The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 31, 1902, Image 3

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Take a Notion
hum our Notion and
Fancy Goods line which
is full 01 the new things
of this year's creation.
We beg to call your at
tention that on i new
Spring goods have arriv
ed. We are showing
beau'iful novelties in
mercerized 2 c p h y r h,
Charnbria Lawn, in all
the new spring colorings
and designs.
to fit our new Spring
line of Clothing which
has just arrived from our
eastern manufacturers.
and turn to the right, then you will conic to our Shoe Department
where we are showing our new Spring line of Shoes, including our
"DOUGLAS SHOE," for vhich we are sole agents.
Wc can fit you in Hats and Caps as we have
all styles and sizes at the
The People's Store
: Told in Side Heads
Death of A. S, Frret.
x x x'x x xvx:x."V
'-:. v 1 on M an. Hon. S. W.
;;.. '. n hnnlM man and wpoj
- a- v: :tl1i-;id in.v at tit" ftp
i : ',:: ;iliir.i:ty as a d-lo-
i i. - i.r.vinvi. Uf iut'-mif-l us
. T. uigh: a -risrantie land
.vt: -i'.i in tlif ictuity l hi niill.
i.; ;::i o! tvirt i aii'l r-s. k inm-
ki, i:,r ';,.nn;i.iiii side tilling the
. .r '!.; !'... u vi:li .U-tri to llit
i , -I f - ; or l'i'TO. A Unit S0 itt
'. :: aa i-..v r.-.i m j aud Cvm
i'. w'. ' , r- ii::vi to nvt'ti-
'. ::. .. "i t'.f ry I vt tli- gt-Mit mass
: 1: -i-:-.:s j-.vuliar that -uli a
-;'.'. v. ur i:t that iciuity
l'. i..-:.vy winitT rains vvvre over
t-.iMii "H the luilsid- had ho
- ::., hat Jrif ! and M'tiM.
was htt'.-.t tia.'wr u th iht vi
:;k u U kk Ouidf". titiiVr 1
;. 't- hsvo s,-!'red the assi-tan.v
.U i- - i. a i ii cxju-ricui-! trajt-
1 -. :..:-r. vi tl.t parts, and
:'. .;:-;", i-iale any jjoveriittivut,
;. r :-;.: hind i;i tin.- part t
i . A i;;.f l-!y of l'ort ori..rd
;: M.-"t''1. A'Mre?.
(.'aiuaj Valley. Ore.
i- n-:;vf !u:.les S. W. oi KvM.durg.)
.Mr. Al Smith and Mis
N- niTi- united in marriage
. r r i:a-ia.v, .March 2S. 102.
. Sontt-b'.irj and ar' well
; .-ill hijidy "uvmed ep!e.
1': : v i'E Li:r; j'-ins th' ir many
'.he i ''-r rivt-r and thr-tilgh-,.
t-..;;;ity i:i fxu'uding wnp-atnla-
;.!.d ' -"t M Iilfr-.
v. - Mi:irriNi.. Kvanflift-
wi!' !'pn at tho Christian
.-:: day Man-h SI. 7:30 . m.
. . v. an exan-hst of nrwt
a;i l !;!, will preacli the
:i i-.-i j-ritnitiv Minjik-ity. He
- i: jli'.v r.-' in.nic!idei and always
lifting. Mrtinc" will l
-. ii-i: thtrir.c the vk follow-
' . i i.ti: to hear him.
.! :iji;.aw. March J'. l'Ar2, lo
.1.,.)! MaUi-ki. twin
, i' :. I Mr-. Matal-ki gav
Tiii.l-t-. Mr. and Mw. Matal-'v-Il
i . ii-i : . n and the "Ide-t i nily
: - old. t''-r!a'e rfe Leader.
i-h'irl II irn for 5Je.
!. tni!
I'. 1 1. i rc."
it--it h'-m hull
r. !' n -r
" w-l-.tfWi.
II .
Diel, at thoiaiuily rtv-idetice at Yon
calla, Oregon, March 21. A. S IVr- t
after a lingering illness. . S. IVret
wae bro at Abl'ing'n. lud., July
1K34. He entered th U. S. rice in
l4 at; landuian on the I". S. piiiib"-.'!.
Vrx, au-1 erxtl cloven tnnllis aud iive
day. Was dischartsl nt the che -if
the war. He removed to Yonoalla. Ore.
in the fall f 1S9 and joine.1 A. G. El
let Pt Xo. A. R. May -12.
Hp ltMTPis a widow and w mii to
mourn ihcir lt. Nrricts were held iti
the lresbyterian church ivnductevl hy
Smith. The jall N'arvrs were all ami-
f Veterans. Th comrade of the Tot
acting hk Hoard f Honor, agisted hj
the WomauV li'eliei' Corj. At the cm
ten the (;. A. K. held their licanliful
and iuiin'sice services for the dead.
Among the many floral decorations
which covered the casket a a large
pillow if daffttdil-;, beariini the name and
Xo. vi the Ftt of which he was a mem
Itor, 1k a lwamtifnl floral trihnte irom
the W. R C. comiKtsetl of ivy and violet".
Our deejK'ft y mpathy goer- out to the
t-ereave-l one in their sore atllicti.-ns.
I Of Local Interest.
o'-sBsiwa- 513-1
LidMnkArO. F. Godfrey, late of tl.
l)oiiC!gk v'onntx bKiili.hnt in- .t I'.iri
land, han lern -iitin .'eral !1a ,n
tiwn Liking after his luisine int. rc.t
licre au.l shaking hands with old incii.N.
He rt-t-'ris that the health of hi- .n
Frank, luf materially imtnivei since
IfKMting in rrthind and that he is inc t
ing w ith suct es in hi jjtovrv lin-ine--.
The family aro p!rasd w ith their new
home, but will ever hold fnd rccolhv
tions f Kod.ur and t heir many
lVugla county friend-.
The U'-l layers for every inouth in
the car is generally com-eh-d to ! th,-
.Halt ami Ninth Leghorns. Highest
! mtiring Huff and hilli l.eghorir- at
J the I'ecemlier ultry sh.. Kggs for
; ettiug of i:. to
j M.irmw
ai.n lox -14 Kosetmrg. iregoii
Oakland 01: L. N. Koney. the
Kugene cotitra-lir. was in town W,-l-ne-lay
evening and purch.i-ol a!i the
brick at the Oakland brick and tile fac-
W.A. Hilts oi Oakland t'alifoi nia a
) oung man ;!nycar l ageand a IuiiiIht- I
man hy n-ofe ion. while trawling,
through this county humd northwanl
looking for employ nu-iit. l coming ex-!
ail-tt I t'loin ,uiiger and liaelingon
foot, went to -1. ( . on the covered rail
roa.l I'li.L-o al Wiuche-ter Sutunlav
Hioi ning. lie states that aslhe i :2't a. Ill j
loeal came along it awoke him with j
stlc 1 1 a st. 1 1 1 1 hat he ln-caine so frightened
that he jnniiM'd If the 1'iidge alighting j
on t lc grju.i l - i' . e,:t li 'low . licit;
In-lav nnahle to ari.-e for almut a half
hour when he was discovered hy a ri'si-
dent of Winchester and wa- brought to
Fashion's Fad
I. A. Ilauahrough left on this morn
ing's local for I'm tlauil.
Mi.-. Walter I'rennan and d.nnhlur
. vovovo.
of Torllaud are viniting in thin city.
Jen. Voi man tint S. . ralh i at IliinR
inuir has heen visit i ii -j; in :,,M hurg.
t'onductor IM. Hillings has again
i moved hi family to Ashland to reside.
Mrf. Il.irtvin llulf leaves to day for a
visit with her parents at Wood hum
In ottering for your approval our Spring
Spring aud Sumtner wear, we do so with th
the most complete and up-to-date line ever 7
!y 11 s, or as we believe by jny oue cLe. A
cral departments:
1 i.
t hi- cii v mi t he evening local a nd nlaced i
in the t o, 11, tv iio.-pital li. Hoover. Mrs. . Kaih-rly wife of Hrakrmaii
-talcs thai while the man i- hurt intern-j Kaderly, and little daughter arc visiting
ally his injuries are not serious. f'iends in A.shlaud.
The verv he-1 results w ith a IVtahmui ! Traveling conductor Tat Tynan and
lncut'ntor. t'lmichiil 'V Woolley pay wife of Portland ar visiting friendH
j and relativeo in t li i- cite.
I. Hairy I'mk-lo i ),;,, re-entered the
services of the S. 1". Co., and will run
Itetvveeu thin city and Koseburg as
freight brakrman.
' eo. lisle-, prc-idelit of the Order o
Kadway Fmploye is ex H-cied in ICo-e-burg
some time during A pril on hiiine-s
of interest to the order.
Mrs. Ah Hamlin lift lot Cortland !!
thi-uiorriingV iH-al where she goes to
pifparc her household fnruituie to
move to this city. Mr. Hamlin now
having a inn out of thi- station.
t'. A. Ih'th the pas-eugcr luakeman
has heen granted a .'Plii.iv lay off. and
will leave in a day or two to viit his
parent at Fresno, C'al. His trip will
al-" include visit at l-os Angclesi and
j a:i 1 raiici-co. Tidings.
j Mr-. Hhie, w ifp ol Oridui tor I'd. Bluo
; of lht city i not jn the ho'piul at
tl:c trelgt.t.
W hi!'- tr.:is.i.-:ir.2 hii-itie U't'oic the
I'. S. laud oiiie,- in thi-city Saturday
iiiui ning. M r. IV Thomas Auhrev. lor
-evera! vear- S. I". station agent al Cot
tage I i i,, e. hct ame suddenly atllicted
w ith a severe attack of rheumatism, a- a
result of several hours tramping in the
snow in - "Ui;'y re. entlv. He has
U-eii crui-ing t'.i -on e liiuher laud near
Cottage irmc and cane down to le'-e-hnrg
to u.alo- eutrv. intending to return
atuidav in in.:, whi. !i hediddml not
tvili.oiit in , ess., r as-l-t.lll''.
I ,,tc-t -1 i. . n, .,.-1 New di -
-- I . - I I ;!;- ,ll -sep ll -on'-
.1.1'. Mar-i..i.l. ca-liier ol the liouls
Coi.utv Hank, ha- n tun.ed from a -liort
Ve t :
f..r hh'e
And thus thev are rapldlv answering tne ' , , . , , , . .
,.:. i .I , i i I t 'ke at least 2lX),0iiO brick ir.-m Oakland
last roll call. these dear "old Isivs who i , , ,
ana pernap-nearly the summer -
wore the blue. Our tears fall as one by
?ue they are laid to rest Henealh the
"Low green tent whose curtaius never
inward swing.'" Can we ever forget
how they sprang into' ranks and gare I
the -fren-oh of their lirave Vonn" man- I
hood, t" eave ntr fair land. Wc wid
deck their grave-- with leaulifiil tloweP
and renieuil-er their widows and or
phans. We Hii-s thee. O we miss thee hu-hand
Our ear we turn t catch the sHiud
thy dear step.
But all is silent now. our hoy wiil nets
guiding hand.
But father" hand is still.
Be very tender Lord, and reach Thy
hand, to mother and to m.
Lclc Kl.N.MA.W
a re
Letter List.
Kernainir.g uncalleJ. f,t(. at the lo.tse
burg rsettoftice.
Pertn calling for thers lcttern will
please state the date ou which they are
advrrtie.l. March 31 1.U2:
Aiken, W t"i Strange Frank
King Klie Steadinan, H F
Willi BK
Tin lotter will be charged (or at the
rate of one cnt eacli.
"W. A. I KrtR, T. M.
fet your hln'ts -f title from J. i.
Hamilton, lie lias the only complete
set of abstract booke in the county, tf
Hildebrand's Bulletin
y.. and shining fact for all the people. A sun
burst f bargains that will fatten the lean purse,
c:;-r; c the boundary of limited means, broaden and
:.ifv the Dollar, and bring sunshine intoyour life
li.iiig lias place in our stock but what wc know
to be good, and when you spend a Dollar with us
- -.
you g -t a hundred cents worth ot the best there is.
r n.
Belts, Handkerchiefs, Neckwear o
Boas, Ties, Nick-Nacks
put. Messrf". Williams & Jdui-oi
getting ready to commence active "i r
ations at once. In the meantime all the
brick 'in hand will U-shipj.-l to Ku-i,.-.
For All-tracts of Title, oiaranie.-l .,
1 full and correct is. pie. ,, all r. .-.r ;-erlVs-tin"
the title, eail on Frank K. Alley
nps?airs in the Mark- hnil.lin. llf.
work is uarniit.ssl coricct, and .lic e
are reas'iiiah'ie.
Mrs. Fred l.curr--ai. of this ritv. w ..
attempted to emmit suicide u:i la .
March yjrd. was taken to the Mate In
sane Asylum at Sa'.-m. Saturdav. i-v
Con-tabi' H. C. S.s-in,. who was ac
eompanil by Mrs. Samuel VanZiie.
Carl HofTman and Mr. Uurrs..n. Tl.t
maiiy friend- of Mr. and Mr-. 1-er.rrsoii
hope that the medical treatment at this
institution will effect a ss-ly rec-.v-rv.
Any parties desiring to rent. I.nv ..r
-ell real etate. city or ootintrv pr..-rtv
w ill do well to caU'on ir addn II. M.
lartin. Office with At..rncv l.ui
Hariee. op..-it Mct lali' n Houm-, K .
burg, Orejn. jy
11. French risvive.) iiotiti, ation
thie morning irom the V.xl telegraph
Co.. to commence w..rk at once on the
rocotKtruction of their line between
this place and Canyonvilic, and Mr.
French with his force of men w ill hc
tfin operations itonday tnorning. yir.
French is a deh-.-ate f ithe state e.m
vontion hut will 1 unable to attend.
If you want firsi-cla.- painting don..
I.y a practical painter, one that know
how and d'e g.Kl work onlv, call on
.John tef.ri.-e Caspari. r leave orders
at Churchill A Wool ley' harware store
Joii ii Chapman a wuallny hanker aud
Mock raiser of Ril Mont. .and w if.-
who have K-en visiting Mr. and Mr.
J. C. Aiken of thin city left Saturday for
Eugene to visit friends and relatives
there. Mr. au.l Mrs. Chapman are mi a
pleasure trip through California and
thrr Facilic eta tee and arc novv on their
wav home.
Churchill .V Wi-.llcv are having a fli...
trade in the 1". S. Cream Separator.
The progressive farmer will discard the
Ul lashnmed nnlk pan method of cream
Mr. Addie Mclloc left on Saturdav s
local for Port land where she expects to
stav about three months. She was
ompanied by Ir. Sy.lney Catchin" of
Cortland who ha Un-n visiting friends
in Douglas; county for the st few
trip to Cottlaud wl
.-( mut "I 1 i ,e lilia
as 1 1 n-1 l : 'lied a- . , i!,e ..ii 'o
the "!h. e ,.t i o . .. ur
hut on a -Hi:! "t hu-nn-
liete III l; hill.' he decil
. al pr.-Iiifuce -how u h;i.
I '!'... i .ii:.r.,' ! i
print- and li.'.uj
.I.e. 11 .Ici. tij-. ot !!'
a si ere l.i. . i.ii ion !
i hi. i - '.a w ii.ic I ,.,'.! .
to hi- h-eiie. lie -il-ove
at a hi net :t re in tlie
hand a- j : 1 .-'. (v "
hind vv h. . '.s at.d ,.i.
n it!i tl ii'
i.e... ;. I look -til. i i !
jav i- oi !., r : in-ii. a! t ea! t
!'.:-owu hread everv
t'l.od a: .,:!!.:!. C.e
11. .1. W-.l-.ii .-
i an-irep- '- iu--i!;i.-n
tiiere. lie r
follow i' ' 1 e.-.l
Wii-.;i : t" ib-i'i"
I"i i : i aril- in sec. i 7
. i '. we-l.
U hen y-.ii t a -- r--;
you get a h..:gaiii li.c
.1. 1'. . I'.
ein:er a,'--i t v a - m t-
company i- c-'lit' p"...'
, . -.-...- I r. 1 1 l'- -r
amvt'e valley ..ici S-i-,,i,t-
ti .- i -'inin.- -un :.
lie vva- called oil
! hi- wife. He
U.lhle rcp'lhlic.lll
on, -'11 tl ki t tof
u.-t .-t I'
in -1 any
at 1'oitl
- .V; I.-
..... -n-tait
tioii-I '""'t'aud a roi-'rl.-l, hut i-rsyivji;
jNihti-' nii 'ln -al tieatmeiil f..r aprndii iti
land. i '''I- citv. it ha- heen .hitcr nillii-1
(i 4.( I that an o.-eratioii i- n-.t nei-s-ary .
tf. I I 'lie of Itie S. C. Co. - ci.itj..lUld en
.!.... v . .I...- il ... tf . , -
I "' - - "letv up .non-lav. wime
t-.-.v n
ii- hit w lift g"'1:g up a hill 7' mile- weU of Ogtjen,
. load f w.-.l ; and the cn-ineer, William Wilton. K.
-.t .ii.e waikin,' i ' phtiff. a brakemaii. and an un
real hi- left known tramp v ro kill-l by e-i -aping
n one .i tiie I -team.
i . ..i.iti' tris-.: Chief Hansen, of ti e . C. eniiieer
i u -i.ii. I 'r. j in torj.-. is in Ashland and has h, ;U,
w-rftud and i work on the neu nil tank to U erectr-l
,,1-nt. hy the company here. Tin- excavation--
Wt-i... - iav at ! ar' l"-i"g made for the fouud.ilioi-.s ami
r l,erid.iii M. i gravel i- l-i-ing hanl.-l. aud the cmi-
, -irui'iiou I" nv wiiiis nere a m a-
work mi the tank at HornbTook i- b'nisli-
! s.
rom t jiivoij
,. in '..l eon-
n:;y .-n.-ct'-i tht
transfer. II. J
'.-it W . I 'l. ott
17 an 1 ji. tp
Democratic Critnaries
! a.c s.eL
at coet,
: - v -
V .
t.alld to Wili-
ntl.-ni oreg'Wi
u. at
oil t. Vv
II. 1".. A.
a. r lor cioiriiin
,1 t!
.- t..r
lor C
..- K. pn
l, Sel.ei
vei i...r,
.,-r '
rtland w la rt
!;,-. in stale i
1.- a pp.hahi
I K.
Wash Goods and Silks,
15c, 20c, 25c, 50c
n d 'i'l.ihties ith our- w ill not h found at lower prices.
iicit line of Men's new Golf Negligee and
I) ess Shirts this house has ever shown at
50c, 75c, $1.0O
d snap, guided by experienced brains have Q
made tr reputation the cheapest sellers ot reliable Q
meichaiidisc in this country, and we are not sleep- Q
u'j on Uiat repuiaiion eiiner. uum ami t.u uiukc j
S3 shopping a jjleasure for our patrons. Its not how Q
O you buy, but how well we serve you mai
P concerns us most.
5 ft h
u a rr u m
S-Nuf Ced"
r A A A A A fl t O.O.eJJ.0.0,
1 . . !
I'll'.' w 110 1
1 .011; A hi!-ti.i-
eal.i-i I.y the dllics
hl.iiid 1 idiii,.'-
the fhsk-
;l kleot n optl
i o,is,'.p! niale
It Medio,. I l.l-t
. hv Kcv. i". L.
no.v sj ring
ineiil n-'.li'.i, than
lss ;i in thi- city
Axon, we have rhem. not 1.. 1
that'll lieen done iilrr.idv : warranto.! t.'.
ciMip wtuKi w iinoui iiiacking the eves
(jet them at If ice & l:ice'.
Hoy Griggs, one of the bright votimr
men of the Cuss Creek vicinity "i in
tow n. He was a delegate to the Conntv
convention and is almi a delegate to the
Congressional convention. The Clmv
oealer wan favored with a pleasant call
i,.-lr nr..... !il . .
) rpiav. W II VI I' I Lit 1 11 v
arnoiie lomjninil, the best for fruit
irees aim all KunJ oi plant! for t-ale bv S
Cheater lJcnder, a nephew .if Hon.
Binger Heinmnn, is in town today, on
tin way home to Myrtle Coint iron
Santa Crun, California where l, l,m
been attending college. He favored the
Pi.AiNWKAi.EB with a I'lcasant call.
Now in the time to buy voiir i.ur,lcn
tools, spatllni; forku, raketj, plows, har
rows-, l ianet jr. gariJen tools etc of . K.
The Ladies of the Macaliees, gave a
very pleasant musical eoclal to the
Knights of Macabeesi nt their hall lat
Friday evening. There was a large at
tendance, a general good time and an
excellent lunch tservud.
Timber filing paperf prepared hy the
Title Guarantee. & Loan Co. for floe p?r
set. Call on them at the court house.
Miss Lucy Hay one of the best knon
instructors in the Oregon public echoofs
was a passenger on Sunday evening's,
local from Oakland to Greens whore she
gi)es to teach school, . . . j
Even-thing tluit is new am V p-bJis
in fawtUv w-ljalitina.u'ti, - ' Lt
V tl 1 1-ill
call ii-ia
Fre-h i-ri'.i lT.u' etc., a
Onltr.i.'.- i'.tke'V.
Mis- Al-rt.' I".--.-.
ha- l- en 'he -t -t el M
nt v. i':' leave r o'-ti,,
w her- -h. l:a- n 11
of her i.rother. A
C;.-k-. Clock-, t
it .1.1. lit van -
lr. .1. ii. "'lie the v..
iau and M r-. ' --n- I
were cn-.t.-i ii. in. irt iae
Ye.i!.e-d..v, March .''th
Sc.- Flint's w iiidovv i-. tl
t It s ill l.s'twear.
W. ('. Trahu a pt"i-
if 11.1. 1 r 1 i. -'..ii, ha-
r the pa-t wis k ail-n '.111 to hii-iiL-sv.
returuiug h --atur iay iiir-M.
I'o voii need -les s'.' N-;. Hint alsmt
Wair.11 I'. I.e.-I and O. p.. Iln,
wo tf Gardiner's 1. adimj ai-
rivtsl here 1 hiir-day i-u-iiiii; to attend
the repuiilii an convention.
I F Kin-, admr., to NaM.!eon llice.
7' ; lot" 1, J. 1', 4. 5, 1" and Pi in hl.H-k
7ii in lliv ioiuth -otltliern a ldjlion to the
ity of Ko-ehurg.
The be-t and 1 t striking slow of
the fea'oii "The I'euver Fxiiress' at
the ots-ra house Fridav ev 1111,'. It i-n
Ih.tsTt I.. Jones, of LaGrandc. a stu
lent in the Fnivci-sity of Urt on, j-
visiting with Mr. and Mr-, .las. A. Ferry
of this citv .
The lishin- season oh'iib April 1st.
There are said to Is- plenty of salmon
and trout in the river U low the dam.
Don't fail to see "'The iVuver Fx-
press" at the njiera house F'liday even-
j The domocratte primaries were ht Id
throughout the county Saturdav and
j pa -l off very mnetiv. there -eeminlv
is mi; imt little int.-re-t or rnthu-ta-m
iiiaiiif'-te-l. far a- heard from the
j dchirates and pre..inct ofHo-r chi-en
J are as follows:
, lvo-elmrtf I'.. W. Strong. Ivxter Kn-r
I I re I Uard, J. I . C-e Itecr. Sam Whit-
tl. I- Wolhii's-rg and John McKane
mJ ' a-roe-r a iiiimina;ii t,,r r'l
1 - i , .
1 -uperv-i-ir oy iwciamation. IK-vter
.1. V-011 . r "H cni-s-u 10 at l as oimtnlltrinaii
:::: iav K-s-hnr proinet.
I n.p-pia J.s- sin ri-tau. I . t Hatk'T.
,,. ! M .rri- Wchl. r. I.. M. 1' and Wm
janHureii. Mrris Webber wasnomi
j natcr for -upcrvi ir in ri.i. district No.
and s. J. Hiack for road district No.
I ll.-r ("r.H-k K I. (inn, 1. si W
I cat.-. J. W. H.-ljs'th.II. K. Hanan and
II. . t "hainpajne : pr -c:uct ommtt te.--iimii.
V. C la.n '.oii. to w i;rni ig left the
u.4tt.-r of -eh-tin,; a n-1 jini-e for ric-d
siljs rv i .r .
W'.-.t -- II. -. Conn. K.
K.d-i t-oii. . Cawlield, Frank lo-e-l and
11. 15. lloii-toii. John Cfc-clii-rii WH'
nominal. -1 for r-atl
Caiiyonvilk . W. Cm-kett. 11. I.
I. nald. Ttios. Mutcher and J.I. Ihivo.
ii. W . Ctickftt was -1 for ju
tii-i-of the peace. Jap Y'.knrn frc-n--tahle.
and K. W. Wall for rad mpei
vis..r. I 'rain --.he l.yous. I ce lUrkpr. Ira
WimU-riy and C. I. I'rain. For jutice
( the j-rait, I'. S. .ne; consuihle. Sam
J"iics ; road FiijH'rvisor. t'han. Stannard :
prts inct ctniiniitteemeii, Ira Wimts-rly.
olaila IVleitates. W. S. Short. I-011
Short, S. K. rri-lien, Janic Porter.
Fri-1 Itridenbu-her justice ; A. K. Iusi
ncll. constable ; James Porter, supervisyir
district No. 13. William Friend, fU-tr-visor
district No. 14. S. II. Brisbcn,
central i-oinmittenian.
Wash (iikmIs Department
Mercerized fabiicsi. in pongee ef
feeis nr very fiisihitiiiHble. vihit
to this depart ujeiit will lepay you
whether you buy or riot.
Hosiery and UiKlcnu-iir
Liice Mtripe effexMH in hofitery on
fashioti'M order. Vuu will find u
variety d pat terns here, bumuier
atylea in underwear iu profusion.
Mens CU.ihiuz
Wo spt-ia'i.e the" 11 KiipM-nheitn-xr
V Co. iijmI.o of clothing. W'n
itHlid behind overy fHriiieiit lo
yUHrHiiteo make, tit, nty b nii.l wem
No risk iu wearing; this kind.
31 ens SIiirt
Iu meto, jrijlf Htjij htiiT hhirts wi
make a peialty of our "Dollar
Shirl." All colors, nil ctyles. hs
trootl as must DolUr-lifty .Sbiitft.
IJxHtuitie "euj.
Miirt Waist l) pit -: ;
A Iiti of WHist- st'-,;t:r 1
for ."it) and riMi-hii, ii,t., ...
1ed linen bati-te f.,r .; U . .
Illllliship Hlld sl vh IV.-L' 1,1;-.: .-..
Dress and WalrlM .lit n.ii
Silk Htjd wool mixtures, erep." 'I
Chine, AlbatrohH jilain hti i l i.-.-waistiD
flannel- nr. I n .- .
Co! lection of I I ul. ! i r :;- -tl,
eve invitingly hei..
3I IIS iiilis
( hia luhkers set the -tyi - I-. i
ht World. Mot;, I. ,-,r, ir I ,,
lorn and l'au Touri-'. Il-o- a i
iu the swiin .
Neckwear si in! Mo-iv,;,
Tweiity live ci'til- i.u;, - ;. - , .
tie you want ! Luc sii; ..-.
half hi.ifte for gi-M 'emei, . : -colors.
They suit y-oir I 1
IHirse efplHi'ly.
i- :l t:ii! lit
- I e-V -V t.,i,
- ii1U
- : 1 .-1 always
C'rjsiij'rit with
Alioofit anything; 111 the. Dry tij lsliiie not uumerM.- i . t
ri 'J
. n'j-
1. f
A Hi
H C'.Ul-
- .v , 1 e.
one 2;
to be D?-"'
- -
-a JL Xts
Tija t al! I'i-.uiu.s su-i! ;,
-V Co. has the :;i.i::.ifis -.
011 the: irou fra::ic -.v'iic'i
the factories are m m'. -: :
pianos. Iiilc.iilit-
shoislil !'e verv j)'.triiv-::". t
this wiil help tu ;.ri;e.:
stcucil. All p;a--.t.-arc
fn'.Iv irii.iraiiU. J L,
n r
x si
3 w
as bv u.
Momls'r- of the A. O. 1". W. are re-
. t t 11 T 1
pit-sU'it to meci ;tiB neir nan inurtsLiy
Vpril :lrtl at S ") o'cltx-k P. M. for the
Initiation of Candithites. Hy order of the
M. W. A. T. McClalles.
ing. Popular prices.
Prof. W. F. Mcljlroy of lUjjenc wai
in Roseburrf Saturday on busincs- be
for the Land olliee.
Only farmers and bankers ran eat )
tatoes now. They arc selling at 75 cent?
per bll-hel,
( iarden making is now iu order and
the head of the family is now putting in
his crop.
Revival meeting begin at the Christ1
ian Church tonight. All are Invited.
M. Mcl'ov returned to Mvrtle Creek
on Sunday evening's local.
!r. Little of Oakland was a Koeburg
blifjiness visitor Saturday,
Tl... tv... 1."-.. 0
'. tji; lit; A'trii. ft.f.-j'i v --
Auction 5ale.
1, the undersigned, vv ill on the 12th
f April I'.HVJ, at 10 o clock p. m. sell at
public auction at Job lVnningV place
llo mile north of hooking (ilass to the
highest bidder for cash in hand, the fol
owing: Hoit-ciioM inrinture and one
cook stove and cooking utensils and all
kitchen furniture, several dozen fruit
jars, 2 hras kettles, 1 colon v of ln-es
1 new patient hive, 1 grindstone. 2 cul
tivator, '2 sets work harness., 1 wagon,
carriage, 1 Winchester rille aud other
things to numerous: to mention ; and
w ill sell either at auction or private sale
2 goad driving or work horses, 1 2-year-old
Colt, 22 bead cattle, 4 head hogs., 150
A few Sorofia"
The Kacket,
eliiAe? at co!t, at
Emporium Bldg.,
I;iri Natiuna"
Homoeckers Attention.
I iv i", ,...r for .
In - 1 1 1 v farm of .'1. a. :
i..i..t 1011 claim 11. i
' mile- e.tsi of ;.
-.!!. pi. lit v of hv lll-J
0.1k and fir tiinls-r 0.1
can Is- farmed ifd. tred
inei.ts. Thi- l.iu-l i-
the in vl :il
. i. ! it.g an oi l
1- I.. .;. si
,11'; .,1: '11 nt v
;'. -r. .4.1 I s,.,,.
pl.e- . 7 ' acre
K.t;r in provi-
ne -tiv 1 r--e
the tn-l gr-ii oi laud in the coin, lv and
pr-sluces hue cr..p-. ,. hla.k mud.
Will - 11 the ranch and grow in crop.
inchid:ii ov-r wortli of tine ma-
chD-.erv -ncli as hm-ier harrow. p;. vv
etc. all nca'lv neu lor $.' h.iif
l'nand balainv ou tiin at percent.
It w ill pay yon invest i.t-..' thi-otter
Is-forc buying. None but iutei.diiig
hucriiced applv. A -hires.
I.. F. M vrnii ws
tu27tf 1'ixoiiviilc 1 m '!as ' o.. Or.-.
hat a Plain Jeater AO Does.
it vKtuvi.K. Or., March 1. pn2.
F.iiiroi; Fi vinio: vi kk : l'li as.- .li-cti ,
tinue "ur "'ad ' lor t-ik a- we hav al
ready enough application- for the po
sition, and from thc-e will select 'one
for trial. We are pleased to note that
your pasr is such a 5 s( a iverti-iiu
medium. Kindly send u- your tiill ior
the tame and oblige. Yours truly,
tiardiuer Mill Co.
). l. Hinsdale.
Great Introductory
it;r? ' - -. ., v
fev-v . . - ---ft
i-triiii--- " - - ---- - --Vvj
t ?x TutAv.-Ns'. fK x - ;. ,?-
S? 4 W -' : ' - 3
Sji Dir.-rif '-- .- r- r.:.-, .' ' C- i-l
Of ttyil stock of c-.rr3.v-i.. -'r L ' V ' I , , pk 5
Ii' I &AI EcsEnn ? 1 ltK vim. ; f-"
f 1 1 eJ i?r tl-c s-.:.; ctl - -- j t S J-'i 1
i J 1 C"-s 1 f -- T r .:....-... . 5 i ', ' l' ' ..- '
- ! 1 ST! I DESI0NS AND COLOs'lv-is ENsLlsIS J. ' -, : '."' 4
f 1 I ZrH f Hsr.cinc. I' : sr. i v ; I ' ' - t .-.-'
'll l?5t fn IU..-.i..i.u.-.,a V j ..V-i .
'! Vj4 13. if. . . : iykfP
WW: l,,':r-., ' i :.?-:!
Sale of groceries
We want to meke the acquaintati33 ot every eonsiuneroE
Groceries in the oity and we take this method of introducing
20 lbs. Dry Granulated Sugar i oo
25 lbs. Best Rolled Oats I w
16 lbs. Best Rice t oo
3 pkgs. 5 minute Mush 25
1 " VVUeatiue
1 ' Malt Breakfast Food
1 " Cream of Wheat
1 " Pearline
Ivory Soap, 3 bars for 25
Royal Savon Soap, 5 bars for 25
Borax Soap, 3 bars for 25
Uncle Sam Tar Soap, 3 bars for 25
Dwiuell, Wright Co.'s Ro.isted
Java aud Mocha Coffee...- 3 7 i
Dwiuell, Wright Co.'s Bostou
Blend Roasted Coffee 25
Arbuckles Coffee 12)2
Lion Coffee 12
Xtra quality special roast Coffee 15
Postum Cereal 20
(Jrape Nut 15
Walter Bakers Breakfast Cocoa 25
Best Spider Leg Tea 40
Best Gun Powder Tea
i RoVol B.-vk':; r,.-..
It I.
GoUien "cl
t- 4 -1
1 ; 0:1 ;
Good Stiir.i- !
Host Co'ifiv;;;
St a' Bui
v H'-tcr.-,
Best Pine Api".
Best Yellow i'c.
1 c
1 1
Afull and complete line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Sho, GonUFar
nishing Goods, Hats, Etc., Etc.,' at prices that knooks
Goods Delivered Free of Charge.
i 5
(train 8u:kj,
... . , Ut. r
- -.' in,-.M,.m,"tt