umc.rr m i.'jii jis" 0 t e) e (P. e) (g ) ) ( Take a Motion from our Notion and K;'.:ev G'xvls line which is full of the new things of this year's creation. LADIES We beg to call your at tention that oui new Spring goods have arriv ed. We are showing beau'iful novelties in mercerized Zephyr e, Chauibria Lawn, in all the new spring colorings and designs. MEN WANTED to fit our new Spring line of Clothing which has just arrived from our eastern n i a n 1 1 1 a c t u 1 1 r s . and turn to the right, then, you will come to our Shoe Department vhe:v we are showing our new Spring line of Shoes, including our -"DOUGLAS SHOE' for vhich we are sole agents. IF YOU HAVE THE BIG HEAD We can fit you in Hats and Caps as we have all styles and sizes at the People's Store I. ABRAHAH Proprietor JojJav v ... wl.ile etching in tAeyaH hi p'.ace fix box-cys Get a Timber Claim Now. to i Uii-.n ' the rrfli-k t J i- u'.aid at tbat point. I. A-tn, wlrj hse been .- -i - on his ron between bis th'S p?;.'.t cc-' Avil'tsd. t n .-.vjvd a card Iron v:Veur.-j:i t'- r :ud. Haho for Canada. Kr.e iep-t h a r'- -s 't l tri ,!,ua Ur lth erj Vrc tl.e ls ol beaita, II il I.--!:is'-irr,tJe popular trawling Iri.;gi.t t t-f -t. S. P. Co. waa a basi net i-i;erf .: f. etstion Tuefdiy. A'Ue a : ' ftSa'a running CO liriio ur .c.j-il f to. TV.! .v n-r i .S a csr toad of lumber is, a torn!. r.- , f;gl't t-ain ..r r...'T-ne iii !. nd sU- ;.-avir,Rtbis elation fonnd t'ipir way w.'.s b'.crked at tb:.t point and t'ad to i..K K.;bciy, alter wLich a .ecser 6 r.t out whirb eja cleared the track Uler vbich overland de part. d. Ti r.o. ihVu l locil was held at Di'.Urd cvd arrived hr a little l:e. The Revival;gs. Taa af.e'jdS l m.lin' wtlCii are E. cborvb, c-sr tefms ,:o bo fi.-.dilr .M.5-. y people bs well a? older ore.-', i-.c:aj;r.g eotuw o! car most iufl icu iil c-:ix'i'f have been converted ai.iLv: ur.itTd ait'i toe cliuicb i.i tt.fcir cucko. E.-A-a.:-:i-t Mrsbal will close tboje K.-'tr'.: tf-j-dar evening and aid bu .iccauip J r-nd work at this fi! FiO-C i ,T:' f v' tO Ma'rbSoid r'- of tne-inef, e:oppmg arcc a'. :tie rtvivil m.it4 mi .! -n t-rirr--' f.t lb.-, M. CjQiijjer .'-r;o t -.! cfi tt C 2y c-'Jinu on j. H. 2-? (jr -vt asd DiAiu for a lea" Hi;n:l'eo at be , von cm ct Mn i.-u i,r lo Lfciip 10 llje "Wby eit on the fence and Bee Ibera goby?" Get yoa some timber abile yoo en bave tcor chcic. The 06x1 two months will bring ths largwt im migration this on:itry has ever ex- j potiencsd ecd the larger part of the im- ' . ... . . a a a T e:r??t caosing i ru;grsct w i:i te astar iirooer janaa. n 19 oniv a msTitr oi itw jvuit udvii, ! Rhonl.1 tou w:.t a homoetead. all that i, or aonld be your choice, is jast gone. I ppesk from experience. Only a few years ogo io Michigan, I tbongbt any old lime would do, and I sat like a bump on a lo, it seems to me, acd let every odo tl6e go by, and get a Dice bancb cf pine timber Bat I foand thousands jast as foolish ; they bad waited a little too long. Odiy a few years ago Michi gan was 'he renter of the lumbering in dustry; today they are ehippicg pine in for their own cooenaaption from Foailiero and western elates. There is lots of Ore Eon pne shipped in acd Ofed in fat-way Michigan. Take my advice and go oat and get all the fine lands yoa can -handle, and in a few years yoa will Lave KODfy enough and come to loan. The pine in Oregon is good and it ie bnnnd to c?me oat in the near futire. I believe a claim of 15) acre, which woald luoifcer 5,0(O.0X feet, on eoxe river, or reir some railroad, will bring at least $5,(X0,0D0 ia two or three years. I have iodaccd 14 Michigan people to eom to Oreoo, t-ioce 1 came, ccd have letters that eight more are comiog. No d jnbt yoa have p'enty of land craieer who will locate yoa at a reasonable price. X. J. Comoiios, now in a real cst.tte efBce oa the weat side of Jaeson etr-et, Koeebarg, Ore., located we Mirhigaa people and we think hiai v..ry reliable. Go in and see bim for farther information. He boys and telle real estate and exebaows it for eastern property. J. H. Msesleb, Raeebarg, O.e. hS drt' ttveral lvei!i!T:: ii.'--Jt v x : - i:. It-'. D .,1 I.i t'sn. ' a t ' i. ft 3 it oVloch 1 r V t i a a tU:V:et r. fid :j vr.tu AM '. CNVIINTI ' !. K--n'rti'i cj)QDil;ce r the cjac-y c-r.vcc-Ko-'a'Jr April 6t'J l3o! uoniica i:, titfietMlts to 10:1'. Tu-t--.'..'v prtoiiri si!lbeLeld irtlbo .vr;or.i ;i -;r.c.'s .tordav the 2$t' Uv oJ i vci', a io'k! of 116 t'u.iyius :: t--1 the conuly coiiv6:ri-Ti. I . .1 t P'e.i!' t ciEc'.'is. -be tr.atle r.t. th j i- XirAi'? ir ltif ztv.-r r J. 1) Ujii.'lf -:i ' i tt of .!trS'-t - ' OF Local Interest, L. F. Walcott, a prosperous saw mill man of Camas V-lley, was transacting business ia Rose-burg Tuesday. As Boon as the roads become dry in the sitting, Mr. Walcott will remove his ateam saw mill from Camts and toictiao it with the water mill he purchased lately on tba Rlioae pl-o o Hie Oaluptioia 13 mllaa above Oakland. Toe i.ew loca tion atfbrla him an abundance of fine limber and a good local and outf ide mar ket. CiiilT'.h'e Cakerv, , or tba depot, mke a specialty of Wedding and 11 li'lay cakes. Tbey also keep a choke linu ul confectionery, I. J. Norman, proprietor of the Depot Cigar an i Coofecliouary atoro, baa a new 300 soda foantaib ; it is entirely diffa ent from any now in use in this city, te iog o arranged that two parties can work at the fountain at once, in fact the j railioad toys call it a donblo header. J Uee "Dunnes" Solid prepared spriys au.l i'v yonr een n wfli im ki:l il -rtle mi ,onr lute. l'i)i.ri'i''.l "i 'l i W(, Hey tell it. j Howard Vtlzin ho liH yial dhd , appoitit :d pottuiaster for the new post- office at Drew, was in Canyonville last week making cut hie bond. Mr. Vel- i an ia a bright young man and no doubt will giye entire fcatiefaction to Ibe many patrons ot Ibe new eff'ce. Spray, svrav, spray, with MiBain' Carbolic Compound, the best for frait trees sad all kind ol plants for eats l y S. K. 8ykes. B. M. Arm it ago, one of Myrtle Creek's moat popular citizens is in the Uy today on business. He reports miner and min ing boomiag and that Mjrtle Creek is steadily growing in population and wealth. THE NEW AMENDMENT Board of Trade Meeting. 3 ji t ltn unai nations eliould -r i t: r ad euper 1 .::e''i-'t.--. ir.'.y r "ojp'.e'e Mill i r t. ; u af-'Jlracta o.' :i: ' JoifO A. r. a Lon-ufbs vix :io i IT? i? pasted i;..-r; -f ciiiio it l -t i p, I ()kI.T'd, oas ii!!jj T'.i-eday. i-. ivirin i.i Ijcal caiti'y This . . . .1 !' " !!:-- WANT:.!! jMMKMAmV. To IXIhT- ienre1c,sc"Dj o--.. s';:is. A; ply at the JT;C:d!leD iicuse, It .tib-jr, O 'goa. Mi-:- E:; e L .!.o-, z'itvi'.e cf d.e rorujod Bus.ii.c Coit'.t, is n? a etr.cei8pi"Sr in tLc ibsiracs cfTiae of F. r. aiI-.t. A epecial mefttioz or' the bosrd of tral? w3 ':! Tie- ay etc ing f t-.e ' purpo-o f h-ar'n4 rewr.r of c j!aii''.er' j oa hdye tL:u. , t. 'i4V. 1 1 the aWao? of PreIJiit Wila-r j on aocoont oi e.ckue-s l-e meeUui wo; Cil'.ed to order and 'presided over by Vice President Baraga. A motion pre vailed that eec 6, article 3, of tbe by laws, be am?ndd to inclade commit -tea oa liya stock and poultry ia coomc tioa with tbo varions oiher committees. Toe commit:ee on advetti?iog submit ted its report and recommended the printing of a pamphlet Bettitg forth folly the resoorces, climate, Bail, products and advantages of Douglas county, for gener al distribution throughout the Eastern and Middle western etatee, which report was received. The committee oa mem bership reported the addition of twelve new names to the membership list since tbe la:-t meeting. A committee of five was appointed to procure foods and pre pare eabject matter for the propowd pamphlet, ot which 5000 are to be print ed ; B, W. Strong, C. 8. Jackeon. F. B. Uamlio, F. E. Alley and E. H. Leaox, committee. Tho committee on memrership was excused from farther dctv opon tbe re quest of ite members and tbe chsir ap pointed a new committee as follows: T. B. Cannon, F. E. Hind and Loois Bir tee. The m&etiou then aij lurried snb jxt to tbe call of the president. g aa"TEDDY Jr." a Q rain the Fmo:'3'-':titli Century "Line. This IS the 5 13 0 Inst i O f :J have added JUtitJ t O mWfB week ;PX&''$ creation, g i i i I, ------- ... 1 1 1 1 1 n i ji i . i i t , , '. II ., - - - r V;;r ?on",afK. saleot Towels from the V i !-"' boy' point h Y' ot vfow or ! ''jtf mamma'aw W Ills i & o 2 O r 2 a c IA & (J O i O tt Cf The! ,f lca lor Ita tailoring. THERE IS NONE BETTER. We tiro ahowlng the "TEDDY Jr." tloalvely In many fabric and c ilotlntf. o o Q P O E3 a p 0 o o u o THE UNDERPRICED STOREq Get into line and provide yourself with these goods while you can get them at bargain prices. They're two-for -a-quarter. Hon. E D. Stra'ford, special land agent, has returned to Koteburg after a few weeks absence. While up in easteix Oregon aud Idaho locking alter land matters he dtcided to extend his trip ae iar east as Kansas and consequently was afforded the pleasure ol a brief visit with his family at the old Ka:aa home. Oo this trip Mr. Stratford had quite a thrill ing experience in a disastrous Utah train wreck io wbifb three cars, includ ing the sleeper io which he was riding, was considerably demolished. Mr. Stratford was thrown from bis berth to the car floor, but t-eciped ii jary and for tunately none of tbe pa?pgeis or train men were 6eriioe!y iojured. Here is ejuc'usive evidence that ti e etania'd bred U'tiito Ltng'hans are tte icrealcEt and bet wiLter lavtrs of ar y other breed of chickens. Frd;n February 1, to March I, twen: Wight days, cut 17 bens cf this breed, produced v thirty three dufnnd nine eg. Eks for hatching $1.50 fot 15. Apply to, T. B. Casso.v. lil F.oseburg, Or. D. A. Ueaiccway of Cottage Giove, was transacting buiae3 in Roeeburg this morning and favored the Plaindsal ul with a plvasict cail. He reported ttie dehtb cf J li Prkine, a prominent pioneer citusa o! that city Tuesday. He said Cy B:t.f hnm vra ia so exiao- ted condition wh?n .'onnd Tofd, lifter be ing loft for teveral da;e in the BoSemia cioantaliie. lie woold tiave ierihed from expoeate enJ huugirr ia a few bear more. Oa account of the irreanUr sirvet s o many of tbe tj r.ships iu tii? R.ebur land dict'ic:, .t is alrtii'jt ixpoesible to locate s -etion corrers vi'.t.r,nt a C"py cl the GoveiLCQ-Dt earvty. frank . Al ity, Abetrutt :r of this ci'v, bfis a tvm 1 lete fet o' tniin of sutveyed toac d.ipa, and will f.irni'h tilne prints of fain, tbOTiD all v.iciot land". In J. Bii-llt-r, of t!if Ci i i v liry. per' 1 Mir .i u N-'t i.-M y f-tlt it I .rtl! - i . K U':r Ld v: i ;:, ait a ).. '.!. i ' c U - if e d t'ir -A Itn ..-. . ii pi-ts y i r:nK wu' k w-1. i. h:. i on i Ctilat-ooia. iiis brtth'-r, .v. T. B-idier, e le am liu cvjjtc-J a ; o.uli ia on ftbe gravel train ruuiiiog between lVrJavd and Uiir Willamette vs. ley points. Coneider what tbe future of vour fmi- V would ba without the iccome voa now provide. Life Ksaratco U tii oaly means by wnirb you can make ce rtatn their futate support and it is ycur doty to provide them with tuch protection. w.J. iloos, Agl , Koseoarg. W. B.Clarke the Millwood postmaster and mill man was trans icting basineea at tbe county seat Wednesday. We cote that some of our grocery stores are opplied with eoxe very fioe large win ter app'ee bearing Mr. Clarke's orchard brand. They are principally of the Ohio Reda" variety. Any parties desiring to rent, bay or sell real estate, city or country property will do well to call on or addreee U. M. Martin. Office with Attorney Loaip Bar- see, opposite Mcfjlailen llouee, Koee- borg, Oregon. 3. W. A. Simmonda one of the enter- pricing farmers and fruit growers of Brock way made the a pleasant call wbils tran.'ac'.iug basineea about town today. For Abstracts of Title, guaranteed to be fall and correct copies of all records effecting the title, call on frank . Alley npetairs ia the Marks bui.ditjg. His work is guaranteed correct, ana prices are reasonable. Dr. Lowe, the well known oculo opli cian who baa been conilrg to Rcseburg for over 10 years will be at tbe McClal len House, March 20 to 21. Tbe wise will wait for him. All work done by tbe Title Guarantee & Loan Oo., J. v. Hamilton, manager ie guaranteed aiitoluteiy correct. Ab t-trauts of titles are wortblties nolees properly made. r. A. Aniaot, one ot ttie venial yonng men of Come lock was transacting bust nesa in Rose burg today and favored this office witn a pleaiar.t call. Don't complain abrut bad bread when vou can get the best that was ever made delivered ta your hooee liee. Leave oi dets at Reivera Bakery or 'I'bone Main 1G5. Dr. C. E. BoRUe, of Mjrtle Creek ia traosac'ing businei-s at the coanty teat today. This office was favored with pleasant business call. , Blodgelt & Btiits, tire role aeeuts f Dooglea county for Wtlliaio's celebrated . v giaee razor none, no uaruer or razor owner can afford to be witLout one. Thia n?w system of collecting taxes is a big tbin for tbe county, as i' receives its money several n or.'hR euibtr the u?nl. . ' Oi- V ; : . ... , ; .. ol Fcbr:ar. It . ;;.. ; l ; ... '. ,m have ar. urt-te-:.' :.:;:;? - ).. Bob Couglar, Ceuyonvilie'e popu'ar barber was transuding buaincsa at the county B-'Bt Tuesday. Jnstin, large bale of silk floss, latest productions ia wall paper fancy cottage polos. Don't buy from agents but get oar prices. Rice $ Rioe. L- "" ' irilP 1 . - U i vcrOt6cvv To bo Voted on at tbe co g J'tno eloclion is a propoajd amendii.ent t - lie state consvilatiou providing for a new kind ol 1- gelation. Thtj proposition cornea to ibe people tt i-iiKiuecdbd. A pleuk atki. g for direct legislation has been Branding in tbe platforms of both theReputiliran and Dj!nucr.!ip p"tr Ui for a term ot yi'arw, and actitjg upon the ileuutula of this liluuk and iu aiiHwor to doasnd olthe pbople ol Oiegou, llio asaoml ly iu 18yU parsed a bill to S'lbmit the qm-ftiioato a vote ol tbe poople. It received the upport of all parties god wiacertitfd by a la-go muj.trity of the aseeinbly. Again in 1001 it was pat tied a second time by ucauimojs vote of the House with but one dissenting vote In the Hunate, thus making the two times required by law befora it could be sabmitted to Ibe peo ple. Hall we ave legitlation directly by the peopte or shall we as heretofore leave uii puo.ic liilajry entirely at the mercy of out pubiic eneiu:i;sp lue coiiralo IriiS's sad thou lubhjiclb? L:t us druw a contrast between tbe pterin l felem and tbe one proposed iu j tho amendment. Suppose the farmvs should hire ibeir bands for a term of months or h term of years, we will say two yeare, that is tbe ueua! term of a state or county i ffice. And enppoee tbey Lire their help e!U-r .the same manner that we biro car public servants; the bands to be paid promptly aad no dis cbarge beiog allowed fcr any cause, real or faucicd, clairn&d ly tbe employer, bat tbe hands in any cate to be permit ted the priyiltge ci resigning at pleaaore ar.d tbe servants, inetead of discharging Ibeir duties as per orders, just emote themselves by klllicg time, spending their salaries aiid having a good lime generally. And to ibe farmer's demaod for goad and faitbfal service ibe itiiwtr is given, "I have this job cinched for two years and I can do jutst as I please. Yoa can't tarn me off and I can draw my salary by law bother I work or not aod what are yoa gcing to do aboot iiT W hen tbe tao years are pp tbe farmers can bire a tew crew, but as the terms cannot be altered no belt chtnee is Secarbd to get' good faithful servant than before. What weald yoa, dar leader, think of the employer who woald subscribe to snch terms of contract aod btre servants la Bucn recklese mnnt;i relvlcg oolr opoa tbeir boor to ccravly witb orders and directions for work acd to do ti e work so ordered? iou would l tiink thai farmer or em ployer was crippled in bla raiu l and a fit subject for tbe asylum; and if per sonally tnt6re:.ed, yoa would lake elei tobavetim examtneo: tlore ibe pro ber eutbori iee wilb a view to having t l bostntss placed iu the batdi of a .uar diao. And yet my gentle (riecd tb.t is jjst th-wiy we are bireinz oor public eer vaotsioiay. Tbat is ja( the war wntcn car If g.tla or bave t-ern and are being htred t-i mke lae K-r the potltc good. Is it any wctid.-i tht-y do not eerve the pio;l r, th-ir en.pbyrrj? Afck tbem " bo it it a-id th-y mav te 1 oo at did lb j hind mn tae tarrner, ' I bave git ray job c rebel and can do is please a d what are voi goio; to do Everything tbat is new and 0-to-date ! aboot i'.?" lad ed, oihicr toe pieeea' tys in jweliy at S.lzman'B. lCm what can oi do ato it t? I'll tall Rev. T. P. Hayoe, H Gallop acd C. joa ; va:e fcr the Am?ndm-nt. W. R c, three ol Myrtle Creek' prom-1 l not ev'.dnt to any bnsin'ea txiod inent citiaeos are iu thi city on basineee that one can do townees for himself be.' tbn c-irt. murh bot'er il an be cau biro t tl.erj to N- r,.r .-'tv ro-i lo it for Lim? Tee pteeeU methed o" 'e.l I -r . ui :-r i- i . '. j d-jing rii'vic biniea rtioicdaooe of the K. L. tj n .i.- a...,- .. .- ' .undl.. li.t .V xm iii.-.-t t r..v. !-..- lsit s r itidot't". v.-f: u-.jv b ft'.Aioii -TWO BARGA!tt5 liumherinsr about 6o consistine We have a lot of Ladies' Corsets, which formerly sold at $i.2c;; and 2 f3. of "500 Bone,' French Woven, and some of the well known "P. N." brand. Our Sell 'Km Out prte CCnS. Come early as at that price they wont la-t l-ug. We received a case of Mens' Neckwear of about Go cozen which are not quite as good as our 50 cent ties, but are worth 35 cents. We want to see how many we will pell at 2S CCXXis. All kinds, Tecks, Four-in-hands, Band, Bows, Shield Bows, Clubs and Imperials. Se A. J. Bocbaoao for iosuratice in the Oregon Kirs - Relief Association. Room 6, Marettrs building, Roebnrg, Oregon. tf 1 A special meeting of tbe Workman j lodge Is called for Friday evening. Bu siness of importance. Meeting at D. S. Wes.'s office. By order of II. T.I McClallen, M. W. A new line ot lace, cm tains just re ceived at Strong's Furniture Store, ranging in price from $1.00 to $4 60 per pair. Jas. H. Skiffiogton. ol Myrtle Creek, who holds a position with the Pacific Packing and Navigation Co, left for Janeao, Alaska, Wednesday morning to resume hia datiea. Njw is tbe time 10 boy your garden tojls, spading Forks, rakee, plows, bar mis, Planet jr. aardan tools ttu ol 8. K. SvkM. Rapp'a drag store, in the Uildebarn block, nsr tbe depot, has a neat new en trance with one plate glase window on each sid4 ; it ia tbe moat at'rective front ia that part o( the city. CLarchiil and Woolley are telling Petaldiua Incubators, they pay tbe freight. R. B. Welle, of Olaila, made this. cfSce a business call Wednesday. Barb ravt tiiat tLo-e who mi2a tbe grand tail at 0 a, Marou 14:b, will miss the treat 01 tbetr life. Complete line of watches and clocks of the lateet patterns at 8!imat.'e. J. W. i:r.mns, S'ate deputy bead consul of Ue Madera Woif-nea ot America, is iookiug alter th-t iou rests ol tbe local camp in tuis city this week. b i The 'Phone 255 I vtvcvvoo vo-v-vo-wovo- xy.ovovo-vo', BARGAIN SALES -AT- THE POPULAR HUSIC HOUSE, FOR ONE WEEK COMMENCING MARCH IO, D2 1 Sc'hd' Clough & Warren Organ, worth $50.00, going at 1 nearly new Clough & Warren Organ, worth $70.00, going at 1 slightly used Chicago Cottage Organ, worth $85 00, going at 1 so-called $150x0 Needham piano cased Organ, 70 c tare, now We will also give $25 offon any pianos except the Kingsbury; also small instruments. 15 per $35- 45 00 - 58.00 79 00 cent, off on 3i y.m VJ t.i B.utI, U . , in lo ic jreturn.-d u.;er a a .o: aiii r at Canyav.iie. Clocks, CLtka, CLck, see the clocks . J. T. Bryaas. Edward Deanirg, a veteran of the Hpaoi-b-Amrcaa war, and an cli m m ber c( Co. B, has ben quite sick at tbe Central Hotel. All kind of poultry Bornlin to be had cf 6. K. Bykea. W. E. Hoover, who baa jast retained frcm a visit to Portland, baa been ap pointed Assistant Deputy Graod Master Artisan. Spray pomps and all kinds of larminz tools at b. K. fcks. J. F, Geslsy, tbe ex-coonty clerk, ol Canyonville, waa attending tbe socialist convention io this city yesterday. Clocks, clocks, clocks. Bee the elects at J, T. Bryana. v. r. r isuer, me painter and paper haogtr, has a fine wall paper advertise ment in this issue of our paper. Read it. Shoe reparing that looks well at Flint' shoe store. Henry Ridenoui.of Melrose, returned today from an extended visit with rel atives in California and Nsvada. Lime and cement at very low prices at Marelers' Drug Store. Judge Joe Lyons, one of the bustling merchants of Drain, is attending to busi ness at tbia place tbia week. J. G. Flook, of tbe J. G. Flook Mill Co. of thia city, fa visiting in Portland and other valley pointa. There will be preaching at the Pine Grove U. B. cborch next Sunday at 11 o'clock. . S. C Miller, of Dillard, was a Rosebarg buemees vbitor this wetk. Fred Fisher, of Glendale ia vlaltiog in Rosebarg thia week. W. A. Burr, tbe moeie dealer, baa a fiue new ad today. Read it. Brown bread Wednesdays at Griffith dc Cloyd'a Bakery. SPRING GOODS. pUce a Oi.l betoie the peop'e lor Ibeir ap proval or r-j rclL-n and if euch till re ceive t'.e mj rily at election it will be come a law wltboat the governor's e'g oature. If the pt-ople want a law they can g"l it and ask no odde of tbe If gis'.e. tare, corporations Or anything else. Ad j any laws pas-ed by the legislature mast be voted on at elections if demand d by 5 per ceat of ttie legal votere, or the legislature may refer its bills to the people for approval, of its own choice. And thai if the servants refuee to do their work properly ibe people can do it themselves anJ no lobbyist can inter fere. If yoa want a railroad bill passed yoa can have it. providing yoa carry tbe proposed Amendment. Do you want it? The corporations and trusts can not bribe a whole people tbongh they bribe a great many, (or as Mr. Lincoln eid, "Vou can't lool all tbe people all tbe time." bone papers aro laying low and saying nothing, and it is believed thai tbe poli ticians want little said; and tbsn jat be fore election iotend t 2piing come scare with tbe inUnt to frighten encash Ignor ant voters to defeat the Amendment. Tbe poliiiciaoB are j-taloas of banding over their long abuesd powers to the rightful owoera became such exchange cats off a large supply of feathers tor official neeta. Now fellow cltiaeoe, I ask you to give this matter attention, work for this measure, talk lor It, vote for It and we will realise a victory an emancipation from "nog role;" and from this btgtn ing we can move on to better things until the old term, free in name only, be comes an item of the past. Yours for Liberty, Roseburg, Ore. Clyde E. Haut. Notice for Publication. Our large line of crockery, men's and boys' spring and summer suits and la dies shirt waists baye arrived acd we have ibe largest line of shooB in Sooth Doughs. Oar other spring goods will arrive la a few dayi and we want yoa to call aad Inspect oar goods. We carry the most complete line of grocer lea and dry goods in Southern Oregon. We wtr t your trsds Give us a trial. 'iTT nv Co. CNITKD STATES LASD OFFICE, Bovtiuiv, Ore., Ju. 80, l'J02. Notice la hereby Rireu that in compliance, witt the provutoosol the ret ot Cniigrc-MOl Junes, liOiS, entitled "An art tor the taleol ttmbcrlanili in the Matea ot CaMiomta, Oregon, rtcraiia ana naaninKlon Territory, ' at extend M to all tbe fubllo Land Stales by act oi Auf uit I, lhVi, JAME8H.IXNZ, ol Two Harbors. County ol Lake. P'ata ot Mln ni'sota, b this day Hied in thU office his sworn Ktnt. mont No. 20H, lor the rurcUaoe o( tho SWU of Section No. 1, Township 11, South o( Ranee 7 Win, and will offer proof to show that tho laud souKht is more valunblo lor its limber or alonu than lor agricultural pur)oses, and to emaliliah his claim to mlii laud brfore the Kiiitnter and Receiver ol this omce at Boeerure: ui ejon. on inurway, trie lTih aay ol April 1MW. He names ss witnesses: John Brown Thos. A. Bury, aud Ctia. A. YernberK. ol Two Harbort, Minn., and Joa. Brown of fiuiutb Minn. Any and all petsona claiming adversely tbe abovp-dttirrlbed lnds are renueeled to file their claims In this offlce ou or before said 17th day OI prll IWI. J. 1. HKIU iMS "! " Krutor, REHEMBER THE DATE! ONE WEEK ONI Yt EASY TERMS IF DESIRED. W. A. BURR &. CO. ' . Emporium Bldg., oscb-'sTvai, firemen pfciiss Feats & Gi'sYwi KF 1902 Wftft KTM PR,ZE WALL PAPERS li H.h -itt These famptw paiteras are riandsomer J'iSii' riSrv(-MtliS , ,T .t I C- itslv. a JVPliT ''I oeiter ruae tun incse oi auiy AV?irCl i W TP KS? minufirdiiw. Ttimv mmki nt all IJtfS-ififSi t r"-xjJyyv grades from the most toe i pro care Kitchea li ait m led Room papers to the choicest Halls, Dining Rooms and Parlors, representing a stock of over 3,000.000 rolls. Don't boy old shop worn goods whea WB CAN SAVE VOU SO PER CENT, on any one of oar 600 patterns manufactur ed expressly for the spring of 1902. oacis Tana roa os ooh ca a wnets wotrsa. DESIGNS AND COLOK1NOS EXCLl-STVE. Papar Huxina. Derrraiint ud Pmintiat st WowcM Prices. All. woaa caaBTaaa. Da P. at Sykes ROSEBURG. OREGON FISHER Hardware Store, 4: mm mm mm SALE I have decided to close oat at cost my fine large stock of Glass and China Ware, Crockery and Chamber Pets for cash. See our fine window dis play for these great bargains. Family. Groceries My stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries is large and comple-e and always fresh and np-to-date. Prices as low as the lowest. flR5:fl.B0YD Title Uuarantee&Loan Co. B06KBCB0, 0REGO5. J. D. Freatdsnt. D. C. BaariTO!, Beey. aod Trcaa. OSlce In the Conrt Ttonse. Hare the only com piclescl ol abstract books In Doualaa County. Abetrmris and Ceni Urates nt Title laroishcd to DuuzUw county land and mtnlna claims. Have also a complete vt ol Tract n-js ol all township plats In the Roscbnrs.. Oresron. I'. 8. Laud IHs trii'k Will m wko blue prtnt copies ot soy town ship showing all rsoant GoTeiument lands. Correspondence solicited. "After the Minnowa Conies the Whale" TERRY'S BIG UNCLE TOM'S CABIN CO. 1 Hi ONE NIfilir ONLY ffiEDXESD&Y, MARCH 12) 0) A Few New Arrivals House Cleaning time will soon be here and you will want new Lace Curtains. We have anticipated your wants, and have just received a complete line of all the new things in Lace Curtains and Curtain Mets. See ours before you buy. ) ) ) e) - ) ! PEOPLE 1 a a A AaBMMn y.VaVaAWAVV.V.VAV.V.VaWaVS"sVWVaarW.V" I SI EVER'S BAKERY, 'ckMnrL. Our Cream and Home-made ISread is ae good or better S than over and will bo delivered to any part of tbe city. 5 Leave 6rdera or 'phone Main 105. P J. SIEVBRS, Proprietor HOKSES, PONIES, DONKEYS A PACK OF BLOODHOUNDS! A Car load of Special Scenery. Traveling in their own two Pullman Cars. GRAND PARADE AT ia fieata now on aale at Uaual Fla.ce, at Commoa Eeaw Priea, We carry everything: in the Dry Goods Line Fisher & Bellows I J w wW w WW1! vViVWaVvVeVi VrWWtl