The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 31, 1902, Image 4

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    JM.A a.' 'iMV '.JM1
IB Ihe Justice Court for I"-r it
Count ot lioii.lai-, state oi Uuti1
W.L.Oobh, 1
Flainlitt I
s. V
The Ea'fonr t.mlirrio lnvc-t- I
mem Co., aeoipeiatiou, '
Defendant. J
T the Balfour Gntherie Inv 1
r.trnoration. the ai-oie nam... .1 l
iu the name of vl S '
licrebv reouin .i to ki "nr
rigned, Justice of the iVsc.
above named, on oi belore :
April, A.. I).. I'.vi, m mse
Oregon. t the liour ot lo o ci
noon of said i to answer t i-
arainsl you in the a'aoc-eni
il vou fail to fpps-ar an i ansei sis
oiiired, lor want therein, tiic I'.-. tri't it. '
jud ,meut aeam-a yon for io au.t h -
mid disbursements in tin lu'imn. .
Thi summons is published nw et-j. .
ix micecMive week iu tne "".tj i -
dealer, acmi-weekly i ewatwper '' -l"M '
Koeebunr. Orecon. by orJvi : it' ; : ;; ' ., "
the. Peace ot aai.l Pistrtct, marie ecu- ':
The fiict jmuliealum ot lb i on i..
24th day i F-bruary, l..'.' no(,.N f
Justice of the Ten-re, for leir Creek l'i-:ra
Douglas Countv. Orvson.
AltornejBtot VI ntifl.
i i
i e ;.
til .11
N T.
V ! ;
P. 0. l'..-
;: ,. i.r a'.-.i.tia" t the g
To I'.c Held at kosebarj April ist
t -lucrvt runs. vaS. U. S. .. I A convention of the Republican furtv
, , " ,r liTtt" f i : "' CongrvMdonal 1 iat riot of tht
t-.i.i-.i. t :
.eu yon
.H Oil- l:ir '-'
lor the t
i.t- o.o v: i
iuo iu :o-v
rk ill I '.iv
i-oiiil'.ii' "'
I i ((
(.It t'.i'.' ill.tlKt't-
:t 1'
M i i'.-i t i i Itoclmrg, Oivgoii, Ttlwljy,
i ii 1 1 i at I ii'iliH-k p. in. for the
S iTK.-lii-n.f uiMivr ti Im ...I :l Ih- . Jmrt ' C)
lor nl l' e ratfof .-r li". u . r .rt. i' i ...n. j i;
(n 10 T i-int.'ii '.i ri ii.iiti i w .-.: 'i
i i cmiiki' lor ituru ..a a nr . n.-. r v I'.'tu. j O
n'l uiiitivH oi !' i s i I,' 1 : 1 1 1 1 . . - j i'J
im ut Wnnioil" mi l 'll i uvti-!.'' wnivi. i i.;
wit. tlui-ri-l I'I'.ki:
"T ' , ..7 ' ' .
.s V
il i i vi i'm' ..i tiiiiiiiiiatiiii' (Mim l!lt'ijiita-' , "
I in. i.,r;r'!s. ami to transa.'t iK'li . & , , .,, .... 5 ? , tPirj'- i '
1 .t ..-- l.uiiiv su may .rojmrlyciin iw , , JO, trt.,,v MillJ ,ol , 1 . lVo i i i V A-W I X fc-
IT'. V1 ' .'.."vrtiti.'ii will o.iiist of 171 W1- lo Ihu I'ur liti. l n.rk t l r f !': j'i,
" V :'!. ",t. ,i.1..rii.',..-aa,u..,it! lh. Hvral Mv -r... ,'.;,. . .,-::!
. ..V r..,ii.i..-.- ..f ttm .li-lri.-t, tuflit: ,.Vt.rtiertrii'if, K I ir-k ;.t ,i - :i ..'..
i .,m.;. .ii
V. i.
Notice for Publication.
United '.'.tv? l.nii f 0.':.v.
Ro1.uts, Or -won. Jan. -1 .' ''
Kolice U Itcrol-y giv.-n t i it :u .'... . :
wilh the yr. '.'U of t jv v. i.t ott.r.
.I'lueS l-. er.titie.! "An m-t t-ir t!ic '
tiniber lanJ in the s-tstr : -iitorr.-.a. " ;-
Svfi nl WaAvnsmn T.'rr.t'.iy. extt-n
ed loM the I'ub'.io l,sa 1 Sta' S.y art m .v.i
cif I.n3. county o'. j,wei'!i.iii'. "i 1 ' - ,
con. h tbi day fiUM ia tn. o:...-e ' " J i
Statement No. lTJ, for ihe -:rriiae ! i.c r. i
. of section t.wnhif i south, ra: i-r !
eet and will Oder proof to i'..'w t'-i"'- """
oneht it mow vluanie for its fin ut or -i.i.e .
than for acrieultuml purr, is. s ann t. .s.: (
!.., hie f-'. m tn sai.l '.H'l'l OOtore the hrullr. ,
and Receiver of this office a; .K-jv1':k. O eso i.
onTuefdav. the th day oi April. IM He
aametM mitnette: t' A. r.rong. Wi l
iam M. Teal. Georje Beutiey, w.Tgi- i. f.rou.
ail ot Leland, Orepon. . .,,.
Any and all itine c.'.mm wc-T 1,1
above described landsare re cu -twi to tne.r
laimt in this oflice on or bet.we ". 111 "'
April. lfti J l-
Notice for Publication.
United States l4ind Ofl. '.
Ko.eiur-:,vir'i:va. -!au. a. r.'
Notice i hervi.v tiveti ti.i'.t in en ! 'r
with the provis.otis of the. sit ot i'i. T"
JuneS. ls.'iiut'.ea "An arr tor tliv ss.c o.
timber lauis in liie state ot t':i.::.'r:;.i'.. t-:." .
Kavada, t.d W aiiiui?t.n icnf.ory. a- .-r; ..
edtoaU the i-.i';ic UuJ M:i-r- v nr. o.
AUEtlst i, IM"-.
of Leland. co-intv of Jr-svpt.. ie. state ot Or !!.
lias tins dav ti'.evi iu il is oti 'e tn s r-., s v
rueniSo. i'lti. for Hie purchase ot t:.c
jiE'4 a-d the W. oi Si-tioa No. .v. t.t.
ship SI B. raase 'ts. ati.l v. i.l ojvr ;t.m.
show lhat tbe land sousb is vo,ye t
its timber or stone than for i's aanful-nra. p .
noHs. aul to esmblisa h. c'lion to sail
torre 'Pe K cister au i Keceiv. t o: tut .
at Ore-on.oii W eir-'.ay i'.'ie
of Ai-r:i He names .itaM: i ;
H. Adams, of LvianU Oreson : vorpe P-.ic -
Albert Willis, Ibouia Uoward, of Rox ;;r
Orepon. ... , ... ,i,
Auvandao per.-nns clataiiiix severs. .
above described lands are i--,uvs;e.i to e ...i
claims in this crSce on or U .ore satJ i' lt
of April, isMi, -
Kp J.T. BRIDots. Krii-.e-.
Notice for Publication.
United f ile Laud i3i'-
Roseb-K. Orecon. Jac. il. ' -
KotSoeU hereby tivm that .ia c-rer. taici
with the provisions o: the set of oure-
June 3, IsTs. entitled An art tor '.:.e sa
tirctier land' iu the s.ate of v a ..oru a, 0:r .
Nevada and We.i!iic'on T.-rntory. as eJ.'.
edtoail the fublic L.iul staes uy act .
August 4, 1.'-.
of LelanJ. coar.ty of J ..svr-hi :-" tl;,''":
liat this dav ti!e-J in th.s oS.e iu !: ."
ment No lsTO. for tfce pur Lsse n u.e -
section No. V township -1 so'iiu. rsiiv
west and wii; o.ier j ro.f t. i
the land sought is more rattuii' ir "s tlx it
ors'.oce than foracririi'tii-ai pr.rr.ov.-s. nLi t
establish hi eiatm to sa d iar.d tr.e h-1.
is ter and Reviver of thi vice at Rose ir-'
Or gon.ou Tde'dny, in? : iay o. a;t
3t.''2 He names as wit;ivs..s: i':-i"
William M. leal. Oerrge strong, tjeu.-vc iScV.v
ail of Lt iaqi. Orccon .
Anv and a.l pvrs- a r. . r-e y . r
above do.-i!d lan is are rei iv-tv l t . t.
their claim in this o3...-e on or bet'Te smi s.
dav ol Apr.l, 1SW2.
J2Tp J. T. BBIL-OLs. Pvtncr.
Notice for Publication.
H '-F.l.fEo.t'reCoii. Feb U.
Notice is herePy civ. u mat in foti.?- :'
with the priviion of te art of r..:.--iv-s
Ju S. S7. ent.t'.e4 "Au f t for the- sa;o
timber lands in the rtat. s ci Ca'tforcta. : '
Nevada, and WahiPc:on Territory, .-s t -.
ed tc all liie public laud (taws by a;.! oi Aiu-'i-
of Roseburg, Cvunty oi L-otiiria-. s n:
of Oregon has this day 'i-ed in t. :
office, his sworn statemtr.t No. 2 -i
for the pun-has of the sv'i, of se
fion No. 10. fn township No. SI a of
W and o ii! o,;er to sr. that n.
land conch 1 1 vaiua'df for its ti:nr..-r .
tone than frasr.:alt:ir,.l pnqnes, ami to e
Ublish hi claim to ud larid f-..v t.-.e Krf -terant
Receiver of th.s oth. e at Kos. ' .urs. 'rt
pon.on Tuesday, theetb .fey of May, 1--He
name as witnest Ftans heiLiac. Jo' :
Becker. Cfacrles lnm, Jc-'au Iiwa, all ...i :.'
land, Oreen.
Any ai.d ail per'ont cl.T.mine alver-.y .1
boveiecnbed lands are rvourst-d to n,t t c
claims m this office on or before s.ti-1 ' .y
Mav 1"2. J. 1. LRI 1 3 r..-.
flT R .-e-
Notice for Publication.
Rosebl r.j. ore , J.n. ii. ii'i
Notice 1 hereby given that in crj.piia:
with the provisions of tae art of C -'
June S, 1, emit t ! An pet for :h
timber land in the state o: Ca:;f-'ruia ') '
Nevada and Wascmeion T-rri; ny," a- n:-1
til to all the puhi'c iaad slat s by art oi Au. ;
4l!i92, GEORGE M. -TROS- J
of Le'.aDd, county of Jo.-pniae, slate of
C n,has this dav Hid iu tui otfice 1-
aiatemect No. laTi. lor the p in-hi: oi tue si
of section No. s, b-vus-iiu ;i s l'.tii. rau-'t s
and will offer proof to stiu mat n:u !:!
eoaght is more valuao'" I -r it; tim-ejr nr s;..
than fur ajrie itiunl i ir; .ies. e:i1 to -:
lish his ciaim to sail Ian I bv ore tne ::
and Recover of tt.i oi a' K' e'.urs. o
n Tuesday, the otn diy ot Arrii l ' -'
, names a witne?s: Ge jrre Bv'-itiey. v
11. Teal, Euzene L. GotT, tuaries A. tr. u :,
of Leland, Oreiron.
Xui and all persons claim ite a lvtr.-.- y t
abovedescri'ici iaadi are re t ui sted to : ;'
claims in thisofhjeou or be ore ssid tin a;
April, 1902.
. T. BRinsr-s.
J27p Reaistv
Notice for Publication.
Roel.nrE. orcton. Mar. 14, 1 .
Notice is hereby given tnat iu e'.ini.: ... in -with
the provisions ci the art of i'o: rc - o.
JuncS, lhT, entitled "An art for t:.' sue oi
timber lands in ilie Stat of -."tomi- r. cm.
JJevaiaand Wa)nncton T. rr.toiy," a- rxt-n-i-ed
to all the Public Laud states by art oi auk
ust 4.12. cEoEfj BATEMAV
of RosebuT. c-uuty of If i lkt'iai, St -te of re
cou. bastuisOav riltl iu mis oi'i -tf tits ' n
statement No. 2114. for the purchase ol the .-1 -.
of bection No. m, township ti' south, oi .-.
West and will offer Proof to show that tin
land coucht is more valuable for its t.lin r r
fctone than for sKrictiltuml purpos..b, and to .-s
tablish his claim to said land be ore the Keis.
ter and Rf-oeiver of this o.ri-e at Rosenurg. ""e
srou.on baturdav, the Tth day ol June, u i.-.
He names as wititee: Henry rineiet ii:,
Georee-H. Straier. hdmoiid liiwns, Clar'-un
A. Youuk all of Rosebur. i -retrou.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely th
alove-decribed lanls an? re'jii.H'wi iu Ii e
theirclaimc in thisofnee on or b firu.a;r: Ti'.
day of J u ne, Vm. J . T. R KI J'- K -i .
MlhD. Registry.
Administrator's Ssle.
In County fotirt of Bute of Oregon in and lor
Douglas County.
In matter of estate of Thomas C iats, d'--?e,ised.
Notice is iiercl.v k ven that lursuaiit to ar
order of ihe County Court made anl en'crcd in
the Journal of said ourt on 3, li ami
recorded in Vo-10 on p2 V .s3, thereof hi
thoriziug ana clirei tint the undersigned a1mi:i
istrator of abov t,um"d estate ut sell -tue i.-ui
properly of said ei.i'e t bub.icor p'lvale tie.
The urrders.pii'd r?l: 'iiistrator v::l
" on and after tlie i'U.i 'lay of Ajnii, li' iJ,
offer fir sa e at priwte s!- on tue prTui--,
and sell to the hiuhet ind bet b: I ter, I r '-.-sb
in h'ind, the followinc "Tl' cd real roi"-r
of said estate to-wit: '.4tir.!4 becau excct.ti:i
one acre more or less conveyed io
the M. K church for the site ol a bu '1
lnc, contafninn W acres, inor: r lens; s , t!,.;
following desrri bed real proptrty lo-wu: E'2
of thei-'of lioiiation claim of Ttoiin O.n
aud wife. The whole o' suet ida'.in b -m Oi
scribed as lol owiny, to-wu: The NE)- and '2
ol fcEiibcr.n sud . i.Stt H' fi Hi''
last nameJ iraul conlaiiiiui; i acres, iu'.t.
le. All of said real pi p riy ii- g in toii
hip 2 south of range 7wes:t in Douglas con My
Eor'rurther Pril 'iUrs aid i:if - nation to
the said premise app y 'o'l.e nu-b-rttirned M
uiinistrator to. tae address, Oiauu,
county reron. , , ., . ,r .
fated this 7lb day of Manh 1 ;f.i. ,,. j .
(mLHj Ad.iiiiiistrator
The U..S. rk-r'arator will take out all
the cream in a lew minutes. Why feet
latliathisdaytif improvement?
ro. i
5. N.
:- ,-
i-e: 'I is' . . .
lui.-.ii ..
N -. '. :
,i .- ,
:. II.
!nv! e,. -e .tl'r.
l .! i.w-'; w
I line
, . lii Lincoln
. . !i l.itin II
. . U Maii'Hi -1
.14 1' '.'
.11 Tillau k 5
. . 7 Washington .... 11'
. . 4 Yamhill Il'
v1 !..;,. 4 Total 171
'"' ' jji 1 to' -.tun- tn'iiii; iiltr ile'.r;itr at larjrt?
J . 1, l i-. li ( '"ttiitv aii'l mil' ilnlfotilx f'r
" s. l',.,-y " I "trs ,.r fractii'tl ll.ieoi uvi-l'
-- - - ..,- ( ( ( . I-,- i. 1 i i i 1 luoctois ill Nev-
' " " ! .,,.,1,. r l'HHt
'"' ' j Ih-lojati--i.r ..tin Ts in :i 1 1 -li. !; lu'f ut
.' ' 1 t '.' ri.a nit may sci-r.u- a rate nf one
" " : t ; j' I ii -; :.:' 1 i ii - I.T the r. niiil triii on
! t , . it'.i. ii I'.'.i iltc an.l t'orvallis A
i ., t ii Ktiiiways, 1'V l ayini; fuii fare to
11. . ' r.n: an.l taking a l'P'.'rii't to Ihtvt
,-., . i.-.l hatitig satnf t'r.'irly i-rrtitu-d
l.v the oil'i-taiy ol th- I'olivi-ntioii.
ili.'1'" .o '.' T. W Hakbis
1 (. . i'.. W iv. t'liairman.
!.. l l 11! Il AN M ATE roSVLNTMS.
i .: -..1,1;. ;i ..f thr KvimUHcau i:.rty
'... iv! iti 1 .u'U.ilhl. Orritoii. tteiints
. . Ai i ii L'. 1-Mj. at 11 oVl.k. a- m
tho i.t'.ii..-.' of noiiiiliatili lainli-
.11 l.lll t . Vi i v n. H i n II
.. 4
.e.l a cia.'-- ' I --tfli'i'.l !i" ' I '-i - ! .
. i i a ti ! ' ' , i :i '- - -' ' i ii I i i ' j ;
u-y vm'' i- a- j''-: ' '' . i j
HTttis I'Uirire. .i.iiM)-.. !' " ''
year, a.ntl il.i ti r..y . a- ..' . : ;
ivttcliof ' o.r o-i. ! t. ii '.- ! j
Uiver tvt-ii'ii ii h leii ir.!. '
n:nl c.iii I aliii"Hi !' .
1'ltlaiJ: 'lot), tl Till; .' , .-..-. 1 ' i '-j,
fll.lMJ I.. :., : ')
if l,i -it nr t "-.
Thc-o!d (;. f.f Tiius'
nij.'bt v.ili i.c cotiit,',-. : . ,
nil'iiVC!..!1; ;'. f.'i t'l' '. t . ' '
' (.!.!-;'i' 'il. C : -
' i i 1 '-,...:
, :' ( i , 1 . i' .- t ' i , 1 U C 1 '-
ami C, exj re.-: .
i I : Ml I ! 'Vi
( '0.
Px.H Sai.K Si I if i-i" J ..'tnl !) I'.r:
Valley t eiu i in-t ii ?i .'. io ! if 1' .- -.;'-r.2rtoO'5GOCOO'-5CSO'. 0CO:
aoilth, raiiK. il w. . t o Wt.i.f .
Moridian. Wii' !- .! rit- :; i '--' r ;
ininiedidtely, for f.,r;,. r su! r::.i i.-.n FjrZ.
a !Jr.-P N. 1'.. , i. .t..eo. .ti4t -, Hun'- '; j
buldt Co.. Cat. . ;
ClikM ASTi.l) I e I . (-. 1 1' lit ' I' -I
Creatiitr v t'ij. at 14 f"i rrr-t . t. , !' i t
i!l pav hiilhi''"'"-!' ' I "' -.ii. tj
W.ll fell ii;;i (t'l-eii , i..'h i m.h.i i :
voiir rratu 111 t. iWM.ent. ilii'i. si
V f - vak A A
rk ( -. ' ' ; ,'. .f - - If-!.
- f
; W.P.fu!lcrCo.y
U. ,: ; .. :
e Oi.l J.r '" u
C. E. i:..'-: -t-
J :..'.
E- T'o-F-Ui-i-
t'.ve r.! . i' '
gooii f'.itr. . -
J K r-A '- i.
MlNN-E tiTtl. -
I nr.' .:--:
!U .i ! ! ..
or.J if.;i! ! ""- '
t iiati im- -late aibl .litr-t oiliciT lex
$ I r. ). tii'.i !:. I'l-s.-ntativi's in t'oiigri-ss .
larl t fa I. Slot sit. h other l.itsiins 3- may
r: U Ab, . ute v t'LK, ara . t
feUMLK.-.lJ (11 s- in ist.e-! t'l-1 v ,ii tl. i I: !. Ail 1.111 :r
neBt-, C-l si- it y ' f (i.r-.rt "- ii 1 'it ! v LcTu.
tatlf'lt aiBO, .r- I Mt'-'.il kl a.: 1 -'Jt I.
' n !' ..- - . :! r . e--f.,r--
ti roi'rr cf im Mu-r-i , ., : t '' t : . r r
tmrtliTl'arn cUi -r ;. ! !re-, t.-tte '
anJ M' Oov u- A. F. 'i sr.
.iirt ; M.I I UIIVI V JJm if
I'urtland. Oregon
lil (TtIV I'ilil. F"llllr.-! 'tO'f M
r'eri. Ii:'l i rui-i". 1 r r.f - hi.'! :
ermsir.jnre ! .'r-. . lo. .1. l''-e- j NotiCC for IV iiiifiit ! ii.
r ' a'r r: aiuwtia the eral (,i;a1'1Ii.'H in . ! a- i ' -
... ... r'v .-..M .. U-!' the i-oiiveiition
6 i ' ':.:.; ... 1..... Pirit.llM-i",
. ' t tie s:.i!e
Camas 'ally.
n. c 1
i-. r.
ti :
E0-r" ''
fotx . ,, -j
re cr i .1 y
fi.! s.
M M" I. i' - "
a v o .
t?EO I.V:..-N.
v :
no: '. i. : .
A . ..,- iiii ! n visite-l ly a cn.-w
I st .i it has rv:i various'.-.' stiinatel
' tl . .t !i i. t" l-' of lh Wiiuti-
; : .-.v :'. 1. it a-till liti on the enr-
- . . tii I:-... i..':iiii-l ut ",l.a ail ii.e'.'til
t :''." -ami tin- w-ather is tiiit
-; r.i.i like.
"':; Uyin in tie tt (-r t'aina
C-r l .-, .. v .;.-u-..-t. Alarcli ol. ne uimn-
:i...t U'ii!re. I'.r.'Wii "ill wiwM the
"ir Vt,i. Ti,o',iii.i show ei his final
:j - ,:, ir. jiirihasm the T. J
: i . Win. ic 'loiiir heailol"
.. .:!. I-. ki. v a ;"il t'-ine; l,pn he
. 1
-. j
I; i- r. ; r . 1 that, t' 0x. a form
r r. - i.t.l oi ( a Yallry. has M'hl
plui.r wrii a .!' .e ; i. i -. ti i!
onl f ir tj e (' .j.. A P a' I'
A S.i t, Cer..:i.t I i.':.! , '..
I OR SaI It 1 if . i- - -i
mile from s.i...-. i.- .--.
Jat ciVuss. an.l so r -1- :r ...
stiTe : lace i.i.t.ty . !
oieari-1. VM'.ti '" ; t '. ' "
!t) aj i '.f a;.'! 4 . r ;.- -
inrs iiti'l li-.ity ! -
f'ri.'i-. ?.;-'..' i. .'. . -.
mlOti li.W. At i'.-i.- . t
W w ii! i arj - 7..V.' for
' '.. Si f-:I),
-. ; . r j'li. ;t a:.- i.f j-
. t -. i r ,i . ii I;
. i,.,.V.'.V.'.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VA
- - ; ----rC" Z'.r. CCCC'GO 'OC-CX C-'iOCn
' S t- 4 : TiTh. A
. , i A k i -a
1 :
i. r. . . .
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i.T :' t 1
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. : " V . : -.'
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K 1 .
1 1'
: "si .
i. r 'nr.. 1 . .
a . a r ;
: . v on . - i - .
0 jr I..r- '.inr v! '- ' . " -t h- ;
ooya eirii' a'. ; s-i '''' - - '
lit ehif. "hi-i 1. . - ' ' '
hvp tho 1'. lit,'.' ' . - - t
I iilia. Ojr.'-'-r s.:. i st -1 -
.- , i r.,-a.i iliriu an.l haa piif t. tt.f
tah aoiS ln-pe-t ::r i i 1". w- i.i-r
!' r"' '-I
i. .
O : J - -
ev?'. '!;''. , ' . -' - i
ii.viti-i 10 ,:' -. '. t.
A! AT A 'lit t '
S;'iIi:,:EN or" : '
V tV-a t. N . -
k, iiows' :
firet 8rJ f.i-fl ' !
im? CPhli'.-rs a -i
J. A. BrcuASAS, C-
N,.iic- f-r I'u
r : '. ' "
L -".-'s :. '.-
f,.r.- -
Mir-1.:'-'-' ' r
..n n K. N :
h ; -
I'P.'. v :. -
VH! 'I' V '
w .' :..
Notice ir :
w.ti. t: t- : i' :
Ii.-," :. i -h-
r .a ' ' 1
i--,-a 1.. :. I ' .
( d l l , I 1 i.v -U-t
4. I-.".'.
of - .,'. .
no-til No. . ... .
and i i- 1 , s V
O-' '!'! 1 'T, ' ' U -.i:
'V ' ' t-
; lis fli.ti ' -'
p-i-e-, :.i! l '
t r o ' - '
II . V
-..!-. ..i V. ash:t.e-l..ti, to make his future
V.'-. tt...n..i,-. one of Ur-i'iu oiU
..-it.- r j .--.-I aay anl v.n lail to
. -; i-v t! c s. to i i her hnshaml. March
..". i ii. ; a-i-l liel wt of Ki..
I..'! ham in which iieih"
. r. iio a.s hn iiht toCaina
I! VO'l .1 tiv ti e U !..'!
, . . . i , i ii . i : - . - I
:..- u.ii. I . iifi'i men 1'iim.ii.. ,,.. i,(.r,r,.0,i.'l:.i- rl ui .- i: is-
r t'at.ias Ya'.iey scln-I '"'" j ,.tellC-. Ar s-v-.-: t.
I -1 V.t:ir ..iv. aii'l tclUM Tin- -eii-,.c(, mtVi pn..' rv l v- : i... I it.,
j -:t M..-' . r the loyal nu-ltilf r tnnml ; ,hmt t ..- - f r i-i..-: ...r.
. ,' J 1 ' A A-- ii. w
rme v. c
f; - -f .- 'i ,,. .
r t t , ' ' '
l)k ol 1
the meet ctni : : . -
dry k.oo-14 in j ' ii
wabt yo'ir Ira ! ' o.v - - , .
A. K. Y'-.i - .
i.i ; . , o . j
C-COOC C '-'
-'- -r I i t i-l i if
t 1 I . . l l . i .-, si I i I iV I ...
. - . . . - , - ' .' '-'.r
...... . . , . ......
.r- .t 1.". ... i.
- . i .
r -
C. i'. -.s i to. pp.
1 .:t- ' -'-s 3-
t -
sc Stnj,!; anJ
I h ur
ir.nt-'ie x gen
rr' bJs . . . .
I'i.cs alwavi r;aonab!
si, tip . n; torcv t'i nominate a j-n-j ( j1(lVH tli tAt' est ... V. ; i i
:..t t : k-t .11. 1 .i.-.'t tiif 'll'.'ioi: dole-; l-ei.iOT.. j j , ,. tt V. , .e.'i; a
J. K. Vm: - s,
I'.u .: V: t J s t..
t : .- I- t!.- .' contention: I'avHi-i 15 .i 5., J.l..Wi:-s,
1:1. Willre l lr..ti.C. M. Wi!..n.
, I Ten Mile.
( i
j oa:-.I.-i! making ic the or-ler i the
! Wi- ;..'..! t!..- tv.rst storm of the sc.ik.ii
j '.1-; v.c-K.
" j r-i '. r;.l of oitr ctltiz na.ple attended
j ; ... .:.;. .,: oiaila tho Mth.
ml 7 11
County Treasuret's .Noiicc.
Professional Cards.
. tH'f ic ..rt!v .--,en !-.-! - p a '
ItClilmg l'.v;t-i, c o 'y ir- -
. - : 1 ; 'r 11.
'. .. -. .". .1
A i . " '
1 - K ' ! . '. .
'.:. .-: t : 5 - i if
j ls'.l, to prc-".t' toe -?.-i'jC .. lie!
er'e ofl i-". at t:i- i- , irl ! 'u-c, ! r p.y- !
. niM t, :n'r-i"s. aso t'.a'fj'i a!"t r
j the date ol tlii r t ce. j
1 1 1 Y 1 I '. N ANSI !';. TON.
II s :f I'd, ' e..
'.'.". ''I t , il. aj.,-- I'i ttil
.1 r t.r..'.
- - 7 1
5 o .', . L1.!!! L. . r.-t ir :r.l h'.i. e from Kcii
It -y.
v a
A-.'ti.-s '.-iiii-i'iii was the guest nf IVssie
Nrii !.;ii'l Siniday. j
.'.!;-s J.:. M.-tiiiire wa a puet of Miss !
.I t. la t'iiiir. iiiil Iiit Sundav.
the C.'.J ol lUie. h tri. Or., i. j
(j. W. IMMMIOK. i
Culti'J Treas'iier.
Q V. JEl.-iiitlii. Al. D,
;-i 1
P'.; vpician. urirt'on.
Ciij Ticasurcr's Notice.
j ti::--i.v.-r r. '.
; Th."!.. ia:u .V.U.
llO-tB- Rli.
OHSi.'iN. :
i i,H. ii her. ' v t- -! . ,V'..bki . E. HOrCK,
j Mis- jtiiit.i Wilson of Ile'toli, was vis- h,,',);,, tj .,i-c ,-: . ., ,.r .: ' ti ' -sell
ilii.i tit H e home of t. . Newlaiid one j r.. r t Aj-nl . Is '1 ' i'-ipm PIjv cillll CC UrtrOtl
duv i.i-t vk. ! !(, -auie t tt.e 1 10 're , nr-1 1:; 1 -r i ..... - 1 "
, ' ptV:ieiif, a i: I-' est .! rc-.-c I! flet-n 1 ,,r,.- h-view 1. K-K1'"K
v.r. a:i-l .lr. A. b.istineil alteiuun .iir ilii ,li o. if 1. 1 . 1 p... .. ., v., . 1 '- . n
t - . - - ?
. w y t; a
:. I-.
A .W l
- . k -V. A VI
it If ! H m: "
lit.lo iom' Cahin" at liosebtirg the- LUi-d H c- -i'i:. ., , on this 1.1 h
1 - !, . rliy ci .11 a rcn 1 -
l'r .. .In-. A. Iavi ma le a htisitiesi
- It It si v I'. 'I ' v.
l'r t I .- irer.
Prince Henry.
at ;-'- r .
.f A;.;.', : -T'ei
11 ;
'i 'l ln.n- ii . .
A . ',' a I - .
a' -r. 'l
ci.ii.:.. in t.M
A, I i- in i
J i.
. I.
r i:.-'
t ;- -1u,.r;,iitc.'.!.0
. 13
.,-'-. ;;. .i-O
li -v roz-c-:- ."Ococ-ooooooO
Notice f
it i"
June .i, : -.- ' 1 i -''
1-li'H ! 1 ..lets ! ; ; . . 1 '
it 11. ' - ' i "I'd -1 "' - '
li-ll i'-.l t 1 a: I:.- fl.l,. . 1. .-! -T ": '
Aii-'U-l 1. i-'.J.
..-' t! - i..:;.
of Ko-i i-'i: -..-..::'; ": ' - - ' " ' '-'
'O 1, ha- t: .ia;- ' .- 1 . :i i ' : ; - So Ji ' ,!-: ; . - ' ' -
of s. i::-iii !-. ' , a -It: - '- -: :., ' '-'
and will "t! r pt.. t - - : :
S' )' 1 1 i. t - :,.'i:t' 1 '
limn for a. 'I'-' . ' ' t.';t - -t ' '
his, raii:i to 1 t .-,:'.'. It - -tt5Wlver
'. IT,- o ' '- " -i.'
,-a ut-i"1. tlirl .. c- 1 .r J--as
w it' - --- -: 1 1 j -i .. i .1. .
un w.n, K. W . F-. .-'.-'.' - i": , ''. ,i- ,
Kda:',lrl lK,uii-i a id It. a:. -ir: A ii.
hosei. ir, i- ioii. r
A 11 v a ii-1 bl ' p -re. i : n t rtl. r
,-v' .i ' no- -1 fat - 1 ', ! - : :
1 i,-:lr r ui- !i ' 'i s ot:i .e on ' i I'- '-'
aa- o: .'uue l. i. j. 1. i.r.iii'.
" Hi' p '
.i i - h
": " !. I ''",- h 1 l-.n.
r. ! ' r i.ii::g c.rj ;, eru
11 l.ati 1 .
. '1 . !. '-.:. .! ".- sh.nvtnjr
1 ... ! ': ;r Ka'li.
tL ti.a.Btj
Ranch fur Sale.
. . Li JI'c i O 4-l: ic
"I :. t : s an ! Ft - I.;-, .,r r.H Uuild
i is . s'': :- t-jr Office I'ixtures
rrir.o-- Ilr-nry hus remhod home.
K:;.; -r(.r il.iti m Henry, Tt i tier
1: itt'.i. il antem nf d m American??
O t 1 iruri Waiht nm I.hine; anv way
l .t is al! I, Hilly.
I ". 1. , 1 ..-r. t Yfit is der gapidal city uf
1 1 . 1 1 ry M i ! w a 11 kee. '..t is dor national ganie?i lloker. I
lirnp. n.r Yot is der t hief prryluct of
lor country?
Henry rmliticians.
Ki!i( '-ior Yot is drr form nf goffern-
im-rt I .'
Henry Loose in der house of re pro-,
-end .lii'N nnd prize fights in der senate. Yot i" der population?
ll. iiiy Iree .!. 1'. Morgan, Andrew
l.'ariii'Lrie mid Mark llauua.
Emperor Who is der lions?
H'-nrv Itooscvrlt.
p W HlY.NfcS
itcvl. Bit:
1.-.- 1 l-.-.l'.e ,N . . K'lSSTSrH., ' ' 1.N
.-r-t o a
E.M. Oil vj.
itli,--' .-i r--- te
.i : ROF3'-Kii SE
A cp'erdid rrncl) of tv -rrs, i'- five
tni.oe of Mtrti- Cre-ir, or '! ;IV
aciea 10 ccllivatio" ; -tx mi a i yr a
ai d four -f lldes ; ln: sj rli.i w-Cer;
tao-c'.ory ho'ise, a t .rn ai-.i n.i ' 1.1 - - , ,.,
iDgii cou.pnte. K y io"u-'. I i; t
ivmfK ,v vc v. Attorney at Law,
Milling an.l S-..CK Kx.-ha: -g- , s...,, , A J. MrtcrsBrU.. kos-hi-r.i. ci
Mir'!.' l'r-.'- k. ".. , r--. itasitu'i aeiore in V a Ijttut O.itee an cas,-, a -.jhs i-l'.y.
Latr R.s er.rr l:. t Ijiad
11 T-i !'.-.. h lint', 'l'hone 415.
i: -.i.!...'i:i., OKKiiON
Notice for I'v.i-1 call
np'Oa orrro
- i ;i! liUM
,,- a- I. ol I 1
II I l-,I i
N-. h ' ;- h r -.,
VVUtl Ihe pru. i-.iulr
tiiii.- i-.:-. e ' l i-
'1 nil ij.r Laud- iti t " - 'i " " a .
t"-i; . N'- - an 1 "'A h . . -' i : - - "t ' , i - . ..
l.-ieled t-,ai to"! I'l.l.iiC I..O-' - ' ) - !
A eK'l-l i. iS.- ,
, !.';.;: 1 .;':'' .'.
has tin- 'i-i" I 1 ' ' '
i:;.-u' .' 1 11 t", '"r 1 'i'- ; '1 - ' ' :
s-i.i 1. .-t .. i-i, lor. 1.-il 1 ' '' ' ' I ',"r
a 1 1 . 1 u i i ! " tl I T r, a . I I - - .: .1 . '
is. i.inr vi. I lah'e for 11 r 1 '-"lie I In-11
l..r 1, i - i i :i 1 . 1 " ' - .'I-' " " ' - - ' Ii ' s
c .im t. - 1 n- :t- :.- si, 1 u: '!! ui 1-t.. .-!,-!. i', O'c'iU, on :-iit I ' Vti
H:iV ul ''tne 1,.'. Ii'.' li.-iii- -i- 1 . . -
liel.lif Kati 11 nil. !1 H i . ' " 'A-.m-t.
'i l.o- -, 'it .'.11, l.-itt .1; i- l -r --i- i 0
S - uiie, a-i;i 1: :on.
Any li.'i-i all 1 ers .I.s el'O' -i l' .i-..-r ;! ')i
n but e 1' i-rrtra.' 1 i" let s a r.. f ; ' ' i ' -1 i. ' '"-i r
cia ins in t'ni olu-'e Oh or b--.-'"e -; ' 'hi'
.,1 Jaaeai. J. T hi.Hi'.c s,
k ': v H A t Q
i" r;5r r-Tiifc cr
Weather Report.
1'. S. W. nlher lmreau Office,
lloschurg, Oregon, Mar. lm2.
Week KndingS p. m., Mar. 2i, 1!H)1.
Miiximum temperature 51 on the 2Hth
.Minimum temperature 32 on the 2iitli.
Kaiiiiall for the week O.fl.1.
Total rain all since 1st of month 3.23.
Average rainfall for this month for 24
yours 3.7'i.
Total rainfall fro'ii Sept. 1, 1000 to
itate 2'i.4H.
Average rainfall from Sept. 1, to date
Total .l.'liriency from Sept. 1, 1!00,
lo d:4 ) 1.70.
Average precipation for 24 wet Senson
:3.25. Tuoa. (inisox,
Real Estate Bargains.
Ai'iiiMilttiral, Fruit, Mineral, Timber,
Stock and Colony Land" in large ami
nua'.l tracts. Hesidenee and Business
rroperty for sale. Address,
I), t, K. liuicK, Uwbbur, 0r.
H. Little,
.. DENTIST. ..
A TTO It N E Y A T-1. A W ,
K.lSKiU'ltr.. Ol!KO!!t
t, ... r- I....1 ,ni,.u... i o. ....... '' I "c i;" -1 '' ' ' v :'
i at
1 1 . ' . -
- .. : - .
, i t - .
: .-. t : - ' -
..-.:",-. Il : ... v. ' - i
Ke -.- u- ":l t t j. ft a
' t .' - . I I - .". - . -
'...-.. i . . . i .
! - r. . . '
I .......
jr , - i
:-..'..' y. v .1 ..i
j " Fi.:.. ' - - '
OiliA ii-i i ...:...i.1..
! v,'.;. . - ' -
- vi ii t : . . ' .1
. - ' . - '.-..: i
. . -.1 . s i- - i - - -
' .1 ' ' S ' ' . -
' - -rj-1. - ,1 . . . t .L. ia-.I ....... s u
; A'iHUs' 4 !-'-.'.
. .. s, rr. -.,.e--
. I ,- a-4
--r :.-tsa
. . - - i .-
'v .i -- r i-i
.-1 ,....- -s
.. - , - -va,
' . - ; ".. l--
J -.. i Ir. ot
. : t-j.ore t:.; 4 -. ;t of
j r ij ' . . . -
Notice iVr Publication.
' A'l I
a :
j 011. in- a, a apet laiiy
I Orli.-c -Al'iat am ittitMiux.
Oregon. 1 j
Tfo 11 ",,t (T i) mi 1 i.ixi'l nil
. K int'j -nli--i n'l I i'iHiio,.
Tobur.'n, 'lt,-R. rt ti ! Fruit
iu vmV-' n' r-mtii's ail
ol Ui fiutut (uu Uy.
til I. b. R1D0LE, ir.p.
ii -
Fresh Drugs fieri id ncs.
Toilet Articles, Paints.
Oiis, GlasA, SunJrics.,nr,ly fllieJ f
by a competent druggist. w
J 0. H Ll.l.iaON
Attorn ey-a t- Law.
1 a:ii 1 : "s .
' , - S
' - e aii-1
I 'ii'i l .-r. 1; - t
: ' ie I ail
1 "ai.hsh 1 . i-l
- au.t 1. -
a.l . e-
: ... , . I
. - -.'- - n lij
. s . , - -,v ,.;,.
.- v '-..- I'ub-
i s.
1 !.-. s:e -'
o hi. . a
: 1 . o; . e N W
. . -o.-.ta, rt- ce 4
-ii ' it.; I ;e tirid.
. - .1 1 ,1 - r s'-eta
a'.i ' t. -tai
- T- t'-e .:r
'. ' tii
.. 1 i-rl. i
s s-:.-e 54 - .' . U
- - ; . ii a
r- . ' - : ;ia
1 l'." .n
Re; st r
, i;..- . rn i ion . . . I it, oav m i r. !'.
Wii praelleetii all the Slate and Federal Court- yi,1," ( i 1, -V "., t- ,' ;, r. .
inrie In Mdiks' B'.'li , Kofc lmu. Hrevoii. IMiun.1.1 ' - i r ., f 1 l 1 u . ' i: r.
Q.)MM()H0Kh Si. JACK.ON,
A'rirnoy"'and Counsellor at Law.
Mtn ttg Law aud Water Kights made
a ept't tally,
atui-aters Bid Kl'Sli.Hl'Ki:, yl'.KiiCN
A n a I h
i a-.-e- r 1
eia '" tl .'
April, 1 . -.
1 '
Ncticc i'or Public.i.tiou.
' ' -.-, -1 ., c ,-.
el. .4 t .
Y w. UEN30N,
At tnruej'-at-Lav.
:ms 1 and $
j 1
s r :. in,-
' - , ... : w -i 11. ,,. p a- -e
I- -.i- i:,- , 1 . a , o(
, ' 1 . - V v : 11 r :h . f
1 . . 1 m l--ii -S - S--.H, , .. alr.t ! .,.
e - .... a ... 4 11 1 -A v, t , i;,,r, t
' -I t i t ie I' i'. ..-1 an ! saies by a.t ol
i .lii,:,-; I. l-.C,
lA'itt'-rii's: t:.' !";'t- f ivstv,
K .. ,,,, ,;: i' .. us ..i-tv ,u m i..-s sui,.i .,,.
V,,-L.,l. 1.. - t - v n I. - h C P a e. I- is I a ! ...-t Tt t ;.-. i-f I ', w- n .
Notice for Pu!''.icati-.):i.
HI III fi - '. -
.1 u He H. 1 ' - -
1:1 .ce; . ui ; . a f t -N--a
t - -.- ' -. 1
1 ! im a -: ti-. '' :
us- 4, 1
v'l' B"U- ia;. KtViKIII K, UkkiiliX I - -
- - - - I oi rjj'r:'' .- .'. !
f , .11. I KU iu .-.
. ... - , - atvlll- 1 I N
A l-
Court Holla,"
RMK"K. i"
Oown St'iira
J A. I'-UCif ANAN, Xhutv l'tit lie,
Collections a Specialty.
Kivini S
Marstrra Kitil.'in. KOSKUV KG, OK
Attorney at Law.
nraim 11,
Taytor 4 wi.wu Slock. KoasBCKQ, Obi.
'. "" ' t A-as 'or tl- t urvh-vp .0 ij,, s. '
: - -'I " - - " I ..l - - l i, r'. I.
-.- .:-i ; -..:. i.;V ;:'.. to ;',-. t::.. ,, ii I
--. ..' - u ". . -;'l f -r r-t i : . r -r una
'. ; i l a :n ..1 i-at , l - s a' i ' - . . ..ii
iv, -a d U i I"-. t . K. V's'e- a:. J
It i . t o' -o. l.-e .' K..- I rv Ono'll. r;l
; ., I a- . !.-.- h -i.y .-: Maj t .- il,- n-vi.
I . ., ""'' 'S-e-1 A -r; t-i,.' ,ti"-,u h. of I- -t io.
I I -r t!- pi,.. ! a- ,.i ,. - ; - ' -e : 'i ..' a'.v .-ivo. r s t, .'t . .
,' ?-,:e:io so ei u v.i to. i : i. r, s.i -' 1 " . .-w, i-vsi.nv.i,
7. Wt-- -oil wtl.oi". r jir.. f j.. ... tii -a. t in
-an-i -. l-ii mari-v a i ..e t..r isti.i-r.r nu att.t a i rar-i .. a; nm -Ive-.e! tn-
si, ne ti'.n tor ii.r:ni,iiir i pun-w s a-id m at- -. u- . ri-H- la ..! r." rc-.-i. ate.1 to tvv th. t
, .ai.::-h ' is .,.-.;;i i,i -a i . t v..-'o - I'e ' ' 1 " ;i "'a 'C on o. b .i -a't -id , lay
Kt-ilaler ai-l K, , ,-xer ef th . i- at U rs, el May, li. J. V Bti.lK.S-.
I'fttl'.li. i'-l l h i. a. '.!:. I'll ..a-. tl A: it i i. Ir J " Kei;'.ser.
lie nai'i s ai lln-.l.-hn M , u 1 ' - A hi m
lluty. Ja-i. II i 'in '. a:.. I l ' a- A. Ve .P. i li.'i
1VyH:';.iV.v"- r--us-! , o-. v t,e Administrator Notice.
ft,ove'1ei- O'.' i 1 ;!'ii s ' r- j-.' -- t: e r .
i! i' I. in t.a or K t t ,.tt V": : !; 'u h'T ,v,'a thx l-'- '
Of Apr I "K. . J. V. l-.'c'J iN !i .sWviil.Tl; oi I -. :M
,1,ii, K. . " i "' . (' ' l-i a.v-'-v-t A ti -j.
Notice l Unal Stttleruut. : S
. , v i lo iti.- iui.itn.Mi.-i : SiH'iiTV ii--.--!.-,
Notice i hereby g -vea that 'ha t u Utsk tre-l. ..t:.-.i. x uioni 'i in-ui ise-l.i .-i ta - tiusi ,
adiiiini-toiitix "i t'i" state of . , ' 1 . I i!i , utii dav Ol Man h t-aV
ilteeaa- 'l hati!-J her tin .1 acco'ti't la tue Vr J . Bi t it IN W,
C -tiaty C-iutt of U iriitUi e-i.i f..-, o.-.' ju; au-t i AdiiiUMrator ot taa aisUi vi (tawta
llit Jcd,v 111 Inuaj ol Ai-rU l.i, l u . C.-j.aiia Ucciu-ri,
; i