The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 20, 1902, Image 4

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    Notice for Publication.
noebuti:. o .!.iu. ;ai, UsiJ.
Nortec is Uerv.hy given ihst i . i-or.ii'
W il" the pr ai' i kis of tl- it o' C-:i-;jrti-' oi
9 in-.ls7S. et.;'t 1 n a I the saleof
ti n a-r nti 1 'i : . lav,.--: riiia Oii-ou,
Ka a-i and tVa.'. tigivu IVitiIo.v," as Client
ed . all the ! uaiic Laud States b.- net of An;-
J am Kill lc;:.
fl Two Hur -.r. i .i u't oi I . C; -. S ..lo o Jli-i-ne
la. ha" iu.d.-iy lied in In - otic His snvn
tie eiucr.l N. :il ;r t!i - in:r.- "I li" ' I
..i-.ition S-i. l . v..,.li'p .-li, .mil oi K':ttu''
7 '. 'St. and will iB r pr..-f l '" Cril llie
P-n i m more va.u. i--- ii- timl'.-r or ti-an l-r a ri'ill' llrt Mir; e"i. rtll-I to
ei'aMUb claim l ssi-l "l.t ie'.re t'-ie
Kw.hlei and K--ivivi-r of tbi oni--- ::t Hi.-.-, bun-.
O. i-i-.on. on Tiiur-.Kv. t'le l.'.'i day uf April,
.t2. He tmiiira a w -iini's-ses: J -Im,
Tw. A. B' I'Hiis. . V inter, of Tiv
Harrt, Mum., aud Jos Bruan of Hu'mth,
i:.r r.ii 1 all pcrs-ins claiming idvirs-iy the
Rl .e-.i.evibeJ Ian.1 are requested io liic their
c a'iUK in t 1m oiliee oil or be:-.ii' fad '."th duy
lt .-.pi.! rv J. T. Hll 1 -F.S,
i..p Register.
Notice for Publication.
United Slab's I. "'I Hit i'. il-ccei, all ;1. '
N'liiee N erhy iieu thai in eo i.p . .in-'-
Will ii'.r provl-i.l-.iri of tlio act .M "o:ig.r-S ill
J-i ,-.,!. entitle! "An act !.r t!
tt".itT 3tiK i-.i tlie slatis if ca'i'o'nia, C
N ." a-!i. and w-ashiintVii lV-r::-r.. ". - e.te'.i''
wl ' k.i nt;i- 1-aii i stale in- ai l of Aui:urt
4. Is.-J.
toil Ijp.IS'U.
f Wmv i.akf , o ua'v f Aurora. Sta'e of outh
I'a oU l.a !i -iy: ! m thisoftioobi
Mf.oir.-: No ;H ; r t o fitiiha ot tbes'4
rK-, :'.i:i K'.. SW'4 o .- f .on .So. It, Tjwifni
. tan . f'nts' au 1 w ili ofcr i-ro if to show
ah;: t o la-id offii l t 're valuable for its tim
b r i.r tie ibaa -for nerk altnral purpwea, and
t ia"l h List4aiui U s-iii inii-i bV'fore the
t'.i-i i'rati-1 R'eivirof t: im -ffice at Kneiiticp, on We.lucd.-.y. t'.e hi f.ay of Ajuii,
ixK'i. lie iu-"-H' "S imes : t'li ules Thotn,
J.!m Turn i. JoUii Kvku, tduanl Von l'tsl,
ail oi t'lt vi' .:; t, Or,'ic 11.
Ar.yan.lal person?, c'.aimii's a'iver?ly ti-.e
a'ive iij!'iiHi l.,t;'!s are eiiuolel to file
their rlaim in t'.iLs ofliec on or be o;e said lfth
dav of Ai'li!,l'A'i
" FUs J. T. BttlDGEiS, Becikter.
Notice foi Publication.
United State Land Ofiiee.
Koebur?. irti:on Jacuary 30. I1-.
Nii'.ii'C i lu'-vt-y eiven that ill coirp'.iauje
sci;h the p.-KVinoPii of tbe act of Conrrti.- of
Juiif . iTS. eciitlcd " An act for the ie of
,i;iii.-r ! u i- ' j Uiesiaic of C alifornia. Ureou.
Kvad and Waliiutton rrritorv' as extended
to aul'lue public laud blatCa b; act of A'i'USl i,
16. '2,
Of Two Harbors, county of Lake, state of Minne
t.,u has this day rued iu this office his nuorn
naivm.-nt No. itdi. for the purchase of tbe
l4. of station So. 2, lowiifhip SJ south, of
ran : " 't. si. d will offer proof id ebow that
the ltnd aotuiht i mure valuable far its timber
or ;oue than for asmo'itnral purpose, and to
e'.iM3h hi claim to raid land before the Res
ist -r and Receiver of this otlire at Koxburit,
O:eou, on iDuiaOar tbe 17 tn day of April, lMUL
lie names ae iri neBe- John Brown, Jag. II .
Liinv. of"lo Harot'i, Minn., J as Brown, of
lm' Minn., chas. A. Yemberg, of Two Har
bors, Minn.-
Any and all persons claiminz adversely the
alve-i1ewri Vil la'ida are requested to file their
f ieiMis in this odice ou or belure said 17th day
of April, l'A'J,
Notice for Publication.
KosiBCtu, Ore.. Feb. S, 1V0.
Notiee is hereby given that in compliance
with the provision of the act of Congrts-s of
June 3, i7k. entitled ' An Act for tue sale oi
Timber Lands in the States of California. Ore
Ron. Nevada, and WaU.instou Terr lory," as ex
tended to all the Public Land States by act of
Au; tst 4, lMfJ,
of Dulutli. County of ft. LotiU. State of taicne
ao'.a, has tiiisday hied in this oiiica her sworn
statement 'o. Jl, for the purchase oi the SE'-t
of sectieu So. SO. township SI south, rauae e
west, and w ill offer proof to show that the land
sought la more valuable for it limber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to ectablish
her c aim to said land before the Kegisur and
Kceeivtr of this omee a' t osebcrg. On-con, on
Friday the 25 dav oi May, iv02. she rames as
w i-jieVse-s: ' Thomas E. union, o Aileodole,
Oie , Aibtrt Bollenbaneh and Thomas Lawsou,
of Rid';. Ore., and Jtrs. Mary K. Brown, of
Du.uth, Minn.
Any and ail person claiming adversely the
ab.ive uescrild are requested to file
t.-eir cl'.ims in this omoe on or before sniJ 3 oi
2Iar, iKi. J. T. BRIDGES.
m3p Eegister.
Administrator's Sale. "
In County Court of State of Oregon in and for
Diiu-laf Coumy.
1 n inal ter of estate of Thomas Coats, decea fed .
Notice ii hereby g.ven that yuisuant to an
order of the Comity Court made and entered in
the Journal of said" court on March 3, 1M2 and
recorded in Vo' 10 on page c.V. thereof au
thorizing and directing the undersigned admin
istrator of above named estate to sell the real
property of said e-tate at public or private-sale.
Tne orders fctfd administrator will
on and after the lwth day of April, 1H02,
offer for sa-e at private sale "on the premises,
and seirto the Licbest and best bidder, for cash
in hand, the following described real proper
of said estate to-wit: e'jSE1 Sec excetin;
one acre more ories heretofore conveyed to
ice II. E. church for the site of a church" build
ing, containing 80 acres, more or less: a'" J tbe
foliowinc described real property to-it: E'i
of the S: J of Donation claim of Thomas Coais
and wiie. The whole o' said riaira being de
scribed as lollowine, :o-wit: The XEi and N'j
of SE'4 sec 31 and of XIV 4 Sec ii. The
la: named rmei containing ) acres, more or
le. AU of said leal property being in lon
sb CS eoulb of ranee 7 nest in Douglas couutv
Fr farther pvi-calars aid information to
the premise, apply to '.he nndersiinied ad
ministrator to the address, Oiaua, Douglas
co'.mtv -r.-gon.
L'atcd this 7th day of March iwa.
(ml3) Administrator.
In the Justice Court for l'eer Creek
Co mty ot L'ouglas, Male of Oregon
. L- coca,
The Ealfour Outherie Invest-f
deniCo., a corporation,
Uelf ii'iunt )
To tbe Halfoor Untherie Investment Co, a
coi porn lion, Wt al oe naaied drfeli'iant:
In tbe na'oe of the S'.aie of Ore-ii, you rc
hereby rtuced to apfM-ar beioie tbe uuder-sipiii-d,
a Jcstiee of the fesce for the Listrict
aLuve tamed, on or be.'oie the tbe 12h day of
April, A. J'.f l'Jui, at bis office in Rosebuig,
Oregon, at tbe hour of 10 o tlok iu the fore
nju:i of said day, to answer the complaint filed
against you in ihe above-cntiiled action, and
i) yoj fail to rppeat and auswrr as herein re
quired, for wani thereof, the I laintiff will take
judgment aainsi you (or W.5u, and his con
a:;1 duii- m lit iff action.
Thissumuions is puiilitied once a week for
:x successive weks in the Bosebnrar flatn
rte-i'er, a s;ml-eeiily rewsjiaiier i ubitshed at
a-W'ioTK. or.-wii r.y orHeriM incjusJceol
wtc r-tscx- 91 sa.4 Juu:vt, taade Feb. il, iSX-i
J lie lust p'lti.iealion of this nimxoiu is on the
.4. a uay ol lebruary, li)ij;.
II. I. itoniXETr.
Justiccof tbe Peate, for Deer Creek District
UKug i auuiv, Oregon.
Attorneyrfor Piainltfl
Notice for Publication.
Eoskbcbo, Oecoon, Ma'. 13, 1:4)2.
N'otioe is hrrcby eivx-u taal in cunipbaucc
.w:tn tne t-rovisiens nf tlie act of Corurnts of
aune o, jr. s. Cfiilliel "An set lor tlie sale ol
timber landain the State, of l"ilifj-nia. (nrn.n
Ki vada and Wattinrmn Te-riloi-y,' as extebd-
mwai' me ruowc ind B la tea by act ol Auk.
ust , 1SS2,
Of Roaebiini, ;ouncy of Uoug'.as, Slate of Ore
K n, ban day tiled in tnia oSiee his aaorn
statenient jo. z;uh, for the purchae of tbe
re , oi b '4, t- i oi fct;4- ol section No. 12, Town
snip 2 boutli, ol Kanitc 3 Weat, aud will
oiler proM to thow that tbe land s-ibt umore
valuable for its timber or stone than for turri.
cultural riurpose and bj etabi;i-ti bis cMm to
said land betore llie R-.-jjifer and rb-ceiver ol
this office at Bos. -bur. Ore.ou, on Moudtv,
iim way ui jiuie.iwz. Me names as wil
nesaea: t ft Douits and Genrae Bateniau, of
Koaeoun:. Opnn. mid A. ft. Downs and L. L
Greeory. of Seattle, Wash.
Any and all perwmt claiima adveraely tbe
above described lands are riu.u'ed t. .
Uieir claims in this odiec on or before said iib
aay or June, iuz.
mlSp , ' J T.BKIIiGEd,
Notice for Publication.
Ko-EKCa'i, OreKnu. Feb. 21. 1n2.
Notify is hereby jtiv-n tiiat i-i o-iifliaiii-c-w
i!h the provisions of Ihe act ui Omreaa !
June 3, Is.;. eulill-d -naet for the aaieof
t mlafr lur.df In the stat-s of i n llornia. Ornsm.
rciaiH arm amiruf tun Ten it'iry, a cil-iul
e-l o all tlie Pablic 1-iud oiates bv ict of au
UM 4, l--2,
ft MiuneatniK, cotiniy oi Hciim piu. slate of
jr.,a rat triiKiay Mel 'li lbiscC ce in- nuori:
stiileiijcnt No. 20i!, lor the j.i.rel a-- of tl-e Si4
d fk-etion X. ii, Um-iislup 2: h-mi i b . of Kan
S tveat ,W. M: and will oiler proof to show tha'
the land aoiiRht is JMore valuable lor ii limb-r
or sione thHn for avrieuli-iral purposes, aim to
eaiablish his claim to aaid land la. lore the Kin
faierand Beeeiverof this olhie al Kiwebuig
Oregon, on Tuesday the 2"h .dav of Mac,
He naiin-. an W-f Dense: fe'ter Ki-1-oii
Minneapolis. Minu. Martin Haaaenaon, Simou
KlovdulilaEugene, Ore .Cbailea Olon, Cottage
drove, i i K' in.
1 A:iy and all persons ela'minir adveraels th
j almve-iie-ribeit lands are requeaiod to ri.e'tbeir
eianns iu mui omct- on or beore nd 5!0:h day of
Xayl. J. LBKlO iF.-",
Society Meetings.
V. & A. M. Laurel Lodge No. 13.
AIIjM-i rtvtilar tutietings on second
ind nnti Wfilnefduya of eatb
lu i-.ili. R. J. r-'TR-irn, W. M.
N T . ! sn'hi t . efretitry.
. V. V'. K.isebnrtf liiiaa No. 16. 1
JN-tiis ilie ht't'oud nod fourth Mon-i
t ture oi e.'i'u nioniu ot ;ou . ui.f
t r i . , '"
iti Hie 1 . i). r . Hall. MemberB in
o- sl etar.dit'if are invited to attend.
C. T. McClallen, M.W.
K. II. I.knox Hocorder.
1. .S Wkt, rinaieier.
f I' O. KLKS. U.tbnrg L-jdgeNo.
1 1 oJo. H -'i 's rea'.ur coraaiunicA- i
Jm 'i.r.e at I 1. . f. Hall on second ;
;r.:i i."iKh l "hf.rsiiuve of each month.
Mi niH'ii v i- r. .jit-fed to attend roua-
iinU :it.I a vi.j'1 r.c br.tliorsare eordi-i
1 1 :ii v te i ;c j' it ! .
W !1. .i ivikson, K. K.
V. ( L.-MiiiN. crerary.
. K. 1"'. Kfii UrtilMENT. 0.
i, . S ,n -. .t tni: H;t!ltvery
l"l.'r-d .v t-verlL-;, a' ? 'i ol.H-k.
K. li H, di't.
Oh f'OM't:. Mv!ic l.utiJC
0 r-'t
li if: L'tid atd 4!h Tliurt.-
. . . ,i ... .i i, v .
L.r. I cam 1I1ULI.U 1U
t.-o S ,us' Hail. YiMtins ineicbera cot-
Jiallv iiti!e.l to a len ".
Mns. M i kit W, C. of II.
E. H l.r:sx..x, Kit.
fOF A. t'oiirt D. ii. '.as No. 32, Foi
irt n o( America. Meets t-very
Tiirs.iay eve-jini; in Sative Sons'
Hall. VisitLo,; brothetia'.waye welccme.
Chas Gilvin, C. k.
. Aro. .1. Krastx. K. S.
E. V. Hoovkr, I'hvsiuan.
10. O. F. rhiletarian Lodge No. S.
Meeie in Odd FbIIowb' Temple, cor-
iter Jaiksoo and Caes 6treete, on
Saturday evening of each week, ileru
bera of the order in good standing are
invited tc attend.
N.T. jEwtTr, Secretary.
Kof 1'. Alp'ua Lo-ljie No. 47. Meets
evt-rv We.hiesilay, in I. O. O. F.
Hall at 7:SY p. m. Members id
good standing are invited to attend.
E. L. B.MiFnnp, C. C.
C. E. Kobkkts, K. K. S.
ILAC CIRCLE. No. 4, Won cn ol
Wo xlcraf:. Meets ou tirbt and third
Tbnredtivs of aeh month at Lite Na
tive Sooe, Huil. Yieittnz members in
good standing are invited to a'teod.
J. E. Sawycks, Guardian Neighbor.
Minnie Otky, Secy.
I ADIF.Sof iheG. A. K , Abraham Lie
I coin Circlo No. 2, meets at Native
L Son's Hal! r.t 2 o'clock on the sec
ond and foorth Fri lays of each month.
10. T. M. Roeeborg Hive No. 11.
Holde its rjalaT reviews open the
secood and fourtli Ve)i:eedaT eve
of each month in the Native Sons' 1111.
Sietors of o?her Hives vieitidg in Use city
are cordially invited to attend oar re
Jessik Kapp, L.C:m
Mauds E. McClal.kx, R. K.
W. OF A. Jlyri'O Camp No. C33i.
Moots firrtdiiJ third Wedoeedjys
Aflph mM'th at X 1 1 -j c Sl.onc.' I-ToM
Las Fi.-HkB, Y. C.
Geo. Bykos, Cierk.
OE. S. KoeeVjrg Chapter No. 8.
Holds their rejolar meeting on the
firet and third Tharlays in each
nonth. Yiei!U!j ciouibfTS In trood
standing; arp resppc'Jully invited to at
.end. Mas. Callie Beard, W. M.,
Mrs. Libbib Co.-hjw, Secretary.
F.BEEAHS. Rosebur, Kebekah
Lodce No. 41. l.O. O. F., rivets in
Odd Fellows' Ten?r! ev-rv Tardav
evening. Yisiticg siB!er and t.retbren
invited to attend.
Iser. M:cei Li, N. G.
Am ata Brahf-ii:i K. S.
nCamn Nr.. 125. .M-ete at the O ld ;
tirei and thi'd M itJay evtiriiijr. Visit-;
in? ceiphbrs alwairi ael.s rt.e. i
J UN t. l- ng. c. C. i
j. a. BicHASAs. c e:k. !
Notice for Publication
t'liit-; ! eiettn Iji1 CCi.-e,
Kotur?, Oreeo", March 4'ii.
Notice is ten -hy iv..n t.-m: in comt.han
a i til tbe ptove-intis of lie , -f ' ir.-s ".if
June 3. l57. cnt-ticil 'ad Ac! i r ti.i-Mieoi TiTa-
ber Inds in tne. tales ..i CaiUnrni i. Ongjn, Ni-
aia, and la--hia-tf.n Trri'irT." tia et-nd.d
Wail Ihe Public Land stato bv the a.t of Aua-
ut 4, 15W.
cf Olendnie, e- un;y.f U. irz'a-:, uta'.e of On ton,
Las thisdsT rilei iu t!ii o5.-ie ins n .i.-
raert No. jo-i', fi.r tbe in '-.a e cf tlie s'. hW'-.,
NW'4sw'4a'.ds.v'N!4oiM-ti n N.". s. t..
rt.SUUiimil K4'.(tr; ., M . Jg . Hit'l Xlt tQvr
. aw-w.a a, .1 l 1 i .
,ii ii w rima iijsj VlllZhi is TEOtV V8i-
naLle f it. limber tLun t.- njiricnil-
vaioi iui iaic, tutu in in.a;t; 11 ru nam lo tMJ
kntl hc',itthl. Ri-idlr a-1 I'.ara ,.t it,,
orDceat Iiob:rz. itp.ifon, i,a Ti.iir:v lb.- 16
iiiiwnon, e n w. Mrtan!. rA K ifleirl
iara Burioa. all of OWn ait. fTexon.
DT ana all irrioTi t !i intr mlvprvplr I h
above dtacribcfi a'-d art it int-v d to Uie tlie!r
claim" in this office oa or be. ore .anil IS -Hay of
JiayliWi T. BKID lEs
Ki rieter.
Notice for Publication.
Cnitel Stati-s L-.nd Offic,
R.-s bure Oroso, Jan. Ll. I'.K'L
irob-7irei that in cimr,'. Ian. J
itb the prir.iiK;uof the act ! ''-r-aricat ol '
June:!. 1 .7s. i-utitle 1 -ah a -t lir tie sole of '
limber laud in the bralea ot iilt ornia or. gun,'-
.-rn-uiuu nfi-ninswii i. riiory, n titeii ;
ed bi ail i ibe eabli-: Li i s; it-u hy a;l of Aug-
' (iEOU'jH BliNTLEY - - i
D b3ln. .l'l:tilTiif r
... has tliin J,y ii led iniM hi.".w-n ,
....u. on ..a l.k (ihr-uui- ui me siTJi , WILLI VH A niMi
sought is mor; valuable for it. l(.b,r or . on, i "h' So' $i i. r i" V', feiVof th? k2 kw -than
for aaricult.iral pur,ws, ar to eat-b : fX ,i U V' . ', , L'.?" . 5. V4 k'
iisii bis claim iota;d tan ! l,.,ire the HiTihter ! " ?2 I .' 4 ".f l"?' 0rB'hlI'
rnd Reetiverof ti is r-3i.-c at R.s!.ar". OrLji T,V TTi . .', ' '"ur p,roo.f, 10 . ,h'.,w
.in lues lav tvMh aav of an-ii iQrtii,t lhet l,1 " ' "d.aniiKbl is more valuable lor i's
u-eueL. Charles A strolls, fieonr. M !
strong all of Leiaml, jreyoii.
Any and ni! p-rsoas clairuln jidreri-ely the !
niHiu-ii-wniei lan.isare raiJnUjl to tile their
i laons in uns oai-;c on or be.D.c a.d M i day of
April :J2. J. T. URlf.'i-j',
' Kegialer.
FTiv been established hy the POU 'FI
ERX PACIFIC U taeen all parn of
and ils (treat iitnijiier uf Unions reor.-i
by abicli t'l-J ex.ituiH.. of h trip tar.
du'd to a veiy low and eaeonahle
rate. For example:
From all parls of ('alif irria '
To the resorts in the Sfi' region , Lake
Taboe andpurroundinira, Y-in- inire, tlie
Big Trees, ihe King River Couulry.
From San Joaquin and Sacramento Val
ley points
fo tbe Monterey liny (,oas.
From Mie San Joaijuio Va!l jv, Arixina
and New Meiico
To the Seashore in S-.ntiitih (Vi'nrnia
and the resorts ef Xijitliern Caliloruia.
For fall informal ion, innnirsi of L. B.
MOURE, aent of the...
Southern Pacific.
terns? n '
m$mb BW Feats &os ;s TRgm
LAffSi t 4 DCiier niauo muu muse ui any JKlJfW.? M
1-aw,i,' yVWV 9 fx; i nuto iiiii liio iijvs. mcAiJciiino tiivui.M f C I? Tl
! I I I Vi I !3 I Pva I n.m'1 hiio nM hnn amni Mvle tim I fjiSl.rA t?$ i-Vl !
I iimiMl -ViB YOU WJPER CENT. F' i
I' ifi l tt'Iirni on any one of onr 600 patterns manulactur- Lf 4 3 1
I fSfi1!))'! tJ expressly for the spring of 1SW2. l Jttr$ H '"
" f fl fci'r-e?! B OMs TiUKM roa oaa ooh o a whole hocsx. IiL JvVySiil At I
ill faWHangint.DecortfandP.intiiiratLow. Hiflil I
! WAHa iidsK.m I.;, (.hp on ITKS&Ea-H !
I have decided to close
out at cost my fine large
stock of Glass and China
Ware, Crockery and
Chamber Sets for cash.
See our fiue window dis
play for these great bar
gains. ' '
My stock of Staple and
Faucy Groceries is large
and comple'o and always
fresh and up-to-date.
Prices as low as the
Red Clover,
j Orchard Grass,
IVIesquie or
leelVct CrSLSSi
Tf rf r"fi cr
u eic" eea.
f Riddle Fiiarmacy.!
, Z
I. 13. RIDDLE, Prop. ,
2. . .
Fresh Drugs, iledicines.
Toilet Articles, Paints,
Oits, Glass, Sundries.
Prescriptions promptly filled
by a competent druggist.
.Notice for Publication.
- r tiilod Stutea Land Office.
Kosebut. Oieiruu, Jan. SI. ISiO.'.
Notice is L-.rob ;iv. u tbtt in compliance
with the pro-. i-iotnof the art of Contm-ss of
Juiie.:, i-i.rt. cntiii.u "At-, ai l for the sale of
I',Ill,'-,r land :ij il.e tLalei oi California, Oregon,
T'"".- ' ." " "-i n-rini-ry
aa exlrn-1
Stales by act ol Augut
f."a '..t'"""' tn. '." c V' f, "d.
j .... " ..-ii pun ....Mn i ui iiiu uuiju; IVljaC
A V.-Ol. He rames a a'itnei-
uuri, vi-'pih. mi oeoiifM.ay. toe any oj
John C
Abbott, of inland. Un-zun: Aiu.rt
Ocorv-' Ilaleuiati, Howard
Cf Bo-o-
burs, nr- f n.
Any and all persons t '.aiuilu adversely the
above il-.i-riia-J lu-.d axe r-i.-uesled l file their
i laitUK in this ollici on i r beloresaid ltlhday of
April, lJi. - - -
lie- ' J T. LRIDtiES, Register.
Notice for Publication.
KosKnt-an. Ore.. Feb. l-ai2,
Notlee is hereby given tha. Io compliance
with llie provisions of tlie act ol Congress of
June 8 l7a enti led "An Vet for the sale of
litpber Lands iu tbe-lates of Ca'ifornia, Ore
(fotl. N vadu and Waihicclo-i Territory." aa
ezicuded b all Land fiutos by act of
Augusts, is-.'j -
of Dulnth, Countv ol st -Louis, Male of Minne
sot i, has tills dav filed is tliU o'fiee hei sworn
m.l..mi.l '.-'ii ... 1 1, u .......1, ..... ... .....
la-id .'. K'2 wv, of scetion m, toun.hlp
... . m.'v. v w . jn . , nui will uiier orooi lo
auow i. mi tne s.iiutit is mure valuable for
It.limbir orMou" than for axricitllural rur
loies, and to estaiili-h her claim to aalii Una
b fore Ihe litgisbjr and Hi-.dver of this office
ai iwareonrg-, iwniv on Fn lay. the 21 day of
Mar.r.Ktt. s'hef. tames as wltmwea: Thomas E.
Lawson, iif(,l( inl;ile, Ore . Alh.-rt llollenha 'gb,
and 1 houian Ijuvai-n, ol Riddles, Ore., Mrs. Mar
garet A. Alehley, of Duluili, Minn.
Any imn all pnr,iiis e at-niuir adversely th
abijvo dewjribed lauds ore rtiiueled lo tile tbelr
eianni. in ibis otln e on or oefore Kal
Wl dav of
!ay Wi.
T. RKllKiES.
Administrator Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been by the Coimlv Court ol Douglas
Couuty. rltate of Oreeou. apHiinU-d Adminis
trator of the calale of 7 into thy Crosnnian.dtas.
ed. All persons having ultiut against said estate
arc hereby reulred lo present tbe same, duly
verified, to the iindersigiK-d at Roseburg, Oregon
aithlusix uimitbsfroja HiedaJe of this Dotfoe
Tb-t.-d this Cth day of March, 1902.
Adminlstrabir of the Estate of XltnotbT
Crossruau decuased
ineseiamotispauernsHrouunuu. . cy- ,
To Be Held at
Roscburg April ist
A convent i'di of the Republican party
of the First t'niiL'ri ssi.inal I 'ist rid of the
S'ate of Oregon is l.t-ri-by tallcil
to uni t in Rosvlmrg, Hrep-iii. Tuesday,
April 1st 1'a.vj, at 1 n'tlu k p. ni. f-r the
pnrise 1 noiiiin-.itini one Kopri-.-K.-iita-tie
for (."onres. and to transact such
other business as may pruperly come lie
tore the convention.
The convention will consist of 171 di-1-egati,
apportt itt-l ainoim tlie Mver:il
counties of the district follows, tow it:
IW-nton . . .
Curry . . . .
IVu'las . .
Jackson . .
Kl.1ni.uii .
I 'ae
. . 7 l-aiie IS
. li Lincoln 4
. . Lin 11 14
. . .'J Marion I'l
It l'olk
.11 Tillamook 5
,. 7 Washington li'
4 Yamhill li'
. . 4 Total 171
The same Wine one ili-hvate :it larp
for each County and one di-levate for
every l-V) votes or fraction t!ien-"f over
7Scat for 1'risMential Klitt-T- in Nov
enila-r l'nii.
I Violates or other, in atten-laiice at
the convention may s-cun- a r.rte i-l one
an-1 one-thir-1 fares f.-r t!,c r.-uii-I trip on
the Siuthi-rn l'acitic mi l t'.-rvallis A
Lastein Railuay. by payii.j luii far.- to
Ro-t biir and takinc a rc.-i-ipt t- that
by tin
C. V:
.ml !
muni; -;itm- pr -; a 1 1 y .i rt ;hn
'iri-!.rv i-l
tlii- ( onvt-nt ion.
T. V HiKXis
m i'I BUi'lv TATE I iv V NT!-
A roiiveiition of tl-.i- 1;. pt-.hli
of th- State of Orvio i- )-.trty
to iiki t in I'ortlaud. Or -..ii. W't
tiay. April i. lull'. ;.t II o'clock, a
'.ii-.. !
forth- plirpo-e of ri-.n.ii;.;liiii!
1 d.ite !-r stj'.- an-1 -ii-tn. ', ..ili.-.-r- u-x-fi-ptilii
Li pri . i.tati-..-- in C.-!ii;n- .
land transact Mich other Iniiiii-- as n;;-.v
Im: ta-li-re tin- i oliieiif.'-n.
The convention will coni.t of :jj 5 d. li apptirtioin-.l ;iinoii,' i ho svveral
cxiuutie- of tlie state.
The Famous StijtaKu It.
Io f.:sg ov-r the fatuous "Shasta
! Route" cf the 8 titbcru ru if.c Co.. the
traveler ever ti ids cornet hi Or new to tx-
cits bis a-imt'-ttion aad ii teret. Start -
ii'K t Purtlsn-!, rue iravr s the whole
c-u(iii iji in ii.aiu.. t a. lev, me trm 1
of the NmhweM. M. II Mt J-ffrr- j
son, and he The Thie Sietrs au J ctt er !
Fr.or-cat';d p--knre ktpt i t sight for
hoars. Toe taui.fol v. Hois uf the'
Uraprji aDd ll.;ae Rivera, ith their
orchards id proi.i , peaclier. apples, atd
j other fruits are a d, light iu themseivis.
The crortini of tha ureal mountain
barrier beta een Oregon and C.l Jjri.u
reveaU tbe randat monniain scsneiy
in the United S'ulee. The wonder. ul
toroluxs, tris'iu.s, and doublings o! tlio
railroad brii-K int v e u K'n 1 array of
toweriuK rsconlains and prnfiMicd it' rgee
into w hie) e tiaxu frum -tizzy betcbte,
forest clad mountain slopes t-tretcbii g
j up to iho hoe ol p-Tpt-tual annar; ar.d the
foauiit.g ruoubtaio etreama ilssf.iim
fiercelj' d-jnn (Im p can) ens, d-jw and
then ftopiin lor a eh art r.8t io aoote
q'jiet p. o'.. Af. r a dy ei jovment cf
o'd Mt. SilJifla, the Uuest peak OU tll-
conliniut, we dr.p rapid:? down -tbe
cinyonjf ibe Sicrjoutito to the hrna 1
plains of th: K -crameito Vallet io Calif
ornia, and diet c-t tiitoiijh vii ejarda ai d
0.c-:anls to San Frincisco.
For ms pi and deecrptiv li'erature
addiers K. B. Mii Laa.
G. P. A., S. P. C .
Portljtid Oreon
Do You Want Eggs.
If too il) trv the White LeXiio-ns for
K'i'hey ar one of the best fowls In ei-i-ieni-p.
After several. Terns of fipul
i rce with poul rr, I have- found noihini:
hat will atirpnfs them for rua; produeets.
have i tm Ma-beet scoiiitf Whi'si
I ehnrr.s in. the ftite. per setiicg
of 15, 1 60 J. K. WiiH-M,
inI7 Camaa Valley Oirgoo.
County Treasurer's Notice.
N -tire is bcrtit.y uivt-n
lo nil partirs
hnldn ir Lo-u lis Cnnn'y warran'.
lord pi ior to and inciudioa Oct . 31.
IH99. to -present the same at the treasur
er's ofiiee. at the conrt houee, l-jr pay-
niei.i, an iniprret win cease (Hereon alter
tha date of this notice.
Dated thin 13th day of March, l!02. al
the City of Roseb'ir Orauo.
Comity Treasurer.
Ciiy Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is liereh given to all putios
holding Roseburg city warrants indorsed
prior ti April 7, 18WI, to preeenl
tbe same at tbe city Ire-omrer'a office for
payment, aa interest will cease thereon
alter tho date ol its notice. .
Datfldat Rosobnrii. Or., on this io-k
day of March 1902.
-, Hakky C. LiajUM,
W ' . ... City Treasorer.
N-.TK - Ip ina miller t In h.-.l u i
lor a i e ruicbl ne I r it: i t i
(tvlili 10 per com "il .vli.'i.. ii.Hiiv hi.
out chane lor ihiiti jin..r ...i.k i;
all Hollies ol "t'o Hon Wiim. .i.-'
F llp'nv
" VI lif t.
n!U IVanleil" ami Help Manic!
will la. insured rant ,n in uh,k.
, I h.
' TKAWltEhKY I LoN lfs KlH SAl.L
Vrt i. e l.scrlst i w Licit it a
i irge, re.i ta-n v a:ui veiy enrlv. I Iiav- i
i tilpped Hie li'i I cr.ite uf O.eio i I'eilii'f
1 to the Ivr laiwi f.-r tl-. lat twti
, lesri-. ! ' r-l i fate latt epiii k Bold f'r
t GO. 'l!.ev r.' al ar wculii Dj calie.l
I tiVi-rbeitm ti. I p k tmit le- iff of then,
l'nil v.nj nut I. in ti.e i ear. I lii -red
a i--uto I'd l!i in! iho riret i f Oc-
i J ul t' i 1 1 at least ii-n irallor.ti oi.
uiy it. ". iiiiw j ! t !-i i. k of rjiie rit i
rali' on a'u.o.s' evr;- day m td
ear, ai-il H ' M yi.ii snrit pc,( O'l- i:
Irli til Ji it II . I a Pi) t,in Hie llijliit
er .. a lanre. red, emt beir
a i ii . - :,-:irr :'r':.-ej o-i curd u
''!: fl .'nl; 000, ?21V; 1 IVO
I.. S. Co :s,
Plliard, Urcgj;.-.
r-r S ue ht) ..c ea i f lan-1 in Cair hf
. Va i liiujf ljectiun oti, townrhip 'J'J
eout!', raiigs U wea: ol tbe Willaiiietle
j Meridian. Vili lis eu:d cheap it tkkeu
imuiediatbly, For further luformatioo
address N. L. Johai ten. Areata. Horn-
b'.ldtCi.. Cat.
Cre am V astud. I be T. S. Towoe-nd :
Croamery Co. at -14 Sund tt., Tortlaud j
will pmv birflien' to irkt p'ieo f.jr cream.
Will sell you Cremi Soparators.and take 1
yjor cream in payment. Odltf.
Fob Sale. An old eeUbliehed bo-.i-nest,
cocibii iig of farnituto and under
takirg a fo, etorw buildiog aud lot in
'he centi-r of Im iima pat I of town. For
particular i oil on or, White
and M-:C-y or A. Fentun owner.
(M17) Myrtle Creek O.e.
Gkjcmiy ""i-ibk Fou Sale. I cV:re li
'ell my -nti'u rt jck of staple and fancy
Brocer. G jj I I c.irion. For prices and
lertiis ii ij j:io uf Mrt. "N llo-d,
burjt, OlrOO.
tiKAPHoriioNK l'.ai.i A ticegraph-
phone wiili a !izj-i aod a half c sj I re
cords for sale cl.t-.p. Ai p y at l!ut!:e'.t
k Stilt, n-c-.ijd hand 9'o--e.
I-or A fi'k a:nbre!l 1. jta.-l h.udir,
slightly crouki-.l. learirg tie uao.e. "1.
F. Hamptjo,'' e-.prtvrd 0:1 baud e.
Finder mill (Ickm l.-ave rarte at this of
fk. a
Oar Ure line cl cr k-rj. uon's ar.d
boys' spring an 1 sumtnrr fit-it, and la
dies shir; :t h .v arnvr.t c ! e
hare rhe lar;eH 1 f s1. . in Son li
Div-gla. t-i' 1 h r s;.r.i. tood t
arrive to a fa- jy - and .nt too lo
call ao-1 io'p- c: jtn 1 f. W carry
; ti e roost com 1 1 -t- l-oe cl grrcrfiee d J
dry jfooti in S u'.hern Orjton. We
aatt yo-ir iradt! ijire us a triwl.
A. It. Mattv-ox A Co.
Riddle, O e-ou.
kanch fr Sale.
A spier-did rth of 1-00 arres, in
.utiles of JJvitV lrelr, ior f le:LU
, , , , "
' a-u !onr cl nrle: flnj rprn wa-er:
j tao-tiorv booe, a barn and r.nt-t ui'd
, logs complete. Ei-y terai. "Lrji-.treo
I M cin cd S:oc. Eahatge,
I Mjrtle Cfe-k. Ore.
() 0O2O0O0OCO0O0O0O0O3
9 r r it a nisa V
tU I. fOiUHhL,v
' a
'Best References.
All Work Guaranteed.
I Leave orders at McClallen Housed
IThe Overland Hotel
Mas. Willis Kkamck, Proprietress
Firt Class Accommodations
Tables supplied with the be&t in
the market. Cimmercial Trav
ellers Hsmiijii-irvri!
If You Have
a Sweet Tooth.
G J t tin Oswdy Kitcheo, "where.
iiil will and tue freshest and best
asa-.r'rrftit of can lies io the city
('.II and see 118
V4Vfvf'4sV 4sV4V4eV4sV.
is ropared to wait upon old
' " and in-w customers aud friends
with a full aud complete
stock of
AU fresh and of the very best
- quality. Teas aad coffees are
Sieciaities. Your patronage
m 20$ Jackson St.,
o .
Homes from $250 to $5000
Write or 'Phono
Win. OT, Porter,
Real Estate Agent and Notary
Timber and Homestead Locator
Packer and Guide
Camas Valley, 'Oregon
. 26 mile south west of Roseburg.
Oil in Douglas County.
The Rich Fieldfs Uncovc cd Will
nival Those of Calif o nia or Texas
The old days of Titusville and Oil City, where fortunes were made in
a night will i c completely outdone by the magnificent oil fields to be
uncovered iin l developed in Southern Oregon. THE UMPOUA
VALLEY OIL COMPANY controls the cream of Southern Oregon
oil lands. If y -u want some of the first hundred thousand shares send
your oriL rs to the Secretary of the Company, or through Wells, Fargo
aud Co, express.
Umpqua Valley
ls Absolutely PURE, and
will OUTWEAR all other
If your local deali-r d-e nit carry it
write to uaiid we will see that you get it
J W.P.FoIler&Co.
H Portland, Oregon
Notice for Publication.
Kia:a-m, On-goo. Feu. 4. '. JA.
Notice U h n :-y rlt.D that In ryn,pi:atice
l:b ihe r-Mri..loin uf the ai t of i'. Uire of
June , tji.iii3. "An act f r ibe taleof
'towr lau? in the e'tca cf Caiil-iraia .nroa,
N-ia,la. aod Waah.aguin Territory,'- tiexu-31-i-l
is a.i .At 1'ua.ic Land sa. by aci of Ali-'
u-l i, lni,
i l Ii.i.utK. iD,K . i.t S.L.2UU.. ifi'm . baa tilt.
u.r 1 . i r.t o Sco h-r il .in tLafni-ni No. ' '
.., I ir trie p'.rcao of tue N!t of a-rlua
No :,iaol)i;i .1 --'j:.'i, ol u
ifl oB.r prmt to (i"i fiat fii la-. I
a. M . more vaiutb.e .'or its timber or tone
tiia-i !-.r agricultural f.ur;oe, and b esiabiuB . i I and br'on-I- Kitrr aud r ! ii- oC.-e a H.-rt. !;. .rron. oa
I u..--ly tbe .'O ar oi M it. ruv t-ara-a a
u -. J:i-ii E... fi-iiji. ol RidlH-. Ore. r in'i.-n, ol 'ilesdale. Ore . M t- l.ia. ie
i" : u;u, Jilon.. trak Lrnam. ol lia'u'.a,
A iv a:d a.! rviim liaiirlii- a!i vrly tbe
a 'it di-- l :a:i i are r j f.i to a:e t'n. ir
a tr la tl.t. on or b,-!ore a.'. s-.h dav
.-'May. la.- J T BtliKiLr
l-'P Ki-r.
l.r.RTENTPTdElSTEK.!OB. 01 of 1 V
I' s r:.rre..or . rerai. Portland, urer at. ' S
Va r, 1 .- r Vo! prvpoavis alii iwiiet !
; t ...-:! i..e iitiiil loc.oti;. nvi-u, ..a April t
... I.e.', lor niuiiir.f, mauMng and n.aKii:. '
iu ax pi .r.. r nb ci:a-iii n :. rea' a'.ioi-V
and leb li .:ni-;c.a a ..ay Ur -i-.l
by ue fmrv i.rDrra;. the roliir. !e- :
atibdii.r..-;sr i If H 9 w .. j m::,
';li.viti.o . Xp s . K 21 K . i ra-.!a
...,r. 7 m .-. i v.cjio-s. Tp i7 e..Rl M .l- !j:,c
bl.iU.r.-i Tmii.-sr-.eri-.r. I! miles m.ridion i
a: liar. i a . K 1 W .. (u mi'e s-jtalit ls!u-..a, j
1 .' Biles tiifT.nn, ;i u lii meridional iine. 1
Tp i s., R f w , o iJ.r .i!.3iu-;.-n. ini e 1
rxvt-r.or: rp We.. R'A',i cii.r arl.v:,on ; j
T?.N.r.liK, si n-.ii.. ui:v iicu; Tf. i
S j fi J W , l tnllr, ml, fli-l-K-S. 12 tDI r fx-j
Ter.ora. L.f.1 rates mlR-re ate Uf. ti: and i
- - Ji, lor ia&:r-l a-jd rueander, w
aaa t.on atJ-t cicr..i- ij- lines
the -a t. r ra:e ri:. f- and lA ) to I ai.oa .i
on'yabi-r. ibe ia"ib a:e Rioacia-noaa. bi-avi'y j
!.u;'n-i wiin iivi w:m a tu a-ae:KPita.
no-...l i ti a;.f-r.-eJ t.o-i-ii-- the taitbfal ;
p.-rl.-rnian. of tb- e.n:ra t wl i t re ) -is red of j
die snecrwl-jl bt-ide-a Iber.rrslls ren.dio!
i;...ii.i.n:uii-v io wane t-cn: aal ce
rauvat rcvi'n tt. Pto(aJs murt be u
in fci.ia.rsis lot :.itoi. ar.i i n.
dorfc;-! on the enveVpc: -Prorva.s F -r r..
r.iitit.r I n:.- survyt." Tbe pnpr.-ai r- will 1-e ctfc?. ed at Ihe t.nie and p'a.-
sb- vc itJted, and bi-ld.-r a-e i-ivirt io be pn.
eat at t j-h a pea nt Fu-J-er infi.nua.lua in
rrari lo tbe aora i l be uwon a-
l-,iv.i.ii iu iui u -ti.''llU4l. UIIKT JtauRCM
l . e. su
suneio.-Oeueral ferO:eion.
Professional Cards.
Rosaatno Obkikis
Sjiccia. atwntioa girvn tA Disease ot lbs Nos
and Tbrs t.
OfSce-Mato St., one door soutt of Cl t'Ua
rhniie. Main 31!.
Q v. nsuoj. 2J. D,
Physician, Surgeon.
Ollice over P. O. Roskbi rw,
'Phone Main Wl. Ostuox.
Physciau & Surgeon.
Office Review Bin.
rtmoe. Main 1
Rot lew Building,
Telephone No. i.
OOcc opposite
Sioeum s Mali
Attorney at Lutw,
Rooms 1 A 1. Maniera flldg., ROSHBURiJ, OB
sTsir-Busiuefcs before the C S Land Office and
niutnt cases a speeisHy.
Late R'lTer 0. a. Land Once.
RosKHiHo. . . Uaani.N
Bnstne. before T.3. Land O Si ye and I'robale
buini-as a specialty.
0 dee -Abraham Building.
Wir practice tn all the Slate and Federal Court!
Office In llarka' Bid?., Roseburg. Ortyon.
Attorney and Counsellor at fjw.
Mining Law and Water Rights made
sons l aud i
MTfee- Bnfldlng. ROfjRBrRta. ORBOOW
Court Bouso
JA. BUCHANAN, Notary Public,
Collections a Specialty.
Room H
Msmters Huil.Hng,
Attorney at Law.
Xartor A ttiliaju Block. RonKDL'BQ, OaR.
Drain - Gardiner
Comim i.i in with Monday, January 20. 0i', we w ill charge 17.50 for
th'fi from I'rain to Cxj Ray. liaajre alio-aance th each fill fare,
oJ p-iunils. Travelling men are allowel 75 pounds Lavage when they
have :W0 potiml' or more. All ex cess bagage, 3 cts. jer pound, a:.d no al
lowance w ill be made for round trip.
For further information address
J. H. Sawyers,
Proprietor, Drain, Oregon
The finest Rough and Dressed
Fine Cedar Fence
Posts, Wood, etc.
Fine Port Or ford Cedar
Finishing Lumber.:
We want your orders for building
material. All orders prcinptlj' filled.
ocxxxooocxxrocx XXC0OCO
; -.' ; . r . , . ',-.:Zj.' v
.c'ir -tvr i "".
- a - - ;!. a, - -S V
! , ' v .'' i
1 'iTmTFi-r'Yi''r i"i'-"' Jl it ri
- pr vk ,. p k.
r" 0 and K- StreeU.
; Thone Main 51.
CSITF.D STATESLAND OtriCI V "n - J a-.pMi. Ja.V-e.-l it I Conn, lor
Roseo.ra.Ore.. Fet-raarrl.-v, Wl. rjeanna; a:JSti. sx'l3 and oi;ecla.M, If
Sotiee is herei.T t:vm ibat I " I U-.winc- il , T a.."saoe of t-, fame,
named s-ttler has 8.1 noti-.-e of his Intention . D'eJ -tJ dav o Fei- . A I . 1X2.
to make anal commutation poo" la snpportof! ,. . . KOBESriSA ANLaCT.
hurliim, sa-1 lbr said i rcd a ill be male be -
j lore t:-- Reais et and Revlvrr. Tnited s.w.
land rrtrr at Rafc-ba-g. crcgoa oa jtarcb 2t,
1 lstu, tu. : 1
' on Ff. K No. WK, for Ihe Nk. tie. 30. Tn-JTi
Be name the fo'.owir a Hoe-sea to prove
! iicot.tit.sim. residen.-e upon and ca li. at ion
I of sad and. tix. Frank Long. Robert ooff.
Frank tiherroaa acd Cbariea thorn, ail of Cleve-
imn naton. a. 1. eniia.EV
ii-r. steels tor.
Notice for Publication.
Colted Statw Us I O.Sew
R- aebanr. Oregon. Feb. 14 L
Notice is hereby tiyrn mat in empl ane
ith tbe provision, the act of C -ogress, ot
June S. l:Ov enin.-J ' An act for the sale of
Timber L.n.'s in Ibe Lat of California. Ore-
gon Nevada aod Vn, TTttory. as ei-
U-ndcd to ail the FiiMic Und btat.-e by act oi
August , isai .
ba. this day ft ei tn ihi, ..!B b! .wa stale-
ni. nl So Jfc l.-r the onrcf.ase of lh j
i S K'. r.t section S 8. towns-iip ii somb. of!
rauge So. west. a:.J will eff p-ool to show
tna: me lanj socgci la more raioabie lor It
timber or stone than f.r ajcncultural namwa.
aud loeaubash biscialia b said land before
tbe Register and Receiver ol this oSit-e at Ro e
burg. Oregon, on Toe-day. theSih day of My,
l'.1. tie ua-nea a witiiess.-s: Albert BolK'n-
! ia-igh of Kiddle, nr.-gon, l-rank Lvuau and
I Mrs Henna Lynam of Dulnth, inn. and
Thomas La arson of i.lrnda!--, Oregon.
Auy and all person claiming adversely the
above desrrtbed ' lands are rvj nested to tie
their claims in this oihce on or before said ib
day ol Afay.laVi.
r.Tp. - ' J. T. BRllHiEJ.
Notice for Publication,
csirea srcVEs i st office.
R.-t.rg, Ore., Jan. Si, l-ajj,
.Sotlee Is hereby giv-jn that In compliauee
with the provb.o of thi art of C .ajreas of
of June .1. la'.s etitiUe-1 Aa act for the
sale of timbe lauds It the ."late of California,
Oregon, Neva la aid Wahlul..n Territorv. " aa
eTtetii'.e I lo a I the I'.iblie Laud Map b act of
Auitust 4 lcij.
of Ta-o Parbora, countv of laae. atale of Min-
iieaota has this day tt ed in ihi oftli-e h.s snorn
slatcment No. JO 10 lor tr.e pit chase of the Nb'.
of section So SI, Township SI Snub, of Ranro
7 West aud wl.l otTer pnaa lo tm i tht lb
land -o-ight l inoro valuable lor lis timber or
stone Iban for arieullural purposes, and loev
lablu-h his claim to said land before tbe Regis
ter and Receiver of thiscrhce at Roseburg, Ore
gou, on Thtusday. the i:ih day ol Apnl. iwjl
He names as miuenes: Jas. H. Luna. John
Broau and Thos. a. Uujt, o! Two Harbors, I
Minn. .ant Jos. lijluth. .Minn.
Ani acd all persons i-limli a a.lvemel tha
ie.,t- ,1,-11..-., .-.u -re reiic.ieii io nie ineir
rliailns in thia nlbre no nr hei..r .nA ,?il. ,1. n
above :a-.d
April. LaM. J. T
Notice for Publication.
Roseburg. lire., Jan. ',l a.
No! ic is hereby given that iu compliance
wi'h the provisions of the act of Congrea ol
June 4, In,, entitled, -An act for the sa'e of
tima-rliids In the States of California. Oregon,
Nevada, aud Washitigu.a Terr.tory,-- u elteud
eil to all iho Public Laul Stales by act ol Aua
usH, lb!J, '
. Ja-Epurs brows,
of Dilulh county ol St L.Ktis. Slate ol Min
nesota, has this da tiled Ir. tsi ni. ai. ...
statement So. lt, for th- purchase ot the SFV
el Sii-luri No. 81, Ton n-hip al ffo-ith. of Kauaa
7, VVist and will otter pnad to show tha. the
laud Miuiiht Is more valuabln for i-. i.,k... .
stone than for agricultural purposes and io
establish his claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver of this ofttn. . u.-.k
Oregon, ou 1 hursday Ihe 17th day ot April li!
:: - - ...--ev. iiiiu rt-own, i dm. a.
Ilurv. Jas. 11 Linn, and ch. x v....l."T".";
Two' llarlHits." - .
Any and all person claiming adversely tbe
ahoe-dcsc IIhmI lands am re,iii...i...i ... m
claims in ttisottieo on or before sai l ITth dav
Ot April l-.e.'. . J.T. RRIliHEM, 7
Notice ol Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
adimuistriitiu of the estate of Otto A, Aulauf'
deaeaseii has ti id her final account in i
0 UnlyfamitolOouglaaeonnty. Oregon' and
IhalTuesdajtuo UtUaj ol April; uS, i w
Ii wO.
iVerj, Feed and al3 $Wzt
C. P. Barxard, Prop.
Saddle Horses Siogle and
Double Riga at a I hours
Transient 5toc jven
very br care . . . . .
Rates always reasonable
o elorlr a. m of mi 1 day haa Oven t I'd br lb.
' A " m,
. avenj.
' j . t t;ii oi ci:s) a n.all
Notice for Publication.
Ortbora. Or-o. Ju r i,
Xotiee is heret-T given tbat in ewjiliianee
1 with I Be provision ol the art of Coc.-.Uif
. Jun. A. i . -Ati act forih sHJal
i timber Ian. li
it- Slates cf CsU-forn-. Oregon,-
im m r.t 11 . . . , w. - .
- : , , .. . .j , . . . u ext. uii mt a n
uiih; "
nf VMsWafiSS a-.-.- .T.S lufcn. . a-
h-Va .iV. al.V"- .T:. vrasron
,.. Ca T t a. T.L.Z.0?1. "1. .-.
section So toaaatip i: aaii. iu ic
ant -ill cOVr pr.o. to .bow that th
! mght is cure vaaiZTfTa .mbex a'i.1
thS a . cu tpjrpl" ."o?, S3
hist a m u se.i ia idTbml ihe "tal J
I Reeeiver ol this otsi .V rJVLrg One
Friday Ihe 4tad.roI .-H..n:.-??
Cha .bill ot mWSUJ.o7T Job? ThooT VI
Crt.oi. 1 Orea-oo laom, ol
Am .:. ,
aWjdeK-rttte,! lni7LXi.7,Z
t cairaa in ihu ... . Ui T-.T.-Vj "
da of
ApT. tali
J. T. ilRIiXiFs
Notice for Publication.
Cul-edStatea Laud 0f5c-.
Roscoiinf., Jan. a. 1aJ.
S.e; is hereby given t at in compliance
with the profciUons ot tbe ci of
Congress sal - Jnoe J, yni, ettiUed
"Aa art ior tbe sale ol lim.-rr lands in the
Maieard CaliKimia, Oiesroa. Nevada an.) Wasb
iglon lei-'wr.. as extended to aU tbe l ub-
lirJLae.d St by ai of Aujrit th. la-y.
, . WILUAM M.lhAL,
oILelaud county of ioMphtee, State of Ore
gin, he th siiay filed In l.ns oatce his .rin
lateuieni S-v lsri. lor the i-archaae ol i. ,JW
' ot sevuon So. township ii south, ut.-gv
nest ana will ofT-T pnf to iao that the land
sought is mure valuable for us limber or bn
than for a ihc.iltural peru se-, and tn cifc
lisa h u a d laud rv'oro the Rea star
and Receiver of Ihisotireat Roaeburg. Ohvod
on Tuesiisy. the Ma d.v of Apnl, IjO.- u9
names a it-ie.v-a: Kj u- L-- lioT. C'a.-rl.a
i Zr','eiu:' M wsoi. ail
Aus and all tK-isona elaimin ..
ab.iv .trrenb.Nl lans are tvaiiis-ed t. fl
r heir claims in this uitk-e ou or before said bin,
day rt April. 112. J.I. RKIlnil a.
"-P Kegjttr
Notice for Publication.
ruited ' tales I ar.d Office,
, Roseburg, Oreveo. Feb. Ja 1.T1J
f-oi ire u nereny given list in comtd.aica
with ihe p-oiis ensof the act of ruui...
I r f
! JUUe . 1h.
I Timber Lauds in the Stales of California
.U.I..VU mwi ior in sale of
i x-
I""t -evaua ana wasniugton Territory,' a x-
.euiieu iu an tne raouc Land State by act ot
Slaieaby act ot
August s, iiyi.
of Dulnth, county of St. Louts. State ol Mna.
haa this day tiled In Ihis orhee his sworn sis-o
nient No J.Vj6, for the purchase of tha A.
of section No a, towns-iip il south rarg- a
west and will otter prnof lo show that tlie .and
songhl mote raluabla fcr iu I ruber or stone
than for agricultural punnwiss. aad to estatdish
his claim lo raid land before tbe Register and
Reerrverof thtsorrV at Riwebarg, Oregon, on
Tuesday, theth day ol Mav, He n-.aiae
aaettnese: Albert Bolienbauvh, ol Ri.blte.
Ore Thomas Lawsou, of lilcctale, Or.v, w e.
Oraeie and Mrs. Betiha Liaain of JJulath.
Minn .
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above descri bed -anils ar rh:ueiM,i i.. ai. ih-i.
claims in this office on or before said 9th der
v" J . a. a. on.iui,Ki.
'' Register.
Notice for Publication.
a te 1 ata eg Land OrTJoe,
- .. . Roaefcurg. On-goo, Feb 1I
Notice ts hereby given that tbe following
named setiler ha tiled notice of his iutentlo i
to make final proof in support of hi claim,
and that said proof will be made, before Regis
ttr and Receiver, V . S. I aud Ottice at Ruaebtiig,
Oregon, on Man-h is, PX!, vis:
FUiKR t.kl.U,
on H. K. Ka smi, Uh the kn 7 .ee. !. T- S9 A,
R. 7 west He names tlie following witnesses
lo rro" his continuous residence uait ra t
cultivation ol said is-I. vis: D. R. Stt-rta.
F. 1. New .and, A. S. -re' and. B. t. Wella. all
Olalla. OregiM). J. T, BRilHjba.
F0p. - Jiii,,
a J i