teat SOCiy OrtoHlBlOrlp0BTaW ; I 1 m dvertisin.ii e 3 ob Printing: J V 3 fV O o In busy seasons brings you yot:r share of tra.le: a.ivt'rii.-inir ic dull sea J -. h -t-j important fsctcr in Lii(,itihs. l'oor trintiDff re- :- tiO credit oa ft go id ! m;Lr -H li'j-... Let ns do your Job i'liiiU:)'' wo guarantee it to be in sons brings yon your share, and also tbat of the "inorchaut who "can't af- f ord" t j advertise. 9 Published on Mondays and ThursdaysEstablished 1868. every way nan-factory. Vol. XXXIII. ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 29, iqo: No. 43 A 11 c X s I, t I 3 I Special Sale on Ladies' Shoes Iu lookiug over our stock of Ladies' Shoes we fiudi quite a number of 3 and 3 J; sizes, altogether too many in porportiou to the other sizes. The-will move tliisj week if a deep cut in price will accomplish that end. 11 prs. Ferris' Shoes. regula-we a so have Oxblood Color' 2.50 value, for this week $1.70 Ladies' Shoes, sizes 5, 5 1-2. 6, j 7 prs 3 1-2. 4 prs 3. " regU,ar $2 75, thiS week $2 - LATE NEWS SUMMARY Important Events of the Pas!2 Tew Days. Any and all broken lines will be placed in this sale. This is your Shoe Chance. N. SELIG, Myrtle Creek, Branch : Canyonvill", Oregon O orooccoooooorexxxioa cooocoo?oooccooocococoococxxxd A VA v: . v: : v.v.vlv: v v:-- v . v.v.:xJf'Xi MATTINGS I .. i.... .1: r i :.. .. ii -a 11 eiee,;uu liiie 01 lauen naip Mattiri; in all the latent designs and c.-lorinss. Lave just arrived Have vim seen ttir elegant Car lets, containing cotton chains, all wools ami a full liue of three quarter pxxls, ranging iu price from 2oe to $ 1.35 per yard. Our line i if carpets is far superior to anything we have ever ;diown in previous years and we delight in showing them. B. W. STRONG, TrIE FURNITURE MAN. Rosebure.Ore I Bring; Us Your ... 41' CHICKENS. EGGS, BUTTER. FOR CASH OR TRADE J. F. BARKER d0. STATE, GENERAL, FOREIGN, Cream of the t)i5p.'.tches Dished Up in Condensed Form for the Busy Reader. SPLENDID ENDORSEMENT FOR STALEY. Tilt )XY blgaboo. m ty j y Two ExAsseSSOrs Testify to His Su-j Great I'emccralic Air Cubfcle's tun. Af- Punctured. pei lOr yuailliv-aiiuiia iui nit vyi- fice of Assessor. Coffee, Tea and Spices MR. CRAVVIORD EXQNERATID This in to certify that the many Tears (Seorgo W iS'.aley tt;is my lej nty I lasseesor, Le gure entire ustinfaciioi!. JUnv tnn h" h u r.v.' I er ome timoB till twi o'clock in tit niijbt. Mr. h-Hl-y wui Ii- a j t itn.l , biased axwHBor. I hope all lepnMiCHU will be trno ! Heir ii.riy eloct the entire ticket. Jame A Sikklim Anlauf. OreKori. May J-r. VMl. ! i a e ; J II hli i i Another L:e PastencJ L'pn Review. Mr. Lilly's Atfidavit. the & A, 0 !; : CriUIHI-SOROCHRYan.l a,k for th. r ;:iid i-'.t-i v 'H.-rAiitwl l-eading )0! Was ii Lvi 3, Tbia i t(cr(ify iLmI (ior V Staley, lleublichii LoiiJin f jr hm' ; l.ir. wai on of mv h: ivti liei fr ttii two vt-nr I wn Hv-...'r ihih; r ' ' Tlu'i'oniuv iN.urt ft" I an county Imik tt..-...i ...... ... i . i t 1 . . . . V. I . t 1. . .. . 1. 1 1 1 . . I It t. . I ! , .n.L,.nvicti..ii ..i the murderer ..f l!.n-l,'""n,- l- ,u wr,,e iuobhu.h,,. r.. o:u .rn - . ; t.m Traeev at .luncti.m t'itv last wek. Jt'mce ami 1 found him competent aud carelui . lie ! Mmuiur w iui u;e ui j J.K. IV.ton ha arrived imm , )w e work ami aIo wit h the riel.i wot k. I woiihl say in thi roiiiwtu.n that Willamette v:;l!ev with sot) head of I ,,jr B'rul impression an.oiirf many that I rai im- mp-mi e.u i: t,d ; l ii ;-I steers. Thry v ill lie driven vut t" ri-ll..n ranch at l ol l klaiiulh iu i!i I'ead Indian r...id. Ashland Tldine. James .1 .lefirie and CoIhtI l"itim- inons have agreed un. the linal ietjjil? lor a kittle at s;m lVaiu ix-n .lulv .'jth. Tlie amended articles nf aL'reeniei ,t rr (ijliied Friday. The cutest rill m held under the atiiicv- of the Sji I'iuh- eison Athletic C'luh. A dispat-h frviin San Franc'cn vtatrs that the Southern l'acilic (Vifiiiat,v ha r:iieil the price uu all it tijnUtr land. ui.l smile of the lauds luive. pi t ieallv leen witlidrawn from the tnarket. The immense (low 'l timlier huutert from the l'ast called tlii nettm. I'. S. I i-t. Atly. .h.lm Hall, la len in.-tnict.sl hy V . . Attonx-v-t general Philander Kux to investiiitR tfi work im:s of the lieef Trut in Orrin. ith relations to the aikvatimis in the com plaint in the case of the l'nitel rtate aiiainst Swift A (.mpanv ami ott er, hroiijht in Chicago. .. r. mint ami J. r. Mitchell Ctmr up from Iw.nsrias county, Thur-day. l .ith a train h.ad of cattle. Mr. Hunt. ho had five car Kid. s..ld part of the nieni m iico. uncus ;iiut lias ilnveti tie remainder t his ranch n the Ie; 1 lrk- dian. Mr. Mitchell t x.k nine ear loa Ik on to (laz-lle. Ashland Tidings. The la.t iTumU r ..f tie t'ent ral Ijjw Journal, a lr-.it panr puhli-h .l in St. Iillis. devctes its entire isnj to the Torrens l and It contain a num ber -f articles from leading men in st.ite where the law has U-en iu practical operation eeral year- and. lhev pr-e nounce it a complete snccei:. freon i fortunato in having this lav mi tl, statute lH,k. as it prond- a clear ionci-- and ra'.iniial nir th.l i.f trans ferring land. Alkiny IIetsdl. thii ci.tinlv Tim reor.k will mIio that lli Hveraire asse-sti.e:.l o:i pet Stre. and n liorpei. cattle, sheep and h"i per head. va- hr.vr K' lii m' predftcvfiior. lie total amount of IhxhI Ik pi .'p'Hly wa- ruucli irtr if.-r than ttie tvviooa vearfi. owin; tu tli- fact that luere was u l.le 1 lu the i iii-icii taiable property that had etca ;.! before sAelln u lh total umo'ii.l . inxa t!e proprtr lo rnmn flXJ.IKK). Ah nt acres of land was a ! 1 1 io ; the iH durinjr my lerm of ofliee. Mr. Sialey ai 11 Pie m ai' liii-. i k ai. ! I brieve wonhl make a fair and j int asesalP:it. I view wfti alarm n.e; fact, that not withMatidin all the new comers at 1 tie acrea '' lands, added lo the roll and the general increased pioiperiry and ea!:h :a "it, county, it eeenja to ins oor assesfuent roll is falling hover an! i it e.ch year "Cider our pieaeut amiepsor'a matiajiiipti and t hi r. tie i if twi..n 1:;:' bad to be increased to meet this falling off of properly a se I. I iinv- Do ill will toward the wealth of this co. iiily: 1:1 f i I am oh t to s.-e m, runcb of it Lere and bnnor the men that bavo obtained ii. hot the ji";er;'. if tbia cyuriiy munt pBy the taxe!of the conniy. It rMi t!0' com trou. m, other eource. This make Ibebimien a-y for all. wnh &- ra 1-. ? i bridef. jtood acbola and a jjeneral air of proeper.lv to ao. I 1" !'-v" Mr . Staley wonlJ Ity to carry ont this idea a'l l should b eini te t. 1 r a i tn , yonr power to elect bitn to the otlice for he nill Lave a har.l in-k if he succMrfnl. ' ' I have uo ioterest whatever ifi Mr. S'nley ' election vc t Ii. ' i i l.i leotioa I believe it would add to the 'ebrra! -welfare of Hi's n.-n.iy avl make the bnrrlen of taxatioD lighter fur all. Tmuk. work, hc an I v ,te f..r Sir. Staley for aseaaor. Waltei: S ! .i: ;. Kiddie, OreRon, May i. l'J '2 COLD FACTS FROM THE COUNTY REC0kD5. The Way Gillette Has Saved th- County $900 p.-r Vear. 1 In 1 e ii.i.-l t-li a iireal eilurt mi the .irl tin- Kcvii-H and the I a-m. .cr.it it! umv t.i.M.er with a few -'ie 1 1 cpuhhi'aiir to make much iiii! : 1 cipiiai out nf t'ie pr ixy p'irch.isii.j: Kjili.'! and the aoe'.i irr.iin- : i - "11 liie Kepllhlirail ci.llnlV !..-.ti..i-. Mr. Crawford ha-.ii.a - s'.a'e !-!:' : :i in tin 1 h i", in le-eii honored :in .ti -ii ! ir attoruey-eia r ..I o;.j-. iit-. 1 !i:!rine. ut ndrouii pipul.i rity. iic n'iit to injur- him --l:t i--ii:-t''.- r.-(.u-i l.ility for ii.ary irr-jHil;. ri; it of the lilily aj feet. pr- xy j iir. ha-in in the r tjier,- 1 of V, ati.crlv i.mxv i :1 1 !o the i ri-!e!.li:i! eo.m,:t. j r I:. r. C. f I- f!l A it I: I he Ii. ! .ii. i 1- -liii . It" .1 - 1 ..t:.-!i J, fill K TP A A Vv'ALS lT Patterns ' ;is;; -l' - ;"' ' pittcrus. Silk Moire patterns, a, V'r-'-::! -vA a -"t 'f others Remember Z J:lc: :; r-'t (,:.Iy. In Summer Dress 2 siK.-i the T.-retuest ilterus iu the city. iny ioe-.-a! j 1 l!.c ! i. . r nvi r le 1 in ll I' ,1, e 11.111. ' d ;liv one 1 Have Ii::-:-;!. V- v. prifc i-, r. . t.'.. rr ;; ';n' of Dress Skirts in wool and X y the warhet affords audthe ii ltv; 1- !,. ;i. '. . ! t: ii.i primary w a.- I.t; -r- : i I- t -d. i:- pr".-ili:: r.--.ro 1 j n.ii.u! a:. 1 the .roxis duly i - i ! t'ie . h.ur.ojn of ti.e re.i.V j -i.ity i-ei.tr.il coii,n;itte,-. t;,- f..i-1 i - I pr..- ColH iil-ivc! y : ; x. M.. :';.-Mr V.. I.. I.ir'v. oi ii:! i pre-;;.c i- in .n I -lay and i I -;i i':tiniw.I r-ii.ir th-. i.i r-;-:.li.i. an prh'urv sni i : '. i;.. .-.ar-n I.ac ls-: iiade ;. j r'.i, ..if. w.i held at IVdiemia t' ' t A" proi !!:: that J !.! e ' i"''''iii' I v II, .ii. A. M. Cr.,., l'r ; .1. K. Ij-vc. i-ri- fore l i ; ri-i il .,t tie f'oheti.i.i pri-' E:; Wollenhersr Bros. I ... . ...,. -.. ,.i jturday excepted. -r- k COOOOOCOCOCC coooco ocococooooooooooooooooo I A. SALZMAN I o rrctical Wchmaker, Jg wler and Optician B ? Corric- a . . .. tv- si.,.k of Watches. Clocks. 8 jr y. D. t : :iis ur.:l Silvenrare y watc:i iti.i'A i i.u.i v. ro-sebi"kg, ore T: it w u : t ti, : i.i f Rev eals a Great Secret. such. 1 eonntr records ebow that duri: i tbeiia-t iear 11.." I a.t-s aesabl land leeides m town loin have een ai led t- tii- t;.v tj!s, aI i 'i wereuitirely oTeiloiked ly (tiilelt a;i I hi depit'.-. or tl.-v di i want to dd ihirt laud to the roll. 1 n co inty cun. fe,d:u a-s ire. I ii: .i B' I ftrit rteal f aweable land wa biii-; v-rIo ike. t ( i :.!e:!e nod t-f - T 1 tb rolle, cBre.l the eerticee of a local a''s"rHSt o::i-.':ir;v to e -K ::i ri-.i ter np with the aboe reealt. From this ll.oiJl a.-res ..f 1 uol an 1 s x i n lota, the county deritrea J?y7.:) taie aniiunily. o:,e ha'f of the ins.o f... ::.e first Tear, oe 4XS.rK tiLir triTen the a' sTact comt a:iy f..r its -eivic-- n i) le - i.i.t-erri: !.--.. :ic a:, i i-s;. ' ois : i-sj o; 'i and a. .Mtii,:.;' .- !;. 7 v . . l.tr.n i o; ili.-e on. A. M. Ci.iio(d. a'-..: f ti.e -u.ii.iry. Tl.iis li.e . Ull,.lilli aTi..i llevi-vir :!id ti.e e ii . ra; and Mn ti.i matter are noiiiinat- ' ' f;' ' fj ( f :i.:..."M, j ,1, ',- tin:,-.' r f .!V- I-.p -tv: . ! -i;! -nr t. "is'- " ' : 1. ' X- . . -. . such. Marthiil ;- .. 7 , . . " , e U-t -phvsiciaii" j loolciuf: tip. rcordinK and placing thi.s land oa th - tt r I-. H r. - (, i iinnV "New lis,-nvJ te'a recreancy and failure to liet this lnd has COST HIK C'Ol'MY ft Kruse & Newland Groceries... ..Also a full line of.. DEVER'S BLEND COFFEE Seeds Highest price paid for Produce. ' Give us a call OUR MOTTO IS TO PLEASE K & Newland It is uf ten a-lo-d lmv curcs, that puzzle t lie an- cffecti-d hv lr. Kin erv for MMii.ii. lion. Ilen. i44St'i."i iho iat Tear, while the county c nrt . r.cfi.xis in t rki ni; is.:s ir.;,:ter It cuts out the phleuni aiel frerm-infis t- 1 up baaadderl to the county "s revenue this je.ir and ss?7 a.iiiuii- sl miK-ns. and lets t). lifr-.n.-;,,., ,,xv- hv harnaftor Anvone desirini? a verification of tins !atenieiit m-tv rv.l at this ofSceor tbeeheriffa office and get the tax receipt inm'rs f .r th s land and iaveitiate 10 their own eatisfactioo. A LESSON IN LAUNDRY WORK ' . ! e to ..ur help, and teach them th : tr of cure in the laundering v.. that si a jfreat way in jr - n ii :!.- f il--, sent I'.cre for rtnov .. i .1. A: ylhirig.s.cr.i jfroro the Rnee x i i rj I uj:.dry i!l always be foao-I in per J . t c ii.Lti. n and bejutiful La color mmmwm n enrich and vitalize t,(. 1,1.1. It heals the inflaineI, iMitvh-wirn tbmat and lunas. Hani cold- anj, fciublorii coughs simiii yield t' I r. ICili:'., New Iisc.very, the most infallible' reiriedv for all Throat and Luiix diHKrse. ina ranteeil kittles ."m- and fcJ.Oo. Tiial kittles fre- at A. C. Marster. I I I I"- GILLETTE'S RAILROAD PASS. RAILS FOR NEW ROAD. Five Carlojrds Have Arrived Cottage drove. Cottaok iitvr, lr., My-2i. Five" carloads of steel rails fiave arrived for the Oregon A Southeastern Kailmad, The ties are 1in pitten out as fast a. i IHisihle. The 1'HKith-Kelly Lumber Company is getting out lO.ootl anl the. ...:u i . r i it leiii.iniiiei iu in- iiiriiisneii ny tlmi Coast Fork I.uinkjr Coiiiiaiiv. Ikidges acnjsa Kow river ami MnfJ.y creek will wui le k pm, and will le. vr ectcl in three or four weeks. In the meantime, the tract will be. laid toMo bv creek, three miles and a lialf. in order to keep the supply of material as well to the front as sssible. liradin" is irojrressiii rapidly and seven miles. if I the road will soon lie ready for th ties and rails. SHOES Queen Quality, new styles here in Shoes and Oxfords. Shoes S3. 00 J Oxfords S2. 50 4t a i.iit oolitiml meetine held at Yoncali.i A- s.r ( It- s: i-.i-i ':. i' sp.rv that he traveled im au anuual railncid pass was untrue; that !-!; I m-t have a I in hi pwtiou and never had revied or accej-te i a -.i-J ir..,,, tl... I. 1'. C"ui)iany. We are in a Hitio to gtate emphatically that Mr. iiiVMe iias , accepted and received an annual railroad jhi from the . 1'. Company w id. ii i? TMinksl a. follow on the S. P. railwav conductors" lass kiks: s,,NM J. l'ss II. P.. tiillettc. No It l")l.t. tlo-sl mi all lines in Ore.- m S. P. R. K. isuel, R. H. IvaM, ier J. K." Now tli iueti"ii aris, what partii'iil.tr favor is Mr. ;iiictte exien.iiiii; the S 1'. I'ompany, or what favor ha he hown the coiiii-any to pncifpt them t i i--ene him aif annual pa? It ic therefore ipiite evident hy Mr. i!:-ti- ha n -inaiLeil vrv jnum and abslutely refnsjvl to answer the following ipicsti.ins whidi have Iieen f.rorwnitKlcd ti htrii tlirou-h our columns : Will Mr. Gillette Plate what effect his consultation with Mr. Fent-ni. the railroad ltrnet had on his reement to assess the Raiiroad Company at l;.t-Ki per mile-.' Will Mr. toilette admit the truth of the fact that the increased i.-v-m;. nt ! ier ndleratne through the agitation (or a higher as- meat, and a really contary to hi view after i-onultiii); with aid attorney? Will Mr. Gillette explain why the Railroad Company avcrai:i-d their net e:irn- inH for eix year to -et a back fr valuations? et-. etc. .;: .; i s m ,n ;j. i I ' it : v . tireion. M.,v '.7. l:.-2. I ii diov sworn, de- !-. iiiat on ti - L'.';i,I day ( t'."1.'. a n pv Mi. as j rin ..ry w.. t .e p.. i i :.. "i . t of ul,;ih t.si ('i,;iTr.i;i!i. At ;:..!.- .1.-1 . i.ct.il ciillVelitioji hci.i ;n div -.f Mar.!.. t - primary 1 r.-x.i - mere nt a ry I k.l pi ::.ia'y ; a. i:i t:-..-'.:;r.'. ii to- - ! : t i.it ti.e ii;i:..:t to-. ;! .-r it'i the tw t , II oi. A.M. Cawforl. L F. Lii.lv. Mih'criksl and sworn to k t'..re me this :t), day of May, A. !., l'i. Ira Wimbkklv, s: i. Notary Public. Reduced Kates Via Southern Pacific. The ...;'.;. em Pa. ific w ill make s-cial rale ! San Francisco on tlie .K'casion ..! : the eoiiventi'.ii of the Noble of the My-tic Shrine at that point in .tune. rickets v. ill k on sale from Juno 3rd to Mi, ii:, iu-ie. and will k available for st. p-ovcrs in California. Full inform ation relative to rat.-s, limits and other condition will k checrt'uily supplier! by aii local ajeut of The Southern Pa citic Company. (dljj 4,in the Sweet Rye and ByeM T!:e worl! i? ac.vivs Ioo!it:j; f .r a good thing. Racine Btrjqics. H:.c'o C.'.rri.vC5 arc the best. We stand by thct'.i. Wc are !:-.:e to'liv, l::u rro.v and all the time. The people th.it r-c over t'.'.e c :ry are here today and gone tomorrow. T;;y p.v '.l.Lu-e, .io taxes and spend no iipin-'v i n i!;e l- -.'.it v. Wo r'.ice our rigs not only on a level lut above th-sc av.d ve -L-fvl by them. If their rigs break d nvn wliere vl yu f .r rctviirs? If ours prove dissatis factorv v.f u:ako '.; tu y..od. See our rigs before you bnj. s. k' sykes I W UU. lEEi II SUES 9ffisses Spring Shoes, Jfnip7 pendorf'Dittman . Some thing now. See them. ALL STYLES - ALL PRICES ...FLINT'S SHOE ALL RIGHT. STORE... $too Reward $ioo. The readers of this, paper will lie pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that sienew ), ,,.n able to cure in all its sta-'eSj -and that in Catarrh. Halls Catarrh Oiire in the only jMtsitive cure known to the mi-dii-al fraternity. Catarrh k-iie- a ,.nstitii tional disease, niiiirea Constitutional treatment. llall'HCatarrli Cure i taken internally, acting diremlv iiw.n the hlooit and mucins snrfaet, ( the svstcm thereby destroyiii); tho foundation of the disease, and tiivr.ntf the patient strength by building the constitution and assisting natiin: in doing its work. The propriety rs biie ho much faith in its curative jMivvera, that thev offer tine llun.lred Dollars for anv . use t le.t it fails to u n Send for list' of ti-stin.oni. ak. Addrc-HS F. .1. Ciikvkv ('., Toledo, O. Sold by Pruggisls, (.V. Halk Family Pills are the k st. Hints to Housewives. Half the battle in good cooking, is to have good fresh Groceries, and to get them promptly when vou order tbern. Call np 'Phone No. 181, for good goods and good service. C. W. PARKS & CO. 11 n if ii" If 1 " yen yon you you you you want to buy a farm want furnished rooms want to "buy a house want to rent a house want to build a house want to move a house If vou don't kuow PAT F C call 011 t r addreaj, ... il l 1 1 REPUBLICAN SUCCESS ASSURED Democrats Satisfied With Present Good Times. Many will not vote j Smiths' Dandruff Pomade. slops itching scalp upon ne application three to six removes all dandruff and vv ill stop falling hair. Pi ice oOc, Foj lie liv .Marst.-rs Prtlglo. .Mill, AND- ' EMPIRE- ft n Well 'reserved L Vi?j, Fesi End gah gfaMei C. P. Baksakd, Prop. Saddle Horses. Single and Double Rigs at ail hours Transient Stock gyta very beJ care ..... Rates always reasonable The key to the. political sit tint ion in Dongas County, aul tn.t tml.v in this County bnt in all Oregon, is. tbat hundreds and even tltousnmi of Demo crats will not vote. The reason for that is tbat limea were never better, . and Democrats will not even vote to change it, and hey believe jod limes ! jare attributed to Republican c-Jutrol of the K'lvernmeut. .They do not cure to vote the Republican ticket and will no vote agamst it, so will tutiiply j stay at home. The republican candidates for the county officers are all competent, j aud -will make excellent officials. j Thw beat interests of Oregon demand that a big republican mi.j.uily l e rolled up for the republican ticket next Monday. Th nemocr&tH in this county tiro geMiui; desperate. They k defeat About Bees. Do you want any honey from your bees? If you do, do not'hive thein in Ijoror keg when you can get a g. mmI patent 8 frame hive complete for only f 1.75. J'or Hectiona and k e supplies, all 011 .Ions K. Johnson iXX .111 lIoHolluP I li e Naoaf Contractor aud liui'der Kcauhurg, OrojQn. m U$B AW taring tVm in the face and are resorting to all kiu U of it.-weriipulons j ' Vlj chemen toKet votes. But they can't raise theaeveral bundled necessary to j gHX tV Women often astonish new acquaint ances, v.-'io are intnxliusd to a lar family of strong boys and healthy girls, who call this' young looking woman mother. It is popularly supposed that maternity w the foe of lieauty, and the f .' i worn and faded face 1 ' of litany a mother s t secuis to warrant the V& "7 Wief. But it is bant oelieve tnat nature should compel a woman to s;icri fice the rightful dower of her lieauty iu onlcr to carry out a natural 1'unctiou of her being. And nature docs not. The pains a n d sufferings incident to J f to y 5TUDEBAKER In ail Iti tK tliere ebon lil lie cleauliuc!. Fdy'a Cream Balm clcatipcf.vrwttiesiui.ne'&ls the die-1 I'll in.'iuliraiie. It cur.-. .i:nrrli ami driv.' ay s 'il.l III ll.c lifad i.iikkA. I'r.'Min Balm in plurrd Into the notol, Rprcaita nvir ii.i nCinuie ami if a'lfOflmt. Ilflief l ilU- m. "linlcar.a a i.n-f )llu . ll i out ilryin-lo 1 nut iirmluce aiu.iii;. iJitRe 1 ', 6tt iit at Uriifi-; linn or t mail ; Trial Si.p, 1 crui liy mail. Kl.V iiUOXUiUlS, S Warrca SuovU Ke Voflt- niothe! honil are It seems that Oregon is pafely republican by l'i.OHO majority? Tlie ef-1 Eo- to a large ex- feet would be to aettle the Philippine question. - "SciilUe" would be a dead j ThisTs"' roved igaue from the Atlantic to the l'acilic. Make it 20,000. ; ,)y (ic of ,)r beret's FavoriteTrV The DetnocnU. are uneasy about .he registration,. They Lriow ih a mat j XZZ ter ot fact that t lie Itepiiblicana have more voters registenvl than t boy had j iU.0s the appetite, induces refreshing iwn vou aim. w ulo 1 hey are iiiuie n nuiiiuiT Miuri. ior can inev , mi ,..i rv " ' J ' --is- i - i - them to either regialer or vole. Some Democrats refused to register when they sent, a man lo their homea for thnt purpose- The diaaffecliou existing among the so-called Lowell Republican of Umatilla County will not iu any way prevent W. J. Furnish, the Republi can candidate for (iovernor, from obtaining a majority of from f00 to "00. The aiibalanlial bnaitieas men of Pendlelon are rallying lo bis support ' the farmer and sheepmen whom he assisted liniinciiilly dining the hard time are making a vigorous ftwupaigu in his behalf, aud the (iold Demo crats and oilier Democrats who are disgusted with the malicious personal al lack 'made upon him will cast their ballots for him at. tho polls. It is conservatively e&limated that for every Republican vole Furnish loseH by the Lowell, disaffection he will socure threo Deraocralio votf s. tically painless. Mr. Orrin Stili'i. of rKiwuitm. Dmul Co.. Wis., vrriirs : H 1 h.iv c twen inlru.linjf lo vtrite to yon f vcr v.tice mv luliy was liorn iu iccatxl to vVl.at your ' l:avootr rrcsctiptiou ' hil tlonr for me. 1 e.Tnnet rr;iisv it cnonj;h, for 1 have not l.c?n n w ri 1 lor live virus us I am now. In July !:o-i 1 hud a liuliv K weight ii His., nnd I wasouiy si.k ii h.irt tine. Hud since I got up have not liu.l one sick .lay. I have not had any meriiie tuiut-lr mikt t y..l up 1 was not ouly surprised lnvsi li hut nil my liiruds here are mrposeU lo net' me no well.' Favorite Prescription " has the testi mony of thousands of women to its com plete cure of womanly diseases. Do not accept au unknown aud unproved sub stitute iu its place. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets clear tt complexion aud sweeten the breath. iMountain Gear Farm Wagons, 7ade lo laat. ?o Casl or 9falleable iron Skeins. 9o poor malerial covered up with quady paint. We just received a. hue line t f Stulebalcer Hacis and Yttggics. Churchill Woolley