The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 17, 1902, Image 3

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    ii iimi I iiwiiniiwawwwBWPWJi'jHiJj i limn . , wmwwimmmmmmmmw
Take a Notion
from our Notion aud
Fancy Goods Hue which
is full 01 the new things
of this year's creation.
We beg to call your at
tention that oui new
Spring goods have arriv
ed. We are ' showing
bcan'iful novelties in
mercerized Zephyrs,
Chainbria Lawn, in all
the new spiiug colorings
and designs.
to fit our new Spring
line of Clothing which
has just arrived from our
eastern manufacturers.
TbeMenaley Quartette, of Chicago
who are to entertain Roseburg music
lovers at the M. E. church Wednesday
evening is not to be compared with any
other company travelling, for they are
the only one ef the kind in the country.
Of course tliey can sin what is called
''classical" music but thev don't, they
sing heart searching words to soul-stir-ing
music and level headed logic to
catchy strains that makes the combina
tion irresistible. Their work is all of
the hiehest moral character and their
entertainments are often given under
the of church and temperance
societies as will be the case here. Mr.
Knox, tha impersonator, ii "a whole
menagerie in himself." If you
an to the right, then you will come to our Shoe Department
where we are showing our new Spring line of Shoes, including our
"DOUGLAS SHOE," for which we are sole agents.
We cau fit you in Hats and Caps as we have
all styles and sizes at the
The People's Store
Foreman Kroblanch, of the Grants
Toss round house, was a business visitor
in Koseburg last week.
Geo. A. Trent has been elected
Journal Ajtnnt for the Brotherhood of
Railroad Trainmen
Otto Miller, a member of Co. B 2nd
Oregon Vol., is now in the employ of the
S. 1'. Co. as brakenian
Seven railroad employes on the Puiis
muir, Red Bluff division have been dis-
want to charged for disobeying orders.
flWJflERY OPEfllttG
March 20, 21 and 22
NV-Nv:? ! of the late Rev.
2 f , Kith are among the
I Told in Side Heads I
Sovf. Inter rsnxG Lectures. Mrs
llary Jl Teats national evangelist of
the pnritv .iopattraent of the N O I
V, deiive'rt d a very interesting and
iiit.trc. ' i ve lecture to men at the 1 res
bUetiao eburcli Sunday afternoon on
thesubjt f -:ae Sacrodnesa of
Fa'.herhooJ and God's La uTern;
icg tbo L'rocrfjtin of tb Race.
Mrs. Teats is a fl-ient, eloquent and
logical speaker w:d received the clos
est atU:itii of b. r unny bearers.
Sheai. in vi's-ance, "The LiRh
etandarfr-f uior-.U requisite ia the
motherhood, i'i a no degree re
quired in th. fh'hei ti -od of our land.
So of leu I Km ked by io..ber-s'wba
can we do lu iv our dvirfhtersT 1
locuire. fiom bnt or whom yoor
own POOT MV fiavi.-e ii"'"
vonr Lovs asion do your girls" and
tbisfeoci-j problem iH hie Iwd
Fo'ved. Mn.-hof the u.iejy, cr:uie
idiocy of f hid day aud ag a due to a
false uiole?ty on tbe part of parents
in not properly educating ad in
forming tneir children on natures
laws and the dire resnlts of their vio
lation." Many social evils and cus
toms wero discussed and it is to be
regretted there is so inncb need and
Bach a broai field for such work and
fo fev to take op the good cause in
which Mrs Teats is laboring, bne
iui;Qrat n interostmsr lecture at
tha M V. Hmreh last mtj'ot to a large
dn.liurrt latiirMi to women only
pht will lect
ure at tbe Baotibt church, and all are
invited to attend. -
AvoTiiSR Lah,e "Sew Briitc. Con
tractor F. F. Tat;-rs..n ha just signed
nr. the papers for the const mctk.n of
fine new one story brick building for
Mrs. Hendrvks. on Sheridan street, on
the lot adjoining the Wilkins Restaur- j
t IIP dPTt.
The new brick wiil lie. 40x50 feet and
contain two 7i:xlernly equipid store
rx'ins. with plate plas fronts. the foundation excava
tions this morning and the work will 1
pnshed to completion as rapidly as pos
sible. We are informed that L J. Kor
ean, the confectioner will occupy one
rmi of tlie new brick. This adds an
other to tbe many recent subftantia
in-.i rovements to that portion of town
and is a hi? Hep forw ard. Roseburg's
growth will be ti;e greatest in years
this season.
J .kr'e.-I.i' city, T.iolay even
ing, March 11, ltsJ2. .!oi..i M
aid Alice Djoth. Mr. is the sm
of Hon. J. O. Br.'.h a:id h?. for several
yf-srs past b-'en e:i.ploedia ti.e office
of th D. A I. C). a a -i-tiat
ILo b-'; !.- is the o iiiiniif
Cbas. Booth and
very we'd kr.swn
young people ef this eity. Grants Pass
rROHmmoxisTS REMBMnr.R-The county
conveniion, Wednesday March 19, at
10 o'clock, at the courthouse. Don't
fail to be present. A full county ticket
will le placed in the field. It is ex
pected that the Meneleye will be present
and help to make the convention a suc
cess. If yon want a little foretaste of what
is in tfore for you at the Methodist
church in the evening hear the Meneleys
at the eonrention.
Bosk. At Grants Fass on Monday
March 10. lWUf, to Mr. and Mr. Geo. R.
Riddle, a boy.
Myrtle Creek News.
Of Local Interest.
see your melancholy friends laugh bring
them to hear tha Meneleys. Admission
25 cents, IS edits fur those nuder 15
yean of age.
Axea, we haTe them, not to grind,
that's been done alraadr ; warranted to
chop wood without blacking the eyes.
Get them at Klce A Kice s.
The Satire Pons of Oregon is a societ y
organized for the purpose of perpetuat
ing the names and deeds of the pioneers
of this state, aad with that end anil pur
pose in rlew, Joe Lane's Cabin, So. 10,
was organized and instituted at Rone
burg. Now everyone who is acquainted
with Oregon's history, knows of Gen
Joe Lane, bnt Joe Lane's Cabin is not
so well known-; therefore next Friday
March 21st, Joe Lane s Cabin, rative
Sons will give an amateur and profes
sional rauderille entertainment at the
Rnseburg theatre, that will I t eclipse
anv similar entertainment ever given in
thiscitv. Watch for further announce
The season is late bnt f mit aud grain
crops are assured to I better than the
Miss Ines Iepew is in attendance at
tlie Yoncalla Institute as a delegate ef
our W. C. T. T. '
A spring term of school oiened Mon
day with Prof. A. F. Coruntt and Adelle
Mulkey as teachers.
John Foreman bas moved here with
his family. He is employed in the
Little Chief tian mine.
Mr. Divert and family have returned
from California ; he is looking over the
South Myrtle mining si' nation.
S. H. Knight and E. L. Wonacott are
in from the new cold fields of &uth
Myrtle and report several new wining
S. C. Flint was visiting the mining
section, recently with Mr. Fellows, who
has recently bought a 700 acre tract
near this city.
The olitical caldron is steaming a
little. Look out for a republican ma
jority here this year. The young blood?
are going into it strg and earnestly.
Mrs. Mary E. Teats, National Purity
Evangelist, of the W. C T. redelivered
three lectures here to large audiences.
She is unanimously pronounced a very
able and forcible speaker, After the
lectures a Y. W. C fT t . of 17 mem
bers, was organizefl through the efforts
and strong reasoning -i the earnest
The writer was on a bnsipess tour of
the South Myrtle Mining s-district last
week, and while all tLe-"i were not
satisfied, judging from therr talk, your
corresiiondent noticed that every piece
rif rirp rominz nnder the notice of those
in charge of the graders, was being
saved. It was overheard at one place
that one lot of ore run f 1S3 and another
?400 to the ton. Judging from the ore
in sight and the may work is 1-eiiig
pushed, there will soon be a broad
smile on the faces of those liaving the
mines bonded. Bench Mark.
St. Fatrick was a gentleman
Who, through strategy and stealth
Drove all the snakes from Ireland ;
Here's a humer to his health.
But not too many bunijiers,
Let we lose ourselves, and then
Forget the good St. Patrick
And see the snakes again.
The finitgrowers of Neberg ha.t a
meeting Saturdav and erganired for the
promotion of Strawberry Culture.
Hood River, Palem and other places
have done the same and find that it is
very helpful. When they work to geth-
er and produce frniis in large lots of nn
ifonu qualitv thev can soil at much let
ter advantage then where it is a hit and
miss crop and every fellow for himself.
Fruit growers alont Rosebnrg ought to
get together and thus promote their in
terests by arranging for joint s:i pments,
destination, commissions, supplies, etc.
Here is conclusive evidence that the
standard bred White IjDghans are the
greatest and best winter layers of any
other breed of chickens. From Febru
ary 1, to March 1. twenty-eight days,
my 17 hens of this breel produced just
thirty-three dozen and nine eggs. Kgg
for hatching f 1.50 for 15. Apply to,
T. B. Canuon, Roseburg. Ore.
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
O W. Fox of Bo.-eburg, died at tlie resi
dence of Mrs Jane Plyniale March 10,
1W2, of bronchial pneumonia, ihe re
mains w ere taken to Ashland to le laid
to rest beside the late Mrs. Heaton Fox.
The symjiathies of the entire communi
ty are extended to the grief-stricken
parents in the lss of their only child.
Ashland Record.
On account of the irregular survevs of
many of the town.-hips in the Roseburg
land isalinu.-t initssible t'i
l'icate section corners without a copy of
the Government survey. rank t. Ailev
Abstractor of this city. ha a complete
set oi tracings oi all surveyed townships,
and will furnish Mue prints of same,
showing all vacant lands.
5 c- a
cannot be be far off and
loaded q
are now
Wash Stuffs
O Sprin
our counters
with new stuffs. Come and
voa never saw before in this a
Ho seburg'j wash goods center.
next Saturday
Mrs. A. C. Marsters, county pW-fdit
of t'ie W. C. T. I"., was slriekeu with
ervsipelas while in attendance at the
local convention at Yoncalla last week
and has suffered severely ftxun this ccini
I'laint since retuniine home. Her many
friends, however, will V pleased to learn
that her condition is improved end1 that
her speedy recovery is now practically
We never had such an elaborate as
sortment of ti'M'T coverings to chouse
from, and at prices niarketl down to an
inducement figure. Its a very tempting
offenng : oyer 1 0 patterns to sele-t from
cut, sewed and laid at very reasonable
pnees. Kice A Kice.
L. L. Mathews, one of Ikiuglas
county's thrifty farmerx, visited this
office Saturday and renewed Ids sub
scriptions for the Plai.ndealkr and Ore-
gonian ; he also bad bis postoffice ad
dress changed to Dixonville. Mr.
Mathews is anxious that the roads be
tween Roseburg and Dixonville maybe
much improved this year.
For Abstracts of tTitle. guaranteed to
lie full and correct copies of all records
effecting the title, call on Frank E. Alley
upstairs in the .Marks huiMing. llis
work is guaranteed correcx, anu prices
are reasonable.
A. F. Babrke and wife of French Set
tlement were in this city Saturday with
their eight year old 6n who had the
misfortune to have tw o of his fingers cut
off in a hay chopper at their home last
Friday evening. Dr. Hoover dressed
the wounded niemliers and the little
fellow is reported as getting along nice-
Any parties desiring to rent, buy or
sell real estate, city or country property
will do well to call on or address H. M.
Martin. Office with Attorney Louis
Barzee, opposite McClallen House, Rose
burg, Oregon. W
A. F. Bahrke, of French Settlement
expects to leave Douglas county within
i the next month for a visit at his old
home near Hamburg, Germany. Mr.
j Bahrk expects to induce a party of bis
countrymen to come to Oregon with him
I and settle in Douglas county.
We frame pictures to perioction.
You'll le glnd we done the job lor you
we know how. Bring your picture, we
can do the rest.
M'ts Laura Spilding, of the Plaix
pbalkr force, spent Suinlay in Drain
the guest of homefolks. Mrs. Edith
Aldridge who has been visiting with her
sister, Mrs. J. W. Spa'.d'mg, returned to
her home at Minneapolis. Minn., last
night and was accompanied by Mrs.
Spalding who w ill enjoy a pleaant visit
in the home ef her sister and with other
relatives and frieuds.
Now is the time to bny yonr garden
tools, spading forks, rakes, plows, liar-'
rows, 1 Janet jr. garuen tools ete oi i. iv.
Rev. S, . White of Coonille City and
Miss Addie Black of Myrtle Point, were
married at Marshfield March 10, PU2.
Miss Black is a daughter of Hon. A. H.
Black, well known in Rcebnrg and Rev.
White is a well known Presbyterian
Sprav. sprav. sprav. with McBain's
Carbolic Compound, the best tor fruit
trees and all kind of plants for sale by
Say, Comrades, yon are personally in
terested in the business ti 1 transacted
at that Socialist Mas Convention which
will be held at the court house on Wed
nesday. March 2fth at 10 o'clock Do
not fail to attend. Secretary. VI
Litest styles in Waist Silks. New de
signs and colorings at Joeepbson's
Frank Brown, f Deer I reek, was
tranactidg buine in Roseburg Satur
day and in order to kee j posted on coun
ty, state and general news, . had hi
name enrolled on the Plaindkaler's
subscription book.
(Jet vour attracts of title from J. D,
Il unillon. He has the only complete
sei oi aosiraci ioois in ine couniv. i
Walter Hoover came down from R
burg Tuesday. He has Uvn apjiointed
Assistant iranl Maf ter lor the iinler
of Ar;isans and will do organizing work
for that order in Oregon and California.
Medford Mail.
The very best results with a rVtaluma
Incubator. Churchill A Woolley pay
the freight.
John Stewart, of San Franc:s-o. who
has been visiting bis aunt, Mrs. Edgar
Comln of this city, left on Friday's local
forAulaufto visit bis father, M. C
Stewart of that place.
Dr. Ixiwe's glasses are tbe best obtain
able. See him the three last days of
next week.
The Roseburg B. of R. T. is contem
plating giving an entertvnmont and so
cial to the public in the near future.
Announcement stating date will be
made in a short time.
J. A. Bunting, theex-H. P. conductor,
who is now one of California's oil kings
passed through this city last Friday in
his private car El Fleda. the car is one
of the finest In the country having every
modern convience.
Samuel Veatch and wife, of Portland,
who have been spending a month trav
eling through California, Texas, Mexico
and New Mexico, were in town this
week on their return. They report a
very pleasant trip and visit with Mr.
Vcatch's sister. Mrs. W. V. McC.oe in
Texas. Sam savs that one thing that
most attracted his attention was a
Mexican "bull fight. Cottage Grove
Conducter Al Morris is in correspond
ence with men of the Trainmens Broth
erhood, who contemplate rnnning an ex
cuivion out of The Dalles to Salem some
time in June or July. At the same time
they propose to have excursions from
as far south as Roseburg running into
Salem. This will afford an opportunity
for people all over tbe state to assemble
in the capital city and have an enjoyable
time. The trainmen see to it that their
excursions are strictly orderly, no
ronsness being ierniitted. The Dalles
This office is turning out some very
neat and tusty designs ia commercial
priuting. If you are in need of soy
thing in the printing line we would be
jdeased to see you.
Grand MHlinery Opening, Thursday,
Friday and Saturday at Josephsons.
The best lavers for every mouth in
the year is generally conceeded to be the
Buff and Whith "Ieghoms. Highest
scoring Buff and Whith Leghorns at
the December poultry show. Eggs for
setting of 13, $ 1.00 apply to
L. G Mathrws
al'p Box 524 Rojieburg, Oregon
Miss Ilattie Dement who lias lieen
taking medical treatment from Dr
Brown, was able to returned home to
Myrtle Creek Saturday .Eugene Regis
T. K. Richardson, tlie well known pi
ano man of Roseburg, was In the city
this week, closing a deal with J. B.
Lewis for a Kimball, style "&" piano. -Bohemia
Another notice should 1e printed and
stuck up in the theater besides one re
questing the ladies to remove their hats
one to request people not to get np
and go to putting on their wraps until
the play is over.
The Helena saloon on Main street is
now undergoing substantial improve
ments preparatory to beitg reopened in I
the near future, by the well known
mining man M. D. Mabony -Cottage 1
Grove Leader.
Mrs. Applegate, who has been visit-
Railroad School of Instruction and
Reading Room in Roseburg
It is now a settled fact that the Rail
road school of instruction and reading
room will I a permanent feature in
Roseburg. the chairman E. Zinmier
man, engineer, ani "teorge a. treat
trainman, employes of tlie Southern
Pacific Co. have rented the frame
structure which was until recently
eupied bp Bayles & Starmer as a restan
rant. Mrs. Hendricks, the owner of the
building, bas gave tlie railroad boys
long lease on this rooi. This school
instruction and reading room is for a
the employes of the Southern Pacific Co
this means every department. Th
daily papers and all journals an.l jit
pertaining to railroading will be sub
scribed for and kept in the realing room
Writing material, such a paper an
envelopes w ill lie furnished free to
employes at the reading n-om who ma
desire the same. It is th d sire
make this a place of I.-arning as well
This can lie done with the assistance
not onlv financially, but by the atten
ance of the railroad employes.
The first assessment which is now b.
ins collected is cents, winch covers
tli expenses for the first nionth rent
light, heat, chairs, table, and pnjin
for subscriptions t the journal
and taj-er.
The assessment hereafter will tieonl
25 cents per nionth for each employee
an.l this certainly is very cheap for th
preat benefits to lie derived from th
A place of this kind has long been
nw,iM in Roseburg and Geo. A. Trent
and Elmer Zimmerman are to be com
mended for the interest they have taken
in tli matter and it is to be hoped that
all the employes will assist these gentle
men so far as they can in order that the
school may be a graud success, of which
l,aw no doubts but what it will will he an oiien account for tl
inspection of all concerned relative
the finance of the school.
M. DeVaney, will lsgiven space in tl
school for a small cigar store and th
space is given to Mr. aney, in ex
change for bis personal care of the room
and it's contents. Mr. DeVaney being
an expert on engino machinery will be
rl,.nhln man to have in charge of th
school from the fact that there will
an engine boiler, air pump and. a va;
assortment of valtub' material to lie
looked ftor, and kept in working condi
The ladies of Roseburg and vicinity are cordially invited to attend our
Easter Opening of Spring Millinery comprising anything to wear in
the Millinery line for Spring ENGLISH AND FRENCH WALK
ING HATS in exclusive styles You will riot find these shown else
in endless variety. - New ready-to-wear HATS in the Neapolitan and
Napoleon shapes. An immense array of American and French Pattern
Hats of superior st3'le and workmanship, surpassing all of our former
attempts in this line.
flarch 20, 21, 22
Thursda', Friday, Saturday,
Quick Sales and Small Profits
Duriug our Bargain Sale, week commencing March the 10th,
we sold 2 Pianos aud 3 Organs. The sale will continue until
We still have a large stock to select from
Call or write for catalogue and prices
' ;W. A. BURR & CO.
Emporium Bldg., Kose'biire, Oregon
T82A0EMCY FOR filine topers prepared by tbe
Title Guarantee A lxan Co. for 60c per
set. Call on them at the eourt house.
fiiHea Feats & Gi.'s
TbeM famoas pattern are handsomer
and better made than tboM oi any
other manolactnrer. They consist of all
grade from tha most inexpensive Kitchen
and Bed Room papers to the choicest Halls,
Dining Rooms and Parlors, reprcsentiag a
stock of ovr 5,000.000 rolls. .
Don't bay old shop worn goods when
on any on of oar 600 patterns mna!J
ed expressly lor th spring ci
racirm av - "" w"- eys.
Jt Huwfew. Dceratiii sa4 Palatine at Lowaat
Plica. aXL weuvaaxBM
D. P. ritiAAJcIR
Sykes Hatdware Store
I have decided to cIom
out at cost my fine large
stock of Glass and China
Ware, Crockery and
Chamber Sets for cask.
See our fine window dis
play for these great bargains.
My stock of Staple and
Faucy Groceries is large
and compleie and always
fresh and up-to-date.
Prices as low as the
ins her parent. Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
It you want nret-clasn painting (lone , rftw field "of thin citv. for sometime
A i At A 1 I ' '
"f K past, returned to her home at Drain
now inu uum gowi worn ouiy, can on ; , .
.Inin flwirtn Pasnori. Or lpflvp nrtiom ' labt weeK.
at Churchill &. oolley's harware store.
Great Introductory Sale of Groceries
We want to make the acquaintance of every consumer of
Groceries in the city and we take this method of introducing
0 Watchforspecialannouncement
o in next issue.
Lee Minard, of Roseburg, has pur
chased the hall interest of John Curran.
I tn Vis TVkVtnmln aalrr.r and 4Kb KiiuiiiMiti
is now under tbe name of A. M. White
it Company. Cottage Grove Nugget.
Next week Thursday to Saturday
night, three dayH March 20 to 22, Dr.
Lowe, the well known onilo-optician-;
will be at the McClallen House, Con,
en 1 tat ion free.
Miss Maude Cloyd returned home to
Roseburg Thursday, after a visit with
Ashland Wends. Town Talk.
Chas. Cochra n was down to Drain one
day the past week. We understand
that he has taken charge of the Drain
band. Cottag Grove Leader.
G. W. Carter & Son have opened a
grocery store at Canvonville and are
putting in a complete stock of first class
Jndge H. L. Benson visit Roseburg
friends this week on bis return to ffalein
from Jacksonville.
Oregon City ministers are making a
vigorous crusade against gambling.
20 lbs. Dry Granulated Sugar.. ..$1 00
25 lbs. Best Rolled Oats 1 00
16 lbs. Best Rice 1 00
3 pkgs. 5 minute Mush . 25
1 " Wheatine
1 Malt Breakfast Food
1 " Cream of Wheat
1 " feariine
Ivory Soap, 3 bars for 25
Royal Savon Soap, 5 bars tor 25
Borax Soap, 3 bars lor 25
Uncle Sam Tar Soap, 3 bars for 25
Dwinell, Wright Co.'s Roasted
Java and Mocha Coffee 37"
Dwinell, Wright Co.'s Boston
Blend Roasted Coffee 25
Arbuckles Coffee 12
Liou Coffee 12
Xtra qrality special roast Coffee 15
Postuui Cereal 20
Grape Nut 15
Walter Bakers Breakfast Cocoa . 25
Best Spider Leg Tea 40
Best Gun Powder Tea 50
Royal Baking Powder, i lb can 85
tl t tl j II u
Goldeu West " 1 " 5
Good String Beans, per can it
u East. Sugar Corn, per can it
Best California Tomatoes, " " xi
Stag Brand Oysters, is . 10
44 44 44 2S 18
Best Pine Apple, per can 20
Best Yellow Peaches, pei can ... 15
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'aaa'aaaBa ULUUUUUUULUA.IJUUUJULW
n w a a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa -.
m zim rrrir r- a r MrT .Inckann Street. 5
5 Cinr ram mA Hnniii.miila Rrnnt ia CAAft Or hetter
than ever and will be delivered to any part of the city.
am 1 1 I ri 1 UK
jeave oraera or puone uua
A full and complete line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Gents Pur.
nishing Goods, Hats, Etc., Etc., at prices that knocks 'em all out.
Goodo Delivered Fr co of Charge. 'Phono 721
SIBVBRS. Proprietor p
0 &asss&s&$'S4