The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 13, 1902, Image 3

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    4 t Cam t
Take a Notion
from our ' Notion and
Fancy Gcods line which
is full 01 the new things
of this year's creation.
4- a-o
au to the right, then you will come to our Shoe Department
where we are showiug our new Spring line of Shoes, including our
"DOUGLAS SHOE," for which we are sole agents.
The People's Store
M.r.r.iED At the residence of the
bride" e i;irenis at Weston, Umatilla
county, Orosm. Feb. - l'0- at 7 i. in.
MNs t.ortrudf O. Urublie and Charles
1 1. -id. Thv bride is the daughter
ol IW.lou tUuMv. formerly iff Wilbur,
and the pr.Mi'.i is a very estimable gt-n-tlt-tnaii
i Wost-v-i. T1k ceremony was
performed ly I.. S. Wood, ,1. 1. in the
presence o; the bri le's immediate fami
ly and t 10 wt'.mvses, u piK-sts beinjf in
vited. Th bride v. as gowned in ale
1 hie cj.-iiiiR-.-e. with trimmines of white
f ilk' and white rib'xm. The happy
youni people will take up their resd-d.-iu-eat
Wc.Mii, wh .'re the- groom ha
buir.ess interests. We extend oar beet
wishes aa l coiijirat iln'.ion and witdi
them a prosperous and pleasant pmrney
through life. A Friend
Fcxeralof Mr. A. Salzhax The
funeral service of Mr. Ada May alz
man v.a? held at the Baptist church
this afternoon Rev. A. Puugla oflici
atinj. and was Liiyely attended. Mr?.
Salzinan, Udoved wife of A. Salzman, of
this city, died at Fortbind March 10,
1902, awl X5 years, 5 month? an l 14
days. She wbs a very estimable lady
and leaves a devote hnsband, a sweet
little d:i!ij-it-r and many sorrowing rel
atives an.', friends to mourn their sad
l iss. The jal! le:irers were selected
from the Mason, W. O. W., M. W. A.,
and B. P. O. E. lodges of which Mr.
Salzman is a prominent member. In
terment in the Masonic cemetery.
Marihep. In Medford, Saturday, March
1st., Miss Lizzi? iVnimer of MdfoH
and T(,hn l)).rner of Kotebnrp. The
cerei!my wai? jierionned at the resi
dence of the bride's father, Taul Dem"
H;er,""P.ev. Sack, of the German Luther"
an church, offi at:ng. A Miiall lrty
of friends and n-Iat ves were present and
am-r the ceremony a fine dinner was
served. Ti;e many friends t f the bride,
in tnis i:ty, wish the happy couple along
and pros; icn ms niarricl life. Mr. and
Mrs I'.ieriKT tjjk the early morning
traii, Sunday, i't IIcburp, where they
will reside. Mail.
Tcky Have Jcst Arrived. We have
jni received a lartre shipment of eta
tinerv., totrether vi(h what we
bad on hand pive.- u tLe largest and
be-t assort Pivr.t of rtiU'onery to be
fomd ii. this city. VV. A. Pi rr & Co.
Matkied. At tl: ho:r.e of Mr. and
Mrs. G. V.". .Pais, of Looking (ilas,
vTc l-eslv, Msirf. 5, I'.KK, Mr. Lee
Puvis 1 r.d ?.:isp M?y V. est, Vex. M. W
IL'.mpton, otfclaii: ?. '
& Sec eoc? eS??A??WS?
Your judgment will tell 'ou what to
do. You will delight in our fine dis
play of new spring goods because it is
in close touch with the times aud an
ticipates your every want. With
pride and confidence in the variety
and completeness of our new spring
stock wc invite you to look through.
Vaicuccuues laces, 2c, 3c, 4c, 5c and up.
Linen laces, 5c, 6c, 7c, 8jc and up.
Embroideries, 5c toi2c.
Satin back Velvet Ribbon, all colors and widths.
Newest novelties in Ladies Belts, 25c and 50c.
Chiffon Boas, $1.25 and $1.50.
Applique Trimmings in endless variety 20c and up
Bed Spreads, 85c, $i, $1.25 and $1.50.
Table Linens, 25c, 30c, 45c, 50c, $1.00.
The'simple, plain talk of the price that
is right is oar convincing argument.
7 Jig a i
'Nuf Ced"
We beg to call your at- I
tentiou that om new
Spring goods have arriv
ed. We are showing
beati'iful novelties in
mercerized Zep h y r f ,
Chanibria Lawn, in all
the new spring colorings
and designs. :
We can fit you in Hats and Caps as
all styles and sizes at the
Bi-mxbss Change. Baylees & scann
er proprietors -ot- U19 Koseburg Cafe,
nave leased the Wilkins Railroad Tan
ning Rooms and last night consolidated
these two popular eating bouses. The
place will now be known as the Wilkins
Railroad Eating Uouse. Bayless &
Starmer, propritors. Success to the
new management.
Real Estate Notes. A
and wife sold to Elizabeth
$050, lots 3 and 4. block 34,
addition to Oakland, Ore.
F. Brown
Hilton, for
in railroad
A. F. Brown
et nx, to Win. II Hilton, jr., for f 150,
lots 5 and 6 in block 34, in railroad ad'
dition to Oaklnnd, Ore.
Get a Timber Claim Now.
"AVhy wt on the fence and see the
go by?" Oet von some tiuiler while
you have rour choice. The next two!
mnntfia will lirin. tt 1 i i-rm t-. '
lion the country lias ever experienced
and the larger part of the immigrants
will be aiter timber lands. It ie only a
few rears until, should von want a
homestead, all that is, or would be your
choice, is just gone. I ?eak from ex
perience. Only a few years ago in Mich
igan, I thought any old time would do,
and I sat like a bump on a log, it seems
to me, and let every one else go by, and
get a nice bunch of pine timber. But I
found thousf nds just as foolish ; they
had waited a little too long. Only a few
years ago Michigan was the center of
the lumbering industry ; today they are
shipping pine in for their own consump
tion from southern and western states.
There is lots of Oregon piue ehipjed in
and nsed in far-way Michigan. Take
my advice and go out and get all the
pine lands you can handle, and in a few
years you will have money enough and
some to loan. The pine in regon is
good and it is bound to come out in the
near futnre. I believe a claim of KO
acres, which would lumber 5,000,000 feet
on some river, or near some rail
road will bring at least t-5.000.00
n two or threa year?. I ha ve induced
14 Michigan people tri cots 8 to Oregon,
since I came, and have letters that
eight or more are coming. Xo doubt
you have plenty of laud cruisers who
will locate you at a reasonable price.
N.J. Cummins, now in a real estate
office on the west side of Jackson street,
Ruseburg, Ore., located we Michigan
people and we think him very reliable.
Go in and see liim for futher informa
tion. He buys and sells real estate and
exchangee it for eastern property.
J. H. Messles,
Roseburg, Ore.
Dr. Lowe's glasses are the best obtain
able. See him the three last day of
next week.
to fit our new Spring
line of Clothiug which
! has just arrived from our
eastern manuiactuieis.
wc have
a Of Local Interest.
H. J. Wilson, of Canyonville, the en
terprising Douglas County real estate
dealer, has lieen sending a few days at
Roseburg transacting bnsiness and at
tended the IVmrd of Trade met-ting Tut-s-day
evening. Mr. Wilson stated that he
had recently made several trips to Port
land to Interview homeseekorB and that
as a result of corrcsjiondem-e with eigh
teen different eastern jmrlies, he had
sold recently, f 10.000 worth of Douglas
connty real estate, principally small
productive farms.
Here is conclusive evidence that the
standard bred White Lanirhans are the
greatest and liest w inter layers td any
other breed of chickens. From Febru
ary 1. to March 1. twenty-eight d.iys.
ny 17 hens of this breedj prluced jut
thirty-threo dor.en and nine ei:. Eggs
for hatchinz $1.50 for 15. Apply to,
T. Ft. Cannon, Kos-burg, Ore.
Evangelist Marshel passed through
this city on Tuesday evening's train en.
route to his (Hiklar.d, California, home
in response to a telegram announcing
the illness of hi v. ife. He was taking a
little recreation at Cottge Grove when
the message was received. The illnes
of Mrs. Marshel may render it impossi'
ble for the evangelist to fill his appoint
inents at Marshfield and Astoria.
On account of the irregular survevs of
many of the tow nshi in the Koseburg is almost impossible to
lot-ate section corners without a copv of
the lioverniiient survey. Frank K. Alley,
Abstractor ii thi city, has a complete
set of tracings of all surveyel townships,
and will furnish bine prints of same,
show ing all vacant lands.
Irratic an 1 blustery oid March gave
Southern Oregon a little surprise this
morning by spreading a light mantle of
snj'W- on the hill-tops surrounding Die
valleys; however, a bright sun Lad
cause! all thefnow ?o disappear by noon
and webioot was herself again, with
nodding buttercups, violets and Easier
lilies on every hand. v
We never lia.l sm-h an elnborute as
sortment ff nr coverings to choose
from, and at prices marked down to an
indncemcnt figure. Its a very tempting
offerinc ; over f0 iatteru- to select from ;
cut, sewed and laid at very reasonable
prices. Rice Jc Kice.
Richard Richmond, of West Ris burg
announces Liniself as a candi.latefor
Road SuperviHir of his district subject
to the choice of the voters of ffjiat pre
cinct. Mr Richmond would no doubt
prove a good and comjetent road maker.
It is understood that Mr. Kerzertee w ill
lw a candidate for re-election in the
same district
For Abstracts of JTitle, guaranteed to
be full nod correct copies of all records
effecting the title, rail on Frank E. Alley
upstairs in the Marks building. His
work is guaranteed correct, and prices
are reasonable.
Mrs. Mary E. Teats, National Purity
Evangelist of the Woman's Christian
Temperance Union, will speak in the
Presbyterian church of this city, at 3
p. m., Sunday to men only, and in the
evening tothe people at the M. E.
church. You are cordially invited to
attend these meetings.
Next week Thnrsdav to Saturday
night, three darn March" 10 to 22, Dr.
Lowe, the well known oculo-optician-willbeatthe
McClalleu House. Con,
sulfation free.
Win. Irwin, P. M. at Ten Mile, Win.
Wells, P. M. at Olalhi, and Fred Fisher
and Fred Byron, also of Olalla, were in
town Monday. Two or three of these
gentlemen attended the A. O. V. W. ini
tiation and supper Monday evening.
We frame pictures to erfcction.
You'll be glad we done the job for von ;
we know how. Bring your picture, we
can do the rest.
We are infarmad that J. M. Bridges,
recently from Redding, Cal., has ac
cepted a position with Churchill & Wol
ley. Mr. Bridges is well pleased with
this country, and is making arrange
ments for his family soon to arrive.
Don't miss Flint's ad in this issue ;
you can buy shoes there that will stand
the the test of wear, and pay less than
An interesting corantuuication from
Millwood on county politics, came to
hand this morning, but too late for to
day's Flaikdbaleb in fact several
lengthy correspondents are crowded out
of tlds iswue for lack of space.
Now is the time to buy your garden
tooln, spading forks, rnkes, plows, har
rows, Planet jr. garden tools etc of S. K.
The Native Daughters, of Julia Abra
ham Cabin, of this city, will give a grand
calico ball in the opera houne, on May
1st. The Order of Pernio will give a
grand ball at Canyonville, March 17th.
iray, spray, spray, with McBa
Carbolic Compound, the best for i
in s
trees and all kind of plants for sale by S.
K. Hykes; r 1
The social to be given by the ladies of
the Babtist church on Friday evening
will be held at the residence of Mrs.
Hanford, in the Sehlbrede house, in
place of the church, as announced.
Jketbyall tests, Dr. Lcwe'a glasses.
C. K. Merrill and wifi are in this city
with the intention of drilling a number
ol our young people (or a Folito Vaudu
villa ihow to be given for the benefit of;
Joe Lane's Cabin No. lfl X. S. O. Mr.
Merrill cornea to us well iw-ouunu.lel
having flared in Albany and several
other valle'vcitiei- with ho preatest
of 8ucces. As this is something entirely
new in amateur shows there is no reason
hr it ehoiiM not meet with suceew in
RoHehur an we ham .on., off. beat
talent on the ivi.i-t.
If vou have head-aches dont fail to
have Dr. Lowe test your eyes for glasses.
1 Mr. and Mrs. John Hall, Mr. and
Mrs G. W. Brewer, Mr. and Mrs. Willis
i Kramer, Mr. Ed Weaver, Mr. and Mrs.
C. O. Whit ami Miss Clara Brown were
among the Myrtle Crwk jKsople reen
tered at the McClallen House yesterday.
See the Title Guarantee k Ixan Co.
for bine prints and filing jiiipers. tf.
II. J. Wilson, the hustling land agent,
made this office a pleasant call today and
informs us that ho lias just sold (5 acres
of what is known as the S. B. Briggs do
nation land claim near Canvonville to
H. H. Olcott late of Springfield, HI.
WTien yon get a Sorosi shoe at cost,
you get a bargain. The Racket.
E. R. Applegate, the genial Drain
nasby, is at present in Roseburg
transacting business. We hear Mr.
Applegate's name mentioned in con
nection with the nomination for repre
sentative. Everything that is new and up-to-date
in jewelry at Palzman's.
Members of the Degree of Honor are
requested to meet in their hall this eve
ning at 7 o'clock sharp. Important
business to be considered. By order of
Chief of Honor.
See Flint's w indw for the new spring
styles in footwear.
Geo. W. Pnckett. of Canyonville, wag
in town Tuesday, be came down by pri
vate conveyance, and reported the roads
fairly good except near town.
Clwk. Clocks, Clrtks, see the clocks
at J. T. Bryan's
Mrs. David Clements of DeRorgia,
Montana and Lee Thornton, of Corvallis
are in thi city to attend the funeral of
Mrs. A. airman, today.
A few- ''tiorosis" shoes at cost, at
The Racket,
J. R. McRnight, formerly a traveling
salesman, now a popular grocer at
H rants Pass, was a passenger vu Toes
day's local for Portland.
Dr. Lowe strengthens the eye and
C. G. Darland. of CRlapooia, was
transacting business in our rlty Tues
day. He came over on horseback and
reported bad roads.
Hon. E. D. Stratford, special land
agent, spent a few days at Albany . and
other Willamette .valley points on of
ficial business this week.
D. L Jcdkins and aydie Judkius of
Myrtle Creek, were 'in Koseburg on
busiuess Wednesday, returning home on
the evening train.
Mrs. A. Riddle, of Riddle, was trans
acting business at the county seat Wed
nesd:y and viiting with friends.
Reburg luerchant are receiring
large consiguineats ( gAi fur a cou-
template! lively epriug trade.
Mrs. A. C. Marsters and Mrs. Thomas
are in at tendance at the W. C. T... I"
convention at Yoncalla.
J. Willis, one of Myrtln Crrpk's opri
lar citirns. in K-iebnrg on bus;
ness Tuoxiay.
Mil s Mclutinj a prominent Canvon
ville resident made this city a business
cn'I We 'nvt-lay.
L. R. Minard returned Tuesday from
a business trip to Portland an. I other
valley towns.
r ... . j . .
nay rreenian, oi .Mynie 1 reek, was
registered at the McClallen House Wed
The March lion ha? done a little roar,
ing, but he is rather a tame fellow, after
W. R. Thompson, of Unipo,u Ferry,
i! a county seat visitor.
E. E, Wells of Olalla, was a county
at visitor this week.
State va H. P. Brookbart.
The case of the Plate v II. P. Brook
hart, w herein defendant is charged w ith
assault with a dangerous weajion upon
the prosecnting witness, Leo FriU, was
held in Justics Robinett's court today.
It appears that Leo Friti is a clerk in
the Commercial hotel at Drain and mlu,
seeing Dr. Brookhart pass by the ho
tel several times late at night accosted
bim, w hereupon a little altercation en
sued and becoming heated, the doctor
drew a revolver upon him. assuring
Fritz that he was not looking for him,
but was endeavoring to ascurtaia wheth
er or not his (llrookhart'e) daughter was
in the hotel parlor with others, he ' hav
ing passed in front of the hotel several
times endeavoring to recopiLue his
daughter's voice. Fritz claimed ha did
not recognize the doctor and thinking the
actions of the party somewhat peculiar,
followed him up in order to endeavor to
identify him and solve his mysterious
actions, which resulted as above stated.
District Attorney Brown appeared for
the State and Louis Barzee and George
Byron for defendant. Ed Wise, clerk in
Kent A Bridges store was the principal
witness. Defendant was he d under
flOO bonds to appear at the May term of
circuit conrt, to answer to a charge of
pointing a gun at a person not in self
County Court Orders.
In the matter of the resignation of W,
R. Neas as road supervisor of district
No. 2, the coort accepted the same and
appointed instead A. J. Dear to fill the
, . . . 1
In the matter of Imposlng a tax of 10
per cent penalty and 12 per cent interest
on all taxes delinquent after the first
Monday in April, the court finds that
such will be a hardship on many, and '
therefore orders that the sheriff remit 8
per cent of the penalty and all the in
interest to those who pny during the
month of April, and up to the time of
the next regular session of county court
the first Wednesday in May. ;
SIRVPP'Q. RAtfPDV Jackson Street,
" Mv
Our Cream and Honio-mado
tunii over ana win oe aeiivorea to any part 01 the city.
Leave orders or 'phone Mala 105.
J. 3IEVERS, Prourictor
Opportunity to Sacara Wns'en Mill
IMant for tbls County.
T hnrg Board of Trade mot in
""II1Ir -""-monthly eeion at ity hall
' I'W'"'" Tuesday evening president
-.. n oouey jiremaing, uiere wax a
large attendance of members and vM-
i u "u rffl 111 "rpanwa.
1.. .... 1 . . ? .t .
' l""1 K,'e,"w ri,Pi,ll.v '"-TeaMng
i ne president niiuouuced the apiMmit-
nient of sjiecial standing committees as
follow s :
On agriculture Al Croason, F. A.
MeCall and C. Miller.
Mioing C. S. Jackson, 8. C. Flint
aud Willis Kramer.
Sto. k and Poultry F. B. Hamlin, Gw
Stearns and Ed Ilinkle.
Manufacturing B. W. Strong, Ed
Lenox and G. K. Child.
Transportation Hon. I). S. K. Buick,
L. Wimberly pnd W. C. Conner.
Roads L. Barzee, Oy Powell and F.
E. Hand.
A communication was read from a
Eureka, California, gentleman, w ho pro
poses to locate a first-class woolen mill
at Roseburg providing the citizens of
the town ami county sulsc ribe for iS,
000 in stock, payable in cash, lumlier,
labor, etc. The couioiiiniration was re
ceived and referred to the committee on
B. W. Strong, chairman of soli, iting
committee, appointed to secure funds
for the purpose of publishing a pam
phlet for general distribution setting
forth the resources, advantages. He. of
the county, reported that 1167 .50 was
already subscribed and available for this
purjose end that the, amount could no
doubt 1 increased to 1200. The com
mittee was granted a little more time to
solicit fund secure pictures from which
to illustrate pamphlet and compile data
for the publication.
Chairman F. E. Hand of the commit
tee on memljership rejorted the addi
tion of fourteen new names to the mem
bership list since the last meeting. It
was voted to kep the mem)ership roll
open until the next regular meeting at
Motion prevailed that a membership
committee of one be appointed in each
of the towns of Douglas county to solicit
membersliip to the Ejard of Trade and
co-operate with its officers in advancing
the interests of the county aud every
commnnitv thereof.
Marsbfleld, Coqutlle and Roccburg
Wast the Fair this
At the annual meeting "of the stork,
holders of the Douglas County Agricul
tural Association held in Roseburg Sat
nrday afternoon, the followiag officer
ana airectors were elected tor the com
ing year: President, J. C. Aiken ; vk--
president, H. L. Marsters; secretary, F.
A. MeCall; treasurer. W. T. Wright:
directors, J. C. Aiken, B. F. Ramp, S I.
Thornton, H. L. Marsters, V. C. Lon
don, E. Dixoo, T. B. Cannon.
The matter of the time and place for
holding the next IHstrict Fjir was also
incidentallr discnssnl, altht-ngh, of
coursv, any action regarding same can
onlv be taken It thedistrict board which
meets about two nnths hence. It i
understoisl that Marshfield wants the
fairaznin and that Cjuil!e City is !
anxious to secure it. Having U-cn held
in Coos county for the past two year.-,
maTiy Ihugl:i eounty people believe that
Roseburg should !e selected for the pres
ent year's niee'ing. It will prulb!y lie
neia at me place ortering tiie nest in
ducements, says the Review.
This is a matter for our business peo
ple to K-riously cnsider. The state ap
propriation lor livestock ami other gen
eral exhibits amounts to f-W instead of
as hereUf-re. For the racing pro
gram the purse must be guaranteed by
the town securing the fair. This guar
antee will probably be at least f 1000,
and if made twice that amount, as is
done in Salem and elsewhere, would
bring excellent horses from all over the
Pacific Northwest. Having had two
good street fairs in Roseburg, it might
be a good plan to vary the routine by
seruring, it possible, the district fair
here for the present year.
About the Court House.
In the matter of t'ce estate of John
Stewart dee'd, it apj-earing that land
heretofore sold to said deceased by the
United States, erroneously mafb
and did not 'convey title to said John
Stewart, dee'd, and it appearing to the
court that the United States w ill pay to
tho administratrix the purchase price
atd foes paid on said laud, upon said
estate making a deed of relinquishment
to the Uuited States, it is ordered that
aid administratrix make a deed in ac
cordance with this order to certain
property in tp 30, s r, 4 west W. Mer.
In the matter of the estate of Philetus
W. McNeal, deceased. The Appraiser
Report has been filed in the county
clerk's offlce showing personal property
of the value of 354 belonging to said
estate, .r -
Weather Report.
C r. S. Wiather Bureau Office,
: Roseburg, Oregon, Mar. 12, 1902.
Week Ending 5 p. ra., Mar. 5, HH)2.
Maximum temperature 61) on the 7th
and 11th.
Minimum temperature 39 on the 9th.
Rainfall for the week 0.55.
Total rain'all since 1st of month 1.00.
A,veraga rainfall for this month for 24
years 3,76,
Total rainfall from Sept. l, 1902 to
date 24.25.
Average rainfall from Sept. I, 1900r to
dato 20.56.
Total deficiency from Sept.
to date 31
1, 1000,
Averams nrecination for !
33.25. Thos. Gmsox
det your abstracts of title from J. D.
Hamilton, He has the only complete
set of abstract books in the'eounty. tf
Timber filing -japers prepared by the
Title Guarantee A Iian Co. for 50c per
set. Call on them at the court house.
near Csam
Bread is as good or better
. 1 jiliiiiiiiM-iiu.uwMu.iuniiiiin
I . a-vi-cZf-auM-V-VBL K a . - . . -
10 '-'-'-''V-''V"
! ...
J The
1 Sc'hd Clough & Warren Organ, worth $$0.00, going at
1 nearly new Clough & Warren Organ, vorth$ 70.00, going at
1 slightly used Chicago Cottage Organ, worth $05.00, going at.'.
1 so-called 5150.00 Needham
We will also give $25 off on
W. A. BURR & CO.
Emporium Bldg., Koseburg Oregon
WSS&WA Peats &C3.'?
1902 ' WrH
AjsV These famous parteroaara handsomer ffi&i
ZFL ud aada than tbosa of any Txi'vH
Rf j-kJjother manofacturer. They consist of all svl f
' I JvA grade from the most inexpensive Kitchen 1 tvt-iH-r-
WVV ' 1 '' n1 Bad Room pafrs to the choicest Ha!K f yixjWi?
Mill 4tA Iining Rooms and Parlors. represeatiM a LK'lfeJ'f
fi yI fVil atock of om 3,000.000 roll -n, JfiA i j L,
ljlfl Dont boy old ahop worn goods when
IHJ1 viJ My one oloar 600 patterns manufactar- ?K0fV
13 1 i 4 odexpreaaly for tha spring of JL&AA V
MM . . PaSa mklm
jSJ, V at Sykes Hardware Stort
Title Ciuarantce&Loan Co.
i. D. HiILTO!,
0. C Haiirti!,
Saejr. aod Troas.
Offlco In lh Court Boon. HT the only eon
pioc wa oi imc( oiioii id uouKiai t-oaacy.
A btroUji J Certificate ot TlUo InnilitioJ to
iHMJXlMonunly laud antl mlaiu claim, lav
also compVto rt ol Traclmo ol ail township
plata la the Rooobarg, Oregon, V. 8. Lamt 1K
Irict Will make blue print eopiaaol any towa
aliin ihowinc all Taeaal Government Uada.
Ni-lax nublio In offloav Inaannoo aaonta.
CorNsponJotroo aoUoiML JXi
Red Glover,
Orchard Grass,
Iffesquite or
Velvet Grass,
Vetch Seed.
Any rarties desiring to rent, buy or
pell real entate, city or country proiertv
will ilo well to call ou or addretta 11. jf.
Martin. OlHee with Attorney Ixuia
Barzee, ophite McClallen House, Ite
Lur, (Jrejjou. . . '
m n
We have a lot of Ladies' Corsets, mnnWrin? about 60
which formerly sold at $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00,' consisting
2n S?,?0nC!i F"nci Woven, aud so:ue of the well known
P. N." brand. Our vSell 'Em Out 48 CCIlis
Lome early as at that price they wont last long.
We received a case of Mens' Xeckwear of about So dozen
which are not quite as good as our 50 cent ties, but are
WOftJisi5 cents We want to see kw many we will ell
at 25 Cents. All kinds, .Tecks, Four-in-hands,
Uand, Bows, Shield Bows, Clubs and Imperials.
'Phone 255
VRCH iO, '02
piano cased Organ, 70 c tare,
auy pianos except the Kingsbury; also 15 per cent, off on
siuaii msiiiuuems.
Easter Opening
Saturday, March 15, '02
Hats, Dress Goods. Silks, Trim
mings, Laces and Embroideries,
Ladies Dress Skirts, Petticoats
Men's Clothing, Shoes, Hats, etc
Come and examine our stock. '
All arc invited.
Fisher &
I have decided to close
out at cost ni3- fine large
stock of Glass and China
Ware, Crockery and
Chamber Sets for cash.
See our fine window dis
play for these great bar
gains. Family
My stock of Staple and
Faucy Groceries is large
aud comple e and always
fresh and UD-to-dat.
Prices as low as the
I lowest. BOYD