The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 13, 1902, Image 2

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Si 15.
niniiine tl'ivV 1 1 1 1 i i i t ir too amid for
your 11. mie, add to its beauty by buying
wniio odd pii"s.
((.'llllillllcd flo!il pup; 1 ).
It Kh.unhmiik expreshage
11 J Kobinett dint ntty wit
J 4. Luir.l ' "
Rnv MeOhillmi IranyciitiiiiL' ii-sti
licn-'j' ....... :
vr ' I Thompson id;-. ' asst
hiidiiiiiter J. 0, Johnsou . und
oral Tit lrt Agent, Joint; P. Jones,
in Itoci ljitrg on railroad buHtiieHR this J I5'"" Collinu
week. I John Mailt, cup! a jiiKtke court
T(''lkvV local wax ilelaved fonr l.,.m ,;hs& Purdhoinme M:i.n;iry
l u
b 00 1
Carload of Pianos and Organs Coming
full of worth. Each eveu
iiig tou can realize a div
idend from an investment
We have them that are
comfortable and not expensive. Colv
bier seat rockers as low as $2. Nurse
or sewing rockers $1.25 and up.
in a rocker.
CHAIRS We all spend considerable
time on a chair. Why not
have one that just fits. With such a
stock of chairs as orrs to select from
you cau certainly find the kind you
f ' In Carets all the rich new patterns aud each one priivd so close to cost tliat you can readily see where -"d
Jr its to your interest to buy now whether you have immediate use fur it now or not.
In Ntoveand Uanres will say that you see our s:hk1s and iret our prices then see other ootids and price".
tX We will see you asain. Such has been the case in t he past. No wonder! f:0 buys fancy Steel IJanjio ith
hiirh closet: 12 buys srixul plain No. 8 Cook Stove. Charter Oak ; $'. buyspHid plain No. S 0ok Stove. T.50
1t buys 00,1 plain No". 7 Cook Stove ; $14 takes g.Hl 3-pieve Bed Room Sim ; sets liest dining chair in this
O country for the price; $3.50 rots K'st solid oak polished rocker. Thousand of good bargains which we can't
Hiention for want of f-jiaoe. Write for catalogue.
Western states, and the only reason
is that our 6tate, which ha? btter ad
vantages than any iu the Northwest,
is not advertised
The Twice-a-Vk
Roseburg Plaindealer
rubat'acd .Mondays and Thursdays.
- W. C.Cokxek, Editor and Pnblieher
Fhed Wbight, City Editor, Solicitor.
AccrsT J. Kkantz, Foreman
" S. C.TUktbcm, Traveling Solicitor.
Twice-4-Teck Plaindcakr, per year, $1.50' 'S " .
ieviewrao. j-iei ine qooa worK go
i V .
Entered at the Post Office in Roseburg,
Ore., as second class mail matter.
Oreeon i? not eettrm? her hare of vv :V VVVV-iV
the immigration which is pouring in-! ' Hlfh SdlOol lOtCS
to tha Noi threat from the Aliddie j n.-ivn nmr, Prew.'.-nt
The Kovii'W's continual mud sliDg
mg brongLt us two new subscribers
this week and probablj decreased its
i subscription list that number. We
on, brother.
Advertising nates on Application.
As time goes on republican pros- J
pects fox success in this county con
tinue to brighten. A careful survey
of the county, made by capable men,
indicates e decided increase in the
republican vote by reason of eastern
immigration. It is also true that
Borne iif the republican voters of two
year. aso have left the county but it
i3 only reasonable to presume that a
like number of democratic votes fcave
also left the connty. Allowing a gain
to the republican vot", of eay 100 due
to immigration, and 50 as converts
from democracy and the republicans
will Lave tho odds greatly ij .their
favor in the coming campaign. This
calculation is based on the theory
that the vote in the election of two
years ago was at that time a - trne
test of the strength of the two parties
in the connty. There are, however
both republicans and democrats, who
claim that local issues largely deter
mined the vote in the June election
and that the vote of November came
mucii nearer disclosing the true
strength of the different parties
At tny rate the republicans feel jubi
lant over their prospects in this
Connty, while there are democrats,
who "rejrret o say that the repub
licans have increased since last election."
General Bcths, commaoder-in
chief of the Boers, plans of war seem
to defy "overwhelming" force, barb
ed wire, blockhouses, concentration
camps and cd other olt6c!es that
England can conceive.
And sgain the British Parliament
and public have been rudely awaken
ed to the fact that the job of con
quering the Bers is uot yet nearly
done. More troops; more taxes.
Jasl now the hottest Protective
Tariff men are t'uo.e who raise sugar
in Louisiana. They cau sec th;
point when an industry of their own
is threatened by foreign competition.
President lloosevelt is in favor ef
cheaper sugar. A family of six
healthy children does make cookies
and doughnuts Uy . Importer;
Voters should miko it a point to
register as soou as possible, if cot
sooner. Yon ctu't vote unless, jou
register again this year.
ALTf.K l.Li'SAKD, td.Wr '
aa : v ;: v::vaa;a N
The editorship having apiiu changed
h;c.:ds n.ucli cannot be expected from
one just initiated, but as "exjierienco is
the 1 ,-t ieachcr," there may be an iui
proveinciit iu time.
We are Forry to note the departure of
oue of iur best students and former edit
or, Edward Morris, who departed on
Monday's local for Portland. Edward
is a bright younj; man and the students
were sorrv to see him leave
To Be Held at Roseburg April ist
'A coiienti.n trf tlie Hepublicaa irty
of the First Congressional District of the
S'ate of t)reij-ii is hervbv called
to inpi't iii RL'selmrg. Orison, Tuesday
April 1st 1'iOl'. at I nVlni p. m. for tht
purpose of noininatins: one Kepresenta
tive for CoiiL-reys, nr.d to transact such
other business as n:ay projH rly come bt-
fore the convention.
The 'convention will consist of 171 del
ejaus. appirtt ne.l among the several
counties of ihe district hs follows, tow it:
Th3 Loaisvdlo Courier-Journal,
the loading d-inocratic paper of the
poutb, mttkvs th'j following propb
psy. "Some dy iu the oot distant
fn'nra no doabt the historian will
trace back to the acquisition of the
Philippines and marvel at the practi
eal wisdom with which such disposi
tion wa made of a rather unwelcome
prize of war. That will be when tho
Pacific trade has djve!oned beyond
that on the Atlantic, as far-seeing
students of the situation are now pre
dicting, and when a tide of wealth is
pouring into America from the
Orient, by way of oar Pacific ports.
People will then realiz i what a great
vantage ground was secured to u by
Dewey's viciory, and Manila, that
imperial c'.ty, can say:
The 6eood doorway of the world's
Wide trade
Is rninn to loose or bar.
The Hon. Chas. A. fowne can testi
fy that nothiog is so conducive to
silence and content a rrospenty.
General FulsIou's New York
speech will not be printed at nnti im
perialist campaign material
The dispa'ches frcm South Africa
contiune to be intro laced
words, "I greatly regret."
with the
It is a doty every voter owes to
1 he public to register and to vote.
Political N iles.
Congressman Thomas IL Tongue
wi.'l cherish naught but kind recol
lections of Kosehurg after the big
convention of April 1st. He-will no
d.'ibt be re-noraioated by Reclama
tion Rtil be is justly deserving of
Fiieh an honor and rtcocnitioa at the
bands of the republican, coaeression
1 delegates. Sir. Tongce ias been
iu congress ju - abont loag enough
to become ttoro'ihiy acquainted
with i:s workings nd to esfablisb a
persop.sftty and inlTjence which en
cblff him now jo I'.cco nplish much
jro?d Joglslation for his state, which a
nv nno would only bo able to do
Bfier a similar soerie.nce and eervice.
Oo'- cf tho humorous 1 sp-c(acle in
D-t!g!c3 connty politics jabt now
is the effort of tb' Dunioerats to eft
up h flirt&tiou wi;h the Socialists If j
8 union or com In rial im of some kind I
The Salem Statesman me'itions I). II.
N. Uiackburn, of Linn county; F. T., ff Mari n an ' A. M Craw
ford of iKjudas, a.J active i-audiilates for
the nomination of attorney-general.
There neenis to bo little or no opisi-
tion to the nomination of l'rofesKr J.
II Ankeruitti! a superintendent of pub
lic instruction by the republicans. He
is well deserving this consideration from
the record he has made as an efficient
and capable officer.
S C. lJeach, of Multnomah county,
sjMiKen 01 very prominently 111 connec
tion with the nomination for ;-tatc print
er He is it onnpetent and worthy as-
liraut an 1 it i id will go hit the
convention witli a strong delegation.
ine L . s.. senate r- hnally torceJ to
acton the bill providing for the election
of senators by the psople.
fcx-Senutor John ( . Allen of Seattle
is being brMiinel for Sectary of Inter
ior to succeed Secretary Hitchcock.
Democrats of Oregon,!ally of
Multnomah county, have wandered af
ter Kt range Sf long that they have
become lost- A new one iu the guise of
".SociaIim" is now. presente I for their
admiration. It is a pity that their are
not enough offices, to go around without
neceseitatiug the creation of new parties
to accommodate the patriots who are so
anxious to serve the pi-ople. entirely for
the public good. Theo "organisers"
have no other purpose.. Portland Dis
patch. (dem.)
The same Ijiiij
for each Count v
. I-ane is
li Lincoln 4
! Linn 14
3 ; Marion 1
14 Polk .i
11 Tillamook 5
7 Washington
4 Yamhill ...
4 Total
: one delegate at large
and one delegate for
every IV) viltes r fraction theref over
75 east for IVeidemial Ehxtors in Nov-e!ii!f-r
Ielegatcs or others in attendance at
the convention may secure a rate of one
and one-third lares fur the round trip on
the Southern Pacific and Corvallis A
Eastern L'ailaays. by paying full fart' to
I'osehnrg and taking a receipt to that
effect and having same proj-erly certified
by the Seiretary the Convention.
C. B. Wivn. Chairman.
A eoiei.ti.,11 of the Hepublicau j.arty
of the State of Oregon is calle.1
to 1111.1! iii Portland. Onpiii, Wcdm-)-day,
April 2. l'.)2, at ll o'clock, a. m..
for the purp.w of "nominating candi
dates f..r state an. I district officer
cepting Ibpreseiitatives in Congress),
and transact su h oth'-r Im'-iness as mav
properly come lfore the convention.
The convention will consist of 043 dele
gates. aprtioi:ed ariMng the several
counties of the state.
by a derailed engine tank near what is
known as Timothy flat, a few inUe
south of Ashland.
Train Dispatcher tieo. Harding-of
Portland, was a passenger oh the de
layed bical Tuesday, returning to Port,-'
land from a pleasure trip through '"Cali
fornia, l'. I :
EngiiitHr Ed Elliot nnii wife were pas
sengers on WednesdayN liM-al' for tlieir
home in Portland. Mr. ' Elliott has
lieen receiving metlical treatment in
Oakland, Cal. ; - :
Conductor Sam Veafch and family
have returnel home to1 Portland . from
an enjoyable visit with relative io
Texas and Mr. Yeatch ' lias.' resumed his
regular run on the overland litween
Roseburg and Portland. v
P. ts. Ilanst-u, chief engineer in the
maintenance of way department of the
S. P. lines in Oregon, was in Ashland,
Friday, with assistants, nd stmeyed
the ground for the location of tho big oil
tank which will roon be erected by the
company here The tank will. lie trit (lift
ed immediately south of the roundhouse
east of the tracks. Changes in the pits
leading to the water tank, w-yi also, be
made and Mr. Hansen ran 6eyeral sur
veys for that purple.
P. D. Whituvy, of the S. P. freight
ittlice in this citv, was railed to nlendule
Friday evening, on business for tho com
F. A. Stoekel, of Dnnsiiiuir, is reliev
big relay. operator F. J. lVdls, who is
having a run cf typiioid fever. V. H.
Sjeer is taking the - laltar's phue at
Diiusmiiir. : '
H'J Kobinett slale
A Just Protest.
Havhi i;st. On'gon. March S. PK2.
Enir ni Pl.mmieai.kii : Vhci:ever any
law- is parsed th;.t Work- a hard-hip' on
the farmer, we Ndieve that law should
In- criticised until th- law makers invest
igate and frame a U tter one. "
We now wish to express ;ur ili-ap-proval
and tlie disappiMval of every
farmer wih .whom, ut Jtijc oiiivcrsod.
in r-g3r-l to the lat new "wrinkle"
io pay inj taxes'. . ; - -'
It wonUl l..k like nearly ctrery intelli
gent person w.uid . nni)i.e that March
and April are the very months in the
yvar when a farmer ius more difficulty
in raising money than any other time of
year. Ii he is in the wheat raising bus
hies his money w ill very likely come in
just after harvest i over, or if - be ha
het-p and goat they wit'i ut lie sheaied
till May or June, so no revenue will " le
derived from t!;em when tax"- full due.
I'-y paying his taxes by the 15th of
March, the farmer is allowed a rebate of
t er cent, but if he has not the money
(and few have at this time of y-sr) be is
compelled to gi to the Utnk and pay 1C
ler vm'H initxesi 00 UiiMiey with which
W pity lih t exes, , what (bH the 3
er cent itlfUe aiivoiuit to? . lailn.g
Uiis Jds taxes Ixtcuie deliixtwer.t on
the. t-t day of April.
We are ri'-'t a jdit ff;5;iii but wc do take
mid iiderert in laws that promote the
general welfare '.f the backbone of the
commonwealth, an 1 wouM ":Ve to see
this imittrr ' tidjust! U-;rv another tax
V'iy'tgVfay arrives. ' "l .M'.'rojTAX.
For Oohcmla Railroad.'
vs Duck
Murd ..
Ko.- ....
FAV Dillard "
II J Kobinett " I!olan. .
Fred Luorsoii '
V II Carroll
TLLIodgett .
H J Kobinett state vs Schnanfcr
II bander "
Chas Mathews . . '
Sehuaufer . " "i
John liyron roa,ds , . . . j
J U Poe "
Clarke S Haker. lumber...
August Kraut, double tax .... .
II J Kobinett state vs Hoover. . .
Fred Fatten-on "
A Mctichey "
A Zool;
J D Dent
Frank Keed "
Fred Lough "
II J Kobinett slate vs Myre.-
IVrt Wells
M M Porter "
Win Ilutchins indgt asst
JC Young Co Commissioner. . . .
A E Nichols
J D Haiiiiitou maps for assessor
ii W Diuiiiiick Iviijnty claims..
A ii Hamilton road damages ..
7 M)
5 0 ")
2 SO
o 05
T. K. KicharJfon has deeided to sell at
a euciiCto ail his real ee', Inclmlit g
one bf tho fjoest homes in Oregon. Will
eell Stock of innhieil god tt u licla-aleto
' any cue wiiliin to tfko the e- :lro etock.
ii n" Oreat reduc.tiona will b iliovid from
1 00 hi t reaulsr pricfie, csh or ii;s:al!inenU.
1 ,M T. K. Kn.ii vBDios.
1 IK, Auc'.iun Saio 00 enuli gojl H iluii.'ajs,
7 ,iu 2 p. m. Oar eheut otua'.c wi'i becloud
1 . out at 5 cor.ta p-jr capy.
1 !H)
l on ; ;
1 iw;
5 00 j .. . -
1 50 '
4 15 !
5 25.
Music Galore.
11 Ul
1 (,
l.ooi out for ot i!w rarload of Piro
j r.nd OigAiit of fli:b:-et.t mrikc", iccioititv
j w fii:a L'a'jj Cr.ui. Hue. ji t received
00 tT0 ne' orders, uoe lor a Orand a:i.l o- e
I ihi . ,)r a Coionial Nceilbam pi.o o in tr.irl
j ll0 ! walnut hks the a'ove cut. Wealohave
I tM ; several cr lor lor O-zar.s and avont ods
j j- halt of our cr !o. i ia mae up. Oet i
rj : li'!e i'h yoor orde- or rcn Kill nis thia
(i 35 i tt'wt Idieml opportunit' to get iaei-
15 00 1 "tive ioitruxeot i;hcap.
IS 40 .
23 20!
75 :
20:; H)
:. K. RICHARDh'OX ia the only Ro. th
em Oegjo Mueic Tealer r.ho h-' ever
shippsd a ear load of Pianoa and Or
gat)8 direct f'oni thafiCiorj.
New York and Boston.
It the pUc to hoj pianos and crgto,
acd no have new scheme 'o tecare for
our ctutojaera piD3 or organ at on
Cfth leea then ever before sold ia thia
ptr! of Ibe toar.try. ThU will also ift
too the benefit of a c!o-p frigbtf wbieb
can oniy be ic-cured l-y ahippicg dirt it
from factory in car load lot, od ia
order to do thia e ccurt have year order
in ad ? acre giving u of piaoo
wr?ed w.t- a'.jle, kiiid ot wxd, color,
etc., and I !ret ia person tt In
tramec.: sated. Ar.y erioo thlbkisf
oJ gelling is inatrnment iU do well fo av-nff-g of this for. Let M
have yonr orJer ae early convenient
u it will take a boot six eks or two
mopth o ret ll i rsr thioogb to B.
t-urg. BriiicUihvr thie oieatij r.r ark
ol pUuo desired. t-e j sir rvighhor
piano cr crgtn r ij!- r! jrire tud
e d! dnplicata a aocve Kcniioofd
We hare Ce ordVrs s'raJy in but wo
n-.ed aboct tweotj nto-e to tarry uni ltl
erterprite C'll or audiea
T. K. K(.";i ibi-sos,
Lctfifharg, Or.
Notice for Publication A1,ra' 1 of Ti!l to I-1- I ocn300ooococooe
csrrci) srATF.s land oih k
Ki'KM'iii. Ofc.r.v.s, J!r. l.i, l.v.'.
.ui-c H r.rit6j cii!i l-mt lu
ne.n tne i.rii .-V r el tnu tc:
June . '.. .iiilt:.t e si lr,
.ffii Ian i'.!ii'j'n iciriii
to h l Sit 1'uliLi- Lli S:h1c
us' 1, Wl
I'ainrs prep.ire-J for filing on Govern- 0
merit Jjtnu.
iu roitpiiii'ic. i C!i:3 Prints of Township Maps sh
Ot Koacfc'inj. I'wi-f ol iMj'ig.a.', state ct lire I n t. X
f D, h ih!daj P'.id ta tfiin off:ri hl ir..rn iirCHllCCt
radical Watchmaker, Jeweler and Optician
Carries a complete stock of Watches, Clocks,
Jewelry, Diamonds and Silverware
tl:e :
11 .
:1 :
iI!vdii.I R. in'i, lor tlie M:rv':fu !
e1, ol stti.. g: , ol of jMjcrinn No. I T
nip 2 Ssli, o: Mnji- :i Wtsi, -,J i
oiler inxvil io fcnw tllt ltnd .untir : m-.
alub or iu limrc" or tnne th.i I r rl
oaliutai iuim anil UnvUhiL-M li cl.'.m f
aid iji)'! (? cro ttr l;.-Kl'.-r liju r x
lhi i.rCr al K:iur,, on fr'r.ilav.
be Mil day o1 t h0 l,e mm.-. i n':-owf-:
t K. lvn ul lio-rjc Caitaiau. ol
Ko'fU-jnt.On-;iii.i J A. K. u aoa U I.
lim.or;'. fali e, WtU
.:t3t1;i p?:.,tn, c' alTcri!jr ,v.o
;tm r.i-J lan4 are rKjao'rl l ti
tlu-ir.-ia.ii- m thi otcc on or ixiure M.d io'.n
day ot Slay. rji.
rcUp I r.BKlW.E-.
Plans and Estimates for all Build- : 0XrCOOCO:OCOXOOOOCOOOCCCOOO0000000
injs. j'
5pacial desigrii for Office Fixtures ;
Orhi in Mika IV.iildijiz. 'Phone 515.'
-lXt'Hi: IS THE-
f C'?-'.-A . TV
'1 iX(S.J''r.
Notice for Puulicatioa.
1 1 1 I flil:i 111)1 SI III 51 ' Jv'"':
mm nut Ktutr Bm&'mm
IKa4 OC.'.r. JUMicavUle, CTvn
Amt.of iiifuran.-j-in force, '
Net gain in one vwir, 2.iV:-l.7''7.iK) !
Savin,; its uierolfr I vr., 6J.5vl..O'
L'SiTED T 1 E : AMI iirfllS,
! K I l.. l'n'. Ktl.a. 'A-2.
Noitivu hfvhy jrir -u if'at ii mnp'.Uurc
Willi tl. ).r,i .i iu .i( it ct ul :.inr of
Julie 3. if v ri trj . -1 " r for th aJi nl
t.TOlv 'aft ;n u.r 1:1 re.a. Oir.ta.
:via.'a nrt Waf..;i;to-.! t.-r-iWi;.- tito.J- NlimlA-r ffian!i: ri-ks".
J t!,e P-j'jI c Ui'il 6:vi net ol An--!
-, .l"'!-.. ii- J. Bucnanan
Mini L:. ikki. ti..: ,i, ii.;''h:i, 'rri j H-sehurg, Oregon.
i.iiu ipi i'. .-j::', t ir. ".i.- a.' ol ire ?
tf Mct.nn St. , t-nn-:i.! .Vvnth.ol Um,!
j .-t . m. a:i.i ui'j yruui : ii.o l..a. j y- . .
ilw :n.l M;ij!i! i in. rt vi,:i .Hp l..r lu l:-.t-r I I nniAft I A M a f Iii
orrtoin- th;:n lor naritnl'Br; i,';rc;v!i. and lr. vJ 1 1 I I liil Id
rauMjth l c.aira lo :.f lnj (viorc t jc 1U j
t1rran-l K.-.i i vi r oi ttii ff!i at Kmm." -,n .
Onn?.:i. mi Tji.-".!v- t'u- ri.ii .lr ol Ma'- r.-.c a-t i-wu an 1 miit-1 t-n-
I'V UcKtw. , it n.fn-- iVvr j f'fcj cai'.1 Ji Cji.
JlitiOvaroLv Min.i Xar.ti: li;-.. :i, pir;yn ; x..bsc.i. ri-- ad Frjit
Klovduhl. Eiin, Ore W.hts, tV.ti-,-' jln van.xl a-rfS-nen- a.1
tifuro. or, ij.;!, . .. (a-. tii cueat uua itj.
i a Kive-i-i- r':tsi 's-in-rr'ttwi n.t thcii
111 ' uj. tu it iw.:rc a- r.' cay ol
i -. a., i. t.ciii
Watch (leasing $!.00
111' nr. fi i it us
E. C. CA5E, Proprietor
Best Rigs. and Teams in the City.
Transient Stock Given Special Attention
Call and see me. 'Phone 601.
My bar;: has lately been enlarged and I bave added several
yew rigs, and ara better prepared than ever to
furnish you good Uirn-o-Jts.
Letter List.
Kemaiiiing uncalled fur at the Ruue
bure wif toJI'ce.
FcnKins CHllhij: f-T tl;.s' letters will
jih iiw ttati.- the duUioii t liiih tliey are
BdviTth-ed, MHrch JO I'.KJ-':
Hrvan. Win. Prii-n. Mni. Mnrll.a
it not rffnricd it will . i,o fnnlt of j ttkw.-l, Mrs .1 W Payu-, IV.f. leo. W
th DfniO'THtic livr,-hrofn, who liru j JJlackwtll, V.'urreu Khiiu-hanier, Clias.
Canal Route Selected. Prince Henry
Sails for Home.
ev-T rfidy to bturiC-'
priuciplo for
Jomkt, Illinois, Manh 12. Ex-Gnvir-iur
J.ilin 1. Alt-eld of IUinoiii didl this
niorin'i)) if ;ijni'lexy.
The ili taring lert
lire in favor of tlie lVipr las iitjdit
wlit-u the )MiiiIeeiii; Ktnke, that caused
hifdettUi htrnek him down, almit
without a nioiiient'a warning.
John I'. AitL'i'M wa.o:icof the most
i.ictureKiie rhamctori! that has come
to the-fore in American politics. He
esrHiuHeil tlm caiiHe of t' e workingmen
Several vars ago nnd advocated eocialia
fic ideav, t!itiiirlf jjt of the pronounced
tyjio. II whh eleotiil governor of Illi
noine in IS'.i.i. Was rovernor at the
time of the Ilaymarket street anarchii-t
bomb exulnpioti when a nuinln-r of
jioliceiueii were kill or maimed while at
tempting to di--rrfe a tfocialint nieiHing
in Cliica).'o, Ilayinnrket street. He was
eeverly criticised for commuting the fen-1
tehees and iianloiiins several of the iier-
ioiis eonvicled in coiuiectioH with-that!
tragical event. ' ' ' I
.... i
Aitjtelil was of iitrman de?cent und
with all his wieinlirlic notions waa a
an of more than ordinary ability.
Wasmimuun, March 12.--Thc Senate
Comiii'tO.e oil isilhmiaii canal has decid.
ed, by a vote of " to 4, to report the
Heiibiirn hill providing for the construe-1
Vi AMii.M Tov, I. ('. March 10. The
three uienilt-rs of tlie .trepjii delcyininn
tdjy unite 1 in a letter t-i the Kcretary
if tin; inreriiir, a-kimr that hf withdraw
fpiin the OiM-adc fure-t rewrveaml open
Hett.enient. to nsiiiji.i .-J and 23
.i.mtii, ranges 1 and .'-,, with a view
to vrnitti:i the i-oitruriiu of a rait
ruad fr-nii the mines on thesv hinds, to
connect with the Southern Pacific near
Cottage rove. . '
Csreful Buyers
Are taking mlvantape of the kircu'iii
Bales now on at the Popular Music
House. Mrs. i i. A. Trent buying a fine
piaii'i. and Miss E. M. Maydofe auuthcr
tine piano; an i-ran w. h.iM to f ri. A.
I. Iktrker, of Praia, and one itlw to
Mr. Iiiinie of Winston. en!y two more
'lay- of thin sale and there "is stiil a xhI
line to select from.
Here open trveniiisre - till S:'. Keild
our ad el-ewhere in this .
j H W. A. IkiiK&L'..
'ornrt ' lni;i K 7 K .. . . t
arr-'i:i!-t A.ln i- s Z "'(. r It Itf
io r i. ii. a
Adtuinistrnttr 2'otioe.
r wn lv ji: t:.n
t oun t p-.vo! cniin
l-ar . i t... ni I cr.o.Ly C:nini3 t c-
tl A'l wi : l i;.t 1 1 .1 .' ir.'vt e-'ai-.-
T.H..I-.. i-. : , oc-:TMvtKl ; iiun'i,Hin.(i I rt
m tht., .x mmit:i (ih ibp 'Iv.t ! tii-j n.-iio-. ' Jr""
M "i iiLv'llAXAV.
AJmii:t-:riuir ol Lio Estate oi Hutotby
I z i. Go to
r "l a1
I o 0000000000000000003
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notiie it hereby siren to all parlies
holili! i lo iiJaB Oinniy wrran'i
dor-e-l fiior to and it.diidioK X-t. 31,
IKKt, io pieeot the same a: tbe tteaeur
r's oltiiv at th court housp, for pay-
i mei't, aa innri.t ease thrreoo after
t-i" flute ol tlita ret re.
Die.l this 13ih day of March, 102. at
tbe Ci'y of Hosi-bir. Oron
Cpnuiy Treasorer.
Ciy Treaaurer's Notice.
Nv ice- in hMreb given to ull parties
holdinir Rovlmrg Hty watrjntn inilorsod
t-ri'r ti April 7, 16'.I9 to pcph
the same at me city IreihilrprV i fTlo for
ptymr-iit, aa interont will ise thereon
t-r the date ol its notice.
Dutpit at Koaeboru, Or., on this 10 h
d.y of March 1902
Harry C. "Ijkcm,
"ilO ' Ciy Treasurer.
Administrator's Sale.
Ia Cor.iy fjott I s-.a-eo! Onfoa ia an 1 or
,ln ma;t. r of wtiicol TU-aa C ;,.'. -cvj
Noiik n li'.n-ly g that iuim:li to at
i "T or me i jtiiny - .ul u-n,'. a u rn- r.-.l m
Ific J.iarna' I alJ c mr on llaK-d H, liv; an.1
ror.r.f.l in Vo lc 1.11 f:er J 'jo. ibvrvV !
hrrlf.;nf vn1 Oif ii it -l,c nn.lcrJiznfO ajtr.ia
Mml rn( nlmv rti.:f 1 eli 1.1 . i; rlr
fn.ritT el ai.I ruiv at pt.rt l.-or p-iva.1 raie.
tbe Lr.ii f jcid r0ii-.a:.-lu lt r a il
on and afi r the l'Hh dav of A j.rsl, PV,
Jcr lor aa e tt i.r.v-ic Ml. 'on il.c j tviniw',
end ..;( to ti r t.khot aa-t U.-i l.i l !
la han-l, lio (n !'.ni ipf.Tlh.--.! r a' l-ropr
'il !! rata:.. tc.i: S.tctc-:tiD
one ice morrml.w Imviu,; c ifivrrc-ii i
mp x. a. hcn.i lor the ttt m a chu.eri bu'l.i
ti-f. eootalnlnt arros mer; . r lc-; a' !
I'tliniT ill a,4.-r;l-ii .....I nh.vrl . ....... Z. 1
el ttit; s', of Uoaalien Ja:m' ol Tr. ui Co. '
and wile, afhn who!.c ,a ilalm ri-inc '.r
crllit hi inllnwtti;. "-it . T'u- N fe'i aoi v'
ol iK'sc .'! .ti-1 'jufMt i4 'V. Tbv
lvt naiud ira.vro t..i ;r.f acw. more ot
lew. A l ii.' tali! rtr.J ji r- r'.J Wivg in tiurn
blp .'iitli ol R.nj,. 7 wcf. in Ujui'.i coaLtr
ft further n.i.-t'c;ilaii ant lnr.n-niaii.-m Ui
th4iJ piintf.. i'ii!r tollio i;nrfcraimn!
fiioiMrai.r lo tuu addrvu, Ola'.ia,
colnlv .r,ir.n
Patcl UjU 7lh day ol March 1.
, ' W. K WK 1.1.3
(niU) . ,, - - j Jm!uitrator.
For a Prompt and Firt-cla5
Shavpor Hair-cut. Coir,rx
tent Workman, Ciena Tow
els, Tools always in shape.
Baths in Connection.
J thop on Jsckecn St. t
H. Little,
frf ! ED. T. NftGHEL,
w a- r m rfv -v
I l I I I
Dest References.
; g All Work Guaranteed.
i V Leave order at McCIiIk-a House
) 6 ooooooooooooooooocO
If You Have
a Sweet Tooth. .
Gtt,M:,nty K:ch-ii.-,e
J.'T nil: His art.t
IUMMEKSLY ,t Ttiirp, prCp,.
The Overland Hotel
Mm. Willis KauE, Froprk-tresa
First Class Accommodations.
j Tables supplied uith the bet ia
jthe market. Ommrrvla! Trav
idltrs Hfgdf!i.n1r .
' Ijlj I. 0. RIDDLE, Prop. B
iJk I
a , tl 1 ALLKHiDSOr 7 3
ThKt coijtly r'fiidpnpe ihHt Mr. Bry
an in p'ltliotf op ont at Lincoln, Neli.
will be a wjtt of a roeiaucbolv inonu
ri'eni to ihe gullibility of those Deru
.iHfic co-m'y coruioittees that paid
bin to M'lb'oer aad beljow io bis
cvtii leht'if duriug two Presidential
Clau Shear Wni ks Shenrnnit:. It. II.
Jolinnr.ii, J. J. .Staunard, '.V.
Kimiey Truiix Tli.iin-.-.j', Jna
Martin, Mii-H Iesi-ie 'ellnnl, John
The let turn will charged fur t the
nit'j i.f ou; cent eii:-h.
W. A. 1'n.vf ,;k, P. M.
Aes. we liu them, n.t to erind
mat ti lec:i lune iilreiHv v jnatite'L- In
tiou of an iwthniian caual via the Xlcar-1
r.guan route. - '
Xkiv York, March 11. Prince Henry
of I'rui-sia ffailed for (Germany m board
the Ildiuhurg-Anierioan liner Deutuch
land, thiii afternixiii.
The Prince breakfasted early, and
about 10 o'clock began to receive oflicinl
farewell visitors aud in replying to the I
Mayor's expressions, said: "1 thank I
the citizens of Xew York for till their
j Our entire ftuck of mimical instru
i liients miift lie wild within the next 10
J days either to the public or two Kilne-
one who will take the entire lot -'includ
ing it ear load of pianos and organs
wiurii are to arrive in u few' days nnd
Which e will turn over to tho ntw
purchaher at wholsale rate.
T. K. R itii Aiinso.v,
fif Tresh Drugs, Hedictnes,
I Toilet Articles, Paints,,
Oils. Qlasit. nft.Irloa
3aTPrescriptions promptly failed
by a coin pet en t druggist.
RIDDLE. ... 0RE00N. fl
m w " www aM w ar M M
ie I repared to wait upon old
aud rewcustomersKiid fricml9
with a full and complete
stock of . . ,i
Kxpericm-e Convinces.
Trove its value by investing 10 cents in
trinl hizo of Kly'a Cream Unlra. Druggists
sujipl y it and we mail it. Full sie 60 cenfa.
ELY BKOS., CO Warren Kt., New York.
Clifton, Arizon Jan. 20, 1890.
Messrs. Eli Bros.: Please send me a CO
cent Lottie of Cream Balm. I find yonr
remedy the quickest and moat permanent
cure for catarrh and cold in the head.
Dim. M. Porrr-a, GehVJTfrr. Ariz. Gold Jf. Co,
Messrs. ExtBkoh.: I have beenafflioled
with catarrh for twenty Tears. It made ma
kindnesa to ,e, which, I apj.rcciate ' ZA0 .1
i siiouin reiurn to America thmn itnm ri
- - - o i i - - MV
All fresh and of the very boot
cjality.' Teas aad coffees are
specialties. Yoor patronage
4 305 Jackson St.,
o , .. 1.
ivuacirurg i
fciiopwoo'l without blitckiiiir the -eves 1' should feel, when I reached ev York, '. best medicine I have used for catarrh,
' Oet theiu at Rice & Rke'e. ' thut 1 was oiicc more at houie." ' ' ' Proberta, Cab. Frank E. Katvuemah
Homes from $50 to $5000
1 1 Wrilo or 'I'liono
Win. IVT Porter,
Real Estnte Ajent and Notry
Timber and' Homestead Locator
' ' Packer and Guide
Camas Valley, Oregon
. , $B miles aoutti went of Aiwcbun;.
Get Your Spray Materia! at MARSTERS.
;e of
HR5rEi?S & CO.
State Chemist, Oregon Agricultural College, DeC' S
Corvallis, Oregon.
Dear Sir We send you by this mail sample of s-tWhur t-i'-n frrt.
stock of spray material. Please m.tke a careful an tlysis of i ? r
us if it is of such standard of
piease lutoim uc w inm ,. t.t. 1 . ... - .r. puiLiose
meuts. U fcJ,p;Vir w,uca Vn ct all require- S
erv resriectfulli? 1 N
Corvallis, Oregon, December 12, 1901.
Jg sulfur aud the sample of sulfur, 1
Mr. A. C. Marstcis & Co.,
Rosebure, Ote.
Gkntlkmkx: Your letter couceraiu
have been received.
I haye examined this sample and find that
auuur. 1 minic tnat it won l a answer th
graying compounds or insecticides I think that if yo-i have ul-nt v rf ti ' I I
quality, or can get it, that it will be as -ood as inl X P y of,th!s i I
for spraying materials. Y a aS Vl bat We Cla obtaiu 1 S
: it is almost eutirely pure
. j "oiDiuiuiiiv iiir
A. C. MARSTERS & CO., Druffffists
' in .ihiawyrniyrfflMi