i a.U'iiuiion i
a. in. on .sepu-iiiiH'i 1-, ii'j. -i;c:,.ie tl:
and Receiver a- 1 t'.c l lule-l Mate- !.:
Rtiseuurg. tircgou.
'1 lie saul colilcstalit haviin:, :u a J
davit, tiled May ix. l'.t.'. sut 1
hieh allow thai aiicruae d;licii-
scr ice ol tills Hot lie can Hoi b.
ln-n'hv ortlereti and liiot-p-d thai
c given lo-dueatl'l plo r plll.i;. ation
J 1. Is. Keel
mlti U . .i,. I.c. -
Notice for
l:.l;l l:;:K.:. (.Ire.. Mai , 1 1'.'.
Notiee is her.y g.veu that in e.iin.:.a:a
witti tlic t-ro is ons of the act oi ongv-ss .
ittnc ... ls.s t Milled '-An nc; a
Timls-r lain.N in i:ie Mat s oi ''aii!'on
coo, Nevada and Wash.ngtoi: lerrit. ri
lendisl to all tip.. I'uhkc l.ard Mates
August i. IS.'.'.
FRAN'k Mci.lSXls,
of icon in, county of i icon to. Ma 'col
has this day i;!e-l vi this oilice h.s .win ii s;a:
meiii No. t r tbe par. l'a.-oi the s: . N
ii.IU,:.-i1.i.i.-o-:wiiNi. U iu loCm-l,
No. -iu ss.uth, ol i:nge No. s We-:, a:.d m :.;
prooi to show that lii - lan I sougn i ism rc i ti
ab'e for its ti ,ter or stone :faii foi g: ii -u:r.t
purposes, an 1 to esianiish hi ciann to -a -i l.t:
taiore the U-gis;cr aad Kci-eiicr ol :b . 'li
at Kosebiira. or -g..u. on Saturday the l i h .;
of S ptelulH-r. I-. He nain.s a- u:Tu. s.
J'.hu 1 bom. oi i i.-vc.Hlid.'l' ..:.d l l.ari
1 hoin. Louis J. V roisiaud, and Aits, rt re'.-n'
ail of kovbup:. ircgotl
Aiiy rnd ail p-rs,.ris elaim:;:' s.h,-r- ly ti
a:oic deM'lilKs:! re-.n.-si..,! o tn--
claims in this o'tn u or s i, l 1
of Scelemoer l'-vi. J. 1 Ki:i!
mJi'.p i;..
Notice for Pullication.
CXI I Kh s v ; i.., I... S!i .i ;,
Kos-.'jtiig, i'o., Apr.-.-, i
Xotii-eis lu r-t... ii.'-'i iha: i on. pi fa.-,
will the p:- i-i ..l l::e .,! . tnj'.-jto:
June :;, ls;s - a ., M. i ,
timler:u.! n il:- -h ; '-. " . . - .
Nevada an-1 XV .stun -"on l.-r.'ori, a- . ..i. ...:
el to all the I'ni. lie I. m i Mat. - n a. : ..:
ust 4, lss-J.
J.MIN ,. l!wl.
of C..l,:ily I tMt ,j a-. Ma' Hi t'-.t
haa this day tiic 1 in i nis ..rl..-e liis s.v.r. -a l
meiit No. i-as, i..r tne i.e. o-nas.. i. ::,. .". ,.i
Sl.'i. IheNt'i of N.V ail lot : .o V ,
Hon No. Is, To :.s.'p -.n-h, i; - No.
ll- tti-st. Mini Whi i.i. r pr ho ; te
lau.l sought is r--.ore I! i i.:a.. -.i
stone than loi a in :.i-nri v-:r. ..-... ;i;
estat-lisu his , :ai:n L- R.d ' w .t . t:..
Kecister and it- . r t. .;...,';. ; i:..s . ..r.
Oi egori, o-i "I in :u. . t:..- i J i .-a;. ' V.-;
1902. He uanies ..s i ; o- .-.- ; t:..
Johu I h .:n. 1 :m.k il l.oiia. .ad "r..-
goli, and FiauL i io n I. ..l I,-;ra--- i ?r n
Any aud aii person- ;.l.,r-
I n s r re ' ..n- st. ,c th ir
claims in tin-oitiri .ti ..r b -i-Te i ijiit mr
ol August Yfii. J i . Pi; Ii ,..
Ullp i;.-gister.
Notice for Publication.
I'lot'-d s ::. s Laun i.:;
K-. 'jur', .ire.oii. Ma.
Notice is hcrcr g n-n tiia.
Kith the pile, is oils tithe ia-1
June , l-.'s, eutiil-d ' in act i
Timber Lands in tin- stalls of
. :. p. .
i on i . ..;
lii: sale .a
i''oruia. . te
gou. Neva.ia and U ashnuion l.-irin.
as t ,
teude.1 to all the I'tlblle lnd lt..-s
August A, ls."J.
I of Feel, roilliTv ol llo'igla. state of tJri g'.n.
has this day tiled in this oilic. t, is sworn si;,p..
mi-iil No ,-J..;. for the purchu-e o! the -i
irt and N W' . of .- A': of s-iioti So. J i:i
tou usbip No rattle No. W .-st. and wi.i oi
ler priiof to show that the iatid s..i:i;i.: i- ...ore
valuable lor its timber or stone than ioi a-n-
cultural purjajsea, and to establish hisci -ia:; i.
said iaud b lore the Kgi-...-r and oi
Una ofliee at How-burg, i tiegoii, on I uesday, the
lth ilay oi August 1-'J. lie na-ie-s as air.'e.-s
es; Jam 1 . lliiehsuaii. J. L. v h:te-id"s, I L.
I'aniue, of Feel. Oregon J.nn.-s , ,.; i;,.....
burg. Oregon.
Anv aad ail t'-rsoiis e!aini;ii r a-lv.'rs.-!v t'ff-
aboie deseriiatd iaud- are n-o'i.-Med to la,--.
claims in this olltee on or bclore aid l?th dav
of August, luui j. r. lil'.il'jts .
Notice for Publication.
I'nit'Kl (-'.iites Lan.l luli.
Itoscbtin;, Oregon, May . I'.ij.
Notiee iitlicreby eiicii that iu com plain. -e
with the provisions of the ai t of : .nsres-. ..1
Juuc 3, 1T. ellllta .1 "An act for the sale ol
Tiui'.cr 1. "il ls in tie-Ut.- ..1 Cuifuntia, lire
Jon.Neva.iK nnd i astiiui'm T.-nioiry,' hi t-x-t
iidc'l t'i ail the Piiuiie Lund .-!ute I.c act ol
Aul-iisH, ifc-y.
of Kiddle, eoiii.'yol Uounlas sin e of Orceoti. J
ha this day liUsi in this finox s'vorn siaic
ineuL ..'i. jj.i, ior uie purenas. oi the
ol w.-tiou No. 2. louiistiip vi s-m.f, riiIi;,. ;
ft aud ili oiler proof u sho.v O.mi the mut
oiuiit is nioie valnnbi" for ita t:u.b"r or Jlou
than lor airneiil'.ural i.uriue, ail to establish
hiseluiin to faid lan-i lM--ori: trie Kinrist-jr and
Receiver ol thi ullie-al Kos-bun.' ore::..n, on
luesjlay, the pith day ol Aiikusi )jj.
lianie us viitnesses: 'I'luniiaM InuMjn, AiU-rt
BoiilenbatiKh, 'i-i.ri;.' K. ijiune, lone l-usuel',
K.I of Kl.i.ile. lln-snli.
Any and al! diamine adversely i lie I
aUve ileserilied latidit are re'iesl.-'l to I...-
their e.laiui it this orlii e on or before -Kid 1 eh
Jajf of Auiist,l.rJ. I
Ml. 'p. J. T. BltlU'iK-', j
Iteltisler. I
Notice for Publication.
K'sl- BrB.. , OHti.i.N, Jlnr. 1 i, I jOJ.
Noti in hrrebv civeu thnt iu ' -)1-i.:ihii:-(
lu-tta- proviieti of the act ol Conrn-n, ol
June-, lula. rulitl'tl "An act lor the m.c oi
timber land" In the Suites ol Ciiliioiuia, On iron
Nevada and WasLiusPin Teirilorv." an e-t. i,.!.
ed to nil tbe I'm. lie Land Mates bv net ol Alie
ns! I,
A I. BE li t O OON.N'Oli.
Of Koncbiu-K, taniuiy of iMtiirlas, riale of t re
e n, ha ihlii diiy liled in luis oilice his
statement No. 2ni. for the pun-i.ii!,..' of the
r", ol i-W i sL'. of Section No. 1.', Toivn-
nfi -2h hoiiih, ol iiniiui' West, and will
liel pro f to show that the bind .ui.hl isinnre
laluable lor il limk-r or :oi.e titan for ai;ri
eulliiral piirtw; Kiel to establish ,1H cl .iin to
s:i!. Innd lieiop. ibe it-ui-ler ami lice, iver oi
:h's oihccal le.sebiiri. Oreron, on Monday,
H.eUtli ii:'v of .Inn. ,1.ii2. lie it ti Dies - ni ii
III sk,-s: K. Il Oov. lls nlld le-.tle l.i.teiil.ili, of
K'.-cniirs; mi l A. ':. Dev. u- ai.d l! i
.ovorv.of sallle, t iisji.
Aiivaudall H-rsoiis friaiimui: ndi'ert,ely th-
alKile .ll-sl rils-l Irtll'N an! risjiii-sti tl to li!e
Iheii . Inims iu li is oltiee oni.rM-fore s.ui.1 '.th
day of June, i:hi2. ,
mblp J r.BRIlKjKr-,
. . Ke"lsler.
Notice for Publication
Kohkbi KO.Ore., Mnv la, l'M2,
Notiee id hereby niieuil.a' in;.liHiiee
uiti. the provisions oi the Met ..( iini.r,,., ,.r
X. s,7K. , ' All Ael l..r I I... l. ...
i iniwer iii me mic of C.-iljfor.liil, llre
( Nevada and WH-hjiieKi'i l.-rritorv " r to all rublii: Laud s-t.iles. by act of
Aucist I, IW.
llluMAS J FKL'.l - iS -of
KoscburiT, eotiuty of J'i,ii'it.v( srt.,. ,,f to,..
Koi. haii this ilay iih-d in tiiin oilice Ins uoru
t.iateineiit So.2i:U lor the enenase of the N..
of N'3oi lie. No. township -J7 so.tih, Ioiiilic
1 vest,, ami will idler .iH.f to sh..n 1 1 1 tt t
the I n i i.l MiiiKht is more valunble for ii- HiuIm i
or slone IIiiiii l"r "KrieiiliiiiKl .iir...-. s ,u,,i to
cMiu.iisii niai bum IokkhI Iiiihi bci.,rc the I;,
' - """" '"' mis oniee in, i..ieit:,L.
rami K't
' .1 ' w'''"'" ''i.v th. J.tb d ... Aiiusi
,, name, its ni ne.: l-,.iiitrl hit nil
... . . . ""' " " I ' O us.. II, A ill, .11
U.hkI, John l.,ll,!l,,f' li-ea..ti.
.miv aii'i an ii'r .-.iis c al n-a ndver-
ll' I he
iibove-dcM'rih.i U'els re rc.iiie.te.l i-. in.. il.,.tr
claims: iu this ollii e on or ix l"re saitl 27 ilayol
Ausutt, 11102. J.T BHJIH.Krs.
nl-P JteKisU-r.
The Palate vs. The Stomach.
j The nver.tve wotn.itt !i) Cutisiilers
I vl'at site s!;.:il e:tt, ;isks lierseU, "
' will l.i-ite ;;xk1 ? " She rarely ivtiitMiiIit'is
that the !ijoct of calir. i : to nvi!e
' it r.i: ituMt t.) sustain the tauly uitil
the jia'ai:' tli-: s: not ilcteiiiiitie tlto mtfvi
tive va'.ue 1 moil. The ciinseijtieine is
that .she tiial-i s a ltincli rf ii e cteani am!
c.i':e, lieltie.l out 1v a little cattily ami
thinks she h:':. been tel. of
she lias only Vert filleil. She has eaHcil
the digestive svs'.etit into nclivity tor
practically no jmrposc, except to ask it
to make hrii ks w ithnnt straw-In nour
ish the hoily v.ith material in which there
is htlle, if nn-, nutrition.
It tiatst lii's.iij that the men aie not
far lithiuil th
e women in this A spect.
'Its or no u"-e to cry for spot nr.'.k, "
sas the "." rb. It is i:o r.-e to regret
irrcgi-.'.-.r and careless eating v. hr:i the
ttiisathtrt is ii.i:.e ari l ilvsi .t sia or some
other l nti r: s-...:::ac:i t:.i.:b.e has fast
ened its ho... ars..:: ' s. The th.if.g tuito
thru is to cu-e the disease, ar.d oet luck
again t i t'te '. 1 condition of !:c.'.t'a.
The tjuick- t way to care in.Iicestion
a:n! o'.i
Use I K
erv. 1
ir .;;.ms o: t.'.e s'oniaCi. a:M
of :". csti- r. and r.-.-.t::t: jii U to
Pii r- - "s ; !:". -:i ;-.;o-.,l Di.-cuv-s
c:: are ; criMa::i-t:t !vau-
they re ;cn.
Tlireshing Ojtfit for Sale.
J ii.. h .!. I. fa-
-: i u i - -
l:. w
- Vail,
.1-1 .lav;
,v t-.
Xolice for Publication.
I!.'. Ol-
- IjtvA Oiii
;-m Ma. i.
n- i I-.
t fur t:i-
r I
l.i lie
, l-Ts .-lit.!
1 in '.lie
i an-I . ii-!
e i "A it i..
..I tin:-
. t.-i: l
r.l A liil-;
.!..a r.
Lnti l - .
tlie I an'
list 4. Is
1 AVI.
.T.-.V of I.
..f K -v.
:m- It: is
iiiclil N
'ii -.-!.
I:... v t:;;
;t- t:i-: -s .'111;' tils
1'iiP till-- i
'iisrat. N"
i!i ,.:,
iLTit l- li.t.r.-
N A ' , ,
s .-lttl,
..I to
f-r ;
I i-ur
.-iii-t i
s r ..r si.,
mi l I.. e
r an i I:
f l!:is
t K
I A '
' 1. 1
i:- l-.T,
is '1. li.
II-. :.r-
li'- H.llil s
ll.-lir; Mr..'.:..
Anv mi l a.i
iiiov-- -I. crit.
elulli.s i'l t!t:s
ANl"lst llfrj
all .! Hi- .'.i-:,
'l--..::h c n.i'i.r
I 'rtll-ls 8'.- i. -ia.
Hit-.- .a: ..r I :.'....
J. 1
:e 1 lo I - e the
..i'-l Hit. -In
B.lllM.h- "
Notice for Publication.
I ltia-.l -In-., s I.Hiid utla e.
si-.-'irL', l-e.n,. Ai-r. 1".. i s'.'.
Ki -.-ti ti.Ht ri .jTiii.;,.in,-e
1 1
n iiti ilu' pr--Juac
:. l-7s.
-.nous .,: f,t,. i i.,a!n-.. ,,'
iiti'it.1 .ii ..c; f.,1 ih. mi - .!
liroi-r ik.c's in :1k .', s ..- l Kl'f..rnm, lii.-eon,
N -va-lK. n!i.l A Ms.iiii-'ion "I i-:r.tor'. . ' s i- ,-n.l -
j j,
f;i -:i.- 1-ati-l Ma'- . i.y a.-t ot August
JAl'K- T. It" li N A N ,
nvile; i ii. ,ir yi,: 1 o'lf !, plate of l ire
..I I'
i-i;. i.: ii I'ii-..ii.- e m'.i.rii
ui'-tji N- .
!..-. he-, oi th.-i.
: lefrj. 1 S. of ri.iue
- pr.H.f I.. -how u,n'
r vii! ii.l'le tor its liia-
i-li'iu No. ,
a He-; bud will
tne In a sot; :ni
! b r or -t..ii.- iioiti loi
! lo esiHi'li-ii In- ,
j K' -'l-tcrilll'l K'-eeii. i
I Or.'ou. on It e In. -.a.
'il'iil l-nrl.ov.-s m i el
nll-i Irt-I'i'i.' the
.!' this
,-. Ill"
rain-.- at. t:..- -Inirr.
ibtl 'il Julv
'. . .i. Tarm-il,
it. -1,1c ol lliicn
.' i.aix, ir.-eon.
i.'J. lie lmirt-s n- .,
l.'it ci i'ci-liie. nnd ,i
vil.e Oicl'- ii. P. hen.
an !
lick ol
Aliynii'l a. t.-i-'...- .-hiii.
,- til"
a'ie 'I'.-seilie 1 inut ; f,.
I their In: in- in t,i o .
' day ol July,l.o.
o '(ii.--:.
,r i-u.ic
d I.
ia.LS, h,
r. I
Notice fur Publication.
I'tliled !-ll s Knurl Ollit-c,
K-.sei.ii l', r.-K'-ii May ll.
N.iiiei is L-.r.-1-y Ci , ell !im! in evia.llKlu
liilb t J'l .'. isl'il.s oi he wi r.f toller ss i
a HIKJ -., i lllit:..-! All ..-( l..r.lh" mlc
oi I
-I'l I'M.' I- 1 1 1 t -s'ji !. - ..; I ith I.. ruin I I !,-,--, i
VM-iu nii.l .s. , :i.-t.,i: l.aitl-.n. " ns'-n.t
ed to it
I tin. rub.jc tt ii.l, hi -ael ol Atii;
ii l I, 1
Nr.l siiN .-il lKK
"I -cut:',-, comity ol Ki'lu, state ..I Wash ilic Ion
iis ,iy ti!.. ,1 in inis olliei his morn Matc
li.' l.l. No. Jlj'. lor the ..i. !iase of the IaiIi: 2
.iici . -1.'4 Sll NK',- -sU'A of weli.,11 No. M.
to. i ii-hi. .i h o i ii. mi. jc s v.cst mi. will olt.-r
p'ooi lo show i-Ht the land .s..iinht is more nl
laii.le ior ii- .iniber or stone f..r acriciillu
inl ( in i-jscs. un i -., I's' l.-is claim to said
IhU'1 bcl',1.' the Kei ,si,-r mthI Heeeiv r of this
olllc Hit l!..s,a,l.,', III. i;..u. oa S.ll'Ir.l .C, th.'
J ;, day i.l A ii.'.i-l. 1 J. lie Hume, ns ulii'-nr
II..V. iii-l l 1. -i.t m. K. I j-' er, ol l-cil c n,ti-iin-t
:in, w iii M. I'.irtcr, llalc I!,. o n, of ( iiiiih-
n !. y, 'ii.-t-o i.
A'ty i',.i nil p--s"Is i'ii i i.i i ii a-lvcrs.;ly tip.
ll!...-..- tli-o-ril.'-'l i-itt'!s nr.; n-.t uevti-d to lilt-
la. -l r cJm i in i i n I l,i-olli ir or mid
I Oi August, fi
Notice for Publication.
I mtu, S: a 1 1:1 t
il. Ischium, lllc.tll,
Ml UH-lf'K. !
Mm-21. l-.-UJ. I
Notice is h.-reay uiicli Unit
a ith tbe nroi isit.hs of the net
iiiinli -nee 1
a . - - r 1
June '1, 1S.7.V entitled -.ri Ael for the H.leof
'. ' 'HI' -s '.I
limber in lie- slut. ol ;iilif..iiiiM, Oregon,
Neviida, Hiid Wiislijucl.iii l .-rriloi v." its t-i.l.-,..l.
ed to all the rut. ,ie l.tiud .-Intel 1.
I.y net ol Ailir-
ust I, luui,
ol iiiiklHiil, loiiini ol ll.UL'l is, -inn-i.Klr-Li.u
"i Hos ilay hied in this oilice les sworn '
-a'cclciit No 2'. ,7 for tl.e r uielinsje of lb.- Norili I
Aesi .intrt-r (ii!,i of Sect ion No. j' ill T.. 21; i
S "I ll. No 2 .-si nn. i, jl rf,.r to sliinv '
Hint Hi-'l s .until in i. lire valunble for its'
li ni -loii-ihu'i lor liernailliiitil luunusea, i
11,1 lo es'Nbll-il his clalhi lo .U1J ud bclore
I he Ib-fister aid K.-ceilcrof ihih I. lilt'.' ..I l:..s... :
t.uri;, ii. -. in Monday the I lb tlv of Set, .
Ii'iiihi r, l.M!. lie loiiiu-.-us ili.c-w-K ' Creed I,
i-liciioMi'th, llniry h. Miller, (Innil Taylor and!
Hoy Miller, nil ol OHkl.lllii, llleuoll . I
Any ami nil per-ons eluiuiimr adversely the tiescribeil lands in- requested to lilctheii i
elaims ill ihia olliee on or beloie the said lsth
day of September 1!.'2. J. T. iliiini.K.i, I
m2Jn. KU'.cr.
fw i
da r. i "K S, A v i ' :
They cut pic stul .'.ouyhr.ats tor lunch
Knrans-.- these "ta.--te K1""'." witho.'.l the
.. I s.;:i;t s; ic-:.ri . ii. e ......r : i . ve iii.jose
- i ' f aivt in t'et' V.ave not the
; ! P.c.i ot the r.i:'.r:t:ve v .title o: '.lie hie.
r .- ,
:-.ou '..lev eat.
a', j It is t;:.e that t'. ur.r.i: IsHsl pnsincts,
-' sucii as :r.:;'.s etet i1 etc., ..pta! to
the a:: ', u-m; t it. ,,r..J are the '. et
s" j ter .rep r. The e-. ts that in wlt.a
ill. J"? " ..." vT. - 1. .:. .. ....
nui ni.Ml i.'. ..i'., ,i:Mir
I '.5 ictltt-tnl o ' Il.iM'IS.'t-s atl-i Co:i'.l-
i merits ; its . wti i'.i-vi m. to the initirT
i ..f t::e stotiuc'. :.:t 1 the o: rvtrittoti. ot
Eat swr.ttji . : sitnptc ! .:s at r gu'.ar art lwo
! tii.ies a-:.l th- :e he use t"..r 2oc- arc on-.v nc i,!s
.1 t. 1 , -i... bv the use of "
- ii., . ... i... .-...,,.1, t,;.-i, erv.
!.l llll- VAlSl.s -1 v.. . .1 ,..v..
brtrists Etomaca'.isea-e ur.l its alteipl-
, sr:t.r m:i.k.
is rcmovci! and the la-Kly rettored to
coiiiiiiioti ot soiiuii Ilea It li.
"1 was troubled a long time with iljg.
jiepsia, loiijiu over una collslt.laliotl,',
wnles Mis. Julia It. Deal, of tMwil'f.
Iredell Co., N. C, ''could scarcely eat
anything at all ; would have attacks of
paiu siiiiicthino; like colic, and sometimes
it seemed as though 1 could not live. I
wrote to r. K. V. l'ieice, stating my
condition, ami in a few davs received
a kind letter of advice, telling me to use
lr. I'icrce's (".olden Medical Discovery.
I took four bottles, nnd one vial of Dr.
I'icrce's l lcas-tut l'cllels, and now I can
cat iinythino I want and it don't hutt
me. I hae not lieen in bed a day since
I took your 'Golden .Medical Discovery.
1 have not taken any medicine in twelve
mouths. I t'et l under lasting obligations
to Dr. l'ierce tormvgotid health, for well
do 1 know he is the one who cured tne."
It is peculiar to Dr. Tierce's I'.oldeu
Medical Discovery that it accomplishes
cures which seem absolutely wonderful.
The test of a superior man is his ability
to do something which
others have tried aud have
failed in doing. That's
the test of a superior med
icine. It is under this test
that the astonishing cura
tive power of "Golden
Medical Discovery " 1st
cotnes evident. When doc
tors and other medicines
fail the use of the "Discov
ery " results in a lasting
cute. Such a cure is illus
trated in the testimonial of
Mrs. Harrison, which fol
lows: " My sister ( of Arlington,
Washington Co., Nebr. I,
was taken very sick and
had several doctots," writes
Mrs. C. I.. Harrison, of Elk
City, Douglas Co., Nebr.
"They could not do her
any good and told my
mother tht-v would not
come any mure, as no doc
tor i on! 1 b.e'p her, that
she lo'.i'.d not get we'd.
She had 'wasting of the
digestive organs." Mv
mother said to my sistci,
'Well, 1 almost know that
Dr. Pierce's medicines will
cure her.' So she lught
six bott'.cs, three of 'CoM
eu Medical Disci. rrv,
thteeof ' I'avorite I'resA rip
tiotl' and some of the ' Pel
lets; ' an.', now m v snter il
a will w.uiaii."
" 1 can say to yoit, one
bottle of otir '".o".den
Medical Discovery' has
cured me so-,m,l ami well,
alter sU:;eni!j two long
years with sto;::..ih disease," writes W.
II. Ilrasivcll, of McAdi-nvil'.e. I'.astou Co.,
N. C "My health i-. worth all t'.ie world
to me. I will von as i.r.g as I
AKK Vi.-.' AN"
l.XCKI'TH.N .'
If vol: have disease
f the stomach
anl its a!!:ol rj"a::s of digestion at:d
nutrition, and are not cured by the
.f Dr. Tierce's (io'.len Medical DisiV
er, yoa will V' an exception to the r .'.e
proved in uvrr thirty ve.irs of e;er!eui e
fiv the cure ot h'.iiiilreits of thouvtia'.s
. It may not cure you. Thire
la.t le in every hundred who
but not entire!
Golden Metrical
I iscov
ti mav le one of the two lArt
cent, instead of one of t'ne muety-eiht
jxr cent, who are perfectly and perma
nently cured. Bi:t the chances of cure
ate oci vihelmifgly in oiir favor.
Sometimes a dealer tempted bv a litt.e
nure prof.t f.ti.l r.n the sie of Ics mer
iloriiTS me.l:ci:ics wi'l offer t'tio Cm
totner a su! -titute as be:r.g "just as
good " as the "Discovery." Kefnae it.
.V VALl l:l.i: Hia.K FRKE.
Vvr. Dr. Tierce's Common ScUsC
Medical Ai'.ux-r is x-:;i . v .n receipt of
stamps to pay ecn-c of tii.i.lin i' .-.j".
Send 21 o::e-ct t:t st.."::ps for the laajk :a
t-iper covers, or ti stamps for the cloth,
liov.nd volume. Address Doctor R. V.
l'ierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Horses Wanted.
Mr. .-!,
':.-rt!.e u
I t.tttn
k on -.iti:
a ill la-at
:rlay May 17
I 'rait
l'' i.tinid:
.,l lc
tia in
t-. i
r -ii,
l.t-i't lor
111 it! "11 tl
-air are
$ioo Reward $ioo.
I in- reader- ! t:ii J..t r ill lie
l-i.-a-.-d to learn there i at least
..tie .licadisi disease that Mi-mv lias lievii
iihie to cure in ail it- .-ta-.'es and that 1 Hall"- Catarrh Cure i- the
olill s;;ii(. know n t., th,. Ill.-.l.-ul
in t.-n,it . Catani. U-iti-- a eoiistitn-
ti.-lial .!
t r. at tin
Li-si a
-. risttir s a constitutional
Hair-Catarrh Cure is taken
iv. a.-tii.j .lirecilv tij-.n the
I iniii-oii- suriaces of tl. -vstoiii
de- r-.y in-.- tin- ioimdatioti of
ii-.-. and "iinj the i.ati.-l.t
i the -li-
sir'-n'ii l.y laiil t-.n n the constitution
and assi-tiii.' nature in .loin;; it- h..i .
i 1 iie I'Toj-iictoi. Inn,. much faith in
it eiir.ilive h Iij
fail- to cure,
'crs. that they offer I ne
liars ..r any ease that it
ti. for list of testilnolii-
Address V. .1.
i iii:i:y ,f.
1 1.
Sol. I .y I ironists.
Ilaii.s I auiiiv J'iils
are the IhM.
Notice for Publication.
Culte.1 Mati-a Land iirTiec.
K I.ttr. ilreKon, Mav Si. l't.
N.'ti. - i. hereby niven that in isnmpliauee
Ullh t lie i.r.. .... ..I tl... .. -..
I , . . v " '" ""a e-s oi
' Jon.- I-., eiital.-d, "An A.-t lorthesKle of
tim.a-r land- ni the Mnicn ol i:a.iforiua. OreLf.ii.
ia ii, aiei WBstiinutoii icrnlori ti. .,.i
i -. to nil th
i i. Ii.-. land natcii by act of Atn:iit
of lliirln.L'toii. i-t.iiiiiyof i-lia'.-lt.Mate of Wash
. '"s ""- on- 'oi y iii'-.i in in iv on lev ins rntiirn I
j s,H;,.m. in .o. i,ir in,- ,iu , aw of tbe NK1;
, of i- -ctiou No , l..ivti-hi. ;i wnith, rainre i
, in -;. and ili oil. r ).r.x.( to show that the land
j soiittl.t i- moie iiilimhle lor in. tinilieran.t toiie
thini h.r iniii. ilrinnl iurMiM's. and loettablish
l.isclKiiu io smd Ikii.1 iH ioiethe K. giittcr and
I Kei eti-r ol tins .,ln .-nt KuM-hiirir. iin-vnn ....
I liii-s.lay 'Jie lsth day ol SeptemU r. pm'. c
names as iiitiicss,s .lohu .-later, San lord latcr
Iji.imrd Rri.k-and Kvcnlioim Ht.i.1. li ..'
llnrlifiiltoii, Wasioiuitoii.
Any and nil j.. r .. is cluliiiinn adversely -the
j hUivc d.-K rii.-.'tl lamia nre r. .jti- s!sl to filc'their
jCi.ims iii ihi-oiiit'e on or l.f lore mi!.l lsth day
; ol .-sf-pteiuUr, l'.i.'. J. T. LKIIIHI S.
i Heamter
Notice for Publication.
t' Slale'i.l Oilice.
Uos.-Iiiiit;, Omvoii, Mv 27, lJI.2
Notice i. hereby Kiveii thai in coiiii1Uik,.
uith the t.rcvisiniisof the act ol t '..intrcss- of
June IfTs entitled "An Act forthe sale of
timber lands in the stab of California. Orcao i
Neiatla. nn. I Washington 'I erritory," extend
ed to all the I'tiblie Inn, I staleii by act of An
u-t 1, 1n'J2, s
JuIlN SI. VI Kit
of Itiirliniiti.ii. county of Miimlt, Mate of Wash.
iti;'ion, I.hs thixilay llic.l iu thin oltiee hl intorii
statement No 2 .Th, lor the uicliasc of the tt ''
lll.Sii i jou No. H, toil llsbil !!l s-ntlth. ntiti V 1
nest, nn, I wiil oiler it.hiI to show that Ihe latirl
soiii-ht is mote valunble for ils. tiinlH-r and Hone
; i haii for ui:rtcii!i;ral i.iirHts,.,, Rn. es-lnbli,,
, hlsclniiii lo Mild Innil bclei-e the lleirl-i...
Kccelit rof llii, uiliee hI K.iscI.iiiu', llri'iion mi
I Ii'irsilay the lih dav of Sei.teiiibi r. I'm ' H.
iiniiii-s as witnesses: Mllinm Suiltu, Mtii(,.r,
sl.ib'i. U i.iiurd HriMiliK and I'ventloim llr.iiili,
..II ..I Ih. el I . ...... U...KI, '"""'
Any and Hllpirsoii elnimiui; atlierndy the.
iilioie d. "ci I bed IneilK are r.'tiiestetl to fl'e their
claims In ihisoiliee on or b-lore said lsth day of'iiibcr. VMU. 1. T. IIKlliiiKs,
J-'l' KeRlsl'T.
to write for our conliuentiul letter be lore up.
I7'"b ..i.e.ii -t o, out .to w.tnii money,
W e promptly obtain U. 8. and Foreign
and TRADE MARKS f-return EN
TIRE ultorueya tee. ricml model, sketch
or plmto and we send an IMMEDIATE
FREE report on patentability. We irlve
(ho beat leifiil servico and mlvice, and our
charges are inoileriito. Try ua.
Patent Lawyers,
Opp. U.S. Patent Office.Washirtgton, D.C.
tA.Ji"'.ll.1sVirTw'"'' ii ' him.
Christ At Naiii
j t!oid
lown uitli Lrrirf and dun, I. des
II is aged mot lier came.
And stood beside t lie clii'ouded bier,
Wlii-i. lay his asti-d frame.
The joy of her declining wars
And her hopes had fled.
With Horrow far lo deep for lcui,
She gll.eil upon .r tleud.
While yel in m:inhoop!i earlv blooiu
His lift- had passed awav,
lolif they dwell, her happy I,
lle tilled with sunshine gay.
IVace unalloyed with inn- and strife.
Had ever on them sinilud.
She lov.d lii I.i better than her life :
He was her only child.
Forth fi the hotls
I'tielids caini' hi-r -
of g,
"'in and w
With feeble step- sl- 'o..n,.,
iicvoiid t he city lair.
Alone and childless to her lioino
She uoiild return that nieiii.
Eor soon tbe cold and silent t.-inb
Would hiiic him fioiu l.t-r -i-ot.
So, dnttt itig near with lac-agloii
With pun- and holy love.
To comfort hel alal to In-stoU
His blessings tioio ab..c,
T..-te-ti t!n in and I I.c .-mi', .l.-.-lin.-,
itc -cos, ith bated ! i.-.itb,
One w ho rvllect- tlo- Trutii di inc.
Tlie truth that 'oii.pii rs drat h.
He ioiiu", they pa'isr, alt I ou r .-ill
Sweet ret and silence crn j..
He bids thr dead w itlijli the paii
Awake from . l.-a 1 1 1 ..n j sleep.
With trust itc heart and gratei'tl rv-s
1 lie iiiotbcr l.ear each w.
Heboid thr votith doth noil
To I lie and hi
restore. I
Ad am i..j w it ,. a -ini
f j.,
lb- s,.. s ,:. toother's aiv
An iiistHiit ii, or.- h.-r dariin
N l.N-Uv.l i:i her raii.r.t. e.
ith Ixiiiitdles. , rai.-e tl.
e:r Heart-
Ii'.w swell.
A to the l.or.l they In. ri.
No hniiiaii t .tij.'tir ..r cm t.-;;
The gratitude fn-y iv I.
Allv.V llKM
ll-k-ebllt .'. Hi . .bli.e ptJl'.
Society Meetings.
A A. M. Lmuel Ix.dve No. 13.
II shin rek-nUr mrelit.zs on fecorji
and i urth Vedr.enlavt of erb
month. E.J. TButi), W. M.
N T. JEttkTT, SeeTMary.
I". W. Kosetnirij Lo.Ie No. f
Meet the p-coDd nnd fourth Mou-!
days of erh motitti at 7 :'M p. ni.. I
in th 1. u. O. F. Hall. Memtr8 in
Oo fltandioK ata invited to attend.
II. T. MtCt .m.' s", il. W.
I.. II. I.knov Keeor.ler.
I), .rj WtsT, rinauder. I
BP. O.
ELKS. K"sel.uri lJeNo. I
Holds regu ar c immaaica- i
tioue at I O. O. K. Hall on aeeood
and lo'trth Thursdays of each month, i
All mertirierB reiint-pted to attend rez'i-
'url an 1 a'l visnin hr jthersaru eordi-
invited to attend.
W. H. J.tKIKS.-N, K. K. !
V. C. L.mos, Secretary.
O. K,
N. U , tuetta at Armory Hall ev
ThuredaT evening, al 9 o'clock.
K. K. H tuKi, Capt
EiiKKK OK I .N'.n:. Mviii-ljodie
No. 13. Met L'r.d and 4th T!.nre
dav evenii.9 -.( eac!i n.on'li in Na
tive (sins' Ha l. Viit'f) memrw-r roi
diai:7 itite! to a'teri'f.
Mat". M hk it Wist. (' of H.
E. H. I.knno, lirt-.
OF A. Coin I). ii. as N.-. tor-
etri of Aii-erica. Meets ery
Tnet.1 event' in Xitir. s ma'
! Hall. Yiaiiinir i'o:i e.a a. welcttae.
ii is '.i: in, 0. h.
Ai'o J. U.S.
E. V. HoovtK, l'hvician.
O. . F. I'litleuiian No. !.
Meets in Odd Fallot.' Triiit-lp, fi
ner Jack'on and Cass etree'ii. i n
tnrdav evet.inn ol efh Mem
brn of the oider in ooil i-tan.liti: lit
invitetl to attend.
H. i:.iii.Lria, N. G.
N.T JkaTt, Secretary.
ol 1'. Alpha Lot No. 47. Meeta
every Wednesday, in I. O. O. F.
Hall . 7-al P. III. M-ain!ior in
ood il andinit ar invite.) lo attend.
K. I.. i:..siiriii, 0. C.
C. K. Kohkkts, K. li. S.
. r. M. 1 'r..t ii lion T. iit .
Hold- its regular I,'-ies
lir-t and third ..i
" ii in uie i. ii. ii. ii.iu. i-H:ii
liii'inlaTs in e;,.l standing are in iti-1 t.,
.:...! . . . . .
"Jl'''"'- 1". 1". 1''V. Coin
V.. Y.. I'.lotn.JTT, ll. eoid KeeiH-r.
1I.AU UIKCl.l-.--So. .'. VVoinen of
Wo.Klcra. Meet son nrotand third
TliuradiiyB of eRe, month at the Na
tive Son t. Ha ' , i-is i j. tuenitiers in
ood standing mre uii' d to attend.
J. K. fsAtvvKKs, iijrdiaii Neihlior.
Minxik Otkv, Se, y.
am I. in.
coin Circle No. 2. meets at N.tive
ll.!l at : o'clock on too a, e-
Olld and foor-li Kridavg of eacli monil..
O. T. M. KoaebDrii Hive No. II
HoIdH itH reiftilar revie upon the
Second and fourth l'ri.ln? nve
of ea;h motitri in the Naiive S.-na' 1UI1.
SitorB of Hivea vianir.g in itie city
t cordially invited to attend onr rc
viewe. Itn-iit l; i i-. 1 Com.
MaIHIC K. Mci l.VLI.KN, K. K.
MW . OF A. Myrtle Cumn No. KViO.
.Meets tirftaiitl third Wednesday,
each trtontli at N'.tlve Sona' Hall
1". -M. I'.kuui, V. 0.
Oso. Byros, Clerk.
E. S. Kope'mrif Chatder No .':
Holds their regular nieetiim on the
first and third Thnra I HVa i'l flcri
nonth. VieitinK inctiihers in nond
lUndiiijr are reapectfnllv invited to at
" Mrs. Caluic I!kai;h, V. M.,
Mrb. Liiibik Comiot, Secretary.
Ke'BKKAHS. Koaehnri: l.!
Wlise No. -II. I.O. O. F., nieela in
Odd Fellows' Temple everv Tin'ed iv
evening. (siting siatera and brethr-Mi
invited to attend.
I I : I A I'.itovvN, N. ll.
CollA WlMIIKItl.V, K. S.
seinhl v No. Mo tneels rverv Sal ti r
tliiv fvcniiiir. lit S o'clm-l; in Native
'diw Hall. Visiting Artisans o .nihil I v
invited to iittt iitl.
Miss. M. .lovi s, M. A.
Mux. F. 11., Serrctarv.
Camp No. 15. Meota at the O ld
Fellows' Hall, in Rodrthnrit. every
rtrBt and third Monday evening. Virtit
'n neiglibors alwaya welrome.
John T. I,on, C. U.
J. A. BrciiANAN, Clerk.
Ckka.m Wantkii. Tho T. S Tiiivsend
Crciunerv Co. lit -11 Second St., Port
land, will :i v highest inai ki't irii-i- for
(renin. Will noil ymi a I renin Sct'iiru-
t"r, ninl take vmr creani in
il m
The old days of Titusville aud Oil City, where fortunes were made in
a night will be completely outdone by the magnificent oil fields to be
uncovered and developed iu Southern Oregon. TIIK UMPOUA
VALLEY OIL COMPANY controls the cream of Southern Oregon
oil lands. If you want some of the first hundred thousand shaies send
your orders to the Secretary of the Company, or through Weils, Fargo
aud Co, express.
Umpqua Valley
Is Absolutely PURE, and
will OUTWUAR all other
..iirl.: .!. er dues nnt rrr it
rite ;.i tismi.l n ill rv that von t'tl U
W. P. Fuller & Co.
PortlanJ. Oregon
Go to
f li
For m Protni.t and First-c!a
?have or Hair-cut. Compe
tent Workmen, Clean Tow
els, Tools always in shape.
Baths in Connection.
5 hop orr Jai;kon St. J
9 Best References.
I 9
All Work Guurauteed.v
O Ix-.ive order at M 'la'lvti House
H. Little,
1 Oakland,
Professional Cards.
KosKiit'ita Okkook
S;?-iai aitcntloo civen to Dlseac of tbe No
aud Throat.
Ofiicw-Ma a Ml., one door louts OX CI llBa
fhoie. Main S4l.
V FISH Ell. il. D.
Physician, Surgeon.
Office over P. 0.
'I'hoiie Main 591.
Physciau & Surgeon.
OlSee Review rt.a.
Phone. Main it
Hevtew Building,
It.epbou No. .
tiftiee or-pon'te
Sl.a-uiB ' Hall
Attorney at Law,
ioomil&l. Marlor Bide , ROsKBDRU, Ok
Cff Buainesa be fore lha 0 8 Land Oi&c ani'
uuuiua caea a apcciaiiy.
Late Receiver C. 8. Land 09 cm.
Joux u. snurE,
Busiiieas bfore U.S. Laud OfflecanJ fiubau
i,uMiics a tpccialty.
Offlce Abraham BuiUHuk.
Win practice in all the Slate and Federal Conn.
Office In Marks' Bid., Roceburx. Orecon.
Attorney and Counsellor at Ijtw.
Mining Law and Water Rights mad
a vpeviulty.
ma.aiera Un3 ROSKBrRO, ORKGt
. sKims 1 and 2
vlew Bnilttlim
liourt Haute
J A. IUTCHAN AN. Notarv Ptihlic.
Collections a Specialty.
Koum S
Mam tern Building.
JJ .1. Ror.INETT,
Attorney at Law.
Room 11,
M or AWiisou Block. .. Rohkbdrq, 0r.
The Rich Fields Uncovered Will
Rival Those of California or Texas
? SIEVER'S BAKERY, j3Cksonn:rcaS,
J ir Cream and Home-Hi-uif i'.rrad i a- tr, or l !u-r
than hit and -a : i i t.i-;;ve ! ! lanv t-.t't of ti.eritv 5
- -s- - ii..! j.iefiie.
I Drain
'oiniit-iicini? vitli M
ti.efar from I'rain t i "... -5"
p.un.Is. Tratrlljii in.-,
have ;fjt) teiu.l . ..r inor.
lowaiii-e iil Ise ma f.,r r .
i tri
tor further inform.. -ion a l
The fmest Rough and Dressed
Fine Cedar Fence
Posts, Wood. etc.
Fine Port Orford Cedar
Finishing Lumber
Wc want your orders for building
material. All orders prcrnptly filled.
oooooooooQoco v-xxx?srcoc5oc
J. M. ejt!,er!.v
Roseburg Real Estate Co.
Farm and Timber L.tnd B nicht an.1 Sold
Taxes Paid for No;i-kc-icIci:t. Timber
Estimates a Specialty. List your p;r;er
ty with us. j.
A new and complete line of Chinese and Japanese
Novelties, Chiuaware, Silks aud Linens. All
goods are as represented. All sire iuvited to call.
tdtzer llllll.tlll,', In.rtU .Iilca-on Mrvet-
THE . .
rV T fV
iew Kivai cigar
Our Makes - -
Also a car load I! nni Mill!
of the famous . VI
ana Kuad
If you w ish comfort, elegance and a
reasonable price, see us before bu ing
J. F. B
Those hnvitii: tai in hit;.!-. .-
I'lMit-rty ii'f s.iIh it i--!i:in. witi
do well t.i eiill ittiti see the t t-u reiil
estate lirni on North Jark':i Mii- t
i. J. (ILWIIXS A: ( 0
Real Kutute lnmeht.
Sold or i-v- 1
i hitn'.'eil for Fasfern iTt rH-rtv. AK,, '
tii'vernmeltt laii.l loeatiil. Cniisers '
atways on iiatnl. tsttmates
nislietl, etc.
Painter, Paper Hanger
and Decorator
Sitftis and Buggy
Fainting a Specialty
Call on or leave order at Chtm hill .t
iU)SKRiKt, oi:f.i;on
Count v.
ll(lft I't-J.
J. SIEVER3, Proprietor i
:ii .We.
-. we
kltA.T-z" f lor
9i:..-r with wi-ii fall fare,
" j-i'u.d- b.?.'.,e when t'.er
Z '-. -r j'ir, , ai.-l no al-
DA1I.V ta,i:.
JT. R. Sawyers,
I'rain, Orison
Ill .
. . . j
T. A. l'irv
I. L. Marti
Now Ri!f
Jw- Bi.ll.
Hendricks I lk.
near Detot
Mitrll Ilitsrnlnv
" .'
naoa on hand.
m m nip iso
It..l itle. Mv.Mi:nn il!e. 're i.a
A n. t
Net '
ot insiiruiue iu,
ain in one ear.
Savitii; its nieniliTs I vr
Nuinher seirato risks,
A. J. Buchanan.
Ra-H-lnirif, Orsyon. Atrt. for lHniglas Co.
"omes from $250 to $5000
Write it Thona
Wxna IVT, Porter,
Real Ustate Agent and Notary
Timber and Homestead Locator
Packer and Guide
Camas Valley, Oregou
25 miles south xroat ol Riwebnr.