Ml. u i I A idvertising $ ? I ! '" " . In busy s.mi.-is li.'.rs a lL?,t.l'i. your shut' of ir.i iv; .lrrtisius in drill mm- g 3 sous V-tinrts yon jvnr !i:tr, m-.l als tbut of the jaoreiiKut who "can't af- -" to advertise, q j T job Printin ;r J.:. ....... . or E-3 . ,.X ,V dirt K- pp-; -ir P' ."Vi (w f f1 e , ",. f- i ! .,-tiii t faet'.r ir "t :! :.: (ff!;t ou a iood . i S : .(. j g j j nsuo jour Job '"' ' ' : i". -'... eri-.r naif it to be in r . ." f ttifory. Published oiv Ivuon&avrsVfi 7 t ' r ; ? t j w 4 - - 9-1 Vol. XXXIII. ROSKi-i-KC, Dorc'j cor:-: I C ! i No. 26 i.aii: .nuws si!.n.M.Ri.t i). .;. .. -T- ;- ' -I-- -i-- -:- - ' c and (leimral News Conili-n: til ; an. -. La 4 inT',c:fIrnpirTr for ihc lusy ReaJcr. ! ' , .!! !".'.. Ii.mii.- :it l'.-i:: r. t ! p. in. 1 0 On, 1 ? ' s ' I I X' lia-.m fi'.ul the new flow Summer Divss Coous I ow. i . is I' ' A . 1. 1'i-st '! j;. till- !.:. Tr-.u-or. CLOTHING in all tho b1.-f vl.:i.l.. Our li llf i if I ';.': '.i'.' ' - A i'i.mii't Wash Silks 11: (vitti'Vi;-. ! i : v l.aiiy k lylliTii '11 :!! ' ! :i.i;(-s. Mi: : :i!..i I'liil-isi :i IVuii.'I. :-iik !;.'!'.:- M ;i i ! i On Vri. - Wolienbersr Bros. Open until S ckvU. ... .;. ;, -: '..i . ill' 1 1 1' 1 j . . . ; -. . ; i s.'l.l luad of licl ami 1'itHl -j . 1 lan.l au.l yet nlu- can't vule. 11 ir,. li::s li-t'ii one coinini-nuiinii i' .'.'... i! a, I u... t -iriki'- ;!.; .ill ! ! I i i:.a 'i i'. '.it in i--i' m i - ! "tin : I - . . : , . 1 i iiH:in' 111 liiis v .;i:,trv. .1 1 i M'i i'.vii'kim; i.-C"i:t.iL:i'"i-'. 'II '- i ' j i..... 1 !. ..i M..:ita;i.J. atv , V" j j. !::..;n y M'Tlillji lv. .... Ii-li- i ''j ! t. i:ri.-i a- I'.-.-.n :t ! .. l.-.rn-. Z 1 l .i l i M , u Conductor v ill LJJir(ILr( li lis V 1 L jL"L j. ui ; 1 . V1N V X N . V x -v s-.v i : :x-V. A - X X X Ov;-X v MATTINGS 1 An oii'.'jr.' ! 1. : i" 1 Mattiro in tili t!n' lrtt !.-..,!i'! ' j aiul t-,;s liavi- :-t ::r:fA ' j Have v,,u seen mr i-i.jani v'ar- j 1'ets, eni.U'.iiii!' e'tl"ii e:.aiii. j '. i 1 tiir. 1 W-V ' I'wvi.uis yer: ircin - i' !... ir -i-i !i:.e i.f earp. -s is i..r pisj-ri.T t anvil, we have t vrr !i-u:i i.: s and we d'-ii;.-!. i:i , n. j i t ei iii.n nf a monument in rm!,.il.i, ' 1 u'.f'.a.ry of tiie late 1 V; ..;. i .i-.-e.l In Ihe .-enate iat ..i- k. 'l!ie lu'vie'A, ilMilie.l s..:.-: : K. . il.iiii. is to Iv ' ! ;il-tn Wekiy I '( IiHi i j .. .-' !iy Mr. Harris and A. M. W.r . 1 ; V A fc fruit treec are in lii ,1. i: e. ruiii. part- of tin- -tale tii. i" i..., iM -eh tei'i tit cold rain.-, iml it i.a- 1. ;n-eii re!--rtfl tiiat tin- fruit ! i:. r tfoii it-jure.! 10 any -.. ;:'. !.:'-t iiok tic -Uoariin: '; :,ii' o t.rauts l'.i, - i -r ::. j - '.a 1 i iilAil and -n;v a ;'ev. - i. . '. .1 j..-. ki lcd;rv .-.-;;:..-. .. 7 :-. v-.i lis 01 aiiii't -r.ii' i n.i 1 '.ikt a. iiiifi'.'-!' :.i . .1.!! C o 1 0 o . i '' ' t ! o ' ( 1 'J ( I' !.-! t-i ! . . j ' . . . 1 . .. ly-Z o "OCOOOOOC 00000 UJ IHSUEANCE ? CJ.V.PANY 0 11 : !' 1 ' i'i i i' '::i iii' . . i Mi'' .'li I '-.-. ' -:.!.. .:-! tfl :l O : Ki n .ti t -: . . A A i '. '.I1. l ( " "' r : ;i.- -i. c fsoe3n n , A 8 8 o- - . -o -o "0 cc 1 .1 i; ...1 , -u -IT. B. W. STRONG, 1 l..-rel-oi!-l lerai'.f I.u.v. . i , .'..'o a me! y li'.iijTt. -tao. i-i.i i ; m ., v.- in i he i.- t :.r .1;m.i;'1 i.r .v- 1 ' 1. 1! - 1 1...- ..1 ... or:c!)'.: - ;;.e; ni Laundry ft . . 0 : .-u.-:ness 1 W S -1 1 lroprietor. w I. i I t I'. I .! :'. r. TiiE f URMTURE MAN. Roscburjr, Ore x v x . : n n x:.x x - rx x v x I :.. - I 3 Pi "?? it. Hi w I I. c 1W Bring; Us Your ... CHICKENS. EGGS. BUTTER. I 1.. 1M..I a n L.ii. i.' t v 1.1 :. ! ;:..'v r. '!:-. M.-r l'.-. . 1 . ,1 , 1. !..!- n ' - i f. . -lit ..!- . j . .rA ,.:.d i I v. In r :n a am 'Votm trm-. .'.!.-7- ! t..' :'.. -jr ii .o .-iiav a:T"r.l a i.lii-iM.- ,-x- At a:.v ' , i I : t -1 -1 ! It FOR CASH OR TRADE 1 : t t ; 1 1 for ti." oci-'in :u''' " ,' ' . -........ V m r- . J; j A.'.'T r:S- Kii-' tii.,1 Lawyer 1 V.-' i :. ; v .. .-.I m:;-: - a:-, v- ! . J !.,.. "' ' i' cli..T.i.'t'T. r !:.-.: r i.v a ti!-'-p K. . 1 . c 1 1 . ! ( . ' ' 4 4 t:., -it : r.-: L-:-t. the entire 1 the borons .... v 5 everytbirs .:. s:.-.o;:'.r which are such . .-f : Krirer-dorf-cc Co.. Hs:-;hurg Bros., C . , A. L- Krvr.r., C. M. 1- !,-i, IV o.iiI..l) -.1 t ol.':l.e, .M. 1 thtr well -. :uuit go, if prices .:v, ui .se 7- - L CJL i). i.M. i i I j. i . V iV 1 V . V VU, j5 j ii..l-iy ...ti't!. read tl. .tory ,-...'r . T-ViTj..-- y . 4j . d j'V't.-d l'a'riek' jrnih t"r a n -'iii-i,-. iu'-i.i. 11 I ' c:.; f 1 , e Mi" The Day :I'Lor.; o3 '..r;e'.. t. nlv m-u:-- . r.-: f , " ':' t; ,.x, ,.t,tio;i of Malvr ill v. 1, IV I. ! Urn i ji'ti'.ri'J l.y I.i.-i-!i...!it : tltiti a j N v i.i.e.e-s t!4- l. "1' Mil 1 tit-' I.'-itt:- I ..h i i sj ):.ver'::.l;v. 1 i, . exx: -- - ;.-.'. . . . 1 1 . - ., V 4 " ooccccocc -c-cjcctco ' Easter! off Right .When Vou Have a Cup o -:ik WHITE HOUSE o!e 0 nd fancy Groceries Guaranteed fresh and wholesome and sold at prices as low as the lowest. Koca. uurrnc and Ccuntrir . . . vi'a your breakfast. It has a f.avor that's sjl Pj,04u2Q SOUIlt t:s owti you u'jii i v and Sold. Sole Agents, Roccburn,- Oregon IllUlOL u I'liiLtSi-D'o:-'i ' f the Teiity--:lit !:. . y. i here i- so':, 1- r.'.i''i:i to !-!; I i. it om. viie!:.l r : tii ; I--!y suar.l i o-M-ral . Ma'ver in di-'i;'. N"nel i,a- In :i ; o:ie o the reeozui'.M leaders of the in- ; sarm tioii simv IVty. t 1 i J 1.1 MISS sTt'sL Ai Ia)MkjX. .it . All iliiire-i,.'i:a!'l' Kil.-eiie y.r.n till I",'. -V-r. .1 il I iv 1 1 . . ,-ii a li( ' ra l;i'l a' 1 1. " ii. Cl'iiAN MiA i.r.-n was deeply impn-.-d with the to; lowing adverti-emeiit in a Chiraj t a per: "Vonn man. -onie woman dearly I ' vmi. Would you know uho -he i-.' ' !ih would like to "o- your only mm-;- ; In-art. Send ! it-::t in Mamp- to ) - : liiit I'iviner, and learn her name." lie ' ih.. 'T -'. t' l1 1 'i" - -nt the stamps and 'ot his ai.M. e;. ' ('j;,ii,-s u.-u .' " M. .-i .!ie. tb -v :?eri tu.--:,. L !n.h.) ti. Mts- Si' lie hpl-e.1t.-ii I . r 1 :''V'.! 1-eUcr tUttti Was rS, ei.'i f 4.1 i : New and SlvIiIl.. J 0 1 111 T f .1 ir Wliat w it? Mother. I', iU-loUn li- v-" i--'-;- ' --'L 7,1 ; . e .1 . . ; a 'i : ' ' 1 i ' ''11 a 1 t .1 '.' u ' 11 1. v.!'' .i. , i. ..' i ''. a , I I ,i r.i ;-:. er u; - ; 1 ' 'o ' - '-'- '' ' u P-'t. f - 3 Latest Creations in Ladies Street - i.1 i t Yl i I iihliiiin WACKS VOLUNTAixliCi uALiCl). 7 - I .... - 1 . . 1: v '" ' ''I4- of t .. A:: !, W''. a I'ali 1 .i 1 K I! T. IiiileU ACiN r.LUCTlilC CARS COLLIDICI). That our shot.s are all we claim for them. Why w l investigate for yourself? You will find if you have-not been gc-tt;r..c; shoes from us that j-ou are not getting all the values you are entitled to. I ';:ttii: v ia ki. u.-i.:.y h' "'. i'dhi r '.JU.-: ' 1 1": Vfi'Vi-l, fii.i: -t.. llS-'ti) : e "N'jr.';V ' r-t.e l-.i, tLililary b- ei. h..;.t fcOi Men's 1" . "V li fMf fl l vir-- L-id 24 n'jtip !w24G0 G- "WRlkOvet" AHMjles at S.bU .'EDWIN CLAl'" Tbe best furdrecs 05 ...FLINPS SHOE STORE... Hints to Housewives. It is estimated thai aUml iV,iKiO pi--pie ! have pa-?ed St. Paul so far thi- -ea- ! for the Xorvhwest l'ikiui after h iii . -.j Most of tlie-e .tuple have i-olne to ' j, Washin'to 1. rtoppim: there on a, . - i : -1 j t . 1 1 . .-ill l11 01 iue more tjn-ii'ivi; iiuitii-u..' iii ,1 ,. .Hi-1.,. 1 1, .1. i iu way, a'-i a '"o""" -'.'i r' "- )-" .- ".- .11- of that eouutry, whi. h Imr :.. 1 i an extra effort in tlial line, rrilii.i; ti al the haildiiirf up of the en:,i,!ry li eaiis more hii-ine--' for them. While ' lie 1'. i- 'loiii - :iie it i- i;.it a; e liin' the northern railroads in the i-Meiit ot It. .1 i 111 Yo'iirjer one i,f 1!.,. r. !, !,: 1; .! Voui-er hn.lhers. ij n-ii r parol.- from the Miniif-.-oi 1 pe.i:i-,,ti.iry, v.i-h.s to marrv. He 1 .11, not. li-.---.iu-e 1'--m11v he! is .lead, henre he i ;mah!- to . i.t-r in-1 M'-!i,' MfK';;. irmk ami tnh-i K.-r Cai.-im. to any conn., . Y- n --.e,- nihinined ! I'd: lny .lii'.j'i eared u'-id lms!i,t l"'eu ii;T,r. 1 tl-j ia'.i -'.ll .-.Ti fire the ji..-tio;i ..1 win 1 .. r-T linl he roilM .'d. to i'i'. 1! all.-aiit, who ha- !-i , .-.j i.iln the i.,iLl.:r w it Ii ,-r.rpi i-iii;.' m -lilt . In Mi...- -ola .1 man .ilio i- a hi" primmer i civilly dead. The on y a a v he can make a av landing contia -t in the eyes of tin; la ,y i.- through the hoard w hich par-.les him, in Ihis ea.-e the Koanl "f Control, is empowir- ed to enter into a contract for him. '' X : HATS . . C - i sinmcr. 1, j . . i L I vJ) i' 1 i L. v V 1 W w Ik f l.ranc . : Canycnvill,-, Orpn . i I -? thai 2 xroc rco-.T-.-r-oc.-c Ov.x- - ccco rc; jccco coc5cooockxxxxocxx)q M.ili-li -i -A m-i-1 0:1 e i.n-;.'.i -.1 pi- c. 1 ,, ., (-,,.. , .1 -o'.; eiel- llC liU lUls 1 'I". I i l.l. t lac'e I'll Ui" " i i- lour ,-iiei.g.t--, . iv k.iie i a.i.i ,eie.l o.jiie.l, n ..ii0 serio u-.y. Ui !,. linen were tlv.-.l. f-" l"l. ?. : V LT N U 1 A i I C O C X 1 V T iAGiC D V . (i -i !. 11... .:. Or--,;"ii, M.trou It. -L iria mi uheu- ition I;i-t niLt seiirci. Half the battle in good cooking, is to have good fresh Groceries, and to get them promptly when vou order them. Call up 'Phone No. 181, for "gor d goods and good service. C. W. PARKS & CO. II you If you If you If you to buy a farm want furnished rooms want to buy a house want to rent a house If you want to build a house If vou vTant to move a uuu Cotttrcor Rcaab 1 House for Sale. residence, lot hliiXaitij feet, abundance of fruit and ber ries, one block from Koseburg Public sclmol building, good imjiroveiiienls. Will sell re.-i'lenue mid lot at a bargain, i'or full pHrticulars apply to P. O. J-ox 72, llosehiiri, Ore. 7,2 er-r CATARRH f0 y;,-.couv In t Its BUi,-. taere fZT'V should b clcaulinwa. fcT )iX Cilj s ri.-ni ittii cleans , nooUiei! nd heati tlie nicinbrano. It cnnn 1 atarrh and drivia a-A-ny a cold to the bead -.iltk'T. t:renm Balm Is placed Into the nontrila, prad orer tl-e ncmbrano and l absorbed. Itelief i Im mediate and a care followi It ti not drylns-d'i oot produce eneering. Urge f'.ie, M oenti al Uroc ,t. m h mall: Trial SUe, 10 ceoU by mull. M 6 "i1-r.S- T.cjr.T o f r bin. COAL S1IURTaG:C iA SluilT. ,"iv Yo..i.. M-iu-ii - - - ilie ft.riiv".' I'-- 1.1-yivaai.i c 1 ihuiu.-! s. it r.p- ... .... t p-ars, lime 1 (heir s'l ilie bo m to loi't:. o.jiu.i.ce t ur ) 1 1 a sa-'i a in , 1 A Snap. PlallO.S. ur cut i iv Mo. k "i n,u-ii al 11. .-trie luelli.- n ii-t 1 r 1 ( liie-buiidred and e:.;iiieeu il'Ti s n' 1 1 ,. ,1 1, ....... I ! . . ... i-1 1 1 . io n 1 ' " , ,i , ,, .- .,, .,- 1 and..! h.-r oe, I d i M. V) ., w ,;. UlU,. ,.,;. im e.d water wllha pump. '" i a ear load .., ,.:,,.. ...u.- w idcii are lo al rie in a aw .lays and w liich we w ill tarn over lo tin' new purchaser at whol-ah; rale. TMt f.-.ero 1- M.i-iilhiiij w:. -14 w:t"i 'r.s li ter. i"; ev li.iu- no li" :c :.iie,r 7.. : -it-. J U- tries ill v.. .; l-j Cio. l Ue 1.- ,'c:-s :rom lv.s c'. Wh-. r. t'.-.e iu:v,'S - ; se a 1 -HI 1 .-..-:' t-' sV.ow l'.c.f a-- 1 t'-ie n. : c )-.:'.-'. -r life U I---. --ii r.p. I t. )-' p. ici s an Mchvil lh-.ov-i-i. cures iis-r-'.ses f the Ir.r.H'. and other ; 'tis of rcs--ir- r': --1. It cares a. o' : : :i le, tlecjf s .t cccylis, hi - ii:- i -, e; i,'l;;'..-'t und : i: - t: Jim itualed n ih - noiili ot W nl"i:-, on j , . -i-i i. IhUlll riillil In iMliailil'i. linie.iie in... , :a. l.,,..l. acres ol yar.ien, i- in n - won ....... laidied and burned, sown to ura.-it ; lifty acres under leiice ; there are -v irilit tn '-on the pla. e. the limber is oak and (ir. A cmhI home at a bargain. Apply to, In. K., into Uo.-.-buiK'. Oregon. In jiecolln! ol I he li re "1, ir S'li ri'l - ol lllllliy ui lln- i.ill!.-:.l'.- Ill the bn-elilli-'.' land'ili -1: i.'l , il I.' .'nan-I l a',' ' - I" locate s -cliiui cornel i wnhoiil a o; the I iovei iiinei.t suriey. J null; 11. Yl.-y, Abslnietor of tiii iiy, has acmpiete set of tnti.-inp of all surveyed tuw usiiips, nnd will furnish blno piinU of biih, showing ftU vayant hinds, d w.lhm to.- t I-.' I ".- i-o'-;.ittoe.s I w l.'.l o 111 ' U-lii- I two some- ... , . - ., I.;';.. t rea t ed m.-v li.' 1 a lulai t. : iti-n i:l i 11 lov aiaij tion. - t t"-i-r ti i-.i; rhont I,. 1..IH'..- i : Ur. 1- -i.-r-- i; o Urn ;ii - i- o - : rv T. K. Kll il.l:l.-o.. Lj;ns from I'.ii i.iii: V'ii ite Lc.iiii its. They will breed pi ie winners. My birds al I he lloitias ii.iinty poiiiiry sho.v -c 1 the hi.i.e-l ol any U liile la-eimni- in me l.-l pullet, t'.i, Jial pull, t '.M t, h.d pullet -nd lieu ll.ihj, l.-l coiivcrel, '.'-".i, -lid e.i-Uer-el '.'-.' i, lird cockerel h-i jn-r sot ting l.o0. J. II. IL.10N, Camas Valley Ur 1 i i 1 '' , . ' .- , . (ill. .- i m ihiiiilJVUi: - :.:.--' v. ..- Friu A t Z we know the Sj.r.-.v Putnp Bttsiacss. You will certainly rind the pump you v.ut in our stock. Seethe Celebrated New Dean "Torrent Pump" ThebestSpr.iy, Noiv.les and Duuue's Solid Prepared Sprays. ' !'- -vcrv.' I I"- .l.t.r thi-t.1 lie i ....!.:i:..Mti..iraiHt -f it.x-l.'rol wi'.'.i them 6 3 , l T T 4 -d al I--- v. ,; im-1 wttkiiii It t-a I O j,. ,m . il V S a !! ,1 t .:. " TI,- w .,al,,.i,r "inet I V .-ill ml:! " w-t lies . r I ' l - f .,f c i:k. M : '.' . . Ohi.r "II'' wry .;:',. aci d la i-i '"l o' ' -'n li-i. lul nr.: me an ical ln-niicry." There is nnlhiti; " just as I'or diseases ot the stoiuaci, bh-o-i, and luiijis. Substitution means a little more proiit for the dealer but a loss for vou. Dr. Tierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con stip aliou nd its cou-jenucuces. tnthS!!L Plalsideaier If fuda'tknPAT tall 04 or F W