The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 24, 1902, Image 3

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    Take a Notion
from our Notion and
Fancy Goods line which
is full ot the new things
of this year's creation.
We beg to call your at
tention that oui new
Spring goods have arriv
ed. We are showing
Iteau'iful novelties in
mercerized Zephyr?,
Chambria Lawn, in all
th new spring colorings
and designs.
to fit onr new Spring
line of Clothing which
! has just arrived from Our
eastern manufacturers.
Jl. E. Rioeof Hlllftoro, tbe vmorbl
father of Mra. Dr. E. M. Cheadle, of
this oity, topp4 off it Roselrtirg re
cently an hit ay horn from A winter'
Bojoura In Southern C1ifrtra!. Tha
old fentlaman it enjoying eery gd
haalth and tha Pi .txnrAtaa wii fatored
'with a pleasant fall Friday. He does
i not think much af Kouthern California
where everything is produced by Irrega
lion, and wateT for 4hli pnrpoee i x
pe,nra and warra. He wve tb woet
pre fltable crop down there for the Cali-
HonrarHO, Ore, Marrb 20, JW2.
Ma. L. R. Fields,
Supt. 8. P. Co.. Portland, Ore.
PearPir: Herewith below is a lif-t
of th hiaterial dewed fur the School of
Inotructlon at thi place, tbe attached
and turn to the right, then you will come to our Shoe Department
w here we are showing our new Spring line of Shoes, iucludiug our
"DOUGLAS SHOE," for which we are sole agents.
We can fit you in Hats and Caps sls we have
all styles and sizes at the
The People's Store
feTold in Side Heads J
s ...s
IVx.Rr.yivE Nkw ("- V. Si. Fort
and 1. J. rv.rxr.ah-. and families! Iol
Kausr.. s'-rlv ;i: 'hi city late'y and
liave t: K.n: up t'ueir residence iu Vaat
Kbu-g. The rmer gentleman is
practical cheese iLfiUr and etocVnian,
while the bitter i wid.-awaVe farmer.
They express tbcniw lvv a? ii;s err
faxorably inipr--sl with i:r elimata
and country jrem-rally ai d contemplate
Incatiiij: liere irn:trrt't iy. Sensibly
noajih they lutve.eiided to Ins in no
hurry nlvm making an investnient but
w ill irol; a'.K.nt .iietly snd xvben a fav
orable prop.iti-;i r .-.pi-ortunity is af
forded they wiii in; in farm heroes.
They Mate tbal water sold at 5 cents per
bairel in their taction of Kansa all lat
summer and ibev were located in about
a firvored i-nrtion of tbe state a can I
found. T!.y tate tbat tl.ey will 1
j .inol by a numler f Kansa relatives
an 1 friends tbis spring. Tbvy are geni
al, enterprising ritijeens and we weleonst
tbem to ur equity and city. Tbe
1'i.ivnr.trB iril! kwp tbeni informed
n !cal, ?Ut and general new?.
entertainment given by tbe Native on
.MU.,i.m h.iiiw Fndav evening ua-
ier tbe directions cf.and a..-itol by Mr.
-j.T.iVri Verrill. t ravelins tbeatrical
je..!.. w-a well attended and tbe pro-;
p-ani wbich was -f a vau-leville nature
tv:i i.Ti: r.iliy well receiv-l and rendered
in a manner creditable to the jrtici
pants. Tbe MerriilV were aided in tbe
farci s and lit;ia!ties by tbe foUowin
named local yo'nne i--.ple: ani Jrepb
s,n. Roy Wintl-erly. M.
IWri-burd lV-e Matbews; Mioses
Hazel Perry. Acne PitcbWd. Hazel
llewes and FloVie Shamlmok. The
.trKpticon view and illuminated but
terfiv danre were a! aj'pr-ci.itod. Tbe
enjoyment i tbe ccca.-ion wxs only
narreJ by ti e n'iy denionstrations and
home very ui-jentlemanly conduct on
tlie Kirx of a few tb.nlitles individual
which 5i,"iild not be tol.-ratcd or allowed
to be rejx-ate 1 at tbe opera hfu again.
At thp O.t WELi-fec. H. I.'. Mars
trs ba? r.iVive'l a communication from
rrc.-iu'iit I(V.y that tttf- drill ha
dir',j'ci iut" a Ifli rPi.t i inflation which
from tbe t.'pd-.wu ha- W-en blue oil
aha for a!" f ' fel. f;dl of moluscaa
remains. ita ;ii;-r.i.-.o 'tratas of V.itu
jli' n 'ne layer of t-it!i!i:rii over 2 feet
thick v.a-: foiii 'I. la.-t Tborsbty tbe
fommti o cbanp-1, ft b- Uvu bard
that M'tne me
i.:v -teadilr for 12
drill xr-uld j-v;
hours and only reached a daptb of i
ch. . Tba drill wtt thrrnjb 8 iucha
of fln bittiminoas coal on Tburoday.
and from that Into a vnr dark or rather
a black carbornaceoue fchale. Tbe well
is now of a depth of aont 2iX feat. The
drill made ten feet Friday, tbe biggoet
day "a drilling that ba been done ince
operations Uvau. Lat ?afur-lftj th-y
made 9 teet ai. it is hoped to b abi to
make letter proree from now on if tbe
formation does not go back to that bard
bine shale. Tbe plant is of tbe very
bast standard oil well machinery aod
has never bad a break f any kind, con
(tequently all are ranch elated over
this jrreat success and feel that tba
prospects are brilliant for oil. Wry lit
le has" lan said In the papers of late,
but it U hoped to have more news to
chronicle in tbe futura than in the past.
Lrr Well Enough Ilonk. W. R.
Vinson, superintendent of the cmnty
farm, made the Platdf.alh a pleasaat
call today. He say there was a largra
harmonious vote cast at tba rap- blican
primary at Cleveland Saturday and that
every one wss well satisfied with the
present Mate of affairs irjthis county, as
well a our natioaal prosperity and ara
satisfied to let w 11 enough alona. Sev.
eral new recruits sro reported in that
part of the county for tba republicans.
Aitkited Si-iclde. Mrs. PrclLenrr
von att-"upte-J to commit suicide Sun
day by cutting tbe arteries in bothw ritts
a-itb a butcher knife. Her attempt at
self destruction was discovered In time
to summon a physician and sava hr lifa
lr. Hoover succeeded in dressing tbe
wounds promptly which required eleven
siitrbes in all. Mrs Lennon s-erned
determined to accomplish her purpose
ami insi-tel that she would drow n her
self, but her threat was not taken eer
iously. However, at an early hoar this
morning she left her home which is Dear
Peer ereek and going to tbe railroad
trestle, jumped into tbe creek. In the
meantime her husband awakened from
his slumbers and discovering that his
wife had left tbe bout, be immediately
proceeded to tbe creek nearby, where he j
found her almost dead from cold and ex
posnre, the fortunately not having fonnd
devp water. Mr. Lcnrrsvn called for as
sintance and removed his dcmentl wife
to their home where x physician was
again called to attend her. Mrs, Lit
on has I'.fO in ill health for some tin.e
and hae grown desjxudent and tired f
lit.. If is though that she will nrover.
Born In Brookslda, Thursday. Marrb
20. to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Delaa. a
nine-jound boy.
C. O. Whita aad wife of Myrtle Creek
were in Rosaburg Friday on bnsises.
Hon. A. R. Vattooa of Riddla is a
Roscbum itdtor today.
aubscrlntlon list will abow to vou the
fornlans Is tbe annual crop of tourists, j names of tha emloyos w ho desire io Lave
A prescription which is state-1 to guar
ante immnnity from smallpox, scarlet
farar and diphtheria has beea e?.t by
L. L. Ilurd, Glandaie, Orejan, t II V.
Fmith of tba Portland Posioffiae. Nr.
Hurd stale tbut every pers.n who usal
tha prescription during tba lata email
pox scare at (iiaodalu was not troubled
with tbe disease, and that he wis ex
posed to infection at least 50 times.
Here is Mr. Hurd's ramedv: "This
prescription is made up by a Paris phy
sician, ana ns say? it li3 prove-J etie
eussful in hundreds of ca-i. It con
quers in every instance, and is perfectly
J harmless when taken by a wsll person:
, Sulphate of line, one gain; foxglove.
: (digitalis), ouo grain ; one-half teapvn
j fnll of sugar; mix with two tablespoon-
fulls of water. When thoroughly mix
ed, add four ounces f water. Take a
spoonful every honr. For a child small-
dnses. according to a;e. Either diseaaa
will disappearin 12 hours.
Here is cncIiiMve evidence tliat tba
standard bred White Ijtng'hans are tbe
greatest anJ nest winter lavers or anv
other breoi of chickens. From Fabrn
aryl.t"Man-b 1, twenty-eight darn.
niv , hcnu of th) tTi'O'i- prcluced just
thirty-three do-n and lime -?-s.
ior hatching ?!.50 for Apply to,
T. B. Cannon. Kiburg, Ore.
Here i" a "'inpl.- cure U-i nallpx
whicb a pr:ninet:t phy-ician -ay.wi!l
pr-ve fle.-tiul in ev-ry cave: "One
ounce of cream of tartar d-vo!vr1 in a
pint d water, and tuken at interval
whn cold, i a certain. neer-iniiir.;
renicdy. It bns cured thou-and.-., never
leaves a mark, never eauf-es blindiisa
and avoil8 te-lious lingering." Tbe
same authority says frerb, warm milk
inhaled into the n.triis twice a day will
cure catarrh of tbe bead, of the Very
worst type.
On account of tbe irregular survevs of
manyot tti toirnnip." in toe 4ifc-Hurji
laiHl 'li.-irict, u isaimon iuijiS-iiie xo
Mr. Biea depreciate aur muddy streets
and roads but otherwise- thinka wa bare
an Ideal town and coontry. -
Churchill ; W.vllev ore baring a fine
trade in the V. 8. Cream Separators.
The nnwressire farmer will discard the
old fashioned rullk pan method f cream
Xoah Mlari and Roy Preemaa, of
Myrtle Creek were in towa Baturday.
The former iuCering from an ulcer.
ated tooth which will give hlro no mora
pain ai ana of aur oantlfts quiekly re
moved the troublesome aaolar. The
bovi reported coniiderable acrlrlty in
the talnee a ad say that tbe Myrtle Creak
tnlniag district is certainly coning to
the front, and rapidlv too. Tbla office
was favored with a pleasant call.
Axes, wo hare them, not to fruvi,
that been dre alreadv ; warranted to
chop wood without blacking tba eyas
(iet them at Riee A Rice'a.
Byxd of Directors f tbe Ronglas
county building and Loan Association
met on March SO, 1903, and elected the
following officers for the ensuing yaar
II. WolleeVerg. pres. ; Cella MeClallaa
rios pras.; Frank 0. Micalli, sary.; W
T. Wright, traas.; Frank O. Mioelll,
atty. The preaident appointed U. B
Gilletta. Will U. Fiaber and K. T.
Wright s Cnaaae committee.
Ix-rv t mil riin 1 ad i tma isst:a;
mu can bur shoes there that will stand
the the test ot wear, and pay It that
The renisen eeearad by Jastiee Rabi-
natt in the recent case brought before
him wae distributed to the soldiers,
home hoepit, and tbe county hospitals
of Mrs. Collins and Mrs. Kitchen. Tbe
ra.? was dismissed because of errors in
ie caaplaint. ant parties found with
deer meat in their posaoevlon during the j
closed season are not likely ta escape ao
easily hereafter.
the School of Instruction and Reading
, I desire to say tbst tbe Reading Room
is Dow open for use and in proving to
be a grand success, there is still another
list of members which is now in the
hands of Kngiuecr Ziinniermap aud new
euberilers are comin; in each day.
I desire to say in thalf of all em
ployes here, that they desire to hate an
up-to-date School of lastruction, there
fore, I hope that we will receive the
material asked for.
Air pump, brake valve-latest pattern,
tank brake triple ai:d cylinder, quick
action freight brake equipment, quick
act. on rmsenzer brako eoniitment.
small boiler suitable f.r maintaining
pump w ith air pump attached, black
board six feet long aud three feet wide,
new and complete set hand lanterns,
white, blue, green, ml and yellow, set
of flajs in pairs, white, green, red, blue
and yellow, one half dozen torpedoes,
one half dozen fusees, lxxk rules, switch
lock, part car wheel thin flange, also
fiat spot to trake it defective, onebmom,
conductor's valve, one half dozen air
bose gaskets, engineer's long oiler with
valve exposed, spring switch stand new
ly painted, set wooden switch points
set wooasn rsiis, copy master s ear
builder's journal, one rough ear journal
or some journal that has been burcd
off, any books that pertain to railroad
matters, ne duplex gunge, one double
header guare, one main reservoir, one
injector for small boiler, one No. 7 Mon
Itor in lector to lecture from, one extra
engineer's valve to lecture from with
sectional iewe exposed, one feather
car duster, one dust pan, orse Inbrk-ator
bowinj sectional viw, nr. at igio!
whistle and e-juirment, one !Vcrtd
Pnrav, arrav, sprav, with MrBain's
Carboha Compound, the best for fruit
tree and all kind of plants for sale by ?.
0 0 9 0 9 99 LA
n Dress Goods, Waistings,
r i
Ginghams, bmbroideries. 5
Laces, Trimmings, Millinery o
Vc have put iu place a stock of new
f-oods so complete, somentor-
ihA wc know that yf. can pleare
11:' j ' -
iK.snig puuiic anu wc sic
pjsiiive that they will be
pleased with themselves for dealing
with us. Our stock is large and em
braces the latest novelties, the best of
goods of the reliable kind. Our as
sVruneut is oue calculated to meet the
taste, means, preferences of every in
dividual likely to enter our store. If
s'andard merit aud extensive variety
2,j "or anything, all our old customers
will be better satisfied than ever before
and new pnes put on the list as friends
of an establishment that believes iu
dealing honorably and liberally with
its patrons.
l-oate section corners without a Copy of
tbe Ciovcrnuient survey. Frank K. Alley,
Abstractor of thi city, ha a complete
set of tracing of all surveyed tow oshii-e.
and will furnish blue prints of same,
fbowdng all vacant Und".
Bo!ert I. lawyer, the penis repr-
snratv' of tiie American Tyrss Found
ers Company, of 1'ortlaod. tnadp th
PlaiM'S 'xn a pletsant call Triday end
took our ord-r for some nice nn mater
ial for tba office, and also made us a lib
eral proposition for tha exchange of eur
old cylinder newspaper pres for a new
and more rapid pr, an improvement
hidi wonld give us the bt equipped
printing pre-s iu Southern Oregon. The
new press will be secured at an early
Tha I est laver for everv month in
the vear is (r"iiera!ly cn'-vied to t tb.a
Iuft and Whith 'Ihorns. Ilijfhest
scoring Buff and Wliith Iegborns at
theDccembvr poultry show. Fggs for
setting of IS, fl.00 apply to
1.. u .lAinews
al"p Box 514 BoM-bur, Oregon
F. F. Ball, who with his family arriv
ed ia this citv last winter from Indiana,
and f ought a little home in Northeast
Boteburg and alo a farm on Deer creek
is well phased ;:h onr country. Mr
Ball ralM at thin office this morning
and had hi name enrolled on our sub
seription book in order to get tbe local.
state aad general new.
We never bad Mich an elaborate as
sortment of floor covriiis to chof
from, and at riri-- nrarkff drwn to an
itului;wiitnl fiirire. It a v ry .t-mptin
nffrrintf : over W) i-iittLrn-! to select uoi.i l
cut. sewe'l and laid at ven- reasonable
prices. Bice t hive.
Mrs. Jennie SciJiitore, of Anaconflfl
Montana, a 61-ter of . K. ineon, ar
rived at this rlace Sundav moraing to
emoyavisit nth ttie family of tie
brother and other fn iids. Mrs. f-cid
mere is a native daughter of thi county
and has a wide circle nf friends here who
will be clad to see hr after an absem-e
of thirteen year.
For Abstracts of Title, ?iarsnteel t
T full and correct 'i-ie of all recrrd
etrH-tini! the title, call on Frank E. Alley
. . t 1 1 :i 1: 11:.
nji;urt- in .i;rh?t i"iii'iin, ji
work is guaranteed crrect, and prio
are rcaK'iiable.
A. J. Cox, of Boseburs. Or., bas been
engaged ae clerk at S. Waters ft Co.
larire mercantile store, xr. Cox is a
old band at tbe busiuese, having con
ducted a store of his ow a for teveral
?oldendal, Wash., dentinal.
Prof. F. C. Orcutt, president of the
Pute Normal Fchool at Irain, was in
tbe city yesterday. He had been visit
ing the "tate Normal School at Men
mouth. Frof. Orcutt hopes to bare tbe
feur Institutions at Monmouth, Drain,
Ashland tad Weston eonte into eloeer
touch with one another, in sympathy
ana" in rcetheda at work. staasnian.
Now i the titca to cy your sarlen
tods, si-adina forks, rakes, plows, har
rows, Flanet jr. fardaa teols ate of S. k.
Brother Finch, rJ the Herald, ia get-
m we a.. . ww
ng Luniorus. us raian ro u. r.
Kemp as tba right tst-w-ar of the demo
cratic party, and the socialists as the
tail end of tbe democratic party. Tba
fht bower always wins. Mr. Rare
erer wins. I ne tan 01 tne Kite steer
it. Tbe eofialisvs steer nothing, eeyi
the Albanv IemoeraU
The C. 8. Separator will take out all
tbe cream in a few roinuU-s. Why st
pans in this day of improvement?
That stranprs arp snrprised. at the
condition of our streets is not to r
wondered at, but tbay ntay rest aa-
sund that the present condition of
things will not last much longer.
It cannot. Belief ie being arranged for
and soon there will be a system that will
can the streets to be .properly eared
Timber CliMt papers prepared by tbe
TitiofiuaranteeA Lean Co. for r" tor
set. Call en them at the court bou.
Owen fnttarlin the proprietor of tha
Boseburg Soda werki, who bas been
quite eerioBsly til at the borne of tua
mother, Mrs. Kabankt near Oakland is
reported to be nub batter aod will
soon return to Bees burg ta attend te his
business here.
rtt your at-rtravtof title from J. I.
Hamilton, lie ha the only complete
sot of abstract books (a the eounty. If
Ashland Tidings! Bee. J.T.Cotton
wae called to Myrtle Creek, Friday, by
the new of tho illness of bis wife.. .Mrs.
Walter Frnlaa and sen arrived yester
day from Koaeburg and ara bare on la-
cocnt of the strioas illneas of Jobs F,
The very best resulta with a Fetaluma
Ineubator. Churrhill A Hoolley pay
the fraigbt.
t .
Bes. 1, P. Tabor atarted on a four m
the interest ef the Paventhday Advent-
et church Patnrday, atopplng at Biddlc,
Grants Pass, Gold ilill, Medford, Jack
sonville, Asbla-d and Asbestos. He ex
pects to be gone about four or five weeks.
Latest styles in Waist Silks. !ewde-
signltJ pc;QringstJJ"pLyn'a
A friend ef the fLAisntuaa, at reel
will pleaat nacapt otxr tlok; for
ct-py ! the "insert tJveaxng awe-
on ef the best daily papers published at
March 20, 21 and 22
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
The ladies of Roseburg and vicinity are cordially iuv-ted to attend our
Easter Opening of Spring Milliner' comprising anything to wear in
- the Millinery lioe for Spring ENGLISH AND FRENCH WALK
ING HATS in exclusive styles You will rot find liesc shv. u else
in endless variety. New ready-to-wear HATS in the Neapolitan and
Napoleon shapes. An immense array of American and French Pattern
Hats of superior style and workmanship, surpassing all of our former
attempts in this line.
ilarch 20, 21, 22
Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
'Phone 255
Something to be Remembered
1 SB Tat rV nm i
Emporium Bldg.,
Rt fere me:
blackboard, j-er dravt-inj atlad:cd, want
ed badly, two set air brake cviiaJtr
complete, one water cooler.
Yours Truly, Geo. A. Tkint,
Tha following are tha donations r
oeived from the people of Roseburg In
behalf of the Railway Employee School
of Icstruction and reading room:
Churchill 4 Woolley donated tl.M
towards 3 spittoons.
Kire A Hire, special j.rice on 3 large
rocking chairs.
Mr. alter, special price fn eioctrie
light. '
rne r-iiDf..u.a l uo. cc,
tion to the ri.AivPi.Lr., a!o one year's
sol-sription to tle Kcientiflc American
and ene wear's subseription to the Oil
Mrs. Hendricks and daughter, th
making of adjustable curtains and bead
reta for the lar,(o rorking ehairs.
James Iotr, air t rake book, leather
boand, a very valuable work, torpedo
setter with torpedoes. The torpedo set
ter is an instrument ufed by trainmen
to ptaee torpedoes on the rails while
train is runing 60 miles an Lour r l-se.
In behalf of the mer. r the F.aib.
way Schc"-! of instruct. j and .reading
room I rite&d tbanl to the atove
friends for their kinduce. Any nice
books or framed picturt will be -fcigi.Iy
appreciated. Gzow-t A. Tbe.vt,
A construetioa force of 100 men is be
ing employed on tbe Klamathn Hiver R
R and the work of grading from Laird's,
south of K amathon, ha been complet
ed to a point aaar Bogus ereek in Siski
you county.
The Virginia City, Navada. "Chroni
cle" tells an Interested public that bath
ing facilitie bare been provided by the
grading contractors all along tbe Central
Pacific, and the man who neglects to
bathe and keep himself clean is discharged.
It is report d that the S. P. Co' hs
eon'raetei with the American Bridge
Company for the erection of a boiler
sbop in East Portland. The railroad
company will make similar improve
ments at Fan Francisso and Los Aupe
lea. Cal., as well as at El Paso and
Hup ton, Texas.
Quite a serio - and peculiar accident
happened to L. M. McFadden. a Fouth- t0T rheumatism, he returned to hia
ern Pacific brakeman ou a south bound run between this plac, a Ashland, on
freight, last week, between Turner and ' '1
bp Rrprm pcjiout. in wmi unknown; Mr. M. 1'evaney has revivel a letter
wvh lost his balance and fell from ' from Ms wife at West Sbcffrd, Canada
tbe top of tba cars .nil strurk n his stating that she an I the children ar
back across the coupling or draw-head be- rived all in good health with tha execp-
tween two cars. This rendered him un- tion of having slight colds.
That all Piicos s.v.d bv V. A ii : :
Ik. Co. has the m.aafacturer' si:u:
ou the iroa rams vr iic!i sho-v- tint
the factories are not ashamed of their
pianos. Intending pu c'liyjri
should be very pirticular on this p.iini as
this will help to rotect 3-0:1 from buying a
stencil. All pianos aud organs !d by ns
are fnlly gnaraute-d by the fictories ra
welj as by us.
W. A. BURR & CO.
BBHflsaarsHMsasaa aaaoaiHBsa
Fir.-t National Qauk, Roseb;
Roseburir, Oregon
irg, Ore.
and be lay In H is rxition 1 E. L. FisbrT is a;.'.;n in Roe- r ano-I.w irvicLt which left tare at 5
nun; ww rrjt a mn o; ci fis j o ci"-a was ii.u at Oreens. The wreek
station. Mrs. risht-rwl.oi-w-ttir.sberjiB i-rew picked up the wreck ati
mother at Tuper.e, w t) arrix in a rw ; arrived at tb s'arkn et fnnr o'elnr c
dT" jA -V. ?cvr3l weeks ?.. a wreck of
J. W. Kt.apn marer car "idl-r a- ! 'be sace kind occurred at exactly th
Portland w 1 1 -iir en tl.. dt-Uyrl --ni ?larv, tbe car lanng the track on
v It'i th tr tia tbuixlerin: on nnnl it
tenrhed Turner, wiieu he was foond in a
wiui-coneioti c-ndition Tjdincs.
hn f 'Nfii. an eij:'ii:-fr on tbe bouth
"rn Pari tic passer.gvr train of tbe Otv
pn exprr. rj discorcrevl to liar tbe
sniailj-.x at Ashland where he is now
quarantined. His run is between Asb
laad and Iunsn oir, and it is feajyi
other cases may b visible along the
roue?, where he remained at any time
te get off the engine. Too much eart
cannot ba taken to guanl against this
dungeons disease, e?iecially where
hob" are constantly tramping along the
tracks Observer.
A car in a train on t;iC (j, h. A N.,
while ninnii.i;. iwenty-five miles west ef
Poi-aiello. caught gre from the beating
stove. Many of tbe pas5cnjrers lost their
band (atigsje. The burning car was cnt
out from the traiu and the passengers
were acconimodAted in the other cars.
They were mostly homesevkers.
Engineer Jap Wait who has been
taking a var.uiou at Tustin Spring
California, where he wae being treated
bval rai ria'nt anl rv-n m the srene j 'be -n:a rail and tba railroad xuaii arw
of the wrcsk at R3cV!.. Mr. Knapp i
bo Lis way to Calif'-niij on b;;v;r-.
Abrit 30 et ol i.fw trari. bas ben
buflt on the end of tbe st.-ck yard track
al tbe station.
Walter Drennan. an exengineer aad
now an insurance writer is visit in j
friend iu tb city this week.
Last nkhts Sonth bemad local was
delayed at this station 7 hours and 5
minute bv freight wreck near Ruck
le. Northbound rrright Nv. J22with
Conductor Risiey and engineer Kinney
in charge bad the tnf to dwrsil a
carl(ad uf ban.iHa cjr Unc'.i s-tatio
in such a manner as t'- p.'s-'e t!i c.r al
most crosswise of tbe track and Mak
ing transportation for aWi six h'r.-.r,
a aivckin cisw H r.J. r1 R.rid
honse foremai, ItoLrt and c-ir re
paircr faurains with E. -A. Morrian as
at a V to know what is th cause as
the track appears to te soind at that
Mrs. J. L. Woodson pined ber hua
baud. Engineer WooJoa, at Dnnsdnir
Tburtlay. He is now employed in tha
yards there.
Fireman an-1 Mrs. E. L Fisher ar-
rrH WflECs-lay with the latter's teeth- 1
fr, -lry- U'n. Preston, en her return
frriai a vist at Portland,
". Olcecn has succeded to C. H-Tho!'.:a-!'
jition as operator ia the dis
patchers ofijev.
Mrs Walter F rnlaa arrived frora Roe
bu. WeduttidAv far a visit with hef
ptvnts J
Harry Ik.yi return.:! Portland
Sunday aad ha resumed bis duties as
couductor left this tsti..n at evto cr ,a 'be roundhfu.
May rtnr:hrd Sundav fir.rri a
o clock and snccve'te-l iu cie.rirr and
tciiriug tb tra. k by bre. oVl-ck. , trip eat and, t- Mexico. He wiU asrain
About ' mi'e of track was tern np. ' t ike a ren a-brakccian r.-tit of Ashland.
Tbe north l-7uud overland N;.. P5 due j Erakeiuan A C. Keller awl wife kft
hare at 11 :15 F, U., x.u- h.M at Riddle ' fM Yt-!no-day for Sai:a Fortra Ci
ani ai no. irnw nere un;;i :.- a. ji when thev nil! :
. . - - r T TTX (S t T V T Tt
A a A A a ft H O,WW.W.W
ttreat fait Lake, Utah.
fec the Tjtle Ooarantae A CJo.
for clue prints and filing papers, tf.
Arthur Benson, sen of Judge Hanry
L. Benson, of Klamath Falls, has been
appointed assistant to J udge J . J. Mur
phy, clerk of the Supreme Court of Ore
gon at Kalem.
Wbea you get a Porosis shoe at eost,
you get bargain. Tha Racket.
Walter Thompson, and old Cottage
Grove boy, ie a member of the Coolcy
Tbeatical Company, which open
week's ongagement at the Botreburg
theater tonight.
Evervthin that ia new and tit-iodate
in eelry at Salrman s.
We notice that Louie ReUeneteia ia
again on the Jocal staff of our eeteelttfld
contemporary, tha Review, Mr. Bargee,
the regular reporter being ilL
tea that dog-powar for rbtirains at
CburehUl & Woolley.
Harry Mslir tha nietliaa - RsaJ
Estate and titabr legator ie ia Portlaad
on bueineei and will probably return to
Ronburg oa tonbts local.
Clocks, Clocks, Cloeitfi thw docke
at j. i. Btyiu t
W. A. overti ratornod hBia M Sun
dav local frota Togeoa wberu he hae
been vituig his brother Geo. tvvcra of
Anv parties desiring to rent, buy or
sell real estate, city or country propertv
will do well to call on or addrees II. M.
Martiii, fllbc? w-jtb Attorney Ixui
Bargee, opposite McC la Uen House, flore
burg, Oregon. W
Thos. Pcott, the gonial watchmaker
and jjwler of Melroee, wae transucting
ujincfs iu Koscburg Friday. He fav'nr-
d tins' ;.'?' ViiJi a pleasant call ana
K-ftsD order for prind letter beadf aud
If vou want firet-clasi painting dne
bv aJrrctical painter, one that kuowe
how aud does good work only, callou
at Cburcbfll & Woolley's harware store ttbat placo.
Do you ned klioes? Set llujt about I Sea FUat'a window tor Ua H'tt
ttyleblo too tv, tit.
Great Introductory Sale of
We want to make the acqu aintanceo Qvsry consumeroi
Groceries in the city and we take this methodof introducing
20 lbs. Dry Granulated Sugar . ..$r oo
25 lbs. Best Rolled Oats i oo
16 lbs. Best Rice 1 00
3 pkgs. 5 miuute Mush
" Wheatine
, ' Malt Breakfast Food
Cream of Wheat
Ivory Soap, x bars for
Royal Savon Soapr 5 bars for 25
Borax Soap, 3 bars for 25
Uncle am Tar Soap, 3 bars for 25
Dwinell, Wright Co.'s Roasted
Java and Mocha Coffee 37
Dwinell, Wright Co.'s Boston
Blend Roasted UoBee 25
Arbuckles Coffee ...
Liou Coffee 12
Xtra quality special roast Coffee 15
PosUim Cereal 20
Grape Nut 15
Walter Bakers Breakfast Cocoa.. 25
Best Spider Leg Tea 40
Best Gun Powder Tea ro
Royal Baking Powder, lb can 25
l It 4i j II l
Golden West " 1 "
it it t
25 ,
Good Strirg Beans, per can... ia
bast. Sugar Corn, per can 10
Best California Tomatoe
Stag Brand Oysters, is
u . tt 2S
tt 11
Best Pine Apple, per can ao
Best Yellow Pt ache?, pctcau ... 15
A full and complete line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Gents Fur
nishing Goods, Hats, Etc., Etc., at prices that knocks 'em all out.
Goods Delivered Free of Charge.
'Phone 721
1 ....... if.-.. . , w- -m-.--?iMa-CXM, ,as. ltwMX