The Tvicc-a-Veck Roseburg Plaindcaler Published Mondays and Thursdays. PLAINDEALER PUBLISHING CO. V. C.Coxxeb, Kditor and Publisher Fred Wright, City Editor, Solicitor. ArorsT J. Krantz, Foreman S. C. Bartrcm, Traveling Solicitor. Twict-a-Vk Plaindealcr, pr year, $1.50 Entered at the Post Office iu Rosebnrg. fro., as second class mail matter. Advertising Kates on Application. MAY 25, m-2. VITUPERATION VS. ARUUMEM. There is quite a marked difference in the arguments tised in thiscam paign by the Republicans aud those advanced by the Democrats. The Republicans have used uiaiuly the general argument of prosperity and the pood results of the l.epnbli can policy in national affairs. They have also criticised Mr. Chamberlain in a legitimate way. by picking to pieces some of his flimsy campaign arguments On the other hand, the Democratic press has conducted a campaign of abuse, general and per sonal, l'rom t ho head of the ticket o the f ot. the Democratic brethern have abused aiid libeled the Repub lican candidates, but saying little about their own. They have advanced no affirmative " arguments for their own ticket. They abuse Mr. Furnish because he is a banker and has made EOoie ironey, depending on a sup posed aversion of the people to vot ing for any man who has made a fin ancial success. Against Mr. Fnr siih'e character for ability and hon esty they can show nothing. They, will find that t hat the voteis will not consider business capacity such a very bad thing in a governor. It is the same with other candi dates. Ia one case,Mr. Crawford's. They are gon? back to old lawsuits and adopting arguments of opposing couusel as guspel fcroth. For con gressman, tbey do not tho-v a strong Vote for the Repuolican Candidates for the Legislature. . VOTE FOR SOUTHKRX OREGON'S CANDIDATE FOR ATTORNEY-GENERAL. ( " , . - . . - . : '" 'J r.v' 9 p .;;-..-; i i i mi 'Mama For Joint IlepreK'iitativw, J.1I. HANslUJulHill. case for Mr. WeatberforJ, hut they everlastlingly abase Mr. Tonga?. Perhaps Kepublicacs onght no: to kick nt all tlds, considering the ad Tantage it gives them. Thn body of the people nr:st not be set down us pajinf more attention to personal aba-ii thau to appeals to their g-wd horie tense. When the ballots are CO noted it will be found that ia a campaign of vituperation ts. argu ment, the latter will prevail. MR. STRONG VS. THE GRAND JURY Mr. .Strong, the democratic candi date for conuty jadge. stated at Drain that he did not say that there s 580,C00 of the taxpaers money un accounted for by th present connty court, but ?1G.0 0 The tra id jnrv after examin n fho cuunty records minutely last week reyoi tel a fol lows, which report was published iu both the I'LAisriEAi.F.H and ltaview: "We next visited the varions county officers tod made an iu-.ectioa of tbeirbook. rd trcord. We found them neatly sind systematically kept and the offic-rs conrteo'iM and gen tlemanly." Hid there been a short age of -r'l'i,1) K) id the county fjnauc-s this nan I jar. wo.dd have discover ed and reported the fact-, as it was 6won to d, b'i there beinsj no nch ehortag the aboe te se report was Bubmittel. Will thu voters tolerate Bach flagrant fnlFeboo 1 and deceit on the part o' Mr. Strong, th democra tic candidate for coonty judge? Overwhelming defeat at the polls June 2 1 1 A--inld only b a jnit re bate to i ; ;r y trmhy of such an of fence tn imWic deency. mm Baking Powder Makes the bread more healthful. Safeguards the food against alum Alum bating powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. vt fiif.- r"-v.-T1 ro. . Kfvvwif, SEE HERE, MR. CHAMBERLAIN. Mr. Chamberlain makes some sort of a claim that the Oregon constitu tion is being violated in the payment of salary and fees to the Slate ollicers over the amounts specified iu the Constitution. Now. a number of these acts were passed during the ad ministiatiou of (iovernor l'ennoyer, and also while Mr. Chamberlain was Attorney General. Certainly the re gulur appropriation bills carried the items for all of them. There have been no iucreases since then. It is a pertinent ouestion to ask , Jir. namoena.u, u meui iawa j which are only oblaiiuvU.y long ser nnconstitntional, why, as Attorney ! , hls prominence iu that General, the -legal advisor of the ; ,M,(y h1i..M receive a won Stateof Oregon, he d.d not take j (W illy ili(.n,(. Illttjority over two some steps to prevent this money from being drawn out of the Treasu ry in violatiou of the Constitution of the State? There is a vast difference between i election, ii is that level-headed busi Mr. Chamberlain, a public oHicial. ness man and pnnce of good fellows. and Mr. Chamberlaiu, candidate for public otlice. It is as great an appeal as the one from ' Philip drunk to Phi-lip Sober." Salem Stales-man ,, . a - - A WORD OH VYARMNU. The first step in the next pauie will be for Oregou to declare to the world that the policies under which the nation has risen to the marvelous prosperity of PJ.i'2 are disapproved in Oiegou and may be expected to be disapproved in the oongressi tusrl elections all over the country- this fall. If holiest money, expausiou and regard for the new opportuni tiesof Pacific commerce have lost caste in Oregon, they hnv? lost caste elsewhere. A Democratic Governor and Legislature here means Demo i: i i r .:..!.. " " . .1 l ii... ..... t . .. : n l... .nrouguoui luec-uuw,. x. the signal for a chauge: aud nothing will be more reasOuable to expect than the repetition of the fear that swept over the country after Cleve land's election iu lS'.l: VERDICTS W ERE FOR CRAWFORD. Some ot the Uemocrats ot this city are endeavoring to cut down the handsome mijority Hon. A. M. Craw- Tor l;ei'rei-ntative. I. r.. lMi'M.r.. hM,C "iO -' ') i They Stand for Prosperity, Protection and ford will receive at the pulls June 2 1 for sttornev-seneral by publishing a ' lot of rot in some little campaign ripe exj erier.en. an expert l.nok-keep. sheets at Torllaod rela'ive lo tue; ei, a line penman, u genial and ob'.ig-Crawford-Wiilis suit iu e.jnity for an ; uig getitleiuin who ha-, served one neeonnt n ' and dh-soluMuti of nart- i term i ch-rk and has conducted this nership. Since the courts have given most importa:t i lVn e to the stisfac 3Ir. Cranfotd the verdict iu every ti..n of uli. or, on the other hand the procee ling which Wilds has institu- 'voter- tuny cast their ballots for a ted against him, except Judge Hau-! yontig scLool t-fu her, inexperienced au'n decision, which decision, how- iu practical hu-it.ei-s and whose c niy ever, was TkKVKKSED upon au ap- claims for the oihVo seem to be that peal io th- Supreme Court, therefore he has latight a few terms . f country we re at a loss lo nmlerstand what M-hou! and i a "nice'' young fellow. his political enemies expect to make out of rehashing this case. The nn- , scrupulous and under-handed .work I of th Democrats to injure Mr. Craw I ford, is having a reverse etfect and is making voie-i for liim every day. . .S : FURNISH THEN ANI NOW. 1 While Mr Furnish held olliee as a democrat a few years ago his honesty was never ipiestioned by auy member of his party. On the contrary, dem-' ocratscousi lered ' Uilly' i'urni-h ail , right in every sen-e of the term. But j district than "dene'' I'arrott. Ke now, as Mr. Chamberlain quotes, "'i ! elect him. . cbangehascomeoverthespiiit of their dreams." Mr. Furnish refused to follow his party into the Bryan camp. aud for this reason democratic stump speakers aud newspapejs can easily see that h- is dishonest and ha-made j at Washington, J). C, and all of the entirely too much money. They even . people are awate of this fact. The ridicule Mr, Fnrui-h because he isn't voters will then-fore be very careful an orator. The logical conclusion ! about voting a young and practically is that it is all right for a democrat j unknown man into this yery import to be dishonest, and that talkative-; ant olliee. "Uncle tieorge"' has well ness 18 not necessarily a democratic j earned and is justly entitled lo the qualification; but rtoimhlicari olliee- 1 great cotilidi nce and esteem reposed 6eekers must, be a litlle better than; in him ly the people of Douglas the earthly average. ltnpnblicant-, stand true to your principles and vote for W. J. Furnish for governor. SUTAI OUR LOYAL IRESH)ENI'. , . . . J.Hni'ieiH ll'nii-'-ii Ulivrii I 1-1 i- decided stand behne Ihe country ou I llwm!lM 11 '"'. " ieorh j'istice to the deret.deiici. N on mo- I ly supporting the measures of our nopolistic linsls, on the rej.utation of chief executive. President Koose (IjO Army. II" will feel en ournj;ed Jvelt winds to be backed up by a Gotl and heartened by a Bep-iblicau vie-j gress composed of meji liko Tongue, ory,and by a Democratic victory he land not bv men who favor the abuse can only feel rebuked and humbled, j (Jf our army aud the '"scuttlo" system Are i h people of ( )r i;o!i. wlm have ' as does J. Iv. Weathei ford. trust ed an I honore I Tueo loi . l.'oi evelt for i.i-c ni.;.? and honr-sty, is j See that Ihe labor candidate for the Republic! i pa't of O egmi, es, ! joint representative of Douglas aud pecially which has id '.vhvs h-d for j Jackson counties. Jas. M. Ilans hia accesbiou lo the piesidency, ready j brough, is given a handsome major- to turn its back upon him at the very first time he comes before them in an oHicial capacity for support or re jection? THOMAS H. TONGUE. lion. Thomas 11. Tongue is recog nized by all parlies as one of the nhiest men on the tloor of the lower liutiso' of Congress, lie has been tin ice elected from this district and will be returned again. He is a man of gient ability and has acquired a knowledge of the doings of congress that it would take a new mau years His committee positions. , yeM-.-. If tin-re is any man on the repub lican ticket who is deserving of re- County Judge M. D. Thompson, lie I lias id ways been found at his post of . duty during his brief teim of otlice. ' has manifested gieat wisdom, caie and economv in the administration ; of county HtTaiis and has come as near giving universal satisfaction in this very responsible olliee as is pos si'ole for a iimti lo do. Voters, you can not do betterlhan to re-elect for the man who has prov- county jtl en a fi iftid to y, i n all as well us to the county's lest inteiests M. D. ThomiiSi n. It is always the biightest. best and hardest working meu of the party who come in for ihe greatest share of ( opposiiun aiul atmse ai ilie uauiis ol ; the oppo-ition. as the opponents of ! such men recognize that nothing less than ilespei ale measures will lefeat 1,,, iu cl)(.ck such a man heuee i ll frunlin .ifT.o f f llu ,L,,i,i-ulu ' and sore-head to it jure Hon. A. M. Craw ford, but the work of the op- position has been so rank aud uc-, ' scrupulous that all loveis of justice ' ! and fair i.'lav will walk up to the poll?, and cast tueir t'allot for South-; ,tirn thegoii's geriial candidate for attoruav- general. Hon. A. M. Craw-: f.-rd. KEEP THE l;LA(i AFLOAT IN THK 1 -HII.irriXKS. DON'T SCUTTLE I'. r c i.nty clerk the voters have their choice of votitig for a" man Tor the past two years the slientl s otlice has beet, conducted ou strictly bn-inoss i rim-iples. fewer mistakes have occurred iu the records of that olliee, not wit li-tariding the greatly in- creased volume of business, than on der any former administration, this oihcial lias been irinl ever ou tne j alert and La proven expert in de ,tecting and running tiuwti criminals. iu fact, as th" prosecuting attorney announced publicly, there is not a more etlicietit t-henfl iu this whole i - - - - I he Douglas county tieasury with ; Uncle (leorge Dimmick in charge of . the recoids atnl keys is as safe and secure as the Ufiited States Treasury , county. Do ou favor I're-idenl K iijsHvelt? Do you mdoiac his hostility to the i trusts? If vou do, vou can mlv be ! consistent ui election day by voting lty at the polls Monday. The labor element of these counties are justly entitled (o this recognition and they have named a man who will uot only ably represent their interests but the mterests of both counties and the state at large, as well. The republican plank ou salaries reads: "We demand that a law be passed by the nest legislature plac ing all public ollicers of the stale ou reasonable salaries, which shall cot be increased during the ineiimbent's term of olliee, and beyoud auch salar ies they shall receive no compensa tion as fees or otherwise." Commissioners, -J C Yonug and A K Nichols have proveu themselves able assistants to Judge M D Thomp son iu administering the offairs of the county court and they should be given a routing majority at the polls next Monday. He sure and place an 'X" mark before the names of .1 C Young and A K Nichols: on the offi cial ballot. hen markiugyour ballot on eleo- th.'" day an.l while iu close couiiuuu- ion with yjnr conscience, within the lu.lli uul v,.nr.,.ll If tv.n ouo . ft. ....1 . . .. i to sanction a scuttle policy as regards the Luless you do this j t,OI, The..ld h-.u-e in hiel, v . you will still owe a large debt to the ! ri!l tan.lg. It j built ..I aw u of 'humanity " and "jiiHt ice." i Kepublicati principles demand the littler. Ira I!. Kiddle aud Frank H. Kogers will make a tine enerergetic ami com-1 potent team to work for the l uteres! of our county in the Oregon legisla- ' lure, vote lor mese two wormy. ' bright and energetic young men. That 1) K Shambiook will be electe.l county clerk, (here seems to !,u .. .1....I.I Wl.-I ro..oi ..... li i advanced why he should not be? He's Ihe best clerk we ever ha 1 and is well broken iu on the duties of the otlice. I Uheuyo.i aieiUHTkiugjour ballot election day -ee t bat you place an , betweeu the number and name of C. K. lloberts for surveyor. neJ're-4-iitative, .ii. Peace in the Philippines. ' Isn't (lie condition of the country. f . resulting from Republican policy and measures, goo l enough? Is let ter expcted from the Democratic party? How was it from to 1V.I7 President ll osevelt is still vigor ously in favor of the irrigation of our arid lamR He is a tru friend of the West. 1're-ideut Boosevelt, backed by the j whole repubiicau party, is going to roast ihht beef trust till it done. 18 well Don't forget the democratic bard times of a few jears ago when you cast your vote for governor. Attorney J. A. Buchanau is worthy and well qualified for the office of justice of peace. Vote for him. Dr. J C Twilchell has made an ex cellent coiouer. lie-elect hiiu. 11 C Slocrum has ma le a goid con stable. Vote for hrm. ANOIT1CR CAMI'AKiN LIU. The t rmi! m.I up charp- that Hon. A. M. Crawford 20 years ago induced a I'oos county party to de-d over some land to Iii in as security for $-"o0 and then after receiving payment of the money refused to return tin- deed is too malicious anil silly to require any attention whatever. It is a campaign lie pure and pimple and should lie ;:ivcii no credence w hsitever. VOTERS, LOOKOUT! It is observed that the democrats have arranged dates at all of the im Mirtant places in the county for Satur day evening, at which time judging from their unscrupulous campaign re cord, they will spring. Some outrageous campaign roaihacU, with the execla tion of gaining votes on the eve of elec liouwheii there is not time for their lies to he lel'uted Voters look nut lor t hem .A Bargain in A Little Home, Two-hundred acres, two miles from .Myrtle Point, Cons County, Ore., 1:10 ac res c!ea red, 70 acres good timber : loca ted on road ; good orchard ; good house and haru and improvements ;w ill keep 2" dairy cows.Coiivi'iiinent to river steam lsiat and railroad facilities, For partic ulars inquire at this office or address IoX :i, Myrtle Point, Oregon. OLDEST LIVING PIONEER. I William Abernethy, o( Coos County, ' Claims That Honor, Pokti.and, May 1'7. William Aber- ; liethy, of I iniii, Coos Count y, who is in ; Portland on biisinesn, consider.. Iiimseli j the oldest living Oreim pioneer, and in accordance with custom, expert-to brad the procesinii of Oregon pioneers at 1 lit- ' celebration June IK. j 'l came here w ith my parents in Is-j 40," Mr. Ahei'iielhy said, at the St. ' Churle today, "and that was n years before the firbt emigrant train arrived! uverlaiid. n r family left Illinois in I lS:t!l, traveling by dead-ax uaoii . and canal-boat t" New York. We left New ! York City in October, ls::!i, on hoard a ' lull-rigged clipper ship, and rounded Cae Horn, alter st ipping a couple of: da at Kio de Janeiro for pro iions. On the Pacific side we (...; I :ii ;, paraiso. Then fair slop took ai-teiv couree and we droppe 1 anclior at llon.. lulii, wheie oiiip of our p.i--eilu., r- Ji--unbarked. "'TliPiP was no ;oi l raiM i.-i o our hip headeil for the nn-nl! Columbia river. We .oriM-i coiiver in June 1S4U. :;n. I th then. o "I tie it V.m- : I . i . I It s;1. I I wa the prrttitkt pl;n I ever think vT.- 'llur family linallv -eliie l ii n hel Oreaon t itv, met mv l.illier ,ui,,, ie ir(1, :lw , ill I l P- ' live I 1 Inn,-1 '" I Wr and i in ;h ion .yr. Alifl netliv, now a wel: pr. man ol .er ,. is ninii:u'' .. i u :n iur Iora, adjacent to I'o.i l'.av. I : the rrt of the ..pp over there, thp nei-eity of cl"er eoine- liii Portland, and to that end will i it 1 1 i.-irt ij.a in t liiw .-it v i t.. T "... t. with il:ler j prac- ! r-.i'i ; , i.-i ,iHt v of cnMni. tin-.-an . ... tri ,r,lM1 .;, It.,re ( 'itv to IIoM-hnr.-. i "Thi" road would pay hi interest on' j it cot, from the time of it comi-h fi.m," i he said, "and t here i n-. e.l na-.n; ''' capital cannot he int. n i-t.,1 in !.'. ,i. . project. t ' lull I it V I lo W !l ,1 t i its huiii'e w ith sau though we nslurallv pre I r.iin r to .ie: w:th Portland. I ranci-i o p , , no intere-t in u- further th.oi l I the pp-bn t of our 1 imi . I x r nni 1 1 ii. l:;:r farm- and dairi and t .j,.,,,,, hl r,.lni. ,,- M-M l. llier-pteckle--. .!. .,,. uin-, de-ire.l. he ,-..uld e -.-ive u an outlet to K.-ehurg hv completion ..f hi- r- a.l from M i:v j i f or Attorney- ;.-m a!, A. M. fKAWlKUI'. point, but iicl i tention. so t "oo con timie to lanisuiph. "The total out'.,. ! le.l !.! inter, -! i lnn.t. i.;rv ' priim t and irnit shij I'-.iv annual! v n..i;l-l I oi.le if the correct figure-. cnM ri'i.Uid i t ' taintsl. and l'ortlau-l hou!. .i larm-r prop.. rtion it ! his it we had OHiiirtt ion with Koseiiii l-. Vl want to do i to litid the --t the l.iii I con- tructin ainj spiip.iii an ! ctiii line. and we will then -e what ' '.h cnuiil v xMiple can lo t . ,r I a -itn: oiit-iOc capital in the enterprise. Wo lme an ample water to waste aloii the C'oiplille liver, to liie -ot ol Inainlell- ance will le I i u 1 t alter the r-'.i l i once put in ojx-ratioii. Sm li a ijm-1 wui-i pen up a country rich in varied n Eoiirces. and add vastly to our p"pnl:! tion and wealth, us well as t-i the divi dends of the st.M-khoMers." Meinmial Services Memorial services will I 1...1 I ... .1... oci-i ai io, ira hoe.-e tunirrow, ( I'ridav Mav :Wth, at 111:.!') a. m. The following i the program : ltea. ling of orders, hy the Adjutant Music by the hand, a dirge. Ritualistic work. Piano medlev. Mis llacl 1'errv. Kecitatiou, Carlt'in's mpular poem. "Cover 1'hrm Over With I'-caut ilul Flowers," Mi-s Clara McCoy. Solo, ' 1 he l.oy iu blue, .Mi- I lael Perry, accoinpaiiicd by Mrs. S. C. 1 lint, Oration, Kev. W . A. Song. America, by c. KeutHlietiolt W"o.-l. in-jregaiioii. Portland Strike Lndcd. I'oRTl.AM), May 17. Again the hum of building industry is heard iu Portland, after six davc of unwonted iiuiet. The sympathrtic strike:,of utiiou men in 1:1 trades of the Building Trades Comic t,t .... end while the original cans - of , . .,, . .... , the trouble is still present. I he order forthenieiv to return to work was is - sued at a meeting of the Ituilding Trades Council 1 st evening. All the strikers who had gone-out in sympathy returned lo work today .ccpt the plumber. Approximately so of these are locked out, us the employ ei s declined this morning h take them back, (lending their acceptance of an ag- agreeincnt which w ill he presented to them for their signatures. There art) two gisul Ihings in burg. The people ami- S..W. P. - Vou will find Isithal Churchill andU imlleys. .. . . . Oct vour abstracts ol title limn ,1. ll. llainil'ton. lie has th. ly complete KCt of abstract llooks in the county, if I :'.; . ) ;. H-'! y ''T ANOTHER BANNER MONTH Over half Mostly all Now that our business is spreading out ami increasing, it is iinposiiihle for lis to land a full carload of inst rilineiits at Kosehnr at one time. Our last load was lii.-trilmte.l, coiumenciiiK at Port- la ii' line went to Pandoii, some to ,1't ir.' mm ne- t' Ko-elilir-'. hilt tl in He la mli I at ( oita-'e ,rov e .ire iloin au exceedingly line Im-iiie-s :m-'.-i:ii. di;-"S:iijr yf eij.'ht inst riilnelit-. two tile- t'hitkerin-.'", tliree 1 li . a inn-- W hitnev aiel t o el.e.l! r make-. Colta 'e lirove i I .lel;.-r-.., I . . . . iiuk ii! 1 1 wher- w Vou will find the lust makes and the Ilrt TonnJ Instruuieiits at the T. K. RICHARDSON MUSIC HOUSE AT ROSIiBURG OR COTTAGE GROVE. Riddle Pharmacy.! I. 15. KIDDLE, Prop. ir - ALL KIMg or- Fresh Drugs, Hedicines, Toilet Articles. Paints, Oils, Glass, Sundries. F"Pre?cri!t:ons promptly filled by a coin i-etent druggist. t 11 RIDDLE, OREQON. $ I5EST MEL IN TtiU cn R)R CI: NTS. THE NEW IS or. W.-'.i: -;..n a-..i i.iiu Mr.-et- Mrs. I'lle Collin I I l.lil MiS. I'ro,. All Kinds ot Clothine Cleaned and Dvtd. -,lt!i.lct loll 1 tnaraiitee.1 .Ml i'ISin'I. NOTICE. U.lMe I'- ;.-! It.iK-ry r.Tii .V t i.-y.i . !. iu. i-,-r ! ii !-.t l'...kery. r.-h:-.-i t-. ! t .(.- c.ike f. .ith purcha--l the 'r'l . riy wii,s! I.y ril n l i!! con-luct tl,e husi- n.ine- of l i.iU-re.ith".- I e Pie l-rjn- of I. read wiil U-r.s- l..;lv- for hi rvnt t paltry a -, i.ilty. 11 w;Vi. i rci vTli. I'r.-prietor. I Any jir:.. - to rent, h il v or rc.ti et it -, ,'iir or is.nntrv nr--i'rtv .t- we'd t.c.t2!.-ti r a-l'l're 11. M. ! o.,ri.,, ii;;:,v wi;li Attorney Ixuis !'.-e. -itc M.-i'lai'ieii loii4, K.,--L i:r', ( in-.'on. i'j .MR tilLLETTE EXPLAINS Through a Couple of His Deputies. I'ijrures Not Explicit. i to I t! ,-, ..rll V.. -pace 1.. ri:c .-!er- 11! tin- i-i ' oiiette request n following address iumiis of our p.qer, w hit h we "la-llv d. a-his own figures :lr ly a coniirmatioii f the facts we nac i eeit ;.!..n-: Mi.g iq. to the Voters all . To Tin: Vnri:i;. or Pol as toixTV. iV.., ... i:sn r.M w : N.iticiu I -i i i i ioi.-ii i i" 'i ie-1 ! mi no-nil i ,i no vernal Man - j ineiits that an effort is In-iii ' made t . lal 1 , 1" ify the lads concerning Mr. tiillctte's itiou a as-, -s,.r, and f..r the object, as we In-liev ..i ..!.,..;.... l. .. T-i ., HIE llllll III I. OS,- Mi t lief. ire the voters on the eve of tie- lion, tln relore iu justice to the as- !se or and i us. i iic w ho mav have ln-eii misled, we leel it our duty to subserilw I., the follow ing i.i. Is, as shown by the r.-cr-ls i compaiitig the figures ou the pml assessment r j -;ms r.-ll, ;is ni.i.h I with those of the ny ins pristei-cssor. abci the facts concerning tin risluctiou of the value of property in koschurg school district as compared with other parts ot the County for PKH, which i nearly iu exact prortion as will 1k tioiiii-d. band assessed iu Ill'l over IS'.IS, l'.'ti.SiiTi acres. Additional as ,t alstractor's list. 1 1 .-"; 1 acr . IVcrea-t-d value in favor all ividual taxpayers i 1 ";'-' '' ""' l'-"o "v ; t . I!. U. I ompanv :is H ' ' ; t 'hauge iu condition favorable to the H'ople since IS! IS SSS,tNlO Increase of roll for bml over l!HHI 4,:ti'0 Pet-reuse in Koschurg school tlis- tricl for l!Hll .M.l-'aj I ecre:lsL'dlil.siile llosehlirgst'hool tlisirivt for l'HII . l.-)4.iVii) ' Increase value of Ii , f,- pml ?.IO,tXKl l!.proH'ity T-.'10,ihtl State o( ilregon, ) County ol Ioiiglas, ) -- We, the undersigned IVpnty Assess- ins lor l oiiglas county, iH-g to sav that . . , w c have examined t he lect.rds 111 the Assessor's otlice, and that the figures a carload of PIANOS and ORGANS sold in April and high grade instruments like and Kimball very prosperom condition and the )- pie are usinjj gitud jii'lineiit in buylnj; the very Ijest liauos on the market, knowing that the liest i always the cheajx-Ht. Our next carload will arrive fn aliout six days. Thi lot will I e dis tributed here at IJuseburjr, a"" have nearly one-hall tiiin lot already engaged at different K.ints; now that the rO;els are getting in 'mI condition we will I able to make our country deliveries in a short time. K. X. Wonac-ott , the .pil lar organ man, . now busy making de liveries and calling on his old friemig. Mi Foreman, our sales lady, has b-en very loicccs-fiil in the sale of piano-, and es-ciallv the Whitney, as it i a favor ite of hers, and it loake friend when ever it goes. The t k we have on hand will Ij clioMi out in a very short time, a we have pill the price" away down. We are also reprei-entat iv e of the F.iler's Music Jloii-e, Portland. Iin-. lNn't fail lo go -ee I iier when Voll go to Portland. WHOM IT MAY CONCERN! Th4e having fariii land or v oi.ije property for -ale or exchange. w; i do well to call and - the new real "!ate linn on North Jack-on -t r.- t . j. mnii.Ys &o Heal Kstate l,i;gl.t. so-l or ei chaiige.! for Ka1eru .r.4-rty. A!-o ovcrnu.cnt land i ate.l. t'ruiw-r alway on haiel. KtirnIe ftir nished. -t-. jsj. JOHN (.E()K(.E ( ASIMIU Painter, Paper Hanger and Decorator Si'itns and Buggy Painting a Specialty C.dlon or leave .rdcp at Ch'ir. hi!! Hl.!,-v i:i-r.r.ri:ii. i!a.i,i -INSI KK IN TiiK- ill Hit INSURANCE AT COST. Ile.l ft.-, M- VinnTiJ. Kr-f- o j Amt.of in.nran e in fore, I I .'0-i mi ui .ei ain in one year, . mi Sa inz il menii-tT I j r., ni..V.1. Niinii-r tf pa rate rik. A.J. Buchanan,! U-seI.urg, rt-i'ii. .t. for In:i!a I'o j 1900 Water Proof Harness Oil Hlackin; Tut up iu the coiiM-tency ,.f i reani. and ! "itieiy will not sum tr moM. i,ivr-i the leather tinnne. yet makes it s..t't ; and j'liable. I'n-crve the and 1 stitcniiii from in. len.eiit weather an.t m m iiEF m ive the liaM.-- a neat and finished ap- : larance. I!ly make ..M harne i Real Estate Agent and Notary ..k new and wiil make it l.t tic i!;Timlv.r . M , , . . long hy the of v.w Ham. oil. it TImber nJ Homestead Locator is al.i epiaiiv K.. for bo.t and h.. I Packer and Guide Manuia. tnred by J. W. MTK. R.-se-l hur. Orr-r-n. n m! at' i r . iiarnes-sho... Ts ;d-ve stated are trim to th? l,t f o!ir I Know icige aim lirliet K. C Brow.v. f. a. ::c-ci.i.. SuliM-rilie.1 and rworn to lo'orv in this iMth day of May lr,'. SK.1.) l. II. Sll VVBK.SIK County Clerk. It" w ill l.e noted that Mr. i'lette's ! .lenniie. .. 'e- in. I . j I S .... ... r,., III (-OIIIHVl II I1 , w ith the list of .in. added to the n.lN j by the alistraclitr that th: addition ,.f l., .. i. 1 1 .. . i ... . , 1,1.1.1 i" inr iin,cii UII'llllllll V f 44S 1st j last year atone, an cxH-u- which Mr.) , OillfM. 2111,1 .!,.. .i .i i i i. ' I .1 .1... .... . I o uiic ihiiiih- nv jimuii.. n, ! placing ,.n the rolls thems, lv " ' a, ,,r . it wid' be further ii..i,-,sl t liit their array of: ' ti'ires show au INCKKAsK and' ' nKPir!. ! ;,. ,i... " HIT l, s -,sSWsKl . valuation at our and the ; - - - - line time. Fur instance a ijiiote,! above. if increase in the roll i..r pm: j i the w hole o.unty i f4.:tt, why j Ihburg's s. h...l district -I,.,- a tK. i ikfsK ,." JM a,,. the countv ,r-r- over i siiik or kosiri k,, al. show a lF.- a i.r..i. oi f i .i.e.m Alwunl! It i.i ' easy enough to ipiote an armv ti-ures Imi uliv-.l.i ii..ti :;iIa,,... i . i - -..o. nes ,,,-. lilies sH,H how they produced these figures? .... ........,, iii.i i it r is un-tu- i,a ls-en comnletch- iiirni-r,vl II.. i... i - " .e UTII proven mcomi-teiit and discriminatim. iu his assessments and w ill I jy,.,, a long rest from 'the.httiesof the assess. ..r's otlice by the voters of the o.ui,tv next Monday. The genial and ..., ,s. tent ti. W. St il.-v i'i I- - .. I - 's "ur nexi as- . sessor. Mark it! . . is .oiue ftiut-iii mat many ot the ..o?e, rro,,-,,v ,.v:iers ol the county t ' it .-i loisoi.urg nave had their assessments greatly reduced by Assess or tiillette, but how inaiiy of the rank and til of the tay-payrrs have i-lx thus favonsl? Very lew! Camas Valley. The three ir tour days rain we had last week interfere.! simewhat with the .uarterly meeting. Sunday school, premhing, (i range m.i-iing, political s'aking, etc., that were all to have taken place ou Friday, Saturday and Sunday of last week. P.,t for all the disigreeablc weather on Sunday, .,uit,. number were out to hear a very el.-vat We are daily receiving, lettem from er many customer in prai- of th melit whii h they have purchad froia ns direct or from some of our agentf. A good article w ill always speak for itlf 1 l-H'-''- ai -4--iaoy a y 1 Piano or Organ, a we carry the ! t. They sound their own pr-.ii-e and !;ave kept it tip forth la-t twelve years. ..Confectioneries.. ii - ri- ---r.:nni -l !- lty. I. J. NORHAN Iron Clad Wagons Fully Warranted Hacks anJ Buggies .OAKLAND, ORE t MRS. H. E ASTON i . rt-parisl to wail n;"a old and r -'-.toaierai.J fner..i ;h a fud ar.S complt ttoct of GROCERIES All fre.!i and of the very be l Tea? ul cn?ees are st-e,-;a't;e Yocr pw.rcare elicited. I t taos Jackson St., Ro-burj J ft- --- 4 i Homes from $250 to $5000 Write or Thorn; Wm. OT, Porter, . "ic , vjregoa imj -nnon bv the i-n-sMin . elder The M-houl is making preparw ti.. ns for Memorial Ivay exen i-. A nuniU-r of the patherel at Mr. Kirkenda'd's last We-Inesilay evening for a s., i;il ii)k:ins. an,i visit. Ail rer-Tt a very cnjoyah'.e time. The lUpti.t hrvtheru held ineeting on at.ird.iv and Sunday. May and -"ith. Mr. Thornton and his daughter Katie, of W inston. , aU. in the Vallev,' : Mr. Thornton conducted the srviivs. K. K. Cluster's two l.vs cam.. th- : au- with the intention of re:i,in-n here to attend " & s,-h...l. mc t:rr. For Sale or Trade . - I . . . I - . s mm ;". Mn;ie ,irlv.,;: t .,, . the j and harness. :,K. J.-rv 0v ,,T .j ': A ii-w iiii-rc c,vl!i-nl . i ,T'!1!',!,' Riverside A-lditi-m. j.r sC'10. VJ, i,nYauv T-1 ' ' 1'r"I",'Mv '"""A. " ) "I - xr iiwut my of;i.-e. Letter List. Ki-iiiauiin ... ... j bur toihv. ' 1 He ' .iiiiig t ,r tiiWs,. letters will I'leas. st-.t,. ,.., , - , ., I ei-s,.ns callin-i o-on which If 10V are ; ""'vorti-ed. Mav ;.i :r' Adams, ;.!.,. Johns.-n. J. K '"'yd. K. K. tMertag. ji.ha ' 'r,'W n. J. F. Patters..,,. Ch is I'hurchill. Mrs.Win.Toiirv.e;!,.. H..'rv v- . .. . "are, 1 . . I The leti.-rs, will l. ..i . . . ' . .iu.rg,si i..r at tl.. 1 '"'"t each. W v. A. FaTta, P. M, ExiHrleiut' ConviiMH. T-OTtitsv.lus l y jn-stinv; In e nfs ia tril ..z f Klv ' Cream Paha. lwxut 'Ul:VjVt,",,l0n,aU 1U l'ullsiwWeiutK i.LY BKOS,, U Witrtva ,Nt., Stw Yvk. tl'.fton, Arizona, Jan. SO, ls-i). - tfr9-,E- Please-.end meaSO cent Uttle of fiwm lUm. I fia.l t.-ut reiuetly the quickest and 14ct pernuuiett cure for caurrh and Cold iu the l.A PkuuM. I ottes, Ueu. M r. AriiAMa M Co. Mssars. IXj Bkos.:-! hT benarthdea with catarrh for twenty years. It made me t. wak I thought I had eunsQiui.tiou. I one hot lie ( Ely's Cres.o halm a:,.l ia three days the discharge si..p,v,L It U tU, best metlicuie I havo for rnUnb. l'ruherta, Cal lass 11 Kisiua-vmilr.