The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 31, 1902, Image 2

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    MMmiiiTmmimmiivmvmmt fiiNTY CONVENTl
0 Carload of Pianos and Organs Coming
J i. z
i-..j -w i r i r
I I,' I.
is M.
I " I T I
t i l 1 1 IV i . 1-rT
lu Furniture thvic nothing tHi ood for
yeur Home, su n-iJ lu its beauty by bm lug
etUt odd pliers.
Republican Ticket Nomiiialed and GOING TO AFRICA.
Delegates Elected to State and
Congressional Convention.
ROCKING full of worth. Kach even
CHAIRS iiij j o can realize a div
idend from art in vest mcut
iu a rocker. Yt have thein that are
comfortable aud not expensive. Cob
bler seat rockers at low as S2. Nurse
or sewing rowkws $1.25 and up.
CHAIRS We all spend considerable
time on a chair. Why not
have one that just tits. With such a
stock of chairs as ours to select liom
you cru certainly find the kind you
In Caqiel all Ilia rich new canciti" and st.-h one i ic-d so cl..-e to e.."l I I ton r
ii to tour interest to buy now whether you have immediate u-c ! r n mot r not.
I h, Suvek and Kiih will say that you -re our ood and ;:ct our prices then sec j
O Wr will see vou agaiu. Such ha Im-cu the fan' in the past. No wonder! M buy i.ih. v s
.liigh closet buvii p.od plain No. S Cook Stove, charter iak : '.' buy p-d plain No. C
Inns good plain No. 7 Cook Stove: $14 takes .jotvt S-pieee I'-d Koom Suit : 1 i;ei b.-i d.uu
9 ,..,iMiirv t'.ir tb i.ri.-- IS .) irets best olid oak iollhed riK'kor. Thoiiaud ol i;ood baitain-
lueiiiioM tor want ut pa. v"rit lor eataloue.
.hi v - liri
1 and I'l iee-.
el liaiiL-e w it !i
ik Sl.ive. K '
eli.iir in tlii
iood haii;;iiii- whii-h weeau I
T. K. Kk linrd-cn lias dnridf-d to pel! at
! h Hue: illee all l.ix real pH'.t, iticiu!iiK
; ode of IIih fiijvwl houieB ill Ort'iMit. Will
I fll fiUjt'k of iiiupirn! uO'l- t l'.'lt-a!e to
I hiiv otie wi!tiht( to take t!i el.' : r 1 1 k.
jtireat redintioiis will be rliou
1 hiit tftinlitr pricne, chcIi or inn
i T. K. !!;.,,
! Auetioii ha'eon ciiihiI . h hI
- I', ill. I hit Hijeel iiiumo Kill
! 'ut at cent" per eojiy,
d lrvl;.j
inelit-. !
K ; :
1. : r
v :
Nov ok arj lio-toO.
- v
I I. if
I t.
to .!
1 y
1. j:
Proceed i 11 s Were Spirited at Times ami Contest;
Lively Between Crawford and Pullerton !
Forces for State Delegation. !
. K.
I: .
1 ) r--
ill" iprubli'in roiinly eon? enl ion
nxeiifd in Rowhurg Satuidn) and wan
largely attended by lUleate". tllfrt" l
utz leut'i rokir than at auy (oriurr
eoiixeiitiou held in this eouuly. C'hair
iii.i 11 A. M. raw ford id the eountv ccn-
1 i nneii me .. (- . lit.
t.o K (nine. Kiddie. 1 M V-
W II Cray, Coiut. k. b II -David
No.,h. fjiua-. I.v ( M.u
C M WiNoii. Camas bv .1 I I'.nd
it Colviu. Lake, by .1 A p.l.o-k .
Stuilev. iardliiiT. b J A I
The T-ict--TeV
Roeburg Plaindealer
W. C.Cowti:. Editor and Publi-lier
Flu Wki,iit, City Editor, Solicitor.
Ai" J. Kkantz, Foreman
s. C. liAKiui'M, Traveling Solicitor.
i niaueUTPrs. Ht does not tako vie-
i uwy for grautd until it is certain.
J One of the chief rensous for tie jjroat
j 6uocef8 of the republioaus of this
county is the fact that they never
icc-i-Vctk PUioiiikr, per year, SJO
Entered at the Tost Offiv in Koseburg.
Ore., as second claee mail matter.
Advvrtiiti Rates on Appneatioa.
lions'. and Jactsoa.
J. H. Hn.lrouh (indorsed) Bn;turg
Ira B. B.ddle Kiddie
i nuii U. Rofct Grd;ncr
E. L. Frrott Rowbnrf
Ptvid K. ShuibroDk....l'Biiqn Ferry
Inrorsc W. Ii.nmick KeHogi
M.D. Tboiupon... cot'burg
A. E. Ni'-'iols i four yer tejm)
J. C. Yvung (two yer tcrnij-
U. W. Stiiey :
Cli. E. Robert..
Dr. J. c T itc&e:i Roetrure
.. CrjoBUle
Roscburg Precinct Officer!.
J. A. iiuvhnnau ...
H. C. fr: UDI
. Ju.tie oi be Fr-
The republican coeuty ticket hat
&in been noioioated asd as hbh),
a !itt of uroL candidates have been
chosru, beveral of whom wer n
liotuiuated for a tecond and one for a
third term. There Haunch repub
licans who were renominated by ac
clamation, hnve teen tried and have
proveu tbeuiKelves tree to the treat
repose! in them. They hftTe tilled
thir repeclive ollicial positions with
efficiency, bouehty and to the entire
satiiifactuu of the patilic, refieering
juncli credit upon themselves and
tbir party.
From the legislative ticket down
to coastiibJe the men selected by Sat
urday's convention are eminently
well u'Med audqnalitied for their re
spective offices and each and eery
one poises the qualities neeeogary to
eucce at the polls iu June and the
later peifoimance. of their every
duy. if '.hey are fortunate enough to
be placed in such positions by the
voters of the county. Bat the fact
that a strong ticket has been selected
does not assure the party of com
plete fleets at the cominp election.
Ar a matter of fact half the cam
" iBi;n of candidates for strictly
ccinty offices are maile on the basis
of tlis personality of the nominees.
They do not attempt to strengthen
ibemfeires by advocating the best
intorenth of the party they represent.
One of the chief caase& of the defeat
jf county tickets is the selfish and
K-attered effortrt of the candidates
and their lack of interest in each
othr. Invariably there are men
who make a personal canvass for
UietriStslies alone never speakiog in
(ehalf of other candidates tbroagh
the fear of asking 100 much of the
Toters they interview. They care
nothing for the success of their co
workers or the party which has
bouored them aud eives them their
greatest strength. But few men on
the republican ticket can make the
fight safely wi'honl the assistance of
the Other candidnte-d and party
priociples f o support him. Tbe cam
paign should be well organized.
Tarty differences and factional
strife should be considered forever
eeMled by Ihe action of the conven
tion and Us verdict accepted grace
fully as th will of the, majority. Tje
- publican principles ehuuld le held
above petty 6trife and b an inspira
tion for a united and harmonious
struggle for the success of tbe entire
ticket. The light is uof an easy one.
The practical politician does not un
derestimate the strength of the enemy
j;or docs ii overlook any poBsiblo
The dispatcher state that thetei
a possibility of lion. Dinger llor-l
tnaiiu btiug chosen a mender of the
president's cabinet, that he uihv suc
ceed Secretary of the lnteri'r Hitch-'
"U--.jj-dijieriu. 1 1'.
order at 1::S0 o'elocU iu I he forenoon j ir. Alex Patterson. .ar ino-r.
I and alter a brief and appropriate open-j Morris ; .1 R l'.o-. Kmm I.'h;
iii- n-eet 11. .u,uouin si uuii iiotuinaiions mipe : . rie.tni K. I'l.nn,
were 111 order lor temporary tfiairiuaii. j l'srkius : A Vie. I'-.nn b 1
Senator A. ('. Maretera' uaiue alard; J O Jiiims-iu. f'r n l. 1
quit working as long as the polls are ! cock, upon t'ac resignation of that
plaeed iu nomination by
li. the nominal 1011 l-ii
(.'La-. Park.. I here
nominal ion ainl Mr
Iir. K. I.. Mil-
: sreeuded by
fre 110 (Iter
Mar'ter at
a!e , .!! Ti.o v. 1'i.rn
itij;ton . .1 K 1 ollij:'. ...
WiK.n ; II Wea'h.-rU .
llaeker: .1 P. W;;i, .on-
open and a single ballot reiuaius uu- i gcLtlemati. Mr. Hermauu would i t!- unauimou h..i.e -.1 thr eonvnition. j. 'a- ".! -r . .1 M !Vt..
voted. This example may well be . make a very capable Secretary ofjtin takin-.' the ehair iiat'.r Mar-tt-r '. I t:i...e. .1 I rn
followed by the candidates ulaced in . the Interior and his Oregon friends st.t.-d that he deemed it a reat honor 1 by .1 p. Puli. n
nomination by Satnrdav'scouveution would be delighted to hear of hi!'
With successfal organization, co-op- being thus honored.
eratiou aud a warm interest iu party (
measures everr reoublicati uomiuee ! lbt' '"i'rats are bringmg w the
k ;
i; Ha
l: .pp
... !:.
.-. y.
...!', b
A i
Music Galore. 1
I.'"U out for our new carload of Pin o 1
aud Organs of (hile.'ei.t makec, ii.cln Inii.
a line P.aby ranJ. Jfav- j i-1 t e-irc i
mo tif orders, on lor a tiratnl arid o-.- ;
lor a (".onia! Needham .'ui n in !t..!
walnut hktj the abovecut. V alfo hi
PHVfial or.lsrB lor !:(. and almitt ot;e-1
V-..r- i At
f ;. i- e Hit:-' I iv
' . .r. j .' i n f".:i
. d ' t: ) ie, kir.d of
nr. ! I ;; fit. i ir. -rsi t. .'!.. .
" ; ; tii i.rlr i. u r i i
- .- '-f tr --
'' ' - t t; a
: i.i latif af.'jQt sir
'";' " ; I'-.T ' :.I')'r,
i t i r :..ncr 11. i n ti' 1
.a!..j -iesirstj. rj y.-tr
. ' ri tf S t
nt rPn -
'! in tt
vv', Hi.-..'.
if wr dirt t
', a.T'J iu
y.,nr i.nler
: r,f jar:
x: ,,
in t e ir.
ti l.'ock;r.
do eil t-j
l.'.l RS
t,T t0
ti to Ktffc-
n tOl
: r
t -!
r r
t-r - ry.
lit li:a
ill of our ear load
nc w it h V jUr crdei or "ii t r! nm ti,i- .
j, . """l hlaTa! oitorl unit to 4't an ex
, ; iieneive iuFlruineut cheai.
r ;
i. K.
i '
v rr ;
. i a rrv
'i. t.fd
a it
v. :! is
i i . ,
' f-i uv, I .If.
shoold be given a big majority at the ! rear with their primaries aud cou
polls neit June. S ventiou iu this county and will be
! found still briugiug up the rear in
the race for victory at the polls in
(eo. E. L'hatulterltiin. the democrat
. ic candidate for the n6miuation of
governor, ought to win. His inter
: ests are being vigorously championed
: by the Portland Sun. lay Jlercury.
I Our democratic friends should re
i member that atthorgh (bis is an "off
The srst congressional district has
caver kad a harder worker, a more
faithful public servant, nor a more
force fl aad convincing speaker in
the aonae than Thos. H. Tongue.
He is one of the busiest men in
Tashington. Questions before the
, ,. , , ! vear.'' in ts'litics. theie is nothing to I
attending to pensions, pest-ofhees.
mil routes, land entries requests for
government publications, committee
work of infinite variety all these
indicate that many
"off"-their heads.
voters till g.
What's this we hear? .1. II
! Iewis. the anti-trust is to lu.
and a thousand other things have ! m- ,a ,x ' .
trust. Billy"' IJtyau will be elect el
t-resivlent of a tru-t next.
The ticket is a sure winner. Theie
is Lot a weak man on it. It will be
generally approved and heartily sup
ported by the republicans of the
Political Afterthought.
little 1
" r't
kept hiai on the jump day in and
day ont from morning till night,
truthfully says the Eugene Kegister.
It might be added thai Mr. Tougne
ba been in congress for live years
and today he stands higher iu the
estimation of the house and his con
stituency than ever before.
When speeches are to be made on !
important public questions. Mr. j There are some sore places to U
Toagne is always to the front and iu ! sure, but not ihhuv so deep but tbej
the campaign documents circulated ! will heal over and yt we'! iu time.
all over the United States you are al J
ways sure to find one or more of his
speeches, full of logic and force that ;
have strong bearing on results His :
peeehes on the Porto Kican taiifT,
Philippine qnestion and improve-:
ments at the month of theC'oiuuibiH ;
have bad great weight with congress. 1
FKs committee assignments show the
esfeetn in which he is held. I'ew .
tea ib the house have reached tbe
position on committees that he has in
the past few years.
Only recently Mr. Tongue was :
called into private conference with ;
President Roosevelt on important
aiatters. showing the value the jresi-
dent places upon his opinious. j
His faithful work for Oregon's 1
rivers and harbors is shown in the
fact that tbe river and h alitor bill for j
tnia year carries more money ior ure-j ..., iu Portland h-m Wedm-dav.
goa than was ever carried by
RUy . A jtril 'nd.
single river and harbor bill in the
history of the state, providing for an
expenditure of $2,(XXi,UUtJ on such
improvements in the state and gives
more to the Willamette river and
Oregons coast harbors than ever be
fore appropriated in all tbe years of
tbe past history of tbe sute
Mr. Tongue has been an ardent
worker for tbe rural delivery routes
and as a public servant who sticks to
business, Tongue should and cor
tainly will be returned to congress.
He is likely to be renominated by
acclamation at tbe convention in
Koseburg next Tuesday. He has
made a brilliant record in congress,
having labored faithfully and force
fully in behalf of the interests of
his district aud state. He has shown
not only ability, but integrity, and
deserve at the June election the in
creased majority 'which he will as
suredly receive.
I ",i .iti -men in ;hi- ;: :i; uli.i r--Kiiitd
ii- an i:.etdeiit ! a !. ear
til Jli Pri-tei ll -t.ile. Jo!. ii K' hlll--:
had 'oeell a !ir'.ne e.; ii. i ; i.i'e for ;i
.T.-iit m.i.. i-i.r-. He .:- alway- alter
-.inethiii.' and iifViT t bin,', t ine
ol !.; neili't-ir- w.i aiu home to
a eiit i. .ii . here II' ibiii. .n ;t
ii-1 i-1 .4 1 . Hi- little U,y. -tirred by t!.
preparation" lor l inj. a-ked hi- lather
Iiere he w:. t !tin' ready to A:i-
-l ! il the b . i :e
to -O t... lie I
ote. ! he -.line ;i - Ju
lie waiitfl ti- o and
-n. "Never mind.'
"there i- plenty of tl'I.e. Y'
and v-.te when you are row n
t ;ni o and vote ! -r Roiuil-.n t in n he'll
"till le a eati li-late.
The -tate convention wjlj
The t-t of o-er's st rent h in Marion
ioi;itty for (iovt-rno! was -how n in the
vote on i hait man w hen !t I.. Pierre, a
teer lnan. w a-ebN te-l by a vote of Ht
tod'.i f.,r II. A. Snyder anti-Ceer.
How to Reach the Farmers.
bo ehoM-ii to preside over sileh a laltf
emblaze of repreM lit Jliv tepubliiaLs. of th fplendid hitorv mid
aehiev eineiits of the party and it reconl
tor proinot iuur overmiieiit and
pr.-perity. He eouustlled haruiouy
and highly coiumetide-1 the ft-neral d:s
l.itiotl oi republican to abide by the
will of the majority. At the cls of
hi rem. uk" he M heartily eht-rred.
Kor tem".rary sec retary a uunder of
proiniiu nt r publicans ere named, but
a'.! deviiued eX.Tpt Capt. T. H. llauilic.
w ho w as nouiinatol by ('. It. Cannon
and ;. ehs-ted una uimourly . Hoy
liriu-. oi i '..m.iml a. cho"rn as as-
i"t.u.t -e.retary.
o.MMinct: o i Rf.IiKVTl vi
I'poii motion by tlie ehairuiau a ceiu-mitl'-eot
tliree on cr-letitial a -e-!.-.
-ted a- follow": Hon HK Ruiek. of
l.-fl"i'; . Jai t'nder.-J. Oakland: K
11 R.-.'er-. iai-iiiier.
KK"'I l Tlos
The i hair w.i" ititrueteJ to appvint a
ti inittee of rive on rolutiins and the
t-.;!owinj iiaiuvl !?- i i were -elected :
A C Voun. Oakland: E-l Weaver. Myr
lV t'ni li. II ti Soliiieinaim. ttleudale:
- C I'lii.t. K-.-trb ir: A E 0..uf, S-"tt-bnr,;.
. "iii'KK o ri it.
The .i!l-.wiu committee a- appoint
ed i.y the vhair upjii motion: A M
The Te-.rt oi I
lellti.lls U.iS rei'e; , e i .11
out any ob;.-. tiou ni
lhr than thw cofeetio
t delejale an ! p;o,.-
i H-
j We.,-
: i.--
..! I.i
b Ihn-l..
"1 A l-.S:
I I.
!.- U.-eil
I to L-o an l
nuii parent
for .Mr. Ib.bin
if! the father.
can so
up: yon
t.eor-e V. McCoy
lie-s man'-!
i'r'irn an ciht-inoiit li
the i-astern stale. and sav.- that
r W 1
Chairman oi the Convention
a wi ll-know n bu-i-1 ,.
. ha" in"t returned
trip t lirotichout
tk itiv'
larnier-. in
for a chause .
f lo-
Iu case the situation should justify
the placing of the name of lion. J.
C. Fullerton before the state conven
tion as a candidate for the nomina
tion of governor, he will receive the
hearty support of every delegate from
Douglas county aud should Judge
Fnllenon receive the nomination his
election is assured aud Oregon would
have a governor that would be an
honor to any state in tho union. The
delegation wid work earnestly and
perseveringly for the nomination of
Hon A M. Crawford for Allorney
Ueueral, whose prospects for receiv
iog'tho nomination are exceedingly
It is a pity Borne good meu who
were aspirants had to be lefi nfT the
ticket, but this was inevitable.
they been successful, some of the
rood men who are on the ticket,
wonld ueges6rily have been left off, thtj ouvlny ui fuu-JU rv.uirv'Jt"
where he h.i.
nuiiilicr". are 1
"The corn crop in many of these
slates," -aid Mr. McCoy, "was a total
failure last year, aim conseiUenlly etock
rai"er jyrro compelled to sell ofl their
cattle and practically to out of the hiisi
nesi'. Such farmer- arc lookinjr for new
locations and naturally turn to ihe treat
uinleveloi-eil est . I was surprised to
find that ino-t of 1 1 K in had never heard
of Ore-roii a-a stH-k ami farming nii-
try. If Oregon would use the inouev
..,.i ;., ...i.-..ri , , ......... ...
I lit I i. i.i. -111; ij. i ir-riiioT HI tA"
posiiions in scattering literature broad-
ea-t in Ihe farming eonnnunities of these
Mates it vMiulil have a better effect in at
tracting settlors to the Pacific Coast.
Most of the farmers referred to have
siillicieut ineans to.siart tin in a new
country and would make desirabbs t-et-
"A s general thiiu! people who learn
of Oregon at expositions, mich as those
at RufTalo and Charlenton, are not the
class of teop'e who are looking for new
li'jines. iney are oi the ciush that are
well-to-do and permanently settled. The
tua-si;s of Eastern farmer" i-an only lie
reaclied by tersonal cuitact. A carload
of literature and nriciiltural exhibits
sent throMh the small towns of farmin-j
eouiinunilies would in my opinion, lie
the most effective way, of placing Ore
ton's resources before the farmers and
iuducint desirable immigration. This
method ha In-en tried. I believe, before.
but only on a limited ,-calf. If it could
lie operated more extensively so us to
cover large fanning districts, I am satis-
hel the results would fuilv recomtiense
t'r.iwior'. Ro-vburs: A K Rrown. OaV
iaiel : Roy iri.'ts, ConiMock : EflPay,
t 'anvoiiv ille and .1 H Riddle
l.iTTi i: sl Hrutsi:.
Thi- ci.mplet"l the tenitorary ortaui
atioii which was effected without the
least friction or opposition, but at th's
uncture lion iet W Riddle tlel'.it
from Aalea. arose and created a little
-urpri"e bv -tatint that a dele-rate had
l-een appr-iachtsl, was offered and had
accepted inouev for hi proxv in the
nv.-ntion. Mr. Rid-11 further stated
that this delegate was I'n-d U'eatheriy.
I an-f that the gentleman was
-eatt-l in the e tnvention and had a check
for ?"tO w hich he had accepted for his
proxy lor the purpose of bringing the
matter ln-fore the convention, however,
no such a proxy was preentrd or pro
duced. M r. Craw lord arose ati-l depre
cated the fact that such charge had
arisen and stitgeeted t at if true the
matter was one to lie bundled by the
criminal court". After snme conciliato
ry remarks by the chairman, the matter
was. on motion of .1 A Ejrgers, seconded
bv A M Crawford, referred to the com
mittee on credentials; the evidence in
the matter to lie brought fully before the
committee. The convention then ad
journed until one o'clock p. in.
This session as not called to order
until two o'clock. ii account of the com
mittees not having their reports correct
ed. First came the reNjrt of the com
mittee on credentials which was read us
follow s :
We, your conuuittec aptoiuted on
credentials, herepy respectfully submit
the following report, to-wit ;
First, that we have investigated the
charges made against delegate F S
Weatherly, and have not been able to
obtain sullicient vidence to sustain the
same, and therefore advise i,at the
whole matter lie referred to the Iistric(
Attorney, and that this convention take
no further action iu the matter.
We also submit the following munes of
those entitled to seats in t hi-) con vention.
Here followed, with the substitution
of a few proxies the names of the deli-
gules iroiu tue various prgcinctx the
sumu as hurctofure. published in tho
rMWDSAUR.-Ed.J Theproxiyij were
"MMii-rti. Kifi-iir -KFs-.l
I T:
We. tl.a tunlir.t'ee
j-rt a- ioli-.wF
We thn Republican" -ty,
iregoii, in t "i.vri
Rt..iit. t!...t
the prwei.t Nation!
and that It i- t he ju'.
beau to maintain the
Rk.-vol.TkLi. that we a.
enactment of n:- h
to coii.j.t-1 ;r.i
;raph and te.ej ,i,.
other nuai-piil.!ic - -t,
their jut an-l e-U.u pr
Htvium. tloit we i.
actluent oi ji law r.-j :;
and lijbii;t:e i t ..r;s
enip!ore. Rk-hu vi.n. - a
law .-r tl:,- C"!l! r- o
large aggr.-g.,t:-.:i. i
the initiative aid
tneaii" oi "i curing tin- -legisiatui
u-- h n.--.
Rt"oi vi.n. that we jt
thr-n- . ri.t -r lioie p.--raiiway
line in ti e -t r
we our re pr-
i-!atur !. w or's and i
We .,1-. iav-.r ,
Minti-:i.ii..i- of w.i r
l-ji!-.-ln- a i
pltslge that (!,s- i-I.i".-- .
will be h-'!ic-t.y an 1 i-rie-I
oil! bv the !.:,,o
.Iil'lte au-l C-nntv ('u
as it --ili! to . n
their fete nan 1
o!.. tl.i'-
P. I.:
I I. I:
I :iv!
J.v.v'cr ar.d Optician
, . . t, .
I. l; a i
i !-.
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c-1' :.;:. 7 r ! .
Jackson St.
'! .,! ...-x
m ! r:.
(fiii!nL!-.j UiLiil. f LlJ fiI,U OflLL U I fill
i-. C. C A5L". Proprietor
Ic-t r.n.l Teams in the Citv.
t ran:
Ca!! ;
:rt f t"-k
vJ sec me,
Given Special. Attention
'Phone Goi.
I'Mi i : i.t. k .
.;.: v. v r
c cial
- i
I I 'a s .. i
x -
L.U 1 ,
-on street,
near Cass
r:r'.VKS, Proprietor
n. r-
Vol V-.
I rw
1! . -..v
i r t -1 i
"i i
' '
o;o i:
I he rej-i! t oi the o-on i . , i ; -of
bu"i:i was pre-i :.!i-l.
a-Iopt-il. 1 1 pr o i : ..,! i
ary ollicers "hoi!, 1- i,-,-!.,-, .
inaneut officers of the
vided for the i--n .-i t!.,. ,-..i;-.iv
ticket, ili-le.-ates t-- the state ;id -:i
grei-inal content: -n ! t- ner.ii ! -i
of prm-e-lurc.
Chairman Mar-tei- ti.eii ami-n-u .-1
the election -i 14 ii--i--iti s to the -tile
i-oavenlion at Portland April J. ui --r-h r.
A K stojker. C I! Cannon. 1, K I. Mil
ler and J T I'-ridgcs were appoint,-.! teller-.
IWo rtl Kl is
A u evidence of t be f in! -t ren.-t h of i i,e
siipMirli-rs of H. ins. ,f. t". f ill;, , t .ii and
A. M. Crawford wa- dem. -lis; r.,;,-! with
the rlei ti'-n "I de'et.iie. to tii-- -t.tte
convention. Rich bad a print."! ticket
in the contention which were a-follow." :
Crawford li.kct. l'.,-n Huntingi-m
loh, .1 H Co.-hr.iii so. .1 A i:ggoi. s , .l
R Riddle PH., S C Rartrum s:'. K lay
S.",, C R Franklin S:t. A o Voiint s:t. F
It Hamlin s:t, A Chu-ke si. H S French
J I Chapman SJ. F W IU n-on i.;ti.
A K Stocker SI.
Fullerton ticket. -C !' Totteu .".".. Ib.b
ert Hunt Mi, (ieo M Rr..wn "c.. I! 1! l.a
Rrie .)!', Geo ! Stearns .".!. .1 ( .lohiis-.n.
Jr 54, W A Perkins 'it, A K Ootii V,. R
It Iixon ot, R A Woodruff V., I. It
These were on both tickets.
CONOKKSSIONAL 111:1,1 o 1 1 s
l'sll inolioii of S C Hai trum tlie fol
lowing fourteen delegates were unani
mously elected to the convention which
meet in Roseburg Tuesday: (ieo M
Rrown, Roy (irigt, Henry Conn. Scott
Morris, F W Hayncs. C T ('uriy, lien
Nichols, Will Harris, A F Krown. ,11".
Iave, John F. I.elsom, A S Ireland, V. V.
Wilson, ! C Livingston. 7.. Iiinimick
was elected congressional committee,
man for Douglas county.
Hon. (ieo. M. Krow 11 in an elmiieii!
HK-ech nominated Attorney Ira P. Rid
dle, of Riddle precinct, calling attention
to the fact that he is an hoiiori-d native
son of this county, his parent- and
graudparents both being prominent am!
hiffhlv esteemeil pioneer sett lers of this
county and state. Mr. Rmwn clos.-d
bis speech with an cktieiii plea for
Worrell Rwd uoiuinatcl I . II
Roprs, of Giirdincr,
A. E. Stocker iiomiuubsd li K Applo
gutc, v Prwa.
. .1"! "-let I, --lie e
e.itf .- I' i. com
c.-:.ct r.-.-i si v.
.i-!ii loiiowed Ir. i'a-1
' Mi,
ill's le-
- brie
( -a
r t u-:.g
- -t a:i I .
l I'-rown
' oil t lie :
. I ' . : 1 1 1 1 . 1
HI llKil,.
'iap. --I My, : .. I i, r-
W. Iii,.:.,,:. k f.-
t-i bin, a- I...;.-!.;-
'icicnt i t r. a - : e
'--jUent'y so. ! i ; :
- !.it;nt an an ii--.n j -
-pillar ioii.:i u i,., ,
." CMolil- ol tlie , on i-W :.
ill an at t-r .t rial, -is , ,
thanked the contention tor thus c.ui: r honor u-iii him l,-ratli:i
ss, ..,,;,
da-. A. l n-lerwo kl nomiuaii-d W. 11
Cole. Ira Howard nominated
r.i.',!: Wm. Halliwci! nominat-d ' '
:.,!.. the baliott r,-n!te-! "t..l -t
F.iicil -V. and C--!c 7. Mr. "tal. v
i-v.-are-i me civic,- oi ine c-.iiv. i,.!.-n
au-l responded to the call ,.t :,;
in a net -jvech. lie is a pr-.
and hL-li'v rc""cc.i cit, ,en of Y
a lliorouthly practical bu-inc-
t Tt'CrlC!
r Sct
::ne w
w. . p.
:i .
w i-
. Mr
I:. 1 1
W t-
A" C"1.
V.-.o ::'.!tl
: i -rc
.! ;l.--.;vs
.' as the
,otllisslo KK".
(i W Rid. lie pre-entisl the name
K Nichols; l'xiiton Mire- nominal--.! -I
F. Yoiint au-l I S Weaver nominated II ,
;.il!-p. Mr. Yoimt iieiut the on!
norili-cnd candidate he tt a-Jrcn. -n. inat. d
by acclamation for the two tear term.
The ballot on the South lVsig'a- candi- '
date" re-llllisl rt" follows: Nichols oi
Aal.-a. 100; (iallopof Myrtle Cr.-ek. :M ; j
Mr. (Jallop moved that Mr. Nich-.'s 1
nomination be named mianim-ni" and ;
the motion prevailed. Mr. Ni.-h-il".
thanked the convention f--r thus honor-
int him.
h A May of Canyouville presented the
name of ('has F RolH-rt". deputy eountv
clerk. In-fore the convention for the
nomination of surveyor and he tta
giuj J.
thi" p
pr--y, !
know of
1! l-r-
con-id- v
also ,U" '
sftom5ivso to 55000
-r t 1.
'.s' t
Tin. IiT, Porter,
iVcal Lstate Agent auJ Notary
rmiber anJ Homestead Locator
Packer anj UuiJe
thk uom:knors;ii! comlst.
Notice of Minors M.'etirt
The got eT;!
uncertain "i:a
the lea 1. hat
"tn-nu'.'u. bttt
('i:ns.. l-
'. N-
!" In
I Hi,
made the unanimous choice of the
volition for the nomination.
lion A M Crawford renominated Pr.
,1 C Ttviiehcll in 11 neat speech for coro
ner and tbe nomination was made bv
Hon .1 T bridges int rod nee. I ihe M
lowiin; resolution ttbi-b ua- udopted
unanimously !ty the convention:
Wiikkk is, the Republican party rec
ognizes the pre-eminence of lalmr and
Wiikkk ts, the railway lalsir oriiani.a-
tions have endorsed J M Hansbmugh, a
repuhliciui, for the nomination of joiut
representaUvt for Douglas aui Jackaou
wuuUvsj hwrlvtr$ b it
eon- maiont y.
w illj.ic-.niu-
tall s. l'h;-;
stai coin ,-:i
(iillam. .l.ic
P.-lk. a-c.
Y'atul.i'i!. .1 t.
liivcu ('!.,- s.i
n .- ;
: n.
. W ...
sop C.
Uld W:
t n in, r- ti i;
ti- l;.,: -.
y !t's place
1 i --i a !i-::u;:-at
the iio-ir .
Marc!. -JI.
1 en t; a: a,
-M i :
-t !;.' 1,
l-n.-ui: a-
w .; . a
voles, ,1-iiin- i- -:c:i K!
totes aud 1 int. .11 i ejveu t
t.-tal .
r w i : h
c.rrv tv 11
1 1J 1
are inti ed
in t ie c,c.
r-iue-s that
it.-! in .
. . 1-
vote". Ail the re
countic" arc pla,-..!
column i -r g tvern .r.
t t!
I re
Pon't mi-- Flint's ad in ti.:- i--,i,. ;
you can buy shoes there thai will stand
the the. tes.; of wear, ul: plly iu;S tiuu
t!.-. .-.u;
t't t t t tak.,
ihtvrsi and
me U i'-.r
(';;. t
M. Ahmt i.-k
I-. X . t int rx
- H. Kt,.nr
Vt'. J. Akhita u
K. L. W. NAv.orr.
'i at,
W e ta-ter had ".!, an
-ritoent i-t tio,-r c-iveri;,-.-
o--'u, an.i at -,,, i,.;,.,! ,,,HU ,
uidmvniciit ti-tire. -Its aterv ten,
oherut.. ; over -O pittei ns to select tr
Mil, seis a,,, I i,u,i n
ry reas'itM1,'