.t t 4 'i The Twi-i-fck Roscburg Plaindcaler V Published Monday and TliursiUjrii. PLAINDEALER PUBLISHING CO. W. CConxkk, FditoTand l'ublisher FitD Wkh;ut, 'City Lditor, Solicitor. -; Acgi'st J. K.KANT., Foreman J. C. Raetri'm, Traveling Solicitor. Twict-a-Tk Plaindealor, per yrir, 51.50 Entered at the Tost Office in Roselmrg. Ore., as second class mail matter. Advertising Kates on Application. A I'KII. 1M, 1W2. STATE REPUBLICAN TICKET. .COSviRKSSM AN, KIRST UlSTRUT Taoi. H. Tongue XYahiiiKtiu jsrrr.EMK jcixjE. K. iBtnu lAue vVmniT UOVERNOK W. J. Fnrulph I mnull SKCRKTARV OF STATE. F. If Dunbar ..... CltM : TRKASfRER. Cha. Moore khimstli ATTORKEY t.ENKRAL. A. M. Crawford li.nigla- 8t"PElKIESDEXT Fl'rlLK' INsTRl l TIOX J. H. Ackrii.ii Multnomah STATE I'KIN I'hK. J. R. Whitney:. ...... l inn COUNTY REPUBLICAN TICKET. JOINT KK PREVENTATIVE. Ilea!;!.- and .Im-ksoii. " J. M. . Hmi-hionph Ki.-i-l.iiu; KOR REPRESENTATIVE. Ira B. B-.ldle Ki.iJU- Frank H. Rogers liardiiur FOR SHERIFF. JT. E. Farrotl R-ct.urs FOR i-l.KKK. Pivkl R. SiiauOjrok ..Viua Kerr FOU TKKASl KI R. Seorge w. KiuunicL FOR fOl'NT Y Jfli-JK. It. D'. Thouips u FOR fOMMlS-loXKKS. A, I. Nichols u".ir y,ar tciuil J.C. Youn; (two year Knni FOR assessor W. Sta'.er for s; i: eyo::. kcH.- ..Scolt-l.ui-.; A.-alcrt Oitkaml .Y'l-is.-a'.ia C!i. E. Roberts .Cnlivoio FOR roRONKi:. Dr. J, C. Twiuhcll KoM.'ltin: Roseburg Precinct Officers. J. A. Buchanan ... H.C. Slocuni ..Ju-ticv ; the IVa-'o .. t'.m-tui'ie Tbe election of Cieo. K. Chamber lain for . governor is conceded by many republicans, siys a Democratic exchange. "Thi Republicans do not concede anything of the kind. -catl6e they toj well know, :is do the Democrats themselves that Chamber lain will fall short S.'fcKI or 1i),ikhi otes of being elected. Of course the Democratic press nint try Lj inspire eoorage among the faltering Demo cratic hosts and it seeks to do this y making unreasonable assertions and predictions. There is only two charges tbe Democrats can present against Mr. Furnish, one being that he manifested the good sense to (juit the old party of "adversity'' and "Jo nothing"and join a real loyal and pro gressive American partv. The other is that be is ji practical aud sncessful business man, who by his thrift, en rtJV integrity and superior business ability, has amassed Considerable wealth. A real Jive. si;cc-s-iful busi ness man for governor is what Ore Ron needs, and that is what she will have when Mr. l'nrni-h is voted into the gubernatorial chir in Jniie. 'Week-kneed Republicans ar-3 very" scarce ia Oregon tbese bioonmg Re publican prosperity times. Slx-:-v A A"A A A A X A X 9 It will be observed that the Demo-pop assessor does not of- fer a word in explanation of bi action in fedacing tbe as-e-s- ment of Rofebnrg and vicinity to tbe tune of nearly sliHi.tHHI during his term in office, which & is at tbe expense of the other jf tax payers of tbe county. This y is a matter of public record ami is tbe OKre notorious when if is j recalled to mind that the vaiite j of property has greatly increas- j ed rather than teereusod in va'.- 'j ne ic this city during this peri- , yOJoftime. Mr. Gillette seeks y to be popular with -tbe birge y - property owners of this city. KSf.X XAAAAX X X X X The Repablicans of Oregon and Douglas conuty offer the vo'er.s & clean, intelligent and progressive platform, uot to ca!ch votes with, but to be lived up to aud made into laws. The nominees tre men who are identified with the evelopment Slid bnsjufss of the country and while 'hey are Repu: icans, they h8ve no ap logies to -offer for their posit io . t ecause 1 bey hie Republi cans fro ii principle, i or tecause tbeir ances'f rs were. T. e spirit of the Republican party tbronghoat it glorious care r, is to recognize the men who work for it-, si ccess and are true to their pledges.. It nomi nates men, iiot for the reason they were born m the p: rty, bm who will be willing and al bi t. carry out its principles and pro ui- s to the votern. Tbe Salem Journal bays, t hire is a disposition among home Republicans to bar Binger Hermann, former con gressmau from this district, from the seoatorship. The Journal has not al ways agreed with M. Hermann, but it believes that harmony iu tbe parly is not possible along tl.e line of barr ing out any Republican. If the state convention bad seen lit to nominate a candidate for senator to submit to a popular vote, aud had named Mr. Hermann, be would i-nva received as large a popular vote as any man iu the state. As th choice f Republi cans will again brcouie au apple of discord,he has as much right to eutr the scramble as any man, and tbe etate might do worse than have Bin ger Hermann elect e I. Four Southern Democrats Black burn, Morgan, l etlus aud McLauriu Toted against the Mitchell exclusion bill aud in favor of the Piatt substitute. sou.- K.1IJ Uucle "Cyras tlie Democratic pareil. published tit Draiu, kick had squirms, tiuder the txliuui of the Plainikai.ki:'s tiuiely eipcme of his attempted double jKuitieal play, in douuuneinj; and deriding the Repub lican party f Dunlins cutiuty, whilo traitorously masquerading ita'der Ilia " .lisuise of llepuhlicanisin. ' Kedly's opposition is the fjrentest compliment 1 and endorsement the Kepublicau , party mid Hs lenders, of lionglaa coauty could receive. The total money iu circulation u April I. according to the Treasury figures, was i2.V.!.0l7,:ir7, or SiS 5'.t for iieh jvisou in the failed States. ).- This has beeu doing pretty well. when it i remembered that July 1, j lS.'.Mi. before ihe Republicans came into power, tliA money in circulation was only 'Lot:t. 4.'U,'.ir6, or -Jl.lS per capita. We lefrtunjiroiu making any remarks about Mr. J5ryan and free silver iu ih s connection. W AAA. V" NA At this time when the great principles of the Republican parly are beinx availed by the f ' opposition and when Democrat- f- ic victory would mean the rever- A Mil of all that has been accom- p'.i-.hetl during the past four . y years, both bv our SuldieiK and j s Statesmen, uo Republican can ' afford to vute for a Democrat for y any political office. NANA X N A A A AA One of the Dcui. ciatic candidatu for representative ul Lane county hns go! col 1 feet and uk that his name be left off the ticket. We will wager a penny that s of the candidates of I bo same faith in this county are Itegiuniiig to feel mighty haky. Well they m;iy. f-r old Douglas will mil up the htrgest Republican major ity in Ler history in June. W e reci rd with regret the suspen sion of the Raker Oitv Republican. J-Mward Kveivlt Young, editor and J proprietor It was one of our most interesting and most valued J-.astern Oiegoti exchanges ami its suseuhioi was ouly due t au overcrowded Held and couse.iuent sharp competition. There is several other Oregon towns in which tbe ::ewspajer business is i great lv overdone. A AAA N X Oenekal satisfaction x x exists f throughout tbe county with tbe 'f- ' Republican ticket, hven the on- po'itiou admit that i is a strong r oue from top to bottom and will jr lie elected. The. ticket will re y y ceive tbe nearly support of the , independent voters, who are. in fact, without ii party. X XX X XIX" X .X A A X According to tbe Oregouian JSi tiionisui is exhibiting its peculiari ties tiiis year by fusion witbDemo- cracv. .tumon is noiinug ii ne is uoi frui'f il in political devices designed to serve his ends. He could give the slippery Ah tsiu valuable pointer- iu "ways that are dark." Ma chine methods ia Multnomah are a thi tig of the pHst. The I'LAiM'fcAi.fcR prints the news of t'ae day in a brief terse style.. It believes that the reader has no time lo waste on uuimtiortant newspaper articles Tlie people want be news. want it fresh aud want it correct Tbe l'LAiM.tAi.u: will give it to them that way. The Democratic party of this coun ty In- tremen luo'Js odds against it. Besides umprecedanted Republican prosperity and a R-publicnn mojori ty of some 2"l votes, "Cyrus)XobIe" Kelly, of the Diaiu Norifiareil, is sup porting Lie ticket. This year's memorial address at (irant's tomb will Ik delivered by United States District Judge Thomaa Leopold, of Montgomery, Ala., who was among the Confederates at the Appomattox surrender the Crooli count v Journal is imw looming Hon. Binger Hermann -for United States senator. Sir. Her mann is hii iudu-trious worker for Oregon wherever von put biu. Saletn Sentinel Attempted Assault. Mention was luade in our Lo an attempted a ault made las I l.-slle ol Week bv a -trauger upon the person of Lucy, the 12 year o. daughter of Mrs. l-wis Ncal on Little lliver and the particulars are us follows : The little girl wan re turning home from school when at a H.inf near the Watson pla-e she met a St ranger w ho talked w it h In r I liual- ly seiisl her and attempt"! volience. hut the girl'.- screams brought John Watson to ihe scene and the stranger arming Jlnm-elf with rock- kept Mr. Wat.-on al Lay and linally made his e- cape into the brush The ncighhor.- j..ine.l iu a searcli lor bun. but without success. However, he was apprehended on I.'. 11. I'ixon's place, fix miles east -' Uoseliitrg '1'huis.lay night while seeking 'mI, bv .Messrs Halliel.l and Carlile and hrought lo town II.' :i- iveii a o. I in. in ry hearing I ri. lay at which he gave his name as .la.-. Smith aged 2S year.-. He i- an I'li'jlislouaii and savs he came from tio. I Hill vv here he worked a while, to lloscbiirg. lie said he win .h. king f . r work on the Ka-I I'luiniua and wnsi telupted ov t he act loll.- of tin- jrji-J j,, .... i . ..... I'Mimiii i lie as.-a ii 1 1 , .mi mile CO"lelic.s i- placed iii any of his sloiies. IJ.- uu held iu t'.e -1111 ..i 1f llflO In th,. circuit curt aii'l In-iug iiiial.l.- to iiiruish Umds is langnishing in jail, lb- i.- g.nnl for a .xd long tenu in the penitentiary. tfRST CAMPAItiN GUN Republicans Opened County Cam paign at Glendale. ' r:fA 4 HEARTY WtlCOMt Senator A. C. Marstera tcliverc4 the First Campaign Speech in The State for ioi, lii.iMnik, Ainl ihe hrt reinl- licau Niliticiil f. for the Hn.12 cmiipaigii , ... . i l .i. .).: v.. i., ...I .. eveinii-; mikI a iciimii irce-tiuu teinlere,! thy se:ikers iiii'l the cnudid utes. St iut'T A. I". M;irl-rs ua intp- luc)-,! m (lie tirt .-j-eaker, Kiel lii ;el- lrc w;i not only the lirt lor the l!HtJ ,-:(lii.;(i''ii ill this county, lull roliatilv the tirM in the .-late. Iloducll almost holly on county (mlilics and siil each of the r .uli!i. :iii otliciaU hikI candidate a lowinj t rihiitc. lie rel'errol to their - l ii. 1 i 1 luiii'-s-liUe adininir-trutioii and excellent ress iu the lace of many adv-rr oiiditioii-. tlie i..ly ..l leiieieratic "niiitiny" forcing :i ''n-xl chmim on the .i em coimly coiirl lor llif iiu.r... ih. iiI ..I lo.i.U. hii.l'o. etc. Senator M.irtr- .rocl hiin-ell well inloriu,',! n .-..inity :ilY:iir .oi-l in. el ;i very l:iV"ixll- iinesi-n on hii h;ii ei. Aloi,- t . s. .1.1. k,ili. ) l;.i-r-l.ui llir mt .ikir ami he t-ok a 1 1 :i g nrral di-cii i,m ihe .liii-al i--ii - a. several ol MielU-y'h niid. igar' I the -lay :uid el.Njiiriitlv reviewed the , inini-- -l.iiiKsl with blood. Tlie-e gar pioii.t HM.r.l ol th r puhlicaii .artv nienl- tin' vvoinan hunted, during th si-t lour eventful year-., Nora Fuller, a l'-yar-'ld girl, lelt ln-r H referred lo the -oii-t.int iio.r..v- j hoiin- .luiiary l'l. l- an-wer an adver lueiit of times during ihi- i-riil and ' ti-ement lr ,i nut-.- girl. No tra.-e of the .re-ent r al . ..lulu, r.ia 1 and iu- her -.uld ! ..nnd iinTil a nionih Liter, lu-trial activity and improve.! Iradej wi.ru her nu.le lody a- l.viuid ill o.uditioiis a. ,i,inparf-l vv ith the blight ; a vai.tn! h..ii-.- on e.nr street. 'Ihe and stagliat i..n ol bii-ins- n n. i.-r the girl had t-eii iinli.l.-i.-l. la-t deiii.NT.it ic regime. He called at-' n tei,ii..i, ., ti- i;,.-t t ! t ilie .yes ,.f the: (iery Law to Continue, nation were crnleri-l itre-oii and' -honed the great iieccitv f..r au in dorsement at tie- ... 11- .Inn,- ihe 2nd. ..f the i.licv. achiev incut" and ITln. ii.!e- I ofoiir national adiuim-lral ion. the out - .-.inr of the Oregon .-ampaigu h.., taken a-an index to public sentiment throughout the coiinliv. e-peciall Ihe great we-t. ComiiiL' down to -late matter- he reteried to the acii..n of a republican li-gislatnre in bringing the initiative and refereieluiu atnendtnent to a Note of the jas.ple ,,r adoption, it res.illtioll .le,'l irile' tor . lire.-t v..1a i. .r S. PenatAr-. in fact state n. La-al la.Iitics were tli,r.,ii.-blv ,li- u--r,l mi. . mm i.,t. .v ner an ao-eii. .. tiiree weeks, wei reinrnrd to the city yesterday ju-t iu time lo reel ..lir p.. Hilar c.lli.ll.i.ile- nr sheriff and cl. rk and or next sheriff and clerk, K. I.. Parr-tl and I. IL ham).....k. m.-el Iheir Iriend- with thegratetul e.xpr.-s-i I ...licer- I- have done ihe.r duty faithfully. aH l...r..nean.l merit ihe approval voter- o, all ,wrt.e. A,.H when straight o.,t' .lem..-rat rema.k.sl p. . tin- morning, -rarro,, .-han.l.n-.k might ju-l . well have staye.1 at I lome. we r--i..i new. .iil.l -av- ! caue they will 1? leieal.s." bin said -lHS-aii-e they are -urr to U- r' - ilenl elected, anil thev know it."' .Mir . -M.ii.iein w.,r.if..i ui.i n.n. deiuo,rat." 'heir And w ha I can we nr.r- -av . ojli. L.1 re,,.rd.- .,ak for Ihciu. Yet we ill are vTV l.lcj-e.1 o reel Iheli. L.i..w - - I 1 "" 1 oiein. know tug full. well, that for" 1 1 eiuning two. years. oiir-Mir.l v '- hii-inc-a in ri.i-s. i iu c..m4-tent haiel-. th. Jil.ly Tln.ih..ii -pent Saturday at dendale. IU i- another ne of our caiidi,lates wli.. will -uccee.) him-elf. Ml tin-city, he i .Irserve. ilv .pul;.r. a - tie gaiiu-i ..nr b:gb.-t approval in hi.- judicious manageiueiii i.f ,.iir -iuall-. piarantiiie, and sitli-tsjiient differen.vs arising ther.-lrom. He lwav- reinem Is r-the taxpayers, and i-ju-l a- care ful iu di-bursiii; public moni,- :t. lf. j. in handling hi-ovv ii. XX" uld ill af- lord to place a new man iu hi- olli.-e. A!-.. C.Hiuty Trea-urer I Iro. XV. Him mick. is capable, honest, tri.si and true. We need him where lu i-. Voters , J, remetiila-r that this oilier is i,..n lilli-I by a man that suit- th. ive ..I parties. i.ple lrre-,--. For isiiiiiui-sioner- we hav e . , K. Nichols and J. C. Young, who are both eaible, and in ihe highest degree worthy, i t their success on June 2nd there is ii., doubt. Cut it is thedulvof loyal republicans to gie them a haml. some majority. I or surveyor We have Cha-. F. l:.,h fits. XX hy, lit- name -ngc-t s t t ti. old .is,.a-i:iles. and sacred Incmorie.-, and we can s,iut with pride to the fact that tl ec ol hi name will -ee and honor the name of T.'olaTts" on ..ur li. kei. i if cur-.- h w ill I elected. Iw-cau-e he is loyal to our party, as well a an honor tooiir name. I ..r coroner. Ir. J. C. Twiiehell. an other ..nr w ho was faithful to ..ur citv in the .lark I r ..I -stilehtial visita tion, and another who has made a g.s olii.-er. In South liouglas he is popular, and we need him iu hi present Hh-e. lor joint representative, James J. II. nir-1. rough. Why he s-nl inanv maiiy M-ars in this valley and in this city, where we all know him, and where he is held ill the highest i-leelii. We knew and honored his Mreiit.-, and his lender care of his revered and aged molher, ha-ap-alis lo the hearts of us-all. He has kept and is still keeping I ho commandment lo 'Honor thv lath, er and mother.'' lb-is a LiIn.i ing man having held a position with the S, I',' Co. for many years and he has in everv instance, been true to- hjs trust. South I '..itglas has not forgotten him and on June 2nd he w ill receive a pledge of our remembrance iu a good endorsement al the (Mills, lie is coin teiil to fill this ..Mice. Ira I'.. liiddle and Frank 11. linger.-. our ia in 11. tales lor represental ives. are nterprisiiig and em-rgel ic young men. wh.will honor their const it ueiicv in the legislative halls of our state. They are! 1 I, ' men ! tine i.-gat ui.mty aim nave ever been just and true iu all of l lo ir ollicial carii'is. They will legislate for the in terests of our entire state, mid that if just the kind of legislators we want. With unr "weak woinuu'e'' judgment wo coin men. I and npjirovo our entire ticket. Also for aovenior and seeielurc , of state, conjrrehmaii iui.1 other nlate offices. While our choice of pivernor was T. T. ieer, e will Hrk and com mend the choice of our Militical leaderH i W.J. I in nihil. J Tor ivnresMiia a. Tin. H. Tongue is , iiiviilnerahle. ! I'or Mttorner general, lion. A. M. t'raw ford w ill Ixi 'iiurd to Wat" as his Niitical o)iNineuts ill dixvru on .lime 2ml. And with a word of advice, we ask our grand rrnMican partv to lie uniti-"! and to lw vigilant, and they are sure to .-ins-eed. Moi.i.ik. nrriii.ic camivmons. The Reu)lican candidate in. In. ling I'rauk H. K.tgers. North riimglas candi date for representative, addressed the citizens of Canyonville today and w ill sH-ak at Hiddle tonight. Tim j.iin. ipal sikers are Hon. T. .1. C'leaioii, of Portland, and Senator A. C. Marster of Koseburg. They will adJre the citi zen of Myrtle Creek tomorrow evening. UM on Frisco Murder. Sw I'iunhsco. Apr. 'A. Light lias at last lepn thrown on Ihe iiiysteriou innrderoi yoimg Nora Kuller at San Francisco in January. 1 he susject is C. 1. Iladley. an ac-oiiiilant iu the l.x Miniuer oltice .r year. The p..ice hae a erv strong cae against the niau. The most important witnee-es area hand writing exerl and ihe paramour ot lladley. He ha" In-eli lni.-sing since the murder. Hadley and M !. lioii lis loelher. anil ill In r ! 4tineiit he says he saw Ha.lley lor lhel.it lime on the iiioriiiug ! January rt, her Wiri li.iav . Mi l'ioii w.i- preparing a huiidle .l washing lot the l.oiii.lrv n hen she l alue j XV a-iii . io . April 17. The tiieinliers ; of the H-.iie who ha- been i-hieflv iu- lere-te-l m t he Chine-r ec!u-iAn hill. I '"r ',,rr-'l conference today, i I" a.i-ept ihe enate .urlil me d.s'i.ltsl i.lopi.sl ester.l.iy. e.nt iniunj ill ft.rce t he pr, ftj j rin law - ana appi v ing . nr in io our i.i-u- , rill law 1 . . . lar po-se-smn. Ileprr-eutatiTr Kahn ot Calilornia. who ininvtn.-cd tne Hra-tic exdu-ion bill in the House and Keprv-entative C--.ii.K-. ..f California, whoaide.1 in per fecting it. rxprfssed the view that the j nii" m' should be ac-epled. ! i ONLY PLRf-ORMIMi SLALS i j In the Country with Norris & Rowe' Bit Shows. Vi,i, ,h( .,.rrA Big Trained j ni tiial Showu which are to apj-rar here j j. r,.Ill-rUhl link- animal a-t, w t.i. I. i- .tir. lv r,u r.f , l,r oMinarv j tUt ,,, ' j,,,,, . .-onntrv j have l-n ino.e th-n lav i.-h il. if praise, iT... t .,t. hi. , iMU.-,.iW of s.. .,, lV,nitI1..n, j. 1l!rr ,..uM an., A Ut.u. ,..,, u.v -w :..;. ,Ki- 1. . l It is aim i yoi.d the power of r-u lo r lieve that I -eaN and sea lion-, whii h have tie-r 1 1-. Mrr.s)ite,t with any more -eue I ,,vt. ... 1.. ,.1.1. .... ....ii ,i.... ; upon a r. k. r to dine iii.u. a h-h din- i ner. can ! mad- to perlorm maneuvers .,,,,1 rxcetvbnciv intricate trick. :.i the 1(.,.L .Jtu, hllriljll - , , i I . i i , r . .,... ,, xiif l.rii.v .l.e rui uui weight from :U .. nki ...uieN: j -oli.e of the male- oilen reach the moii- strotl" weijht of V t" lsim i-.iiii.1-. They have been taught to kip roj.f. and t UiL.nce and jug jU all s.rt and ni articles, fu. h as light torche. Ii... ,,1,,1 balls, and they even play ii-li mu sical instrument. They ai-o have a clown among them, w Wo enters int.. the humor of his action- with a- much -t as a human hinj. Thi is p.itivrtv one .f the n.ot n-.vel acts given by any trnt.sl exhibition, ll.er.- i onlv one act ol a similar nature in -ihe world, and that is at prcsrst touring Kuropc. The-e 'rloruiing amphibians w ill be (eeu in the grand str.il parade which will W given at 11 o'c. k on the morning ot the exhil.ilioll. Letter List. Keiimililhg uncalled Tor at the liose burg po-tofhee. Person calliu for the letter will please Mate the date on which they are adverti-ed. April 14 IW: F.aker. Hen Laiifhery. Judge n..lh,.l M Martin, Iel.orine Chaii'lle. Mrs. Alice ftetjetls, iu.-t Clark, Nobby Smith Mrs Nancy Camptll, Ks.,. rt J F.lliolt Wjckstroin, Chas. Hammond. A ? 2 Wriley, Mr. POhTil. . VKI. Herrington. Mr. Nettie Advert istsl Apr. 21 11HI2: Arnold, ('has. James. XV. M. Itabs, ii. W. Maliu. Cyrn- Caswell. Mrs. Matilda Koseburj; l.vap. V Can. Co Hfiiiuiiug, Mrs. Xoad Strange Frank, "iriftiu. I.. Zigler. Harry. ihvj letter will Iks charged for at thv rate of one cent each. XV. A. lKm:n, I'. M. how's This? XXV offer One H undr1 Hollars He- ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Ciienkv A; Co. r'rops.TolcIo, (i. We, the undersigned, have known V, J. Cheney lor the past l.'i years, and le lieve him rfeclly honorable in till bin,. Ille.-s IraimactlouM and tinanciall v able to ca'ry out any ..i.ligalions made hr Iheir linn. XX'irV 'lutvx, Wholesale PriiL'i'ists Toledo, U. B ' W.m.i.ino, Kixnan V .Makviv, holesale I ruj.'gcsts, Toledo. (1. Hall's Ctitarrh Cure is taken iiiterual- icl ing iiirectly upon tlie blood Mn, in, ...in nuiin.rn.'i ill. rvsn'iii, I ril'e V mt but tie. Sold by nil lruggin. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Real Estate Bargains. Agricultural, Fruit, Mineral, Timber, sjtck and Colony Lands in lare and' small tracts. Ilesideuce and business rroerty for sale. Address, D. JS. K. Buck, Ko8eburk' Oru. REUISTRATION Ol VOILRS. The Registration at the Present Timo as Compared w ith that of iyo. i Notwithstanding the fail thai than a mouth remains in which ot.-i ! may register, only a little m-.i.. than ' one halt' ol the otTs of th count v have , nji to this lime . 1 1 1 j .1 1. . I widi thi.. ic uirenieut of the law to eiiahle tlu nt to vote iu June. The follow ing li.-l .-li..vvs the legist ration li.-t..-.,i.. e.iiii.ni .-.l with the registration of two year- ago: 1 talaixda , ' t'ainas Valley. . :t t'anyonvillo .H i:;n !i.s :!7 4.' s:i 7 17'. 47 ll'l 12 114 7.s 217 7'i no 217 17'. '. 1 1 1 -l'l IS 247 P.H - 7'-' Ii-". .l I t Perdue i 5 Civil Rend I c. -"1..- V..1I.... X.'l, .Mil, ..... 7 Conistoi-k , S Cow Creek !l fleer CieeL 10 Last l'ni-Ua . . 11 Klkt.m I-' Kellogg l.'t Cardiiier 14 Ideiidale I Vi 17 i.l '1 ; l" LaLe Iri LiHiking las ,17 M i'lvvood i Is Mi S.olt I 1: Mvrtle Creek . . 217 !! 4:; I 111 Oakland Ii1! Pass Creek j S liiddl I 2-i Scltshlll g . . 24 Kosehurg '" I.tll.i l'niit.i 27 West K..-ehiirg . 2s Wi'l.iu 2i i-i 2:: i i - jl"' Voncalia :.Wi Aale.i ; .'.I I'... hernia . LvidciKe on the High standing ot Mr. Furnish at Home XX' hen Mr. rvr.-i-h r. : .r:.-I home in lYndiclou alter tin- -t.ii. . veiiti.-n he w.i- tn. t at t! -i. ; . '. v hra-s band- and ."" ! . .ti.-ir-. hi- reception tl.e I'en .: T r . - sav: "Th. deiio!i-t ra! .11 w.it."! ;.::: to Hepul.H.-a'i- aid l-! ;t : - b.i.i part in the welcome. M.-i. i.:i:.r- v. w.te t he icni-ratic t i'-kct j..:ue ;i, i -pint ! tl.e .--. asi-.u a!. l .i-s:-'. welcmeiiig home a ciM.n f IVt-i , : . had .ii-imgiii-h.-l l.:i.-.-i.' r t i than a man who ha.l the i,.. I.,;:..,;,..;, ;.r S"vern..r a-a repui.h.-ai,.'' Notice. LF.:ice.., KK,-. ,. i O t. II : iurni-her. K"-b.;rg r.-g.ju. will ia- u the follow ing place on the ..i;..w , lairs : - Mv rile Creek. April l'l aiel II dale 12. l::. 14 and IV. Kiddle lo ;.,.. r;! C.tnvoi,ille 1. io and 2". I -.ri t :. thi chan.e .. buv v.eir huse tu'(;'-r - ing a- we have --t.il price ! hfii.-i...- ; .... 1 1., ii. . A chance l.t buy Iroiu -t.-r,- . r ;... t- rv Will have large line -,i;i:.!e- .,.al photrgrapii- ,-h'jwing :.! .iTvt .111. 1 c-."r-. Sweil car. 1-. t.u:. 1.. E till;- and lat.-tt pr.lm tioii- 01 : line. XXV can furTi'sh v.. 11 I..... plele. Iak thr.-llgh tl.e :..il -v an dealt and -ee ...ir -an,;.!. -. we ,..,5 t -how them I'h-1 r".ii -el-, .in 1 - . j i-omn.'-ie. w.-.l ls!. ir..ii i- " J .-a-., ide U.ards. -ale-, -ij-l . . cnt.iis. cnelle-. -t.iuo-. . Ii.i.t-. k, r-. ,ug.Hr-, g.ecait-. ra. k-. .-x:-:,-.- ii 1::-! hie-. klU lu ll tl.'e-. tre.1s-1r. r-. . :nr: -n- nir-. matt r.--s-.. carjs't- an-: iarj--:-. i A all w.p.l. :4 ply w.ve, i.'viV. n;.- piet-, l.rus-,-l, ag.it.. stair ari i -. leiiolim. il . loth, inatlings. -h.i ic-. w.i.l s-r. curtain .e-. nrtaiu r.-l-. lounge, ciich.-.. .rt iei -. lac curtain -. IV . ranges, tinware, clock, ciile rv. .-ni.,; machine, sewing extra-, frai... -. tiioi..i-in-'. silverwar. . surin-'-. IninU i .an .'.- tuinilnre. rugs, stove repair-! ..II kl!i-l. table oil el. .ill 20c vard. lace curtain- " pair. w.. 11 fl.s-'i. matting at l"s- ji yard, wall par ..r lc tull. .1 an s i,.r ejeh.S dox. cloiiie f..r -V. -.-.I No. , st.ve , No. S i..r ?!2. snial! r..ii. - . - or S-Ml, f-l sewme ma. I. me warr.-mied for $2".. Swell line of 1 ari t mattii g a'el wall paper. L.k up vmir prices and how ..ur? compare. We are pr. par.-l for any Conp-tiiou. Seethe Man lard Itang-e it i a lcauty and it- 1 heap t ... Announcement. The .ilical canivaign i- 011 in I nig ra enmity and while tin- candidal. - .: the several parti.-- are niaking plain iheii proposition-, we wih to call tl.e atten tion of the ladies and geurleuicu to the fact that at Kiddl.-. Oregon, can ov foiiml the most complete stock "t gdi and ladies furni-hiugs. Men a nd youths clothings, boots and sle in any style and finish. tidies shirt waist and vvr.ip r-. sun hats, sailors and trimcd hat- ..r old and young. Call early a our st--k f thc-e fiKids have ju-l arrivil and by being first you can get just what yon want. Our line of summer drc-s g.N.1- are unsurpassed in iHuigla county an 1 our pri.v oil everything in ..nr large and well selected stock of dry g.l-. gro ceries, IvH.ts, shop and hardware can not be duplicatel by ativ store iu South ern Oregon, iptality considered. Call on or write and lie convinced. A. II. M vttihix ,v Co., Kiddle, Oregon Strayed Notice. Taken up by the utiiler-igiieil at I Olalla, sixteen head of cattle mostly j two year-old. branded "T" 011 thi. i right hip ; ! head slears and 7headi.fi differs. XX. b'. XX Ki.i.s, olalla. Ore. Clocks, Clin ks, CI. M'ks, see the clocks at .1. T. Itryan's "asal CatAi rh quickly yield to treat, ment by Ely's Cream Jiului, which is agrco. ably aromatic It ia received through the noatrila. eleansea ami l.enla lh n.. 1 - " w . bio- 1 face over which it dithiies itself. UruRiu I uu vum ovjo. uu; jnai size Iiy mail. 10 centa. Tent it sad you are aure to continue the treatment. Announcement, To aoeommovlato tiioso who are partial to the use ox atomizers in applying hquidi Into the naaal paisages for catarrhal t,-u. BUl. the nronrietora nnni r-..... 1 t .. .. . . . . i -...meuiiil IU iiruud form, which will be known' aa KlyV Liuuid Cream Balm. VAcrt Inb.l:,, .1.. a WV4UU4UU U1B mail The liquid form embodied tbe mL E3w7i wr.iu'?, 5 r.... 1..1..1 4.;:.7 A ROYAL WLLCOAU iTL 117 ay i lie w do it c '$''C:'lZ doubt that our mctliod , iv-:. br.siii'.-;s has been satibfact tei! :-iCi-;.i-i:.i.J-t.wJ orv. both to uttrscl ves aud ;;:' our P.aav customers. Our 2rd?'ir?r-W l'a's have always b . .'A at a ttrnver-'a! price according f"r"r. .-"-''-.t to tin- t'radc of the .u::v., uidih- other dealers who have sold fyA-i. v. n r-j Ludwig paii'.s ol the saa.v ?ri-Cc :a:'-!;:;; in price from t' "t ' " .rr- ;-: ! It to $-.5. Kinbui y piauo- ha-. be-u handled ia the same .j&j " . ' '' manner. A hca;) .-tcn.:: pi :::a-.c ; th--: ;J'.--"y c--23iL.s pzj2ro co. -. ' tliescpiauos h.r.e ...'i::. j. i;: i-o-v.bur;; and lcliuity froui $185 and less to $325, I N'oWsoiiKiljin i;; wroacj cither with the piano or C.-l '. Iche.ip piano.-, but have always represented tlur -;.': we have oiroytd ninety per cent of all the iii:-h -i. .:. ' j Again all our contracts and agreements are 1 .'-fd !the lari-esl, !iest equipped aud most lesj-or.-i'o'e pi -n ,giade piano:, than any huiibc uu tlie Tacilic eo.i-l. T. K. RICHARD501 MUSIC i OOCOCC C OOOOOCOOOCO OOJOOOCOOOOO'j ' o A. SALZMRN tactical W'atchinaker. Jeweler and ii. ii.u 9 Carsiv SO '.etc stock of V. y, I );.i::io::d a. , v , i vi. i v. . .. -: 0X;OCO:;COCOOi!C-oC' C: '0 ; J" 1? fil C-Bi : " " I M e ! " Vj I I "T j i fLsJ l& i ) t ..! -5 300 Pairs Ladies Shoes, al! size ' J I 50 and $4.0 j . -. ' V , Last 'ar's Stvics for j e j J. : j SS Wollenherp; Bros. j 4.Tr-tlTiTWT! ! 1 i - - - - Homgscckers Attention. ; i . j ' : ' ' 1 I- i-' at t'-..i- i i ' i ) .ik :.:i-i -. ".'. '1 . ... . :'. v 1.. t l. j cr-.f. . : g . ,-le.l- 1 tli.e u.a- r'';" '''.,' ' '' - l...rr u . 4 w - ! 1' ; ' . ' . ( - w 1 : ... -! : -. . . ... : 1.1 . y. .. j - r ,-. i It v. :, ...v . r..---: .; .- ji ' ! 1 i-t. buy .g i.,t. '"' '- ' " '" ; r' - X ! i-. -- ; . v. . . i , .. , ., HONEST CYCLES AT HONEST PRICES 1902 r-. FRAM1C zz iiiehv rmiJe,,, riLKt Ii NOT f?A.C. MARSTERS & CO. , r i 7 ii T iii I an i aw 1 1 rf A icii ii ii it ii in, ,ir-n mi to do on a Business The way to do li-iii's i Our success for tin- 1 t-.t t-.v.-ivc and iilve:.'. ' A IZXK il f. r l T) f , ( i i f t I j". ' V EI E3 b W &i tL i zLi ' ', - - - - t f X -f r K25 ,t. . r i"rTT rT'l'W'l' VV iRidfJicPliurnifScy, i ' I. B. IVIDDLU. Prop. ; i. s All. k.;s ..,f :- ; Fresh Drugs, HeJicines, 1 , -' Toilet Articles, Paints. Oils, Glass, Sundries. !. fl'i'eTii,tio:: j.r ;. c--e . r bv a con-.peTeu: Jru t RIDDLE, - - . OKLwON -'- jhm 1 $ Trr -----saWis--i: .-JVVThp Mf:Pp ' ' - .w-J . '. , , , " Ml'HIW.U I.Ii , . f f13) xi m "-emr . moms . Price 5. IVIens Heavy Roadster 1 Ikhb-IV tamous G. & J. Heavy-trend DeUeiuiMe.' 4 A LAME PLACH IN THE KAMULUK ANVNN HERlI 1 i i i i --i-isaaisHBo uu ,,a,s.. is to sail to ".o it. on a Lusiucs:; plan. (..'.: :; has proved without a We admit having sold - r.r-.ud to hay that :: :;: -s : 'the ity and country. . . the' Kib.r t'laao Honse, one of Mini- vii-j carry more bigh HOUSE. K.i-KbULfT op.KGON QcpfELLGVYSlFxCURSlOrll 5 IO I ORTLAND iiPKIL. 25th Trij, S5.50 : :.;:.'AV. april 25 'L'iLiAV, APRIL 29 ' -r : of ,;.. w..-.. ! . ! ik.- a-iv ikul- ;;. ;..u.d:;, tf.eir I.-.' ,;rg. .n ..r i :;v-r ;.-t rn- know . ' ' --r B. W. 5TR0NQ. L'-i:r.i p. el JiiAMionGLapAni I'ainter, Paper Hanger IKt Ik'Ltintnr S'n.- and Buggy l-iflins a Specialty L-n-h.a A. s :!... . I ' s r. T - V,. -?-t -.-.- .. ' 1 --' -- : -l l;-l5-; a ti e N..r., rin '' F:..pSr-- Livrrr r- 55;-'-,' ' ch ' '.i;.- : the farm; ' !- !.:r,oj, -a: .,.nvM 11 pr E. DIXON, -fir , , 'J jc -V , ajj 1 H I RIDE A RAHBLER I THE POPI LAP whpri f - v ... I H'ralic K ambler Cushion Frame nro-.r.. t- frva PIXII-ICATIONS - 1 i .1 1 f V 1