1'33'35vr far I Tlic case of S. Hamilton private prosa- G. rutor, vi. V. Ilournov. . in tt Iticlt de- Take a Notion from our Notion and Faucy Goods line which is full 01 the new things of this year's creation. LADIES F. W. WooTuiy left Tuesday uitfht I. i..:..r.ui I.;. .,.,.V,i- Mm "V I Hiin idh " " " i i - - -' - f IVrw. at Stillwater, Minn. He went fwmlnnt is charged with troaspassius up- -V I i the Omat Northern Hallway and ex. I on plaintiff'! property Flournoy Val- ik-H.-! Icy w ill 1 heard in Juslic We beg to call your at tention that oui new Spring goods have arriv ed. We are showing beau'iful novelties in mercerized Zephyr?, Chambria Lawn, in all the new spring colorings and designs. MEN WANTED to fit our new Spring line of Clothing which has just arrived from our eastern manufacturers. pacta to be absent about thrci! Being president of the local board of trade he will ! an authority n Onion's advantage white on thi trip and carrios with him a number of views !of its scenic beauties. He also took w ith I him a oair of nieoly mounted (-hinos I ' . . i.!..v. :il V '. Oregon game birds. Mr. Woolloy will be supplied with a number of Douglas $) 1 county pamphlet as soon as they come s I from tho prvss, and will make a judici Ivioun distribution of them. lice Bobinetl's I court tomorrow at 10 o'clock p. in. The V. 8. Separator will take out all the cream in a few minutes. Why aot pan in this day of improvement? Hon. A. R. Mattoon, the Riddle mar chat. t, u in town today transacting 1)0 si nw. He savs the South Koiialas or- an to the right, then you will come to our Shoe Department where we are showing our new Spring line of Shoes, including our "DOUGLAS SHOE," for which we are sole agents. IF YOU HAVE THE BIG HEAD We can fit you in Hats and Caps as we have all styles and sizes at the The People's Store I. ABRAHAfl Proprietor (o e) rihoanants which will no doubt 1h tho Hdiuiration of all who -ce ttiof-e splomlia iciaratMg are eager lor a spell oi tair weather now in order to en-ible them to finish spraying their on. liar J.i. Don't fail to mo lr. Lowe at th MeClellan House on th.; 20, 21 and 22 of March. He gjes to Kuge.no Sunday. A little cliild of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Howard sustained a fracture of the right shoulder Wednesday. Lr. Hoover at tended the little sufferer and recovery promises to be speedy. Let Dr. Ixe relieve your head-achea by removing the cause with a pair of his superior glasses. C. U. Dininny carne over from Wilbur Tuesday evening to look after business matters. He is conteuiplnting removing here to reside in a few weeks. I Told in Side Heads J A Si-lenwd O'nVekt The Menelcy tjiuirtet of Uueag'S was greeted by a lai;;e au -iiencv at th M. K. church last nijrht, and pave general satisfaction, the juartei and impersonations by Eupene Knox leiu? esjcially pleasing. Mr. Kuox is far alove the average in his de litigations of ivara ter and his readings, while the singing was full of pathos and melody, yet intermixed with jutt euoor,U liumor to give variety to tl.e program. The remark "urtwn the l-inginj: and readings, lun.te by C.W. Menetey. on the mbject of teiiipjrasue wvtt pertinent su.d o the jmmii and were always listen-t-.l to with marked attention. Alto gvvhtr the cou-.liiuatioii givts a mosl hikr-ting, instructive and highly en joyable evening" cntcriaimr.eijt. The JUnelcyV have co:.ven.el to remain ai.t:-er day at tliis phve and w 111 give a fecniul concert at the M. E. church to night. If you fail to attend this concert tonight you will miss the be-t entertain ment that has been given in Roseburg tlJs winter. Admission 15 and 25 cents. ItnpEBCBt'; Ciuak Factory Roseburg and Douglas eounty cigar smfkers as well as our neighbors who enjoy an oc casional good cigar w ill soon be given an pportnniiy to smoke "geunine Havan as" of home manufacture, as a first class cigar factorv is to he established in this cit v at once. The main room in the Hendrick's brick near the depot former lvo.cnr.ied bv Bavless & Starmer's Rowborg Cave, has been leased by J. A and lhomas Col-b, exvrienced cigar makers, who will immediately begin the n annfactnre oi cigars, which are guar anteed to compare favorably with any of the Oregon make of cigars. The Messrs Cobb are genial, enterprising gentlemen PTnerts in their line, and will no doubt make a sncces of this new industry Oiis city. ' Venison Case Dismissed. In the cae of the State of Oregon vs. Henry Boren anA 41 Cmnrh. of Camas Valley, who .were arrested and held in Jnstce Robi nt-tt'e court for the unlawful possession of venison, was dismissed on motion of of the District Attorcey Geo. M. Brown fur the reaon thr.t the complaint d d not state facts sufficient to constitute cause of action, ur.de r the evidence, and theconrt very promptly allowed the motion, s'atini: that as ti e court under stood the law, o:ie must have the s- m of venison f-r ti e purpose Pif.e, barter or ex -ha pe, whereadefen lant w sitr.t.!v c!:ar.x-l with having Tegison iu po s i'n. ' Fob Sale Fiftv tie a rts ' f Und mile tVm wln-f.l l'.use, ci.urch and rt ofiice, and 0 rods lr-m a grwery itiwfum nmi.tv road. Three acres cleared, with 5Mnii.e tcrs in bf-anng IU awle aod 4 l-ar tr.-s. and c-cU graj nrt r.lentv of Koud oak timber, l'rice, Address, m'JOtf O.W. A LULK-o.NV Cleveland, Or 'xIihhif.ii. At the county clerk's office Tnevlav evcn'iiv.' Miles F. Beebe Uichiisan, and Mis- Mae Bums t.f Yon utla.Jiist.ire Rol.Hi.Ht ofiwiating. Tlie rXAlNCFAi.tB cmgratulKU-s, AUvio; Epitaph. The following poem writteu by F.lbert Border Hermann, son of Hon. Bitiger Hermann, apjeared in the Wash ington Times, Feb. 24th. When I am summoned from this land, And told that earthly life is spent, wish my virtuous deeds t" stand As one enduring monument. Erect no scriptuied tomb of stone To claim for mo a righteous life; Far better I remain unknown, Like those who fall in deadly triie. For death itself I have no fear. Tis for the acts 1 leave behind ; That they grow brighter year by year And perish with the close of time. Aral, then, long after I am dead, Oh, how much grander are my deed Than marble slale so seldom read, Forgotten and o'ergrown with weeds! 1 Of Local Interest. Hkrk's a 1kr What is the difle r ence between a newejiaper that is etern ally, crowing - over its own exploits, many of which are unknown to its read ers, and the common, everyday blow- ,ard? Bcrx. In Hofeburg, March If, P.02, to Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Mank, a daughter. Mother and child are getting along nice- lv. JCvrse W anted An experienced nure to attend sick lad v. Apply at this office. An Expensive Case,' The case of Geo. H. SteveDSon vs Otey Boone, to replevin a colt was heard in Just ice Robinett's court Wednesday be fore the following jory: J. C. Aiken, B. Byers, Wm Hodson, L. Schraeisser E. C. Gaddis and L. D. Carle. The ani mal in controversy is a "pinto" jony purchased by. Mr. Boone of Mrs. Emma Hervey, and the plaintiff alleges that the colt really belonged to him. Fifteen or more witnesses were called for Ix-th the plaintiff and defendant and the case was hotly contested t he cost of the pro. ceedings exceeding many titnes the value of the i-roperty in controversy. jibt's verdict. Wednesday evening at about 1 o'clock the jury returned the following verdfct : "We, the jnry. enpeiteied' P try the above entitled action in eaid district, county and state find for the plaintiff; that he is the owner of and entitled to the immediate possession of that certain white and black spotted, eolt, described in the complaint; that if poession there of cannot 1 had that plaintiff have it s valoe w hich we find to be f 20 L. D. Carle, Foreman. 2fo special damages were allowed for the detention of the eolt by defendant The Douglas County Prohibition Convention was held at the courthouse Wednesdav, March U. 1W2. W. A. Wood was elected chairmau and W. E. Good, secretary of the convention. The following ticket was placed in the field: Representatives Wm. Edmondson, Gar diner, and Ira Wiml-erly, Drain; county judge, E. M. Marsters. Rcseburg ; county commissioner, oah t-ornutt, Kiddle; clerk. E. V.'. Bryant, Roseburg; sheriff L. A. Walker. Roseburg; assessor, Mark Manson, K.selrg ; treasurer, B. F. Scott. Riddle. Here is conclusive- evidence that the standard bred Whit- Ijingphana are the greatest and Nt w iuter layers of any other breed of chickens. Fn.m Febru ary 1, t March 1. twenty-eight days, mv 17 hens of thi breelj prodiu-e-1 just thirty-three dozen and nine eggs. Eggs for hatching fl. 50 for 15. Apply to. T. B. Cannon, Koscburg, Ore. Hie ca- f the City "i Roseburg vs. W. B. 1'nge. i r vkdatioii of h city ordi nance bv d"ing teaming and freight hauling without, a license, was hcanl be. fore Recorder West an-1 a jury Monday afternoon. The jurymen were: W.I. Watkins, Harvey Jones, Jas. Hildebnrn. T. B. Cannon, A. O.Rose and Geo. Perry. After hearing the testimony and arguments the jury returned a verdict of guilty and the recorder fixed the pen alty at $18 and costs. It is eaid toe. case will hi appealed to the circuit court. On account oi the irregular survevs if many Of the townships in the Rosvburg landdistrict.it i almost im;o-sible to lot-ate section corners without a cpv of the Government survev. Frank E. Allev, Abstractor of thi citv. has a complete set ot trannjjs oi all surveye-1 t'wnIiis, and w ill fiyrnisli blue prints of same, showing all vacant lands. Isaac Robi net t. father if Justice of the Peace Robiuett, received a fall the earlv part of the week siirLalnir. a broken finger and a sprained . w rist. The old gentleman is well advanced in years but is enjoying good health. The Pi.aim'e! kk was favored with' a l-l?ts- ant call Tuedav. ' Bell Slater. Snrine npeniDZ of street hats will be shown Fridav and Saturday, March 21, 22. We have a full line of trimmed Su- matrss. Manila, Continentals, Orientals and Natwleon shares. A new and com nlete line of Colombia sailors. Ladies call and see them. Real Estate Bargains. Aericultsiral. Frnit. Mineral. Timber, Stock and Colonv Lands in large and email tracts. Residence and Business Property for sale. Address. P." 8. K. Bcick, Roeeburg Ore. The best lavers for everr month in the vear is generally eom-eled to tin the Buff" and Width I-eghorns. Highest scoring iinti ana v Into Leghorns at the December poultry show, llff lor si-t ting of 13, T1.00 apply to L. G Mathews al"p Box 524 R-eburg, Oregon E. N. Smith, of Myrtle Point, a Coos county timberiaud agent spent Tuesday and Wednesday iu Riseburg and favor ed The Plaisdkalkb with a pleasant business call. He rejorts consilerable business activitv in Coos county as well as politics. v e never had such an elaixrato at sortnient of floor coverings to choose from, and at prices marked down tf an inducement figure. Its a very tempting offering; over MJ paCerns to select from ; cut. sewed and laid at verv reasonable prices. Rice & Rice. The eastern eop!e who have just ar rived here, think our present stormy weather is pretty tough but when they real of the tcrnhle trtizaards w inch are now raging throughout the east, they are mighty glad they are here. For Abstracts of JTitle, guaranteed to lie full and corre1 copies of all records effecting the title, call on Frank E. Alley upstairs in the Marks building. His work is guaranteed correct, and prices are reasonable. County Treasure G. W. Dimmick is in receipt of a letter from Henry Whipple late of Drain, who has been for the past two years at his old home at Mystic Conn. Mr. Whipple says that every thing there is exactly as ho expecb-d to find it, that the old river flows just as it did w hen he was a bov. but at the same time he has a longing in his heart to return to old Oregon, Douglas county. Mr. Whipple is now 80 years old and is known throughout Douglas county as one of the most honorable old re.-idents of this county. We hoje ho may re turn to Oregon. Anr parties desiring to rent, buy or sell real estate, city or country properly will do well to call on or address H. M. Martin. Office with Attorney lxuis Barzee, opsite McClallen House, Rose burg, Oregon. '' Miss Kate Buick has returned from Riverdale where she has been enjoying a vacation, bhe has just receive! one oi the Wells-Fargo Co's. medals given to their employes on the semi-centennial of the establishment of their express bnsi- iie. It shows the various means of transportation need 50 years ago. and those of todav a comparison of whirh hows the wonderful rrouess of this strenuou age. If von want first-class painting done by a prartical painter, one tliat know? l.'nw ami Joes ifood work onlr. call on Jojm tieorge Caspari. Or leave orders at Churchill A Woolley'e harware store Mr. and Mrs. Gee. H. Churchill and granddaughter. Miss Eflie Collins, ar rived here Tuesday evening from Port land and left Wednesday evening with Mrs. Collins for Santa Paula. Calif., where they expect to reside indefinitely. They sjent the day here with their eon, F. H. Churchill and family. Xow is the time to buy your garden tool, spnding forks, rake, plows, liar rows. Planet jr. garden tools etc of S. K. ykes. G. O. Frotman, who ha? leen study ing medicine at Junction City is visiting friends and relative in this city. We have no doubt that Mr. Trotzman will make a most capable doctor as he has had considerable exterienve. Axes, we have them, not to grind, that's leen done alreadv ; warranted to chop wood without blacking the ex Get them at Rh & Rice's. B.F.Ramp leit Monday for Portland! and other Talley towns to look after business matters and attend the state socialist conversion which was held in Portland Tuesday. We frame pictures to perfection. You'll lie glad we done the job for you : we know how. Bring vour picture, we can do the rest. Jake Whit iker. nhofr the past tour vears ha lielJ a position in the S. P- railroad yard at thj place, favored the PLAiNDRti.ua with a cash sulevription renewal Tuesday. Don't miss Flint's ad in this issue; you can Ikiv shoes there that will stand the the tet of wear, and pay lesa than elsewhere. Edgar E. I-ong. brether ef Atty. John Long, has returned home from the Med- ford Academy where he has two at tending school during the winter. Spray, spray, ,spray, with McBain's jrijolir Compound, the best for fruit trees and all kind of plants for sale by S. K. Sykes. D. P. Fisher received a fine pair of Irish a"d spangled muff game fowls from Chicago rei-ently. They are beau ties and every inch game. Timber filing jiapeni prepared by the Title Guarantee A Loan Co. for 50v per set. Call on them at the court house. : Mrs. R. 0. Goff, of Coles Valley wit. has lieen in the city for some time lwiug treated for acute rheumatism, is rejtrt ed no better. . '. 9 MILLII1ERY OPEttittG March 20, 21 and 22 Thursday, Friday, Saturday The ladies of Roseburg and vicinity are cordially invited to attend our Easter Opening of Spring Millinery comprising anything to wear in the Millinery line for Spring. ENGLISH AND FRENCH WALK ING HATS in exclusive styles You will not find these sho'.n else where. Trimmed JAVAS, MANILAS, SUM ATR AS and PANAMAS in endless variety. New ready-to-wear HATS in the Neapolitan and Napoleon shapes. An immense array of American and French Pattern V, Hats of superior style and workmanship, surpassing all of our former ; .. . attempts in this line. The very best resulta with a Tetaluma Incubator. Churchill A Woolley pay the freight. A. F. Brown, of Oakland was a Rose burg visiter Monday, Mr. Brown aid wife have just returned from a visit to California. Grand Millinery Owning, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Jot-epheone. Ed Riddle, on Kidille's prominent business men was in town todav. This office received a pleasant ca'l. Latest stvles in Waist Silk. New de signs and colorings at Josephson's Hildebrand's rpring opening Saturday March 22. See their large ad i this is suenote price mliH-tioiis. See the Title Guarantee A Jyoan Co for blue priuts and filing pers, tf. Col Mathews, of Letauon and - Frank Cummiiigv of Albany, wete iu Roeeburg on business tlay When you get a Sorosit shoe at cot, ou get a bargain. ihe xacket. A. t. Kent returned to this city yes terday alter a few day's Tiait at Drain and vicinitv. Evervthiug tliai is new and oji-to-late lit ewelrv at swftiao a. leo. Mote, of Cottage Grive, arrived iu this citv yesterday to visit relatives and friends. w that di-power for euunnug at Churchill A Woolley . Irs. Bnrge and s.n, of l-ua Angele, ;ire yiriting Mr. and Mrs. L Kohlhagen, of this citv. Cl's ks. Clo. ks. Clk, see the clocks at J. T. I'.rvan s Mr. and Mrs. Jese Clements." of Glen- dale, have com to Roseburg to rei le. Mrs. Jas. McOjiaid was rej-orted seriously ill tliis mornina. !k-e Hint's window for the new pring st vice in footwear. flarch 20, 21, 22 Thursday, Friday, Saturday. The Big Store JOSEPHSOFS The Big 5torc 'Phone 255 ,.OV3'VVOV.VVOVOV0,. S. S. Bolsinger was Brock way Wednesday. in town from Quick Sales and Small Profits IS PROVING A SUCCESS AT THE POPULAR HUSIC HOUSE, Duriug our Bargain Sale, week commencing March the loth, re sold 2 Pianos and 3 Orgaus. The sale will continue until SATURDAY EVENING. MARCH 22, We still have a large stock to select from Call or write for catalogue and prices EASY TERMS IF DESIRED. W. A. BURR & CO. Emporium Bldg., Roseburg Oregon Great Introductory Sale of Groceries We want to make the acquaintance of every consumeroi Groceries in the city and we take this method of introducing ourselves , , PRICES SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS -LISTEN! (iet your abstracts of title from J, D. Hamilton. He has the only complete set of abstract books in the county, tf ; M. L. Moore, of this cjty is jq tha Wj: jainettp yal'f j po bvi6n,e;8. t 20 lbs. Dry Granulated Sugar $i oo 25 lbs. Best Rolled Oats I oo 16 lbs. Best Rice i oo 3 pkgs. 5 minute Mush - 25 1 Wheatine 11 1 Malt Breakfast Food .. .. 13 1 " Creain of Wheat 18 1 " Pearline id Ivory Soap, 3 bars for 25 Roral Savon Soap, 5 bars for 35 Borax Soap, burs for 25 Uncle Sara 1ar Soap, 3 bars for 25 Dwintrll, Wright Co.'s Roasted, Java and Mocha Coffee 37 Dwinell, Wright Cc's Boston " Blend Roasted Coffee 2? 12 20 j Royal Bakiug Powder, Jj lb can 14 ti j it It Goldeu Arbuckles Coffee Liou Coffee Xtra quality special roast Coffee Postum Cereal Grape Nut r Walter Bakers Breakfast Cocoa Best Spider Leg Tea 40 Best Gun Powder Tea ;o West u I I 11 11 5 25 25 45 25 12 12 j Good String Beans, per can . East. Sugar Coru, per can 10 Best California Toinatoe, M M 11K Slag Brand Oysters, is 10 u " " 2S IS Best Pine Apple, per can 20 Best Yellow Peaches, pex can ... 15 A full and complete line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Gents Fur nishing Goods, Hats, Etc., Etc., at prices that knocks 'em all out. Goods Delivered Freo of Char qq, 'Phone 721 T 1 waTTirn p. nui i ait X XU11UJLII) UU U.UJUUU Y T a. ha IU .U Ju .JU' Jl ii 1 n M U flTI IR ll A Y MflRLH It is u'-t lb e size of th's ad. that counts, but it is 4he irresistible power of the low prices we quote. We invite you to visit our store and we intend to make you welcome. If you do not come to buy, you are still expected and wanted rv:i:t ous treatment will convince you that we are here to help and to please. We make our bow to our customers with the conviction that we shall suit one and all, because we have been able to collect an assortment of popular and pleasing Spring and bummer troods, well adapted to tlie wants and requirements ot trie people ot mis community. 10 cent Lonsdale Bleached Muslin 7 cents Saturday Only Fancy Percales in 10 yard lengths SO cents the price L. L. Unbleached Muslin, 20 yards for $l.O0 Saturday Only. . 1500 yards New Torchon Laces, all widths, at 5 cents per yard, Extra wide, heavy German Prints, 12 yards for si. 00 Saturday Only. New Dress Giughams, . IQ cents per yard. Burmah Wash Challies, per yard, 6 cents Lawn and Dimities, 5 cents, cents, 7 cents and up. Fancy Prints, per yard 5 cents White Goods, 5 cts., 654 cts-i 7JS cts., 8$ cts. and better With pride and pleasure we call your attention to the most successful Trimmed Hat Department in this county Flowers and Spring are synonymous, and this season ident- New table linens in White, Red and Ecru, at Fancy Cushion Covers, assorted patterns, at, An immense variety of fancy tuckings, yokings and trim- Dress goods and waist materials, Fancy Leno Cords 25c inings, Fashion's newest fancies, at, Mercerized silk zephyers, the uew substitute for silk. 30c, 45c, 50c, 60c, 75c. 25 cents each. " POPULAR PRICES. 20c and 25c. Mens' new golf shirts, at Mens' fancy half hose at, Mens' outiug flannel and muslin night robes, at, Mens' fine white hemstitched handkerchiefs, 50c, 75c, and $1.00. . 25 cents. 75c and $1.00. 3 for 2sc. 4 9. THE UNDERPRICED STORE "- tc