The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, April 03, 1902, Image 1

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    Oreson Hifltori cal SoeU
ob Printing
In busy seasons brings
you yonr share of trade;
Is ft very iu.)iiti t factor in
lmsiriiM. I'oor printine? re-
advertising in dull sea
sons brings yon your share, anil also
tbat of the merchant who "can't af-
Ili'ctH ua credit on a go
business honae. Let ns do yonr Job
I'riiitmg we guarantee it to be in
or V to adveniss. m
Published on Monday. nnd Thursdays Established 1868.
evry way siitisfiiotory.
No. 27
i a
13 iitt'tiCitiicc
e I
a- . .
Ties in Tecks, four-iu-liarid
and the new flow
ing How.
Summer weight Underwear
in linen Mash. t!u' Ih'.-T
F" tench H:il ! rij;rn 11 and F'gypt
i;Ul Ivtlbriggan Socks in the
lute huny .linii stitch. Also a
Sin;' lino of separate Trousers.
A swell duo 1 it Mens. Youths
an.l bovs
j Summer Dress Goods
I in all tho latest shade. Our
lino of Linen I- i-.i dandy
soo it before buying.
! Wash Silks
ill 1 :i t terns. hdv 1 .
patterns in ad ia i shades.
Ladies. li-svs I 'iii'divtts
bonnets. i'iK l!ilil'!i- tit a
price thai will surprise you.
Wallenberg Bros.
l 'i it
Events of
few Days.
the Past
Cream of the Dispatches Dished
Up ill Condcit.sed l-'wrm for
the Busy Reader.
TIios. H. Tongue Renominated by
Acclamation in First District.
J. N. Williamson Similarly
Honored in 2nd District.
L. s. barki r . Klin D m:0mimKmmmummmm
a Weil
Man of
j Sccondprizc"' Currier's Grocery
A rine China Tea set
w 1 it -r ,
Now ,ui.
Open until S o'clock.
S v.v v
0. j w
All ol.-4.Mlit ! i in- "( I.iiioti Warji
MHttiii.s in :i!l tho latest ilosijins
aiiil coli'riiiiis have just arrival
Havoyni eon our elegant Car
pets, cntaiiiiiij: cotton chains,
all wools mill a full lino of lliroc
quarter giHKls, rangiiis; in j-rice
from 25c to tl.S5 er yanl. ur
lino of carpets is far snioriir to
anything we have vver shown in
previous years and we delight in
showing theiu.
Roseburg, Ore
'llioiu.i 1'illiu thi' I'llgh-Ii
author of "Hen Hoil " L i .- I ill
j Ni h .li'isi y. Tuesiiay.
j t.- n. Milos might jry a in-v -nn. 1'ho
j country ic tired of hi; . "1 nam to le a
I martyr, and with the martvrs si.ui.l
The fhine-M' i.-UW ar' m;iki;
!iely i;i the celestial kingdom, a'nl it !
itspoctod that they have oMtsMc helj..
I'itielK-of i eli!oll. Ky., iie-erve
ere.iit lor ill i ing an arme 1 uioh. int nt
ii'ii lyin h'.i:g a prisoner in the" jail,
from their tow n .
Farm hdtorors to the uumlier of l"xi .
ooi are on -tjikc in Italy. This i one
hi'.iin h of iu.lnstry that has not 1-vcoine
familiar w itli '.he strike.
1". H. lnghani rode to 1'nliiirj and
ii.u k in his auioniol'ilo yester.ia v. Ho
say- lie atiraelrd as much attention as a
eireus parade. I'ngene Ciuar.l.
Tho CotilosiintiHl Cottvetitio!! of I'll r-t district, wliieh WHM hold iu tLe
oj-er-i liotiso iu Itoholitir Ttii'Mtay, Apiii 1st will go down in liHioty as one
of the briefest bfsioiis on ln'ord, the tiiu" from which t he convention ojieti
ed tititil its adjoin Mnoiil nccnic. in"; only thirty minutex. The orcawion foV
sncii hHste m; th'il owinjf In tin-imi iliUmiid local heinfj Hlihtly delayed,
tlioSiiiiihornriicitic tllieihl.s con mi lid it. l!d the irn'uhoie a siioit limn to
Beating His Way
California. Accident
Near Tunnel 9.
BcroiiitiiodHte I lie delegatcnhil of win in df (dn-d to vifll Portland during lie, 1
A 'li-jmti h eoinor from ilnhiie to
thi-i ffei t tlut an :u' i'li nt rolin I . s-.
K.ii Ki-r, oi lrain. t is h;. i ciirrei
htate eon veution or visit other illauMtM VJlev j'oinm. The train tl""11:1 111 '"ephtnr .Mou.l.iy
si-he d.iled to loave at 1:H0 o'clock . iu. and a, ih convention wns not call, d j "i,,t- lr ' h1 .v"11"-' I'-rUr,
agi aijotit - I years, with l.e.-ter Kiiehcy
was t-nroiito to KiMinatlion.
n Til-kit with in
your ' ir rlfeff t
', I . . . .... l..r ii i,i i 1 1 ) I ........ .-.... . i ii .uf ..1. tfc- a . iiuiMu.!iri' In IliU IrMlll IT i
I lung's i . i"t I 'r.uii.
i io.M wuii lor ifia iiitiifii.riir nvnr h . i . . .
... , ,., ( alii.. laMng ttioir wa on a freight
I poll cam Hi; lie eon rum ion io oi nor, i no entur mnii m n- vjnisirvinu
Us Your ...
al district counniitee. Dr. T W H iri it i f l'.iiene. reit 1 the formal call and
: stated the object of lh ponvonti.'ti. sayiti; the nouiinatiotis for temporary
(.illicers were lirsl in order. J ude l H Hewitt if aAlhanx, who was Mr
j Tongue's rival for the nomination two years ao. wh elt-ctiil toinporHry
i chairman and was introduced l Dr. H-urii a-i otie ot the stalar1 repibh
Icaus of Oregon. He thanked tho convention for lte donor th'i conferred
; upon him and said he wi proud to le 1:1 the convention iu Mipport of Hjfi.
i I'lws H TuiigiH', whom he paid a Toiii tiilnite. L Stewait. of (iranls
; l'a?s, wa8 chosen tetnpoiary socio! r and II Howard ashistant becrotary.
each by aeclmuation.
The committees were appoiuted by t chair upon moMoa and were as
I follows:
Dr T W Hirri- of Ln and
Attorney ienera! Knox lias rendered i () credentials. C Ii Winn of Litiu Co Klt
an opinion that the lands j,, prt u,. (, j (1 ri, lt. ,,f K;limth.
whi. hl u.c.sltoSpain Uramo puhlie , (, nri.Hn;z,,ion nnd order of bn-inoss. E li MrCurnaek. of Manon: E
M lirattaiu. of Like hl.1 Cliretice li itti of Yambtil.
A roves of five miuutes wai then t-ikeu iu or lor tonlloth9 committees
to prepare their reports.
train. Karki-r was ht.l.iiTi at the end of
a Hi:nir ear. and swing hr.ik-Mnan
appp.. ohiiig atti-mpte. to changr Iti-
ios,lloli. Ill .iolllj SO liO ll 111- lot.tillg
au-i fi-U iH-neatii the wti-:. lloth !-gs
and one arm w.-re eilt ot!. y.-t he JiMl
at)Ut tuohoura. lhel-ly was broiigiit
h.iek to I'r.tiu on the iieli..-.i li: -day
lor hiiriul. It is aii'-liirr of t!;'-
-a i Ui i ;i!r:it resulting tr im tie- thoi;!.i
less or iaiet-s-n i f the unli-rlu-i:a!-
m.t and lor wiiieh no blame ean
allaviiM to anv one.
Watch tlcanin;, $100
In I:';od.ret!'s
Ilarnes Siiop.
Jackson St.
Rosebur steam Laundry 1
lands of the l' S. with the ratification i
of the treaty of Pari.-. j
One of the eleven ehurches partially
wrei keil iu the recent big storm around
l'lttsL'iirg. Penn.. wa the Tinte-l Pn-s-hv
terian ehiii ch of Hraddock. of w hieh
1,'ov. Haws, foriiier'.v of l'ortland. is
j,.t,,r Caro. (loo al Brown. M D UlJ!upon ami other.
The ninth aanual outing of the Ma- The committee oa permatienl org in zhtion and order cf business re
mas will N- inai le thi- year to Mt . ' ported a follow: I hat the temporal organuHtion In- mnde jH-rtnauent
Adams on .lulv l i. Tho f..ll..w lug .lav The order of business was: Tirst. the nomination of a candidate for con
ti.e party will camp al Tr n:t l.ake and 1 gressman ; second, hearing reports) to t ho convention of tucailr chosen
r.-main nun. the l'Ui. A Ums i- fro0j tp several counties to Coustitu'o the contfres-iioiisl committee, and ;
4i) u-et high. approval thereof; third, misceilaneonn bu-tnes: forth, adj jotuajeot. i
Adopted. I
Nomination being tirs.. in order Ja le W ii Birrett took the stand J
and msde tb nonitnilitijf speech, whicU though hnef wb-. el.Kpiout an.l to
the point, lie wa enlugistic of his neighbor and iellow towu-nian. Con -pressman
Thus. H Tjuqo. 1 1 r wh comui-ado.l for hiving see I red in
creased Hpproprtatio:is for Orejj in tivri and haibors. amotit.tint; to over
?'l,K' yearly, so the speaker stated 1 a nir public l'iil bug; at .Slom
a'. d improvements at the Chennwn Indian sch xtl were eit i h resnlts of
Lis weak. He niinoi.nced that Mr. T. i.j;i.. favored tLe Nicuragna CHt.a! and
iT-e!eej I'a!m.i :u Washing- p-Dions for the so!dir- of the civil, Span'sb and Iridiao wt. Inference
n to assist him and rotary Kia iu wa8 tuad to his sound, logical spoeche- in Congress, manj of which had
) rixin-jT up the details of the transfer. become cam I aivrn docntner.i. Ho shid tLat
Ik I
Boers Asking for Terms.
l'hi.ioHis. Suith A.'r.-a. April 1. A
uniting o I'residnit t yn r,. ('ni
iiiar.daiits I'eljrey and h.iikhuvii has
l--ii arra:tgsi t" miidr thr d-srate
ii lil.mi of thi- l'uti h lo p;:'.iii-s and to
s-i i.r-t Lit iil l.-riiis Jforii Uie
Anieri' n pa. ke s I.hvi- eontraeted
with the I'.ii:i-ii war d partitions for,
1hM.kI eae-of eautnsl U-ef and VM.'""'
jirn-.nd-of s!ii e 1 bacon in tins for prompt
doiiverv. So the American h" and
sts-r will tight i'.rit sl, hattl . 1
Arraiii-'eiiii uts f"i the faufer of the
L'oveniment of t ula to tin- ( 'lii. ii
a'oout Mav : have l almost ..n.p'.et-
S ltd. Pie-iih-nt Koos-veit hastioy Vi.
?! I're
The report ou credential was ttieii read, corrected au.i alopted. It
.. ....ii.. i
ebowea a iarjjrt rium1er ot i.roiios. several ooitnj i!-ni oy local uiemiiets j lri-ii- t. ouniiaii.iai.t f-.iha iiiav at-
the party. Among them were Hon U K Uuick. tteo v Uiiumick. ftiojon I tnd the u.esiii,. Many Hr burght-r
are a-kiiig I'.ntisii r-pre-iitativo for
a i.ieni y .
A ti."iia!id " I'i's inoli ar-eor-r;.'h-l
Hi the Ni-r;h-west Traiiv.ta!.
Ne.ti.r they t tlie jij-i;ii: I'.ritish
tr p. r- s- kii: u further
hostilities. l"t!i are wa.'oi. the end.
Hops it ii ci Cents
We are 1:
with r.ew
ry. Work will
promptly uone.
".v rea jy J'jr ti'.isintss
iii.i up-to-date mchinc-
bc r.eallv
Watch lor
Wagon or call 'Phoue 791.
W. A. EVERITT, Proprietor.
for ability and efficiency he, u l "li,r- '',JV ' "
comuaros faorab!e with the connirv'- hrainioit men iu Conresa. The ''. '
Judire closed hia remaiks by pre.hctinjf Mr. Tongue's re-electiou by an in
, creased maj riiy.
tIiel Hon. I A Marrum. of Forest t trove, econtiod the nouiiuatn.u and
This was at once done.
Kruse & Newland
errrtary of Mate Hay notlti
"senate thit the Kep' ..f f.-ln:
ha? airns-d to the piire!ie of
rights of tlie l renen coiiipanv by
I'liittsl States, t'oiombia aiso gives a
; guarantee thai tiie 0 ntrol of tiie t.mal
jifi ! shall ! vested ill the I'loted Mates.
ti . f.i- ,.:o- t:....-
Nickel Alitor, one of the Ut known Bs,e,ub!ae. quite a lare nnmbor of d-legates and visitors Iseiug present.
! -AT. Vst- -.-AXs- T T'.-s T "k X T H A f V I I TTT." L I 1." V
iiewspajr men in xmineni i !-.. n, UL.M i LUAtjKWDlUA.iL, V.U.U.U11 l,Li.Uli..
SLki.or. March :: . The t-.p re-'-ri
In. Imp i "iiirjii wk ri-.i' t'-lav in
'an ao-teeiit l-twsvn i; Hum
et ..I i ..-rv ai-. and ei.t I.; A i'i.,
(! N. w Vori.. i'he e-.nlraet i n-r U'.'i
' Jllllds ..1 tie- I'"-' r..p at j e.-l.ts.
; .Oci f- r an
1 '-ntra.
c r.'.s.
W. y. 15:;. d.ner. ti.'tav eontr.ic'.e-i with
.. V
CoLK-resa. The i . -'e
1 '1 k v. :ty. ior - 'i pov.ieis oi i:u year
fop at it-lit-.
If oa are luokiu: for fws thea Rrad this! J
American Family Scale, with Scoop
Barometer and Thermometer
Bird Cay;e .
Chamois Slcins '.
Collars, Cdlul'.id "Victor"
Collars. 4-ply Linen
Curry Combs, best steel
Dress Shields. "Xo Kauai'
j;i--e ot ri,e.,(s ir "e U!i 1.
- liure tierssj ;n any 'th'-r ; l-!ore p-lav wxs il".
r.erytt;; . i
i;i-si . - .it 4
I .L,-es t.,r
th- in-.l l. Ii
i'.i we ,ir. o,
!.. !s. Knl-
Kuht.-r lb-e:
Ih- .-.;
f..r v..:;r
. - r-..'l
r V. ;t
.I-.-t . all
i."" i' r...
's i"J-
I s
r b n. "
t: 1 i, ic;
hra- i-
. .io
r i:r :-h-s
aj-cir. I: -
t Us I T'Oe We
id. ..r i-ari-ii
i- rihi.
t i-le-ve
r.- n'lt.tiiig
. Si ct-.
"The Racket"
moved that it be made unanimous by a rising vote.
there being nj opsxnttion. Th form! annonnceiuent of the chairman of
o iir i-i.. i.) iviiis.
W sn;v,r
Tile Cnal Bill Nexi.
Mar.1. ::i
r -..-.--. . i i .. : 4 i r ... i a 1 1. a ;
AIT. lOUnf H re uOIu'uallOU wxs ffreeiHa i tumiuui-ii huhust iiem 'i' ( j(
Keep an Eye
on this Space
It will be to
your Interest.
Kruse & Newland
l-en gold to Sidney I). Charh-. who j
has moved it to Medf..rd and started
the Southern tregonian. an iin!nnd
ent pafier. The New of ;..ld Hill will
lie moved to Jacksonville.
Mrs. Franci-, who lias remains! a
faithful friend I" lawyer Albert T. I'at
i ick during his long imprisonment and
Congressional committeemen from the several counties of the district
1 were announced and ratified as follow
That our shoes are all we claim for them. Why not
investigate for yourself? You will find if you have-not
been getting shoes from us that you are not getting
all the values you are entitled to.
KLIli; 1'uteDt kid, military
Leel, light sole
'JUS i IT Vici kid, mat top,
light sole
-XOBI.Y" Fine kid, military
heel, lmht aole
"E. Z." Calf and vid kid.
1 rial for the murder
lain M. Itiee in New York I'ity, waa se--retlv
married to to the condemned man
in the matron's room in the penitenti
ary Monday. When the matron's at-j
tention was directed to another part of
the appartment the marriage vow wa
taken. Patrick was mnvieted of mur
der in. the rirst degree, last week ami the
woman, as his wile, can now visit hiin
in the death cell'
There was an unusual outcome to the
regular Sunday hull fight at Juarez, Mex
ico, lat Sunday. Jarlingo, tho premier
Matadore. ws preparing to ..thrust his
long double-edged swonl into the heart
of the fifth animal which' frenzied and
bleeding had sto 1 liefnre hint on this
occasion, when sinineuiv me man oeai
which had gored many horses, dashed
up in him, taking hini unaware. As
bull tossed tfiP man high iu the air
, - i i t. . i .
receiving nis orsiy on ii-snorn- omy oj
again toss it, the Americans among the
siK'Ctators cheered the animal loudly,
which called for a s'torm of hisses trom
the Mexicans present, and for a time it
looked as though there would be a col-
ion between the two mcee. Jarlingo
will recover.
Benton--Robt II. Huston.
Carry Walter t' Sutton.
Douglas Z L Diratnick.
Josephine L B Stewart.
Lake J E McUarry.
d Millionair Will- j Linn - C B Winn .
Marion E 1" MeCoruack
Tillamook W 11 Cooper.
no tip
"Walk Over" All styles
for dress
Hints to Housewives.
Half the battle in good cooking, is to have good
fresh Groceries, and to get them promptly
when vou order them. Call up 'Phone No. 181,
for good goods and good service.
If you want to buy a farm
If you want furnished rooms
If you want to buy a house
If you want to rent a house
If you want to build a house
If you want to move a house
'ukaP F f. jrttiw.
Coos L A Huberts.
Clackamas Thos Y Byau.
Jacksou-H D Kubli.
Klamath-ll F Mnrdock.
Laue T VV Harris.
Lincoln F" M Wadsortb.
lViW-F A Doughty.
WashiuKton D W Hayues.
Yamhill W G Henderson.
Dr. T V Harris was re-elected chairman of the concessional commit
Notice of Miners Meeting.
Myrtle Chekk, Oregon, March 24,
P.KI2. Notiw! is hereby given that ii
nns'ting of miners will lie hold in Sec
tion 10 tt T-l Kangc. 3 West Uoilglil'
t'tiunty, Oregon, in the house known as
Charley Sly's place, for tho purpose ol
organizing a mining district, on April
5th, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m.
All miners interested in the South
Myrtle are invited to lie present to take
a voice in Uie election oi omcers ami
other business that may come before
tho meeting. (i. W. Ckkws
Is. .M. Ahmitaok
y Hf II. Kmoht
, W.J. Ahmitaok
l3ld. 1'. b. WoNACOTT.
E. 1. UcCornack then moved that the" following resolutions, whioh he
briefly ontliued, be adopted. Carried:
Wherhas, The United States government has for half a century denied
oar pioneer Indian veterans the honor doe all true, loyal soldiers, who have
in battle championed the national cause, the privilege of being placed on
the Holl of Honor, and
Whekias, The United States is truly indebted to these Indian war vet
erans for the possession of the northwest empire, and
WitEiitA, The great majority of these yetrans have passed away, leav
ing only a few, who will soon follow, whose ages range from i'J to J3 years,
therefore be it
Kesolved, That we. the republican delegates to the First Congressional
District Convention of Oregon, pray the pension committee and the house
of representatives to favorably report and pass senate bill No. 040 at once.
Whereas, There is an attempt by the National Stock Association to get
a bill through the congress of the United States providing for the leasing of
the public lauds; and
Whereas, 6aid bill is against th interests of the pnihll stock growers
Kesolved, That we, the delegates to the tirnt republican congressional
convention aeclare that we are against said bill.
On motion the convention adjourned sine die, at little past one o'clock
and the delegates Lurried away to catch the northbound train.
Ely's Cream Balm
Give Rclitt at once.
It cleanse, Bontlic anti
taeale tliKliifaaed nif-iii-
iiul itriv.n awny Colli UA Y KK VFH ll 1 UfWI
la li-..ri.l. Ili nla rant I'lOto l tlie J(-Dihri.
Kulnrst! the Sensea if 'I at nn hnn-lt, JojJ-H
Wltliamson was Nominated.
rosri.AMi, Airil 1 J. N. William
son, ol I rook county whs in'initiateo lor
congress today at the Second district
Republican convention. Congressman
Moody's name, the present incumbent ,
was not preseiiteil to the convention.
As was expected the friends of M. A.
Moody gave up the fight before it came
to ii test 'if stiengah. While Moody s
name was not" presented us that of a
candidate, E. b. Smith, of Wasco,
merely paid a glow ing eulogy to the
statesman . from I he Panes and then
subsided. Aside from the nomination
the convention whs featureless. The
morning session wan devoted to appoint
ing committees. UeortH were received
in the afternoon. Williamson was nomi
nated, and a new Congressional commit
tee wus elected. Then came adjourn
ment. Williamson's nomination was
made, by .ludgc. M. K. Brink, of Crook.
J. N. Williamson is a new man iu
slate politics though he has been promi
nent across the mountains in Crook-I
county for several years. He was elect
ed tdicrifr in that iKmi'tfratic strong
h'jW for "AW bjrrr thon oint wwtor for
H ason, ( rook and hlamntii, a pouion
which he "till holds. Mr. Williamson
is about forty-eight years of age, and
represents substantial interests in Cnjok
county. His Iiouik is at I'rineville.
Wiiiie no
ton- t.. t j i.'vii. rl i;a : r-tKnd-
: 1 1 ii that tiie Nicaragua Canal bill i
ciiiing up as s--'ii the Chwn-e n-clu-ion
Iijil i out of tho wav, vet the
I'liilippine iovornuieiil tell r-irtsf
lay mty ! ns.i to antagoniyo the Nic
aragua iueauro. on tti- ground that it
l- nec'ary to put Uirollgn a 1 iiiiij
pii.e bill at an early
Homeseekers Attention.
New and Stvlish...
A Snap.
One-hundred and eigjiteen acres of
land, with good house, ham, chicken
I house, and other out buildings, a well of
good water w i t It a pump. This laud is
situated four mile north of Wilbur, on
main road to Oakland. There are three
acres of garden, 12 acres with brush
slashed and burned, sown to grass:
titty acres under fence; there are til)
fruit trees on the place. The timber is
oak and fir. A good homo st a bargain.
Apply to, Dk. K. DufiAS,
mlO llosuburg, Oregon.
I will ofl.r f"-r -a'.o for the iicl :to
lays in v tarnt of 2'.'i acr-s. U-ing an oi l
(nation claim. Thi ranch i lo.-atsl
' miles east of h sol nrit on i onnlv
pud. rienty of living water, and some
(.k and fir limtcron the plaiv. TO acre
can le fariiKsl if desired. Fair improve-:
inents. This land is mostly free soil,
the K st grade of land in the couutv and
produces tine crops. No black mud.
Will sell the ranch and growing crop, 1
includim; over $2t0 worth of tine ma-'
linory such as binder,- harrow, plows
etc., all nearly now lor f.tsm ia;t
down and balain-o on time at per cent.
It will pay you to investigate this offer
k'forc buying. None but intending
buyers uel apply. Ad. Ire
1.. I.. Mattiikws
ln27tf Pixoiix ille Uouglas Co., Ore.
The Denver tlx press.
No play ba Kh-h produced iu years
that posses-,. the numerous elements of
sueefs eoiitained in The Penver Express
ojiening among the snow cupped hills of
Colorado, among the Indians and out
laws, it then takes the audience to
Hiram Garvey's homo in his rude moun
tain hut. then to Lord Tvneinouth'
tieantiful country place near Frisco,
leaving hich you follow tho fast flying
IViiver Kxprcss to the union depot at
Denver, then to the Palace Hotel where
the storm clouds that have so thickly
shadowed the lives of the hero and hero
ine are swept away, tho villain brought
to justice, and sll ends to the entire
satisfaction f the audience. This great
scenic play will lai at the oera housr
mi Friday April 4, Trice 2" 3o 50 7
Latest Creations
in Ladies Street
and Trimmed...
Experienced Trimmer.
N. SELIG, Myrtle Creek,
Branch :
Canyonville, Oregon j
coococx:oocxxxoco oo
Here is conclusive evidence that the
standard hied White l.angshaus are the
greatest and best winder divers of any
other breed of chickens. From Febru
ary 1, to March I, twenty-eight days,
my 17 hens of this breed", produced just
thirty-three "loxen and nine eggs. Kggs
for hatching fl.SQ for 15. Applv to,
T. P. Cannon Ros.Hbvtrpjs
Our entire stock of musical instrtt'
Inenls must U" sold Within the next 10
days either to tho public or two some
one w ho w ill take the entire lot includ
mg a ear load ol pianos and organs
w hich are to arrive in a few davs and
which we will turn over to the new
purchaser at wholsalo rate.
Real Estate Bargains.
Agricultural, F'ruit, Mineral, Timber,
Slock and Colony Lands iu large and
small tracts. Residence and Business
Property for sale. Address,
1). S. K. Ihncie, Koschur Ora.
From A to Z we know the Spray Pump Kushicss. You
will certainly rind the pump you want in our stdk See the
Celebrated New Bean
"Torrent Pump" , ;
Th;; best Spray Hose, Nozzles and Dunne's
Solid Prepared Sprays.
Churchill & Woolley
Now is the tinia to buy your garden
tools, spading forks, rakes, plows, liar,
row s, I'lunvt v, gurtlun tools tc of S, K,
In the-