V ) ) ( ) ( ) (9 9) (O ) Take a Notion from our Notion ami Fanev (ioos lino which is full 01 the new things of this year's cic.ii.ior.. 1VOIlS We lcg lo ea.l vrur at tention that on; new Spring goods have arriv ed. Vc are showing le:ra' it.il v. :vell "es ir mereeii m !- y 1" : , Chaiiihria Lawn, in all the new spring cnl.rings and designs. m WANTED to lit our new Spring Hue of Clothing which s just arrived from our I l.r;!ki'ln;m I..-U Sniilli : -iliir' I'nuii A-Iii.ui'l lliii-i -uvimt "I that Ix'in hi.- layover .ili..n. ; I In I'in'in in 1. ... eastern mauulucluicr.s GO ."W-." and turn to the right, then you will .vine to our Shoe department where we are showing our new Spring line oi S';ies, including our "DOUGLAS SHOE' for which we are sole agents. -fcwIF YOU HAVE THE BIG HEAD We can fit you in Hats all styles aud sizes at the .ml is we have The People s - y-v A3 C I. AHKAIIAH Proprietor X.N X n-n; vivr.N' Told in Side Heads X . N. V.X j Thk 'i:k.mkuv ri:u.MTi.N. We uu- ldt-r-t-iu.l that Mr. iaidii.-r. tlu- A' a:iv i-reant-'i v man who i. ll'!i-.; -. ilie tiel.l here wall a v lew .f im:.:e Lately Of Local Interest. x: x x N k .nri, RV r.VUINii TRKK. Thos. I Coltoii wh llie vi.-tim "f a fit:il a.vid.-nt whi.h .H-.-ur.-d near Hairy SnihtiV woM 0:111. p oil Wiiits .'lee!x. f'HK Jell U.li.-.- ...utiioi Kwlmr-. Friday. It r-en. O.I1..11 was eti.-8-e.l in ieliinj tiiuU-r villi Fred llantiey another employe ol the eamp nt were nu'wl i ; j..wu a liijr tree when their sa v Uvanie .inched and a we-l-e was inserted to re lesse it. This --tart.-., the tree to tailing in a .lifTereiit dir.i-ti.ni than a e n teniplated ai.d (."oltoii U-ii! .-.ippl'-d in one f was unahle to -'et out of it yay. and the tt.h crashed up'ii linn ennrinj: iiiMaiit death. I'-n-i vr J. I'. Twit.hel! was suimiioI 1. hut rp:i iv.rv dil iiivi-stipttiou decided tl-.at an in ijuest vas uaiui-e-Mry and after making arrangement- for the mitVrtr.nr.Te man's burial returned t lio-hnrir. Tims. C'oltoii was on Enu'iishni.iii alutt 51 Tears oi asc aim n n n-:a-n.- iimiitrv. j far as is known. H ndlnnilizatioii nalHTS whieh were in Montana. Mks. F. W. Uo.u ii 1 M Tii. follow in -H'lie apiH-are-1 in the 1'es Moines Iowa. 'Stite Reirister'" of Mareli "Mrs F. V. i:.raeh underwent a delieaJe and very M-ri ns surgical oj-ra' t. n at Merey II.isi.ital Wednesday m Tni-.i. ! r.dlie.1 fr..m the eiK rati i'.i in a.i ein-.n-.r-a.n- nmnner.a.s t re-tel ea-ily tlirou-ii. ..ut the day and nvlit. !'r. A. I, the atUHi.'.'si-. phyi.-a-.i. ii e..tti l,.-r oo.niM. le r..-overv at an . estains!i;i: a erea i.ery at i inn-tin- with t-onider:lli'e mem. The iniik of a'iH...;t head of eo: ha- Leeii r ui-.re vv:n avai'.aole. Mr. ther.-i'ore-r.i'.ly willitiii ! t. of inakinj a ne. ess oi a f J llivetinent tui- .1.1 had su.1 a riy toner '.It of at-'." that mi-e i a''d ar tir -t.-l'i.' ri-k o or S..K) re it a :e.v l ear -itieii will risk a " or Keiit- . ,.i.t-i ..mi :i for the hui'.diiij u.iol a -r - . indn-try in our midst from ul.i. tiifn proves a Mi.v.-. a'.I will derive n :.i !i N-nelit. Thelvutrdof Trad-' will ta'.e the matter up at once we under-Und. We Hope it a i.'". Third ANf. t' .i t. o V.A'.i . Ti e Native 1 aniiter of -i aiia Ahra'-aiiiOa!-in No. ."v of thi- eity. w ill .jive their third animal . alio. hail, at the ..p." a 1 ;..-.!-. in t!ii city. May 1. IN '-. i:.; iy .' knows the Native l aujhter- etiviai.ie reimtatioii as . iit. it.i!nei-. and on ti.sa j"(a"ii.'ii. a on all previ-1- ..;.-. it-j pains will r ?p.ml to make . very one enj..y t hem-. Ives. T!a' K-st of i: n-l -ha- h'en M-eure 1. An exivlieiir -u;.j er will Ik? k.tviI in the Native s..n-' hail .pte rooms, at " i-eiii" p-r p'ati. The pri.i-s of admission af. etiti-niati wit i lady fl.0i: ladies a!id s.-,at..r-.-.nts. F.v. rvh .ly ue! -..liie. e..;i.e and eii'ov voiirs..-le. Mi;, ("rawkokii lit. !. Hon. A. i M. Crawford, tepe.'.. ii -.'.!i lr i att'.riiev .".ler.ii. r-'tti"::.-! i---t::o tro.u ; I t'. Seliinidt. formerly proprietor of the : Oeei l. iital iioiel in thi- "!-. liov has I .on! r.i of I he en! II e holtt" htl ilie-S in j ih-ehiir.-. The Mei'lahen Hon-, a new ly fnni-he.!. tin-proof 1 ' . 5s e. :- din ted hy the Schmidt Hotel A l.;-t-j mint t o , :nc..r.ra1i I. with t'. . Sc'i-i.idt. president. Win. S. hmi li. -I r.'t.i; y and trea.-urer. and otle r n,. m ! In rs of the family st. kholder-. Ail ti e I r..iiis oti the s,vond fl-mr are supplie-l uh hai h. and provided with li-t and cid water and a -yslein of ea'J lwil-. Mr.--chmi.lt is making iieMu v. Other former (."or.aliisites who an- waxing fat in ti.is orid'- j.vls in the ehi. f city - i 1o;i!.i- e-.nmy are: Ralph Tcrrd:. Sam and .losepli Sykes. Al Nea'iv. l'r.ink Kennedy and J. Hamn-.-r-iy. O.uette t'orvallis. Also F. Y. (jtiirk and A. I.. W.l. two y.miikr nieti lately ..f v.'..rvadi- who are imw pr-.pri'..r-of the Kandy Kitchen. Any parties de-irinj: to rent, hny .r s. il real estate, citv .r vuntry proiH-m- woi Io weh to eall on ..r a.i.lres! .artin. Oili.-e witii Attorney Ii.iri-e. opp.ite McClalh n Hoiw. bur;, Oregon. Last ili'ir-iav infill wa n.a.le a I ev.-nt: U .-.ision in t lie A. . t". W. o' ier in t!i;s citv ai.iit :! I n n can -l..r i-.i tnt'crsoip li!ij ituti.iT'si i.:.- K-ca -i .n ite-ide- a -n or n. ..-e T.ater re'vorts .!' ! tin Mrs. lloaciiV iihi-uate l every v.a- a pured which will Lv very -rattlyin? news to her many friends lien- a- w.-ll as eis--here. Si.e liar- loll;: l-evn in delicate l:-n!th and it is thought her recovery vl'd now heyoni.lete. A fittiosiTY. Uoy M.-t'ia'leii was . x li tiitin-' a curi.-ity in the shap of an eu- on the stm-t Saturday evening. It vousiste l of a very iaryc lien eu ins de of which was another averae siz.il liard-shelied e -tj takin the j.lace of the yolk of the larger eLV. Mr. McClallen is 9 iiltrv fancier, hii? fpti-iaity Uin r.!nek-ljin"-ha!is. an 1 he is now laying; i j I'ortlaiid last Fr:-;ay li-rt.a::. I -e, Fli lav . v.- J; a !..T' . c:: o 1,:- -I a il in-; i li'it .:i ' i it - e.: i ." h. i...mc i'i a lly and . ii,.- hi..i he.ii ty ioii.'r..t:-.'ati..:i- ;p :.. --.:' in the st.;;.' cnv.-ntt .n. A ; so-ial hour was -pent with t"o- ia ii'Iv and after exceii.-nt refr.-iiments were ser.el t!ie c.'ti.auy had" Mr. and Mr-. Crawford lniht and r.t.;r;..'.i to their re-pective home-. SlMCI.UKK UltoKltS. TiioS. Tii !! J.-oll. who is employed on the far f Mr. Wilde, a few mile- w.-t, of t-cv:i w is tliro'.vn from a horse Saturday rv.':.i,i: and sustained a hiok-t- sh. --.i ie-. ih fracture occurring ln-tw.-'ii li e pc;.'- -.f the shoulder and ihe neck. The injur.-! : -p. l 1! r! A'- I. i r. ires .. ! WCie prsv.ite i ':. . 1 r -re-i oij 1 1 - .a-t.-r . "Tsi I t ' . ! ' -a-. ' ;T W i.le'll -! ved. .and Mis. I-.i.n- Toiipkin- and id'dn n. la;.- of 1 ova, hut le-w i i ir-.vi'. spent Saturday in It- v- t!.e i.n.t of Mr. Tompkins cou-in. W. C. Conner. While in t..n T.enpkins tnade final proof in the I ..(it-1 office on hi-t nii!r il i:?n located iii the vicinity of the .'V.h. mir, Mi;..--. TI.ey return.-! to C"ltau'e i .rove jit Miiidav'sIcal. - j Mr-. ! r. s. i ,1 . M. :..l.ie.ci. a solid d.-ni'.. '.Hie ; I t ...i ii. i-. i .. i 1 1-. ... . ;.. i V I I H-.-l - I I. l St" OI III." I .1 I, I o; j i - i iii i , OI Kosehui;,' today, a dehv'ale to I n- .ieii.n- I cratio county t- i i -. 1 1 1 : n which ...a- j V veiies here tomoi ion . Mr. h'ohinsoii i-I " k.. i 5J I toil.. -in. I m. oi lit - ' I he la in i U -A i..l to -nil t he a r- leiiiocr.tt an. I he- '" j lii-Ves in l'n-e aii'i .i'i.l.ci..is.--!i i. I lire-' v' I ol'coitiity funds t.. kec;. u,.. -:t:.ty im- . 1 ..V . niv.v n!- l.o,.- t ?,;.-. iar in hainiohv ' ne iir.-in-m loli t I', an.! M ! with ihe ivpuhlicui in f.ct he W""M : " I -' lo ! '"i ! !.' n l to- P j make a U ll. I r iLIYan :.!: " '; ' ' ' i- r.-: .iIm--ai.d friend-. a d.-i...-.-:..: !'!;. rt i Wa';.., Ir.l,., -,-.! m rd lo . x! , will, a ph-i oi: i.'-- c do l.'o-.-'n,!!-- ail. i a i-ii in A'-hi.in.l. I f . Jf yon w.o.t in --cla-- tcdeiin" d-I ii--l..a.i I hour.- le .... u a nd I'a m i! v ! . hv a p..i--!i.--si p. !-. "!-. :' 'i lo"v-- i. i'..- on, I iim-niuir to -hl.iu.l . ( ; l.o.v and d .- I .wo.k , ,.- f..:-...r l,.ui, r i ,,( (hat V , .h.i.ii ( ,i-i.i ( a-. . i. Or ! . ,. ..r l."- i . t , I .i.i. I-. , 9) at I llHI Chlii .V ev s n..i M ii "I e ,A f I i i, -I',.!. - n:o.-.'l'.'. a..l llel-.-Ilt aL'ellt (& I l.a-t S.i'.ui'.l.iv .- ..l-.l:'n.; .to'.' h'l- ... .... . ., V , ' , ,. lean- hhiii; oi A-,, and and Mis- I- ..r-'O A ! ".'I am re I r-. i I 1 1 e w.-n n. ... i V i . . .... , . ' I 'oi !.! M.-r,- lien.'. in i.iarri.i'i- al f , . ... I iie-ll!. oil :il!e -AllICU !ip,H':i. ,0 ft . i - (',,? !':?i,.i'.!.r' t1::";';: ,. ...... ? )i.,;. Ih.,1 :-e. M ... oi Ihe cm. t.V shoul. I ".' " "": ' ; I l "1 ' he : r. ,:i ii. '. , :.. i. .,- . . ,. ' f acc.ne c.,M.i. i ii ;,' hu.l.i i , , , ' ' , .6 1 f ,!..., !..,!.. rii.-.to. ' ""d Hoiielas county J' I '. ' .. ' " ''ii . I lioin Portland Friday evening: 1 0 C "V: '"' "iy " , , ' ! return to his run t.dav. I." lx stores ia It,.-,-, .i.i.' wh.-se . ... i can eel , , 1 fkl i . i '. -i i..., ., Ilarrv lahketh -d-t t i ;lll I'lll,1; .'ilu'liinu il-n. ,- f , I Q A i few . I.ut s. K.Svk.shas the h.-t a-'- !'-r ' ' ui -..i- ,:.:. . ,., '-..,,!,,. I sol tnielit. . - ...rd.iv t.i- ht l.. .ni.-.i il,.. i.'. ..-.-..! A 1 (-;.. i,-; .'- :,: ! .. . , , . .i: s. ' - j hi- .'r.'i. i :'.i her M . '. K h k w ho .lied at 1 1 V Cid. ICS 1. .-;.! I fl !:!!:- to - ill I I.Uicl-co j t. . I p,-ce S..!nr-I.iy eVell':ii. f .it:.-.- a short i i: n.-ai r..; ",.;:!;- t!h Sc.c.i Land-r- th- ct.i.il y.,m,... ha-.'-! 6 Mr-. X i. ii..;- i-.-l:.t i'..-.. Mr. N i.-h-,.l- w ; -s ; ma -!er a! ih':- si.iti-.ii . x -.t - !.. j 1 & i-i.-i !v a l'. -a.:'.!- c-unty ! y h:;t i- ; -A ir!, as hrakeinan in '.he neari . . f. : : - 1, :. I 1 1 .r "!! S !l i I l ' 1 O- , ! I 1 I . .1 .1 i.r. , .......... i .. . i .... :.. . .. , I .. , ' O .. !-.-. i. . . . ..... 1 11 l.lli. ; . . . . . ,-. , !.,.,-i.rwe Snrav si.r.iv. -i.r.iv. will. M '.;i'- ' 1 ' b.. a I thi- place for - c le ! tit..-, as I ... . , . . , i , . .. SBr-TeCri' I Carl-oll 1 otiil-i'i-.t. Hie -! 1 r ir .:i i ir- .- .:.-...- o :i iv pi:, mi, ..1!t to Q I Ire. - and all U.d oi i i.u,;- ,-t -ale h- : ira -. I i. ; ... ...I . v I 1 i-l i.o., .,: -r.-s a. a !.ri' i.,an. ' ! The l!i :ty. l-ii- I n: . i ..- U-ial-J Mt . !I .,1 ;,.. oi ake,.,., J Ii fil tend.u:!on,,-,:i.'s- ;.,:, -m i. .,, a u i i ! I ,,.. r-.-.r,..- 1 f-c., . P.-..., , y j ' !i.n "in' " " ae. '.'ap.l'lle 1 her l.lMiei iiom.- .si o I;..- !::? la-t !"::;. iv. II- v.... in-! t;-,-- in Ih.o-l.-ir-. V -ti n :it.i in or.Miu..... a h.r.-e i..':je oi Mr-. Wi;;.- if- of that p'-ioiL-r tin- . the . o. I". U - at 'A eii.hi;.- -i t! i;,o hi- j -, . ji ,;. . v;.;.;!:. ,j; llel. t: ') :.h--i.. -. V:;.I- ..t :t. i tot vc -.:.--... :-- .!. 1'. " f !!., ,,i:t...,. ;i ;.: - - , .-..j,. t.v CI'S'IU'S Ianks. ' -et ..1 .: -'.,--t I-. i:. t;..- c ,:::.! . tf M r. ;i-;,, : : -. II..- li. T-le ..11- ! r, . , . f . . ; Iia. Im-ir I r lends a "Mjrrne. n. .tine- the . i..'.i...' I.t .,: !.-::' d..-'..,- ter Kit,.,,,-.-, t.. Mr. Fr.i-ik I '.t l'.. -- .,d k..j(t .... i man. tie m.irn.i..- , .-.:,-! ,.,. , -: Vt. ... , rc. , v .. V).rv Wed::- ! .-. or.i at tl,- . ,:..y r- -,- .... ( ,., , y ,,. ;k ,. , ' ..t . , " V: - - --. in. n:-; "I i:i.---r 5-,:::.- ;:; r- ;- .r,- . io : .;,... Th.- prm.-ip.ds ; I it le i . t. . .V I .. .n t . i -r c l . , -. , : . . . . , j - -,'-iln-..!.il r . man -.- ' s. t. t -:i tn- !....' tic i -I---. (' . , ; e ' --h-r t.i .. M-. Wr,h.,m , At'.-r 1 :- r. It !- ' TS -t tie - s. ; ,- p o -rt. ., j l: i , A.-:id.' ..f ! t.i:. ; . - !::;--j !! ..... ...i.d . ;i,K-nt C... andj .sin-t'-lr r..i'.ir i.-'ii.i s..' u .d i v j "I ... v .Tt .. . K v !... .-I.arn.in.' ev.-..j.ie j!;.. is, -i.'.-r- -ye i u . j., ; ;.i!-..r..,i ',:. - . r. .1. K.-m.-y. j sti; ; r me! a . r p.f.i-...it -.-.,-:.;.,... J ;..., .. . ,. , ).,, ,.,.. j itijw.,- I. 1 ..i,-:-.r. Ii.- n .-.'r. -1. ii-.-Ii i- u..t i I...;.-.- . .cj "... i -.-.!. at .-'--it.-! .i r j .. - -.rpr;-,-; pn. - -i d' at Ht! i.ici.-. - :. i . ;:; - . , i-:..,; 1- a i .,d:1, Ir-: M-.ll.K. I'.;-, -f Im..! u W.i-h. ; .,-;-. , . ,"hl. ........... j I ''7 I an 1 M .-- Je .- Lay ... Y :e -a. w!.-. : ; .. . . .".--! f ...... ..... !..i:t.i I Mr- 1. A'.raham ti.t- .-.ty !'.: I. , ;., . ,,;.;,., j..;,,.! I 1-1 1 i..y air..:.-'- .-...! n.r Y- i.. - .1... .- ; ; , ; i,;... , ,-!..,...; I 1- . v .. . 1 . . .... . i . . . - I IL ales- -' i ;: i -. -M- i. - , i - - a i - . a ...i i :.i- fiu-j ; I c,.-l::'-..t.h-.V-':s j '.,,.. : -, , . ... I I . i .'. r -. ,'.-:. i , ,'..,' I lilieatel durin; th- .J ' " ,,;...,,...,'; . . .. ,.r. '::..,.' ; . T Hditv Ll I .he, were ma I- hy N..r... ,. .,: J,..,... ;. j . ....... r-,1'. ... p r. II.- '-r;.!. i- .. 1 I - T. M.i'i.iiieu. IT.';. A. m. ,:a'.:..r.:;J...w --''.;-,., ... who ,.;:! tiuain ai d other- ! l . . I I t...- . . ....... .',,... .,i:;i ;,l,l iiiii.'iila vnr.- ... .... ... . . . Til ':: - a: t -; .- , - - j ; ' - ' -' "- ; ''; .e U -; . :.t .-v -' i i ,r i et . . i 1 . v;vi:. : i :. . i :. ir wi-ie e,r,- oi M -- 'd II i ':.. h - i-.: -! '" " ;: ' - t :i. hearty won- t. acj.m-i.r.oi-ie-. rt :tr.i-i f" '"". an f.r a life toher ! : ...' at lhihir i -at ir i ;v . , "-e-t w it i. hai-piu. -s and l -o-pvrty. ' " ------ -- - m "r WT I Fashion's Fads aml Fancies! In offering for your approval our Spring collection of new things for Spring and Summer wear, we do so with the firm conviction that it is the most complete and up-to-date line ever presented for your inspection y us, or as we believe by any one else. A few specialties in the sev eral dcpaitments: V;isli (a'ooils Dcpaiiiiiciit Aii-eeri.Mi ftiliries. in .oii'jn nf feeis ar very fashioiiHhle. A visit t . this depHrliiKMit w-ill repHyji'ii wheiner on buy or not. Hosiery and Underwear Lhi'o f.tri nVct io honipry on fH.liim'8 irlr. Yon will fiml a variety of palter us here. Snmuier blylfB iu underwear ia profusion. Mens Cl:thinr V ppwializ" tlili Koppenhei ni- er V Co n.nk or cloli.i'.o. We b'.uti.l liehiinl every Lutiuent to oiuirantee ninke, tit, ntleaiid wear .N.j ribk iu HeHrmr thin kind. 3h'iis Shirt In lilelin (olf HllJ hi ifl hhirU we make h Hpex-ialty of our "lollar Hbirl." All color, all stylet, ax ifoo.1 hh niOMt DollBr-lifly SLirti. hiXHiame em. Miirt Waist l)rp.irti:i( lit A lin of wftihtn Htartin ut perei) for iV) cati'l rewhiii? npt.. rnr-er-izl linen lat.ilfor W ork- tuanHbip ami Myle we. gnarantee. Dress iind WaisOI iteri il fSilk and wooi inixtarefl, crepe de Chine, AlliHtrosH plain and figured; waiatio flannels and a cimfdete collection of Mack fabric "reel the ye iuvitin-'ly here. 31fiis Hats Ooa makers net tbe -tyIeH in t'ue Lat world. Motal: Wear oar I'an diraanl i'an lourist Hat. and 1 iu the hwiiu. Nn-ltiWrar awl Hosiery Twenty live cents l.nys aoy i-tjle tie you wiii ! IjHoe htrit.e, faticv half Lowe for fPiitlemej. ;a!w plain colorii. TLey unit jtmr ta-i, nn 1 purne e.jaally. 0 0 i .'rlillin: ry Department '1 (Mm ricjinrtinent is probably too well krwATj t' receive more than pfts-in;; cuniiueut. Siyie- alwaya n-A. pruet, aiwaya conaiiiterit with quality. Domestic Ce' co-, o hnnj-.. f-birtiDj-n, maa- lui-. t-h -etii.fc-s. .lenitu-, dnck, 1m- q hi;'-. i'ijtiLK', etc., ai prices which j 8p.f-al. Shoes 0 Ojforli are fa.biori latent lictate h V. e have tLni. La-liea tbi are not neolncie 1 -ither. A look will i convince yon. j Mens L'liJeru'ear 5 Anythin rnr ti hiil 1 he j ri; you want from a com rs'iri to a -i.k luixture. i -.'.on"! r von. ettber. llrjiost anything in tbe Dry Goo. Is line not euntuerated abov,. will probably be foiiad on oar shelve The Store JOSEPITSOFS 'PhonC 2 55 S-nd niamp for the oatalotrne of tlie J. STEVENS ARUS AND TOOL CO. P. (L In 9 emccm fmxs. . . . t. who make the mnrt complete line of rifles and pistols now on the market. OIC 0F THE LC1DCRS. ahxolotely aocorate, a perfect arm, moderate in price, is the l.TJ .Cia m ill wa l.r.iii 'ht to tout! an 1 I'r. I.i- daim tu tw. w .lay f.r this lartieu- killiitlly re.lu.v.1 the fra.-rnre l..t lar hreo.1 ..f chii-ken--. I Sat nnlav evening The .1 t..r :i-.':ihi :it- Wantku. A hht. k-Mii:ih. t.. .h. jrener-1 , ,i ,m Sun-lav an l -t.i.e th.it hi- ettinjr al"in' an wi ll a- cml-l al work. Mn-t i- ten,-. rate. . l .... 1 1 ......t,- ,l,!r.M. ITUUMI'll- "l l"." , ,, . i ; ..- .1 CHA. AliAMf, MVr'l- I oil't. ' -'- 0-Co..t.re. 1!As.( Fi)K ff.f.T. Pi''-K- The lad uk ofjj.iaii". th W.C. T. U. wiil servs .iiiiner and Fiipner at their lJeadin-j Ih-":n, Thr.r day, April S. I'r.xi-vds lor Library. I J At lent ai.i:. A tine Kimball l.ractieallv ne. I.:vh-h ".;ik ca..e. ror 1'ann.uiars an-i .eim-- ;i..i. to "Mr-. J. M. Haiiirbrou e'Si, Ko-.-V.ur. Oregon. tf v& 9 sT E2 u e O ToT- 1-inTTO -nlnptsri on snpmn, sale w rt . . a O for this week a large assortment o a o a o a o o n 0 a o a o Ladies Muslin Underwear u o n Q & 0 o o a o Q a Q n i'ii .n.-ount ut tie- irrejm.ir -nrey..t i::a it v ui t lie t iihi". in the K.-. i.ti! I, iel .li-tr-. t it i- .t!i:i.t im)i..-.-rt.e to i-K-a'.e ,.,-t;..n e..i ner- itlmiit n i.v the i overniiient wiirvey. Klnk Ih .rtev. Ah-tr.ietur ! thi?" city, Iui aiiii.i.-te et of tracing ..f ail !-nrveye'l to.vn-hi.-, aii'l ill inmisli blue j.riut. of miiic, -honing all vacant lands. 1 larrv .lohn-aei, of Victoria P.. ('. an e;.M t cijr.ir maker with 10 year, experi ence ha- acepted a -tti.u iut'ohh r.rother- cijar factory in thi-i city. Tbe factory i-- now in running ..r.h-r and tho:-. who have never witniKsed the mannfacttirin oi ciar- can now have a cliinec to we the tnecanical M.le oi one oi the United States j-reatest indutri.K. The lieft layers for every month in the vcar i- ei.'nerallv coiic-et.'.l'il to le the Huff and Whith 'inborn''. Ilii-btKt worini Buff and Wbitli lczhnrnr at the IVcenib-r pei!try show. T.f-z for of 13, fl.W apply to I.. G Mathkw al7p Dox 514 Kowbiirj:, Ore.m A Portland firm ha- token a contract to liiipply ",00") piles to be uncd hi nuik ir.o a trestle bridge a- roi .alt !-" for Senator Clark's new railroad to l.oo An- jfeliK. Ihi-e piltK will U- loadwl at Portland and it is ' c-timattd that they will make over. 7.0UO carloads. The ireiirbt cbaresi alone will b; nearly fl, tHVJoO. . For Ah-.tract of Title, vminiliteed to he full and correct copie of all recordc .1 .:.i it .... l.',.,,.b t.' in.,.. e!t.i-lliif ine line, ..o ni-tan in tli 2 nev goods, and we have priced O them at the very lowest possible margin of profit. This is a very g special offering of Under Mus- g lins, not a limited lot, but many .'2-2. 25 and , T IT" 1( AO. M2J , ' . i. t v .- iA. - V i Slfhta. r, a Taarr Z. DOWN. Ji Homes from $250 to S5000 Write r 'Pi on- j Wm. IVT, Porfcr, : Real Estate Ajent anJ Notary rim her and Homes teaJ Locator! Packer ar.d Guid- j 1 i Camas Valley. H milr mjth -t '. Iu'. f, ;-. rcjTon MRS. H. EASTON is reiwr."! t wait tinon o!d au.l Pe ca'.uie'?n.l friends wi'h a full and o.n.p'ete -'GROCERIES- All flVJ.':! All.! .1! t' ; -T 'tn qunhty. Tnu a.i ftft are I-iities Votif pa'r. n.r st'iiot-d. :Ajy. i-gff) If You Have Sweet Tooth. . ?! G.?-.t,iCv'y 5CHrhij,'l,r " '! S -f th frwheat aat b rj -;.rm-r.t o caooif ia lie city. & Ol'ICK, Proprietors t that ; SPECIAL IV. t '. M lor i-.'i j-ii; M- Vt'.-'-literature i;i ,-,.. .1 at I'r tii:-"ci;v w: e'r i f-.rd. P.'-..i hr .. I . (.'l-.v.l .V .r . :tiVh Mr. an i Mr-, .h daiii-bt. r ..1 l-c.'dv bern vittiaj i- ' ' citv left I ri lay U Oar l'j,r..:i nj the PuMk' Ocn wr.iii v . I W, I'. li'lV. thi- K. V. r W.i'.i.i Wah.i. W;!-!!. Kii'ir.- M.-'k oi -h niuic j-.iiii' at Ii.ich..r'1-.n'.- M11-c -h-n ..: m,. birird of price of .") c-iiis per -ini t. M: - r.i . ..ii; h:;.i. i-r;. hl-e lr-.;.i ... I-.r Meir.-n ii::triin- '!... ?!.'! to :- r the .hit.-a--irtiiient oi ui !-. Mild iiieireii an.) 1". and 1. , Mihiu.'rv Parh Notice. W. Mark- and -.vi;.- w. i.t Thurl.iv evtiiii..' to vi-'l !ri. Grants Pa- an i f,ny..n i.ie. Tb. :..rt 1- a: ' w iii ' ll.-er ' . . K hit l.,-l-. p. in. -alie a..- t-' a: n . ! ah-ctit a uit-k. A-hiaud Town Talk. Kvervthin.- :!i.it i- new au-1 iij-t. alzuiair-. 111 jew eirv at A. K. i 'rou. h, of t'amas Vali.-y, nude tbe I'l. MSiiKALKHa ple.iant .-.i'.I Saturday while tran-aitinj bu-iiie at the county at. hi ad in another column. s.-c tjint lo..'.p.iwT for churning at Churchill fc ih.ev'. lb. n. A. P. Mnti.-.n n:id wife of Kid dle spent Pri hiv of la-t week in U..w hlirv on h-l-'ilie-i. The Pl.AlNDEAl.tU, rc- irive l u plea-ant call. etc.. at Cl-.vd .: bn-a.!--ake-hakerv. Frer-b Grilhth Mr. Wi. l of (ileu.l.t!.., who i- vi-it-inji wi'li her i!;iui:htr-r Mrs. Win. Wat kiin oi thi city will return hoiii.; on thi eveuiiiji'K local. Clocks Clocks, Clock-, -.r the clocks at J. T. Itrytui'a Mrs.J.b. I'ishVr and children left lust Triday for an extended visit iu Southern California. Klamath Falls spring 2 different styles, trimmed o lace, embroidery tucks, o stitching, etc., etc. vith g hem C3 Marks Imildinir. Ilif work is cua ran Utvd correct, and prices are reaisonable. The Democrat! of Jofepliine county named tiie following; ticket: Iisla tttre, R. .. Smith ; County Judjje, .1. 0. lo.)th: Clerk, Jaine. Slover; Sheriff, T. Y. Iean ; A-mwt, E. F. Hathaway ; County Citniiiissioner, C. F. Lovcl. e ; Treasurer, J. T. Taylor ; Coroner, Dr. W F. Krenier. We never bad Hindi an elaWate soitnient of fliHir coverimr! to ch-e from, and at prices iiiaikfl down to an iinhi.Tini nt hjure. Its a very tempting flerin ; over f0 tU'rns to select Irom ; cut., sewcl anl lai'l at very reasonatue I'll',. V l.ll'f.. ' . ,. ,,.., , .' . 1 Salem are viitin Mr. lilakeiy's brother S. S. Calcbin of lliddle we t to I ort- , , .. , " . . . . Samuel Makelv at Mt Scott, land Sunday to accept a prsitioii at fl , , per day with bin brother I.ee, contractor A.-hlan.l Tow n Talk w ill be pubhsncd J ......... .... .t..nfi.H Mucbaeiivity in buildiii-: -'"-l "" o........... ia reiiorted lr. P. 1. bove ot Ki.Idlo viite'l n o o Rciublican. See Flint's window for the new style.) in lootweur. Ira Ii. Kiddle, the South Pmi-his cr.n didate for representative spent Satur day in KoM'huii: traiisivliu:.' bii-iuej. A few "Sorosia" shoes at cost, ut The Kacket, lion. R. A. tt'jotli 'and funiily b.ive moved into the Prof. Wa-hlura rti dence, hays the F.ueene Keish r. Mr. and Mrs. I.vm.m lilakely, of rs ; , e , r- I ! a "elins t he I M i .ir. r..Hes!cl t- luei-t t :i .I.-- iu Ko-ehur-j at "l :;o lay !.r the purp.M' of try- ;it -.:ue :iie.tn to tix tlie r-uluiii 1h.v.-u ll.i; Ka-t ui R..s.bur. t'irmiii's Notice. Ail u. .."nt r- .. li.-s.ii ier t o No 1, K. I-'. P. . in- pre-i ;n at tne lineman their r.-."har ni.-.-lin Fridav i'vor l-r.-f .1. II. Svk.-. Ciiiei li.-webnr Fire Department. II l.ad- re,lle.tsl to ll.lil nil April 11. W. .1. Plyniaie f .I.ick-onvilie. i-iu thi. city vi-i;i.i.i his ,-i-iers Mr?. 2ijiU-r and Mrs. Vut.-nr. ith, Mr. Plyniaie i one of rhe li -t known pioneer- of .lack--mii!e. he having l.e:i in his victori ous youth a politician, and in fact he has not l .-t bi'Voiitb in that line yet. lie h.i- many !i -n I - in PiuIa county win. uili h,.j:hi-l to meet him. I'.iisrm! .v P.ORI.V liuidev, ti:uUT I. cat .im. We have ..cured the a-i-tance of Hale ll.iren, a 'tn; exjH-rieiici.! tra per and hunt- r. of th.--e part.-, and we are prepared to locate any government, or other tracts of hind iu the.-e part, of (reiT'in. A line luxly of Port trford cedar just discovered. Address, Poktuk Oi lloiuiv, Camas Vallev, Ore (Twely-tive miles S. W. ot Koseburg.) GEORGE CASPARI Painter, Paper Hanger and Decorator Si-ins and Bugjry Painting a Specialty '.inil or i.sive ..r.l.T. ai Ciiiin biil A Vi.! lev'g KoSF.I'd'Ki;. KKi.oN AKtract of Title trt It.II land. Papers preparel for tiling on tkvrrn- nieit ljind . Blue P'inta of Townchip Mis jbowuiii all vacant Lands, One Dollar Each. iH-WK I. ALLEY, Architect Abstracter Plans and Estimates for all Build ings. special designs for Office Fixtures Oihce in Marks Building. Thoiie 415. JiOSEBURG, OREGON Our cri C l 'K CHINA, CROCKERY, G I-ASS WARE at COST is still going oa We arc also selling canned goods and syrup at o-t. Can Com and Tomatoes at io cents per can. We also cany tbe most conn "ete stock d- Fancy and Staple Groceries and Provisions IXSCI'E IN THE OffiGM RQJIFiSSn INSURANCE AT COST. Hvi .i', JJ. X'.nnT-.ue, Ottt. A:i:t.of incrar.rr-in f., tU.t'O.fO Nrt tf.'.n i: mi vr. 2j--js 77 ui ! evini it; i;;.-':,i-rs 1 vr.. S0..V I U A. J. Buchanan, ;rsr. trc-n. Ast. for Douglas Co. BBSS SEEK AT ioarf Call and 1 pkici: .-..nviiic.. ! t I.ut .ur Mil: Klt.HT. WRS.fi.BOYD (.r. Cii and Jackson trct-t- Notice. and builder. and general '.niiir)Vc.nK'nta at tlie fclat'-a inetroixili!. ltiifchar Friday. P "Nuf Ced" THE UNDERPRICED STOREq -a. iM3 THE KINGSBURY Till. Ml'SIO UI' NATl'IiK mid tho niins'u: of art Ciiini.it In cniiiliiiicd, but int. lie k'mirdiury piano t In imisicnf art i licard at il- 1(. Tlii" j:rand in . htruniciit is niiitcliloiH in itn imrity of tone, it lii'i niclixlious ualitics and itM .f".-ct niccliiiniMii. W. A. BURR & CO. Roseburg, Oregon Will ti. I'.r.. n, of Kiddle, one of Pull-ins Counties iiiu.-t iojiiilar niiuiiitf men wu iu K.M.liur on liu.-incs. Sat. nr. lay, Mr. Ilrowu vir-iie I tli'i ollic- and renewed lii siiliM-ripiion to Smiiliorn Oregon's inoit populur now-jiajier. M hkiku. At thi; ri.idi-nou of Tcter Ie.mi.ff in t!.i- county Mnrcli ) V. C. IniniiivHii to llllie! M. PeardofT Uev. T. 1'. 1 lay iii-s oMici.itiiig. S. K. SykeM tlie eiiteriiri-in luirdw are man lias jn-t recoiviil h car l"d nnni'.eriiij; l'a'.n wions direct frmn the factoi v. Arthur Malimiey, one .f luklandV Iroiiiiiiuiit young men wai a Roseburg visitor Saturday mid Sunday. Mr-i. WilliM Kramer of the Overland hotel Myrtie Creek, was a Koseburg visi tor Friday. Mrs. C. IV linker has returned fmni C'ttivri! irovo where 5Iio was visiting relatives. Atty. Albert Ahiahain returned from a bnsiiiesN visit to Myrtle Creek Satur day. rrof.CT.Whittlc.-ey of the Wilbur academy, visited Koseburg Saturday. Mra. C. L. KeM, of thin city is visiting relatives at l.yunn near Alliany. This, is house cleaning time. Let it be, city cleaning timu us well. K. X. Wonnacott of Myrtle Crock was Kowbiir vixitor h.Ht week. A. E. CROUCH M. K. Kicc, of liice Rice the huc furni-her', Koi-linv Jnjon, will !? in the following lacts on tin? following dates : Myrtle Cnvk. April V, 10 and 11 ; C.leu dab 12. I.i, 14 and I".; Kiddle l'l and 17; Canyonville I-. and 20. IVm't inif" this chance t liuy your house furnish wi a we have special price, throughout t his trip. A chance to buy from store or factory. Will have larv line .f samples and photograph showing all latest styl.s and colors. Swoll carets, fancy mat tings and latest productions iu furniture line. We can iuruinh your house com plete, bs.k tlimtuli the following list ami call and f.e our samples, we. are out to show them Bed room set", dresser?, coninioden, w.il beds, iron beds, biok c-e, side lio.irds, safe?, cupU4rls cribb!, cradle , stands, chairs, r.H-kers, hiiggie", tfon-arts., racks, ext.-. a .ui ta bles, kitchen table1, tn.'asur.'rs, chiffon nirs, inatlresiH's, carpet) and carpets, 2 ply all win.l, 3 ply wove, velvet", ino 'inets, lrus.ls, abates, tair carpets, Itinoiini, oil clodi, mattiiif-, slindes, wall niler, ciirtnin poles, curtain rl. lounges, ouiches, irticrs, lace curtain, stand covers, tents, pillow), stoves, ranges, tinware, clocks, cutlery, sowing liuichine, sewing extras, frames, mould iiiil, silverware, springs, trunks, IvhiiiIxmi furniture, rug", stove repairs of all kinds, table oil cloth 20c. yard, lace curtains 50c pair, wood Usl l.S.", matting at 1-V per yard, wall paper for 10c roll, chairs for .0.- eaeh 5 do, clotlu pins for 5o, g.ml No. 7 etove No. 8 for fli, small range for f-'to, go-d sewing macliim warranto I forfi'5. Swell line of cariH-ts matting and wall imiiers. l.iik up voiir prices aud see liow ours i-ompart. We are preimred A t.. .in., i y. .in m.I it ! ... tin. Stittiiluril " Range it is a beauty and its cheap bu Timber Locator and GuMe 2ol0 acre" of i"rl tiniln r land ! a llouii-stead" 1 vatel. Addre and Kesidem-.-. (niay5p) CAMAS Timothy, Red Clover, Orchard Grass, SnglishHyca-rss j I.Iesquic or Velvet Grass, Vetch Seed, ..Confectioneries.. . T l--l c m u w-xl ra Jui. F.ue c ikes -uiil Cousiet. VA1.1.KV, (niE!TiS.'.r-,'""'i -r? IU il.l rV---: UJV'T' a. t Title UuaranteeS:Loan U. U NORflAN KO.-KBCRG, OREGON J. U. Uiaii.rs. Ire4 1. nU D. C. HAnaro. socj. sad Treaa. Office In ihe l"ir Houe. Hr the only com- j rieU-t o! N.lrci hookn in IVuelst County. ; j, Alwlntcu .nd Crruitcates nt T l lumisjitsl lo i 1 Dout ltu cvunly lanJ .ml minin cIhitoh. H.re ' 1 io . coir pic to iMt ol Tnwinr ( ail Uiwnh:p 1 ( nlata In the Rose-bira, tt"0. C- S. tan.) Dia-1 t irirt. WU1 mtkke biue prtnt copie. t uy Iowa I ablptbowlnf all Taeant (toresnment lands. I Oakland Nolan public tn olBrw, lnuraaca ajrenta. t S 0rrponlnc ollctled. 'II I H. Little, DENTIST. Oregon. Sportsmen's Headquarters For Fishing Tackle, Hooks I"nes and Rods. The largest ;ml iys: aisortment of Sporting Goods in the city. . . -. S. K. SYKES rrCvoKorvvvc vcvco Tile lariyeS.t Storlr ilf 0i itTl P,-iitur ClnJc in tii tmrn S ..0 J "- .-" I FISHER& BELLOWS CO Short Horn for Sale. A Hue 14 liionthi old diort ln.rn hull oligihle to reiiMter. Call uu or i Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, IJotions Clothing, Gents Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes Hats and Caps Groceries., Provisions Produce Bought Theme fur ttiil..- addres K. E. LaUkik, j Ganlen Valley, six littles west o! Wit hr. Melrofw. O, Oiwon , ' i j X t