The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 24, 1902, Image 2

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A ' - VM"-i : f 1 51-1?
aon.e odd
in a rocker.
full of worth. lC-ich cu
ing you can realize a div
idf nd from an investment
We have them that are
comfortable and not xpe.nsiv. Cob
bler seat rockers as low us f:. Nur?t
or sewing rockers. $1.5 and up.
In ( arit .-til itw rii-h m-r ii"iii an.I vsri, priwl mi l" -cl
ii to twit intt to hnv Ti-liMheT vw havp inimint ne for it now
In Stove? atvl Rtip-" will mv that ro ,., and Cet our t-riews
W will von "in. 5nrh h Ihw the in the part. So wondor !
hteli cloMt :'?12 r,nrs u-vni pljiin Xo. S Cfc Stor. Charier Oak : ?s 1miv p -
bu cl Plain Xo. 7 cW Stove ; fU tak-- pond 3-pieoe M Ror.n, Suit : f 1
.i"u.iry for the pri-e; pti. heit olid oak poshed rorker. Thottwind
mw.tion for want of fpa- Writ for ratlog9. 4
The Twxr-i-Ttrk
KU5t'UUKJ ridlUUCdltl I
vS . r.(;..vr. Editot ndFMiSr
Ir.M 'fs:r. City Eit'T. S;?ktkr.
At -.rT -T. Ksis, ToMWtt
?. C. ri:Kr. TraT'at! C"lioiior. j
Twicra-Vtsk PUindlr, per yaw, JI 0 j
Kntrl at th Post OfEc in BoMbnrg,
Or., m second class mail mattr.
Advertising Kites oa Appiieation.
MARCH 21. W2.
The Appeal to Kessoo," tbe
cub popuust psper of Kbubbs. coti
taius tLe followirg solid chink cf
wi&dom which tome pe-3ple inicfat
think al-oof :
Oar Jemocri frienda tell ns they ;
faror th people more than the ra
publicnri. v"elJ. they do with their
mouth 3T on mar think this onttud,
lond me jonr sanbonied ear, my
f est ire aiid goo'l-jntentiooed dmo
erat, for a moment Yoor rtatioiial
platfornj satd: "We faror direef
lKt?Ja.iou wherever practical.'
Kow didn't it ? Well, is direct legis
lat ion practical in a slate? Has any
democratic state passe;! sneh a law
Khtj law. Bat Oj-egoo, a fed-hot
republican sta:e, wilb oYerwhelming
majority the in legislatnre, has twice
pawd euc'u a law, and it will be anb
mitted to tLe people next Jone.
That is the moi important piee of
leisia ion that has been proposed
eiue the foundation of the goTern
moat. Don't talk to me abort tbe
deaocrve favcrinj a rule by the
people. rhy nit do what they
premise. In this instaoce the re
pubheaos til l n il promiM. aod have
done. I am wi'ling to girt the devil
President Cke!and, at 05. relaina
bi nieetai facuhica io a remarkable
eiejFre. As an ill'urtifttion : ltefer
litiKtc JJntiiy Watteisoo'a criticiem
cf tbe tepnblicen parlr, Air. Cleve
land aaid: "Well, ibe party tuny get
fcadly timed r.p wilL jteelf at times,
fcui it eria to bove the fculty . of
n!lirg tuK'rf ,f cjteuient tea
aei. "
Tbcse be tbe time when Ifce dele
pale to th conoty cxnention looks
down on ut liny moila1? ac a pucp
kin I iokx down npon a cocamber.
lie is the Renlleuiaa tha' atnonnts to
eotcethicj:--&cccpic a front eeat;
and knowe ell abont bow the whole
thing happened.
One frreat trooble with the 'Inde
pendent' republican primary ticket
jn this rity Saturday, was tht it bore
tLe local democratic press
labeL j
True, loyal repn'oIisaDB are always
inclined to look with r napicion rpon
ar bearing a democratic tiae
m:rk. The repnblican connty t'03Tenion ,
will be held in this city next Satnrdav
and the Congressional convention
n xt Monday. Mr. Tongue will no
d nbt be reDomicoted by acclama
tion, at least he-is deserting of snch
acomplioi eot.
Kegi.tratioii continues slow at tbe
elerk's office. Tbe voters are elrag
plinp iu at their leienre. EveryoDe
is waiting for the last day. Belter
go aud leister now and avoid the
Prince Henry's report to his im
perial brother of bis visit to the
United States roiht well be enrooted
ep in ;hee worn: J came, 1 saw, i
I conquered "
Vhenhy met, the Kaiser em
brac d bis brother, kissing htru r,j
both cheeks. Ooees Henry wishes
r.oa that he had stayed among his i
Did yoa hear anytody eay "let
well enc-ogh sJone" during tbe
days of Cleveland rnle, Ooxey
uit.iture there ' nothing too ood for
ronr Home. o add ta ii beauty by buying
CHAIRS We all spend considerable
time on a chair. Why not
have one that iust fits. With fnuh a
stock of chairs as ours to select, from
you can ctrtaiuly find the kind you
It is always an easy matter to start
tronbl, .S to koop it after
send off.
Mr. Sia:oi). know norr bow jon
fcl: we feci loo -Icdepeinleats.
t'illis Duniway for Mate primer, and
Ralph Paniway for city attorney i all
that the Oregonisn family naiite di far
M beartl frvni. sayi a Tortland e-haujic.
Colonel RoVrt A. Miller, formerly of
Jaaksoii county, now of Clackamas
ourity. is bfciiiji fsTorably spoken of in
onnection with the derAcratic nomina
tion for governor. Col. Miller has leen
fghtuiit the lsttl of Iemocraey for In.
these many year and t widely known
over the "late "
In the ta'e reibii'-aii primaries held
i Satin dev Geer c-car-i several county
dei.-calion : John-, of Daker. carri.-d hi
bom delegation : M'"dy and Willir.m-
!"n ,'31i close f''r -onrr-6 in Kasttrn Or- 1
egosi. and the repnblicviS reem to be
enthusiastic and tln-ronghly alive
throughout the state, which means euc
rese in 3m.
The Hooe of Commons can discount
oar r. P. Senat". Friday Mr. Iillon
remarked to Mr. Chamberlain : "I wiil
tll the honorable gentleman that he is
i a damned liar.'' Ihllon suspended
Ur a week and no one wa hurt. In the
t". 5. instead of su?endipg tbe man
who gave the lie they gave the man who
resented it hail Columbia.
Fort'and Temrerats are now casting
around for a strong atididate to run for
Stare Senator aainrt Judg-H. L. Me
(iinn. Several name nr. beiii;; nien
tinrifd. among the rr.o.i j rotniuent, lx
ipg es-Gowrtior IVnneyer. Charlt F..
Ladd and J"hn M. Gearin. They claim
that with cither "ti "f these eandidate
they can make it very interesting for
their opponent .
F.toexe KrnvAPrr.K Cai-iiiiku. W.
". R-direr, w ho kidnapped his litt!"
-ye?.r-.l 1 daughter, from her mother
it Eugene, as stated on tin- front page
f the Ft AixoEAi pa, was ruptured in
Roeburg yetrday by Shen.T Withers,
f Lane county and theriff Parrot t and
his deputy. H. T. M-"Cie!!an. of this
','innty F.ver since the officers n-eeivi-d
notice here, to l.v.k out f'-r Uohrer. both
(he marshal, sheriff and th-ir deputies
have been on tbe lookout ; last Satnrdav
Sheriff TarroU receivH word that Robr
er was bidiiig in what i- known as ore
of the FKruar honcs. west f the rail-
road track and jnt opj.ito Mrs. Rast's
liorise. The !itise is oi ctipi"! by a Mr.
Nail and his family. Al-nt ight o'clock
the sheriff and his depuiies surrounded
iheli.tiae. After knocking at the door
od receiving no rep.ris. they gained
entrance llirowgh a side d'r which was
nnlocke'd, and found Mr. Xail in bed in
one of the r r r'Hirns, and soon appre
hended Mr. Kohrer anI his little Iaug)i
ter. The Nail family were not in but
were visiting with neighbors. Roher
r.-a plrfcts under arrest and taken to
Eugene Saturday nigh, iccotnpanied by
bis little daughter.
Mark 'i urpiu of Winchester was in
Kosebor thi weok circulating a j.eti
t ion for the purpose of asking th legi
later to make the fish law for fishing in
lDe t mpqnn river the same as that of
the l.olnmnia. .Mr. 1 urpiil caught
about 2vM) lb. of fish last season and
ays were tb laws covering fishing in
the t'mp'ia the same as ot the
Colombia he cmld have caught twice as
Mrs. David Clements, a daughter cf
Mr. Jeff Singleton, who has l-'n in
this city to attc. id the funeral of her
sister, Mrs. Salzman, left sir her home
at Deborgia, Montana, on this morning's
A party f rout 2o people consisting
f eiht families from Kai.t-as have just
arrived in this city with the intention of
loestiug here. They state that several
snore families will arrive tonight.
ur republican irienns wno were so
prompt iu sending in the primary re
turns to the Pi.AixnKAi.ER, will please
accept our choicest thanks.
Mrs. X. Boyd and 15011 Johnnie have
returned from Ashland w her-; they have
been for snie time past for the benefit
of the letter's health.
c. F. Efiiuger, a reprosntative of the
: ?an 1 isn-ifco itotei t-azette, was
j ing after the interests of Ids publication
in Roseburp today.
Mrs. Elmer Hampton and baby left
" 's niorning's local for a shot! visit
with br sister. Mrs. co nran. at Win
Msrcbers ot' the I)gree of Honor are
requested to met at the I. O. O. F.' Hall
Wednesdav at I ;30 oclock, by ,oidcr of
Eauai t P' .up 1.KHII i "iiiJI .' , - a9
flmt " ' ""i''!'1? 'W
or tint. .
tlu-ti other j.....t Hnl pru.
f :0 huyclnncr Mejl hang th
h1 plain N. t -ok Nov. . .w
p-t N,t dinins 111 tl.ia
ot good harmi. which w fan t
4 tew Spirited. But Good Naturcd
Ticket in Roseburg,
by the Rejcutar
Ticket. Two to O.u.
Tlio repnUUan primaries were held
in the ieil precincts in Douglas
county !uM Saturday, puriuM to the
call of the republican c entral comroittee.
and doiesat- were elected to attend the
mniy tvuteiilion liich ermvenee in
Ronburg Hturday. March 20, llK2.
conii!iencia at b o'chvk a. ru., iu the
Several spiritwl. yet gol nutnre.1 1
eal contests rxTurreJ in the seWtion of
delegates in a few picciucts, Koset-nrg
ht'ing the seem of about the liveliest of
these oolite? t. w here the isne " be
tween the followers of Hon. A. M. t raw
ford, candidate for the nomination of
attorney general, and Hon. J. C. Fnller-t-iu.
candidate for the nomination for
governor. The FullerUin people, cham
1 k.ced by Hon. Joint II. Shupe, er
the tirrt to pet a primary ticket in the
CeJd, Coming out late Fridav evening
with a ticket for each of the four Rfee
burg precincts. bi h was desiiruat-l
'iD-iriiendeiit Republican Ticket." Tliis
indeeiideiit iuoemei.t rreaU-d a slight
s'irpriw. sind on Saturday morning the
Crawford, or i-goler republiinns, head
ed by S-nato,- A. C. Marstcr, is5a-l a
a primary ticket for the four precincts
under the heal of "Republican Ticket."'
and the delegates, etijcrvisors and com
mitteemen on this ticket won by a
majority of almost two to one, in each
o: tbe four preciiiets. the vote fall
ing only a'o'it one-third short of tbe
fe.U vote of tv o yers ago.
At Pram an ettort was put torth to
-ei-ure a ti.l delegation farerabl" to
Roy Appiegate, of that city, for the
nomination 01 representative from th;it
part of the county and this movement
, 1 a eminent iy sueces-snii.
I It i also understood that the delega
tion from Riddle aud some t'ther pre
j cinct will come to the convention en-
' thus.ia'iic for the
ti'mination of Atty
j 1. I!. Riddle for representative from that
i part of the county. It is al.o stated
that I'rof. J. E. lve of I'anywiville,
w ill hae con-cderable follow ing (or the
same nomination.
While there was oiniderahle faction
al etriic exhibiteil in a few precincts
there is no quest iu4tit wliat all of these
little party differences will lie M-ttled in
the county convention and that every
true republican w ill show magnanimity
and gixsl sense enough to abide by the
will of the majority, and will, follow
the example of Chairman Crawford, of
the republican county central committee
who we overheard sensibly remark, "Xo
matter who is nominated in the conven
tion next Sat urdry 1 will be ready to
pull off my coat and work for the suc
ces of the entire ticket ." Thi is a true
and characteristic spirit of republican
ism and is' significant of the continued
success of the party iu county, state aiid
national jxditics. -
The following is the- list 'of delegates
chosen from the various precincts Sa -unlay,
and also the precinct officers
nominated, co f-ir a can be a"-certained :
The polling place was at the city hall.
II C Slocum was chosen chairman and
A J Buchanan and C S Jackson, clerks.
Regular Ticket Delegates, K L Mil
ler, J B Williams, S C Flint Chas.
Fields, C B Cannon, Con. Denning, L
B Moore and II S French; road super
visor, X T Jewett ; committeeman Ed.
Independent Ticket Delegates, I. B
Moore, Walter Davis, J H Shupo, Sam
Josejihson, H S Ijencli, J-1. Cooper Ed.
Davis and SC Flint: committeeman,
John H Shupe.
Result Regulars 55, indejiendents 119.
The polling place was at tbe court
house. John Hamlin was chosen chair
man and Delmar'T'ixoii and Al. Treason
clerks. "'
Regular .Ticket Delega fes, C W
Parks, Win Dixon; F W Haynes, 8 O
BarU-uui, Wm. Schmidt) John Strader
and Ed. Cochelreas ; road supervisor, TV
H Brown; district 32; I. L Matthews',
district 33 ; Chas. Van Zile, commit tee-,
Independent Ticket Delegates, R B
Dixon. Louis Smick, Wm. Schmidt. E
Hatfield, Geo. W Noah, Al. Creasou and
M Howe ; oomtnitUemaii, E B Jjixoa.
Reault-r-Regulars 70 votes,' ujynd
ente, 27.-, '
. - IMML'A. '"
The polling place wm at the school
house. J W Wright was chosen chair
man slid !. E Harvey clerk.
Rejziihir Ticket I Vlcgatcs, II L Mars-'
teis. Frank Calkins. ,T W Wright, Chas
(.trv..l Newland. Roland Agee and
l-'l. Itam'in; roal suirvisor, district j
Arthur Cl.kc : listrirt'. XA'Slj :
Moore. ..-.-
Independent Ticket I'clegates; 'At
Cloyd, J W Wright-, L si Moore, Rolan'i
A gee, 1" W Ronson. r,eo. W Jones and
Frank Calkins; committeeman, J . W
Wright. ' ' '
Result Regulars 3H, iuden lsnts 14,
The polling phwe wa at the lumay oi
the Roe Hose d tiraftou Worthtng
n was chosen cliairmari and J C Cm
stork and W F Ross e'erk-. Ticket-leiegjitt, , V?
W.,r;!ono.n. . W Rtpp, ls j Buick.
1. l t arle, .1 K I5.-SS. Hen Russell, iiie
Ferry. M.-se l i.- ;.;id uprvi-wir, Ci W'
5cart ; criniiiuttemaii. Harvey Jon.
Independent Ticket I'elegates, Wiu
Moore, C F Clark. Ghi. J Heaton,
Moore. Jas. Fletcher. I! Ffiilbert. F F.
Allev. Tilly Troxel : cmmittvman, V .
Alley " : ... . V,..
Result Regulars 70. independents II.
It w ill lie noticed that t tie same name
of a few jhtsoiis appear on each of the
contesting tickets alsve which is tlie re
sult of factional lines not being clfety.!
o? u r k rnixjNtTs. .
Asiarasthe ttivina rreunets-are
concerned in the Crawford. Fnllerton
contest, "e strr ngth of tiiee t no parlies
it ab.ut cnaliy divided, so fnr as can le
Oaklaud Prr-eiiu t . tK.hyut.. .1 U
Cochran. I. W lKinham, A F Itrf.w n. J M
I"ep-r. A G Young. II R Mannin. A
F Steams; road supervisor, J L, Hun.
Calapooia Frecioct. D l jhI-, F)lmer
Parker, C D Sndth. )U ntn Miivs, J A
l', Dwight, Robt . Htuik:
r-ad supervisor, PC Parker; jurtiee. B
J Rovingdi'ti ; conjtabits tirant TayKir.
I'as Creel Precjuct. xDrain I-le-gaU-svt)s,-ar
ApplegateClva Wie. S W
Cellers. Matthew HedricV. L St Oree. A
E Stopker. J i) Jobns-m jr, J.d Tracey.'
C T Hoover. F-id Supervisor, J W
Canyouviile Fre-iin-l -Ihdegate. John
I. Arztier, John Fullerton, F. I Itay.
Frank Hopkins, W F Harri-. Juti--e
W F Harris : constable. F M Hopkin:
suervisor. II A Stewart; committoman.
W F Harris.
Millwood . Ie!egate W B Clarke, J
L Chun hill. C I. (Jermond.
Myrtle Creek. Delegate, Hiram (lal
lap. Fd Weaver. lym Rolir.fn, Hepry
Jone JuMice of the pcai-e. Henry
Jone : constable. C R. Mf(i; roni
tnitfei'man. Hiram Vlallap. " ' ' '
Cow Cn-vk. Debyatee. ; J R fiilbam.
(Vmnt Levens, E E irilcn. Rrd stipi-r-visor'.
W S IW'th : committeeman, (irant
Coles Valley. Ivlegate-. Wm Kamp.
W T Emery, Henry Conn. Cha Thiin'.
Jastiee of the p ar-, W W roJl
supervir.'l-iwant Voir Pesl.
Azalea. IVlcgutes. . E' Nichols "ti
W Riddle. Justice i f the peace, J A
Wharton ; constable, B R Fish; rd
siijicrvlsor, A E Nirholj ;omniitba-Dia,
it B Fish.
(erdalc. fVlega!e C P Tott.ji. Ml
Chftse, H ft fonriernan. A ti Clark. Ju-
tice. R K Montgomery ; eon-table, W 1
Tott-n : snrn-rviwir, J'- Jones; commit
teeman, R K Montjiimery.
Olall.t Klegat'-. R Spr, .. S.Ir
land: Trfis Chun-hill'. Justice. T W
Newland; constable, II 7. Ireland;
supervisor. F I) Newland. dist 14;.
Bushtiell, dit IS: committ-inan, AS
Ireland : B F Wells, secretary.
Civil Bend. I'elegates, J A EggOJS,
J T F"ter, Dave Thompson. Justice,
I B Nichols ; constable, Victor Phillips ;
supervisor. W S Johnson ; eonitnitte
man. J A I'gg'r.
Wilbur. I leletes, J l,Chapmau, K
F. I.alrie. X La Rant "jr. K-ott Henry,
Yoncalla. iVlegates. C R King. l W
Stalcy, Ben Huntiiicon. Mr. Hilliwell.
W i-legle, A W Ijirnb. W F tummon.
Riddle. Delegates, J B Riddle, (iff
K nine. Iwis Ash. W I. Nichols. M
Looking ila. Ivlegates, "John
Spaurh. Ira Howard, A H BueU.
The precincts not yet heard fmm arv
Bohemia, Camns Valley. Cotnstuck, East
l'mpUu, Elkton, Ganliner. Kellogg,
Ijtke, ML Scott, Perdue, Scottbnrg.
County Republican Ticket.
As the time draws near for tha county
republicau convention, and since the
delegates have all been chosen in the
various precinct, it might not lsa amiss
lo mention the names of the republicans
who hava been prominently spoken of
for recognition on the county ticket and
wlmse friends will come to the conven
tion ior tne purjiose ol championing
their respective interest-:
; A F Steams, Oakland ;'RoyApphgat f
Drain ; F H Rogers, Ganliner; Ira B
Riddle. Riddle; Prof. J.E. Love, Can
yonvrlle; G W Riddle, A.alea.
K L Parrott, et" Roselmrg.
D R Shambrrxik, of Unina Ferrv.
tieo W Dimmick, of Kellogg.
Benton Mires, of Oakland ; G W Stale-,
Yom-alla; S C Bartrum, Roseburg.
A. S. liuell, Looing Glass. .
M I) Thompson, of Scottsburg.
A K Nichols of Azalea ; J E Young, ef
F. B. Hamlin, Roseburg.
- r
C F Rebert, of Canyonrilla ; TT
hi ig's, of Canyonville. v
fr. J C Twitcbell, Roseburg.
. It will be observed by relerenci to the
above list of candidates that all parts of
the county is being fairly
I no matter who Is selected from the list
to make up the ticket it will be a good
one and a winner.
G. E. English, of . San Francisco,
vititiiig Jat Curry at Riverside farm.
aiil"a' fl. J iw iaari-i ' -
Will. Open A Weeks 'Engagement In
5v - "Peaceful Valley" tonight.
Theatre goeis are .elated over thu an
uiUini'Miicjit tjuit.the FranVCooiev Co..
will open a we'ks- enj.c'e'nicnt here to-. '
,,1,, 8nd it looks an. if a crow-M house" j
wyi.:rut. M t ,0;. in ;,t,cwcful-Vl-'L
lov'thuijeiiiii( fjny.'.."' ; ' ' ' 1
.pari'ul VJi.y:i rV iwi'.yVwwfuj
1 - - i
i hunwr 'Ujrh in -loijn't . tu pl-f . Th '
pIot-A:'iUtini the hiii.ry . i ev-nt !
xv:nriug ,iu .the-.Iive's' of several
Hampshire jauilioi reidijiit in the
White Mts. Tha hero cf the play i
Hosea .Hoove, h bright thougb winiM-
what green, ountrv stunlv who-is-work- ,
highi.wav through tol'leSe, Hegsj
to New York to find a loM aitr and i
s..k a fortune. Hi- adventures there !
are very hufuonms and never fail to put !
the audience in a good humor. After 1
tie yeai of j motion j.;ons a favora- '
1 de4sJon in ; a'l.iw suit and regain
j, ...... .oi, -m-pr. rtc wtiicii is I
w-rth a 'fortune and itirmies the girl ot j
h'J"lioiee. S-eii'siti'W sale at Mronj
Fuiiiiiitre store. Prices 10--U-Viicents.
Myrtle Creek News.
-T'rj Hall is vjelring ith
hi mothw.
Mr John Hall. " " ; '
frs. Alice Cotton is seriously ill
congestion of the lungs.
The rui well is showing up .
making 9 to 10 feet per day.
Tbe children of the Sundav whool
tbi"- tiLt are preparing to h..e an ejj
soatinji on the lo'.l- n-Lt SatrHay.
John Heinricft. Sr., arfivo1 here and
on Saturday went by stag to hic mining
property m outb Myrtle. Tbe Little
Chieftain and The Couinnai.
Yiir ei -re-.ndeut was fa.nivl wi'h
a view el an asay mail r e . Ki.
'AY right ot tirant Pass, ..n (uarlz irOm
South Myrtle mince, uod the work
cliOc-wl WMcIi . .rf;.l in gold, silver
and C.ppei- rat tUV4.s4 par
Th-neatnes in whi-.-l. f-m ' hayie-
has trimmed the oak 1tvs on our stne
is verv siigjrestii. TLat lie will t.
wantef bv ai' orcluinli-ts tt
.- k
xear t
tmin fruit trees, rape vi-s tc, ap
ply at once or yoc will nt l-a'alde to
secure hi sen t"-. ' '
Through tho -.erv aK -..n-i.-s and at
tentKHi'o! Dr. Whrt.xiinb. Mrs ArmiTagc
lja's o far recu" ere-l frr-in her severs at
tack of hii rs.i'siori. that she is aiii
ahla to attend to her duties as uierin-
ten.ler.f of Sunday scho.-:. V". C. T. I".,
aud'otber much' need-si worl: to N-i-ef:
tlie' standing f.f a deinoeratic ";:
etixt. "Tl.e Republican primaries held l.-re
t'-lay re-uited in II. . allot. -ei'.r com
ndtteenian, "IM Weaver. . Ji.res,
Weaver. Lou
l;..!.jr,?-b ,.-l-g,.r to '
county f'livi-ntion. H. J... can-i Jai 1
-ferJwvtia of f, r C :. Mri
Conjjs'ble : F. ',j."P.iet.',':'rt..vl stipcrri-or.
district No. 40: Wm "ifuliev road su-
pervisr district No. 41: Wm. Stve!i
ma.1 superriSwr oisrriit No 13
.1 ' : " HsM l.HH
Notice ot Miners Meeting.
''". Cblcs. Ongon, AIar. it ...
I!"'-. Notice i b-reby ;neii thai a
ereerinn of Jni.'ier" wilf i held in Sa --mh
-)m tp m Rnege' S W-t t..i:gl.4.s
C:wnty. eT?.ii. in the Vi..mi; ,
t ,,.,- ., s ,.la.T. ,.r , ..
fMKni'ii'A ji irifiu..4isrrie. ;i XpnlJ
Mb. P at lf hour 1 1 o'c iV. .'a p,. i
AH miners"mterv.t..i n ,,,. s..i,
flinir are ii.vii. i in iy pn-reiit lo tas- j
,To"ee in tbe etcti..'ii r-flicrr .:ul
btiicr ersisI.-a-asT, b rt-av i-?iv- bfor
the meeting. t .: W. ( ki' -.ts
M. Aavrr..::
I.. M. iim v
. H.'K-.f.iiT
W. J. UW- ,;
K. L. WoAtvrr.
rwolinpjrtant Bills.
; Wsi"noTo, yrrb 21. To' imp-runt
meur- were pa'ed by the Sen
tstay. Ibe rill "for the repeal of the
tvafreyenue tAxes and that for the pro.
tecYi-n of the President i the United
State. The war revenue bill, was
pa sees trillion i dhi-ion, aud alter onjv
iie short iwh.
' .-Notice." '
AI. liieuiliers of Aloha Ish; K.
of y.
aw rjiu-st-i to lie pres. nt . nvt
jjesdgy t-vetiiiig at lhen will U-
111 ing to eal at well as- itiij-t'i tant
ne . . ...
' Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
CHMCH 27,-..2BTiBD""29
ladiej", we uesl u-t stop to x
, plain b. vou our b-autiiul line
oflrencli PatPrn Hals. Th.-v
nre of sc. ri.r skill and stvl,'.
; Ytm.will no Joabt agrw with
I u after -your iiiiH-.(i,,n Our
trimmings, tnev are nunene.
All the lat est novclt ie . in lacfy,
' "jiearl effects ami Cobashon. ',.
iriVrte all our old ciioinor and
as-many new ones as Can find it
Cnveni'litt-j collie.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
March 27, a8 and 29.
Title Uuarantee&Loan Co.
J. D
1 reMiloo'..
0. C. H.ii.TOS,
. tJecy. aad Treai.
Cfllfd liuhr Court Hnn-u. Hive the nnlv com-pli-iesvt
o( utwirurt lKlk iu UOii-lnn t'ouuiy
4tstracrvu. Ccrtierstes ot Tills lurol.vbcd to
OouelasciHinty Una mid oilntn cIiOjow. h.i-o
itoarempU-le-elol TractilKs of all UiwunMn hr Hoscliilri!, Orcsjon, tj.- Si. -Lnnil liii
mew 01 m- Pino piioi copies ol any Iowa
htn rhowiuK all variiti6vriiiiuunt ln is.
KoWrv luliliu -lu ofiiou.
lauunuicw iumMk,
Corrapondr'nre kOilcilud.
t . f.
". lr.vintc PVt'liaratUins siaiplr devel?
op dry catarrh r" luey dry up the sec'niioijs.'
y mvuwuacrv 10 uiu DiDiaorone aiui dc cuius
causing a far more serious trouble tbaa
tbe ordinary form pf mm xh, Aroitl all dry.
teg TubulaulSj fumes, .smokes inugt
and list! "that vliiih cTeansea. o.ul,. ...J
Lrals. Uy'fc Cream I'alni ia auch a renisdv
ana wm cure caisrxu or cola in the head
eaady and i-leaiianily. A. trial siz will be
mailed for 10 cents. All druccibtsaeli tv
600. size. Ely Brothers, 6G Warren Hf., N.Y.
Tha &4 iu. can w ithout. jiain, d'V.a not
ifitaio.o canse nssiin?, it s..j-L-3j iisif Irritated and -Bnry surfaces Miiv.
fn Uuuiedialoly the paiuful influi.miiilion.
With Ely's Cream Balm you are nruiod
egsi&st vasal Catarrh and 2Yrr.
Carload of Pianos and Organs Coming
T. K. Kichardon baa decided to sail at
vsa:i6ce ail bi-t ral egtttn, inelnding
jno of the finest homes In Organ. Will
Mil fttnek of milltMl omr , . , m KaIasaIa In
i anv one wi-Mn 10 take the e ira etnek.
Great reduitions will he ni,urd from
liia reaalar prices, cash o- isaa!la;nU.
T. Is. H n-ii nir .
A.mlmu Sa oon s.m-il'ij.,
" P' W' Ul,"bMt ""l?ic "iM b
OUt " 6 c,tU "r '
Music Galore.
Lorik out for onr new carload nf Pitco
ajid Organs ol different make, lucluJiog
a Cnu Baby irnd. Hsve j'l-1 rrttived
two new orders, una lor a Grand and o-.e
for a Colonial Xeedham nisro in horl I
walnut bke the above cat. We also bare
several orders lor Orgate and about od-
hall of our car load ia n'.a 'eoo. Get in
I line with yonr oitfer or you wiil mis this
r great litieral opport;itiit' ta gt an es
01 pppsiTe instrument elisap.
Abstract of Title to Dee-te.1 Land.
Prirfr rraT rrr. frtr ff'ttrr r.n fiovt-rn.
s- j - 't v'a I - m p ft
jnent Land.
Blue Pnt of Township Maps showing I
ail acant Lands,
One Dollar hach. I
1 "
Plans nd Estimatea for all Build-;
tags. j
Srsecia I deirn for Office F-lifure-
OOice in Marks Building. 'Phone .15
j H. Little, &
Oakland, .
i .. Confectioneries ..
rtefirKtt erearn ami triad ro
Jir. Ttuej cakri and Cool :.
T((s.f o, Ci is I'niil
ej t xi-J -tc- ail
Rapp's Drug Store
Special Sale of Stationery
ruesday.. Wednesday,
- .
:sdajv Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday,
; MafCh 35, 6, 27, 8
To reduce stock we will on
above dates offer at reduced
prices our entire line of Sta
tionery: Writing Tablets,
Composition Jooks, Spelling
Blanks, etc:
-uiar rric-. o cts-.,
" 15 .
Boot Paptr and Envelopes
IVulnr pric, Ii cte., sate price. 1 ct
' Zi '
" ' fH S3 "
all other goocts in stationery
line proportionate! cheap
during sale.
ft AarJ32avsA
Get Yor
Ro:5elarg, Ore., Dec. S, 1901.
State Chemist, Oregaoi Agricultural College,
Cor vallis, Oregon.
Dear Sir -We send you by this mail sample of sulphur takeu from our
stockof spray material. Please make a careful analj'si-; of same aud inform
us if it is of such standard of purity that it will fill all requirements for mak
ing first class spray compounds. If it is not sufficiently pure for such purpose
please inform us where wc can obtain sulphur which will meet all require
ments. Very respectfully,
Mr.A.C.MarstetS&Co., - CorvalU,, Oregon, December I2, 190I. .
Roseburg, Ore.
n r.' v-'r-r wwtjv. "V ,-,,, Ult.. .sma..,: -.-1 r ....
have been reeeived-
I have examineai
sulfur. I think that it
.spraying compound or
quality,ur cau get it. that it will be a, good as any sulfur that u Z
lor sprayiug material.
A. C. MARSTERS & CO., Drup-o-ists
T. K. KICHARDHOS ia the onl Eocth
ern O egon Music Ceiler who has eve.
.hppd a car load of Pianos aod Or
gats direot Irom ice ic:ory.
Practical Watclim.iker, Jeweler and Optician
Carries a complete stock of Watches, Clocks,
Jewelry, Diamonds
sr-. .- tiie'x:v.
I aT J ---- a
m nil 1 it m
E. C
Best Rigs and Teams in the City.
Transient Stock Given Special Attention
Call and see me. 'Phone 601.
My barn has lately been enlarged and I have added several
new rigs, and am better prepared than ever to
furnish you gecid turn-outs.
Our Cream and Home-made Bread is as aood rr better
thin ever an i will t-8 delive el to any part ef the city.
Leave orders or "phone Main 15.
i J. SIEVERS. Pronrietor
-g,a.-amg- ajaaBBBBBBBBftB
?. Cm tn,
r r
For a Prompt and First-clase
t-haTe or Hair-cut. Compe
tent Workmen, Clean Tow
els, Tools always in shape.
Baths In
T fbop on Jackson St.
Spray Material at
suinug suuur
this sample and fiud that it is
would answer the purposes
lusectictdes. I think that if
ew Yorktead Boston.
Is the place to boy planet and crgn.
sod we bate a saw scL-eme to secure for
oar eastomers a piano or organ at eae-
fllib leas than ever bafora sold In Ibis
part of the country. This will alto five
too the beocfit of a cheap Irei.hf, which
can ooiy be secured by ahippicg dirttt
from lactory in car load lota, sod ia ,
order to do this we mutt Lavs year order
io sdracr giving as catre of piaae
wanted with style, kind of wood, color,
etc., and I will seVct ia person tbe la
t!roent wanted. Aoy i-eraon thiokiag
of getting an instrument will do well te
take advantage of this rfTVr. Let oa
have yonr order as eaily aa convenient
ai it will -take a boot six weka or twe
months to ret this car throng- to free
burg. Uruiember this meatis toy make
of piano desired. See yonr teigbbors
piaco or organ cet riyle srd price an4
we will daplicata rs abeva mentioned
We bare 6ve orders already in bot we
nerd aboot tweiity more to carry oat Ibis
erterpriae Call or add res
T. K. Kicii-b. set,
Kos-burp, Or.
and buverware
Watch Cleaninj, 81.00
P.k-JgeU s
arness Shop.
Jackson St.
CASE, Proprietor
1-UV jacivson c-irrci.
near Caas
Ti OCfc,, Mr-Micuiuic, Or. a
; Atnt.of insnraiH-e in fonv, fll,r-CC.V0C0
I Net gain iu one vear, 2-Z,77.CQ
, 1 Sating it meniU-rs I jr., SO'L-S
1 iN umoer separate risas, g-'.Je
A. J. Buchanan.
; liosvl-crg, t.regjii. Act. for LVcglas Ce.
ana lue sample or stilfur
almost entirelv ntir.
very sitisfoctorilv for
w, u .lV
truly yours,