The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, May 19, 1902, Image 4

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    Notice lor Publication.
rnited Stales Land Office,
Rcseburg. Oregou, Mr. 14, 102.
Notice is hervby Riven that in cotnyliaucJ
with the provisions o( the net of Congress ol
Jtne S, 1S7S, entitled "An ct for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California, Ore
gon. Nevada and Washington Territory," as
extended to all the Pnblic.lJiiid Slate by act
of August 4, I!,
of Seattle, county of King. State of Washington
has this day tied in this otliee his sworn state
ment No. 2112, for the purchase of the South
east quarter of section No. 14. township 28 6., of
range 3 west and will oB'er proof lo show that
the land sought is more valuable for its limhei
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and ti
establish his claim tosaid land belore the Reg
ister and Receiver of this office at Roseburg.
Oregon, on Saturday, the Ttli day of June
li02. He names as witnesses: Kdmond Downs
George. Bateman. of Roseburg, Oregon, and 1.
1. Gregory, K. w- Forester both of t-cattio
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to tile
their claims in thi ofhee on or before said Tih
dav of luue, 1902.
'M17p J. T. BRID3ES, Register.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office.
Roseburg. Oregon, May 2, 1H02.
Notice is hereby given thai tu compliance
with the provisions of the act of Cjugiess of
June 3, 1S7S, entitled "Arfuct for the aale of
timber lands in the States of i'.ili ornia.On gon,
Nevada and Washington Territory," aa extend
ed to all the Public Land slates by act of Aug
ust 4, 192,
of Perdue, csnnty of Douglas, State of Ore
gon, has this Qav linn m mm oimt ins ni
elatemeut No. 2 524 for the purchase l the N w i
of sec lion No. 12. township SO south, range 1
west and will oner proof to sho that the land
sought is more valuable for its timlK-r or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to estab
Jish his claim tosaid lam before the Register
and Reei ver of this otliee at Rosebun, Oregon,
on Fridav, the l.Mh day of August, ltkrj He
names as witnesses: Maurice Moore, Nick
Moore and Peter Bill, of Roseburg, Oregon, and
Ed McKeon, of Perdue, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to ti'e their
claims in this ofliee on or before said l.Mh day
Of August 1902. J. T. BRID iKS.
mop Register.
Notice for Publication.
United static Land Office.
Roseburg, Oregon, May 2 1A2.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
. with the provisions of the act of Congress of
JuneS, lt7S, entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California. Oregon
Nevada and W ash i in; ion Terrilorv." as extend
ed to all the Public Land States by act of Aug
ust 4, D92,
of Bucoda, county of Thurston. Stateof Washing
ton, has this day filed in this office his sworn
tatement No. 2i-'l, for the purchase ol the NE
J of section No. li, township 31 south, range s
west and will oiler proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its l;uiber or stone
than for agricultural purposes anil to estab
lish hi? claim to said land belore the Register
and Receiver of this office at Koseburg. Oregon,
on Thursday, the 14th day of Aimust, 1S02. He
names as witnesses: James S. Sntlheu, Alex
andria, Ind.. F. E. Kincart, Oakland. Oregon,
H. W. liiller.Thos. R. Howard, Roseburg, ore.
Anvandail nersons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to tile their I
claims in this ofliee on or beiote said Uth day ot
August 1902. J. T. BRIDGES,
mip Register.
Notice for Publication.
RosEBracOregon, May 2, f-ttJ.
Notice is hereby giveu that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 157o, entitled "An n-t lor the sale of
timber lands in the States of California. Oregon,
Nevada, and Washington Territory.'' as extend
ed to all the public land states by act of August
4. D332,
of Alexandria, couutT ot Aladison, i-iate of
Indiana, has this day riled in this
otliee, his sworn statement No. 2322,
for the purchase of the s', S'i. of Sec
tion No. 14, in township No. 31 a of Rauge
No 8 W and will Oder proof lo show that the
land sought is more valuable for its limber or
stone than for airrieaitural purposes, and to es
tablish his claim to said land ta-foic the Rvg's
ter and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Ore
gon, on Thursday, the Mih dy of August 19o2
He names as witnesses: A. L. Swain, of Butvxla
Wash., F. E. Kincart, Oakland. Ore.. H. W. Mil
ler and Thos. R. Howard, of Roseburg, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to rile their
cIbIttis in this Office on or before said 14th dav o'
August 1902. J. T. BRIDGES,
map Register.
Notice for Publication.
United State. Land Office
Roseburg, Oregon, May s. 12.
Notice Is hereby given thai in coinhance
with the provisions of the act of C ngress, ol
June 3, 1S7S. entitled "An act for 1 be sale of
Timber Lands in the states of California, Ore
gon.Nevada and W ashington Territory, ' as ex
tended to ail the Public Land Slates bv act ol
August 4, lbA
of Riddle, countv of Doue las state of Orecon.
1... ll.;. tlli'in lh AihM .1.1. I
ment No. 2363, for the purchase of the SEJ I
of aection No. 2. townuip ri south range 7 i
west and will offer pr d to show that the laud i
songht is more valua i- for ia timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land be'ore the Register and
Receiver of this ofh at iltiseburg, Ure,..u, ou
Tuesday, the 19th day of August I9J2. He
names as witnessei: Thomas La u sou, Albert
Bolllenbaugh, Ueorge R. ivuine, Uaac Laswel',
all of Riddle. Oreg u.
Any and all peri ns claiming adversely the
above described lands are reuesp-d to file
their claims in this orlii e on or before said Lull
day of August.1902.
Notice for Publication.
United Stabi Ijind inlo-. ,
Roseburg, Oregoh, March 14, luui
Notice is hereby given that sn compliance
with the proviions of the act of Congress of
June 3, 1S78, entitled "An Act for the sale of
Timber Lands in the State of California. Ore
gon, Nevada and W ashington Terri;oiy," as ex
tended to ail the Public Land Slate by act of
August 4, lt92.
of Seattle, county of King, stale of Washington
has this. day filed in this oQice his sworn state
ment No. 2li, for the purchase of the SWJ40I
section No. 14, to iv uship H south, range 3 west,
and will offer proof to show that the laud sought
is more va.ual'le for 11s timber or atone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim before the Register and Receiver of this
office at Roseourg, Oregon, on nalurdav the 7tn
dayof June 19u2. He names as uiinesstrs:
George Bateman, E R Downs, Allien O Connor,
of Roseburg, Oregon, Edwin W. Forester- c.
Seattle, Washington.
Any and all persons claiming advcrcly the
above described lands are requested to ti.e iheir
claims iu this office on or iK iore said 7th day
of June, 19o2. J. T. BRIDGES,
M17p Register.
Notice for Publication.
Rosebc&g, Oregon, May b. 19U2.
Notice it hereby given mat in compl.aiice
with the provisions of the act of Cougreasol
Jane 3, l7s. entitled, "An act for tne aale of
timber lands in the States of California Oregon,
rtevaaa, ana nasnmgton lemtory, aseiu-nj
ed to ail the Public Land States by act of Aug
ust 4, 1S92,
of Marshfield, County of Coos, slate of Oregon
has this day filed in this office his sworn state
ment No. 2.i. tor the purchase of the
BE'i of section No. 10, township 30 south, of
range No. S west, aud will offer proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable for iu
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes.
auu w tniKUUBU uib claim vj saiu lauu ueiore
the Register and Receiver of this office at Rose
burg, Oregon, on Monday, the lsth day of Aug
ust, 1902. He name as witnesses: W. R. Mum,
A. E. Crouch. Harry Greenway, A. W. Coon, of
Camas Valley, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are re 1 nested to tile their
claims in this office on or before tair- ltli dny
Of Angust, 1902. I. T. BRIDGES,
M(sp Ri-giter.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office,
Roseburg, Oregon, Mat 1. 19 I.
Notice is hereby given that in coii .',i,.nce
with the pro isions of the "act of Cnnr.-s of
June3, 1878, entitled "An a'it for the sale ol
timber lands in the states of Cal 'mta. on-.-on,
Navada, and W ashiugtou Territory," as extend
ed to all the Public Laud Stat l act ol
AUgUSt i, 1S92.
of Big Rapids, county of Mecosta, ! of
Michigan, has this day filed in this office his
sworn statement No, lb96, for the purchase ol
the S'j of S' j of section No. 2, in township No.
27 H., rauge No. 2 w. and will otter proof to
show thai the land sough is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for its agricultural pur-
iioses, and to esiiiblisn his claim tosaid land
before the Register and Rex-ivor of this ofliee
at Roseburg. Oregon. 011 Thursday, the 14th dy
of August. 1902. fie names as witnesses;
Riley smith, H. R. arneyof Roseburg, Oregon
Late Engles of 1'eei, Oregon, frank Vaniey, if
jioseburg, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely th
above described lands are rcUesld to tile their
c anna in tins oni 011 or ix lore said llih day
Of August, 19J2.
M . J. T. IJltlDGES. Register.
and Dyeinj Works
All Kinds of Clothing
Cleaned and Dyed. . .
Rose Stn-et, poijite SatiiifiKtioii
Presbyterian churcL. Uuaranteed
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Oltii-e,
Koseburg, Oregon, March U. 19U2.
Notice is hcrebv given that in eoinplaiieo
w ith the provision of the act of Congress ef
Jitueit, 1M7S. entitled "ah Act lor the sale of
Timber Lands in the Stale of California, Ore
gon. Nevada ud ahiiiKtou lerntcry, as ex
tended to all the Public 1-aiut States by act of
August 4, l.sili,
of Roseburg. oun; ol Douglas, aiate of Ore
gon, has this .lav .lied in thia otliee his sworn
statement No 211.-, for the purchase of the NW
4 of section 10, tow uship 2 south, range 3 west,
and will oiler proid to show that the land
sought is more valr.ahie lor its timber or stone
(linn for agricultural purposes, and to establish
Ins claim to said land be i ore .he Register and
Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, ou
Sauirdav the 7th day ol June. 0i He names
aswiiucsses: Henry siugletou, of Koseburg,
Oregon, K. . Forester of Seattle, Washington,
Kdmond Downs and flarancc A. Young of
Roseburg, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
aUive descriled lands are reUesled to tile
their claims in this otliee on or lielore said 7lh
lav ot June 1'.H2. J. T. OKI DOES
' M17p Register.
Noticefor Publication.-
Roseburg, Oregon, Mar. 14, 1902.
Notice is hereby given thai in compliance
with the Provisions ol the act of Congress of
June 3, 17, eniitied"An act lor the sale of
timber hinds in the states of California. Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory," ascxtend
ed to all the Public Laud stales bv act of Aug
ust 4, lf.92,
of Roseburg. c tunty ol Douglas. Slste ot On
ou. !ihs this ilav iiled in Inis office his sworn
S tu lenient No. till, for ihc purchase ol the SK'
ot ccvlioti o. in, uiunsnipxsBouin, oi ranged
Wsi and w ill offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its liiiila-r or
sloue than for agricultural purposes, and to es
tablish his claim to sui.t laud before the Regis
ter and Receiver ol this office at Koseburg, Ore
gon, ou Saturday, the 7th day of June, P-Ui-ile
names as 'witnesses: Henry Singleton,
Ueorge H. Slrader. Kdnioiid li mns, Clarence
A. Vouug all of Roscbuig, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
alcove-described lauds are requested to file
llieire'ia'ms in lhiofn on or tieiore saiil 7lh
day of June, l'A'i. J. T. HKI iMtKS,
MlMi. Register-
Notice for Publication.
KoskUl'Kii, Oregon, Mar. IS, 1902.
Notice is hereby given that lu compliance
with the provisions of the set ot Congress ol
J u lie :4. l7o. entitled "An art for the sale ol
iiml-er lands in the State of California, Oregon
Nevada and Washington Territory." as extend
ed to all the Public Laud stales by act of Aug
ust 4, IS92,
Of Koseburg, Count? of Douglas. Slate of Ore
g n, has this da l: led" in Ibis office his sworn
statement No. 2'liK. for the purchase of the
ti's of SW '.,SJof i-K1.,. oi Section No. 12, Town
ship 2S Soulii, ol Itaune 3 West, and will
oiler pro- f to show that the laud sought Is more
valuable lor its timber or stone thau frr agri
cultural purpose and toestablish his claim to
said land tc'ure the Register and Receiver of
this office at R.svburg, Oreiou, on Menda?,
the 9th dav of Jiiiie,1902. He names aa wil
ueises: E.'K Dow ns and Ueorge Bateman, of
Koscuurg. Oregon, and A. S. Downs and L. I.
;rvgorv,of Seattle, Wash.
Any aud ail perxons claiming adversely the
above described lands aie lies led to file
their claims in this office on or before said th
day of June. 1902.
ml3p J l.BtUWJES.
In the Citcuit Court of the state of Oregon,
for Doiu-'.as county.
Allie H- Hotist-r,
Plaint. ff i
vs r
Lor E. Houscr i
Delencaut. I ...
To Doia E. Houser, the above uamed delen
1ant: In the natujof thcS nte o egon, jou are
jerebvwimuiomdami e'j :ir: 'o apjaar and
aawer ihe enmp ami :i "! ag i.i st you in the
ai-ove eutilleii ou't ud enu e. with n 6ix
weeks lnm !.. .lute oi trie first juuli Mtiou of
this sumni'Wi- an I f hm ia:l to pp -r and r -.luinil, mr aut thereof,
plaiutill i. i-t-jdv i said court lor the relief
demanded in l.i cuip aint, Inch islot a de
crvv liom s.. curl d:ss":ving tne marriage
contract xi- in-i te n ..iii.innl and defen
dant, and s-. ii . ii a.m t..r h i relielaalo
theeouri n.ay set.u nieit .. ith e.jii? and goes!
conscience. . .
Thiss.iii.iiiouispublislHt once a wieK lor
six sue. osivc r iu If e Kosebmg P amdeal
er a seim- eekiv uvwspai- r pubiisl.eil at Rose'
bore. Doin::as i-."iiuiv. n order ot Hon.
M. D. Thompson, comity judge of Douglas
countv, or-..!, ma le April o. I '2. The cist
publication ol this summons is ou the 10th da?
ol April ivt:2.
Daieil i i..ii.u, Oiegou. thi loth - ay of
Ai rii. J. . i;lchaa.
Aiinie for PiaiuiifT.
Notice -lor Publication.
Rosn:. an. ore., M? l's l'.v2.
Notice is hereby gi.e:i i. i'i e.-moliauee
wiin the pro. i-'.-iu oi lie-- ct f Coiign-ss ol
Junes. is7 tutiTlci "An Act for the sale of
Timber Lauds in Hie Mate of California, 're-
Nevada and Wali:ugtou lernuir). as
extended u alt I
August t,
Pub.ic Ijiud Mates by an .
rH:-.l "MtS
Deil l', -!i'e ol Ore
ill this office his sworn
me inn-t'a: ot the N ! .
.if Roseb r, o intv
gon has -Hii tiled
sialemen: No. 2 ij lor
..I ..- :-.
. in. to:e
3 .! mil w ill oiler lirool to snow mat
the land sought is inure valuable tor iu limber
.,r M..m-1 01.11 i-r erieult!:ral puriscv aim to
M.i.i.!iwh hikf-Laiin 10 said land tieiore the Reg
i.ler.Hd lteeeiver 01 this olhce at Riwbunr.
Oiecon. ou Wednesday the 27th day 01 August
l9r He name as wi;neses: IyCAUarl Rabot
01 Keel UreiMii, James D. Fenuon, Albou
Wio.l. John DuBeli 01 Rir-eburg, Oregon.
Any and all perons c ai-niug a-lver-! me
above Oi seiibi-d lauds ar: rcuc-led to tile their
clstm- in rl,i- omce on or wmr- said '.'7 Oayol
August. 1902. J- T. BRIDGE--.
ml-.'P Register.
Notice for Publication.
RosEBrt1', Ore... May 15, I 'ML
Notice is hereby given lhal in compliance
auii the piovsiou of the act ol Couaress of
Juijr3, ls,7n. eulitlel " An Ai l for the saie d
t'nula-r Lands m ihe Slates ol CaUioruia. Ore
gon. Nevada, aud Washington Territory," as ex
leudeil tuall the Pubic; Laud btaU-s by act of
of R.eburg. county f Douglas, Slate of Orc
eou, ha thisdav tiied in this ottice his sworn
statement No, 2-iOJ, for the purchase of the SE'
ui KH-ii'iu Nil :i, louuslnp 27 south, range
wi, aud will otter pniof to show that the land
simirlit is more valuable for lis timber or stone
1 1. n l,,r auriculunal i.u roost, and to establish
Ins c aim In -aid in lid b lore the Register and
itwiwr of tios of.n e ai v oatburg. On gon, ou
Thurvlav the 2 day of August, iXJ2. He names
sswituvsses: David Craig, Frank Hays, Stan
ley P Olin aud Earl Hart all of Koseburg, Ore
, , tit
' aiiv and all norvms claiming adversely the
,,,nr descrittd lands are leiiuested to til
tneir cl no iu ihls otliee on or before sain 2h of
August, 1902. J. T. BIO IMrr.s.
mlip Register.
Notice for Publication.
RosKuraii. Oregon. May 1 , 12.
Notice is herebv given tuat .in compliance
with the provisions ol the act of Congress of
June .1, lKiK, entitled "An act for the sale of
limner mudsill the staU-s of CaUioruia, Oiegon,
Nevada, and Washington Terntoiy, as extend
ed to ail tne Public Laud state by act 01 Au
ust 4, 192,
f.r Riaeliiir. e.iiuniv 01 Donulu. Slat of Ore
gon, has tin day tiled lu this office his sworn
statement No. 24-M. for the purchase ot Ihe
Mil. ui section No X. township No '
raii'te No. . i west, and will oiler tirooi lo show
thni the laud sought Is more viiluable for lis
m.iU.r ,.r Kioiie tiiau for aaneullural tiiiusMes,
and in establish his c aim 10 aid laud before
iiie Keisu-r and Riteivcr of this odiee at Rose-
buig, OrcKon on Thursday, the 2Mb day ol
August 1.02. Ii'. names as wiinesws: Mauum
C. turn. I.ail Hail. Mauley P Olin. Frank
Ifnvs nf HoM-bnre Oreffon.
Aut and all nersous claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are rr.iiui-sU'd to tile their
claims in this ofbee ou or belore said zmii nay 01
Auu ust 1902. J. T. BRI UGES,
ml9p Register
Notice for Publication.
United Slates I-aud Ottice,
Rosebmg, Orcgoe, May lulh, 1901.
Notice is herelo aivcu lhal iu compliaiiee
with the provisions ol Hie act ol emigres ,l
June 3. J7. etilitleiP'An Act for the sale ol Tim
ber Lauds in thestatesof CaUioruia, Oregon, Ne
vada, and W aslnustou lernloi),' as exl ndi d
lo all the Public Land Stales by the act 01 Aug
ust 4, 192. . .
of Roseburg, countv of Douglas, state ol Oiegon
has this day Bled iti this ouiee his sworn siate
uienl No. 21 j2, for the p iieloii-ol ihe W'4 of
section No. H, township No- - roge No.:i W ,
aud will oiler proot to show that Ihe laud
sought is more valuable for its limber or stone
thau fi r agricultural purges, and to establish
his claim lo said land bcioie the Regisier nud
Kecencr at Rosebura, Oregon. .01 ihiusuay,
lllc 2Mh day ol Augil-I, 19il.'. In l amesas wit
nesaea: David Ciaig, llajs Maliillil t;.
Olin, Earl Hart ol Roseburg, Oregon.
Any and ail persons cla ining advur cly the
auui' di-scnbcd lands a e rc'iui-steit t-i lile their
claims in this nlliec on or hemic sa h : h day
ol August, 1902. J. I. IIIilliGES,
inivp liegis er.
Threshing Outfit for Sale.
A iiu li .1. I. Case .Sciamtiir ami a
twelve niie Iractiiin ftiinc will la-
soM clieai. Apply tu -I. R. Wilson,
M28p. Ciiinas ValleV Ore.
Society fffcttings.
F. A A. M. Laurel Lodge No. 13.
Ualds resular meetings on second
and f nrth Wednetklari ot each
month. E. J. Stroud, W. M.
N. T. Jkwktt, Secretary.
AO. U. W. Bosenarg IxwJtje No. 1G.
Meets the pecond and fourth Mon
I days of each month at 7:30 p. m.,
In the I. O. O. F. Hall. Members in
good standing are invited to attend.
H. T. McOlali.ks, M. W.
'.. II. l.Ksox Recorder.
U. .S Wkst, Financier.
P. O. ELKS. Roeeburg Lodge No.
326. Holds regular communica
tions, at I. O. O. F. Hall on second
and fourth Thursdays of each month.
All members requested to attend regu
larly and all visiting brothers are cordi
ally invited to attend.
W. H. jAMIkaON, F R.
V. C. London, Secretary.
. N. meets at Armory Hall every
' Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock.
F. B. Hamlin, Capt.
EGREK OF HONOR. Mystic U.dge
No. 13. MseU-'udand 4th lliurs
dav evenii.s of eacli month in Na
tive Sons' Hall. Visiting members cor
dially titl to atteud.
Mrs. Mkkit Wkst, C. of II.
E. H. Lksnox, Rec.
OF A. Court Douglas No. 32, For-
esters of America. Meets every
Turailay evening in Native Sous'
Visiting brothers always welcome.
(JIIA8 tjll.VlN. U. K.
Afo. J. Krantz, R. P.
V. Hoovkk, l'livsii ian.
0. U. F. I'liiletariau lodge No. 8,
Meets in did Fellows' Temple, cor
ner Jackson and Cass streets, on
Saturday evening of each week. Mem
bers of the order in itod standing are
invited to attend.
II. B.tilLLk-TTK, S. U
N. T. J swtiTT, Secretary.
of 1'. Alpha Lodge No. 47.
every Wednesday, iu I. O.
O. F,
Hall . 7:30 p. ni. Members
good standing are invited to attend.
E. L. Bamihikh, C C
C. E. RoBaHTw, K R. S.
O. T. M. rrot.vtii..n Tent No. 15
Holds its regular Reviews tl
first ami third Friday d" eacl
month in the 1. O. o. hall. istuiig
iiieiiibers 111 sriaal standing are invitel ti
attend. I". F. PattkMsox, Coin
E. E. 1', Record K-eper.
ILAC CIRCLE. No. 4S Women of
Woodcraft. Meets on first and third
Thursdays of each month at the Na
tive Sons, Hall. Yisitine memtiert in
good standing are invited to attend.
J. E. Sawyekk, Guardian Neighbor
Mixxik Otkv, Secy.
ADIhSof theG. A. R , Abraham Lio
coin Circle No. 2, meets at N'atiye
Son's Hall at 2 o'clock on the sec
ond and fourth Fridays of each month
0. T. M. Roeeborg Hive No. 11
Holds its regular reviews upon the
second and fourth rnday eve
of each month in the Native Sons' Hall
Sisters of other Hives visiting in tne city
are cordiallv invited to attend onr re
Jcwib Rait. L. Com
Mai de E. McClalles, R. K.
W. OF A. Myrtle Camp No. 6330.
Meets first and third Wednesdays
each mouth at Native Sons' Hall
F. M. Hi: rii, V. C.
Geo. Byron, Clerk.
E. S. Roseburg Chapter No.
Holds their regnlar meeting on the
first and third Thursdays in each
nonth. Visiting members in good
itandine are respectfully invited to at
tend. Mrs. Calue Beard, W. M.,
Mrs. Libbie Coshow, Secretary.
ITKBEKAH8. Roeebnrir Rebekah
14 Lodge No. 41. l.O. O. F.. meets in
Odd Fellows Temple evtry Taedf
sgsnmi 1a1t1nv aiatra and hrotnreil
invited to attend.
I,, V 1
lllW WlVIHKKIY, li. S.
. .
wmlily o. lts mitts i-ver- atnr
dav evening, at SriVha-k in Native
Sms Hall. Visiting Artisans conlially
invite-1 to attend.
Mas. M. M. A.
Mi. F. !'.., Secretary.
Camp No. 125. Meets at the Odd
Fellows' Hall, in Koseborr. erery
6 ret and third Monday evening. Visit
ing neighbors alwavs welcome.
Jnus T. Losii. C. C.
J. A. BrcuAHAN, Clerk.
Notice for Publication,
t'niteil States Land CtCre
Krwebiinr. Orecun. May l-'i. 152.
Soiice is hereby given that in coiiijiliaqee
with Hie iroviMm ol Ihe a t of ollrres ol
June i. en ti 1 1.-1 "Au act lor
the sale nl limber lan-ls In the
states of California, Orcmt, Neva-la aud Wash
ington To rii ery.' as exleniled lo all the Tubllc
Lan-1 l-talu by act of AiiK-i-t 4. IfJ,
of KoscburK, county of laiutlas. Slate ol Ore
CO", has thi day tiled in Una oftii-e his sworn
stnlcmenl No. -i . for the pun ha of the S1,
swi;, NK'4 SWi-;. NW';sK!ofe tlon No. jr.,
township Sn. LT, range No. 3 aft, end will of
fer proof 10 show thai the land sought I. more
valuable for Its limber or stone than for agri
cultural icirnjse. and to establish his claim to
said land be, ore the Rejrisler and Receiver of
this office at Kosebtire, Oregon, on Ttiirsdar.
the atn day of Aiignst, lsJ He names as wit-nessi-s:
Uavld Craig, Manuu C. Olin. Karl
Hiirt, btanlcv P. Oliu of Knscliiirr. Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming ailverselv Ibe
above di-scrilieil lands are retuest4sJ to file
their claims in this office 011 or lielore aaid 'isth
dav of August ,1M.'. J. T. BK1LM.K8
m!9p Kixlster.
Notice for Publication.
Koseburg, Oregon, May Is. lfa.
Notice is hereby (tiren tbat in compliance
with the provisions of th act o.' Congrrsa of
June X, laTS, entitled "An act for Hie sale of
timber lau in the states of California. Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territorr," as extend
eil to all the Public Ijiud Elates by act of Aug
ust 4, Wt.
of Peel, dm nty of lloiit'la. Slate of Oregon, lias
this dav tiled in this oftirre hia sworn alatenient
No. for the pun-l aa of IhrNK'i Ht'i, B'j
NK!4,SiK'i NW'.i. In section No. :u township
No- J7 8., R. 3 W. and will oiler proof to show
that the laud sought Ii more valuable for lis
timber or slime ihan for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his ela'm to said land before
Ihe Regisier and Receiver of this office at
Koacburg, Oregiiii.onlWcluesilay, the 27th day
of Angus). IJ)2. lie names as witnesses:
Maurice Moore ot Roseburg, Oregon, James
Kuchsiian and Richard I.. Cannon of Peel, Ore
gon, Thomas J. Kergoson of Rosehuig, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
aliove dcserilM-d land are reiiiesled lo Hie
their claims in Una ollice on or lielore said 27th
day of August, l i. J. T. BRIIMiKH
mlup Regist-.-r.
Notice for Publication.
rutted Ktatea Land Office,
Rosebum. Oregon, May, U, Unri.
Notiee la hereby given that in compliance
w ith the provision, ol the art of Cnngresa ol
June 3, IH7H. entitled "An Act for the fnn of
limber lands in the Stale, of California, Oregon
Nevada and ashinclou-lerrilory. a extend
ed to all the Fublic Land Slalea by act of
August 4, Is'Ji.
of Seattle, eonniy of King State of Washington.
has ttiisdiiy lueu in mis omco ma aworu .tate
meiit. No H16 for the purchase of the E'.; NE'i
ami K.' 2 hi.-. oi aecnon .o i, town-nip :m .
range K west and will offer proof lo show that
the laud nought is more valuable for ita Umber
or stone thau for agricultural piirsise, and to
establish his cla m lo raid land bulore the Reg
ister aud Receiver ol thia nlhcc at Roselillr
Oregon on lialiinlav. Ihe &fd day ol Augiial
l'i2 tie naine a w itnesses: Howard William',
Nelson H-fiiirea ol Seattle, Washington, m, .l .
Porter, Hale Boren oi (Junius Valley, Oregon,
Any ami all iieraoua ciaiinuig a'veraeiy tu-
above deserile-l lands arc requested to tile
their claims ill this oltieenn or before said 2 Id
day of AugDH, ltXU. J. T. BKIUUIH,
mivp . Keglsier. i
NuTg. Items under this head will be charged
for at the rateot fa: per line for each insertion,
(with 10 per cent off here notice stand with
out change for thirty days or longer), excepting
all nuticea of "Position Wanted," "Employ
mml Wanted" and "Help Wanted, " which
will be inserted ram opchakuk.
Chkam Waxtkd. Th' T. S Towaeiid
Creamery Co. at -14 ShiuhI St., Port
land, will Day hilu'st tnurkct jirice for
rrcam. Will sell you n Cream Scparii-
or, ainl take your cream in
For Sale. Stiucrt'sof aud in CamaB
Vallt-y being in section 3U, township 4J1
pout h, ranee 9 west if the Willamette
meridian. Will be sold cheap if taken
immediately. For lutlier information
address X. R. Jul man -en, Areata, llnm- Ol., Oil.
Foit S.tLt. An old eelaiilished btii-
nesi, eoiiHstitit: td liirniture ami umler
taking also, store building and lot in tin
misiness jmrt oi town, lor parttcu
larx call on or addresh, White ami Me-
Ciiv or A. Fenton, owner. .
M17. Myrtle Creek. re.
IIav Foit Sai l. (JikhI gmsg hav for
sale also lmrses broke and nnbnskc
I ntiire of, or addrtos Hkmiy t'oxx,
Melrose Oregon.
(tip) Seven nul-s nest ol UorH-btirg
AssAViNii W. (j. Wright. i rants, Oregtin. gold and .silver fl, copper
, tin and ehvtrnlytie assays.
Fob Sale. Wa-'on, team and harnes
for S5. Address Richard tireen, Kel
Si-'. Oregon. MSii..
1-orSai.l. Desirable cheap home" in
Roseburg, 10 acre lots and upward in
vicinity, l-irge ami small farms turtli
eront. I. S. K. I'.i he. Ibwhur Ore
Notice for Publication.
Cnited slates I and Oftii. May 14, l'V2.
Notice is hereby Kiveu ttial in coinidiam-e
wltb the pmvisioiis 01 the act of Congress ol
June ::. Is7. riiutlrd "An Act for lh sale ol
limber lauds in the stales nl l alllornia. Oregon
Nevada and VI ashliiKtoi: territory, aa el una
t.1 lo all Ihe Public 1-and Matrt by act of Aug
ust 4, 1K?2,
of Seattle, county of Klnic. slate nl WaahltKton
haa this dav blel 111 this office his sworn stale
ment No. i'42A tor the purchase of the lole
auda.HK1. NW';. NKt. SWi ol aection No. ..
lounshin . aouiB. ranee a west aod wiil offer
pnail that the iaHil aouahl is more al
uatile lor lis limber or siue than for acrirultii
ral inirua-. and 10 establish his claim to said
land larlore ihe Kecister aud Receiver of Ibis
office an Rn-vlmr. omtou. on fiatunlay, the
i.A dav of Auausl. lvarj. lie names ai itnn
H.iwaut Williams. R. li. H-hn.ol SeaitleWaah
liillon. W m at. forter. Hale Roren, of Camas
Vailev. Orecori.
Adt and all persons rlaniiinf adversely the
above dwrihtd lauds are reuueausd 'o hie
their claims In thlaomr or or belore said 2Jd
of AuEUsl. 19i'2. J. 1 . HKIIMjKV
lultl. Rellr.
Notice for Publication.
United taU-i Ind Office.
Roarburx. urerou. Apr. IS. 1'.I2.
Notice is berelry given that in rompliauec
lth the provisions of the act of Conares ol
June 3. 1S7V entitled "An act for the aaie of
timber lands in ihe slates ot California, Oreiroii
Nevada, and Wahlurtou Territory. " aa extend
ad lo all Public Land states by set ol AukuiI
4, lsvi.
of IiizonTllle. vouulyo! Donclas.auic of Ore
ton. bas this dav Bled in thtofticebi sworn
statement No. iSl, tor the i.un ha- ot thesw1
of bectlon No. 4. Toariaship 2T s. of rau.e
3 west and will offer pnaif to show that
the land aouKbl tsmore valuable lor iu tim
ber or stone than for agricultural purpose, and
to establish bis claim to said land belore the
Register aud Receivs-rof this office at Rim-bunc.
Orvtton.on Wednesday, the ii day ol Jolv.
1-JU2. He names as itner w . S. Turneil,
Lutter Perdue, and John Wbileaide of Lnon
rille Oreron. P. hene-lick ol :;eoure. Oregon.
Any ami a I ver-on rlauuiue ad rrsely Hie
above deser.bed lauds are re-bested to B
Ibeir claims In this office on or belore said 2J.-d
dayof Juij,l'i-
Ailn J. T. BRIlHiES. Recistcr.
Administrators Notice.
In Ihe County
;ourt ui IKMutlai County,
8 la la ul Omton.
in Ihe maitrr ol the estate of 1
W . W. Wa'ker,
Notice i bervlif riven br the un-lcrsurned
jcea-l. W the cnslllorsof .an.l all !rrn hav-
1 inr claims uainst the aaul iI-nvsm, in esnibii
1 """l rl!.u i6.V ITV"'?; .I'.V''".
i animus a icr -iicih-i rn- i-.- -
j u, the al Dlil.rl UniiRlas citunly
lUnfnn. c
I Date o( tli flrsl iiiliiicatiin the th ilsro
Mmy.wi. t.ixiAK nai.Kr.K,
Notice for Publication.
I'nited staU-s In1 Ofllit-
Bortair. On-fou May I. 151.
Notice ii hereby giveu tnat in rumliauv
witli Ih t-rorl-i.-ns ( the kI ol tkintw. ol
June i, lK7a.eniin-1 "An act lor the ale ollim
her laaili In ttie stai ol all lorn la, Or.f-m.
Kevaila au-l Wa.hliiKtun TerniiM-T.'-a cilcn-l
e-l to all the fut!lc Lan'l "tatra iiy aei ol Auk -
of Rnaebunf. eixllltT ol lfcitlK'.as. tlale ol mt-nt
ha-Hit. -la t.le-1 In thi. orac hi. sa.iiii .tte-
ineni No, ill's 'or the .unhae ol the N'.vi,
ol aection No. 14. t-iwnahli No. aouth,
range 3 wt ami will ouvr prooi to
bow that the laml aonsht ia more aluable lor
ll. limher or atone Ihan lor agricultural lnr- i
tea, ami loeaiaiiltth hi claim U sai-t land
la'ioie ine rveKisn r a u-i iitiiw oi on- -j--' -
at Kmeharf. Orecon, en Thursday, Ihe lth day
ol AUKUil, iwxj. tie namea a. wiinme: J"Da
liardner, tieorje Bateman, llenrv huiKl'ton,
Henry hlralior, all o Kosehiint, Ore , on.
Anvao-lall nM.naclaimtint aoveraety the
alsive ileerii-l landa are reoueatel to hie their
... . -.. .... A. , . . . 1 .1 I J, I. Amw nl
VJItllUIS III IIII.I.II.IT-.I. WCl'-l - . , J .
AUfiistlWi. J.T. BKIlaJES.
JI.b Hc-fliler.
Notice for Publication.
I'niled Htalei Land Oftice.
Roaehurf, Oreyon. Mar. U,
Notice la hereby given that In compliance
with the provision, ol the act ol l orotresa !
Junes, ISiS. entitled '-Aa act for the aa'c ol
timber landi in the dune oi California, Orenn,
Nevada, and W a.iilrglon Tcrritry." ai extend
ed to ail Ihe I'u l.l Ic Land stale by act ol Aug
ust 4, lHJi
ot Boaeburg, Ix.iikI.i county, Oregon, has thle
day nie-l in Ihl. ndii-e bis aworn atatemeni
No. 21l:t, for the purchase of Ihe Nt'j of
aection No. lu, lowmliip south, range 3 west
and wiil oiler proof lo .how that
the land toiighl is more valuable lor iu
Umber or atone thau for agricultural piirpoaei
am! to establish hm claim to said land lielore
the Keglater and Hecelver of thia otliee at Koae
burg. Oregon, on baiurday tne Tib day cf June,
VAi. He names aa wiltteasea: Oeorge Henry
Slra-Ier, Kdnioiid Uowni, Clarence A. Young
and I. e rge Maternal all ol H laeburg, Oregon-
Any ami all persona claiming advermly the
above described lamia are rsiiested to lile
their claim, lu thia ofliee on or belore aaul 7th
day of June, I'JIU. I. T. BKlDotS,
HV.p KeiaU-r.
Notice for Publication.
tint ted atatea Land Ottice,
Roaebiug, Oregon, May It, l'U2.
Notice la hereby given that in compliance
with the proviaiona of the act of Cougruaa of
June:;, l7g, entitled "An Act lor the an la of
limber landa in the stale, of California, Oregon
Nevada, and Washington Territory,'' aa extend
ed In all the Fublic Land KlaUi by act of Aug
ust 4, IhtU,
of Seattle, countv of King Male of Washington,
ban thia day tiled in thia oflu-e hia aworn alate
nient No. 'UA for the pun-liaae of the W' SE'i,
W) f NK'ol kex tiou No. M, Inwuahlp No. to
aouth. rauge M west, and w II oiler proof to ahow
that the laud loughl ia more valuable) for ita
timber or atone than for agricultural purposes.
and to eatablish Ills claim lo aaid laud la-fore
the Reglaler ami Receiver of thia olin at Roae
burg, Oregon, ou staluplay. Ibe'hl day of Aug
uat.iwii. lie names aa witneases: Ray H. Fish
er, Nelson S-iuin-a, of Heattle, Wanhington, Win.
M forter. Hale Itorrii.ol Caiuaa Valley, Oregon
any and all persona claiming adveisely the
above iI. h rils-d landa are reUi tel to lile
their claims In this oflii e un or ls.!nrc said tki
day or August, lutM J.T. It IU In iKS,
mlVp Kcgiatre.
to write for our confidential letter before ap
plying for patent; it may be worth money.
vvc pruupuy ooiain u. o. ana roreiga
n!-TJADC MARKS or return EN
TIRE ailorney'a lee. bend model, aketch
or photo and we aend an IMMEDIATE
FREE report on patentability. We give
the beat legal aervice and advice, and onr
charge! are moderate. Try ua,
Patent Lawyer.
Opp. U.S. Patent Office.Waihlngton, D.C.
State Crop Prospects.
Alhauy, Linn county, ('. L.
ery little feeding ion ho
Hliriuo; jrioiinl ft ill tin 1 t.
wheat and oats mnkinj; good
hut winter wheat has been more or lesH
injured by cold rainn. 1'ninaH immisu
alaittt one-fourth of a ero. Scarcely
any Rartlett ieari".
Sii ingticKl, Lane eotinty, .1. S.
Churchill. The week hart been warm
and showery, forcing a Htrong growth
of vegetation. All crops doing well, ex-
ept those oil wet land. There w ill be a
verv sliort eroiml Italian prunes and
H;lM will apilef. (iardell vi'etnliies
growing finely. !Soih doiti well.
Weston, I'liinlill.i nty, .las. Kirk-
patrick. This week has U-en very fav
orable for all kinds of rnwiu - ( iups i'lid
nrdeiis ; the weather b:is ln i n w arm.
with (nia-iniial slmwcis. lall-.-min
wheat will mature and a fair emii ii
we 1I0 not naveauv more ram.
Ilaketlven, Wasr'o e.iiiiitv. II. Kicln-ii-
la-rger. Ihe weather lias been
favorable to crop.; warm. will. !
e.l y
mwera. Spring grain ti.ikiii.'
growth; grass line. 1'riiin-s. i.liiins
. and
cherries in l lo mi. I'nta'ii-- all t.'iani
Myrtle l'oint, t'iis eountv, I.. ;r..n.
The weather during tin-last tew days
hauls-en fair: ground rather wet fur
farming, owing tu prewoti- rain.-.
Farmers are la-hind with tlicir w.rk ;
grass ami at! vegetation "i
ig nicely ;
g; ci cam-
Iruit aud tarries very promising
ones atnl ilatnes rniiiini- mi a mil supply
of milk.
sol Tllt.UN nKi:i.o.
Talent, .lack-111 coim: v. I A'tiord.
11m week has lat-n pb-.i-aiit. Thund-
ershower, edtn-gilav Ii.IiohcI bv partly
cloudy weather. 1 iras- and L-raiii gr-.w -
ing lini'ly (iru and gardens all plant- I
ed. Fruit .ii-osiievts are amd. Snrav-
iug in progress. Alfalfa ha- ma 1c g'si I I
growt'i ami will ! ready to'cut in alsjut
thn-e wr-ks.
I-I ATK 1 1' KM. Ion.
Island City . 1'nioti eoiiniy. J. M. Mc
t'all. The st week a an i leal one
fmm the farmers' slaiidi-iut. I'ortioii
of the valley had the heaviest rain on
the lit h for the past year. The w. either
ling warm egetatimi of all kind- ha
made a gi"l growth. Orchatd- are
turning white, and if not injure-! later,
this valley w ill have a heavy fruit erop
Sugar lifvt- eotuii.g up n ici ly ; f ill
wheat looking well: -pring 11 itn
proving: warm and cloudy t-slav the
Mrs. Sadie Henderson
has 1
STll Up
tnun (Jar-liner on a i- t .
Mrs. IVlle Sawyers au-l tbil ln n wort
in town on last Saturday.
Mis Lillie Leveus wa.
wi-rk with millinery L'ri
Ieiuty As --jr Kobin-
iu t-iwn l't
-n w.i- inSer
ev tjoll rif .-l.t-
viewing ttie -o-ieo ti
K-ix-o- Freyi-r lut- retnriie.1
ehoi-l at Wi!,-:r ..i- i .1 i-titi.
iu J.
1 Iedden s store.
We are t.ite that ln-rc.cter
thestae wi'.i ruu daily, the road- l--ii
mileli ill-prove!.
Bela Andrew -, who has lr. -a earryn.j:
the hor-eluck mail all winter, i- 11 -w
employed by the I iar liner Mill t.'--.. Tir
ing au eiipine.
V.. rnbb.i came -l.-wn tr-iiii I'r.tin
! lat si-'i brin
iii-.' Mr. and Mr-. -b wett
, al,l their small
lati-hter: Ma-t-r Willi--
ill foll-iw later.
The s-hool at thi- piaee,
tendance of IS pupils,
nirelv under the elliciciit
with an at-
pri-.'r. iiii:
1 1 : 1 l.l '--llsel.t
I id Mrs. I
I . . ,
' l"n Uike -ip;' want a term ;
' i j .1 . -ui.l-i -. !i,.l iu- pn- in s, ,i.-..n. an-l a s- m-n
will la- inmineliiiil a- -.-HI a a teacher
' . , , ,
i'atl l eiis:ai;e-l : te u liers .-e-m to l-e
j V, r' N"-lm- l"'1 il! I1"-"'-
; Tbre -m ill Ii.iii.u- f,.r win, 1.1. r !,,.i. ...
1,1 w '"'"-es lor r ie
have leeii rcifiitlv creite 1 near town:
i '
one at ttie upa-r end and two at the
j , - . ,. ,.. ; ,....
pieil by the family
f Mr. liarri-oii. and
.it. I m
. tli latter liy Messrs
.Met u-lv an-l Mier-
ir . Toii.i.l-in
nr. .. 1 pkins
.taker of the farm of
of Kiddie, o.tri-Mi-s
M. Nichols.
made a l.tlsiues
I Mr. Thompkin
i Portland w he-e
trip t- I .on a l'rairie.
recently returned from
li - and -e-er,il fanners
i have la-en attcJi-lni.' the sale- of bb
llerfords, lately shippe-1 ir.itu the
HolJs I'p Congressman.
At th-i inl o tin- campaign. writes
(.'hanip t'lai k. Misvmri's brilliant, i'-hi-
"ressniaii, "from overwork, nervou
tension, loss of sleep au-l eon-taut sia-ak-
I had ala.ut utterly eollapsil. H
whined that all the organs iu iny Usiy
were out of order, but three laittls (
Kleotrii' T.itters made me all ri'ht. It
the best a l-rotnnl me-iicine ever sold
over a druist's counter." Over worked
run-down men and wtatk, sickiv women
train splendid health and vitality from
Kloetrie Hitters. TrT them, duly 5V
tiiiaratitex-l hv A. ('. Marsters.
Noted Temperance Orator.
There are inanv who helievo that the
south is piinj; to lead in the pioliilnlion
reform. The north took the lead tn
aliolitiou ; the south may regain lost
i?ronnd by takini; the lead in a se.-oud
great reform. .Mready the prohibition
reform has jriveii the country some iireat
lealers and one of them is Jas. A. Tute,
of Nashville, Telin. lie is secret nrv of
the National Prohibition Committee, and
has Deen f njriiired to sin-ak in the court
house on Wednesday, May L'l.s p.m.
The following in from the Daily I Vino
crat of Holers, Ark.: .lames A Tate is
one of the youngest, most brilliant, most
sensible, and most logical temperance
lecturers now on the platform.
Scaled bids; will be received by the
t'otinty Clerk up to one o'clock July '2,
11KI2, for bnildin a nx'k road eight feet
wide and one fiHit thick, near the resi
dence of J. T. Spangli, and also upon
the road leading from Koseburg to Look
ing (tlass ; also bids for a plank road
eight feet wide over the last named road.
HiHwirtentioiiH as to construct imt and
material to accompany each bid.' Dmi'ls
will hi', required in all eases.
-haw. g
f;ir thin Q
Winter 0
growth, Si
1. TiniMesoN.
(.'oillity Jiulge
Oil in
The old days of Titusville and Oil City, where fortunes were made in
a night will be completely outdone by the magnificent oil fields to be
uncovered and developed in Southern Oregon. THE UMI'QUA
VALLEY OIL COMPANY controls the cream of Southern Oregon
oil lands. If you want some of the first hundred thousand shares send
your orders to the Secretary of the Company, or through Wells. Fariro
and Lo, express.
Umpqua Vallov
Is Absolutely PURE, and
w ill OUTWEAR all other
II yriTir l-s a! tlca'er d-i nut carry it
write tu us sii l c will k-v that vou n-.-t il
W. P. FullerS Co.
Portland, Oregon
Go to .. .. 1
For a Prompt aud First--!a?s
Shav" or Hair-cut. Compe
tent Worktiien. Clean Tow
els, Tools always in st.apa.
Baths in Connection.
hop n Jackson St.
i:k.-hknt $
(piInoXtuner) I
o Best References. 0
o All Work Guaranteed.?
0 P
9 L.MVtf or-V-r at McClallea House V
H. Little, dt
Professional Cards.
I pecia. atvaiioo r-vca M Dis-mae o! Ibe Sot
anl Throat.
! O-Cee Main s:.. one door aoulh ol CI tjHa I
rnone. Main si.
V FlSUEIl. ii. D,
Office over P. 0.
'I'hor.e Main 591.
Rosebi uo,
Physcian & Surgeon.
OtSc Review Bid.
Phone, Main St
Review Building,
Teiepaouc No. 4.
OSicc or.pos'tt
Siocum Hail
Attorney at Law,
RoomilAJ. Mantera BUg., ROoIBCRiJ, OB
CaVBuKlueaabefore thi 0 S Land Office and
m.uiug caaea a ipeclally.
Late Receiver D. S. Land Ofioa,
Roseoiro, Orkgos.
Buaiuesi before B.8. Land Office and Probate
business a specialty.
Offlce Abraham Building.
Wilt practice in all the state and Federal Court
Office lu Marks' Bldg., Koacburg. Oregon.
Attorney and Counsellor at
Miumg Law aud Water Kighte uiaila
a epeoialty.
ata.iteri Bid KLBtBCKU, OKKUON
fonts 1 and 2
wvlrw Hiiildini?. ROSEBlRU, ORKUON
Court HoiifO
JA. BUCHANAN, Notary 1'nblic.
Collections a Specialty.
Room 3
Marslera Biiililiug. ROSE 111' KG, OH
Attorney at Law.
Room 11.
Taylor A Wilson Block KoHERUKO. Oaa.
1 1
The Rich Fields Uncovered Will
Rival Those of California or Texas
ur ( ream an 1 Ibi-iii.--:, 11!. jlri-a-! is ss tv or rs.l!'-r "J
. th in ever an 1 w ill m !; live i-i l- a.iv part of the citv.
Leave order or 'ph'ne Mail! fo. P
J. SIEVER3. Proprietor i.
Drain - Gardiner!
t'oinnieiicin.' with i -m l.v
tl.i f.i frim Pr.tin t C os Jiiy.
Vl pounds . 'f ravciiiii li.'.-u nr-r .
have Vm: or m ir--. A I c
loa.uice will jv mal-.-f ir nun 1 t:
For iuformatior. a l ir
The finest Rough anil Dressed
IT T S f
Fine Cedar Fence
Posts, Wood, etc.
Fine Port Orford Cedar
Finishing: Lumber-
We want
All orders
J. M. W.-i
Roseburo; Reai Estate Co.
F.ura an.l Tin;ler
Taxes Paid for Non-Resident?. Timber
Estimates a List oar ytper
ty with us. j ji .
i nimii p vi I'll b
A new aud complete line of Chinese and Japanese
Novelties, Chiuaware, Silks and Linens. All
goods are as represented. All are invited to call.
Idtzer r-ui'dtiii;, north Jack-on Mrx-et-
THE . .
New Rival" Cigar
Our Makes--:;:r, 10c,
.i.'rato.'v ixk
AVIXG purchased the entire stock
i 1
of Mrs. N. IioyJ, I am row prepared
to make very attractive nrices in
the Grocerj Line a:.d will also exchange
all kinds of Country Produ t the high
est market price. Iu order to Tcduce my
stock cf Crockery aud Chinaware I will
sell this line at first cost.
Also a car load (nJiy an,J HitrhcII Kll25!C. SlirrCYS
of the famous 1 "
;in;l Koail i? asoas on han;l.
If you wish comfort, elegance aud a
reasonable price, see us before buying
T T7
U a dm
y - V', w il", $7..yJ fur
sn aiioai.ce w th each full fare.
pot:ii-i.- i-agage when they
'SAC", icts. j-r (jud-1, and no al-
J. K.
r Ttrrrr r of
V a W 1 . aw If
i'r- ;-r:rtor, I'rain, Ort-gon
. ' .V.V.VA'.V.VVSV,'
vz'x. ooococxxi g
or de
rs for building
promptly filled.
.i. I -;
1. L. Martin
L:;:id H-
'i'SaT it wv . k..;iofi
N-w Rival.
Jan... Be;:.
l.ioi t b.ttssotu
Hendricks b::.;
near Pvpot
:& at L 'V Jti
& Co.
'U al