The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 17, 1902, Image 2

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    '1 "!;.. .!tffiVV,'-Tl!
'ROCKING full of worth. Kacheven
CHA1RS ing you can realize a div
idend from an investment
in a rocker. We have them that are
comfortable and not expensive. Cob
bler scat rockers as low as $2. Nurse
or sewing rockers $1.25 and up.
fc in Oar; x't s all the rich new jwttriis and each one pricud ho ehwe U f t that ymi readily whr J
jt t v.'iir interest to tuv nmv whether von have immediate use fur it nm. nr inn.
C9 in stoves and lw'.ues will sav that von f our j?ls aul ret 'ir irirr ihen we other chk1? ami ln-e. I
We will see rou UT.iiii. Sueli has Uen the case hi the i.-t. No wotiW! buyo lam y Steel UaiiKe with
C " hirh il.set ; fl2 l.iivs st-xxl j.hiiu Xo. S Cook Stove. Charter tat ; $i huvs poml plain Xu. S Cook Stove. $7.50
9 buvs j.laiii Xo 7 tn.k Stove; fH take ?'nh! 3-jHeie 1W R.niiii Suit; 1 :i'is lst auutiji chair 111 thix g
O (Nuintry for the pra-e ; $;l.5t) jrets lest s.lil k jioliwheil rocker. ThouMihln of bargain which we on t - j
Cf iueatiou for waut of spac. Write for eatalognv. 1
f Th Twic--Veek
Rbseburg Plaindealer
Published MoQdavg aod Tbondar.
V. C.Coxxkr, Editor and Publieher
FitED right, City Editor, Solicitor.
ArGrsT J. Kraktz, Foreman
S. C. Babtrcm Trareling Solicitor.
Twicf-i-Vetk Plaindealer, per year, SI .50
Entered at the Post Office, in Roseburg,
Ore., as second class mail matter.
AdvortiEing Katee on Application.
MAKCII 17, 1902.
Prominent Democrat Advocates the
Liberal Expenditure of Money
in County Improvements.
J. M. Kobinsoa, a prominent demo
crat of E'diton, paid the preseat
county board a spleodid, though indi
rect com pb men, and indorsed their
actions in liberally expending county
funds for the repair and substantial
improvement of the county's roads
End bridges, and he at the 6ame
time condemns the false economy of
the late union administration as fol
lows, in the Review of last Thursday:
I have always contended
for a judicious expenditure of
money on our roads and bridges.
That I know will amount to thou
sands of dollars, and I believe the
safety of the lives of our' citizens de
mand it. My censure of the county
board has always been for not hvin?
ppent money in making repairs. I
afti not an advocate of false economy
it is'in some respects worse than
unnecessary expenditure."
Oyer in our ei'ter county of Lane
which ha.- a Democratic Sheriff and
Ju-lge, the dclinoaent tax list was pub
lished in January by the Democratic
Eugene Guard set ii the identical same
type as that usM by the Plaivdkalkr
an 1 the following hill v:i? allowed by the
Di'.na:ratic'r Union Judge of that coun
ty: '7 liis at 2-5 cents per line.
$210.75." according to the Lane county
Xn Multnomah county the Oregonian
acknowledged recently that it receiviti
cent jK.r lirr"tl.:s j-earfor riublfchin?
the delinquent tax list. Does all this
indicate that the Flavdealeb has over
clnrged tho county fr this advertising
or that the Douglas county court hs
"eri'j'.'edeJ the lawfal limit"' in auditing
this Nil of 25 cents per line? Xay, nay,
gentie reader, not eo !
The Review took op over a column
in the last issue of that paper quoliug
and juggling with figures to fD
de ivor to prove that the tax-payers
of Do Jir'as county bad suffered a 1o?b
of of $33 by the Pla'xdeale and
the v board not allowing it to
fix the price for the publication of
the late tax list Since the Plaik
it 'Lee had nevfr ben consulted ly
tLe Ueviow and the Democratic
county board nnder the union re
gime is to what prices should be al
lowed for county priotiog and ad
vertimog Hie etrtablisiDent of a new
precedent at this time was cot con
sidered prooitiors. The tax list was
published io the Plaikdealeb by eon
tract accordiug to law at a price "not
exceeding S25-iils per line,'' as the
Review iiuoxl from the late legislat
ive session laws lust Thursday, and no
one is complaining or cares anything
about the luaiier. excep the Review
editor, and his envious and jeal
ous motive is so apparent that he is
only wiuuiog tor Liunwf the con
tempt o?ev.ry fair Minded citizen of
the county. Poor Wntiherly. a Joae
eorue desc:den of BnaiKiu Up
imagines - m thing hns tjone rong
when be is oidy n ff-:iijf from the
dyspepsia and h;i ! fevtr. KebUcuid
get the ticks o&! ut his Lirsnta coat,
end realize thd hi is only in over
loaded antediluvian wiudsplitter, the
luoiet conspicuous part of his i:oato-j
mv. harrinir his ear. beinir his iaw ! '
bone, part of which he should pre- j
eerve for some future occaMon. Of
the commandment, "Thou sbalt not
lie" b has no couoplion, and his
moral ttense, if he ever had any, has
eooiad outraged and dead..
In I'ui niiuro there' l I ii lit; ttx pood fur
your add t- ii I uity ly baying
unit ld ji if '.
tune on a chair. Why not
havt one that just fits. With such a
stock of chairs as ovrs to select from
you can certainly find the kind you
Theactiou of the Supreme Court
ia declaribg the Iiliaov anti-trust
law to be uncoD6titational, Ehow
that hasty and ill advised legislation
always defeats the object which it
aims to attain. Thus the' pepnler
cry against trusts in Illinois has pre
vented conservative legislation which
might have act ol!y contrail this
The lkeview i mad. Ik has just
discovered that it cannot dictate to a
republican county board. li Wim
berly's cranium contained brains io
stead of mush he would have-taken a
tumble to himself lun ago. He has
proven himself an imbecile mentally
and morally, m welt as physical-
"Little Joe" has evidently met his
Waterloo, but he put uj a game figi t
and made it very interesting for Can
Portland Independent Republicans
who were championed by the Oregon
There is somewhat of a buildiog
boom at Uosebarg. llay new brick
buildings are about to be built and
under construction among ibera a
fine new bank building. Coaet Mail
The Review's eenseless and dis
gusting rantings has about as aincH
effect on the county board as the
baying of a worthless canine has on
the man in the moon.
The Southern Pacific railroad hav
jcf?gne prohibition, will la one
more help to teiuperaace workers.
From a "nnfiiaes standpoict." is al
ways a telling one!
The Koftpbnrg PfcAtpeLEa came
o it last week with a now dress of
type, which adds mattria'Jy . to the
appearance of the pap?r. Myrtle
Point Enterprise. .
0:ir es'eo-uad conteTUDorary. the
Plaindzaleb, ha? donned a new dre
'nil shows up ia truly niV.ropoliiao
tyl. Congra'alatiocp. Brother Con
ner. Dram Nonpareil.
Political TJ-tes.
C'Kts County Socialists have nomiuat
el a full county ticket. '
Oonsm-peman Tongoe p)vir. t 1k
having clear and easy selling thin trij-.
Ini Wiml-'riy is ni-nior.e-l a." a Hi?i
h e candidate for clerk oa tin- deHiiK'ratr
ie. ticket. Nonpareil.
Senator Hanna in Mill ipiiii the
iilal bill, but he is not h'.re a figure
i:i the Senate as he a while u.
A bill in the Iowa lelatuir- call for a
two cent railroad fare. Oree-in should
have at leant a tbre cent limit. That ie
(ieorw Laiigoir of Ar.;i:.i. w in town
Thnixhiy. It i umlerfi'j.l that Mr.
I.jnjroir is a caudidale ior iiouiiualion of
sheriff on the demoerati.' ticket. Maridi
:ield Mail. Mr. Ioiuoir was defeated
for that office In Coos two yeprs aj:o,
He's a stayer.
Senator Mitchell is i;i favor-fj the ini
native and referendum amendment. So
are many other-wiio had little synipa-
thy wuh it a fc-v years ii'o The peo
ple are goiiig to tike some of the power
heretofore eoti tinted to legislators out of
their hands, because as a rule, thev
have abused the trust reposed in them.
The Umpqua Camps M. W. A,
Follow ing are the nana s of the officers
installed in the two camps of M. W. A
recently organized at Gardiner and
(iardiner Cani) No. 0,4!7: V C, Al
bert Fyritz; V A, M. Waggoner ; l-Hnk-er,
Krnest Haskell ; Clerk, H C Miller;
Escort, Bert Henderson; WRti'hman, J
Peterson; Managers, John Leach, Chas.
Johnson and OC Oleson, 1, 2 and 3
years resjectively.
Scoltsbarjr Cflinp: V C, Win Bur-
chard; V A, Wm irubl?e: Hanker. J
N Hodden; Clerk. Fr.-I Weatherly, Ks-
coi-t, U in Sagaherd; H ute'.inan, Still-
iiiau NotL-ige ; Sentry, t'l.ireme New
man; Physician, Dr. Alex I'aterson ;
M:in.H'ore. Ilenrv Sm'ln.rd. I'Viun
Spalding, Edward Upton, for J, 2 and 3
years respectively.
A Pioneer's D-ath.
Ashi.ixo, Or., March. 15. James
"llirk Tolnnut, o:ie of the widely known
Oregon, who yax. p omineat
in wit in iMir rune im iii i v t nip.
died today, hi hi i ninetieth ear.
The U. 8. Separator will take ;Ut
the cream iu a few niiniiU's. Why
pana in wiw uay oi lniprovintnt ;
t 1 1
all spend considerable
eer ficts
Mlid Home
Portland, Maivh Id. The rvular
(Siiiionj Iiejiublioan ticket was badly
defeated in tha Portland primaries yes
terday. The neat conty eonvention
will have about W indejiendant Re pob-
lican delegate, and the regular Kepul
lit nns will have alniut 67. The country
precincts, with a total of 2H rote?, have
not all been hf anl from, but it if known
that the vote in them, between the two
factions ol the Keoubbcaiie party, is
practically a staud-off. In the city.
complete returns show that tue opposi
tion has 85 votes, and the regular or
ganization 53. The total Tote cast was
about lO.ftK). about 7-5 per cent of the
The victorr over, the Simon machine
is therefore complete and decisive; but
it was achieved only after one of the
most stublxirn and exciting contests in
the history of local polities. Every re
source of the regular machine was em
ployed to defeat the w ill of a majority of
the partv. The entire police force was
ou deck, and attempted by its preeence
a various downtown preciucU U coerce
th voters into casting thxir ballots for
tlieir employers.
Salem, March 15. The Marion conn
ty primaries, yesterday, resnite.t in a
elorious victorv for the present admin
istration, he::del by one of Marion eoun
ty's favorite vuis Hon. T. T. tieer, the
preent abl- Governor of the tate of
Oregon, the n.ite's first native ko tc
fill the n!Ccr of chief exet'iiUre.
r rom everv precinct in Marion coun-
tj'. la-t evening linost without excej
con the re:-rts came m lavorable to
the present a Iministra'ion. and the op
position to Governor ieer srcired small
couilort lro.n ilie returns. liile some
of the precincts rcportl anti-Siiuou de
legations sijiueof them vent ou m-ord
a. Iit-inir opposed to Hou. Joecph Simon
ior Unit I Slates Senator with the ex
ception of on y one, all expresel them-
s.-lve' favorable t j ioveni'jr Gear's re
uomination and re-eli-Ciion that was
Sublimity prociu'.-t. ihs forni-r home of
Mr. Frank T., who was
nukiug the. race for Att'jriiey General,
and was thjreivre, opi.sii!g Governor
tieer, and who revived the couiiliment
ary vote of his old home precinct.
Several candidates have come to the
surface for the ortice of State Printer,
and there is a (,'reat deal of speculation
as to who wiil I the successful candi
date ut the bauds of the republican state
convention. The name of K. W. Chans
sv, publisher t the Oregon Observer at
iran! Fass, lias been mentioned favor
ably as a Southern Oregon candidate,
and will no doubt come to the conven
tion with the hearty supjKirt of South
ern Oregon counties. Mr. Ciiausse was
for several years a resident of Lane
county, beiug then publisher ff the
Cottage Grove I-eader.
He was a mere boy then, 17 years of
age, being then the youngest editor and
publisher in the state. The Portland
Industrial Exposition offered prizes for
the oldest and youngest editor attend
ing the fair on Press Day, Sept. 28, lfW't.
Mr. Yoran, formerly puMisher of the
Register came in for tb seniority prize,
while Mr. Chansse carried off tho junior
trophy without. opMjition. In Mr.
Chausse returned to his former home in
Josephine county a:id bought the Ob
server, w hich p;ier he continues to pub
lish. He wax a faithful and consistent
Worker for the republican cause, both
with personal effort and through -the
lucdiu m of his paper long liefore he be
came old enough to rote the ticket he
supported. His friends put forth the
claim tliat Josephine county m more
especially entiuau to consideration as
this is the first lime they
have asked !
representation on tho state ticket..
Their delegates to the state convention
have assisted every other Southern Ore
gon county's delegation but have never
fiefon; asked anything for themselves, ho
this time they will taU r ciprocity. j
...... it'
r.ugeno uegistcr.
Son Deliberately Shot His Father,
AmT'irja, March 13. A horrible trag-
i i . ... i- .1..
euy oocurrei in mis niy eany inw
inoriiinz. (oihriel Jarvi. a Russian I
Finn, went home at one oVl'ick this I
morning in
au intoxicated condition.
The door wan hn-ked and Jarvi culled!
and jKiiiiided ujmiii it but to no purpose.
He then tried to break the door down
when hiii boil, Matt Jarvi, a tishennau,
deliberately shot and murdered him.
He then hunted up a policeman and
gave himself into custody.
Real Estate Bargains.
Asrricnltural, Fruit, Mineral, Timber.
i:Uxk and Colony Lands in large and
tmall tracts. Residence and Business
PiVperty for sale. Address,
, DS. K. Bcick, lioeeburg Ore,
W. C T. U. Convention at Yoncnlla.
Tim District
W.C. T. V. o Houjiln
county mgt mcoiivtiition at Yonc a,
Wtidtwday,. March 12, 1M2, at2-.S0p. in.
., .. 1 V . V
IVvotv.Dal.-frvM wn conducted br
Mi. Fcruson, of lMleiilmuer, who rei'il
the M li chupter ol It a
followed I.t a
fervent prayer.
"Moihrs' Mfeiing'' was 4iiductel i
by rsT J. L. ThoiLus, of Rc.feburg, who'
spoke brieily of the origin of the meet
ing by Nfadani Willard in her "Foren'. !
Home. In regard to the home si
I til i i v
T , t,"'''ritll, -
rth and we should!
said : "The home s
est, hmf pluV'e oarth
st nily the taste and tendency of e.u-h
child and the Imnie should e such a to
lucet tliatdemuud. Keoft tu coutiileiue
of ywur bojrii anil girls as fon as you
can. You will be able to guide them
aud lead theui nunc successfully. Cause
them to think sor-oui-ly upou the sHbiect
of life, to feel its refuonsibiliir its
. . J,7
seriousness. liring theiu into the
church as oarly as nosttihle. them
safely and early to the knowledge of the
savinc power of God. In children this
knowledge resente itself at an early
state making them decidedly effective."
The evening session was opened at
7 :30 it li adilresses of welcome by the
Yoncalla W. C. T. I, and the varions
fraternal societies of the city. It was
a hearty welcome, indeed, eloquently
spoken and royally extended. To this a
spicy response was given by Mrs. Fer
guson, of Edenliower. By request ' a
reading was rentlered by Mrs. MeCurdy,
followed by singing by the choir. The
addres of the evening was delivered by
Mrs. J. I.. Thomas, subject, "What the
W.C. T. U. has done and is doing."
She spoke bricliy ou the question f a
taloou in Yoncalla, in which she 'ex
pressed the awfulness of such an act,
ami proved conclusively to the minds of
jtood, soIkt thinking people, the error of
such a proceeding. . She thea iortrayed
the great and ISrondsrful work done
throughout the land, rh the home, the
school aud the city. The teachings f
the W. C. T. I, are producing" aiui
weilding a wonderful influence. They
hare let the people to see the danger
and thet vil of sin, and a vie has gone
forth for men and women everywhere t
le.ul U-tter, happier livee.
inu'stiay, io a. ni. a torea-ren praise
service wae conducted by the connty
president. Mrs. Ida Marsiers, ia- which
all toek part. This was a very helpful
meeting, and the testimonies given
showed the impression of the go ! work
of the past. Committees w vre a(iDtel
also repirtere lor the various conntv
The afternoin s'sion In-gan with the praie service. Mrs. Teats offered
an earnert prayer, attfr which she spoke
a few words regarding the condition of
the churches in our land and the pro
gress in influence of the W. C. T. I
r-ne sain in suostance. thai there was a
a grv.t failing away ! inciiiU-rship io
many of our churches, due parllv to the
fact that G.-d wil! not biers hi church
as long as it stands in any w ay in coin
plicity with the licei)ed saho-n. A"
Irtog as its iiiem)!, by lheir voj. sujr
lort the liquor traflic which of all evils
is the greatest in damning ' souls. In
l-ski:igof the progress of tr.e W.C.
T. t'.. she said that in spite of sickness,
deaths and discouragements, the W. C.
T. I". had never taken a luck ward step.
The convention at Washington. D. C.
last yt-ir showed a mt 'ain of I,tiK)
ji:eml.s-r. She showl be suiti'tics
that .irj,o-.rl more is pa d for chewing
Mm than for preaching the gmieI, and
the amount rits-ndcd for liouor and to-
haco woi;ld take the world for Chrit.
An excellent program was rendered
Thursday evening by local talent. Three
little ttii l" r.i ite-1 "Little Ten. f ranee
Tots", iu an i x.-e'hat manner. This
i follow s.1 by mur-ie acd the oratork-.
al sil ver rne'lul conte.-t. The contest
ants vere: Bertha Aip!ei:ate. MaUl
W ilson. I.i'dnsn Newman, Julia Bishop
and Lorin Cartu ritht. The orations
were exceptionally well rendered. After
caivrni deliberation bv the indues. the
silver medal wa- awanlei Ij.rin Cart-
wright, tbe svond reward Mis Bertha
Applcgaie. To each of the others was
pre nted a Upiet of flowers a a token
ol appro istion. Mrs. Teat i.resented Afur the cohU-st cable a
solo and recitation. The coureiralion
was then disiiiibrcd bv a lienedirtion.
Friday inoriiing after the utual de-
Toiional service, led by Mrs. Merriruan
of Kiddle, the regular pr-ftrani was taken
up. The depart iii. nt of Mercy was con
ducted by Mrs. Thomas. The discus
sion o i t he subject of "Peace and Arbi
tration was led by Mrs . : Frguon.
The subject oi "Household Economics,"
dincubcw briefly. Scientitic cooking
and the necessity of reform in that di
rtvtion, were touched upon. The time
is coming, our si.-ters say, when cook
ing shall be one of the highest artsand
the position of the kitchen girl one of
high honor and dignity. State aud Na
tional plan were dicused under the
heads of lxgislative work and the
Francis Willard Memorial Fund. Two
of thu most inijwirtant laws, which the
W. C. T. I'., after endless . labor , aud
difficulties, have Secured the ssage of,
are: 1. 1 he school law, passe i iu every'
state legislature in thel'mlcd Stntes, re
quiring teachers to give regular scu-nti lie
instruction iu the evil effects of narcotics
c-iecially liquor and tobacco, upon the
human system. 2. Laws raising the
age of protection for girls until it aver
ages sixteen years throughout the
L'nited States, while in two states where
w",n"" ""r? --ts it has bwn raised
io iwcniy-one years, l'reiimtnary step
were takeu in the organization of a "V"
in Yoncalla.
At the Friday afternoon session, de
votional service, ".-peaking the truth in
love," was coudueted by Mrs. Zadio
lishop. What shall the next step bo!
in the abolition of the liquor traffic and
tobi'cco habit? This topic was discus
sed by ministers of the gostiel, school
j teachers, members of young peoples'
mW( an,, ot, Coiiclusiv
e proof
xpxTienrc voiivuiccs.
I'rovt lia value ijy invfriUng io cents la
trii J sue of Fly's Cream lialin. Druggists
suiply it and we mail it. Full siss CO eeuts,
JiLY DUOS., 66 Warren St., New York.
Clifton, Arizona, Jan. 20, 18id.
Messrs. Elt Bros.: Please send ine a CO
cent bottle of Cream Balnu I find your
remedy the quickest and most permanent
cure for catarrh and cold in the Lend.
DaXL M. Poiteb, Oon. Mgr. Aria. Gold JJ. Co,
Messrs. Elt Baoe.: I have been afflicted
with catarrh for twenty years. It undo nie
to weak I thought I Lad consumption. I
got one bottle of Ely'" Cream Balm and in
three days the discbarge slopped. Itiithe
best medicine I have used for catarrh.
Probe rta, CaL Frank E. Kindlxspibj,
w.i slmwu Hint Kiitnonn d ii"t help
l:i: inens men, nor tile town iuto which
th-v I'wute; lnt that, their pre-en. U
, . , 1
t T ,. ,., 'v ',
pin. Mrs. Mary K.- Teaif, :ttnnsl
i- . e 1, .
1 , . , ' .
Expansion." This ended tin: program
of the convention.
All whoatttiiu'ed the-e tusevins .felt
a greater appreciation hlr' the nobl
work done by this vjliant army of
women, whihi visiting member went
1!wa.T wi,n a'' excellent opinion of You -
allaanditshospitabU iople.
Iin Dm '
lrs Dxriw.
Two Oregon Appl. s Brought Easter
r.trs to Webroot. !
Among the arrivals today over the
No them l'ai itic were 17 men ' from
i '.ii , ho are going orr into Yamhill
( iiinly to engage in raising briMiincoru,
s: ys the Telegram. They hay that the
i il iu that section is particularly
e 1 to hrooaiuorn'ciillare. One 4 the men
w.ts l.eie last year, be said, and looked
over the 6 :Id, returning to Ohio in thj
fail. A rorter askd one of the men
what induced hitti to coiue Oregon.
"Why," said ho, "I was dow n to Oma
ha In Angust, l&iS, io see the exposition,
and a little woman, whore name I have
forgotten, gave ine two apples. I took
them to my Ohio home, aud exhibited
them until I could rceiat the templatiou
no longer to eat them. I was so well
pleased with the flavor that I determin
ed to see the land that prod or i them.
I came out lan fall and was so well
pleased wiih the Nehalem valley section
that I dvtermiiied to make this state
my home. 1 am i ere nt-coiiipanieU by
10 others, all the riMilt of the giving
two apple to me."
The Fife Murder Case
Kan-asCitt, March 15. A speel to
the Star from Savannah, Mo., says: lu
the trial of Stewart Fife for the murder
of Frank W. Kichardscn, the state today
practically -ted its si-h- of the cae.
They as:ed, however, be allowed to
iexauiine one other witness, Lvdia Fiisii
w ho ia ill, if sh L able to oo!i
court next week. T state previously
asserted that they would prove by this
w'oman that Kite had inede admiions
to ber after the murder of nichard"on
flat would conceet him wiih the crime.
She was not to le found when ti.e state
callnl her name two days ago.
James W. Boyd, the leadiog counsel
for FfJe. then made tbe statement "7
dis cneni. 1 lie siiUkl snow, ne j
said, that Kici;ardiii had once akel
ins wiie io orive ri:e .lown to
spiare; that v. hen he wtt.l to Nortt
Yakima, Wash., alt-r the murder h
lld not Civer up I.'S w hT aiant ; ti.-at
the rev.Iver found by the Kick' ft !
was placed then; a lorn tiiri" after the
r.innler; that Fife was at the Owl Club
rooms at the time the murder was coui
miued. 1 3 the Justice Court.
The ra.-e of the State of Oregon vs
Henry Borea and Al Crouch of Camas
Valley, in w hich defendants are charged
with tho crime of unlawfully having i-
their possession oa March 15, trvth ven-
ivn at a time when it is uid.intul to
have such meal in osji.n, canie op
for hearing in Justice Rbine:is o-urt
this iftern jon. Difrict Att .rncv G.M.
Brown apiaring f..r ti.e state ' and At-
tornev ;.s. Bvr.'n for !cfe;ise l'in
being arn.i.'iicl defendants plead "not
guilty" a:id the cro was M:p"ned un
til .'t p. in. Tuesday to give the state
time to "eccre witnesses. The venison
was found in Barnard's liverylmrn and
the state will endeavor to prove it was
placed there by defendants.
Howarc Ward v 1". Flournev
is rect-ivin attention of the ju-liie court
as wt- go i j prut.
Red Clotrcr,
Orchard Grass,
lYIesquitc or
Velvet Grass,
Vetch Seed.
Title CJ ua ran tee & Loan Co.
1. D. HiKlLToa,
D. C. Hawilton,
Socj. aatl IrvM.
OIBoc In th ( ourt Uouw. Han the onlT e m
plctc 4.'I ol ahlrct bokt lu DonclM ( Jiiicii
Ab6!ret sud Cvrtiflrato nl Title to
Iouslriiunty Und snd mlDin c'.nicii. IUtc
Mvo it unmineU! ml ol Tnirium of all tonu.hip
p.r in mo ivowuurj, urou, t.i. n. ud i uu
trirt. Will mike blue print copies ol my towo
thin showing ell vacanKioTciurneut )n4.
No'rr public iu oaioe, loeuraoc asenti.
Cnrrasponacnce soliclUxl.
Riddle Pharmacy J
RiDDLE, Prop.
Fresh Drugs, riedlcines.
Toilet Articles, Paints,
Oils, Glass, Sundries.
jyrrescriptlons promptly filled
by a competent druggist.
Homes from $250 to $5000
Write or Thorin
Wm. M, Porter.
Real Estate Agent and Notary
Timber and Homestead Locator
Packer and Quide
Camas Valley, Oregon
mllei louth weat of Rowburt.
V J I v.
Carload of Pianos and Organs Coming
T. K. Kit ha n on hits decided to sell at
. to irt.- all leal ts it-, icludintt
1 ne of the linest Lomet iu Of g :n. Will
eel I Stock of music . c-od t b de-ale to .
i anv one within to Uks tn - re rt-ck.
ureal redactions will L-e . im.-. d bom
his regular prices, caeh or ink ailments.
T. K. KiciiAnDoN,
Auction 8a!eoa smal! -oida Bituidaj,
2 p. m. Oor sheet mn!c will be clooeJ
out at 6 ceubt per copr.
Music Galore.
Look out for oor new carload of Piaro.
and Organs of diffa-ent makee, iociodirg
a fine Baby Grud. Hare jiut received
two now orders, one lor a Grand and ore
for a Colonial Needham piano in burl
walnut like the above cat. We alio have
several orders for 0:gr.s and about one-
halt of onr car loaJ is made en. Get io
line with your oidir or jon wiil miss this
great liberal cpportar.itr to get an ex
pensive inetrofueot cheap.
Abstract of Title to Deeded Land.
Papers prepared for filing on Govern
ment Land.
Bine Print of Township Maps showing ;
a!' vacant Lands, One Dollar Each. ! (
Architect ;
Abstracter '
Plar.s and Estimates for all Build -
Special designs for Office Fixtures
Oihce in Marks Building. Thon 415.
Ill fl WFfiSSliWSW
INSURANCE AT COST. 0(5t, JlcMinnville, Oifff-n
Anit.of in hi ranee in force, f 11, r-COAVO.COi
Nit sr.'. in in one year, 2.ii'.'S.7S7.0ll I
Suv.r.ii its members 1 vr.. 1. Ml I
Numler sparate risks', 2i,3io
Sw A. J. Buchanan,
Rvsebur. Orejrou. Ajt. for llonlaa Co.
t:. r'ncT cte? ao J Cootie.
TobP.-n.CriaaJ Fiuit
10 T.rlf-I t-w.-nrart d
A Ut (iui quaJtT.
For a Prompt and Fir -class
Share or Hair-cut. Compe
tent Workciea, Cloan Tow
els, Tools alwsys in shape.
Baths in Connection.
I T. . I o. A
oeeeseai s4fsvI
H. Little,
Oakland, . -
ff. LIHff
. T--i -m rir-iiri--.TifciiTi nt
Get Your
. Roseburg, Ore., Dec. S, iqoi.
State Chemist, Oregou Agrkultural College,
Corvallis, Oregou.
Dkar Sir We sead you by this mail sample of sulphur taken from our
stock of spray material. Please make a careful analysis of same aud inform
us if it is of such staudard of purity that it will fill all requirements for mak
ing first class spray compounds. If it is uot sufficiently pure for such purpose
please inform us where we cau obtain sulphur which will meet all require
ments. - - Very respectfully,
Corvallis, Oregon, December 12, 1901.
Mr. A. C. Marsiers & Co.,
Roseburp, Ote.
Gentlemen: Your letter concerning sulfur and the sample of sulfur
have beeu received. '
I have examined this sample aud find that it is almost entirely pure
sulfur. I think that it would auswer the purposes very satisfactorily for
spraying compouuds or iusecticides. I think that if you have plenty of this
quality, or can get it that it will be as good as any sulfur that we can obtain
for spraying materials. Very truly yours,
I I I'llll PPtl ! I. Ill
T. K. RICHARDSON be orl- Pooth
err. Ofgon Music Ce.dpr reho Las ever
ehippsd a car load of Pianos and Or
ganadirstt f:o n the Lcory.
y. i R - V'-l I
m . f-. --
radical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician
Curries a complete stuck of Watches, Clocks,
Jewelry, Diamonds and Silverware
! OOCsc00c;ooco0X)OSOOOCeoo0000
Best Rigs ant! Teams in the City.
Transient 5tock Given Special Attention
Call end see me. 'Phone 601.
j My barn has lately been enlarged and I have adde'd several
new rigs, and am better prepared than ever to
furnish 30U good tnrn-outs.
If You Have
a Sweet Tooth.
G j H t' tim.'.y Kilc-n, "whr
na til. 6 id ih froh.t and besi
ae.-rniinr of c3 lies io tk citT
CM! m.J ce as
Spray Material, at
Of ff .Wfr,
New York and Boston.
Is the p!a-:e to buy piaroe and crgn,
and we have a new scheme fo recur for
onr customers a piano or organ st one
fifib lees than ever before sold In tbie
part of the conn try. This will alo give
von the benefit of cheap freight, which
can only be secured ty shipping dirwt
from factory in car load loU, and in
order to do this we rnoft have yoor order
in advance giving os taxe of piano
wanted w.tb sljle, kind of wood, color,
etc., and I sill tect in person the in
atraajcn: tactel. Aoyiercoa thinking
of g'-ttiiig an instrument eili do well to
take advin'vi of ibii iKer. Let na
have scat o'.Itr aa eaily a coovealeet
as it will take about six ks or tee
months 'o ret Md rr through to Re
r.crg. UrOiomber this o-.fars cny ir.rke
cf pi&no desired. eVe ymir ceighbors
piano cr orgn C''' ''jl -i d price and
we will duplicate above mcciionrd
We have fire ot'Ure already in bt we
Dirf d abool twrr.ty oioro to carry cet tLU
rrterpttM Call or sdJree
T. K. FicHtaDsov, '
Lc-bnrg, Or.
Wafrh fleacin, 81.00
iD wiRtiMtn
In EIoilfr-ett's
Harness Shop.
Jackson St.
hU- I. NAUrihL,g
ig Best References. 0
jo All Work Guaranteed. ?
i V Imv orJers at VIcCJa'.!en House 0
1 0 o
The Overland Hotel
Mas. Willis Kbjisib, Proprietress
First Cl3s Accommodations.
Tables supplied wiih the hot in
, lh maiktt. Cc mmcrcLal Trav-
: f llf rg H-.t.t.iai-1rc
. . " '' h " 11 till I 11 II ill III ,tAfci3lV V